recommendations for further research example

Research Implications & Recommendations

A Plain-Language Explainer With Examples + FREE Template

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) | Expert Reviewer: Dr Eunice Rautenbach | May 2024

The research implications and recommendations are closely related but distinctly different concepts that often trip students up. Here, we’ll unpack them using plain language and loads of examples , so that you can approach your project with confidence.

Overview: Implications & Recommendations

  • What are research implications ?
  • What are research recommendations ?
  • Examples of implications and recommendations
  • The “ Big 3 ” categories
  • How to write the implications and recommendations
  • Template sentences for both sections
  • Key takeaways

Implications & Recommendations 101

Let’s start with the basics and define our terms.

At the simplest level, research implications refer to the possible effects or outcomes of a study’s findings. More specifically, they answer the question, “ What do these findings mean?” . In other words, the implications section is where you discuss the broader impact of your study’s findings on theory, practice and future research.

This discussion leads us to the recommendations section , which is where you’ll propose specific actions based on your study’s findings and answer the question, “ What should be done next?” . In other words, the recommendations are practical steps that stakeholders can take to address the key issues identified by your study.

In a nutshell, then, the research implications discuss the broader impact and significance of a study’s findings, while recommendations provide specific actions to take, based on those findings. So, while both of these components are deeply rooted in the findings of the study, they serve different functions within the write up.

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recommendations for further research example

Examples: Implications & Recommendations

The distinction between research implications and research recommendations might still feel a bit conceptual, so let’s look at one or two practical examples:

Let’s assume that your study finds that interactive learning methods significantly improve student engagement compared to traditional lectures. In this case, one of your recommendations could be that schools incorporate more interactive learning techniques into their curriculums to enhance student engagement.

Let’s imagine that your study finds that patients who receive personalised care plans have better health outcomes than those with standard care plans. One of your recommendations might be that healthcare providers develop and implement personalised care plans for their patients.

Now, these are admittedly quite simplistic examples, but they demonstrate the difference (and connection ) between the research implications and the recommendations. Simply put, the implications are about the impact of the findings, while the recommendations are about proposed actions, based on the findings.

The implications discuss the broader impact and significance of a study’s findings, while recommendations propose specific actions.

The “Big 3” Categories

Now that we’ve defined our terms, let’s dig a little deeper into the implications – specifically, the different types or categories of research implications that exist.

Broadly speaking, implications can be divided into three categories – theoretical implications, practical implications and implications for future research .

Theoretical implications relate to how your study’s findings contribute to or challenge existing theories. For example, if a study on social behaviour uncovers new patterns, it might suggest that modifications to current psychological theories are necessary.

Practical implications , on the other hand, focus on how your study’s findings can be applied in real-world settings. For example, if your study demonstrated the effectiveness of a new teaching method, this would imply that educators should consider adopting this method to improve learning outcomes.

Practical implications can also involve policy reconsiderations . For example, if a study reveals significant health benefits from a particular diet, an implication might be that public health guidelines be re-evaluated.

Last but not least, there are the implications for future research . As the name suggests, this category of implications highlights the research gaps or new questions raised by your study. For example, if your study finds mixed results regarding a relationship between two variables, it might imply the need for further investigation to clarify these findings.

To recap then, the three types of implications are the theoretical, the practical and the implications on future research. Regardless of the category, these implications feed into and shape the recommendations , laying the foundation for the actions you’ll propose.

Implications can be divided into three categories: theoretical implications, practical implications and implications for future research.

How To Write The  Sections

Now that we’ve laid the foundations, it’s time to explore how to write up the implications and recommendations sections respectively.

Let’s start with the “ where ” before digging into the “ how ”. Typically, the implications will feature in the discussion section of your document, while the recommendations will be located in the conclusion . That said, layouts can vary between disciplines and institutions, so be sure to check with your university what their preferences are.

For the implications section, a common approach is to structure the write-up based on the three categories we looked at earlier – theoretical, practical and future research implications. In practical terms, this discussion will usually follow a fairly formulaic sentence structure – for example:

This research provides new insights into [theoretical aspect], indicating that…

The study’s outcomes highlight the potential benefits of adopting [specific practice] in..

This study raises several questions that warrant further investigation, such as…

Moving onto the recommendations section, you could again structure your recommendations using the three categories. Alternatively, you could structure the discussion per stakeholder group – for example, policymakers, organisations, researchers, etc.

Again, you’ll likely use a fairly formulaic sentence structure for this section. Here are some examples for your inspiration: 

Based on the findings, [specific group] should consider adopting [new method] to improve…

To address the issues identified, it is recommended that legislation should be introduced to…

Researchers should consider examining [specific variable] to build on the current study’s findings.

Remember, you can grab a copy of our tried and tested templates for both the discussion and conclusion sections over on the Grad Coach blog. You can find the links to those, as well as loads of other free resources, in the description 🙂

FAQs: Implications & Recommendations

How do i determine the implications of my study.

To do this, you’ll need to consider how your findings address gaps in the existing literature, how they could influence theory, practice, or policy, and the potential societal or economic impacts.

When thinking about your findings, it’s also a good idea to revisit your introduction chapter, where you would have discussed the potential significance of your study more broadly. This section can help spark some additional ideas about what your findings mean in relation to your original research aims. 

Should I discuss both positive and negative implications?

Absolutely. You’ll need to discuss both the positive and negative implications to provide a balanced view of how your findings affect the field and any limitations or potential downsides.

Can my research implications be speculative?

Yes and no. While implications are somewhat more speculative than recommendations and can suggest potential future outcomes, they should be grounded in your data and analysis. So, be careful to avoid overly speculative claims.

How do I formulate recommendations?

Ideally, you should base your recommendations on the limitations and implications of your study’s findings. So, consider what further research is needed, how policies could be adapted, or how practices could be improved – and make proposals in this respect.

How specific should my recommendations be?

Your recommendations should be as specific as possible, providing clear guidance on what actions or research should be taken next. As mentioned earlier, the implications can be relatively broad, but the recommendations should be very specific and actionable. Ideally, you should apply the SMART framework to your recommendations.

Can I recommend future research in my recommendations?

Absolutely. Highlighting areas where further research is needed is a key aspect of the recommendations section. Naturally, these recommendations should link to the respective section of your implications (i.e., implications for future research).

Wrapping Up: Key Takeaways

We’ve covered quite a bit of ground here, so let’s quickly recap.

  • Research implications refer to the possible effects or outcomes of a study’s findings.
  • The recommendations section, on the other hand, is where you’ll propose specific actions based on those findings.
  • You can structure your implications section based on the three overarching categories – theoretical, practical and future research implications.
  • You can carry this structure through to the recommendations as well, or you can group your recommendations by stakeholder.

Remember to grab a copy of our tried and tested free dissertation template, which covers both the implications and recommendations sections. If you’d like 1:1 help with your research project, be sure to check out our private coaching service, where we hold your hand throughout the research journey, step by step.

recommendations for further research example

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This post was based on one of our popular Research Bootcamps . If you're working on a research project, you'll definitely want to check this out ...


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  • How to Write Recommendations in Research | Examples & Tips

How to Write Recommendations in Research | Examples & Tips

Published on 15 September 2022 by Tegan George .

Recommendations in research are a crucial component of your discussion section and the conclusion of your thesis , dissertation , or research paper .

As you conduct your research and analyse the data you collected , perhaps there are ideas or results that don’t quite fit the scope of your research topic . Or, maybe your results suggest that there are further implications of your results or the causal relationships between previously-studied variables than covered in extant research.

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Table of contents

What should recommendations look like, building your research recommendation, how should your recommendations be written, recommendation in research example, frequently asked questions about recommendations.

Recommendations for future research should be:

  • Concrete and specific
  • Supported with a clear rationale
  • Directly connected to your research

Overall, strive to highlight ways other researchers can reproduce or replicate your results to draw further conclusions, and suggest different directions that future research can take, if applicable.

Relatedly, when making these recommendations, avoid:

  • Undermining your own work, but rather offer suggestions on how future studies can build upon it
  • Suggesting recommendations actually needed to complete your argument, but rather ensure that your research stands alone on its own merits
  • Using recommendations as a place for self-criticism, but rather as a natural extension point for your work

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There are many different ways to frame recommendations, but the easiest is perhaps to follow the formula of research question   conclusion  recommendation. Here’s an example.

Conclusion An important condition for controlling many social skills is mastering language. If children have a better command of language, they can express themselves better and are better able to understand their peers. Opportunities to practice social skills are thus dependent on the development of language skills.

As a rule of thumb, try to limit yourself to only the most relevant future recommendations: ones that stem directly from your work. While you can have multiple recommendations for each research conclusion, it is also acceptable to have one recommendation that is connected to more than one conclusion.

These recommendations should be targeted at your audience, specifically toward peers or colleagues in your field that work on similar topics to yours. They can flow directly from any limitations you found while conducting your work, offering concrete and actionable possibilities for how future research can build on anything that your own work was unable to address at the time of your writing.

See below for a full research recommendation example that you can use as a template to write your own.

The current study can be interpreted as a first step in the research on COPD speech characteristics. However, the results of this study should be treated with caution due to the small sample size and the lack of details regarding the participants’ characteristics.

Future research could further examine the differences in speech characteristics between exacerbated COPD patients, stable COPD patients, and healthy controls. It could also contribute to a deeper understanding of the acoustic measurements suitable for e-health measurements.

While it may be tempting to present new arguments or evidence in your thesis or disseration conclusion , especially if you have a particularly striking argument you’d like to finish your analysis with, you shouldn’t. Theses and dissertations follow a more formal structure than this.

All your findings and arguments should be presented in the body of the text (more specifically in the discussion section and results section .) The conclusion is meant to summarize and reflect on the evidence and arguments you have already presented, not introduce new ones.

The conclusion of your thesis or dissertation should include the following:

  • A restatement of your research question
  • A summary of your key arguments and/or results
  • A short discussion of the implications of your research

For a stronger dissertation conclusion , avoid including:

  • Generic concluding phrases (e.g. “In conclusion…”)
  • Weak statements that undermine your argument (e.g. “There are good points on both sides of this issue.”)

Your conclusion should leave the reader with a strong, decisive impression of your work.

In a thesis or dissertation, the discussion is an in-depth exploration of the results, going into detail about the meaning of your findings and citing relevant sources to put them in context.

The conclusion is more shorter and more general: it concisely answers your main research question and makes recommendations based on your overall findings.

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George, T. (2022, September 15). How to Write Recommendations in Research | Examples & Tips. Scribbr. Retrieved 30 July 2024, from

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Research Recommendations – Guiding policy-makers for evidence-based decision making

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Research recommendations play a crucial role in guiding scholars and researchers toward fruitful avenues of exploration. In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and an ever-expanding knowledge base, refining the process of generating research recommendations becomes imperative.

But, what is a research recommendation?

Research recommendations are suggestions or advice provided to researchers to guide their study on a specific topic . They are typically given by experts in the field. Research recommendations are more action-oriented and provide specific guidance for decision-makers, unlike implications that are broader and focus on the broader significance and consequences of the research findings. However, both are crucial components of a research study.

Difference Between Research Recommendations and Implication

Although research recommendations and implications are distinct components of a research study, they are closely related. The differences between them are as follows:

Difference between research recommendation and implication

Types of Research Recommendations

Recommendations in research can take various forms, which are as follows:

Article Recommendations Suggests specific research articles, papers, or publications
Topic Recommendations Guides researchers toward specific research topics or areas
Methodology Recommendations Offers advice on research methodologies, statistical techniques, or experimental designs
Collaboration Recommendations Connects researchers with others who share similar interests or expertise

These recommendations aim to assist researchers in navigating the vast landscape of academic knowledge.

Let us dive deeper to know about its key components and the steps to write an impactful research recommendation.

Key Components of Research Recommendations

The key components of research recommendations include defining the research question or objective, specifying research methods, outlining data collection and analysis processes, presenting results and conclusions, addressing limitations, and suggesting areas for future research. Here are some characteristics of research recommendations:

Characteristics of research recommendation

Research recommendations offer various advantages and play a crucial role in ensuring that research findings contribute to positive outcomes in various fields. However, they also have few limitations which highlights the significance of a well-crafted research recommendation in offering the promised advantages.

Advantages and limitations of a research recommendation

The importance of research recommendations ranges in various fields, influencing policy-making, program development, product development, marketing strategies, medical practice, and scientific research. Their purpose is to transfer knowledge from researchers to practitioners, policymakers, or stakeholders, facilitating informed decision-making and improving outcomes in different domains.

How to Write Research Recommendations?

Research recommendations can be generated through various means, including algorithmic approaches, expert opinions, or collaborative filtering techniques. Here is a step-wise guide to build your understanding on the development of research recommendations.

1. Understand the Research Question:

Understand the research question and objectives before writing recommendations. Also, ensure that your recommendations are relevant and directly address the goals of the study.

2. Review Existing Literature:

Familiarize yourself with relevant existing literature to help you identify gaps , and offer informed recommendations that contribute to the existing body of research.

3. Consider Research Methods:

Evaluate the appropriateness of different research methods in addressing the research question. Also, consider the nature of the data, the study design, and the specific objectives.

4. Identify Data Collection Techniques:

Gather dataset from diverse authentic sources. Include information such as keywords, abstracts, authors, publication dates, and citation metrics to provide a rich foundation for analysis.

5. Propose Data Analysis Methods:

Suggest appropriate data analysis methods based on the type of data collected. Consider whether statistical analysis, qualitative analysis, or a mixed-methods approach is most suitable.

6. Consider Limitations and Ethical Considerations:

Acknowledge any limitations and potential ethical considerations of the study. Furthermore, address these limitations or mitigate ethical concerns to ensure responsible research.

7. Justify Recommendations:

Explain how your recommendation contributes to addressing the research question or objective. Provide a strong rationale to help researchers understand the importance of following your suggestions.

8. Summarize Recommendations:

Provide a concise summary at the end of the report to emphasize how following these recommendations will contribute to the overall success of the research project.

By following these steps, you can create research recommendations that are actionable and contribute meaningfully to the success of the research project.

Download now to unlock some tips to improve your journey of writing research recommendations.

Example of a Research Recommendation

Here is an example of a research recommendation based on a hypothetical research to improve your understanding.

Research Recommendation: Enhancing Student Learning through Integrated Learning Platforms


The research study investigated the impact of an integrated learning platform on student learning outcomes in high school mathematics classes. The findings revealed a statistically significant improvement in student performance and engagement when compared to traditional teaching methods.


In light of the research findings, it is recommended that educational institutions consider adopting and integrating the identified learning platform into their mathematics curriculum. The following specific recommendations are provided:

  • Implementation of the Integrated Learning Platform:

Schools are encouraged to adopt the integrated learning platform in mathematics classrooms, ensuring proper training for teachers on its effective utilization.

  • Professional Development for Educators:

Develop and implement professional programs to train educators in the effective use of the integrated learning platform to address any challenges teachers may face during the transition.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation:

Establish a monitoring and evaluation system to track the impact of the integrated learning platform on student performance over time.

  • Resource Allocation:

Allocate sufficient resources, both financial and technical, to support the widespread implementation of the integrated learning platform.

By implementing these recommendations, educational institutions can harness the potential of the integrated learning platform and enhance student learning experiences and academic achievements in mathematics.

This example covers the components of a research recommendation, providing specific actions based on the research findings, identifying the target audience, and outlining practical steps for implementation.

Using AI in Research Recommendation Writing

Enhancing research recommendations is an ongoing endeavor that requires the integration of cutting-edge technologies, collaborative efforts, and ethical considerations. By embracing data-driven approaches and leveraging advanced technologies, the research community can create more effective and personalized recommendation systems. However, it is accompanied by several limitations. Therefore, it is essential to approach the use of AI in research with a critical mindset, and complement its capabilities with human expertise and judgment.

Here are some limitations of integrating AI in writing research recommendation and some ways on how to counter them.

1. Data Bias

AI systems rely heavily on data for training. If the training data is biased or incomplete, the AI model may produce biased results or recommendations.

How to tackle: Audit regularly the model’s performance to identify any discrepancies and adjust the training data and algorithms accordingly.

2. Lack of Understanding of Context:

AI models may struggle to understand the nuanced context of a particular research problem. They may misinterpret information, leading to inaccurate recommendations.

How to tackle: Use AI to characterize research articles and topics. Employ them to extract features like keywords, authorship patterns and content-based details.

3. Ethical Considerations:

AI models might stereotype certain concepts or generate recommendations that could have negative consequences for certain individuals or groups.

How to tackle: Incorporate user feedback mechanisms to reduce redundancies. Establish an ethics review process for AI models in research recommendation writing.

4. Lack of Creativity and Intuition:

AI may struggle with tasks that require a deep understanding of the underlying principles or the ability to think outside the box.

How to tackle: Hybrid approaches can be employed by integrating AI in data analysis and identifying patterns for accelerating the data interpretation process.

5. Interpretability:

Many AI models, especially complex deep learning models, lack transparency on how the model arrived at a particular recommendation.

How to tackle: Implement models like decision trees or linear models. Provide clear explanation of the model architecture, training process, and decision-making criteria.

6. Dynamic Nature of Research:

Research fields are dynamic, and new information is constantly emerging. AI models may struggle to keep up with the rapidly changing landscape and may not be able to adapt to new developments.

How to tackle: Establish a feedback loop for continuous improvement. Regularly update the recommendation system based on user feedback and emerging research trends.

The integration of AI in research recommendation writing holds great promise for advancing knowledge and streamlining the research process. However, navigating these concerns is pivotal in ensuring the responsible deployment of these technologies. Researchers need to understand the use of responsible use of AI in research and must be aware of the ethical considerations.

Exploring research recommendations plays a critical role in shaping the trajectory of scientific inquiry. It serves as a compass, guiding researchers toward more robust methodologies, collaborative endeavors, and innovative approaches. Embracing these suggestions not only enhances the quality of individual studies but also contributes to the collective advancement of human understanding.

Frequently Asked Questions

The purpose of recommendations in research is to provide practical and actionable suggestions based on the study's findings, guiding future actions, policies, or interventions in a specific field or context. Recommendations bridges the gap between research outcomes and their real-world application.

To make a research recommendation, analyze your findings, identify key insights, and propose specific, evidence-based actions. Include the relevance of the recommendations to the study's objectives and provide practical steps for implementation.

Begin a recommendation by succinctly summarizing the key findings of the research. Clearly state the purpose of the recommendation and its intended impact. Use a direct and actionable language to convey the suggested course of action.

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What are Implications and Recommendations in Research? How to Write it, with Examples

What are Implications and Recommendations in Research? How to Write It, with Examples

Highly cited research articles often contain both implications and recommendations , but there is often some confusion around the difference between implications and recommendations in research. Implications of a study are the impact your research makes in your chosen area; they discuss how the findings of the study may be important to justify further exploration of your research topic. Research recommendations suggest future actions or subsequent steps supported by your research findings. It helps to improve your field of research or cross-disciplinary fields through future research or provides frameworks for decision-makers or policymakers. Recommendations are the action plan you propose based on the outcome.

In this article, we aim to simplify these concepts for researchers by providing key insights on the following:  

  • what are implications in research 
  • what is recommendation in research 
  • differences between implications and recommendations 
  • how to write implications in research 
  • how to write recommendation in research 
  • sample recommendation in research 

recommendations for further research example

Table of Contents

What are implications in research

The implications in research explain what the findings of the study mean to researchers or to certain subgroups or populations beyond the basic interpretation of results. Even if your findings fail to bring radical or disruptive changes to existing ways of doing things, they might have important implications for future research studies. For example, your proposed method for operating remote-controlled robots could be more precise, efficient, or cheaper than existing methods, or the remote-controlled robot could be used in other application areas. This could enable more researchers to study a specific problem or open up new research opportunities.   

Implications in research inform how the findings, drawn from your results, may be important for and impact policy, practice, theory, and subsequent research. Implications may be theoretical or practical. 1  

  • Practical implications are potential values of the study with practical or real outcomes . Determining the practical implications of several solutions can aid in identifying optimal solution results. For example, clinical research or research on classroom learning mostly has practical implications in research . If you developed a new teaching method, the implication would be how teachers can use that method based on your findings.  
  • Theoretical implications in research constitute additions to existing theories or establish new theories. These types of implications in research characterize the ability of research to influence society in apparent ways. It is, at most, an educated guess (theoretical) about the possible implication of action and need not be as absolute as practical implications in research . If your study supported the tested theory, the theoretical implication would be that the theory can explain the investigated phenomenon. Else, your study may serve as a basis for modifying the theory. Theories may be partially supported as well, implying further study of the theory or necessary modifications are required.  

What are recommendations in research?

Recommendations in research can be considered an important segment of the analysis phase. Recommendations allow you to suggest specific interventions or strategies to address the issues and constraints identified through your study. It responds to key findings arrived at through data collection and analysis. A process of prioritization can help you narrow down important findings for which recommendations are developed.  

Recommendations in research examples

Recommendations in research may vary depending on the purpose or beneficiary as seen in the table below.  

Table: Recommendations in research examples based on purpose and beneficiary  




Filling a knowledge gap  Researchers  ‘Future research should explore the effectiveness of differentiated programs in special needs students.’ 
For practice  Practitioners  ‘Future research should introduce new models and methods to train teachers for curriculum development and modification introducing differentiated programs.’  
For a policy (targeting health and nutrition)  Policymakers and management  ‘Governments and higher education policymakers need to encourage and popularize differentiated learning in educational institutions.’ 

If you’re wondering how to make recommendations in research . You can use the simple  recommendation in research example below as a handy template.  

Table: Sample recommendation in research template  

The current study can be interpreted as a first step in the research on differentiated instructions. However, the results of this study should be treated with caution as the selected participants were more willing to make changes in their teaching models, limiting the generalizability of the model.  

Future research might consider ways to overcome resistance to implementing differentiated learning. It could also contribute to a deeper understanding of the practices for suitable implementation of differentiated learning. 

recommendations for further research example

Basic differences between implications and recommendations in research

Implications and recommendations in research are two important aspects of a research paper or your thesis or dissertation. Implications discuss the importance of the research findings, while recommendations offer specific actions to solve a problem. So, the basic difference between the two is in their function and the questions asked to achieve it. The following table highlights the main differences between implications and recommendations in research .  

Table: Differences between implications and recommendations in research  




  Implications in research tell us how and why your results are important for the field at large.  


Recommendations in research are suggestions/solutions that address certain problems based on your study results. 


  Discuss the importance of your research study and the difference it makes. 


Lists specific actions to be taken with regard to policy, practice, theory, or subsequent research. 


  What do your research findings mean?  What’s next in this field of research? 
  In the discussion section, after summarizing the main findings. 


In the discussion section, after the implications, and before the concluding paragraphs. 


  Our results suggest that interventions might emphasize the importance of providing emotional support to families. 


Based on our findings, we recommend conducting periodic assessments to benefit fully from the interventions. 


Where do implications go in your research paper

Because the implications and recommendations of the research are based on study findings, both are usually written after the completion of a study. There is no specific section dedicated to implications in research ; they are usually integrated into the discussion section adding evidence as to why the results are meaningful and what they add to the field. Implications can be written after summarizing your main findings and before the recommendations and conclusion.   

Implications can also be presented in the conclusion section after a short summary of the study results.   

How to write implications in research

Implication means something that is inferred. The implications of your research are derived from the importance of your work and how it will impact future research. It is based on how previous studies have advanced your field and how your study can add to that.   

When figuring out how to write implications in research , a good strategy is to separate it into the different types of implications in research , such as social, political, technological, policy-related, or others. As mentioned earlier, the most frequently used are the theoretical and practical implications.   

Next, you need to ask, “Who will benefit the most from reading my paper?” Is it policymakers, physicians, the public, or other researchers? Once you know your target population, explain how your findings can help them.  

The implication section can include a paragraph or two that asserts the practical or managerial implications and links it to the study findings. A discussion can then follow, demonstrating that the findings can be practically implemented or how they will benefit a specific audience. The writer is given a specific degree of freedom when writing research implications , depending on the type of implication in research you want to discuss: practical or theoretical. Each is discussed differently, using different words or in separate sections. The implications can be based on how the findings in your study are similar or dissimilar to that in previous studies. Your study may reaffirm or disprove the results of other studies, which has important implications in research . You can also suggest future research directions in the light of your findings or require further research to confirm your findings, which are all crucial implications. Most importantly, ensure the implications in research are specific and that your tone reflects the strength of your findings without exaggerating your results.   

Implications in research can begin with the following specific sentence structures:  

  • These findings suggest that…
  • These results build on existing body of evidence of…
  • These results should be considered when…
  • While previous research focused on x, our results show that y…
Patients were most interested in items relating to communication with healthcare providers. 
These findings suggest that people can change hospitals if they do not find communication effective. 

recommendations for further research example

What should recommendations in research look like?

Recommendations for future research should be:  

  • Directly related to your research question or findings  
  • Concrete and specific  
  • Supported by a clear reasoning  

The recommendations in research can be based on the following factors:  

1. Beneficiary: A paper’s research contribution may be aimed at single or multiple beneficiaries, based on which recommendations can vary. For instance, if your research is about the quality of care in hospitals, the research recommendation to different beneficiaries might be as follows:  

  • Nursing staff: Staff should undergo training to enhance their understanding of what quality of care entails.  
  • Health science educators: Educators must design training modules that address quality-related issues in the hospital.  
  • Hospital management: Develop policies that will increase staff participation in training related to health science.  

2. Limitations: The best way to figure out what to include in your research recommendations is to understand the limitations of your study. It could be based on factors that you have overlooked or could not consider in your present study. Accordingly, the researcher can recommend that other researchers approach the problem from a different perspective, dimension, or methodology. For example, research into the quality of care in hospitals can be based on quantitative data. The researcher can then recommend a qualitative study of factors influencing the quality of care, or they can suggest investigating the problem from the perspective of patients rather than the healthcare providers.   

3. Theory or Practice: Your recommendations in research could be implementation-oriented or further research-oriented.   

4. Your research: Research recommendations can be based on your topic, research objectives, literature review, and analysis, or evidence collected. For example, if your data points to the role of faculty involvement in developing effective programs, recommendations in research can include developing policies to increase faculty participation. Take a look at the evidence-based recommendation in research example s provided below.   

Table: Example of evidence-based research recommendation  

The study findings are positive  Recommend sustaining the practice 
The study findings are negative  Recommend actions to correct the situation 

Avoid making the following mistakes when writing research recommendations :  

  • Don’t undermine your own work: Recommendations in research should offer suggestions on how future studies can be built upon the current study as a natural extension of your work and not as an entirely new field of research.  
  • Support your study arguments: Ensure that your research findings stand alone on their own merits to showcase the strength of your research paper.   

How to write recommendations in research

When writing research recommendations , your focus should be on highlighting what additional work can be done in that field. It gives direction to researchers, industries, or governments about changes or developments possible in this field. For example, recommendations in research can include practical and obtainable strategies offering suggestions to academia to address problems. It can also be a framework that helps government agencies in developing strategic or long-term plans for timely actions against disasters or aid nation-building.  

There are a few SMART 2 things to remember when writing recommendations in research. Your recommendations must be: 

  • S pecific: Clearly state how challenges can be addressed for better outcomes and include an action plan that shows what can be achieved. 
  • M easurable: Use verbs denoting measurable outcomes, such as identify, analyze, design, compute, assess, evaluate, revise, plan, etc., to strengthen recommendations in research .   
  • A ttainable: Recommendations should offer a solution-oriented approach to problem-solving and must be written in a way that is easy to follow.  
  • R elevant: Research recommendations should be reasonable, realistic, and result-based. Make sure to suggest future possibilities for your research field.  
  • T imely: Time-based or time-sensitive recommendations in research help divide the action plan into long-term or short-term (immediate) goals. A timeline can also inform potential readers of what developments should occur over time.  

If you are wondering how many words to include in your research recommendation , a general rule of thumb would be to set aside 5% of the total word count for writing research recommendations . Finally, when writing the research implications and recommendations , stick to the facts and avoid overstating or over-generalizing the study findings. Both should be supported by evidence gathered through your data analysis.  


  • Schmidt, F. L., & Hunter, J. E. (1998). The validity and utility of selection methods in personnel psychology: Practical and theoretical implications of 85 years of research findings.  Psychological bulletin ,  124 (2), 262.
  • Doran, G. T. (1981). There’s a S.M.A.R.T. way to write management’s goals and objectives.  Manag Rev ,  70 (11), 35-36.

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How To Write Recommendations In A Research Study

Published by Alvin Nicolas at July 12th, 2024 , Revised On July 12, 2024

The ultimate goal of any research process is not just to gather knowledge, but to use that knowledge to make a positive impact. This is where recommendations come in.  A well-written recommendations section in your research study translates your findings into actionable steps and guides future research on the topic. 

This blog is your ultimate guide to understanding how to write recommendations in a research study. But before that, let’s see what is recommendation in research. 

What Is Recommendation In Research 

In a research study, the recommendation section refers to a suggested course of action based on the findings of your research . It acts as a bridge between the knowledge you gained and its practical implications. 

Recommendations take your research results and propose concrete steps on how to use them to address a problem or improve a situation. Moreover, you can suggest new avenues and guide future research in building upon your work. This will improve the credibility of your research. For studies that include real-world implications, recommendations are a great way to provide evidence-based suggestions for policymakers or practitioners to consider. 

Difference Between Research Recommendations and Implication

Research recommendations and implications often confuse researchers. They cannot easily differentiate between the two. Here is how they are different. 

Research Recommendation Research Implication
Focuses on actionable steps Focuses on actionable steps
Translate findings into practical applications Highlights the significance of the research
Specific actions Broad predictions
Based on the research findings and existing literature Based on the research findings and connections to other research areas

Where To Add Recommendations 

Recommendations are mostly part of your conclusion and discussion sections. If you are writing a practical dissertation , you can include a separate section for your recommendations. 

Types of Research Recommendations

There are different forms of recommendations in research. Some of them include the following. 

Suggests improvements to the used in your field.
Highlights new areas of research within your broader topic.
Offers information on key articles or publications that provide insights on your .
Suggest ways for researchers with different expertise to collaborate on future projects.

How To Construct The Recommendations Section

There are different ways in which different scholars write the recommendations section. A general observation is a research question → conclusion → recommendation.

The following example will help you understand this better.

Research Question

How can the education of mothers impact the social skills of kindergarten children?

The role of mothers is a significant contributor towards the social skills of children. From an early age, kids tend to observe how their mother interacts with others and follow in her footsteps initially. Therefore, mothers should be educated and interact with good demeanour if they want their children to have excellent social skills.


The study revealed that a mother’s education plays an important role in building the social skills of children on kindergarten level. Future research could explore how the same continues in junior school level children.

How To Write Recommendations In Research

Now that you are familiar with the definition and types, here is a step-by-step guide on how to write a recommendation in research.

Step 1: Revisit Your Research Goals

Before doing anything else, you have to remind yourself of the objectives that you set out to achieve in your research. It allows you to match your recommendations directly to your research questions and see if you made any contribution to your goals.

Step 2: Analyse Your Findings

You have to examine your data and identify your key results. This analysis forms the foundation for your recommendations. Look for patterns and unexpected findings that might suggest new areas for other researchers to explore.

Step 3: Consider The Research Methods

Ask these questions from yourself: were the research methods effective? Is there any other way that would have been better to perform this research, or were there any limitations associated with the research methods?

Step 4: Prioritise Recommendations

You might have a lot of recommendations in mind, but all are not equal. You have to consider the impact and feasibility of each suggestion. Prioritise these recommendations, while remaining realistic about implementation.

Step 5: Write Actionable Statements

Do not be vague when crafting statements. Instead, you have to use clear and concise language that outlines specific actions. For example, if you want to say “improve education practices,” you could write “implement a teacher training program” for better clarity.

Step 6: Provide Evidence

You cannot just make suggestions out of thin air, and have to ground them in the evidence you have gathered through your research. Moreover, cite relevant data or findings from your study or previous literature to support your recommendations.

Step 7: Address Challenges

There are always some limitations related to the research at hand. As a researcher, it is your duty to highlight and address any challenges faced or what might occur in the future.

Tips For Writing The Perfect Recommendation In Research

Use these tips to write the perfect recommendation in your research.

  • Be Concise – Write recommendations in a clear and concise language. Use one sentence statements to look more professional.
  • Be Logical & Coherent – You can use lists and headings according to the requirements of your university.
  • Tailor According To Your Readers – You have to aim your recommendations to a specific audience and colleagues in the field of study.
  • Provide Specific Suggestions – Offer specific measures and solutions to the issues, and focus on actionable suggestions.
  • Match Recommendations To Your Conclusion – You have to align your recommendations with your conclusion.
  • Consider Limitations – Use critical thinking to see how limitations may impact the feasibility of your solutions.
  • End With A Summary – You have to add a small conclusion to highlight suggestions and their impact.

Example Of Recommendation In Research

Context of the study:

This research studies how effective e-learning platforms are for adult language learners compared to traditional classroom instruction. The findings suggest that e-learning platforms can be just as effective as traditional classrooms in improving language proficiency.

Research Recommendation Sample

Language educators can incorporate e-learning tools into existing curriculums to provide learners with more flexibility. Additionally, they can develop training programs for educators on how to integrate e-learning platforms into their teaching practices.

E-learning platform developers should focus on e-learning platforms that are interactive and cater to different learning styles. They can also invest in features that promote learner autonomy and self-directed learning.

Future researchers can further explore the long-term effects of e-learning on language acquisition to provide insights into whether e-learning can support sustained language development.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to write recommendations in a research paper.

  • Revisit your research goals
  • Analyse your findings 
  • Consider the research methods 
  • Prioritise recommendations 
  • Write actionable statements 
  • Provide evidence 
  • Address challenges

How to present recommendations in research?

  • Be concise 
  • Write logical and coherent 
  • Match recommendations to conclusion 
  • Ensure your recommendations are achievable

What to write in recommendation in research?

Your recommendation has to be concrete and specific and support the research with a clear rationale. Moreover, it should be connected directly to your research. Your recommendations, however, should not undermine your own work or use self-criticism. 

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  • How to Write a Discussion Section | Tips & Examples

How to Write a Discussion Section | Tips & Examples

Published on August 21, 2022 by Shona McCombes . Revised on July 18, 2023.

Discussion section flow chart

The discussion section is where you delve into the meaning, importance, and relevance of your results .

It should focus on explaining and evaluating what you found, showing how it relates to your literature review and paper or dissertation topic , and making an argument in support of your overall conclusion. It should not be a second results section.

There are different ways to write this section, but you can focus your writing around these key elements:

  • Summary : A brief recap of your key results
  • Interpretations: What do your results mean?
  • Implications: Why do your results matter?
  • Limitations: What can’t your results tell us?
  • Recommendations: Avenues for further studies or analyses

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Table of contents

What not to include in your discussion section, step 1: summarize your key findings, step 2: give your interpretations, step 3: discuss the implications, step 4: acknowledge the limitations, step 5: share your recommendations, discussion section example, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about discussion sections.

There are a few common mistakes to avoid when writing the discussion section of your paper.

  • Don’t introduce new results: You should only discuss the data that you have already reported in your results section .
  • Don’t make inflated claims: Avoid overinterpretation and speculation that isn’t directly supported by your data.
  • Don’t undermine your research: The discussion of limitations should aim to strengthen your credibility, not emphasize weaknesses or failures.

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Start this section by reiterating your research problem and concisely summarizing your major findings. To speed up the process you can use a summarizer to quickly get an overview of all important findings. Don’t just repeat all the data you have already reported—aim for a clear statement of the overall result that directly answers your main research question . This should be no more than one paragraph.

Many students struggle with the differences between a discussion section and a results section . The crux of the matter is that your results sections should present your results, and your discussion section should subjectively evaluate them. Try not to blend elements of these two sections, in order to keep your paper sharp.

  • The results indicate that…
  • The study demonstrates a correlation between…
  • This analysis supports the theory that…
  • The data suggest that…

The meaning of your results may seem obvious to you, but it’s important to spell out their significance for your reader, showing exactly how they answer your research question.

The form of your interpretations will depend on the type of research, but some typical approaches to interpreting the data include:

  • Identifying correlations , patterns, and relationships among the data
  • Discussing whether the results met your expectations or supported your hypotheses
  • Contextualizing your findings within previous research and theory
  • Explaining unexpected results and evaluating their significance
  • Considering possible alternative explanations and making an argument for your position

You can organize your discussion around key themes, hypotheses, or research questions, following the same structure as your results section. Alternatively, you can also begin by highlighting the most significant or unexpected results.

  • In line with the hypothesis…
  • Contrary to the hypothesized association…
  • The results contradict the claims of Smith (2022) that…
  • The results might suggest that x . However, based on the findings of similar studies, a more plausible explanation is y .

As well as giving your own interpretations, make sure to relate your results back to the scholarly work that you surveyed in the literature review . The discussion should show how your findings fit with existing knowledge, what new insights they contribute, and what consequences they have for theory or practice.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do your results support or challenge existing theories? If they support existing theories, what new information do they contribute? If they challenge existing theories, why do you think that is?
  • Are there any practical implications?

Your overall aim is to show the reader exactly what your research has contributed, and why they should care.

  • These results build on existing evidence of…
  • The results do not fit with the theory that…
  • The experiment provides a new insight into the relationship between…
  • These results should be taken into account when considering how to…
  • The data contribute a clearer understanding of…
  • While previous research has focused on  x , these results demonstrate that y .

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recommendations for further research example

Even the best research has its limitations. Acknowledging these is important to demonstrate your credibility. Limitations aren’t about listing your errors, but about providing an accurate picture of what can and cannot be concluded from your study.

Limitations might be due to your overall research design, specific methodological choices , or unanticipated obstacles that emerged during your research process.

Here are a few common possibilities:

  • If your sample size was small or limited to a specific group of people, explain how generalizability is limited.
  • If you encountered problems when gathering or analyzing data, explain how these influenced the results.
  • If there are potential confounding variables that you were unable to control, acknowledge the effect these may have had.

After noting the limitations, you can reiterate why the results are nonetheless valid for the purpose of answering your research question.

  • The generalizability of the results is limited by…
  • The reliability of these data is impacted by…
  • Due to the lack of data on x , the results cannot confirm…
  • The methodological choices were constrained by…
  • It is beyond the scope of this study to…

Based on the discussion of your results, you can make recommendations for practical implementation or further research. Sometimes, the recommendations are saved for the conclusion .

Suggestions for further research can lead directly from the limitations. Don’t just state that more studies should be done—give concrete ideas for how future work can build on areas that your own research was unable to address.

  • Further research is needed to establish…
  • Future studies should take into account…
  • Avenues for future research include…

Discussion section example

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In the discussion , you explore the meaning and relevance of your research results , explaining how they fit with existing research and theory. Discuss:

  • Your  interpretations : what do the results tell us?
  • The  implications : why do the results matter?
  • The  limitation s : what can’t the results tell us?

The results chapter or section simply and objectively reports what you found, without speculating on why you found these results. The discussion interprets the meaning of the results, puts them in context, and explains why they matter.

In qualitative research , results and discussion are sometimes combined. But in quantitative research , it’s considered important to separate the objective results from your interpretation of them.

In a thesis or dissertation, the discussion is an in-depth exploration of the results, going into detail about the meaning of your findings and citing relevant sources to put them in context.

The conclusion is more shorter and more general: it concisely answers your main research question and makes recommendations based on your overall findings.

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McCombes, S. (2023, July 18). How to Write a Discussion Section | Tips & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved July 30, 2024, from

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Types of future research suggestion.

The Future Research section of your dissertation is often combined with the Research Limitations section of your final, Conclusions chapter. This is because your future research suggestions generally arise out of the research limitations you have identified in your own dissertation. In this article, we discuss six types of future research suggestion. These include: (1) building on a particular finding in your research; (2) addressing a flaw in your research; examining (or testing) a theory (framework or model) either (3) for the first time or (4) in a new context, location and/or culture; (5) re-evaluating and (6) expanding a theory (framework or model). The goal of the article is to help you think about the potential types of future research suggestion that you may want to include in your dissertation.

Before we discuss each of these types of future research suggestion, we should explain why we use the word examining and then put or testing in brackets. This is simply because the word examining may be considered more appropriate when students use a qualitative research design; whereas the word testing fits better with dissertations drawing on a quantitative research design. We also put the words framework or model in brackets after the word theory . We do this because a theory , framework and model are not the same things. In the sections that follow, we discuss six types of future research suggestion.

Addressing research limitations in your dissertation

Building on a particular finding or aspect of your research, examining a conceptual framework (or testing a theoretical model) for the first time, examining a conceptual framework (or testing a theoretical model) in a new context, location and/or culture.

  • Expanding a conceptual framework (or testing a theoretical model)

Re-evaluating a conceptual framework (or theoretical model)

In the Research Limitations section of your Conclusions chapter, you will have inevitably detailed the potential flaws (i.e., research limitations) of your dissertation. These may include:

An inability to answer your research questions

Theoretical and conceptual problems

Limitations of your research strategy

Problems of research quality

Identifying what these research limitations were and proposing future research suggestions that address them is arguably the easiest and quickest ways to complete the Future Research section of your Conclusions chapter.

Often, the findings from your dissertation research will highlight a number of new avenues that could be explored in future studies. These can be grouped into two categories:

Your dissertation will inevitably lead to findings that you did not anticipate from the start. These are useful when making future research suggestions because they can lead to entirely new avenues to explore in future studies. If this was the case, it is worth (a) briefly describing what these unanticipated findings were and (b) suggesting a research strategy that could be used to explore such findings in future.

Sometimes, dissertations manage to address all aspects of the research questions that were set. However, this is seldom the case. Typically, there will be aspects of your research questions that could not be answered. This is not necessarily a flaw in your research strategy, but may simply reflect that fact that the findings did not provide all the answers you hoped for. If this was the case, it is worth (a) briefly describing what aspects of your research questions were not answered and (b) suggesting a research strategy that could be used to explore such aspects in future.

You may want to recommend that future research examines the conceptual framework (or tests the theoretical model) that you developed. This is based on the assumption that the primary goal of your dissertation was to set out a conceptual framework (or build a theoretical model). It is also based on the assumption that whilst such a conceptual framework (or theoretical model) was presented, your dissertation did not attempt to examine (or test) it in the field . The focus of your dissertations was most likely a review of the literature rather than something that involved you conducting primary research.

Whilst it is quite rare for dissertations at the undergraduate and master's level to be primarily theoretical in nature like this, it is not unknown. If this was the case, you should think about how the conceptual framework (or theoretical model) that you have presented could be best examined (or tested) in the field . In understanding the how , you should think about two factors in particular:

What is the context, location and/or culture that would best lend itself to my conceptual framework (or theoretical model) if it were to be examined (or tested) in the field?

What research strategy is most appropriate to examine my conceptual framework (or test my theoretical model)?

If the future research suggestion that you want to make is based on examining your conceptual framework (or testing your theoretical model) in the field , you need to suggest the best scenario for doing so.

More often than not, you will not only have set out a conceptual framework (or theoretical model), as described in the previous section, but you will also have examined (or tested) it in the field . When you do this, focus is typically placed on a specific context, location and/or culture.

If this is the case, the obvious future research suggestion that you could propose would be to examine your conceptual framework (or test the theoretical model) in a new context, location and/or culture. For example, perhaps you focused on consumers (rather than businesses), or Canada (rather than the United Kingdom), or a more individualistic culture like the United States (rather than a more collectivist culture like China).

When you propose a new context, location and/or culture as your future research suggestion, make sure you justify the choice that you make. For example, there may be little value in future studies looking at different cultures if culture is not an important component underlying your conceptual framework (or theoretical model). If you are not sure whether a new context, location or culture is more appropriate, or what new context, location or culture you should select, a review the literature will often help clarify where you focus should be.

Expanding a conceptual framework (or theoretical model)

Assuming that you have set out a conceptual framework (or theoretical model) and examined (or tested) it in the field , another series of future research suggestions comes out of expanding that conceptual framework (or theoretical model).

We talk about a series of future research suggestions because there are so many ways that you can expand on your conceptual framework (or theoretical model). For example, you can do this by:

Examining constructs (or variables) that were included in your conceptual framework (or theoretical model) but were not focused.

Looking at a particular relationship aspect of your conceptual framework (or theoretical model) further.

Adding new constructs (or variables) to the conceptual framework (or theoretical model) you set out (if justified by the literature).

It would be possible to include one or a number of these as future research suggestions. Again, make sure that any suggestions you make have are justified , either by your findings or the literature.

With the dissertation process at the undergraduate and master's level lasting between 3 and 9 months, a lot a can happen in between. For example, a specific event (e.g., 9/11, the economic crisis) or some new theory or evidence that undermines (or questions) the literature (theory) and assumptions underpinning your conceptual framework (or theoretical model). Clearly, there is little you can do about this. However, if this happens, reflecting on it and re-evaluating your conceptual framework (or theoretical model), as well as your findings, is an obvious source of future research suggestions.

Implications or Recommendations in Research: What's the Difference?

  • Peer Review

High-quality research articles that get many citations contain both implications and recommendations. Implications are the impact your research makes, whereas recommendations are specific actions that can then be taken based on your findings, such as for more research or for policymaking.

Updated on August 23, 2022

yellow sign reading opportunity ahead

That seems clear enough, but the two are commonly confused.

This confusion is especially true if you come from a so-called high-context culture in which information is often implied based on the situation, as in many Asian cultures. High-context cultures are different from low-context cultures where information is more direct and explicit (as in North America and many European cultures).

Let's set these two straight in a low-context way; i.e., we'll be specific and direct! This is the best way to be in English academic writing because you're writing for the world.

Implications and recommendations in a research article

The standard format of STEM research articles is what's called IMRaD:

  • Introduction
  • Discussion/conclusions

Some journals call for a separate conclusions section, while others have the conclusions as the last part of the discussion. You'll write these four (or five) sections in the same sequence, though, no matter the journal.

The discussion section is typically where you restate your results and how well they confirmed your hypotheses. Give readers the answer to the questions for which they're looking to you for an answer.

At this point, many researchers assume their paper is finished. After all, aren't the results the most important part? As you might have guessed, no, you're not quite done yet.

The discussion/conclusions section is where to say what happened and what should now happen

The discussion/conclusions section of every good scientific article should contain the implications and recommendations.

The implications, first of all, are the impact your results have on your specific field. A high-impact, highly cited article will also broaden the scope here and provide implications to other fields. This is what makes research cross-disciplinary.

Recommendations, however, are suggestions to improve your field based on your results.

These two aspects help the reader understand your broader content: How and why your work is important to the world. They also tell the reader what can be changed in the future based on your results.

These aspects are what editors are looking for when selecting papers for peer review.

how to write the conclusion section of a research manuscript

Implications and recommendations are, thus, written at the end of the discussion section, and before the concluding paragraph. They help to “wrap up” your paper. Once your reader understands what you found, the next logical step is what those results mean and what should come next.

Then they can take the baton, in the form of your work, and run with it. That gets you cited and extends your impact!

The order of implications and recommendations also matters. Both are written after you've summarized your main findings in the discussion section. Then, those results are interpreted based on ongoing work in the field. After this, the implications are stated, followed by the recommendations.

Writing an academic research paper is a bit like running a race. Finish strong, with your most important conclusion (recommendation) at the end. Leave readers with an understanding of your work's importance. Avoid generic, obvious phrases like "more research is needed to fully address this issue." Be specific.

The main differences between implications and recommendations (table)

 the differences between implications and recommendations

Now let's dig a bit deeper into actually how to write these parts.

What are implications?

Research implications tell us how and why your results are important for the field at large. They help answer the question of “what does it mean?” Implications tell us how your work contributes to your field and what it adds to it. They're used when you want to tell your peers why your research is important for ongoing theory, practice, policymaking, and for future research.

Crucially, your implications must be evidence-based. This means they must be derived from the results in the paper.

Implications are written after you've summarized your main findings in the discussion section. They come before the recommendations and before the concluding paragraph. There is no specific section dedicated to implications. They must be integrated into your discussion so that the reader understands why the results are meaningful and what they add to the field.

A good strategy is to separate your implications into types. Implications can be social, political, technological, related to policies, or others, depending on your topic. The most frequently used types are theoretical and practical. Theoretical implications relate to how your findings connect to other theories or ideas in your field, while practical implications are related to what we can do with the results.

Key features of implications

  • State the impact your research makes
  • Helps us understand why your results are important
  • Must be evidence-based
  • Written in the discussion, before recommendations
  • Can be theoretical, practical, or other (social, political, etc.)

Examples of implications

Let's take a look at some examples of research results below with their implications.

The result : one study found that learning items over time improves memory more than cramming material in a bunch of information at once .

The implications : This result suggests memory is better when studying is spread out over time, which could be due to memory consolidation processes.

The result : an intervention study found that mindfulness helps improve mental health if you have anxiety.

The implications : This result has implications for the role of executive functions on anxiety.

The result : a study found that musical learning helps language learning in children .

The implications : these findings suggest that language and music may work together to aid development.

What are recommendations?

As noted above, explaining how your results contribute to the real world is an important part of a successful article.

Likewise, stating how your findings can be used to improve something in future research is equally important. This brings us to the recommendations.

Research recommendations are suggestions and solutions you give for certain situations based on your results. Once the reader understands what your results mean with the implications, the next question they need to know is "what's next?"

Recommendations are calls to action on ways certain things in the field can be improved in the future based on your results. Recommendations are used when you want to convey that something different should be done based on what your analyses revealed.

Similar to implications, recommendations are also evidence-based. This means that your recommendations to the field must be drawn directly from your results.

The goal of the recommendations is to make clear, specific, and realistic suggestions to future researchers before they conduct a similar experiment. No matter what area your research is in, there will always be further research to do. Try to think about what would be helpful for other researchers to know before starting their work.

Recommendations are also written in the discussion section. They come after the implications and before the concluding paragraphs. Similar to the implications, there is usually no specific section dedicated to the recommendations. However, depending on how many solutions you want to suggest to the field, they may be written as a subsection.

Key features of recommendations

  • Statements about what can be done differently in the field based on your findings
  • Must be realistic and specific
  • Written in the discussion, after implications and before conclusions
  • Related to both your field and, preferably, a wider context to the research

Examples of recommendations

Here are some research results and their recommendations.

A meta-analysis found that actively recalling material from your memory is better than simply re-reading it .

  • The recommendation: Based on these findings, teachers and other educators should encourage students to practice active recall strategies.

A medical intervention found that daily exercise helps prevent cardiovascular disease .

  • The recommendation: Based on these results, physicians are recommended to encourage patients to exercise and walk regularly. Also recommended is to encourage more walking through public health offices in communities.

A study found that many research articles do not contain the sample sizes needed to statistically confirm their findings .

The recommendation: To improve the current state of the field, researchers should consider doing power analysis based on their experiment's design.

What else is important about implications and recommendations?

When writing recommendations and implications, be careful not to overstate the impact of your results. It can be tempting for researchers to inflate the importance of their findings and make grandiose statements about what their work means.

Remember that implications and recommendations must be coming directly from your results. Therefore, they must be straightforward, realistic, and plausible.

Another good thing to remember is to make sure the implications and recommendations are stated clearly and separately. Do not attach them to the endings of other paragraphs just to add them in. Use similar example phrases as those listed in the table when starting your sentences to clearly indicate when it's an implication and when it's a recommendation.

When your peers, or brand-new readers, read your paper, they shouldn't have to hunt through your discussion to find the implications and recommendations. They should be clear, visible, and understandable on their own.

That'll get you cited more, and you'll make a greater contribution to your area of science while extending the life and impact of your work.

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Suggestions for Future Research

Your dissertation needs to include suggestions for future research. Depending on requirements of your university, suggestions for future research can be either integrated into Research Limitations section or it can be a separate section.

You will need to propose 4-5 suggestions for future studies and these can include the following:

1. Building upon findings of your research . These may relate to findings of your study that you did not anticipate. Moreover, you may suggest future research to address unanswered aspects of your research problem.

2. Addressing limitations of your research . Your research will not be free from limitations and these may relate to formulation of research aim and objectives, application of data collection method, sample size, scope of discussions and analysis etc. You can propose future research suggestions that address the limitations of your study.

3. Constructing the same research in a new context, location and/or culture . It is most likely that you have addressed your research problem within the settings of specific context, location and/or culture. Accordingly, you can propose future studies that can address the same research problem in a different settings, context, location and/or culture.

4. Re-assessing and expanding theory, framework or model you have addressed in your research . Future studies can address the effects of specific event, emergence of a new theory or evidence and/or other recent phenomenon on your research problem.

My e-book,  The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Dissertation in Business Studies: a step by step assistance  offers practical assistance to complete a dissertation with minimum or no stress. The e-book covers all stages of writing a dissertation starting from the selection to the research area to submitting the completed version of the work within the deadline. John Dudovskiy

Suggestions for Future Research

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  • v.333(7572); 2006 Oct 14

Health research

How to formulate research recommendations, polly brown.

1 BMJ Publishing Group, London WC1H 9JR

Klara Brunnhuber

Kalipso chalkidou.

2 National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, London WC1V 6NA

Iain Chalmers

3 Database of Uncertainties about the Effects of Treatments, James Lind Alliance Secretariat, James Lind Initiative, Oxford OX2 7LG

Mike Clarke

4 UK Cochrane Centre, Oxford OX2 7LG

Mark Fenton

Carol forbes.

5 Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York, York YO10 5DD

Julie Glanville

Nicholas j hicks.

6 National Coordinating Centre for Health Technology Assessment, University of Southampton, Southampton SO16 7PX

Janet Moody

Sara twaddle.

7 Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, Edinburgh EH2 1EN

Hazim Timimi

8 Update Software, Oxford OX2 7LG

Pamela Young

Associated data, short abstract.

“More research is needed” is a conclusion that fits most systematic reviews. But authors need to be more specific about what exactly is required

Long awaited reports of new research, systematic reviews, and clinical guidelines are too often a disappointing anticlimax for those wishing to use them to direct future research. After many months or years of effort and intellectual energy put into these projects, authors miss the opportunity to identify unanswered questions and outstanding gaps in the evidence. Most reports contain only a less than helpful, general research recommendation. This means that the potential value of these recommendations is lost.

Current recommendations

In 2005, representatives of organisations commissioning and summarising research, including the BMJ Publishing Group, the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, the National Coordinating Centre for Health Technology Assessment, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, and the UK Cochrane Centre, met as members of the development group for the Database of Uncertainties about the Effects of Treatments (see for details on all participating organisations). Our aim was to discuss the state of research recommendations within our organisations and to develop guidelines for improving the presentation of proposals for further research. All organisations had found weaknesses in the way researchers and authors of systematic reviews and clinical guidelines stated the need for further research. As part of the project, a member of the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination under-took a rapid literature search to identify information on research recommendation models, which found some individual methods but no group initiatives to attempt to standardise recommendations.

Suggested format for research recommendations on the effects of treatments

Core elements

E Evidence (What is the current state of the evidence?)

P Population (What is the population of interest?)

I Intervention (What are the interventions of interest?)

C Comparison (What are the comparisons of interest?)

O Outcome (What are the outcomes of interest?)

T Time stamp (Date of recommendation)

Optional elements

d Disease burden or relevance

t Time aspect of core elements of EPICOT

s Appropriate study type according to local need

In January 2006, the National Coordinating Centre for Health Technology Assessment presented the findings of an initial comparative analysis of how different organisations currently structure their research recommendations. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence and the National Coordinating Centre for Health Technology Assessment request authors to present recommendations in a four component format for formulating well built clinical questions around treatments: population, intervention, comparison, and outcomes (PICO). 1 In addition, the research recommendation is dated and authors are asked to provide the current state of the evidence to support the proposal.

Clinical Evidence , although not directly standardising its sections for research recommendations, presents gaps in the evidence using a slightly extended version of the PICO format: evidence, population, intervention, comparison, outcomes, and time (EPICOT). Clinical Evidence has used this inherent structure to feed research recommendations on interventions categorised as “unknown effectiveness” back to the National Coordinating Centre for Health Technology Assessment and for inclusion in the Database of Uncertainties about the Effects of Treatments ( ).

We decided to propose the EPICOT format as the basis for its statement on formulating research recommendations and tested this proposal through discussion and example. We agreed that this set of components provided enough context for formulating research recommendations without limiting researchers. In order for the proposed framework to be flexible and more widely applicable, the group discussed using several optional components when they seemed relevant or were proposed by one or more of the group members. The final outcome of discussions resulted in the proposed EPICOT+ format (box).

A recent BMJ article highlighted how lack of research hinders the applicability of existing guidelines to patients in primary care who have had a stroke or transient ischaemic attack. 2 Most research in the area had been conducted in younger patients with a recent episode and in a hospital setting. The authors concluded that “further evidence should be collected on the efficacy and adverse effects of intensive blood pressure lowering in representative populations before we implement this guidance [from national and international guidelines] in primary care.” Table 1 outlines how their recommendations could be formulated using the EPICOT+ format. The decision on whether additional research is indeed clinically and ethically warranted will still lie with the organisation considering commissioning the research.

Research recommendation based on gap in the evidence identified by a cross sectional study of clinical guidelines for management of patients who have had a stroke

E Evidence What is the current evidence? One systematic review3 dominated by a large randomised controlled study4 conducted in hospital setting
P Population Diagnosis, disease stage, comorbidity, risk factor, sex, age, ethnic group, specific inclusion or exclusion criteria, clinical setting Primary care patients with confirmed stroke or transient ischaemic attack (mean age ≥75 years, female-male ratio 1:1, time since last cerebrovascular event ≥1 year)
I Intervention Type, frequency, dose, duration, prognostic factor Intensive blood pressure lowering
C Comparison Placebo, routine care, alternative treatment/management No active treatment or placebo
O Outcome Which clinical or patient related outcomes will the researcher need to measure, improve, influence or accomplish? Which methods of measurement should be used? Major vascular events (stroke, myocardial infarction, vascular death); adverse events, risk of discontinuation of treatment because of adverse events
T Time stamp Date of literature search or recommendation February 2006
d Disease burden Stroke is the most common cause of death and disability in most developed countries. It is a worldwide problem; about 4.5 million people die from stroke each year. Stroke can occur at any age, but half of all strokes occur in people over 70 years old. Risk factors for stroke include previous stroke of transient ischaemic attack (10% in the first year and about 5% each year after), increasing age, hypertension, diabetes, cigarette smoking, and emboli associated with atrial fibrillation, artificial heart valves, or myocardial infarction5 6
t Timeliness Time aspects of core elements:
Mean age of population Over 65
Duration of intervention Minimum 5 weeks
Length of follow-up Any length
s Study type What is the most appropriate study design to address the proposed question? Randomised controlled trial.

Table 2 shows the use of EPICOT+ for an unanswered question on the effectiveness of compliance therapy in people with schizophrenia, identified by the Database of Uncertainties about the Effects of Treatments.

Research recommendation based on a gap in the evidence on treatment of schizophrenia identified by the Database of Uncertainties about the Effects of Treatments

E Evidence What is current state of the evidence? One systematic review7 identified one small randomised controlled trial comparing compliance therapy with non-specific counselling which found no significant difference in adherence over 1 year8
P Population Diagnosis, disease stage, comorbidity, risk factor, sex, age, ethnic group, specific inclusion or exclusion criteria, clinical setting People with schizophrenia or related disorders
Suggested sample size >300 (powered to find 10% difference between groups for the primary outcome)
Sex: men and women
History: people in their first episode reported separately
I Intervention Type, frequency, dose, duration, prognostic factor Compliance therapy administered according to manual of Kemp and David
C Comparison Placebo, routine care, alternative treatment or management Non-specific counselling
O Outcome Which clinical or patient related outcomes will the researcher need to measure, improve, influence or accomplish? Which methods of measurement should be used? Service use: bed occupancy (primary outcome)
Compliance: clinical interview
Other routinely recorded measures of mental state, quality of life, general functioning, adverse effects and service use
T Time stamp Date of literature search or recommendation September 2006
d Disease burden or relevance Prevalence of schizophrenia worldwide is 2-4/1000. 1 in 100 people will develop schizophrenia9 10
t Timeliness Time aspect of core elements:
Mean age of population Working age adults
Duration of intervention or comparison 5 sessions of 30-60 minutes
Length of follow-up 2 years
s Study type What is the most appropriate study design to address the proposed question? Randomised controlled trial
Methods: concealment clear
Blindness: patients and therapists not blind, assessors blind
Setting: in hospital at start of study, community follow-up

Discussions around optional elements

Although the group agreed that the PICO elements should be core requirements for a research recommendation, intense discussion centred on the inclusion of factors defining a more detailed context, such as current state of evidence (E), appropriate study type (s), disease burden and relevance (d), and timeliness (t).

Initially, group members interpreted E differently. Some viewed it as the supporting evidence for a research recommendation and others as the suggested study type for a research recommendation. After discussion, we agreed that E should be used to refer to the amount and quality of research supporting the recommendation. However, the issue remained contentious as some of us thought that if a systematic review was available, its reference would sufficiently identify the strength of the existing evidence. Others thought that adding evidence to the set of core elements was important as it provided a summary of the supporting evidence, particularly as the recommendation was likely to be abstracted and used separately from the review or research that led to its formulation. In contrast, the suggested study type (s) was left as an optional element.

A research recommendation will rarely have an absolute value in itself. Its relative priority will be influenced by the burden of ill health (d), which is itself dependent on factors such as local prevalence, disease severity, relevant risk factors, and the priorities of the organisation considering commissioning the research.

Similarly, the issue of time (t) could be seen to be relevant to each of the core elements in varying ways—for example, duration of treatment, length of follow-up. The group therefore agreed that time had a subsidiary role within each core item; however, T as the date of the recommendation served to define its shelf life and therefore retained individual importance.

Applicability and usability

The proposed statement on research recommendations applies to uncertainties of the effects of any form of health intervention or treatment and is intended for research in humans rather than basic scientific research. Further investigation is required to assess the applicability of the format for questions around diagnosis, signs and symptoms, prognosis, investigations, and patient preference.

When the proposed format is applied to a specific research recommendation, the emphasis placed on the relevant part(s) of the EPICOT+ format may vary by author, audience, and intended purpose. For example, a recommendation for research into treatments for transient ischaemic attack may or may not define valid outcome measures to assess quality of life or gather data on adverse effects. Among many other factors, its implementation will also depend on the strength of current findings—that is, strong evidence may support a tightly focused recommendation whereas a lack of evidence would result in a more general recommendation.

The controversy within the group, especially around the optional components, reflects the different perspectives of the participating organisations—whether they were involved in commissioning, undertaking, or summarising research. Further issues will arise during the implementation of the proposed format, and we welcome feedback and discussion.

Summary points

No common guidelines exist for the formulation of recommendations for research on the effects of treatments

Major organisations involved in commissioning or summarising research compared their approaches and agreed on core questions

The essential items can be summarised as EPICOT+ (evidence, population, intervention, comparison, outcome, and time)

Further details, such as disease burden and appropriate study type, should be considered as required

Supplementary Material

We thank Patricia Atkinson and Jeremy Wyatt.

Contributors and sources: All authors contributed to manuscript preparation and approved the final draft. NJH is the guarantor.

Competing interests: None declared.

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How to Write an “Implications of Research” Section

How to Write an “Implications of Research” Section

4-minute read

  • 24th October 2022

When writing research papers , theses, journal articles, or dissertations, one cannot ignore the importance of research. You’re not only the writer of your paper but also the researcher ! Moreover, it’s not just about researching your topic, filling your paper with abundant citations, and topping it off with a reference list. You need to dig deep into your research and provide related literature on your topic. You must also discuss the implications of your research.

Interested in learning more about implications of research? Read on! This post will define these implications, why they’re essential, and most importantly, how to write them. If you’re a visual learner, you might enjoy this video .

What Are Implications of Research?

Implications are potential questions from your research that justify further exploration. They state how your research findings could affect policies, theories, and/or practices.

Implications can either be practical or theoretical. The former is the direct impact of your findings on related practices, whereas the latter is the impact on the theories you have chosen in your study.

Example of a practical implication: If you’re researching a teaching method, the implication would be how teachers can use that method based on your findings.

Example of a theoretical implication: You added a new variable to Theory A so that it could cover a broader perspective.

Finally, implications aren’t the same as recommendations, and it’s important to know the difference between them .

Questions you should consider when developing the implications section:

●  What is the significance of your findings?

●  How do the findings of your study fit with or contradict existing research on this topic?

●  Do your results support or challenge existing theories? If they support them, what new information do they contribute? If they challenge them, why do you think that is?

Why Are Implications Important?

You need implications for the following reasons:

● To reflect on what you set out to accomplish in the first place

● To see if there’s a change to the initial perspective, now that you’ve collected the data

● To inform your audience, who might be curious about the impact of your research

How to Write an Implications Section

Usually, you write your research implications in the discussion section of your paper. This is the section before the conclusion when you discuss all the hard work you did. Additionally, you’ll write the implications section before making recommendations for future research.

Implications should begin with what you discovered in your study, which differs from what previous studies found, and then you can discuss the implications of your findings.

Your implications need to be specific, meaning you should show the exact contributions of your research and why they’re essential. They should also begin with a specific sentence structure.

Examples of starting implication sentences:

●  These results build on existing evidence of…

●  These findings suggest that…

●  These results should be considered when…

●  While previous research has focused on x , these results show that y …

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You should write your implications after you’ve stated the results of your research. In other words, summarize your findings and put them into context.

The result : One study found that young learners enjoy short activities when learning a foreign language.

The implications : This result suggests that foreign language teachers use short activities when teaching young learners, as they positively affect learning.

 Example 2

The result : One study found that people who listen to calming music just before going to bed sleep better than those who watch TV.

The implications : These findings suggest that listening to calming music aids sleep quality, whereas watching TV does not.

To summarize, remember these key pointers:

●  Implications are the impact of your findings on the field of study.

●  They serve as a reflection of the research you’ve conducted.              

●  They show the specific contributions of your findings and why the audience should care.

●  They can be practical or theoretical.

●  They aren’t the same as recommendations.

●  You write them in the discussion section of the paper.

●  State the results first, and then state their implications.

Are you currently working on a thesis or dissertation? Once you’ve finished your paper (implications included), our proofreading team can help ensure that your spelling, punctuation, and grammar are perfect. Consider submitting a 500-word document for free.

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Recommendation in Research

Ai generator.

recommendations for further research example

A recommendation in research refers to the advice or suggestions provided by researchers at the conclusion of their study, aimed at addressing the gaps identified, enhancing future research , and applying findings in practical contexts. Recommendations are crucial as they guide stakeholders, including policymakers, practitioners, and fellow researchers, on how to utilize the research outcomes effectively. These suggestions are typically based on the evidence gathered during the study and are intended to improve practices, inform decision-making, and inspire further investigations to build on the existing knowledge.

What is Recommendation in Research?

A recommendation in research is a suggestion or course of action proposed by researchers based on their study’s findings. It aims to address identified gaps, enhance future research, and apply results in practical scenarios. Recommendations guide stakeholders, such as policymakers and fellow researchers, on utilizing the research effectively to improve practices, inform decisions, and inspire further studies.

Examples of Recommendations in Research

  • Implement Comprehensive Training Programs : Ensure that employees receive ongoing training to keep up with technological advancements.
  • Increase Funding for Renewable Energy Projects : Allocate more resources to develop sustainable energy solutions.
  • Promote Interdisciplinary Research : Encourage collaboration across various fields to address complex global issues.
  • Adopt Advanced Data Analytics : Utilize cutting-edge data analysis techniques to improve decision-making processes.
  • Enhance Public Awareness Campaigns : Develop strategies to educate the public on critical health issues.
  • Strengthen Cybersecurity Measures : Implement robust security protocols to protect sensitive information.
  • Encourage Community Involvement : Foster greater community participation in local governance.
  • Develop Inclusive Policies : Create policies that address the needs of diverse populations.
  • Optimize Supply Chain Management : Improve logistics and supply chain efficiency to reduce costs.
  • Support Mental Health Initiatives : Increase support for mental health programs and services.

Recommendation for Students in Research

Research is a crucial component of academic and professional development. Here are some key recommendations for students engaged in research to ensure success and meaningful contributions to their field:

1. Choose a Relevant and Interesting Topic

  • Personal Interest: Select a topic that genuinely interests you.
  • Relevance: Ensure the topic is relevant to your field of study.
  • Scope: Make sure the topic is neither too broad nor too narrow.

2. Conduct a Thorough Literature Review

  • Background Research: Review existing literature to understand the current state of knowledge.
  • Identify Gaps: Identify gaps in the existing research that your study can address.
  • Theoretical Framework: Build a strong theoretical foundation for your research.

3. Develop a Clear Research Plan

  • Objectives: Define clear and achievable research objectives.
  • Methodology: Choose appropriate research methods and techniques.
  • Timeline: Create a realistic timeline with milestones for completing each stage of the research.

4. Use Reliable and Valid Sources

  • Academic Journals: Prefer peer-reviewed journals for sourcing information.
  • Primary Sources: Whenever possible, use primary sources to gather data.
  • Citation Management: Use citation management tools to organize your references.

5. Ensure Ethical Conduct

  • Informed Consent: Obtain informed consent from participants if your research involves human subjects.
  • Data Privacy: Ensure the confidentiality and privacy of your data.
  • Integrity: Maintain honesty and transparency in your research process.

6. Develop Strong Analytical Skills

  • Critical Thinking: Develop the ability to critically analyze data and sources.
  • Statistical Analysis: Gain proficiency in statistical methods if your research involves quantitative data.
  • Qualitative Analysis: Learn methods for analyzing qualitative data, such as thematic analysis.

7. Seek Feedback and Collaboration

  • Mentorship: Seek guidance from your research advisor or mentor regularly.
  • Peer Review: Engage with peers for feedback and constructive criticism.
  • Collaboration: Collaborate with other researchers to enhance the quality of your study.

8. Maintain Clear and Consistent Documentation

  • Research Journal: Keep a detailed journal of your research process, observations, and reflections.
  • Data Management: Organize your data systematically for easy retrieval and analysis.
  • Progress Reports: Regularly update your progress and adjust your plan as needed.

9. Communicate Your Findings Effectively

  • Writing Skills: Develop strong academic writing skills to present your findings clearly.
  • Presentations: Learn to create and deliver effective presentations of your research.
  • Publication: Aim to publish your research in reputable academic journals or conferences.

10. Stay Updated and Continue Learning

  • Current Trends: Stay updated with the latest developments in your field.
  • Professional Development: Attend workshops, seminars, and conferences to enhance your knowledge and skills.
  • Networking: Build a professional network with other researchers and professionals in your field.

Types of Recommendation in Research

Types of Recommendation in Research

Recommendations in research are crucial as they provide actionable insights based on the study’s findings. Here are the primary types of recommendations commonly found in research:

1. Practical Recommendations

Practical recommendations offer actionable advice that can be implemented in real-world settings. These are particularly useful for practitioners and policymakers.

  • Implementation Strategies: Suggest ways to apply research findings in practice.
  • Policy Changes: Recommend modifications to existing policies or the creation of new policies.
  • Best Practices: Identify effective practices and procedures based on research results.

2. Theoretical Recommendations

Theoretical recommendations are aimed at advancing academic knowledge and understanding. They often suggest directions for future research or adjustments to existing theories.

  • Theory Development: Propose new theories or modifications to existing ones based on research findings.
  • Conceptual Frameworks: Suggest new conceptual models or frameworks.
  • Research Hypotheses: Recommend specific hypotheses for future testing.

3. Methodological Recommendations

Methodological recommendations focus on the research process itself. They offer suggestions for improving research design, data collection, and analysis techniques.

  • Research Design: Advise on more effective or innovative research designs.
  • Data Collection Methods: Recommend better or alternative methods for data collection.
  • Analytical Techniques: Suggest advanced or more appropriate analytical techniques.

4. Policy Recommendations

Policy recommendations are directed towards governmental or organizational bodies. They aim to influence policy-making processes based on research evidence.

  • Legislative Changes: Recommend changes to laws or regulations.
  • Organizational Policies: Suggest adjustments to organizational policies and procedures.
  • Public Health Initiatives: Propose new public health strategies or interventions.

5. Educational Recommendations

Educational recommendations are targeted at educational institutions, educators, and curriculum developers. They aim to improve educational practices and outcomes.

  • Curriculum Development: Suggest changes or additions to curricula.
  • Teaching Methods: Recommend effective teaching strategies and methods.
  • Educational Programs: Propose new programs or enhancements to existing ones.

Recommendation for Future Researchers

Future researchers can benefit from insights and guidance to enhance the quality and impact of their studies. Here are some key recommendations:

1. Explore Unanswered Questions

  • Identify Gaps: Focus on gaps highlighted in previous research to build on existing knowledge.
  • New Areas: Investigate emerging areas or under-researched topics within your field.

2. Improve Methodological Rigor

  • Innovative Methods: Incorporate innovative research methodologies and techniques.
  • Replication Studies: Conduct replication studies to verify and validate findings from prior research.
  • Mixed Methods: Utilize mixed methods approaches to provide a comprehensive understanding of the research problem.

3. Ensure Ethical Conduct

  • Ethical Guidelines: Adhere to ethical guidelines and standards throughout the research process.
  • Informed Consent: Ensure that participants provide informed consent and understand their rights.
  • Data Privacy: Protect the confidentiality and privacy of participants’ data.

4. Enhance Data Quality

  • Robust Data Collection: Use robust data collection methods to ensure accuracy and reliability.
  • Triangulation: Employ triangulation by using multiple data sources or methods to strengthen findings.
  • Longitudinal Studies: Consider conducting longitudinal studies to observe changes over time.

5. Collaborate and Network

  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Work with researchers from different disciplines to gain diverse perspectives.
  • International Partnerships: Form partnerships with international researchers to broaden the scope and impact of your study.
  • Professional Networks: Join professional organizations and attend conferences to stay updated and connected.

What is the Purpose of Recommendation in Research

Recommendations in research are essential for guiding future actions based on the study’s findings. Here are the main purposes of including recommendations in research:

1. Guiding Future Research

  • Identify Gaps: Point out areas where more research is needed.
  • Suggest Topics: Recommend specific topics or questions for future studies.
  • Encourage Validation: Suggest replicating the study in different settings to confirm results.

2. Informing Policy and Practice

  • Policy Changes: Provide evidence-based suggestions for improving or creating policies.
  • Best Practices: Offer practical advice for professionals to improve their work.
  • Implementation: Suggest ways to apply the research findings in real-world situations.

3. Enhancing Academic Knowledge

  • Theoretical Contributions: Help develop or refine theories based on the research findings.
  • Stimulate Discussion: Encourage further academic debate and inquiry.

4. Improving Research Methods

  • Methodology: Recommend better or alternative research methods.
  • Data Collection: Suggest more effective ways to gather data.
  • Analysis Techniques: Propose improved methods for analyzing data.

5. Solving Practical Problems

  • Actionable Solutions: Offer practical solutions to problems identified in the research.
  • Resource Allocation: Guide organizations on how to use resources more effectively.
  • Strategic Planning: Assist in planning future actions based on the research insights.

How to Write Research Recommendations?

Writing research recommendations involves providing actionable advice based on the findings of your study. Here are steps and tips to help you write effective research recommendations:

1. Review Your Findings

  • Summarize Key Findings: Begin by summarizing the most important findings of your research.
  • Highlight Significant Results: Focus on results that have significant implications for future research, policy, or practice.

2. Align Recommendations with Objectives

  • Reflect on Objectives: Ensure that your recommendations align with the original objectives of your study.
  • Address Research Questions: Directly address the research questions or hypotheses you set out to explore.

3. Be Specific and Actionable

  • Concrete Actions: Provide specific actions that stakeholders can take.
  • Clear Guidance: Offer clear and practical steps rather than vague suggestions.

4. Prioritize Recommendations

  • Importance: Rank recommendations based on their importance and feasibility.
  • Immediate vs. Long-Term: Distinguish between recommendations that can be implemented immediately and those that are long-term.

5. Consider Different Audiences

  • Tailor Recommendations: Adapt recommendations to different audiences such as policymakers, practitioners, researchers, or the general public.
  • Relevant Language: Use language and terms that are relevant and understandable to each audience.

6. Support with Evidence

  • Link to Findings: Base your recommendations on the evidence from your research.
  • Cite Data: Use data and examples from your study to justify each recommendation.

7. Address Limitations

  • Acknowledge Constraints: Recognize any limitations in your study and how they might affect your recommendations.
  • Suggest Improvements: Provide suggestions for how future research can address these limitations.

8. Highlight Benefits

  • Positive Outcomes: Emphasize the potential benefits of implementing your recommendations.
  • Impact: Discuss the impact your recommendations could have on the field, policy, or practice.

9. Be Realistic

  • Feasibility: Ensure that your recommendations are realistic and achievable.
  • Resources: Consider the resources required to implement your recommendations and whether they are available.

10. Review and Revise

  • Proofread: Carefully review your recommendations for clarity, coherence, and correctness.
  • Feedback: Seek feedback from peers or advisors to refine your recommendations.


Why are recommendations important in research.

Recommendations provide practical applications of research findings, guiding stakeholders in implementing changes or further investigations.

How do you write a good research recommendation?

A good research recommendation is specific, actionable, and directly linked to the study’s conclusions and data.

What should be included in a research recommendation?

Include the action to be taken, the rationale behind it, and its expected impact or benefits.

Can recommendations suggest further research?

Yes, recommendations often suggest areas for further study to address limitations or explore new questions.

How should recommendations be structured in a research paper?

Recommendations should follow the conclusion section, clearly numbered or bullet-pointed for easy reading.

What is the difference between conclusions and recommendations?

Conclusions summarize the findings, while recommendations propose actions based on those findings.

Who benefits from research recommendations?

Policymakers, practitioners, researchers, and other stakeholders can benefit from research recommendations.

How many recommendations should a research paper have?

The number of recommendations varies but should be concise and focused, usually between three to five key suggestions.

Can recommendations be generalized to other contexts?

Recommendations should be context-specific but can sometimes be adapted for broader application.

What language should be used in writing recommendations?

Use clear, precise, and direct language to ensure recommendations are easily understood and actionable.


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Writing research recommendations involves suggesting future research directions or actions that can be taken based on the findings of a research study. The most crucial element of the analysis process, recommendations, is where you provide specific suggestions for interventions or solutions to the problems and limitations found throughout the assessment.

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The following guideline will help you explore how to write recommendations : 

What are the Recommendations?

Research recommendations are suggestions for future research based on the findings of a research study. The researcher may make these recommendations, or they may be requested by the publisher, funding agency, or other stakeholders who have an interest in the research. The purpose of research recommendations is to identify areas where further investigation is needed and to provide direction for future research in the field.

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The recommendation section, whether it is included in the discussion section or conclusion, should involve the following:

  • The research questions that the recommendation addresses.
  • A concise summary of the findings from the research.
  • The implications of the findings for practice.
  • The strengths and limitations of the research.
  • How do the findings relate to other research in the field?
  • Recommendations for further research.

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What kind of recommendations are appropriate.

The appropriateness of recommendations depends on the research study and the research field. Generally, research recommendations should be based on the findings of the study and should address research gaps or limitations. Here are some types of recommendations that may be appropriate:

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1- Further Investigations

Suggest further investigations into specific research questions or hypotheses. This can include exploring new variables, testing different methods, or using different samples.

2- Development of New Research Methods or Techniques

Propose new research methods or techniques that can be used to address research questions or improve the quality of research.

3- Replication of the Study

Recommend replication of the study with larger or more diverse samples to increase the generalizability of the findings.

4- Extension of the Study

Suggest extending the study to different populations or contexts to explore the generalizability of the findings.

5- Collaboration with Other Researchers

Recommend collaboration with other researchers or research teams to leverage expertise and resources.

6- Integration of the Study Findings into Policy or Practice

Suggest ways in which the study findings can be used to inform policy or practice in the relevant field.

7- Addressing Limitations or Gaps in the Current Research Literature

Propose ways the study findings can address limitations or gaps in the current research literature.

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recommendations for further research example

Structuring of Recommendations

When learning how to write recommendations, start with structuring the recommendations section.

1- Summarize your Research Findings

Before making any recommendations, briefly summarise your study's key findings. This will provide context for your recommendations and ensure that they are relevant to the research topic.

2- Identify Research Gaps

Based on your research findings, identify gaps in the literature or areas requiring further investigation. Consider the limitations of your study and the potential implications of your findings.

3- Prioritize Recommendations

Determine the most important recommendations based on their potential impact and feasibility. You may want to organize your recommendations into short-term and long-term goals.

4- Provide Clear and Specific Recommendations

Your recommendations should be concise and specific. Avoid vague or general statements and provide actionable steps that can be taken to address the research gaps you have identified.

5- Justify Your Recommendations

Provide a rationale for each of your recommendations, explaining why they are necessary and how they will contribute to the overall research field.

6- Consider Potential Challenges

Be sure to consider potential challenges or limitations that may arise in implementing your recommendations. Provide suggestions for overcoming these challenges where possible.

7- Conclude with a Summary

End your recommendations with a brief summary of your main points. This will help reinforce the importance of your recommendations and ensure they are clearly understood.

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Remember to tailor your recommendations to your specific research study and field of study. Keep in mind that your recommendations should be based on evidence and have practical applications for researchers, practitioners, or policymakers.

Building Concrete Research Recommendations

  • The research process should be systematic and logical.
  • Conduct the research in an objective and unbiased manner.
  • The research findings should be reproducible.
  • The research recommendations should be made with a concrete plan in mind.
  • The research recommendations should be based on a solid foundation of evidence.
  • The research recommendations should be clear and concise.
  • The research recommendations should be achievable and realistic.
  • The research recommendations should be made to further the research project's goals.
  • They should be made to improve the quality of the research project.
  • The research recommendations should make the research project more efficient.
  • The recommendations should make the research project more effective.
  • The research recommendations must aid in making the research project more successful.


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What is the Smart Strategy for Writing Research Recommendations?

In academic writing, there are generally three types of Recommendations:

  • Obligations

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Recommendations can be further characterized as "SMART" or "non-SMART." A SMART Recommendation is one that is Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Time-bound. The following sections will provide more information on each of these characteristics.

  • A Recommendation is " Specific " if it clearly spells out what actions need to take place, who needs to take those actions, and when they need to occur.
  • A Recommendation is " Measurable " if specified indicators can be used to gauge whether it has successfully achieved its objectives.
  • A Recommendation is " Actionable " if the necessary steps required to implement the recommendation are spelt out and achievable.
  • A Recommendation is " Realistic " if it is achievable given the available resources (e.g., time, money, human resources).
  • Finally, a Recommendation is " Time - bound " if there is a specified timeframe within which the recommendation should be achieved.

How Does It Work ?

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What are the Dos and Don'ts of Research Recommendations? 

1- be specific.

Provide clear and specific recommendations that are relevant to the research study and the field of study. Use precise language and avoid vague or general statements.

2- Support Your Recommendations with Evidence

Base your recommendations on the research study's findings and other relevant literature. Provide evidence to support your recommendations and explain why they are necessary.

Identify and prioritise the most important recommendations based on their potential impact and feasibility.

4- Consider Practical Applications

Ensure that your recommendations have practical applications for researchers, practitioners, or policymakers. Think about how your recommendations can be implemented in practice and how they can contribute to the field.

5- Be Concise

Keep your recommendations concise and to the point. Avoid unnecessary details or explanations.

6- Provide a Rationale

Explain the rationale for each of your recommendations and how they will contribute to the overall research field.

1- Make Unsupported Claims

Avoid making claims that are not supported by evidence. Make sure that your recommendations are based on the research study's findings and other relevant literature.

2- Overgeneralize

Avoid overgeneralizing your recommendations. Make sure that your recommendations are specific to the research study and field.

3- Ignore Potential Challenges

Consider potential challenges or limitations that may arise in implementing your recommendations. Provide suggestions for overcoming these challenges where possible.

4- Disregard Practical Considerations

Ensure that your recommendations are practical and feasible. Consider the resources and constraints of the research field and how your recommendations can be implemented in practice.

5- Be Too Prescriptive

Avoid being too prescriptive in your recommendations. Provide guidance and direction, but allow room for interpretation and adaptation.

By following these dos and don'ts, you can ensure that your research recommendations are well-supported, relevant, and practical and will make a meaningful contribution to the research field.

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It is frequently the case that further research is needed to facilitate the advancement of a study. In your research plans, you can analyze potential study methodologies and the points regarding a subject that might be covered in such research.

The recommendations you include in your paper could be crucial to your research. Make sure your essay has clear recommendations that are simple to implement, can be used effectively, and are not unduly complex or challenging in any other manner. If you need further help writing recommendations, contact us via email or web chat.

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Home » Implications in Research – Types, Examples and Writing Guide

Implications in Research – Types, Examples and Writing Guide

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Implications in Research

Implications in Research

Implications in research refer to the potential consequences, applications, or outcomes of the findings and conclusions of a research study. These can include both theoretical and practical implications that extend beyond the immediate scope of the study and may impact various stakeholders, such as policymakers, practitioners, researchers , or the general public.

Structure of Implications

The format of implications in research typically follows the structure below:

  • Restate the main findings: Begin by restating the main findings of the study in a brief summary .
  • Link to the research question/hypothesis : Clearly articulate how the findings are related to the research question /hypothesis.
  • Discuss the practical implications: Discuss the practical implications of the findings, including their potential impact on the field or industry.
  • Discuss the theoretical implications : Discuss the theoretical implications of the findings, including their potential impact on existing theories or the development of new ones.
  • Identify limitations: Identify the limitations of the study and how they may affect the generalizability of the findings.
  • Suggest directions for future research: Suggest areas for future research that could build on the current study’s findings and address any limitations.

Types of Implications in Research

Types of Implications in Research are as follows:

Theoretical Implications

These are the implications that a study has for advancing theoretical understanding in a particular field. For example, a study that finds a new relationship between two variables can have implications for the development of theories and models in that field.

Practical Implications

These are the implications that a study has for solving practical problems or improving real-world outcomes. For example, a study that finds a new treatment for a disease can have implications for improving the health of patients.

Methodological Implications

These are the implications that a study has for advancing research methods and techniques. For example, a study that introduces a new method for data analysis can have implications for how future research in that field is conducted.

Ethical Implications

These are the implications that a study has for ethical considerations in research. For example, a study that involves human participants must consider the ethical implications of the research on the participants and take steps to protect their rights and welfare.

Policy Implications

These are the implications that a study has for informing policy decisions. For example, a study that examines the effectiveness of a particular policy can have implications for policymakers who are considering whether to implement or change that policy.

Societal Implications

These are the implications that a study has for society as a whole. For example, a study that examines the impact of a social issue such as poverty or inequality can have implications for how society addresses that issue.

Forms of Implications In Research

Forms of Implications are as follows:

Positive Implications

These refer to the positive outcomes or benefits that may result from a study’s findings. For example, a study that finds a new treatment for a disease can have positive implications for patients, healthcare providers, and the wider society.

Negative Implications

These refer to the negative outcomes or risks that may result from a study’s findings. For example, a study that finds a harmful side effect of a medication can have negative implications for patients, healthcare providers, and the wider society.

Direct Implications

These refer to the immediate consequences of a study’s findings. For example, a study that finds a new method for reducing greenhouse gas emissions can have direct implications for policymakers and businesses.

Indirect Implications

These refer to the broader or long-term consequences of a study’s findings. For example, a study that finds a link between childhood trauma and mental health issues can have indirect implications for social welfare policies, education, and public health.

Importance of Implications in Research

The following are some of the reasons why implications are important in research:

  • To inform policy and practice: Research implications can inform policy and practice decisions by providing evidence-based recommendations for actions that can be taken to address the issues identified in the research. This can lead to more effective policies and practices that are grounded in empirical evidence.
  • To guide future research: Implications can also guide future research by identifying areas that need further investigation, highlighting gaps in current knowledge, and suggesting new directions for research.
  • To increase the impact of research : By communicating the practical and theoretical implications of their research, researchers can increase the impact of their work by demonstrating its relevance and importance to a wider audience.
  • To enhance the credibility of research : Implications can help to enhance the credibility of research by demonstrating that the findings have practical and theoretical significance and are not just abstract or academic exercises.
  • To foster collaboration and engagement : Implications can also foster collaboration and engagement between researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and other stakeholders by providing a common language and understanding of the practical and theoretical implications of the research.

Example of Implications in Research

Here are some examples of implications in research:

  • Medical research: A study on the efficacy of a new drug for a specific disease can have significant implications for medical practitioners, patients, and pharmaceutical companies. If the drug is found to be effective, it can be used to treat patients with the disease, improve their health outcomes, and generate revenue for the pharmaceutical company.
  • Educational research: A study on the impact of technology on student learning can have implications for educators and policymakers. If the study finds that technology improves student learning outcomes, educators can incorporate technology into their teaching methods, and policymakers can allocate more resources to technology in schools.
  • Social work research: A study on the effectiveness of a new intervention program for individuals with mental health issues can have implications for social workers, mental health professionals, and policymakers. If the program is found to be effective, social workers and mental health professionals can incorporate it into their practice, and policymakers can allocate more resources to the program.
  • Environmental research: A study on the impact of climate change on a particular ecosystem can have implications for environmentalists, policymakers, and industries. If the study finds that the ecosystem is at risk, environmentalists can advocate for policy changes to protect the ecosystem, policymakers can allocate resources to mitigate the impact of climate change, and industries can adjust their practices to reduce their carbon footprint.
  • Economic research: A study on the impact of minimum wage on employment can have implications for policymakers and businesses. If the study finds that increasing the minimum wage does not lead to job losses, policymakers can implement policies to increase the minimum wage, and businesses can adjust their payroll practices.

How to Write Implications in Research

Writing implications in research involves discussing the potential outcomes or consequences of your findings and the practical applications of your study’s results. Here are some steps to follow when writing implications in research:

  • Summarize your key findings: Before discussing the implications of your research, briefly summarize your key findings. This will provide context for your implications and help readers understand how your research relates to your conclusions.
  • Identify the implications: Identify the potential implications of your research based on your key findings. Consider how your results might be applied in the real world, what further research might be necessary, and what other areas of study could be impacted by your research.
  • Connect implications to research question: Make sure that your implications are directly related to your research question or hypotheses. This will help to ensure that your implications are relevant and meaningful.
  • Consider limitations : Acknowledge any limitations or weaknesses of your research, and discuss how these might impact the implications of your research. This will help to provide a more balanced view of your findings.
  • Discuss practical applications : Discuss the practical applications of your research and how your findings could be used in real-world situations. This might include recommendations for policy or practice changes, or suggestions for future research.
  • Be clear and concise : When writing implications in research, be clear and concise. Use simple language and avoid jargon or technical terms that might be confusing to readers.
  • Provide a strong conclusion: Provide a strong conclusion that summarizes your key implications and leaves readers with a clear understanding of the significance of your research.

Purpose of Implications in Research

The purposes of implications in research include:

  • Informing practice: The implications of research can provide guidance for practitioners, policymakers, and other stakeholders about how to apply research findings in practical settings.
  • Generating new research questions: Implications can also inspire new research questions that build upon the findings of the original study.
  • Identifying gaps in knowledge: Implications can help to identify areas where more research is needed to fully understand a phenomenon.
  • Promoting scientific literacy: Implications can also help to promote scientific literacy by communicating research findings in accessible and relevant ways.
  • Facilitating decision-making : The implications of research can assist decision-makers in making informed decisions based on scientific evidence.
  • Contributing to theory development : Implications can also contribute to the development of theories by expanding upon or challenging existing theories.

When to Write Implications in Research

Here are some specific situations of when to write implications in research:

  • Research proposal : When writing a research proposal, it is important to include a section on the potential implications of the research. This section should discuss the potential impact of the research on the field and its potential applications.
  • Literature review : The literature review is an important section of the research paper where the researcher summarizes existing knowledge on the topic. This is also a good place to discuss the potential implications of the research. The researcher can identify gaps in the literature and suggest areas for further research.
  • Conclusion or discussion section : The conclusion or discussion section is where the researcher summarizes the findings of the study and interprets their meaning. This is a good place to discuss the implications of the research and its potential impact on the field.

Advantages of Implications in Research

Implications are an important part of research that can provide a range of advantages. Here are some of the key advantages of implications in research:

  • Practical applications: Implications can help researchers to identify practical applications of their research findings, which can be useful for practitioners and policymakers who are interested in applying the research in real-world contexts.
  • Improved decision-making: Implications can also help decision-makers to make more informed decisions based on the research findings. By clearly identifying the implications of the research, decision-makers can understand the potential outcomes of their decisions and make better choices.
  • Future research directions : Implications can also guide future research directions by highlighting areas that require further investigation or by suggesting new research questions. This can help to build on existing knowledge and fill gaps in the current understanding of a topic.
  • Increased relevance: By highlighting the implications of their research, researchers can increase the relevance of their work to real-world problems and challenges. This can help to increase the impact of their research and make it more meaningful to stakeholders.
  • Enhanced communication : Implications can also help researchers to communicate their findings more effectively to a wider audience. By highlighting the practical applications and potential benefits of their research, researchers can engage with stakeholders and communicate the value of their work more clearly.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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How to write recommendations in a research paper

Many students put in a lot of effort and write a good report however they are not able to give proper recommendations. Recommendations in the research paper should be included in your research. As a researcher, you display a deep understanding of the topic of research. Therefore you should be able to give recommendations. Here are a few tips that will help you to give appropriate recommendations. 

Recommendations in the research paper should be the objective of the research. Therefore at least one of your objectives of the paper is to provide recommendations to the parties associated or the parties that will benefit from your research. For example, to encourage higher employee engagement HR department should make strategies that invest in the well-being of employees. Additionally, the HR department should also collect regular feedback through online surveys.

Recommendations in the research paper should come from your review and analysis For example It was observed that coaches interviewed were associated with the club were working with the club from the past 2-3 years only. This shows that the attrition rate of coaches is high and therefore clubs should work on reducing the turnover of coaches.

Recommendations in the research paper should also come from the data you have analysed. For example, the research found that people over 65 years of age are at greater risk of social isolation. Therefore, it is recommended that policies that are made for combating social isolation should target this specific group.

Recommendations in the research paper should also come from observation. For example, it is observed that Lenovo’s income is stable and gross revenue has displayed a negative turn. Therefore the company should analyse its marketing and branding strategy.

Recommendations in the research paper should be written in the order of priority. The most important recommendations for decision-makers should come first. However, if the recommendations are of equal importance then it should come in the sequence in which the topic is approached in the research. 

Recommendations in a research paper if associated with different categories then you should categorize them. For example, you have separate recommendations for policymakers, educators, and administrators then you can categorize the recommendations. 

Recommendations in the research paper should come purely from your research. For example, you have written research on the impact on HR strategies on motivation. However, nowhere you have discussed Reward and recognition. Then you should not give recommendations for using rewards and recognition measures to boost employee motivation.

The use of bullet points offers better clarity rather than using long paragraphs. For example this paragraph “ It is recommended  that Britannia Biscuit should launch and promote sugar-free options apart from the existing product range. Promotion efforts should be directed at creating a fresh and healthy image. A campaign that conveys a sense of health and vitality to the consumer while enjoying biscuit  is recommended” can be written as:

  • The company should launch and promote sugar-free options
  • The company should work towards creating s fresh and healthy image
  • The company should run a campaign to convey its healthy image

The inclusion of an action plan along with recommendation adds more weightage to your recommendation. Recommendations should be clear and conscience and written using actionable words. Recommendations should display a solution-oriented approach and in some cases should highlight the scope for further research. 

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How to write the part scope for further research?

The part scope for further research is essential in every academic study such as a thesis , dissertation or journal paper . The main purpose of this part is to make the readers aware of the findings emerging from the study, and its shortcomings. The shortcomings of the research gap guide future researchers on a domain that they must consider to save time and avoid repetitive outcomes.

Furthermore, this section also gives guidelines to researchers on other dimensions and critical estimations from which the topic can be explored.

Emphasize the significance of further research

There are no specific rules or guidelines for this part. However, since it is expected to be brief and informative, the following format is recommended.

Start this section by reflecting on the significance of the present study in brief. Answering questions such as:

  • Whether the research deviated from its initial objectives?
  • What was the original idea behind the research?
  • From where was the inspiration drawn?

Answering such questions is important because the reader should connect to the idea of the research.

Limitations of the study

Furthermore, briefly explain the limitations of the study. This step proves significant for scholars who wish to address areas that can enrich the research topic further. The limitations can either be presented separately, in an independent section called “Limitations of the research”, or can be integrated within the future scope. Also, the limitations should be scalable and relatable, i.e. something that other researchers feel can be accomplished under different circumstances. This is also the key to setting recommendations for future studies.

Justify the future scope

Furthermore, provide justifications for the reasons why the mentioned areas have not been covered in the current study. Identify the probable bottlenecks other researchers might encounter while considering future research related to the topic. This will help them formulate an achievable or practically applicable plan for their own research, including the scope, aim and methodology.


Finally, the approach of the researcher becomes more direct. To be specific, some direct research suggestions should be given to other scholars for future studies. Be precise so that the reader is confident to undertake future studies in the suggested areas.

Answering the following questions can help:

  • What should be explored by others?
  • Why is it worth exploring?
  • What can be achieved from it?
  • Will the suggested study be relevant five to ten years down the line?
  • How does it add to the overall body of the literature?

Steps for writing "Scope for further research" part

Types of writing a future scope

There are different types of future research scope, based on the kind of writing, such as:

  • The future scope is focused solely on study findings.
  • The future scope is focused on the theory or theoretical model misused.
  • The future scope from lack of literary support.
  • The future scope of geographical outreach.
  • The future scope of testing methods and statistics.
  • The future scope on the complete redesigning of methodology.

Points to keep in mind

The most important aspect of writing the future scope part is to present it in an affirmative way. As identified in the former section, it is crucial to identify if the limitations are methods-based or researcher based. It should be concise and critical to the field of study. Refrain from using a reference in the scope for the future research part.

Make sure the points discussed remain achievable in a proximal time frame. In addition, make sure that they are in relation to the theoretical development of the study in focus.

  • Priya Chetty

I am a management graduate with specialisation in Marketing and Finance. I have over 12 years' experience in research and analysis. This includes fundamental and applied research in the domains of management and social sciences. I am well versed with academic research principles. Over the years i have developed a mastery in different types of data analysis on different applications like SPSS, Amos, and NVIVO. My expertise lies in inferring the findings and creating actionable strategies based on them. 

Over the past decade I have also built a profile as a researcher on Project Guru's Knowledge Tank division. I have penned over 200 articles that have earned me 400+ citations so far. My Google Scholar profile can be accessed here . 

I now consult university faculty through Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) on the latest developments in the field of research. I also guide individual researchers on how they can commercialise their inventions or research findings. Other developments im actively involved in at Project Guru include strengthening the "Publish" division as a bridge between industry and academia by bringing together experienced research persons, learners, and practitioners to collaboratively work on a common goal. 

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recommendations for further research example

How to Write a Research Proposal: (with Examples & Templates)

how to write a research proposal

Table of Contents

Before conducting a study, a research proposal should be created that outlines researchers’ plans and methodology and is submitted to the concerned evaluating organization or person. Creating a research proposal is an important step to ensure that researchers are on track and are moving forward as intended. A research proposal can be defined as a detailed plan or blueprint for the proposed research that you intend to undertake. It provides readers with a snapshot of your project by describing what you will investigate, why it is needed, and how you will conduct the research.  

Your research proposal should aim to explain to the readers why your research is relevant and original, that you understand the context and current scenario in the field, have the appropriate resources to conduct the research, and that the research is feasible given the usual constraints.  

This article will describe in detail the purpose and typical structure of a research proposal , along with examples and templates to help you ace this step in your research journey.  

What is a Research Proposal ?  

A research proposal¹ ,²  can be defined as a formal report that describes your proposed research, its objectives, methodology, implications, and other important details. Research proposals are the framework of your research and are used to obtain approvals or grants to conduct the study from various committees or organizations. Consequently, research proposals should convince readers of your study’s credibility, accuracy, achievability, practicality, and reproducibility.   

With research proposals , researchers usually aim to persuade the readers, funding agencies, educational institutions, and supervisors to approve the proposal. To achieve this, the report should be well structured with the objectives written in clear, understandable language devoid of jargon. A well-organized research proposal conveys to the readers or evaluators that the writer has thought out the research plan meticulously and has the resources to ensure timely completion.  

Purpose of Research Proposals  

A research proposal is a sales pitch and therefore should be detailed enough to convince your readers, who could be supervisors, ethics committees, universities, etc., that what you’re proposing has merit and is feasible . Research proposals can help students discuss their dissertation with their faculty or fulfill course requirements and also help researchers obtain funding. A well-structured proposal instills confidence among readers about your ability to conduct and complete the study as proposed.  

Research proposals can be written for several reasons:³  

  • To describe the importance of research in the specific topic  
  • Address any potential challenges you may encounter  
  • Showcase knowledge in the field and your ability to conduct a study  
  • Apply for a role at a research institute  
  • Convince a research supervisor or university that your research can satisfy the requirements of a degree program  
  • Highlight the importance of your research to organizations that may sponsor your project  
  • Identify implications of your project and how it can benefit the audience  

What Goes in a Research Proposal?    

Research proposals should aim to answer the three basic questions—what, why, and how.  

The What question should be answered by describing the specific subject being researched. It should typically include the objectives, the cohort details, and the location or setting.  

The Why question should be answered by describing the existing scenario of the subject, listing unanswered questions, identifying gaps in the existing research, and describing how your study can address these gaps, along with the implications and significance.  

The How question should be answered by describing the proposed research methodology, data analysis tools expected to be used, and other details to describe your proposed methodology.   

Research Proposal Example  

Here is a research proposal sample template (with examples) from the University of Rochester Medical Center. 4 The sections in all research proposals are essentially the same although different terminology and other specific sections may be used depending on the subject.  

Research Proposal Template

Structure of a Research Proposal  

If you want to know how to make a research proposal impactful, include the following components:¹  

1. Introduction  

This section provides a background of the study, including the research topic, what is already known about it and the gaps, and the significance of the proposed research.  

2. Literature review  

This section contains descriptions of all the previous relevant studies pertaining to the research topic. Every study cited should be described in a few sentences, starting with the general studies to the more specific ones. This section builds on the understanding gained by readers in the Introduction section and supports it by citing relevant prior literature, indicating to readers that you have thoroughly researched your subject.  

3. Objectives  

Once the background and gaps in the research topic have been established, authors must now state the aims of the research clearly. Hypotheses should be mentioned here. This section further helps readers understand what your study’s specific goals are.  

4. Research design and methodology  

Here, authors should clearly describe the methods they intend to use to achieve their proposed objectives. Important components of this section include the population and sample size, data collection and analysis methods and duration, statistical analysis software, measures to avoid bias (randomization, blinding), etc.  

5. Ethical considerations  

This refers to the protection of participants’ rights, such as the right to privacy, right to confidentiality, etc. Researchers need to obtain informed consent and institutional review approval by the required authorities and mention this clearly for transparency.  

6. Budget/funding  

Researchers should prepare their budget and include all expected expenditures. An additional allowance for contingencies such as delays should also be factored in.  

7. Appendices  

This section typically includes information that supports the research proposal and may include informed consent forms, questionnaires, participant information, measurement tools, etc.  

8. Citations  

recommendations for further research example

Important Tips for Writing a Research Proposal  

Writing a research proposal begins much before the actual task of writing. Planning the research proposal structure and content is an important stage, which if done efficiently, can help you seamlessly transition into the writing stage. 3,5  

The Planning Stage  

  • Manage your time efficiently. Plan to have the draft version ready at least two weeks before your deadline and the final version at least two to three days before the deadline.
  • What is the primary objective of your research?  
  • Will your research address any existing gap?  
  • What is the impact of your proposed research?  
  • Do people outside your field find your research applicable in other areas?  
  • If your research is unsuccessful, would there still be other useful research outcomes?  

  The Writing Stage  

  • Create an outline with main section headings that are typically used.  
  • Focus only on writing and getting your points across without worrying about the format of the research proposal , grammar, punctuation, etc. These can be fixed during the subsequent passes. Add details to each section heading you created in the beginning.   
  • Ensure your sentences are concise and use plain language. A research proposal usually contains about 2,000 to 4,000 words or four to seven pages.  
  • Don’t use too many technical terms and abbreviations assuming that the readers would know them. Define the abbreviations and technical terms.  
  • Ensure that the entire content is readable. Avoid using long paragraphs because they affect the continuity in reading. Break them into shorter paragraphs and introduce some white space for readability.  
  • Focus on only the major research issues and cite sources accordingly. Don’t include generic information or their sources in the literature review.  
  • Proofread your final document to ensure there are no grammatical errors so readers can enjoy a seamless, uninterrupted read.  
  • Use academic, scholarly language because it brings formality into a document.  
  • Ensure that your title is created using the keywords in the document and is neither too long and specific nor too short and general.  
  • Cite all sources appropriately to avoid plagiarism.  
  • Make sure that you follow guidelines, if provided. This includes rules as simple as using a specific font or a hyphen or en dash between numerical ranges.  
  • Ensure that you’ve answered all questions requested by the evaluating authority.  

Key Takeaways   

Here’s a summary of the main points about research proposals discussed in the previous sections:  

  • A research proposal is a document that outlines the details of a proposed study and is created by researchers to submit to evaluators who could be research institutions, universities, faculty, etc.  
  • Research proposals are usually about 2,000-4,000 words long, but this depends on the evaluating authority’s guidelines.  
  • A good research proposal ensures that you’ve done your background research and assessed the feasibility of the research.  
  • Research proposals have the following main sections—introduction, literature review, objectives, methodology, ethical considerations, and budget.  

recommendations for further research example

Frequently Asked Questions  

Q1. How is a research proposal evaluated?  

A1. In general, most evaluators, including universities, broadly use the following criteria to evaluate research proposals . 6  

  • Significance —Does the research address any important subject or issue, which may or may not be specific to the evaluator or university?  
  • Content and design —Is the proposed methodology appropriate to answer the research question? Are the objectives clear and well aligned with the proposed methodology?  
  • Sample size and selection —Is the target population or cohort size clearly mentioned? Is the sampling process used to select participants randomized, appropriate, and free of bias?  
  • Timing —Are the proposed data collection dates mentioned clearly? Is the project feasible given the specified resources and timeline?  
  • Data management and dissemination —Who will have access to the data? What is the plan for data analysis?  

Q2. What is the difference between the Introduction and Literature Review sections in a research proposal ?  

A2. The Introduction or Background section in a research proposal sets the context of the study by describing the current scenario of the subject and identifying the gaps and need for the research. A Literature Review, on the other hand, provides references to all prior relevant literature to help corroborate the gaps identified and the research need.  

Q3. How long should a research proposal be?  

A3. Research proposal lengths vary with the evaluating authority like universities or committees and also the subject. Here’s a table that lists the typical research proposal lengths for a few universities.  

  Arts programs  1,000-1,500 
University of Birmingham  Law School programs  2,500 
  PhD  2,500 
  Research degrees  2,000-3,500 

Q4. What are the common mistakes to avoid in a research proposal ?  

A4. Here are a few common mistakes that you must avoid while writing a research proposal . 7  

  • No clear objectives: Objectives should be clear, specific, and measurable for the easy understanding among readers.  
  • Incomplete or unconvincing background research: Background research usually includes a review of the current scenario of the particular industry and also a review of the previous literature on the subject. This helps readers understand your reasons for undertaking this research because you identified gaps in the existing research.  
  • Overlooking project feasibility: The project scope and estimates should be realistic considering the resources and time available.   
  • Neglecting the impact and significance of the study: In a research proposal , readers and evaluators look for the implications or significance of your research and how it contributes to the existing research. This information should always be included.  
  • Unstructured format of a research proposal : A well-structured document gives confidence to evaluators that you have read the guidelines carefully and are well organized in your approach, consequently affirming that you will be able to undertake the research as mentioned in your proposal.  
  • Ineffective writing style: The language used should be formal and grammatically correct. If required, editors could be consulted, including AI-based tools such as Paperpal , to refine the research proposal structure and language.  

Thus, a research proposal is an essential document that can help you promote your research and secure funds and grants for conducting your research. Consequently, it should be well written in clear language and include all essential details to convince the evaluators of your ability to conduct the research as proposed.  

This article has described all the important components of a research proposal and has also provided tips to improve your writing style. We hope all these tips will help you write a well-structured research proposal to ensure receipt of grants or any other purpose.  


  • Sudheesh K, Duggappa DR, Nethra SS. How to write a research proposal? Indian J Anaesth. 2016;60(9):631-634. Accessed July 15, 2024.  
  • Writing research proposals. Harvard College Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships. Harvard University. Accessed July 14, 2024.  
  • What is a research proposal? Plus how to write one. Indeed website. Accessed July 17, 2024.  
  • Research proposal template. University of Rochester Medical Center. Accessed July 16, 2024.  
  • Tips for successful proposal writing. Johns Hopkins University. Accessed July 17, 2024.  
  • Formal review of research proposals. Cornell University. Accessed July 18, 2024.  
  • 7 Mistakes you must avoid in your research proposal. Aveksana (via LinkedIn). Accessed July 17, 2024.  

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Related Reads:

  • How to Paraphrase Research Papers Effectively
  • How to Cite Social Media Sources in Academic Writing? 
  • What is the Importance of a Concept Paper and How to Write It 

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Recommendation Letter for Internship: Examples and What Makes a Good One

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Early in your career, resumes often don't say much (we've all been there). But with a strong recommendation letter, you'll have the evidence you need to showcase your skills and make your application shine. Yes, you could be one recommendation letter away from landing your dream internship .

A recommendation letter for an internship shows the hiring team that you're serious about the position and willing to go the extra mile to prove you're a good fit. “These letters offer glimpses into a candidate's capabilities beyond what resumes or academic records may reveal,” says Jarir Mallah, Human Resources Manager at the tech company Ling .

We reunited the best tips from human resources professionals, team leaders, and even a generative AI specialist to give you the ultimate guide on how to write an internship recommendation letter.

What is an internship recommendation letter?

An internship recommendation letter is a document that serves to endorse someone based on their personal character or academic performance. It is typically written by a person who knows the candidate well, such as a professor, mentor, or previous employer, and it details the applicant's qualifications, skills, and potential to excel in a professional setting.

“That being the case, the testimony that a candidate has certain hard and soft skills is not met with some second guessing”, says Martin Gasparian, owner of the law firm Maison Law who frequently conducts internship interviews. “As it's written by a highly respected person, I don't have any problem trusting it.”

A strong internship reference letter fills in the gaps that an entry-level candidate's resume might have. It provides personal insights that only firsthand observations can offer, significantly enhancing their appeal to potential employers.

What to include in an internship reference letter?

An outstanding internship recommendation letter focuses on real-world examples so the hiring team can envision how your abilities manifest on a practical level. It can include academic achievements and personal projects, for example.

“A recommendation letter for an internship should corroborate your skills, character, and potential, and confirm your ability to adapt, learn, and contribute in a professional environment,” Mallah says. “It should be specific about strengths , connect these skills to potential contributions you may bring to the role, and share instances where these skills have shone through.”

Put that recommendation letter to work — check out open jobs on The Muse and land your next interview »

How many letters of recommendation do you need for an internship?

The exact number depends on the company you’re applying to, but it’s common to be asked for one to four letters of recommendation. Always check the specific requirements in the internship application—or the recruiter might tell you during the interview process . Sending multiple letters can give a well-rounded view of your skills and character, but ensure each one offers a unique perspective.

How to ask for a recommendation letter

Follow these steps on how to choose the right person to write a recommendation letter and approach them appropriately.

1. Choose the person wisely

Approach someone who knows you well and can speak to your strengths, work ethic, and character. This could be a professor or a mentor who has observed your skills and performance over time. Make sure they have a positive view of your abilities and are in a position to give you a strong endorsement.

2. Ask politely and plan ahead

Writing a recommendation letter takes time, and a polite request shows your appreciation for their effort. Approach the person respectfully and provide ample time for them to write the letter—ideally a few weeks before the deadline.

3. Provide background information

Help the chosen person to write a detailed and relevant letter by giving them information about the internship, your resume, and a summary of your accomplishments and goals. Remind them of specific projects or experiences you’ve shared to help them craft a more personalized and impactful letter.

Recommendation letter for internship: Examples

Having concrete examples can be incredibly helpful in guiding someone on how to write one for you. We compiled some recommendation letter examples tailored to different fields to serve as inspiration and ensure you know exactly what you're asking for.

Marketing internship recommendation letter: Example #1

Dear Recruiter/Hiring Manager/Hiring Team,

I am writing to recommend [Your Name] for the marketing internship at [Company Name]. As [Your Position/Title] at [Your University/Organization], I have had the pleasure of working with [Your Name] for [Duration], during which time they have demonstrated exceptional creativity, strategic thinking, and a strong work ethic.

One of [Your Name]’s notable projects involved developing a social media campaign that increased our engagement by 35% in just two months. Their ability to analyze market trends and craft compelling content is impressive and speaks volumes about their potential in the marketing field.

I am confident that [Your Name] will be an asset to your team and excel in the marketing internship role at [Company Name]. Please feel free to contact me if you need further information.

Sincerely, [Your Recommender’s Name] [Your Recommender’s Title] [Your Recommender’s Contact Information]

Finance internship recommendation letter: Example #2

It is my pleasure to recommend [Your Name] for the finance internship position at [Company Name]. As [Your Title] at [Your University/Organization], I have closely observed [Your Name]’s academic and professional growth over the past [Duration].

[Your Name] has consistently shown a keen understanding of financial principles and a knack for detailed analysis. During their time with us, they successfully led a team in a financial modeling project that resulted in a 15% cost reduction for a simulated company scenario. Their analytical skills, combined with their teamwork and leadership abilities, make them a standout candidate for this internship.

I wholeheartedly endorse [Your Name] for the finance internship and believe they will bring valuable insights and energy to your organization.

[Your Recommender’s Name] [Your Recommender’s Title] [Your Recommender’s Contact Information]

Engineering internship recommendation letter: Example #3

I am pleased to recommend [Your Name] for the engineering internship at [Company Name]. As [Your Position/Title] at [Your University/Organization], I have had the opportunity to supervise [Your Name] in several engineering projects over the past [Duration].

[Your Name] possesses exceptional problem-solving skills and a strong foundation in engineering principles. One of their significant contributions was in a collaborative project where they developed an innovative solution to optimize the efficiency of a mechanical system, leading to a 20% improvement in performance.

Their dedication, technical expertise, and ability to work well in a team environment make [Your Name] an ideal candidate for your engineering internship program. I am confident that they will excel in this role and contribute positively to your team.

Internship recommendation letter template

Not quite there yet? Here's a template you can use to streamline the process.

I am writing to recommend [Your Name] for the [Internship Position] at [Company Name]. As [Your Recommender’s Position/Title] at [Your University/Organization], I have had the pleasure of knowing [Your Name] for [Duration]. During this time, [Your Name] has demonstrated exceptional [skills/qualities], including [specific example or project].

[Your Name] has consistently shown [positive traits such as leadership, creativity, and dedication], which makes them an excellent candidate for the [Internship Position] at [Company Name]. Their [specific skills or experiences] have prepared them well for this opportunity, and I am confident they will excel in this role.

Please feel free to contact me if you need further information.

Make your mark in a process dominated by AI

The more internship testimonial letters, the easier the interview process.

We get it—a lack of experience can make you nervous and feel less prepared compared to other candidates. However, having recommendation letters for internships from established professionals can really boost your chances. These letters can be instrumental in helping employers make informed decisions. So yes, it's definitely worth it!

Once you've got that interview, check out our 30+ Best Tips on How to Prepare for a Job Interview

recommendations for further research example

The Royal Society

University Research Fellowship

This scheme is for outstanding scientists who are in the early stages of their research career and have the potential to become leaders in their field. These long-term fellowships provide the opportunity and freedom to build an independent research career in the UK or Republic of Ireland and pursue cutting-edge scientific research.

Decision by

See our tips for applicants to this scheme  

About the scheme

The University Research Fellowship (URF) programme aims to support the next generation of research leaders to undertake cutting-edge research. The objectives of the URF programme are to enable outstanding early career scientists with the potential to become leaders in their field to:

  • Build an independent research career at a UK university or research institution
  • Gain the freedom, time, and long-term flexible support to pursue high-quality and innovative lines of scientific research
  • Develop as research leaders by offering tailored high-quality professional development, networking and engagement opportunities.

Fellowships are for eight years, with years six to eight being subject to satisfactory progress demonstrated in a mid-fellowship review at the start of year four.

The Royal Society recognises that diversity is essential for delivering excellence in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), and wants to encourage applications from the widest range of backgrounds, perspectives and experiences to maximise innovation and creativity in science for the benefit of humanity. We regularly review and revise policies and processes to embed equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) principles in all aspects of the grant making process and ensure all talented applicants have an equitable chance to succeed as per the assessment criteria.

See below for details of adjustments we can provide for disabled applicants.

Changes to the scheme 

Host Organisation Support – More detailed guidance provided to host organisations regarding expectations of their support for the applicant. From this round onwards, the Head of Department statement of support will be visible to applicants. 

We recommend reading the information in full and contacting your host organisation Research Office in the first instance with any questions.

What does the scheme offer?

Applicants can apply for up to a maximum of £1.87 million over eight years. 

Funds can cover:

  • Contribution to the award holder’s salary
  • Indirect and estate costs 
  • Equipment costs and research expenses including consumables, travel, etc. 
  • Contribution towards research assistance salary and associated indirect and estate costs 
  • Support for a new four-year PhD studentship(s)
  • Relocation and visa costs for the applicants and their dependants (partner and children). The total grant cap may be exceeded in order to cover relocation/visa costs if this is well justified in the application.

Full funding details can be found in the scheme notes and in the Royal Society Funding Guidance .

We provide flexibility to accommodate personal circumstances including part-time working, sabbaticals and secondments. There is provision for maternity, paternity, shared parental, adoptive or extended sick leave , as well as financial support for childcare costs  that arise from attending conferences and research visits.

Royal Society Research Fellows also have the opportunity to access a range of career development and engagement opportunities  including training on leadership, science communication and public engagement, and activities coordinated by our science policy and schools engagement teams. For further detail on these additional benefits, read our opportunities page .

Royal Society awards have made a significant impact on many researchers’ careers. Case studies from grant-holders can be found elsewhere on this page, or read an in-depth report on the careers of our alumni on our Career Pathway Tracker page .

This scheme is for you if:

  • You have between three and eight years of research experience, excluding career breaks, since the award of your PhD by the closing date of the round; please refer to the scheme notes for further detail about the review of career breaks
  • You do not hold a permanent post (including proleptic appointment) in a university or not-for-profit research organisation
  • You do not hold, or have not previously held, an equivalent fellowship that provides an opportunity to establish an independent research group and therefore independent researcher status
  • Your research is within the Royal Society’s remit of natural sciences, which includes but is not limited to biological research and biomedical sciences, chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physics. For a full list, please see the breakdown of subject groups and areas supported by the Royal Society.

Applicants can be of any nationality and those requiring a visa are eligible to apply for a Global Talent Visa  under the fast-track process of endorsement.

Read the scheme notes or FAQs (PDF) for further information on eligibility. Those applying from Ireland (ROI) are funded by Science Foundation Ireland and will need to read the eligibility requirements in the SFI-specific scheme notes.

Please ensure that you meet all eligibility requirements before applying.

You will apply through our application and grant management system, Flexi-Grant®. 

See the ‘Application and assessment process’ page  for a general overview of the application and selection steps and below for details specific to this scheme.

Assessment of your application will be overseen by one of our five Research Appointment Panels (Standing Committees) based on your research area:

  • Ai: Astronomy, cosmology, physics, earth sciences, environmental physical sciences & geosciences 
  • Aii: Chemistry and engineering
  • Aiii: Pure and applied mathematics, computer science, statistics, communications and computer engineering; the mathematical aspects of astronomy, physics, cosmology, gravitation, theoretical physics
  • Bi: Molecular and cellular biology, zoology, plant sciences and physiology
  • Bii: Biomedical Sciences

Assessment of your application will be overseen by one of the five Research Appointment Panels. Following eligibility checks, applications are initially assessed by a minimum of two panel members who have the most appropriate scientific expertise. A longlist is drawn up, with longlisted applications subject to independent peer review. Following completion of independent peer review, a shortlist for interview is drawn up with oversight from the Panel Chairs. At the end of the interview stage, the Panels will confirm the recommendations for funding.

Further detail on the application and review process is available in the scheme notes.

The Royal Society welcomes applications from disabled scientists and provides support and adjustments to ensure that they can participate fully in the selection process. If you require support or an adjustment when accessing the application form, attending interview, or for any other part of the application process, please contact the Grants team at [email protected] or call +44 20 7451 2666. All requests for adjustments are made in confidentiality. Any request for an adjustment will not normally be shared with panel members unless it becomes relevant to the selection process itself. If we need to share your request with anyone (for example if panel members are required to implement any adjustments during interviews), we will ask for your permission first.

Adjustments can include, but are not limited to:

  • Extension of the deadline
  • Additional support to complete the application form
  • Receiving the application form in a different format, such as on a Word document
  • Support during interviews as required, including technical support for candidates requiring accessibility software or services
  • Additional costs that candidates may incur on account of their particular disability to attend an interview.

For the University Research Fellowship, shortlisted applicants will be invited to an in-person interview at the Royal Society. 

The aim of the interview is for you to demonstrate the importance and scientific validity of your work and for you to also describe how the award will lead to your scientific independence. 

If you have further questions regarding the scheme, please see the FAQs, contact the Grants team on [email protected] or visit our contact us page .

  • University Research Fellowship scheme notes
  • University Research Fellowship scheme notes for Republic of Ireland applicants
  • Conditions of award for Republic of Ireland applicants
  • Conditions of Award

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Case study: Dr Andy Buckley

Case study: Dr Asel Sartbaeva

Case study: dr jon agirre, case study: dr lauren hatcher, case study: dr lynette keeney, case study: professor rahul raveendran nair, case study: dr ross forgan, case study: dr toby cubitt, case studies.

Dr Amelie Saintonge

Case study of Dr Amelie Saintonge, University Research Fellow

Dr Asel Sartbaeva

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Research on arrangement of measuring points for modal identification of spatial grid structures, 1. introduction, 2. applicability analysis of measuring point arrangement method, 2.1. principle of measuring point arrangement method, 2.1.1. effective independence method (ei) [ 34 , 35 ], 2.1.2. modal assurance criterion (mac) [ 36 ], 2.1.3. modal kinetic energy method (mke) [ 10 ], 2.1.4. covariance matrix (vm) [ 37 , 38 , 39 ], 2.1.5. effective independence–modal kinetic energy method (ei-mke), 2.2. evaluation criteria of measuring point arrangement results, 2.2.1. energy, 2.2.3. the determinant of fisher’s information matrix, 2.2.4. modal expansion, 2.3. research on search order of algorithm, 2.4. algorithm optimization, 3. arrangement of structural measuring points with damage, 4. study on the number of measuring points, 5. conclusions, author contributions, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Click here to enlarge figure

Measuring Point Arrangement MethodEffective Independence Method (EI)Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC)Modal Kinetic Energy (MKE)Covariance Matrix (VM)
Objective functionThe estimation of the model coordinate estimation error covariance is the smallest.The maximum element of the non-diagonal element of the MAC matrix is the smallest.The kinetic energy of the modal degree of freedom is the largest.The linear unbiased estimation error of the modal matrix is the smallest.
TargetThe contribution to the target mode is the largest.The spatial intersection angle of the modal vector of the measuring point is the largest.The signal-to-noise ratio is the maximumThe ability to obtain the vibration mode and the signal strength are the largest.
Searching SequenceEIMKEEI-MKE
Gradually deleted1X 2Z 6X 7Z 11Z 13Z2Z 5Z 7Z 9Z 13Z 15Z2X 2Z 4Z 7X 7Z 13Z
Direct acquisition2Z 7Z 11Z 13Z 9Z 15Z2Z 5Z 7Z 9Z 13Z 15Z2Z 7Z 13Z 9Z 15Z 5Z
Gradually accumulated2Z 9Z 10Z 3Z 11Z 4Z2Z 5Z 7Z 9Z 13Z 15Z2Z 9Z 10Z 3Z 7Z 15Z
Measuring Point Arrangement MethodMeasuring Point
EI13Y 16Y 25Z 28Z 49Z 52Z
EI-MKE21Y 25Z 28Z 49Z 50Z 52Z
Damage SituationNo.Min(f) MAC
Damage QuantityNo.Theoretical Distribution of Measuring PointsMAC MAC
0 13Y 16Y 25Z 28Z 49Z 52Z0.45070.9769
0–10%113Y 16Y 25Z 26Y 26Z 27Y 27Z 28Z 49Y 49Z
50Z 51Y 51Z 52Y 52Z
213Y 16Y 25Z 26Y 26Z 27Y 27Z 28Y 28Z 49Y
49Z 50Y 50Z 51Z 52Z
313Y 16Y 25Y 25Z 26Y 26Z 27Y 27Z 28Z 49Y
49Z 50Z 51Y 51Z 52Y 52Z
413Y 16Y 25Y 25Z 26Y 26Z 27Y 27Z 28Y 28Z
49Y 49Z 50Y 50Z 51Y 51Z 52Y 52Z
513Y 16Y 25Y 25Z 26Y 26Z 27Y 27Z 28Y 28Z
49Z 50Z 51Z 52Y 52Z
613Y 16Y 25Z 26Y 26Z 27Y 27Z 28Y 28Z 49Y
49Z 50Y 50Z 51Y 51Z 52Y 52Z
Merge measuring points13Y 16Y 25Y 25Z 26Y 26Z 27Y 27Z 28Y 28Z
49Y 49Z 50Y 50Z 51Y 51Z 52Y 52Z
20–30%110Y 13Y 16Y 25Y 25Z 26Z 27Y 27Z 28Y 28Z
49Y 49Z 50Y 50Z 51Y 51Z 52Z
210Y 13Y 16Y 25Z 26Y 26Z 27Y 27Z 28Y 28Z
49Y 49Z 50Y 50Z 51Y 51Z 52Y 52Z
310Y 13Y 16Y 25Y 25Z 26Y 26Z 27Y 27Z 28Y
28Z 49Y 49Z 50Y 50Z 51Y 51Z 52Y 52Z
48Y 13Y 16Y 25Y 25Z 26Y 26Z 27Y 27Z 28Y
28Z 49Y 49Z 50Y 50Z 51Y 51Z 52Y 52Z
58Y 13Y 16Y 25Y 25Z 26Y 26Z 27Y 27Z 28Y
28Z 49Y 49Z 50Y 50Z 51Z 52Y 52Z
68Y 13Y 16Y 25Y 25Z 26Y 26Z 27Y 27Z 28Y
28Z 49Y 49Z 50Y 50Z 51Z 52Y 52Z
Merge measuring points8Y 10Y 13Y 16Y 25Y 25Z 26Y 26Z 27Y 27Z
28Y 28Z 49Y 49Z 50Y 50Z 51Y 51Z 52Y 52Z
40–50%18Y 10Y 13Y 16Y 25Y 25Z 26Z 27Y 27Z 28Y
28Z 49Y 49Z 50Y 50Z 51Y 51Z 52Z
210Y 13Y 16Y 25Z 26Y 26Z 27Y 27Z 28Y 28Z
49Y 49Z 50Z 51Y 51Z 52Z
38Y 10Y 13Y 16Y 25Z 26Y 26Z 27Z 28Y 28Z
49Y 49Z 50Z 51Y 51Z 52Z
48Y 10Y 13Y 16Y 25Y 25Z 26Y 26Z 27Z 28Y
28Z 49Y 49Z 50Y 50Z 51Z 52Z
58Y 10Y 13Y 16Y 25Z 26Y 26Z 27Y 27Z 28Y
8Z 49Y 49Z 50Y 50Z 51Z 52Y 52Z
68Y 10Y 13Y 16Y 25Y 25Z 26Y 26Z 27Y 27Z
28Y 28Z 49Y 49Z 50Z 51Z 52Y 52Z
Merge measuring points8Y 10Y 13Y 16Y 25Y 25Z 26Y 26Z 27Y 27Z
28Y 28Z 49Y 49Z 50Y 50Z 51Y 51Z 52Y 52Z
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Share and Cite

Zhou, C.; Wu, J.; Sun, G.; Hu, J.; Xu, Q.; Li, Y.; Liu, M. Research on Arrangement of Measuring Points for Modal Identification of Spatial Grid Structures. Buildings 2024 , 14 , 2338.

Zhou C, Wu J, Sun G, Hu J, Xu Q, Li Y, Liu M. Research on Arrangement of Measuring Points for Modal Identification of Spatial Grid Structures. Buildings . 2024; 14(8):2338.

Zhou, Chunjuan, Jinzhi Wu, Guojun Sun, Jie Hu, Qize Xu, Yang Li, and Mingliang Liu. 2024. "Research on Arrangement of Measuring Points for Modal Identification of Spatial Grid Structures" Buildings 14, no. 8: 2338.

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    Recommendations for future research should be: Overall, strive to highlight ways other researchers can reproduce or replicate your results to draw further conclusions, and suggest different directions that future research can take, if applicable. Relatedly, when making these recommendations, avoid: Prevent plagiarism.

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  5. How to Write Recommendations in Research

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