IELTS Writing Task 2 Analysis (Global Warming) – Band 7

IELTS Writing Task 2 Analysis (Global Warming) – Band 7

Let us find out what band score a candidate deserves by doing complete analysis of his IELTS writing task 2 below.

Global warming is increasing day by day. What are the causes of global warming and what can be done to eradicate this global problem.

Candidate’s Response:

Nowadays, existance of human being is threatened by a serious environmental cause know as global warming. The causes of global warming are multifactorial, thus needs a systematic approach from government organizations and individuals to tackle the issue.

To begin with, the important causes of current globalwarming are, firstly, the industrial revolution in the modern times has led to an increased release of gases into the atmosphere like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, to name a few, these gases are known to increase the temperature of the atmosphere by trapping ultraviolet rays into the earth’s atmosphere. Moreoover, population explosion has resulted in excessive dependence on fossil fuels for cars, public transport and railways, these machines emit a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

In addition, deforestation done by the humans for their habitat and agriculture has resulted in huge loss of trees who are the cleaners of combustion gases from the atmosphere. Furthermore, ozone layer is depleted from many parts of earth, thus allowing harmful rays of sun to enter the earth’s surface. The measures that government needs to take to solve or to reduce the global warming are, first of all, conserving the forest area by implementing strict norms and encouraging to plant more tree in the cities. Secondly, release of gases from industries should be reduced by instaling pollution control filters. Thirdly, discouraging use of fossil fuels for vehicles and promoting usage of renewable source of energy such as solar energy, tidal power and wind power.

To conclude, global warming is a very serious issue, which needs to be addressed at the priority. The government and all the individuals should join hands to reduce this eminent threat and save earth and future generations.

Let us try now do thorough analysis of the IELTS writing task 2 response as below:


Paraphrasing of question is written well along with good use of vocabulary (multifactorial, systematic approach, tackle).

Corrected Erroneous Statement:

“existance” should be “existence”, “know as” should be “known as”, “thus needs a” can be “and thus it needs a”

Body Para 1

Sentence connectors (to begin with, moreover) are used, complex structures are used with good use of vocabulary (industrial revolution, excessive dependence) and causes are well explained.

“globalwarming” should be “global warming”, “like” can be written as “such as”, “these gases are known” should be “which are known”, “increase the temperature of the atmosphere” should be “increase the temperature of atmosphere”, “moreoover” should be “moreover”, “these machines emit” should be “which emit”

Body Para 2

Sentence connector (In addition, furthermore, secondly etc.) are used with good sign of coherence and solutions are also listed well.

“who are”should be “which are”, “earth, thus allowing” should be “earth, thus, allowing”, “instaling” should be “installing”, “discouraging use of fossil fuels” should be “discouraging the use of fossil fuels”, “and wind power” should be extended further to complete sentence as “and wind power can be the possible solutions”

Sentence connector (to conclude) is used, vocabulary (addressed, eminent threat) usage is good.

“save earth and future generations” should be “save earth as well as future generations”

Expected Band Score: Band 7

The candidate is writing free from errors of grammar or tense. But there are some mistakesof spelling, punctuation and others, to name a few.

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IELTS essay and vocabulary (climate change)

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IELTS examiners do not give you one grade, they give you four grades. You never see these but they are added together to create an overall band score in IELTS Writing. The four areas that they grade you on are:

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This is a strategy that's included in the online course. It’s very easy to learn. It's very quick and the course is absolutely full of these straight forward practical tips and advice that help you improve much, much faster.

I'm going to focus on lexical resource and how we can improve our score. So, as we just mentioned, lexical resource is going to represent 25% of your overall score. So, it's important you choose your vocabulary carefully. Now, a lot of students just focus on answering the question and don't pay enough attention usually to vocabulary.

This might end up us getting a 5 for lexical resource and then it might lower the overall band score. Now, to get over a 6 in your lexical resource, we're going to have to use a range of less common words and phrases. Let's have a look exactly how we can do this with an IELTS essay. We’re going to look at a typical question and this topic is very common as well. It’s about the environment.

Anyway, in this specific example, we've done three paragraphs. Now, we've understood the question and here is the tip I give in the online course, okay? It's very pragmatic. We're not going to jump in with two feet and start writing the essay. No. We’re going to note down some complex words and phrases we can use in our answer, okay? So, if you do it like this, you’re more likely to include it in your essay.

Now, what kind of vocabulary could we use to improve our lexical resource in this question about the environment? Well, not only are we going to use some less common words and complex language, but we're going to definitely, definitely, definitely use collocations. Collocations, if you don’t know, these are words that go together naturally and there's a higher statistical chance that we find them together when they are used.

Hopefully, you've whipped out your pen and you're writing these down. If you're not, I hope you're committing them to memory. Next one, a moral responsibility: a duty to behave in a way that is right. The key players: the most important people.

So, let's jump into this. What I'm going to do is read you the question then I'm going to read you the answer, okay? Or at least the paragraphs I wrote. Now, as I said, in this example I divided it up into a range of paragraphs. What I'm going to do is read you the answer and I'm going to lower my voice when I mention a collocation, topic-specific vocabulary, or impressive language, less common language.

I'm going to lower my voice when I do this because when somebody whispers, you pay much more attention, okay? So, when there is a lowering in the voice what usually happens is that our ears pick up, our listening picks up and we try to pay more attention. This will be a clue for you to pay more attention and you're more likely to remember it. If you've got that pen in your hand, you can write them down or you can just pause the recording, write them down in your phone.

"It cannot be disputed that the world is experiencing an environmental crisis. According to recent research, if nothing is done to tackle climate change in the near future, our planet will face the devastating consequences of global warming. Undoubtedly, it is the role of governments and corporate organizations to take action. However, I strongly feel that individuals need to make a contribution to deal with this pressing problem as well.

Similarly, (new paragraph) copper businesses should be adopting more sustainable working practices for instance, by switching to more environmentally friendly ways of manufacturing using renewable energies such as solar panels. Likewise, the individual as a consumer can play a role here too by refusing to purchase products which have been manufactured in a way that damages the environment.

It must also be acknowledged that individuals have a moral responsibility to care for our planet. For example, reducing consumption of fossil fuels whenever possible, becoming self-sufficient by growing their own vegetables and switching off lights when they are not needed. Although some of these actions may seem minor, the cumulative effect of everyone taking such actions would be enormous.”

So, the vocab used which would help us score points: an environmental crisis, to tackle climate change, planet, devastating consequences of global warming, this is a pressing problem, industrial pollution, the greenhouse effect, environmental pressure groups, lobby their politicians. "...the general public can protest and lobby their politicians..." Lobby just means to try and persuade, to take action through the courts, to persuade the politicians to do something.

As we mentioned before, the environment is a frequently used topic. So, if you want to use decent vocabulary in your exam then hopefully you’ve written down the phrases I’ve just shared with you and go research those phrases and when you come across a new phrase don't just copy the phrase. Copy down the whole sentence and then maybe write down about four or five different sentences using a similar structure or using a different word, but using that collocation.

So, as I said, if you know anybody who's struggling with their IELTS, then perhaps send them a link with this tutorial or a link to the podcast. Also, the next step if you want to carry on improving is to go and subscribe at . Leave your email and we'll send you more tutorials, a big, big PDF full of model essays and vocabulary resources. If you're in a hurry, then you might want to have a look at the online course.

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Greenhouse Gases - band 7

This diagram explains how solar energy normally interacts with the Earth surface and how this process has changed because of the presence of greenhouses gases.

First of all, it is shown that, usually, solar radiations reach the ground; from this point, the heat energy naturally tend to uprise and to radiate into the space. Notwithstanding, drastic changes happen with the presence of greenhouse gases. These gases derive from carbon dioxide, which is producted from the combustion of fossil fuels, which are daily used as a carburant for vehicles (e.g. car, truck) and for factories. Carbon dioxide can also be released by felling of trees, which usually absorb and store it.

Greenhouse gases remain suspended in the air, creating a kind of "cap", which cause two main changes. Firstly, it prevents the heat to rise from the ground to the space, inducing it to return back to the surface. As a consequence, it leads to an increase of average temperatures. Secondly, these gases stop solar radiations from reaching the Earth and, in this way, they are reflected off the atmosphere.

To sum up, greenhouse gases are a presence in the air which contributes in different ways to alterate the normal activity between the Sun and our Planet.

(206 words)

Task Achievement

This report highlights the important information and draws conclusions, although the candidate could have gone into more detail about the wider consequences, e.g. more extreme weather conditions worldwide. (7)

Coherence & Cohesion

The information has been organised into clear paragraphs and cohesive devices have been used effectively to link ideas. A wider range of linking phrases to describe contrast would lift the band score. (6.5)

Lexical Resource

The candidate has used some relevant and appropriate vocabulary to describe the information. (7)

Grammatical Range & Accuracy

The candidate has included a range of complex structures including the passive, which are well-controlled and used with some flexibility. However, there are small errors with verb forms and countable / uncountable nouns. (7)

Overall Comment - how to improve

This is a good answer which highlights the key information. However, the candidate could include more information about wider global consequences and perhaps a recommendation for the future.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Problem and Solution Essay Lesson

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Problem Solution Essay

This lesson on how to write a problem solution essay will:

  • discuss common mistakes;
  • show you how to analyse the question;
  • show you how to think of ideas;
  • give you a structure that can be used again and again on all problem solution IELTS essays;
  • describe how to write an introduction , main body paragraphs and conclusion; and
  • give you a full band 9 sample answer.

Problem/solution questions are one of the most common IELTS Writing Task 2 questions on the academic paper. Despite being very common, many students fail to do well in these questions. This post will look at some of the most common mistakes and then take you through how to answer these questions step-by-step.

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Common Mistakes

  • The most common mistake for problem solution essays is not expanding on your ideas and instead simply listing lots of problems and solutions. The examiner does not want a list of all the problems and solutions you can think of, and please don’t do this in the exam. Instead, if you look at how the exam is marked , the examiner wants you to pick one or two problems and solutions and then expand on them with explanations and examples. More on how to do this below.
  • Another common mistake is writing about problems and solutions that are not directly linked to the question. You should be like a sniper when answering the question and only give very specific ideas rather than ideas that generally talk about the overall issue. This has a lot to do with how you identify keywords and micro-keywords in the questions which we will look at below.
  • Lots of people think of good ideas for problems and then fail to link their solutions to these problems. Each problem should have a solution directly linked to it, or in other words, it should solve the actual problem.
  • Finally, some candidates think of really good problems and solutions that answer the question properly and then expand their answers with explanations and examples, but they talk too generally. Instead, you should be thinking of specific examples and explanations. We will look at how to avoid this below.

Analysing the Question 

This is one of the most crucial parts of answering any IELTS writing question. If you don’t take the time to think properly about what the examiner is asking you to do, then it is very difficult to answer the question correctly.

We analyse the question by thinking about three things:

  • micro-keywords
  • action words

Keywords are the words that tell us what the general topic is.

Micro-keywords identify which part of the general topic the examiner wants you to discuss. They often give an opinion, qualify the statement or talk about a sub-category of the bigger general topic.

Action words tell us what the examiner wants us to do.

Problem Solution Sample Essay

Global warming is one of the biggest threats humans face in the 21st Century, and sea levels continue to rise at alarming rates. 

What problems are associated with this, and what are some possible solutions? 

If we look at this question, we can see that the keywords are ‘ global warming ‘. This is our general topic. We will write about this, but we cannot write about any problems associated with global warming. If we do this, we have not answered the question properly. We, therefore, need to look at the micro-keywords.

The micro-keywords are ‘ humans ‘ and ‘ sea level rise ‘. So instead of writing just about the huge topic of global warming and any problems associated with that (such as increased storms, extinction of certain animals, erosion of soil), we have to talk about how particularly sea level rises will affect humans . If we talked about the problems affecting the ‘planet’ or ‘animals’ or the ‘atmosphere’, we would not be answering the question.

The action words are problems and solutions .  Our task is, therefore, to write about that and only that. It does not ask our opinion about the disadvantages, advantages, or causes, just the problems and solutions. If we discussed the causes of sea level rise, we would not be answering the question.

For more information, go to effectively analyse an IELTS question .

How to Think of Ideas 

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Now that we know exactly what the question is asking us to do, we need to think of specific and relevant ideas. There are many strategies for thinking of ideas for IELTS task 2 questions  TO THINK OF IDEAS FOR IELTS WRITING TASK 2  but for problem-solving questions; I like to use something called the ‘coffee shop method’.

Instead of brainstorming or mind-mapping- which take too much time and lead to irrelevant ideas in my opinion- you should pretend you are in a coffee shop with a friend and they have just asked you a simple question. In this case, it would be “What are the problems and solutions associated with sea level rise on humans?”

If you were talking to a friend about this, I’m sure you would have no problem thinking of at least 2 or 3 problems and solutions. This method takes you out of an exam situation and puts your mind into a more relaxed environment. Try it and see. If you don’t like it, try one of my other methods.

There are several problems and solutions, including:

Problem : flooding of people’s homes and businesses

Solution : build flood barriers or move to higher areas

Problem : loss of agricultural land and starvation

Solution : switch to more suitable crops

Problem : displacement of millions of people

Solution : move people in a planned and orderly way before the floods

Problem : groundwater undrinkable

Solution : build desalination plants

As you can see, I didn’t think of lots of problems and then lots of solutions. For each problem, you should think of a solution that directly solves this problem.

You now have lots of ideas, but now you must decide which ones to use. I always tell my students to pick the ones they know most about, i.e. that they can explain and give relevant examples.

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I advise my students to use a basic four-paragraph structure with all problem solution IELTS essays. Your four paragraphs should look something like this:

Paragraph 1- Introduction

Paragraph 2- Problems

Paragraph 3- Solutions

Paragraph 4- Conclusion

At a sentence level, your structure should look like this:


1- Paraphrase question

2- Outline sentence

3- State problems

4- Explain first problem

5- Explain second problem

6- Example of second problem

7- State solutions

8- Explain solution to first problem

9- Explain solution to second problem

10- Example of solution to second problem


Sentence 11- Summary of main points in paragraphs 2 and 3

For more structures, check out our IELTS task 2 structures guide .

Now let’s look at each paragraph in more detail.

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The introduction will have two sentences: a paraphrase of the question and an outline statement.

Paraphrasing is simply saying the sentence again with different words but with the same meaning. We can do this by using synonyms and/or changing the order of the words.

Question-  Global warming is one of the biggest threats humans face in the 21st Century, and sea levels continue to rise at alarming rates. 

Paraphrased- Climate change is among the principal dangers facing people this century, and ocean levels are increasing dramatically.

As you can see above, I have used synonyms to change the words of the questions, but it still has the same meaning. The examiner will look for your ability to do this in the exam, so practising this skill is a good idea.

Our outline sentence is next, which tells the examiner what they will read in the rest of the essay. This makes it very clear to the examiner and makes the rest of the essay much easier to understand. You will, therefore, gain marks for coherence and cohesion.

Our outline sentence should look something like this:

This essay will first suggest that the biggest problems caused by this phenomenon are the loss of land and the flooding of homes and then argue that pollution reduction and building flood protection are the most viable solutions.

Our introduction will, therefore, look like this:

Climate change is among the principal dangers facing people this century, and ocean levels are increasing dramatically. This essay will first suggest that the biggest problems caused by this phenomenon are the loss of land and the flooding of homes and then argue that pollution reduction and building flood protection are the most viable solutions.

It should be noted that this introduction does not contain a thesis statement. This is because this particular question does not ask us for our opinion. However, IELTS problem solution questions sometimes do ask you for your opinion, and you should then include a thesis statement.

Problems Paragraph 

Our problems paragraph will have this structure:

Sentence 1- State problems

Sentence 2- Explain first problem

Sentence 3- Explain second problem

Sentence 4- Example of second problem

State problems : The foremost problems caused by climbing sea levels are that land is being lost and peoples’ residences are often flooded.

Now that we have stated the problems, we must explain these. You should always consider your audience to be someone with no specialist knowledge in this area, and you, therefore, need to explain what everything means. Don’t assume that the IELTS examiner is educated and knows what you are talking about. These assumptions will stop you from writing what you need.

Explain first problem : As water levels rise, low-lying land is submerged, and many countries become smaller.

Explain second problem : Furthermore, millions of people worldwide live in coastal areas, and if the sea rises by even a few feet, they are inundated with water and lose their property.

Now we must give an example of what we are talking about. When we give an example, it should be as specific as possible.

An example of a very general example would be:

Lots of people in the world have experienced floods recently. 

This is far too general to be considered a good example.

Example : The devastation brought about by this was clear for all to see during the 2011 Tsunami in Japan, in which millions of people were displaced.

This example is much more specific. Stating a place and/or date can help you make your examples more specific.

Our second paragraph will look like this:

The foremost problems caused by climbing sea levels are that land is being lost and people’s residences are often flooded. As water levels rise, low-lying land is submerged, and many countries become smaller. Furthermore, millions of people worldwide live in coastal areas, and if the sea rises by even a few feet, they are inundated with water and lose their property. This devastation was clear for all to see during the 2011 Tsunami in Japan, in which millions of people were displaced.

Now we must move on to our solutions.

Solutions Paragraph

Our solutions paragraph will have this structure:

Sentence 1- State solutions

Sentence 2- Explain solution to first problem

Sentence 3- Explain solution to second problem

Sentence 4- Example of solution to second problem

State solutions : Possible solutions to these problems would be to reduce the amount of pollution created and build flood barriers.

We now need to explain how our solution will help solve the problem. Again, do not assume that the examiner has any specialist knowledge of this topic, so you need to explain what you mean.

Explain first solution: If each person reduces their carbon footprint, the negative effects on the environment will be reduced, which will mean that the water level will stop rising.

Explain second solution : Furthermore, flood defences, such as dikes, dams, and floodgates, could be built along coasts and waterways, thereby stopping the water from reaching populated areas.

Example : The Netherlands is one of the most populated areas in the world and one of the most vulnerable to flooding. They have successfully employed various flood defence systems.

Our whole solutions paragraph will look like this:

Possible solutions to these problems would be to reduce the amount of pollution being created and to build flood barriers. If each person reduces their carbon footprint, the negative effects on the environment will be reduced, which will mean that the water level will stop rising. Furthermore, flood defences, such as dikes, dams, and floodgates, could be built along coasts and waterways, thereby stopping the water from reaching populated areas. The Netherlands is one of the most populated areas in the world and also one of the most vulnerable to flooding, and they have successfully employed various flood defence systems.

We have now answered the question and need to sum up what we have said in the conclusion.

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The conclusion should have no new ideas but instead should list the main points from the previous two paragraphs. You can also use synonyms in this paragraph to avoid repetition.

Conclusion : To conclude, stemming the rising tides caused by increasing global temperatures is one of the foremost challenges we face, and it will ultimately lead to some countries losing landmass and many of the world’s cities being left underwater, but possible solutions could be to protect our environment and to utilise the flood prevention techniques already used by countries like Holland.

Our whole conclusion for this problem solution essay will look like this:

To conclude, stemming the rising tides caused by increasing global temperatures is one of the foremost challenges we face, and it will ultimately lead to some countries losing landmass and many of the world’s cities being left underwater, but possible solutions could be to protect our environment and to utilise the flood prevention techniques already used by countries like Holland.

Problem and Solution Sample Essay

Here is the whole essay:

Climate change is among the principal dangers facing people this century, and ocean levels are increasing dramatically. This essay will first suggest that the biggest problems caused by this phenomenon are the loss of land and the flooding of homes and then argue that pollution reduction and building flood protection are the most viable solutions. The foremost problems caused by climbing sea levels are that land is being lost and peoples’ residences are often flooded. As water levels rise, low-lying land is submerged and many countries become smaller. Furthermore, millions of people all over the world live in coastal areas, and if the sea rises by even a few feet, they are inundated with water and lose their property. The devastation brought about by this was clear for all to see during the 2011 Tsunami in Japan, in which millions of people were displaced. Possible solutions to these problems would be to reduce the amount of pollution being created and to build flood barriers. If each person reduces their carbon footprint, the negative effects on the environment will be reduced and this will mean that the water level will stop rising. Furthermore, flood defences, such as dikes, dams, and floodgates, could be built along coasts and waterways, thereby stopping the water reaching populated areas. The Netherlands is one of the most populated areas in the world and also one of the most vulnerable to flooding and they have successfully employed various flood defence systems. To conclude, stemming the rising tides caused by increasing global temperatures is one of the foremost challenges we face and it will ultimately lead to some countries losing landmass and many of the worlds’ cities being left underwater, but possible solutions could be to protect our environment and to utilise the flood prevention techniques already used by countries like Holland.

I hope this post helps you with IELTS problem solution essays, and if you have any questions, please comment below.

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My name is Christopher Pell and I'm the Managing Director of IELTS Advantage.

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Essay on Global Warming


  • Updated on  
  • Apr 27, 2024

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Being able to write an essay is an integral part of mastering any language. Essays form an integral part of many academic and scholastic exams like the SAT, and UPSC amongst many others. It is a crucial evaluative part of English proficiency tests as well like IELTS, TOEFL, etc. Major essays are meant to emphasize public issues of concern that can have significant consequences on the world. To understand the concept of Global Warming and its causes and effects, we must first examine the many factors that influence the planet’s temperature and what this implies for the world’s future. Here’s an unbiased look at the essay on Global Warming and other essential related topics.

Short Essay on Global Warming and Climate Change?

Since the industrial and scientific revolutions, Earth’s resources have been gradually depleted. Furthermore, the start of the world’s population’s exponential expansion is particularly hard on the environment. Simply put, as the population’s need for consumption grows, so does the use of natural resources , as well as the waste generated by that consumption.

Climate change has been one of the most significant long-term consequences of this. Climate change is more than just the rise or fall of global temperatures; it also affects rain cycles, wind patterns, cyclone frequencies, sea levels, and other factors. It has an impact on all major life groupings on the planet.

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What is Global Warming?

Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature over the past century, primarily due to the greenhouse gases released by people burning fossil fuels . The greenhouse gases consist of methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, carbon dioxide, water vapour, and chlorofluorocarbons. The weather prediction has been becoming more complex with every passing year, with seasons more indistinguishable, and the general temperatures hotter.

The number of hurricanes, cyclones, droughts, floods, etc., has risen steadily since the onset of the 21st century. The supervillain behind all these changes is Global Warming. The name is quite self-explanatory; it means the rise in the temperature of the Earth.

Also Read: What is a Natural Disaster?

What are the Causes of Global Warming?

According to recent studies, many scientists believe the following are the primary four causes of global warming:

  • Deforestation 
  • Greenhouse emissions
  • Carbon emissions per capita

Extreme global warming is causing natural disasters , which can be seen all around us. One of the causes of global warming is the extreme release of greenhouse gases that become trapped on the earth’s surface, causing the temperature to rise. Similarly, volcanoes contribute to global warming by spewing excessive CO2 into the atmosphere.

The increase in population is one of the major causes of Global Warming. This increase in population also leads to increased air pollution . Automobiles emit a lot of CO2, which remains in the atmosphere. This increase in population is also causing deforestation, which contributes to global warming.

The earth’s surface emits energy into the atmosphere in the form of heat, keeping the balance with the incoming energy. Global warming depletes the ozone layer, bringing about the end of the world. There is a clear indication that increased global warming will result in the extinction of all life on Earth’s surface.

Also Read: Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation, and Wildlife Resources

Solutions for Global Warming

Of course, industries and multinational conglomerates emit more carbon than the average citizen. Nonetheless, activism and community effort are the only viable ways to slow the worsening effects of global warming. Furthermore, at the state or government level, world leaders must develop concrete plans and step-by-step programmes to ensure that no further harm is done to the environment in general.

Although we are almost too late to slow the rate of global warming, finding the right solution is critical. Everyone, from individuals to governments, must work together to find a solution to Global Warming. Some of the factors to consider are pollution control, population growth, and the use of natural resources.

One very important contribution you can make is to reduce your use of plastic. Plastic is the primary cause of global warming, and recycling it takes years. Another factor to consider is deforestation, which will aid in the control of global warming. More tree planting should be encouraged to green the environment. Certain rules should also govern industrialization. Building industries in green zones that affect plants and species should be prohibited.

Also Read: Essay on Pollution

Effects of Global Warming

Global warming is a real problem that many people want to disprove to gain political advantage. However, as global citizens, we must ensure that only the truth is presented in the media.

This decade has seen a significant impact from global warming. The two most common phenomena observed are glacier retreat and arctic shrinkage. Glaciers are rapidly melting. These are clear manifestations of climate change.

Another significant effect of global warming is the rise in sea level. Flooding is occurring in low-lying areas as a result of sea-level rise. Many countries have experienced extreme weather conditions. Every year, we have unusually heavy rain, extreme heat and cold, wildfires, and other natural disasters.

Similarly, as global warming continues, marine life is being severely impacted. This is causing the extinction of marine species as well as other problems. Furthermore, changes are expected in coral reefs, which will face extinction in the coming years. These effects will intensify in the coming years, effectively halting species expansion. Furthermore, humans will eventually feel the negative effects of Global Warming.

Also Read: Concept of Sustainable Development

Sample Essays on Global Warming

Here are some sample essays on Global Warming:

Essay on Global Warming Paragraph in 100 – 150 words

Global Warming is caused by the increase of carbon dioxide levels in the earth’s atmosphere and is a result of human activities that have been causing harm to our environment for the past few centuries now. Global Warming is something that can’t be ignored and steps have to be taken to tackle the situation globally. The average temperature is constantly rising by 1.5 degrees Celsius over the last few years.

The best method to prevent future damage to the earth, cutting down more forests should be banned and Afforestation should be encouraged. Start by planting trees near your homes and offices, participate in events, and teach the importance of planting trees. It is impossible to undo the damage but it is possible to stop further harm.

Also Read: Social Forestry

Essay on Global Warming in 250 Words

Over a long period, it is observed that the temperature of the earth is increasing. This affected wildlife, animals, humans, and every living organism on earth. Glaciers have been melting, and many countries have started water shortages, flooding, and erosion and all this is because of global warming. 

No one can be blamed for global warming except for humans. Human activities such as gases released from power plants, transportation, and deforestation have increased gases such as carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants in the earth’s atmosphere.                                              The main question is how can we control the current situation and build a better world for future generations. It starts with little steps by every individual. 

Start using cloth bags made from sustainable materials for all shopping purposes, instead of using high-watt lights use energy-efficient bulbs, switch off the electricity, don’t waste water, abolish deforestation and encourage planting more trees. Shift the use of energy from petroleum or other fossil fuels to wind and solar energy. Instead of throwing out the old clothes donate them to someone so that it is recycled. 

Donate old books, don’t waste paper.  Above all, spread awareness about global warming. Every little thing a person does towards saving the earth will contribute in big or small amounts. We must learn that 1% effort is better than no effort. Pledge to take care of Mother Nature and speak up about global warming.

Also Read: Types of Water Pollution

Essay on Global Warming in 500 Words

Global warming isn’t a prediction, it is happening! A person denying it or unaware of it is in the most simple terms complicit. Do we have another planet to live on? Unfortunately, we have been bestowed with this one planet only that can sustain life yet over the years we have turned a blind eye to the plight it is in. Global warming is not an abstract concept but a global phenomenon occurring ever so slowly even at this moment. Global Warming is a phenomenon that is occurring every minute resulting in a gradual increase in the Earth’s overall climate. Brought about by greenhouse gases that trap the solar radiation in the atmosphere, global warming can change the entire map of the earth, displacing areas, flooding many countries, and destroying multiple lifeforms. Extreme weather is a direct consequence of global warming but it is not an exhaustive consequence. There are virtually limitless effects of global warming which are all harmful to life on earth. The sea level is increasing by 0.12 inches per year worldwide. This is happening because of the melting of polar ice caps because of global warming. This has increased the frequency of floods in many lowland areas and has caused damage to coral reefs. The Arctic is one of the worst-hit areas affected by global warming. Air quality has been adversely affected and the acidity of the seawater has also increased causing severe damage to marine life forms. Severe natural disasters are brought about by global warming which has had dire effects on life and property. As long as mankind produces greenhouse gases, global warming will continue to accelerate. The consequences are felt at a much smaller scale which will increase to become drastic shortly. The power to save the day lies in the hands of humans, the need is to seize the day. Energy consumption should be reduced on an individual basis. Fuel-efficient cars and other electronics should be encouraged to reduce the wastage of energy sources. This will also improve air quality and reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Global warming is an evil that can only be defeated when fought together. It is better late than never. If we all take steps today, we will have a much brighter future tomorrow. Global warming is the bane of our existence and various policies have come up worldwide to fight it but that is not enough. The actual difference is made when we work at an individual level to fight it. Understanding its import now is crucial before it becomes an irrevocable mistake. Exterminating global warming is of utmost importance and each one of us is as responsible for it as the next.  

Also Read: Essay on Library: 100, 200 and 250 Words

Essay on Global Warming UPSC

Always hear about global warming everywhere, but do we know what it is? The evil of the worst form, global warming is a phenomenon that can affect life more fatally. Global warming refers to the increase in the earth’s temperature as a result of various human activities. The planet is gradually getting hotter and threatening the existence of lifeforms on it. Despite being relentlessly studied and researched, global warming for the majority of the population remains an abstract concept of science. It is this concept that over the years has culminated in making global warming a stark reality and not a concept covered in books. Global warming is not caused by one sole reason that can be curbed. Multifarious factors cause global warming most of which are a part of an individual’s daily existence. Burning of fuels for cooking, in vehicles, and for other conventional uses, a large amount of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, and methane amongst many others is produced which accelerates global warming. Rampant deforestation also results in global warming as lesser green cover results in an increased presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which is a greenhouse gas.  Finding a solution to global warming is of immediate importance. Global warming is a phenomenon that has to be fought unitedly. Planting more trees can be the first step that can be taken toward warding off the severe consequences of global warming. Increasing the green cover will result in regulating the carbon cycle. There should be a shift from using nonrenewable energy to renewable energy such as wind or solar energy which causes less pollution and thereby hinder the acceleration of global warming. Reducing energy needs at an individual level and not wasting energy in any form is the most important step to be taken against global warming. The warning bells are tolling to awaken us from the deep slumber of complacency we have slipped into. Humans can fight against nature and it is high time we acknowledged that. With all our scientific progress and technological inventions, fighting off the negative effects of global warming is implausible. We have to remember that we do not inherit the earth from our ancestors but borrow it from our future generations and the responsibility lies on our shoulders to bequeath them a healthy planet for life to exist. 

Also Read: Essay on Disaster Management

Climate Change and Global Warming Essay

Global Warming and Climate Change are two sides of the same coin. Both are interrelated with each other and are two issues of major concern worldwide. Greenhouse gases released such as carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants in the earth’s atmosphere cause Global Warming which leads to climate change. Black holes have started to form in the ozone layer that protects the earth from harmful ultraviolet rays. 

Human activities have created climate change and global warming. Industrial waste and fumes are the major contributors to global warming. 

Another factor affecting is the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and also one of the reasons for climate change.  Global warming has resulted in shrinking mountain glaciers in Antarctica, Greenland, and the Arctic and causing climate change. Switching from the use of fossil fuels to energy sources like wind and solar. 

When buying any electronic appliance buy the best quality with energy savings stars. Don’t waste water and encourage rainwater harvesting in your community. 

Also Read: Essay on Air Pollution

Tips to Write an Essay

Writing an effective essay needs skills that few people possess and even fewer know how to implement. While writing an essay can be an assiduous task that can be unnerving at times, some key pointers can be inculcated to draft a successful essay. These involve focusing on the structure of the essay, planning it out well, and emphasizing crucial details.

Mentioned below are some pointers that can help you write better structure and more thoughtful essays that will get across to your readers:

  • Prepare an outline for the essay to ensure continuity and relevance and no break in the structure of the essay
  • Decide on a thesis statement that will form the basis of your essay. It will be the point of your essay and help readers understand your contention
  • Follow the structure of an introduction, a detailed body followed by a conclusion so that the readers can comprehend the essay in a particular manner without any dissonance.
  • Make your beginning catchy and include solutions in your conclusion to make the essay insightful and lucrative to read
  • Reread before putting it out and add your flair to the essay to make it more personal and thereby unique and intriguing for readers  

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Ans. Both natural and man-made factors contribute to global warming. The natural one also contains methane gas, volcanic eruptions, and greenhouse gases. Deforestation, mining, livestock raising, burning fossil fuels, and other man-made causes are next.

Ans. The government and the general public can work together to stop global warming. Trees must be planted more often, and deforestation must be prohibited. Auto usage needs to be curbed, and recycling needs to be promoted.

Ans. Switching to renewable energy sources , adopting sustainable farming, transportation, and energy methods, and conserving water and other natural resources.

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Digvijay Singh

Having 2+ years of experience in educational content writing, withholding a Bachelor's in Physical Education and Sports Science and a strong interest in writing educational content for students enrolled in domestic and foreign study abroad programmes. I believe in offering a distinct viewpoint to the table, to help students deal with the complexities of both domestic and foreign educational systems. Through engaging storytelling and insightful analysis, I aim to inspire my readers to embark on their educational journeys, whether abroad or at home, and to make the most of every learning opportunity that comes their way.

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This was really a good essay on global warming… There has been used many unic words..and I really liked it!!!Seriously I had been looking for a essay about Global warming just like this…

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It is not good , to have global warming in our earth .So we all have to afforestation program on all the world.

thank you so much

Very educative , helpful and it is really going to strength my English knowledge to structure my essay in future

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Global warming is the increase in 𝓽𝓱𝓮 ᴀᴠᴇʀᴀɢᴇ ᴛᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴀᴛᴜʀᴇs ᴏғ ᴇᴀʀᴛʜ🌎 ᴀᴛᴍᴏsᴘʜᴇʀᴇ

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Global Warming Essay in English (Causes and Solutions) - 100, 200, 500 Words

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  • Essay on Global Warming

The planet is now undergoing changes and modernization is happening at a rapid rate. We desire development in all areas of life. In the name of expansion, an increasing number of industries are being founded. But as humanity has grown, the state of the planet's ecology has substantially deteriorated. When discussing significant environmental dangers, the phrase "Global Warming" is frequently used. The causes and consequences of global warming are still largely unknown to many people. Here are a few sample essays on global warming:

100 Words Essay on Global Warming

200 words essay on global warming, 500 words essay on global warming.

Global Warming Essay in English (Causes and Solutions) - 100, 200, 500 Words

An increase in the Earth's average global temperature is known as global warming. Global warming is mostly caused by burning more fossil fuels and the emission of hazardous pollutants into the atmosphere. Living things can suffer greatly as a result of global warming. The temperature suddenly rises in some places, while in others, it suddenly drops. The use of fossil fuels for energy is the main cause of global warming. It has been noticed that over the last ten years, the Earth's average temperature has risen by 1.5 degrees Celsius. This is cause for concern because it can harm ecosystems and lead to environmental disturbance. If we take decisive action to replace the destroyed vegetation in our forests, we can stop global warming. To slow the rate of global warming, we can also use sustainable energy sources like sun, wind, and tidal energy.

Over time, the cumulative increase in Earth's average global temperatures is referred to as global warming. It has been said that large-scale deforestation by humans for various reasons is to blame. Every year, we use a lot of fuel. It is becoming impossible to meet people's fuel needs as the human population has increased. Natural resources must be used carefully as they are limited. The ecosystem will become unbalanced if humans overuse mineral wealth like forests and waterways. Temperature increases alone are not the only sign of global warming. It also has other consequences.

Natural disasters, including storms, floods, and avalanches , are happening all over the planet. These all have a direct connection to global warming. To protect our environment we must rebuild our ecology to defend it against the negative effects of global warming. To make this globe a nicer place for the generations to come, who also appreciate this Earth in the same way we do, we must all work together. Planting trees is the fundamental action we can do to improve the condition of our world as a whole. Our main objective should be reforestation. If we commit to growing as many plants as we can during our lifetimes, the Earth will become a better place.

The gradual increase in surface climate caused by various factors is known as global warming. It poses serious risks to both the environment and humanity. Climate change effects include global warming . The main contributor to global warming is the unavoidable release of greenhouse gases. Methane and carbon dioxide are two of the main greenhouse gases. There are numerous other causes and ramifications of this warming, which endangers Earth's life.

Reasons Responsible For Global Warming

The causes of global warming are several. These problems are caused by both nature and humanity. Because of the presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere , the heat rays that the Earth's surface reflects become trapped there. The "greenhouse effect" is what results from this phenomenon. It is necessary to keep our world from turning into a frozen ball. Global warming results from too much carbon dioxide trapping all the heat from the Earth's surface. The primary gases that cause global warming are referred to as greenhouse gases.

The main greenhouse gases are methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, and carbon dioxide . These gases cause global warming when their concentrations are out of balance. Volcanic eruptions, solar radiation, and other natural occurrences are a few examples that contribute to global warming. People's excessive use of cars and fossil fuels also raises carbon dioxide levels. Among the most prevalent and quickly spreading issues causing global warming is deforestation. The level of carbon dioxide in the air is rising because trees are being cut down. Additional reasons contributing to global warming include the expanding population, industrialisation, pollution, etc.

How Climate Change Impacts Us

Numerous variations in the weather are brought on by global warming, including lengthier summers and fewer winters, greater temperatures, modifications to the trade winds, rain that falls throughout the year, melting polar ice caps, a weaker ozone barrier, etc. Additionally, it may result in a rise in natural disasters, including severe storms, cyclones, floods, and many others. Plants, animals, and other environmental elements are directly impacted by the harm produced by global warming. The rising sea level, swift glacier melting, and other effects of global warming are significant. As global warming worsens, marine life is negatively impacted, significantly destroying marine life and causing additional issues.

Preventing Global Warming

Finding the proper solution is crucial now more than ever since global warming has become a serious issue and is being discussed globally at international forums and conferences. It is time that the age of industrialization to be controlled and continued in a sustainable manner. Everybody, from communities to governments, needs to work together to solve the issue of global warming. Controlling pollution, population growth, and the limiting exploitation of natural resources are a few factors to consider. Using public transportation or carpooling with others will be very helpful. Therefore, recycling should also be promoted to individuals.

There are clear signs that the increase in global warming will wipe out all life on the surface of the world. Global warming is the greatest threat to humanity and cannot be disregarded. Additionally, it is difficult to manage. By participating and responding, we can help lessen its effects.

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An Ultimate Guide to Writing IELTS Problem Solution Essays

Janice Thompson

Updated On Nov 08, 2023


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An Ultimate Guide to Writing IELTS Problem Solution Essays

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The IELTS problem solution essays are a type of IELTS writing task 2 essay that asks you to discuss a problem and propose possible solutions. These problem solution essays are designed to assess your ability to identify, analyze, and evaluate problems, as well as your ability to develop and articulate effective solutions.

The IELTS problem solution essay topics can be drawn from a variety of sources and are based on real-world situations and issues. Therefore, to do well in writing task 2, it is important to be familiar with the range of IELTS problem solution essay topics.

Identifying IELTS Problem Solution Essays

Each essay type has a unique structure, so it’s important to identify the type of essay you’re writing before you start. Problem solution essays in IELTS are often worded as follows:

It is important to be able to identify the common synonyms, words, and phrases used in problem solution questions. Here are the key words and their synonyms used in the examples above:

  • Problem : issues, resulting, situation
  • Cause : reasons, why
  • Solution : deal with, addressed, tackled, remedied, improved, measures taken, solved, prevent

However, you will mostly be asked to write about both the problem and its solution. The first part of the question will state the problem or cause, and the second part will ask you to identify solutions.

How to Write a Problem Solution Essay IELTS?

To plan and write a problem solution essay IELTS, you can follow these steps:

  • Understand the question

The first step is to carefully read the question and understand what is being asked. You should identify the problem, the cause(s) of the problem, and the required solution(s).

  • Brainstorm your ideas

Once you understand the question, take some time to brainstorm your ideas. What are the different aspects of the problem? What are the possible causes? What are the different solutions that could be implemented?

  • Organize your ideas

Once you have a good understanding of the problem and its possible solutions, it is time to organize your ideas into a logical structure.

  • Write your essay

When writing your essay, be sure to use clear and concise language. Avoid using complex sentences and jargon. You should also support your claims with evidence from credible sources.

  • Proofread your essay

Once you have finished writing your essay, be sure to proofread it carefully for any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation.

Now that we have understood how to write a problem solution essay, let’s have a look at the structure of a problem solution essay.

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Structure of Problem Solution Essay

Let’s do an example problem solution essay to understand the above mentioned structure.

Problem Solution Essay Example with Structure


  • Before you begin writing your problem solution essay,  read  the question and  identify  the problem/ solution.
  • Note down the ideas that come to your mind naturally. For example, look at the table below.
Dumping of industrial wastes into the nearby water bodies. They must be treated, purified and recycled.
Dumping of non-biodegradable wastes in the environment. Stop using plastics.
  • Choose one of the  problems  and discuss it in detail. Here’s an example:
  • Problem : Dumping of industrial wastes into the nearby water bodies.
  • Solution : They must be treated, purified and recycled.
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Biodegradable products
  • Water bodies such as lakes, rivers etc

You should paraphrase the question and outline the problem and solution in your introduction as mentioned below:

Rise in sea water level is one of the serious threats posed on the environment due to global warming. The main reason for this is the letting out of industrial wastes in nearby water bodies and a reliable solution is waste water treatment.

Body Paragraph 1:

The body paragraph 1 must be organised as follows:

  • Main body paragraph 1:  Letting out of industrial wastes in nearby water bodies
  • Central idea:  Industries are increasing in number.
  • Explanation : There are no strict rules in place regarding the environment. So industries let out their wastes into the nearby water bodies such as lakes, rivers, etc which affects the respective eco-system and thereby leading to more serious issues.
  • Example : As installing a wastewater treatment plant is an additional burden and is costly, it is easier to let the waste water into the nearby water bodies as nobody questions this.

The completed main body paragraph 1 will look like this :

Industries are increasing in number. There are no strict rules in place regarding the environment. So industries let out their wastes into the nearby water bodies such as lakes, rivers, etc which affects the respective eco-system and thereby leading to more serious issues. As installing a wastewater treatment plant is an additional burden and is costly, it is easier to let the waste water into the nearby water bodies as nobody questions this.

Body Paragraph 2:

The body paragraph 2 must be organised as follows:

  • Main body paragraph 2:  Industrial wastewater treatment
  • Central idea:  Installing Industrial waste water treatment plants could be beneficial to the environment.
  • Explanation : Industrial wastewater treatment illustrates the processes used for treating wastewater that is produced by industries into a by-product. The treated industrial wastewater may be reused or released to a sanitary sewer.
  • Examples:  There are proven records for reducing water pollution after wastewater treatment.

The completed main body paragraph 2 will look like this :

Installing Industrial waste water treatment plants could be beneficial to the environment and help in reducing global warming effects. Industrial wastewater treatment illustrates the processes used for treating wastewater that is produced by industries into a by-product. The treated industrial wastewater may be reused or released to a sanitary sewer. There are proven records for reducing water pollution after wastewater treatment.


  • Make sure to sum up all that has been in the previous paragraphs.
  • Use words like in summary, to summarise, to conclude, or as a conclusion, etc.

The final conclusion will look like this:

In summary, every industry should have a wastewater treatment plant installed to treat their waste water which will reduce water pollution and thereby benefit the environment. This will help reduce global warming and ultimately prevent rise in sea water levels.

Therefore, the finished essay will have the following structure:

Rise in sea water level is one of the serious threats posed to the environment due to global warming. The main reason for this is the letting out of industrial wastes in nearby water bodies and a reliable solution is wastewater treatment.

Industries are increasing in number. There are no strict rules in place regarding the environment. So industries let out their wastes into the nearby water bodies such as lakes, rivers, etc which affects the respective eco-system and thereby leads to more serious issues. As installing a wastewater treatment plant is an additional burden and is costly, it is easier to let the wastewater into the nearby water bodies as nobody questions this.

Installing Industrial wastewater treatment plants could be beneficial to the environment and help in reducing global warming effects. Industrial wastewater treatment illustrates the processes used for treating wastewater that is produced by industries into a by-product. The treated industrial wastewater may be reused or released to a sanitary sewer. There are proven records for reducing water pollution after wastewater treatment.

In summary, every industry should have a wastewater treatment plant installed to treat their wastewater which will reduce water pollution and thereby benefit the environment. This will help reduce global warming and ultimately prevent rise in seawater levels.

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Common Mistakes to Avoid in IELTS Problem Solution Essays

Following are some of the Common mistakes that should be avoided in IELTS problem solution essays

  • Not understanding the difference between a problem and its causes.
  • Trying to include too many ideas in the essay, without developing them fully.
  • Not considering both sides of the argument equally.
  • Not linking the problems to the solutions.
  • Not being specific enough in the discussion of the problems and solutions.

Read:  All Useful IELTS Writing Lessons & Websites

Tips for IELTS Problem Solution Essays

Here are some of the tips to follow while practicing or writing an IELTS Problem Solution Essays:

  • Read and understand the instructions given in the question (sometimes the question might ask to write about the cause of the issue as well).
  • Follow the word count (no less than 250 words)
  • Plan the problems and solutions you wish to write about, before starting to write.
  • Start the essay with an introduction paragraph and conclude it with a conclusion paragraph, with the body paragraph between the two.
  • If you’re asked to write about both, cause and the solution, then you can write the cause in one body paragraph and the solution in the next body paragraph.

Pro tip:  To avoid a low score in IELTS problem solution essays, focus on one or two problems and identify specific solutions. Explain the problems and solutions in detail, with examples.

Check out some of the  Recent Writing Task 2 Essay Topics for IELTS 2023

Problem Solution Essay IELTS Topics:

Here are some sample IELTS problem solution essay topics:

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Also check :

  • IELTS Writing tips
  • IELTS Writing recent actual test
  • IELTS Writing Answer sheet
  • Free IELTS Writing Essay Evaluation and Correction Service
  • IELTS Writing Practice Tests 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I write cause and solution in the same paragraph?

How to write a solution paragraph?

What is the difference between a Problem solution essay and a cause solution essay?

How do you analyze a problem solution essay?

How to identify a problem solution essay?

Practice IELTS Writing Task 2 based on Essay types

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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global warming essay ielts liz

Posted on Jan 5, 2024

indeed you are excellent\ every one must use them

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I hope the sample questions will help me ace the exam!!! Thank you for the resources.

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Study English S1 Ep5: Global Warming

ABC Education

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In this episode we will be looking at ways of brainstorming, taking notes and developing ideas. Our topic will be global warming and the environment.

Hello. I’m Margot Politis. Welcome to Study English, IELTS preparation.

Today we’re going to look at a topic you’ve probably heard a lot about – global warming and the environment.

First we’re going to look at ways of brainstorming, taking notes and developing ideas.

Watch while we play some vision that contains ideas about the causes and effects of global warming…

While you watch, try to note down some of your ideas about what global warming is.

OK so you saw some ideas, and perhaps took some notes, during that clip. What were some of the ideas you saw?

What has caused global warming?

We saw gases in the air, cars, factory waste, and people cutting trees down.

So if you made those notes, you’d get an idea that these were the things causing global warming.

Now let’s listen to someone talk about the causes…

Heat-trapping gases are building up in the atmosphere.

Heat-trapping gases are building up in the atmosphere. What else?

So what is global warming? It's the result of billions of decisions. It’s caused by decisions made by individuals – like driving big cars rather than small cars. And it’s caused by decisions made by corporations and nations, like dumping waste into the atmosphere.

Global warming is caused by about people using big cars, and people dumping waste into the atmosphere …

OK, so you’ve looked at the vision, and listened to the speaker, and you’ve made notes about some of the causes of global warming.

Now let’s look for some of the effects …

So after watching that, you might be thinking that global warming is having an effect on weather patterns, and on nature.

Listen to the speaker …

Nature is already responding to global warming. There have been changes in global weather patterns. Trees are flowering earlier. Birds are laying eggs earlier. Butterflies are moving up hills.

So there’s been weather changes, and changes to the ways trees, birds and butterflies behave.

So we have a list of causes, and list of effects. You might have identified those things from a text you’ve read, or from listening to someone speak. This is how you can take notes.

Once you’ve got your notes, you need to be able to link those causes and effects in sentences.

Let’s look at a couple of different ways.

The first and most basic way is just making a sequence of statements. This can sometimes be a powerful way of making a connection between things. Listen.

Heat-trapping gases are building up in the atmosphere. Trees are flowering earlier. Birds are laying eggs earlier, and butterflies are moving up hills.

From the sequence of information, we realise that birds are laying their eggs earlier because gases are making the earth warmer.

So a simple list of statements can show a cause and effect relationship.

But there are other ways too.

You can use the language of cause and effect. We can say:

X causes Y.

Driving cars causes air pollution. 

There are many other word choices as well.

Driving cars leads to air pollution.

Driving cars results in air pollution.

Notice you can also turn the sentence around…

'Air pollution is caused by driving cars'.

'Air pollution is the result of driving cars'.

'Air pollution is due to driving cars'.

Listen to an example here …

There have been changes in global weather patterns. Trees are flowering earlier. Birds are laying eggs earlier. Butterflies are moving up hills. So what is global warming? It is the result of billions of individual decisions.

He’s talking about global warming. 

Global warming is the result of billions of decisions.

Global warming is due to billions of decisions.

And remember we can turn the sentence around, and change the phrase:

Billions of decisions cause global warming.

Billions of decisions result in global warming.

Billions of decisions lead to global warming.

When you’re writing about causes and effects, make sure you use a variety of these kinds of phrases. There are many to choose from. You should make lists of cause and effect language, and the kinds of vocabulary you can use to describe cause and effect relationships.

Now listen to another clip.

Trees are flowering earlier. Birds are laying eggs earlier. Butterflies are moving up hills. So what is global warming? It is the result of billions of individual decisions.

When you’re writing up your notes using cause and effect language, you’ll need to be able to follow or track the subject of the text. 

Let’s look at that now. 

“What is global warming?  It is the result of billions of individual decisions”.

The word ‘it’ here is called a referent.  We use referents to identify and track subjects through a conversation or a piece of writing.

If you repeat the subject too many times, your work will sound boring. 

Listen to this:

The woman came into the room. The woman sat down. The woman drank her tea.

Look at how we use referents:

The woman came into the room. She sat down. She drank her tea.

When you are reading, you’ll need to be able to understand referents, and follow the subject through the text. 

Other referents are this, that, these, those.

Here’s the clip again. Listen to the way the referents are used.

What is global warming? It is the result of billions of individual decisions.

The word it here refers to global warming.

What is global warming? Global warming is the result of billions of decisions.

And here’s another referent.

What is global warming? It is the result of billions of individual decisions. You can’t manage that at the scale of the individual.

You can’t manage that at the scale of the individual. 

You can’t manage global warming at the scale of the individual.

But notice how the subject changes here.

What is global warming? It’s the result of billions of individual decisions. You can’t manage that at the scale of the individual. Managing the atmosphere has to take place at a global level.  That’s why it needs international agreements.

Managing the atmosphere has to take place at a global level. 

The subject of this sentence is ‘managing the atmosphere'. 

That’s why it needs international agreement.

So the 'it' here no longer refers to global warming. Now ‘it’ is referring to 'managing the atmosphere'.

That’s why managing the atmosphere needs international agreement.

When reading and writing, you must be very careful to notice when subjects change, and to be clear about which subject is being referred to. This can be quite tricky sometime.

Next time you see a paragraph, try to highlight all the referents like:

it, this, that, these, those, he, she, they. 

Then try to work out what subject they are all referring back to. 

It’s a great exercise, and it will help your reading, writing and speaking skills.

And that’s all for today. Hope you keep enjoying your English studies and Study English. I’ll see you next time. 

  • Study English S1 Ep5: Global Warming Study Notes
  • Study English S1 Ep5: Global Warming Activity Sheet
You can make your writing style more interesting by using referents and, thereby, avoiding repetition of nouns, which would make your writing monotonous.  Remember using referents is an essential writing skill for IELTS Writing Task 2.

Thumbnail credit - Flickr CC: Iirneasia

Study English Series 1

Study English Series 1

Study English S1 Ep6: Greenhouse Gases

Greenhouse Gases

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IELTS Reading: Matching Headings

Practise IELTS reading matching headings by understanding how paraphrasing will help you find the right answer. You will see there are two paragraphs but 6 possible headings. Read the headings first and then read the article to decide which heading is the right one for each paragraph. Don’t forget this is a practice lesson. In the real test, the passage will be much longer 🙂 

Tips for Matching Headings

  • Pay attention to headings that are different or similar to each other.
  • Spend time paraphrasing keywords in the possible headings.
  • Read the paragraphs to find the main idea.
  • Distinguish between main ideas and extra information in the paragraph.
  • The heading should provide the main of the paragraph.
  • Do not try to match words – this is about paragraph aims.
  • Not all headings might be used.
  • Your answer will be a numeral (for example, i or vi) or a letter – do not write the words.
  • There can only ever be one possible heading for each paragraph.

Matching Headings Practice

Choose the correct heading (i-ix) for paragraphs A, B, C and D in the passage below.

  • i. Temperatures on Earth
  • ii. The Greenhouse
  • iii. Creating Global Warming
  • iv. Use of a Greenhouse
  • v. Our Choices
  • vi. Greenhouse Gases
  • vii. Earth’s Atmosphere
  • viii. Reversing the Damage
  • ix. Effects of Carbon Dioxide

You can download the options above here: Matching Headings  to make it easier to match them with the passage below.

The Greenhouse Effect

A .   A greenhouse is a house made entirely of glass: both walls and roof are glass. One of the main purposes of a greenhouse is to grow tomatoes, flowers and other plants that might struggle to grow outside. A greenhouse stays warm inside, even during winter. Sunlight shines in and warms the plants and air inside. But the heat is trapped by the glass and cannot escape. So during the daylight hours, it gets warmer and warmer inside a greenhouse, and stays quite warm at night too.

B .   The Earth experiences a similar thing to a greenhouse. Gases in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide do what the roof of a greenhouse does. During the day, the Sun shines through the atmosphere. Earth’s surface warms up in the sunlight. At night, Earth’s surface cools, releasing the heat back into the air. But some of the heat is trapped by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. That is what keeps our Earth a warm and comfortable 59 degrees Fahrenheit, on average.

C. However, gas molecules, called greenhouse gases, that absorb thermal infrared radiation, and are in significant enough quantity, can force and alter the climate system. Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and other greenhouse gases act like a blanket, absorbing IR radiation and preventing it from escaping into outer space. The greenhouse effect, combined with increasing levels of greenhouse gases, produces global warming, which is expected to have profound implications. 

D. Many scientists agree that the damage to the Earth’s atmosphere and climate is past the point of no return or that the damage is near the point of no return. In Josef Werne’s opinion, an associate professor at the department of geology & planetary science at the University of Pittsburgh told Live Science, we have three options. Firstly to do nothing and live with the consequences. Secondly, to adapt to the changing climate (which includes things like rising sea level and related flooding). Thirdly, mitigate the impact of climate change by aggressively enacting policies that actually reduce the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.

The above article was taken from wiki  and

The answers for this lesson are available on the link below:

Click here: Answers for Matching Headings Reading

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' src=

A.ii B.i C.iii D.viii(wrong)

' src=

A ii B i c iii d v

' src=

A. ii B. i C. iii D. v

' src=

A:ii B:vii C:ix D:viii

' src=

A. ii B. iv (wrong) C. iii D. v

I have got in first the attempt.

' src=

A. II B. I C. III D. V

' src=

A- ii B- i C- iii D- v

' src=

A.. ii B. i C. vi D. vii

' src=

Thank you so much it’s an amazing lesson

' src=

It was great. Thank you very much. Please repeat these types of practices.

' src=

Thank you, these tips are brilliant as i was struggling with the long texts and matching headings. thank you for sharing!

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' src=

A ¡¡ B ¡ C ¡¡¡ D v

' src=

I really appreciate your work.It was really helpfull i got most of them right.

' src=

Hope it help you. Really appreciated.

' src=

A i B vii C ix D v

' src=

A. iv B. i C. Vi D. v

' src=

My mind is full of love/

' src=

Hi Liz 😊 I just want to clarify this thing about writting numerals in matching headings. What if I decided to write my answers all in CAPITAL LETTERS. You told us that we must be consistent with our answers in answer sheet.. so is it okay to write all CAPS the numerals in matching heading?

For example: 1. I 2. VII 3. IX 4. III

So, is it wrong the other way like this? (inconsistent) : 1. I (capital) 2. vii (not caps) 3. ix (not caps) 4. III (caps)

' src=

Roman numerals are numbers, not words or letters. I find it best to write them as shown on the question paper.

' src=

A) ii B) i C) iii D) v

' src=

A.ii B.i C.iii D.viii

' src=

Thank Liz for your help. God bless you!

' src=

A-ii B- i C- iii D- VIII

' src=

paragraph C is indeed tricky.

A. ii B. I c. vi (wrong) d. v

' src=

Thanks for your advice

' src=

A.ii B.i C.iii D.v

' src=

A_ii B-vii C-iii D-ix

' src=

1 – ii 2 – iii 3- Vii 4- V

' src=

A-iv B-vii C-iii D-v

' src=

A ii B vii C iii D v

' src=

A) II B) I C) VI D) V

' src=

ii, vii, iii, viii

' src=

A.iv B.vii D.viii

' src=

A. ii B. vii c. vi D. V

' src=

Nice krimpal

' src=

A. ii B. Vii C. Vi D. Viii

' src=

ii vii iii viii

' src=

A = iv B = vii C = vi D = ix

' src=

A-IV B-Vii C-Vi D-V

1-ii 2-vii 3-via 4-v

' src=

A.ii B. i D.ix

' src=

A. iv B. Vii C. iii D. Viii

' src=

Same here A. iv B.vii C.iii D.viii

' src=


A:iv B. Vii C. iii D. Viii

' src=

ii vi iii v

' src=

A.ii B. i C. vi D. v

A-ii B-vii C-ix D-v

' src=

A. ii B. vii C. iii D. ix

' src=

1. ii 2. i 3. vi 4. v

' src=


' src=

A=v B=vii C=III D=viii

' src=

A-iv B-vii C-vi D-v

' src=


' src=

A. II B. Vii C. Vi D. V

' src=

ii i Vi Vii

' src=

Answers will be in this form. 1.ii 2.Vii 3. iii 4. V

' src=

A iv B I C iii D viii

' src=


' src=


' src=

1.ii 2.vii 4.v

' src=

ii, Vii Vi V

' src=

A – II, B-VI, C-III, D- V

' src=

A iv B.vii C.iii D.V

' src=

A. ii B. vii C. vi D. v

' src=

A [ ii ] B [ vii ] C [ vi ] D [ v ]

' src=

A. iv B. iii C. ix D. viii

' src=

I got 2,7,6,5 for greenhouse effect.. Is this right ma’am? Thank u so much in advance.. Your lessons are really helping a lot. Great work

' src=

A. ii B. i C. vi D. v

' src=

A. iv B. vii C. iii D. v

' src=

A. ii B. vii C. iii D. v

' src=

A.iv B. i C.iii D. v

' src=

A.i B.vii C.ix D.v

' src=

-ii -i -vi -v

' src=


Hope this all are correct. Looking forward to tomorrow explanations!

' src=

A. iv B. iii C. Viii D. V

' src=

A – ii B – i C – vi D – v

' src=

A. iv B. vii C. iii D. ix

' src=

A: iv B: vii C: ix D:v

' src=

a) 4 b) 7 c) 3 d) 5

' src=

iv ix iii viii

' src=


' src=

A. II B. I C. VII D. V

' src=

A ii B vii c vi D viii

' src=

A. i B. viii C. iii D. v

' src=

ii viii i viii

' src=

A. vi B.vii C. iii D.V

' src=


' src=

A = iv B = ix C = vi D = v

' src=

A- ii B-vii C-vi D-v

' src=

A iv B vi C iii D v

' src=

A- ii B- vii C- vi D- v

' src=

A – iv B – vii C – iii D – v

' src=

A. 4 B. 7 C. 6 D. 5

' src=

A. ii B. i C. Vi D. Viii

' src=

A – ii B – i C – iii D – V

' src=

A – IV B – Vii C – ix D – Viii

' src=

Nipon says A-iv B-ix C-iii D-v

' src=

A:1V B:V11 C:111 D:V

' src=

A- ii B- ix C-iii D-v

A- iv B- vii C- iii D- v

' src=


' src=

1. iv 2.vii 3.iii 4.v

' src=

A. ii B. i C. vi D. iii

' src=

A – ii B – vii C – iii D – viii

' src=

Thanks liz for the lesson, matching headings was a challenge for me but I m getting it quite well iv Vii iii V

' src=

A – ii B – ix C – iv D – viii

' src=

A. iv B. i C. iii D. v

' src=

A iv B i C iii D v

' src=


' src=

A – ii B – vii C – ix D – v

' src=

A iv B vii C x D v

' src=

1.ii 2.vii 3.iii 4.v

' src=

Same here ma’am

' src=

A – iv B – vi C – iii D – v

Anyway, Thanks Liz for your valuable support

' src=

A. in B.vii C.iii D.v

' src=

A ii B ix C iii D v

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A)2 B)7 C)6 D)5

' src=

1.IV 2.II 3.IX 4.V

' src=

Ii Vi Vi Viii

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' src=

I have the exactly same answers as you did, so we are on the same side

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1 ii 2 ix 3 iii 4 v

' src=

iv vii vi viii

' src=

A .ii B.vii D.viii

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D] VIII [final answer]

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' src=

A)ii B)vii C)iii D)v

By the way, thank you for the lessons Liz. You are awesome ! I got my Academic IELTS results the today. I got overall band score of 7.5 (L 7.5, R 7.5, W6.5, S7.5) Your lessons improved my Reading substantially!!

Thanks a million 😉

Well done with your score 🙂 I’m glad your reading improved 🙂

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A – IV B- IX C- III D- V

' src=

A. ii B. Vii C. iv D. V

' src=

A – ii B – i C – iii D – v

' src=

Answers A — iv B –vi C –iii D –V

' src=


' src=

A – ii B – vii C – vi D – viii

' src=

A- iv B- i C- vi D- v

' src=

A. iv B. vii C. iii D. V

' src=

A- ii B- vii C- iii D- v

' src=

A. ii B.vii C. iii D.viii

' src=


' src=

A iv B ix C vi D viii

' src=

A- iv B -vii C-iii D-v

' src=

ii Vi iii V

' src=

A-ii B-vii C-iii D-viii

' src=

A – 2 B – 7 C – 3 D – 8

' src=

A. 4 b. 7 c. 3 d. 5

' src=

iv vii vi v

1- iv, 2- vii 3- iii, 4- v

' src=

A-4 B-5 C-3 D-5

' src=

iv I vi viii

' src=

A =ii B =i C =vi D =ix

' src=

A. Ii B. I C. iii D. v

' src=

A. (ii) B. (vii) C. (iii) D. (v)

' src=

A-ii B-i C-iii D-V

' src=

A. ii B. ix C. vi D. v

' src=


' src=

A-2 B-7 C-6 D-8

' src=

A:ii B:vii C:vi D:ix

' src=

iv Vii Vi V

' src=

A-iv B-vii C-ix D-viii

' src=

A 4 B 1 C 6 D 9

' src=

A – iv B-vii C -iii D – viii

' src=


' src=

A) ii B) vii C) vi D)viii

' src=

A. IV B. I C. III D. V

' src=

A. ii B. vii C. vi D viii

A i B. Vii C vi D viii

' src=

A -iv B -i C -ix D -viii

' src=

ii Vii Viii V

' src=

ii ix iii v

' src=

1. IV 2. VII 3. VI 4. V

' src=

A=ii B=i C=vi D=v

' src=

A- 4 B- 1 C- 3 D- 5

' src=

A. ii B. i C.iv D.viii

' src=

ii i iii viii

' src=

A. iv B. vii C. vi D. v

' src=

a. iv b. i c. vi d. v

' src=

A:ii B:vii C:vi D:iii

Good Job.Thanks

' src=

A) ii B) I C)vi D) vii

' src=

A- ii B- i C- iii D- ix

' src=

1- iv 2- vi 3- iii 4-viii

' src=

A – iv B – i C – vi D – v

' src=

A – ii B – vii C – vi D – v

' src=

A-ii B-i C-iii D-v

' src=

A ii B i C ix D v

' src=

A) ii. B) I C) vi D) v

' src=

a iv b i c vi d v

' src=

A ii B vii Civ D v

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' src=

a.iv b.vii d.v

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' src=

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' src=

1-ii 2-vii 3-iii 4-viii

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' src=

1.IV 2.VII 3.III 4.V

' src=

1.ii 2.vii 4.viii

' src=

1.ii 2.ix 3.iii 4.v

' src=

1. IV 2. I 3. VI 4. VIII

' src=

A.iv B.ix D.v

' src=

A. iii B. ix C. ii D. v

' src=

a. ii b. i c. vi d. viii

' src=

I Ii Vi Viii

' src=


' src=

A. ii B. I C. vi D. v

' src=

a iv b i c iii d viii

' src=

A. ii B. i C. iii D. V

' src=

A: ii B: i C: iii D:viii

' src=

A:ii B:Vii C:Vi D:Viii

' src=

A ii B vii C vi D viii

A: iii B: Viii C: Vi D:Viii

' src=

ii vii iii v

' src=


' src=

1. 2 2. 7 3. 9 4. 5

' src=

A – ii B – vii C – iii D – v

' src=

A ii B vii C vi D v

Same answers as mine

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Esther says August 14,2019,at 2:54pm a iv b ix c iii d viii

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1 iv 2 ix 3 iii 4 v

' src=

1. ii 2. vii 3. vi 4. v

' src=

Mary…. A.IV B.IX C.VI D.V

' src=

Iv Ix Iii V

' src=

A- iv B- ix C- vi D- iii

' src=

a 2 b 1 c 6 d 5

' src=

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' src=

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' src=

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' src=

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' src=

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' src=


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' src=

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' src=

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' src=

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' src=

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' src=

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' src=

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' src=

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' src=

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' src=

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' src=

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' src=

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' src=

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' src=

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' src=

ii i V| Viii

' src=

A. iv B. vii C. vi D. viii

' src=

A -iv B- i C- iii D-viii

' src=

1. viii 2. vii 3. iii 4. v

' src=

my answers are:

a : iv b: vii c: vi d: v

' src=

A. ii B. iv C. iii D. v

' src=

I wanted to look up at the answers and determine if I”m right or not. But they are so different! My version: A2 B3 C6 D5. Hate matching headings. Everything is clear, but ….

' src=

I wanted to look up at the answers and determine if I’m right or not. But they are so different! My version: A2 B3 C6 D5.

Hate matching headings. Everything is clear, but…..

I’m sure when I post the answers on Friday you will understand more. I always post explanations with answers to help you learn.

I don’t find answers for this anywhere ma’am .. Mine was 2,7,6,5

As stated on the page above, the answers will be posted tomorrow = Friday UK time.

Thank you so much ma’am.. So kind of you.. You dedicate all your time in helping students like us. Meanwhile i would request you to take care of health too.

' src=

A.ii B. Vii C. Vi D. V

' src=

1.ii 2.i 3.iii 4.viii

' src=

1.iv 2.vii 4.v

' src=

a ii b vii c vi d viii

' src=

A-|| B-| C-V| D-V||

' src=

A.iv B.vii C.iii D.ix

' src=


' src=

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global warming essay ielts liz

Global Warming- IELTS Reading Sample with Explanation

Collegedunia Team

Dec 22, 2021

The IELTS Reading section tests the candidate’s ability to understand a passage and answer different types of questions related to it. There are a total of three IELTS reading passages and a total of 40 questions. This topic -Global Warming is an IELTS General topic. Candidates need to answer the following IELTS reading question types:

  • True/False/Not Given
  • Answer in one word only

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Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions

Global Warming IELTS Reading Sample ​

Para 1

Solution With Explanation

Question 27

From the list below choose the most suitable title for the whole of the Reading Passage. Write the appropriate letter A-D in box 27 on your answer sheet.

  • Pollution control in coal mining
  • The greenhouse effect
  • The coal industry and the environment
  • Sustainable population growth.

Answer : C The coal industry and the environment

Supporting Statement : Coal is expected to continue to account for almost 27 percent of the world’s energy needs. However, with growing international awareness of pressures on the environment and the need to achieve sustainable development of energy resources, the way in which the resource is extracted, transported, and used is critical.

Keywords : Coal, environment, 27 percent, world’s energy, international awareness, environment, sustainable development

Keyword location : passage A

Explanation : The entire passages from A-D discuss the topic coal industry and the environment. It is evident from the very first passage itself

Read More IELTS Reading Related Articles

Questions 28-31

The Reading Passage has four sections A-D. Choose the most suitable heading for each section from the list of headings below. Write the appropriate numbers i-viii in boxes 28-31 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings

  • Global warming
  • The dangers of the coal industry
  • Superclean coal
  • Environment protection measures
  • Coal as an energy source
  • Coal and the enhanced greenhouse effect
  • Research and development
  • Mining site drainage
  • Answer : V. Coal as an energy source

Supporting Statement : Coal is expected to continue to account for almost 27 percent of the world’s energy needs.

Keywords : Coal, energy, 27 percent, world’s energy

Explanation : Nearly 27 percent of global energy demand is expected to be met by coal.

  • Answer : vi. Coal and the enhanced greenhouse effect

Supporting Statement : The coal industry has been targeted by its critics as a significant contributor to the greenhouse effect.

Keywords : coal industry, target, critics, greenhouse effect,

Keyword location : passage B

Explanation : A significant source of greenhouse gas emissions is attributed to the coal industry by critics.

  • Answer : vii. Research and development

Supporting Statement : The worldwide coal industry allocates extensive resources to researching and developing new technologies and ways of capturing greenhouse gases.

Keywords : worldwide coal industry, resources to researching and developing new technologies

Keyword location : passage C

Explanation : The coal industry invests heavily in researching and developing new technologies to capture greenhouse gases.

  • Answer : iv. Environment protection measures

Supporting Statement : Defendants of mining point out that, environmentally, coal mining has two important factors in its favor. It makes only temporary use of the land and produces no toxic chemical wastes. By carefully pre-planning projects, implementing pollution control measures, monitoring the effects of mining, and rehabilitating mined areas, the coal industry minimizes the impact on the neighboring community, the immediate environment, and long-term land capability.

Keywords : temporary use of the land, produces no toxic chemical wastes, pollution control measures, immediate environment

Keyword location : passage D

Explanation : Mining defenders point out that coal mining has two major environmental benefits. Besides causing no toxic chemical waste, it uses only a temporary amount of land. During the planning of coal projects, implementation of pollution control measures, monitoring of the effects of mining, and rehabilitation of mined areas, the coal industry minimizes the impact on the neighborhood, the immediate environment, and the ability to mine long-term.

Questions 32-36.

Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 32-36 on your answer sheet.

  • The global increase in greenhouse gases has been attributed to
  • industrial pollution in developing countries.
  • coal mining and electricity generation.
  • reduced rainfall in many parts of the world.
  • trends in population and lifestyle.

Answer : D. trends in population and lifestyle

Supporting Statement : Greenhouse gases arise from a wide range of sources and their increasing concentration is largely related to the compound effects of increased population, improved living standards, and changes in lifestyle.

Keywords : Greenhouse gases, increased population, changes in lifestyle

Explanation : Greenhouse gases are produced by various sources and their concentration is increasing due to a combination of increasing populations, improved living standards, and lifestyle changes.

  • The proportion of all greenhouse gases created by coal is approximately
  • 14 percent.
  • 18 percent.
  • 27 percent.
  • 90 percent.

Answer : B. 18 percent

Supporting Statement : Coal’s total contribution to greenhouse gas emissions is thought to be about 18 percent, with about half of this coming from electricity generation.

Keywords : greenhouse gas emissions, 18 percent, electricity generation

Explanation : According to estimates, coal contributes 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, of which about half comes from electricity generation.

  • Current research aims to increase the energy-producing efficiency of coal by
  • burning it at a lower temperature.
  • developing new gasification techniques.
  • extracting CO2 from it.
  • recycling greenhouse gases

Answer : B. developing new gasification techniques

Keywords : researching, developing new technologies, ways of capturing greenhouse gases

Explanation : The coal industry globally invests extensively in researching and developing new technologies to capture greenhouse gases.

  • Compared with ordinary coal, new, ‘clean’ coals may generate power
  • more cleanly and more efficiently.
  • more cleanly but less efficiently.
  • more cleanly but at a higher cost.
  • more cleanly but much more slowly.

Answer : A. more cleanly and more efficiently

Supporting Statement : Clean coal is another avenue for improving fuel conversion efficiency.

Keywords : Clean coal, fuel conversion efficiency

Explanation : Clean coal can also be used to improve fuel conversion efficiency.

  • To control dust at mine sites, mining companies often use
  • chemicals that may be toxic.
  • topsoil is taken from the site before mining.
  • fresh water from nearby dams.
  • runoff water containing sediments.

Answer : D. runoff water containing sediments

Supporting Statement : Dust levels are controlled by spraying roads and stockpiles, and water pollution is controlled by carefully separating clean water runoff from runoff that contains sediments or salt from the mine workings.

Keywords : Dust, clean water runoff, sediments or salt

Explanation : Dust levels are controlled by spraying roads and stockpiles, and water pollution is controlled by separating clean water runoff from runoff that is contaminated with sediments or salt.

Questions 37-40

Do the following statements reflect the opinions of the writer in the Reading Passage? In boxes 37—40 on your answer sheet write

YES if the statement reflects the opinion of the writer NO, if the statement contradicts the writer NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

  • The coal industry should be abandoned in favor of alternative energy sources because of the environmental damage it causes.

Answer : NO

Supporting Statement : The coal industry has been targeted by its critics as a significant contributor to the greenhouse effect. However, the greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon involving the increase in global surface temperature due to the presence of greenhouse gases – water vapor, carbon dioxide, tropospheric ozone, methane, and nitrous oxide – in the atmosphere.

Keywords : coal industry, greenhouse effect, natural phenomenon, water vapor, carbon dioxide, tropospheric ozone, methane, and nitrous oxide

Explanation : Critics claim the coal industry contributes significantly to the greenhouse effect. Although the greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon, it is caused by the accumulation of greenhouse gases - carbon dioxide, water vapor, tropospheric ozone, methane, and nitrous oxide - in the atmosphere.

  • The greatest threats to the environment are the gases produced by industries that support the high standard of living of a growing world population.

Answer : YES

Keywords : Greenhouse gases, population, changes in lifestyle

Explanation : As a result of increased population, improved living standards, and changes in lifestyle, greenhouse gases come from a variety of sources and their concentration is increasing.

  • World population in the twenty-first century will probably exceed 8 billion.

Supporting Statement : From a current base of 5 billion, the United Nations predicts that the global population may stabilize in the twenty-first century between 8 and 14 billion, with more than 90 percent of the projected increase taking place in the world’s developing nations.

Keywords : 8 and 14 billion, United Nations predicts, the global population

Explanation : Taking the current world population of 5 billion as a starting point, the United Nations predicts that the world population could stabilize between 8 and 14 billion by the end of the twenty-first century, with almost 90 percent of the projected increase originating in the world's developing countries.

  • CFC emissions have been substantially reduced in recent years.

Answer : NOT GIVEN

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Expand your IELTS Vocabulary – Environment

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  • 7 June 2024

Today’s theme is the environment. Just as with our previous posts, we’ll be looking at how to create relevant vocabulary sets on the topic in order to improve your vocabulary for your IELTS. So let’s get started!

Vocabulary sets related to the environment

As you may already know by now, the environment is a very popular IELTS theme. It is particularly common in Speaking Part 3, where you’re expected to discuss the topic in a more general way and in greater depth. Likewise, you could be asked to write about environmental issues in Writing Task 2. Here, you might have to identify causes for specific environmental problems, suggest solutions, predict consequences and/or give your opinion on the subject in a discussion. Below are three sub-topics related to the environment, each containing words or phrases that you can use to elaborate your answers in both the Speaking and Writing modules of the test:



the natural environment where an animal or plant lives

natural habitat, wildlife habitat, threatened/endangered habitat, damage/destroy a habitat, conserve/protect a habitat, loss of habitat

I believe new measures are necessary to protect wildlife habitats.




the number and types of plants and animals in a specific area or in the world

biodiversity loss, biodiversity conservation, global biodiversity, preserve biodiversity

Biodiversity conservation plans should be a priority for governments around the world.




all the people, animals and plants living in an area and the way they affect each other and the environment

forest ecosystem, healthy ecosystem, maintain the ecosystem, benefit the ecosystem, damage the ecosystem, species in an ecosystem

It is well known that commercial fishing can have a very negative impact on the ecosystem, yet little has been done to address this.


endangered species


a type of plant or animal that might stop existing

save endangered species, critically endangered species

There are many organizations that are committed to saving endangered species.

/ɪnˈdeɪn·dʒərd ˈspi·ʃiz/



plants in general

natural vegetation, green vegetation, dense/lush/thick vegetation, native vegetation, destroy the vegetation

The Costa Rican jungles are characterized by thick, green vegetation.


2. Environmental problems

global warming


a gradual increase in the earth’s temperature caused by gases surrounding the earth

contribute to global warming, combat/fight/tackle global warming

We have to fight global warming before it’s too late.

/ˌɡloʊ.bəl ˈwɔːr.mɪŋ/



to make air, water or soil dirty

pollute the environment, pollute the air/water/soil

If we continue to pollute our environment, our children and grandchildren will have to pay the consequences.




the cutting down of trees in an area

mass deforestation, illegal deforestation, reduce deforestation

Forest biodiversity is threatened by mass deforestation carried out around the world.


climate change


changes in the world’s weather, in particular an increase in temperature, caused by human activity

the impacts/results of climate change, climate change talks, climate change sceptic/denier ( )

Personally, I don’t think that climate change can do us any good.

/ˈklaɪ.mət ˌtʃeɪndʒ/



no longer existing

be extinct, become/go extinct, completely/totally extinct, almost/nearly/practically/virtually extinct

Many species of plants and animals have become extinct due to human activity.


3. Protecting the environment



causing little or no damage to the environment and therefore able to be continued over a long period of time

sustainable growth, sustainable development, sustainable communities, sustainable energy sources

Big companies should donate a percentage of their profits to support sustainable development.


renewable energy


energy that is produced using natural resources such as the wind, sun, etc.

renewable energy industry, renewable energy projects/sources/technology, demand for renewable energy

The environmental benefits of renewable energy are countless.

/rɪˈnuː.ə.bəl ˈen.ɚ.dʒi/



the protection of animals, plants, natural areas and natural substances

wildlife conservation, energy conservation, water conservation, nature/environmental conservation, conservation area

Energy conservation saves us money and helps the environment.




the practice of not eating or using animal products (e.g. meat, fish, eggs, etc.)

strict veganism

I believe that veganism, clean energy and environmental conservation are the solution to climate change.




the study of or an interest in the environment and the belief that it must be protected from harmful human activity

promote environmentalism

Some believe that eco-tourism can promote environmentalism.


Idioms related to the environment

reduce, reuse, recycle

phrase used to encourage people to waste less and use things again to protect the environment

The three R’s - reduce, reuse and recycle - all help to cut down on the amount of waste we produce.

to go green

to change one’s lifestyle to help protect the environment

Grocery stores should go green by using paper bags instead of plastic.

to have a green thumb

to have the ability to grow plants well

My mother has a green thumb and grows most of the fruit and veggies she consumes.

to go solar

to collect solar energy by using solar energy panels

What many people don’t know is that by going solar, they’re also saving money.

Finally, keep in mind that the topic of the environment often goes hand in hand with other common IELTS themes, such as transportation. This increases the chances of having to discuss environmental issues to some extent at some point during the test. It is important that you’re able to determine when you’re being asked to connect topics, in order to use this vocabulary in a flexible way.

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By invitation.

global warming essay ielts liz

The French election

A hard-right government might disrupt France’s relations with Europe

Business and the American election

A business leader on why he’s backing Donald Trump

global warming essay ielts liz

The trouble with sequels

What would Joe Biden actually do with a second term?

He has a domestic agenda, but no easy way to bring it about

global warming essay ielts liz

France’s parliamentary election

Emmanuel Macron’s centrists are facing a disastrous first-round vote

Home-made highs

European gangs are getting better at making their own illegal drugs

Death and destruction in a russian city.

Getting them while they’re young

Finland’s shrinking high schools are importing pupils from abroad


Can António Costa make a success of the world’s hardest political gig?

global warming essay ielts liz

The Starmer method

What the remaking of Labour reveals about Sir Keir Starmer

Our best guess

The Economist’s final prediction points to a Tory wipeout in Britain

Lettuce pray

On shame, Liz Truss and the turnip Taliban

Bicester and Woodstock

The British election is not close. But the race in Bicester is

The Public Duty Cost Allowance

The cost of Britain’s cast of ex-prime ministers is mounting

Britain’s unwanted house guest

Julian Assange’s plea deal: a suitable end to a grubby saga

Why the next westminster scandal is already here, united states.

global warming essay ielts liz

The enthusiasm gap

Young voters strongly favour Joe Biden, but will they turn out?

Forensic fandom

True-crime fans are banding together online to try to solve cases

Push and Pulaskix

Przekrój, an iconic Polish magazine, relaunches in America

AI and parenting

Non-white American parents are embracing AI faster than white ones

A SCOTUS snafu

What to make of the US Supreme Court’s latest abortion ruling

Marking their own homework

Research into trans medicine has been manipulated

In new york, the democratic establishment strikes back, middle east & africa.

global warming essay ielts liz

Extreme weather

The “Venice of Africa” is sinking into the sea

Surrounded by trouble

Mauritania is a beacon of stability in the coup-prone Sahel

Breaking the budget

A new breed of protest has left Kenya’s president tottering

Pier pressure

Is the American-built pier in Gaza useful or a fiasco?

The job of iran’s president is a study in humiliation, the americas.

global warming essay ielts liz

Chaos in the Andes

An apparent coup in Bolivia founders, but the country remains in trouble

Canada’s overdose capital

Vancouver pioneered liberal drug policies. Fentanyl destroyed them

Mission impossible

A Kenyan-led security mission finally starts to arrive in Haiti

global warming essay ielts liz

Rebels without much cause

Meet the incels and anti-feminists in Asia

Beginner’s luck?

Casinos are booming in South-East Asia

Left wanting

Narendra Modi needs to win over low-income Indians

Gen Z mayor

Takashima Ryosuke is Japan’s youngest ever mayor

Ancient artistic loot will finally make its way back to cambodia.

global warming essay ielts liz

Reform in China

The surprisingly frank economic advice that Xi Jinping gets

Roxie, one of china’s few lesbian bars, closes its doors.

Going private

Health-care reform is upending the lives of China’s doctors

Over the moon

China’s probe returns from the far side of the moon


global warming essay ielts liz

Extreme temperatures

The rise of the truly cruel summer

global warming essay ielts liz

Keeping the lights on

Is the revival of Paris in peril?

European millionaires seek a safe harbour from populism.

Thinking fast and slow

A new lab and a new paper reignite an old AI debate

Why everyone should think like a lawyer.

Move over, big dirt

Why big oil is wading into lithium

Full steam ahead

Boom times are back for container shipping

The baijiu mystery

Who shaved $250bn from Kweichow Moutai’s market value?

Is artificial intelligence making big tech too big, finance & economics.

global warming essay ielts liz

Industries of the future

Will services make the world rich?

American stocks are consuming global markets.

The Tijuana two-step

How Chinese goods dodge American tariffs

Biggie deal

McDonald’s v Burger King: what a price war means for inflation

Rock steady

Is coal the new gold?

Free exchange

The economics of the tennis v pickleball contest

Science & technology.

global warming essay ielts liz

High alert on high

The race to prevent satellite Armageddon

A deadly new strain of mpox is raising alarm.

Large language models

At least 10% of research may already be co-authored by AI

global warming essay ielts liz

Stage fright

Donald Trump’s return is making Hollywood nervous

Regional inequality

What ails Britain’s left-behind places?

Putin’s delusions, Ukrainians’ pain

A clear-eyed account of Ukraine under siege

World in a dish

The döner kebab has a meaty role in German society

Stringing along

How Kronos became the world’s most innovative string quartet

Frequent travellers

Why travel guidebooks are not going anywhere

The Economist reads

global warming essay ielts liz

Books (and films) about the joy and pain of music festivals

Economic & financial indicators, economic data, commodities and markets.

global warming essay ielts liz

Just keep having fun

Willie Mays’s philosophy was simple: They throw the ball, I hit the ball


  1. Global Warming Vocabulary IELTS 2023

    global warming essay ielts liz

  2. Essay on Global Warming with Samples (150

    global warming essay ielts liz

  3. IELTS Writing Task 2 Analysis (Global Warming)

    global warming essay ielts liz

  4. 138 Global Warming Essay Topics & Ideas

    global warming essay ielts liz

  5. Global Warming Essay

    global warming essay ielts liz

  6. A Review Essay : Greenhouse Warming: The Changing Climate in Science

    global warming essay ielts liz


  1. IELTS essay Economy vs Climate impact on people's lifestyle

  2. Global warming easy essay in English

  3. IELTS Liz

  4. Essay on Global Warming Problems and Solutions

  5. Essay on Global Warming

  6. global warming essay writing


  1. Environment Essay Titles

    Environment Essay Titles. Below are examples of IELTS Environmental writing task 2 questions. Human activity has had a negative impact on plants and animals around the world. Some people think that this cannot be changed, while others believe actions can be taken to bring about a change. Discuss both and give your opinion.

  2. IELTS Essay on Global Warming: Sample answer and vocabulary

    Re-orientate the topic to climate change / industrial pollution 600. Global warming essay. This global warming IELTS essay lesson is mostly about the need to vary your vocabulary when you write. This means thinking about the topic of the question of course but also thinking about what the question asks you to do - i.e. talk about causes etc.

  3. IELTS Writing Task 2 Analysis (Global Warming)

    To conclude, global warming is a very serious issue, which needs to be addressed at the priority. The government and all the individuals should join hands to reduce this eminent threat and save earth and future generations. Let us try now do thorough analysis of the IELTS writing task 2 response as below: Introduction. Strength:

  4. IELTS Daily Essay Topic: Some people believe that global warming is

    Therefore, their destruction exacerbates the problem of global warming. Conclusion: In conclusion, both global warming and deforestation are significant environmental issues that require urgent action. However, given the widespread and profound impacts of global warming, it is, in my view, the most pressing environmental problem being faced today.

  5. IELTS Writing Vocabulary: The environment

    global warming. an increase in temperature all-over the world, as a result of greenhouse effect. natural disaster. an event like an earthquake, hurricane etc. Acid rain. Rain which is polluted by chemicals. endangered species. animals or plants are on the verge of extinction. Natural environment.

  6. World Environmental Problems: Vocabulary Exercise

    loss of biodiversity = species becoming extinct. ozone layer depletion = the ozone layer is being destroyed and becoming thinner. land degradation = soil and land pollution as well as desertification. resource depletion = lack of natural resources worldwide. climate change = negative changes to the world weather patterns.

  7. IELTS Essay and Vocabulary for Climate change

    You can also watch the full tutorial here: IELTS Essay and Vocabulary (Climate change) Climate change • Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. Watch on.

  8. Global Warming is One of the Biggest Threats to Our Environment IELTS

    Model Answer 1. Global warming is a major challenge that inhabitants of Earth are facing. It is climate change that occurs due to human activities which primarily involves fossil fuel burning. The need of the hour is to control this issue which can be done by following environment-friendly practices.

  9. IELTS writing test

    Greenhouse gases remain suspended in the air, creating a kind of "cap", which cause two main changes. Firstly, it prevents the heat to rise from the ground to the space, inducing it to return back to the surface. As a consequence, it leads to an increase of average temperatures. Secondly, these gases stop solar radiations from reaching the ...

  10. Climate change: which words should we teach our learners?

    Simply by looking at the most frequent verbs and nouns used to talk about climate change, we can get a sense of useful vocabulary to teach our learners. For example, the verb reduce is worth spotlighting. The verb reduce is among the most frequent verbs used in the climate change subcorpus of the Cambridge English Corpus and is used to talk ...

  11. Problem Solution Essay- IELTS Writing Task 2 Lesson

    Problem Solution Sample Essay. Global warming is one of the biggest threats humans face in the 21st Century, and sea levels continue to rise at alarming rates. ... I advise my students to use a basic four-paragraph structure with all problem solution IELTS essays. Your four paragraphs should look something like this: Paragraph 1- Introduction ...

  12. IELTS Opinion Essay

    IELTS writing task 2 opinion essay is an important question type of the IELTS test! Let's look at the structure, tips, and samples to help you ace it! ... frequent coastal flooding, drastic weather changes, global warming. As a global community of conscious individuals, we need our planet more than it needs us. Reply. Purnima Koli. Posted on ...

  13. Essay on Global Warming with Samples (150, 250, 500 Words

    Being able to write an essay is an integral part of mastering any language. Essays form an integral part of many academic and scholastic exams like the SAT, and UPSC amongst many others.It is a crucial evaluative part of English proficiency tests as well like IELTS, TOEFL, etc. Major essays are meant to emphasize public issues of concern that can have significant consequences on the world.

  14. Global Warming Essay in English (Causes and Solutions)

    100 Words Essay on Global Warming. An increase in the Earth's average global temperature is known as global warming. Global warming is mostly caused by burning more fossil fuels and the emission of hazardous pollutants into the atmosphere. Living things can suffer greatly as a result of global warming.

  15. Climate Changes, So Should We...

    In 2015, the Paris Agreement, which is legally binding on climate change, has been accepted by approximately 191 countries to limit global warming to below 2, if possible, to 1.5. The countries have committed to achieve this primary goal and minimise global warming. To accomplish this goal requires all parties to put forward their best efforts ...

  16. An Ultimate Guide to Writing IELTS Problem Solution Essays

    Here's an ultimate guide to writing IELTS problem solution essays, including tips on identification, structure, as well as problem and solution essay topics. Free Band 8 Writing ... Example for a Problem-solution essay: Global warming is emerging as a great threat to human survival in the 21st Century and sea levels are continuing to rise at ...

  17. Study English S1 Ep5: Global Warming

    Welcome to Study English, IELTS preparation. Today we're going to look at a topic you've probably heard a lot about - global warming and the environment. First we're going to look at ways ...

  18. Global Warming Essay

    A rise in global temperatures can lead to additional changes in the environment, such as rising sea levels. Since an increase in the temperature causes the glaciers and icebergs to melt at a rapid pace, it causes the sea levels to rise. On the Weather: Global Warming causes intense heat waves by significantly increasing the temperature which ...

  19. IELTS Reading: Matching Headings

    The greenhouse effect, combined with increasing levels of greenhouse gases, produces global warming, which is expected to have profound implications. ... IELTS Liz Personal Update 2024; IELTS Model Essay -Two Questions Essay Type; IELTS Bar Chart of Age Groups 2024; About me. Hi, my name is Elizabeth (Liz). I am your teacher and the author of ...

  20. IELTS Writing Task 2: 'global warming' topic

    IELTS Writing Task 2: 'global warming' topic. If the question asks you to explain a problem related to the environment, you could write about global warming. Here is a paragraph explaining the problem (causes) of global warming: Perhaps the most serious problem facing the environment is global warming. Gases such as carbon dioxide trap heat ...

  21. Global Warming- IELTS Reading Sample with Explanation

    The IELTS Reading section tests the candidate's ability to understand a passage and answer different types of questions related to it. There are a total of three IELTS reading passages and a total of 40 questions. This topic -Global Warming is an IELTS General topic. Candidates need to answer the following IELTS reading question types:

  22. Expand your IELTS Vocabulary

    global warming. noun. a gradual increase in the earth's temperature caused by gases surrounding the earth. contribute to global warming, combat/fight/tackle global warming. We have to fight global warming before it's too late. /ˌɡloʊ.bəl ˈwɔːr.mɪŋ/ pollute. verb. to make air, water or soil dirty. pollute the environment, pollute ...


    GLOBAL WARMING ESSAY IELTS LIZ. Published on Jul 28, 2019. damonftpk. Follow this publisher. More from. damonftpk. IS WAL MART GOOD FOR AMERICA 2 ESSAY. July 28, 2019.

  24. France's centre cannot hold

    Essay; Schools brief; Business & economics. ... Global warming. Simple steps to stop people dying from heatwaves. ... On shame, Liz Truss and the turnip Taliban.