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Accounting – FRS 1: Presentation of the Financial Statements

Accounting – FRS 1: Presentation of the Financial Statements

During preparation and presentation of financial statements in your business, there are Singapore Financial Reporting Standards that your financial statements should adhere to, when running business in Singapore. The FRS 1 sets the overall requirements when accounting for transactions for every financial statement. It defines their structure, their minimum requirements for their content and concepts such as accrual concept (Also see Accounting Period Assumption and Matching Principle: Understand their Relationship ) of accounting, current or non-current distinction, and going concern concepts.

Note that the FRS 1 requires a complete set of financial statements to have a statement of the business’s financial position, a statement of cash flow, a statement indicating the variations in equity, and a statement of profit or loss. This FRS 1 was revised in 2004 and amended in 2006.

The primary objective of the FRS 1 is to offer a guide for the presentation of all financial statements. It also ensures that your business’s financial statements of the past accounting period are compatible with other entities’ financial statements.

The FRS 1 is applicable on every general purpose financial statement that is prepared and presented according to the Singapore Financial Reporting Standards. Note that financial statements are prepared to show the business’s performance, financial position, and cash flow . This information is useful in decision making.

Components of Financial Statements

According to FRS 1, every general purpose financial statement should contain the following:

  • Statement of the financial position as at the date the statement is prepared
  • Profit or loss statement for the accounting period ending on a specific date
  • A statement showing the variations in equity in the accounting period
  • Cash flow statement (Also see Accounting for Book and Bank Overdrafts and their Cash Flow Presentation )
  • Notes indicating the significance accounting policies

Note that FRS 1 provides clear guidelines on how each of the above statements should be prepared. It also indicates what should be included in each financial statements and how various transactions and components of the financial records should be recorded.

Also, the FRS 1 outlines all assumptions and judgments that you should make when preparing and presenting your business’s financial statements.

It is important to understand that none of the companies in Singapore and the entire world should deviate from the FRS 1 requirements when it comes to preparation and presentation of the business financial statements. Therefore, you should study the FRS 1 carefully and ensure those charged with the responsibility of preparing the financial statements in your firm comply with FRS 1. If you don’t understand FRS 1 well, consider engaging a accounting service in Singapore today.

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A196v : Analysis and Review of Public Sector Accounting: SB-FRS (Live Webinar)

14.00 CPE Hours (Category 1)
Live Webinar
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Introduction The ‘Statutory Board Financial Reporting Standards’ (SB-FRS) are issued by the Accountant-General and are required to be complied by all Statutory Boards in Singapore. SB-FRS is set by reference to Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (SFRS) issues by The Accounting Standards Council (ASC). Both sets of standards are virtually similar in principles and technical requirements but are applied in different operating environments. Private sector companies predominantly operate in a profit making business environment whereas Statutory Boards often operate in an environment to satisfy a set of social services or obligations in accordance with the objectives of a specific Statutory Board. Therefore the activities of the Statutory Boards are mainly non-profit making, however certain activities may be required to earn income. The interpretation of the principles of the Standards may be different for both the private and public sector. An example of a notable difference is in the interpretation of the principle ‘future economic benefit’, which is determined based on pure financial benefits for private sector entities, whereas it may not always be so for public sector entities.   Programme Objective The seminar gives a practical analysis and review of selected SB-FRSs. It is intended for busy professionals requiring a refresher course on the technical principles of SB-FRS and their applications in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Practice in public sector environment. The seminar uses practical scenarios to address the complex issues of interpreting the principles of the Standards. It highlights areas where practitioners of SB-FRS may interpret the standards differently from private sector and how these differences may be overcome based on past experience and the use of judgement derived from the “Framework”.

Programme Outline

SB-FRS 1Presentation of Financial Statements
SB-FRS 7Statement of Cash Flows
SB-FRS 24Related Party Disclosures
SB-FRS 115Revenue from Contracts with Customers
SB-FRS 1001Accounting and Disclosure for Non-Exchanges Revenue
SB-FRS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors
SB-FRS 10Events After the Reporting Period
SB-FRS 21The Effect of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
SB-FRS 23Borrowing Costs
SB-FRS 113Fair Value Measurement
SB-FRS 2Inventories
SB-FRS 105Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations
SB-FRS 16Property, Plant and Equipment
SB-FRS 40Investment Property
SB-FRS 38Intangible Assets
SB-FRS 36Impairment of Assets
SB-FRS 37Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
SB-FRS 20Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance
SB-FRS 116Leases

SB-FRS 32Financial Instruments: Presentation
SB-FRS 107Financial Instruments: Disclosure
SB-FRS 109Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement
SB-FRS 103Business Combinations
SB-FRS 27Separate Financial Statements
SB-FRS 28Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures
SB-FRS 110Consolidated Financial Statements
SB-FRS 111Joint Arrangement
SB-FRS 112Disclosure of Interest in Other Entities
SB-FRS-GN1Accounting and Disclosure for Funds, Grants Accumulated Surplus and Reserves
SB-FRS-GN2Accounting and Disclosure for Donations
SB-FRS-GN3Accounting and Disclosures for Trust Funds
SB-FRS-GN4Related Party Disclosures
SB-FRS-GN5Reporting of CPF Contributions and Key Management Personnel Compensation
SB-FRS-GN6Disclosure on Management Entities
SB-FRS-GN7Accounting for Sponsorship Received

  Training Methodology Lecture style, with practical illustrations, technical flow-charts, conceptual “mind maps” and interactive discussions.   Closing Date for Registration 1 week before programme or until full enrolment

Intended For

This programme is suitable for all Finance Professionals, Audit Professionals, Members of Audit Committee, Finance Directors and Regulators. Those who are keen on attending a practical course that examines the application of SB-FRS and the Guidance Notes applicable to Statutory Bodies are welcome to attend.

Competency Mapping

Category 1 = 14.00 Hours

24 Sep 2024 (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM) 25 Sep 2024 (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM)

For Members: $ 684.52 For Non-Members: $ 815.32

Programme Facilitator(s)

04 Dec 2024 (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM) 05 Dec 2024 (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM)

1] NTUC Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP) UTAP (Union Training Assistance Programme) is an individual skills upgrading account for NTUC members.   To find out more on the UTAP funding and support validity period please click  here .   Should you have queries on the funding scheme, you can email to [email protected] or call NTUC Membership Hotline at 6213-8008

Danny is a consultant providing continuing professional development training for the accountancy profession as well as providing consultancy services on financial reporting technical matters. He has over 35 years’ experience in public practice, commerce, and industry. He was trained and qualified as a professional accountant with a firm in London. Danny conducts courses in IFRS and IPSAS in Europe, Middle East, and Asia Pacific. He is currently a member of the Small and Medium-size Entities Implementation Group (SMEIG) that consider the need to amend IFRS for SMEs Accounting Standard and make recommendation to the Board of IASB. He is also a project manager for the MASB. He currently holds several advisory roles in financial reporting technical matters.

Danny holds an Honours Degree in Economics (major in finance and investment) from Manchester Metropolitan University (UK), MBA from Heriot-Watt University (UK) and Master in Advance Business Practice from University of South Australia. He is a fellow member of The Chartered Instituted of Management Accountants, and The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. He is also a member of The Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants, Malaysian Institute of Accountants and an associate member of Chartered Tax Institute of Malaysia.

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sb frs 1 presentation of financial statements

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Changes effective for annual periods beginning after 1 January 2023

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Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (International) Changes effective for annual periods beginning after 1 January 2023

Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (International) (SFRS(I)s) refer to Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (International) and SFRS(I) Interpretations issued by the ASC^.

SFRS(I)s are published for your own personal non-commercial use only, subject to the Terms & Conditions of Use of this Web Site. As SFRS(I)s are based on IFRS Standards and the copyright to IFRS Standards is owned by the IFRS Foundation, permission to use SFRS(I)s for any other purpose is required from ACRA and the IFRS Foundation with regard to SFRS(I)s and IFRS Standards, respectively.

The following are the new/revised/amendments to SFRS(I)s issued up to 31 December 2023 which are effective for annual reporting periods beginning after 1 January 2023.

^ Pursuant to the Accountancy Functions (Consolidation) Act 2022, any accounting standards made or formulated or deemed to have been made or formulated, and any practice directions issued or deemed to have been issued, by the Council before 1 April 2023, and which have not been revoked before that date, shall continue in force after that date as if made or formulated or issued by the ASC after that date.

Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (International)

Reference Title Effective Date Issuance Date
SFRS(I) 10, SFRS(I) 1-28 (PDF, 138KB) To be determined 29 Dec 2017
SFRS(I) 1-1 (PDF, 146KB)
1 Jan 2024 29 May 2020
SFRS(I) 1-1 (PDF, 91KB)
- 23 Jul 2020
SFRS(I) 16 (PDF, 191KB) 1 Jan 2024 14 Dec 2022
Various (PDF, 197KB) 1 Jan 2024 14 Dec 2022
SFRS(I) 1-7, SFRS(I) 7 (PDF, 130KB) 1 Jan 2024 9 Jun 2023
SFRS(I) 1-21, SFRS(I) 1 (PDF, 227KB) 1 Jan 2025 26 Sep 2023

Other accompanying documents

The SFRS(I)s should be read in the context of the Basis for Conclusions on IFRS Standards issued by the IASB. The Basis for Conclusions summarises the IASB's considerations in developing IFRS Standards. The use of the Basis for Conclusions is subject to the IFRS Foundation's Terms and Conditions (PDF, 171KB) as if they are materials on the IFRS Foundation's website.

Basis for Conclusions on IFRS Standards

Reference Title
IFRS 10, IAS 28 (PDF, 299KB)

(PDF, 408KB)
IAS 1 (PDF, 160KB)
IAS 1 (PDF, 138KB)
IFRS 16 (PDF, 119KB)
Various (PDF, 160KB)
IAS 7, IFRS 7 (PDF, 173KB)
IFRS 1, IAS 21 (PDF, 205KB)

Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority


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    View - Download Presentation of Financial Statements SB-FRS 1. Previous PDF : Next PDF : Consolidated Financial Statements of the Nestlé Group 2019. 12 Feb 2020 Notes. 1. Accounting policies. ... Paragraph 82(c) of IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements requires of associates and joint ventures in the statement(s) of financial performance. ...

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