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Traffic Jam Causes and Effects Essay

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Causes and Effects of Traffic Congestion

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Essay on Traffic Problems

Students are often asked to write an essay on Traffic Problems in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Traffic Problems


Traffic problems are a significant concern in many cities. They cause delays, increase stress, and contribute to pollution.

Causes of Traffic

Effects of traffic.

Traffic problems lead to wasted time, increased pollution, and heightened stress levels.

Solutions to Traffic

Solutions include improving public transportation, implementing carpooling, and enhancing traffic management systems.

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250 Words Essay on Traffic Problems

Introduction to traffic problems.

Traffic problems have emerged as a significant issue in contemporary urban life, posing challenges to both the environment and quality of life. The exponential increase in vehicles, coupled with inadequate infrastructure, has led to a myriad of traffic-related issues.

Causes of Traffic Congestion

Primarily, traffic congestion is caused by a combination of factors. Rapid urbanization and population growth have resulted in an increased demand for transportation. Additionally, poor city planning and lack of effective public transportation have forced individuals to rely heavily on private vehicles, exacerbating the issue.

Impacts of Traffic Problems

The effects of traffic congestion are multifaceted. Economically, it results in lost productivity due to time wasted in traffic. It also contributes to environmental degradation through increased greenhouse gas emissions. From a social perspective, traffic problems lead to stress, road rage, and a decreased quality of life.

Solutions to Traffic Problems

In conclusion, traffic problems are a pressing concern that demand immediate attention. Through a combination of innovative urban planning, improved public transportation, and sustainable practices, it is possible to mitigate these issues. It is crucial for policy makers, city planners, and citizens to work together to create a more sustainable and congestion-free future.

500 Words Essay on Traffic Problems

Traffic congestion is an omnipresent issue in urban areas worldwide, affecting economies, the environment, and the quality of life. Despite the technological advancements, the traffic problem continues to worsen, primarily due to rapid urbanization, population growth, and increased motorization. Understanding the causes, impacts, and possible solutions to this issue is crucial for sustainable urban development.

The Causes of Traffic Congestion

The causes of traffic congestion are multifaceted, ranging from infrastructural to behavioral aspects. Poor planning and inadequate infrastructure are significant contributors to traffic congestion. Cities often fail to keep up with the rapid pace of urbanization and the consequent increase in vehicles, leading to inadequate road networks.

Impacts of Traffic Congestion

The impacts of traffic congestion are far-reaching. Economically, it leads to loss of productivity due to time wasted in traffic, increased fuel consumption, and higher vehicle maintenance costs. According to the Centre for Economics and Business Research, traffic congestion cost US drivers nearly $88 billion in 2019, an average of $1,377 per driver.

Potential Solutions

Addressing traffic congestion requires a multi-pronged approach. Infrastructure development, including the construction of new roads, flyovers, and underpasses, can alleviate the problem to some extent. However, this alone is not sufficient due to the induced demand effect, where more roads often lead to more traffic.

An effective public transportation system can significantly reduce the reliance on private vehicles, thereby reducing traffic. Policies encouraging carpooling and use of non-motorized transport, such as cycling and walking, can also help.

Traffic management measures, including intelligent traffic systems using AI and data analytics, can optimize traffic flow and reduce congestion. Congestion pricing, where drivers are charged for entering congested areas, can also deter unnecessary trips.

Behavioral changes are equally important. Public awareness campaigns can promote responsible driving behavior and the benefits of public transport and carpooling.

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Model Essay 1

Traffic congestion is a perennial challenge plaguing metropolises worldwide, primarily driven by urbanization and inadequate infrastructure. This essay posits that the root causes include an over-reliance on personal vehicles and deficient public transportation systems, suggesting enhanced public transit and urban planning as viable remedies.

Urban sprawl and the escalating dependence on cars are primary culprits behind the relentless traffic congestion besieging major cities. As urban areas stretch farther from city centers without corresponding upgrades in road and public transport infrastructure, the result is invariably longer commutes that place an unsustainable burden on roads designed for a bygone era. The allure of personal vehicles, driven by their convenience for door-to-door travel and their status as symbols of personal achievement, further compounds the issue. In cities like Los Angeles and Bangkok, where the public transport system is either underdeveloped or perceived as inconvenient, the roads become chronically clogged, spotlighting the urgent need for a comprehensive reevaluation of urban mobility strategies.

To mitigate this growing concern, a dual strategy is paramount. First, significant investment in public transportation infrastructure is crucial. This encompasses not just the expansion of subway lines and enhancement of bus services, but also the integration of bike-sharing programs to cover the 'last mile' of urban travel. Such measures can provide appealing, efficient alternatives to personal vehicle use. For instance, Singapore's Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system stands as a testament to how well-implemented public transport can effectively ease road congestion by offering a viable and efficient alternative to car usage, encouraging a shift in the public's commuting habits. Secondly, there is a pressing need for urban planning to adapt and embrace 'smart city' principles. This means promoting the development of walkable neighborhoods and mixed-use areas where residents can live, work, and access essential services without the need for lengthy commutes. Implementing such planning strategies can significantly diminish the urban populace's reliance on personal vehicles, steering cities towards a more sustainable, congestion-free future.

In conclusion, the escalation of traffic congestion is a multifaceted issue stemming from over-dependence on personal vehicles and insufficient public transportation. Mitigating this problem requires a comprehensive approach that includes bolstering public transit systems and adopting forward-thinking urban planning.

Model Essay 2

Traffic congestion plagues numerous global metropolises, stemming from a combination of urban migration and inadequate public transportation. This essay posits that the crux of the issue lies in the surge of urban populations and the inefficacy of city infrastructure to accommodate this influx. It further proposes enhanced public transportation and urban planning as viable solutions.

The relentless urban migration, a phenomenon observed globally, intensifies as cities, with their allure of superior job opportunities and living standards, draw individuals from less urbanized areas. This influx results in congested urban landscapes, with cities such as Jakarta and Mexico City serving as quintessential examples where daily traffic standstills are a common spectacle. The root of this congestion often lies in the lagging development of both road networks and public transportation facilities, which fail to scale in accordance with rapid population growth. Consequently, this disparity fosters a dependency on personal vehicles among the populace, significantly worsening traffic conditions. Furthermore, the introduction of ride-sharing apps, while providing temporary relief for commuters, inadvertently contributes to the traffic conundrum by increasing the number of cars on the road.

In addition, the infrastructure of many cities shows a marked inability to support the burgeoning demand placed upon it by increasing numbers of vehicles. This shortfall is primarily due to the lack of comprehensive and efficient public transportation options, compelling residents to rely heavily on personal vehicles for their daily commutes. However, a viable strategy to combat this challenge involves significant investments in expanding public transportation networks. Cities like Singapore and Copenhagen have led by example, demonstrating how the integration of efficient bus services, expansive metro systems, and accessible bike-sharing programs can dramatically reduce congestion. These initiatives not only offer a more sustainable mode of transport but also encourage a shift away from car dependency, thereby easing the strain on urban roadways. Enhanced urban planning, including the development of pedestrian-friendly zones and the promotion of telecommuting, could further alleviate congestion, contributing to a more balanced and less car-dependent urban ecosystem.

In conclusion, urban migration and inadequate infrastructure emerge as principal contributors to the traffic congestion dilemma. Addressing this requires a two-pronged strategy: managing urban populations through strategic planning and bolstering public transportation.

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Cause & Effect Essay: Traffic Problems of a Big City

Cities like New York, London, and Paris have all had to deal with thousands of cars running through their streets each day. Traffic congestion is a big problem for everyone within the city. The main reasons why traffic congestion occurs are more cars, poor road management, and poor practices on behalf of employers.

One of the main reasons why there’s more congestion is due to more cars on the road. The adult population is increasing and therefore more people want their own personal transport to get around with. As the number of cars increase the chance of congestion also increases. It’s why in smaller towns and villages congestion is almost unheard of.

This is coupled with a lack of proper infrastructure. Councils and national governments fail to act on the looming threat of heavy congestion until it happens. The city doesn’t expand along with an increasingly car reliant population. A single street with a lane on each side before might not suffice in ten years after the population has increased. Authorities often fail to convert this into a dual carriageway.

Alternate routes are also a problem. Cities have limited capacity to expand due to poor funding and planning restrictions preventing building on green belt spaces. Cities are forced to work with the routes they already have. If they can’t increase the number of lanes it leads to congestion.

Employers can also play a part in dealing with congestion. Congestion almost always happens when people are travelling to and from work. Traffic congestion has eased in recent years as a result of growing unemployment and the introduction of more flexible work hours.

By adhering to the traditional 9-5 routines, there’s a greater chance of congestion. Everyone has to travel to and from work at the same time each day.

A lack of public transport, or poor public transport options, will also cause problems. If there isn’t enough buses, trams, or local trains people are forced to take their cars to work. The ratio of passengers to vehicles decreases, whereas if they were able to take the bus people would feel less of a need to drive their cars.

In many places, commuters are forced away from public transport by the private companies which run them. Increasing fare prices, especially on the trains, make driving a car with its associated high fuel costs cheaper than public transport. By pushing people back to their cars again they only exasperate the congestion problem.

In conclusion, congestion is mainly caused by a desire for people to drive their cars coupled with a failure by local government to act. If they invested in more affordable public transport options and a better infrastructure the incidence of congestion would decrease in major cities.

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Ielts writing task 2 sample 892 - nowadays traffic is a serious problem in big cities, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, nowadays, traffic is a serious problem in big cities. why this is so and what effects does it bring.

causes of traffic congestion essay

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Traffic: Why It’s Getting Worse, What Government Can Do

Subscribe to the brookings metro update, anthony downs anthony downs former brookings expert.

January 1, 2004

  • 17 min read
  • Introduction

The Real Problem

Coping with the mobility problem, the principle of triple convergence, triple convergence and other proposals, how population growth can swamp transportation capacity, low-density settlements, possible improvements.

Rising traffic congestion is an inescapable condition in large and growing metropolitan areas across the world, from Los Angeles to Tokyo, from Cairo to Sao Paolo. Peak-hour traffic congestion is an inherent result of the way modern societies operate. It stems from the widespread desires of people to pursue certain goals that inevitably overload existing roads and transit systems every day. But everyone hates traffic congestion, and it keeps getting worse, in spite of attempted remedies.

Commuters are often frustrated by policymakers’ inability to do anything about the problem, which poses a significant public policy challenge. Although governments may never be able to eliminate road congestion, there are several ways cities and states can move to curb it.


Traffic congestion is not primarily a problem, but rather the solution to our basic mobility problem, which is that too many people want to move at the same times each day. Why? Because efficient operation of both the economy and school systems requires that people work, go to school, and even run errands during about the same hours so they can interact with each other. That basic requirement cannot be altered without crippling our economy and society. The same problem exists in every major metropolitan area in the world.

In the United States, the vast majority of people seeking to move during rush hours use private automotive vehicles, for two reasons. One is that most Americans reside in low-density areas that public transit cannot efficiently serve. The second is that privately owned vehicles are more comfortable, faster, more private, more convenient in trip timing, and more flexible for doing multiple tasks on one trip than almost any form of public transit. As household incomes rise around the world, more and more people shift from slower, less expensive modes of movement to privately owned cars and trucks.

With 87.9 percent of America’s daily commuters using private vehicles, and millions wanting to move at the same times of day, America’s basic problem is that its road system does not have the capacity to handle peak-hour loads without forcing many people to wait in line for that limited road space. Waiting in line is the definition of congestion, and the same condition is found in all growing major metropolitan regions. In fact, traffic congestion is worse in most other countries because American roads are so much better.

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There are four ways any region can try to cope with the mobility challenge. But three of them are politically impractical or physically and financially impossible in the United States.

Charging peak-hour tolls. Governments can charge people money to enter all the lanes on major commuting roads during peak hours. If tolls were set high enough and collected electronically with “smart cards,” the number of vehicles on each major road during peak hours could be reduced enough so that vehicles could move at high speeds. That would allow more people to travel per lane per hour than under current, heavily congested conditions.

Transportation economists have long been proponents of this tactic, but most Americans reject this solution politically for two reasons. Tolls would favor wealthier or subsidized drivers and harm poor ones, so most Americans would resent them, partly because they believe they would be at a disadvantage.

The second drawback is that people think these tolls would be just another tax, forcing them to pay for something they have already paid for through gasoline taxes. For both these reasons, few politicians in our democracy—and so far, anywhere else in the world—advocate this tactic. Limited road-pricing schemes that have been adopted in Singapore, Norway, and London only affect congestion in crowded downtowns, which is not the kind of congestion on major arteries that most Americans experience.

Greatly expanding road capacity. The second approach would be to build enough road capacity to handle all drivers who want to travel in peak hours at the same time without delays. But this “cure” is totally impractical and prohibitively expensive. Governments would have to widen all major commuting roads by demolishing millions of buildings, cutting down trees, and turning most of every metropolitan region into a giant concrete slab. Those roads would then be grossly underutilized during non-peak hours. There are many occasions when adding more road capacity is a good idea, but no large region can afford to build enough to completely eliminate peak-hour congestion.

Greatly expanding public transit capacity. The third approach would be to expand public transit capacity enough to shift so many people from cars to transit that there would be no more excess demand for roads during peak hours. But in the United States in 2000, only 4.7 percent of all commuters traveled by public transit. (Outside of New York City, only 3.5 percent use transit and 89.3 percent use private vehicles.) A major reason is that most transit commuting is concentrated in a few large, densely settled regions with extensive fixed-rail transit systems. The nine U.S. metropolitan areas with the most daily transit commuters, when taken together, account for 61 percent of all U.S. transit commuting, though they contain only 17 percent of the total population. Within those regions, transit commuters are 17 percent of all commuters, but elsewhere, transit carries only 2.4 percent of all commuters, and less than one percent in many low-density regions.

Even if America’s existing transit capacity were tripled and fully utilized, morning peak-hour transit travel would rise to 11.0 percent of all morning trips. But that would reduce all morning private vehicle trips by only 8.0 percent—certainly progress, but hardly enough to end congestion—and tripling public transit capacity would be extremely costly. There are many good reasons to expand the nation’s public transit systems to aid mobility, but doing so will not notably reduce either existing or future peak-hour traffic congestion.

Living with congestion. This is the sole viable option. The only feasible way to accommodate excess demand for roads during peak periods is to have people wait in line. That means traffic congestion, which is an absolutely essential mechanism for American regions—and most other metropolitan regions throughout the world—to cope with excess demands for road space during peak hours each day.

Although congestion can seem intolerable, the alternatives would be even worse. Peak-hour congestion is the balancing mechanism that makes it possible for Americans to pursue other goals they value, including working or sending their children to school at the same time as their peers, living in low-density settlements, and having a wide choice of places to live and work.

The least understood aspect of peak-hour traffic congestion is the principle of triple convergence, which I discussed in the original version of Stuck in Traffic (Brookings/Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 1992). This phenomenon occurs because traffic flows in any region’s overall transportation networks form almost automatically self-adjusting relationships among different routes, times, and modes. For example, a major commuting expressway might be so heavily congested each morning that traffic crawls for at least thirty minutes. If that expressway’s capacity were doubled overnight, the next day’s traffic would flow rapidly because the same number of drivers would have twice as much road space. But soon word would spread that this particular highway was no longer congested. Drivers who had once used that road before and after the peak hour to avoid congestion would shift back into the peak period. Other drivers who had been using alternative routes would shift onto this more convenient expressway. Even some commuters who had been using the subway or trains would start driving on this road during peak periods. Within a short time, this triple convergence onto the expanded road during peak hours would make the road as congested as it was before its expansion.

Experience shows that if a road is part of a larger transportation network within a region, peak-hour congestion cannot be eliminated for long on a congested road by expanding that road’s capacity.

The triple convergence principle does not mean that expanding a congested road’s capacity has no benefits. After expansion, the road can carry more vehicles per hour than before, no matter how congested it is, so more people can travel on it during those more desirable periods. Also, the periods of maximum congestion may be shorter, and congestion on alternative routes may be lower. Those are all benefits, but that road will still experience some period of maximum congestion daily.

Triple convergence affects the practicality of other suggested remedies to traffic congestion. An example is staggered work hours. In theory, if a certain number of workers are able to commute during less crowded parts of the day, that will free up space on formerly congested roads. But once traffic moves faster on those roads during peak hours, that will attract other drivers from other routes, other times, and other modes where conditions have not changed to shift onto the improved roads. Soon the removal of the staggered-working-hour drivers will be fully offset by convergence.

The same thing will happen if more workers become telecommuters and work at home, or if public transit capacity is expanded on off-road routes that parallel a congested expressway. This is why building light rail systems or even new subways rarely reduces peak-hour traffic congestion. In Portland, where the light rail system doubled in size in the 1990s, and in Dallas, where a new light rail system opened, congestion did not decline for long after these systems were up and running. Only road pricing or higher gasoline taxes are exempt from the principle of triple convergence.

A ground transportation system’s equilibria can also be affected by big changes in the region’s population or economic activity. If a region’s population is growing rapidly, as in Southern California or Florida, any expansions of major expressway capacity may soon be swamped by more vehicles generated by the added population. This result is strengthened because America’s vehicle population has been increasing even faster than its human population. From 1980 to 2000, 1.2 more automotive vehicles were added to the vehicle population of the United States for every 1.0 person added to the human population (though this ratio declined to 1 to 1 in the 1990s). The nation’s human population is expected to grow by around 60 million by 2020—possibly adding another 60 million vehicles to our national stock. That is why prospects for reducing peak-hour traffic congestion in the future are dim indeed.

Shifts in economic activity also affect regional congestion. During the internet and telecommunications boom of the late 1990s, congestion in the San Francisco Bay Area intensified immensely. After the economic “bubble” burst in 2000, congestion fell markedly without any major change in population. Thus, severe congestion can be a sign of strong regional prosperity, just as reduced congestion can signal an economic downturn.

The most obvious reason traffic congestion has increased everywhere is population growth. In a wealthy nation, more people means more vehicles. But total vehicle mileage traveled has grown much faster than population. From 1980 to 2000, the total population of the United States rose 24 percent, but total vehicle miles traveled grew 80 percent because of more intensive use of each vehicle. The number of vehicles per 1,000 persons rose 14 percent and the number of miles driven per vehicle rose 24 percent. Even without any population gain in those two decades, miles driven would have risen 47 percent.

One reason people drove their vehicles farther is that a combination of declining real gas prices (corrected for inflation) and more miles per gallon caused the real cost of each mile driven to fall 54 percent from 1980 to 2000. That helped raise the fraction of U.S. households owning cars from 86 percent in 1983 to 92 percent in 1995.

Furthermore, American road building lagged far behind increases in vehicle travel. Urban lane-miles rose by 37 percent versus an 80 percent increase in miles traveled. As a result, the amount of daily traffic that was congested in the 75 areas analyzed in studies by the Texas Transportation Institute went from 16 percent in 1982 to 34 percent in 2001.

Another factor in road congestion is accidents and incidents, which some experts believe cause half of all traffic congestion. From 1980 to 2000, the absolute number of accidents each year has remained amazingly constant, and the annual number of traffic deaths in the United States fell 18 percent, in spite of the great rise in vehicle miles traveled. So accidents could only have caused more congestion because roads were more crowded, and each accident may now cause longer back-ups than before.

Incidents are non-accident causes of delay, such as stalled cars, road repairs, overturned vehicles, and bad weather. No one knows how many incidents occur, but it is a much greater number than accidents. And the number of incidents probably rises along with total driving. So that could have added to greater congestion, and will in the future.

Another crucial factor contributing to traffic congestion is the desire of most Americans to live in low-density settlements. In 1999, the National Association of Homebuilders asked 2,000 randomly-selected households whether they would rather buy a $150,000 townhouse in an urban setting that was close to public transportation, work, and shopping or a larger, detached single-family home in an outlying suburban area, where distances to work, public transportation, and shopping were longer. Eighty-three percent of respondents chose the larger, farther-out suburban home. At the same time, new workplaces have been spreading out in low-density areas in most metropolitan regions.

Past studies, including one published in 1977 by Boris S. Pushkarev and Jeffery M. Zupan, have shown that public transit works best where gross residential densities are above 4,200 persons per square mile; relatively dense housing is clustered close to transit stations or stops; and large numbers of jobs are concentrated in relatively compact business districts.

But in 2000, at least two thirds of all residents of U.S. urbanized areas lived in settlements with densities of under 4,000 persons per square mile. Those densities are too low for public transit to be effective. Hence their residents are compelled to rely on private vehicles for almost all of their travel, including trips during peak hours.

Recognizing this situation, many opponents of “sprawl” call for strong urban growth boundaries to constrain future growth into more compact, higher-density patterns, including greater reinvestment and increased densities in existing neighborhoods. But most residents of those neighborhoods vehemently oppose raising densities, and most American regions already have densities far too low to support much public transit. So this strategy would not reduce future traffic congestion much.

While it’s practically impossible to eliminate congestion, there are several ways to slow its future rate of increase:

Create High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes. Peak-hour road pricing would not be politically feasible if policymakers put tolls on all major commuter lanes, but HOT lanes can increase traveler choices by adding new toll lanes to existing expressways, or converting underused high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes to HOT lanes, and leaving present conventional lanes without tolls. True, HOT lanes do not eliminate congestion. But they allow anyone who needs to move fast on any given day to do so, without forcing all low-income drivers off those same roads during peak periods. In some regions, whole networks of HOT lanes could both add to overall capacity and make high-speed choices always available to thousands of people in a hurry.

Respond more rapidly to traffic-blocking accidents and incidents. Removing accidents and incidents from major roads faster by using roving service vehicles run by government-run Traffic Management Centers equipped with television and electronic surveillance of road conditions is an excellent tactic for reducing congestion delays.

Build more roads in growing areas. Opponents of building more roads claim that we cannot build our way out of congestion because more highway capacity will simply attract more travelers. Due to triple convergence, that criticism is true for established roads that are already overcrowded. But the large projected growth of the U.S. population surely means that we will need a lot more road and lane mileage in peripheral areas.

Install ramp-metering. This means letting vehicles enter expressways only gradually. It has improved freeway speed during peak hours in both Seattle and the Twin Cities, and could be much more widely used.

Use Intelligent Transportation System devices to speed traffic flows. These devices include electronic coordination of signal lights on local streets, large variable signs informing drivers of traffic conditions ahead, one-way street patterns, Global Positioning System equipment in cars and trucks, and radio broadcasts of current road conditions. These technologies exist now and can be effective on local streets and arteries and informative on expressways.

Create more HOV (High Occupancy Vehicle) lanes. HOV lanes have proven successful in many areas such as Houston. More regions could use HOV lanes effectively if there were more lanes built for that purpose, rather than trying to convert existing ones. Merely converting existing lanes would reduce overall road capacity.

Adopt “parking cash-out” programs. Demonstration programs have shown that if firms offer to pay persons now receiving free employee parking a stipend for shifting to carpooling or transit, significant percentages will do so. That could reduce the number of cars on the road. However, this tactic does not prevent the offsetting consequences of triple convergence.

Restrict very low-density peripheral development. Urban growth boundaries that severely constrain all far-out suburban development will not reduce future congestion much, especially in fast-growing regions. And such boundaries may drive up peripheral housing prices. But requiring at least moderate residential densities—say, 3,500 persons per square mile (4.38 units per net acre)—in new growth areas could greatly reduce peripheral driving, compared to permitting very low densities there, which tend to push growth out ever farther. In 2000, thirty-six urbanized areas had fringe area densities of 3,500 or more. Those thirty-six urbanized areas contained 18.2 percent of all persons living in all 476 U.S. urbanized areas.

Cluster high-density housing around transit stops. Such Transit Oriented Developments (TODs) would permit more residents to commute by walking to transit, thereby decreasing the number of private vehicles on the roads. However, the potential of this tactic is limited. In order to shift a significant percentage of auto commuters to transit, the number of such “transit circles” within each region would have to be very large, the density within each circle would have to be much greater than the average central city density in America’s fifty largest urbanized areas, and the percentage of workers living in the TODs who commuted by transit would have to greatly exceed the 10.5 percent average for central cities in 2000. Even so, developing many of these high-density clusters might make public transit service more feasible to many more parts of large regions.

Give regional transportation authorities more power and resources. Congress has created Metropolitan Planning Organizations to coordinate ground transportation planning over all modes in each region. If these were given more technical assistance and power, more rational systems could be created. Without much more regionally focused planning over land uses as well as transportation, few anti-congestion tactics will work effectively.

Raise gasoline taxes. Raising gas taxes would notably slow the rate of increase of all automotive travel, not just peak-hour commuting. But Congress has refused to consider it because it is politically unpopular and fought by industry lobbyists. Despite Americans’ vocal complaints about congestion, they do not want to pay much to combat it.

Peak-hour traffic congestion in almost all large and growing metropolitan regions around the world is here to stay. In fact, it is almost certain to get worse during at least the next few decades, mainly because of rising populations and wealth. This will be true no matter what public and private policies are adopted to combat congestion.

But this outcome should not be regarded as a mark of social failure or misguided policies. In fact, traffic congestion often results from economic prosperity and other types of success.

Although traffic congestion is inevitable, there are ways to slow the rate at which it intensifies. Several tactics could do that effectively, especially if used in concert, but nothing can eliminate peak-hour traffic congestion from large metropolitan regions here and around the world. Only serious economic recessions—which are hardly desirable—can even forestall an increase.

For the time being, the only relief for traffic-plagued commuters is a comfortable, air-conditioned vehicle with a well-equipped stereo system, a hands-free telephone, and a daily commute with someone they like.

Congestion has become part of commuters’ daily leisure time, and it promises to stay that way.

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Essay on Traffic Jam for Students and Children

500+ words essay on traffic jam.

Traffic jam is the situation when vehicles are stopped completely for some time period on the roads. Also, vehicles have to wait for a long time to move out of the jam. Sometimes it becomes like congestion in traffic. This happens in transport network due to the increasing vehicles and overuse of roads. Often it is due to slow speed, longer trip time and increased queues of vehicles. Therefore, traffic jam is becoming a major issue mostly in all cities.

essay on traffic jam

Problems arising due to Traffic Jam

Traffic Jam has a tremendous impact on the life of people. It is one of the most serious problems in big cities that people have to deal in daily life. Since most of the people have to deal with it on a daily basis they may get psychologically affected. It also negatively affects work, education and personal life of people and finally to the progress of the country.

Let us discuss some major problems that arise due to high traffic:

  • Traffic is one of the major problems in cities and has made the lives of people really difficult. Obviously, it results in non-productive activity.
  • People experience delays for their important work. This may even result in personal as well as professional losses.
  • It is also the main cause of wastage of fuels and air pollution.
  • It increases stress and frustration among motorists and passengers.
  • Unsafe driving is the main impact of traffic jam which may lead to road mishaps and hence injuries.
  • Traffic jams can also have a negative impact on the mind of a person. The traffic congestion and constant blowing of horns create excessive noise pollution.

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Disadvantages of Traffic Jam:

Let us have a look at some chief disadvantages of traffic jams in detail below:

  • Unproductive time is the major disadvantage of traffic jam.
  • The other negative effect of much traffic is the emission of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere leading to the issue of global warming .
  • Businesses nowadays provide home delivery services. Such time bond businesses are strongly affected by the traffic jam.
  • The frequent breaking and accelerating the vehicles in traffic jams burns more fuel. Hence it is the additional loss.
  • Road rage is the absurd reaction of commuters that is very common during traffic jams. People often use bad language and drive aggressively that can lead to accidents.
  • Emergency vehicles like fire brigade and ambulance get stuck up in traffic jams that cause a delay in reaching the location.


Some suggestions to solve the traffic jam problem are as follows:

  • People should use public transport as much as possible.
  • The government must increase the facilities of public transport as per the need of the population.
  • Everyone should avoid the unnecessary collection of vehicles.
  • People should use carpool and vehicle sharing to decrease the vehicles on the road.
  • Conditions of the road in India is not good. Authorities must improve this situation.
  • Vehicle registration and motor driving license policy must be strictly implemented.
  • People must be aware of traffic rules and also be motivated to follow strictly.
  • Mixed traffic on the roads is also a big reason for it. So, it must be banned.


Thus, traffic jam is a serious issue in every big city that causes several problems for common people. It consumes so much of time and energy unnecessarily and hence the loss of the nation. Therefore, serious measures have to be taken by the authorities to control traffic and promote the use of public transport. Development of public transport network at economical rates is essential. Implementation of traffic safety rules by traffic police is a must. People should drive more sensibly and responsibly. Hence we all can work in this way to solve the big threat of the current time.

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Essay on Traffic Problems | Traffic Problems Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Traffic Problems: The development in the world has given us many gifts but not without its bane. Travelling to faraway places has become more comfortable and quicker due to the boom in the automobile industry. But it comes with the limitations of traffic jams. One of the perils of living in the cities is a traffic jam.

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Short and Long Essays on Traffic Problems for Students and Children in English

Long Essay on Traffic Problems is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Short Essay on Traffic Problems is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Very Short Essay on Traffic Problems 150 Words in English

As we see development in the automobile industry, there is a rise in traffic problems on the road. Traffic is movement as of vehicles and pedestrians through an area or along a route. The fundamental problem of traffic arises when many people commute at the same time and cause congestion on the road. There is an increase in the demand for vehicles, but the roads’ condition leads to traffic problems. To solve the pain caused due to traffic jams, people are coming up with new and more straightforward commuting solutions. The government has also started many campaigns on traffic problems to enlighten the citizens of the country. People try to use public transport or share their rides to stop traffic congestion. They avoid going out in peak traffic hours. Living with congestion is a problem everyone wants to fight and get a smoother flow on the road.

Traffic Problems Essay

Short Essay on Traffic Problems 200 Words in English

Life in urban cities is running day and night. People have places to reach and workloads to finish. The population explosion is seen not only in the graphs but on the roads too. The primary time of a human being living in a city spent on-road commuting between the office and home. The primary cause is traffic on the road for delaying a person to reach their destination. The primary reason for traffic congestion on the street is the growth of industry and the economy. People have to go office simultaneously, so peak hours are on the road when the congestion is high.

Self-awareness is there in the citizens regarding this issue. The government is also taking many measures to eradicate the traffic problems. People prefer to take public transport during peak hours to avoid heavy traffic. Roads widened to meet the demand of the traffic on the road. Traffic police are more vigilant to avoid unnecessary blockages on the way. Sometimes the streets are blocked for V.I.P movements; it leads to traffic blocks. It will be joined the effort by citizens and government to bring changes in the traffic problems.

Long Essay on Traffic Problems 400 Words in English

Introduction to Essay on Traffic Problems: The traffic problem is one of the common problems in metropolitan cities around the world. Cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Tokyo, Shanghai, Beijing, and other cities in the US and Europe face traffic congestion daily.

The urban transportation system is a big challenge for the governments because it requires a state of the art Vehicles and a state of the art roads designed for public transport. There are many reasons for traffic problems, but the aftereffects of getting stuck in traffic for long are only frustration and anger.

Problems Due to Traffic 

  • Being stuck in traffic for long hours results in unproductive time. The time sitting idle and getting late to your appointment causes frustration and anger in a person. Aggressive driving increases road rage.
  • Increase in pollution level due to wastage of fuels. Stopping, accelerating and again stopping the car leads to an unnecessary release of carbon dioxide.
  • Noise pollution increase due to extra honking and too much traffic. These long traffic congestions on the road can harm the mind.
  • Emergency vehicles like the fire brigade and ambulance get stuck up in the traffic.
  • People can get late for their important meetings and to cover up the time sometimes drive fast and cause accidents.
  •  There is wastage of fuel when the vehicles are stuck in a traffic jam.
  • People who have to commute daily like office goers and students feel completely drained out after long traffic jams.
  • The chances of accidents and damages increase due to tight spacing between the vehicles.
  • The value of the vehicle depreciates due to frequent acceleration and braking.

Conclusion on Traffic Problems Essay

Traffic jam is a part of our daily lives. It is one of the primary causes of air pollution and noise pollution. The government and concerned citizens are taking a lot of measures to avoid traffic problems. The use of public transport is encouraged by the government. Carpool is a powerful solution to avoid bringing a lot of cars on the road. The citizens strictly follow traffic rules; the government’s role is to check that all the traffic rules followed. The traffic control system needs t controlled, and road infrastructure needs to improve as a government’s duty. Improvement in public transport infrastructure is a must to encourage people to use it more often. It is possible to prevent traffic problems, but we need to work sincerely on it.

10 Lines on Traffic Problems Essay

Very Long Essay on Traffic Problems 800 Words

Introduction to Traffic Problems Essay: The modern dilemma in general people as rightly quoted by Paul Mc Cartney” I think the idea of getting out of a traffic jam and getting out of work each week and going and doing all this stuff would be exhausting.”A significant chunk of the time of the day spent on the road due to traffic congestion. It seems like a specific condition in progressing metropolitan and urban cities. Nobody likes to get stuck up in traffic for long hours.

Traffic is a Problem

As the automobile industry is booming day by day, our roads are boom with cars daily. The primary reason for the increase in traffic is

  • Growth in the economic power of people has to lead to an increase in sales of the vehicles.
  • The easy availability of automobile loans has made it easier for the general public to purchase their vehicle.
  • Like many family members, the same number of cars are there due to growth and boost in the industry.
  • People need to move out of the house at the same time due to office hours. These hours are known as peak hours.
  • The roads are not well designed for heavy traffics, and bad weather conditions.

In simple words, the transport network’s major problem is increasing vehicles and roads’ overuse. Generally, we all have got used to traffic around us but underlining the silver line in this black cloud makes people angry and frustrated. The problems which arise due to traffic are

  • Spending long hours on the road increases aggressiveness amongst people eventually a rise in road rage.
  • Frustration  Increases the chances of accidents on the road, as people try to Overspeed to reach on time or drive rash whenever they get the road clear to go.
  • Wasted fuel increases air pollution and carbon dioxide emissions due to increased idling, acceleration and braking.
  • Wear and tear of vehicles due to idling in traffic and frequent acceleration and braking.
  • Unproductive time is a significant disadvantage.
  • Emergency vehicles like the fire brigade and ambulance get stuck up in traffic congestions.
  • Some business gets effected by not delivering goods on time as they work by the principle of delivery on time or free.

Remedies to Eradicate Traffic Problems

A big issue can be seen by the general people of the country and the government too. The solution is to work together. Some of the measures which followed are

  • Awareness in the general public, for the advantages of using public transport.
  • The government should improve facilities for public transport. As the day
  • Carpool as a principle should be followed and promoted by the organisations in their employees. It helps to decrease the number of vehicles on the road.
  • Road repair work must be regular to decrease traffic jams.
  • People must be aware of traffic rules and also be motivated to follow them strictly.
  • Government time to time to create awareness among the citizens, and implements new policies like Odd and Even was a success in Delhi.

How Can We Avoid Traffic?

  • Optimise light traffic management by the Traffic police officers.
  • Use CCTV to monitor road conditions will help a lot to avoid unnecessary roadblocks.
  • Enforce existing road traffic laws, which is very important to stop accidents from occurring.
  • Improve perceptions of buses, will encourage the general public to make more usage of it.
  • Extend resident’s parking zones, will prevent people from double parking and taking extra space for driving.
  • Charge for workplace parking; this will discourage people from bringing their cars to work.
  • Improve cycling infrastructure; it will encourage people to avoid vehicles and cycle at least for shorter distances.
  • Improve bus services, is vital to encourage people to travel on public transport.

Traffic congestion has become a global problem because sitting idle and unproductive for long hours in the car is a significant problem for most countries. Studies show that on average due to congestion Boston loses 164 productive hours, New York City, Los Angeles, Seattle all lose almost 100 productive hours.

Pondering at the Red Light

In the end, red light is where waiting for minutes sometimes hours a lot of thoughts come into our mind. Our choice of how we spend that time, generally getting tired and frustrated is the answer. By J.G.Ballard,” People nowadays like to be together not in the old-fashioned way of, say, mingling on the piazza of an Italian Renaissance city, but, instead huddled together in traffic jams, bus queues, on escalators and so on. It’s a new kind of totally alien, but it’s the togetherness of modern technology.”  Even if traffic is a problem in our lives, but with continuous efforts, we can indeed find a way to solve it. Living with congestion is not a solution to our problem but at present an unavoidable circumstance.

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Band 6+: Traffic congestion is becoming a huge problem for many major cities. What are the causes? Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce traffic in big cities.

It is obvious that traffic jams are increasing significantly day by day and becoming a serious issue for most big cities.This essay will identify the causes of this problem and suggest several viable solutions to remedy the situation.

There are two main contributors to the way traffic congestion becomes a big problem for crowded cities nowadays. Chief of these is that the high number of private vehicles is growing fastly on the streets, people prioritize using their own car or motorbike for traveling instead of public transports which are supposedly inconvenient and uncomfortable. This can be seen in developing countries where the public transport system is not undeveloped and the majority of citizens use private vehicles and has led to traffic congestion during rush hour. Added to this is the fact that poor transportation infrastructure is an inevitable reason causing the issue of traffic. In some countries, roads usually are degraded due to the lack of maintenance and as a result, pressure on the roads is becoming more and more progressively serious.

The problem of traffic congestion can be addressed in a number of ways. An immediate remedy is for the government to encourage citizens to use public transports like metro, bus or train by raising tax on private ones. For instance, in Vietnam, car owners usually pay a higher fee for car insurance and driving on the highway. Consequently, people are more likely to be discouraged from using private cars for travel in the big cities. Furthermore, the government should make an investment in the traffic facilities and foster urban expansion. This could be done by building modern infractures, replacing bad quality roads and public vehicles with using the subway, sky train and expanding more lanes in the street.

In conclusion, the causes of major cities increasingly facing heavy traffic are a high number of vehicles and poor transportation infrastructure, and the solution is that the government should promote the use of public transport and invest in transport facilities.

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causes of traffic congestion essay

No More Traffic Jams

       There is nothing worse than being trapped in your car, waiting in the middle of a traffic jam. It is frustrating, knowing that there is nothing you can do and that you are going to be late to work. Traffic jams often occur during rush hour or right after a large event because there are more cars on the road than normal. Traffic jams can also be caused by car accidents or road construction. They usually occur on major roads that many people use to travel to work or school. Traffic jams are a problem because they make people late for work or school, they can cause car accidents, and they are frustrating. How can we reduce the number of traffic jams? Possible solutions include carpooling or using public transportation. The best way to solve traffic jams is by using public transportation because it will be efficient, economical, and reliable.

       First, using public transportation is efficient. A bus is a very efficient way to move lots of people from one place to another using only one vehicle. Instead of having one vehicle for each person on the road, busses take many cars off the road as people ride together. Trains are even more efficient at reducing the number of cars on the road. Because trains have their own dedicated rail system to get people around, all of the cars are eliminated without adding any more traffic to the roads. Not only are busses and trains more efficient at carrying passengers, but time spent on a bus or a train is more efficient for the passenger. This encourages more people to use public transportation. It is easy to see how efficient public transportation is and the impact that it has on reducing traffic.

       Another reason that public transportation is the best solution to traffic jams is because it is so economical. People want to use public transportation instead of driving their own car because they can save money. Public transportation usually does not cost very much, especially for people who use it often. There are discounts for seniors and students, which makes it an even more economical way for these groups to travel around town. Using public transportation also eliminates the need to pay for parking, car insurance, and car maintenance, not to mention gasoline. All of the expenses related to owning a car are replaced with one simple fare. Because it is so economical, public transportation is a good solution to traffic jams by encouraging more people to travel together and reduce the number of cars on the road.

       Finally, public transportation is the best solution because it is reliable. Many people set up carpools to reduce traffic, but this is only a temporary solution. Every time someone has a change in their schedule, the carpool needs to be adjusted. For example, if someone has to go to the doctor or sleeps in, the carpool will not work that day. If someone changes jobs or transfers to a new school, the carpool will need to be adjusted again. Public transportation, on the other hand, is more reliable. The bus and train schedules don’t change every time that one rider needs to go to the doctor. The schedules are set and people can plan on them. People who use public transportation will find that it is reliable and can help limit the number of cars on the road.

       Because it is efficient, economical, and reliable, public transportation is the best way to reduce the number of traffic jams. There are other possible ways to address this problem, but using public transportation is clearly the best. Traffic jams during very busy hours on the road can be reduced and more people can get to work on time and avoid the frustration caused by sitting in the middle of a long line of cars. Cities and governments should consider ways to improve their public transportation system and encourage more people to use it. If they do, they will surely see fewer traffic jams on their roads and much happier drivers.

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  • Traffic Jam Essay



India is now the world’s fifth-largest economy. For better opportunities, people are migrating from rural areas to urban areas. India ranks number 2 in the list of countries by ppulation. The rate of urban population is larger than the rural areas. Despite its strong economic growth, the country still faces its share of problems. Due to the deprived facilities, people face many problems. In metro cities one serious problem is Traffic. Traffic Jams have now become a part of our daily lives. Traffic Jams can simply be defined as vehicles stuck on the road and having difficulties in moving smoothly. Vehicles can remain stuck in one place in a Traffic Jam for a very long period of time sometimes. But Traffic Jams are not as simple an issue as defined by the concept. It affects our lives and the national economy. 

Reasons for Traffic Jam

There are various reasons why Traffic Jams occur and why they have become an indispensable part of our lives in an unwanted way. Most of the time, Traffic Jams happen due to the infrastructure of Indian roads and bridges. During the rainy season, the pavements of the roads deteriorate due to various factors like cracks, potholes, depressions, rutting, revelling, etc. This causes a lot of distress for people. They have to face unnecessary harassment during their day to day travelling. In our country, public transportation has not been able to cater to the growing travel demand. When urgent situations arise and or people have to reach somewhere within a scheduled time, they are not able to depend on public transport. They prefer to use their own vehicles. This leads to the number of vehicles on the road becoming much more than the capacity of the roads and the flyovers. 

One more unfortunate reason as to why Traffic Jams occur is the negligence of Traffic rules and complete ignorance towards the consequences. As a basic Traffic rule, one should always make way for ambulances, but people most often fail to follow this rule as a part of their daily habit. This leads to ambulances getting stuck in Traffic Jams. This in turn can again lead to anyone losing his/her life. By facing problems of pathetic Traffic Jams every day, people become impatient. This affects their attitude towards Traffic rules and they lose the patience to follow the same. People end up flouting Traffic rules causing accidents and injuries. Road rage has become a very common cause of accidents nowadays and more than half of the drivers are guilty of this. 

Issues Faced by People due to Traffic Jams 

People's lives are greatly impacted by Traffic congestion. It is one of the most important difficulties that residents in big cities face on a daily basis. Because most individuals have to deal with it on a regular basis, they may be affected psychologically. It also has a negative impact on people's employment, education, and personal lives, as well as the country's progress. There are multiple issues that people have to face owing to the increasing problems of Traffic Jams. 

It is due to increasing Traffic Jams that most of the time people get late for their work. To avoid getting late, people start driving faster than the prescribed speed limit. This increases the chances of accidents. Because of the issue of increasing Traffic Jams, kids also have to leave their homes early in the morning for school. Many kids spend more than an hour on a school bus because of road congestion even if their schools are a few minutes to hardly half an hour away. Moreover, facing pathetic Traffic every day affects people’s general attitude and mood. People start to get hyper and frustrated and sometimes they take out their frustration on others. A general frustration and hyper attitude affect people’s daily performance at work too. 

Most often Traffic Jams are also breeding grounds for increased air pollution and noise pollution. This affects people’s respiratory organs. Kids especially are at higher risk since at such a small age being exposed to pollution reduces their quality of health. Traffic Jams badly affect our health and further reduce the air quality by increasing polluting fumes, unnecessary honking of horns etc. It also results in a waste of fuel. This again can be a cause of unnecessary depletion of our non-renewable energy. Increased Traffic congestion also can be responsible for an increase in the emission of greenhouse gases. This can also lead to increasing global warming. 

Solving the Problem of Traffic Jams

Nowadays the government is starting to take some positive steps toward this big problem. Public transport frequency and efficiency are developing day by day. The authorities are also taking care of public transport vehicles, online booking facilities, and following up with scheduled time slots. As people are also becoming more and more aware of the problems arising out of Traffic Jams, they are becoming more and more responsible as well. People are now preferring carpooling and public transport like local trains, metro, buses and so on. They are reducing the usage of their own personal scooters, bikes, cars, etc. Simultaneously, there are many more improvements that are happening in strengthening modes of public transport. Metro and Subways help people to maintain smooth travelling in their day to day lives. With the help of modern technology such as Google Maps, people can now avoid Traffic Jams. If people and the government come together then we can overcome the problem of Traffic Jams.


FAQs on Traffic Jam Essay

1. How do traffic jams affect our day to day lives?

Traffic Jam affects our day to day life enormously and has now become one of the most serious problems in big cities especially for the working people who need to reach the office on time. Traffic jams also cause mentals and psychological stress that can bring negativity towards work, education and personal life. Traffic Jams tend to waste a lot of time resulting in a non-productive activity. This time could have actually been utilized on some productive work. Employees suffer a maximum loss due to delays for their important work. Traffic jams not only wastes time but also wastes fuels and causes air pollution. To cope up with the time wasted in traffic jams people opt for unsafe driving which leads to road accidents and injuries. Traffic jams also result in constant blowing of horns which creates noise pollution.

2. What are the measures to be taken to avoid traffic jams?

Use of public transport is one of the best ways to avoid traffic jams as collection of unnecessary personal vehicles not only uses space in your garage but also occupies space on the road. Use of carpool and sharing vehicles reduces air pollution and also results in less traffic jams. Traffic rules must strictly be followed and vehicle registration and driving license policy must be strictly implemented. To avoid accidents the authority should improve the condition of roads in India.

3. What are the major causes of traffic jams in India?

With the increase in the population, the number of vehicles in India is also increasing as people are buying more cars and two wheelers to suit their needs. Moreover, the condition of India's road is also not well. This becomes the major reason behind the traffic jam in India. Apart from that there are various other reasons like private encroachments and non-cooperation among drivers leads to traffic jams. Unscientific road design, lack of free ways and footpaths results in the crowd using the main road which also consumes space and leads to traffic jams. Proper bus bays and cycle tracks are required to encourage people using public transport and cycles.

4. Why have traffic jams become a global problem?

Traffic jams have become a global problem because most of the countries are wasting their time unproductively due to traffic congestions. The U.S is the most affected with almost 10 most congested urban areas. Boston approximately loses 164 hours in traffic congestion, Washington wastes around 155 hours and Chicago wastes 138 hours of its time. Other places like New York City, Los Angeles, Seattle, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, etc also lose approx more than 100 hours in traffic congestion. U.S. cities compare to the rest of the world because Boston is the only American city that makes the list of the top 10 most congested cities in the world, weighted for population. Moscow in Russia loses around 210 hours of their time in traffic jams. Istanbul, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, London, Italy all are the top places suffering from traffic jams.

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Essay on Traffic Jam in English for Children and Students

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Essay on Traffic Jam: Traffic congestion is a condition caused by the increasing number of vehicles on the road resulting in congestion, road blockage, slower speed, longer route time and the loss of valuable time. Traffic jam occurs when the vehicles have to completely stop or move at a snail’s pace for a certain period of time. It is an issue of serious concern in every city these days. Traffic jam leads to sheer waste of productive time.

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People get delayed for their offices, for important business meetings along with late delivery of business goods affecting the overall economy of a Nation. Occurrence of a traffic jam depends on several reasons – narrow road ahead, making it difficult for the vehicles to pass through simultaneously; a broken road, a fallen tree or some other impediment; an unexpected and sudden brawl between two commuters ahead of the road; a slow moving procession or an accident. Whatever the reason of the traffic jams maybe, it is must that we don’t lose our patience and deal with the situation composedly.

Long and Short Essay on Traffic Jam in English

Below we have provided Long and short Essay on Traffic Jam in English, of varying length for your knowledge.

Traffic congestion is when vehicles come to a complete stop on the roads, and they have to wait for a long time before they can start moving again. This happens when there are too many vehicles on the road, and the roads get really crowded.

These unique and simple Traffic Jam essay will widen your knowledge on the subject, giving you an insight of the causes, effects and solutions of Traffic Jam.

You can use the information gathered from these essays during your school or college essay writing/debate/group discussions on traffic jam, relevant issues or quiz competitions related on this topic.

We hope, you will enjoy reading these interesting essays:

Short Essay on Traffic Jam 200 words

Traffic jam occurs when movement of vehicles is hampered at a particular place for some reasons over a certain period of time. If the number of vehicles plying on a street or road is increased than the maximum capacity it is build to sustain, it results in traffic jams. Traffic jam or traffic congestion is an everyday affair in big cities. It is the result of growing population and the increase in use of personal, public as well as commercial transport vehicles.

The congestion mostly occurs on the main roads during peak hours when people commute to work or on their way back home. But there is no fix time and an unprecedented surge in the number of vehicles on roads have made traffic jams anytime affair. The Industrial development in the recent years has only aided to the problem of traffic jam by increasing number of on road transport vehicles.

The loss of the valuable time caused by the traffic jams is not at all good for a Nation’s economical growth. In addition, it results in more wastage of fuel by stationary vehicles only contributing more to the environmental pollution . There is also an increased possibility for road mishaps as the vehicles need to stand or move in close proximity to each other and also because of aggressive driving by frustrated drivers. Overall, the time wasted in traffic jams also leads to the economic loss of the country.

Various measures need to be taken to control the traffic congestion and further develop the public transport system. People should follow the traffic rules and use public transport when possible.

Essay on Problems of Traffic Jams – 300 words

Traffic jam is a condition in which the vehicles get stuck in a jam for a certain period of time. Traffic jams are frustrating and waste a lot of time causing unnecessary delays in reaching one’s destination. Traffic congestion is a problem that occurs with the increasing use of vehicles characterized by slower movement and increase in travel time leading to longer vehicle queues.

Traffic Problem in India

India is a country with second largest network of roads in the world, Out of 5.4 million km long network of road, 97,991 km is covered by national highways. It is a huge challenge for Indian government to provide high-class road transport networks due to steep increase in commercial vehicles.

There is increase in number of private vehicles and the roads are overburdened in almost all big cities of India. It is a day to day affair and pain to deal with traffic, pollution and aggressive drivers on the roads causing a major mental and physical stress for people these days. On an average, a person spends around 30 min to 2 hours in their day driving. Most of this time is spent in traffic jams. Indian cities still have poor public transport and a majority of people have to depend on private transport.

Increase in the Population density in cities is the major factor responsible for the pressure on street capacity. The overuse of urban roads also degrades the quality of roads. Increasing traffic hinders the development of new roads. In addition, air pollution and noise pollution has grown drastically due to traffic jams in the recent years. The recent pollution level in Delhi was an alarming incident for the country. The odd-even scheme was designed by the Delhi CM to deal with the issue.

Various measures need to be taken to improve the public transport network and infrastructure. Car pooling and bike pooling should be exercised more often by people. New plans and schemes should be devised and implemented effectively to solve the traffic issue.

Essay on Traffic Jam in Delhi – 400 words

One of the most common problems that one faces in Delhi is getting caught up in traffic jams. Commuting on the roads of Delhi is becoming more time consuming and exhausting day by day. Poor public transportation, infrastructure and increasing population in the city are the major reasons for traffic on Delhi roads. Our National Capital has become one of the top ten cities in the world for having worst traffic congestions.

Major Reasons of Traffic Jam in Delhi

Here are some of the major reasons for traffic jams in Delhi:

  • One of the chief reasons for traffic jam is the increasing number of vehicles on the roads. Poor infrastructure is not at par with the growing population. During peak hours there are longer queues and research shows that more than one lakh vehicles travel everyday on the busy roads of Delhi.
  • Another major reason is growing population in Delhi, which results in growing number of workforce.
  • Inadequate public transport network in Delhi is also one of the reasons for traffic jams. Transport system is unable to keep pace with the growing population which results in greater number of private vehicles on the roads that causes traffic congestion.
  • Another reason is mixed traffic which includes cars, buses, two-wheelers, pedestrians, etc which makes it difficult to manage traffic and leads to traffic congestion.

Problems Due to Traffic Jams

  • Traffic jam results in unnecessary delays that are not preferred by anyone. It results in non-productivity as people get caught up in traffic congestions.
  • Commuting on the roads of Delhi has become unsafe and has resulted in the increasing number of road fatalities. Traffic jams are known to increase these mishaps. Delhi is known for the highest number of road accidents in the country.
  • There is an increase in noise pollution and air pollution due to traffic jams.
  • The other problems caused due to traffic jams on Delhi roads are road rage, wastage of fuel, wear and tear on vehicles.
  • Emergency vehicles such as fire brigade and ambulance get stuck up due to traffic jams.

Effective implementation of intelligent transport system can bring about sustainable traffic solution. Proper implementation of ITS can lead to traffic efficiency, less traffic congestion, safety to drivers and improved energy efficiency. Other measures that need to be taken are to develop and improve public transport network, improve transport infrastructure, improve traffic safety, create awareness about traffic rules and safety and develop cost-effective public transport facilities. The effectiveness of such measures also depends on the people of Delhi and proper imposition of laws.

Essay on Traffic Problems in Big Cities – 500 words

Population in India is increasing day by day. More and more people are moving to urban areas. So, with the increase in population and urbanization the problem of traffic is becoming more severe in big cities. The pressure of traffic also results in increasing numbers of road accidents. In addition, there are people who have little road sense and often break the traffic rules. This too has resulted in road mishaps.

The major reason of traffic jams is obviously more private cars and vehicles on the road. Poor road management and lack of proper infrastructure also leads to traffic congestion. Besides, the work areas of people are often located far away from the residential areas, which is why they need to travel to work daily. These are the major factors responsible for traffic in big cities and cause several problems.

Problem Arising Due to Traffic in Big Cities

Let’s have a look at some major problems that arise due to traffic in big cities:

  • Traffic is one of the major problems in big cities and has made the lives of people really difficult. It is an everyday problem people need to deal with. It wastes time of commuters and motorists. As it is a non productive activity, it also effects our economic growth negatively.
  • People experience delays which result in reaching late for meetings, work, schools and so on. This may even result in personal losses.
  • It also results in waste of fuels that causes air pollution and emission of green house gases.
  • It increases stress and frustration among the motorists and passengers encouraging aggressive driving and annoyed behavior resulting in reduced health of passengers. It may also include verbal insults and intentionally driving in an aggressive and unsafe manner that may lead to road mishaps which can cause injuries and deaths.
  • Traffic congestion may interfere with the route of emergency vehicles that need to move quickly.
  • It is usually not possible for the drivers to estimate the travel time. It takes more time to travel to the destination and results in less productive activities.
  • Traffic jams can also have psychological impact on the mind of a person. The traffic congestion and constant blowing of horns creates excessive noise pollution that leads to aggressive behavior. The delay in work performance and the sense of loss due to less productivity constantly hangs heavy on their heads.
  • Traffic jams hinder the progress of individuals, firms and the nation as a whole. These are not favored by anybody in this fast paced world. Not only do they impact people but also adversely affect our environment and overall economic growth and development.

Traffic problem is one of the major problems that need serious attention. There should be more public transport facility at affordable rates and better infrastructure to encourage people to use public transport. The citizens also need to act in a responsible manner and use public transport or share transport more often to reduce the traffic. Measures also need to be taken to control population which is the major cause of increasing number of vehicles on the roads.

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Long Essay on Traffic Jam Disadvantages – 600 words

Traffic jam is the condition when vehicles are stopped completely for some time period and have to wait for a long time to move out of the jam. Whereas traffic congestion refers to the condition of transport network that occurs due to increasing use of roads often attributed with slow speed, longer trip time and increased queues of vehicles. People are negatively affected due to traffic jams. Traffic jam and traffic congestion is a major issue mostly in big cities.

Traffic jams and congestion have tremendous impact on the life of people. It is one of the most serious problems in big cities that people have to deal with in their day to day life. This results in a lot of unproductive time. Since most of the people have to deal with it on daily basis they may psychologically get affected to some extent. It also affects work, education and personal life of people.

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Disadvantages of Traffic Jams

Let us have a look at some chief disadvantages of traffic jams in detail below:

  • Unproductive time is the major disadvantage of traffic jam. People simply get stuck up in traffic jams and wait to go for work. People who have to travel long distance for work or the students who have to rush to school or college may get caught up in traffic jams. This impacts their productivity at work place/ school.
  • The other negative effect of population is the emission of green house gases in the atmosphere leading to the issue of global warming which has negative impact on the health of people and our environment.
  • The businesses nowadays provide home delivery services. This requires delivery boy to deliver products on time but if the delivery boy is stuck up in traffic jams the delivery will be delayed and this can lead to unsatisfied customers.
  • The other effect of traffic jams is inability to estimate travel time. Those who regularly travel through the traffic areas have an idea of approximately how long it usually takes to reach their particular destination. But in case, they get stuck in traffic jams more than the usual time, they get late to reach where they need to head.
  • The breaking and accelerating of the vehicles in traffic jams burns more fuel. More use of fuel costs more to the commuters. And the delay in productivity leads to additional loss.
  • Road rage is the absurd reaction of commuters that is common due to traffic jams. The constant thought of getting late and the loss due to waste of time annoy people. In such a situation if someone is driving slower and blocking the way of person behind him or if someone is overtaking the other driver, it results in aggressive behavior. People often use abusive language and drive aggressively that can lead to accidents. It is basically the outburst by the frustrated drivers stuck in traffic jams.
  • Emergency vehicles get stuck up in traffic jams that causes delay in reaching the location where they need to reach urgently. This may lead to serious loss for some people.

Thus, traffic jam is a serious issue in every big city that causes several problems for commuters on day to day basis. It consumes so much of time and energy unnecessarily and is not preferred by anyone. Serious measures need to be taken to control traffic and promote the use of public transport. Development of public transport network at economical rates is essential. Traffic safety rules should be effectively implemented for the safety of the commuters. People should drive more responsibly, use public transport and opt for car pool whenever possible.

Essay on Traffic Jam FAQs

What is corruption in an essay.

Corruption in an essay refers to the act of dishonesty or misuse of power for personal gain, often involving bribery, embezzlement, or unethical behavior.

How do you write a corruption essay?

To write a corruption essay, start with an introduction, discuss its forms and impact, provide real-life examples, and conclude with solutions to tackle this issue.

What is corruption in 200 words?

Corruption is a dishonest act where individuals misuse their authority for personal benefit, leading to societal harm and mistrust. It includes bribery, fraud, and embezzlement.

What are the points of corruption in India?

Corruption in India involves bribery, political scandals, irregularities in government contracts, and a lack of transparency, leading to social and economic problems.

What is corruption in India in simple words?

Corruption in India means people in power using their position for personal gain, leading to unfairness and inequality.

What is corruption in very simple words?

Corruption, in the simplest terms, is when people with authority do bad things for their own benefit, causing harm to others and breaking the rules.

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IELTS Charlie

Your Guide to IELTS Band 7

Traffic Congestion and Pollution: 2 Part Question

This IELTS model essay is on the topic of traffic congestion and pollution. It’s a 2-part, or IELTS direct question essay .  It is taken from Cambridge IELTS 8 .

Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?

(Cambridge IELTS 8 Academic Test 3)

Overall Opinion: disagree – more effective solutions

  • workers rely on cars – would be too expensive if petrol prices rose

Other measures

  • e.g. light rail, underground (Bangkok Skytrain)
  • e.g. London

Many cities around the world have seen a rapid rise in the number of private vehicles on the road, and this has led to serious problems related to traffic congestion, as well as pollution from exhaust fumes. Some feel that the best way to deal with this problem is by increasing fuel prices, but I disagree and think that there are more effective options.

Raising petrol prices is an overly simplistic solution to a rather complicated situation. It may have worked 30 years ago, but today many people live some distance from their workplace, often so they can live somewhere more cheaply, and have come to rely on their cars to get to work. If they are suddenly forced to spend more money on petrol, these people would find it a lot harder to make ends meet. So what can be done instead?

One obvious solution would be to improve public transport so that workers have more choice over how to get to work. Many cities have invested heavily in light rail and underground systems, meaning many commuters no longer need to drive, and this has helped to alleviate road congestion. For example, Bangkok has recently expanded its Skytrain network, enabling people living in the suburbs to quickly get to work in the centre of the city.

However, this alone is not enough. Perhaps the best solution would be to target the parts of the road network most susceptible to congestion and charge motorists a fee for using those stretches of road. Such a solution is known as a congestion charge and it has been used to good effect in many major cities including London.

To conclude, traffic congestion and the resultant pollution is a growing and complicated problem which needs to be approached in a more sophisticated manner than simply increasing petrol prices. Investing in public transport and congestion charges are perhaps two more effective solutions.

(317 words)

Vocabulary: Less Common and Uncommon Lexical Items

A good way of studying this essay is to look at the language in my essay. Here is a list of some of the complex noun phrases that I used in this essay. These are the kinds of phrases that IELTS Examiners are looking for at Band 7 and above for Lexical Resource. (Note: there are very few “rare” words in this list – they are mostly combinations of very common words – it is the combinations, or collocations, that are uncommon.)

  • a rapid rise in the number of private vehicles on the road
  • serious problems related to traffic congestion
  • pollution from exhaust fumes
  • the best way to deal with this problem
  • more effective options
  • raising petrol prices
  • an overly simplistic solution
  • a rather complicated situation
  • some distance from their workplace
  • one obvious solution
  • light rail and underground systems
  • Skytrain network
  • people living in the suburbs
  • the parts of the road network most susceptible to congestion
  • a congestion charge
  • many major cities
  • the resultant pollution
  • a growing and complicated problem
  • a more sophisticated manner

Now, without looking at the essay again, try to complete the missing words from the essay. Many of the missing words are parts of collocations, so this activity will help you develop an understanding of collocation. Good luck! (The activity is best done on a desktop or laptop computer).

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About the author

Charlie is a former IELTS Examiner with 25 years' teaching experience all over the world. His courses, for both English language learners and teachers, have been taken by over 100,000 students in over 160 countries around the world.

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1. One problem faced by almost every large city is traffic congestion. What do you think the causes are? What solutions can you suggest?

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  • traffic congestion
  • urban population
  • public transportation
  • urban planning
  • infrastructure
  • economic strength
  • consumerism
  • car ownership
  • public transit
  • ride-sharing
  • remote work
  • flexible working hours
  • cycling infrastructure
  • congestion charges
  • traffic management systems
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Guest Essay

Kathy Hochul Just Upended a Lot More Than Congestion Pricing

A colorful time-lapse photo shows taxis and other vehicles snarled in traffic as people crowd the sidewalks.

By Tom Wright and Kate Slevin

Mr. Wright is the president and chief executive and Ms. Slevin is the executive vice president of the Regional Plan Association, a nonprofit focused on the economic health, environmental resiliency and quality of life of the New York metropolitan area.

Gov. Kathy Hochul’s decision to “indefinitely pause” congestion pricing in Manhattan is likely to reverberate for decades, much like the former New Jersey governor Chris Christie’s decision in 2010 to block construction of a badly needed new rail tunnel under the Hudson River.

Both were short-term choices that pushed aside critical long-term investments in the most mass-transit-dependent metropolitan area of the nation. The decision by Mr. Christie, which he said was based on the project’s cost, compromised the region’s competitiveness, economy and environment. Ms. Hochul’s could do the same.

Mr. Christie’s move earned him the enmity of many New Jersey Transit commuters, who never know whether their trip to or from work will turn into a hellish, hourslong ordeal on tracks owned by Amtrak that have suffered from decades of underinvestment and compound New Jersey Transit’s own problems. The plan he killed would have cost an estimated $12.4 billion and been completed by now. A project to build new tracks and another tunnel under the Hudson River is now underway, but it will take at least another decade and about $16 billion to complete.

Ms. Hochul’s action raises questions about whether congestion pricing, which was set to begin at the end of the month, will ever happen. It will mean continued congestion on some of the world’s most traffic-stymied streets and no relief from the air pollution from auto and truck exhaust. And it will leave the Metropolitan Transportation Authority without an expected $1 billion a year in toll revenue that the agency planned to use to secure $15 billion in bond financing for desperately needed improvements to the transit system.

This is not the right way to run the nation’s largest mass transit agency.

Congestion pricing of course has its critics. Most automobile drivers would pay a fee of $15 during peak hours to drive into Manhattan south of 60th Street. But the idea had essentially universal support from environmentalists, transit advocates, economists and policy experts. The fee was expected to reduce traffic in the city’s core by as many as 120,000 vehicles a day, significantly improve traffic congestion and reduce the exhaust that is fouling Manhattan’s air.

London and Stockholm have had similar programs in place for decades. After implementation, London immediately saw a 20 percent reduction in carbon emissions and a 37 percent increase in bus transit use. The results in Stockholm were similar and that city also saw a nearly 50 percent reduction in childhood asthma cases. (Children in the Bronx suffer from one of the highest rates of asthma in the country.)

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  • Why New York scrapped congestion charging

Back-seat drivers may have influenced Governor Kathy Hochul’s abrupt decision

The lights of cars in a traffic jam in Mahattan, New York

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A FTER years of false starts, and multiple lawsuits, it seemed congestion pricing at last had the green light in New York City. The cameras and other equipment were in place. Drivers of cars entering Manhattan’s central business district would have to pay $15. The money would pay for capital improvements in the subway. But on June 5th Kathy Hochul, New York’s Democratic governor, announced that the plan was “indefinitely pause[d]”.

Her explanation for slamming on the brakes was weak. She claimed that “circumstances have changed” and that $15 “can break the budget of a working- or middle-class household”. But the city’s economy has improved and the $15 fee has been in the works since last year. So why did she change her mind?

Back-seat drivers may have influenced the governor’s thinking. Democrats, including Hakeem Jeffries, the minority leader in the House of Representatives, are worried about the congressional races in November on Long Island and in Westchester County, where voters are not happy about the pricing scheme. Republicans won key seats in those suburbs in 2022. Democrats do not want roadblocks in New York that could tip control of the House.

“I just don’t get it,” says Sam Schwartz, better known as Gridlock Sam. He unsuccessfully tried to introduce congestion pricing in the 1970s when he was a city traffic engineer. He believes the governor’s decision shows where the power in New York lies. “It’s not with the masses of people suffering underground,” he says. It’s with “a handful of people who have a windshield view of everything”.

Meanwhile millions of straphangers have no choice but to take public transport. Their commutes will continue to be plagued by delays. Some of the signal equipment dates back to the 1930s. The pricing scheme was expected to bring in $1bn annually for investments the subway sorely needs. Ms Hochul suggested she would explore “other funding sources”, but state lawmakers are about to recess.

“It is devastating news for transit riders and the environment,” says Kate Slevin of the Regional Plan Association, which has been pushing for congestion pricing for decades. “The economy really relies on traffic moving, on transit working.” Traffic congestion already costs $20bn a year, according to the Partnership for New York City, which represents big firms. And the promise that air pollution will improve has now evaporated.

The “pause” will have an impact beyond New York. Boston, Chicago and Los Angeles had all been thinking about how to use pricing to control traffic. They may now be discouraged. “I’m sure William Vickrey is turning over in his grave,” says Mr Schwartz. Vickrey, an economist, proposed congestion pricing back in 1952. London, Milan and Singapore are among the cities elsewhere that have introduced it. But in America pricing proponents fear it could be decades before the idea gets out of gridlock. ■

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Live: M5 lane closure causes traffic congestion near Bristol

There is queuing traffic heading northbound

  • Updated 14:16, 10 JUN 2024

Traffic on the M5 near Bristol today (June 10)

A lane is closed on the M5 following a crash near Bristol this afternoon (Monday, June 10). There are delays heading northbound.

According to traffic monitoring site Inrix, the crash took place near junction 20 for Clevedon . It was first reported at 12pm and there is now queuing traffic.

Inrix says: "Queueing traffic and one lane closed due to accident on M5 northbound near J20 B3133 Ettlingen Way (Clevedon)."

This is a live blog. Scroll down for updates.

  • Severe delays on the M5 14:16

Severe delays on the M5

Inrix reports:

Severe delays and one lane closed due to accident, a car and a van involved and fuel spillage on M5 northbound near J20 B3133 Ettlingen Way (Clevedon). Congestion to near Sedgemoor Services and on approach through Congesbury as traffic heads away. Also affecting traffic heading Southbound as they look over.

Traffic map shows M5 chaos near Bristol

causes of traffic congestion essay

Motorway camera shows heavy congestion northbound

Inrix says: "Severe delays and one lane closed due to accident and fuel spillage on M5 Northbound near J20 B3133 Ettlingen Way (Clevedon). Congestion to before J21 (Weston-super-mare) and on approach through Congesbury as traffic heads away.

"Also affecting traffic heading Southbound as they look over."

causes of traffic congestion essay

Fuel spillage causing long delays

1 lane (of 3) remains closed on the #M5 northbound in #Somerset between J21 ( #Weston ) and J20 ( #Clevedon ) due to a collision. Recovery is being arranged. There is a large fuel spillage which requires clearing from the road surface. There's now a 60 minute delay on approach. — National Highways: South-West (@HighwaysSWEST) June 10, 2024

Motorists warned of delays

1 lane (of 3) is closed on the #M5 northbound in #Somerset between J21 ( #Weston ) and J20 ( #Clevedon ) due to a collision. Emergency services are on scene. There's a 30 minute delay on approach with 6.5 miles of congestion. Please allow extra journey time. — National Highways: South-West (@HighwaysSWEST) June 10, 2024

'Severe' M5 delays after crash

Inrix reports: "Severe delays and one lane closed due to accident on M5 Northbound near J20 B3133 Ettlingen Way ( Clevedon ). Congestion to before J21 ( Weston-super-mare ). Also affecting traffic heading Southbound as they look over."

Delays of 20 minutes

The latest update from Inrix says: "Queueing traffic and one lane closed due to accident on M5 Northbound near J20 B3133 Ettlingen Way ( Clevedon ). Congestion to J21 ( Weston-super-mare ). Travel time is 20 minutes."

Traffic map shows delays northbound

causes of traffic congestion essay

Inrix latest

Inrix says: "Queueing traffic and one lane closed due to accident on M5 Northbound near J20 B3133 Ettlingen Way ( Clevedon ). Travel time is 15 minutes."

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    Traffic Jam Causes and Effects Essay. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. Cities like New York, London, and Paris have all had to deal with thousands of cars running through their streets each day. Traffic congestion is a big problem for ...

  2. Causes and Effects of Traffic Congestion

    Road rage is caused by distracted driving, slow driving, changing lanes too quickly which cuts off drivers, overusing the car horn, etc. Road rage causes people to be more likely to get into an accident, which causes 25% of traffic congestion. Without a doubt, people cause a lot of problems, and we are affecting ourselves.

  3. Essay on Traffic Problems

    The effects of traffic congestion are multifaceted. Economically, it results in lost productivity due to time wasted in traffic. It also contributes to environmental degradation through increased greenhouse gas emissions. From a social perspective, traffic problems lead to stress, road rage, and a decreased quality of life.

  4. Band 6: One problem faced by almost every large city is traffic

    The essay addresses the topic and provides a clear position on the causes and solutions of traffic congestion. However, the ideas could be more fully developed and supported with more nuanced explanations and examples. Additionally, the writer could explore more solutions beyond improving public transportation systems.

  5. Traffic Congestion Is a Growing Problem in Many Major Cities

    Model Essay 1. Traffic congestion is a perennial challenge plaguing metropolises worldwide, primarily driven by urbanization and inadequate infrastructure. This essay posits that the root causes include an over-reliance on personal vehicles and deficient public transportation systems, suggesting enhanced public transit and urban planning as ...

  6. Causes and Effects of Traffic Congestion

    In addition, traffic congestion has many effects such as time loss, higher fuel use, increasing of accidents and loss of productivity. Similarly, Beirut city in Lebanon has the same problem (overpopulation) that causes traffic jam. Khaddaj (2012) mentioned that overpopulation and the high number of cars Beirut are the most causes of traffic ...

  7. Essay 296

    Model Answer: The growing traffic jam brings many metropolitan areas around the world to a standstill during peak hours each day. This essay will first explain how the intensive use of automobiles and inadequate public transport are the root causes of this issue, followed by a discussion of how improved public transport systems and better road designs are the most viable solutions.

  8. IELTS Essay # 1461

    In this essay, I will outline two possible reasons and propose solutions to these problems. One fundamental cause of traffic congestion is the exponential increase in the number of vehicles on the roads. The surge in private car ownership - due to enhanced economic conditions and insufficient and ineffective public transportation - has flooded ...

  9. Cause & Effect Essay: Traffic Problems of a Big City

    Traffic congestion is a big problem for everyone within the city. The main reasons why traffic congestion occurs are more cars, poor road management, and poor practices on behalf of employers. One of the main reasons why there's more congestion is due to more cars on the road. The adult population is increasing and therefore more people want ...

  10. IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

    Model Answer 1: Traffic congestion is one of the most serious problems in big cities and it has made people's lives more difficult. Thirty years ago, there were fewer cars on the street and people did not suffer from traffic. Today, however, streets are full of cars, buses and trucks. This essay will analyse the most important causes of ...

  11. Traffic: Why It's Getting Worse, What Government Can Do

    Another factor in road congestion is accidents and incidents, which some experts believe cause half of all traffic congestion. From 1980 to 2000, the absolute number of accidents each year has ...

  12. Essay on Traffic Jam for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Traffic Jam. Traffic jam is the situation when vehicles are stopped completely for some time period on the roads. Also, vehicles have to wait for a long time to move out of the jam. Sometimes it becomes like congestion in traffic. This happens in transport network due to the increasing vehicles and overuse of roads.

  13. Essay on Traffic Problems

    The fundamental problem of traffic arises when many people commute at the same time and cause congestion on the road. There is an increase in the demand for vehicles, but the roads' condition leads to traffic problems. ... Introduction to Essay on Traffic Problems: The traffic problem is one of the common problems in metropolitan cities ...

  14. Traffic Congestion

    In fact, traffic congestion is usually recurring or non recurring phenomenon. Always, recurring traffic congestion is appeared by daily event in a certain times which is solved reorganize suitable planning. On the other hand, non recurring traffic congestion is unexpected and unusual event cause by an incident which is suddenly reduced road ...

  15. Band 6: Traffic congestion is becoming a huge problem for many major

    The number of traffic jams is increasing significantly and becoming a serious issue for most metropolises. This essay will look at some primary causes of this and offer some possible solutions to the problem. There are some main contributions to the way traffic congestion becomes a concerning problem. Firstly, the high number of private ...

  16. Problem/Solution Essay Example 1

    Possible solutions include carpooling or using public transportation. The best way to solve traffic jams is by using public transportation because it will be efficient, economical, and reliable. First, using public transportation is efficient. A bus is a very efficient way to move lots of people from one place to another using only one vehicle.

  17. Traffic jam is increasing, what are the causes and solution?

    Ensure that the essay fully addresses all aspects of the task prompt. Provide a clear opinion on the causes and solutions to traffic congestion and support it with relevant examples. coherence and cohesion. Improve the overall logical structure of the essay by using clear and organized paragraphs. Use transition words to create cohesion between ...

  18. Traffic Jam Essay for Students in English

    Traffic Jams can simply be defined as vehicles stuck on the road and having difficulties in moving smoothly. Vehicles can remain stuck in one place in a Traffic Jam for a very long period of time sometimes. But Traffic Jams are not as simple an issue as defined by the concept. It affects our lives and the national economy.

  19. Essay on Traffic Jam in English for Children and Students

    Essay on Traffic Jam: Traffic congestion is a condition caused by the increasing number of vehicles on the road resulting in congestion, road blockage, slower speed, longer route time and the loss of valuable time. Traffic jam occurs when the vehicles have to completely stop or move at a snail's pace for a certain period of time. It is an issue of serious concern in every city these days.

  20. Traffic Congestion and Pollution: 2 Part Question

    This IELTS model essay is on the topic of traffic congestion and pollution. It's a 2-part, or IELTS direct question essay. ... To conclude, traffic congestion and the resultant pollution is a growing and complicated problem which needs to be approached in a more sophisticated manner than simply increasing petrol prices. Investing in public ...

  21. One problem faced by almost every large city if traffic congestion

    jams will greatly diminish. In conclusion, the major problem of. traffic. congestion in urban areas caused by the excessive usage of private. cars. and congested. roads. can effectively be mitigated by the rehabilitation of public buses and trains and the widening of highways. Submitted by eshwar10882 on Wed Dec 01 2021.

  22. 1

    In today's Mechanichal era, movement congestion is a pervasive issue in large cities worldwide, cities are stuck with vehicles and creating transport jams on the roadway. This essay will discuss how an excessive number of automobiles and outdated public transportation systems are the main causes of this problem and the most viable solution , is to improve the communal transit system and reduce ...

  23. Cause and Effect Essay

    Cause and Effect Essay - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Having too many cars on the streets has negative effects. One effect is traffic jams at rush hour as hundreds of cars form lines waiting for space, increasing risks of accidents. Another effect is air pollution from car emissions, which pollutes the air people breathe and ...

  24. 8+ IELTS essay topics with Answers, Writing Task 2 Samples

    5. Culture. Culture is a popular IELTS essay topic due to its broad scope and complexity. Culture can include anything from national traditions, customs, lifestyles, artwork, holidays, and cuisine. Culture also reflects a country's history and values, making it an important topic of discussion in the IELTS exam.

  25. Congestion pricing could reduce traffic, but is it fair to ask ...

    Perspectives. Drivers impose a cost on cities, they should have to pay for it. "The concept is simply that by driving into a congested area, you are harming the other people who have to deal ...

  26. Opinion

    The fee was expected to reduce traffic in the city's core by as many as 120,000 vehicles a day, significantly improve traffic congestion and reduce the exhaust that is fouling Manhattan's air.

  27. Why New York scrapped congestion charging

    Traffic congestion already costs $20bn a year, according to the Partnership for New York City, which represents big firms. And the promise that air pollution will improve has now evaporated. The ...

  28. Live: M5 lane closure causes traffic congestion near Bristol

    The latest update from Inrix says: "Queueing traffic and one lane closed due to accident on M5 Northbound near J20 B3133 Ettlingen Way (Clevedon). Congestion to J21 ( Weston-super-mare ). Travel ...

  29. VISSIM Based Traffic Flow Simulation Analysis on Road Network

    The urban transport system is a heterogeneous system and is in serious trouble. Traffic congestion has become a major socio-economic problem in both urban and rural areas. Traffic congestion is managed through signage, interchanges, and road widening. Traffic analysis remains a difficult task, especially in countries like India where the number of vehicles is constantly increasing and the ...

  30. Traffic Response Functions: Patterns, Propagation and Congestion

    Traffic Response Functions: Patterns, Propagation and Congestion. Using empirical data gathered on motorways in Germany, we follow a new approach by further exploring response functions as a possible tool to study traffic dynamics in motorway networks. We uncover the basic characteristics of responses of flow and density to given signals and ...