• Personal statement advice: media studies and journalism

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Be clear and focused

The best personal statements are those that really go for it. Not in an off-the-wall kind of way, but by revealing something unique about you or your academic ideas or practical experiences. This is no place to hide behind waffle.

There’s a wide span of media courses, ranging from the theoretical to the practical, and your statement should focus on the specific type of course you’ve chosen to apply for.

When it comes to media studies courses , start by being clear about the kind of degree you want to study. Do you want to analyse media, produce content, or a combination of both? Whichever it is, demonstrate that you’re focused about this. Outline why you want to study the course, and the knowledge, ideas, or practical experiences you will bring to it.Similarly, journalism personal statements need to set out why you want to study it, and how your knowledge and experience supports this – particularly in the case of professionally accredited journalism degrees . A vague, unsubstantiated ambition to be a journalist will not suffice.

  • If you're still exploring your options, see our guide to studying media studies at university .
  • Our guide to studying journalism reveals more information about what journalism at uni entails.

Practical journalism courses

If you’re applying for practical journalism courses , competition for places could be fierce. Here’s a selection of tips, courtesy of Bournemouth University, the University of Sheffield, and De Montfort University:

  • State clearly why you want to study journalism, and explain that you know something about the work of the central figure in journalism – the reporter.
  • Demonstrate creative writing ability, a good presentational style, accurate spelling, correct grammar, and a sound grasp of the English language.
  • Read quality broadsheet newspapers and follow major developing news stories. Show you're aware of current affairs.
  • Maybe explain what you noticed about how the reporting of a topical event differed depending on which publication you were reading, and the impact this may have had on shaping public perception.
  • Show you understand the power the media has, and the importance of reporting facts clearly and concisely.
  • Show that you can express your own opinions and thoughts, and know how to tell stories to different audiences.
  • Demonstrate your interpersonal skills, persistence, and an ability to dig deep into a wide range of topics.

Work experience in your personal statement

For practical journalism courses, some (though not all) unis will insist on work experience.

  • If you can, try to gain some work experience within a media environment , ideally in a newsroom of a local newspaper office. Free newspapers, local or hospital radio, or a TV newsroom could also give you insights into the reporter's job.
  • What did you learn? What skills did you observe as being particularly important? How has the experience impacted on your motivation to further your studies in journalism? See our guide for how to make work experience count in your personal statement .
  • Alternatively, are there any other settings where you've written for an audience, such as your own blog or your school newspaper? If so, what have you learned from this about working towards strict deadlines, or how writing pieces for an intended audience can alter the language and style you use?

If you’ve already had journalistic work published or broadcast, produced a blog, vlog, or podcast yourself, had a great reference from some relevant work experience; or anything else that may be relevant, consider sending them a link or clip separately.

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Effective Guide: Film and Media Studies Personal Statement

Table of Contents

A successful application to a Film and Media Studies program requires a well-crafted personal statement that reflects your passion for the subject. You need to showcase your unique perspectives and experiences to stand out from the competition.

You must also demonstrate the specific knowledge and skills you can bring to the program. With an eye towards creativity and practicality, this article will provide guidance to craft an excellent film and media studies personal statement .

What Is a Film and Media Studies Personal Statement?

A Film and Media Studies personal statement is an essential document for anyone hoping to pursue a degree in film or media. This document helps admission officers gain insight into the applicant’s motivations, aspirations, skills, and experiences pertinent to their studies.

A well-crafted personal statement will give candidates a competitive edge in pursuing higher education. The statement should be written with clarity, specificity, and emotion while also demonstrating knowledge of the field. By weaving together factual examples and creative language, applicants can showcase their unique talents as well as their commitment to this exciting industry.

Tips to Write a Good Film and Media Personal Statement

Emphasize your passion.

When writing a personal statement for film and media studies, it’s vital to demonstrate your passion for the field in an engaging way. Provide detailed examples of experiences that have nurtured your interest in the industry. It could be attending movie screenings or participating in relevant activities. Demonstrating a deep-seated enthusiasm and commitment to pursuing film and media studies will help showcase your drive and determination to admissions officers.

Highlight Relevant Experiences

Utilize your personal statement to emphasize any previous experiences you may have had related to filmmaking, media production, scriptwriting, or video editing. Even if these experiences are outside the classroom, they can still provide valuable insight into your skill set and capabilities within this field. Include any projects you’ve completed, awards or accolades you’ve earned, and internships or jobs you’ve held. And explain how each of these has strengthened your understanding of film and media studies.

Discuss Your Professional Goals

While discussing past experiences is important, make sure to also focus on your future ambitions for the field. Explain what professional aspirations you hope to achieve after graduating from the program. It could be working as a director, producer, cinematographer, editor, or writer. It provides admission officers with a clear vision of your career goal and why the specific program is ideal for you to get there.

Make It Personal

To craft a compelling personal statement for film and media studies, inject some personality! Include anecdotes or stories about yourself which offer insight into who you are as an individual. Showcasing your character traits and perspectives through thoughtful storytelling adds layers of dimension to your application. It lets the reader know the “real” you beyond just facts and figures.

Tailor It to the Program

Tailor your personal statement directly to the program you are applying to. Research the institution thoroughly and find ways to mention elements of its curriculum that resonate with you. Or mention areas of specialization offered by faculty members which excite you professionally.

black and grey DSLR camera near several photos on brown map

Film and Media Studies Personal Statement Example

Below is an excellent example of a film and media studies personal statement to inspire you to write one for yourself:

Personal Statement Example

I have always been fascinated by the potential of media and film to incite change on a large scale. As an undergrad, I immersed myself in courses that explored these disciplines – from American cinema to global digital content. And I have since developed a comprehensive understanding of how different media platforms can be used to communicate powerful messages. My interest has led me to pursue further studies in Film and Media Studies. I am eager to use my passion for narrative-building and storytelling to shape conversations about important social issues like immigration, poverty, and gender inequality.

A graduate degree in Film and Media Studies will give me the essential skills to produce impactful films. It would increase my aptitude in online communication and challenge viewers to think critically about current events. In addition, it will open up opportunities to work on projects related to documentary filmmaking, advertising campaigns, and public service announcements. These are areas where I could apply my already-sophisticated knowledge of cinematography and production design. Moreover, collaborating with other professionals from diverse backgrounds would expand my skill set and bolster my capabilities as an independent producer.

Sustaining an active presence within this field is crucial for honing my craft. Therefore, I am committed to dedicating extra hours outside class for networking and professional development activities. I plan to leverage my previous experience teaching introductory film classes at two local universities to make meaningful contributions to departmental seminars. With all these elements combined, I am confident that I will not only grow as a practitioner but also empower others through my work.

Film and media studies is a unique field that requires understanding both creative elements and technical concepts. By crafting a personal statement that accurately reflects one’s experience and passion for the subject matter, potential students can stand out from the rest.

It’s essential to use clear language and structure, inject emotion into your writing, and utilize colloquialisms. By following the right approach and the tips and examples in this post, you can make their application shine.

Effective Guide: Film and Media Studies Personal Statement

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Media Personal Statement Examples

  • 1 Personal Statement Example Links
  • 2 Career Opportunities
  • 3 UK Admission Requirements
  • 4 UK Earnings Potential For Media
  • 5 Similar Courses in UK
  • 6 UK Curriculum

Personal Statement Example Links

  • Personal Statement Example 1
  • Personal Statement Example 2
  • Personal Statement Example 3
  • Personal Statement Example 4
  • Personal Statement Example 5
  • Personal Statement Example 6

Ever been captivated by the world of media and its powerful influence on society? Intrigued by the opportunity to create compelling content or to analyse the impact of media on public opinion?

If so, a degree in Media Studies could be your perfect pathway. This dynamic field equips you with the skills to understand, critique, and contribute to various media forms, from journalism and film to social media and advertising.

Media is an interesting and relevant university course for students to consider. It is a broad field of study that covers a range of topics, including media production, media consumption, media regulation, media literacy, and media technology. Through this course, students will explore the various aspects of media, from its history and development to its current and future applications.

They will learn about the different types of media, from television, radio, and film to digital media, and how these mediums shape our lives and the world around us. Furthermore, they will gain an understanding of the ethical and legal implications of media, and how it can be used to influence public opinion and shape public discourse.

With this knowledge, students will be able to make informed decisions about the media they consume and create, as well as better understand the media’s role in society. Ultimately, this course provides students with the skills and knowledge necessary to become informed, responsible media consumers and producers.

👍 When writing a personal statement : Highlight your passion for the course, demonstrating your understanding of it. Use relevant personal experiences, coursework, or work history to showcase how these have fostered your interest and readiness for the course.

Career Opportunities

Someone with a degree in media can pursue a wide range of career opportunities. These include:

  • Journalism: Journalists research, write, and report on news stories, events, and issues. They may work for newspapers, magazines, television stations, radio stations, or online publications.
  • Public Relations: Public relations professionals create and maintain relationships between organisations and their publics. They may be responsible for crafting press releases, developing campaigns, and managing social media accounts.
  • Advertising: Advertising professionals create campaigns to promote products and services. They may work for advertising agencies, media companies, or directly for a client.
  • Broadcasting: Broadcasting professionals create and produce television and radio programs. They may work for television or radio stations, or for production companies.
  • Film and Video Production: Film and video production professionals create movies, television shows, and other video content. They may work for production companies, television stations, or directly for clients.
  • Digital Media: Digital media professionals create content for the web, including websites, blogs, and social media accounts. They may work for digital media companies, advertising agencies, or directly for clients.
  • Social Media: Social media professionals create and manage social media accounts for organizations. They may work for social media companies, advertising agencies, or directly for clients.
  • Graphic Design: Graphic designers create visual designs for websites, print materials, and other media. They may work for design firms, advertising agencies, publishing companies, or as freelancers. Their tasks can include creating logos, designing layouts, choosing fonts and colors, and preparing designs for print or digital publication.

UK Admission Requirements

The entry requirements for the University Course Media vary depending on the institution and the specific course. Generally, applicants will need to have achieved a minimum of five GCSEs at grade C or above, including English and Maths. In addition, applicants will usually need to have achieved at least two A-Levels at grade C or above, or an equivalent qualification such as BTEC, AVCE, or International Baccalaureate.

In terms of prerequisites, applicants may need to have studied a related subject at A-Level or equivalent, such as Media Studies, Art, English, or Communications. Depending on the institution, applicants may also need to demonstrate a certain level of proficiency in the use of digital media, such as video editing, photography, or web design.

Compared to similar courses, the entry requirements for the University Course Media are relatively straightforward. Most institutions will require applicants to have achieved a minimum of five GCSEs and two A-Levels, as well as some form of related subject. However, some universities may require applicants to have achieved higher grades, or to have studied a more specific subject at A-Level or equivalent. It is important to check the entry requirements of each institution before applying.

UK Earnings Potential For Media

The average earnings for someone with a degree in media can vary significantly depending on the individual’s experience and the type of job they are pursuing. Generally, the median salary for a media professional in the UK is around £26,000 per year. However, those with more experience and higher qualifications can expect to earn significantly more.

In terms of job market trends, the demand for media professionals is growing. This is due to the increasing importance of digital marketing, social media, and other digital channels. Additionally, the demand for media professionals is expected to increase as businesses continue to invest in new technologies and develop their digital presence. There is also a growing demand for media professionals with specialised skills, such as video editing, graphic design, and web development.

Similar Courses in UK

Other university courses related to Media include Journalism, Film Studies, and Communication Studies. Journalism focuses on the practice of gathering, assessing, creating, and presenting news and information. It involves the study of news media, including print, broadcast, and digital outlets. Film Studies focuses on the analysis of film as an art form, examining how films are made, how they are received, and how they are interpreted.

It involves the study of film history, theory, and criticism. Communication Studies focuses on the study of communication in various forms, including verbal, nonverbal, written, and digital. It involves the study of communication theory, media studies, and communication technology.

The key differences between these courses and Media are the specific topics that are covered. Media focuses on the study of media and communication technology, including television, radio, film, and digital media. It involves the study of media production, media regulation, and media effects.

Journalism focuses on the practice of gathering, assessing, creating, and presenting news and information. Film Studies focuses on the analysis of film as an art form, examining how films are made, how they are received, and how they are interpreted. Communication Studies focuses on the study of communication in various forms, including verbal, nonverbal, written, and digital.

UK Curriculum

The key topics and modules covered in a Media course typically include:

1. Introduction to Media: This module provides an overview of the media industry and its key components. It covers topics such as the history of media, media theory, media law, media ethics, and media production.

2. Media Production: This module focuses on the practical aspects of media production. It covers topics such as scriptwriting, cinematography, editing, sound design, and post-production. It also includes hands-on experience in the form of practical projects.

3. Media Analysis: This module explores the ways in which media is analysed and interpreted. It covers topics such as media theory, media criticism, media effects, and media literacy.

4. Media and Society: This module looks at the relationship between media and society. It covers topics such as media representation, media and identity, media and politics, and media and culture.

5. Digital Media: This module explores the impact of digital technology on media production, consumption, and distribution. It covers topics such as digital media platforms, digital media marketing, and digital media regulation.

6. Media Research: This module focuses on the research methods and techniques used in media studies. It covers topics such as research design, data collection, data analysis, and research ethics.

7. Media Industries: This module examines the structure and dynamics of the media industries. It covers topics such as media ownership, media regulation, audience research, media economics, and the impact of digital technologies on media production, distribution, and consumption.

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  • Journalism Personal Statement Examples

Your Journalism personal statement is a crucial element of your UCAS application . It is your opportunity to showcase your passion for journalism, your relevant experiences, and your potential to succeed as a journalism student. Check our journalism personal statement examples for UCAS , which can inspire and guide you in writing your successful personal statement . 

Whether you are interested in broadcast journalism , print journalism , or digital and online journalism , these examples cover a range of topics and styles that can help you stand out to admissions tutors.

Journalism Personal Statement Example

As an A-level student in Business Studies, English Literature, and Religious Studies, I have always been passionate about education and learning. I have always been fascinated by the power of the written word and the impact that journalism can have on shaping public opinion and educating society. That is why I am so excited to pursue a career in journalism and continue to make a positive impact on society.

My interest in journalism was first sparked during work experience placements at my local newspaper, The South Wales Evening Post, and a local radio station. During my time at the newspaper, I was allowed to work with experienced journalists and editors, assisting them with research, conducting interviews, and writing articles for publication. This experience taught me the importance of accuracy, objectivity, and the need to present balanced viewpoints. Additionally, at the radio station, I learned about the power of broadcast media and how it can be used to reach a wider audience and engage with listeners on a more personal level.

As a great believer in education, I see the role of the journalist as an educating force, an incredibly important one. The media has a responsibility to inform the public about current affairs and provide accurate and unbiased reporting. Through my work experience, I have seen firsthand how the media can influence public opinion and shape perceptions of different issues. I believe that journalists have a responsibility to provide truthful and accurate reporting, whilst also highlighting important social issues and driving change.

Outside of my academic routine, I have several hobbies and interests that keep me grounded and motivated. One of my favourite pastimes is reading, particularly books that explore different cultures and perspectives. I also enjoy running, which I find helps me to clear my mind and think creatively. By engaging in these hobbies, I can maintain a balanced lifestyle and stay connected with the world around me.

Throughout my academic career, I have strived to excel in all of my studies. During my secondary school years, I was one of the best students in my class, achieving high grades in all subjects. This has given me a strong foundation and the skills necessary to succeed in a career in journalism. Additionally, I have travelled around the world and visited 56 countries so far. This has allowed me to gain a wider perspective on different cultures and societies, which I believe will be invaluable in my future career.

I am excited to continue my education and pursue a career in journalism. I believe that my passion for education, my experience in the media, and my diverse interests and hobbies make me an excellent candidate for this field. I am committed to using my skills and talents to make a positive impact on society, and I look forward to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Recommended for further reading:

  • How to Write a Personal Statement for a Master’s
  • How to Write a Personal Statement for a PhD
  • UCAS Personal Statement: A Writing Guide And Tips For Success
  • Tips for Writing a Personal Statement for the University
  • How to Write a Personal Statement That Stands Out
  • Personal Statement Examples UK
  • Writing a Winning Medical Personal Statement
  • How To Write A Personal Statement For Psychology
  • How To Write A Dentistry Personal Statement

Personal Statement Example For Journalism

I am driven by my passion for the English language and the power it holds to inform, engage and inspire people. With a deep-rooted affection for the written word and its ability to capture the essence of life, I have always been fascinated by how language has evolved. As a student of English Literature, History and Media Studies, I have been able to explore this evolution in detail and develop my unique voice as a writer.

Studying English has allowed me to think critically, analyse the techniques used by both fiction and non-fiction writers and express my ideas and opinions through a portfolio of work. Through this, I have learnt how to craft compelling narratives, convey complex ideas with clarity and precision, and engage readers through powerful storytelling. My studies in History and Media Studies have complemented my understanding of English, allowing me to appreciate the importance of context, perspective, and the role of media in shaping our understanding of the world around us.

Outside of academics, I am involved in many creative pursuits that allow me to develop my skills as a communicator and storyteller. I participate in a drama group, where I am honing my skills in characterisation, improvisation and public speaking. I am also working towards my Bronze Arts Award, which involves creating and performing a piece of original drama. Additionally, I enjoy playing the piano, which requires a large amount of patience, creativity and dedication – skills that I believe are essential for a successful journalist.

I am proud to have received Young Writers Award from my Secondary School, recognising my talent and dedication as a writer. These accolades have encouraged me to pursue a career in journalism, where I can use my skills to inform, educate and entertain readers on a wide range of topics. I am excited about the prospect of being able to tell stories that matter, whether it is through investigative journalism, features or opinion pieces.

My passion for the English language, combined with my academic pursuits and creative pursuits, have prepared me well for a career in journalism. I am eager to continue my journey as a writer and storyteller, and I believe that a degree in journalism will provide me with the knowledge, skills and experience needed to make a meaningful contribution to the world of media.

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Writing your personal statement

As part of your application to study with us, you’ll be asked to submit a personal statement. Your personal statement is your chance to show your understanding of the course, your interest in the subject and how your current skills and knowledge are relevant to the course you’d like to study. Each course we offer is different, so please read your course content carefully.

Show your skills and interests

None of our courses is purely practical and all involve a significant amount of theoretical study and research. Your personal statement should, therefore, show your academic skills. If you're applying to study a course with practical elements (eg BA Digital Media, BA Film, Photography and Media or BA Journalism), you should also talk about any practical skills you have. You might also consider linking to examples of your work.

Your personal statement should also explain why you're interested in studying your course. To do this, you could discuss examples of media that have caught your attention and any readings you've completed.

Tell us what you plan to do after studying

If you have a particular career that you’d like to pursue, we’d like to know how you think the course you’re applying for will help you achieve it.

It’s also a good idea to mention any work experience you’ve done in the past, and how it’s relevant to your course.

Be specific

Include specific examples to explain general statements. Below are some of the types of questions to ask yourself when writing your personal statement:

  • Which issues or ideas connected to the course do you find interesting and why?
  • Have you done any reading around the subject?
  • What academic skills do you have that makes you well suited to the course?
  • Which type or examples of media have caught your attention?
  • If the course you're applying for has practical elements, have you produced any media yourself? What did you use to create it?
  • If you have a career path in mind, why did you choose it?
  • How do you think this course will help you achieve your career aspirations?

See the UCAS website  for more advice on writing your personal statement.

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Personal Statement:Media and Culture

Media and Culture Personal Statement

My interest in media and culture initially evolved from my desire to contribute to the social justice activism community. I’m excited by the way that contemporary media has lifted the ceiling from society, expanding the platforms from which people can share their ideas, and providing the power to create dialogue and change through popular culture. The ability to critically engage with political and social areas of contemporary culture is something I am constantly developing, and am eager to explore at a high academic level. Working to create an online presence for myself, I want to improve and diversify my blogging efforts on the subject of intersectional feminism for young people, and to bring what I learn into a space where I can share and build on it.

Concurrent to this, I also enjoy using art and photography to express my views and start conversations. In my Photography course, I used my projects to tackle controversial subjects that interested me, such as gender fluidity and the early sexualisation of young girls. Studying creative subjects has improved upon my ability to articulately and liberally analyse pieces of creative work, providing me with experience in using Adobe Photoshop CS6 and a fearlessness in tackling any new creative process. My confidence to confront unseen work for critique comes from my study of English Literature, where I was also able to explore creative writing and work on my written voice. My Psychology course provided me with an insight into the way we are affected by online communication as people, such as the growing popularity of online dating services, and allowed me to gain a foundation regarding media in the social sciences.

Initially attending university to study English, I soon realised that I could not connect with it the way I do with contemporary media, and this important learning experience allowed me to confidently realign my education to my interests, and work towards a place in the media industry. Taking up work experience in the Department of Work and Pensions, I was able to improve upon my own interpersonal and improvisation skills, as well as gain experience in design. I was trusted to completely remodel the building’s bulletin and motivation boards, learning how to use and apply Adobe InDesign by myself in a few days. I was also able to witness first-hand how the media was progressing too fast, with a disconnect between generations that left some jobseekers unable to comprehend a rapidly digitalised job market. Observing someone type on a computer for the first time in their life made me eager to further explore the way that media has affected our identities throughout history and how it will change in the future.

In my free time, I produce digital art and study Mandarin. After visiting Shanghai and Beijing, I am particularly curious to further study how China’s bans on various aspects of global and western media affect media consumption and cultural identity; aiding my own personal study by exploring Chinese social networks, and posting reviews of popular Chinese music, film, and TV shows. I have also recently been inspired by the viral photography project of Brandon Stanton, ‘Humans of New York’, which explores individual identity and otherness, and proved to me the extreme power of social media in telling stories.

I am determined to apply myself and my ideas to this degree, and to fully utilise this opportunity to build upon my passion for the role of media in social change. I look forward to evolving my skills in theory and practice, and am excited to explore and critique contemporary media on a global scale.

Middlesex University (Media and Cultural Studies) - Offer (BBD)

  • University of Roehampton (Media, Culture and Identity) - Offer (BBD)
  • University of the Arts London (Contemporary Media Cultures) - Offer (BBD) Firm
  • The University of West London (Media and Communications) - Offer (BBD)
  • University for the Creative Arts (Media and Communications) - Offer (BBD) Insurance

Grades Achieved:

  • English Literature (A2) - B
  • Photography (A2) - B
  • Psychology (A2) - D
  • Art and Design (AS) - B

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personal statement examples for media studies

Media Studies

Media Studies Personal Statement Example

The media not only represents the world around us, but also shapes it through the images it chooses to reflect. The rebuttal to those that think that studying the media, in all its forms, is in some way unimportant when compared to more practical, rather than text-based, subjects is therefore obvious: how are we to play an active role in creating the world around us if we are unaware of the way in which it is already being shaped? As I have progressed through my own study in the field, I have been enthused by growth of my own understanding of both the analysis and creation of media forms and am keen to learn more that I may, ultimately, pass this understanding on to others.

I am currently studying towards the Diploma in Creative and Media; which has provided an excellent balance between teaching textual analysis and enhancing my understanding of the media’s effects and introducing me to the industrial aspects of working within the field. As I am especially intrigued by the cultural contexts in which media is both produced and consumed this dual approach has proven to be the best possible way to expand on these interests. It has also proven to be an excellent development of my previous study of Media to BTEC level (completed in January 2009) and, I believe, my consistently solid grades throughout these two courses exhibit my overarching and ongoing interests and commitments within the field.

I have also taken every exciting opportunity throughout my schooling to gain both specific and transferable skills through work experience and volunteering. My work experience placement within my school’s City Learning Centre (CLC) introduced me to the realities and pressures of the working world, as I was tasked with creating a website from scratch within the two-week period. Alongside the technical and design aspects of the build, I also found that I quickly evolved strong teamwork skills, which are essential for working on collaborative project work at undergraduate level. Leading a team for part of the project also showed me that I possessed, and enjoyed using, good leadership skills and guiding others through processes that they previously did not understand. This experience, combined with my strong belief that an understanding of the media is crucial for everyone, has inspired me to look into teaching Media Studies as a potential future career. Working as a mentor to a Year 7 student has also proven a rewarding experience, adding to my potential future teaching ambitions by giving me a better idea of what is involved while also allowing me to play an active role in my school community.

Playing an active role in my community has also been a strong motivator in my extra-curricular activities. I am a keen sportsman and was the captain of my local football team for 3 years, leading them to two finals. This position was a good chance to demonstrate how strong leadership and teamwork work in tandem to produce good results. As an amateur boxer, my relationship between my coaching team and myself has also demonstrated the value of this dynamic from another perspective. Taking the determination and commitment I have learnt through these activities into my weekend job as a waiter has allowed me to quickly be offered extra responsibilities, proving my ability to apply these same positive attributes in all areas of my life.

Having shown commitment, ability and a hardworking attitude in all activities, I believe that I have what it takes to become a valuable contribution to any course or university. More importantly, I also believe that my strong passion for my subject will not only help me to succeed but will also inspire others, whether through working as a team at undergraduate level or fulfilling my ultimate goal of passing my knowledge onto subsequent generations through teaching.

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Media Studies with Film Studies Personal Statement

Media possesses an exact and fundamental integrity within the habitual lives of every single one of us. Ever since I began studying media I have developed a tenacious passion for the subject to the extent that it only feels natural to attempt to further indulge this passion at a higher level of detail. Throughout my media studies course I have established a comprehensive set of skills when working with media. Part of our course was heavily involved with the production of our own texts and from this I have become adept at Photoshop and other editing software as well as understanding the conventions possessed by different genres. Furthermore, I can confidently and systematically analyse media texts whilst offering a unique and refreshing insight.

By enrolling in this course I hope to gain a deep and fulfilling insight into the various institutes of media which would hopefully aid me when it comes to seeking a career within the industry. At the same time I will offer you all of the qualities that I possess. Hard working, organised and ready for commitment are all aspects of myself as a student which can be highlighted through the fact that I was appointed deputy head boy of Oakwood Park Grammar School in March 2014. My status as deputy head boy was truly humbling as throughout my time in the role we as a prefect team strived to raise money for Cancer Research UK and were extremely successful in doing so. The fundraising events that we carried out varied in terms of scale. The schemes ranged from non-school uniform days to a Stars in Their Eyes show which involved 20 acts comprised of OPGS students who performed to the school in the day and then parents in the evening. The main qualities I derived from these fundraisers were leadership and organisation as I had a huge part to play with regards to the development of the events.

I am no stranger to responsibility as both my part time job of over 2 years and volunteering work involved working with children across an age range from between 1 and 12 years old. From working with people this young I have established useful and effective communication skills as well as dealing with members of the public throughout my job at the soft play area Adventure Kidz. Part of my job included serving people on tills and dealing with complaints from the parents of children which one again illustrates my ability to behave cohesively with the public as well as still operate under certain pressures. I have spent the past year out of conventional education in an attempt to explore the media industry as well as working at Adventure Kidz to gain some financial stability before I enrol at university.

My volunteering work involved me working as an assistant coach at Barming Buds Soccer Academy for the under 6 squad. The attributes that I gained from this work experience is that I once again have the skill of communicating with young children as well as their parents. I have proved that I can teach other people in a way that makes them develop themselves which demonstrates a sense of leadership and authority amongst a group of people. In addition to this I found myself becoming more involved in football which is now an incredibly fond hobby of mine that I love to incorporate in my life.

I also have experience in a number of other environments; I spent 3 days working at the Waitrose RDC in Aylseford and I have also shadowed a conductor manager of Southeastern Railways. Both of these experiences involved physical labour combined with a firm awareness of health and safety as well as risk assessment in potentially hazardous environments. The above examples are proof that I am efficient under a number of scenarios and do not disappoint when it comes to possessing the necessary work ethic that is required to succeed.

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Media personal statement example 1.

From studying for my GCSE’s it has always been an ambition of mine to go to university to study a course that I love and believe in. I have looked into all areas that had taken an interest to me. I have a creative flare and enjoy all things that involve digital design through the web and applications ever since early secondary school.

Working part-time on a weekend in retail has taught me many skills. These include teamwork, communication and working to defined time scales.

Through retail, I have developed my skills in listening and responding with product combinations specifically for a customer’s needs – a skill that helps build my design proposals and briefs. It is also a skill I hope to bring with me through my studies.

I run a media and web based business, which has developed my skills in the media industry, especially the processes that are involved in designing and implementing a customer’s order.

This has enabled me to communicate more professionally with my clients. I have dealt with a variety of clients. I have produced a website for a local charity. I am working on a business website, which has had an investment back from Dragons Den.

During my school work experience, I went to find out about local politics by working with the Gloucestershire Conservative Party. I worked in the admin office and did a two day stop at my Local City Council, I shadowed our City Council Leader for those two days.

Also during my time there I helped during a local by-election which involved marketing and designing leaflets. Also Baroness Warsi, made a visit in which I was asked to produce the tickets and invites for.

In college, I have learnt to adapt well to different types of design. I have studied two digital graphics units and also an animation unit. I have really enjoyed the graphics unit with achieving distinctions with my creativity and flare. But I have studied film and media whilst being in the college business.

It has made a huge impact to me but I know what would be best suited for me. With some modules being about the industries, graphic and animation design. I enjoy what I do in college, but with my creative mind, I wish to branch into that area more.

Also in college I have taken on the role of a Learner Voice Rep for the Academic Studies area, whilst I am in the computing department. I am very committed to conveying the views to the head of schools and the cross college meetings. This is where we discuss the student’s views and solutions to what they want. I am also involved in the in-house college design agency, where I have worked with clients in which include some graphics and some film based.

Outside of college, I am an enthusiastic table tennis player, in which I play in my local league. I am also the area chairman for Conservative Future.

I use the most up to date software Adobe Suites and 3D rendering software. I have also used equipment that can benefit me in my studies form video cameras to SLR cameras, even tablets. I use cross platforms varying from MacOSX, Microsoft Windows and Linux.

I am also currently the Project Manager for my team of people where we are entering in a competition with the Rotary Club. In which we review their websites and make recommendations of improvement. This is in which I deal with the clients and produce professional and accurate documents. Whilst communicating either via email, face-to-face or telephone.

University will teach me so many new ideas and techniques that I can improve and thrive in. I have so much enthusiasm, in which I believe I could bring to the course.

With my passion and my experience I believe I could succeed in this course I have applied for. I have always been committed to all my work that I produce, I take time and care with planning the briefs and final designs and making it live. Whether at college or work it is a priority.

Aiming for that end result is what motivates me; this gives me determination to succeed.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by ashley9210 for application in 2012.

ashley9210's university choices The University of Gloucestershire University of Portsmouth University of Brighton University of Sunderland University of Portsmouth

Green : offer made Red : no offer made

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    Film Studies Personal Statement Example 1. Since I am a relatively young person living in a media orientated part of the world, film and television have been and continue to be hugely influential in just about every area of my life. For example growing up, my sense of humour was shaped by Jim Carey movies and joey from 'friends', I was unable ...

  2. Media & Communication Personal Statement Example

    Hi I'm applying to do media and communications at Newcastle, Bournemouth, Loughborough, Royal Holloway and Sussex. Let me know what you think. Davinia Fielding-Cooke. This personal statement is unrated. Throughout my volunteering experience in the heart of Kampala, Uganda, I dedicated my time teaching young, deprived and uneducated children as ...

  3. Personal statement advice: media studies and journalism

    State clearly why you want to study journalism, and explain that you know something about the work of the central figure in journalism - the reporter. Demonstrate creative writing ability, a good presentational style, accurate spelling, correct grammar, and a sound grasp of the English language. Read quality broadsheet newspapers and follow ...

  4. Media Personal Statement Examples

    PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLES Media personal statements . Discover personal statement examples written by students accepted onto media and related courses. Read through the examples to help shape your own personal statement. ... Media Studies with Film Studies Personal Statement . Media possesses an exact and fundamental integrity within the ...

  5. Communications, Media and Culture Personal Statement Example

    Statement rating: I am hoping to read for a communications, media and culture degree. I find it remarkable, inspiring and a little bit frightening how the media exercise control over our lives, whilst offering rich cultural rewards. I am fascinated by the action and effects of human communications of all kinds and am keen to extend the insight ...

  6. Media Studies Personal Statement

    Personal Statement Examples How to (Guides) ... Media Studies Personal Statement. Examples 7-30. Mar 6. Written By stephen newall. ... Personal Statement Service. The Old Dairy 12 Stephen Road Headington, Oxford, OX3 9AY United Kingdom. VAT Number 425 5446 95. 24/7 0800 334 5952

  7. Media Studies Personal Statement

    Media Studies Personal Statement. Submitted by Gaby. I have chosen this course as a pathway to my future career in Media; the next step on my platform. With this ever-changing world of technology, us young adults need to be ahead of the game, we need to constantly be updated with new equipment, with the news around us and with this know how to ...

  8. Media and communication personal statements

    Media and communication personal statements. On this page you'll find a collection of real personal statements written by students applying to study media, communication and related courses at university. These personal statements are written by real students - don't expect them all to be perfect! But by reading through a few of these samples ...

  9. Effective Guide: Film and Media Studies Personal Statement

    A Film and Media Studies personal statement is an essential document for anyone hoping to pursue a degree in film or media. This document helps admission officers gain insight into the applicant's motivations, aspirations, skills, and experiences pertinent to their studies. A well-crafted personal statement will give candidates a competitive ...

  10. Media Studies Personal Statement Example 3

    Media Studies Personal Statement Example 3. It's 2016; letters, newspapers and five television channels are a distant memory, overshadowed by a multi-media world dominated by fingertip technology. Society has welcomed this digital world with open arms and we have embraced it into our daily lives: cameras film our every move, projecting our ...

  11. Media Studies Personal Statement Example 1

    Media Studies Personal Statement Example 1. Before my fascination for the media world developed I like everyone else was subconsciously a part of it. The news that was on TV, the magazines that I read and the commercials that urged me to buy the products I bought. The media and the world it creates around us are always there whether we are ...

  12. Media Personal Statement Examples

    Media Personal Statement Examples | Uni Compare. Taken from 65,000+ data points from students attending university to help future generations. Discover university rankings devised from data collected from current students. Find the ideal uni course for you with our Course Degree Quiz. Get answers in minutes!

  13. Media Personal Statement Examples

    Personal Statement Example Links. Personal Statement Example 1; Personal Statement Example 2; Personal Statement Example 3; Personal Statement Example 4; ... If so, a degree in Media Studies could be your perfect pathway. This dynamic field equips you with the skills to understand, critique, and contribute to various media forms, from ...

  14. Journalism Personal Statement Examples For UK University

    Check our journalism personal statement examples for UCAS, which can inspire and guide you in writing your successful personal statement . Whether you are interested in broadcast journalism, print journalism, or digital and online journalism, these examples cover a range of topics and styles that can help you stand out to admissions tutors.

  15. Digital media degree personal statement example (1a)

    Digital media degree personal statement example (1a) This is a real personal statement written by a student for their university application. It might help you decide what to include in your own. There are lots more examples in our collection of sample personal statements. Imagination is a wonderful thing.

  16. Writing your personal statement

    As part of your application to study with us, you'll be asked to submit a personal statement. Your personal statement is your chance to show your understanding of the course, your interest in the subject and how your current skills and knowledge are relevant to the course you'd like to study. Each course we offer is different, so please ...

  17. PR, Media and Communications Personal Statement Example

    Applied with a C in Higher Geography and currently sitting Highers in Psychology, RMPS, English and Business. This personal statement is unrated. Over the last few years my interest in public relations, media, journalism and business, in general, has developed. I enjoy reading newspapers, magazines and music literature such as NME.

  18. Personal Statement:Media and Culture

    Personal Statement:Media and Culture. Media and Culture Personal Statement. My interest in media and culture initially evolved from my desire to contribute to the social justice activism community. I'm excited by the way that contemporary media has lifted the ceiling from society, expanding the platforms from which people can share their ...

  19. Media Studies Personal Statement Example

    Media Studies Personal Statement Example. The media not only represents the world around us, but also shapes it through the images it chooses to reflect. The rebuttal to those that think that studying the media, in all its forms, is in some way unimportant when compared to more practical, rather than text-based, subjects is therefore obvious ...

  20. Media, Culture and Society Personal Statement

    Media, Culture and Society Personal Statement. Media is the backbone of our society. In the twenty-first century, it is inevitable that we are all influenced in some way. For several years now I have had a fascination with the role media plays in our society, from the way we are socialised to believe what is right and wrong, to how the industry ...

  21. PDF Personal Statement for a Media Psychology Program

    Personal Statement for a Media Psychology Program The mind fascinates me: The way it develops, how it shapes reality, how the interactions of tiny cells in the brain shape the course of our whole lives. I have always taken an interest in ... classes I took on media studies, biology, and literature all enhanced my understanding of

  22. How a Cyberattack Took 15,000 Car Dealers Offline

    Roughly 15,000 car dealerships across the US and Canada have gone days without software systems crucial to running their business, following multiple cyberattacks on CDK Global. The company is one ...

  23. Media with Film Studies Personal Statement

    Media Studies with Film Studies Personal Statement. Media possesses an exact and fundamental integrity within the habitual lives of every single one of us. Ever since I began studying media I have developed a tenacious passion for the subject to the extent that it only feels natural to attempt to further indulge this passion at a higher level ...

  24. IBM Blog

    News and thought leadership from IBM on business topics including AI, cloud, sustainability and digital transformation.

  25. Media Personal Statement Example 1

    Media Personal Statement Example 1. From studying for my GCSE's it has always been an ambition of mine to go to university to study a course that I love and believe in. I have looked into all areas that had taken an interest to me. I have a creative flare and enjoy all things that involve digital design through the web and applications ever ...