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Presenting your findings postgraduate study skills.

You could be asked to present your findings as a written assignment or dissertation, or as an oral presentation.

It is taken as given that you can write in clear, concise, grammatically correct and accurately spelt prose - the skills that you refined as an undergraduate. At postgraduate level you have more opportunity to engage with theories and academic discussion through, for example, including a literature review as part of a dissertation. In your assessed work you are expected to use academic argument and balanced debate to communicate effectively with your audience.

Writing a dissertation

Some taught Master's qualifications include a requirement for you to undertake an extended research project on a topic of your choice and then write up your findings as a dissertation. You should expect to work largely on your own initiative from original sources, but you will have a tutor or project supervisor to offer advice and monitor your progress as you confront the challenges associated with project planning. In some disciplines you submit assignments as drafts for sections of your dissertation.

The next three pages (Assessed writing, Referencing, Giving a presentation) are particularly relevant in presenting your findings.

Last updated 6 months ago

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6 Tips For Giving a Fabulous Academic Presentation


Tanya Golash-Boza, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of California

January 11, 2022

One of the easiest ways to stand out at an academic conference is to give a fantastic presentation.

In this post, I will discuss a few simple techniques that can make your presentation stand out. Although, it does take time to make a good presentation, it is well worth the investment.

Tip #1: Use PowerPoint Judiciously

Images are powerful. Research shows that images help with memory and learning. Use this to your advantage by finding and using images that help you make your point. One trick I have learned is that you can use images that have blank space in them and you can put words in those images.

Here is one such example from a presentation I gave about immigration law enforcement.

PowerPoint is a great tool, so long as you use it effectively. Generally, this means using lots of visuals and relatively few words. Never use less than 24-point font. And, please, never put your presentation on the slides and read from the slides.

Tip #2: There is a formula to academic presentations. Use it.

Once you have become an expert at giving fabulous presentations, you can deviate from the formula. However, if you are new to presenting, you might want to follow it. This will vary slightly by field, however, I will give an example from my field – sociology – to give you an idea as to what the format should look like:

  • Introduction/Overview/Hook
  • Theoretical Framework/Research Question
  • Methodology/Case Selection
  • Background/Literature Review
  • Discussion of Data/Results

Tip #3: The audience wants to hear about your research. Tell them.

One of the most common mistakes I see in people giving presentations is that they present only information I already know. This usually happens when they spend nearly all of the presentation going over the existing literature and giving background information on their particular case. You need only to discuss the literature with which you are directly engaging and contributing. Your background information should only include what is absolutely necessary. If you are giving a 15-minute presentation, by the 6 th minute, you need to be discussing your data or case study. At conferences, people are there to learn about your new and exciting research, not to hear a summary of old work.

Tip #4: Practice. Practice. Practice.

You should always practice your presentation in full before you deliver it. You might feel silly delivering your presentation to your cat or your toddler, but you need to do it and do it again. You need to practice to ensure that your presentation fits within the time parameters. Practicing also makes it flow better. You can’t practice too many times.

Tip #5: Keep To Your Time Limit

If you have ten minutes to present, prepare ten minutes of material. No more. Even if you only have seven minutes, you need to finish within the allotted time. If you write your presentation out, a general rule of thumb is two minutes per typed, double-spaced page. For a fifteen-minute talk, you should have no more than 7 double-spaced pages of material.

Tip #6: Don’t Read Your Presentation

Yes, I know that in some fields reading is the norm. But, can you honestly say that you find yourself engaged when listening to someone read their conference presentation? If you absolutely must read, I suggest you read in such a way that no one in the audience can tell you are reading. I have seen people do this successfully, and you can do it too if you write in a conversational tone, practice several times, and read your paper with emotion, conviction, and variation in tone.

What tips do you have for presenters? What is one of the best presentations you have seen? What made it so fantastic? Let us know in the comments below.

Want to learn more about the publishing process? The Wiley Researcher Academy is an online author training program designed to help researchers develop the skills and knowledge needed to be able to publish successfully. Learn more about Wiley Researcher Academy .

Image credit: Tanya Golash-Boza

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Open University Learning Analytics dataset

This page introduces the anonymised Open University Learning Analytics Dataset (OULAD). It contains data about courses, students and their interactions with Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for seven selected courses (called modules). Presentations of courses start in February and October - they are marked by “B” and “J” respectively. The dataset consists of tables connected using unique identifiers. All tables are stored in the csv format.

You can download the latest version of the OULAD here:

* You can check integrity of downloaded zip file using the MD5 checksum .

OULAD testimonials

Learning analytics & open data hackathon 3.0 at the university of british columbia, canada.

The two-day event was held at the University of British Columbia, Canada. Over 100 participants dove into our dataset and experimented with it. Interesting projects in the area of social comparison and visualisation have been developed.

LAK18 Hackathon at Learning Analytics and Knowledge conference (LAK18) in Sydney, Australia

The principal aim of Hack@LAK18 was to enable multi-disciplinary thinking over key open challenges in Learning Analytics based on a problem-oriented, pragmatic approach. OULAD was one of the recommended datasets by the organisers.

Database schema

Database schema


  • code_module – code name of the module, which serves as the identifier.
  • code_presentation – code name of the presentation. It consists of the year and “B” for the presentation starting in February and “J” for the presentation starting in October.
  • length - length of the module-presentation in days.


  • code_module – identification code of the module, to which the assessment belongs.
  • code_presentation - identification code of the presentation, to which the assessment belongs.
  • id_assessment – identification number of the assessment.
  • assessment_type – type of assessment. Three types of assessments exist: Tutor Marked Assessment (TMA), Computer Marked Assessment (CMA) and Final Exam (Exam).
  • date – information about the final submission date of the assessment calculated as the number of days since the start of the module-presentation. The starting date of the presentation has number 0 (zero).
  • weight - weight of the assessment in %. Typically, Exams are treated separately and have the weight 100%; the sum of all other assessments is 100%.
  • id_site – an identification number of the material.
  • code_module – an identification code for module.
  • code_presentation - the identification code of presentation.
  • activity_type – the role associated with the module material.
  • week_from – the week from which the material is planned to be used.
  • week_to – week until which the material is planned to be used.


  • code_module – an identification code for a module on which the student is registered.
  • code_presentation - the identification code of the presentation during which the student is registered on the module.
  • id_student – a unique identification number for the student.
  • gender – the student’s gender.
  • region – identifies the geographic region, where the student lived while taking the module-presentation.
  • highest_education – highest student education level on entry to the module presentation.
  • imd_band – specifies the Index of Multiple Depravation band of the place where the student lived during the module-presentation.
  • age_band – band of the student’s age.
  • num_of_prev_attempts – the number times the student has attempted this module.
  • studied_credits – the total number of credits for the modules the student is currently studying.
  • disability – indicates whether the student has declared a disability.
  • final_result – student’s final result in the module-presentation.


  • code_module – an identification code for a module.
  • code_presentation - the identification code of the presentation.
  • date_registration – the date of student’s registration on the module presentation, this is the number of days measured relative to the start of the module-presentation (e.g. the negative value -30 means that the student registered to module presentation 30 days before it started).
  • date_unregistration – date of student unregistration from the module presentation, this is the number of days measured relative to the start of the module-presentation. Students, who completed the course have this field empty. Students who unregistered have Withdrawal as the value of the final_result column in the studentInfo.csv file.


  • id_assessment – the identification number of the assessment.
  • date_submitted – the date of student submission, measured as the number of days since the start of the module presentation.
  • is_banked – a status flag indicating that the assessment result has been transferred from a previous presentation.
  • score – the student’s score in this assessment. The range is from 0 to 100. The score lower than 40 is interpreted as Fail. The marks are in the range from 0 to 100.


  • code_presentation - the identification code of the module presentation.
  • id_site - an identification number for the VLE material.
  • date – the date of student’s interaction with the material measured as the number of days since the start of the module-presentation.
  • sum_click – the number of times a student interacts with the material in that day.

Open Data Mashup 2015

  • Document describing a Mashup example (in pdf format)
  • Example subset of OULAD (in .Rdata format)

This dataset is released under CC-BY 4.0 license.

Citing the dataset

When citing the dataset please use the following reference: Kuzilek J., Hlosta M., Zdrahal Z. Open University Learning Analytics dataset Sci. Data 4:170171 doi: 10.1038/sdata.2017.171 (2017).

  • Jakub Kuzilek Email Jakub Kuzilek
  • Martin Hlosta Email Martin Hlosta
  • Zdenek Zdrahal Email Zdenek Zdrahal

Coming soon

Currently we are working hard on preparing the anonymised dataset from The Open University. This unique dataset will allow everyone to access the data about the students and enable what we call Open Learning Analytics. Stay tuned.

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the open university

The Open University

Mar 22, 2019

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The Open University. Study Engineering A Different Way Les Johnstone. The Open University. Established more than 30 years Currently >150000 students Regional Presence in Leeds Local Study Centres Student Groups have local tutors. Degrees Offered. BSc BSc (Hons) Technology

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The Open University Study Engineering A Different Way Les Johnstone

The Open University • Established more than 30 years • Currently >150000 students • Regional Presence in Leeds • Local Study Centres • Student Groups have local tutors

Degrees Offered • BSc • BSc (Hons) Technology • BSc (Hons) ICT • B.Eng • M.Eng • MSc Technology Management • MSc Computing for Commerce & Industry

Benefits of OU Study • Combine work and study • Combine with family life • Combine with training programmes • Meet complex work patterns • Accessible anywhere in the world • Develops self reliance and motivation

Course Delivery byDistance Learning • Hard Copy (texts, CDs, videos etc) • Software (appropriate to course) • Internet (access to materials, conferences, submission of assignments, course websites) • Tutorials (Face to Face, telephone and online)

Assessment Criteria • Tutor Marked Assignments • Computer Marked Assignments • Examinations

OU Courses • Courses can be 10, 15, 30 or 60 points • 30 point courses expect about 7-8 hours per week to study (Full time degree students gain 120 points per year) • Typical students study 60 points a year when combined with work or family or circumstances.

Degree Structure • BSc needs 300 points • BSc (Hons) needs 360 points • MEng needs 420 points • MSc has a similar structure • All Honours Degrees are classified as 1st, 2nd or 3rd Class

Degree Profiles - Themes • General Engineering • Information & Communications Technologies • Environment • Design • Built Environment • Mechanics

Level 1 Courses • T172 Working with our environment (30 points) • T173 Engineering the future (30 points) • TXR174 Technology in Action (Residential)(10 points) • T175 Networked Living (30 points) • T191 Personal & Career Development (15 points) • Other Faculty Courses MST121, M150, S103 etc

Level 2 and 3 Courses • In excess of 40 Courses available as part of Technology Degree • Degree finishes with final year project • Specific Degree Profiles for named degrees and for Engineering Council Recognition • Hundreds of courses available across other faculties – Languages, Business, Science, Maths, Humanities, Law etc (Bespoke degrees to match employers needs)

Conclusions • OU Degrees are a good match to combine study with work and family life • The OU Teaching materials are second to none. • The successful combination of work and study can make our graduates very employable.

Contact us • Visit http://engineering.open.ac.uk • Phone Leeds Office 01132 451466 • Email [email protected] • General Info visit www.open.ac.uk • My email [email protected]

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distance education vs open university - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

open university presentation

distance education vs open university

Education plays a crucial role in this fast-paced environment, as the market is very competitive. in different fields, people from all walks of life will get their degrees and diplomas. – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • Education plays a crucial role in this fast-paced environment, as the market is very competitive. In different fields, people from all walks of life will get their degrees and diplomas. A degree from an open university provides students with a great opportunity to start their career and work in a large organization. It encourages students to study at college because students can study according to their time set.
  • On the other hand, distance learning is a method of delivery of education, in which the source of knowledge and the students are not physically present, as either time or distance or both divide them. The paper presented to you discusses the fundamental points of distinction between open university and distance education or we can say Distance Education vs Open University.
  • An Open University is a university that offers open admissions policies, distance learning, and online learning programs. Students are supplied through the research centers and online with the study materials for different courses.
  • Students may also take advantage of a tutors online resources that offer input on the activities and assignments performed online. It is an affordable way to obtain higher education and is very useful for both the middle class and those living in rural areas.
  • Open University was founded to provide higher education to those individuals who are unable to join conventional universities.
  • Distance Education is a learning style in which students are not present on the site in person. In this, the student has no direct face-to-face contact with the teacher but can use different ways of accessing education, such as e-learning, video conferencing, e-mail, etc.
  • The student is not expected to regularly attend classes in this mode of education, and the assessment of his research work is achieved through tests performed at regular intervals.
  • Distance Education was created in order to provide those who are unable to attend traditional colleges with access to education.
  • Open University is a university that provides open entry through distance and online learning programs for admissions. Distance Education, on the other hand, is a form of a learning program that offers students who are not present at the site by different universities.
  • The main difference between Open University and Distance Education is that an open university is a form of university, while distance education is a form of education.
  • There is no colleges affiliation with an open university. Whereas either an open university or a conventional university offers distance education. Different colleges are also affiliated with the traditional university.
  • The main aim of an open university is to offer education to those who are unable to access a conventional university, i.e. citizens of the working class or in remote areas. On the other hand, the main objective of distance education is to give those who are unable to attend traditional colleges access to education, i.e. students can study at their own place and at any time.
  • In an open university, education is present only in the mode of distance learning. While an open university or a private university, or a normal university may provide distance learning.
  • They both lack a face-to-face relationship between the students and the teachers.
  • In the same mode, both impart education.
  • There is no requirement for mandatory attendance.
  • The students are provided with online learning materials and syllabuses.
  • Many people assume that there is little distinction between an open university and distance learning. But they are different in many ways. Both types of organizations do a good job of offering education. Especially to the students who have personal issues and can not attend a typical university. It is a perfect way to get a higher education without losing work. It also saves the time and resources and the flexibility (time and place) of the learner to get the education.
  • These open universities are well equipped with learned faculties. Millions of students obtain an education in the distance learning mode. It offers hundreds of degree and diploma courses in respective fields such as undergraduate, postgraduate, and masters. Both of these schemes, though, suffer from pros and cons, so its all about how you take it as a boon or a bane.

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Degree ceremonies

You are here, your ceremony day.

open university presentation

Upon arrival, please first visit the ceremony  Registration  desks to collect your tickets, presentation card, and souvenir programmes.  You will also be given an information sheet and map to help you find your way around the venue.

Once you have registered and collected your tickets, you can collect your  academic dress  (if applicable). If you are having official photographs taken, you should then head to the  photography studios .

If you have time before the ceremony, do visit the  Open University Students Association  (OUSA) stand where merchandise will be available to purchase.

You should refer to the information sheet given to you at Registration to find out when the doors will open for you and your guests to take your seats for the ceremony. This is generally 45-60 minutes before the start of the ceremony so will allow you plenty of time to get settled and chat with other graduates before proceedings begin. Please be advised that graduates will be seated together in the auditorium and not with their guests. Graduate seating is arranged in order of qualification group (e.g. Masters / BA / BSc / Diplomas of Higher Education, etc.) and then alphabetically.

During the ceremony

Your degree ceremony will begin with the entrance of the academic procession, led by the Chief Marshal and ending with the Presiding Officer. Once the academic procession is seated on-stage, the Presiding Officer will declare the ceremony open and give their opening address. This is followed by the presentation of graduates and the conferment of honorary degrees (if applicable).

When it is your turn to be presented, you will be guided towards the stage by the marshals and your name will be announced by the Graduate Presenter. You will walk across the stage to briefly meet the Presiding Officer and receive a ceremony tube containing a congratulatory note from the University’s Chancellor.

When honorary degrees have been conferred (if applicable) and all graduates have been presented, the Presiding Officer will address the graduates and then declare the ceremony closed.

Everyone will stand and the Mace Bearer leads the Presiding Officer and procession off the stage. Graduates are invited to follow the procession out of the hall. You will be guided by the marshals.

Photography / filming

Graduates and guests are welcome to take photographs and video during the ceremony but we ask that you do not obstruct the view of others whilst doing so or block aisles or doors.

The Open University reserves the right to film and take photographs at ceremonies, and to use the images on its websites, social media and in its publications.

We film all our degree ceremonies and post the final video on YouTube in the 2 weeks following the event.  If you do not wish to appear in the video of your ceremony, please speak to a member of staff at the Registration desk on the day.

Honorary degrees

The Open University’s Charter includes provision for the Senate to award the Honorary Degrees of Doctor of the University (DUniv) and Master of the University (MUniv). These are given to people who merit special recognition for outstanding achievement and distinction in a field or activity consistent with the values and commitments of the University.

Your ceremony may include the conferment of honorary degrees. During this part of the ceremony, each individual who is to receive an honorary degree is presented to the Presiding Officer by a senior member of the University, who reads a citation describing the graduand’s achievements and the reason for the honorary award.

The Presiding Officer then confers the degree and the new honorary graduate makes a short reply.

For more information on honorary degrees, including a list of previous recipients and guidance on how to nominate someone to receive an honorary degree, please visit our  Honorary degrees  page.

Social media

We know that graduates and guests at Open University ceremonies love to take photographs and videos and share their special day on social media. If you would like to share these memories with fellow graduates, guests and the wider world, be sure to tag the Open University and use our ceremonies hashtag!

@OpenUniversity #OUfamily

@OUceremonies #OUfamily

Frequently asked questions

Terms and conditions

Tell us your story!

The Ceremonies Centre is open and ready to support you.

Ceremonies Centre PO Box 123 Walton Hall Milton Keynes MK7 6DQ

[email protected] +44 (0) 1908 541079 Mon to Thurs 09:00 - 16:30 Fri 09:00 - 16:00 @OpenUniversity        #OUFamily 

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© . . .

01 Our brand story

1.1 introduction to our brand.

The Open University is proud to be different. We’re open to anyone, anywhere with ambition and drive. Here to open new horizons, for our students, employers and society at large.

Our brand determines how people think and feel about us. Building our reputation through everything we say and do – from TV adverts to the emails we send. Managing and strengthening our brand is as important as managing our finances. It is key to helping us advance our mission.

We need to increase awareness and understanding of all that we offer. To stand out and enhance our appeal. Our new brand platform, The future is open, positions our university in an ownable, consistent way and elevates our reputation.​ It helps us put the brand at the heart of all we do.

A brand is strong when it feels consistent across every touchpoint. Our brand framework summarises who we are, where we are going and how we want to communicate with our audiences. ​Our brand guidelines explain our brand and how to implement it in your day-to-day work.

1.2 Brand framework

The Open University brand framework is a quick, one page reference point to help give everyone working with the brand a common understanding of what it is. In this way we can achieve clarity and consistency whenever our audiences come into contact with the OU. Made up of 11 key components, with the brand purpose at the heart, it brings the building blocks of our brand together.

OU Brand Purpose – a full text description is shown below this diagram under the heading Brand Purpose Transforming education to open the future for all

1.3 Tone of voice

It’s not just what you say but how you say it. It’s how we connect and communicate with our audiences in a way that’s unique to us. Every time you communicate on behalf of the OU, it’s an opportunity to bring our brand personality to life. That’s why it’s vitally important that our tone of voice is consistent. Following these principles will help engage our audiences and ensure all communications sound like The Open University.

open university presentation

We are confident and fearless , with the bravery to challenge convention and inspire people to have the courage to follow their dreams .

open university presentation

We are dependable and sincere, reassuring people with a progressive and authentic approach to learning born of over 50 years of expertise .

open university presentation

We are approachable and relatable , creating a community that supports each other and invites others to collaborate in pursuit of progress.

Strong, courageous, pioneering, adventurous, spirited, original, determined, imaginative.

What it isn't

Arrogant, opinionated, showy, stuck-in-our-ways, headstrong, reckless, uncompromising.

Knowledgeable, experienced, honest, genuine, progressive, innovative, forward-looking.

Highbrow, geeky, know-it-all, orthodox, traditional, conformist, boastful, authoritarian.

Warm, humble, encouraging, diverse, open-minded, friendly, supportive, respectful.

Subservient, overly-polite, deferential, submissive, meek, passive, earnest, over-eager.

1.4 Brand personality

If you think of The Open University as a person, our brand personality defines who we are: the way we behave, what we think and how we express ourselves. It is what makes us The Open University.

Based on research with colleagues across the OU and our wider audiences, the characteristics that best describe our personality are set out below. By reflecting these characteristics in all that we do, what we deliver, what we say and how we say it, that unique OU personality is brought to life.

open university presentation

Passionately curious

We dream big - fostering a restless desire and determination to learn more about our world and enrich society by exploring untold futures.

open university presentation

Generous and caring

We’re a family - stronger together, driven by a desire to make a difference and open to sharing what we know to help create opportunity for all.

open university presentation

Confidently optimistic

Inspired by the promise of a better future, we see the potential in everyone and trust in our expertise and a firm belief in the power of possibility.

1.5 Values in action

Reflecting our core values in our behaviours is fundamental to delivering our brand. People Services have engaged with colleagues across the University to create a set of principles which reflect our values.

open university presentation

If we are to....

  • Feel valued, supported, trusted and safe at work
  • Be open to people, places, methods and ideas, and enable equity, diversity and inclusion
  • Achieve our mission, our goals and enablers
  • Maintain our ability to effectively adapt and change

Then we’ll need to be:

  • Respectful and kind
  • Actively seeking and valuing diversity
  • Inclusion advocates and allies
  • Ambitious and forward looking
  • Curious and inquisitive
  • Interconnected and collaborative
  • Actively listening
  • Solution orientated
  • Focused on the right priorities

1.6 Brand identity

From its inception, The Open University has been represented by the OU shield. Taking this highly recognisable shape as a starting point, we have created unique and ownable geometric forms for our new brand identity. They have been designed to convey the dynamism, excitement and emotion of the OU brand. These forms, combined with playful typography and a fresh, optimistic colour spectrum, are the foundations of our new brand design system.

Core brand logos

The Open University Master and Compact logo

Brand forms

The Open University brand forms

Core colour pallet

The Open University core colour palette

Poppins Bold

Poppins SemiBold

Poppins Regular


The Open University photography examples

Rooted in our brand DNA, the new identity modernises the OU brand, but with the flexibility to accommodate the exceptionally wide spectrum of brand needs.

open university presentation

1.7 Brand architecture

Our brand architecture visually aligns all areas of the OU to our brand identity, making the relationship with the OU immediately clear. This consistency aims to enhance perceptions of quality and credibility and to increase understanding of our offer.

Our brand architecture is represented by a suite of logos and identifiers .

Category and purpose Names Visual examples

Identifies the OU
The Open University

Identify the OU in specific nations
The Open University in Scotland
The Open University in Wales
The Open University in Ireland

Scroll across to view table in full.

Category and purpose Names Visual examples

Identify specific schools for accreditation purposes
The Open University Business School
The Open University Law School

Identify the OU’s proposition for a specific audience
Employers & Partnerships

Identify the OU’s distinctive approach to a core element of our model or mission
Examples include:

Category and purpose Names Visual example

Identifies ‘The future is open’ as the OU’s brand platform
Variants are available for core brand and nations

Category and purpose Names Visual example

Identify a specific team, service or project
Various including faculties, schools, research centres etc.

1.8 Coat of arms

The OU’s Royal Charter gave the University the power to obtain armorial bearings, which we sometimes refer to as our ‘coat of arms’ or ‘crest’.

The ‘full heraldic achievement’ is made up of our coat of arms on a shield, helmet and crest together with supporters (lions), badge (the OU ‘symbol’ from which our logo is derived) and motto (Learn and Live).

open university presentation

This is not a brand asset. Its use is highly restricted and it may only be used in the following circumstances:

  • as part of approved OU website footers managed by the Digital Operations team in Marketing and Communications
  • on collateral for ceremonies, managed by Ceremonies Centre in Academic Services
  • on paper supplied for certificates, managed by Qualifications Centre
  • on merchandise created by the Open University Students Association
  • for formal events (e.g. 50th gala dinner or similar) and commemorative activities, managed by the OU Development Office or the Vice-Chancellors Office
  • on communications relating to our Royal Charter, managed by Marketing and Communications
  • for historical purposes, managed by the University Archive.

Logo UOC

OpenEU launched, the first step to a European open university

Open EU map

The alliance brings together Europe's leading open and distance universities alongside five on-campus universities committed with digital transformation (Image: OpenEU, UOC)

OpenEU's objective as the first pan-European open university is to strengthen the digital, green and social dimension of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) by offering access to high-quality higher education and lifelong learning to all, providing accessible and sustainable international experiences for all students, and contributing to the digital transformation of institutions.

The European Commission has decided to back the OpenEU project as part of its European Universities initiative , selecting it from among 56 proposals submitted by European alliances. OpenEU can now forge ahead thanks to the almost 14.4 million euros it has been awarded. The alliance brings together Europe's leading open and distance universities alongside five on-campus universities that are committed to pushing forward with their digital transformation. Together they promote education that is student-centred, inclusive, digital and green, strengthening the EHEA and ensuring no one is left behind.

The working group of the OpenEU alliance at a recent meeting at the UOC headquarters (Photo: UOC)

The working group of the OpenEU alliance at a recent meeting at the UOC headquarters (Photo: UOC)

“OpenEU represents a unique opportunity to extend the scope and impact of Europe's open and distance universities”

The UOC will take charge of leading the project over the next four years. In the words of the UOC rector and president of the alliance, Àngels Fitó , "OpenEU represents a unique opportunity to extend the scope and impact of Europe's open and distance universities . Leading the OpenEU alliance is a privilege, and it lets us drive forward with a large community of international students who are committed to their learning; strengthen joint projects with social agents, businesses and other organizations; and boost innovation in technology-mediated pedagogies. This initiative, which my predecessor as rector, Josep Anton Planell ,  will allow us to move towards an up-to-date version of the European Higher Education Area that will provide the backbone for lifelong learning in Europe."

Creation of a pan-European open university

OpenEU wants to make the most of its collective experience to strengthen the EHEA by leveraging the potential of digital tools to create a pan-European open university that can guarantee learning opportunities for all, anytime and anywhere, regardless of time constraints, place of residence or people's personal or professional circumstances.

OpenEU represents over 368,000 university students (the vast majority are not traditional university students: their average age is 36, and 84% work and study at the same time), more than 709,000 graduates and 24,000 staff. It has been created in response to the main challenges facing the EHEA: the digital transformation of university institutions , the promotion of more inclusive, more equitable higher education , and the need to provide opportunities for lifelong learning for everyone.

 grup de treball de l'aliança OpenEU

The rectors of the 10 member universities of the European Alliance, OpenEU, met at the UOC Campus in January 2024 (Photo: UOC)

The alliance is committed to maximizing its impact and can count on a total of 14 universities from all regions of Europe as well as thirteen associate partner bodies and organizations. The core members of the alliance are the eight leading online, open and distance universities, alongside two on-campus universities : Bifröst University , Iceland; Daugavpils University , Latvia; FernUniversität in Hagen , Germany; Hellenic Open University , Greece; Open Universiteit , the Netherlands; Open University of Cyprus ; Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia , Spain; Universidade Aberta , Portugal; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya , Spain, and St Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo , Bulgaria. Furthermore, the Open University of the United Kingdom, Albania's Fan S. Noli University , the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy and North Macedonia's MIT University are also participating in the project to help drive the digital transformation of the EHEA.

Three of the leading international academic networks , the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), the International Association of Universities (IAU) and Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED), will contribute to the alliance's growth, providing their experience and ability to publicize the results obtained. In addition, the Fédération Interuniversitaire de l'enseignement à distance (FIED) of France will collaborate with its expertise in distance education. Likewise, a number of industrial associations and national and European clusters have expressed their support for the alliance and will collaborate in the different initiatives that OpenEU wants to develop. They are Brightlands Smart Services Campus from the Netherlands, Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA), Mentoring Europe , SECARTYS from Spain, Stifterverband from Germany, and Bulgaria's Digital National Alliance. Lastly, the EUROCITIES association, a network of over 200 cities in 38 countries, and the European Leader Association For Rural Development (ELARD), with more than 2,500 local action groups, will help connect the alliance's projects with local needs.

A shared mission, ten targets and four years to make it happen

OpenEU unites the shared visions and experiences of 10 universities that are each rooted in their territories. Together they have a joint mission and 10 targets to meet over the next 4 years:

  • Build the foundations of a solid and sustainable European open university.
  • Promote innovation in curricula, course delivery and assessment, with a firm commitment to micro-credentials that can be stacked and lead to official qualifications, equipping our learners with needs-based technical and non-technical transferable skills.
  • Expand lifelong learning for employability across Europe, by providing both traditional and non-traditional students with tailored and flexible learning paths and the skills demanded by society and the labour market.
  • Widen participation of traditionally underrepresented and disadvantaged groups in higher education, such as refugees and migrants, women in STEM, disabled people, or those living in underpopulated areas, rolling out solutions in response to their needs and strengthening competencies linked to diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • Guarantee the quality of digital learning and innovative educational solutions through challenge-based, multidisciplinary research and innovation.
  • Drive the digital transformatio n of higher education in Europe, sharing OpenEU's experience, knowledge and resources with other universities.
  • Broaden internationalization by creating and implementing innovative and flexible mobility options that let non-traditional students benefit from opportunities for international learning experiences.
  • Enhance challenge-based knowledge generation, transfer and exchange , focusing on three key issues for Europe: the digital transformation, the climate emergency, and the threats to European values and democracy.
  • Increase universities' societal impact in education, research and innovation by engaging with the OpenEU communities and the labour market to establish collaborations with non-academic partners.
  • Foster European values by establishing a shared culture in OpenEU that is based on the principles of quality, diversity, equity, inclusion, open knowledge and environmental sustainability to contribute to more resilient economies and societies.

About the European Universities initiative

The European Commission's European Universities initiative aims to trigger and deepen unprecedented levels of institutional cooperation between higher education institutions, making it systemic, structural and sustainable . There are currently 64 European alliances, fulfilling the EC's target to set up at least 60 involving over 500 higher education institutions by 2024. OpenEU is the first alliance where open and distance higher education plays a leading role to increase access, coverage and participation in higher education in Europe.

OpenEU is supported by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ European Universities Alliances .

This project led by UOC supports UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4, (Quality Education ),  8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth ), and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals ).


The UOC's research and innovation (R&I) is helping overcome pressing challenges faced by global societies in the 21st century by studying interactions between technology and human & social sciences with a specific focus on the network society, e-learning and e-health .

Over 500 researchers and more than 50 research groups work in the UOC's seven faculties, its eLearning Research programme and its two research centres: the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute ( IN3 ) and the eHealth Center ( eHC ).

The university also develops online learning innovations at its eLearning Innovation Center ( eLinC ), as well as UOC community entrepreneurship and knowledge transfer via the Hubbik platform.

Open knowledge and the goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development serve as strategic pillars for the UOC's teaching, research and innovation. More information: research.uoc.edu .

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Long Service Awards Presentation Ceremony 2024

Updated on June 14, 2024 (Fri)

Long Service Awards Presentation Ceremony 2024

The Long Service Awards Presentation Ceremony 2024 was held on June 14, 2024 to honour HKU staff members for their dedication, contribution and loyalty to the University. Five colleagues from the Faculty of Education were honoured.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the following colleagues for their commitment and contribution to the Faculty/University throughout the years:

25 years of service: 

  • Mr Roger Chan, Clerk, Programme Office
  • Professor Lam Wai Ip, Associate Professor, Academic Unit of Language and Literacy Education (LALE)

15 years of service:

  • Mr Andy Chan, IT Manager, Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE)
  • Professor Cecilia Chan, Professor, Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre (TALIC) and Academic Unit of Social Contexts and Policies of Education (SCAPE)
  • Professor Carol To, Associate Professor, Academic Unit of Human Communication, Learning, and Development (HCLD)

Warmest congratulations and heartfelt thanks to all the award recipients!  

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Visualisation: visual representations of data and information

Visualisation: visual representations of data and information

Course description

Course content, course reviews, course learning outcomes.

After studying this course, you should be able to:

  • understand what is meant by the term 'visualisation' within the context of data and information
  • interpret and create a range of visual representations of data and information
  • recognise a range of visualisation models such as cartograms, choropleth maps and hyperbolic trees
  • select an appropriate visualisation model to represent a given data set
  • recognise when visualisations are presenting information in a misleading way.

First Published: 09/08/2012

Updated: 11/06/2019

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Mohammad Riduan Shafiee Hj Abdul Haris

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2024 EVs4ALL/NEXTCAR Joint Annual Meeting

Charge forward: innovating the future of mobility  june 11-12, 2024 fort pontchartrain detroit detroit, mi , tuesday, june 11, 2024.

7:30 to 8:30 AMRegistration, Breakfast, and Networking 
8:30 to 8:35 AMWelcome and Meeting OverviewHalle Cheeseman, Program Director, ARPA-E
8:35 AM to 8:40 AMARPA-E Leadership Remarks 
8:40 to 8:50 AMNEXTCAR Program Introduction
8:50 to 9:05 AMEVs4ALL Program Introduction
9:05 to 10:10 AMEVs4ALL Performer Oral Presentations - Group 1

10:10 to 10:30 AMBreak and Networking 
10:30 to 11:15 AMKeynote Presentation: The Road to Full Vehicle Electrification and Autonomy – Opportunities and Challenges
11:15 to 12:15 PMNEXTCAR panel:  What’s next for NEXTCAR?

Moderator: Chris Atkinson, Deputy Director of Technology, Advanced Research Projects Agency-Infrastructure (ARPA-I), U.S. DOT


Scott Hotz, Southwest Research Institute, NEXTCAR

Matthew Juckes, AutonomIA, OPEN 2021

12:15 to 1:15 PMLunch and Networking 
1:15 to 2:00 PM

Panel: How Does New Technology Get Adopted in the Transportation Industry?

Moderator: Prachi Vakharia, Strategic Advisor for Innovation Ecosystems, ARPA-I, U.S. DOT


Chirranjeevi Gopal, CTO and Co-founder, Mitra Chem

Jacob Matly, Global Director, Battery Cell Manufacturing, Hatch

Dan Ratliff, Partner, Fontinalis Ventures

2:00 to 2:55 PM

EVs4ALL Performer Oral Presentations – Group 2

Pu Zhang, Solid Power, Inc., EVs4ALL 

2:55 to 3:15 PMBreak and Networking 
3:15 to 4:00 PMBreakout Session - Challenges and Priorities 
4:00 to 4:55 PM

EVs4ALL Performer Oral Presentations – Group 3

4:55 to 5:00 PM

Concluding Remarks and Adjourn

Halle Cheeseman, Program Director, ARPA-E 

Priyanka Bakaya, Technology-to-Market Advisor, ARPA-E

5:00 to 6:00 PMTransporation to Newlab for Poster Session 
6:00 to 8:00 PMPoster Session and Networking (Newlab) 
8:00 PMTransporation from Newlab to Hotel 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

7:00 to 8:00 AMBreakfast and Networking
8:00 to 9:00 AMTransporation to American Center for Mobility (ACM)
9:00 to 9:15 AMArrival, Welcome and Refreshments
9:15 to 9:35 AMACM Overview and Presentation
9:35 to 11:00 AMACM Tour
11:00 AMTransporation from ACM to Hotel


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  4. Open University Powerpoint Presentation Template. Download Presentation

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  5. The University PowerPoint Template Examples and tips for an effective

    open university presentation

  6. powerpoint themes for university presentation

    open university presentation


  1. Talk the talk

    This hands-on course will give you the skills and knowledge you need to create and deliver confident presentations and speeches. This free course introduces the mechanics of effective, persuasive oral presentations, by giving you the opportunity to analyse examples and then create your own. Using resources such as TED Talk videos, you will see ...

  2. Delivering an effective presentation

    Making a presentation puts you on public display. An audience not only listens to your ideas, it also responds to the way you use your voice and your body. You need more than a well written presentation to make an impact. You will also need to deliver it in a lively, flexible and interesting way. In this leaflet we suggest many ideas for ...

  3. Talk the talk: Week 1: Introduction

    Welcome to Talk the talk. This course will provide you with the language and strategies to deliver talks with a difference. It will boost your confidence and turn public speaking into a valuable experience. First, watch the following video, in which Marshal Anderson introduces the course. Marshal Anderson will be your guide through the course.

  4. Giving presentations

    The most important thing with live presentations is to communicate clearly and make yourself understood. If you experience stage fright, do your best to prepare well. Good, solid preparation will go a long way to help you cope with your nerves. These tips can help make your presentation go smoothly. Listen to an experienced presenter and mentor ...

  5. Giving a presentation Postgraduate study skills

    Confidence. Giving a good presentation is about more than what you say; it is also about how you say it. Confidence is the key to this. You can improve your confidence by preparing well and by staying calm on the day. Here are a few tips to make presenting less stressful. Practise your presentation beforehand.

  6. Evaluation using PROMPT

    Evaluation using PROMPT. The ability to critically evaluate information is an essential research skill. It is particularly important when you are producing literature reviews and need to critically appraise and analyse the literature. The PROMPT mnemonic (Presentation, Relevance, Objectivity, Method, Provenance, Timeliness) provides a ...

  7. Presenting your findings Postgraduate study skills

    Presenting your findings. You could be asked to present your findings as a written assignment or dissertation, or as an oral presentation. It is taken as given that you can write in clear, concise, grammatically correct and accurately spelt prose - the skills that you refined as an undergraduate. At postgraduate level you have more opportunity ...

  8. 6 Tips For Giving a Fabulous Academic Presentation

    Tip #1: Use PowerPoint Judiciously. Images are powerful. Research shows that images help with memory and learning. Use this to your advantage by finding and using images that help you make your point. One trick I have learned is that you can use images that have blank space in them and you can put words in those images.

  9. Open university

    6. William Rainey Harper 1890's University of the Philippines • Open University programs were established in 1995 • 1 of 6 autonomous units • Headed by a Chancellor • Has its own budget • But does not have its own faculty • 1997 • 8 diploma programs • 6 Masters' programs • 1 Ph.D program • 20 learning centers in the ...

  10. PPTX OU Master PowerPoint Template

    This presentation summarises findings of objective 1 and 2. ... The Open University is the largest HE provider for students with disabilities (36,400 declared a disability in 2020/2021 (The Open University, 2021a). There is a large amount of literature on disability in relation to HE in general. e.g. Seale (2014), Moriña (2017)

  11. Open University Learning Analytics dataset

    This page introduces the anonymised Open University Learning Analytics Dataset (OULAD). It contains data about courses, students and their interactions with Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for seven selected courses (called modules). Presentations of courses start in February and October - they are marked by "B" and "J" respectively.

  12. EPQs: why give a presentation?

    The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is an opportunity for you to work independently on a topic that really interests you or that you think is important. It is equivalent to an A-level qualification. These articles are designed to help you if you are enrolled on an EPQ. See previous article in series: Writing up your dissertation.

  13. Download Templates and Themes

    The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302). The Open University is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

  14. PPT

    The Open University PGCE. The Open University PGCE. A presentation. Aims and Objectives. To give a brief outline of the Flexible PGCE course and its strengths To explain the role of the mentor in the success of the course To focus on some difficulties experienced by mentors. What is the Open University PGCE?. 380 views • 15 slides

  15. PDF Advanced Evaluation Using Prompt

    There are many aspects of presentation, any of which, if badly applied, can create a barrier between the message and the audience. Poor presentation and inappropriate or confusing use of language will hinder your ability to critically evaluate the academic content. Try not to let poor presentation stop you from using what might otherwise be good

  16. The Open University

    The Open University. Description: Provide a progression to an Honours top-up' Available part-time. Technologies and Places ... Lead to: Honours or Masters Degree. Where to Start T175 Networked Living ... - PowerPoint PPT presentation. Number of Views: 182. Avg rating:3.0/5.0.

  17. PPT

    Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University - [BAOU], Ahmedabad - Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University began in 1994. Is a public institution of higher learning in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. It provides a variety of certificate courses, Diploma and degree programs through distance education mode, and other flexible mediums for its students.

  18. Free University Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates

    Download and open in Google Slides ... Download the University Goals presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. As university curricula increasingly incorporate digital tools and platforms, this template has been designed to integrate with presentation software, online learning management systems, or referencing software, enhancing the ...

  19. Effective communication in the workplace: 4.1

    4.1 Presentation skills. If the thought of delivering a presentation fills you with dread, you are not alone. Being prepared and learning to manage your nerves can help make the experience less stressful. Below are some pointers to help you. Know your audience.

  20. Your ceremony day

    During the ceremony. Your degree ceremony will begin with the entrance of the academic procession, led by the Chief Marshal and ending with the Presiding Officer. Once the academic procession is seated on-stage, the Presiding Officer will declare the ceremony open and give their opening address. This is followed by the presentation of graduates ...

  21. 01 Intro to our brand

    The Open University brand framework is a quick, one page reference point to help give everyone working with the brand a common understanding of what it is. In this way we can achieve clarity and consistency whenever our audiences come into contact with the OU. Made up of 11 key components, with the brand purpose at the heart, it brings the ...

  22. OpenEU launched, the first step to a European open university

    OpenEU's objective as the first pan-European open university is to strengthen the digital, green and social dimension of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) by offering access to high-quality higher education and lifelong learning to all, providing accessible and sustainable international experiences for all students, and contributing to the digital transformation of institutions.

  23. Succeeding in postgraduate study: Session 5: 6.2

    'PROMPT' is a framework for evaluation developed by the Open University. It's a useful way to systematically assess the credibility and potential value of any information or resource that you come across online. The mnemonic stands for six criteria. These are: Provenance, Relevance, Objectivity, Method, Presentation and Timeliness.

  24. Long Service Awards Presentation Ceremony 2024

    Open Search Box. Search Box Search. About the Faculty. About the Faculty About the Faculty; ... The Long Service Awards Presentation Ceremony 2024 was held on June 14, 2024 to honour HKU staff members for their dedication, contribution and loyalty to the University. Five colleagues from the Faculty of Education were honoured.

  25. Visualisation: visual representations of data and information

    interpret and create a range of visual representations of data and information. recognise a range of visualisation models such as cartograms, choropleth maps and hyperbolic trees. select an appropriate visualisation model to represent a given data set. recognise when visualisations are presenting information in a misleading way.

  26. 2024 EVs4ALL/NEXTCAR Joint Annual Meeting

    Charge Forward: Innovating the Future of Mobility June 11-12, 2024Fort Pontchartrain DetroitDetroit, MI Tuesday, June 11, 2024TimeTopicSpeakers7:30 to 8:30 AMRegistration, Breakfast, and Networking 8:30 to 8:35 AMWelcome and Meeting OverviewHalle Cheeseman, Program Director, ARPA-E8:35 AM to 8:40 AMARPA-E Leadership Remarks 8:40 to 8:50 AMNEXTCAR Program IntroductionPriyanka Bakaya, Technology ...