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11 Hypothesis Testing with One Sample

Student learning outcomes.

By the end of this chapter, the student should be able to:

  • Be able to identify and develop the null and alternative hypothesis
  • Identify the consequences of Type I and Type II error.
  • Be able to perform an one-tailed and two-tailed hypothesis test using the critical value method
  • Be able to perform a hypothesis test using the p-value method
  • Be able to write conclusions based on hypothesis tests.


Now we are down to the bread and butter work of the statistician: developing and testing hypotheses. It is important to   put this material in a broader context so that the method by which a hypothesis is formed is understood completely. Using textbook examples often clouds the real source of statistical hypotheses.

Statistical testing is part of a much larger process known as the scientific method. This method was developed more than two centuries ago as the accepted way that new knowledge could be created. Until then, and unfortunately even today, among some, “knowledge” could be created simply by some authority saying something was so, ipso dicta . Superstition and conspiracy theories were (are?) accepted uncritically.

The scientific method, briefly, states that only by following a careful and specific process can some assertion be included in the accepted body of knowledge. This process begins with a set of assumptions upon which a theory, sometimes called a model, is built. This theory, if it has any validity, will lead to predictions; what we call hypotheses.

As an example, in Microeconomics the theory of consumer choice begins with certain assumption concerning human behavior. From these assumptions a theory of how consumers make choices using indifference curves and the budget line. This theory gave rise to a very important prediction, namely, that there was an inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded. This relationship was known as the demand curve. The negative slope of the demand curve is really just a prediction, or a hypothesis, that can be tested with statistical tools.

Unless hundreds and hundreds of statistical tests of this hypothesis had not confirmed this relationship, the so-called Law of Demand would have been discarded years ago. This is the role of statistics, to test the hypotheses of various theories to determine if they should be admitted into the accepted body of knowledge; how we understand our world. Once admitted, however, they may be later discarded if new theories come along that make better predictions.

Not long ago two scientists claimed that they could get more energy out of a process than was put in. This caused a tremendous stir for obvious reasons. They were on the cover of Time and were offered extravagant sums to bring their research work to private industry and any number of universities. It was not long until their work was subjected to the rigorous tests of the scientific method and found to be a failure. No other lab could replicate their findings. Consequently they have sunk into obscurity and their theory discarded. It may surface again when someone can pass the tests of the hypotheses required by the scientific method, but until then it is just a curiosity. Many pure frauds have been attempted over time, but most have been found out by applying the process of the scientific method.

This discussion is meant to show just where in this process statistics falls. Statistics and statisticians are not necessarily in the business of developing theories, but in the business of testing others’ theories. Hypotheses come from these theories based upon an explicit set of assumptions and sound logic. The hypothesis comes first, before any data are gathered. Data do not create hypotheses; they are used to test them. If we bear this in mind as we study this section the process of forming and testing hypotheses will make more sense.

One job of a statistician is to make statistical inferences about populations based on samples taken from the population. Confidence intervals are one way to estimate a population parameter. Another way to make a statistical inference is to make a decision about the value of a specific parameter. For instance, a car dealer advertises that its new small truck gets 35 miles per gallon, on average. A tutoring service claims that its method of tutoring helps 90% of its students get an A or a B. A company says that women managers in their company earn an average of $60,000 per year.

A statistician will make a decision about these claims. This process is called ” hypothesis testing .” A hypothesis test involves collecting data from a sample and evaluating the data. Then, the statistician makes a decision as to whether or not there is sufficient evidence, based upon analyses of the data, to reject the null hypothesis.

In this chapter, you will conduct hypothesis tests on single means and single proportions. You will also learn about the errors associated with these tests.

Null and Alternative Hypotheses

The actual test begins by considering two hypotheses . They are called the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis . These hypotheses contain opposing viewpoints.


Since the null and alternative hypotheses are contradictory, you must examine evidence to decide if you have enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis or not. The evidence is in the form of sample data.

Table 1 presents the various hypotheses in the relevant pairs. For example, if the null hypothesis is equal to some value, the alternative has to be not equal to that value.


We want to test whether the mean GPA of students in American colleges is different from 2.0 (out of 4.0). The null and alternative hypotheses are:


We want to test if college students take less than five years to graduate from college, on the average. The null and alternative hypotheses are:

Outcomes and the Type I and Type II Errors

The four possible outcomes in the table are:

Each of the errors occurs with a particular probability. The Greek letters α and β represent the probabilities.


By way of example, the American judicial system begins with the concept that a defendant is “presumed innocent”. This is the status quo and is the null hypothesis. The judge will tell the jury that they can not find the defendant guilty unless the evidence indicates guilt beyond a “reasonable doubt” which is usually defined in criminal cases as 95% certainty of guilt. If the jury cannot accept the null, innocent, then action will be taken, jail time. The burden of proof always lies with the alternative hypothesis. (In civil cases, the jury needs only to be more than 50% certain of wrongdoing to find culpability, called “a preponderance of the evidence”).

The example above was for a test of a mean, but the same logic applies to tests of hypotheses for all statistical parameters one may wish to test.

The following are examples of Type I and Type II errors.

Type I error : Frank thinks that his rock climbing equipment may not be safe when, in fact, it really is safe.

Type II error : Frank thinks that his rock climbing equipment may be safe when, in fact, it is not safe.

Notice that, in this case, the error with the greater consequence is the Type II error. (If Frank thinks his rock climbing equipment is safe, he will go ahead and use it.)

This is a situation described as “accepting a false null”.

Type I error : The emergency crew thinks that the victim is dead when, in fact, the victim is alive. Type II error : The emergency crew does not know if the victim is alive when, in fact, the victim is dead.

The error with the greater consequence is the Type I error. (If the emergency crew thinks the victim is dead, they will not treat him.)

Distribution Needed for Hypothesis Testing

Particular distributions are associated with hypothesis testing.We will perform hypotheses tests of a population mean using a normal distribution or a Student’s t -distribution. (Remember, use a Student’s t -distribution when the population standard deviation is unknown and the sample size is small, where small is considered to be less than 30 observations.) We perform tests of a population proportion using a normal distribution when we can assume that the distribution is normally distributed. We consider this to be true if the sample proportion, p ‘ , times the sample size is greater than 5 and 1- p ‘ times the sample size is also greater then 5. This is the same rule of thumb we used when developing the formula for the confidence interval for a population proportion.

Hypothesis Test for the Mean

Going back to the standardizing formula we can derive the test statistic for testing hypotheses concerning means.


This gives us the decision rule for testing a hypothesis for a two-tailed test:

P-Value Approach

hypothesis test for single sample

Both decision rules will result in the same decision and it is a matter of preference which one is used.

One and Two-tailed Tests


The claim would be in the alternative hypothesis. The burden of proof in hypothesis testing is carried in the alternative. This is because failing to reject the null, the status quo, must be accomplished with 90 or 95 percent significance that it cannot be maintained. Said another way, we want to have only a 5 or 10 percent probability of making a Type I error, rejecting a good null; overthrowing the status quo.

Figure 5 shows the two possible cases and the form of the null and alternative hypothesis that give rise to them.

hypothesis test for single sample

Effects of Sample Size on Test Statistic


Table 3 summarizes test statistics for varying sample sizes and population standard deviation known and unknown.

A Systematic Approach for Testing A Hypothesis

A systematic approach to hypothesis testing follows the following steps and in this order. This template will work for all hypotheses that you will ever test.

  • Set up the null and alternative hypothesis. This is typically the hardest part of the process. Here the question being asked is reviewed. What parameter is being tested, a mean, a proportion, differences in means, etc. Is this a one-tailed test or two-tailed test? Remember, if someone is making a claim it will always be a one-tailed test.
  • Decide the level of significance required for this particular case and determine the critical value. These can be found in the appropriate statistical table. The levels of confidence typical for the social sciences are 90, 95 and 99. However, the level of significance is a policy decision and should be based upon the risk of making a Type I error, rejecting a good null. Consider the consequences of making a Type I error.
  • Take a sample(s) and calculate the relevant parameters: sample mean, standard deviation, or proportion. Using the formula for the test statistic from above in step 2, now calculate the test statistic for this particular case using the parameters you have just calculated.
  • Compare the calculated test statistic and the critical value. Marking these on the graph will give a good visual picture of the situation. There are now only two situations:

a.     The test statistic is in the tail: Cannot Accept the null, the probability that this sample mean (proportion) came from the hypothesized distribution is too small to believe that it is the real home of these sample data.

b.   The test statistic is not in the tail: Cannot Reject the null, the sample data are compatible with the hypothesized population parameter.

  • Reach a conclusion. It is best to articulate the conclusion two different ways. First a formal statistical conclusion such as “With a 95 % level of significance we cannot accept the null hypotheses that the population mean is equal to XX (units of measurement)”. The second statement of the conclusion is less formal and states the action, or lack of action, required. If the formal conclusion was that above, then the informal one might be, “The machine is broken and we need to shut it down and call for repairs”.

All hypotheses tested will go through this same process. The only changes are the relevant formulas and those are determined by the hypothesis required to answer the original question.

Full Hypothesis Test Examples

Tests on means.

Jeffrey, as an eight-year old, established a mean time of 16.43 seconds for swimming the 25-yard freestyle, with a standard deviation of 0.8 seconds . His dad, Frank, thought that Jeffrey could swim the 25-yard freestyle faster using goggles. Frank bought Jeffrey a new pair of expensive goggles and timed Jeffrey for 15 25-yard freestyle swims . For the 15 swims, Jeffrey’s mean time was 16 seconds. Frank thought that the goggles helped Jeffrey to swim faster than the 16.43 seconds. Conduct a hypothesis test using a preset α = 0.05.

Solution – Example 6

Set up the Hypothesis Test:

Since the problem is about a mean, this is a test of a single population mean . Set the null and alternative hypothesis:

In this case there is an implied challenge or claim. This is that the goggles will reduce the swimming time. The effect of this is to set the hypothesis as a one-tailed test. The claim will always be in the alternative hypothesis because the burden of proof always lies with the alternative. Remember that the status quo must be defeated with a high degree of confidence, in this case 95 % confidence. The null and alternative hypotheses are thus:

For Jeffrey to swim faster, his time will be less than 16.43 seconds. The “<” tells you this is left-tailed. Determine the distribution needed:

Distribution for the test statistic:

The sample size is less than 30 and we do not know the population standard deviation so this is a t-test and the proper formula is:


Our step 2, setting the level of significance, has already been determined by the problem, .05 for a 95 % significance level. It is worth thinking about the meaning of this choice. The Type I error is to conclude that Jeffrey swims the 25-yard freestyle, on average, in less than 16.43 seconds when, in fact, he actually swims the 25-yard freestyle, on average, in 16.43 seconds. (Reject the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is true.) For this case the only concern with a Type I error would seem to be that Jeffery’s dad may fail to bet on his son’s victory because he does not have appropriate confidence in the effect of the goggles.

To find the critical value we need to select the appropriate test statistic. We have concluded that this is a t-test on the basis of the sample size and that we are interested in a population mean. We can now draw the graph of the t-distribution and mark the critical value (Figure 6). For this problem the degrees of freedom are n-1, or 14. Looking up 14 degrees of freedom at the 0.05 column of the t-table we find 1.761. This is the critical value and we can put this on our graph.

Step 3 is the calculation of the test statistic using the formula we have selected.


We find that the calculated test statistic is 2.08, meaning that the sample mean is 2.08 standard deviations away from the hypothesized mean of 16.43.

hypothesis test for single sample

Step 4 has us compare the test statistic and the critical value and mark these on the graph. We see that the test statistic is in the tail and thus we move to step 4 and reach a conclusion. The probability that an average time of 16 minutes could come from a distribution with a population mean of 16.43 minutes is too unlikely for us to accept the null hypothesis. We cannot accept the null.

Step 5 has us state our conclusions first formally and then less formally. A formal conclusion would be stated as: “With a 95% level of significance we cannot accept the null hypothesis that the swimming time with goggles comes from a distribution with a population mean time of 16.43 minutes.” Less formally, “With 95% significance we believe that the goggles improves swimming speed”

If we wished to use the p-value system of reaching a conclusion we would calculate the statistic and take the additional step to find the probability of being 2.08 standard deviations from the mean on a t-distribution. This value is .0187. Comparing this to the α-level of .05 we see that we cannot accept the null. The p-value has been put on the graph as the shaded area beyond -2.08 and it shows that it is smaller than the hatched area which is the alpha level of 0.05. Both methods reach the same conclusion that we cannot accept the null hypothesis.

Jane has just begun her new job as on the sales force of a very competitive company. In a sample of 16 sales calls it was found that she closed the contract for an average value of $108 with a standard deviation of 12 dollars. Test at 5% significance that the population mean is at least $100 against the alternative that it is less than 100 dollars. Company policy requires that new members of the sales force must exceed an average of $100 per contract during the trial employment period. Can we conclude that Jane has met this requirement at the significance level of 95%?

Solution – Example 7

STEP 1 : Set the Null and Alternative Hypothesis.

STEP 2 : Decide the level of significance and draw the graph (Figure 7) showing the critical value.

t_a = 1.753

STEP 3 : Calculate sample parameters and the test statistic.

t_c=\frac{108-100}{\frac{12}{\sqrt{16}}} = 2.67

STEP 4 : Compare test statistic and the critical values

STEP 5 : Reach a Conclusion

The test statistic is a Student’s t because the sample size is below 30; therefore, we cannot use the normal distribution. Comparing the calculated value of the test statistic and the critical value of t ( t a ) at a 5% significance level, we see that the calculated value is in the tail of the distribution. Thus, we conclude that 108 dollars per contract is significantly larger than the hypothesized value of 100 and thus we cannot accept the null hypothesis. There is evidence that supports Jane’s performance meets company standards.


Again we will follow the steps in our analysis of this problem.

Solution – Example 8

STEP 1 : Set the Null and Alternative Hypothesis. The random variable is the quantity of fluid placed in the bottles. This is a continuous random variable and the parameter we are interested in is the mean. Our hypothesis therefore is about the mean. In this case we are concerned that the machine is not filling properly. From what we are told it does not matter if the machine is over-filling or under-filling, both seem to be an equally bad error. This tells us that this is a two-tailed test: if the machine is malfunctioning it will be shutdown regardless if it is from over-filling or under-filling. The null and alternative hypotheses are thus:

STEP 2 : Decide the level of significance and draw the graph showing the critical value.

This problem has already set the level of significance at 99%. The decision seems an appropriate one and shows the thought process when setting the significance level. Management wants to be very certain, as certain as probability will allow, that they are not shutting down a machine that is not in need of repair. To draw the distribution and the critical value, we need to know which distribution to use. Because this is a continuous random variable and we are interested in the mean, and the sample size is greater than 30, the appropriate distribution is the normal distribution and the relevant critical value is 2.575 from the normal table or the t-table at 0.005 column and infinite degrees of freedom. We draw the graph and mark these points (Figure 8).

hypothesis test for single sample

STEP 3 : Calculate sample parameters and the test statistic. The sample parameters are provided, the sample mean is 7.91 and the sample variance is .03 and the sample size is 35. We need to note that the sample variance was provided not the sample standard deviation, which is what we need for the formula. Remembering that the standard deviation is simply the square root of the variance, we therefore know the sample standard deviation, s, is 0.173. With this information we calculate the test statistic as -3.07, and mark it on the graph.

Z_c=\frac{\bar{x}-{\mu_0}}{\frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}} = Z_c=\frac{7.91-8}{\frac{.173}{\sqrt{35}}}=-3.07

STEP 4 : Compare test statistic and the critical values Now we compare the test statistic and the critical value by placing the test statistic on the graph. We see that the test statistic is in the tail, decidedly greater than the critical value of 2.575. We note that even the very small difference between the hypothesized value and the sample value is still a large number of standard deviations. The sample mean is only 0.08 ounces different from the required level of 8 ounces, but it is 3 plus standard deviations away and thus we cannot accept the null hypothesis.

Three standard deviations of a test statistic will guarantee that the test will fail. The probability that anything is within three standard deviations is almost zero. Actually it is 0.0026 on the normal distribution, which is certainly almost zero in a practical sense. Our formal conclusion would be “ At a 99% level of significance we cannot accept the hypothesis that the sample mean came from a distribution with a mean of 8 ounces” Or less formally, and getting to the point, “At a 99% level of significance we conclude that the machine is under filling the bottles and is in need of repair”.

Media Attributions

  • Type1Type2Error
  • HypTestFig2
  • HypTestFig3
  • HypTestPValue
  • OneTailTestFig5
  • HypTestExam7
  • HypTestExam8

Quantitative Analysis for Business Copyright © by Margo Bergman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Unit 12: Significance tests (hypothesis testing)

About this unit.

Significance tests give us a formal process for using sample data to evaluate the likelihood of some claim about a population value. Learn how to conduct significance tests and calculate p-values to see how likely a sample result is to occur by random chance. You'll also see how we use p-values to make conclusions about hypotheses.

The idea of significance tests

  • Simple hypothesis testing (Opens a modal)
  • Idea behind hypothesis testing (Opens a modal)
  • Examples of null and alternative hypotheses (Opens a modal)
  • P-values and significance tests (Opens a modal)
  • Comparing P-values to different significance levels (Opens a modal)
  • Estimating a P-value from a simulation (Opens a modal)
  • Using P-values to make conclusions (Opens a modal)
  • Simple hypothesis testing Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Writing null and alternative hypotheses Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Estimating P-values from simulations Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!

Error probabilities and power

  • Introduction to Type I and Type II errors (Opens a modal)
  • Type 1 errors (Opens a modal)
  • Examples identifying Type I and Type II errors (Opens a modal)
  • Introduction to power in significance tests (Opens a modal)
  • Examples thinking about power in significance tests (Opens a modal)
  • Consequences of errors and significance (Opens a modal)
  • Type I vs Type II error Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Error probabilities and power Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!

Tests about a population proportion

  • Constructing hypotheses for a significance test about a proportion (Opens a modal)
  • Conditions for a z test about a proportion (Opens a modal)
  • Reference: Conditions for inference on a proportion (Opens a modal)
  • Calculating a z statistic in a test about a proportion (Opens a modal)
  • Calculating a P-value given a z statistic (Opens a modal)
  • Making conclusions in a test about a proportion (Opens a modal)
  • Writing hypotheses for a test about a proportion Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Conditions for a z test about a proportion Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Calculating the test statistic in a z test for a proportion Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Calculating the P-value in a z test for a proportion Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Making conclusions in a z test for a proportion Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!

Tests about a population mean

  • Writing hypotheses for a significance test about a mean (Opens a modal)
  • Conditions for a t test about a mean (Opens a modal)
  • Reference: Conditions for inference on a mean (Opens a modal)
  • When to use z or t statistics in significance tests (Opens a modal)
  • Example calculating t statistic for a test about a mean (Opens a modal)
  • Using TI calculator for P-value from t statistic (Opens a modal)
  • Using a table to estimate P-value from t statistic (Opens a modal)
  • Comparing P-value from t statistic to significance level (Opens a modal)
  • Free response example: Significance test for a mean (Opens a modal)
  • Writing hypotheses for a test about a mean Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Conditions for a t test about a mean Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Calculating the test statistic in a t test for a mean Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Calculating the P-value in a t test for a mean Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Making conclusions in a t test for a mean Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!

More significance testing videos

  • Hypothesis testing and p-values (Opens a modal)
  • One-tailed and two-tailed tests (Opens a modal)
  • Z-statistics vs. T-statistics (Opens a modal)
  • Small sample hypothesis test (Opens a modal)
  • Large sample proportion hypothesis testing (Opens a modal)

9.6 Hypothesis Testing of a Single Mean and Single Proportion

Hypothesis testing of a single mean and single proportion.

  • The student will select the appropriate distributions to use in each case.
  • The student will conduct hypothesis tests and interpret the results.

Television Survey In a recent survey, it was stated that Americans watch television on average four hours per day. Assume that σ = 2. Using your class as the sample, conduct a hypothesis test to determine if the average for students at your school is lower.

  • H 0 : _____________
  • H a : _____________
  • In words, define the random variable. __________ = ______________________
  • The distribution to use for the test is _______________________.
  • Determine the test statistic using your data.
  • Determine the p -value.
  • Do you or do you not reject the null hypothesis? Why?
  • Write a clear conclusion using a complete sentence.

Language Survey About 42.3 percent of Californians and 19.6 percent of all Americans over age five speak a language other than English at home. Using your class as the sample, conduct a hypothesis test to determine if the percentage of the students at your school who speak a language other than English at home is different from 42.3 percent.

  • H 0 : ___________
  • H a : ___________
  • In words, define the random variable. __________ = _______________
  • The distribution to use for the test is ________________.

Jeans Survey You've read in an article that young adults own an average of three pairs of jeans. Survey eight people from your class to determine if the average is higher than three. Assume the population is normal.

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Access for free at https://openstax.org/books/statistics/pages/1-introduction
  • Authors: Barbara Illowsky, Susan Dean
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Statistics
  • Publication date: Mar 27, 2020
  • Location: Houston, Texas
  • Book URL: https://openstax.org/books/statistics/pages/1-introduction
  • Section URL: https://openstax.org/books/statistics/pages/9-6-hypothesis-testing-of-a-single-mean-and-single-proportion

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hypothesis test for single sample

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6a.4 - hypothesis test for one-sample proportion, overview section  .

In this section, we will demonstrate how we use the sampling distribution of the sample proportion to perform the hypothesis test for one proportion.

Recall that if \(np \) and \(n(1-p) \) are both greater than five, then the sample proportion, \(\hat{p} \), will have an approximate normal distribution with mean \(p \), standard error \(\sqrt{\frac{p(1-p)}{n}} \), and the estimated standard error \(\sqrt{\frac{\hat{p}(1-\hat{p})}{n}} \).

In hypothesis testing, we assume the null hypothesis is true. Remember, we set up the null hypothesis as \(H_0\colon p=p_0 \). This is very important! This statement says that we are assuming the unknown population proportion, \(p \), is equal to the value \(p_0 \).

Since this is true, then we can follow the same logic above. Therefore, if \(np_0 \) and \(n(1-p_0) \) are both greater than five, then the sampling distribution of the sample proportion will be approximately normal with mean \(p_0 \) and standard error \(\sqrt{\frac{p_0(1-p_0)}{n}} \).

We can find probabilities associated with values of \(\hat{p} \) by using:

\( z^*=\dfrac{\hat{p}-p_0}{\sqrt{\dfrac{p_0(1-p_0)}{n}}} \)

Example 6-4 Section  

Referring back to a previous example, say we take a random sample of 500 Penn State students and find that 278 are from Pennsylvania. Can we conclude that the proportion is larger than 0.5?

Is 0.556(=278/500) much bigger than 0.5? What is much bigger?

This depends on the standard deviation of \(\hat{p} \) under the null hypothesis.

\( \hat{p}-p_0=0.556-0.5=0.056 \)

The standard deviation of \(\hat{p} \), if the null hypothesis is true (e.g. when \(p_0=0.5\)) is:

\( \sqrt{\dfrac{p_0(1-p_0)}{n}}=\sqrt{\dfrac{0.5(1-0.5)}{500}}=0.0224 \)

We can compare them by taking the ratio.

\( z^*=\dfrac{\hat{p}-p_0}{\sqrt{\frac{p_0(1-p_0)}{n}}}=\dfrac{0.556-0.5}{\sqrt{\frac{0.5(1-0.5)}{500}}}=2.504 \)

Therefore, assuming the true population proportion is 0.5, a sample proportion of 0.556 is 2.504 standard deviations above the mean.

The \(z^*\) value we found in the above example is referred to as the test statistic.

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8.7: Hypothesis Test of Single Population Proportion with Examples

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\( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \)

\( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash {#1}}} \)

\( \newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)

( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\)

\( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\)

\( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\)

\( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)

\( \newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\)

\( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\)

\( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\)

\( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\)

\( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\)

\( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)

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\( \newcommand{\vectE}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash{\mathbf {#1}}}} \)

Steps for performing Hypothesis Test for a Single Population Proportion

Step 1: State your hypotheses about the population proportion. Step 2: Summarize the data. State a significance level. State and check conditions required for the procedure

  • \(\hat{P}=\frac{X}{n}\)
  • Sample is random with independent observations .
  • Sample is large. Check that the sample has 5 or more expected successes and 5 or more expected failures
  • Population is large relative to the sample size . The population size is at least 10 times bigger than the sample size.

Step 3: Perform the procedure

  • Find the Standard Error (SE) based on the assumption that \(H_{0}\) is true.
  • Compute the observed value of the test statistic \(Z_{obs}\).
  • Find the p-value in order to measure your level of surprise.

Step 4: Make a decision about \(H_{0}\) and \(H_{a}\)

  • Do you reject or not reject your null hypothesis? What about the alternative hypothesis?

Step 5 : Make a conclusion.

  • What does this mean in the context of the data?

Examples: Hypothesis Test for a Single Population Proportion

Example \(\pageindex{1}\).

Joon believes that 50% of first-time brides in the United States are younger than their grooms. She performs a hypothesis test to determine if the percentage is the same or different from 50% . Joon samples 100 first-time brides and 53 reply that they are younger than their grooms. For the hypothesis test, she uses a 1% level of significance.

Set up the hypothesis test:

The 1% level of significance means that α = 0.01. This is a test of a single population proportion .

\(H_{0}: p = 0.50\)  \(H_{a}: p \neq 0.50\)

The words "is the same or different from" tell you this is a two-tailed test.

Calculate the distribution needed:

Random variable: \(\hat{P} =\) the percent of of first-time brides who are younger than their grooms.

Distribution for the test: The problem contains no mention of a mean. The information is given in terms of percentages. Use the Normal distribution for \hat{P} , the estimated proportion.

\[ \hat{P} - N\left(p, \sqrt{\frac{p(1-p)}{n}}\right)\nonumber \]

\[ \hat{P} - N\left(0.5, \sqrt{\frac{0.5(0.5)}{100}}\right)\nonumber \]

where \(p = 0.50, q = 1−p = 0.50\), and \(n = 100\)

Calculate the p -value using the normal distribution for proportions:

\[p\text{-value} = P( \hat{P} < 0.47 \space or \space \hat{P} > 0.53) = 0.5485\nonumber \]

where \[x = 53, \hat{P} = \frac{x}{n} = \frac{53}{100} = 0.53\nonumber \].

Interpretation of the p-value: If the null hypothesis is true, there is 0.5485 probability (54.85%) that the sample (estimated) proportion \( \hat{P} \) is 0.53 or more OR 0.47 or less (see the graph in Figure).

Normal distribution curve of the percent of first time brides who are younger than the groom with values of 0.47, 0.50, and 0.53 on the x-axis. Vertical upward lines extend from 0.47 and 0.53 to the curve. 1/2(p-values) are calculated for the areas on outsides of 0.47 and 0.53.

\(\mu = p = 0.50\) comes from \(H_{0}\), the null hypothesis.

\( \hat{P} = 0.53\). Since the curve is symmetrical and the test is two-tailed, the \( \hat{P} \) for the left tail is equal to \(0.50 – 0.03 = 0.47\) where \(\mu = p = 0.50\). (0.03 is the difference between 0.53 and 0.50.)

Compare \(\alpha\) and the \(p\text{-value}\):

Since \(\alpha = 0.01\) and \(p\text{-value} = 0.5485\). \(\alpha < p\text{-value}\).

Make a decision: Since \(\alpha < p\text{-value}\), you cannot reject \(H_{0}\).

Conclusion: At the 1% level of significance, the sample data do not show sufficient evidence that the percentage of first-time brides who are younger than their grooms is different from 50%.

The \(p\text{-value}\) can easily be calculated.

Press STAT and arrow over to TESTS . Press 5:1-PropZTest . Enter .5 for \(p_{0}\), 53 for \(x\) and 100 for \(n\). Arrow down to Prop and arrow to not equals \(p_{0}\). Press ENTER . Arrow down to Calculate and press ENTER . The calculator calculates the \(p\text{-value}\) (\(p = 0.5485\)) and the test statistic (\(z\)-score). Prop not equals .5 is the alternate hypothesis. Do this set of instructions again except arrow to Draw (instead of Calculate ). Press ENTER . A shaded graph appears with \(z = 0.6\) (test statistic) and \(p = 0.5485\) (\(p\text{-value}\)). Make sure when you use Draw that no other equations are highlighted in \(Y =\) and the plots are turned off.

The Type I and Type II errors are as follows:

The Type I error is to conclude that the proportion of first-time brides who are younger than their grooms is different from 50% when, in fact, the proportion is actually 50%. (Reject the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is true).

The Type II error is there is not enough evidence to conclude that the proportion of first time brides who are younger than their grooms differs from 50% when, in fact, the proportion does differ from 50%. (Do not reject the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is false.)

Exercise \(\PageIndex{1}\)

A teacher believes that 85% of students in the class will want to go on a field trip to the local zoo. She performs a hypothesis test to determine if the percentage is the same or different from 85%. The teacher samples 50 students and 39 reply that they would want to go to the zoo. For the hypothesis test, use a 1% level of significance.

First, determine what type of test this is, set up the hypothesis test, find the \(p\text{-value}\), sketch the graph, and state your conclusion.

Since the problem is about percentages, this is a test of single population proportions.

  • \(H_{0} : p = 0.85\)
  • \(H_{a}: p \neq 0.85\)
  • \(p-value = 0.7554\)


Because \(p > \alpha\), we fail to reject the null hypothesis. There is not sufficient evidence to suggest that the proportion of students that want to go to the zoo is not 85%.

Example \(\PageIndex{2}\)

Suppose a consumer group suspects that the proportion of households that have three cell phones is 30%. A cell phone company has reason to believe that the proportion is not 30%. Before they start a big advertising campaign, they conduct a hypothesis test. Their marketing people survey 150 households with the result that 43 of the households have three cell phones.

Set up the Hypothesis Test:

\(H_{0}: p = 0.30, H_{a}: p \neq 0.30\)

Determine the distribution needed:

The random variable is \( \hat{P} =\) proportion of households that have three cell phones.

The distribution for the hypothesis test is \( \hat{P} - N\left(0.30, \sqrt{\frac{0.30 \cdot (0.70)}{150}}\right)\)

Exercise \(\PageIndex{2}\).2

a. The value that helps determine the \(p\text{-value}\) is \( \hat{P} \). Calculate \( \hat{P} \).

a. \( \hat{P} = \frac{x}{n}\) where \(x\) is the number of successes and \(n\) is the total number in the sample.

\(x = 43, n = 150\)

\( \hat{P} = 43/150=0.2867\)

Exercise \(\PageIndex{2}\).3

b. What is a success for this problem?

b. A success is having three cell phones in a household.

Exercise \(\PageIndex{2}\).4

c. What is the level of significance?

c. The level of significance is the preset \(\alpha\). Since \(\alpha\) is not given, assume that \(\alpha = 0.05\).

Exercise \(\PageIndex{2}\).5

d. Draw the graph for this problem. Draw the horizontal axis. Label and shade appropriately.

Calculate the \(p\text{-value}\).

d. \(p\text{-value} = 0.7216\)

Exercise \(\PageIndex{2}\).6

e. Make a decision. _____________(Reject/Do not reject) \(H_{0}\) because____________.

e. Assuming that \(\alpha = 0.05, \alpha < p\text{-value}\). The decision is do not reject \(H_{0}\) because there is not sufficient evidence to conclude that the proportion of households that have three cell phones is not 30%.

Exercise \(\PageIndex{2}\)

Marketers believe that 92% of adults in the United States own a cell phone. A cell phone manufacturer believes that number is actually lower. 200 American adults are surveyed, of which, 174 report having cell phones. Use a 5% level of significance. State the null and alternative hypothesis, find the p -value, state your conclusion, and identify the Type I and Type II errors.

  • \(H_{0}: p = 0.92\)
  • \(H_{a}: p < 0.92\)
  • \(p\text{-value} = 0.0046\)

Because \(p < 0.05\), we reject the null hypothesis. There is sufficient evidence to conclude that fewer than 92% of American adults own cell phones.

  • Type I Error: To conclude that fewer than 92% of American adults own cell phones when, in fact, 92% of American adults do own cell phones (reject the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is true).
  • Type II Error: To conclude that 92% of American adults own cell phones when, in fact, fewer than 92% of American adults own cell phones (do not reject the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is false).

The next example is a poem written by a statistics student named Nicole Hart. The solution to the problem follows the poem. Notice that the hypothesis test is for a single population proportion. This means that the null and alternate hypotheses use the parameter \(p\). The distribution for the test is normal. The estimated proportion \(\hat{p}\) is the proportion of fleas killed to the total fleas found on Fido. This is sample information. The problem gives a preconceived \(\alpha = 0.01\), for comparison, and a 95% confidence interval computation. The poem is clever and humorous, so please enjoy it!

Example \(\PageIndex{3}\)

My dog has so many fleas,

They do not come off with ease. As for shampoo, I have tried many types Even one called Bubble Hype, Which only killed 25% of the fleas, Unfortunately I was not pleased.

I've used all kinds of soap, Until I had given up hope Until one day I saw An ad that put me in awe.

A shampoo used for dogs Called GOOD ENOUGH to Clean a Hog Guaranteed to kill more fleas.

I gave Fido a bath And after doing the math His number of fleas Started dropping by 3's! Before his shampoo I counted 42.

At the end of his bath, I redid the math And the new shampoo had killed 17 fleas. So now I was pleased.

Now it is time for you to have some fun With the level of significance being .01, You must help me figure out

Use the new shampoo or go without?

\(H_{0}: p \leq 0.25\)   \(H_{a}: p > 0.25\)

In words, CLEARLY state what your random variable \(\bar{X}\) or \( \hat{P} \) represents.

\( \hat{P} =\) The proportion of fleas that are killed by the new shampoo

State the distribution to use for the test.

\[N\left(0.25, \sqrt{\frac{0.25 \cdot (1-0.25)}{42}}\right)\nonumber \]

Test Statistic: \(z_{obs} = 2.3163\)

Calculate the \(p\text{-value}\) using the normal distribution for proportions:

\[p\text{-value} = 0.0103\nonumber \]

In one to two complete sentences, explain what the p -value means for this problem.

If the null hypothesis is true (the proportion is 0.25), then there is a 0.0103 probability that the sample (estimated) proportion is 0.4048 \(\left(\frac{17}{42}\right)\) or more.

Use the previous information to sketch a picture of this situation. CLEARLY, label and scale the horizontal axis and shade the region(s) corresponding to the \(p\text{-value}\).

Normal distribution graph of the proportion of fleas killed by the new shampoo with values of 0.25 and 0.4048 on the x-axis. A vertical upward line extends from 0.4048 to the curve and the area to the left of this is shaded in. The test statistic of the sample proportion is listed.

Indicate the correct decision (“reject” or “do not reject” the null hypothesis), the reason for it, and write an appropriate conclusion, using complete sentences.

Conclusion: At the 1% level of significance, the sample data do not show sufficient evidence that the percentage of fleas that are killed by the new shampoo is more than 25%.

Construct a 95% confidence interval for the true mean or proportion. Include a sketch of the graph of the situation. Label the point estimate and the lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval.

Normal distribution graph of the proportion of fleas killed by the new shampoo with values of 0.26, 17/42, and 0.55 on the x-axis. A vertical upward line extends from 0.26 and 0.55. The area between these two points is equal to 0.95.

Confidence Interval: (0.26,0.55) We are 95% confident that the true population proportion p of fleas that are killed by the new shampoo is between 26% and 55%.

This test result is not very definitive since the \(p\text{-value}\) is very close to alpha. In reality, one would probably do more tests by giving the dog another bath after the fleas have had a chance to return.

Example \(\PageIndex{4}\)

In a study of 420,019 cell phone users, 172 of the subjects developed brain cancer. Test the claim that cell phone users developed brain cancer at a greater rate than that for non-cell phone users (the rate of brain cancer for non-cell phone users is 0.0340%). Since this is a critical issue, use a 0.005 significance level. Explain why the significance level should be so low in terms of a Type I error.

We will follow the four-step process.

If we commit a Type I error, we are essentially accepting a false claim. Since the claim describes cancer-causing environments, we want to minimize the chances of incorrectly identifying causes of cancer.

  • \(H_{0}: p \leq 0.00034\)
  • \(H_{a}: p > 0.00034\)
  • \(\hat{P}=\frac{172}{420,019}=0.00041\).
  • The sample is sufficiently large because we have \(np = 420,019(0.00034) = 142.8\), \(nq = 420,019(0.99966) = 419,876.2\) both greater than five. Sample is random with independent observations. Thus we will be able to generalize our results to the population.
  • \(SE=\sqrt{\frac{0.00034(1-0.00034)}{420,019}}=0.000028\)
  • \(Z_{obs}=\frac{0.00041-0.00034}{0.000028}=2.5\)
  • \(p\text{-value} = 1-P(Z<2.5)=0.0062\)
  • Since the \(p\text{-value} = 0.0062\) is greater than our alpha value \(= 0.005\), we cannot reject the null and cannot support alternative.
  • Therefore, we conclude that there is not enough evidence to support the claim of higher brain cancer rates for the cell phone users.

Example \(\PageIndex{5}\)

According to the US Census there are approximately 268,608,618 residents aged 12 and older. Statistics from the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network indicate that, on average, 207,754 rapes occur each year (male and female) for persons aged 12 and older. This translates into a percentage of sexual assaults of 0.078%. In Daviess County, KY, there were reported 11 rapes for a population of 37,937. Conduct an appropriate hypothesis test to determine if there is a statistically significant difference between the local sexual assault percentage and the national sexual assault percentage. Use a significance level of 0.01.

We will follow the five-step plan.

  • We need to test whether the proportion of sexual assaults in Daviess County, KY is significantly different from the national average.
  • \(H_{0}: p = 0.00078\)
  • \(H_{a}: p \neq 0.00078\)
  • \(p\text{-value} = 0.00063\)
  • Since the \(p\text{-value} = 0.00063\), is less than the alpha level of 0.01, the sample data indicates that we should reject the null hypothesis.
  • In conclusion, the sample data support the claim that the proportion of sexual assaults in Daviess County, Kentucky is different from the national average proportion.

The hypothesis test itself has an established process. This can be summarized as follows:

  • Determine \(H_{0}\) and \(H_{a}\). Remember, they are contradictory.
  • Determine the random variable.
  • Determine the distribution for the test.
  • Draw a graph, calculate the test statistic, and use the test statistic to calculate the \(p\text{-value}\). (A z -score (\(Z_{obs}\) is an example of test statistics.)
  • Compare the preconceived α with the p -value, make a decision (reject or do not reject H 0 ), and write a clear conclusion using English sentences.

Notice that in performing the hypothesis test, you use \(\alpha\) and not \(\beta\). \(\beta\) is needed to help determine the sample size of the data that is used in calculating the \(p\text{-value}\). Remember that the quantity \(1 – \beta\) is called the Power of the Test . A high power is desirable. If the power is too low, statisticians typically increase the sample size while keeping α the same.If the power is low, the null hypothesis might not be rejected when it should be.

  • Data from Amit Schitai. Director of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning. LBCC.
  • Data from Bloomberg Businessweek . Available online at www.businessweek.com/news/2011- 09-15/nyc-smoking-rate-falls-to-record-low-of-14-bloomberg-says.html.
  • Data from energy.gov. Available online at http://energy.gov (accessed June 27. 2013).
  • Data from Gallup®. Available online at www.gallup.com (accessed June 27, 2013).
  • Data from Growing by Degrees by Allen and Seaman.
  • Data from La Leche League International. Available online at www.lalecheleague.org/Law/BAFeb01.html.
  • Data from the American Automobile Association. Available online at www.aaa.com (accessed June 27, 2013).
  • Data from the American Library Association. Available online at www.ala.org (accessed June 27, 2013).
  • Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Available online at http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes291111.htm .
  • Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available online at www.cdc.gov (accessed June 27, 2013)
  • Data from the U.S. Census Bureau, available online at quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/00000.html (accessed June 27, 2013).
  • Data from the United States Census Bureau. Available online at www.census.gov/hhes/socdemo/language/.
  • Data from Toastmasters International. Available online at http://toastmasters.org/artisan/deta...eID=429&Page=1 .
  • Data from Weather Underground. Available online at www.wunderground.com (accessed June 27, 2013).
  • Federal Bureau of Investigations. “Uniform Crime Reports and Index of Crime in Daviess in the State of Kentucky enforced by Daviess County from 1985 to 2005.” Available online at http://www.disastercenter.com/kentucky/crime/3868.htm (accessed June 27, 2013).
  • “Foothill-De Anza Community College District.” De Anza College, Winter 2006. Available online at research.fhda.edu/factbook/DA...t_da_2006w.pdf.
  • Johansen, C., J. Boice, Jr., J. McLaughlin, J. Olsen. “Cellular Telephones and Cancer—a Nationwide Cohort Study in Denmark.” Institute of Cancer Epidemiology and the Danish Cancer Society, 93(3):203-7. Available online at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11158188 (accessed June 27, 2013).
  • Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. “How often does sexual assault occur?” RAINN, 2009. Available online at www.rainn.org/get-information...sexual-assault (accessed June 27, 2013).


Statistics Made Easy

5 Tips for Interpreting P-Values Correctly in Hypothesis Testing

5 Tips for Interpreting P-Values Correctly in Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing is a critical part of statistical analysis and is often the endpoint where conclusions are drawn about larger populations based on a sample or experimental dataset. Central to this process is the p-value. Broadly, the p-value quantifies the strength of evidence against the null hypothesis. Given the importance of the p-value, it is essential to ensure its interpretation is correct. Here are five essential tips for ensuring the p-value from a hypothesis test is understood correctly. 

1. Know What the P-value Represents

First, it is essential to understand what a p-value is. In hypothesis testing, the p-value is defined as the probability of observing your data, or data more extreme, if the null hypothesis is true. As a reminder, the null hypothesis states no difference between your data and the expected population. 

For example, in a hypothesis test to see if changing a company’s logo drives more traffic to the website, a null hypothesis would state that the new traffic numbers are equal to the old traffic numbers. In this context, the p-value would be the probability that the data you observed, or data more extreme, would occur if this null hypothesis were true. 

Therefore, a smaller p-value indicates that what you observed is unlikely to have occurred if the null were true, offering evidence to reject the null hypothesis. Typically, a cut-off value of 0.05 is used where any p-value below this is considered significant evidence against the null. 

2. Understand the Directionality of Your Hypothesis

Based on the research question under exploration, there are two types of hypotheses: one-sided and two-sided. A one-sided test specifies a particular direction of effect, such as traffic to a website increasing after a design change. On the other hand, a two-sided test allows the change to be in either direction and is effective when the researcher wants to see any effect of the change. 

Either way, determining the statistical significance of a p-value is the same: if the p-value is below a threshold value, it is statistically significant. However, when calculating the p-value, it is important to ensure the correct sided calculations have been completed. 

Additionally, the interpretation of the meaning of a p-value will differ based on the directionality of the hypothesis. If a one-sided test is significant, the researchers can use the p-value to support a statistically significant increase or decrease based on the direction of the test. If a two-sided test is significant, the p-value can only be used to say that the two groups are different, but not that one is necessarily greater. 

3. Avoid Threshold Thinking

A common pitfall in interpreting p-values is falling into the threshold thinking trap. The most commonly used cut-off value for whether a calculated p-value is statistically significant is 0.05. Typically, a p-value of less than 0.05 is considered statistically significant evidence against the null hypothesis. 

However, this is just an arbitrary value. Rigid adherence to this or any other predefined cut-off value can obscure business-relevant effect sizes. For example, a hypothesis test looking at changes in traffic after a website design may find that an increase of 10,000 views is not statistically significant with a p-value of 0.055 since that value is above 0.05. However, the actual increase of 10,000 may be important to the growth of the business. 

Therefore, a p-value can be practically significant while not being statistically significant. Both types of significance and the broader context of the hypothesis test should be considered when making a final interpretation. 

4. Consider the Power of Your Study

Similarly, some study conditions can result in a non-significant p-value even if practical significance exists. Statistical power is the ability of a study to detect an effect when it truly exists. In other words, it is the probability that the null hypothesis will be rejected when it is false. 

Power is impacted by a lot of factors. These include sample size, the effect size you are looking for, and variability within the data. In the example of website traffic after a design change, if the number of visits overall is too small, there may not be enough views to have enough power to detect a difference. 

Simple ways to increase the power of a hypothesis test and increase the chances of detecting an effect are increasing the sample size, looking for a smaller effect size, changing the experiment design to control for variables that can increase variability, or adjusting the type of statistical test being run.

5. Be Aware of Multiple Comparisons

Whenever multiple p-values are calculated in a single study due to multiple comparisons, there is an increased risk of false positives. This is because each individual comparison introduces random fluctuations, and each additional comparison compounds these fluctuations. 

For example, in a hypothesis test looking at traffic before and after a website redesign, the team may be interested in making more than one comparison. This can include total visits, page views, and average time spent on the website. Since multiple comparisons are being made, there must be a correction made when interpreting the p-value. 

The Bonferroni correction is one of the most commonly used methods to account for this increased probability of false positives. In this method, the significance cut-off value, typically 0.05, is divided by the number of comparisons made. The result is used as the new significance cut-off value.  Applying this correction mitigates the risk of false positives and improves the reliability of findings from a hypothesis test. 

In conclusion, interpreting p-values requires a nuanced understanding of many statistical concepts and careful consideration of the hypothesis test’s context. By following these five tips, the interpretation of the p-value from a hypothesis test can be more accurate and reliable, leading to better data-driven decision-making.

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9: Hypothesis Testing for a Single Variable and Population

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\( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \)

\( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash {#1}}} \)

\( \newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)

( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\)

\( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\)

\( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\)

\( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)

\( \newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\)

\( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\)

\( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\)

\( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\)

\( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\)

\( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)

\( \newcommand{\vectorA}[1]{\vec{#1}}      % arrow\)

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\( \newcommand{\vectE}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash{\mathbf {#1}}}} \)

One job of a statistician is to make statistical inferences about populations based on samples taken from the population. Confidence intervals are one way to estimate a population parameter. Another way to make a statistical inference is to make a decision about a parameter. For instance, a car dealer advertises that its new small truck gets 35 miles per gallon, on average. A tutoring service claims that its method of tutoring helps 90% of its students get an A or a B. A company says that women managers in their company earn an average of $60,000 per year.

  • 9.1: Hypothesis Tests- An Introduction The actual test begins by considering two hypotheses. They are called the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis. These hypotheses contain opposing viewpoints. Since the null and alternative hypotheses are contradictory, you must examine evidence to decide if you have enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis or not.
  • 9.2: Type I and Type II Errors In every hypothesis test, the outcomes are dependent on a correct interpretation of the data. Incorrect calculations or misunderstood summary statistics can yield errors that affect the results. A Type I error occurs when a true null hypothesis is rejected. A Type II error occurs when a false null hypothesis is not rejected.
  • 9.3: Hypothesis Tests about μ- p-value Approach When testing for a single population mean: A Student's t-test should be used if the data come from a simple, random sample and the population is approximately normally distributed, or the sample size is large, with an unknown standard deviation. The normal test will work if the data come from a simple, random sample and the population is approximately normally distributed, or the sample size is large, with a known standard deviation.
  • 9.4: Hypothesis Tests about μ- Critical Region Approach When the probability of an event occurring is low, and it happens, it is called a rare event. Rare events are important to consider in hypothesis testing because they can inform your willingness not to reject or to reject a null hypothesis. To test a null hypothesis, find the p-value for the sample data and graph the results.
  • 9.5: Hypothesis Tests for a Proportion A statistics Worksheet:  The student will select the appropriate distributions to use in each case. The student will conduct hypothesis tests and interpret the results.

Contributors and Attributions

Barbara Illowsky and Susan Dean (De Anza College) with many other contributing authors. Content produced by OpenStax College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 license. Download for free at http://cnx.org/contents/[email protected] .


  1. Hypothesis Testing Example

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  2. PPT

    hypothesis test for single sample

  3. Hypothesis Testing Solved Problems

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  4. Chapter 7 Hypothesis Testing with One Sample Larson Farber

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  5. Hypothesis Testing A Level Maths Questions And Answers

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  6. PPT

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  1. Statistics Webinar on Hypothesis Testing for a Single Proportion or Mean

  2. Testing of hypothesis, single population proportion/Probability/KTU BTech

  3. 3.6 Hypothesis Testing with a Mean

  4. Hypothesis Testing through Single Sample t Test

  5. Statistics: Hypothesis Testing

  6. Hypothesis Testing: Single Sample Test


  1. 8.3: Hypothesis Testing of Single Mean

    Thus the test statistic is. T = x¯ −μ0 s/ n−−√ T = x ¯ − μ 0 s / n. and has the Student t t -distribution with n − 1 = 5 − 1 = 4 n − 1 = 5 − 1 = 4 degrees of freedom. Step 3. From the data we compute x¯ = 169 x ¯ = 169 and s = 10.39 s = 10.39. Inserting these values into the formula for the test statistic gives.

  2. Lesson 6b: Hypothesis Testing for One-Sample Mean

    It depends on the level of significance \(\alpha \) (step 2 of conducting a hypothesis test), and the probability the sample data would produce the observed result. In the next section, we set up the six steps for a hypothesis test for one mean.

  3. 9.E: Hypothesis Testing with One Sample (Exercises)

    9.7: Hypothesis Testing of a Single Mean and Single Proportion This page titled 9.E: Hypothesis Testing with One Sample (Exercises) is shared under a CC BY 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by OpenStax via source content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform; a detailed edit history is ...

  4. One Sample T Test: Definition, Using & Example

    One Sample T Test Hypotheses. A one sample t test has the following hypotheses: Null hypothesis (H 0): The population mean equals the hypothesized value (µ = H 0).; Alternative hypothesis (H A): The population mean does not equal the hypothesized value (µ ≠ H 0).; If the p-value is less than your significance level (e.g., 0.05), you can reject the null hypothesis.

  5. PDF 8 Hypothesis*Tests*for* One*Sample

    Chapter 8 Stat 4570/5570. Material from Devore's book (Ed 8), and Cengage. A statistical hypothesis: a claim about the value of a parameter, population characteristic (could be a combination of parameters), or about the form of an entire probability distribution. Examples:

  6. Hypothesis Testing with One Sample

    STEP 3: Calculate sample parameters and the test statistic. The sample parameters are provided, the sample mean is 7.91 and the sample variance is .03 and the sample size is 35. We need to note that the sample variance was provided not the sample standard deviation, which is what we need for the formula.

  7. 9: Hypothesis Testing with One Sample

    9.1: Prelude to Hypothesis Testing. A statistician will make a decision about claims via a process called "hypothesis testing." A hypothesis test involves collecting data from a sample and evaluating the data. Then, the statistician makes a decision as to whether or not there is sufficient evidence, based upon analysis of the data, to reject ...

  8. 5.3

    5.3 - Hypothesis Testing for One-Sample Mean. In the previous section, we learned how to perform a hypothesis test for one proportion. The concepts of hypothesis testing remain constant for any hypothesis test. In these next few sections, we will present the hypothesis test for one mean. We start with our knowledge of the sampling distribution ...

  9. Significance tests (hypothesis testing)

    Unit test. Significance tests give us a formal process for using sample data to evaluate the likelihood of some claim about a population value. Learn how to conduct significance tests and calculate p-values to see how likely a sample result is to occur by random chance. You'll also see how we use p-values to make conclusions about hypotheses.

  10. PDF Chapter 8: Tests of Hypotheses Based on a Single Sample

    In this chapter we see for the first time statistical hypothesis test-ing, involving only a single sample. The hypotheses of interest will typically be making a statement about the value of a parameter, though other hypothesis tests make more general statements. The fundamental principles, though, are the same, along with the general format of ...

  11. One Sample t-test: Definition, Formula, and Example

    A one sample t-test is used to test whether or not the mean of a population is equal to some value. ... 0.05, and 0.01) then you can reject the null hypothesis. One Sample t-test: Assumptions. For the results of a one sample t-test to be valid, the following assumptions should be met:


    Note that structure of this formula is similar to the general formula for a test statistic: \ (\dfrac {sample\;statistic-null\;value} {standard\;error}\) 3. Determine the p-value. When testing hypotheses about a mean or mean difference, a \ (t\) distribution is used to find the \ (p\)-value. These \ (t\) distributions are indexed by a quantity ...

  13. Hypothesis Testing

    Table of contents. Step 1: State your null and alternate hypothesis. Step 2: Collect data. Step 3: Perform a statistical test. Step 4: Decide whether to reject or fail to reject your null hypothesis. Step 5: Present your findings. Other interesting articles. Frequently asked questions about hypothesis testing.

  14. 8.6: Hypothesis Test of a Single Population Mean with Examples

    Steps for performing Hypothesis Test of a Single Population Mean. Step 1: State your hypotheses about the population mean. Step 2: Summarize the data. State a significance level. State and check conditions required for the procedure. Find or identify the sample size, n, the sample mean, ˉx. x ¯.

  15. 9.6 Hypothesis Testing of a Single Mean and Single Proportion

    The student will select the appropriate distributions to use in each case. The student will conduct hypothesis tests and interpret the results. Television Survey In a recent survey, it was stated that Americans watch television on average four hours per day. Assume that σ = 2.

  16. Hypothesis Testing for Single Samples: Definition & Examples

    Example of Student's T-Test. The mean weekly sales of energy bars in department stores was 146.3 bars per store. After an advertising campaign, the mean weekly sales in 22 stores for a typical ...

  17. 9: Hypothesis Testing with One Sample

    9.1: Prelude to Hypothesis Testing. A statistician will make a decision about claims via a process called "hypothesis testing." A hypothesis test involves collecting data from a sample and evaluating the data. Then, the statistician makes a decision as to whether or not there is sufficient evidence, based upon analysis of the data, to reject ...

  18. 6a.4

    We can compare them by taking the ratio. z ∗ = p ^ − p 0 p 0 ( 1 − p 0) n = 0.556 − 0.5 0.5 ( 1 − 0.5) 500 = 2.504. Therefore, assuming the true population proportion is 0.5, a sample proportion of 0.556 is 2.504 standard deviations above the mean. The z ∗ value we found in the above example is referred to as the test statistic. The ...

  19. 8.7: Hypothesis Test of Single Population Proportion with Examples

    First, determine what type of test this is, set up the hypothesis test, find the p-value, sketch the graph, and state your conclusion. Answer. Since the problem is about percentages, this is a test of single population proportions. H0: p = 0.85. Ha: p ≠ 0.85.

  20. 7.2: One-Sample Proportion Test

    State and check the assumptions for a hypothesis test A simple random sample of size n is taken. The conditions for the binomial distribution are satisfied; To determine the sampling distribution of \(\hat{p}\), you need to show that \(n p \geq 5\) and \(n q \geq 5\), where \(q=1-p\). If this requirement is true, then the sampling distribution ...

  21. One Sample t-test Calculator

    A one sample t-test is used to test whether or not the mean of a population is equal to some value. To perform a one sample t-test, simply fill in the information below and then click the "Calculate" button. Enter raw data Enter summary data. 301, 298, 295, 297, 304, 305, 309, 298, 291, 299, 293, 304. μ0 (hypothesized population mean) t ...

  22. 5 Tips for Interpreting P-Values Correctly in Hypothesis Testing

    3. Avoid Threshold Thinking. A common pitfall in interpreting p-values is falling into the threshold thinking trap. The most commonly used cut-off value for whether a calculated p-value is statistically significant is 0.05. Typically, a p-value of less than 0.05 is considered statistically significant evidence against the null hypothesis.

  23. 8.2: Hypothesis Testing of Single Proportion

    where p p denotes the proportion of all adults who prefer the company's beverage over that of its competitor's beverage. Step 2. The test statistic (Equation 8.2.1 8.2.1) is. Z = p^ −p0 p0q0 n− −−−√ Z = p ^ − p 0 p 0 q 0 n. and has the standard normal distribution. Step 3.

  24. 9: Hypothesis Testing for a Single Variable and Population

    9.3: Hypothesis Tests about μ- p-value Approach When testing for a single population mean: A Student's t-test should be used if the data come from a simple, random sample and the population is approximately normally distributed, or the sample size is large, with an unknown standard deviation.