Creative Writing Prompts

Painted Panoramas: How to Describe Leaves in Creative Writing

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Painted Panoramas: How to Describe Leaves in Creative Writing

Understanding the Aesthetic Beauty of Painted Panoramas

Depicting leaves: exploring the intricacies of nature in creative writing, crafting vivid descriptions: techniques to bring leaves to life, colorful canvases: describing the palette of leaves in your writing, captivating the reader’s senses: describing the texture and sound of leaves, using metaphors and symbolism: evoking emotion through leaf descriptions, immersing readers in leafy landscapes: creating engaging and authentic settings, frequently asked questions, concluding remarks.

Painted panoramas have long captivated art enthusiasts around the world with their extraordinary ability to transport us into stunning landscapes or bustling scenes from history. These breathtaking works of art allow us to experience a different time and place, immersing ourselves in the artist’s vision. Through their intricate brushstrokes and meticulous attention to detail, painted panoramas encapsulate the essence of an entire panorama within a single frame. Their immense size and panoramic format enable us to feel as though we are standing right in the midst of the depicted scene, triggering a sense of wonder and enchantment.

The aesthetic allure of painted panoramas lies not only in their lifelike representation of the world, but also in their ability to evoke emotions and connect us to the past. These grand, sweeping landscapes transport us to distant locations, from majestic mountain ranges to serene seascapes, providing a sense of escape and tranquility. Moreover, painted panoramas often depict historical events or significant moments in time, offering a unique glimpse into the past. The meticulous brushstrokes and vibrant colors used by artists create a sense of realism and depth, making it feel as though we are witnessing these moments firsthand. Being able to step into a painted panorama is like embarking on a visual journey, feeding our curiosity and inspiring a deep appreciation for the artistry behind these masterpieces.

Depicting Leaves: Exploring the Intricacies of Nature in Creative Writing

Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of creative writing as we delve into the intricate beauty of leaves. In this captivating journey, we will unlock the secrets to creating vivid descriptions that breathe life into your nature-inspired prose. From the smallest details to the grand tapestry of colors, our exploration will inspire you to observe with renewed wonder and translate your observations into compelling words on the page.

Discover the hidden poetry within each leaf as we unravel the captivating shapes, textures, and patterns that adorn them. Through interactive exercises and insightful prompts, we will guide you in developing your descriptive skills, helping you paint a symphony of words that skillfully mimic the delicate play of sunlight dancing through foliage. Learn to harness the power of vivid imagery to transport readers to lush, verdant landscapes, where they can almost smell the earthy scent and feel the gentle rustle of leaves beneath their feet.

Join us on this enchanting journey of exploration and self-expression, where you will uncover the art of depicting leaves with unparalleled imagination and precision. Whether you’re a seasoned writer seeking to deepen your connection to nature or a budding wordsmith eager to hone your craft, this adventure promises to awaken your senses and ignite new realms of creativity. Embrace the wonders of the natural world through the written word and unlock the limitless potential within your own imagination.

Crafting Vivid Descriptions: Techniques to Bring Leaves to Life

When it comes to writing vivid descriptions, there are several techniques that can help you bring leaves to life on the page. By utilizing these methods, you can transport your readers to a world filled with the mesmerizing beauty of nature.

1. Utilize sensory language: Engage your readers’ senses by describing the appearance, sound, smell, taste, and touch of leaves. Use adjectives to paint a picture, such as “emerald-green” or “fiery-red,” to make the imagery more vibrant and captivating.

2. Show, don’t tell: Instead of simply stating that leaves are “beautiful,” show their beauty through specific details. Describe how rays of sunlight dance on the surface of each leaf, or how they gently sway in the breeze, creating a mesmerizing symphony of rustling sounds.

3. Appeal to emotions: Encourage an emotional connection between your readers and the leaves by tapping into their nostalgia or fond memories. For example, describe how the scent of fallen leaves evokes a sense of autumnal nostalgia, reminding them of cherished moments spent crunching through a colorful carpet of foliage.

4. Contrast: Highlight the uniqueness of leaves by juxtaposing them against their surroundings. Describe how the vibrant red maple leaf stands out against a backdrop of fading greens, accentuating the beauty and individuality of each leaf.

Colorful Canvases: Describing the Palette of Leaves in your Writing

When it comes to capturing the essence of autumn in your writing, nothing quite compares to the vibrant hues of fallen leaves. These natural canvases provide writers with a kaleidoscope of colors to weave into their prose, adding depth and visual imagery to their descriptions. By embracing the rich palette of leaves, you can bring your writing to life and transport your readers to a world ablaze with the beauty of nature.

Imagine the crunch of red and orange leaves beneath your feet, the gentle rustling sound that accompanies each step. Picture the sunlight filtering through the canopy, casting a warm golden glow upon the forest floor. By skillfully incorporating these sensory experiences into your writing, you can create vivid scenes that evoke a true sense of autumn. Consider the following techniques to effectively embrace the palette of leaves in your writing:

  • Paint with words: Use descriptive language to convey the colors of the leaves. Instead of simply stating “the leaves were red,” try phrases like “fiery crimson leaves” or “vibrant scarlet foliage.” This allows readers to visualize the shades and enhances their connection to the scene.
  • Explore the spectrum: Don’t limit yourself to the typical hues of autumn leaves. Consider the subtle variations, such as burnt sienna, amber, or even the occasional purple or pink leaf. The richness of the leaf palette goes beyond the obvious, so be adventurous with your color choices.
  • Embrace metaphor: Use the changing colors of leaves as a metaphor to convey emotions or ideas. For example, you could describe a character’s mood as “falling into a sea of golden tranquility” or their heart as “burning with the passion of a scarlet leaf.” Metaphors add depth and symbolism to your writing, making it more memorable.

Captivating the Reader’s Senses: Describing the Texture and Sound of Leaves

When it comes to the beauty of nature, the texture and sound of leaves can transport us to a world of tranquility and wonder. Each leaf, with its unique patterns and textures, has a story to tell. As you run your fingers along the surface, you might encounter velvety smoothness, like a piece of satin gently brushing against your skin. Or perhaps you’ll stumble upon a leaf with jagged edges, reminiscent of crumpled paper. The diversity of these natural textures never ceases to amaze, captivating both your sense of touch and imagination.

But leaves have more to offer than just their texture. As they rustle in the wind, a symphony of sounds unfolds before your ears. The delicate flutter of a leaf falling to the ground, like a soft whisper, creates a sense of serenity. When a gentle breeze rustles through a foliage-rich tree, you can hear the leaves dancing in harmony, their collective murmur creating a soothing melody. It’s as if the trees themselves are speaking, sharing their secrets and tales with those willing to listen.

Using Metaphors and Symbolism: Evoking Emotion through Leaf Descriptions

When it comes to describing leaves, utilizing metaphors and symbolism can enhance the emotional impact of our writing. By evoking powerful imagery and tapping into universal symbols, we can create a deeper connection with our readers. These literary devices offer an opportunity to paint vivid pictures in their minds as they navigate through the text.

1. **Dancing foliage**: Imagine leaves swaying and twirling like graceful ballerinas, caressed by a gentle breeze. This metaphor not only adds movement to your descriptions but also evokes a sense of elegance and beauty. Such imagery can be great for conveying a serene, tranquil atmosphere.

2. **Golden confetti**: Use this symbolism to describe autumn leaves strewn on the ground, creating a vibrant carpet of color. The image of golden confetti conjures a festive and joyful mood, making it ideal for narrating scenes of celebration or offering a contrast to melancholic emotions. It invites readers to revel in the kaleidoscope of nature’s colors.

Immersing Readers in Leafy Landscapes: Creating Engaging and Authentic Settings

When it comes to writing, one of the most important aspects is creating settings that transport readers to the heart of the story. And what better way to captivate their imagination than by immersing them in lush, leafy landscapes? Whether it’s a dense, mystical forest or a serene, picturesque garden, the key lies in evoking sensory details and creating a multi-dimensional experience for your readers. Here are some tips to help you craft engaging and authentic settings that will leave your readers craving more:

  • Research and Observation: To portray leafy landscapes authentically, start by immersing yourself in real-life settings. Take nature walks, visit botanical gardens, or simply spend time in lush green spaces. Observe the flora and fauna, listen to the sounds of rustling leaves, and inhale the earthy scent of the forest. By truly experiencing these environments, you’ll be able to capture their essence in your writing.
  • Vivid Descriptions: As you transport your readers to these leafy landscapes, it’s crucial to engage their senses through vivid descriptions. Paint a picture with your words, allowing them to see the sunlight filtering through the canopy, feel the soft moss underfoot, and hear the melodious chorus of birdsong. By appealing to their senses, you’ll create a tangible and immersive setting that feels real to your readers.
  • Character Interactions: Leafy landscapes can serve as more than just a backdrop for your story; they can also provide opportunities for meaningful character interactions. Consider how your characters would interact with the environment. Are they at peace and connected to nature, or do they find it unsettling and overwhelming? These interactions can add depth to your characters and create a sense of tension or harmony within the leafy landscape.

Creating engaging and authentic settings is a powerful tool in any writer’s arsenal. By immersing readers in leafy landscapes, you’ll transport them to a world where they can share in the beauty, mystery, and wonder that nature has to offer. So go ahead, let your imagination wander, and take your readers on a breathtaking journey they won’t soon forget!

Q: What are painted panoramas? A: Painted panoramas refer to a technique in creative writing where authors vividly describe the natural beauty of leaves.

Q: Why is it important to describe leaves in creative writing? A: Describing leaves can add depth and richness to your writing, helping readers visualize the scenery and immerse themselves in the natural world being depicted.

Q: How can I capture the essence of leaves in my writing? A: To effectively describe leaves, try to incorporate sensory details such as colors, shapes, textures, sounds, and scents. Use dynamic and evocative language to bring the reader closer to the experience of observing leaves.

Q: What are some words and phrases I can use to describe leaves? A: You can use words like verdant, vibrant, lush, vibrant, emerald, golden, fiery, delicate, fluttering, rustling, crisp, or aromatic to paint a vivid picture of leaves in your writing.

Q: How can I depict the colors of leaves creatively? A: Instead of simply saying “green” or “brown,” experiment with a variety of descriptive phrases such as “emerald green,” “honeyed amber,” or “coppery hues” to evoke a sense of visual beauty to your readers.

Q: How can I describe the shapes and textures of leaves? A: Pay attention to the shapes of leaves, whether they are heart-shaped, jagged, or elongated. Furthermore, describe their textures, such as velvety, leathery, or papery, to give a more detailed portrayal.

Q: Can you provide some examples of creative leaf descriptions? A: Certainly! Here’s an example: “The leaves, a kaleidoscope of fiery oranges and reds, cascaded from the trees, gently swirling as they found their place on the forest floor, forming a vibrant tapestry of autumn’s last dance.”

Q: Are there any particular literary devices I can use to describe leaves effectively? A: Yes, you can employ poetic devices like similes, metaphors, personification, or even onomatopoeia to accentuate the imagery of leaves. For instance, you could say, “The leaves whispered secrets to the wind,” personifying the leaves and creating a more immersive experience.

Q: How can I ensure my leaf descriptions flow seamlessly within the narrative? A: Integrate leaf descriptions into your story or prose naturally, allowing them to enhance the setting or characterization rather than feeling forced. Aim for a balanced mix of descriptive passages and other narrative elements to maintain a good flow.

Q: Any final tips to inspire creative leaf descriptions in writing? A: Engage all your senses, observe nature keenly, and let your imagination run free. Look beyond the obvious and explore the unique qualities of leaves, and always practice using descriptive language to bring your writing to life.

In conclusion, describing leaves in creative writing adds depth and vibrancy to your writing, transporting readers into a colorful and immersive world.

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19,890 quotes, descriptions and writing prompts, 4,964 themes

leaf - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing

  • falling leaves
  • green leaves
  • growing vegetables
  • Maidenhair fern
  • monstera plant
  • photosynthesis
  • the season of fall
The leaf was a chorus of greens.
Held to the light, the leaf was the road map of a million-souled city.
The leaf veins were sweet flowing rivers in the green.
Green skin in summer's light, the hue each leaf had a way of enchanting the soul.
The leaf was a green hand of splendid shiny skin, as if the perfect alien had reached out in gentle friendship. It was as supple as paper, perhaps more so, and in the strong light it was as magnificent as any stained glass.
The leaf reminds me of a church window, of the glass that glows so brightly on sunlit days. I trace the veins with one finger, following nature's architecture from stem to tip. I lift it to the light and let my eyes travel over it. So broad to catch the light, so thin to let the air flow in and out, and just like the church - built a "brick" at a time into a beautiful part of life.
To gaze at the green leaf was to pause my thoughts and feel the sense of rest nature gives.

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65 Fall Writing Prompts: Inspire Your Creativity with Cozy Ideas

By: Author Paul Jenkins

Posted on April 9, 2023

Categories Writing , Inspiration

As the leaves change colors and the air turns crisp, it’s the perfect time to inspire creativity through writing. Fall brings many themes and opportunities for writers to explore new ideas and embark on unique adventures. This article presents 65 fall writing prompts designed to spark the imagination and ignite the creative fire within.

From exploring the beauty of nature to delving into the spookiness of Halloween, these writing prompts cover a wide range of topics suitable for writers of all ages and skill levels. By tapping into the magic of the season, these prompts aim to provide a springboard for seasoned writers and beginners alike, helping them create engaging and memorable stories.

Whether using these prompts for a personal journal, a classroom assignment, or even as part of a writing group, they provide an excellent starting point for crafting captivating narratives, honing one’s writing skills, and embracing the enchanting spirit of the fall season.

A Crisp Autumn Day

Fall offers a brilliant canvas of colors, cool breezes, and a sense of rejuvenation, perfect for sparking creative writing ideas. Authors can use the season’s beauty to inspire their writing as the leaves change and the days grow shorter. Here are a few prompts centered on a crisp autumn day:

  • Describe: Ask the writer to describe the sights, sounds, and smells they associate with a crisp autumn day. This exercise can help writers explore their sensory perceptions and create vivid imagery.
  • Character Walk: Have the writer create a character and take them on a walk through a park or forest during fall. Encourage them to detail their character’s reactions to the environment, the crunch of leaves underfoot, and encounters with other people or animals.
  • Dialogue: Present the writer with two or more characters conversing on a crisp autumn day. It could be friends discussing their favorite fall traditions or strangers sharing their thoughts about the season. The goal is to practice writing engaging and authentic dialogue.
  • Seasonal Shift: Invite the writer to explore the idea of change by composing a piece about a character experiencing a significant life event during autumn. This could be a physical or emotional transformation, highlighting the theme of change that the season embodies.
  • Poetic Inspiration: Encourage the writer to craft a poem centered around a crisp autumn day, using the season’s inherent beauty and wonder to fuel their creativity.

By utilizing these writing prompts centered on a crisp autumn day, writers can further develop their descriptive, narrative, and observational skills, all while savoring the season’s beauty.

Nature’s Awe

Experiencing the beauty of fall depends mainly on the wonders manifested through nature. In this section, we explore various awe-inspiring aspects that this season has to offer.

The Last Leaf on the Tree

As autumn progresses, one can’t help but notice the last stubborn leaves clinging to the trees. Despite their isolation, the resilience of these leaves can serve as an inspiration and a writing prompt for exploring themes of perseverance and loneliness.

The First Time Experiencing Fall Colors

There’s something truly magical about witnessing the vibrant colors of fall foliage for the first time. The burst of oranges, reds, and yellows can evoke a sense of wonder and curiosity, making it a perfect subject for reflection and creative writing.

The Sounds of Leaves Crunching Underfoot

As they walk through a carpet of fallen leaves, the sound of leaves crunching underfoot provides an unmistakable auditory signature of the season. This sensory experience can be a noteworthy starting point for crafting descriptions of the fall atmosphere and exploring themes of change and decay.

The Unique Colors of Trees Lining The Street

Tree-lined streets showcase the celebration of colors during the autumn months. Each tree boasts its distinctive hues, creating a palette of undertones and pigments that are nothing short of awe-inspiring. Writers can draw inspiration from these unique and diverse shades to create vivid imagery in their stories.

The First Frost Painting the Ground

The onset of the first frost marks a pivotal transition from fall to winter. The delicate traces of frost on the ground and leaves contrast the warm tones that cluster around them. Writers can use this duality to explore deeper life, death, and transformation themes.

Autumn Foliage

The changing colors of the leaves make for a stunning visual experience, and the spectrum of shades represents the beautiful diversity of the season. Experimenting with these colors in writing through descriptive language or metaphor can enrich storytelling and evoke emotions in the reader.

Migration of Birds Heading South

The sight of vast flocks of birds migrating to warmer destinations can be both mesmerizing and bittersweet. This natural phenomenon symbolizes the ephemerality of the season and the inevitability of change. As a writing prompt, it enables authors to explore departure, adaptation, and interconnectedness themes.

Mysterious Moments

Fall is a season of change, transformation, and mystery. As the days grow shorter and the leaves change color, the atmosphere seems to shift, inviting eerie and unexplained occurrences. Writers can find inspiration in the shadows of autumn by exploring Mysterious Moments. This section offers four subtopics to ignite the creative spark.

A Mysterious Letter Found in A Pile of Leaves

Imagine a character stumbling upon a mysterious letter hidden within a pile of colorful fall leaves. The letter’s contents could reveal a long-lost secret, a treasure map, or an unexpected confession. This prompt invites writers to explore the implications of such a discovery and their character’s reaction to it. The letter could be addressed to the protagonist, or it could be an accidental finding that unlocks a new mystery.

A Secret Hidden Beneath the Fallen Leaves

What if something significant is concealed beneath the scattered leaves of autumn? Exploring this theme, writers can develop a compelling story about secret objects, hidden passageways, or buried evidence. How do the characters uncover the secret, and what consequences follow? Use the autumn setting to create a suspenseful atmosphere and an intriguing plot.

An Abandoned Cabin Discovered in The Woods

The image of an isolated, abandoned cabin nestled in the woods captures a sense of mystery and untold stories. Writers can use this setting to develop a narrative of intrigue or horror. Perhaps the cabin conceals incriminating evidence or once belonged to a notorious hermit with a sinister past. The characters may be drawn to the cabin by curiosity or necessity, only to find themselves entangled in its haunting history.

An Eerie Legend about The Harvest Moon

The Harvest Moon, with its large, glowing presence, has long been a source of myth and superstition. Writers can explore the autumn moon’s lore, creating eerie legends and tales of supernatural encounters. Characters might find themselves facing prophetic visions, encounters with mythical creatures, or harrowing experiences under the spell of the moonlight. Use the hypnotic allure of the Harvest Moon to create a memorable and chilling narrative.

Cozy Experiences

Fall is a magical time when the warmth of cozy experiences fills our days. Here are some writing prompts inspired by the cozy moments autumn brings.

A Cozy Evening by The Fire

Imagine sitting by a crackling fireplace, the fire’s glow reflecting on loved ones’ faces. Write about the conversations shared, the aroma of hot cider filling the air and the feeling of contentment that envelops you.

The Warmth of A Favorite Fall Sweater

Picture pulling out your favorite fall sweater from the back of your closet. Describe how its warmth hugs you like a familiar embrace, and share the associated memories. How has the sweater changed over the years, and what moments in your life does it represent?

A Rainy Autumn Day Spent Indoors

Envision waking up to the gentle sound of raindrops tapping against your window. Describe the comfort of staying indoors, tucked under a warm blanket with a hot beverage. Write about the activities you enjoy on a rainy autumn day, whether watching movies, crafting, or simply relaxing and listening to the rain.

A Cozy Bookstore with A Fall Reading Nook

Picture walking into a cozy bookstore, the scent of old books mingling with the hint of pumpkin spice. Write about discovering a hidden reading nook, its warm and inviting atmosphere drawing you in. Describe the feeling of being surrounded by books and the sense of adventure in choosing your next read on a crisp autumn day.

Delectable Scents and Tastes

The scent of cinnamon and apples filling the air.

In the fall, the aroma of cinnamon and apples swirls through kitchens, evoking feelings of warmth and comfort. As families gather to prepare seasonal dishes, these fragrant ingredients make their way into many recipes.

The Taste of A Perfectly Baked Pumpkin Pie

One of the quintessential fall treats is the pumpkin pie. Combining a flaky crust, creamy filling, and gentle spices creates a sensory experience that embodies the season’s essence.

Memories Evoked by A Warm Mug of Apple Cider

A steaming mug of apple cider not only offers warmth during crisp autumn days and invokes memories of falling leaves, cozy sweaters, and family gatherings. The sweet and tangy flavors underscore many cherished fall moments.

A Favorite Fall Recipe Passed Down Through Generations

Many families treasure a favorite fall recipe passed down through generations, whether a hearty soup, a spiced cake, or a unique twist on classic dishes. These recipes not only delight palates but also strengthen family bonds.

The Quest for The Perfect Pumpkin Spice Latte

Fall sees the return of the beloved pumpkin spice latte. Fans eagerly anticipate the arrival of this seasonal beverage, searching for the perfect balance of rich espresso, warm spices, and creamy pumpkin flavors in their quest for the ultimate autumn indulgence.

Family Traditions and Memories

A heartwarming thanksgiving memory.

It was a Thanksgiving to remember when the entire family gathered at Grandma’s house. The air was filled with the aroma of freshly baked pumpkin pies, and the playful laughter of the little ones echoed throughout the home.

As the family sat around the dining table, they shared their cherished memories from previous years. Stories of love, togetherness, and resilience brought warmth to the hearts of everyone present.

A Day in the Life of A Scarecrow

In a quiet field, surrounded by pumpkin patches and golden corn stalks, a scarecrow diligently protected the crops from pesky intruders. It watched as the sun rose and set, even during the nights when the wind blew cold.

Even though it remained stationary, the scarecrow was a silent witness to the annual harvest, countless conversations of passing farmers, and the changing colors of the leaves on nearby trees.

A Family’s Annual Apple Picking Tradition

As the leaves began to change color every year, the family eagerly awaited their annual apple-picking outing. They would trek to their favorite orchard with baskets, ready to pick the ripest, juiciest apples.

  • Apples are picked for homemade pies.
  • Apples are eaten right from the tree.
  • Apples to share with friends and neighbors.

It was a day full of laughter, bonding, and appreciation for the gifts of nature.

A Treasured Fall Memory from Childhood

Tommy could never forget the one fall day he spent playing in a giant pile of leaves with his childhood friends. He held onto this cherished memory forever, from tossing them into the air and the joyful squeals as they blanketed the children to the sense of accomplishment after raking the entire yard.

The Long-Awaited Return of A Beloved Autumn Tradition

The town folk reveled in the yearly return of their beloved fall festival. Children would delight in hayrides and pumpkin carvings each year, while adults would indulge in hot apple cider and homemade pumpkin pie.

It was a time of celebration, unity, and gratitude for the bounty of the harvest season.

A Nostalgic Visit to Your Childhood Home during Autumn

As they returned to their childhood home, the memories of autumn’s past came flooding back; the crunch of fallen leaves underfoot and the crisp fall air carrying the scent of burning wood from a nearby chimney.

The family drove along the familiar streets, admiring the vibrant red, orange, and gold hues adorning the trees. It was a journey back in time, providing comfort and reminiscence on the season’s beauty.

Spooky Tales and Legends

As the leaves change colors and the air turns crisp, it’s the perfect time to dive into chilling stories and eerie legends.

The Chilling Story of A Haunted Hayride

During an evening in autumn, a group of friends embarks on a supposedly simple hayride, unaware of the terror that awaits. As they travel through the dark, twisted woods, they encounter spine-tingling sights and supernatural phenomena, testing their courage and causing them to question their reality.

The Origin of A Spooky Halloween Legend

Unveiling the origin of a chilling Halloween legend, the mysterious tale told by a grandmother becomes a haunting exploration of a small town’s dark past. As the story unfolds, riveting details emerge, providing insight into the eerie events that shaped the town’s unique customs and traditions.

The Creatures That Come Out When the Nights Grow Longer

Longer nights invite shadowy creatures to the surface, causing terror and wonder among the town’s inhabitants. These entities turn daily life into a nightmare, from sinister whispers in the woods to mysterious sightings. Intriguing encounters lead to suspenseful tales that leave a lasting impact on all who hear them.

A Paranormal Investigation of A Haunted House

A paranormal research team embarks on a thrilling adventure, investigating a seemingly haunted house on the outskirts of town. They reveal hidden secrets lurking within the walls using state-of-the-art equipment and trusted intuition, providing chilling evidence of the supernatural.

A Ghost Story Told Around A Crackling Campfire

As flames dance and flicker at night, friends gather around a glowing campfire, each sharing their most terrifying ghost stories. The shadows seem to come alive as each spine-chilling tale unravels, echoing into the darkness and sending shivers down their spines.

An Unforgettable Experience at A Haunted House Attraction

Manmade thrills bring a group of friends to a famous haunted house attraction, curious to discover the carefully crafted scares lurking within. Navigating through dimly lit corridors and hidden passageways, they confront their deepest fears, creating a memorable and frightening experience they won’t soon forget.

A Spooky Experience during A Moonlit Hayride

Navigating under the watchful gaze of the moon, a family embarks on a magical hayride through a moonlit pumpkin patch. Amid the full moon’s glow, eerie events unfold, casting an eerie ambiance that transforms the tranquil setting into a chilling experience.

A Creature That Only Emerges during The Harvest Season

Descending upon the town only during the bountiful harvest season, a mythical creature torments the community with its enigmatic presence. As the townsfolk scramble to decipher the beast’s motives and origin, they realize they are at the mercy of an ancient power that has been awakened.

Adventures and Challenges

The beauty of fall offers endless possibilities for writing prompts related to adventures and challenges. This section will explore twelve unique sub-sections, each with its tale to tell.

A Fall Festival Gone Wrong

As the town excitedly prepared for its annual fall festival, unexpected obstacles caused the event to worsen. With teamwork and determination, the community worked together to overcome these challenges and create a memorable fall festival for all.

A Magical Transformation Caused by The Autumn Equinox

The arrival of the autumn equinox brought an unexpected magical transformation that altered the lives of those who witnessed it. As the season changed, so did the destinies of those who experienced the extraordinary power of fall magic.

A Stranger That Arrives in Town with The First Gust of Fall Wind

A mysterious stranger arrived on the first gust of fall wind, bringing secrets and intrigue to a small town. This enigmatic figure not only changed the lives of the town’s residents but also uncovered hidden truths long buried beneath the autumn leaves.

A Touching Story of A Fallen Leaf’s Journey

A single fallen leaf embarks on a remarkable journey across the forest floor, influenced by the gentle winds and creatures it encounters. Along the way, the leaf discovers the interconnectedness of nature and the importance of change and growth.

A Lost Child Found in A Corn Maze

A celebration at a corn maze unexpectedly turns into a search and rescue mission when a child is found missing. As time passes, the community must unite and navigate the labyrinth to save the lost child and bring them home safely.

An Unexpected Encounter during A Hike through The Fall Foliage

A hike through the vibrant, changing foliage leads to an unexpected encounter with a peculiar individual. This stranger’s tale, forever intertwined with the beauty and mystery of the fall season, serves as an important lesson for those who cross their path.

A Forest with Trees That Never Lose Their Leaves

Deep within an ancient forest lies a grove of trees that never shed their leaves, maintaining their vibrant hues throughout the year. The secret behind this everlasting autumn is revealed when a group of curious explorers stumbles upon this enchanted place.

The History of A Town’s Annual Harvest Festival

The rich history of a town’s annual harvest festival is brought to life through tales of its origins and traditions. This narrative pays homage to the generations that have cultivated and maintained this beloved event, honoring their dedication to the celebration of the fall season.

A Fall Thunderstorm That Brings An Unexpected Twist

A sudden thunderstorm brings an unexpected twist, transforming a sleepy town into a setting for adventure and self-discovery. As the storm rages, residents come together to face the challenges ahead, finding strength and camaraderie as they weather the storm together.

A Camping Trip Surrounded by The Vibrant Colors of Autumn

A seemingly idyllic camping trip, surrounded by the vibrant colors of autumn, is filled with unexpected challenges and unforeseen obstacles. The campers must use their wit and resourcefulness to overcome these hurdles, learning valuable lessons about themselves and the beauty of nature.

A Time When An Unexpected Challenge Threatened the Harvest

A community fights to save their beloved harvest as an unforeseen challenge threatens to devastate their annual celebration. Through perseverance and the determination to protect their way of life, they rally together and overcome adversity in the true spirit of the fall harvest.

A Fall Storm That Leads to An Unexpected Adventure

A mighty fall storm brings about an unexpected adventure for an unlikely group of friends as they face the ferocity of nature. As winds howl and leaves dance through the air, their courage and resiliency are tested, unveiling their true character amid the storm.

Inspirational Moments

The beauty of a foggy morning in the woods.

She awoke to a dense fog surrounding her cabin in the woods. As she stepped outside, she marveled at how the fog softened the fall colors, creating an ethereal landscape. The misty morning brought a sense of peace and serenity that inspired her.

A Moment That Changed Everything During A Football Game

During a crucial high school football game, the lead player felt an unshakable determination to secure victory. In the final moments, his team was down by a few points. Against all odds, he executed a brilliant play that won the game, forever changing his teammates’ perspectives on what they could achieve.

A Reflection on The Changing Seasons of Life

As he walked through the park, the man couldn’t help but notice the vibrant fall leaves surrounding him. They reminded him of the changing seasons of life and how each stage, like the leaves, brought its unique beauty and challenges.

A Bittersweet Goodbye to Summer

As the summer sun set for the last time, she couldn’t help but feel a mixture of emotions. The bittersweet goodbye to warm days and outdoor adventures was juxtaposed with the excitement of cozy autumn evenings.

The Love Story of Two Pumpkins in A Pumpkin Patch

Among the rows of a pumpkin patch, two pumpkins found themselves growing side by side. As they grew, so did their love for one another. Their unique love story captivated those who stumbled upon the pair, entwined amongst the vines.

A Friendly Rivalry Between Two High School Football Teams

Year after year, two high school football teams met on the field to compete in a friendly rivalry. Though the competition was fierce, it fostered camaraderie, respect, and a shared love for the game that spanned generations.

A Forbidden Romance Blossoming Beneath The Harvest Moon

Under the glow of the harvest moon, two young lovers from feuding families met in secret. Fueled by the intensity of their passion and the risk of discovery, their forbidden romance blossomed amidst the autumn chill.

An Unplanned Road Trip to See the Fall Colors

On a whim, three friends embarked on an unplanned road trip to witness the glory of the autumn foliage. Along the way, they encountered breathtaking views, shared laughter, and made memories that would last a lifetime.

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A new leaf: writing and observation thumb

A new leaf: writing and observation

Early on in Creative Writing Level 1 (HE4) – in both the Writing Skills and Art of Poetry courses – there are exercises encouraging you to observe your surroundings closely, and to describe them using details from each of the five senses. Identifying the revealing details which bring a scene to life, and using the senses to work on your reader’s imagination, are essential skills, regardless of which genre you’re writing in. In this blog I’ll suggest a couple of ways to think more deeply about observing and describing. In his amazing book The Art of Description , Mark Doty gives writers the following advice: ‘description is the art of perception; what is required, in order to say what you see, is enhanced attention to that looking, and the more you look, the more information you get.’ Doty suggests that people who have studied drawing are especially good at this kind of intense attentiveness. Why not try this out for yourself? Take a leaf, then sit for 30 seconds, just looking at it. Pay attention to its shape, its gradations of colour, its irregularities. Is it torn? Has a caterpillar munched part of it? Then study its texture – soft or crispy, serrated or smooth? Now draw it. This doesn’t need to be a masterpiece, but spend some time trying to capture its appearance with pencil and paper, as thoroughly as you can. Here’s another statement from Doty’s book: ‘When we refer to leaves as green or bark as brown, we reduce language to a debasing perceptual shorthand. Every leaf is made up of a complex interaction of shades, tones that shift as light does’. With this in mind, write a paragraph describing the leaf in as much detail as you can. The only rule is you’re not allowed to use the words ‘green’, ‘red’, ‘yellow’ or ‘brown’, unless you qualify them with another term: ‘emerald green’ or ‘the golden brown of roast chicken skin’. See how precise you can be about colours. Writing about a leaf is a way of writing about nature. Many writers and literary critics are now realising that writing about nature can suffer from a problem of perspective: it’s easy to write about a leaf as if it only exists on the writer’s terms, as an object to be observed and described for a writing exercise (Vicky MacKenzie’s recent blog discusses similar issues surrounding writing about animals). But leaves have lives of their own. They’re parts of larger creatures – trees, bushes and plants. Their have their own priorities, which might be very different from the things we humans are programmed to care about. As Daniel Chamovitz shows in his book What a Plant Knows , leaves have equivalents of the senses we use. They respond to touch, to light, to temperature and other sensory stimuli. They even have something like a sense of smell. What’s more, they can communicate this information with other parts of the tree, and even with different trees in the forest (when you put a banana in a fruit bowl it ripens the other fruit – this is because it’s sending out chemical messages, which the tomatoes and avocados respond to). With this plant science in mind, let’s do something a bit weird. The final exercise I’d like you to try is to describe yourself from the point of view of the leaf. Imagine you are the leaf. How does it perceive the human looking at it? Do you block out the light it needs? Does the touch of your fingers cause it to release a scent? What are its priorities, and how does a human being fit into its life? image of leaf © Garry MacKenzie

One thought on “ A new leaf: writing and observation ”

Great advice. Writing begins with observations, not emotions.

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Begin or end your story with a character taking a selfie..

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Write about a character who sees a photo they shouldn’t have seen.

LIVE – Dramatic

Write a story about a character who risks their life to take a photo.

LIVE – Adventure

Start your story with a character staring at a picture they don’t remember taking.

LIVE – Mystery

Center your story around a photo that goes viral.

LIVE – Funny

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Write a story where time functions differently to our world.

Write a story about a character who wakes up in space., write a story from the point of view of a non-human character., write a story with a strong sense of place. how is the setting of your world the same as, but different to, our own, write a story imagining 'what if' one historic invention had never happened. how would our world be different now, subscribe to our prompts newsletter.

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Start or end your story with a character who gets trapped inside a museum overnight.

Write about two characters who meet and/or fall in love in a museum., write about an art thief who is struggling to commit the perfect heist., write about someone who accidentally destroys a museum’s most valuable artifact., write about a gallery whose paintings come alive at night., write about a backstabbing (literal or metaphorical) gone wrong., start your story with an unexpected betrayal., set your story at a tense event where everyone is unsure whose side they’re on., write about someone who is stuck between two opposing sides and can’t decide which one to choose., write about someone who is convinced they’re going to be betrayed., win $250 in our short story competition 🏆.

We'll send you 5 prompts each week. Respond with your short story and you could win $250!

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#240 – In the Wind

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28669 points

#3 Abigail Airuedomwinya

22413 points

#4 Graham Kinross

14370 points

#5 Scout Tahoe

13195 points

#6 Chris Campbell

11008 points

#7 Thom With An H

10596 points

#8 Rayhan Hidayat

10210 points

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9865 points

#10 Deborah Mercer

9603 points

Reedsy | Short Story Editors | 2023-03

Meet short story editors

Perfect your story for submission with help from an experienced editor.

Creative Writing Prompts

When the idea to start a weekly newsletter with writing inspiration first came to us, we decided that we wanted to do more than provide people with topics to write about. We wanted to try and help authors form a regular writing habit and also give them a place to proudly display their work. So we started the weekly Creative Writing Prompts newsletter. Since then, Prompts has grown to a community of more than 450,000 authors, complete with its own literary magazine, Prompted .  

Here's how our contest works: every Friday, we send out a newsletter containing five creative writing prompts. Each week, the story ideas center around a different theme. Authors then have one week — until the following Friday — to submit a short story based on one of our prompts. A winner is picked each week to win $250 and is highlighted on our Reedsy Prompts page.

Interested in participating in our short story contest? Sign up here for more information! Or you can check out our full Terms of Use and our FAQ page .

Why we love creative writing prompts

If you've ever sat in front of a computer or notebook and felt the urge to start creating worlds, characters, and storylines — all the while finding yourself unable to do so — then you've met the author's age-old foe: writer's block. There's nothing more frustrating than finding the time but not the words to be creative. Enter our directory! If you're ready to kick writer's block to the curb and finally get started on your short story or novel, these unique story ideas might just be your ticket.

This list of 1800+ creative writing prompts has been created by the Reedsy team to help you develop a rock-solid writing routine. As all aspiring authors know, this is the #1 challenge — and solution! — for reaching your literary goals. Feel free to filter through different genres, which include...

Dramatic — If you want to make people laugh and cry within the same story, this might be your genre.

Funny — Whether satire or slapstick, this is an opportunity to write with your funny bone.

Romance — One of the most popular commercial genres out there. Check out these story ideas out if you love writing about love.

Fantasy — The beauty of this genre is that the possibilities are as endless as your imagination.

Dystopian – Explore the shadowy side of human nature and contemporary technology in dark speculative fiction.

Mystery — From whodunnits to cozy mysteries, it's time to bring out your inner detective.

Thriller and Suspense — There's nothing like a page-turner that elicits a gasp of surprise at the end.

High School — Encourage teens to let their imaginations run free.

Want to submit your own story ideas to help inspire fellow writers? Send them to us here.

After you find the perfect story idea

Finding inspiration is just one piece of the puzzle. Next, you need to refine your craft skills — and then display them to the world. We've worked hard to create resources that help you do just that! Check them out:

  • How to Write a Short Story That Gets Published — a free, ten-day course by Laura Mae Isaacman, a full-time editor who runs a book editing company in Brooklyn.
  • Best Literary Magazines of 2023 — a directory of 100+ reputable magazines that accept unsolicited submissions.
  • Writing Contests in 2023 — the finest contests of 2021 for fiction and non-fiction authors of short stories, poetry, essays, and more.

Beyond creative writing prompts: how to build a writing routine

While writing prompts are a great tactic to spark your creative sessions, a writer generally needs a couple more tools in their toolbelt when it comes to developing a rock-solid writing routine . To that end, here are a few more additional tips for incorporating your craft into your everyday life.

  • NNWT. Or, as book coach Kevin Johns calls it , “Non-Negotiable Writing Time.” This time should be scheduled into your routine, whether that’s once a day or once a week. Treat it as a serious commitment, and don’t schedule anything else during your NNWT unless it’s absolutely necessary.
  • Set word count goals. And make them realistic! Don’t start out with lofty goals you’re unlikely to achieve. Give some thought to how many words you think you can write a week, and start there. If you find you’re hitting your weekly or daily goals easily, keep upping the stakes as your craft time becomes more ingrained in your routine.
  • Talk to friends and family about the project you’re working on. Doing so means that those close to you are likely to check in about the status of your piece — which in turn keeps you more accountable.

Arm yourself against writer’s block. Writer’s block will inevitably come, no matter how much story ideas initially inspire you. So it’s best to be prepared with tips and tricks you can use to keep yourself on track before the block hits. You can find 20 solid tips here — including how to establish a relationship with your inner critic and apps that can help you defeat procrastination or lack of motivation.


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Adults Writing Prompts ⭢

Adventure Writing Prompts ⭢

Angst Writing Prompts ⭢

Character Writing Prompts ⭢

Christmas Writing Prompts ⭢

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Dialogue Writing Prompts ⭢

Dramatic Writing Prompts ⭢

Dystopian Writing Prompts ⭢

Fall Writing Prompts ⭢

Fantasy Writing Prompts ⭢

Fiction Writing Prompts ⭢

Fluff Writing Prompts ⭢

Funny Writing Prompts ⭢

Halloween Writing Prompts ⭢

High School Writing Prompts ⭢

Historical Fiction Writing Prompts ⭢

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Summer Writing Prompts ⭢

Teens Writing Prompts ⭢

Thanksgiving Writing Prompts ⭢

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12 Leaf Projects to Teach Great Lessons in Your Classroom

‘Tis the season to try one of these projects.

creative writing of leaf

We might be well into October, but for many of us, it’s just begun to feel like fall. Cue the pumpkin-spiced everything, cozy knits, and home-screenings of Hocus Pocus .

WeAreTeachers is celebrating cooler weather and the changing foliage with 12 awesome leaf crafts and activities. Read on for leaf-themed activities you and your students will absolutely fall for.

Just a heads up, WeAreTeachers may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. We only recommend items our team loves!

1. Make leaf rubbings.

12 Leaf Projects

SOURCE: All Things Moms

Although this activity is relatively simple, it can serve as a great gateway into a science lesson about leaves and other plant life. As your students create their leaf rubbings, ask them questions about why they think leaves change color in the fall, whether they know of other plants that change color with the seasons, and if they can name the different parts of a leaf. Get more tips for this project from All Things Mom . 

2. Create leaf lanterns.

12 Leaf Projects

SOURCE: Red Ted Art

Just when we thought fall couldn’t get any cozier, we discovered this awesome craft from Red Ted Art . Challenge your students to collect as many different leaves as they can find either at home or on the playground and try to identify the leaves once they’ve constructed their lanterns.

3. Hang  leaf garlands  in your classroom.

12 Leaf Projects

SOURCE: Hands On As We Grow

For a super simple (and clean!) classroom activity, create leaf garlands for your windows with autumn leaves and Scotch tape. This is a great team activity for your students that can lead to a discussion about leaves, sunlight, and the process of photosynthesis. Up for more of a challenge? Have your students use a needle and thread to sew their leaf garlands before taking them home.

4. Count out leaves on a graph.

12 Leaf Projects

SOURCE: Creative Tots Mason

This is the perfect activity for a math class. Have your kids spend a few minutes outside gathering leaves and then, working in groups, sort the leaves by shape or color and create a leaf graph with their findings. You can follow this activity with a lesson on fractions or percentages, based on how many leaves in each shape or color your students gather.

5.  Measure and sort leaves.

12 Leaf Projects

SOURCE: Inspiration Laboratories

Another math (and science) activity, measuring and sorting leaves according to their size is an awesome way to get your students thinking about numbers while enjoying the fall season. Adapt this project from Inspiration Laboratories  for older students by asking them to order their leaves from smallest to largest and calculate the difference in size.

6. Make (and wear!)  leaf crowns.

12 Leaf Projects

SOURCE: Handmade Charlotte

Just in time for Halloween, these woodland crowns from Handmade Charlotte are the perfect way to embrace the fall foliage. Use this activity as an opportunity to talk about different leaf shapes, colors, and textures.

7. Read leaf-themed books.

12 Leaf Projects

Salute the season at story time with books about fall and the changing leaves. Some of our favorites include  There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves ,  Leaf Man , and The Little Yellow Leaf . 

8. Teach  personification  with Leaf Man .

12 Leaf Projects

This book is one of our favorites for a reason. This lesson plan from Education Closet is a great way to follow the reading of Lois Ehlert’s Leaf Man with a creative writing lesson. Encourage your students to write a few sentences, using their own examples of personification. And speaking of books …

9. Make  pressed-leaf bookmarks.

12 Leaf Projects

SOURCE: Buggy and Buddy

Head’s up: This particular craft takes a couple of days, as you’ll need to allow enough time to press the leaves, but the result is worth the wait. (The pressing process will take less time if the leaves are already dry.) As your kids work on their bookmarks, talk to them about the importance of caring for books and how to develop good reading habits.

10. Write poems on leaf-print paper.

12 Leaf Projects

SOURCE: Remodelista

Your kids will love this hands-on approach to writing. Follow the tutorial provided by Remodelista then instruct your students to write a short poem about fall on the paper they’ve designed. Encourage them to include words like “autumn,” “change,” “season,” and “leaves” in their poems.

11. Work on writing descriptions with the  All About My Leaf worksheet.

12 Leaf Projects

SOURCE: The Mailbox

Have your students find one leaf that interests them before completing this worksheet from The Mailbox . Adapt this activity to the age and writing abilities of your students by adding more writing prompts, asking your students to name the color of the leaf themselves, or asking them to come up with three good adjectives to describe it.

12. Explore  leaf chromatography. 

12 Leaf Projects

SOURCE: Teach Beside Me

Teach your students about color pigments in different leaves by conducting this cool (and colorful) chromatography experiment from Teach Beside Me . As with any science experiment, ask your students to craft their hypothesis about what will happen at the end of the chromatography process and then record the results.

Have some leaf crafts or activities of your own you’d like to share? Let us know in our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, check out these Thanksgiving craft ideas . 

12 Leaf Projects to Teach Great Lessons in Your Classroom

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Creating Stunning Abstract Leaf Art: Tips and Techniques for Beginners

Choosing the right leaves, local parks and gardens, backyard adventures, leaf size and shape, preparing your leaves, cleaning and drying, pressing and flattening, choosing your art supplies, recommended paint brands, best brushes for leaf art, canvas and paper options, basic techniques to try, stamping with leaves, painting directly on leaves, incorporating leaves into collage, inspiration and resources, artists to follow, books and tutorials, online art communities, showcasing and preserving your art, framing and display options, protective sealants, digital archiving.

Creating stunning abstract leaf art is a fun and rewarding way for beginners to explore their artistic side. With just a few simple steps, you'll be on your way to making beautiful, unique artwork that showcases the natural beauty of leaves. In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to get started, from choosing the perfect leaves to showcasing your finished masterpiece. Let's dive into the world of abstract leaf art!

Before you can begin your abstract leaf art project, you'll need to select the perfect leaves to work with. Consider these factors when selecting your leaves:

One of the best places to find a variety of leaves is in your local parks or gardens. Keep an eye out for interesting shapes, textures, and colors that you think would make your abstract leaf art stand out. You might even discover a new favorite leaf along the way!

Don't forget to explore your own backyard for potential leaf art inspiration. You might be surprised at the variety of leaves you can find just steps away from your door. Plus, using leaves from your own yard adds a personal touch to your artwork.

When selecting leaves for your abstract leaf art, consider the size and shape of the leaves. Larger leaves can provide more surface area for painting, while smaller leaves might be better suited for intricate detail work. Aim for a mix of sizes and shapes to create a diverse and visually appealing composition.

Now that you've chosen the right leaves, it's time to prepare them for your art project. In the next section, we'll discuss how to clean, dry, and press your leaves to ensure they're ready for your artistic touch.

Before you start creating your abstract leaf art, it's important to properly prepare your leaves. This will help ensure your artwork looks its best and lasts as long as possible. Let's go through the steps to get your leaves ready for art-making:

First, gently clean your leaves by wiping away any dirt or debris with a soft cloth or paper towel. If necessary, you can dampen the cloth with a little water to help remove stubborn dirt. After cleaning, thoroughly dry your leaves by patting them with a dry cloth or paper towel. Drying is important because moisture can cause your paint to smudge or your leaves to deteriorate over time.

To create a smooth surface for your abstract leaf art, you'll need to press and flatten your leaves. Place each leaf between two sheets of clean paper or wax paper, and then place them inside a heavy book or under a stack of books. Allow your leaves to press for at least a few days, or until they are completely flat. Pressing not only creates a more workable surface, but also helps preserve the leaves, making your art last longer.

With your leaves cleaned, dried, and pressed, it's time to gather your art supplies and get ready to create some stunning abstract leaf art. In the next section, we'll discuss the best paint brands, brushes, and canvas or paper options for your project.

Now that your leaves are prepared, let's gather the right art supplies to bring your abstract leaf art to life. In this section, we'll cover the best paint brands, brushes, and canvas or paper options for your project.

When it comes to creating abstract leaf art, acrylic paint is the most versatile and user-friendly option. Some recommended acrylic paint brands include:

  • Golden : Known for their high-quality paints, Golden offers a wide range of colors and mediums to experiment with.
  • Liquitex : This popular brand offers a good balance of quality and affordability, with a wide selection of colors and finishes.
  • Winsor & Newton : Another trusted brand, Winsor & Newton provides a variety of paint options, from student-grade to professional quality.

These brands offer a wide range of colors and finishes, making them perfect for creating unique and captivating abstract leaf art.

Choosing the right brushes is key to achieving the desired effects in your abstract leaf art. Here are some brush types to consider:

  • Flat brushes : These brushes have a square-shaped tip, perfect for applying even coats of paint and creating sharp edges.
  • Round brushes : With a rounded tip, these brushes are great for creating smooth lines and adding details.
  • Angular brushes : These brushes have a slanted tip, making them ideal for painting around curves and creating interesting shapes.

It's a good idea to have a variety of brush sizes on hand, so you can achieve different levels of detail in your abstract leaf art.

Lastly, choose the right surface for your artwork. Some popular options for abstract leaf art include:

  • Canvas : Stretched canvas or canvas panels provide a sturdy surface for your leaf art and can be easily framed or displayed.
  • Watercolor paper : Thick, textured watercolor paper can add an interesting dimension to your artwork and is suitable for various paint types.
  • Mixed media paper : This versatile paper is designed to handle multiple types of media, making it a great choice for abstract leaf art that incorporates different techniques.

Consider the look and feel you want to achieve with your abstract leaf art when selecting the right surface.

With your art supplies ready, let's explore some basic techniques to try when creating your own abstract leaf masterpieces.

With your leaves prepared and art supplies gathered, it's time to dive into creating your abstract leaf art. Here are three basic techniques to get you started:

Stamping is a fun and easy way to create abstract leaf patterns on your chosen surface. To try this technique:

  • Apply a thin layer of acrylic paint to the leaf's surface, using a brush or sponge.
  • Press the painted side of the leaf onto your canvas or paper, applying even pressure to ensure a clean print.
  • Carefully lift the leaf to reveal the abstract leaf pattern.
  • Repeat with different leaves, colors, and overlapping prints to create a unique composition.

Experiment with various leaf shapes and sizes, as well as paint colors and layering techniques, to achieve a truly one-of-a-kind abstract leaf artwork.

Another technique to try is painting directly onto the leaves themselves. This allows you to create intricate, detailed designs that make each leaf a mini work of art. Follow these steps:

  • Choose a flat, pressed leaf with minimal surface imperfections.
  • Using a small brush, paint your desired design onto the leaf. You can create abstract patterns, geometric shapes, or even tiny landscapes.
  • Allow the paint to dry completely before handling.
  • Display your painted leaves individually or arrange them into a larger composition.

Remember to use a light touch when painting directly on leaves, as they can be delicate and prone to tearing.

Collage is a versatile art form that lets you combine various materials and techniques to create a unique piece of abstract leaf art. Here's how to get started:

  • Select a variety of leaves, as well as other collage materials like paper, fabric, or found objects.
  • Arrange your leaves and other materials on your chosen surface, experimenting with different compositions and layering effects.
  • Once you're satisfied with your arrangement, use glue or other adhesive to secure the leaves and materials in place.
  • Add paint, drawing, or other media to enhance and unify your collage.

Feel free to think outside the box with your collage, incorporating different textures, colors, and materials to create a truly unique abstract leaf artwork.

Now that you're familiar with some basic techniques, let's explore some resources and inspiration to help you take your abstract leaf art to the next level.

Looking for more ideas and guidance? Here are some fantastic sources of inspiration and resources to help you hone your abstract leaf art skills:

Discovering artists who specialize in abstract leaf art can provide you with valuable insights and inspiration. Here are a few artists to check out:

  • Andy Goldsworthy - Known for his land art, Goldsworthy's ephemeral creations often incorporate leaves and other natural materials.
  • Lorenzo Durán - Durán creates intricate, cut-out designs on leaves, transforming them into delicate and detailed masterpieces.
  • Hilary Waters - A printmaker who incorporates leaves and other natural elements into her abstract compositions.

Seek out other artists who work with leaves, and don't be afraid to experiment with your own unique style and approach.

There are many books and tutorials available that can teach you about the techniques and materials used in abstract leaf art. Some recommendations include:

  • Leaf Art for All Ages by Alyson Torns - This book offers step-by-step instructions for creating various types of leaf art, suitable for beginners and experienced artists alike.
  • Nature Printmaking by Laura Donnelly - A comprehensive guide to printmaking with natural materials, including leaves.
  • Online tutorials and classes on platforms like YouTube and Skillshare - Browse these platforms to find video tutorials on abstract leaf art techniques and projects.

Make use of these resources to expand your knowledge and refine your skills in creating abstract leaf art.

Connecting with other artists and sharing your work can be a great source of motivation and inspiration. Here are some online art communities where you can find fellow abstract leaf art enthusiasts:

  • Instagram - Use hashtags like #leafart, #natureart, and #abstractart to discover other artists and share your own work.
  • DeviantArt - This online art community features a wide range of art styles, including abstract leaf art. Create a profile, upload your work, and connect with other artists.
  • Art forums and Facebook groups - Join online discussions and share your abstract leaf art with others who share your passion.

Engage with these communities to learn from other artists, gain feedback on your work, and stay inspired.

With a wealth of inspiration and resources at your fingertips, it's time to think about how to showcase and preserve your beautiful abstract leaf art creations.

Once you've created your abstract leaf art, it's important to properly showcase and preserve your work. Here are some tips and suggestions for displaying and protecting your art:

There are several ways to display your abstract leaf art, depending on the medium and size of your work:

  • Shadow boxes - Ideal for 3D pieces or artwork with delicate leaves, shadow boxes provide a protective and attractive display option.
  • Picture frames - For flatter pieces, such as leaf prints or collages, a simple picture frame can be an elegant way to showcase your work.
  • Clip frames - A minimalistic option that allows you to easily swap out your artwork, clip frames are perfect for displaying a series of leaf art pieces.

Choose the display option that best suits your abstract leaf art and complements your home or workspace decor.

To ensure your abstract leaf art lasts for years to come, it's essential to protect it from damage. Here are some protective sealants you can use:

  • Acrylic sealer - Available in spray or brush-on form, acrylic sealers provide a clear protective coating that helps prevent fading and damage from moisture or UV light.
  • Mod Podge - This versatile adhesive and sealant can be used to attach and protect paper or other materials in a collage. It dries clear and can be applied with a brush or sponge.
  • UV-resistant fixative spray - For art that includes delicate leaves or other organic materials, a fixative spray can help prevent fading and deterioration caused by sunlight.

Choose a sealant that works best with your medium and artwork, and always follow the manufacturer's instructions for application.

Creating digital copies of your abstract leaf art is a great way to preserve your creations and share them online. Here are some tips for digitizing your work:

  • Photograph your art - Use a high-quality camera or smartphone to take clear, well-lit photos of your work from various angles.
  • Edit your images - Use image editing software or apps to adjust the brightness, contrast, and colors of your photos to accurately represent your artwork.
  • Store your files - Save your digital images in a secure location, such as an external hard drive or cloud storage service, to ensure they are safe and accessible.

Digital archiving allows you to create a lasting record of your abstract leaf art, making it easy to share your work with others and revisit your creative journey over time.

By following these tips and techniques, you'll be well on your way to creating stunning abstract leaf art that you can proudly display and cherish for years to come. Happy creating!

If you're fascinated by the idea of creating landscapes on unconventional materials, don't miss out on the workshop titled ' Creating Landscapes on Cardboard: The Process ' by Shazlin. This workshop will guide you through the unique process of transforming ordinary cardboard into stunning landscapes, providing you with a fresh perspective and innovative techniques to explore in your own art practice.

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19 Leaf Man Writing Activities For Creative Minds

April 25, 2023 //  by  Matija Pinko

Explore the beauty and magic of Autumn with your students with the help of an engaging collection of writing activities inspired by Lois Ehlert’s book,  “Leaf Man”. Encourage creativity, imagination, and an appreciation for the natural world as you embark on this leafy adventure with your class.

1. Leaf Personification

Students will select a leaf and create a story from its point of view. By personifying the leaf, they will describe its life experiences, purpose, and life cycle which will enhance their creativity, writing skills, and observation of nature. 

Learn More: Miss Francine

2. Autumn Acrostic

creative writing of leaf

The task for students is to create an acrostic poem starting with the word “Autumn.” They should use descriptive language to depict the season’s sights, sounds, and smells; with each line beginning with a letter from the word “Autumn”. 

Learn More: TES

3. Leaf Man Story Map

Students can create a visual representation of the key elements in the story. They should identify and illustrate the setting, characters, problem, and solution; creating a cohesive map that helps them understand the plot, build connections, and enhance their comprehension.

Learn More: Twitter

4. Leaf Man Read-Aloud

This read-aloud activity involves inviting a guest reader, such as a local author or librarian, to read the book to your class. Following the reading, the guest will lead a discussion to enhance student comprehension and appreciation of the story. 

Learn More: Book Source Banter

5. Leaf Man Sequencing Activity

Give the students sentence strips containing important events from the story. They will then work in groups to arrange these events in the right order of occurrence, helping them better their understanding of the plot and improve their teamwork and communication skills. 

Learn More: Pinterest

6. Leaf Metaphors

Challenge your students to develop metaphors based on leaves. They will use the shape, color, texture, and movement of leaves as inspiration to create comparisons. 

Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers

7. Leaf Similes

Prompt your learners to form simple leave similes. They should use the words, “like” or “as” to compare the shape, color, texture, and movement of leaves to other things found in nature as well as human experiences and emotions. 

Learn More: Lesson Planned

8. Leaf Man Vocabulary Expansion

To reinforce comprehension and enhance their vocabulary, instruct students to compose sentences using new words they have acquired from the book.

Learn More: STEM Spark

9. Leaf Man Setting Description

To help students better comprehend the context of a story and enhance their writing skills, suggest that they write a descriptive paragraph about the different settings present in the narrative. This activity aims to encourage students to convey vivid imagery and details.

Learn More: Good Housek e eping

10. Leaf Narrative

Task students to create a narrative story that revolves around leaves. The story should be written using descriptive language and should have a well-developed plot to make it interesting. 

Learn More: Grammasarius

11. Leaf Persuasive Writing

Students are required to write a persuasive essay that highlights the significance of leaves in the natural environment. Their aim will be to use persuasive language and research findings to demonstrate the importance of leaves convincingly.

Learn More: The Literacy Shed Blog

12. Leaf Man Story Extension

Encourage students to write an additional chapter to the story; incorporating their own ideas and adventures for the Leaf Man. This creative writing task allows students to enhance their storytelling abilities and elaborate on Leaf Man’s original tale. 

Learn More: Lilydale Primary School

13. Leaf Informative Writing

Students are required to write an informative essay on the topic of leaves. The essay should cover the physical characteristics of leaves, their life cycle, and their ecological significance.

14. Leaf-Free Writing

Students are encouraged to write about their personal experiences with leaves by allowing their imagination to flow freely.

Learn More: 3 Dinosaurs

15. Leaf Man Word Wall

Students can create a display on a wall that features vocabulary from the book. As they come across new words related to the story, they can add them to the display. This activity encourages vocabulary expansion, comprehension, and engagement with the text through an interactive and visual learning tool.

Learn More: Edutopia

16. Leaf Man Journal

The activity is an opportunity for students to write a journal entry from the point of view of Leaf Man. The task involves recounting Leaf Man’s journey and emotions from the story. 

Learn More: Ceremonia

17. Leaf Man Reflective Writing Task 

Students will think about their emotions regarding the story; examining what knowledge they have gained and how their viewpoint on leaves has evolved. 

Learn More: Dralan Barnes

18. Leaf Man’s Message

Task your students to write about the moral or message that they perceive in the story of Leaf Man and explain their reasoning. This reflective activity aims to promote critical thinking, interpretation, and deeper engagement with the themes of the story which can help create meaningful connections to the text.

19. Leaf Poetic Prose

Students will write poetic prose about leaves inspired by the book;  combining the lyricism of poetry with the clarity of prose. They should focus on utilizing imagery and figurative language to evoke certain moods or emotions.

Learn More: Poem Hunter

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creative writing of leaf

19 Leaf Man Writing Activities For Creative Minds

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Nature has always been a source of inspiration for artists and writers alike. One such element that continues to captivate the creative mind is the leaf. In this article, we will explore 19 leaf man writing activities that can inspire and develop creativity.

1. Leaf man character creation: Collect various leaves and create a leaf man character. Write a short description of the character, complete with personality traits and unique quirks.

2. A day in the life: Write a story about a typical day in the life of your leaf man character as they explore their world.

3. Leaf man diary: Create a personal diary from your leaf man’s perspective, detailing their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

4. Leaf language: Imagine the language spoken by your leaf man society. Write a poem or song using words inspired by plant-based vocabulary.

5. Comic strip story: Draw a comic-strip story about your leaf man or woman embarking on an adventure with other leafy friends.

6. Tree speak: Write a conversation between your leaf man and a wise old tree, discussing the mysteries of life.

7. Leaf legends: Create myths and legends surrounding your leaf man’s world, with heroes, monsters, and magical events involving plants and the natural world.

8. Leaf-based architectural designs: Describe buildings and structures in your leaf man’s world made entirely from plant materials.

9. Haikus of nature: Write haikus describing different aspects of your leaf man’s environment like the forest, flowers, or weather patterns.

10. Movie adaptation: Write a movie treatment for an animated feature film starring your leaf man character on an epic journey.

11. Autobiographical leaf tale: Use leaves as metaphors to describe events from your own life in an autobiographical short story or poem.

12. Environmental impact essay: Detail how your leaf man society handles environmental issues such as pollution, deforestation, and other environmental challenges.

13. Leaf recipes: Describe a unique cuisine from your leaf man’s world, featuring creative dishes made from foraged ingredients.

14. Travel journal: Write a travelogue as your leaf man character explores new territories, discovering plants, animals, and interesting natural phenomena.

15. Plant-based fashion: Describe fashionable clothing and accessories in your leaf man’s world made entirely of plant materials.

16. Sporting events: Create and explain the rules for a sport or game played by inhabitants of your leaf man’s world. Consider how plant-life characteristics would influence the gameplay.

17. Crafting with leaves: Write instructions for making art or craft projects using leaves – everything from flower crowns to decorative arrangements.

18. Seasonal festivities: Create holidays or festivals celebrated in your leaf man’s world centered around different times of the year and the life cycles of plants.

19. Bedtime stories: Write bedtime stories told by parents in your leaf man world about mythical creatures made of plants and leaves to teach children life lessons or moral values.

The natural world is full of inspiration waiting to be unlocked by our creative minds. By immersing ourselves in the beauty of leaves and their various forms, we can access a realm of unique writing concepts that can enrich our creative pursuits. These 19 leaf man writing activities offer a starting point for exploring new ideas and connecting with nature on a deeper level while improving our writing abilities in the process.


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Leaf Person

Student model print.

In Bowen’s story, he imagines himself as a leaf. He gives lots of details about being blown around by the wind.

One morning, I turned into a leaf person. I went outside. A wind blew me away—far away. Another heavy, heavy wind blew me everywhere in the whole world. It never stopped! Then it blew me to outer space. I was floating in space. I went to Mars, but I saw nothing.

I went back to Earth. I didn’t know where I was, so I went on a rocket, back to space, to the moon. When I landed there, there was nothing but crust, holes, and craters. Then there was another special wind. It was special because it blew from land to space. I was floating in space again!

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Creative Writing at PENN STATE

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Rolling Reading Series 4/11: CHRISTINE HUME, Essayist, Poet, Penn State Alum

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UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Essayist, poet, and Penn State grad Christine Hume will offer a reading as part of this year’s Mary E. Rolling Reading Series. The reading, which is free and open to the public, will take place at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 11, in Paterno Library’s Foster Auditorium on the University Park campus.  

Christine Hume’s most recent essay collection, “Everything I Never Wanted to Know” (Ohio State University Press, 2023), confronts the stigma and vulnerability of women’s bodies in the United States. Kirkus Review calls it a “thoughtfully disturbing, sharp sociological study,” and Publishers Weekly describes it as a “dauntless and harrowing indictment of patriarchal violence.” The New York Times calls her previous book “Saturation Project,” a lyric portrait of girlhood, “a richly, meditative lyric memoir…that arrives with the force of a hurricane.”   

Hume was born to a military family and lived in more than 25 places in the U.S. and Europe before settling in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Her recent essay collection geographically focuses on Ypsilanti, which has the third largest number of registered sexual offenders in the country and the fourth largest per capita. Since 2001 she has taught in the interdisciplinary Creative Writing Program at Eastern Michigan University. She earned an MFA from Columbia University in 1993 and a PhD from University of Denver in 2000. Soon after she published three books of poetry – “Musca Domestica,” “Alaskaphrenia,” and “Shot”– her writing evolved into prose forms, especially documentary, experimental, and lyric approaches to the essay.   

For more on Hume, visit her website:

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Article written by Alison Jaenicke

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Craft the perfect creative writing prompt from Microsoft Designer's AI images

march 22, 2024

A headshot of Monica Jayasighe, who is wearing a black floral shirt and smiling in front of an off-white background.

by Monica Jayasinghe

Hello, fellow educators! I recently discovered an exciting way to create engaging writing prompts for my students using AI and Microsoft Designer . The results were amazing, and I can't wait to share this fun and innovative approach with you!

Describing the Vision:

To get started, head over to Microsoft Designer . We'll use the power of AI to generate an image that will serve as the foundation for our writing prompt.

We'll use Image Creator , where you can describe the image you want to create. The goal is to generate an image that will capture your students' imagination and inspire them to write.

For this example, I entered the prompt, A spacecraft landing near a house, futuristic, mysterious.

The results of the prompt "A spacecraft landing near a house, futuristic, mysterious."

Choose the image you want to work with

Once you select Generate , Microsoft Designer will provide you with a variety of AI-generated images. Since we're creating a writing prompt, look for an image that has space for adding instructions and is easy to read.

You'll be amazed by the number of options available! When you find an image you like, click on it and select Edit image .

Customize the image

After selecting your preferred image, it's time to customize it.

  • Click on Resize in the top panel and adjust the dimensions to match a PowerPoint slide. This will ensure that the image fits perfectly when you're ready to present it to your students. You can also align the image anywhere on the page to create the perfect composition.
  • In the box labeled AI tools , you'll see additional customization options. Consider playing with the filters to update the mood and color scheme of your image.

Add instructions and text

To make the writing prompt clear and easy to read, click on the existing text and customize it. To add a heading, click on Text in the left panel. The right panel will populate with even more ideas you can use.

Designer's text suggestions for the image

In this example, I changed the color to white and added a story starter.

The spaceship image with the words "A visitor arrives"

Engage your students

The possibilities for using AI-generated images as writing prompts are endless! Here are a few options:

Get inspired by the artwork

The most obvious way to use these images is as direct inspiration for student writing. Generate a bold, fantastical, emotional, or silly image and have students write a story about what's happening in the image.

Try this prompt: A whimsical classroom under the sea. The teacher is a wise old octopus. The classroom is decorated with shell desks and seaweed streamers .

The results of the prompt " Edit Edit   Remove Remove       A whimsical classroom under the sea. The teacher is a wise old octopus. The classroom is decorated with shell desks and seaweed streamers."

Bring stories to life

Another great idea is to take an excerpt from a story you're reading in class and use the AI to generate an image that matches that specific part of the story. This will spark engaging discussions among your students and bring the story to life in a whole new way.

Bring units to life

Why stop at a story? You can also generate images that fit the theme of a unit you're working on, whether you're exploring weather patterns or reliving life on the Oregon Trail.

Consider setting aside some time each day or week for students to free write or journal. Kick off the writing session with an AI-generated image, then throw on some light classical music and let them write. Mix up the kind of images you show them, from lush landscapes to abstract pop art, and see what it inspires.

Try this prompt: An abstract painting in vivid colors

The results of the prompt "An abstract painting in vivid colors"

You can even include animated options. After you generate your image in Microsoft Designer, select the image and Create Design . In the right-hand panel that appears, you'll see several design options. Usually, one or more of these options will be animated. Select the animated option and add it to your PowerPoint!

Accessing your AI-generated images

One of the best features of Microsoft Designer is that all the images you create using AI are saved in the My Media section. This means you'll never lose your creations and can easily access them whenever you need them.

This feature enables educators to curate a collection of visuals for various writing themes, be it aliens, dragons, or any other imaginative scenario.

Wrapping up

Microsoft Designer is a game-changer for educators looking to inspire their students' creativity. The AI-generated images, customization options, and easy access to your creations make this a powerful tool for any classroom.

Head over to today and start creating unforgettable writing prompts!

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Estelle Erasmus

How to Resist the Temptation of AI When Writing

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Whether you're a student, a journalist, or a business professional, knowing how to do high-quality research and writing using trustworthy data and sources, without giving in to the temptation of AI or ChatGPT , is a skill worth developing.

As I detail in my book Writing That Gets Noticed , locating credible databases and sources and accurately vetting information can be the difference between turning a story around quickly or getting stuck with outdated information.

For example, several years ago the editor of asked for a hot-take reaction to country singer Carrie Underwood saying that, because she was 35, she had missed her chance at having another baby. Since I had written about getting pregnant in my forties, I knew that as long as I updated my facts and figures, and included supportive and relevant peer-reviewed research, I could pull off this story. And I did.

The story ran later that day , and it led to other assignments. Here are some tips I’ve learned that you should consider mastering before you turn to automated tools like generative AI to handle your writing work for you.

Identify experts, peer-reviewed research study authors, and sources who can speak with authority—and ideally, offer easily understood sound bites or statistics on the topic of your work. Great sources include professors at major universities and media spokespeople at associations and organizations.

For example, writer and author William Dameron pinned his recent essay in HuffPost Personal around a statistic from the American Heart Association on how LGBTQ people experience higher rates of heart disease based on discrimination. Although he first found the link in a secondary source (an article in The New York Times ), he made sure that he checked the primary source: the original study that the American Heart Association gleaned the statistic from. He verified the information, as should any writer, because anytime a statistic is cited in a secondary source, errors can be introduced.

Jen Malia, author of  The Infinity Rainbow Club  series of children’s books (whom I recently interviewed on my podcast ), recently wrote a piece about dinosaur-bone hunting for Business Insider , which she covers in her book Violet and the Jurassic Land Exhibit.

After a visit to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Malia, whose books are set in Philadelphia, found multiple resources online and on the museum site that gave her the history of the Bone Wars , information on the exhibits she saw, and the scientific names of the dinosaurs she was inspired by. She also used the Library of Congress’ website, which offers digital collections and links to the Library of Congress Newspaper Collection.

Malia is a fan of searching for additional resources and citable documents with Google Scholar . “If I find that a secondary source mentions a newspaper article, I’m going to go to the original newspaper article, instead of just stopping there and quoting,” she says.

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Your local public library is a great source of free information, journals, and databases (even ones that generally require a subscription and include embargoed research). For example, your search should include everything from health databases ( Sage Journals , Scopus , PubMed) to databases for academic sources and journalism ( American Periodical Series Online , Statista , Academic Search Premier ) and databases for news, trends, market research, and polls (t he Harris Poll , Pew Research Center , Newsbank , ProPublica ).

Even if you find a study or paper that you can’t access in one of those databases, consider reaching out to the study’s lead author or researcher. In many cases, they’re happy to discuss their work and may even share the study with you directly and offer to talk about their research.

For journalist Paulette Perhach’s article on ADHD in The New York Times, she used Epic Research to see “dual team studies.” That's when two independent teams address the same topic or question, and ideally come to the same conclusions. She recommends locating research and experts via key associations for your topic. She also likes searching via Google Scholar but advises filtering it for studies and research in recent years to avoid using old data. She suggests keeping your links and research organized. “Always be ready to be peer-reviewed yourself,” Perhach says.

When you are looking for information for a story or project, you might be inclined to start with a regular Google search. But keep in mind that the internet is full of false information, and websites that look trustworthy can sometimes turn out to be businesses or companies with a vested interest in you taking their word as objective fact without additional scrutiny. Regardless of your writing project, unreliable or biased sources are a great way to torpedo your work—and any hope of future work.

Author Bobbi Rebell researched her book Launching Financial Grownups using the IRS’ website . “I might say that you can contribute a certain amount to a 401K, but it might be outdated because those numbers are always changing, and it’s important to be accurate,” she says. “AI and ChatGPT can be great for idea generation,” says Rebell, “but you have to be careful. If you are using an article someone was quoted in, you don’t know if they were misquoted or quoted out of context.”

If you use AI and ChatGPT for sourcing, you not only risk introducing errors, you risk introducing plagiarism—there is a reason OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, is being sued for downloading information from all those books.

Audrey Clare Farley, who writes historical nonfiction, has used a plethora of sites for historical research, including Women Also Know History , which allows searches by expertise or area of study, and JSTOR , a digital library database that offers a number of free downloads a month. She also uses Chronicling America , a project from the Library of Congress which gathers old newspapers to show how a historical event was reported, and (which you can access via free trial but requires a subscription after seven days).

When it comes to finding experts, Farley cautions against choosing the loudest voices on social media platforms. “They might not necessarily be the most authoritative. I vet them by checking if they have a history of publication on the topic, and/or educational credentials.”

When vetting an expert, look for these red flags:

  • You can’t find their work published or cited anywhere.
  • They were published in an obscure journal.
  • Their research is funded by a company, not a university, or they are the spokesperson for the company they are doing research for. (This makes them a public relations vehicle and not an appropriate source for journalism.)

And finally, the best endings for virtually any writing, whether it’s an essay, a research paper, an academic report, or a piece of investigative journalism, circle back to the beginning of the piece, and show your reader the transformation or the journey the piece has presented in perspective.

As always, your goal should be strong writing supported by research that makes an impact without cutting corners. Only then can you explore tools that might make the job a little easier, for instance by generating subheads or discovering a concept you might be missing—because then you'll have the experience and skills to see whether it's harming or helping your work.

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Is creative writing already a lost art? Kids show the joy of the written word still exists.

The request was simple enough: Please come and talk to 11 separate Southern Indiana grade school classes about writing . You know, the thing you do for a living. Rearranging the alphabet into words . Then lining up those words into thoughts and pictures to make a point, tell a story, make a difference.

The request was from Susan Stewart, advanced program coordinator for Greater Clark County Schools . It was instantly appealing. No one had ever come to my grade school to talk about writing. No one had ever told me early on about the absolute joy to be found in putting words and thoughts on paper. It took me 25 years to learn that.

Or, as Susan said in her letter asking me to give it a try:

“I truly believe your presentation will be one of those pivotal moments in some of these kids’ lives where they pinpoint this experience as discovering they are really good at writing and decide they want to pursue a career in writing.”

No pressure there.

So, about a month later I sat down in a low chair in a grade school in downtown Jeffersonville. I had always believed writing classes work best at eye level with the kids. The class sizes varied from two to nine. The kids, selected by aptitude and test scores, had been somewhat prepped, appeared eager to learn and were trying to figure me out.

Are kids so tied to social media that creative writing is already a lost art?

I did somewhat the same. I had no real idea what was on the minds of nine-, ten- and eleven-year-old kids these days. My fear was that they are so tied to social media games that pure creative writing is already a lost art. And what is artificial intelligence going to do to all that?

Follow Diane Porter's example. JCPS board chair was a fierce advocate for Black students.

On the other hand, as I quickly learned, almost all are avid readers. Books. Words used to paint pictures, make a point, tell a story. So there was hope.

But how to further connect? I began by discussing possibilities, the places newspaper writing has taken me in more than 40 years and 4,000 columns and stories, the places they could go.

I told them how I have been to the World Ice Skating Championship in Czechoslovakia, NCAA basketball championships in St. Louis and Indianapolis, being on the sidelines and in press boxes at NFL, NBA and major league baseball games.

Moving away from athletics, I explained how I wrote about classical dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov, covered Broadway shows in Louisville, took a trip to Ghana to write of Louisville doctors on a medical mission, spent time inside the U.S. Supreme Court, got caught in the middle of a gun fight between police and a man holed up in his house and wandered Kentucky for a coupled years writing of great forests, country stores and mules.

I have now written or helped with 15 books, so I pushed the conversation a little deeper. I explained the work required over months and years to write a book, the satisfaction derived from holding such a finished product in my hands.

Kids love books and the writing it takes to tell stories

One fifth grader said she had already started.

We began to bond. Several of the kids were eager to answer all my questions, and quickly thrust their hands in the air. I was more interested in those remaining silent and mostly in the back row.

We talked some of keeping personal diaries – and many of them said they do. We talked of the need to write well and clearly at some point in almost any job. We talked about writing letters to friends and family. Many said they already do that. We talked of reading, of sharing books, and having their parents read to them.

Or maybe them reading to their parents.

Their questions about writing, the places I have been, were interesting, fun, welcome and spontaneous, my favorite being “What is your favorite genre?” 

That meant it was time – past time - for the basics. My writing suggestions were simple. I asked the kids to write them down and warned they will be asked to write something with pencil on paper afterward, then read it out loud.

The writer’s job to explain to people who are not there what’s going on

I told them writing is like being a foreign correspondent. It’s the writer’s job to explain to people who are not there what’s going on. That action could be fiction, whatever was on the writer’s mind, or something outside on a playground, or some place on vacation. Use details to make a point, tell a story, describe the situation. With only four simple rules:

Write what you see.

Write what you hear.

Write what you think.

Write what you feel.

That was it. At this point I didn’t get too far into the 10 or 15 revisions required for every paragraph, how excessive use of detail can get in the way of the story. Not to mention the years it can take to get this writing thing fully figured out. With no guarantees of ever being published.

Just write.

To help the process along, to focus them on a story subject, I asked them to describe me and my mission. Use those four simple rules: see, hear, think, feel. Write it for someone who is not there but needs to know the experience.

What are we going to do? Reading is the greatest civil rights issue of our time.

That got everyone involved, the entire class quickly offering descriptions of a deep voice, large body, a funky shirt, likeable mannerisms and yes, a bald head, although it took them awhile to get around to that.

When in doubt, write the truth

Then I went off point a bit, adding a little culture and sociology. I always on these writing missions bring along a big bag of very distinctive hats, cowboy hat, golfer’s hat, baseball cap, leprechaun’s hat. I put on each in succession and the kids, loving it, went crazy with apt descriptions, even those who had been silent – especially those who had been silent.

The kicker came when I explained they had each described me by the hat I was wearing, but underneath all that I am the same person. Only the hat changed. Point being the biggest mistake any writer can make is to judge a book by its cover.

Lessons learned they all began writing, cranking out words that became sentences that became descriptions and word pictures. Some more quickly than others, They were only allowed about 15 minutes. Afterward, mostly standing up proudly, they read to the others about a big amiable guy with no hair and a deep voice wearing funky clothes and hats as he talked about using see, hear, think and feel to become good writers.

Or words to that effect.

Some of them didn’t want to read their work aloud and I understood – been there, done that. But I did feel – as every teacher must hopefully feel at some point in their day – that I had made a difference, that some kids had learned of the absolute joy to be found in writing and would take that home with them.

And maybe beyond.

It’s a message that should be spread to all students with a hidden interest and ability in writing, not just those who test well. Some immediate satisfaction came when the students in one class offered me “high fives,” asked me to autograph their papers. My finest moment came while walking out of the school through the cafeteria, one of my students, a precocious second grader, walked over and gave me a big hug.

May all teachers find such a moment.

Bob Hill was a Louisville Times and Courier Journal feature writer and columnist for 33 years.


  1. Leaf Sensory Writing Tray

    creative writing of leaf

  2. Fall Leaf Name Art for Kids

    creative writing of leaf

  3. Maple leaf writing template

    creative writing of leaf

  4. Pin on typography

    creative writing of leaf

  5. A fun and helpful leaf writing activity for kids

    creative writing of leaf

  6. Creative Writing Worksheets

    creative writing of leaf


  1. Painted Panoramas: How to Describe Leaves in Creative Writing

    Paint with words: Use descriptive language to convey the colors of the leaves. Instead of simply stating "the leaves were red," try phrases like "fiery crimson leaves" or "vibrant scarlet foliage.". This allows readers to visualize the shades and enhances their connection to the scene.

  2. A word/phrase describing the sound of leaves?

    You don't have to only use synonyms for this, you can use unique metaphors or creative descriptions to get your point across. You can incite thought without directly describing it. For example, this can suggest the sound of leaves: The [wind] brought the forest to life. Or. The leaves were like a whispering audience. Or

  3. Leaf

    leaf. - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing. The leaf was a chorus of greens. By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, December 21, 2020 . Held to the light, the leaf was the road map of a million-souled city. By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, December 21, 2020 . The leaf veins were sweet flowing rivers in the green.

  4. 65 Fall Writing Prompts: Inspire Your Creativity with Cozy Ideas

    Fall brings many themes and opportunities for writers to explore new ideas and embark on unique adventures. This article presents 65 fall writing prompts designed to spark the imagination and ignite the creative fire within. From exploring the beauty of nature to delving into the spookiness of Halloween, these writing prompts cover a wide range ...

  5. A new leaf: writing and observation

    Early on in Creative Writing Level 1 (HE4) - in both the Writing Skills and Art of Poetry courses - there are exercises encouraging you to observe your surroundings closely, and to describe them using details from each of the five senses. Identifying the revealing details which bring a scene to life, and using the senses to work on your reader's imagination, are essential skills ...

  6. 1800+ Creative Writing Prompts To Inspire You Right Now

    Here's how our contest works: every Friday, we send out a newsletter containing five creative writing prompts. Each week, the story ideas center around a different theme. Authors then have one week — until the following Friday — to submit a short story based on one of our prompts. A winner is picked each week to win $250 and is highlighted ...

  7. 12 Leaf Projects to Teach Great Lessons in Your Classroom

    This book is one of our favorites for a reason. This lesson plan from Education Closet is a great way to follow the reading of Lois Ehlert's Leaf Man with a creative writing lesson. Encourage your students to write a few sentences, using their own examples of personification. And speaking of books … 9. Make pressed-leaf bookmarks.

  8. Abstract Leaf Art: Tips & Techniques for Beginners

    Apply a thin layer of acrylic paint to the leaf's surface, using a brush or sponge. Press the painted side of the leaf onto your canvas or paper, applying even pressure to ensure a clean print. Carefully lift the leaf to reveal the abstract leaf pattern. Repeat with different leaves, colors, and overlapping prints to create a unique composition.

  9. Kris' Creative Writing #23 A Leaf's Journey

    Winds bring the buds to life, whereas harsh winter winds this kind are like a sword. cutting me right through. bringing death I might say. A leaf learns as it goes through life. And, life is a ...

  10. PDF Creative Writing Leaf

    Creative Writing Leaf. Write a poem or short story about autumn. Teacher's Friend, a Scholastic Company. 28. Autumn Idea Book.

  11. 19 Leaf Man Writing Activities For Creative Minds

    12. Leaf Man Story Extension. Encourage students to write an additional chapter to the story; incorporating their own ideas and adventures for the Leaf Man. This creative writing task allows students to enhance their storytelling abilities and elaborate on Leaf Man's original tale. Learn More: Lilydale Primary School. 13. Leaf Informative Writing

  12. 25+ Leaf Fonts for Nature-Inspired Projects

    Download Now. 15. Molga. Belonging to the sans-serif class of typefaces, Molga is a new-age leaf font perfect for holiday cards, posters, web design, banners, and lots more. One exciting feature of this font is that it arrives in three different weights which allows to add more style and detail to your typography.

  13. 19 Leaf Man Writing Activities For Creative Minds

    One such element that continues to captivate the creative mind is the leaf. In this article, we will explore 19 leaf man writing activities that can inspire and develop creativity. 1. Leaf man character creation: Collect various leaves and create a leaf man character. Write a short description of the character, complete with personality traits ...


    This Fall Mindfulness Bundle has everything you need to embrace the season of fall in your classroom including six engaging mindfulness activities that incorporate breathwork, mindful movement, art, creative writing, and more. From fall foliage to Halloween to Thanksgiving, this is. 7. Products. $13.25 $20.25 Save $7.00. View Bundle. Description.

  15. Turning Over a New Leaf in Your Writing

    I hope you find new things. I hope you learn to turn over a new leaf in your writing. It doesn't have to be dramatic. The old leaf doesn't have to be burned. But maybe you can discover ...

  16. Descriptive Leaf Writing Teaching Resources

    Use this writing center to help your students develop their creative writing skills! Students build a story by picking out a setting, character and event card and placing them on the writing center. Then they write a story about the cards using a vis-a-vis marker (or black dry erase marker) on the wipe off mat (extra writing pages are included ...

  17. About

    Leaf Journal was started by two authors, Dr Elen Caldecott and Lucy Cuthew, who both lecture in Writing for Young People. We saw excellent insights being produced by Masters and PhD students at our respective universities as part of their creative practice and their scholarly writing.

  18. About

    What Makes Blue Leaf Unique. Founded by William Wright, Ph.D., Blue Leaf Writing and Editing is an internet-based business located about an hour north of Atlanta, in the mountains of Dahlonega, GA. I offer both electronic and hardcopy services. ... In 2009, I earned a Ph.D. in Creative Writing and Modern and Contemporary American Literature ...

  19. Student Model: Leaf Person

    Leaf Person One morning, I turned into a leaf person. I went outside. A wind blew me away—far away. Another heavy, heavy wind blew me everywhere in the whole world. ... Creative Writing. Form: Story. Theme: Imagination Environment. Standards Correlations: The State Standards provide a way to evaluate your students' performance. CCSS.ELA ...

  20. Rolling Reading Series 4/11: CHRISTINE HUME, Essayist, Poet, Penn State

    Since 2001 she has taught in the interdisciplinary Creative Writing Program at Eastern Michigan University. She earned an MFA from Columbia University in 1993 and a PhD from University of Denver in 2000. Soon after she published three books of poetry ...

  21. Craft the perfect creative writing prompt from Microsoft Designer's AI

    Craft the perfect creative writing prompt from Microsoft Designer's AI images . march 22, 2024. by Monica Jayasinghe. Hello, fellow educators! I recently discovered an exciting way to create engaging writing prompts for my students using AI and Microsoft Designer. The results were amazing, and I can't wait to share this fun and innovative ...

  22. For Authors

    Leaf Journal, On Writing for Young People publishes practice-led and practice-based research on writing children's or YA literature. Leaf Journal . Menu; Articles. Back; ... We publish work under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International Licence CC BY-NC 4.0, which means that authors retain their copyright and publication ...

  23. How to Resist the Temptation of AI When Writing

    Whether you're a student, a journalist, or a business professional, knowing how to do high-quality research and writing using trustworthy data and sources, without giving in to the temptation of ...

  24. Blue Leaf Writing & Editing

    EXPAND your creative confidence. At Blue Leaf, we only criticize constructively, and while we edit traditionally, we give clients the room to make decisions by offering several ways to improve their skills. We realize your writing—creative or corporate, medical or memoir—is particularly important to you.

  25. Is AI, social media killing creative writing? Kids love books, stories

    Lessons learned they all began writing, cranking out words that became sentences that became descriptions and word pictures. Some more quickly than others, They were only allowed about 15 minutes.