How to make a book presentation

When it comes to promoting and selling your publication, book presentations play a major part. Are you interested in finding more about how to create a well-structured presentation ? Luckily, you landed on the right page. This article helps you understand the process behind making a successful presentation in Flipsnack. Just keep in mind the next steps we’re going to debate and enjoy the process. So, to cut a long story short here are 5 useful tips on how to make a book presentation:

  • Select a book. Decide on what book you want to make a presentation .
  • Collect information. Make a research about the author’s biography, reviews, and other books.
  • Start designing the page layouts. Flipsnack offers a fantastic online editor.
  • Add interactive elements. Integrate video, captions, hyperlinks, and other interactive elements in your design.
  • Download or publish it online. Display your book presentation publicly or private.

I was recently asked to design a book promo in both Indesign and Flipsnack, to show publishers how well Flipsnack works for them. I chose one of my favorite authors, Donald Miller.

About Donald Miller

This book presentation is focused on the work of Donald Miller, who usually writes about his life experience and his struggles, in a friendly way. His stories inspire people to fall in love with life and to live it at the highest level. He is better known for the New York Times Best Sellers: “Blue like Jazz”, “Million Miles in a Thousand Years”, but he’s written many other great books. I encourage you to read them.

His most recent publication is Scary Close, and it is the main focus of my book presentation .

Below you can see what I designed.

Because I like how the project turned out, I thought I should give you some tips on how you can make similar book promos.

Using Flipsnack for a book presentation

Flipsnack is a complex tool for creating brochures, newspapers, magazines, and books. Whether you are a professional designer or a high schooler the process of ‘“ how to make a book presentation”  has never been easier. You just have to select a template or create the presentation from scratch, choose the page layouts, to arrange the text and images on the page, add the photos and make it a flipbook . Then publish it and share it on social media or via email with your wide audience. With the help of Flipsnack you’ll be an expert at designing fabulous academic presentations in no time.

What should a book presentation contain?

There is some important information that every book catalog or book promo should contain.  It should present some interesting info that will entice the reader to buy the book. The content shouldn’t be too long or too short. Here are some ideas of what could be included in a book promo:

  • Book presentation
  • Main characters description
  • Other books
  • Interview with the author

Conclude the presentation with a closing paragraph sharing the most important lessons learned from the book and what you consider the most important message that you drew out from it.

Nowadays visual marketing is very important, so try to turn your book presentation into something beautiful, fascinating, with a design that matches the writer’s style.

How to integrate interactive elements in your design

When you design a publication in Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. reserve some white space for the interactive elements. Make interactivity a part of your design, and you’ll be surprised of what a big improvement it will bring to your project.

These text blurbs are great for highlighting quotes, for additional information, or for short descriptions. I used captions in the biography section to add some information about Donald Miller’s photos.

What is so great about captions is that you can use them to bring more color and contrast to your designs. Captions will also help you save space, by not revealing all text at once. This way, your design will have room to breathe.

Readers will love to click on captions to see what they reveal. The caption has that element of surprise, that we all love.     


For the book presentation I chose a video tag, through which readers can watch an interview with Miller about his new book “Scary Close”. Tags are a great tool for adding videos or images to a design, because they are small and you can place them anywhere on the page. Just like captions, you can use them to de-clutter a design, prevent visual noise, while keeping all the needed information on the page. To catch the readers’ eyes, tags use a subtle blinking effect.


“Buy This” Button

If you’re showcasing other books of the author you should make it easy for readers to buy them. You can do that by just adding some buy buttons . Insert the Amazon URL, (or any other URL for that matter) and with just one click the user will be able to buy it.

Buy buttons are very easy to use and they are very practical. They can help you sell, and that is the ultimate goal of any book catalog or book presentation.  


Video Widget

After you read some paragraphs of an interview you probably become curious about how the writer would say those things. You don’t have to search for videos on Youtube, because with the video widget you can have it play right there on your page. You just have to reserve some space in your design for this. You will not regret it.


This is how you can use Flipsnack to create a digital book or interactive experience for readers, which will make them interested in buying the book. Also if you are searching for a platform with a good reputation to sell your work, Flipsnack is the right place for you. Now you can sell and publish your publication in no time. The first step when setting your work for sale is to connect your Flipsnack account with Stripe. The second step is to set a price for the publication. Usually, the price of a digital magazine varies between $3 – $6, depending on the page number of the publication and then c hoose the right preview pages. Make sure the pages included in your preview edition share enough information, so your readers are attracted to purchase it.

After you set your publication for sale, you can find the statistics in the Stats section in your account. With the help of Flipsnack reaching readers from all over the globe has never been easier! Learn more about how to sell your digital magazines here!

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All of my books are taken from Jewish sources. My writing is taken from the Sages who shapes the Jewish people in the past through today.

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That was cool thing about a books

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How to Make a Book Presentation: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you preparing to give a book presentation whether you’re a student or an aspiring author, delivering an engaging book presentation is a crucial skill. to help you ace your next presentation, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide filled with tips and tricks. let’s get started.

How to Make a Book Presentation: A Comprehensive Guide

What is a book presentation?

A book presentation is an opportunity to introduce and discuss a specific book to an audience. It involves summarizing the plot, discussing the main themes, and sharing your personal insights. Whether you’re presenting for academic purposes or promoting your own book, a well-organized and captivating book presentation can leave a lasting impression.

Step 1: Choose the right book

The first step in making a book presentation is selecting the right book. Consider your audience, the purpose of the presentation, and your own interests. Choose a book that aligns with these factors to ensure you’ll be motivated and passionate throughout the process.

Step 2: Read and analyze the book

Before you can effectively present a book, you need to thoroughly read and analyze it. Take notes on important plot points, characters, themes, and any significant literary devices used. This will help you provide a comprehensive overview in your presentation.

Step 3: Create an outline

An outline acts as the backbone of your book presentation. It helps you organize your thoughts and ensures a logical flow of information. Divide your presentation into sections such as introduction, plot summary, themes, characters, and your personal analysis. This will make it easier for your audience to follow along.

Step 4: Prepare visuals

Visual aids can greatly enhance your book presentation. Consider creating slides or posters that include images, quotations, and key points from the book. These visuals will not only engage your audience but also help you remember important details during the presentation.

Step 5: Practice, practice, practice

Delivering a polished book presentation requires practice. Familiarize yourself with the content, timing, and transitions. Practice in front of a mirror or record yourself to evaluate your body language, voice modulation, and overall presentation style.

Step 6: Engage your audience

An effective book presentation involves active audience engagement. Encourage questions and discussions throughout your presentation. You can also include interactive activities like quizzes or group discussions to make it more dynamic and interactive.

Step 7: Be confident and enthusiastic

Confidence and enthusiasm are key to delivering a successful book presentation. Stand tall, make eye contact, and use a clear and confident voice. Let your passion for the book shine through, and your audience will be captivated by your presentation.

Step 8: Conclude with a call to action

Wrap up your book presentation with a strong conclusion and a call to action. This can be recommending the book, encouraging further exploration of the author’s works, or even inviting your audience to contribute to a related cause. End on a memorable note that leaves your audience excited to explore the book further.

By following these steps, you’ll be well-prepared to deliver an engaging and memorable book presentation. Remember to personalize your approach and connect with your audience on a meaningful level. Good luck with your presentation and happy reading!

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Nicholas C. Rossis

Nicholas C. Rossis

dream-protecting author

7 Tips to Write a Killer Book Presentation

Jul 11, 2020 | Marketing , My friends' Guest Posts

Daniela McVicker | From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's books

Sometimes, a book you have written draws enough attention that you are asked to speak about it to an audience. You may be asked to present as a subject expert, talk about your material at a conference or convention, present at a book fair , or give a quick presentation as part of a book signing.

As they say, more people are afraid of public speaking than of death. Which means that most people would prefer being in a casket than giving the obituary.

And now, you’re going to be in front of an audience discussing your written work. For many writers, this is a daunting task, to put it mildly.

Fear of public speaking | From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's books

What public speaking feels like for most people

Still, with a bit of planning your presentation can be impactful and successful. In fact, as you prepare to make your presentation, you may find that your writing skills are quite useful. You can leverage those skills by following these seven tips to write a killer book presentation.

1. Use Your Storytelling Skills

The people attending your presentation want to know the story behind your book. What motivated you to write it? What was the inspiration behind the characters? Is the book inspired by real-life events? Is there a specific message you are trying to send? How do you go about writing?

That’s a lot of great information to share, but if you give your audience a laundry list of factoids about your book and writing, you’ll likely bore them to tears. Instead, use your writing skills to tell the story of the book . Weave in the most important details in a way that keeps your audience engaged.

Oh, and if you have an upcoming book that’s related to your current one? Weave a bit of a teaser for your new book into your presentation.

2. Add Visuals

Every good presentation has visuals. First, you’ll add an interesting element to your presentation. Visuals make your presentation more engaging . You’ll keep the interest of the visual learners in your audience, and better illustrate the points you are making.

3. Learn About Your Audience

Before you prepare your presentation, consider your audience . First, who are they? What is their demographic? Why are they coming to see you? Is there a particular message you are expected to communicate with them? Are there any questions that you should plan on answering in your presentation? What is it that you want them to take away from the event?

Remember that no presentation should be an exercise in self-indulgence . Your goal should be to meet your audience’s needs by giving them the presentation they are interested in listening to.

4. Write a Presentation That Matches Your Personality

Here’s a bit of a conundrum. You want to cater to your audience, as mentioned above. On the other hand, you also want to be genuine. Your content should interest your audience, but you shouldn’t have to put on a mask to do that .

As a writer, you have your own unique personality. You have a unique voice. Remember, you are presenting yourself. There’s no need to put on a fake persona to do your presentation . This is true, even if your presentation style seems to contradict with the personality of your book.

Instead, consider carefully your personality and demeanor. Then, write a presentation where your true self is an asset to that presentation rather than a distractor. Believe it or not, many seasoned writers find this a challenge. You may need the assistance of a professional editor and proofreader to help you present your true voice. Before you select a professional to help you, though, take a look at online editing services reviews so you make the right choice.

If your personality is a bit on the introverted side, delivering a presentation may feel intimidating. However, it may be easier than you realize. There’s something comfortable about immersing yourself into something you know better than anybody else. You have mastered your own written work. Nobody can interpret it or tell the story behind it as you can. Those facts alone may be enough to help you feel comfortable giving a presentation.

5. Use Action Words

You already know that small changes in your writing can change its impact significantly. For example, it’s more impactful to use a strong verb than an adverb. That’s why the sentence, “He ran out the door very quickly” is not half as effective as, “He bolted out the door.” It’s also why words like victorious, enraged, devastated, embittered, and bubbly help readers visualize your story better than happy, sad, or angry.

The same concept applies to your presentation . Choose verbs over adverbs almost every time you can. Rethink your adjectives. When possible, choose words that most closely describe the moment. Avoid adjectives that can be applied generically to a wide range of situations. For example, the word “happy” could be used to describe somebody who found out that can green beans are on sale. It can also be used to describe somebody who just witnessed the birth of their first child. In the second example, however, the word happy is just insipid.

Finally, use the present tense whenever possible as you write your presentation. When you describe what happens in your book, you want your audience to be in the moment. One rule of thumb to follow is that, if it happened in the present tense in the book, it should happen in the present tense in your presentation.

6. Get Inspiration From Great Presenters And Authors

You won’t be the first author to stand in front of a group for a presentation or question-and-answer session. Many people have done this before. That’s a good thing because you have a wealth of examples to draw from for inspiration. One of the best ways to prepare for your presentation is to watch similar presentations from other authors. The goal isn’t to copy what you see. Instead, it’s to look for elements that make each presentation more engaging and allow the presenter to make an emotional connection with the audience.

Here, the key is choosing the right authors to emulate. As you look for author presentations for inspiration, focus on authors who write in the same genre as you, appeal to a similar demographic, and have a personal style similar to yours.

Once you find presentations to review, take notes. Pay attention to body language, use of words, and tone of voice. Make a note of the most memorable things the author says, and where the audience appears to be most interested.

Finally, don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be as polished and perfect as the presenters you see. Many of them have years of experience in presenting their books in a variety of formats across a variety of media channels. It will take time and practice for you to get to that level. In the meantime, the folks coming to see you are already interested in your book and in what you have to say.

7. Be Prepared For Questions

Most book presentations are going to contain some sort of audience participation. Keep this in mind when you write your presentation. How are you going to approach this?

One option is to make a list of questions you believe the audience is likely to have for you. If you think you’re going to be nervous, it could be helpful for you to plan your answers ahead of time.

If your idea of interacting with the audience isn’t so intimidating for you, there are some things you can do to increase that interaction. First, consider leaving a few things out of your presentation. Chances are, at least one curious member of your audience will bring up the point and ask about it. You can then use this as a jumping point to cover that ground.

You can also use a question and answer session as a bit of an intermission. Rather than putting off all audience questions until the end, ask for questions in the middle of your presentation . It could break things up nicely.

Finally, you can turn the tables a bit. Ask your audience questions . What is their favorite plot point? How does the book relate to their lives? Who is their favorite character?

Final Thoughts

It is quite an honor to be asked to give a presentation about your book. This is a great way to let your current readership get to know more about you and your process. You may also be able to increase your reading audience.

At the same time, this can absolutely be a daunting process. Fortunately, you can help yourself immensely with a bit of planning and preparation.

The tips above will help you write a presentation that is engaging and allows you to be yourself. Follow the suggestions above, and your audience will enjoy your presentation thoroughly!

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I am preparing a book presentation!!!

A book presentation and this is very helpful!

Nicholas C. Rossis

Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed it!


Thank you, I am preparing a book presentation and this is very helpful!

Yay! I’m so glad you found it useful 😀

John Maberry

Excellent tips. I’m not afraid of audiences–but that doesn’t mean I can’t do better with them!

I know what you mean. I’m used to public speaking but even so appreciate a few tips!


  • Setting the table for success - - […] or attend events to stay current (informed) and reach potential readers.  Writer Nicolas C. Rossis has an excellent post about writing a…

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Preparing Your Book Presentation: A Step-by-Step Guide for New Authors

example of book presentation

The days of writing custom works and hearing phrases like “ do my essay for free ” are gone – now you are officially a writer and have your book.

The presentation of a book is one of the most awaited moments for authors after publication. After all, it is the launch of a project that has been worked on for a long time, as well as one of the significant milestones for promoting the author’s brand and the title that has just been published.

There are several ways to present a book, and in this post, we will give you the keys that will allow you to learn how to organize the presentation of your book with the best results and creatively. From the simplest to other longer ones, we will guide you in essential aspects such as creating the speech you will say during this whole act, what to wear, and how to raise other fundamental issues for this significant date.

How to choose the place?

Among the places where you can make your online presentation, we recommend sites related to literature: bookstores, libraries, cultural centers… These are some examples that can host this event. Also, remember that these spaces indeed have experience organizing these events so that everything will be much easier.

As we said, these are the most common spaces. But it is also possible to choose other spaces for the presentation of your book, such as a coffee shop or an environment linked to the author (such as his or her workplace). However, we recommend that you make sure that there is a room with the capacity to host this event, with adequate power, and that it allows the public to see without problems.

Making an announcement

Once the space where you will present your book is closed, it is time to let people know that this event will take place. There are several options to communicate this event and gather attendees. Two categories may be interested: journalists and potential readers.

To attract the former, you must use press releases or calls to the media to warn them. The writing of this document can be done by the publisher with whom you have published it. If you take on this mission, remember that the call for journalists has geographical restrictions, so it is best to target those who can attend.

Social networks can also be an excellent channel to capture the attention of potential attendees, especially readers who may be interested in the book. On the one hand, there are organic publications: post announcing the place and the event and launch it from your profile, go to Facebook groups related to literature, and ask your publisher to create the corresponding publication to notify their followers.

How long should an online presentation last? The answer is: “as long as you want”. Each book is different and responds to its characteristics, and so is the event involving its launching. It is not the same as making a private event in which the discussion can extend for hours and hours as a more “formal” one in which the public is unknown.

It is appropriate that the book presentation, including the information given about the author, the production of the work and the dialogue between the writer and the editor or the chosen presenter, lasts up to 40 minutes. This will keep the public’s attention and avoid absences at the end of the event (the moment dedicated to the purchase and signing of copies).

Likewise, it is customary that after the presentation of the work, a question-and-answer session is opened so that attendees can share their doubts with the author. Ideally, this should last between 10 and 15 minutes to not delay the event’s closing.

Taking care of the details

The details make the difference, which is also evident in the presentation of a book—for example, the catering you hire. Depending on the time of day, you can choose between a sweeter snack, including coffee and cakes, or something savorier (focused as a snack that gives way to a more substantial meal). But, thanks to this, you will make people more comfortable for the final phase of this event.

It is also a good idea to know the environment where you will make the presentation so that you can dress in colors similar to this place’s. Also, about the wardrobe, you should know what type of event you want to perform (if it is something more private or public-facing) and choose something more elegant or home.

On the other hand, you can also consider further details for the presentation of the book, such as the presence of music to liven up the waiting of the attendees. At the same time, it begins and ends when the capacity is completed, as well as in the readings of some fragments. In any case, you should coordinate with the space where the event will take place to test the sound equipment.

The presentation

Now it is time to know how to structure the presentation of your book and the aspects you should be very clear about before starting. First of all, unless you are a magician of improvisation, it is better to have an outline of what you will talk about that day, even a speech.

The usual structure of a book presentation is greetings from the presenter, information about the author, information about the book , and an interview in which the most critical aspects of the title are highlighted. After all this, a question-and-answer session with the audience’s participation follows.

Regarding the structure of the presentation, we recommend that you consider those aspects of your book that you want to be highlighted and that must be included in this act.

And most importantly, be yourself and enjoy. After long hours of work on the book, it’s time to reap the rewards!

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The Classroom | Empowering Students in Their College Journey

How to Write a Presentation of a Book

How to Write an Eighth Grade Book Report

How to Write an Eighth Grade Book Report

Book presentations are a staple of the educational process. Book reports and presentations help show that you comprehended the book and can apply that knowledge in a constructive way. Writing a book presentation requires an understanding of basic grammar and writing rules while also giving you some creative freedom in how you want to tackle the subject matter. Writing book presentations is likely something you'll have to do multiple times during your educational career.

Read the book you're writing the presentation on from cover-to-cover. Don't rely on abbreviated notes or other people's summaries of the story because you'll miss out on both the author's own voice as well as possibly vital story points.

Pick an approach for your presentation. If you will actually be discussing the book in front of the class, you can write a presentation in first-person perspective as a character from the book. A more traditional approach is a third-person narrative so you can discuss the story, characters and author from a more neutral viewpoint.

Write a brief overview of the book and discuss any importance it has to history or to culture. Include the year it was published, number of pages and what genre the book falls under.

Describe each of the main characters in the book and talk about how each influences the story.

Provide an explanation of your perceptions and thoughts regarding the book. While the rest of your presentation may be in third-person, you can usually write this section in first-person since you are discussing your own specific thoughts and feelings.

Conclude the presentation with a closing paragraph discussing the most important lessons learned from the book and what you think the most important message is that you gained from it.

  • Some book presentation assignments will have very specific requirements regarding structure and style. Review the criteria thoroughly before starting your presentation to ensure you will be in compliance with all requirements.

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Top 11 Book Report Templates to Tell Your Inspirational Story [Free PDF Attached]

Top 11 Book Report Templates to Tell Your Inspirational Story [Free PDF Attached]

Do you remember being in grade school when teachers made us write book reports? Most of us hated those assignments, but let’s accept it — book reports are helpful! 

The main purpose of writing a book report is to provide an overview of the storyline that would motivate someone to read it. It summarizes the most significant information in the book and presents it clearly and cohesively.

A book report aids the readers in understanding the main aspects of the book. Moreover, it is considered to be an expression of your ability to analyze and draw inferences. This involves scrutinizing the language, characters, plot, and key ideas. You can also talk about the time, author, and publishing details in a book report.

And let us not forget the quotes! They help you support your opinion and emphasize the message conveyed in the story. Then how can we miss this opportunity? "I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship." This quote from Little Women is a cult favorite one. Isn’t it?

But writing quality book reports can be tricky! 

Don’t worry! Our collection of templates is here to assist. These professionally designed one-page summary PowerPoint templates contain a variety of options, from engaging graphics to relevant content. What's more? They are easily customizable and visually appealing. Just a few changes and voila, your presentation is good to go! 

Let’s explore these PPT designs right away!

Template 1: One-Page Book Report Template

With this book report PowerPoint template, you can create a visually appealing and informative overview. The given design allows you to present an introduction along with other elements, such as the setting, themes, characters, and conclusion of the book. Download this fully customizable, professionally designed one-page summary design to create an impressive presentation in minutes.

One Page Book Report Example

Download this template

Template 2: One-Page Action Book Report Template PPT

Book report templates are an excellent way to present important information. Whether it is an elementary school book report or a high school book report, it is important to include essential components, such as setting, time, plot, quotes, themes, etc. That’s where this predesigned template comes in handy. So don’t miss any element. Grab this PPT template today!

One Page Action Book Report Template

Template 3: One-Page Fiction Book Report Template

Looking for a way to make your book reports stand out from the rest? This customizable one-page book report PPT layout is perfect for you! You can summarize the storyline, discuss the main characters, and more. Using this slide you can also talk about major events and the turning point in the story. Grab this high-quality template now!  

One Page Fiction Book Report Example

Template 4: Non-Fiction Book Report PowerPoint Template

Add an informative flair to your presentation with this exclusive book report PPT template. It is ready to use and easy to edit. From summary to context to conclusion, the given slide covers it all. This design will enable you to put forward your opinions in a comprehensive and polished manner. Download this PPT template immediately.

One Page Non Fictional Book Report Example

Template 5: One-Page Summary Book Report Example

Nothing beats a simple and straightforward book report that presents key information concisely. This amazing PPT template will enable you to do so! The given design is a great way to put forward your thoughts in an organized manner. This one-pager will help you describe the storyline and characters like a pro! Moreover, you can also enlist different quotations to impress your audience. Therefore, grab this template today!  

One Page Summary Book Report Example

Template 6: One-Page Book Report Template for Drama Suspense

Create impressive book reports in minutes! Download this predesigned one-page book report template. It is perfect for describing the suspense drama as it enables you to cover all elements of the story. You can easily discuss the storyline, main characters, conclusion, and more. So hurry. Download this template today.

One Page Drama Suspense Book Report Template

Template 7: Intense Action Thriller Book Report Template

Make your book reports stand out from the crowd by using this stunning template. The given PPT slide will aid you in depicting your understanding of the book efficiently. You can discuss components, such as main characters, purpose, genre, and more. It is fully editable, professionally designed, and visually appealing. You can modify this design according to your needs to match your needs. Therefore, get this template right away!  

One Page Intense Action Thriller Book Report Template

Template 8: Sample One-Page Book Report Template

Writing a book report is a huge responsibility. One is expected to comprehend and provide the essence of the complete text. This impressive template will save you the hassle and anxiety as it contains ample relevant content to draft a good book report. You can enumerate the important events and major characters. So why wait? Grab this informative PPT template now!

Sample One Page Book Report Template

Template 9: One-Page Summary Template for Book PPT

This book report template provides all the right elements for students to explain the plot, characters, and setting of any book they are reading. The given PPT layout is easy to personalize, so you can create a unique summary for each book you want to read. Therefore, download it now!

One Page Summary Template for Book

Template 10: One-Page Book Summary Report Example Template

Our collection will help you choose an appropriate book report template based on a given topic or personal preferences. You can easily customize the templates to fit the book and character descriptions, as well as synopses of main events.

One Page Book Summary Report Example

Template 11: One-Page Summary for Non-Fiction Book PPT

A good book report will address a specific question or point of view and back up this topic with examples, definitions, and evidence. Therefore, having a relevant book report template is essential. This high-quality template will enable you to discuss the outline of the book, from its title to conclusion. You can easily depict elements, such as main characters, quotes, and more. So download this template to get started.

One Page Summary Template for Non Fiction Book

Like any academic assignment, writing a book report is just one step ahead in the lifelong learning process. This helps you process the book's information and get ideas for a deep level of understanding. Our collection of book report templates will enable you to offer varied perspectives, and demonstrate that you have fully experienced a book and its storyline. 

So download these exclusive templates now!

P.S: Don’t limit yourself to just book reports. Check out these amazing progress report templates featured in this descriptive guide . 

Download the free Book Report Templates PDF .

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Book Report Presentation Template

Share an overview of your favorite book and dive into the themes with this book report presentation template..

Today even book reviews are about visuals. Condense high-volume texts into simple presentation slides with visual aids, such as icons, bars, charts and diagrams.

This template is perfect for online communication, either on social media or your personal bookish blog. You can also use it for school reading projects to explain a book to your class.

  • Change colors, fonts and more to fit your branding
  • Access free, built-in design assets or upload your own
  • Visualize data with customizable charts and widgets
  • Add animation, interactivity, audio, video and links
  • Download in PDF, PPTX, MP4 and HTML5 format
  • Share online with a link or embed on your website

Explain characters, plot twists and themes of a book with this visually powered presentation template, or browse through hundreds of other ready-to-use presentation templates to find your perfect fit.

Edit this template with our  Presentation Software

Book Report Presentation Template

Template Specifications

9 Slides, 1366 x 768 pixels – 16:9 Aspect Ratio (HD Presentation Quality)


This template can be fully customized. You can edit content, change image(s), apply custom colors, input your own fonts and logo, and more.

Download as a PDF to share with your recipient or generate a shareable link for online sharing.


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Since you’ve only got one chance to make a lasting impression, you have to make it count - and now, thanks to Visme's presentation templates, it's easier than ever to do just that.

Our presentation templates come designed with colorful, visual, vivid and attractive elements. You can also access free stock images and videos, guaranteeing to help you share your message in exactly the right way at exactly the right moment with your audience.

Plus, with Visme’s presentation software you can customize any template with little to no design skills or experience.

Create Your Presentation

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What Is a Book Talk? A Classroom Guide to Making Them Work

It’s like a sales pitch for a book.

what is a book talk

You want students to read, but students aren’t interested in cracking a spine. The fix: book talks. A book talk is a sales pitch for a book. They sell students on a character, plot, or theme and encourage them to pick up a new title or check out a new author. Here’s everything you need to know about this fun strategy.

What is a book talk?

A book talk is a short presentation about a book that focuses on convincing others to read it. It’s not a formal book report or review. And it’s more persuasive than expository—think sales and marketing. The goal is to engage potential readers and present a fun, exciting, and even suspenseful book commercial. Book talks can focus on one aspect of a book: character, plot, theme, etc. Whatever the reader really loved about the book and thinks will “sell” it to their audience.

anchor chart about how to lead a book talk

Book Talk Examples

We love these examples of how book talks can be used by teachers for students from elementary school through high school. Literally everyone can use a book talk.

Mr. Rigney talks about Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

Book talks for teens

Spotlight on Cinder

First grade teacher talks about Elephant and Piggie

Book Talk Benefits

Yes, book talks are fun, but do they work? The short answer is yes, and it’s not just about getting kids to open books.

  • They get kids reading—really reading. To sell their book, students have to know the book and know it well. Their ad will fall flat if they haven’t read the book and can’t talk about it.
  • They get kids sharing reading with others. Reading can be contagious, and book talks are a great way to spread a love of reading throughout your class, one book at a time.
  • They teach note-taking. As students prepare for a book talk, taking notes and using those notes to summarize the story is an important skill they’ll develop.
  • They build presentation skills. The process of reading the book, thinking through how to present it, and practicing are good rehearsal for later presentations.
  • They build listening skills. When students aren’t presenting, they’re listening. The practice of participating in book talks, listening, and asking questions refines students’ listening skills.

How To Choose a Book

The best books for book talks are the ones you like! Help students find a book they want to talk about by:

  • Providing a box of books that are recommended for their grade level, like this list for 4th grade .
  • As you get to know students, slip them a note card with a personalized book recommendation. The personal touch will give them the confidence to know that they can read the book and that it’s a good choice.
  • Provide books by theme, like  Women’s History Month or books about dogs .
  • Start with student interests with books written in first-person and characters that reflect real-world experiences. When students connect with characters, they feel like they’re talking about a friend. Check out this list of diverse titles  for ideas.

anchor chart describing how to give a great book chart using pictures

How To Plan a Book Talk

One: Get a book. Two: Sell it … OK, students need more guidance than that. These nine tips will maximize the book talk format for you or your students:

1. Provide a template

Help students structure a book talk with a template that lets students know that they have all the components of a solid book talk.

2. Don’t give away the ending

Share the story until the climax or a cliff-hanger, and leave students wanting to know what happened next. The exception to this rule may be for a series or book of short stories where incorporating the ending to one story might excite readers about reading more from that author.

3. Jump into the action

Talk about why the book is amazing. Save the author and title until the end to keep the audience wondering, Have I heard of this book?

4. Keep it short

Aim for between 30 seconds and five minutes, depending on your audience. ADVERTISEMENT

5. Let your personality shine

Bring your own personality, humor, and voice to the book talk and encourage students to do the same.

6. Prepare while you read

Take notes and place sticky notes at cliff-hangers, quotes, scenes that surprise you, and parts that you connect with.

7. Think about craft

What does the author do to keep you engaged? What will keep a student moving through the story? Are there aspects that the author has mastered, like figurative language or building suspense? Give examples of these to draw readers in.

8. Engage your audience

Ask questions, take a poll, have them guess what will happen next. The author kept you on the edge of your seat, so get your students on the edge of theirs.

9. Practice, practice, practice!

The more students practice, the better they’ll get. Plus, unlike your students, who take your class only once, you can perfect a book talk and give it year after year.

bulletin board with book talks written on it and lists of books

Level Up Book Talks

Already do book talks? Here are some ways to kick it up a notch:

  • Challenge your students to give a book talk about a book they don’t like. Can they convince people that they actually liked the book? Or can they convince people to read a book just to see how bad it really is?
  • Book talk speed dating: Have students create a short book talk and then meet with their peers to try to sell their book in a speed-dating format.
  • Picture-book talks: Challenge older students to hone their presentation skills by having them give a book talk on a  picture book .
  • Peer review: Create a rubric or checklist (like  this one ) and have students give each other feedback.

Come and share your book talk ideas in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

For more articles like this, sign up for our newsletters to find out when they’re posted.

What is a book talk and how can you use them in the classroom? Here's our guide full of examples, tips, and ideas.

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10+ Book PowerPoint Templates to Create First-Class Presentations

Learn how to create a book presentation using powerpoint, how to turn a powerpoint into an ebook, free vs. premium book ppt templates: is there a difference, the collection of the best book powerpoint templates.

  • Book PowerPoint Template Comparison Table

If your presentation has something to do with books, libraries, bookstores, writing, or reading in general, you will definitely need professionally-designed book PowerPoint templates . And you know what? We have rounded up the best book-related PowerPoint templates and backgrounds in one post. Enjoy!

Before you jump into the ocean of cool PowerPoint book themes and backgrounds, here are a few guides that you may find helpful while working on your presentation.

Book pages.

What if we told you that you could make a book presentation with the help of PowerPoint in just a few clicks? Yes, you have read that right - in just a few clicks. How is it possible, you may ask? It is thanks to a great variety of PPT templates with pre-made layouts, of course. There's no need to start from scratch. Every single template contains all the necessary images and text placeholders waiting for you to edit them. All the graphic elements are resizable and customizable. You can play with fonts, colors, scales, and sizes as much as you want. So, here's how you can create a book presentation or a book review by using one of the topic-related PowerPoint book templates. 

  • First, pick a book for your presentation. 
  • Go to the collection of PowerPoint templates and choose the one that fits your goals.
  • Open the book presentation template with the help of Microsoft PowerPoint.
  • The first slide should introduce your book. Here it is suggested that you add your book cover by right-clicking on an image and replacing it.
  • You can tell a viewer what the book is about by writing a short summary on the next slide.
  • The third slide is a perfect place to give a few words about the author of the book.
  • If there are any interesting reviews of the book, don’t miss out on the opportunity to include them. There is a special Reviews slide in almost every template.
  • Give your opinion regarding content. It is always a good idea to mention how clearly the book is written.
  • Of course, you will find a separate slide in every PowerPoint book template where you can share some quotes from the text.
  • Pick a fitting slide to sum up your presentation and give the final verdict.

It is always a good idea to add visual content to a presentation. Change the default images easily thanks to a convenient drag-and-drop functionality. Don’t forget that you can resize and crop images to perfectly fit them into your presentation.

Side Note! If you don’t need all the slides, feel free to delete the unnecessary ones. 

Turn a PowerPoint into an eBook.

Chances are, you are familiar with PowerPoint as a tool you can use to help you give a proper presentation. However, you may not know that you can turn a PowerPoint into a good-looking eBook. Want to know how to do that? Keep reading!

  • Start with downloading a professionally-designed PPT book template. What are some basic things you can do to make it look like a book?
  • The first thing you’d want to do is to change the slide size so you will need to click Design - Slide Size and go to Custom Slide Size. As you can see, it is automatically set on Widescreen so you will have to change it Letter Paper 8.5 x 11 inches and change it to Portrait . Then you choose Maximize. By doing so you will set the slide up in the same orientation as a regular piece of paper.
  • Continue editing and customizing the slides the same way you would do it with a regular slide size. Insert a text box, change the text positions, add, crop, and resize images, etc. The biggest advantage of using PowerPoint in this situation is that you can take any text box and move it anywhere on the page. It is not going to reorganize itself or anything like that. 
  • Whenever you are done and you are ready to have this actually be a book, first make sure that you have saved your work as a PowerPoint . Why? So you will be able to make some changes if they are needed in the future. After it is saved as a PowerPoint, you can save it again as a PDF file . 

Congratulations! Now you know how to make an eBook by using a suitable books template and PowerPoint.

powerpoint templates

Truth be told, there is a massive showcase of free book templates suitable for PowerPoint presentations out there. The question is, are they all good? We are going to show you the difference between free vs. premium book PowerPoint templates. However, it is only up to you to decide which themes to pick for your specific use.

The TemplateMonster marketplace can boast lots of awesome templates that are free of charge. It is worth mentioning that all templates are high-quality, whether they are free or paid. The difference is usually in the number of functionalities they offer. 

For instance, we have the Pitch Pro PowerPoint Template that comes in both free and premium packages. The free version contains 7 slides, each in light and dark modes; whereas, the premium version of this template offers more than 100 unique slides and more than 150 color options. While there are only a few charts, a map, and a phone mockup within the free package, the one that requires payment comes with 500+ vector font icons, maps, infographics, tables, and so on. What we are trying to say here is, your choice depends on the kind of presentation you need to make. If you can deal with it by inserting just a couple of charts, there's no need to pay a fee if you have everything you need in a free package.

The Collection of the Best Book PowerPoint Templates.

Are you looking for a modern PPT template to make a book presentation? Or do you need a PowerPoint background with books to present a topic related to storytelling, writing, and/or reading? What are the odds that you are in search of an open-book template for a school project? Whatever your search inquiries are, we've got you covered. The TemplateMonster collection counts hundreds of high-quality PowerPoint templates that cover various topics. Here are a few awesome book PowerPoint templates as an example. 

Multipurpose Elegant Storybook Powerpoint Template

Portfolio - Photography & Product Showcase PowerPoint Template.

Created by a talented team from PixWork , these templates will impress you by design and multipurpose. You can use them for:

  • Creative Portfolio;
  • Original Photography; 
  • Professional Product Showcase;
  • Personal & Corporate Photo Gallery etc.

Storybook Powerpoint Template has multiple useful features:

  • It is easily customized, edited, modified;
  • You can add or change colors, text, photos & other elements of the template in a few clicks;
  • It has 35+ Unique Custom Sliders;
  • Choose Bright or Dark layout;
  • 4 PPTX files for 16:9 & 4:3 Ratio;
  • 4 PPT files for 16:9 & 4:3 Ratio;
  • All Elements included;
  • It has super Custom Animated effects;
  • Enjoy professional, Creative, Clean & Corporate design;
  • Used Font & Picture Image (PhotoDune) links are included;
  • Image Place Holders PSD (Smart object) comes with a template;
  • Short Instructions are included as well. 

Find out more about the author of these magnificent templates Abdur Razzak. Read this exciting interview about products Abdur likes to create and why he loves to work with TemplateMonster.

Comic Book PowerPoint Template

Pop & Retro Presentation PowerPoint Template.

Are you a fan of comic books? There are quite a few storybook PowerPoint templates out there, but this Pop Comic Book PowerPoint template designed in the retro style grabs attention right away. Bright, colorful, and extraordinary, it will help you to liven up even the most boring presentation. The multi-purpose presentation template comes with over 40 slides. All the elements are 100% editable and customizable so you can craft a top-notch presentation in just a few clicks. 

LEAFY PowerPoint Template for a Book Presentation 

LEAFY PowerPoint Template.

LEAFY belongs to the category of those presentation booklet templates that are clean, elegant, and modern. Packed with 30 unique slides, the LEAFY template can be your ideal choice if you are looking for a professional and simple book presentation template. Unfold the story of a book, present an author’s biography, share quotes, and so on by simply adding your content. The template is super convenient to work with since all the elements can be easily editable and are resizable. As for adding pictures, you can just drag and drop the desired images. On top of that, the documentation file describing how to work with the template is included. 

Happy Children with Books PowerPoint Templates

Happy Children PowerPoint Template.

Are you a teacher who wants to create an engaging presentation about the children’s education processes? The Happy Children with Books PowerPoint template is exactly what you need. Vibrant and interesting, it contains images of kids and their ordinary school routine. Among more than 120 slides you will find images of smiling children holding books, reading, writing, and enjoying the studying process. The template is available in 2 different sizes and 3 different color themes. You can edit, resize, and delete any elements: from charts and infographics to images and text placeholders.

Library - Classic PowerPoint Template for Book Enthusiasts

Library - Classic PowerPoint Template.

If you are looking for book-themed backgrounds to use in your next presentation, the Library theme is a win-win option. Besides, this book template for PowerPoint will be suitable for presenting a digital library or an educational online resource. The template contains the Cover, Meet the Team, Infographic, Contact Us layouts, and many more. You can edit whatever element you want from colors and shapes to text and picture placeholders. There’s no need to download additional software. All the files are in .PPTX and .PPT formats. In addition, you get files with detailed documentation to help you figure out how to work with PowerPoint book themes like this one.

Librario: Story Book PowerPoint Template

Librario | PowerPoint Template.

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Another creative PowerPoint books template is called Librario. It can be used as a book PowerPoint background or as a complete business presentation. After purchasing it, you will receive more than 150 slides in total which come in 5 different color variations. That means you will get 30 slides for each color scheme. There will also be pixel-perfect illustrations, useful graphics, charts, etc. Of course, every single element is resizable and can be modified in accordance with your needs.

Libraro - PowerPoint Template with Books PowerPoint Backgrounds

Libraro | PowerPoint Template.

Here's one more library- and book-related PowerPoint template which comes under the name of Libraro. Basically this is a template for PowerPoint presentation with a background full of books. It can be used for different purposes from eLearning to business and personal needs. What we like about this book PowerPoint template is that all its slides come in 5 different colors, so instead of just 30 slides, you get 150 slides. Good deal, isn't it? Based on Master Slides, the template guarantees consistency and coherence of all slides. Last but not least, all the elements can be easily edited with little to no effort.

Impressive Book Presentation PowerPoint Template

Impressive Presentation PowerPoint Template.

As the name suggests, this book PowerPoint template is just IMPRESSIVE! We find the template quite versatile. Thanks to its modern style and professionally-designed layouts, Impressive can be used in almost any presentation whether it is on education- or business-related topics. By purchasing this template, you will get 14 .PPT files, .XML files with custom MS Office theme colors, a how-to guide, and a vector icon pack. The Impressive PowerPoint book template comes with over 60 unique slides in dark and light versions. The handmade infographics make it possible for you to present interesting stats with ease. 

Letteroad PPT Book Template

Letteroad | PowerPoint Template.

It has been a long time since people stopped using a typewriter for writing books, letters, and reports. However, it doesn't mean that a typewriter has lost its popularity completely. This storybook PowerPoint template is proof. If you feel like images of books aren't enough, you can go for a template that contains pics of typewriters instead. To say that this book presentation PowerPoint template is super stylish is to say nothing. It’s perfectly fitting for business presentations as it is to book presentations. With over 150 slides in 5 different color variations, it is possible to create a unique presentation quickly and easily. Play with text and image placeholders, move the elements, and edit them, delete the unnecessary components - all of the mentioned is no problem with this awesome template. 

Education - Presentation PowerPoint Template

Education - Presentation PowerPoint Template.

This template really stands out among all PPT templates for education. It is modern, clean, easy-to-use, and contains all the necessary elements for creating a first-class presentation. Thanks to its universality, the template can come in handy as for crafting an educational report as for business strategy presentation. More than 35 unique slides contain resizable elements and useful functions such as infographics, data charts, price tables, etc. If you have any questions regarding the template, our fast and free support is always there to help you out.

High School Student PowerPoint Template

High school student PowerPoint Template.

The PPT presentation template called “High School Student” contains 147 slides in blue, purple, and green colors. They are composed of various charts, graphs, maps, and so on which can be edited or deleted to your needs. The template includes topic-related images with students holding books. PowerPoint templates like this one might be helpful when creating reports, study plans, school projects, etc.

Sliders - Multipurpose PowerPoint Template 

Sliders - Multipurpose PowerPoint Template.

In case you are in search of a multipurpose PowerPoint template that is packed with a big number of charts, infographics, diagrams, illustrations, and maps, you just can’t pass by Sliders. Its stylish modern design and layouts versatility won’t leave you indifferent. The template comes with 5 stunning theme colors, 80 exclusive slides, and complemented by more than 5,000 vector icons. The editing process is a piece of cake since all the elements can be easily modified in just a few clicks of a mouse. 

Book PowerPoint Template Comparison Table 

40+ slides N/A Fully editable N/A $23
30 Unique Slides Not Included Fully editable Not Included $17
126 slides in 3 colors Not Included Fully editable Included $23
20+ slides on 3 premade color themes Not Included Fully editable N/A $17
150+ Total Slides on 5 Premade colors Not Included Fully editable N/A $17
150+ Total Slides on 5 Premade colors Not Included Fully editable N/A $17
60+ Unique Slides (Light and Dark Version) Included Fully editable Not Included $19
150+ Total Slides on 5 Premade colors N/A Fully editable N/A $17
Over 35 slides Included Fully editable Included $20
147 slides in 3 colors Not Included Fully editable Included $23
80 slides in 5 colors Included Fully editable Not Included $20

21 Easy Tips To Create A Powerful Presentation For Your Business [Free Ebook]

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Thanks to the drag-and-drop image placeholders in our book PPT templates you just need to select the desired image, click and drag it to a slide, and the placeholder will do everything for you. Most template layouts have clues like “Insert your image here” or “Your image replace here”, so you can also right-click on this area and insert your image easily.

After having opened a PowerPoint template, you are able to modify the elements of slide layouts. This includes changing the size and shape of the elements, move them around, delete the items you don’t need, etc. Every PowerPoint template in the library of TemplateMonster is fully editable.

The Magnificent 50 Free PowerPoint Templates

100 Best Business Presentation Templates 2020. Cool! Great! Awesome!

Top 30 Advanced Math PowerPoint Templates 2020

30 Best Free Google Slides Templates to Shine on the Presentation

Boryslava Omelchenko

Hi! I'm Boryslava, a freelance SEO copywriter and content writer. Enjoy reading, running and learning new things. A big fan of Star Wars saga and corgis. LinkedIn

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example of book presentation

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Purdue Online Writing Lab Purdue OWL® College of Liberal Arts

Writing a Literary Analysis Presentation

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Our presentation is designed to help teachers introduce writing literary analysis to their students.

Book Report Presentation Templates

Whether you're a student, teacher or book lover, Venngage is the perfect tool for creating engaging and creative book reports that go beyond the traditional written format.

book report presentation templates

Other presentation templates

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Book Report Presentation Design Templates

Popular template categories

  • Infographics
  • White papers
  • Letterheads
  • Newsletters
  • Business cards
  • Certificates
  • Invitations
  • Table of contents
  • Magazine covers
  • Price lists
  • Album covers
  • Book covers
  • See All Templates

20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design [+ Templates]

Carly Williams

Published: August 06, 2024

When it comes to PowerPoint presentation design, there's no shortage of avenues you can take.

PowerPoint presentation examples graphic with computer monitor, person holding a megaphone, and a plant to signify growth.

While all that choice — colors, formats, visuals, fonts — can feel liberating, it‘s important that you’re careful in your selection as not all design combinations add up to success.

In this blog post, I’m sharing some of my favorite PowerPoint tips and templates to help you nail your next presentation.

Table of Contents

What makes a good PowerPoint presentation?

Powerpoint design ideas, best powerpoint presentation slides, good examples of powerpoint presentation design.

example of book presentation

10 Free PowerPoint Templates

Download ten free PowerPoint templates for a better presentation.

  • Creative templates.
  • Data-driven templates.
  • Professional templates.

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In my opinion, a great PowerPoint presentation gets the point across succinctly while using a design that doesn't detract from it.

Here are some of the elements I like to keep in mind when I’m building my own.

1. Minimal Animations and Transitions

Believe it or not, animations and transitions can take away from your PowerPoint presentation. Why? Well, they distract from the content you worked so hard on.

A good PowerPoint presentation keeps the focus on your argument by keeping animations and transitions to a minimum. I suggest using them tastefully and sparingly to emphasize a point or bring attention to a certain part of an image.

2. Cohesive Color Palette

I like to refresh my memory on color theory when creating a new PowerPoint presentation.

A cohesive color palette uses complementary and analogous colors to draw the audience’s attention and help emphasize certain aspects at the right time.

example of book presentation

Image source

Mesmerize your audience by adding some neon colors and effects to your PowerPoint slides. Adding pops of color to your presentation will create visual interest and keep your audience engaged. 

What I like: Neon will add personality and depth to your presentation and will help the information you're providing stand out and be more memorable. 

2. Use an interesting background image.

Interesting PowerPoint

Do you have some interesting nature photos from a recent road trip? Or maybe a holiday passed, and you have gorgeous photos to share? If so, consider incorporating them into your PowerPoint. 

What I like: PowerPoints don't have to be stuffy and boring. They can be fun and a unique or interesting background will enhance the experience of your presentation.

3. Or be minimal.

Powerpoint Minimal

Have you ever heard of K.I.S.S.? Not the band! I mean, Keep It Simple, Sweetheart. If you're worried too many colors or visuals could take attention away from the message of your presentation, consider going minimal. 

Pro tip: Stick to no more than three colors if you're going for a minimalist design in your slides. 

4. Incorporate illustrations.

PowerPoint Illustration

Illustrations are a great way to highlight or break down a point in your presentation. They can also add a bit of whimsy and fun to keep viewers engaged.

5. Use all caps.

PoiwerPoint Capital Letters

Using all capital letters can draw your audience's eyes to where you need them, helping cement your message in their minds. It can also just be aesthetically pleasing.

Pro tip: If you choose to use all capital letters, use varying fonts so readers can tell which information is important and which are supporting details.

6. Alternate slide layouts

PowerPoint alternate slides

You don't want readers to grow bored with your presentation. So, to retain visual interest, use alternating slide layouts. The example above shows PowerPoint slides alternating between vertical and horizontal layouts.

This keeps things interesting and ensures your presentation isn't monotonous.  

7. Inject a little humor.

Humor is a great way to drive a point home and help people remember the information you're presenting. People remember a good joke, so if you have a funny pun to connect to a concept in a presentation, why not use it in a slide?

Pro tip: Remember you're in a professional setting, so keep your jokes appropriate. If you're worried a joke can get you a meeting with HR, then keep it to yourself. 

8. Use duotones.

PowerPoint Duotones

Duotones (or gradience) can take the aesthetic of your PowerPoint to new levels. They can provide a calming energy to your presentation and make viewers feel relaxed and eager to stay focused. 

9. Include printed materials.

Let's say you have a PowerPoint you're proud of, but you want to go that extra mile to ensure your audience understands the material. A great way to do this would be to supplement your presentation with printed materials, as such as:

  • Pamphlets 
  • Printed slides
  • Short quizzes on the material

10. Keep it to one chart or graph per slide.

powerpoint chart

This is both a design example and a warning. Graphs and charts are an excellent way of displaying quantitative data in a digestible format.

However, you should have no more than one graph or chart per slide so your presentation doesn't get too confusing or muddled. 

11. Use a large font.

PowerPoint Large Font

Just like capital letters, a large font will help your shift your audience's focus to key points in your presentation.

Pro tip: You can combine large fonts and capital letters to boost its effectiveness. 

12. Include videos.

Embedding a video into your PowerPoint can help you expand on a point or effectively break down a complex topic. You can either embed a video from a platform like YouTube or TikTok or use HubSpot's Clip Creator to make your own.

Pro tip: Try to keep videos short, like, under a minute, and don't use more than one or two. 

13. Use GIFs.

GIFs add more visual interest, and they can be a great way to add humor or personal touch to your PowerPoint presentation.

14. Use contrasting colors when comparing two ideas or arguments. 

powerpoint contrast

Contrasting colors can convey the difference between two opposing thoughts or arguments in a way that is visually appealing. 

15. Add a touch of nature.

PowerPoint nature

If you want your presentation to exude a calming energy to your audience, including images of trees, flowers, and natural landscapes can do the trick.

PowerPoint Theme Ideas

Atlas (theme).

Covering a more creative subject for a younger or more energetic audience? I’d recommend using the cover slide design below. Its vibrant red color blocks and fun lines will appeal to your audience.

example of book presentation

This simplistic presentation example employs several different colors and font weights, but instead of coming off as disconnected, the varied colors work with one another to create contrast and call out specific concepts.

What I like: The big, bold numbers help set the reader's expectations, as they clearly signify how far along the viewer is in the list of tips.

10. “Pixar's 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling,” Gavin McMahon

This presentation by Gavin McMahon features color in all the right places. While each of the background images boasts a bright, spotlight-like design, all the characters are intentionally blacked out.

What I like: This helps keep the focus on the tips, while still incorporating visuals. Not to mention, it's still easy for me to identify each character without the details. (I found you on slide eight, Nemo.)

11. “Facebook Engagement and Activity Report,” We Are Social

Here's another great example of data visualization in the wild.

What I like: Rather than displaying numbers and statistics straight up, this presentation calls upon interesting, colorful graphs, and charts to present the information in a way that just makes sense.

12. “The GaryVee Content Model,” Gary Vaynerchuk

This wouldn‘t be a true Gary Vaynerchuk presentation if it wasn’t a little loud, am I right?

What I like: Aside from the fact that I love the eye-catching, bright yellow background, Vaynerchuk does a great job of incorporating screenshots on each slide to create a visual tutorial that coincides with the tips. He also does a great job including a visual table of contents that shows your progress as you go .

13. “20 Tweetable Quotes to Inspire Marketing & Design Creative Genius,” IMPACT Branding & Design

We‘ve all seen our fair share of quote-chronicling presentations but that isn’t to say they were all done well. Often the background images are poor quality, the text is too small, or there isn't enough contrast.

Well, this professional presentation from IMPACT Branding & Design suffers from none of said challenges.

What I like: The colorful filters over each background image create just enough contrast for the quotes to stand out.

14. “The Great State of Design,” Stacy Kvernmo

This presentation offers up a lot of information in a way that doesn't feel overwhelming.

What I like: The contrasting colors create visual interest and “pop,” and the comic images (slides 6 through 12) are used to make the information seem less buttoned-up and overwhelming.

15. “Clickbait: A Guide To Writing Un-Ignorable Headlines,” Ethos3

Not going to lie, it was the title that convinced me to click through to this presentation but the awesome design kept me there once I arrived.

What I like: This simple design adheres to a consistent color pattern and leverages bullet points and varied fonts to break up the text nicely.

16. “Digital Transformation in 50 Soundbites,” Julie Dodd

This design highlights a great alternative to the “text-over-image” display we've grown used to seeing.

What I like: By leveraging a split-screen approach to each presentation slide, Julie Dodd was able to serve up a clean, legible quote without sacrificing the power of a strong visual.

17. “Fix Your Really Bad PowerPoint,” Slide Comet

When you‘re creating a PowerPoint about how everyone’s PowerPoints stink, yours had better be terrific. The one above, based on the ebook by Seth Godin, keeps it simple without boring its audience.

What I like: Its clever combinations of fonts, together with consistent color across each slide, ensure you're neither overwhelmed nor unengaged.

18. “How Google Works,” Eric Schmidt

Simple, clever doodles tell the story of Google in a fun and creative way. This presentation reads almost like a storybook, making it easy to move from one slide to the next.

What I like: This uncluttered approach provides viewers with an easy-to-understand explanation of a complicated topic.

19. “What Really Differentiates the Best Content Marketers From The Rest,” Ross Simmonds

Let‘s be honest: These graphics are hard not to love. I especially appreciate the author’s cartoonified self-portrait that closes out the presentation. Well played, Ross Simmonds.

What I like: Rather than employing the same old stock photos, this unique design serves as a refreshing way to present information that's both valuable and fun.

20. “Be A Great Product Leader,” Adam Nash

This presentation by Adam Nash immediately draws attention by putting the company's logo first — a great move if your company is well known.

What I like: He uses popular images, such as ones of Megatron and Pinocchio, to drive his points home. In the same way, you can take advantage of popular images and media to keep your audience engaged.

And if you want more templates and examples, you can download them here .

PowerPoint Presentation Examples for the Best Slide Presentation

Mastering a PowerPoint presentation begins with the design itself.

Get inspired by my ideas above to create a presentation that engages your audience, builds upon your point, and helps you generate leads for your brand.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2013 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. This article was written by a human, but our team uses AI in our editorial process. Check out our full disclosure to learn more about how we use AI.

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Book PowerPoint Presentation Examples and Google Slides

Book PowerPoint Presentation Examples and Google Slides

Vintage Book Background Presentation Slide:

Features of the template:.

  • 100% customizable slides and easy to download.
  • This template has a vintage theme .
  • Easy to change the slide's colors.
  • Highly compatible with PowerPoint and Google Slides.
  • This book's Slide supports 16:9 and 4:3 format. 
  • Opened Book
  • Classic Book
  • Book Review
  • School Book
  • Pocket Book
  • Book Reader
  • Book Infographic
  • Google Slides

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Writing Book Reports

It seems that you like this template, writing book reports presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Our new template is very creative and great to write thorough book reports. No matter if you are a high school student or if you are a freshman, you can add any detail about the novel or play here. Give this Memphis presentation a go now!

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 30 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used

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How to End a Presentation (+ Examples)

By admin on September 11, 2024

Concluding a presentation effectively is as important as delivering the main content . The ending sets the tone for how the audience remembers the message and the presenter. Equipping your team with effective presentation conclusion techniques can significantly impact your company’s communication and business outcomes. Let’s explore how to end a presentation with power, purpose, and lasting impact!

Summarize Key Points

The best way to end a presentation that leaves a lasting impression is to summarize key takeaways. Concluding a presentation with a strong ending reinforces the key points and seamlessly ties everything together, ensuring coherence and memorability.

Pro tip: Start the summary with a transition phrase . Use phrases like “To sum up,” “In conclusion,” or “Let’s recap” to signal you’re summarizing. 

Here’s an example of how to end a presentation with a summary:

Scenario: Presenting a marketing strategy for a retail brand.

“In summary, we will focus on enhancing brand visibility via social media, optimizing our e-commerce platform to improve conversion rates, and launching targeted ad campaigns to boost customer engagement.”

Strong Call-to-Action

A business presentation often aims to drive action. The presentation conclusion allows the presenter to clearly state what they want the audience members to do next. A powerful call-to-action (CTA) motivates listeners to take specific steps based on information shared, whether an in-person or an online presentation . Want to see how to conclude a presentation using a strong CTA? Take a look at this example:

Scenario: Completing a presentation on enhancing remote team collaboration using a new project management software.

“I challenge the team to implement this software over the next two weeks. Create your first project board this Monday. Use it exclusively for team communication, and document your experience daily. At our next meeting, I’d like a brief report on your experience and your opinion on whether we can use it company-wide.”

A business professional at a podium with windows behind her doing a presentation

Image Source: Shutterstock

Offer a Resource

Another impactful conclusion to use to enhance audience engagement and reinforce the core message is to offer a resource. Think guides , webinars, white papers, free trials, templates, or tools . This presentation conclusion can help the audience apply what they’ve learned and stay engaged with the presenter’s message after the last presentation slides fade.

Learn how to end a presentation with a resource offer below:

Scenario: Finishing an informational presentation on effective team management strategies to a group of managers:

“For an in-depth analysis of successful team management practices, download our latest white paper from the final slide. It’s packed with research-backed strategies and case studies.”

Return to the Opening

Many presenters like to connect the closing statement with the opening statement —and for good reason. This technique, often called “bookending,” or “ The Loop ,” brings their presentations full circle, and leaves the audience with a satisfying and impactful ending. Think of it as the cherry on top of the presentation sundae, sweet and unforgettable.

Presenters can do this in a few ways:

  • an inspirational quote
  • an inspiring story
  • a metaphor or analogy, a simple restatement of your thesis—make sure it ties back to your initial message

Review this example of how to conclude a presentation:

Opening Statement: How can we cut through the noise of a crowded market?

How many presentations have you attended where you wish the speaker had done more to captivate and engage the audience? Don’t let your team be the one that leaves your audience underwhelmed.

Closing Statement: With the strategies outlined today, we’re not just cutting through the noise—we’re making music. Let’s go out and turn up the volume.

A business professional doing a presentation on stage at a conference

Thank and Acknowledge

If your team members struggle with what to say at the end of a presentation, let them fall back on the classic: say thank you . It shows appreciation for the audience’s time and attention and helps create a positive and memorable impression. Plus, it lets them acknowledge the people who helped make the presentation possible.

Here’s how to end a presentation on a positive note:

Scenario: Presenting a pitch to a potential client or investor.

“Thank you for meeting with us today. We appreciate your interest and the chance to discuss collaboration. We’re eager to move forward and make our partnership successful.”

Offer a Preview of What’s Next

A glimpse into what’s next is a great way to keep the audience’s attention even after it’s over. This little teaser builds excitement and anticipation, making the audience hungry for more. Using this presentation ending will be most effective for business presentations where your team introduces new initiatives or products. Here’s how to end a PowerPoint presentation like a pro:

Scenario: Presenting a product demonstration . 

“Our next presentation will showcase advanced product features and real-world applications. Watch for the invitation and join us to see how these innovations can transform your operations!”

Upgrade Your Presentation Skills With Talaera

Talaera offers free communication webinars for organizations looking to enhance their teams’ presentation skills and business impact. In one hour, your team can condense weeks of Business English learning, ask real-time questions, and connect with a global network of professionals. 

With our live masterclasses, your employees or colleagues will learn how to end a presentation, boost their confidence in English, or even manage teams across cultures. Materials will be provided after, so they can revisit and review their learnings.

Elevate your organization’s presentation skills—enroll your team in our upcoming masterclass, “Deliver Impactful Presentations” on September 18!

Button: Access the Webinar Now

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