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Oscar-Contending ‘Umbrella’ Is A Short Film With A Hopeful Message For Our Times

By Cartoon Brew Connect | 01/26/2021 2:32 pm | Be the First to Comment!

It’s only eight minutes long and not a single word is spoken. Yet Umbrella has moved audiences around the world, earning acclaim on the festival circuit. Having qualified for the Oscars, the Brazilian animated short is now bringing its hopeful story, which was inspired by true events, to Academy members.

Umbrella is first film from directing duo Helena Hilario and Mario Pece. The short tells the story of Joseph, a boy who lives in an orphanage and dreams of owning a yellow umbrella — until he meets a little girl who awakens his memories of the past.

“The film makes us reflect on the importance of observing, listening, and understanding that we cannot judge people without knowing what is behind their experience,” says Hilario. “Everyone goes through situations that we can’t even imagine, so we must be kind to each other. That’s why we thought focusing this narrative around empathy and hope, which we need more and more. We always wanted to make a film without dialogue and use animation, music, and the narrative itself to evoke deep emotions and reflections.”

The widely acclaimed short has had a successful festival run. It has made history in Brazil by participating in 19 Oscar-qualifying film festivals, including the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival. Umbrella is the only Brazilian animated short that qualified for the Oscars this year . If nominated, it would be the first Brazilian animated short ever to get that far in the category. “In these times when we can’t give and receive hugs,” says Hilario, “ Umbrella was embraced by the Brazilian media and public.”

It all started when Hilario got a call from her sister in 2011. The sister said she had visited an orphanage in Palmas (in the Brazilian state of Paraná) to deliver Christmas gifts to the children. There was one boy who didn’t want any of the toys. When asked what he wanted, he said he would love an umbrella. The reason was that the last time he remembered seeing his father was on a rainy day; in his head, he needed an umbrella to reunite the family.

As Hilario explains, “In making this short, our dream and goal were to translate a painful memory into art to spread a beautiful message of empathy and hope. A sad event inspired us to create a beautiful and delicate story. We couldn’t stop thinking about how precious our memories are, and we must put ourselves in the other’s shoes before jumping to conclusions.”

It took about ten years for Hilario and Pece to realize their dream. When they wrote the script, the couple had no experience of working in animation. “We didn’t rush, we took our time, we knew in our hearts that one day we would bring this story to life,” says Hilario. “It took years to gain experience with animation and post-production before we opened our studio Stratostorm in 2014.”

While working on advertising and entertainment projects at the studio, Hilario and Pece prepared financially to set up Umbrella as an independent in-house production, and put together the right team of talented artists to bring the project to life. They spent a few months per year on the project. In total, the production took up 20 months over the years, including 13 months of full-time production with a small team of artists.

The couple worked with three talented full-time cg artists (Alan Prado, Dhiego Guimarães, and Felipe Pardini). At the peak of production, nine cg artists were working on the project at the same time, alongside five animators led by animation supervisor Hannry Pschera. Talented artist Victor Hugo designed the characters, and composer Gabriel Dib wrote the emotional score.

“Our small but mighty team created a true piece of art,” says Hilario. “ Umbrella is a work of love, discipline, and resilience. It’s proof that when we find unique stories within our own experiences and we believe in our dreams with all our hearts, one day they will come true. Sometimes a filmmaker’s journey is lonely and requires patience, because you may be the only one who truly believes in your story. But we can’t give up, and we must work hard to keep telling stories that will inspire and move people.”

The couple also created their own strategy for distributing Umbrella to film festivals. Their first time on the film festival circuit left a deep impression. “We are thankful for every festival that has given us the opportunity to genuinely present our short film to wider audiences,” says Hilario. “It was a wonderful experience to see their commitment to keeping the events going during this difficult and strange year. They honored all the filmmakers they selected for their line-up.”

During these difficult times, Umbrella will resonate deeply with viewers young and old. Its sensitive story, which warms the heart while making us reflect on the real meaning of empathy, is more relevant than ever.

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The short and the short of it: The yellow dream of one young hopeful orphan in Umbrella

umbrella short film summary essay

SNAPSHOT Inspired by true events and filled with messages of empathy and hope, Umbrella follows Joseph’s story, a boy who lives in an orphanage and dreams of having a yellow Umbrella. 2021 Oscar® Qualified Animated Short Film – Created and Produced in Brazil. (synopsis courtesy YouTube)

Umbrella , written by Helen Hilario and Mario Pece is one of those exquisitely well-made animated short films that rips your heart out and puts it back in again (in the best possible way).

In just seven or so minutes, the film tells the story of one little orphan’s desperate need to have a yellow umbrella, a need so impelling it leads him to steal one when it’s placed in the rack by a mother and daughter visiting the children’s home where he lives to delivery toys.

Why he would go to such lengths is explained in a profoundly moving story that goes to the heart of why a yellow umbrella matters to him, and what gaining it adds to his life which becomes immeasurably richer in the aftermath.

There is a richly affecting beauty to this perfectly-judged short film that uses no dialogue but still conveys a whole world of emotion, impacting you in such a way that you don’t soon forget this gem of the Oscar-nominated Brazilian short film.

It’s a film that also comes with a timely message for a world very much in need of human kindness and empathy.

“The film makes us reflect on the importance of observing, listening, and understanding that we cannot judge people without knowing what is behind their experience,” says Hilario. “Everyone goes through situations that we can’t even imagine, so we must be kind to each other. That’s why we thought focusing this narrative around empathy and hope, which we need more and more. We always wanted to make a film without dialogue and use animation, music, and the narrative itself to evoke deep emotions and reflections.” ( Cartoon Brew )

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Breakdowns and the timeline for the animated short film”Umbrella”

1.Basic story arcs

umbrella short film summary essay

  • Exposition : introduction of setting, characters, problems.
  • Rising action : characters struggling with problem.
  • Climax : tense moment of crisis.
  • Falling action : movement toward an ending.
  • Resolution : returning the story to stability by showing the final results of the climax.

8 stages of story arcs

umbrella short film summary essay

2. Types of characters

  • Protagonist : The main character of the story. Antagonist : Standing against the protagonist.
  • Dynamic : Experiencing inner changes through learning something. Static : The character makes no changes of their ways.
  • Round : Well-developed, with realistic emotions, conflicting feelings and multi- layered. Flat : One-dimensional, lacks emotional depth.

3. The example of a timeline for the character

umbrella short film summary essay

4. Breakdowns and the timeline for the animated short film””

  • Story arcs: (simplify it to 4 stages)

– Exposition : A woman brings her daughter and a box containing some toys to the charity taking in the orphans. a boy from the charity gets excited through the window when he sees the yellow umbrellas carried by that woman.

– Rising action : Children are having fun with the toys the woman bring, at the same time, her little daughter notice that the yellow umbrella they brought is lost, however, she finds out something weird and follows through the drops to the upstairs.

– Climax : The girl sees that boy is hiding something in the locker, she feels it must be him stealing their yellow umbrella before getting angry and having conflict with the boy. Accidently, the things contained in the locker all fall down and appeal to the adults coming through after which the girl takes back the umbrella angrily, leading to the sobbing boy who starts to reveal his story by his falling tears.

– Falling action : After knowing his past story about his absent loving father and the meaning of the umbrella to him, they realise that they got a boy wrong and get pity for him before giving that yellow umbrella to him.

– Resolution : The truth is that the boy misses his father who carries that yellow umbrella all the time, therefore, he has been looking and searching for his father by recognising the umbrella, and the reason why he hides it is that that yellow one means a lot to him also he wants to keep those memories. In the end, he relieves the sadness for his beloved father, which carries him long, by getting warm love from his lovely partner.

(what is more, his partner seems like that girl who got him wrong when they are little 🙂 what a sad and beautiful short animated film!)

  • The archetypes of the characters:

As we can see, the protagonist is the boy who wears the yellow scarf and the antagonist is the girl with a pink hat, who stands against the boy at the beginning. In addition, they both are dynamic and round characters.

The boy experiences the inner changes, from a person who always misses his beloved father and feels sorrowful with that yellow umbrella to a person who can open his heart to other people and relieve himself of his past. Besides, we can tell his realistic emotions and feelings such as Blue, excited, sad, and pleased

umbrella short film summary essay

The shift towards the attitudes shows the girl in this film is a well-developed and multi-layered character. For starters, all of her movements and facial expression can obviously illustrate that she is such an indifferent and remorseless girl, however, she becomes a caring and warm person who salvage the protagonist to some point in the end.

umbrella short film summary essay

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A Heartwarming Short Animated Film

umbrella short film summary essay

Short Film Umbrella

Films give us the opportunity to see the world from a different perspective and help us develop a better understanding of what others think and feel. Although the short film Umbrella is not primarily an account of the refugee experience, it helps us to understand what it means to be a refugee child. The inspiring story evokes empathy and touches the hearts of viewers young and old. The animated film by Brazilian filmmakers Helena Hilario & Mario Pece is based on a true story experienced by Hilario's sister. It is about Joseph, a boy in an orphanage who meets a little girl with a yellow umbrella who brings back memories of his father. The film has been nominated in several film festivals and has won several awards. According to Hilario, “We always wanted to make a film without dialogue and use animation, music, and the narrative itself to evoke deep emotions and reflections.” (Cartoon Brew Connect)

Exploiting the film in the classroom

Umbrella is suitable for students at different levels in the EFL classroom because it has no spoken dialogues and the tasks can be adapted to the students’ level. The following example shows how the film can be used as a lead-in to the topic of refugees.  

Pre-viewing task

Ask students to describe an object that is special to them and explain what makes it special.

While-viewing task

Ask students to pay attention to the following questions while watching the film:

  • Who are the protagonists?
  • Where does the action take place?
  • What happens in the course of the film?
  • How does the story end?
  • How does the film make you feel?

After watching the film, ask the last question first. Next, students fill in a story map based on the above questions. A template can be downloaded here:

After finishing the task, students give feedback in the plenary or in small groups depending on the class size. In this way, they can compare their interpretations of the story.

Post-viewing activities

     For lower-level students:

Ask students or pairs of students to write a short summary in the present tense for a friend based on the story map and to comment on the film. When they are finished, they can share their stories in small groups and revise them by correcting each other and adding details.

Facts about refugees

The little boy Joseph portrayed in the short film Umbrella is just one of many people who are a refugee. Ask students to have a look at the statistics on refugees on the following website:

What facts surprise you?

Do you know any refugees? What is their story?

Find out some information about refugees in your town and talk about it in the next session.

For higher-level students (from level B2):

Ask students to take the viewpoint of one of the characters in the film and write an account of the story from the his or her point of view (in the past tense). Those students who have described the same point of view can share and revise their stories. Finally, some or all the stories are shared in mixed groups or in the plenary depending on the size of the group.

    What is a refugee?

Ask students how they would define a refugee. According to the 1951 Refugee Convention, a refugee is “someone who is unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion.”

Ask students to read the information on the following website:


Which facts are probably true for Joseph, the boy in the short film?

Umbrella at a glance


December 25, 2020


Helena Hilario, Mario Pece

Gabriel Dib

The story of a boy who lives in an orphanage and whose memories are evoked by a yellow umbrella


A universal story related to the refugee experience


Refugee experience, traumatic experience of loss


No spoken dialogues




8 minutes


on YouTube


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A yellow umbrella that holds a lifelong story. While visiting a home for children, a little girl meets Joseph, a boy whose only dream is to have a yellow umbrella. This unexpected encounter awakens his memories of the past.

Inspired by true events, Umbrella is an award-winning animated short film created and produced independently at the creative studio STRATOSTORM and it is the only Brazilian animated short film qualified for the 2021 Academy Awards Consideration.

Filled with messages of hope and empathy, the animated short film Umbrella was written and directed by Helena Hilario and Mario Pece it is their duo directorial debut.

Umbrella follows Joseph’s story, a boy who lives in an orphanage and dreams of having a yellow Umbrella until he unexpectedly meets a little girl, who awakens his memories of the past.

Premiered in North America at the prestigious TRIBECA Film Festival, and before that, the film screened in Northern Ireland’s Foyle Film Festival. Umbrella was screened in the Official Selection at 19 Academy Award® Qualifying Film Festivals around the world.

“The story is inspired by heartbreaking true event that happened with my sister in the south of Brazil back in 2011,” says Director Helena Hilario. “The message of the film is empathy for others,” says Hilario and Pece. “That one can make a huge difference in the lives of others by just being kind. It makes us reflect on the importance of observing, listening, and understanding that we cannot judge people without knowing what is behind their experience. Everyone goes through situations that we can’t even imagine, so we must be kind to each other. That´s why we thought about bringing empathy and hope to this narrative. Something we need more and more. The Stratostorm team worked tirelessly and passionate about bringing this project to life, and they all loved the story because our main character, Joseph, never turns negative on the world or his life. Through the story, we find out why a simple yellow umbrella holds a lifelong fascination for him.”


  • VFX RIO (Rio de Janeiro)
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☔️ Years later, it was time to start the pre-production of UMBRELLA. Laura Guedes, a talented concept artist, created the concept design of all the characters, which was inspired by real people from Helena´s family. It was a fundamental and amazing collaboration process that defined the colors and overall mood of the characters. 🤩 😍 ✏️ #umbrellaanimatedshort #conceptart #conceptdesign

☔️ The heartbreaking story of Umbrella is inspired by true events that happened in early December 2011 in an orphanage in the south of Brazil. The writers-directors Helena Hilario and Mario Pece turned the pain into art and wrote the first draft of the script full of emotion, empathy, and kindness in late December 2011. Over the years, only three scenes were added in the first original draft. Everything else was there on paper since day 1! UMBRELLA follows Joseph’s story, a boy who lives in an orphanage and dreams of having a yellow umbrella until he meets a little girl that awakens his memories of the past. ☔️ 🥰 🤗 💜 🗞 #umbrellaanimatedshort #screenplay #script #shortfilm #animation

☔️ We are thrilled to announce our Canadian Premiere at the Calgary International Film Festival – CIFF from Sep 4- Oct 4. Umbrella will be playing online and in-cinema! It’s going to be fun! Please join us there! Tickets on sale now!! Thank you so much, CIFF! 🤗 🥰 ❤️ 🇨🇦 #umbrellaanimatedshort #CIFF #CIFF2020

☔️ Hola Mexico! We are excited to share that Umbrella will be playing at the Guanajuato International Film Festival , Sep 18-27. Check out and watch online their great 2020 lineup 🤩 Muchas Gracias GIFF ❤️ 🥰 #umbrellaanimatedshort #GIFF2020


☔️  We are thrilled to share with you that  Umbrella  will be playing in Japan! Our Japanese premiere will be at the  Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia  on Sep 16-27 !! We can´t wait! Thank you so much, SSFF! ありがとう  🇯🇵 ❤️ 🤗 🥰

#umbrellaanimatedshort   #ssff   #ssff2020

☔️   Umbrella  is premiering in India at the  Bengaluru International Film Festival !! We’re looking forward to streaming Umbrella alongside some other great shorts! Join us at the online festival Aug 13-16! Thank you BISFF  🤗 🤩 💚 🇮🇳   #umbrellaanimatedshort   #bisff

☔️  Yaaay! We´re very excited to share that Umbrella is heading to the  Rhode Island International Film Festival  Film Festival Aug 4- 9!!! We can´t wait to share our film with you! Stay tuned for the Umbrella screening date and check out the amazing 2020 lineup and daily schedule updates on their website! Thank you, RIIFF!  💜 🤗 🇺🇸 # umbrellaanimatedshort

☔️ 💜  Thank you so much  Heartland Film  Indy Shorts for the Audience Award and all those who watched and voted for  Umbrella ! We are thrilled and proud to be part of this incredible Academy Award®-qualifying festival! Thank you, thank you!  🤗 🥰 🙌 ⠀ Congrats to our entire talented team of fantastic artists that brought this film to life!  ☔️ 👏 ⠀ #umbrellaanimatedshort   #indyshorts2020

☔️ 💜  We’re excited to share that  Umbrella  has won the Best Family Film Award at the  Cordillera International Film Festival ! Thank you to the amazing jury and everyone that supports our short-film.  🤗 🤩 🥰

# umbrellaanimatedshort   # ciffnv2020

☔️  Our beloved Umbrella is also available online at the  Cordillera International Film Festival  !! Please get your tickets NOW and watch our film and many other fantastic films! Available only between July 23-26!  💚 🤗


☔️  It starts tomorrow!!  🤗   Umbrella  will be available online only between July 21-26 during the Heartland Film Indy Shorts at the Kids and Family Program! Pre-order Umbrella now and watch it at home!! Check out the fantastic festival lineup 2020 and share your thoughts with us about Umbrella!! We’d love to hear from you!  💜 🤗 ☔️

Tickets here:

# umbrellaanimatedshort   # indyshorts   # heartlandfilmfestival

☔️ 🇬🇧  Happy to share that  Umbrella  is an Official Selection at the  British Animation Film Festival ! Thank you  The Film Festival Guild  ! Check out the incredible 2020 lineup, streaming for free between July 13-19! Don’t miss it out!  🤩 🤗   # umbrellaanimatedshort   # britishanimationfestival

☔️ 🇮🇹  Ciao!! We are coming back to Italy!  🇮🇹 Umbrella will be screening at Cartoon Club Animation Film Festival, tomorrow July 16 at 9:30pm. If you are in the beautiful Rimini, please come to watch Umbrella and many other fantastic short films!! Thank you Cartoon Club!  🤗 🤩 # umbrellaanimatedshort

☔️  We’re thrilled to announce that  Umbrella  has won Best 3D Animated Film at the  Florida Animation Festival  this year! Shout out to the incredible animators, 3D artists and our entire team, who brought Umbrella to life!  💜 👏 Thank you  # FloridaAnimationFestival 🤗 🏆 🥇 # umbrellaanimatedshort

☔️  We are honored and happy to announce that Umbrella will be heading to Indianapolis’s Indy Shorts!! Thank you so much  Heartland Film   💜 🤗 🤩

The 2020 Official Selections will be streaming July 21-26! Tickets are on sale, pre- order now! 👏 🇺🇸


# umbrellaanimatedshort   # indyshorts2020   # indyshorts   # heartlandfilmfestival

☔️  We are very excited about the in-person screening of  Umbrella  at the 50th  USA Film Festival  in Dallas on Saturday at 4:15 pm as part of the Animated Short Films Program.  🤗 💜  Tickets are free, and seating is limited but must be reserved by telephone at 214.821.6300  ☎️ 🇺🇸   # umbrellaanimatedshort   # usafilmfestival

☔️💜 Film still from Umbrella passing through your timeline 🤗☂️🌧  #tbt   #umbrellaanimatedshort   #filmframe   #filmstill   #3danimation

☔️  More festival news! Umbrella is a finalist for the 50th  USA Film Festival !  🤗 🙌 🇺🇸  If you are in Dallas next week, stay tuned to attend the in-person screening!  🥰 Thank you  # USAFilmFestival !

☔️  We are so excited to be part of the 2020  Florida Animation Festival  Official Selection!  🤗  The festival this year will be completely virtual, and many wonderful films will be available for streaming only from June 11-14. Please check out TODAY!

🔜   🏝 🇺🇸 !

☔️   Umbrella  was named Winner of Best Original Score in Animation Film! Yaaay!! We are so happy! Thank you so much  Cinematography Awards  and  # NYAFA   🤗 🎻 🎶   # umbrellaanimatedshort

Complete list of winners and official selection here:

☔️ We wish we could be in the sunny Gran Canaria this week at  @animayofestival , screening Umbrella for the first time in Spain and celebrating animation together! 🇪🇸☀️ ⠀ But what is still very cool is that the amazing international jury is viewing and voting the films in the competition categories via an online platform today and tomorrow! 🤞 Muchas Gracias for the opportunity Animayo Film Festival ! 🤗☔️💜🎉  #umbrellaanimatedshort   #animayo   #animayovirtual

💕 As we count down the days until we can start social contact with our loved ones again, Joseph and Helena want to remind you of some essential precautions to protect yourself and others! 💕 🤗 😷 ☔️


# umbrellaanimatedshort   # covid19   # coronavirus   # quarantine   # socialdistancing   # PSA

☔️ We are thrilled to announce that Umbrella is selected for the  @animayofestival  2020!! We are coming – virtually – to Spain!! Stay tuned for streaming dates and more! Muchas Gracias Animayo! 🇪🇸❤️

🤗  #umbrellaanimatedshort   #animayo   #animayovirtual   #virtualanimayo

☔️  Ohio! We’re coming to you! While we are saddened we can´t be there in person, the amazing organizers of  Cleveland International Film Festival  are supporting their 2020 storytellers and proceeding with the juried awards for short films! 🤞 They also launched the  # CIFFStreams , for you to stay home and watch the features and short films originally slated to screen at  # CIFF44 ! Isn´t It Awesome? 🤗 📺  ⠀

Umbrella is now available on the platform until April 28 (link below) with access  geo-restricted to viewers in Ohio! Thank you so much CIFF!!!  ❤️ 🇺🇸 ⠀ # umbrellaanimatedshort

☔️  Umbrella officially premieres in North America this week at  Tribeca  ´s 2020 Animation Short Competition! The access to our film is exclusive to the fabulous juries, members of the press and industry! Wishing good luck to our beloved film  🤗 💛 🤞 🙏 ☔️ 🍀 🗽 🇺🇸

# umbrellaanimatedshort   # TriBeca2020   # TriBecaStrong   # TribecaFilmFestival

☔️  We would like say a massive Thank You to the entire incredible  Tribeca  team for their continued support to storytellers during this strange and uncertain times. ⠀ Without the in-person festival in April, the organizers had an amazing initiative and announced that some of the Tribeca’s competition programming, including our beloved  Umbrella  will be available online for the illustrious juries, members of the press and industry!  💕 🙌 ⠀ While we are devastated we can’t screen ou r film with a wider audience at this time, we are grateful and honored to have this incredible opportunity. Umbrella carries a heartwarming message that feels particularly timely: Empathy, hope and kindness, after all, this is all we need right now! 🤞 🙌 💛 ⠀ # umbrellaanimatedshort   # tribeca2020   # tribeca   # tribecastrong   # staystrong   # weareinthistogether   🇺🇸 🗽 ❤️

# weareinthistogether   🇺🇸 🗽 ❤️

☔️ 💔 🦠 😷 The Coronavirus outbreak is rapidly-spreading and it is affecting entertainment events around the world, from the theatrical releases, to film festivals and conferences. ⠀ Many incredible film festivals that  Umbrella is selected to screen in March and April are currently postponed or cancelled. This is a difficult time for everyone and for our entire industry but unfortunately in this moment of uncertainty this is the best decision in order to protect the health and safety of  the public. We will update you in the next few weeks as soon as we have more information from the festivals. ⠀ We are devastated with this news but we are here to express our love and support to all the programmers and organizers for their hard work, and our gratitude for the opportunity given to our beloved Umbrella. Sending our empathy and kindness in this unprecedented situation to the entire film festivals teams and to our fellow filmmakers. Stay strong!  💜 🙏 ☔️ 💔 🦠 😷 The Coronavirus outbreak is rapidly-spreading and it is affecting entertainment events around the world, from the theatrical releases, to film festivals and conferences. ⠀ Many incredible film festivals that  Umbrella  is selected to screen in March and April are currently postponed or cancelled. This is a difficult time for everyone and for our industry but unfortunately in this moment of uncertainty this is the best decision in order to protect the health and safety of the public. We will update you in the next few weeks as soon as we have more information from the festivals. ⠀ We are devastated with this news but we are here to express our love and support to all the programmers and organizers for their hard work, and our gratitude for the opportunity given to our beloved Umbrella. Sending our empathy and kindness in this unprecedented situation to the entire film festivals teams and to our fellow filmmakers. Stay strong!  💜 🙏   Tribeca   Cinequest   Cleveland International Film Festival   American Documentary And Animation Film Festival and Film Fund   San Luis Obispo International Film Festival

☔️ 💜  We are incredibly honored and excited to announce that  Umbrella  will be screening at the 2020  Tribeca  Film Festival in April. Tickets will go on sale ‪on March 17th at 11am ET‬. We can’t wait to see you at  # Tribeca2020 !  🤗 🚀 🇺🇸 🗽

# umbrellaanimatedshort   # tribeca   # tribecafilmfestival

☔️ 💜  Never before seen film frame of Umbrella passing through your timeline  😍 🥰

💜   # umbrellaanimatedshort   # filmstills   # filmframe   # 3danimation   # shortfilm   # CGI

☔️  Ohio! We’re coming to you!  Umbrella  is proud and very excited to be selected to screen at the  Cleveland International Film Festival . See you there! March 25 – April 5. Thank you so much CIFF!!!  💖 🤩 🤗 🤞 🇱🇷

☔️   Umbrella  was created with passion, dedication and tireless commitment of our team at  StratoStorm  in Brazil, who worked so hard in this room over months and months of production to bring our beloved short film to life! We’re so thankful to our amazing 3D artists!  💜 🙌 🤗 🇧🇷   # umbrellaanimatedshort

☔️  See you soon San Luis Obispo! Umbrella is excited to be a part of the  San Luis Obispo International Film Festival  for 2020!! We’ll see you there, March 17-22! Thank you SloFilmFest!  🤗 🤩 🇺🇸   # umbrellaanimatedshort   # slofilmfest

☔️ We are is thrilled to be selected to screen Umbrella at  @amdocfilmfest  in Palm Springs!! We’re looking forward to seeing you there!! March 27-30 !! Thank you so much AmDocs!🤞💜🌴☺️ #umbrellaanimatedshort   #amdocs

☔️  We´re proud to share that  Umbrella  will be screening at the amazing  Cinequest  !!! 🤞 🤗  Please save the date and join us in San Jose / Sillicon Valey, March 3-15! We can´t wait! THANK you so much Cinequest!!  💜 🇱🇷 # umbrellaanimatedshort   # Cinequest

☔️ 💜 🏆  Grazie, Italia!  🤗 ❤️ 🇮🇹   # umbrellaanimatedshort   # animotionfilmfest

☔️ 🇮🇹  Italia!! With Mario Pece, one of our directors coming from Italy, we are pretty excited for this screening! If you are in Firenze, please come to see Umbrella at  Animotion Film Festival  on Saturday! We’ll see you there  🤗 🤞 # umbrellaanimatedshort # animotionfilmfest

❤️ 🇮🇹  We’re very excited to share that last night  Umbrella  won the Best Animation Award at the  Animotion Film Festival  for 2020! Thank you to the judges and everyone that supports the our short film!  ☔️ 🏆 🎉 🤞 ☺️

# umbrellaanimatedshort   # animotionfilmfest

☔️  Thank you so much  Silk Road International Film Festival  for naming  Umbrella  “Best Short Animation” this year, and to all those that came out to see our film! We are so happy!!  🥰

💜  Congrats to our amazing team and to our animation supervisor  Hannry Cabelo  who represented Umbrella at the festival in Dublin last Saturday!  🤗 # umbrellaanimatedshort   # silkroadinternationalfilmfestival

☔️ Wonderful news! Umbrella was just nominated for  @premios_quirino  for Best Sound Design and Original music of Ibero-American Animation work, alongside 5 amazing projects from Portugal, Brazil, Argentina, and Spain, including the Academy Award Nominee, Klaus. Thank you so much, we are thrilled!! 💜🤗🤞🇪🇸  #umbrellaanimatedshort

☔️🇮🇪 Ireland! The  @silkroadfilmfestival  starts today, and we want to invite you to come and support our screening on Saturday, Jan 25th at 12:30pm!! 🤗🤞 #umbrellaanimatedshort   #silkroadinternationalfilmfestival

☔️ 🇮🇹  Ciao Italia! We are so excited that Umbrella will be screening at  Animotion Film Festival  l!!

Please join us in Firenze on February 1st! Grazie Animotion!  🤞   # umbrellaanimatedshort   # animotionfilmfest

☔️   Umbrella  is coming back to Ireland! Excited to share with you that we are in the official selection at  Silk Road International Film Festival . Thank you SRIFF!

☔️  Click the link below to check the full Short Film Program and get tickets to watch Umbrella on Jan 25th at 12:30pm!

🎄 ✨ Happy Holidays!!!  ❤️

We are so grateful to the audiences and juries at the film festivals for the recognition and support. Thank you so much to everyone that has liked our Instagram and Facebook page, shared our news, followed and supported  Umbrella  since its debut in November.  🙌 🤞 🙏 More exciting festival news are coming in 2020!! We’ll see you soon!  ☔️   # umbrellaanimatedshort   # happyholidays

☔️ Umbrella was named Best Original Score and received a Bronze Medal at Global Music Awards! Congrats to our amazing composer Gabriel Dib for the beautiful score and Thanks to GMA for the reconigzion 💛🎶🎻  #umbrellaanimatedshort

☔️ 💜  Thank you so much to  São Paulo Film Festival  for voting for Umbrella, we are happy to be part of such a great festival!  # umbrellaanimatedshort

☔️  We are so happy to share that  Umbrella  is selected as the semi-finalist at  São Paulo Film Festival  ! Thank you SPFF, we’ll see you there on Dec 12th!  💛 # umbrellaanimatedshort   # saopaulofilmfestival

☔️  We’re excited to share that  Umbrella  will be screening at the  Unlock CCXP   CCXP  today! With our production team based in São Paulo, we’re thrilled to bring this short to Brazil at this incredible event!  💜

☔️ 🇧🇷  Thank so much for the warm reception from the team at  VFX Rio  and to everyone who attended Umbrella’s screening. We are so grateful for all the love and support!!  💛 # umbrellaanimatedshort   # vfxrio

💛 🇧🇷  Brazil! We’re coming to you!  Umbrella  is so excited to be part of  VFX Rio  next Monday for our Brazilian premiere!  ☔️

💛 ☔️  Thank you so much  Oniros Film Awards  for the Best Animation Award and Honorable Mention for Best Screenplay. We are so excited!!  🤗   # umbrellaanimatedshort

☔️  Amazing news!! We are thrilled to have received the Best Animation and Best Children Short Platinum Award. Thank you so much IMDB  Independent Shorts Awards  for the recognition and congratulations to our amazing team!!  💜 🤗   # umbrellaanimatedshort

☔️  It was a pleasure to show  Umbrella  at Espace Studios and meet so many talented students! Thank you so much  Escape Studios  and to everyone who attended our screening!  💜

☔️  Hello London!!! Excited to announce our first roadshow private screening, tomorrow at Escape Studios!  🇬🇧

☔️ 💜  Thank you so much to  Foyle Film Festival  ‘s team and everyone who came to watch and support Umbrella and many other amazing independent short and feature films over the weekend! We had a great time!  🇮🇪

🇮🇪  Heading to Ireland for  Foyle Film Festival ?

☔️  Come to check out our first public screening!!!! Saturday, Nov 16th at 1pm at Nerve Centre Cinema, Derry.

We are very excited and honored to announce that Umbrella has been selected for the Foyle Film Festival . We are the finalists for this year’s Light in Motion Awards for Best Animated Short Film

After several months of production, Umbrella teaser is here! We are thrilled to share it with you!

Umbrella follows the story of Joseph, a boy who lives in an orphanage and dreams of having a yellow Umbrella, until he unexpectedly meets a little girl, who awakens his memories of the past.

Here’s one more character shot from Umbrella as we prepare to release our teaser next week!

As we get closer to the release of the teaser, we thought we’d share a still from the film with you! This is our main character, Joseph. 💜

Here’s our official film poster! Stay tuned, Umbrella is coming this fall to a film festival near you!

Coming soon to a film festival near you!

Written and Directed by Helena Hilario and Mario Pece

Produced by helena hilario, animation studio stratostorm.

  • Executive Producers: Helena Hilario, Mario Pece, Louis Lee
  • 3D Supervisor: Alan Prado
  • Art Director: Dhiego Guimarães
  • Animation Supervisor: Hannry Pschera
  • Lead Character Artists: Victor Hugo, Felipe Pardini
  • Rigging Supervisor: Danilo Pinheiro
  • Technical Director: Mario Pece
  • Concept Artists: Laura Guedes, Giovanni Pedroni
  • Storyboard: Laura Guedes, Giovanni Pedroni
  • Color Script: Murilo Justiniano
  • Graphic Designer: Lucas Araújo
  • End Credits: Cynthia Liz
  • Publicist: Steve Fisher, Alberto Pereira
  • Making of: Igor Dias, Troy Chiu, David T.W. Yu
  • Website Design: Luis Mourão, Lídia Ganhito
  • 3D Artists: Alan Prado, Dhiego Guimarães, Felipe Pardini, Samuel Simões, André Nunes, Joyce Amaral, Gabriel Escame, Douglas Giarletti
  • Camera and Layout: Dhiego Guimarães
  • Pipeline: Alan Prado, Mario Pece
  • Character Artists: Alan Prado, Samuel Simões, Douglas Giarletti
  • Lighting: Alan Prado, Dhiego Guimarães, Felipe Pardini
  • Dynamics: Alan Prado, Mario Pece, Felipe Pardini, Samuel Simões, André Nunes, Joyce Amaral, Gabriel Escame
  • Rigging: Danilo Pinheiro, Apolo Osornio, Glauber Belo, Matheus A. Silva
  • Animators: Christian Weckl, Hannry Pschera, Odair Martins, Leonidas Maciel, Daniel Oliveira
  • Additional Animation: Carlos Braz
  • Special Thanks: Elem Mery Lechinoski, José de Augustinho Hilario, Juciely Hilario, José Luiz Hilario Camargo, Marly Hilario, Helena Lechinoski, Hilario Family, Lechinoski Family, Elvira & Vincenzo Pece, Alessio & Simone Pece, Carla & Daniela Pece, Maria & Douglas Hilario, Marily Raphul, Grant Miller, Pece Family, Izzo Family, Meola Family, João Kowalski, Matteo Moriconi, Jazmin Kuan, Shad & Paula Azimi
  • Color and Finish by: Company 3
  • Senior Finishing Artist: Charles Bunnag
  • Finishing Producer: Jessica Stone
  • Post Production Executive: Kingsley Fialho
  • Account Executive: Jackie Lee
  • Original Music by : Gabriel Dib
  • Score Produced by: Luiz Augusto Buff, Vivian Aguiar Buff
  • Orchestrator: Benjamin Shirley
  • Contractor and Conductor: Peter Rotter
  • Sound Designer: James Tose
  • Re-recording Mixer: Blue Infinity Media
  • Capitol Studios:
  • Recording Engineer: Steve Genewick
  • Contrabass: Thomas Harte, Geoffrey Osika, Stephen Dress
  • Oboe: Claire Brazeau
  • Viola: Andrew Duckes, Victor de Almeida, Aaron Oltman, Carolyn Riley, Nikki Shorts
  • Cello: Jacob Braun, Paula Hockhalter, Dennis Karmazyn, Michael Kaufman
  • Clarinet: Stuart Clark
  • Violin: Serena Mc Kinney, Eun-Mee Ahn, Marisa Kuney, Kevin Connoly, Ana Landauer, Wynton Grant, Natalie Leggett, Benjamin Jacobson, Rafael Rishik, Dennis Kim, Ashoka Thiagarajan, Irina Voloshina, Josefina Vergara

In loving memory

Alberto Lechinoski, Altamiro Miguel Lechinoski, Adelino Hilario, Pedro Hilario, Vivaldina Hilario, Nicacio Bueno, Vincenzo Pece, Anna Santangelo

What are you looking for?


We last spoke to you back in 2018 – what’s been your news since then?

Helena Hilario (Executive Producer): First of all, thank you so much for your continuous support, we appreciate it! Corona has been a great partner in our productions since the beginning of Stratostorm.

Everything at the studio is going great! We continue providing animation solutions for advertising projects and we are also creating original content, Currently we have several original IPs in development for kids and young adults. 

We started the year producing the 5th season of our on-going original project Toontubers for Cartoon Network, and also creating weekly original content for Netflix. 

We hit for the first time the film festival circuit with our new in-house project “Umbrella” and we are massively honored and humbled by the great response we are receiving from audiences and film festival juries around the world.

What lead to the initial idea for “Umbrella”?

Helena Hilario: “Umbrella” is inspired by a heartbreaking true event that happened to my sister in December 2011 when she visited an orphanage and little boy kept on asking for an umbrella. In our story our main character never turns negative on the world or his life. Through the story, we find out why a simple yellow umbrella holds a lifelong fascination for him. 


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Umbrella (2020)

Inspired by true events, while visiting a home for children, a little girl meets Joseph, a boy whose only dream is to have a yellow umbrella. This unexpected encounter awakens his memories o... Read all Inspired by true events, while visiting a home for children, a little girl meets Joseph, a boy whose only dream is to have a yellow umbrella. This unexpected encounter awakens his memories of the past. Inspired by true events, while visiting a home for children, a little girl meets Joseph, a boy whose only dream is to have a yellow umbrella. This unexpected encounter awakens his memories of the past.

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  • 8 wins & 22 nominations

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umbrella short film summary essay

UMBRELLA | Award-Winning and Oscar® Qualified Animated Short Film

☔️⚡️ Inspired by true events and filled with messages of empathy and hope, Umbrella follows Joseph’s story, a boy who lives in an orphanage and dreams of having a yellow Umbrella. 2021 Oscar® Qualified Animated Short Film – For Your Consideration

☔️⚡️ Inspirado em eventos reais e recheado de mensagem de empatia e esperança, UMBRELLA conta a história de Joseph, um menino que mora em um orfanato e sonha em ter um guarda-chuva amarelo. Curta metragem Qualificado e em Consideração para o Oscar® 2021.

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Stratostorm Presents UMBRELLA - Original Animated Short Film/Homage To Empathy - Up For Best Animation

Animation house Stratostorm has released UMBRELLA, an original animated homage to empathy and kindness. The film will debut November 16 at Ireland's Foyle Film Festival, in contention for the Light in Motion Awards for Best Animation. It will then hit the international film festival circuit in 2020.

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Nov 05, 2019, 07:00 ET

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LOS ANGELES , Nov. 5, 2019 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Animation house Stratostorm presents UMBRELLA, an original animated homage to empathy and kindness. The film will debut November 16 at Ireland's Foyle Film Festival, in contention for the Light in Motion Awards for Best Animation. It will then hit the international film festival circuit in 2020. See the teaser here .

UMBRELLA follows the story of Joseph, a boy who lives in an orphanage and dreams of having a yellow umbrella. "The story is inspired by heartbreaking true events," says Executive Producer Helena Hilario, who co-founded Stratostorm five years ago with CEO/Creative Director Mario Pece . "The message of the film is empathy for others," says Hilario. "That one can make a huge difference in the lives of others by just being kind. We never know what others are going through or what they may be struggling with. Every shot in UMBRELLA is very emotional for us; every color and texture and every character is inspired by someone or something in our lives. The Stratostorm team loved the story, because our main character never turns negative on the world or his life. Through the story, we find out why a simple yellow umbrella holds a lifelong fascination for him."

According to Hilario, her small but resourceful animation team took 20 months to bring UMBRELLA to life, but in reality the project took a total of eight years from ideation to completion. "We wanted to do this film, not just for Stratostorm, but to spotlight the highest level of craft and execution," says Hilario. We hope UMBRELLA shows that great, animated storytelling now originates outside the mainstream, with some of the best talent found at Stratostorm." Hilario added that the debut of this film also marks the beginning of Stratostorm operations in the US, at their new studio in Los Angeles .

The Team Character design of Joseph and six supporting characters was completed by award-winning 3D artist Victor Hugo (Moana, Disney, Marvel). Danilo Pinheiro executed rigging while Hannry Pschera supervised the animation. Stratostorm's team included supervisor Alan Prado , art director Dhiego Guimaraes and character designer Felipe Pardini .

Heartstrings Key to evoking complex emotions of empathy, forgiveness and kindness is the original music score by Gabriel Dib ( McFarland , Drumline, Criminal Minds). "What Gabriel did for the film is amazing," says Hilario. The music had to be perfect to quickly establish an authentic connection between Joseph and the audience." Through the music, viewers share his sense of abandonment." Dib completed the score, which was handed off to conductor Peter Rotter (Avatar, Deadpool, Frozen) for recording a full orchestral track at Capitol Studios in Hollywood . Luis Augusto and Vivian Aguiar Buff produced the final track, while audio post was headed up by James Tose with Blue Infinity Media handling re-recording. Colorist was Charles Bunnag (Avengers End Game, The Lion King, Guardians of Galaxy).

About Stratostorm: Stratostorm is about passion, craft and amazing collaboration. We are an independently owned creative studio specializing in 3D and 2D animation and original content for film, television and advertising. Stratostorm was founded in 2014 to advance the craft of animation storytelling. Our staff is a talented team made up of visual artists, designers, animators, writers and producers, executing at the highest level. Our company is located in Sao Paulo, Brazil with studios in Los Angeles .

SOURCE Stratostorm

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UMBRELLA Award Winning And Oscar® Qualified Animated Short Film

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Stratostorm Presents UMBRELLA – Original Animated Short Film/Homage To Empathy

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Up For Best Animation

Animation house Stratostorm presents UMBRELLA, an original animated homage to empathy and kindness. The film will debut November 16 at Ireland's Foyle Film Festival, in contention for the Light in Motion Awards for Best Animation. It will then hit the international film festival circuit in 2020. 

UMBRELLA follows the story of Joseph, a boy who lives in an orphanage and dreams of having a yellow umbrella. "The story is inspired by heartbreaking true events," says Executive Producer Helena Hilario, who co-founded Stratostorm five years ago with CEO/Creative Director Mario Pece. "The message of the film is empathy for others," says Hilario. "That one can make a huge difference in the lives of others by just being kind. We never know what others are going through or what they may be struggling with. Every shot in UMBRELLA is very emotional for us; every color and texture and every character is inspired by someone or something in our lives. The Stratostorm team loved the story, because our main character never turns negative on the world or his life. Through the story, we find out why a simple yellow umbrella holds a lifelong fascination for him."

According to Hilario, her small but resourceful animation team took 20 months to bring UMBRELLA to life, but in reality the project took a total of eight years from ideation to completion. "We wanted to do this film, not just for Stratostorm, but to spotlight the highest level of craft and execution," says Hilario. We hope UMBRELLA shows that great, animated storytelling now originates outside the mainstream, with some of the best talent found at Stratostorm." Hilario added that the debut of this film also marks the beginning of Stratostorm operations in the US, at their new studio in Los Angeles.

The Team  Character design of Joseph and six supporting characters was completed by award-winning 3D artist Victor Hugo (Moana, Disney, Marvel). Danilo Pinheiro executed rigging while Hannry Pschera supervised the animation. Stratostorm's team included supervisor Alan Prado, art director Dhiego Guimaraes and character designer Felipe Pardini. 

Heartstrings  Key to evoking complex emotions of empathy, forgiveness and kindness is the original music score by Gabriel Dib (McFarland, Drumline, Criminal Minds). "What Gabriel did for the film is amazing," says Hilario. The music had to be perfect to quickly establish an authentic connection between Joseph and the audience." Through the music, viewers share his sense of abandonment." Dib completed the score, which was handed off to conductor Peter Rotter(Avatar, Deadpool, Frozen) for recording a full orchestral track at Capitol Studios in Hollywood. Luis Augusto and Vivian Aguiar Buffproduced the final track, while audio post was headed up by James Tose with Blue Infinity Media handling re-recording. Colorist was Charles Bunnag (Avengers End Game, The Lion King, Guardians of Galaxy). 

About Stratostorm :  Stratostorm is about passion, craft and amazing collaboration. We are an independently owned creative studio specializing in 3D and 2D animation and original content for film, television and advertising. Stratostorm was founded in 2014 to advance the craft of animation storytelling. Our staff is a talented team made up of visual artists, designers, animators, writers and producers, executing at the highest level. Our company is located in Sao Paulo, Brazil with studios in Los Angeles.

umbrella short film summary essay


MTI FILM and ColorTime Launch New Creative Boutique “Flow” in Vancouver, Canada

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In an exciting move set to invigorate the television production industry, Hollywood-based post-production veterans, MTI FILM and ColorTime, have joined forces to launch a new creative boutique, Flow Post Partners . Situated in the heart of Vancouver’s creative district, Flow is designed to support the rebounding television production market, capitalizing on Canada’s favorable post-production tax credits. Flow Post Partners is already making waves, having secured two high-profile television series: CBS's "Watson" and the upcoming Peacock comedy, "Laid". These projects mark the beginning of what is set to be a powerful partnership, with Flow positioned as a hub for dailies, VFX, and final post services. "Go with the Flow" is more than just a tagline; it encapsulates the philosophy behind this new venture. With Flow, ColorTime and MTI FILM aim to provide a seamless post-production experience, ensuring that the creative vision of each project is maintained consistently from start to finish, no matter where production occurs. "Vancouver is an ideal location to launch Flow. It has an excellent pool of talent from which to choose so staffing can be all Canadian. "Our studio partners have a strong presence in Canada, and they need a reliable known partner who can offer creative and technical support locally,” said Larry Chernoff, CEO of MTI FILM. "To begin, Flow will provide productions with dailies and, in phase two, complete their projects with VFX and finishing services enjoying the financial benefits of the local tax credits." Flow is not just a local venture; expansion plans are already underway, with new partnerships planned to launch in other key markets. The trusted relationships that industry veterans Larry... Read More

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What Does The Umbrella Symbolize In The Short Film Umbrella?

“Umbrella is a work of love, discipline, and resilience . It’s proof that when we find unique stories within our own experiences and we believe in our dreams with all our hearts, one day they will come true.

In this post

What’s the umbrella movie?

A man uses an imaginary umbrella to protect himself against against life; until he is convinced to use a real umbrella. A man uses an imaginary umbrella to protect himself against against life; until he is convinced to use a real umbrella.

How do you win an animated short film Oscar?

An animated short film has a running time of 40 minutes or less. An animated feature film has a running time of more than 40 minutes. In an animated film, animation must figure in no less than 75 percent of the picture’s running time .

What is the message of the short film umbrella?

“The message of the film is empathy for others ,” says Hilario and Pece. “That one can make a huge difference in the lives of others by just being kind. It makes us reflect on the importance of observing, listening, and understanding that we cannot judge people without knowing what is behind their experience.

What is the story of umbrella?

Umbrella is Stratostorm´s original short film. Inspired by true events and filled with a message of empathy and hope, the film follows the story of Joseph, a boy who lives in an orphanage and dreams of having a yellow Umbrella, until he unexpectedly meets a little girl, who awakens his memories of the past .

Can a short film be 2 minutes?

Short films are motion pictures that aren’t long enough in running time to be considered a feature film. They are generally 40 minutes or less and can even be 30 seconds long! To qualify as a short film at film festivals, the running time should be less than 15 minutes.

Which cartoon has won the most Oscars?

The first film to win in this category was Flowers and Trees by Walt Disney, who has since held the category’s record for most nominations (39) and most wins (12). MGM’s Tom and Jerry (1940–67) is the category’s most lauded animated series over all, being nominated for a total of 13 Oscars and winning 7.

What are short films called?

Short films or movies are sometimes called short subjects . Before 1910 all American movies were short subjects. Another term used for short films is avant-garde or “avant-garde short films”.

Who is that umbrella guy?

Matthew Lewis Matthew Lewis , or as he’s better known across social media, That Umbrella Guy, has posted dozens of videos in the past few months, usually with a disparaging view of Heard. They have amassed millions of views earning him thousands of dollars in the process.

In which part of the mini critique can you find an umbrella statement?

Umbrella paragraphs are typically found in the very beginning of the discussion or analysis section .

What is the summary of the blue umbrella?

One day, Binya receives a beautiful blue umbrella by some foreigners in exchange for her leopard claw pendant. Soon, the shopkeeper becomes jealous of the umbrella and tries to buy it from Binya by claiming, “This is a fancy umbrella which small girls should not have”, but Binya refuses.

How do you end a short film?

A memorable ending. A good way of thinking about a short film ending is to ask yourself how an audience might expect your story to end and then ask yourself what would be the opposite of that . What would be an ironic ending given your setup?

What is the shortest short film?

Fresh Guacamole The film was nominated for Best Animated Short Film at the 85th Academy Awards; at 1 minute and 40 seconds, it is the shortest film ever nominated for an Oscar.

Fresh Guacamole
Release date March 7, 2012
Running time 1 minute 40 seconds
Country United States

Has any anime won an Oscar?

Hayao Miyazaki’s masterpiece “Spirited Away ,” from Studio Ghibli, received the award.

Has a Disney movie ever won an Oscar?

In 1939, Walt Disney won a special Academy Award for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The award—one large Oscar statue accompanied by seven “dwarf” Oscars—was presented to Walt by Shirley Temple.

Have any animated movies won Best Picture?

Film Finders: Award-Winning Films

  • Oscars: Best Animated Feature.
  • 2019-Toy Story 4.
  • 2018-Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.
  • 2016-Zootopia.
  • 2015-Inside Out.
  • 2014-Big Hero 6.
  • 2013-Frozen.

What is the purpose of a short film?

What is the Purpose of a Short Film? Whether a short film is funded by a government grant, out-of-pocket by an aspiring filmmaker, or by a network or studio themselves, the overarching goal is the same — to create a concentrated piece of storytelling at a significantly lower cost than a full-length feature film .

What is important in a short film?

#3 Tell a story – The story is the most important aspect of a film and in a short you have to keep it simple. There’s insufficient time to introduce a bunch of characters and their individual back stories. Keeping explanation out of dialogue helps if you can visually show a character’s personality and traits.

How long should your short film be?

While there’s no Hollywood rulebook that says how long a short film must be, generally speaking, a short film is a motion picture up to 50 minutes long. That said, 20 minutes tends to be the average length. A short film can be live-action, animated, or computer generated.

What is the identity of the umbrella guy on youtube?

Matthew Lewis of Mcminnville, Tennessee, is better known online as prominent Comicgate figure That Umbrella Guy. It’s a name he has used as an identity online, in person and for creating comic books.

How much does That Umbrella Guy make?

That Umbrella Guy. His approach comes with the intention of always smearing Amber Heard and trying to paint men as the true victims of abuse in these contexts. Monthly, this Youtuber makes around $80,000 a month, which transforms roughly into $1 million per year .

Den of Geek

Saschka Unseld interview: The Blue Umbrella, Pixar shorts, sequels, Disney’s Paperman & more…

We chat to Saschka Unseld, the director of The Blue Umbrella, the Pixar short paired with Monsters University...

umbrella short film summary essay

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“Disney Pixar did that?” That’s the reaction director Sachka Unseld is hoping audiences will have to The Blue Umbrella , the short film paired with Monsters University .

Where’s the surprise, you might ask. In many ways, The Blue Umbrella is everything we’ve come to expect from a Pixar short; it’s dialogue-free, anthropomorphises inanimate objects, and charms the socks off you in the time it would take to make a cup of tea. Once you’ve seen Unseld’s film though, you’ll know what he means.

Pixar may bang the drum for story, but it’s the style of The Blue Umbrella that makes an impression. When the first stills from the film were released, they were immediately labelled as photo-realistic, though Unseld wouldn’t describe the look as such, “What does it mean, photo-real? It doesn’t mean anything”. The intention, Unseld tells us, was for the audience to think in the film’s opening seconds, “Oh, Pixar’s done a live-action short”. After that point? Well, we won’t spoil it. Suffice to say the film says something about hope, love and dejection, and – not to get too fridge magnet-y about it – the universe catching you when you fall.

Den of Geek and Yahoo Movies chatted to German-born Unseld about the pitching process at Pixar, The Blue Umbrella ’s distinctive visual style, Disney’s Paperman , the importance of a happy ending, the uncanny valley in animation, and what Pixar’s recent taste for sequels says about the studio…

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Since seeing The Blue Umbrella , I’ve seen faces in every pavement and drainpipe I’ve passed…

And that’s a good thing?

It’s a very good thing!

I had a girl at South by Southwest where we showed the film, who came up to me afterwards and said “I’m so happy that someone has the same thing and sees faces in everything”, and I was like “Oh, that’s so nice”, and then she said “I just have one question”, I was like, “What’s your question?” and she said “How do I make it stop ?” She was really stressed out by it.

Your film kept continuity with Pixar’s previous shorts in a number of ways – you had no dialogue, inanimate objects were brought to life etc. How much of that was self-imposed, or were you told ‘This is how we do shorts’?

I don’t think any of it was being told to me, I mean maybe I just knew all the Pixar shorts so I did something in that domain, but I didn’t think of any restrictions when I came up with the story.

At the core was an umbrella and then I just needed to find the right story with it. I never thought that the umbrella should talk, because that would have been weird, and the city talking would have been weird as well. I liked it being a musical piece so I think even if there were rules, I just happened to accidentally fulfil them. No-one is like, okay, ‘these are the rules for Pixar shorts’, everyone’s like, ‘if the story is great, if the characters are great, if it’s a unique short then we’ll do it, whatever it is’.

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Tell us about the process of pitching and how you got The Blue Umbrella made.

It’s a long process. Anyone at Pixar can pitch short films, you just need to pitch three.

What were your other two?

There were actually more. I had five, and then after half a year of working on all five I realised two of them were crap. Well, they weren’t crap, I just couldn’t find the right story. In the beginning you have an idea and then you have to find the right story to tell with this idea and I never got to a story where I felt this was really good, it was always just okay.

What were those ideas, if you don’t mind telling us?

I don’t really remember. One was with a Rubik’s Cube who just couldn’t solve itself, and another one was something with wolves that I don’t recall. Another one was with a monster that actually just wanted to be hugged. So yeah, I went for like, half a year meeting up with the development department and working on full-on stories – because you pitch a whole story, you kind of talk through the story within five minutes in kind of real time.

The first round that I pitched all three ideas to was a panel of directors, Pete Docter who directed the first Monsters Inc., and Ronnie del Carmen, who’s head of story, Jason Katz, and Bob Peterson, who’s directing the dinosaur movie next year. I pitched them all three ideas and then afterwards you pitch the one they pick to John Lasseter, and the first time I tried to pitch all three ideas to development as a test it was a disaster. I mumbled and I forgot where I was in the story, and I was like, this is going to be a disaster. What I did was to go home, and on the Mac you have Photobooth where you can take pictures and movies of yourself, so I hit record hit record and I recorded myself pitching to it, and then I went through the excruciating process of watching myself and I was like, yeah, I do mumble and I could maybe move a bit more animated and so I did that, and I think by the end I had like, fifty recordings or something spread over the course of a couple of weekends.

So you trained yourself.

Yeah. I thought ‘okay, I’m home by myself’ (I sent my girlfriend away, I can’t have anyone watch me, that’s too painful) then I thought ‘okay, how about now if I just overact by two hundred percent’, the way I imagine people would act, even though it doesn’t come naturally to me, I’ll just pretend and since no-one is there watching me, I can do it. I watched myself back and I was like, this looks like five percent more exaggerated, but nowhere near as crazy as the scene in my head. That just helped massively. The people in development who I pitched to afterwards were like, ‘it’s like day and night, before and after’.

You said at one point “I’m not as emotional and expressive as I expect a Pixar person to be” So what would you say an archetypal Pixar person is like?

First up, it’s a big cultural difference between Germany and the US. In the US in school, you read out your essays and come in the front of the class and talk, and in Germany you would never do that. Public speaking is something that’s not as common in Germany as it is here, so that’s one gap. Then just as a person, I’m more of a quiet person and not over-active or acting out and being funny and doing jokey stuff, so it’s harder work to get there for me, and for other people it comes naturally. You need to be expressive and emotional and entertaining when you tell the story just with your words because you want to get all that energy across so you need to get there, it just takes me more work to get there.

Was The Blue Umbrella always going to play in front of Monsters University ? Does Pixar deliberately pick the shorts that will complement the movies they’re in front of?

There is no specific tactic in which short hooks up with which feature. We knew relatively early on that it was going to be Monsters University but the reason is like, ‘we have this year to make it, what’s the next feature that’s going to come out that doesn’t have a short yet attached?’. Basically, we don’t want to finish a short and then not show it to the world for a year. We’re like, ‘we’re done with it, we want to show it to people’. That’s why we’ve now had it at festivals because we’d been done for half a year, and we were like ‘why is no-one watching this thing?’ There is no tactic or planning, or ‘this would fit well with this’. They stand on their own and afterwards they will stand on their own and they don’t only live in combination with the features.

You talked about finding the right story and I think originally this one was about an owner and an abandoned umbrella…

That was the first thing. The first thing was like the idea that the umbrella wants to get back to his owner.

But you couldn’t find a happy ending for that. Is that  pre-requisite for Pixar shorts, that they have a happy ending? They can’t be bleak?

I would dare anyone to do a Pixar short film with a not-happy ending. I don’t think it’s impossible, I just think it’s really hard because you have a certain target audience you make the film for, and it’s a family audience, it’s an audience who sees a Pixar film so you would never do an art-house film, you’d be telling a story to the wrong audience.

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I just wanted something with a happy ending because when I saw the umbrella there lying on the ground it was just so sad, and part of the reason I emoted with that umbrella was because it was so sad and because you want there to be a happy ending. But yeah, I had different stories, some of them didn’t have happy endings but then I didn’t have the energy to be like, ‘I’m going to spend a year of my life and like a hundred other people on making this story’, you need something that really grips you.

I think what you – I’m over-answering this question – I think what you need to do and what’s important for me is that at one point you get to the not-happy end, because otherwise you ignore how reality is, so I think what you do in movies is to get to the sad moment, you go to the dramatic moment at one point where everything is bleak and there is no happy ending, but then you get out of it because you want to leave people with a sense of hope. But you can’t skip that drama moment, which is the moment when he’s lying there on the ground, which is exactly the same as when I found him.

How close an eye did you keep on something like Disney’s Paperman ? Was that something you were aware of when you were making The Blue Umbrella?

We weren’t. There was a meeting where I pitched the short, we were mid-way through production and that was the first time I saw Paperman, directly after my pitch. It was like, ‘oh, interesting.’ I mean, I guess the only similarity is it’s a love story in a big city. I was frustrated for half a day and then I remembered this quote from Billy Wilder where he said he had this amazing dream of this fantastic story and he woke up in the middle of the night and wrote it down on a piece of paper and then in the morning he wakes up and he’s like ‘oh what did I write down?’ and then it says three words, it’s ‘Boy meets Girl’, so for all the similarities I think Paperman and The Blue Umbrella couldn’t be more different.

Well, Paperman won an Oscar, so they’re hopefully not too dissimilar… A lot of people are calling this Pixar’s first photorealistic movie. Do you see it that way?

It was intentional that in the beginning the audience should think, ‘oh, Pixar’s done a live-action short’, that’s how it should start. The reason for it was that when the city comes to life it’s so much more magical if you don’t expect it. It’s magical if it’s the outside world we know and then we descend into a magical world.

I always felt, what does photo-real mean? It doesn’t mean anything. All the live-action movies are photo-real, a documentary is photo-real, The Avengers is photo-real, everything is photo-real, that doesn’t mean anything in regards of look and art direction. For me it was about, ‘okay, that’s photo-real, but that doesn’t mean anything. How is it going to feel, how is it going to look like?’ And for me the biggest inspiration were the films of Wong Kar Wei like Chung King Express or In the Mood for Love , which I think are gorgeous colour-wise, but they maintain a certain texture and feeling for reality. It’s not like when you have a movie which is photo-real and live-action but it’s so CG that it becomes nearly completely artificial; I wanted the opposite of that, I wanted it photo-real and even though it gets super lush at the end, nearly, like when you pause the frame on some of these in-between frames, they really look like abstract paintings with just like streaks of colour, so I liked that kind of contrast.

Do you think that’s one of the reasons you were able to get it made, because it is strikingly different to anything we’ve seen from Pixar’s shorts before, they wanted to try out this technological progression?

When I pitched it and everyone loved it there was no talk about how it was going to look. I got the green light just based on everyone loving the story and the characters. But we quickly realised, ‘oh wait a second, there is an opportunity here to make something different’ and the reason for that isn’t just to try something different but it’s in the story.

There is a reason in the story to make this look different and once that idea came up, John [Lasseter] and Ed [Catmull] were like ‘let’s do it’. Everyone here always wants to push animation to different kind of lands because there is no established… there shouldn’t be an established look for what animation is. It could be anything. Everyone always wants to be more experimental or to try out different things because we don’t have barriers from technology anymore. In Toy Story you couldn’t do humans, in The Incredibles , you could do humans, and now there aren’t really any borders anymore, so you just need to find stories that are good. That’s when everyone got excited and said ‘wait a second, we can do something completely different with this’.

We were just saying that neither of us has seen anything quite like it before. Have you seen anything else that looks like it?

Not like this, which I’m really happy about. If you go to animation festivals where there are only animated short films, there’s such an amazing range of art films out there, not family-oriented films but independent films and more artistic films where the range of what animation can be so broad. So it exists, it’s not like it’s something new, but somehow, it hasn’t influenced animated features that much.

Do you think it will now?

I hope so, that’s my big hope, that it can kind of be another step in animation growing up to be more established as not a genre of film, but just a tool of how to tell the story, and it could be anything.

With photo-realistic feature-length animation from other studios, like Polar Express where they had a stab and it was criticised a lot because of the dead eyes. That’s almost the final frontier of animation. What do you think about that?

Polar Express is a strange thing because it was made so early on, so it was kind of ahead of its time or ahead of the technology’s development to a certain extent. I don’t think it’s the final frontier, because I think we’ve reached that. There are live-action movies out there where complete characters are CG and you just don’t care. So that is gone, the constraints that you fought with are gone, so now it’s just about what are you going to do with it creatively and I think that’s the frontier, creatively what could you do with it instead of just pushing it more and more towards photo-real, that has been achieved, so now what?

So you think there aren’t any more great bounds forward to be made in terms of the technology? Small increments will be made, but it’s the artistic side that will be where the developments are.

I think there are big bounds in the artistic side. I think technology-wise, for what it’s worth, I think we can do anything. Storytelling-wise and artistry-wise there’s a tendency to make things bigger and louder with more and more spectacle because we’re able to and able to and able to, but now everyone knows we’re able to, so hopefully everything takes a step back and kind of focuses back on story and the different artistic visions of what a movie could be like.

This isn’t meant to be a rude question, but one of the things people are saying about Pixar is that they’re doing a lot of prequels and sequels now. With The Blue Umbrella , you’ve done something very different for Pixar, so do you see them actually as being more creative, mixed in with sequels?

The sequels only happen if there’s a story that everyone’s convinced by, so to a certain extent branding them sequels sounds weird because it doesn’t matter if a movie is a sequel or not, it’s a story that everyone’s on board with and it gets made. It doesn’t matter what the characters are.

Yeah, everyone when they saw my short said it would be great if they do more stuff like this but again we don’t do it just for the fun of the gadgetry, or because it looks so different, you need a story that works first. Now, because the technology is there you can figure out that maybe there is a different way visually of telling that story that fits even better, something that isn’t the established way animation looks. As I said, John and Ed were like, ‘let’s do something that’s completely different’. We wanted to have the Disney Pixar logo before it and people to be like, ‘Disney Pixar did that?’

Now that Pixar is such a massive money-making company, it’s great that you’re still in a position to do that artistic stuff too.

It’s an artist-director-driven house, that never changed. It’s the director and his idea for what he wants to do, if he can get people on board with it, then at the core of it that’s not going to get tainted by anything.

Sascha Unseld, thank you very much!

Monsters University and The Blue Umbrella will be released in the UK on Friday the 12th of July.

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Louisa Mellor

Louisa Mellor | @Louisa_Mellor

Louisa Mellor is the Den of Geek UK TV Editor. She has written about TV, film and books for Den of Geek since 2010, and for…


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