International Institute of Water

International Institute of Water

PhD Programs

IIW provides the opportunity for doctoral students from all over the world to deepen their knowledge and equip them to be leaders in the development of transformative solutions for one of humanity’s most critical challenges, ensuring a sustainable and abundant water supply for generations to come. Our PhD programs boast modern faculty and research facilities, ensuring that students receive top-tier education and hands-on experience in this critical area of study.

PhD in Water Science and Management  PhD in Water Science and Management represents an advanced and multidisciplinary approach to understanding, conserving, and managing one of our planet’s most precious resources: water. This specialised doctoral program goes beyond traditional water-related disciplines and encompasses a wide spectrum of subjects, including hydrology, environmental science, policy development, and sustainable resource management. By combining scientific knowledge with practical management skills, graduates of this program are uniquely positioned to address complex water-related challenges at local, regional, and global levels.

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Texas A&M University Catalogs

Doctor of philosophy in water management and hydrological science.

Program Chair:  Thomas McDonald

Program Coordinator:  Raquel Granados Aguilar

The Water Management and Hydrological Science (WMHS) graduate degree program is supervised by an interdisciplinary faculty from multiple department and colleges. The faculty have expertise in the bio-physical, geo-chemical, management, public health, social sciences, and engineering fields. The program offers two masters’ degrees (thesis and non-thesis options) and a PhD. The curriculum is designed to allow students to become leaders in their focal areas of water while making connections with colleagues in other related disciplines.

Each student must have a graduate committee chair before being accepted in the program. Students work with their chair and the advisory committee to develop a course of study satisfying the curriculum. A minimum of 64 credit hours beyond a master’s degree, with thesis, is required. Students complete 9 hours of WMHS courses, 18 hours of water courses, one research methods course, two statistics courses, 9 hours or more of free electives and a minimum of 18 credit hours of research.

Graduate research assistantships are available on a competitive basis.

Work leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is designed to give students a comprehensive knowledge of water science and hydrology and provide training in research methods. The final basis for granting the degree shall be the candidate’s grasp of the subject matter of a broad field of study and a demonstrated ability to do independent research. In addition, the candidate must have acquired the ability to express thoughts clearly and forcefully in both oral and written communication The degree is not granted solely for the completion of coursework, residence and technical requirements, although these must be met.

For more information on degree application, course requirements and program advisors go to the Water Management & Hydrological Science website .

Steps to Fulfill a Doctoral Program

Program Requirements

  • Student's Advisory Committee

Degree Plan

Transfer of credit, research proposal, preliminary examination, preliminary examination format, preliminary examination scheduling, preliminary examination grading, failure of the preliminary examination, retake of failed preliminary examination, final examination, final examination grading, dissertation, student’s advisory committee.

After receiving admission to graduate studies and enrolling, the student will consult with the head of their major or administrative department (or chair of the intercollegiate faculty) concerning appointment of the chair of the advisory committee. The student’s advisory committee will consist of  no fewer than four members of the graduate faculty  representative of the student’s several fields of study and research, where the chair or co-chair must be from the student’s department (or intercollegiate faculty, if applicable), and at least one or more members must have an appointment to a department different from the chair of the student's committee. 

The chair, in consultation with the student, will select the remainder of the advisory committee. Only tenure or tenure-track members of the Graduate Committee Faculty, affiliated with the Water Management and Hydrological Science program, and located on Texas A&M University campuses may serve as chair of a student’s advisory committee. Other graduate faculty members located off-campus may serve as a member or co-chair (but not chair), with a member as the chair. The chair of the committee, who usually has immediate supervision of the student’s degree program, has the responsibility for calling meetings at any other time considered desirable. 

If the chair of a student’s advisory committee voluntarily leaves the University and the student is near completion of the degree and wants the chair to continue to serve in this role, the student is responsible for securing a current member of the University Graduate Faculty, from the student’s academic program and located near the Texas A&M University campus site, to serve as the co-chair of the committee. The Department Head or Chair of Intercollegiate faculty may request in writing to the Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate and Professional School that a faculty member who is on an approved leave of absence or has voluntarily separated from the university, be allowed to continue to serve in the role of chair of a student’s advisory committee without a co-chair for up to one year. The students should be near completion of the degree. Extensions beyond the one year period can be granted with additional approval of the Dean.

The committee members’ signatures on the degree plan indicate their willingness to accept the responsibility for guiding and directing the entire academic program of the student and for initiating all academic actions concerning the student. Although individual committee members may be replaced by petition for valid reasons, a committee cannot resign  en masse . The chair of the committee, who usually has immediate supervision of the student’s research and dissertation or record of study, has the responsibility for calling all meetings of the committee. The duties of the committee include responsibility for the proposed degree plan, the research proposal, the preliminary examination, the dissertation or record of study and the final examination. In addition, the committee, as a group and as individual members, is responsible for counseling the student on academic matters, and, in the case of academic deficiency, initiating recommendations to the Graduate and Professional School.

The student’s advisory committee will evaluate the student’s previous education and degree objectives. The committee, in consultation with the student, will develop a proposed degree plan and outline a research problem which, when completed, as indicated by the dissertation (or its equivalent for the degree of Doctor of Education or the degree of Doctor of Engineering), will constitute the basic requirements for the degree. The degree plan must be filed with the Graduate and Professional School prior to the deadline imposed by the student’s college and no later than 90 days prior to the preliminary examination.

This proposed degree plan should be submitted through the online Document Processing Submission System located on the website . A minimum of 64 hours is required on the degree plan for the Doctor of Philosophy for a student who has completed a master’s degree. A student who has completed a DDS/DMD, DVM or a MD at a U.S. institution is also required to complete a minimum of 64 hours. A student who has completed a baccalaureate degree but not a master’s degree will be required to complete a 96-hour degree plan. Completion of a DDS/DMD, DVM or MD degree at a foreign institution requires completion of a minimum of 96 hours for the Doctor of Philosophy. A field of study may be primarily in one department or in a combination of departments. A degree plan must carry a reasonable amount of 691 (research). A maximum of 9 hours of 400-level undergraduate courses may be used toward meeting credit-hour requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy.

Additional coursework may be added by petition to the approved degree plan by the student’s advisory committee if it is deemed necessary to correct deficiencies in the student’s academic preparation. No changes can be made to the degree plan once the student’s Request for Final Examination is approved by the Graduate and Professional School.

Approval to enroll in any professional course (900-level) should be obtained from the head of the department (or Chair of the intercollegiate faculty, if applicable) in which the course will be offered before including such a course on a degree plan.

No credit may be obtained by correspondence study, by extension or for any course of fewer than three weeks duration.

For non-distance degree programs, no more than 50 percent of the non-research credit hours required for the program may be completed through distance education courses.

To receive a graduate degree from Texas A&M University, students must earn one-third or more of the credits through the institution’s own direct instruction. This limitation also applies to joint degree programs. 

Courses for which transfer credits are sought must have been completed with a grade of B or greater and must be approved by the student’s advisory committee and the Graduate and Professional School. These courses must not have been used previously for another degree. Except for officially approved cooperative doctoral programs, credit for thesis or dissertation research or the equivalent is not transferable. Credit for “internship” coursework in any form is not transferable. Courses taken in residence at an accredited U.S. institution or approved international institution with a final grade of B or greater will be considered for transfer credit if, at the time the courses were completed, the courses would be accepted for credit toward a similar degree for a student in degree-seeking status at the host institution. Credit for coursework taken by extension is not transferable. Coursework  in which no formal grades are given or in which grades other than letter grades (A or B) are earned (for example, CR, P, S, U, H, etc.) is not accepted for transfer credit . Credit for coursework submitted for transfer from any college or university must be shown in semester credit hours, or equated to semester credit hours.

Courses used toward a degree at another institution may not be applied for graduate credit. If the course to be transferred was taken prior to the conferral of a degree at the transfer institution, a letter from the registrar at that institution stating that the course was not applied for credit toward the degree must be submitted to the Graduate and Professional School.

Grades for courses completed at other institutions are not included in computing the GPA. An official transcript from the university at which transfer courses are taken must be sent directly to the Office of Admissions.

The general field of research to be used for the dissertation should be agreed on by the student and the advisory committee at their first meeting, as a basis for selecting the proper courses to support the proposed research.

As soon thereafter as the research project can be outlined in reasonable detail, the dissertation research proposal should be completed. The research proposal should be approved at a meeting of the student’s advisory committee, at which time the feasibility of the proposed research and the adequacy of available facilities should be reviewed. The approved proposal, signed by all members of the student’s advisory committee, the head of the student’s major department (or chair of the intercollegiate faculty, if applicable), must be submitted to the Graduate and Professional School at least 20 working days prior to the submission of the Request for the Final Examination.

Compliance issues must be addressed if a graduate student is performing research involving human subjects, animals, infectious biohazards and recombinant DNA. A student involved in these types of research should check with the Office of Research Compliance and Biosafety at (979) 458-1467 to address questions about all research compliance responsibilities. Additional information can also be obtained on the website  http:// .


The student’s major department (or chair of the interdisciplinary degree program faculty, if applicable) and their advisory committee may require qualifying, cumulative or other types of examinations at any time deemed desirable. These examinations are entirely at the discretion of the department and the student’s advisory committee.

The preliminary examination is required. The preliminary examination for a doctoral student shall be given no earlier than a date at which the student is within 6 credit hours of completion of the formal coursework on the degree plan (i.e., all coursework on the degree plan except 681, 684, 690, 691, 692, 693, 695, 697, 791, or other graduate courses specifically designated as S/U in the course catalog). The student should complete the Preliminary Examination no later than the end of the semester following the completion of the formal coursework on the degree plan.

The objective of preliminary examination is to evaluate whether the student has demonstrated the following qualifications:

a.     a mastery of the subject matter of all fields in the program;

b.     an adequate knowledge of the literature in these fields and an ability to carry out bibliographical research;

c.     an understanding of the research problem and the appropriate methodological approaches.

The format of the preliminary examination shall be determined by the student’s department (or interdisciplinary degree program, if applicable) and advisory committee, and communicated to the student in advance of the examination. The exam may consist of a written component, oral component, or combination of written and oral components.

The preliminary exam may be administered by the advisory committee or a departmental committee; herein referred to as the examination committee.

Regardless of exam format, a student will receive an overall preliminary exam result of pass or fail. The department (or interdisciplinary degree program, if applicable) will determine how the overall pass or fail result is determined based on the exam structure and internal department procedures. If the exam is administered by the advisory committee, each advisory committee member will provide a pass or fail evaluation decision.

Only one advisory committee substitution is allowed to provide an evaluation decision for a student’s preliminary exam, and it cannot be the committee chair.

If a student is required to take, as a part of the preliminary examination, a written component administered by a department or interdisciplinary degree program, the department or interdisciplinary degree program faculty must:

a.     offer the examination at least once every six months. The departmental or interdisciplinary degree program examination should be announced at least 30 days prior to the scheduled examination date.

b.     assume the responsibility for marking the examination satisfactory or unsatisfactory, or otherwise graded, and in the case of unsatisfactory, stating specifically the reasons for such a mark.

c.     forward the marked examination to the chair of the student’s advisory committee within one week after the examination.

Students are eligible for to schedule the preliminary examination in the Academic Requirements Completion System (ARCS) if they meet the following list of eligibility requirements:

Student is registered at Texas A&M University for a minimum of one semester credit hour in the long semester or summer term during which any component of the preliminary examination is held. If the entire examination is held between semesters, then the student must be registered for the term immediately preceding the examination.

An approved degree plan is on file with the Graduate and Professional School prior to commencing the first component of the examination.

Student’s cumulative GPA is at least 3.000.

Student’s degree plan GPA is at least 3.000.

At the end of the semester in which at least the first component of the exam is given, there are no more than 6 hours of coursework remaining on the degree plan (except 681, 684, 690, 691, 692, 693, 695, 697, 791, or other graduate courses specifically designated as S/U in the course catalog). The head of the student’s department (or Chair of the Interdisciplinary Degree Program, if applicable) has the authority to approve a waiver of this criterion.

Credit for the preliminary examination is not transferable in cases where a student changes degree programs after passing a preliminary exam.

If a written component precedes an oral component of the preliminary exam, the chair of the student’s examination committee is responsible for making all written examinations available to all members of the committee. A positive evaluation of the preliminary exam by all members of a student’s examination committee with at most one dissension is required to pass a student on their preliminary exam.

The student’s department will promptly report the results of the Preliminary Examination to the Graduate and Professional School via the Academic Requirements Completion System (ARCS) within 10 working days of completion of the preliminary examination.

If an approved examination committee member substitution (one only) has been made, their approval must be submitted to the Graduate and Professional School via ARCS. The approval of the designated department approver is also required on the request.

After passing the required preliminary oral and written examinations for a doctoral degree, the student must complete the final examination within four years of the semester in which the preliminary exam is taken. Exams taken in between terms will expire at the end of the term that ended prior to the exam. For example, a preliminary exam taken and passed during the Fall 2023 semester will expire at the end of the Fall 2027 semester. A preliminary exam taken in the time between the Summer and Fall 2023 semesters will expire at the end of the Summer 2027 semester.

First Failure

Upon approval of a student’s examination committee (with no more than one member dissenting), and approval of the Department and Graduate and Professional School, a student who has failed a preliminary examination may be given one re-examination. In accordance with Student Rule 12.5, the student’s department head or designee, intercollegiate faculty, or graduate advisory committee should make a recommendation to the student regarding their scholastic deficiency.

Second Failure

Upon failing the preliminary exam twice in a doctoral program, a student is no longer eligible to continue to pursue the PhD in that program/major. In accordance with Student Rule 12.5.3 and/or 12.5.4, the student will be notified of the action being taken by the department as a result of the second failure of the preliminary examination.

Adequate time must be given to permit a student to address inadequacies emerging from the first preliminary examination. The examination committee must agree upon and communicate to the student, in writing, an adequate time-frame from the first examination (normally six months) to retest, as well as a detailed explanation of the inadequacies emerging from the examination. The student and committee should jointly negotiate a mutually acceptable date for this retest.  When providing feedback on inadequacies, the committee should clearly document expected improvements that the student must be able to exhibit in order to retake the exam.  The examination committee will document and communicate the time-frame and feedback within 10 working days of the exam that was not passed.

Candidates for the doctoral degrees must pass a final examination by deadline dates announced in the  Graduate and Professional School Calendar  each semester. A doctoral student is allowed only one opportunity to take the final examination.

No unabsolved grades of D, F, or U for any course can be listed on the degree plan. The student must be registered for any remaining hours of 681, 684, 690, 691, 692, 791 or other graduate courses specifically designated as S/U in the course catalog during the semester of the final exam. No student may be given a final examination until they have been admitted to candidacy and their current official cumulative and degree plan GPAs are 3.00 or better.

Refer to the  Admission to Candidacy  section of the graduate catalog for candidacy requirements.

A request to schedule the final examination must be submitted to the Graduate and Professional School via ARCS a minimum of 10 working days in advance of the scheduled date. Any changes to the degree plan must be approved by the Graduate and Professional School prior to the submission of the request for final examination.

The student’s advisory committee will conduct this examination. Only one committee member substitution is allowed with the approval of the Graduate and Professional School. If the substitution is for the sole external member of the advisory committee - with an appointment to a department other than the student's major department - then the substitute must also be external to the student's major department. In extenuating circumstances, with the approval of the Graduate and Professional School, an exception to this requirement may be granted.

The final examination is not to be administered until the dissertation or record of study is available in substantially final form to the student’s advisory committee, and all concerned have had adequate time to review the document.  Whereas the final examination may cover the broad field of the candidate’s training, it is presumed that the major portion of the time will be devoted to the dissertation and closely allied topics. Persons other than members of the graduate faculty may, with mutual consent of the candidate and the chair of the advisory committee, be invited to attend a final examination for an advanced degree. A positive vote by all members of the graduate committee with at most one dissension is required to pass a student on their exam. A department can have a stricter requirement provided there is consistency within all degree programs within a department. Upon completion of the questioning of the candidate, all visitors must excuse themselves from the proceedings.

The student’s department will promptly report the results of the Final Examination to the Graduate and Professional School via the Academic Requirements Completion System (ARCS) within 10 working days of completion of the final examination. The Graduate and Professional School will be automatically notified via ARCS of any cancellations.

A positive evaluation of the final exam by all members of a student’s advisory committee with at most one dissension is required to pass a student on their final exam. If an approved committee member substitution (1 only) has been made, their approval must be submitted to the Graduate and Professional School via ARCS.

The dissertation,  which must be a candidate's original work demonstrates the ability to perform independent research . Whereas acceptance of the dissertation is based primarily on its scholarly merit, it must also exhibit creditable literary workmanship. Dissertation formatting must be acceptable to the Graduate and Professional School as outlined in the Guidelines for Theses, Dissertations, and Records of Study.

After successful defense and approval by the student’s advisory committee and the head of the student’s major department (or chair of intercollegiate faculty, if applicable), a student must submit the dissertation in electronic format as a single PDF file to . Additionally, a dissertation approval form with original signatures must be received by the Graduate and Professional School through the Academic Requirements Completion System (ARCS). Both the PDF file and the completed ARCS approval form must be received by the deadline.

Deadline dates for submitting are announced each semester or summer term in the Graduate and Professional School Calendar (see Time Limit statement). These dates also can be accessed via the  Graduate and Professional School website .

Each student who submits a document for review is assessed a one-time thesis/dissertation processing fee through Student Business Services. This processing fee is for the thesis/dissertation services provided. After commencement, dissertations are digitally stored and made available through the Texas A&M Libraries.

A dissertation that is deemed unacceptable by the Graduate and Professional School because of excessive corrections will be returned to the student’s department head or chair of the intercollegiate faculty . The manuscript must be resubmitted as a new document, and the entire review process must begin anew. All original submittal deadlines must be met during the resubmittal process to graduate.

Additional Requirements

Continuous registration, admission to candidacy.

  • 99-Hour Cap on Doctoral Degree

Application for Degree

A student who enters the doctoral degree program with a baccalaureate degree must spend one academic year plus one semester in resident study at Texas A&M University. A student who holds master’s degree when they enter a doctoral degree program must spend one academic year in resident study. One academic year may include two adjacent regular semesters or one regular semester and one adjacent 10-week summer semester. The third semester is not required to be adjacent to the one year. Enrollment for each semester must be a minimum of 9 credit hours each to satisfy the residence requirement. A minimum of 1 credit hour must be in a non-distance education delivery mode. Semesters in which the student is enrolled in all distance education coursework will not count toward fulfillment of the residence requirement.

To satisfy the residence requirement, the student must complete a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester or 10-week summer semester in resident study at Texas A&M University for the required period. A student who enters a doctoral degree program with a baccalaureate degree may fulfill residence requirements in excess of one academic year (18 credit hours) by registration during summer sessions or by completion of a less-than-full course load (in this context a full course load is considered 9 credit hours per semester).

Students who are employed full-time while completing their degree may fulfill total residence requirements by completion of less-than-full time course loads each semester. In order to be considered for this, the student is required to submit a Petition for Waivers and Exceptions along with verification of employment to the Graduate and Professional School. An employee should submit verification of employment at the time they submit the degree plan. See  Registration.

See  Residence Requirements .

All requirements for doctoral degrees must be completed within a period of ten consecutive calendar years for the degree to be granted. A course will be considered valid until 10 years after the end of the semester in which it is taken. Graduate credit for coursework more than ten calendar years old at the time of the final oral examination may not be used to satisfy degree requirements.

After passing the required preliminary oral and written examinations for a doctoral degree, the student must complete the final examination within four years of the semester in which the preliminary exam is taken. Exams taken in between terms will expire at the end of the term that ended prior to the exam. For example, a preliminary exam taken and passed during the fall 2019 semester will expire at the end of the fall 2023 semester. A preliminary exam taken in the time between the summer and fall 2019 semesters will expire at the end of the summer 2023 semester.

A final corrected version of the dissertation or record of study in electronic format as a single PDF file must be cleared by the Graduate and Professional School within one year of the semester in which the final exam is taken. Exams taken in between terms will expire at the end of the term that ended prior to the exam. For example, a final exam taken and passed during the fall 2022 semester will expire at the end of the fall 2023 semester. A final exam taken in the time between the summer and fall 2022 semesters will expire at the end of the summer 2023 semester. Failure to do so will result in the degree not being awarded.

A student in a program leading to a Doctor of Philosophy who has completed all coursework on a degree plan other than 691 (research) are required to be in continuous registration until all requirements for the degree have been completed. See  Continuous Registration Requirements .

To be admitted to candidacy for a doctoral degree, a student must have:

  • completed all formal coursework on the degree plan with the exception of any remaining 681, 684, 690 and 691 or 791.
  • a 3.0 Graduate GPA and a Degree Plan GPA of at least 3.0 with no grade lower than C in any course on the degree plan,
  • passed the preliminary examination (written and oral portions),
  • submitted an approved dissertation proposal,
  • met the residence requirements. The final examination will not be authorized for any doctoral student who has not been admitted to candidacy.

A student is required to possess a competent command of English. For English language proficiency requirements, see the Admissions section of this catalog. The doctoral (PhD) foreign language requirement at Texas A&M University is a departmental option, to be administered and monitored by the individual departments of academic instruction.

99-Hour Cap on Doctoral Degrees

In Texas, public colleges and universities are funded by the state according to the number of students enrolled. In accordance with legislation passed by the Texas Legislature, the number of hours for which state universities may receive subvention funding at the doctoral rate for any individual is limited to 99 hours. Texas A&M and other universities will not receive subvention for hours in excess of the limit.

Institutions of higher education are allowed to charge the equivalent of non-resident tuition to a resident doctoral student who has enrolled in 100 or more semester credit hours of doctoral coursework.

Doctoral students at Texas A&M have seven years to complete their degree before being charged out-of-state tuition. A doctoral student who, after seven years of study, has accumulated 100 or more doctoral hours will be charged tuition at a rate equivalent to out-of-state tuition. Please note that the tuition increases will apply to Texas residents as well as students from other states and countries who are currently charged tuition at the resident rate. This includes those doctoral students who hold GAT, GANT, and GAR appointments or recipients of competitive fellowships who receive more than $1,000 per semester. Doctoral students who have not accumulated 100 hours after seven years of study are eligible to pay in-state tuition if otherwise eligible.

Doctoral students who exceed the credit limit will receive notification from the Graduate and Professional School during the semester in which they are enrolled and exceeding the limit in their current degree program. The notification will explain that the State of Texas does not provide funding for any additional hours in which a student is enrolled in excess of 99 hours. Texas A&M University will recover the lost funds by requiring students in excess of 99 hours to pay tuition at the non-funded, non-resident rate. This non-funded, non-resident tuition rate status will be updated for the following semester and in all subsequent semesters until receipt of a doctoral degree. Please see the  Tuition Calculator  at the non-resident rate for an example of potential charges.

The following majors are exempt from the 99-Hour Cap on Doctoral Degrees and have a limit of 130 doctoral hours:

  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Counseling Psychology
  • Genetics and Genomics
  • Health Services Research
  • Medical Sciences
  • Microbiology
  • Neurosciences (College of Medicine)
  • Oral and Craniofacial Biomedical Sciences
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Public Health Sciences
  • School Psychology

The hour limit for these majors is 130 doctoral hours

For information on applying for your degree, please visit the  Graduation  section.

Sustainability Management (Water) - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Environment 3

Environment 3 (EV3) Building located on Waterloo's Campus, across from Laurel Creek.

Contribute to the creation of academic knowledge by developing methods, systems, concepts, and tools for sustainability management while discovering innovative ways to tackle global water challenges with the PhD in Sustainability Management Collaborative Water program.

As a future sustainability innovator, you’ll gain interdisciplinary research skills, management approaches, strategies, and processes to realize sustainable outcomes within business, government and not-for-profit organizations and others.  

Along with developing expertise in your area of research, two interdisciplinary water courses will capture both theoretical and practical components, including in-class lectures, fieldwork, interdisciplinary group work, and individual research seminars.

You’ll be prepared for career paths both inside and outside academia, with professional development seminars available to gain and mobilize your knowledge and develop skills for careers outside of academia including government, business and not-for-profit organizations.

Program overview

Department/School : School of Environment, Enterprise and Development Faculty : Faculty of Environment Admit term(s) : Fall (September - December) Delivery mode : On-campus Program type : Collaborative, Doctoral, Research Length of program : 48 months (full-time) Registration option(s) : Full-time, Part-time Study option(s) : Thesis

Application deadlines

  •  February 1  (for admission in September)

Key contacts

[email protected]


  • Review finding a supervisor resources

Admission requirements

  • A Master's degree with distinction (typically an overall average of at least 80%, or equivalent).
  • Facility with research methods is expected, whether through the presentation of specific graduate courses or original research at the graduate level.

Degree requirements

  • Review the  degree requirements  on the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar, including the courses that you can anticipate taking as part of completing the degree
  • Check out  Waterloo's institutional thesis repository - UWspace  to see recent submissions from the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development graduate students

Application materials

  • The SIF contains questions specific to your program, typically about why you want to enroll and your experience in that field. Review the application documents web page for more information about this requirement
  • If a statement or letter is required by your program, review the writing your personal statement resources for helpful tips and tricks on completion
  • Transcript(s)
  • ​​​​​​​ Three academic references  are required, unless a professional reference is specified
  • Proof of English language proficiency, if applicable TOEFL 100 (writing 26, speaking 26), IELTS 7.5 (writing 7.0, speaking 7.0)

Tuition and fees

  • Visit the  graduate program tuition pag e  on the Finance website to determine the tuition and incidental fees per term for your program

Review living costs and housing

Review the   funding graduate school resources   for graduate students

  • Opportunities
  • Publications

Joint PhD Programme in Integrated Management of Water, Soil, and Waste

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Application Period

Applications are accepted all year round (see Application Procedure ).

Vacancy announcements related to funded Doctoral Researcher positions

  • The degree is jointly offered by the United Nations University and the Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
  • The focus of the programme is on integrated management of water, soil, and waste using a Nexus Approach, making it the first of its kind
  • The programme has a strong focus on developing countries
  • Students have access to the facilities and services of TU Dresden, one of eleven Universities of Excellence in Germany, as well as the network of UNU institutes
  • Doctoral research includes close cooperation with UN agencies and programmes as well as other international organisations

PhD in Integrated Management of Water, Soil and Waste

PhD in Integrated Management of Water, Soil, and Waste

United Nations University ( UNU ) was established in 1973 and is comprised of research institutes and programmes in 12 countries around the world. UNU is a research-oriented think tank addressing the needs of the UN System and its Member States, serving as a bridge to the academic world and offers postgraduate training and education programmes at various levels.

The Technische Universität Dresden ( TU Dresden ) is one of Germany’s Universities of Excellence and one of the top universities in Europe. As a modern comprehensive, multidisciplinary university, TU Dresden unites the natural and engineering sciences with the humanities and social sciences, as well as medicine. The broad and diverse scientific spectrum seeks to help promote interdisciplinarity and integration of science and society.

The Joint PhD Programme established at the United Nations University Institute for the Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES) and the Faculty of Environmental Sciences at TU Dresden is one of the select doctoral programmes UNU currently offers.

The main objective of this doctoral programme is to provide graduate students with detailed knowledge, critical understanding, strategies, and tools to take an interdisciplinary and integrated approach towards the management of environmental resources.

The Joint PhD Programme aims at creating a new generation of environmental scientists, engineers, and managers to conduct, promote, and provide guidance on the sustainable management of environmental resources. These resources and their sustainable management are of concern to the United Nations and its Member States, particularly to developing countries and emerging economies.

Research Scope

The Joint PhD Programme of TU Dresden and UNU, launched in 2015, is embedded within UNU-FLORES’s nexus-oriented research agenda and the corresponding research interests at TU Dresden. The established doctoral research projects, co-supervised by researchers from UNU-FLORES and TU Dresden, are designed to reflect nexus thinking on particular problems of environmental resources management.

UNU taps on its research to inform policymaking and promote positive global change. The work of all UNU institutes contributes to the advancement of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015 to inspire global action to overcome the world’s biggest challenges. In line with the mission of UNU, policy relevance is a decisive feature or the research conducted at UNU-FLORES, and therefore also the research conducted by doctoral researchers.

While each individual doctoral research project must have a clear focus – preferably associated to a case study in a particular country – it must also be framed within the broad picture of integrated resources management as part of the Resource Nexus . The latter aims to connect the generation of evidence-based scientific knowledge to (adapted) management and policies, thus addressing also public services and associated risks.

Due to the focus on integrated management of environmental resources, UNU-FLORES’s research is mainly – but not exclusively – relevant for:

  • SDG 2 ( Zero hunger ), e.g., related to sustainable intensification of agriculture, including safe use of wastewater in agriculture , the integration of organic waste into small-holder farming or water productivity in irrigated agriculture
  • SDG 6 ( Clean water and sanitation ), e.g., related to water quality indicators and monitoring , nature-based solutions for wastewater treatment , monitoring of rural water supply systems or groundwater quality in wastewater treatment systems
  • SDG 11 ( Sustainable cities and communities ), e.g., related to decision support frameworks for water resources management
  • SDG 12 ( Responsible consumption and production ), e.g., related to integration of organic waste and wastewater into biomass production , nexus-oriented waste management
  • SDG 13 ( Climate action ), e.g., related to climate impacts on water and soil management and respective climate adaptation strategies
  • SDG 15 ( Life on land ), e.g., related to managing multifunctional land-use systems to secure soil- and water related ecosystem services , particularly in dryland areas
  • SDG 17 ( Partnerships for the goals ), e.g., working with consortium partners to address the challenge of drought risk monitoring

Research projects may address these issues from various perspectives in an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary manner, using a broad range of approaches and methods and building on a diverse set of both quantitative and qualitative data. Typically, our research projects – including doctoral research – are implemented with partners in respective Member States or from international organisations, universities, and research institutions.

About the Programme

The programme is the first international doctoral programme addressing integrated resources management in a truly holistic way. Prospective students are expected to come from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds. To ensure that students have an evenly-matched starting point, and to introduce the basic concepts of the Resource Nexus, the programme comprises of 35 course credits (see Courses ) in addition to 175 dissertation credits. The total of 210 credits span over seven semesters. The credits are defined in terms of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

All coursework is science-based and all courses require basic knowledge in physics, biology, chemistry, and mathematics at undergraduate level. In addition, the courses also require basic knowledge in the social sciences. Courses are offered by academic staff at both universities. In line with UNU-FLORES’s research agenda (see Research ) and a matching research agenda of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, research topics for doctoral dissertations are focused on solving current challenges related to the Resource Nexus.

Doctoral dissertations are co-supervised by advisors from both universities. Successfully graduating students receive a joint degree certificate.

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Image: Defne Altiok/UNU-FLORES

Admissions Criteria

Tuition and fee.

The doctoral programme is tuition-free . However, students are responsible to enrol themselves with TU Dresden and are required to pay a semester contribution each semester. Included is access to TU Dresden facilities and services and a ticket for public transport and nextbike, a bike-sharing company in Dresden. The contribution also entitles students to various perks such as discounts at the university cafeterias and for many cultural and leisure activities in Dresden. Applicants are responsible for covering the costs of living and other expenses related to their stay in Dresden. To cover all costs of living, secured funding is to range between 1,200 and 1,600 euros per month (see FAQ ).

Therefore, the respective applicants must include in their application a proof of funding to satisfy step 1 of the Application Procedure . In case there are any restrictions on the research themes as imposed by the respective sponsors, this should be explained in the letter of motivation (see step 2 of the Application Procedure ). It is understood that any such restrictions would still fall within the scope of UNU-FLORES’s and TU Dresden’s research programme. Letters of admission will only be issued  upon admission to the programme with secured funding .


  • Engineering
  • Natural sciences
  • Social sciences
  • Other closely related field
  • All applicants are also required to have  a research-based master’s degree  related to environmental resources management.
  • Important note : The applicant needs a final master’s grade of 2.5 or better (German grading system) to meet the minimum requirement of a successful application. Applications that do not meet this minimum requirement and do not provide a grade conversion to the German grading system (see Application Form ) will be automatically rejected. Please consult the grade conversion formula .
  • UNU is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce and encourages all candidates, irrespective of gender, nationality, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply and become part of the organisation.
  • Experience related to the Resource Nexus will be considered an asset.
  • IELTS: required level is 7.0
  • TOEFL: required level for paper-based test is 600 points and internet-based test is 100 points

If the medium of instruction of previous university degrees is English, please provide the supporting evidence (see Application Form ).

Application Procedure

Applicants are invited to submit a completed and signed application form and a proof of funding to [email protected] . Please note that secured third-party funding from individual scholarships or from governmental organisations must be provided for the entire duration of the programme (36 months). Applications without a proof of funding will not be considered. Please note that only selected candidates will be invited to move forward to step 2.

Only once step 1 will be cleared, applicants will be invited to submit the following application documents:

  • Letter of motivation
  • the intended research topic
  • an explanation of how and why you consider yourself a suitable candidate for this topic
  • an outline of how you would approach the topic methodically
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Copies of ALL university transcripts
  • Copy of TOEFL/IELTS or evidence proving that English is the language of instruction for at least one of the previous successfully completed degree programmes, in the form of a letter issued by the relevant university authority
  • Abstract of MSc thesis (or equivalent)
  • Two reference letters

Applicants should send their application material in one single PDF file to  [email protected] .

Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.

The doctoral programme includes mandatory and elective courses. The courses can be further categorised into thematic courses (to be taken in the first and second semester) and methodological courses. In addition, students have the opportunity to take courses at the Graduate Academy of TU Dresden . Courses and workshops offered in the framework of the Graduate Academy are of short duration (typically 1–2 days) and without credits.

Students devote the first semester to learning the basic concepts of the Resource Nexus and the important aspects of Governance and Capacity Development in addition to two other courses that will help improve the skills necessary to conduct their research. Doctoral researchers start working on their research topics during the first semester. In terms of credits, half of the second semester is again course-based while the other half is devoted to preparation of the final dissertation proposal and defence. In agreement with the supervisors, doctoral researchers can choose additional courses focusing on specific skills required for their research topics. From the third semester onwards, doctoral candidates concentrate fully on research. In most cases, this involves some months of field work and stays abroad accordingly in collaboration with partner institutions. This is defined on a case-by-case basis.

Download the Curriculum

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Application requirements.

  • What kind of qualifications do I need to have if I want to apply for the programme? Required qualifications of the applicant can be found here .
  • Do I have to submit certificates for the TOEFL or IELTS tests? Applicants must demonstrate English language proficiency. If you are not a native English speaker, one of the following documents need to be submitted:
  • Evidence that English is the language of instruction for at least one of your previous successfully completed degree programmes, in the form of a letter issued by the relevant university authority
  • Copy of TOEFL (required level for paper-based test: 600 points, internet-based test: 100 points)/IELTS (required level: 7.0)

Admission Process

  • When can I apply for the Joint PhD Programme?  Applications can be submitted all year round (see Application Procedure ). Please note that doctoral researcher positions funded via specific third-party projects or other specific funding programmes may be advertised on our website . We encourage you to follow our website , Facebook page , or Twitter account for the latest updates.
  • Where can I find the application form? The application form can be found here .
  • Which documents do I need to submit? A detailed list of the required documents can be found here . Please make sure you have included all documents and submit them in one single PDF file to  [email protected] . Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • How does the selection procedure work? What is the current status of my application? You will receive an automated confirmation after submission via email, which indicates that your application is officially received. The evaluation will take place within 1–3 months. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed remotely. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Fees and Funding

  • Are there tuition fees? The Joint PhD Programme is tuition-free. A semester fee of approximately 250–300 euros needs to be paid for the enrolment at TU Dresden.
  • Do I have to secure funding/a scholarship? Can I fund myself? Applicants are required to have secured third-party funding for the entire duration of the programme (36 months). The proof of funding is a required document (see Application Procedure ). Doctoral researcher positions funded via specific third-party projects or other specific funding programmes may be advertised on our website . We encourage you to follow our website , Facebook page , or Twitter account for the latest updates. Self-funded students will not be accepted.
  • Can you suggest some funding opportunities? When coming from abroad, national/regional scholarship programmes are typically the first options to consider. Different donors located in Germany have different requirements and rules for scholarships. Information regarding funding/scholarship opportunities can be found on the webpage of TU Dresden here .
  • What would be the typical costs of living in Dresden, Germany? Dresden offers a high quality of living for moderate costs in comparison to other German cities. To cover all costs of living, doctoral scholarships secured are to range between 1,200 and 1,600 euros per month.

Other General Questions

  • Can I take part in the programme part-time, through distance learning or an online platform? The Joint PhD Programme is a full-time programme. We do not offer doctoral courses through distance or online learning.
  • Are all doctoral courses provided in English? Do I need to speak German? All doctoral courses are taught in English. Some basic level of German could be helpful for living in Dresden.

For further questions related to the Joint PhD Programme, please email us at [email protected] .

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New MSc. and PhD programs in Water Management

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Background Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) countries face growing challenges related to water resource distribution and its management . The Africa Centre of Excellence (ACEWM) is a regional education and research institution that is working collaboratively with academic partners, governments, private sector and civil society organizations across the region to solve longstanding water management issues. ACEWM is a world bank supported Centre established within the premise of Addis Ababa University to serve as training and research centre for the ESA Region. It is part of the new initiative of the World Bank Group called the Eastern and Southern Africa Higher Education Centers of Excellence Project, or ACEII which will be coordinated by the Inter-University Council for Eastern Africa (IUCEA). The objective of the ACE II project is to strengthen selected ESA higher education institutions to deliver quality postgraduate education and build collaborative research capacity in the regional priority areas.

Vision of the Center To be a leading teaching and research centre in facilitating equitable and sustainable use and management of water resources for poverty alleviation, socioeconomic development, regional cooperation and the environment in Africa.

Teaching Programs The center runs MSc program in water management in five specializations and PhD program in water management in three specializations. Details about the curriculum which is under review can be found at

MSc. Specializations:

  • Hydrology and Water Resources (HWR)
  • Water Quality Management (WQM)
  • Aquatic Ecosystems Management (AEM)
  • Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS)
  • Water and Wastewater Technology (WWT)

PhD specializations:

  • Hydrology and Water Resources Management (HWRM)
  • Water Science and Technology (WST)

Academic and Research Staff Currently ACEWM has more 20 faculty with the rank of Associate Professor and above and Professors will be drawn from various national, regional and international academic partner institutions for involvement in teaching and mentoring. Eligibility and Admission for Students In addition to the general requirements for AAU, admission to ACEWM requires satisfactory completion of a baccalaureate degree (for MSc.) and master’s degree (for PhD) at a college or university of recognized standing. Each of the specialization areas will have their own enrollment eligibility criteria. Please consult the www page for details of admission and other eligibility requirements. Country Eligibility Students from the following countries are eligible to apply. Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Rwanda, Zambia and other African Countries. Funding Limited funding will be available for outstanding candidates to cover tuition fee, subsistence, research cost, and return air ticket. PhD candidates will also be given an opportunity to undertake their research in world class international and regional partner universities and research institutions. Additional benefits will be provided for outstanding Women Candidates. Selection Criteria Academic merit, career plans, regional representation etc. Entrance examination may also be applicable. A committee drawn from local and international institutions shall select best applicants for the program based on the criteria. Application Deadline for 2017 Entry Application document (CV, concept note for MSc and PhD thesis, official transcript, and copies of diploma, etc) must be submitted in electronic copy to the following address before December 15, 2016.

See more …

Download   Dr. Seifu Kebede Graduate and Research Program Coordinator of ACEWM Email: [email protected] Tel: +251911421168 Dr. Feleke Zewge Head of ACEWM Email; [email protected] or [email protected] Tel: +251911236985 (mobile), +251111239466 (Office), +2511111239470 (Fax)

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Apply for a water PhD

We welcome scholars from around the world.

Apply for a PhD with water@leeds and work with world-leading researchers working on the cutting edge of water research on projects which have major impacts on society, environment and the economy.

International scholars 

We welcome applications from international scholars who have funding in place, or who are able to apply for funding from their home country.  Tell us about your own project ideas, and we will work to match you with relevant supervisors.  You do not need to search for a topic on the University website. Please email us if you want to discuss a potential supervisor at: [email protected].

Once you are matched with a supervisor you can apply to the University by following this process:  Applying for Research degrees

Here is information to support International Students who plan to study at University of Leeds.

Note: If you do not have funding in place, be aware that scholarships in the UK are very competitive.  Are you aware of any local or government scholarships in your own country?  If you are in need of a letter of support from water@leeds for your potential funding body, please let us know at [email protected]

UK scholars 

If  you have funding in place already we will work with you to match your project ideas to potential supervisors.  You do not need to search for a topic on the University website. Contact us about this at [email protected].

The website of Leeds Doctoral College contains a wealth of information about research study at Leeds.

Once you are matched with a supervisor you can apply to the University by following this process: Applying for Research degrees.

All scholars who are seeking funded opportunities please read below

Current funded opportunities include:

  • Centre for Doctoral Training in Water and Waste Infrastructure Systems Engineered for Resilience (Water-WISER).  Follow this link for more information. 

Find a PhD using the University's main PhD search engine here:  Postgraduate research opportunities | University of Leeds | University of Leeds

To find out more about water-related research taking place in schools and faculties follow the links below.

  • Faculty of Biological Sciences PhD opportunities
  • Faculty of Earth and Environment PhD opportunities
  • Faculty of Engineering PhD opportunitie s
  • School of Geography PhD opportunities
  • School of Politics and International Studies


Ph.D. in Water Resources Development and Management

  • About Course


A doctorate degree in water resources development and management is the highest level of study in the field. It is an advanced degree that requires graduate study in order to earn the title of doctor . The curriculum is structured to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the field and training in research methods. A candidate's understanding of the subject matter, ability to perform independent research, and ability to express his or her thoughts and ideas clearly are the basis for the degree. A Ph.D. is not granted for completing courses, residence, or other technical requirements.

There are many types of programs that fall under the emphasis area of water resources. The curriculum is interdisciplinary and covers a variety of topics related to surface, groundwater, and subsurface waters. These may be taken from non-engineering departments and services to give students the scientific context needed to understand the non-quantitative aspects of water resources systems.

Graduate students in water resources systems design programs will receive comprehensive training in a range of topics related to water resources. Concentrations include groundwater, surface water, and watershed engineering. To complete the program, students must complete a minimum of 12 graduate-level engineering courses. They must also take nine credits of course work in the field of water science, either from a university department or a university. This background will provide them with the scientific context to understand the complex aspects of a water resource system.

Ph.D. in Water Resources Development and Management Eligibility 

Candidates who want to take admission in Ph.D. in Water Resources Development and Management must have a post-graduate degree in Ph.D. in Electric Engineering and its relevant discipline with at least 55% marks from a recognized university and must have passed the national level entrance examination or university level entrance examination. National level entrance exams like UGC NET / UGC CSIR NET / GATE / SLET or University entrance exams consist of written tests and personal interviews.

The Benefits of a Ph.D. in Water Resources Development and Management

The field of water resources management is growing rapidly. Many regions of the world are facing challenges in managing water resources. These include too little and too much water, flooding, and poor-quality water. To meet these challenges, an integrated approach is needed. This requires that water management strategies consider biophysical, hydrological, and economic factors. This interdisciplinary approach is found in many Ph.D. programs in this field.

A Ph.D. in Water Resources Development and management is an advanced degree that focuses on the management of water resources. The emphasis area addresses the competing societal values and interests in the field. The area has no geographical boundaries and benefits from a distinct midcontinent climate and physiography. The coursework is centered on multi-use watersheds and subsurface waters. Students who earn a Ph.D. in this field are able to apply for their knowledge and work in many different contexts.

A Ph.D. in water resources development and management is an excellent choice for professionals with a passion for water. Unlike a master's degree, students will be able to apply their knowledge in a variety of situations. They will be able to apply their learning to solve real-world problems and develop innovative solutions for them. Furthermore, students will have the opportunity to work in a variety of settings and get valuable hands-on experience in real-life watersheds.

The Water Resources Development and Management field offer a wide variety of job opportunities. Professionals in this field are instrumental in increasing the global knowledge base about water. They can also help in policy development and implementation. Their work may also be recognized through publications in journals and scientific meetings. There are many rewarding career options in this area. Below are some of the most common areas in which these graduates find themselves.

The water resources industry is the largest in the world. While water supply is an important factor in global climate change, water resource professionals are vital to addressing these challenges. They can contribute to improving the quality of life both locally and globally. For those seeking a career in this field, there are many rewarding job opportunities to consider. A Ph.D. in this field can lead to a variety of positions.

As a water resources professional, you can expect to have a variety of job opportunities in water management. Depending on your area of specialization, you might be able to work for government agencies or for private industry. Those with a Master's degree in water resources management can also find employment in consulting organizations. This field is a fast-growing field, and careers in this field are both lucrative and rewarding.

Future Scope of a Ph.D. in Water Resources Development and Management

The field of water resources management is becoming increasingly complex due to the increasing demand for fresh water and continuing development in flood-prone areas. The role of a water resource engineer is multifaceted. These specialists develop and manage new hydraulic structures, such as highway drainage systems and conveyance systems, and manage rivers and floodplains. They are also responsible for developing groundwater resources and developing floodplain management plans. In addition, they develop and implement new frameworks and cooperation mechanisms for water quality management.

The field of water resource management is constantly evolving. The field is growing exponentially, and the demand for skilled professionals who are passionate about the issue is ever-growing. With this degree, students will have the opportunity to pursue an exciting career in the field. Their expertise will be needed to meet the growing demand for freshwater resources. In the United States, there are a number of government agencies, such as the Bureau of Reclamation, that need water resource managers. Many universities and colleges are looking for PhDs in this field, so it is imperative to pursue a degree in the subject.

The job market for a doctoral program in water resource management is rapidly growing. With the demand for freshwater, water quality, and wastewater treatment, the field is booming. With a wide range of job opportunities, there's something for everyone. There's a great demand for professionals in this field, and the future is bright for them. With this new field of study, graduates can work in any field and make a difference in the world.

Ph.D. Research Programme duration

The Ph.D. in Water Resources Development and Management course is a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 5 years duration. This depends on the university offering the course.

Fees for research program for Water Resources Development and Management

The average fee for Ph.D. in Water Resources Development and Management degree is between INR 50000 and INR 500000.

Ph.D. in Water Resources Development and Management


Post-graduation in relevant field + the candidates should have cleared the Entrance test conducted by the respective university.

Ph.D. in Water Resources Development and Management

Type of Course

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Water Corporation of Odisha

Government of Odisha

  • Board Of Directors
  • Vision and Mission
  • Annual Report
  • Bhubaneswar Jurisdiction

Water Tariff



  • Water meter installation at household level is on at Bhubaneswar now. Extend help to WATCO Officials to fix the water meter at your residence.
  • For your complaint redressal please call 24 x 7 IVRS based centralized customer care Toll Free No. 155359 – resolving your issues just a call away.
  • Manual cleaning of manholes and sewer lines has been banned by WATCO. We appeal to the public to bring it to the notice of WATCO if any such activity is going on through its Toll Free No. 155359.
  • Water is precious, save water. WATCO is appealing to public to inform if any water wastage is happening through its Toll Free No. 155359.


3-Water meter installation at household level is on at Bhubaneswar now. Extend help to WATCO Officials to fix the water meter at your residence.

4-For your complaint redressal please call 24 x 7 IVRS based centralized customer care Toll Free No. 155359 – resolving your issues just a call away.

5-Manual cleaning of manholes and sewer lines has been banned by WATCO. We appeal to the public to bring it to the notice of WATCO if any such activity is going on through its Toll Free No. 155359.

6-Water is precious, save water. WATCO is appealing to public to inform if any water wastage is happening through its Toll Free No. 155359.


Clarification related to JICA assisted Orissa Integrated Sanitation Improvement Project (OISIP)

Water Corporation of Odisha (WATCO)

An ISO certified, Govt. of Odisha owned, not-for-profit company under its Housing & Urban Development Department, formed in November 2015 under the Companies Act, 2013 and became fully operational in June 2018.

WATCO started its journey with only 3 nos. of ULBs in 2019 and by March 2023, it is operational in 29 ULBs so far covering more than 65 percent of total urban population of the state towards drinking water supply and sewerage management including the major cities like State Capital Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Puri, Berhampur, Sambalpur, Rourkela etc. The aim is to cover all 115 ULBs of the state in a phased manner.

Areas of Service

Drinking water, a transformative initiative, the drink from tap mission is first implemented at jagannathdham, puri.

  • Drink from Tap Quality Piped Water at Each Household
  • Round the Clock Drinking Water Supply
  • 100% Metered Connections

A transformation project, the Drink-from-Tap mission is a stepin the direction of CM Naveen Patnaik's Dream of making Jagannath Dharm Puri a world class heritage city

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Community led Water Supply Management

full form of phd water supply

Smart Water Management

Real Time Surveillance towards Quality Water Supply

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Lab on Wheels

Water Quality Ensured Anytime Anywhere

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Quick Response Team

Exclusive Mobile Crews for Incident Management

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Odisha Water Academy

Centre of Excellence on Water & Wastewater Service Provisions

Centre of Excellence on Water & Wastewater Service Provisions

Stay informed about our latest development

Drink from tap mission in puri, transformation at saliasahi, bhubaneswar, the journey, notification, watco observed ‘world water day 2023’, watco has signed contract with transgender shg for o & m of pratapnagari wtp, cuttack, watco observed ‘world water day 2022’, cm launches drink from tap in 89 wards of 19 towns, cm turns on ‘sujal’ in puri, odisha first state to launch sujal.

  • Partnering with Mission Shakti SHGs in water supply management
  • Community led water distribution at Ward level
  • Bridge between customers and WATCO
  • Incentive based partnership with women SHGs

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Facilitating new connections
  • Reading water meters, distributing water bills and
  • collecting user charges
  • Field water quality testing
  • Support in consumer complaint redressal
  • Sensitizing people on water conservation
  • Real time surveillance to ensure quality water supply at every home
  • Real time data analysis and decision making for uninterrupted water supply
  • Data capture for preventive maintenance of water supply assets
  • Reduction of Non Revenue Water (NRW) through leakage detection and control
  • Efficient incidence management and quick resolution of problems
  • Effective customer complaint redressal for enhanced customer satisfaction
  • Mobile responsive real time flow, pressure & quality monitoring of water
  • GIS based assets & consumer mapping and real time dashboard

Impacts & Benefits

  • Issue detection & resolution time reduced from few days to few minutes
  • Transparent, cost-effective and user-friendly system
  • On the spot automated testing and chemical dosing compared to manual practice
  • Real time water quality monitoring without human intervention
  • Automated pump and pressure control compared to manual operation

The mobile Water Testing Laboratory, popularly known as ‘Lab on Wheels’ have been deployed to ensure onsite water quality testing, surveillance and monitoring with testing of 16 quality parameters. This is tested at consumer’s doorstep on call. The services are now available at Bhubaneswar, Puri and Cuttack cities.

The quality parameters tested are

  • Colour Pt-Co Unit
  • Conductivity (µs/cm)
  • Turbidity (NTU)
  • Ammonia as N mg/l
  • Iron as Fe mg/l
  • Total Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/l
  • Total Hardness as CaCO3 mg/l
  • Calcium Hardness as CaCO3 mg/l
  • Free Residual Chlorine (mg/l)
  • Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l)
  • Nitrate as NO3 mg/l
  • Fluoride as F mg/l
  • Chloramines.

At your service anytime anywhere

Exclusive mobile crews controlled from the Centralized Command and Control System have been deployed

Provided with dedicated vehicle & equipment for immediate response to leakages and supply related incident management

Odisha Water Academy (OWA), a Centre of Excellence established under Water Corporation of Odisha (WATCO), Housing & Urban Development Dept, Govt. of Odisha, is committed to offer high quality practitioners-focused training solutions and exposure visits for diverse stakeholders in the field of water and wastewater sector through self-financing mode.

The aim is to impart state-of-the-art, innovative training and capacity building for the personnel working in water and waste water utility/ business in the state or beyond, in such a manner that the utility/ business becomes capable of providing safe, reliable, satisfactory and sustainable water, wastewater & related services to the individuals and communities, enhancing their basic health and hygiene levels, socio-economic development and quality of life.


For Domestic Connection: Rs. 5.83 per 1,000 litre

For Institutional/ Commercial Connection: Rs. 19.24 per 1,000 litre

* 5% automatic Tariff hike per annum is applicable.

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Title Description Category Department State View More
Chief Engineer Odisha Water connection for construction purposes or for fairs and melas come under        temporary water connection. The rate for temporary water supply are (as on July 2005):   Construction of... Others Phd Department Odisha
Chief Engineer Odisha The water connection can be disconnected due to the following reasons -        On application to the Executive Engineer/ Officer-in-charges of water works concerned, water-supply connection may be discontinued... Others Phd Department Odisha
Chief Engineer Odisha Water supply connection cut off due to non-payment of dues / on representation will be    reconnected only    after payment   of arrear   dues if any along with reconnection fees @10%  of ... Housing & Urban Development Odisha
Chief Engineer Odisha Per unit rate is calculated and fixed by the  government from time to time and based on the type of the consumers.   Water charges for domestic use   Rates Chart         ... Housing & Urban Development Odisha
Chief Engineer Odisha The works shall have to be executed by the house owner through a licensed plumber or registered contractor of the Public Health Engineering Dept with the written approval of the concerned Executive Engineer, officer-in-charge. Cost of the materials... Housing & Urban Development Odisha
Chief Engineer Odisha From the web site click on the “Connection Status” Button. Then, enter the form number (application form no) and see the status on the web. Housing & Urban Development Odisha
Chief Engineer Odisha For obtaining water supply connection to a   non Government  building within Urban Local Bodies  and any other area where water supply is made from  Water Works of such Bodies, the  house   owner will submit... Housing & Urban Development Odisha
Chief Engineer Odisha Domestic Private Government Commercial Institutional Industrial Apartment/Group Housing Temporary Connections- Domestic Purpose Commercial activities/... Housing & Urban Development Odisha
Chief Engineer Odisha Metered Unmet red Tap Basis OHT Basis Sump Loading Basis Bulk Supply Vat Basis for Temporary connections. Housing & Urban Development Odisha
Chief Engineer Odisha Every consumer except   institutions   owned by the State or Central Government shall pay in advance security deposit as noted below and such deposits will be refunded to him when he ceases to be a consumer after deducting the... Housing & Urban Development Odisha

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  • View Current Bill
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What does PhD mean?

Doctor of Philosophy ( DPhil , Latin: Ph ilosophiae D octor, Ph.D or PhD) is a doctoral degree. A doctorate degree holder can use a Dr. title in front of his/her name.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of phd.

The full form of PhD is Philosophiae Doctor

What is the full form of PhD in Academic & Science?

Philosophiae Doctor

What is the full form of PhD in Worldwide?

Translation, similar terms.

  • BE : Bachelor of Engineering
  • MS : Master of Science
  • LLB : Legum Baccalaureus [Bachelor of Laws]


Please refer to the appropriate style manual if you have any questions.

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  6. PHD Full Form, What is the Full form of PHD?

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  1. Ph.D. Programs

    PhD Programs. IIW provides the opportunity for doctoral students from all over the world to deepen their knowledge and equip them to be leaders in the development of transformative solutions for one of humanity's most critical challenges, ensuring a sustainable and abundant water supply for generations to come. Our PhD programs boast modern ...

  2. Doctor of Philosophy in Water Management and Hydrological Science

    The Water Management and Hydrological Science (WMHS) graduate degree program is supervised by an interdisciplinary faculty from multiple department and colleges. ... Graduate research assistantships are available on a competitive basis. Work leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is designed to give students a comprehensive ...

  3. Your complete guide to a PhD in Hydrology & Water Management

    Hydrology and Water Management students will learn how to assess available amounts of water in a certain region, establish quantities of drinking water, study the potential impact of floods and design ways to prevent them, evaluate how polution impacts the quality of water, and much more. Hydrology and Water Management graduates closely work ...

  4. Doctor of Philosophy in Water Resources

    The Water Resources Ph.D. program is built on an integrative curriculum and an interdisciplinary approach. It focuses on solving water-related challenges that transcend traditional academic boundaries. It is a technically and scientifically based program that blends the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of water resources with public health, policy, and management.

  5. PHD, Water Management and Hydrological Science

    The Water Management and Hydrological Science (WMHS) graduate degree program is supervised by an interdisciplinary faculty from multiple department and colleges. The faculty have expertise in the bio-physical, geo-chemical, management, public health, social sciences and engineering fields. The program offers two masters' degrees (thesis and ...

  6. Sustainability Management (Water)

    Contribute to the creation of academic knowledge by developing methods, systems, concepts, and tools for sustainability management while discovering innovative ways to tackle global water challenges with the PhD in Sustainability Management Collaborative Water program.

  7. PhD Programme

    The PhD programme is a key part of IHE Delft's steadfast dedication to advancing knowledge and confronting global water challenges. Over the course of three decades, the programme has welcomed candidates from 70 different countries who form a diverse and collaborative community devoted to shaping the world's water future.

  8. PDF PhD in Water Resources Program Handbook

    Water Resources Management. Program Co-Directors/Graduate Coordinators Eakalak Khan, SEB 3134, [email protected] Michael J. Nicholl, Lilly Fong Geoscience 227, [email protected]. Program Main Office SEB 3134, [email protected], 702-774-1449.

  9. water resources PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    This prestigious PhD Studentship, fully funded by the University of Stirling, will consider how we optimise the productivity and value from water resources in the Forth Water Basin in Scotland. Read more. Supervisors: Prof R Simmons, Prof M Moro. 26 August 2024 PhD Research Project Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

  10. Joint PhD Programme in Integrated Management of Water, Soil, and Waste

    The degree is jointly offered by the United Nations University and the Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. The focus of the programme is on integrated management of water, soil, and waste using a Nexus Approach, making it the first of its kind. The programme has a strong focus on developing countries. Students have access to the ...

  11. water engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Water Infrastructure and Resilience (WIRe) University of Sheffield. 60 PhD Students to be funded over the next five years for UK and eligible EU students. Globally, one in four cities is facing water stress, and the projected demand for water in 2050 is set to increase by 55%.

  12. New MSc. and PhD programs in Water Management

    To be a leading teaching and research centre in facilitating equitable and sustainable use and management of water resources for poverty alleviation, socioeconomic development, regional cooperation and the environment in Africa. Teaching Programs. The center runs MSc program in water management in five specializations and PhD program in water ...

  13. water resources management PhD Projects, Programmes ...

    This prestigious PhD Studentship, fully funded by the University of Stirling, will consider how we optimise the productivity and value from water resources in the Forth Water Basin in Scotland. Read more. Supervisors: Prof R Simmons, Prof M Moro. 26 August 2024 PhD Research Project Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

  14. Doctorate Programme

    Doctorate Programme. RWESCK Research Programmes are designed for applicants from Ghana and all African Countries to pursue 4 years full-time or part-time (5 years) study in the following specialisation: Ph.D. Water Supply and Treatment Technology. Ph.D. Water Resources Management. Ph.D. Environmental Sanitation and Waste Management.

  15. Apply for a water PhD

    Please email us if you want to discuss a potential supervisor at: [email protected]. Once you are matched with a supervisor you can apply to the University by following this process: Applying for Research degrees. Here is information to support International Students who plan to study at University of Leeds. Note: If you do not have funding in ...

  16. PDF PhD Program Water and Environmental Engineering

    n Sect. ons 1.2.4 &. Academic program5.1.1. The programThe PhD program in Water and EnvironmentalEngineering is to be hosted by the Faculty of W. ter Supply and Environmental Engineering, AWTI. The program may be run jointly with external universities;however the d.

  17. Ph.D. in Water Resources Development and Management

    A doctorate degree in water resources development and management is the highest level of study in the field. It is an advanced degree that requires graduate study in order to earn the title of doctor.The curriculum is structured to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the field and training in research methods.

  18. water research PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    Cranfield University School of Water, Energy and Environment (SWEE) The exciting PhD opportunity was funded by 5-year Leverhulme Trust Leadership Award, which aims on sensing wastewater for real-time public health, particularly on the development of novel low-cost and rapid sensors for rapid and on-site wastewater surveillance.

  19. 0 PhD programmes in Hydrology & Water Management

    Environmental Sciences and Policy. Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, United States. More interesting programmes for you. Find the best PhD programmes in the field of Hydrology & Water Management from top universities worldwide. Check all 0 programmes.

  20. Water Corporation of Odisha

    Water Corporation of Odisha (WATCO) An ISO certified, Govt. of Odisha owned, not-for-profit company under its Housing & Urban Development Department, formed in November 2015 under the Companies Act, 2013 and became fully operational in June 2018. WATCO started its journey with only 3 nos. of ULBs in 2019 and by March 2023, it is operational in ...

  21. Services

    The rate for temporary water supply are (as on July 2005): Construction of... Others : Phd Department : Odisha : View More: Chief Engineer Odisha : The water connection can be disconnected due to the following reasons - On application to the Executive Engineer/ Officer-in-charges of water works concerned, water-supply connection may be ...

  22. water PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    The University of Sheffield, Sheffield Water Centre in collaboration with the UK Water Sector and the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Water Infrastructure and Resilience. Read more. Supervisors: Dr JD Shucksmith, Prof S F Thornton. 31 August 2024 PhD Research Project Funded PhD Project (UK Students Only)

  23. Full Form of PhD

    What is the full form of PhD? - Philosophiae Doctor - Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil, Latin: Philosophiae Doctor, Ph.D or PhD) is a doct