IER Theses and Dissertations

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  • No Thumbnail Available Item Performance of Senior Secondary Students in Basic Map Work Skills ( Addis Ababa University , 1992-06 ) Dalelo, Aklilu ; Asgedom, Amare (PhD) Show more Being components of the overall geographic education, mapwork skills are means to the deep understanding of the other components. As a result, geographic education, whatever the level be, can not be complete without the mastery of at least the basic mapwork skills. Review of literature reveals that this fact is duely recognized by professional geographers, geography educators and curriculum experts including the Social Sciences Panel of the Ethiopian Ministry of Education. However, whether or not students in our schools have really developed such skills was not discovered up to the present . This study was aimed at the investigation of the extent to which students of Addis Ababa developed the basic mapwork skills by the time they complete their secondary education. A performa nce test was prepared and administered to 150 sample students of four government and two mission schools. Data relating to the overall academic performance of the students was acquired from the record offices of the concerned schools. The students also filled in questionnaires meant to gather information about the progress and problems ofiiiteaching mapwork skills in their res pective schools. Similar questionnaires were prepared to be filled in by geography teachers of the same schools. Besides filling in the questionnaires, Geography Department Heads and two most senior teachers of geography were interviewed. The data analysis revealed that the performance of students in basic mapwork skills is very low. Most of them were not able to answer correctly even half of the items in the test. The performance of students of mission schools was relatively better than that of students of government schools. The study also suggested that performance in mapwork skills is positively correlated with students' achievement in mathematics, geography and their grand average. Among the factors that negatively affected achievement in mapwork skills are found to be the chronic scarcity of teaching aids, shortage of time, unfavourable classroom conditions, lack of sufficient knowledge about mapwork skills on the part of the teachers, lack of interest on the part of the stud ents, and poor content structure of the map-reading textbooks being used. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Impact of Parenting Practices on Scholastic Performance of High School Students in Wolayta and Amhara Cultures ( Addis Ababa University , 1997-05 ) Ayele, Abesha ; Wondimu, Habtamu (PhD) Show more This study examines the impact of parenting practices on scholastic performance of high school students, the relationship between ethni city and parenting style, and the type of parenting style dominantly practiced among Ethiopian fam il ies. The subjects of the study were tlu'~e hundered thirty five eleventh-grade students attending two Comperehensive Secondary Schools in Wolayta Soddo and Bahir Dar. Based on Maccoby and Matin's (1983) revi sion of Baumrind's conceptual framework, families were class ified into one of four parenting groups (authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent, and neglectful) on the basis of the adolescents' ratings of their parents on two parental dimensions: acceptance/involvement and strictness/supervision. The students were then contrasted along their scholastic performance. Results indicate that parenting practices have a significant impact on scholastic performance of high school students, explaining 13. 14% of the variations in academic achievement. However, the impact of parenting practices is moderated by the effect of sex of the students. That is, male students who characterize their parents as authoritative sco re higher in scholastic performance than their counter parts who perceive their parents as nonauthoritative and female students who come from all four parenting sty le families. Male students who come from authoritarian fami lies perform better in school than their counter parts who are from neglectful homes and female students who come from indulgent and neglectful families. The scholastic performance of female students is not significantly different as a function of parenting style they have in their familie s. Moreover, the results also reveal that ethnicity and parenting style are not related and that authoritative parenting style is a type of parenting style dominantly practiced among Ethiopian families. The implications of the results to child-rearing practices and child sociali zation and the adaptabi lity of Ethiopian fa milies to modern patterns of child-rearing practices are di scussed. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item The Practice, Challenges and Prospects of Teacher Professional Development in Ethiopian Higher Learning Institutions: The Case of Bahir Dar Unive, Rsity ( Addis Ababa University , 2010-06 ) Shiferaw, Wubnesh ; Sisay, Aytaged (PhD) Show more This study attempted at exploring the practice, challenge and prospects of teacher professional development (TPO) in the Ethiopian HEls with particular reference to Bahir Dar University. To this end, concurrent nested mixed methods design was employed. Semi structured interview guides were employed to collect data from 14 participants including 5 teachers, 5 university management, 3 pedagogical skills training trainers and AORC coordinator. Moreover, document analysis was used to supplement the data collected via interview. Forty (40) out of 124 teachers who attended the training palticipated by filling the questionnaire. Both open and close-ended items were included in the questionnaire. The data collected through interview, document analysis and open-ended items of the questionnaire were coded and described based on the themes identified and the basic ' research questions. The data collected through close-ended items of the questionnaire were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The qualitative and quantitative data were integrated in the analysis part of the study. In this study, a theoretical model was developed based on the models of Loucks-Horsley et al. (1998) and Guskey (2000). The main elements of the model were organization and provision of PO and impact of PD. On the organization and provision of PO, UM perception towards the importance of TPO was found to be appreciable but this perceived importance was not reflected on the encouragement and support provided for the PST. The UM at different levels do not plan for PST and only AORC sets objectives and prepares plans for the PST though the plan doesn't consider the current context of the uni versity . It was found that implementation of the AORC plan and its evaluation is with lots of difficulties as a result of scarcity of resources. On the impact variable, teachers' perception of the importance of PO was found to be commendable, their attitude towards their role as a teacher was also found to be positive and there is no significant difference among teachers on this aspect. Teachers reported that the needs of teachers and students were not considered in the PST and the content, process and context variables of the training were not fu lly meeting their needs. The encouragement and support ofUM for teachers involvement in the PST was reported to be below the required level. Teachers were not made accountable for their PST and no evaluations were conducted on the effectiveness of the programme. The effect of PST on teachers' role was reported to be worthy and there is no significant difference among teachers on this feature. Hence, it is recommended that plans for PST ha,ve to be written by the UM; the UM has to support AORC and teachers in their involvement in the PST; policy has to be developed for POPs; teachers' needs have to be considered in PST efforts and important elements of PO design has to be included; teachers have to be accountable for their own PO and awareness must be created about the importance of PO in the university. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item An Assessment on the Effectiveness of Labor Market Information System in Technical Vocational Education and Training Colleges in Addis Ababa City Government ( Addis Ababa University , 2011-04 ) Atsebaha, Tsegaye ; Zewdie, Girma (Ass. Prof.) Show more The pwpose of the study was to assess the current status of the effectiveness of labor market information system in Technical Vocational Education and Training Colleges in Addis Ababa City Government. The area of concern believed to be relevant to examine the meaning and concept of labor market information source of TVEr, and countries experiences on the labor m.arket information and TEVT. A descriptive survey research method was employed for the study. The sample TVET colleges were Nefasilk, Riji valley University, Misrak and Selam TVET College. The subject of the study includes 120 trainees, 60 TVET graduates, 40 TVET management bodies and 117 employer organizations. Purposive, availability 10ttelY and random sampling technique were used to select the colleges and on the subject of the study. Questionnaires interview were used to obtain the necessGlY data. Using SPSS Sofiware data results were organized and summarized into tables, percentages and cross-tabulations. Depending on questions and response different testing instruments such as ANOVA and T-test were used. The finding of the study depicted that there is a critical need of quality training, assigning students with their interest in the training and opportunity for fill,ther training for TVET graduates that result ji-om lack of market demand, lack of professional human power who conducts research on the job opportunity, the society's lack of trust on the knowledge and skills competence of trainees, how capacity of TVET institutes, inadequate preparation/ background of the students in high schools, and mismatch of TEVT curricula with the market demand. The outcome of the study also showed that the growth of TVET trainees' enrollment rise year to year. The study results also revealed that TVET institutions have considering the market demand of the training area. Employer organizations also have plan for expansion without giving emphasis to utilize the excess human power in the area. Besides, the study reflects that trainees are not properly guided or given information to select appropriate training areas that suit their potentials. This reflects that training institutes show neglect of labor market information for trainees guidance and placement in the area of training demanded on the market. In light of these findings the following recommendation were forwarded: establishing TVET research units in the federal, regional and institutional level, LMls should be conducted periodically and continuously, data bank on labor market should be made available, and TVET system should be steered and implemented with the involvement of a wide stakeholders group in order to provide quality, relevant and demand driven training. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Marketing of Sesame in Ethiopia the Case of East Wollega Zone of Oromia Region ( Addis Ababa University , 2011-05 ) Tekle, Thomas ; S.Bose, K. (PhD) Show more This sfudy invesfigafes the Marketing of sesame in Ethiopia the case of East Wo/lega zone of Gromia region with particular emphasis on the agricultural marketing problems of sesame farmers. The study was initiated with the specific objectives of assessing the socio-economic profile of the sesame farmers in order to identify factors affecting the production and marketing of sesame, investigating the marketing practices of sesame farmers in Eastern Wollega zone of Gromia region, evaluating the market structure of sesame in the zone, and identifying and analyzing the marketing problems of sesame farmers in the zone. Both primmy and secondmy data were collected for this pUlpose. The primm)' data were collected Fom 236 sesame farmers in three woredas and from 4 professionals working with the farmers as supervisor. The quantitative data was analyzed using statistical procedures and presented as percentage, mean, tables, graph, charts etc. The qualitative data was analyzed by interpreting and summarizing, and finally all the data were organized to answer research queations. According to the results of the study, sample sesame .fclrmers were characterized mainly by lack of commercial seeds, forced sales, problems on quality of the seeds, lack of storage facilities, lack of training and development on post harvest activities, lack of awareness on quality standards, malpractices of the traders like manipulating in weights and measurement, grading the produce wilh good quality as low quality ... and lack of proper credit facility. There are also many minor problems. Capacitating the development agents working as supervisors for the farmers with agricultural marketing knowledge and skill, identifying more productive and more locally and internationally demanded sesame seed of the zone by intensive research work, organizing the sesame farmers as sesame farmers' cooperatives, and continuous training and development of the farmers on the special features of sesame, post harvest activities and quality standards create favorable conditions for the sesame.commoners to produce and market their sesame effectively and efficiently. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Comparative Study of Program Effectiveness for the Education of Children With Hearing Impairment (The case of Special class, integrated and special schools in Addis Ababa, Harar and Hosaena) ( Addis Ababa University , 2007-04 ) Shitaye, Tezera ; Desta, Daniel (PhD) Show more The main purpose of this study was to assess program effectiveness for the education of children with hearing impairment among the different placement arrangements like special schools, special classes and integrated setting. Accordingly, attempts have been made to assess educational conditions and academic problems of children with hearing impairment in Addis Ababa, Harar and Hosaena.The data was collected through questionnaire, observation, interviews and English comprehension test developed by the researcher from 43 grade 8 students with hearing impairment, 14 parents, and 15 grade 8 teachers from five schools. Purposeful sampling and strati randomize samplings were used in selecting the respondents. Analysis of the data was madhouse qualitative technique complemented with quantitative (comparison of means) methods. T-Test was used to deal with the significance of the comparison. Results of the study showed that chi ldren in the special schools are performing significant ly better in academics and sociali zation, than those children placed in integrated and special class unit. The classrooms of special class unit and Integrated School were fo und ill-equipped and lacked the major determinants of effective teaching like valuable management, wel l trai ned teaching staff, adequate budget, supportive professionals and fac ilities needed for aiding teaching. On the other hand, the education being delivered in the special schools particularly the boarding school was well organized and supported by professionals. The children in special school performed on Engli sh comprehension test better than those in special class unit and integrated schools. The finding of the study also showed that these children are also better on social development compared to those children in integrated setting and special class uni t. Finally, in accordance with the findings recommendations are forwarded in order to improve the situation in integrated and special class unit, and to strength en the educational delivery in the special schools as a whole. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item The Practices and Challenges of Educational Planning and Budget Utilization in Government Primary Schools: The Case of bale Zone. Oromia State ( Addis Ababa University , 2008-06 ) Hussien, Temam ; Yimam, Melaru (PhD) Show more The purpose of this study was to assess the practices and challenges of planning and budgeting in government primary school in Bale Zone. To carry out the study questionnaires and interviews were used as instrument doting collection. The study was conducted in 25 primary schools randomly selected from 5 worsted in the zone. A total of 45 principals 64 KETB and 56 PTA members were involved in the study. The data gathered were analyze d u sing Frequency, percentage, and mean and standard deviation. The findings made it clear that there was low community involvement in the process of school planning· and budgeting. The school plan was regularly done by the principals. As the majority of respondents reported, having prepared their plan, the schools sent them to WEO for approval. Although the plan for some activities could be approved at school level, for major activities and mainly the plan of annual budget was approved by WEO. Thus, a s principals revealed, sometimes the schools were forced to adjust their budget plan to WEO budget ceiling. .In this case, though the decentralization systems were said to be practiced in schools, except management, other activities like budgeting was highly centralized to worsted. The budget distributed to schools was determined by the WEO cabinets without the involvement of the representatives of the schools. The schools w e re unsatisfied on the way the budget was allocated to them, which was maillot in finds . This is because, according to most of the respondents, the male rials distributed to schools were poor both in quantity and quality. Since the budget a located to schools was inadequate to cover the expense of the schools, problems such as shortage of educational materials were very common. In order to solve the problems mentioned above, the study recommends the community has to be initiated to participate actively in their schools planning and budgeting process. Similarly, the WEO has to allocate budgets according to the manual of the MOE which states the number of students as a criterion to allocate budgets for schools. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Application and Implementation of Customer Relationship Management Practice (CRM) in Hotel Industry Case of Sheraton Addis ( Addis Ababa University , 2011-04 ) Endaylalu, Tadesse ; P., Laximikantham (PhD) Show more With increased globalization, competition, higher customer turnover, growing customer acquisition costs, and rising customer expectations in today 's competitive word, CRM is very important for several companies and received an increasing amount of interest ({//long scholars and practitioners especially in recent years. Some companies have received immense benefits from their investments in enhancing customer satisfaction and fill the hotel, guests loyalty 'ta the brand reduces the risk 0/ service variability, alley the development Ara social rapport with the provider, and the customization 0f senescence l their desires profitability. Hotels in Ethiopia are no exception. The purpose of this thesis is to . investigate the application of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the local hotel industry. A case, Sheraton Addis Hotel, is selected for the study. Samples are determined using a sampling formula and subjects are requested to Fill out a questionnaire. In addition. with the help of open- ended questions and observation, the researcher extracted first hand information. Secondary data sources are used to enrich the amount of gathered instillation ion Till! researcher tried toxin out if CRM is implemented in the form of giving special services with the help of IT, one-to-one marketing, effective relationship building with guest, and discovering guest needs and meeting them by giving always new special services . could be II life saver/or hotel industry Till! results showed that after implementing customer relationship management (CRM) gluiest satisfaction effected in guests' loyalty and retention. As guest stay longer they belly more, (and more(equivalently and this pushes lip the wallet share also. Similarly, the hotel kept owl some costs by retaining existing cyclometers Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item The Implementation of Problem Solving Approach in the Context of Rural Primary Schools in Oromia Region: the Case of Adami Thlu Judo Komboicha Woreda ( Addis Ababa University , 2004-06 ) Belay, Solomon ; Nekatibeb, Teshome (PhD) Show more It has been about ten years since the government of Ethiopia made a new educational and training policy. The making of the policy has been followed by the development and implementation of different programs ill order to carry forward the innovations enshrined in it. One of the highly emphasized aspects of this policy is the need to implement a problem solving education both in content and approach with the objective of producing a problem solving citizen. Related with this, the more elaborate aspiration of the policy is the trend towards shifting classroom instructions from teacher-centered approach to a student-centered approach. Though a variety of understanding exist on what 'a student-centered approach' means, the problem solving approach with its qualifications as a student-centered approach and its unquestioned relevance in the development of problem solving citizen, it is expected that this approach is given precedence in the implementation of the policy. This particular study had, as its starting point, a supposition that in fact problem solving approach/process are teachable and the capacity to solve problems can be developed in school children. It is also assumed that efforts are being made to implement this approach at all levels of the educational system of the country. Owing to the realization that the country's largest population lives in the rural areas and the priority given to agriculture led economic development, the research focused its attention to finding out how the problem solving approach is being implemented in rural primary school s. The bulk of primary school leavers constitute the young work force in the rural areas: therefore the study narrowed its focus on eighth grade students. This case study conducted to examme the implementation of problem solving approach, took 48 classroom observations in eight rural primary schools as central to the data collection process. However, in order to increase the validity of the research and with the intention of describing more what has been taking place in the classroom interactions, the main elements of the interactions have been identified and used as source of data. These main elements included; 152 teachers, 160 students, 8 principals, eighth grade text books and school facilities. The sampling procedure and instruments of data collect ion were such that each category of elements is repre sented in a way they balance representation and depth and detail. Though our daily life is full of problem solving, the scientifically accepted ste ps/process of problem so lving approach were identified and th e ir implementation was assessed in a way applicable to eac h so urc e of data. According ly the data obtained from each source with the particular instrument of data co ll ect ion were organized and analyzed er certain themes pertinent to the process of problem solving The study revealed that problem so lving approach is not being implem ented in cla ssroom in structions. Teachers either have no any training or are poorly trained to implement problem so lving approac h. Text books and school facilities are not in favor of the implementation of problem solving approach. Rural primary school s are und er the gnawing influence of the vicious circle of poverty and low quality education. Therefore , stated in a very general sense, one can conclude that the implementation of problem solving approach in rural primary schools is in its embryo nicstage. It is not born, being cared and deve loped . By extension of the implication of the process to the end , one also can say that primary school leavers didnt have the capacity of problem solving. Students rather are found to develop dependency syndrome and highly influenced by the information they acquire from sources other than their forma l education. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item An Assessment of the Practice of Educational Strategic Planning Process in the Woredas of Tigray Regional State ( Addis Ababa University , 2011-04 ) Tafere, Shumuye ; Oumer, Jeilu (PhD) Show more The purpose of this study was to understand and assess the practice of educational strategic planning process in woredas of Tigray National Regional State with the intent of suggesting ways for improvement. To conduct this research descriptive survey method was employed. In this regard WEO heads, planners, experts, principals, department heads, supervisors, REB process owners and planners, and PSTA were used as primary sources of data for this study. To select WEO heads, performers and planners, PTA, principals, REB Planners and process owners were employed purposive and department heads and supervisors simple random sampling techniques. Likewise the collected data were analyzed quantitatively by using percentage, mean, chi-square test, and t-test. Questionnaire was the main data gathering instrument whereas interview and document analysis were employed to enrich the data gathered through questionnaires. The findings of the study mirror that the educational slrategic plan practices in Tigray Region has been characterized by weak stakeholders involvement in the strategic planning activities, inadequacy budget, and poor utilization of resources, lack of competency of WEO heads to implement the strategies, inadequacy of monitoring and evaluation systems, poor motivational incentives given to the workers, and using inadequacy or unreliable data were the major problems that affect the successful implementation of the educational strategic plans in Tigray Region. Based on the major findings conclusions were drawn as: lack of meaningful participation of stake holders, relevant planners' knowledge and/or experience found to be weak, inadequacy of resources and there was inadequacy of plan monitoring and evaluation system in the selected woredas. Finally, it was recommended that increasing stake holders participation, expanding sources of resources, providing sustainable capacity building trainings for WEO heads and planners, creating an independent body for plan monitoring and evaluation by indicating what to be stressed for further studies. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Trend and Determinants of Enrollment And Dropout in Alternative Basic Education: The Case of Mecha Woreda, West Gojjam ( Addis Ababa University , 2009-07 ) Melese, Shibabaw ; kenea, Ambissa (PhD) Show more The major purpose of the study was to assess trends and determinants of enrollment, dropout and gender parity in ABE in Mecha woreda. Employing sunJey design, data was collected from 58 Alternative Basic Education (ABE) facilitators, 12 ABE supervisors and a random sample of 180 ABE students in 20 learning centers. To supplement the data collected through questionnaire, qualitative data was collected through focus group discussions (which comprised 140 ABE Center Management Committee (CMC) members) and interview of 8 key informants. Both quantitative and qualitative methods of data analysis have been employed. The result indicated that gross enrollment, which stood at 894 in 2003104 was found to grow to 3296 in 2007108, showing a relative growth of 268. 7 percent. The gross enrollment for boys and girls, which were only 458 and 436 in 2003104 grew to 1660 and 1636 in 2007108 demonstrating growth rate of 362.4 and 375.2 percent respectively. Given that girls constitute 49.6 percent of the gross enrollment in level one, 49.5 percent in level two and 50.1 percent in level three, gender disparity in the study area was found to be too narrow. Dropout rate, which stood at 15.4 percent in 2003104, was found to decline to 7.8 percent in 2007108. The dropout rate for boys and girls, which marked 15.9 and 14.9 percent in 2003104 declined to 8.1 and 7.5 percent in 2007108 respectively. Dropout rate was found to be relatively high for boys than for girls. The dependent variables, gross enrollment and dropout rate, were examined against various explanatory variables so as to identifY determinants of gross enrollment and dropout rate in the study area. Accordingly, parents' level of awareness on the benefits of education, demand for child labour, relationship between learning centers and the community and level of technical support provided were found to be determinants of gross enrollment. The level of involvement in family work, employment prospect, relationship between learning centers and the community, support of parents, quality of education, flexibility of the program, adequacy of learning facilities, support of facilitators and absenteeism were found to be determinants of dropout. Given that the numbers of women facilitators outnumber that of men and establishment of learning centers closer to villages where the community dwells, the two variables, namely, gender of facilitators and distance to learning centers were not found to have statistically significant association with dropout in the study area. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Assessment of Sustainability of Alternative Basic Education Projects Supported by Selected NGOs in Addis Ababa ( Addis Ababa University , 2009-07 ) Markos, Henock ; Tessera, Adane(PhD) Show more Recognizing sustainable provision 0/ Education cannot be the sole responsibility o/the government, the NGOs and the community intervention has been highly encouraged. Accordingly, many Alternative Basic Education Projects supported by NGOs have been carried out in Addis Ababa. Some projects were successful in producing lasting impact on the provision 0f Education. However, many projects could not support themselves and operate in sustainable manner after project handover is made to the community and the NGOs ceased their support. A number 0/ technical, financial, institutional, economic, social and environmental/actor constraints contribute to the failure to sustain the projects. The study made an assessment o/these factors that are critical/or sustainability 0/ education projects. In order to conduct this study five NGOs were purposely selected. Their education project components, which includes Education Centers, and other arrangements and considerations made to making the projects sustainable after project handover were subjects o/the study. To gather information questionnaires were distributed, interviews and locus group discussions were held, relevant documents were analyzed, and also field observations were made. The respondents were selected using availability and pufposive sampling techniques. The respondents were categorized in two groups; NGO members and Education Committee Members. Project Managers, Project Officers, Supervisors, Coordinators and facilitators were categorized into NGO members, and Government Officials and Community respondents as Education Committee members. The analysis was carried out using independent t-test along with other descriptive and infertile techniques. The findings o/ the study show that the communities' capacity to operate the project in sustainable manner is questionable mainly because 0f weak financial and institutional capacity. In drawing conclusion, the stud)! views the arrangements made to overcome the constraints are not adequate and less allegation is given of' sustainability o/the projects, and this leads to uncertain situation the projects sustainability. It is recommended in the study that more collaborative efforts belle ensures sustainability. Thus, the roles expected from each stakeholder should clearly be communicated and the Education community members need to be correctional in eliciting support from the community they represent and the necessary support needs to be provided by the NGOs. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Factors Influencing Females Dropout in Some Selected Secondary Schools of Arsi Zone ( Addis Ababa University , 2008-06 ) Dllbeto, Nuri ; Fentahun, Tilahun (PhD) Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Factors Affecting Self Employment of Unemployed Graduates of Government Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges in Amhara National Regional State ( Addis Ababa University , 2008-06 ) Wondifraw, Molla ; Alemu, Yekunoamlak (PhD) Show more The main purpose of this study was to undertaken an assessment of factors that affect selfemployment of unemployed graduates of government TVET colleges of ANRS. To this end, answers to the basic questions pertaining to suitability of the rules and regulations of ACSJ and town municipalities, the level of support provided by WSME and WAP Offices, the relevance of the trainings provided by the colleges and the availability of inputs such as market access, credit access, premises etc., and measures to be taken were sought for. The research methodology employed in this study was descriptive survey. Accordingly, survey questionnaires and interview questions items were prepared and pilot tested and administered to a sample of 858 subjects composed of 6 deans, 140 instructors, 600 trainees and 112 unemployed graduates. A total of 834 (97. 2%) of the questionnaires were properly filled in and returned. In addition to this interview and document analysis were made to collect the necessary information Results obtained were analyzed by using descriptive method such as percentage and chi-square test. The findings of this study indicates that the rules and regulations of ACSJ and town municipalities were not suitable, the level of support provided by WMSE and WAP offices was low, the trainings provided by the colleges were not relevant. Moreover, trainees and unemployed graduates did not have the required and favorable allitude towards self-employment. Thus, to alleviate the above problems, recommendations were forwarded. Hence, all factors that negatively affect the effort of TVET graduates of the colleges of the region should be avoid and hence make the environment favorable. Besides, ANRS TVET Agency and the respective colleges of the region should be pay allention /0 the relevance of TVET programs. To this end, the curriculum nfTVP-Twhich is brought Ji"om MoE should be adapt to the specific situation of the region and design in line with providing knowledge and skills which are required by the local labour market. Hence, enable graduates to create their own jobs. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item The Perception of Teachers to Quality Education in Secondary Schools of Dessie Town ( Addis Ababa University , 2010-06 ) Orner, Mohammed ; Kenea, Ambisa (PhD) Show more The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers' perception and commitment to improve the quality of education and their attitude towards the quality improvements reform. The participants of the study were teachers, instructional leaders (vice principals and unit leaders) and students of four government secondary schools of Dessie town. From these schools 74 teachers were selected randomly. Twelve instructional leaders were selected as a sample purposefully due to their position to. Moreover, 4 group interviews of students (1 group from each school) were included. As a 'niethod of data gathering tools questionnaire, interview and group interview were employed. To analyze the collected data, both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. The result of the study revealed that teachers conceptualized quality of education in the conventional way (in terms Qf input, process and output factors). It also revealed that teachers believe that the key to improve the quality of education is in their hands. The study also showed that teachers in the sample schools have low commitment to student learning. Regarding teachers attitude to wards quality improvements reforms, the study disclosed that teachers have generally negative attitude towards most of the reforms. Low salary, lack of incentives, lack of respect from the society and the government, shortage of resources, low student interest to learning and absence good governance were the major factors that affect teachers' commitment. Based on the findings the following recommendations were forwarded: teachers should get incentives; ensure good governance in the school and at the woreda level, and involve teachers in reforms that affect education and their life. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item The Implementation of Apprenticeship Training Program In Tvet Institutions In Dire Dawa ( Addis Ababa University , 2007-07 ) Tekelu, Mlhreteab ; Kassahun, Tilaye (PhD) Show more The principal aim of undertaking this research study was to investigate major problems hindering effective apprenticeship training in the TVET institutions In Dire-Dawa. To this end, an attempt was made to examine the roles and responsibilities of TVET institutions, the organizations and the trainees, the degree of cooperation between TVET institutions and organizations and major factors such as financial, managerial and social issues. A descriptive survey method was employed for the study. Three sample TVET institutions were selected on the basis of purposive sampling techniques. The samples used for the study were 3 deans, 3 vocational counselors, 163 trainees and 20 workplace supervisors. The respondents' sampling was carried out through availability, purposive, stratified and random sampling techniques, depending on the size and the nature of the sample respondents. The data for the s tudy was obtained through questionnaires, interviews and relevant documents, and analyzed using percentages and chi-square test methods. The results of the study depicted that inadequate co-operation between TVET institutions and enterprises, reluctance of enterprises to offer training, financial and managerial problems made the apprenticeship training program ineffective. Thus, trainees suffered from hardships of obtaining training places, left unattended in the workplace, assigned on non-relevant workplaces and the skill they obtained were very low. Hence, it was concluded that the state of TVET institutions in the region exhibits challenges in implementing apprenticeship training effectively. Therefore, it is recommended that to build the capacity of TVET institutions with qualified trainers and relevant up to date machineries, equipment and other inputs; relevant authorities expected to establish a special unit incorporating chambers of commerce and industry, regional TVET council, TVET institutions and other stakeholders to ovel1ake the responsibility to implement su stainable apprenticeship training. Furthermore, enacting apprenticeship regulation should receive special attention form the government. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item An Assesment of School Development Planning 'Process in Secondary Schools of East Arsi Zone ( 2011-05 ) Bedane, Mesfin ; Oumer, Jeilu (PhD) Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Challenges and Opportunities of Entrepreneurial Development of TVET Graduates: The Case of Cooperative Entrepreneurs in Addis Ababa ( Addis Ababa University , 2008-02 ) Abayneh, Mesfin ; MekOlmen, Worku (PhD) Show more The main purpose of the study was to examine the challenges and opportunities of cooperative entrepreneurs of TVET graduates. To this end, an attempt was made to look into the major factors affecting entrepreneurial development in the TVET institutes and in cooperative business enterprises such as partnership between TVET institutions and enterprises, labor market information system, apprenticeship training, financial facilities, policy, business development services and management of the enterprises. A descriptive survey method was used to identifY the major problems encountered in the success of cooperative owned enterprises in 20 cooperative societies found in 5 different sub-cities of Addis Ababa. The subjects of the study were J 00 cooperative entrepreneurs of TVET graduates, 3 TVET vice principals, 3 vocational counselors, a deputy head of trade and industrial development bureau and 3 heads of trade and industrial development office of the sub cities. Accordingly, the respondents sampling was carried out through stratified and purposive sampling techniques. The data for the study was obtained through questionnaires, interviews, observations and documents, and analyzed using SPSS software. percentages and ji-equency count methods. The results of the study revealed that TVET institutions were unable to establish a network of cooperative relationship with enterprises, apprenticeship offering organizations were lillie prepared for cooperation in the apprenticeship training for efforts made to elicit their active partiCipation, and TVET institutions do not have institutional set up required by labor market information systems. Moreover, the outcome of the study showed that lack of (financial facili ties, technical, operational and management), government intelference and absence of cooperative promotion policy were limitations recognized to address the development of cooperative enterprises. Therefore, it is recommended that creating awareness through information campaign for further deepening both the concept of partnership and the culture of apprenticeship training, TVET institutions need to establish labor market information system. Similarly, great emphasis should be placed on Ihe pOlential contribution of cooperative entrepreneurs in creating wide employment opportunities and providing a bridge to the formal sector for people currently working in Ihe informal sector, rehabilitating sick units and identifY higher potential business opportunity. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Participation and Performance of Female Pupils in Urban Primary Schools: The Case of Awassa City Administration ( Addis Ababa University , 2004-05 ) Kassa, Llshan ; Nekatibeb, Teshome (PhD) Show more The purpose of this study was to assess the participation and performance of female pupils in primary schools of Awassa town. To achieve this aim, 430 primary pupils; 81 teachers; directors of aU the sample schools; 79 parents and 2 women representatives were involved as research participants. The required data was secured using different instruments such as: questionnaires, guided interview, test administration, document analysis and focus group discussion. Accordingly, the data secured was analyzed by using different methods of data analysis, like: narrative approach for qualitative data and statistical approach (including percentages and t- test) for quantitative data. The results obtained indicate that female participation (enrolment) In Awassa is encouragIng. However, the findings further indicate that not all school-age girls in the town are attending school. The major reasons indicated for not going to school were economic problem and household demand of child labor. Regarding survival in the education system, female pupils survival compared with their peer opposite sexes is high. Girls repeat grades more than boys. Besides, absenteeism is also considerable for female pupils. The test administration revealed that no significant difference in achievement is observed between the two sexes in English and mathematics. The schools under study are impoverished, they lack basic amenities like: drinking water, books, library, laboratory, --- etc. It was further identified that schoo l- community relationship is poor. Further more, political and institutional factors are found to be conducive in promoting female education. Implications forwarded in terms of intervention strategies include: providing economic or material incentives for poor households, improving existing facilities in schools, promoting gender sensitive training, arranging guidance and counseling services in schools, enhancing the rights and status of female pupils, increasing the number of female teachers and directors, developing appropriate record keeping system in schools, strengthening school community relation ship and making schools conducive and friendly for girls. Show more
  • No Thumbnail Available Item Kowledge and Attitude of" People towards Voluntary Counseling and Testigy For H Iv: The Case of Shashemene ( Addis Ababa University , 2006-06 ) Ayenew, Llkinaw ; Venkatalhm, R .( Prof.) Show more Vo/untmy counseling and testing (VeT) is potentially effective mechanism to prevent HIV infection and transmission by changing the knowledge and attitude of people. The main objective of the study was to examine the knowledge and attitude of people towards vo/unta!y counseling and testing for HIV. A cross-sectional survey aimed at assessing the knowledge and attitude of people towards voluntmy counseling and testing for HIV was made. Shashemene woreda in western Arsi Zone was selected purposely for this study. From the woreda two kebeles (four and six) were selected as a sampling unit. Data regarding knowledge and attitude was collected from 200 households available in the kebeles which were selected by using systematic random sampling method. The finding depicts that significant number of people had adequate knowledge and positive attitude towards voluntary counseling and testing for HIV. They are aware that voluntmy counseling and testing is a key element in HIV prevention and care and it assists people to make informed decisions about the test of HIV. Moreover, results showed that stigma and discrimination, wonying about the test result and unavai/ability of the service hinders the use of voluntmy counseling and testing. The t-test value revealed that there is no significant knowledge and attitude difference towards vo/untmy counseling and testing for HIV between subjects belonging to sex groups of male and female. On the other hand one-way ANOVA result shows a significant attitude difference observed among subjects based on their education level. As education level increases attitude also increases. It is concluded that the level of awareness regarding knowledge and attitude towards voluntm), counseling and testing for HIV seems too high on the study community. However, there are still different factors which prohibit people in order not to use voluntm), counseling and testing service. There fore, efforts should be made to change this high awareness to practice by redUCing or if possible by eliminating those factors that prohibit the use of voluntmy counseling and testing. Show more
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Melkamu PhD Dissertation, Addis Ababa University.pdf

Profile image of Dr. Melkamu Bezabih  Yitbarek

2017, Dissertation Ref. No. 022/06/2017 MANAGEMENT ... - AAU-ETD

This study was conducted to assess management practices and constraints of small-scale commercial poultry farms in and around Debre Markos, and performance evaluation of Sasso C44 broilers fed diets containing graded levels of dried blood-rumen content mixture. A cross-sectional study was carried out to assess management practices and constraints faced by small-scale commercial poultry farms using a structured questionnaire through interview, group discussion and spot observation. The data related to management practices were analysed using SPSS software Version 20. The constraints faced were ranked by the respondents and the factors were analysed following the procedure of Garrett’s ranking technique. The effect of feeding dried blood rumen content mixtures on the performance of broiler chicks was evaluated using 225 unsexed day old broiler chicks which were randomly distributed to five dietary treatment groups in a completely randomized design (CRD). Each treatment was replicated thrice with 15 birds per replicate. The experimental diets were formulated to contain 100% roasted soybean meal (RSBM)+0% dried blood rumen content mixture (DBRCM) (T1), 80% RSBM + 20% DBRCM (T2), 60% RSBM + 40% DBRCM (T3), 40% RSBM + 60% DBRCM(T4) and 20% RSBM + 80% DBRCM (T5) during the starter phase (1-28 days) and finisher phase (29-56 days) of growth. The data were analysed using SAS software Version 9.2. The result showed that there were 49 farms and the sources of the chicks were Andassa (18.3%), Ethiochick (79.6%) and Gerado (2.1%) poultry farms. The mean flock size per farm was 844.3; among which 83.3 % were Bovans brown, 5.3% Bovans white, 7.7% Koekoek and 3.7% Sasso T44. The majority (75.5%) of the producers kept egg type chicks under intensive management system in deep litter housing. About 98% of the producers used commercial feeds and offered the feed three times per day. All poultry producers provided water regularly and tap water represented 93.9% of the water source. All farms were accustomed to vaccinate their chicks more than once. More than half of the producers used biosecurity measures. About 77.6% and 65.3% of the farms had no access for rodents and predators, respectively. Cleaning and sanitizing of the house, the feeders, and waterers were done by the majority of the producers. Nearly 59.2% of the producers did run their farms by their own money. Almost 53.1% and 69.4% of the producers took training and got extension service respectively. About 85.7% of the producers recorded farm activities. However, the production was hindered by different constraints such as a high cost of feed, unavailability of feed and feed ingredients, unavailability of land, lack of market linkage and promotion, and high purchasing cost of day old chicks which ranked between 1 to 5. The results of the feeding trial revealed that the daily DMI ranged from 75.8 to 80.4g/bird during the entire experimental period. Birds in T5 had lower (P<0.05) DMI 75.8g compared with T1 (79.0g), T2 (78.9g) and T3 (80.4g). The mean daily body weight gain of birds ranged from 26.4 g to 31.6 g and no difference (P≥ 0.05) was detected among treatment groups. The feed conversion ratio (FCR) ranged from 2.5 to 2.9 and did not differ (P≥ 0.05) among treatments. The edible carcass weight and its dressing percentage ranged from 977.9 -1159.3 g and 63.1- 66.6%, respectively, with no significant differences (P≥ 0.05) observed among the treatments. The edible and nonedible offal components were similar (P≥ 0.05) among treatments. The highest (P< 0.05) and the lowest (P<0.05) total feed cost was observed for birds in T1 and T5, respectively. Birds in T4 and T5 showed the highest (P<0.05) economic efficiency and relative economic efficiency compared toT1. Based on the results obtained it could be concluded that alleviating the constraints faced and improving the existing management practices are the most imperative measures to improve small scale commercial poultry farms. Using DBRCM as a replacement for roasted soybean meal at 60% during the starter phase and at 80% during the finisher phase in Sasso C44 broiler production can reduce the cost of feed required to raise broilers to market age and maximizes the economic efficiency due to its local availability and cost effectiveness without affecting the total body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, performance index and carcass characteristics of birds.

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Dr. Melkamu Bezabih Yitbarek

This study was conducted to assess management practices and constraints of small-scale commercial poultry farms in and around Debre Markos, and performance evaluation of Sasso C44 broilers fed diets containing graded levels of dried blood-rumen content mixture. A cross-sectional study was carried out to assess management practices and constraints faced by small-scale commercial poultry farms using a structured questionnaire through interview, group discussion and spot observation. The data related to management practices were analysed using SPSS software Version 20. The constraints faced were ranked by the respondents and the factors were analysed following the procedure of Garrett’s ranking technique. The effect of feeding dried blood rumen content mixtures on the performance of broiler chicks was evaluated using 225 unsexed day old broiler chicks which were randomly distributed to five dietary treatment groups in a completely randomized design (CRD). Each treatment was replicated thrice with 15 birds per replicate. The experimental diets were formulated to contain 100% roasted soybean meal (RSBM)+0% dried blood rumen content mixture (DBRCM) (T1), 80% RSBM + 20% DBRCM (T2), 60% RSBM + 40% DBRCM (T3), 40% RSBM + 60% DBRCM(T4) and 20% RSBM + 80% DBRCM (T5) during the starter phase (1-28 days) and finisher phase (29-56 days) of growth. The data were analysed using SAS software Version 9.2. The result showed that there were 49 farms and the sources of the chicks were Andassa (18.3%), Ethiochick (79.6%) and Gerado (2.1%) poultry farms. The mean flock size per farm was 844.3; among which 83.3 % were Bovans brown, 5.3% Bovans white, 7.7% Koekoek and 3.7% Sasso T44. The majority (75.5%) of the producers kept egg type chicks under intensive management system in deep litter housing. About 98% of the producers used commercial feeds and offered the feed three times per day. All poultry producers provided water regularly and tap water represented 93.9% of the water source. All farms were accustomed to vaccinate their chicks more than once. More than half of the producers used biosecurity measures. About 77.6% and 65.3% of the farms had no access for rodents and predators, respectively. Cleaning and sanitizing of the house, the feeders, and waterers were done by the majority of the producers. Nearly 59.2% of the producers did run their farms by their own money. Almost 53.1% and 69.4% of the producers took training and got extension service respectively. About 85.7% of the producers recorded farm activities. However, the production was hindered by different constraints such as a high cost of feed, unavailability of feed and feed ingredients, unavailability of land, lack of market linkage and promotion, and high purchasing cost of day old chicks which ranked between 1 to 5. The results of the feeding trial revealed that the daily DMI ranged from 75.8 to 80.4g/bird during the entire experimental period. Birds in T5 had lower (P<0.05) DMI 75.8g compared with T1 (79.0g), T2 (78.9g) and T3 (80.4g). The mean daily body weight gain of birds ranged from 26.4 g to 31.6 g and no difference (P≥ 0.05) was detected among treatment groups. The feed conversion ratio (FCR) ranged from 2.5 to 2.9 and did not differ (P≥ 0.05) among treatments. The edible carcass weight and its dressing percentage ranged from 977.9 -1159.3 g and 63.1- 66.6%, respectively, with no significant differences (P≥ 0.05) observed among the treatments. The edible and nonedible offal components were similar (P≥ 0.05) among treatments. The highest (P< 0.05) and the lowest (P<0.05) total feed cost was observed for birds in T1 and T5, respectively. Birds in T4 and T5 showed the highest (P<0.05) economic efficiency and relative economic efficiency compared toT1. Based on the results obtained it could be concluded that alleviating the constraints faced and improving the existing management practices are the most imperative measures to improve small scale commercial poultry farms. Using DBRCM as a replacement for roasted soybean meal at 60% during the starter phase and at 80% during the finisher phase in Sasso C44 broiler production can reduce the cost of feed required to raise broilers to market age and maximizes the economic efficiency due to its local availability and cost effectiveness without affecting the total body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, performance index and carcass characteristics of birds. Keywords: Broilers, constraints, dried blood rumen content mixture, management practices

addis ababa university electronic library thesis and dissertation pdf

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  17. Melkamu PhD Dissertation, Addis Ababa University.pdf

    This study was conducted to assess management practices and constraints of small-scale commercial poultry farms in and around Debre Markos, and performance evaluation of Sasso C44 broilers fed diets containing graded levels of dried blood-rumen

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