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How much does Assist Research actually help?

There are periods during my galactic empire's inevitable ascendancy in which there are no systems for my science ships to survey, as we are already omniscient concerning our vast and glorious holdings.

During these periods, I can order each of my science ships to "Assist Research" at a colony until such time as they have real work to do.

However, there comes a time when we have learned all there is to be learned about all the galaxy's celestial bodies. Given that there is nothing left to be surveyed, I must decide if it is worth keeping the science ships around just to Assist Research.

How much do they help? What factors are involved? Do they boost just that one planet or my whole empire?

DCShannon's user avatar

  • I frequently use "Assist Research" to train the next generation researchers. –  Sjoerd Commented Feb 22, 2017 at 0:30
  • @Sjoerd Yes, that's a good point. They get experience for doing basically nothing. This is already mentioned in the accepted answer, though. –  DCShannon Commented Feb 22, 2017 at 21:42

3 Answers 3

The ships give a boost of 5% per level of the commanding scientist to the planet that's being assisted, which increases to 10% with the Improved Assist Research technology. The assist research mission also steadily gives the commanding scientist experience, and so is a good way to prepare younger scientists to take over once there aren't any more systems to survey.

I've typically only found this useful with dedicated science worlds, like the homeworld (if you decided to build ~4 labs on it) or any world with primitive civilizations where you built an observatory enclave (because those can often produce massive amounts of social research). Most of the research income of a large empire will come from research stations, which this can't improve.

Matthew Gray's user avatar

  • Sounds plausible. Where'd you get this information? Personal testing? –  DCShannon Commented May 16, 2016 at 15:21
  • @DCShannon Yes. The least certain of those is the large empire claim, because that can depend on playstyle and I haven't done any careful accounting. –  Matthew Gray Commented May 16, 2016 at 17:27
  • 1 Some additional information: There is also an improved assist research tech, which doubles the bonus to 10% per level, i.e. a maximum of 50%. So on a science focused world with say 20 research in every category, this can provide 10 additional research points. Quite a decent number and a good use for science ships, once everything has been surveyed. –  Dulkan Commented May 17, 2016 at 6:28
  • 1 @Dulkan Is correct. After this answer, I noticed a bonus listed on my planet's summary page (on the picture at the top) indicating the size of the bonus from the assist. I had +50% from a level 5 scientist with Improved Assist Research. With this boost, my homeworld produces nearly 150 total science around 3370, competing with entire sectors. –  DCShannon Commented May 17, 2016 at 15:21
  • Additionally, certain mods include traits that allow for levels above 5. –  Shadur-don't-feed-the-AI Commented Dec 25, 2017 at 21:38

It really depends on how much research the planet is producing. For a specialised research planet with 20+ Science Labs, 20+ synths, and 150+ science output , it can really make a huge difference.

bcyy's user avatar

  • I guess this is technically accurate, since it is a percentage of the planet's output. –  DCShannon Commented Sep 20, 2016 at 13:58

As of 1.2.1, it's a flat 10% to research of a single planet, going up to a flat 20% with the improved assist research tech. So, pretty nerfed, but if you have a world producing a ton of science, then a scientist in orbit, plus an observatory, plus an intellectual governor, can get you a 40% overall bonus, which is not inconsiderable, but only probably worth it on large worlds which are maxed out on labs at tier III or IV.

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stellaris assist research not working

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  • 2 Improvements
  • 6 Performance
  • 9 References
  • Admirals and Generals have been merged into the Commander, the Military leader class.
  • Officials are now assigned to represent your empire in each of the Galactic Community (or Imperium) and your Federation rather than assigning multiple Envoys.
  • Envoys still represent your Empire's overall diplomatic bandwidth, and handle First Contact, Improving and Harming Relations, and Espionage.
  • Scientists remain the third, Scientific leader class.
  • Military governors apply Martial Law to a planet or sector, which increases worker and slave output at the cost of specialist and ruler output, adds soldiers to the planet or sector, and causes soldiers to increase stability.
  • Administrative governors increase general material resource extraction and industrial productivity.
  • Scientific governors increase research output on the planet or sector. This replaces the old Assist Research Scientist action, which has been removed.
  • Most governor traits now include apply to a lesser extent to the rest of the sector, unless a local planetary governor is overriding them.
  • Added the Minister of State for most non-gestalt empires. (Some civics, such as Fanatic Purifiers or Inwards Perfection, remove this position.)
  • No Minister of Defense: -25% Naval Capacity
  • No Minister of State: -25% Diplomatic Weight
  • No Head of Research: -25% Research Speed
  • Traits chosen when levelling up will now be biased towards the leader's current position, whether or not you have Galactic Paragons. (i.e., A Scientist that is governing a planet will be more likely to receive leader traits related to planet governance.)
  • The classes of all event leaders and paragons, as well as leader themed civics, technologies, and traditions, have been reviewed and adjusted.
  • Council Legitimacy now gives bonuses or penalties to council agenda speed.
  • The Additional Content Browser increases the clarity and transparency of what various DLCs contain, by letting you preview things like Origins, Civics with full tooltips that include nested concepts, animated Portraits, and Shipsets. It is our hope that this will help you make more informed decisions about DLC purchases. (The Additional Content Browser will only be available on some storefronts, and will not update information without an active internet connection.)
  • Information is now split across Government, Ships, Politics, and Structures tabs, which will appear as they become relevant to your empire.


  • Many event chains now include event chain titles in the event window.
  • Added three new planet modifiers: Abundant Geothermal Activity, Subterranean Wildlife, Rich Microflora
  • Added four planetary decisions to be able to remove some negative modifiers without having to terraform the planet: Remove Bleak Planet, Add Dayside Farm, Remove Hazardous Weather, Remove Dangerous Wildlife
  • A toast message will now appear when a truce expires.
  • Clarified tooltips of modifiers that increased leader cap
  • Expanded on the Zroni dig site descriptions.
  • A notification will now be sent when yoour fleets are unexpectedly forced to decloak
  • You can now change the destination of a Leviathan Parade Situation at the cost of some unity.
  • Administrative Leaders can no longer serve as the Head of Research.
  • Archaeo-Engineers AP now gives +1 Scientist Capacity
  • Aristocratic Elite no longer has +20% Governor XP gain, but instead gives a 20% chance for leaders to have a bonus positive and a bonus negative trait.
  • Autonomous Drones and Sovereign Circuits now provide +1 Leader Trait Options
  • Belligerent Diplomatic Stance now grants -1 External Leader Pool Size in addition to existing effects
  • Blocked Inwards Perfectionists and Fanatic Purifiers from having a Minister of State.
  • Centralised Command society tech increased to Tier 3
  • Changed leader recruitment cost to be a quadratic equation instead of exponential
  • Cooperative Diplomatic Stance now grants +1 External Leader Pool Size in addition to existing effects
  • Corporate Authority and Corporate Dominion Civic now grant +1 External Leader Pool Size in addition to existing effects
  • Council Legitimacy now directly modifies base council agenda speed, at 0% Legitimacy base agenda speed is 50%, at 50% Legitimacy it is 100%, at 100% Legitimacy it is 125%. Empires without Council Legitimacy are treated as if they have 50% Legitimacy for this.
  • Decreased the leader XP gain from the Luminary Bloodline trait.
  • Democratic Authority now grants +1 Leader Pool Size in addition to existing effects
  • Dictatorial Authority now grants +25% Ruler XP and -1 Leader Pool Size in addition to existing effects
  • Empires can now support three leaders of each class without using leader capacity. Generic leader capacity has been removed.
  • Eternal Vigilance now gives +1 Commander Capacity
  • Factions are now more upset if their ethic is not represented on the council or by the empire ruler.
  • Galactic Force Projection now gives +1 Commander Capacity, +2 Max Influence from Power Projection, increases Naval Capacity by 100 and Fleet Command Limit by 50
  • Gestalt rulers no longer count towards leader capacity
  • Heroic Past, Precision Cogs, Pooled Knowledge and Factory Overclocking all now provide +1 Commander, +1 Official and +1 Scientist Capacity.
  • Imperial Authority now grants -1 Leader Pool Size in addition to existing effects
  • Imperial Cult now grants additional priest jobs to the ruler's homeworld scaling with their level.
  • Imperial Prerogative now gives +2 Official Capacity
  • Improvements to Mastery of Nature, planet modifier now gives +50% resource districts
  • Changed Leadership Conditioning to reward 3,000 XP equally shared between all leaders below level 10.
  • Isolationist Diplomatic Stance now grants -2 External Leader Pool Size in addition to existing effects
  • Leader Enhancement policies now increase the starting level of leaders instead of increasing Leader XP gain.
  • Leader starting age has once again been increased
  • Leader traits from ascension paths no longer provide research points scaling with leader level
  • Leaders now have a slightly higher chance to start at a higher level.
  • Learning campaign edicts leader xp gain have been reduced
  • Mercantile Diplomatic Stance now grants +1 External Leader Pool Size in addition to existing effects
  • Naval Tradition federation perk now gives +1 Initial Admiral Level instead of +10% Admiral XP gain.
  • Nerve Stapled now gives -100% leader XP gain, if you somehow generate leaders from species with this trait.
  • Not having a Head of Research (or gestalt equivalent) will impose a -25% penalty to research speed
  • Not having a Minister of Defense imposes a -25% penalty to Naval Capacity.
  • Not having a Minister of State (or gestalt equivalent) will impose a -25% penalty to diplomatic weight.
  • Opener effect for Synthetics now reduces robot upkeep and robot assembly cost
  • Philospher King now only provides +5 Effective Ruler Level
  • Players can now build multiple Quantum Catapults.
  • Pompous Purists Civic now grants -1 External Leader Pool Size in addition to existing effects
  • Pops now have ethics attraction towards the ethics of the local planetary governor
  • Rebalanced a number of species traits that affected leader XP gain.
  • Rebalanced Aptitude Traditions and Leadership Conditioning
  • Rebalanced Feudal Society and Franchising Civics and Shared Destiny AP
  • Rebalanced Statecraft traditions
  • Rebalanced the Auto-Curating Vault, Vault of Acquisitions, Alpha Hub and Citadel of Faith
  • Reduced XP gain from Transcendent Learning
  • Removed leader pool increase from Transcendent Learning
  • Removed Leader Pool size modifiers from ethics
  • Removed leader upkeep modifiers from Embodied Dynamism and Collective Self techs
  • Removed the -10% leader hire and upkeep cost from traditions that only applied to a single leader class.
  • Replaced the +1 Leader Capacity from Oppressive Autocracy with +1 Commander Capacity
  • Reworked the Research Institute, Planetary Supercomputer and Military Academy buildings
  • Slightly increased time needed to survey a system.
  • Specialist subjects now get +1 capacity of the relevant leader type instead of +20% XP gain for that subject type.
  • Species traits that give bonuses or maluses to leader xp gain are now multiples of 10% not 25%.
  • Technocracy now gives Expertise traits additional effects for scientists when governing planets/sectors.
  • The effects of the Ruthless Competition council position now matches Memory Vaults
  • The Khanate Successor origin now boosts military leaders
  • The Lord High Admiral council position now gives increased naval capacity instead of increased commander xp gain
  • The Minister of Defense and Head of Research are no longer mandatory council positions.
  • The Minister of State can be removed by Reorganise Council Agenda.
  • The Opinion lost with the Trader Enclaves for canceling a trade deal now scales with size of the deal.
  • The traditions that previously gave -10% leader hire and upkeep costs for a given class (e.g. Science Division) now also increases the leader capacity for leaders of that class
  • Aptitude Tradition adoption now gives Initial Leader Skill: +1 instead of +1 starting trait to leaders.
  • Discovery, Domination, and Supremacy Traditions now increase initial skill level for leaders instead of decreasing upkeep and hire cost.
  • Transcendent Learning leader XP gain modifier reduced to +25%
  • Transcendent Learning now gives +2 Scientist Capacity
  • Universal Transactions now gives +1 Official Capacity and +20% Commercial Pact Efficiency
  • Updated five existing planet modifiers: Weak Magnetic Field, Strong Magnetic Field, Asteroid Belt, Natural Beauty, Bleak Planet
  • You can only find one promising officer every two years.
  • Blocked special event leaders from having backgrounds and homeworlds. Warform was not hanging around with the Romans.
  • Fix a case where the leader UI would remain on screen when exiting to main menu
  • Fix councilor position triggers related to authority not being evaluated correctly in galaxy creation
  • Fix diplo weight tooltip when affected by a resolution category weight modifier
  • Fix gestalt leader backgrounds not clearing other leaders' BGs
  • Fix scripted fleet order buttons having incomplete tooltips (e.g. Azaryn's terraforming special action)
  • Fixed Alien Box event changing getsalt councilor nodes portrait
  • Fixed bypasses mapicons always being placed in second position if there is an upgraded starbase in the system, hiding the icon below
  • Fixed crash when checking if an invalid system is in sensor range
  • Fixed Cultist event chain not having any target to pick planet from if the fleet that attacked was destroyed in the meantime
  • Fixed gestalt nodes not having a starting trait
  • Fixed leader portrait changes when changing species
  • Fixed leaders with a preset design using the wrong portrait when their species changes without its portrait changing.
  • Fixed misaligned buttons and inconsistent tooltips in the Planet View
  • Fixed num_owned_relics trigger not displaying its dynamic values in tooltip
  • Fixed num_researched_techs_of_tier tooltip not displaying the technology tier
  • Fixed random rulers never being generated with origin-locked traits.
  • Fixed situation target tooltip not being completely localized
  • Fixed Starbases receiving ship modifiers twice
  • Fixed the "pick trait" button for recruitable leaders
  • Fixed the Inevitable Assimilation tradition for DAs saying you need to adopt Cybernetic traditions twice.
  • Fixed UOR ruler not benefiting from other initial skill modifiers.
  • Fixed UOR setting ruler level to 4 instead of giving +3 initial levels.
  • Leaders excluded from the upkeep cost now correctly produce resources
  • Set the base value for percent_of_leader_lifespan to match the leader lifespan define value.
  • Subjects now support their Overlords resolutions in the Galactic Community correctly
  • The Escape key no longer closes any event windows.
  • The first event option for the event Dysfunctional Council now informs you that the leader will be dismissed.
  • The Xenophobic Fallen Empire will once again be able to get real mad at you if you border them.
  • Worker Coops can no longer be Xenophobic
  • You will no longer be able to avoid being synthetically ascended by being an assault army in space.
  • The AI will no longer build habitats if they have an uncolonised habitat.
  • The AI will prefer building habitats in systems with upgraded starbases unless they have the Void Dweller origin or the Voidborn AP.


  • Added game rule for possible_precalc = can_fill_precursor_job
  • Added define TRIGGERED_MODIFIER_UPDATE_DELAY, which lets us spread out calculations of triggered modifiers
  • Fixed a case where country modifiers would continually recalculate every day
  • Added new backgrounds for assembly and organic assembly.
  • Added the ability to add an element to the event window specifying the event chain this event is part of
  • Archaeological Sites and Astral Rifts mapicons are now colored depending on their exploration state
  • Changed the leader cap indicator in the top bar to only display envoys.
  • Fixed fleet command limit multipliers not appearing in tooltip if they add up to +100%.
  • Improve and Harm Relations monthly values are now shown to two decimal places.
  • Improved the tooltips for Agenda Progress.
  • removed the notification for leader pool renova
  • The leader list now shows the cap for each class
  • The tooltip for Agenda Progress now shows modifiers to monthly agenda progress.
  • Update the Main Flag button to show the name of the empire (and debug info if you're using Debug view)
  • Added a subtitle to all longer event chains.
  • Added Event Chain Subtitles for the five original precursors.
  • `num_leader_traits` now has a new filter `is_subclass = yes/no/any`
  • Add `federation_modifier` and `triggered_federation_modifier` leader trait modifiers
  • Add `galcom_modifier` and `triggered_galcom_modifier` leader trait modifiers
  • Add `starbase_type` field for starbase components to show the correct text when a tech unlocks it and it's for orbital buildings
  • Add alternate_civic_version to swap locked civics w/ authorities
  • Add army_modifier and triggered_army_modifier to leader traits
  • Add background_planet_modifier and triggered_background_planet_modifier to leader traits
  • Add country_<type>_cap_add modifiers for specific leader class capacities
  • Add fleet_modifier and triggered_fleet_modifier to leader traits
  • Add new on_astral_rift_entered action
  • Add piracy_protection_mult modifier
  • Add set_completed_rifts command
  • Add skill_<classname>_<task> static modifiers for each class and the "navy", "army", "planet_governor", "sector_governor" and "background_planet_governor" cases
  • Add specialist_subject_conversion_time_mult modifier
  • Added a debug ImGui view to the console - So long, and thanks for all the fish <3 (Editor's Note: @MonzUn thank you for all your hard work and best of luck with your new endeavours!)
  • Added army_damage_empire_sprawl_penalty_mult modifier
  • Added army_damage_taken_mult and army_morale_damage_taken_mult modifiers
  • Added astral_rift_difficulty_add modifier
  • Added can_spawn_astral_rift trigger
  • Added council_legitimacy >= <value> country scope trigger to check an empire's council legitimacy.
  • Added council_legitimacy trigger to check council legitimacy in script
  • Added councilor_modifier, triggered_councilor_modifier and force_councilor_trait to leader traits and removed councilor_trait and is_councilor_trait_for_ruler.
  • Added create_astral_rift effect
  • Added distance_to_capital trigger
  • Added dump_astralrifts command
  • Added dynamic_capacity parameter to strategic resources
  • Added export_modifier_duration_to_variable effect
  • Added freeze_leader_age effect to allow leaders to stop aging
  • Added in_place_of parameter to spawn_astral_rift
  • Added in_place_of parameter to spawn_wormhole effect to use the coordinates of an existing spatial object
  • Added inline scripts support for triggers
  • Added is_assigned_to_galcom script trigger.
  • Added is_bypass_type trigger
  • Added leader_lifespan_mult modifier
  • Added leader_starting_age_add, leader_starting_age_mult, ruler_starting_age_add, ruler_starting_age_mult, heir_starting_age_add, heir_starting_age_mult, and <leader class>_starting_age_add and <leader class>_starting_age_mult (for example commander_starting_age_mult)
  • Added mod_<leader class>_lifespan_add and mod_<leader class>_lifespan_mult (ex: mod_scientist_lifespan_add)
  • Added new modifiers for leader initial level
  • Added on_build_queued and on_build_unqueued effects for mega structures
  • Added on_truce_end on_action
  • Added planet_max_branch_office_buildings_self_add empire modifier
  • Added planet_non_artificial_max_buildings_add modifier
  • Added refill_astral_rift_pool command
  • Added research_sharing_mult modifier that increases the effectiveness of a country's research agreements.
  • Added ruler_skill_add modifier to increase or decrease the effective level of an empire's ruler for the purposes of their council position modifiers.
  • Added scripted triggers prefers_scientist_governors and prefers_commander_governors which determine the class of your homeworld governor on game start.
  • Added sector_modifier and triggered_sector_modifier to leader traits.
  • Added spawn_astral_scar effect
  • Added spawn_beyond_gravity_well parameter to spawn_planet effect
  • Added split_astral_scar and copy_survey_data scripted effects
  • Added the is_site_locked = yes/no trigger for archaeology sites.
  • Added the set_council_position_to_council script effect to place a council position in the council.
  • Added trigger leader_lifespan to calculate leader lifespan depending on LEADER_LIFESPAN_DEATH_CHANCE_AGE, MOD_LEADER_LIFESPAN_ADD and MOD_LEADER_LIFESPAN_MULT. Updated script values referencing this define to use the trigger instead.
  • Added triggered_system_modifier to leader traits.
  • Added X_tech_cost_mult modifiers
  • Armies can now have an army_modifier
  • can_build_STATION_TYPE_around can now also have astral_rift as from scope
  • country_leader_cap_add now increases the capacity for all leader classes
  • create_message effect now has a recipient parameter to allow to have another recipient than the automatically resolved one
  • create_mining_station and create_research_station now support deposit holder scopes
  • create_pop effect now has a count parameter to spawn multiple pops at the same time
  • created `can_be_assigned_to_federation` and `can_be_assigned_to_galactic_community` abilities for leader
  • Created destroy_astral_rift effect
  • Created is_astral_scar trigger
  • Created on_astral_rift_exploration_complete on_action to count the number of explored astral rift
  • Created set_next_astral_rift_event debug description to more easily keep track of events branching
  • Events using the leader event window can now hide not allowed options using hide_option_if_not_allowed
  • Fixed fleet scope command limit modifiers not being applied if the fleet doesn't have a leader.
  • Fixed leader trait planet and system modifiers functioning identically to the regular modifiers.
  • Fleet and megastructure modifiers from governor skill are only applied from unoccupied planets owned by the same country as the fleet/megastructure.
  • Hiring / assigning councilors is now done based on a scripted value instead of hardcoded in the ai
  • is_surveyed can now be used on astral rifts
  • Leader trait planet_modifier and triggered_planet_modifier now support all leader types. Removed assist_research_planet_modifier.
  • Leaders class no longer rely on a hard coded type, and are fully dynamic and based on leaders abilities and defined entirely in the class file
  • Megastructures on_build_start/cancel/complete now use the constructing fleet as root if it's being built by a construction ship
  • MetaScripts (Effects,Triggers,Values) can now substitute an argument by the value of another with $ARG1|ARG2$
  • num_buildings effect now support's building category.
  • on_destroying_station is now also called when an orbital station around an Astral Rift is destroyed
  • Removed is_ruler and is_heir checks from leader potential add on traits, instead using the can_leader_get_normal_trait game rule.
  • Removed some unused trait parameters.
  • Removed the DLC lock on unlock_council_selection = yes
  • Replace diplo_weight_envoys_mult and envoy_cohesion_effect_mult modifiers with diplo_weight_delegate_mult and delegate_cohesion_effect_mult
  • Replaced subclass_background_icon and destiny_background_icon with background_icon.
  • Replaced tenth_of_leader_lifespan script value with the more generic percent_of_leader_lifespan.
  • Replaced the modifier leader_age with leader_lifespan_add.
  • Replaced the required = yes/no parameter for council positions with the optional trigger in the country scope.
  • Reworked has_envoy_task to work with any leader class
  • Separate Scientist `can_research` into more granular capability definitions
  • set_surveyed can now be used on astral rifts
  • Situations can now have multiple title selected from triggers.
  • SpawnWormhole effect now has a parameter graphics_entity_name to change graphics
  • Updated leader trait documentation.
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[Solved] Why can't I research this anomaly?

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  • Start date Sep 26, 2021

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Crusader Kings II

  • Sep 26, 2021
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stellaris assist research not working

Jamaican Castle

Lt. general.

Stellaris: Digital Anniversary Edition

  • Sep 27, 2021

Are you running any mods affecting anomalies? Required levels were replaced with anomaly levels (where it takes longer for lower-level scientists and vice versa) awhile ago, which was supposed to affect all anomalies - or at least I haven't seen any remaining ones in the base game since then.  

Hmm. Disabled my mods (which seems to mostly be cosmetic) and the problem remains. Will try to start a new game without mods to see if anything's different. edit: it was some incompatible mod, apparently. Everything works as it should now. Thanks.  

stellaris assist research not working

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  1. How to Get More Influence in Stellaris

    stellaris assist research not working

  2. You can now assist research by right clicking the system : r/Stellaris

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  4. Assist research without science ship present : r/Stellaris

    stellaris assist research not working

  5. Fix: Stellaris Planet Automation not Working

    stellaris assist research not working

  6. Confirmed

    stellaris assist research not working


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  6. 【Stellaris】Ver3.5.3_イベント艦が合流できるようになったよ(Mod紹介第5弾)


  1. Science ships can't assist research anymore :: Stellaris General

    Assist research from the science vessel was removed. You now make a scientist the governor of a planet to get the benefit. Per the 3.10.0 "Pyxis" Update notes. Scientific governors increase research output on the planet or sector. This replaces the old Assist Research Scientist action, which has been removed.

  2. Assist Research doesn't work?

    Assist research is vital. It gives you slow, but steady experience gain to all your scientists, Usually it makes sense to swap scientists so that their specialization matched the skill required for tech. Scientists that are temporary not leading any research can either go surveing (early game), or assisting research (mid,late game).

  3. Research from events not actually gained? [Solved]

    Stellaris. Stellaris: Console edition. Research from events not actually gained? [Solved] Leokhorn. May 21, 2022. Jump to latest Follow Reply. I feel like I might have misunderstood how things work with one time research bonuses. Say you finish one of the various events that say "Society Research...

  4. Assist Research :: Stellaris General Discussions

    IIRC there also used to be an "assist research" option in the external solar system context menu, this is also gone. On the same page, the missing planetary context menu prevents manual selection of digsites. (i.e. if there is more than one digsite, you cannot select the one you want to work on - bad in e.g. the Rubricator system)

  5. Assist research? :: Stellaris General Discussions

    Have the science ship selected. Be in the solar system view, not the galaxy map. Right click ona COLONISED planet. Choose "assist research". Makes the "Assist Research" button on the ship screen supurfluous in my opinion. And misleading. As far as I can tell it doesn't do anything.

  6. Assist Research not a thing anymore? (Pyxis v.3.10.1 (9758))

    r/Stellaris. r/Stellaris. • 2 mo. ago. Ogiwan. Assist Research not a thing anymore? (Pyxis v.3.10.1 (9758)) So, I started a new game, and I can't seem to get my science ships to assist research. Granted, it's only like 26 years into the game, but right clicking on my homeworld, right clicking on my planet, neither brings up the option to ...

  7. Assist Research doesn't work?

    I researched assist research and tried a science ship on two different planets. To use it, I placed the science ship in orbit and selected the assist research function. Nothing happened. In one case, on a planet with eight science labs, I left...

  8. Is Assist Research bugged right now? : r/Stellaris

    Ok, i think it might actually be a bug. All i could find concerning assist research was in Stellaris\common\defines\00_defines.lua. lines 446 and 447 (specifically 447) LEADER_SCIENTIST_ASSIST_RESEARCH= 0.35, -- Experience gained from assisting research per day.

  9. Some questions about Assist Research please? : r/Stellaris

    And 1 Research Complex building that says: +5 Research Jobs. Jobs base production 20 PS&E research. 2x8 and 5x20. This is the biggest issue with your calculations, the "base production" refers to the total unmodified output of a fully employed building, its not 2*8+5*20, its actually 7*4, the final number includes all modifiers, which in your ...

  10. stellaris

    8. The ships give a boost of 5% per level of the commanding scientist to the planet that's being assisted, which increases to 10% with the Improved Assist Research technology. The assist research mission also steadily gives the commanding scientist experience, and so is a good way to prepare younger scientists to take over once there aren't any ...

  11. Rework research and assist research

    Solution: Remove assist research from science ship and place scientist slot on the planet. When I choose new research option game should automatically choose the best scientist for the job from the pool of scientists on the planets (they automatically swap places). Scientists assigned on the ships should not be in that pool.

  12. Patch 3.10

    Scientific governors increase research output on the planet or sector. This replaces the old Assist Research Scientist action, which has been removed. Most governor traits now include apply to a lesser extent to the rest of the sector, unless a local planetary governor is overriding them. Added the Minister of State for most non-gestalt empires.

  13. Assist Research? :: Stellaris General Discussions

    I know assist was kinda redundant, but it still was useful to an extent. Not sure why they made this change. assisting research was still giving you a good bonus, but with leader cap you can't give scientist to each of yours science colonies. with one rigworld it was already 4, with second you needed 8...

  14. Was trying to assist research last night and it wouldnt work

    Go to Stellaris r/Stellaris • by RequiemBurn. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Was trying to assist research last night and it wouldnt work. ...

  15. How to Make a Science Ship Assist Research

    How to Make a Science Ship Assist Research. qaija. Mar 14, 2023. Jump to latest Follow Reply. Forums. Games. Stellaris. I just noticed an icon for a science ship that says "assist research". How do I activate it?

  16. Assist Research

    Haha! Originally posted by unskilled-: the best planet I have in terms of research output is +50/+34/+29 *with* the 30% bonus assist. FYI, a single habitat can produce +33 in every science before any bonuses, and can be assisted, so at max happiness bonus + assist they can hit over 50 of each + any extra bonuses.

  17. Assist Research? : r/Stellaris

    Scientists will boost research output for planet and sector (if sector capital) which effectively replaces assist research. Note on this, when hiring a curator scientist you also get a council position unlocked. That one still gives bonus to assist research (despite it no longer being an feature), or at the very least the tooltip says so.

  18. Stellaris

    Description Assist Research Bug/Exploit Game Version Cherryh v2.0.2 (9b47) What version do you use? Paradox Launcher What expansions do you have installed? Utopia, Apocalypse Do you have mods enabled? No Please explain your issue is in as...

  19. You can now assist research by right clicking the system

    You can shift-click to queue them to go back the planet after finishing the research project. Click ship, click project, click research project, shift-click planet*, click assist research. *Also you can assist research from the outlier, so you don't have to zoom into the system view. Reply. Kaiser_Gagius.

  20. No more assist research :: Stellaris General Discussions

    Even if your scientist has not a single trait related to governing a planet, they will still apply a +2% research from jobs and a -2% empire size per pop to the assigned planet per level, so a level 5 scientist would give you +10% research from jobs / -10% empire size per pop on that particular planet and half of both modifiers for the whole sector if the planet is the sector capital.

  21. Research assist? : r/Stellaris

    A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the 4X grand strategy game Stellaris by Paradox Development Studio. Members Online For the love of all that is holy, please do something about the empires that get generated into a galaxy.

  22. [Solved] Why can't I research this anomaly?

    "Cities: Skylines is the only game I know where people get mad at the developers because mods aren't working." --Lucododosor "You got 80+ hours in a game that released 2.5 weeks ago. I don't think 'lack of content' is a fair criticism if you spend about as much time in a game as most people spend at their full time job." --Lexus

  23. Assist Research :: Stellaris General Discussions

    Stellaris > General Discussions > Topic Details. Spoopy (she/they) Nov 16, 2023 @ 9:16pm Assist Research Did they seriously remove Assist Research? I know it wasn't a major feature but I used it a lot as a way to keep my science ships doing SOMETHING when my empire had no more archeology/special projects/anomilys :(((( If someone knows a mod ...