
Who Are We? is the largest network of independently contracted resume writing professionals on the internet. We were founded in 1999 , as a network of equally qualified resume writers. Unlike other sites, who have one or two writers on staff to handle all the orders they take in, our network allows us to offer you resources that our competitors cannot. We make an effort to work with professional writers from all careers and disciplines. This means that if you're an IT professional, we'll try to place your resume with a writer who has an IT background. We try to do this with all professions, whether you are a teacher or a salesperson or a telecommunications executive. If we feel that we do not have a writer qualified to fulfill your needs, we will refund your order happily and even suggest an unaffiliated resume writer that might be able to help you.


In addition to hiring professionals in accordance with the standards of the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Directors International , we put all of our writers through our own, in-house, intensive training and apprenticeship programs. When you order a resume through our site, you are assured of two things: 1) Your writer will know how to write a resume for your specific situation. 2) He or she will be fully versed in resume writing format, procedures and standards.

Because each writer is independently contracted, you are really working with them. One of the advantages of pursuing a resume service over the internet is the ease of contact. Your personal resume writer is only an email away. They can contact you at any time to get more information or clarification. Once they email you with your final draft, you can contact them with any changes or revisions or refocusing you might want to do. It's personalized resume service on a scale never before possible.

What A Resume Writer Does

When companies need to sell themselves and their products, they outsource the job to professionals. They hire professional advertisers and marketers who know how to sell a company, how to market a product and to brand an image. In many ways, your job search puts you in a similar position. You need to need to sell yourself. You have to differentiate yourself from your competition. You have to brand yourself and put across the image of a winning, dynamic employee. In short, when your potential employer asks the question, "Why should I hire you?" You need to have a convincing answer.

In the modern job market, job seekers no longer have to go it alone. They can hire professionals to help them. They can outsource the difficult, challenging aspects of the job search to professionals who know how to get results. At, we offer you guaranteed professional service. Think of us as your own personal marketing firm. We will sell your candidacy in the most effective way, helping you stand out from the crowd, and enabling you to brand yourself as the innovative, valuable employee that you are.

What Makes The Best

There are plenty of resume writing services on the internet. Most are operated by individual resume writers working alone. What makes us different?

Our vast network of professional resume writers means that we can match you with the writer most qualified to complete your resume. Sole-proprietor resume writing firms cannot offer this level of specialized service. They can only offer you one resume writer to handle all resume orders, no matter what the career or background.

We offer you specialized writers who are qualified to handle your specific situation. We have more resources available than any of our competitors. Instead of merely offering you a one-size-fits all resume with a cover letter, we have numerous levels of services and products. You can get every job search document you'll ever need from us, including e-resumes, scannable resumes and interview follow-up letters. In addition, we have services including resume consultation and coaching, editing, and resume distribution.

Who Founded

Who is behind That's one of the funny things about most resume companies... they tend to want to hide behind a certain level of anonymity to suggest "bigness." But I know we're the biggest, oldest and best resume writing company in North America, so we don't have to pretend. Let me tell you who founded and then I'll tell you the story.

Brian McCullough, Founder of

That's me on the right, Brian McCullough. Most people know me either as the author of the best-selling book How The Internet Happened - From Netscape to the iPhone ( Amazon author page ) or as the host of the daily Techmeme Ride Home podcast ( subscribe here ). I also host the Internet History Podcast . I was an inaugural TED Resident ( my TED Talk is here ). I founded two other companies, and in the early 2000s. I've written some stuff. Here's my LinkedIn profile if you're interested. But enough about me...

The Story

What is most important for our purposes is that before all that, I founded—all the way back in March of 1999—when I was still in college.

( This is the earliest snapshot of the site I could find on the WayBack Machine. Tip: those other companies that claim they have been in business for 20 years like we have? Enter their website into the WayBack Machine . You might be surprised by their true age.)

When I couldn't write all the resumes myself—when I graduated and moved from writing resumes for fellow graduates to writing resumes for professionals all around the world—there was only one thing that I knew to do: partner with other resume writing professionals. There are hundreds of Certified, trained professionals in North America who make their living helping people write resumes and land jobs. I just reached out to those I knew by reputation and asked them to partner with me. I asked them to treat my clients the way treated their own—direct, personally, with care and precision. That is the same way we work to this day. That's why we're called ResumeWriters instead of something like ResumeCompany. We are a world-renowned collective of professional resume writers. Same as we were from day one.

Twenty years on, I've seen everything in this industry. From the dialup era to social media and the mobile web. Every boom and bubble and recession from the dotcom bubble to the housing bust. Every change in all sorts of industries down to the present day. I've been to Resume Writing conferences, HR conferences, recruiter conferences... I've spoken at Fortune 500 companies and universities on employment trends all the way up to the coming "gig economy."

But, again, most importantly for our purposes, I know nearly every professional resume writer working in the industry today. I know them either directly (we've worked with some writers for our entire 20 years in business) or by reputation. We only work with writers we know are true Pros... just under 100 are currently on our partner list. That's how I know whether some new resume company that pops up out of nowhere is for real or not. Are our writers working with them? No? Then they're probably not worth trusting.

Quite simply, no one has been doing Resume Writing at a true professional level longer than I and our team of Professional Resume Writers have. Ask around and you'll find that it's true.

The opinions expressed are solely those of Find My Profession. Click to see our Advertising Disclosure. Review [Cost + Customer Reviews] is rated 45/100 by the career pros at Find My Profession. Read Brian McCullough customer reviews, cost, pros/cons, and more!

Jen Gonzales

Your resume is an important part of the job search. It could very well be the thing that sets you apart from your competition.

This also means that a subpar resume can set your job search back months.

Today we will be reviewing and their resume writing services.

We have taken a deep dive into the customer reviews, cost, resume samples, and writer credentials at Our overall rating for ResumeWriters is 45/100. Score

Our goal is to help you find the best resume service that will advance your career. Take a look at some other top-rated resume writing services and find the perfect fit for you!

Best Alternatives

Find My Profession

About ResumeWriters

Author, podcast host, and speaker Brian McCullough founded in 1999.

Brian was still in college at the time, but over 20 years have passed since then. Today, the company is one of the largest networks of independently contracted resume writing professionals on the internet. offers resume, CV, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile writing services to students up to executive-level professionals. But our focus here is their resume writing services. proudly displays this tagline on their website: “The #1 Resume Writing Service in the world.”

You might be wondering if that’s true, or if it’s just a stretch.

Well…let’s find out.

Let’s dive right into some of the pros and cons when it comes to working with

ResumeWriters Pros vs. Cons

As with any company, there are pros and cons. It’s up to you to determine what is a “must-have” and what things you can live without.

  • 20+ years of resume writing experience.
  • Affordable resume service priced at $169.95 – $389.95.
  • 24 – 72 hour turnaround time is quicker than most services.
  • 60-day interview guarantee on all resume writing packages.
  • Website does not mention any resume writing certifications.
  • Little to no online reviews despite 20+ years of work.
  • Details of resume writers are not available on the website.
  • No central quality control as the resume service is sometimes outsourced.

If you are looking for a resume writing service, is an affordable option, but it is worth exploring other alternatives to find the best fit for your needs.

One such alternative is  Find My Profession , which also offers a quick turnaround and a 60-day interview guarantee. However, Find My Profession differs from in that they have a 4.9/5 rating from 900+ previous clients, are transparent about their writers (including their certifications), and all resumes are written in-house and never outsourced.

ResumeWriter Customer Reviews

quote icon

Our Certified Professional Resume Writers have rated a 45/100. Additionally, has received customer reviews of 3.2/5 on Trustpilot, 1/5 on BBB with an A+ rating, and 8.2/10 on Resumehelpservice. These reviews are disappointing to say the least. One would expect a company with over 20 years of working experience to have way more reviews than this.

Trustpilot shows 1 review with an average rating of 3.2/5. Just one review and they still didn’t get it right. The user described the service as a regrettable experience.

BBB shows 1 review with an average rating of 1/5. We’ve seen this review fall from 2.23 to 1 within the last year. Seems their work keeps getting worse despite their A+ rating.

Resumehelpservice shows an average rating of 8.2/10. Going by the detailed ratings, it seemed customers had an enjoyable experience.

It’s surprising that a service that boasts having 250,000+ satisfied clients has so few online reviews.

Their website features tons of testimonials from satisfied clients though. However, it’s hard to testify to the veracity of said testimonials.

In order to maintain the integrity of this review, we only feature reviews from third-party websites such as Google, Sitejabber, Trustpilot, or BBB.

As with anything, it’s important to take each review with a grain of salt. Additional research should be done beyond reading the reviews that are found online.

How Much Does ResumeWriters Cost? resume packages cost $169.95 – $389.95. This is quite affordable. And since they have no online reviews that speak to the quality of their work, you won’t be risking too much by using the service. That said, there are many services that charg e less and have hundreds of positive customer reviews.

There are seven packages to choose from – Student/Grad Resume Writing ($169.95 – $259.95), Professional Resume Writing ($199.95 – $289.95), Military Resume Writing ($169.95 – $259.95), Tech & IT Resume Writing ($229.95 – $319.95), Career Change Resume Writing ($249.95 – $259.95), Executive Resume Writing ($299.95 – $339.95), and CV writing ($299.95 – $389.95).

The main difference between the seven packages has to do with the types of services that you receive.

  • The Student/Grad Resume package is for students, grads, and career professionals with less than two years of combined experience in any industry. It includes a highly detailed and student-focused resume ($169.95 for the ordinary option, $239.95 for the cover letter option, and $259.95 for the complete arsenal option).
  • The Professional Resume package is for career professionals with more than two years of combined experience in any industry. It includes a well-written professional resume ($199.95 for the ordinary option, $269.95 for the cover letter option, and $289.95 for the complete arsenal option).
  • The Executive Resume package is for executives, managers, and career professionals up to C-level in any industry. It includes a well-written executive resume ($299.95 for the Silver option, $369.95 for the Gold option, and $389.95 for the Platinum option).
  • The Career Change Resume package is for career professionals who are transitioning to a completely new industry. It includes an industry-focused career change resume ($249.95 for the ordinary option, $319.95 for the cover letter option, and $339.95 for the complete arsenal option).
  • The Military Resume package is for military professionals looking to transition to a new career in the civilian sector. It includes a well-written military-civilian resume ($169.95 for the ordinary option, $239.95 for the cover letter option, and $259.95 for the complete arsenal option).
  • The Tech and IT Resume package is for career professionals in the IT, Tech, Computer, and Networking industries. It includes a well-written tech resume ($229.95 for the ordinary option, $299.95 for the cover letter option, and $319.95 for the complete arsenal option).
  • The Curriculum Vitae writing is for every career professional in the medical, legal, dental, academic, scientific, and research industries. It includes a 2+ page well-written professional resume ($299.95 for the ordinary option, $369.95 for the cover letter option, and $389.95 for the complete arsenal option).

Each resume package is further divided into three categories – ordinary option, cover letter option, and complete arsenal option.

  • The ordinary/Silver option includes free, unlimited consultations with your resume writer, a 1-2 page resume, and a turnaround period of 3 business days.
  • The cover letter/Gold options of each category include everything in the ordinary option plus a customized cover letter
  • The complete arsenal/Platinum option of each category includes all the features of the other packages plus every document you’ll ever need during the job search process. These documents include an e-resume/CV, a scannable resume/CV, and a follow-up letter.

You also have the option of purchasing a LinkedIn Profile add-on service ($199.95). offers a returning customer package for their previous customers who would like to update, edit, or rewrite their resumes due to new career needs ($100).

For the most accurate and up-to-date details on package pricing at, we recommend that you visit their website directly.

ResumeWriters Resume Sample

We wanted to see what the resume quality of looked like so we took a look at some of the resume samples featured on their website.

We’ve attached a resume sample for you to review (first page only). Below, we share some of the things that we liked, and what we disliked about this resume.

  • Lists credentials with name and in the appropriate order.
  • Includes professional development, credentials, and certifications.
  • Includes professional affiliations and memberships relevant for job target.
  • Highlights all healthcare and relevant experience for job target.
  • Includes full address instead of just city and state.
  •  Does not list the candidates target job title clearly at the top of the resume.
  •  Lists sales position ender nursing experience section.
  • Format lacks visual appeal, color, and shading.

ResumeWriters Writer Credentials

The company in itself is a recognized member of the Professional Association of Resume Writers (PARW) and the Career Directors International. They were also named the best resume writing service by consecutively from 2012-2018.

Unfortunately, the website provides no information about the details or qualifications of their resume writing team.

The website, however, explains that all of their writers are independently contracted and made to undergo “in-house intensive training and apprenticeship programs”. 

These writers are nearly 100 in number, and they’re experts in 70+ industries. They also work with other top resume companies.

In fact, the founder, Brian believes that you can determine the quality of any new resume service based on whether or not his contract writers are working for them.

The website goes further to explain that their writers are contracted based on the standards of the Professional Association of Resume Writers (PARW). So, you can rest assured that you will be working with an experienced resume professional.

Most of their contracted writers have also worked with the company since its inception in 1999. This means that each one possesses at least 20 years of experience.

There isn’t a lot to go off of, but we did take a dive into a LinkedIn profile that appeared to be theirs though. However, while we were able to find 6 listed employees, we couldn’t find any tangible information about the company itself.

This is a bit strange for a service that also offers LinkedIn profile services. In our experience, services like this often lack attention to detail.

But then, after searching the highs and lows of their website, we found that they did not make mention of their LinkedIn profile nor did they link to it. So, it’s either the profile isn’t theirs, or they purposely omitted the link, knowing fully well that the profile was lackluster.

ResumeWriters Resume Writing Process follows a straightforward and simple operating procedure for getting your resume written.

Let’s look at the steps taken in’s resume writing process below:

  • Select a resume package that best describes your situation and sign up for it.
  • Submit your old resume/career history through a designed worksheet available on their website.
  • Get matched with a suitable resume writer and work 0ne-on-one to develop your resume
  • Get the initial draft of your new resume within 72 hours.
  • Work with your writer to edit, review, and finalize your initial draft
  • Get the final optimized resume sent to you in MS Word format, so you can easily edit it.
  • Apply for jobs with your new resume and start getting interviews.

Their website explains that they provide a 60-day interview guarantee. This means that if you do not get a job interview within 2 months, they will rewrite your resume for you, at no extra charge.

They also offer a 24-hour rush service for clients who would like to get their resumes faster.

Is ResumeWriters Worth It?

Whether or not is worth it is entirely up to you.

Our goal is to provide you with the most transparent and helpful information possible. But, only you know what is best for you and your career.

Here is a summary of our findings on written and reviewed by a Certified Professional Resume Writer:

  • Customer Reviews: 5/25
  • Cost to Value: 10/25
  • Sample Quality: 15/25
  • Writer Credentials: 15/25
  • Total Score: 45/100

As a reminder, we highly recommend reviewing 2-3 services before making a final decision.

If you’re in need of a top-notch resume writing service, we suggest checking out  Find My Profession . With a team of experienced reverse recruiters and a commitment to customer satisfaction, Find My Profession can help you find your dream job. And with a perfect score of 100/100, you can trust that you’ll be in good hands!

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Proudly celebrating 24 years in business! (1999-TODAY)

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A quarter million satisfied users, over 2 decades?

They can't be wrong

Industry Specialties

Our writers are experienced

Years in Business

Guaranteed Job Interviews

Or we re-write your resume for free!

Click to learn more. was named the Top Rated Resume Service!

Read about it here.


Students, Recent Grads and Professionals with less than 2 years experience


Professionals in any industry with more than 2 years experience


Executives and managers in any industry, up to, and including, C-level


Professionals who are transitioning to a new industry or career field

LinkedIn profile writing available as an add-on to any resume service.


Service members from all branches transitioning to the civilian workforce

IT, tech, computer, software engineers and networking professionals


Legal, medical, dental, academic, scientific, and researchers of all levels

Our Qualifications


"Solid counseling on the resume front." - Time Magazine

Our Process

① Submit your current resume or career info via our secure website.

② Your personally assigned writer makes direct contact with you to assess your materials and plan the project according to your career needs.

③ Receive a first draft within 3 business days.

④ Work with the writer on revisions until you have a final draft you are happy with.

⑤ Land interviews! Get hired!

Start working one-on-one with a Resume Writer today!

No middlemen, no editors, no hassle. Just direct, personal service until you have a final draft you are happy with.

Our experience makes all the difference .

For nearly two decades, has brought the most qualified professional resume writers in the world to the job-seeking public. We only partner with the most experienced, nationally recognized and highly in demand writers in the industry. We will match you with professionals who know how to compose winning, dynamic documents that are guaranteed to land you interviews.

You will work with a writer who is qualified to write the document that best suits your needs. You will work one-on-one , directly and personally, with an experienced professional until you have a resume you are satisfied with. No call-centers, no middlemen, and (unlike some resume "companies") no outsourced overseas typists. We partner you exclusively with the most experienced, respected, certified North-American-based resume professionals in the world.

Long-Standing Member:


And we stand behind the quality of our work. Click to learn about our...

Direct one-on-one process

You work with the writer via their personal email and phone number. got a question during the writing process just ask, awesome support, you keep working with the writer, making revisions until you have a final draft you're happy with..


3 Business Day Turnaround

From the time you submit your career history, you'll have a draft delivered via email in 3 business days. 24-hour rush also available., all the documents you'll need, a beautiful msword final resume. cover letters, e-resumes and even linkedin profile development is also available..

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  • Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection.


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  1. Resume Writers .com Resume Writing Service -

    For nearly two decades, has brought the most qualified professional resume writers in the world to the job-seeking public. We only partner with the most experienced, nationally recognized and highly in demand writers in the industry.

  2. Professional Resume Service | offers personalized and certified resume writing services for professionals with more than 2 years experience. Choose from different packages to get a resume, cover letter, e-resume, scannable resume and follow-up letter tailored to your career goals.

  3. About is the largest network of independently contracted resume writing professionals on the internet. We were founded in 1999, as a network of equally qualified resume writers.

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    Best Resume Writing Service For Executives: ZipJob. Best Resume Writing Service Built By Recruiters: ResumeSpice. Best Quick-Turnaround Resume Writing Service: Craft Resumes. Best Value...

  5. Review [Cost + Customer Reviews]

    Today we will be reviewing and their resume writing services. We have taken a deep dive into the customer reviews, cost, resume samples, and writer credentials at Our overall rating for ResumeWriters is 45/100.

  6. Home –

    For nearly two decades, has brought the most qualified professional resume writers in the world to the job-seeking public. We only partner with the most experienced, nationally recognized and highly in demand writers in the industry.