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How to Start Profitable Kienyeji Chicken Farming in Kenya. Download FREE Business Plan

Kienyeji chicken is a broad name used for indigenous chicken breeds in Kenya, mostly reared in the village under the free-range method. They are also referred to as village chicken or road runners in other regions. 

Farming Kienyeji is becoming popular in Kenya today because the chicken is considered organic and hence the preferred healthier option. 

Kienyeji chicken farming can bring in good returns or lead to great losses. We did a survey among 50 Kienyeji poultry farmers asking them to tell us their challenges. One farmer exclaimed,

“I am feeding them with zero returns ! ”. 

Is kienyeji chicken farming profitable? You may be asking.  Kienyeji chicken can be profitable if you run your chicken farming enterprise like a business, with a proper chicken business plan.  In this article, we look at exactly that. How to make your chicken farming worth your time and money. We will also guide you on developing a business plan that will work for your Kienyeji chicken farm.

NB: The Kienyeji Chicken Farming Business Plan is available for download at the bottom of this article. 

The case for Kienyeji Chicken

Before starting your own kienyeji chicken venture, you will need to ask yourself one question. Why? Why go into chicken farming? Why keep Kienyeji chicken instead of hybrid broilers or layers? 

There are several reasons why farmers consider keeping kienyeji chicken. These are:-

  • Ease of entry  – It is very easy to start rearing Kienyeji chicken. No much initial capital is required, especially if you are doing it as a hobby or trial. Getting one rooster(male chicken) and two hens are enough to start.  When the hens start laying, let them sit on eggs. If each hen hatches 10 chicks, and is let to brood them for 2 months, then lay for another month, you should have at least 60 chicken at the end of one year. Assuming zero mortality and no chicken is disposed of, you should have hundreds of Kienyeji chicken by the end of the second year. 
  • The hardiness of kienyeji chicken  – Kienyeji chicken are known to be hardy.  They have better resistance to disease than hybrid chicken. When it comes to feeding, they can forage for their own feed.  Some breeds are known to have the ability to survive on agricultural waste alone. With hybrid chicken have to feed on a well balanced well-formulated feed ration throughout in order to achieve maximum productivity. 
  • Increased demand for Kienyeji eggs and Kienyeji meat  –  As Kenyans become more health-conscious, there is increased demand for Kienyeji eggs and meat. There are are perceived to be more healthy. The growing niches such as purely free-range chicken, antibiotic-free chickens, improved kienyeji chicken, etc. 

Free Range Eggs

Free Range Eggs

Origin of the improved Kienyeji Chicken

Most Kienyeji chicken have been overbred, leading to lower productivity.  This is both to lower productivity both in the number of eggs and average weight gain 

Research by the Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) of the United Nations,  recorded that village chickens lay an average of 23 eggs per year (In Gambia) and an average of 123 eggs per year (Ethiopia) . The difference in numbers from Gambia and Ethiopia is because in Ethiopia, farmers we found to interfere with the laying cycle, by discouraging brooding. 

It is also very hard to have performance indicators for village chickens e.g it is hard to know the expected number of eggs at a certain age, or the expected weight at let’s say 4 months. 

These challenges led to a number of organizations, in Kenya and abroad to undertake research to improve the village (kienyeji) chickens. The goals of the research was to develop a chicken breed:- 

  • That has the good qualities of Kienyeji chicken
  • That has a higher productivity
  • Where it is possible to track performance. 
  • That matures faster. 

The several distinct researches came up with chicken breeds with improved by either:-

  • Breeding Indegenous breeds with hybrid chickens. 
  • Breeding Indegenous breeds that have good qualities with other indegenous breeds that have good qualities. 

Improved Kienyeji Breeds

There are 5 common improved Kienyeji breeds in Kenya. These are 

1.  Kari Improved Kienyeji

Developed by Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization by breeding Local village chicken that had the best qualities. 

2.  Rainbow Rooster Improved Kienyeji

Developed by IndBro in India, as a part of a government-funded program to improve the livelihood of rural low-income earners. Rainbow rooster is imported to Kenya by KukuChic Limited, who hatch the eggs and sell chicks across the country

3.  Kuroiler  

Kuroiler is imported to Kenya via Uganda, where there is a hatchery for F1 at Entebbe, Uganda. Kuroiler was first developed in India. Most of the Kuroiler sold in Kenya will either be F2 or F3 and will not be as productive as the F1 Kuroilers. 

Kenbro is sold by Kenchic Limited and is meant to be the replacement of the Kienyeji chicken. 

5.   Sasso   – Sasso chicken, named after the company that developed them in France is meant to be a free-range broiler, that can also be kept under the intensive system.

Farming methods for Kienyeji Chicken

Traditionally, Kienyeji chicken have been kept under the extensive system, where they are let free to scavenge for their own feed. Once in a while, the feed is supplemented by giving the chicken grains. With this method, there is minimal medication and access to veterinary officers. 

The chicken are housed on temporary structures and in some cases spend the night with other livestock or in the room that is not used by the farmer’s family at night, for example, the kitchen. 

There is no protection from predators. With this traditional system, the flock never gets to grow big, where the farmer can benefit from economies of scale. There is no flock management, but the farmer sells chicken when he needs to. Though the costs are very minimal in this system, there is no way to measure profitability. 

A solution to these issues is to keep the Kienyeji chicken, using modern poultry farming methods, while reaping the benefits of the traditional system, e.g keeping the costs down. 

The modern systems of poultry farming are:-

  • Free-range system  – 

Under the free-range system, the chicken are left to roam around the farm and scavenge for their own food. There is minimal or no supplementation when it comes to feeds. 

The chicken are housed at night to protect them from predators and adverse weather. There are some modifications of this method of poultry farming, namely the pastured system and the yarding system. 

  • Semi-intensive system

Under the semi-intensive system,  the chicken are kept in a fenced run, where they can roam around.  The run is attached to the house where they sleep at night. Food and water are provided by the farmer. 

  • Intensive system  

Under this system, the chicken are kept in a house or cages. Under this system, there is the deep litter system, the slatted system and the cage system. This system allows a large number of birds to be kept in a small piece of land. Food, Water, lighting and other poultry needs are provided by the farmer. 

  • Pastured Poultry System

Under the pastured poultry system, the chicken are kept in temporary fenced paddocks or kept in chicken tractors and moved to a new paddock every few days. They spend the night in the chicken tractors or movable coops inside the paddocks. This is a modification of the free-range system, where the chicken can scavenge for their own feed but are provided with water and security. 

The paddocks are fenced using movable fences, sometimes powered by electricity so as to keep predators away and the chicken inside. 

Supplemental feed is given to the chicken to meet their nutrient quota. The chicken eat insects, grass and other vegetation in the paddock. Moving the chicken allows the vegetation on the paddock to regenerate and grow again.

In some cases, the chicken follow the herbivores that have been feeding on the paddock. When the herbivores move to the next paddock, the chicken are moved to the paddock where the herbivores were. This allows the chicken to benefit from the bugs in the animal droppings.  The land also benefits as the chicken spread the animal droppings when they are scratching. 

  • Yarding Poultry System

Yarding is similar to the pastured poultry system, but the herbivores and the chicken exist on the same paddock and are moved together to the next paddock. 

  • Organic Poultry System

Under the organic poultry system, either the free-range, semi-intensive, pastured or yarding systems are preferred, though the intensive system can also be used. 

In this system, any substance that leaves chemical residues in the eggs and chicken meat are not used on the chicken. This includes antibiotics and insecticides. Organic methods of treatment and pest/parasite controls are used. 

The recommended stocking density under the organic system is 1000 birds per hectare and not more than 2000 birds per house if the intensive system is used. 

The feed must be organic and only specific non-organic additives are allowed in the feed. 

Movable Fence for chicken paddocks

Movable fence for chicken paddocks

Housing for Kienyeji Chicken

In order to make a profit from your Kienyeji chicken business, you will need to offer them good housing. When your chicken is comfortable, they will be more productive. Below are the qualities of good housing for your Kienyeji Chicken:

  • Keeps the chicken safe from predators 

The house and range/chicken run should keep the chicken safe from predators. 

  • Free from environmental extremes like strong wind, cold and heat 

Exposure to extreme environmental elements can affect your Kienyeji chicken flock negatively, leading to death, stunted growth and diseases. 

  • Clean and easy to clean

The chicken house should always be clean and constructed in such a way that it is easy to clean. 

  • Adequate Lighting

There should be enough lighting in the chicken house. Lighting affects chicken development and productivity. For laying hens, nesting boxes should be a bit dimmer and private. Construct the chicken house so that you can provide supplemental lighting if need be.  Extra lighting, especially for laying hens can lead to increased productivity. 

  • Well Ventilated

The chicken house should have enough airflow, to allow for the birds to have clean air.  It also allows for ammonia from the chicken droppings to exit the chicken house. 

  • Controlled Access

Not every tom, dick and harry should get into the chicken house anytime they want to. The house should be constructed in such a manner that it is easy to control who gets in and when. Anyone getting in should use a foot bath at the entrance, in order to avoid the spread of diseases. 

  • Ease of egg collection

The house should be constructed in such a way that the farmer will be able to collect eggs without stressing the birds, and in the least time possible. 

  • Separation of age and variety of birds  

Separation of birds according to age and variety has several benefits, including tracking the performance of the flock, giving age-appropriate feed, vaccination and disease control.  Each age group should be housed separately

  • Correct stocking density

The house should have the right number of chicken. Overcrowding leads to numerous issues, culminating in less productivity.

Fenced Kienyeji Chicken House Layout

Fenced Kienyeji Chicken House Layout with Foot Bath at the entrance. Source: KALRO

Feeding Kienyeji Chicken

A lot of research has gone into chicken nutrition, with great recommendations on nutrients for optimal performance. One of the reasons Kienyeji chickens farmers do not make a considerable profit is they leave feeding of their chickens to fate, feeding them whatever is available at any given time. 

Think of chickens like human beings, who need different nutrients at different ages. Lack of these nutrients, at a specific age, will lead to low immunity, stunted growth, and impaired development.  This is the same for chicken. 

There is a misconception in the market that you can give your chicken one type of feed for all different ages. In the Kenyan market, it is branded as Kienyeji Mash.  This would be similar to feeding a human baby the same feed e.g rice and beans from birth until they grow old. 

Whether you are making your own feed or supplementing with what is available, the chicken needs specific feed mixes with specific nutrients at different ages. Chicken feed is divided into different growth stages and the purpose of the birds:

Starter chicken feed is meant for baby chickens.  They are packed with nutrients needed for the development of chicks. Starter feeds have a high level of protein of 22%-24%  for meat chicks and 20% for layer chicks. If you are raising you are Kienyeji chicken for meat, you should give the starter required for meat birds, and similarly, if you are raising them for eggs, you should give then the starter feed for laying birds. 

Starter chicken feed comes either in medicated form or unmedicated form. The medicated form contains antibiotics, for fighting against bacterial diseases such as coccidiosis. The unmedicated form is ideal if you are raising organic chicken. 

  • Grower Pullet

Grower Pullet chicken feeds are meant for teenage chicken that is being kept for laying eggs. They have 18% protein content. The lower protein content is meant for the birds to develop stronger bones, and get to the right laying weight gradually. 

Too much protein will make the birds lay too early before the productive systems are well developed. This will lead to several health issues and will have a negative effect. 

Grower pullet feed is fed to chickens until 14 weeks. 

  • Grower Pullet Finisher

Grower pullet finisher is meant to transition the laying chicken from grower pullet to layers mash.  This is given to the chicken from 14 weeks to 22 weeks when they start laying. Grover pullet finisher contains 16% protein. 

  • Layers Mash

 At about 22 weeks of age, the chicken being raised for eggs are ready for laying. At this age, they are transitioned to layers mash, which contains 16% to 18% protein and extra calcium that is needed for strong eggshells. 

  • Broiler Mash

Broiler mash has high protein content and is meant for chicken being raised for meat. It contains 20% protein and is meant to make the chicken gain weight. Normal broilers are slaughtered at between 6 to 8 weeks.  This is not the case for Kienyeji chicken, which are usually ready for slaughter at between 4 to 6 months, depending on the breed. For Kienyeji chicken, it is recommended to transition to 16% protein after 12 weeks, until they are ready for slaughter. 

Clean and fresh drinking water is one of the most important requirements for chicken.  Chicken drink doubles the amount of feed they take in weight. For instance, if the chicken takes 5 grams of food, they need 10 grams of water. Less water leads to poor digestion, meaning that the feed given goes to waste and the chicken farmer will not achieve the desired results.

Vaccination Schedule for Kienyeji Chicken

Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) recommends vaccination against Marek’s disease, Newcastle disease, Infectious bronchitis, Gumboro, Fowl Pox, Fowl Typhoid and Deworming. 

You can download the  Kienyeji chicken vaccination schedule here . This should be adequate for both the Kienyeji and Improved Kienyeji breeds. 

Purpose of a Kienyeji Chicken Farming Business Plan

A chicken business plans to organize your thoughts.

A chicken farming business plan will help you put your thoughts on the chicken farming business in a structured way. Most of the time we have good business ideas but without structuring the ideas it will be hard to bring them to life. 

Chicken business plans help you to validate your thoughts on paper

A chicken farming business plan will help you give a closer look into your idea. When you put the plan in writing it will help you know what will work and what will not. Validating your idea on paper will help you reduce the risk of pursuing the wrong opportunity. 

An example is that you might think keeping chicken for eggs is more profitable, but when you put it on paper, you might find based on your target market area, keeping chicken for meat might provide good profits and quick cash flow. You might have thought that supplying eggs to institutions around your area is better, but when you put the idea on paper, you find out that consumers in your area prefer farm fresh organic eggs and are willing to pay more for them than the institutions. 

Most of the time, our ideas are based on assumptions. Putting the ideas on paper helps us validate these assumptions, establishing what will work and what might need to be streamlined. 

A business plan will also help you uncover new opportunities that you might not have identified before.   

A chicken business plan helps you stay on track

A chicken farming business plan acts as a road map that will help you achieve the envisioned success. Since the business plans have an outlook of three to 5 years, you will not be swayed by every new fad that comes your way. 

A well researched and thought out business plan will act as the lighthouse that leads you to the shores of success. 

A chicken business plan helps you to prepare for the future

A chicken business plan gives you a long term outlook for your kienyeji chicken farming business. It will help you know what to expect 6 months into the future when your chicken starts laying. It will help you handle the challenges that come with the business and seize new opportunities that come your way. Opportunity favors the prepared. 

Establish milestones for your chicken farming business.

Milestones are those important stages that your chicken business will pass through. They are markers of success. What will success look like in six months, one year, three years or five years? 

Milestones encourage you to stay on course as you pursue your plan.  They might be based on achieving certain production metrics or a certain income level. 

A chicken farming business plan helps you understand your competition. 

One of the issues with any business is competition. A well thought out plan will help you know what your competition is doing and what you can do to get their market share. What can you do better than them? Is it customer service? packaging? delivery? 

To better understand your customer.

To whom will you be selling the products from your chicken business? What is important to them? As they say, the Customer is King. A chicken business plan will help you better understand your customers and how to serve them. 

Sometimes we think of starting a chicken farming business because of what we like or want. I might like fluffy pillows made of soft chicken feathers.  But the question is does the customer want the same? Will they be willing to pay for it? 

What is the age of your customers? How often do they need your product? Do they prefer yellow yolk free-range chicken eggs or layer eggs? What is important to them? Price or Quality? Answering this and many other questions will help you know exactly who you will be dealing with and how to meet them at their point of need.

A chicken business plan helps document your revenue model

Show me the money. You might be starting the business to meet a specific need but at the end of the day, it is about making profits. How will you make money? This is one of the major questions your chicken farming business plan will be answering. 

You will be offering value to your customers and they will be paying for that value. A revenue model will help you determine how to get the most value to your customers.  This in turn will translate to your customer providing revenue to your business. 

A chicken business plan helps you know how much money you need. 

A business plan helps you know how much money you will require to start your business and keep it running. The startup cost is the amount of money you will be required to start the chicken farming business up to the point that the business starts bringing in revenue. An example would be the cost of constructing the poultry house, cost of chicks, or cost of drinkers and feeders. 

Whether you are keeping chicken for eggs, note that you will not make money until you sell the product. You will be spending money up to that point. This money will need to come from somewhere. You do not want to start keeping chicken for eggs and give up on the fourth month since you cannot afford to buy their feed. 

A chicken business plan will help you know exactly how much you will need. Note that this might vary depending on different conditions. An example is if the cost of feed increases at a certain season. A business plan will help you plan for this. 

A chicken business plan helps you attract investors

Where will the money to start and run your chicken farming business come from? How will you convince the source that it is worthwhile? 

Whether you are financing the business yourself or borrowing money from friends and family, or getting loans from the bank, you need to have a well-written plan of how much you need, how you will spend it and how you will make more money to offset the money put into the business. This is in addition to making a profit that will be worthwhile investing in the chicken farming business. 

A chicken business plan helps force you to research and understand your market

A poultry farming business plan will help you know your market and how to produce for them.  If your customer buys eggs based on price, you will know how to control your production so that you can sell a price your customer will be comfortable with. 

You need to realize that sometime your customer might not be the consumer. If your target market is supermarkets and shops, you need to sell to them at a price where they will also be able to make a profit after selling the product from your chicken farm. 

A chicken business plan identifies who to partner with.

The partners for your chicken farming business will include day-old chick suppliers,  feed suppliers, agro vets, vets among many others. A business plan will help you identify these partners in your area how they operate and how to work with them. 

You might find it cheaper to partner with a feed supplier who delivers chicken feed to your farm than having to go to the shops and buy. Hatcheries that supply day-old chicks might need you to book in advance. In case of a disease outbreak, are there vets in your area that you can call on short notice? 

A business plan will let you know who you need to partner with in order to achieve success in your business.

A chicken business plan will help you know who you need to hire 

How much work will be needed to be done on the chicken farm? Who will do this work? What are their qualifications? Will they work fulltime or parttime? 

A business plan helps identify the staff you will need on your farm and their skill sets. It will also help you identify the cost associated with these employees.


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I must say this information is very informed. I’ve really gained a lot here.

Am encouraged to start and… Am encouraged to start and run my firm

A very useful information,… A very useful information, and am motivated to venture into this business

Good website for peasant… Good website for peasant agro- farmers to gain and skills. Thanks

very informative very informative

Very good and timely info on… Very good and timely info on kienyeji chicken farmimg

This is a very good article… This is a very good article. have been looking for information like this in vain

Hi i need to know how much… Hi i need to know how much and where i can get 3 weeks old chicks of KARLO kienyenji

Joyce kasarani Nairobi

This is a good article and… This is a good article and thanks alot cos i have learned so much on Kienyeji chicken farming. How can i please downloading the business plan ?

Job well done,pongezi for… Job well done,pongezi for the good work you’re doing in educating us better farming methods, I have already started with few kienyeji chicken and I want to grow,thanks and continue.

Thank you the article is… Thank you the article is very informative, I look upon to start kienyeji farming very soon after gaining alot from this article

Thanks for the information Thanks for the information

Very good job,thanks. Your… Very good job,thanks. Your article has most of the information a farmer needs to do the care.

kindly share with us… kindly share with us different feed formulation for different stages of both kiemyeji and other chicken. You can still do for mixing of 70kg

On the previous page, you… On the previous page, you gave us a simple guide on making 70kg of Chick mash,Grower mash, layer mash, broiler starter,broiler finishes and kienyeji mash. The Chick mash ,Grower mash and Layers mash indicated above are they for kienyeji chicken or for other chickens (kuku wa grade)? Do we have kienyeji formulation for different kienyeji stages?

Please read the section on …

Please read the section on “ Feeding Kienyeji Chicken ” above. 

Thanks for the information,… Thanks for the information, however i have looked for the feeding schedule for kuriolers on intensive system but i could not find. kindly share with as well.

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Interested with kienyeji… Interested with kienyeji farming

Good idea for we small… Good idea for we small farmers if one follow the steps given at last will get profit Can we start keeping them as groups then be assisted?

Very informative. Hope i… Very informative. Hope i change my kienyeji way of rearing kienyeji chicken.

Good job comrades,I have… Good job comrades,I have just started my kienyeji chicken farm,I expect to get more from you.Thank you

Hello, my question is how I… Hello, my question is how I can get sasso breed in Kenya, siaya county, ugunja sub county

Check the list if SASSO…

Check the list of SASSO Chicken suppliers here

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Kienyeji chicken rearing: a lucrative business plan.

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Introduction to Kienyeji Chicken Farming

Kienyeji chickens , also known as indigenous or traditional chicken breeds, have been reared in rural Kenya for centuries.

With their hardy nature and ability to thrive on minimal inputs, these feathered friends present an exciting opportunity for smallholder farmers seeking a sustainable income source.

Kienyeji chicken farming has gained significant traction in recent years, driven by the growing demand for organic, free-range poultry products.

These chickens are renowned for their distinctive taste, leaner meat, and higher nutritional value compared to commercial broilers.

Here are a few reasons why Kienyeji chicken farming is an attractive venture:

  • Low Initial Investment : Kienyeji chickens are relatively inexpensive to acquire, and their housing requirements are minimal, making it an accessible business for those with limited capital.
  • Dual Purpose : These chickens serve a dual purpose, providing both meat and eggs, ensuring a steady income stream.
  • Minimal Inputs : Kienyeji chickens are resilient and can thrive on locally available feed sources, reducing the dependence on expensive commercial feeds.
  • Organic and Free-Range : With their free-range nature and organic diet, Kienyeji chickens produce highly sought-after organic products, catering to the growing health-conscious market.

As the demand for locally-sourced, sustainable, and ethical poultry products continues to rise, the Kienyeji chicken farming business presents a promising opportunity for entrepreneurial farmers in Kenya.

Benefits of Rearing Kienyeji Chickens

Embarking on a Kienyeji chicken rearing business offers a myriad of advantages that extend beyond just financial gains.

These hardy, indigenous birds have been an integral part of Kenyan rural communities for generations, and their numerous benefits make them an excellent choice for small-scale farmers seeking a sustainable and rewarding enterprise.

  • Low Investment and Operational Costs

One of the primary advantages of rearing Kienyeji chickens is the relatively low initial investment required.

Unlike commercial poultry operations, which demand substantial capital for infrastructure and equipment, Kienyeji chickens can thrive in simple, low-cost housing structures made from locally available materials.

Additionally, their ability to forage for a significant portion of their diet reduces the reliance on expensive commercial feeds, further lowering operational costs.

This cost-effective nature makes Kienyeji chicken farming accessible to farmers with limited financial resources.

  • Resilience and Adaptability

Kienyeji chickens are well-adapted to the local climate and environmental conditions, making them incredibly resilient.

Their hardy nature allows them to withstand various challenges, such as disease outbreaks, extreme weather conditions, and limited access to veterinary care, which can be detrimental to commercial poultry breeds.

This resilience translates into lower mortality rates and reduced expenses associated with disease management and medication, ultimately improving profitability for the farmer.

  • High-Quality Organic Products

With their free-range lifestyle and organic diet, Kienyeji chickens produce high-quality, organic eggs and meat that are increasingly sought after by health-conscious consumers.

These products are known for their superior taste, higher nutritional value, and lack of antibiotics or growth hormones.

Kienyeji chicken farmers can significantly boost their profits by capitalizing on the skyrocketing demand for organic and ethically-raised poultry products and commanding premium prices for their produce.

  • Diversification and Risk Mitigation

Rearing Kienyeji chickens offers an excellent opportunity for smallholder farmers to diversify their income streams.

Farmers can mitigate the risks associated with relying on a single crop or livestock venture by integrating this enterprise with their existing agricultural activities.

This diversification not only provides a safety net during periods of crop failure or market volatility but also contributes to overall household food security and income stability.

  • Environmental Sustainability

Kienyeji chicken farming is an environmentally sustainable practice.

These birds can thrive on locally available feed sources, such as kitchen scraps, insects, and vegetation, reducing the need for resource-intensive commercial feed production.

Additionally, their free-range nature allows for natural fertilization of the land, contributing to soil fertility and promoting a healthier ecosystem.

This aligns with the growing global emphasis on sustainable agricultural practices and environmental conservation.

  • Preservation of Cultural Heritage

Kienyeji chickens hold significant cultural and traditional value in Kenyan communities.

Rearing these indigenous breeds helps preserve the rich genetic diversity and cultural heritage associated with traditional poultry farming practices.

Getting Started – Housing and Breed Selection

Kienyeji Chicken Rearing

Embarking on a Kienyeji chicken rearing business requires careful planning and preparation, particularly when it comes to housing and breed selection.

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These two factors play a crucial role in ensuring the health, productivity, and overall success of your venture. Let’s delve into the essential considerations for each aspect.

Housing and Shelter

Providing proper housing for your Kienyeji chickens is essential for their well-being and optimal performance. While these hardy birds can thrive in simple conditions, it’s important to create a comfortable and secure environment that meets their basic needs.

Types of Housing

  • Free-Range System : This approach allows your chickens to roam freely during the day while providing a secure shelter for them to roost at night. Simple structures made from locally available materials like wood, mud, or thatch can serve as suitable night shelters.
  • Semi-Intensive System : This system combines a sheltered housing area with an outdoor run or yard. The chickens can move freely between the two spaces, providing them with the benefits of both confinement and free-range foraging.
  • Deep Litter System : In this system, the chickens are confined to a well-ventilated housing structure with a deep litter of absorbent materials like wood shavings or dried grass. The litter serves as a source of food and insulation, and it also helps to control moisture and odor.

Housing Requirements

Regardless of the housing system you choose, there are a few essential requirements to consider:

  • Space : Provide ample space for your chickens to move around freely, with a minimum of 0.5 square meters per bird for optimal health and productivity.
  • Ventilation : Ensure proper ventilation to maintain optimal air quality and prevent the buildup of ammonia and other harmful gases.
  • Nesting Boxes : Provide one nesting box for every 4-5 hens to encourage egg-laying and prevent egg-eating behavior.
  • Perches : Install perches at different heights to allow your chickens to roost comfortably at night.
  • Predator Protection : Implement measures to protect your flock from potential predators, such as secure fencing, elevated housing, or guarding dogs.

Breed Selection

Kienyeji Chicken Rearing

Choosing the right Kienyeji chicken breed is crucial for the success of your business. Different breeds exhibit varying characteristics in terms of egg production, meat quality, disease resistance, and adaptability to local conditions.

Popular Kienyeji Chicken Breeds

  • Original Kienyeji : This is the pure breed of indigenous chicken, unadulterated by research, known for being resistant to diseases and laying an average of 3 to 10 eggs a month with a maturity period of six months.
  • Kenbro: Produced by Kenchic Limited, Kenbro chickens are heavy feeders, lay around 20 to 25 eggs a month, and have a maturity period of 4 to 5 months.
  • Kari Improved Kienyeji : Developed by the Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), these chickens are a result of breeding different types of indigenous chickens in Kenya, known for high egg production, faster growth, and good feed-to-meat conversion. They lay around 15-20 eggs a month and mature faster, weighing approximately 1.2kg at four months.
  • Rainbow Rooster: This breed is an improved indigenous chicken resulting from Indian research, known for laying between 20 to 25 eggs a month with a maturity period of 4 months. They are medium feeders with low resistance to diseases.
  • Kuroiler : Developed in India by Kegg Farms Limited, Kuroiler chickens are medium feeders, lay between 18 to 20 eggs a month, and have low resistance to diseases. They are known for their unique traits and characteristics.

When selecting breeds, consider factors such as your target market (eggs or meat), local climatic conditions, and disease prevalence in your area. It’s also advisable to maintain a diverse gene pool by rearing multiple breeds to improve resilience and adaptability.

Sourcing Kienyeji Chickens

You can source Kienyeji chickens from local breeders, markets, or agricultural extension services. When purchasing, look for healthy, active birds with bright eyes, clean feathers, and no visible signs of disease or parasites.

It’s also recommended to quarantine new additions to your flock for at least two weeks to monitor for any potential health issues before introducing them to your existing birds.

Feeding and Nutrition for Kienyeji Chickens

Feeding and Nutrition for Kienyeji Chickens

Proper nutrition is essential for the health, productivity, and overall well-being of your Kienyeji chicken flock. These hardy birds have unique dietary requirements that must be met to ensure optimal growth, egg production, and disease resistance. Let’s explore the key aspects of feeding and nutrition for successful Kienyeji chicken rearing.

Feed Sources

Kienyeji chickens are known for their ability to forage and thrive on a variety of locally available feed sources. While this reduces reliance on expensive commercial feeds, it’s crucial to provide a balanced and nutritious diet to support their growth and production.

On-Farm Feed Sources

  • Kitchen Scraps : Vegetable peels, leftover grains, and other food waste can be an excellent source of nutrients for your flock.
  • Forage and Greens : Allow your chickens to roam and forage for insects, seeds, and green vegetation, which provide essential proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Crop Residues : Leftover stalks, leaves, and grains from your farm can be used as supplementary feed.

Commercial Feeds

While Kienyeji chickens can thrive on local feed sources, incorporating a balanced commercial feed can help ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients. Consider using the following:

  • Grower Feed : Formulated for growing chicks, this feed provides the right balance of proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals for proper development.
  • Layer Feed : Designed for egg-laying hens, this feed contains higher levels of calcium and other nutrients essential for optimal egg production.

Commercial feeds should be used as a supplement to the on-farm feed sources, not as a complete replacement.

Feeding Practices

To ensure your chickens receive the proper nutrition, follow these best practices:

  • Free-Range Feeding : Allow your chickens to roam and forage during the day, supplementing with commercial feed in the morning and evening.
  • Feeding Schedule : Establish a consistent feeding schedule to encourage good feeding habits and prevent waste.
  • Fresh Water : Provide clean, fresh water at all times to support digestion and overall health.
  • Grit and Calcium Sources : Offer crushed oyster shells or limestone as a source of calcium for strong eggshells, and grit (coarse sand or gravel) to aid in digestion.

Nutritional Requirements

The specific nutritional requirements of your Kienyeji chickens will vary depending on their age, breed, and production stage. However, here are some general guidelines:

Regular monitoring and adjustments to the feed ration may be necessary to ensure your flock’s specific nutritional needs are met.

Health Management and Biosecurity

Maintaining the health and well-being of your Kienyeji chicken flock is paramount to the success of your poultry rearing business.

These hardy birds are generally resilient, but they can still be susceptible to various diseases and health challenges.

Implementing proper biosecurity measures and health management practices is crucial to prevent disease outbreaks, minimize losses, and ensure optimal productivity.

Biosecurity Measures

Biosecurity refers to the preventive measures taken to reduce the risk of disease transmission and protect your flock from potential pathogens. Here are some essential biosecurity practices to implement:

Quarantine and Isolation

  • Quarantine New Arrivals : Quarantine any new birds or those returning from shows or exhibitions for at least 2-3 weeks before introducing them to your existing flock. This allows you to monitor for signs of illness and prevent the spread of diseases.
  • Isolation of Sick Birds : Promptly isolate any sick or injured birds from the rest of the flock to prevent disease transmission and provide appropriate treatment.

Sanitation and Disinfection

  • Regular Cleaning : Frequently clean and disinfect housing areas, feeders, and water containers to minimize the buildup of bacteria, viruses, and parasites.
  • Footbaths and Visitor Protocols : Implement footbaths at the entrance of your poultry house and require visitors to follow strict biosecurity protocols, such as wearing clean protective gear and avoiding contact with other flocks.

Rodent and Pest Control

  • Rodent Control : Rodents can carry and transmit diseases to your flock. Implement effective rodent control measures, such as traps and bait stations, to minimize their presence.
  • Pest Management : Insect pests like mites, lice, and flies can also transmit diseases and cause stress to your chickens. Regularly inspect and treat your flock for these pests using safe and approved methods.

Health Management Practices

In addition to biosecurity measures, implementing effective health management practices is crucial for maintaining a healthy and productive flock. Here are some key practices to consider:


  • Routine Vaccinations : Consult with a veterinarian or local extension services to determine the appropriate vaccination schedule for your flock, based on the prevalent diseases in your area.
  • Record Keeping : Maintain accurate records of vaccinations, treatments, and any health issues to track your flock’s health history and make informed decisions.

Nutrition and Husbandry

  • Balanced Diet : Provide a balanced and nutritious diet to support your chickens’ overall health and immune system function.
  • Clean Water Supply : Ensure a constant supply of clean, fresh water to prevent dehydration and potential health issues.
  • Proper Housing : Maintain clean, well-ventilated housing conditions to reduce stress and the risk of disease transmission.

Regular Monitoring

  • Daily Observations : Regularly observe your flock for any signs of illness, such as lethargy, reduced appetite, or abnormal droppings. Early detection is key to effective treatment and preventing further spread.
  • Veterinary Consultation : Establish a relationship with a local veterinarian or poultry specialist who can provide guidance on disease prevention, treatment, and overall flock management.

Marketing and Profitability Analysis

Successful poultry rearing businesses not only require sound management practices but also a well-thought-out marketing strategy and profitability analysis.

With a thorough understanding of your target market, the development of powerful marketing channels and a meticulous analysis of your costs and revenue streams, you can confidently position your Kienyeji chicken farming venture for long-term success.

Market Analysis

Before diving into marketing strategies, it’s essential to understand your target market and its preferences. Conduct thorough market research to identify the potential customers for your Kienyeji chicken products and their specific needs and preferences.

Target Market Segments

  • Local Markets : Explore opportunities in your local community, such as selling directly to households, restaurants, or small grocery stores that value locally sourced, organic poultry products.
  • Urban Markets : As interest in organic and free-range poultry grows, there may be opportunities to tap into urban markets through farmers’ markets, specialty stores, or online platforms.
  • Institutional Buyers : Consider targeting institutional buyers like schools, hospitals, or catering services that prioritize sourcing locally grown, high-quality poultry products.

Product Differentiation

Kienyeji chickens offer a unique selling point – their organic, free-range, and highly nutritious meat and eggs.

Emphasize these qualities to differentiate your products from commercially produced poultry.

Highlight the superior taste, higher nutritional value, and ethical production methods to appeal to health-conscious and environmentally-aware consumers.

Marketing Strategies

Once you’ve identified your target market, develop an effective marketing strategy to reach and engage potential customers. Here are some marketing channels to consider:

  • Direct Sales : Establish a farm store or participate in local farmers’ markets to sell your products directly to consumers.
  • Online Presence : Develop a website or leverage social media platforms to promote your business, showcase your products, and reach a wider audience.
  • Partnerships and Collaborations : Explore partnerships with local restaurants, grocery stores, or community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs to distribute your products.
  • Branding and Packaging : Invest in attractive and informative branding and packaging to enhance the appeal and perceived value of your Kienyeji chicken products.

Profitability Analysis

To ensure the long-term viability of your business, it’s crucial to conduct a thorough profitability analysis. This involves carefully evaluating your costs, revenue streams, and potential profits .

Cost Analysis

  • Start-up Costs : Consider the initial investment required for housing, equipment, breeding stock, and any necessary permits or licenses.
  • Operational Costs : Calculate ongoing costs such as feed, utilities, labor, veterinary care, and marketing expenses.
  • Fixed and Variable Costs : Identify fixed costs (e.g., rent, insurance) and variable costs (e.g., feed, electricity) to better manage your expenses.

Revenue Streams

  • Product Sales : Estimate potential revenue from selling meat, eggs, and live birds, considering factors like production levels, market prices, and demand.
  • Value-Added Products : Explore opportunities to generate additional revenue by offering value-added products like processed meats, ready-to-cook meals, or fertilizers from chicken manure.
  • Diversification : Consider diversifying your revenue streams by offering agritourism experiences, educational tours, or other complementary services.

Profit Projections

  • Break-Even Analysis : Determine the production level and sales volume required to cover your costs and reach the break-even point.
  • Profitability Scenarios : Create different profitability scenarios based on varying production levels, market prices, and cost assumptions to identify potential risks and opportunities.
  • Cash Flow Management : Develop a cash flow projection to ensure sufficient funds for ongoing operations and future investments.

To position your Kienyeji chicken rearing business for success, it’s important to conduct thorough market analysis, implement effective marketing strategies, and carefully evaluate your profitability.

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Continuously monitor and adjust your strategies based on market trends, customer feedback, and financial performance to maximize profitability and sustainability.

Key Takeaways

  • Low Investment and Operational Costs : Kienyeji chickens require minimal initial investment and can thrive on locally available feed sources, reducing operational costs compared to commercial poultry operations.
  • Hardy and Resilient : These indigenous breeds are well-adapted to local climate conditions and are more resilient to diseases and environmental challenges, resulting in lower mortality rates.
  • High-Quality Organic Products : With their free-range lifestyle and organic diet, Kienyeji chickens produce superior-tasting, highly nutritious, and sought-after organic eggs and meat.
  • Income Diversification : Rearing Kienyeji chickens offers smallholder farmers an opportunity to diversify their income streams and mitigate risks associated with relying on a single agricultural venture.
  • Environmental Sustainability : Kienyeji chicken farming promotes environmental sustainability through reduced resource consumption and natural fertilization of the land.
  • Cultural Heritage Preservation : Supporting the rearing of these indigenous breeds helps preserve Kenya’s rich cultural heritage and genetic diversity in poultry farming.
  • Targeted Marketing and Profitability Analysis : Conducting thorough market research, developing effective marketing strategies, and carefully analyzing profitability are essential for the long-term success of your Kienyeji chicken rearing business.
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How to Farm Kienyeji Poultry in Kenya & Make Millions

Techniques and strategies to reap profits from this business venture..

Carson O.

Indigenous (Kienyeji) chickens are not only common in Kenyan homesteads but across Africa. They are kept for both home consumption and for commercial production of eggs and meat. Farmers keeping such poultry invest little to negligible money in their investment and at the same time, reap a small amount of money from the chickens.

Despite this common phenomenon, several farmers in Kenya have turned this into a lucrative business venture, making hundreds of thousands to millions. If you’re considering starting a poultry farm in Kenya, this post will take you through how to start kienyeji poultry farming in Kenya and techniques to employ to reap profits from this simple business venture.

Let’s dive in…

Step 1: Conduct Thorough Research

As lucrative as kienyeji poultry may sound, it doesn’t come without its share of challenges. As a farmer, you will need the right information to get maximum productivity.

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Research the industry, local market conditions, consumer preferences, and the specific requirements for poultry farming in Kenya.

You should understand the different poultry breeds, their growth rates, feed requirements, and diseases prevalent in the region. Visiting existing poultry farms and speaking to experienced farmers will provide valuable insights and practical tips.

Further, you should visit any local poultry clinic near you and get all the necessary information you need about rearing Kienyeji chicken. If clinics are scarce, agro-vet shop owners usually have much information about poultry farming and can provide good insight.

Kenya Agricultural Research Institute occasionally holds one-week training sessions in poultry farming. Making an effort of attending these courses will place you on the right path. In the course, you will learn:

  • How to keep chicken
  • Caring for poultry
  • Culturing management
  • Improved Kienyeji farming techniques

Step 2: Develop a Business Plan

Any business increases its chances of success by having a simple business plan. A business plan aims to:

  • Outline your goals, the scale of the farm, the target market, marketing strategies, and financial projections.
  • Calculate the estimated costs for acquiring land, constructing poultry houses, purchasing equipment, and obtaining poultry stock.
  • Lay out an operational plan, contingency measures, and a timeline for achieving profitability.
  • Guide your decision-making and help secure financing, if needed.

If you choose to seek funding for your business, you will need to write a more professional business plan. Here is a brief tutorial.

Step 3: Choose the Right Poultry Housing and Equipment

Before you start your poultry farm, you must understand that poultry are easily infected by diseases and therefore, biosecurity is a crucial part of your business.

As you set up poultry housing and equipment, you must ensure that your hygiene is upheld, lest you risk losing all your investment in a single day.

Proper sanitization equipment should be placed at the entrance to the poultry farm and proper clothing should be provided for anyone who wants to visit the poultry. Such clothing includes;

  • Masks (Optional)

Setting up the poultry house

Poultry houses play a crucial role in providing a suitable environment for the birds. You should consider factors such as space requirements, ventilation, lighting, and insulation when constructing or selecting your housing.

Popular housing techniques in Kenya include free-range and deep-litter housing. Download our tutorial on both housing techniques below.

Budgeting for your poultry farm

Depending on your budget and the scale of your operation, you can opt for simple structures or more advanced facilities like battery cages or deep litter systems.

Note that the prices listed above are rough estimates and can vary depending on the brand, quality, and size of the equipment. Moreover, inflation and the Kenyan economy may also cause variations in prices.

More points on kienyeji poultry farming in Kenya

As you buy feeders, make sure you only buy those with a red base. This is because birds mainly identify red as compared to other colours in the spectrum of light. Therefore, choosing any other feeder design may make it difficult for your brood to identify the feeders.

kienyeji chicken business plan

Further, your poultry housing should have several perches .

A perch, is a raised platform or seat, such as one that is used by a bird to rest or roost. Perches can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, metal, and plastic.

These platforms make the birds busy and reduce their chances of getting bored and eating eggs.

kienyeji poultry farming in kenya

Step 4: Select Suitable Poultry Breeds

Choose poultry breeds that are well-suited to the local climate, market demand, and your farming objectives. Here is the breakdown of popular kienyeji poultry farming breeds;

A: KARI Kienyeji Chicken

The Kenya Agricultural Research Foundation (KARI) developed a new breed of indigenous chicken that offers better yield. The KARI Kienyeji chicken is faster growing, more resilient against diseases, and has higher productivity than other indigenous breeds. Further, consumers report that meat from this breed is far more delicious than other indigenous breeds.

Some of its prominent characteristics include

  • The growth rate of up to 1.5kg in about five months, while other indigenous breeds take up to 7 months or more.
  • The chickens have a feathering system that helps them adjust to different climatic conditions, including arid and semi-arid regions.
  • The KARI Kienyeji chicken is easy to maintain and can be kept under a free-range system or deep litter system.
  • Farmers can choose to keep the KARI Kienyeji chicken for meat, eggs, or both.
  • A hen can produce between 220 and 280 eggs per year, which is similar to the output of a white leghorn exotic layer kept in a deep litter system.

Other popular breeds in Kenya include:

  • Rainbow Rooster
  • Improved Kienyeji

Harvesting eggs for re-breeding

Before harvesting eggs, you have to make sure that your hands are clean, to reduce the risk of bacterial infection to the eggs.

Secondly, eggs are picked and placed directly on trays in an upside-down fashion i.e., the pointed edge should face down.

The logic behind this is that eggs have an air cell under the flatter surface of the egg. This air cell should be protected as chicks depend on this for growth.

This technique can still be used for eggs on sale.

Step 5: Ensure Proper Nutrition and Health Management

Providing the right nutrition is crucial for optimal poultry growth and productivity. Develop a feeding program based on the specific nutritional requirements of the poultry breed you choose.

Consult with a poultry nutritionist to formulate balanced rations that include a combination of grains, protein sources, minerals, and vitamins.

Water is also a crucial part of the growth of poultry. Therefore, ensure that you provide a lot of clean water for your brood.

Step 6: Marketing and Selling Your Poultry Products

In the modern Kenyan market, chicken price ranges from KES 1,000 to KES 1,500 depending on size and weight. Of course, these prices may vary according to the terms and conditions you set with your buyer or broker.

Identify your target market and develop effective marketing strategies to promote your poultry products.

Consider supplying to local markets, supermarkets, hotels, high schools and restaurants and finally, establish partnerships with retailers or wholesalers to reach a wider customer base.

Embracing digital marketing channels will also go a long way in attracting distant customers who may even order from outside the country.

A proper marketing strategy will increase your customer base and increase your income streams.

Starting a kienyeji poultry farming business in Kenya can be a very lucrative and rewarding endeavour. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can lay a strong foundation for success.

Remember to conduct thorough research, develop a comprehensive business plan, choose suitable housing and equipment, select the right poultry breeds, ensure proper nutrition and health management, implement effective marketing strategies, and continuously learn and improve.

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Improved kienyeji chicken farming – comprehensive farmer’s guide

Picture this: a thriving flock of chickens, producing nutritious eggs and succulent meat while roaming freely on your farm. This vision is no longer a dream – it’s the reality of improved kienyeji chicken farming.

So, if you’re ready to take your poultry venture to new heights, you’re in the right place.

In this comprehensive guide, I will be guiding you all the necessary steps you need to know when it comes to improved kienyeji chicken farming in Kenya.

Introduction to improved kienyeji chicken farming

Improved kienyeji poultry farming combines the best of traditional indigenous chicken breeds with modern management techniques.

As such, it’s a recipe for healthier birds, increased egg and meat production, and a fulfilling farming experience.

A word on choosing the right breed for maximum yield – types of improved kienyeji chicken

In Kenya, there are five main varieties of improved kienyeji chicken breeds. And, each of these breeds have their own unique characteristics that set them apart from the rest.

As such, if you want to venture into improved kienyeji chicken farming, it’s advisable that you choose a breed whose traits match your needs.

With that in mind, below are the five improved kienyeji chicken varieties/breeds in Kenya:

Kenbro chicken are produced by Kenchic Ltd – you can buy them at Kenchi’s factory in Industrial Area, Nairobi.

Traits of Kenbro improved kienyeji chicken

  • They are heavy feeders hence best for free-range rearing.
  • They mature in 4 to 5 months.
  • Lay 20 to 25 eggs per month – laying continues for a period of up to 1 ½ years.
  • They have low resistance to diseases.
  • They start laying eggs at around 25 weeks from hatching.
  • Mature kenbro roosters weigh 2.2 to 2.5 kgs while the hens weigh 1.9 to 2.2 kgs.

KARI improved kienyeji chicken – best improved kienyeji chicken in Kenya

This breed is a product of KALRO – they interbred different indigeneous (pure kienyeji) breeds from different areas in Kenya.

These breeds are better adapted to local conditions compared other improved kienyeji breeds… Some of the traits that make this breed much better are:

You can acquire KARI improved kienyeji chicken from KALRO’s headquarters or any other of their approved outlets and agents.

Traits of KARI improved kienyeji chicken

  • They lay 15 to 23 eggs per month.
  • Their eggs are big compared to those of other improved kienyeji chickens – they lay grade 3 eggs.
  • They mature within four months – weigh around 1.2 Kgs hence ready for meat market.
  • Start laying eggs at six months.
  • Have high resistance to diseases.
  • Have a normal feeding program – not heavy feeders.
  • They do not sit on eggs.

Disadvantages of KARI improved kienyeji chicken

Their main disadvantage is that KARI improved kienyeji hens do not sit on eggs.

Nonetheless, if these hens are brought up in farms through association pure kienyeji chicken, they can sit on eggs and comfortably raise chicks.

Originally, Kuroiler chicken were bred and developed in India by KEgg Farms Ltd.

In Kenya, you can buy Kuroiler chicks from Crown Poultry in Mombasa, Kukuchic, Kenchic, and a few farms that specialize in breeding this breed.

Traits of Kuroiler improved chicken breed

  • They are medium feeders.
  • They lay 18 to 20 eggs per month.
  • Have low resistance to diseases hence high costs of vaccination and medication.
  • They mature in around five months.
  • When fully mature, hens weigh around 1.8 to 2.0 kgs while roosters weigh around 2.2 to 2.5 kgs.
  • They do not sit on eggs – breeding is done by incubation.

Rainbow rooster improved kienyeji chicken breed

The rainbow rooster breed is bred by Indbro Research Breeding Farm in Hyderabad, India.

You can buy rainbow rooster chicks from Kukuchic Ltd in Eldoret – they are the local license holders for this breed.

Something else: Since these breed does not sit on eggs, breeding is done by incubation.

Rainbow rooster breed traits

  • They lay 20 to 25 eggs per month.
  • Mature in around four months.
  • Mature rainbow rooster hens weigh around 1.9 kgs while roosters weigh around 2.2 kgs.
  • They have low disease resistance.

Sasso improved kienyeji chicken

This breed is from SASSO (a France-based poultry breeding company).

Sasso chicken birds have long legs and a narrow v-shaped breast.

Additionally, this breed is able to adapt to hot and humid conditions making them easy to manage especially considering that they are resistant to most diseases.

Traits of sasso improved chicken

  • They lay around 14-15 eggs per month.
  • They mature in 84 days (almost three months) from hatching.
  • At maturity (three months), they weigh 2.2 to 2.4 kgs.
  • They lay brown eggs with low cholesterol.
  • Are resistant to most diseases.
  • Their meat is reddish in color with yellow fat deposits.

Creating an optimal environment: Coop and outdoor setup

When designing the chicken coop, make sure to allot enough space for roosting and nesting.

Also, you should make sure that there is a designated nesting area – cover it with straw to make laying a bit more comfortable for the birds.

Typically, you will want to allot at least two to three square feet per bird. This will ensure that the birds have ample room to move, roost, and nest comfortably.

As for the outdoor space, be sure to fence it properly to avoid the chicken from wandering off. Also, this fence plays an important role in protecting the birds from predators.

Speaking of predators, it is advisable that you reinforce the coop using a sturdy wire mesh to provide an added layer of security more so at night.

Something else: It is advisable that you allow your chicken to forage outside.

This goes a long way in helping them to supplement their diet while also promoting their natural behaviors. These behaviors include scavenging for food and fighting for dominancy amongst the roosters.

Nutrition and feeding strategies for optimal growth and production

Since not all improved kienyeji breeds can rely fully on scavenging like pure bred kienyeji breeds, it is important that you’re always supplementing them with a mixture of commercial feeds and kitchen waste depending on your needs.

For instance, if you are rearing them for eggs, you should feed them with the appropriate layers mash.

Similarly, if you are rearing them meat, feed them with feeds rich in carbohydrates and proteins such as a mixture of maize germ and omena.

Tip: To avoid chicken from feeding on their eggs, make sure that you are frequently supplementing them with calcium-rich chicken salt. Alternatively, you can feed them with dry egg shells as they are also rich in calcium.

Crafting a balanced feeding program

  • Feeding phases: Tailor the feeds according to the stage of your chicken – starter, grower, layer – to meet changing nutritional needs.
  • Balanced rations: Provide a mix of grains, protein-rich supplements, and kitchen scraps for a complete diet.

Incorporating supplements for enhanced health

  • Grit for digestion: Offer insoluble grit to help the chickens digest food by aiding in the grinding process.
  • Greens and insects: Allow access to fresh greens and insects to promote natural foraging behaviors.

Health management and disease management

Regularly check your chicken for signs of illness, injury, or behavioral changes.

And, if you come across a sick chicken, be sure to quarantine it as you treat it – and vaccinate the rest.

This is because most improved kienyeji chicken are quite susceptible to diseases.

And, the disease might spread quite fast across your flock which may lead to a huge number of deaths hence huge losses.

Something else: If you are rearing a breed that is easily susceptible to diseases (such as Kuroiler), be sure to follow the appropriate vaccination program for your area. Here, you will find the local veterinary doctor being of huge help in crafting the program.

The right breeding and hatchery techniques for improved genetics

Most improved kienyeji breeds do not sit on eggs hence you will need to rely on an incubator for breeding.

But before you go incubating all the eggs, here are a few tips that you should observe to ensure you are breeding chicken with the best breeds:

  • Choose eggs from birds with desirable traits such as health, vigor, and size.
  • Regularly introduce new bloodlines to minimize inbreeding.
  • Do not incubate eggs from sick birds as this might result in chicks with a low immunity levels.

One day old improved kienyeji chick

Improved kienyeji chicken price in Kenya

On average, a live hen will fetch around ksh. 700 to 900 depending on its size.

On the other hand, a live improved kienyeji rooster will retail at around ksh. 1,200 to 1,500 depending on its size.

Bear in mind that the price might also vary a little bit depending on your locality.

For instance, improved kienyeji chicken are a bit cheaper in rural areas compared to urban areas.

Also, they are cheaper in Nyanza and Western regions compared to Central and Coastal regions.

Market expansion: Selling your improved kienyeji chicken (and products)

The best marketing strategy is by networking and building trust with your potential market/buyers.

You see, nowadays, most consumers fear buying improved kienyeji and broiler chicken for fear that they are injected with steroids to boost their size.

As such, it is important that you build trust (by sharing information about your farming practices) with your potential customers.

Nonetheless, there is still a huge market for improved kienyeji eggs and meat considering that Kenya still imports a huge number of eggs from Uganda due to lack of enough local supply.

Challenges and solutions in improved kienyeji chicken farming

For starters, not all breeds do well in all areas. For instance, some breeds such as Sasso chicken do not do well in cold areas.

As a result, they can easily get sick if reared in extremely cold environments.

As such, it is your work as the farmer to make sure that the breed you are rearing is well-suited to your area and the local climate.

Another challenge facing farmers is the fact that most improved kienyeji breeds are susceptible to disease infections.

Nonetheless, you can easily control this by following the right vaccination schedule for your breed and locality.


Ultimate guide to profitable pure kienyeji farming

kienyeji chicken business plan

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KARI Improved Kienyeji Chicken Comprehensive Rearing Guide

When talking about kienyeji chicken, the term ‘improved’ may sound a little more interesting. What does KARI improved kienyeji chicken have which lacks in conventional kienyeji chicken? What’s its profitability compared to rearing other chicken breeds? Here, we are going to highlight how you can begin the improved kienyeji chicken project and make profits out of it..

KARI Improved Kienyeji Chicken Comprehensive Rearing Guide

When talking about kienyeji chicken, the term ‘improved’ may sound a little more interesting. What does KARI improved kienyeji chicken have which lacks in conventional kienyeji chicken? What’s its profitability compared to rearing other chicken breeds? Here, we are going to highlight how you can begin the improved kienyeji chicken project and make profits out of it.

These improved kienyeji chicken breeds are unique and slightly different from the other local strains found in our backyards and homes. A crucial factor that you should always take note of is that these breeds come with better yields and thus higher returns. Before finally being released to the Kenyan market, the new breeds went through thorough, intensive research alongside trial and error as well as extensive interbreeding. These chicken are bigger, better, and fetch more profits. Therefore, this is a form of investment that you should really give a try.

kienyeji chicken business plan

Dania farming in Kenya: How to grow coriander and profit per acre

Poultry farming in Kenya: basic facts that you should know before you enter the poultry farming

It’s one thing to establish a poultry farm in Kenya, but to develop a real and profitable business out of the scheme is an entirely different thing. For you to practice and flourish in poultry farming in the country, you should be both a chicken farmer and a businessperson as well. The poultry industry in Kenya can be categorized into two key sectors:

  • Layers – These are chicken raised and bred to produce eggs.
  • Broilers – Chicken raised to provide meat.

Regardless of the sector, you will settle for; you will still be required to come up with responsible financial and managerial decisions for your business to be profitable.

KARI kienyeji chicken farming: what are the benefits?

If you decide to use the improved kienyeji chicken from KARI, you will get to enjoy a good number of benefits including:

kienyeji chicken business plan

Kienyeji chicken house designs in Kenya

  • The improved kienyeji breed takes a shorter time to mature, so you will begin earning early.
  • The breeds are disease resistant, and you will less likely encounter losses due to diseases.
  • This form of poultry farming is associated with lower maintenance costs. So you can be sure of more significant profit margins.
  • KARI kienyeji eggs are larger, healthier and have a high demand. So you can be sure to earn from the sale of both eggs and chicken.
  • The meat from KARI kienyeji chicken is of a higher quality than conventional kienyeji chicken. Therefore, your products will have a higher demand.

The breeds are easy to maintain, and you won’t strain to make profits.

READ ALSO : How To Start Poultry Farming In Kenya: Profitability, Action Plan, Tips And More

KARI kienyeji chicken rearing guide for young poultry farmers

The KARI improved kienyeji chicken comprehensive rearing guide is a handbook that outlines how farmers can benefit from having a kienyeji chicken house full of the improved varieties from KARI. Poultry farmers also take part in training organized by KARI to offer them basic training on how to effectively carry out this type of poultry farming. These training sessions will include:

kienyeji chicken business plan

Stories of success for those who have made it in poultry farming in Kenya

  • How you can best take care of your KARI kienyeji chicken
  • The necessary structures and how to keep them on par with the best standards
  • KARI kienyeji chicken feeding program and the best foods
  • When and how to vaccinate your kienyeji chicken
  • Handling drinking water
  • Basic hygiene and how to properly handle the kienyeji chicken

Before entering this business, it is important that you consider the following factors.

  • Business plan – Ensure your business plan is comprehensive enough with all the relevant details that are important for you poultry project.
  • Land – You’ll need to have enough space to build a house for your kienyeji chicken. This applies to both small-scale and commercial kienyeji chicken farming.
  • Intensive or Free range – You’ll need to decide if you’ll keep your kienyeji chicken under an intensive care or free range system. Notably, the improved kienyeji variety does well in free-range.
  • Business strategy – You also have to define whether you are keeping the kienyeji chicken for eggs or meat. Since the breed is dual purpose, you can benefit from both strategies.
  • Product market – It is important to understand your target market and put your kienyeji eggs on sale using economical channels of advertising as opposed to paid channels.
  • Record keeping – just like any other business, keeping precise records of your poultry investment is essential. Therefore, it is advisable that you learn basic bookkeeping techniques to efficiently monitor your expenditure, income, and sales.

kienyeji chicken business plan

Guidelines on How to Succeed in Commercial Potato Farming in Kenya

How to make chickens grow fast

To make your kienyeji chicken grow faster, it is recommended that you keep the foods they consume as healthy as possible. Most of the time, your chicken should feed on easy to find diets such as maize, green grams, grass, and kales. Grass should also be included in every diet since it aids digestion. So, it is also advisable that you set your chicken free for some time so that they can enjoy eating grass while moving around.

KARI Improved Kienyeji Chicken Comprehensive Rearing Guide

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You should feed your chicks with Duckling Mash and Fugo Chick for the initial eight weeks since they are proven to be the best feeds for chicks. Afterwards, you will feed them with Growers Mash between week eight and week 18. To improve their egg-laying ability, you can feed your Kari improved kienyeji with Fugo Layer Complete Meal. Two handfuls of the local feed and a similar amount of layers meal each day will be very instrumental.

kienyeji chicken business plan

Top Kuroiler Chicken Suppliers in Kenya: Who Are the Best Sellers?

Another factor that facilitates the growth of your improved chicken is keeping them free from diseases. So you should ensure that you follow the guidelines on vaccination promptly to keep your chicken healthy. Healthy and grown chicken will always fetch favourable kienyeji chicken prices for the farmer.

At the time when you will be making your purchase, KARI ensures that you part with vaccinated chicken only. Additionally, you will be given the relevant vaccination guidelines and rules to help keep your kienyeji chicken free from diseases all the time. This way, the improved chicken breeds will be able to gain weight faster, earning you more revenue.

KARI Improved Kienyeji Chicken Comprehensive Rearing Guide

At the time when you will be making your purchase, KARI grantees that you part with vaccinated chicken only. Additionally, you will be given the relevant vaccines, guidance and rules that help keep your chicken free from diseases all the time. This way, your improved chicken breeds will be able to gain weight faster, earning you more revenue.


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Start a Profitable Kienyeji Chicken Business in Kenya

The Kienyeji chicken farming entails keeping domestic chicken breeds in Kenya that form your starting stock. you can take from the already egg-laying chicken as well as cock. Also, several breeds of indigenous poultry are available from which you may choose.

Kienyeji chicken contributes to improved human nutrition and food security by being the first source of high-quality protein in form of eggs and meat. It serves as a key supplement to the income from crops and other livestock enterprises, therefore avoiding over-dependence on traditional commodities with inconsistent prices. It has a high potential to create foreign exchange earnings through the export of chicken products to neighboring countries. It is highly prized in many social-cultural functions such as dowry and festivities.

The chicken industry is rapidly growing. The industry is marked by widely diverse ways of production which include the following: village flocks, small-scale commercial flocks, and large-scale commercial farms.

Steps to Start Kienyeji Chicken Farming in Kenya

Table of Contents

Draft a business plan 

If you want to start either business farming inclusive forming a business plan is one of the essential steps to take from the get-go point.

It shows the particular goals you aim to achieve and how you intend to do so.

As well, it works as a plan of how you propose running your business from a producer’s viewpoint and the banker’s, lawyer’s, accountant’s, and hired hand’s viewpoints. 

Secure land, capital, and necessary equipment 

Without having requirements such as land, capital, and poultry facilities, you can’t start or manage a chicken farm.

You’ll need buildings for raising the chickens in, which could be barns or hutches based on how you wish to raise your chickens whether conventional or free-range.

Furthermore, you’ll require land to erect the farm buildings on and to grow crops that will be used for feeding your chickens.

Besides, equipment and machinery are needed for activities like cleaning barns, disposing of deadstock, working crops, and others.

Decide on how to best raise your Kienyeji chickens

You may raise them in two main ways; conventional and free-range.

In the above, chickens are confined to barns, which are temperature and photo-period regulated areas.

Physical characteristics of a good Kienyeji layer chicken

  • Bright red comb and wattles
  • The beak and claws should look bleached
  • The cloaca should be moist
  • Width between pelvic bones should measure at least 2 fingers

Advantages in keeping Kienyeji chickens for farming

  • They are self-sustaining i.e. may raise their own replacement stock
  • Management demands are not as critical as those of commercial exotic breeds
  • They are immune to unusual diseases and parasites
  • Their products earn more money than those from exotic birds
  • They are strong birds that can survive hard conditions

Limitations in keeping Kienyeji chickens for farming

  • They have a low growth rate
  • They produce fewer small-sized eggs and comparatively little meat
  • People keep them without commercial purposes
  • They have been neglected by breeders despite their potential

Factors that one should consider:

This is perhaps the first thing to put into consideration. Kienyeji Chicken rearing does not require a huge capital. With as little as 1000shillings, one is ready and set to go. 1000 shillings can get you 10 chicks and if they mature, that is a lot of profit.

The market for your chicken, eggs, or meat should be readily available for you before you began rearing chickens. It isn’t economical to produce meat and eggs without knowing who and where you’ll sell to. You may be able to identify your niche market by doing a thorough research in an area that you are producing from or even far away. Once you have identified the market and how many kilos of meat or trays of eggs you might supply, then you may start producing them.

Rearing of chicken doesn’t require a large piece of land. A small piece of land with good structures is enough to go. If you don’t own either piece of land, there is no obligation to worry for you may still rent a place and the business still give you good returns.

This refers to the security of your chicken. How secure your chicken be from the harsh climatic conditions, predators also diseases? Ensure that the area is well fenced and if it is a room, make sure that it is properly ventilated.

Some Benefits of Kienyeji Chicken Farming

Many Farmers consider keeping Kienyeji chicken for many reasons. Here are some of them;

The Increase in demand for Kienyeji meat and Kienyeji eggs 

Kenyans consciously pay more attention to their health status, the demand for Kienyeji meat and eggs is rising. They’re considered to be a healthier choice.

The  Kienyeji chickens are hardy

These chickens are considered hardy since they show better resistance to disease compared with hybrid chicken .

It’s straightforward to start raising Kienyeji chickens. As well, you don’t require much initial capital, particularly if you’re engaging in it as a trial or a hobby.

For you To get started, you simply buy 1 rooster and 2 hens. When the hens begin to lay, you may let them sit on eggs.

When each of the hens hatches 8 chicks and they are given a brooding period of two months, then they lay for another month, at the end of a year, you realize a minimum of 60 chickens.

For you To start Kienyeji chicken farming, the outlined above are the steps to follow. If carefully managed, this business is profitable and rewarding.

How many chickens do I need to make a profit?

You will as well be very surprised at how good the profits are from those chickens. Those being said if you are only raising chickens in your yard you may still make a good profit. You may profit from whatever amount of hens even if you only had 8 chickens you could still make a decent little side income

Can chicken farming make you rich?

Did you know that by rearing kienyeji chicken, you may make so much money that is often tax-free and all for yourself?

Is egg farming profitable?

Profits in layer poultry farming project differ from region to region. As the egg is nutritious and egg consumption is increasing rapidly along with the world population hence one can properly plan for commercial layer poultry farming for a profitable business.

Is chicken farming profitable in Kenya?

Whichever way, layers in poultry farming is considered the most lucrative of all poultry farming in Kenya ventures because two things are obtained from layers, they lay eggs that fetch good money in the market, and are both sold for the meat.

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The best chicken farming business plan (Updated Plan)

Best Chicken Breeds in Kenya

Chicken farming business plan: before you start a business, you must have a business plan that will help you execute your idea properly. When it comes to chicken farming, things are not any different. Here is the business plan you need to as written by Dr. Watson Messo, a Vet at Kenchic :

The best chicken farming business plan:

The Executive summary

It is extremely important to visualise what you want to do in business. If you want to do broiler production, ask yourself how many broilers do I want to keep per cycle?  what is the customers’ preference in the market? If you want to sell eggs or meat, how many restaurants, supermarket, bars are you targeting?

Put these down in a summary. Indicate your initial investment capital, or do you intend to borrow for the construction of chicken house/unit.

What about capital to buy poultry equipment and the working capital to keep the process going until the products hit the market. Can you work out your expected profit margin during the peak period of demand and low period.

kienyeji chicken business plan

Business idea

Clarify your business idea with certainty and without any ambiguity. Write something like, I want to rear 500 broilers per cycle, 7 cycles per year. I will locally produce, process pack and sell the meat at slaughter weight of 1.75kg live weight at the restaurants and hotels within Siaya and Bondo district. Clarify that you will produce meat or eggs of high quality as preferred by the customers.

Project description

Describe how you will put your ideas into reality by designing and constructing the units, the labour source, your financial sources, where to buy chicks, feed etc. Describe sources of funding, where to get water, who will be in-charge of what, where are you going to construct poultry unit, is it full time engagement or part-time.

Do your market research and analysis diligently, know who your competitors are, your target markets, list the hotels and restaurants and bars in your locality. Seek to know the owners or managers by name and mobile numbers. Print some leaflets and introduce to your friends and relatives first before you seek other target groups.

Execute operation plan

Draw a calendar of events as you plan to operationalise every activity. Seek assistance from experts and experienced farmers on construction of sheds, where to buy quality chicks, feed availability etc. Seek knowledge on chicken growing, egg production or meat processing and grading, transport, pricing and labelling and marketing. Take time to learn poultry brooding, rearing, production and marketing.

Peris Mbuthia: How I saved Sh. 25 million to start my business

Financial planning

Draw up cost of construction, buying equipment and working capital for buying chicks, feed, packaging costs, vet cost etc. Project your profit and loss account, projected balance sheet. This is especially important if you intend to get bank loan or funding from financial institutions. After putting everything in writing then you will be able to see clarity in what you want to venture into without uncertainties.

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kienyeji chicken business plan

[Pdf Sample] Poultry Farming Business Plan In Kenya Docx

Starting a poultry farming business in Kenya can be a lucrative venture, given the country’s growing demand for poultry products. This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive business plan for poultry farming in Kenya.

[Pdf Sample] Business Plan Proposal For Poultry Farming In Kenya Docx

To write a business plan, here is a breakdown of how it should be structured and what should be in each category. After this instruction, I will provide you with a sample of one I wrote for my farm, let us go:

Executive Summary

Market research and analysis.

Conducting thorough market research is crucial before starting a poultry farming business . This section delves into analyzing the demand and supply dynamics of the poultry market in Kenya. It includes factors such as consumer trends, competition, pricing strategies, and potential risks. By understanding the market landscape, you can make informed decisions regarding product positioning and target markets.

Farm Setup and Infrastructure

Breeds and selection.

Choosing the right poultry breeds is crucial to maximize productivity and profitability. This section provides an overview of the different chicken breeds suitable for commercial poultry farming in Kenya. Factors such as egg production, meat quality, disease resistance, and adaptability to local conditions are discussed to help you make informed decisions.

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Feeding and Nutrition

Disease control and biosecurity.

Maintaining a disease-free environment is essential to prevent outbreaks and ensure the well-being of your poultry flock. This section focuses on disease control measures, vaccination schedules, biosecurity protocols, and hygiene practices. By implementing effective biosecurity measures, you can minimize the risk of diseases and protect your investment.

Poultry Housing and Equipment

Poultry farm management.

Efficient farm management is crucial for the smooth operation of your poultry farm. This section covers topics such as flock management, record-keeping, monitoring growth and production parameters, and ensuring optimal conditions for your poultry. Effective management practices will help you identify and address issues promptly, leading to increased productivity and profitability.

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Marketing and Sales Strategies

Financial planning and projections.

Creating a comprehensive financial plan is essential to assess the feasibility and profitability of your poultry farming business . This section covers aspects such as startup costs, operational expenses, revenue projections, and return on investment. By conducting thorough financial analysis, you can make informed decisions and secure funding if required.

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Risks and Challenges

Here is a Download Links to The Poultry Farming Business Plan in Kenya

How much capital do I need to start a poultry farming business in Kenya?

What is the typical lifespan of a chicken in commercial poultry farming, are there any government regulations or permits required for poultry farming in kenya.

Yes, there are specific regulations and permits that need to be obtained before starting a poultry farming business . It is essential to consult with local agricultural authorities or experts to ensure compliance with the necessary legal requirements.

How can I market and sell my poultry products effectively?

What are the common diseases that affect poultry in kenya, and how can i prevent them.

In conclusion, starting a poultry farming business in Kenya offers significant opportunities for entrepreneurs and farmers. By following this comprehensive business plan , you can lay a strong foundation for a successful and profitable venture. Remember to adapt and innovate based on market trends and evolving consumer demands to stay competitive in the poultry industry.

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We bet you already know that poultry farming is a lucrative agribusiness venture that holds immense potential for farmers in Kenya. With the ever-increasing demand for poultry products such as eggs and meat, starting this business can be a profitable investment.

In this guide, we will explore the various aspects of poultry farming in Kenya, including the different types of poultry farming, market opportunities, challenges, and tips for success.

What is Poultry Farming?

Poultry farming involves raising domesticated birds such as chickens, ducks, turkeys, or geese for various purposes like meat (broilers) or egg production (layers). The poultry sector plays a significant role in Kenya’s agricultural economy due to its high demand locally and internationally. It offers numerous employment opportunities and contributes to food security.

Types of Poultry Farming in Kenya

Broiler farming.

Broilers are chickens that are bred primarily for their meat. This type of poultry farm focuses on raising chickens from day-old chicks into fully grown birds within a relatively short period. Broiler chicken production offers one of the quickest returns on investment compared to other forms of poultry farming.

To run a successful broiler farm, it is important to provide optimal growth conditions such as proper housing, nutrition, and health management. The adoption of modern farming techniques and improved breeds is also critical for high productivity.

Layer Farming

Layer farming involves raising chickens specifically for egg production. The layers are capable of producing eggs throughout their productive life, which usually lasts for about a year. Layers require a different management approach compared to broilers since their purpose is egg production rather than meat.

A layer farm should have well-designed housing facilities with adequate ventilation and lighting to stimulate egg production. Optimal nutrition, disease prevention measures, and proper waste management are important considerations in layer farming.

Chicken Rearing for Meat and Eggs (Kuku Kienyeji)

Many poultry farmers in Kenya engage in dual-purpose chicken rearing, where they raise chickens that can be used for both meat and egg production. This type of poultry farming allows farmers to diversify their income streams and cater to different market demands.

To succeed in dual-purpose chicken rearing, farmers need to carefully select appropriate breed combinations that can provide the desired outcomes — good meat quality and reasonable egg production. Proper housing, hygiene, feeding, and disease control are key factors in running a successful dual-purpose chicken farm.

Key Considerations for Starting a Poultry Farm

Before venturing into the poultry farming business in Kenya, several key factors need to be considered:

Location and Infrastructure

Choosing the right location for your poultry farm is crucial. Accessibility to markets, availability of utilities like water and electricity, as well as proximity to suppliers of inputs such as feed and vaccines, are all important considerations. Additionally, the site should have sufficient space for the construction of at least well-designed poultry houses that provide proper ventilation and protection from predators.

Breeds of Chickens

Selecting the right breed(s) is vital for the success of your poultry farm. The choice will depend on your target market (meat or eggs), prevailing environmental conditions (such as temperature), disease resistance characteristics of the breed, as well as availability of day-old chicks from reputable hatcheries.

Some popular chicken breeds suitable for meat production in Kenya include Kuroiler , Kari improved kienyeji, and Rainbow Rooster . For egg production, the commonly used breeds are KARI layer, Lohmann Brown Classic, and ISA Brown.

Feeding and Nutrition

A balanced diet is essential for the optimal growth and productivity of your poultry. Poultry feeds should contain the right proportions of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals to meet the nutritional needs of the birds at each growth stage. It is advisable to consult a qualified poultry nutritionist or seek advice from reputable feed suppliers to ensure you are providing the best possible diet for your birds.

For small-scale farmers who prefer formulating their own feeds, it is important to understand the nutritional requirements of different bird categories (i.e., growers, layers) and use appropriate ingredients in their homemade feed formulations.

Disease Control and Biosecurity Measures

Disease management is critical in poultry farming as disease outbreaks can lead to significant losses. Implementing effective biosecurity measures can help prevent the introduction and spread of diseases on your farm. These measures involve controlling access to your farm by visitors or unauthorized personnel, regular disinfection procedures (foot dips), vaccination programs, isolation of sick birds or those showing signs of illness, regular deworming routines among others.

It is advisable to work closely with a veterinarian who can provide guidance on disease prevention measures specific to your geographical location and local disease prevalence.

Market Opportunities in the Poultry Sector

The poultry sector offers lucrative market opportunities both locally and internationally. The high demand for poultry products ensures a constant market throughout the year. Here are some potential market opportunities:

  • Local consumers: There is a growing demand for chicken meat and eggs among Kenyan consumers due to population growth and changing dietary habits.
  • Hotels & Restaurants: Establishments such as hotels and restaurants require a steady supply of poultry products for their kitchens.
  • Supermarkets & Retailers: The increasing number of supermarkets and retail outlets provides a substantial market for poultry products.
  • Export Markets: Kenya has access to regional export markets such as the East African Community (EAC) countries, as well as international markets such as the Middle East and Europe.

To tap into these market opportunities, it is crucial to produce high-quality poultry products that meet consumer preferences and adhere to food safety standards and certifications.

Challenges in Poultry Farming

While poultry farming offers immense potential for profitability, it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Some of the common challenges faced by poultry farmers in Kenya include:

  • Disease outbreaks: Poultry farms are susceptible to various diseases which can lead to significant financial losses if not properly managed. Avian influenza, Newcastle disease, and coccidiosis are some examples of diseases that can devastate a flock.
  • High input costs: Feed accounts for a significant portion of the operating expenses in poultry farming. Fluctuations in feed prices can affect the profitability of your business.
  • Market competition: The poultry sector in Kenya is highly competitive due to high demand. Farmers need to differentiate their products through quality, pricing, or value-added services to remain competitive.
  • Access to finance: Securing financing for starting or expanding your poultry farm can be challenging due to the perceived risks associated with agribusiness ventures.
  • Lack of technical knowledge: Inadequate knowledge about modern best practices in poultry farming can hinder success and lead to poor productivity.

Despite these challenges, it is possible to overcome them through proper planning, continuous learning, and implementation of proven strategies.

Also Read: Pig Farming Business in Kenya – A Lucrative Opportunity for Entrepreneurs

Tips for Success in Poultry Farming

To succeed in the poultry farming business in Kenya, consider implementing the following tips:

  • Conduct thorough market research: Understand the prevailing market dynamics including demand trends, consumer preferences, and existing competitors.
  • Develop a solid business plan: A well-drafted business plan will guide your operations, financial projections, and market entry strategies.
  • Seek professional training and mentorship: Attend workshops, and seminars, or seek mentorship from experienced poultry farmers to enhance your knowledge and skills.
  • Embrace technology and modern farming practices: Adopting technological innovations such as automated feeding systems, improved breeds, biosecurity measures, and record-keeping software can significantly improve your farm’s efficiency and productivity.
  • Build relationships with other stakeholders: Establish partnerships with suppliers of quality inputs such as feed manufacturers and hatcheries to ensure a reliable supply chain.
  • Comply with relevant regulations: Familiarize yourself with the legal requirements for operating a poultry farm in Kenya. This includes obtaining necessary licenses and adhering to food safety standards.

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Agri Business

Poultry Farming in Kenya: Breeds, How to Start, and PDF

Table of contents, types of chicken in kenya, reasons for keeping small-scale poultry farming easy in kenya , unique features of large-scale poultry farming in kenya , scale of poultry farming in kenya , organic poultry farming, inorganic poultry farming, poultry farming practiced in areas in kenya, different types of chicken breeds in kenya , improved breeds of chicken in kenya , types of broilers in kenya , types of layers of chicken in kenya , duck types in kenya , turkey farming in kenya , how to succeed in poultry farming in a few steps , housing management, factors affected in cost of poultry house , feed requirement, poultry farming methods in kenya, problems of poultry farming , cost of starting a poultry farm in kenya, download poultry farming in kenya pdf.

Chicken is a vital poultry type kept in Kenya. Other types of poultry are ducks, turkeys, geese, guinea fowl, and quail. Chicken is kept for egg and meat production. Chicken kept for egg production is called layers, while chicken kept for meat production is known as a broiler. In Kenya, poultry farming is key to economic growth and food security. The poultry farming business is a widespread profession in Kenya. However, it is mainly used on a small scale and mainly for domestic use. Let’s check out more information about Poultry farming in Kenya.

Poultry Farming in Kenya

Layer, broiler, and dual-purpose are three types of chicken in Kenya. Also, it is essential to understand that the challenges facing farmers are different from one kind of chicken. An estimated poultry population in Kenya has 32 million birds, with the most significant proportion of indigenous chickens being 75%, layers and broilers being 24% and other types of poultry being 2%.

Thus, the industry is an essential source of food, income, employment and has many social and cultural uses besides having links with other sectors of the economy. Kenyan farmers are involved in either small-scale or large-scale poultry farming. Whether a farmer goes on a small scale or a large scale depends on the level of investment he can make and the knowledge of poultry farming. More than 67% of Kenya’s population lives in rural areas, not to mention that agriculture is the primary source of livelihood there.

Therefore, it makes the land rare, especially with the growing population of Kenya. Poultry farming plays a significant role in Kenya’s economy and food demand. The most considerable advantage of commercial poultry farming in Kenya is that it reduces the incidence of diseases in poultry. As a result, we do not have to import poultry products abroad. In addition to reaping the benefits of commercial poultry farming in Kenya, we must ensure that the required demand for food is available. You need to consider the following points for poultry farming;

  • Land acquisition 
  • Baby chickens 
  • Unit construction
  • Vaccination 
  • Feeding 
  • Purchase of poultry equipment

In case you miss this: Equipment Needed for Poultry Farming: Tools, and PDF

Poultry Housing

  • It easily adapts to the daily lives of many small farmers, without much investment or involvement. 
  • It’s affordable to start a business and maintain. 
  • Small-scale poultry management does not require complex accounting, stock-keeping, and procurement. 
  • Make it suitable for facilitating commercial tendering of commercial eggs and meat products. 
  • The investment for large-scale poultry farming should be huge. 
  • An organized management system is needed to monitor production, procurement, accounting, sales, and marketing. 
  • Small scale poultry farm – It is one where about 1 to 1000 birds are raised
  • Medium-scale poultry farm – About 1001 to 10,000 birds are reared
  • Large-scale poultry farming – More than 10,000 birds are raised

Most poultry farmers in Kenya farm on a small scale. 

Key types of Poultry farming in Kenya 

This poultry farming is rearing poultry birds without necessarily keeping the birds in a cage for the good part of the day. Features of organic poultry farming in Kenya include;

  • Shelter for birds at night. 
  • Birds move freely during the day in search of food and water. 
  • Benefits nature by simplifying the food chain process as poultry feeds insects and other pests. 
  • Affordable to start and maintain. 

In case you miss this: Common Mistakes Everyone Makes in Poultry Farming

Poultry Farming

It is a form of farming that cages the birds. Features of inorganic poultry farming in Kenya include;

  • Birds are adapted to the conditions and environment for rapid growth.
  • It is mainly suitable for commercial poultry ventures in Kenya. 
  • The structure used for this project should take care of the technical regulations. 
  • A well-organized management system is needed.

Organic and inorganic poultry farming can be used for commercial purposes. Targets that encourage farmers to choose poultry farming include consumer preferences for poultry. As organic or inorganic poultry farming plays a role in fulfilling the economic purpose of the farmer.

This is carried out near urban centers where a large ready market of poultry products is available. In rural areas, many families raise chickens using a culturally free-range system where chickens are allowed to walk freely in search of food. Other types of poultry that are mainly kept and sold in tourist hotels include turkeys, geese, ducks, guinea fowl, and quail. 

Frizzled Feathers, Naked-Neck, Dwarf, and the Normal-type are commonly found in warm regions. Naked-Neck genes are found in almost every village and are thought to be a natural adaptation to heat stress. Frizzled feathers may look sick at first glance, but they are also common in most village-based systems. Frizzled feathers usually cost more than feathered poultry in some parts of the country. 

These are the best breeds of kienyeji chicken available in Kenya and abroad. Commercial farmers prefer them because of their increased productivity compared to local and older dual-purpose chickens. It is cheaper to carry than hybrid layers and broilers as they can fight many diseases. Consumers prefer their nutritious and organic meats and brown eggs. Breeds in this category are;

  • KARI Improved Kienyeji
  • Rainbow Rooster

The hybrid broilers are raised for meat only. They grow very large and mature for slaughter in 35-49 days. Adult broilers weigh about 1.75 kg. They can be either males or females. The best types of broilers in Kenya are; 

  • Kenchic broilers

The best chicken breeds for eggs in Kenya are the best lay eggs between the 18-80 weeks of your life. You will earn more money by selling 2 kg ex-layered hens for slaughter. They have a good conversion ratio of 6 eggs per kg of used layer mesh. The best types of layers in Kenya are; 

  • Kenchic Layers
  • shaver star cross
  • Ross breeds

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Poultry Farm

Ducks are also bred for egg production or both, and there are more than 105 species of ducks worldwide. In Kenya alone, you will find 105 species of ducks. The critical point to keep in mind is that male ducks are called drakes while female ducks are called hens. 

  • Ruddy Shelduck
  • Spur-winged Goose
  • Knob-Billed Duck
  • White-backed duck
  • Egyptian Duck
  • White-faced duck
  • Fulvous Whistling-Duck

It is usually done on a small scale, and very few farmers raise turkeys for profit. However, unlike chicken, turkeys bring in more cash. Varieties of turkey grown in Kenya are;

  • Beltsville Small white
  • Black Turkey
  • Bourbon Red
  • Broad-breasted whites

Farmers need to focus on specific areas. The key to success in poultry farming can be found in the following easy steps for beginners to follow poultry farming. 

  • Initially, make a business plan on how to run a business to avoid financial ruin. 
  • Identify the best place and know the poultry product’s demand in the market. 
  • Consider an honest breeder to avoid buying the wrong breed. 
  • Buy standard poultry feed from a reputable supplier. 
  • Maintain proper hygiene. Get vaccinated on time to maintain the health of poultry. 
  • Remove toxic chemicals from or around the poultry home.
  • Apply effective marketing strategies 
  • Adequate housing free from flood, pests, predators, and extreme cold or heat. 
  • Avoid crowds of birds.

Climate conditions in Kenya vary from place to place. For example, in Rift Valley, temperature levels are between 16°C (around Lake Nakuro Basin) and 29°C in the north. In Nyanza, the temperature is hot, from 15 to 26°C. In northeastern Kenya, temperatures range between 20°C and 40°C. So, poultry farmers in northeastern Kenya will need better ventilation systems in their poultry houses compared to farmers in Nyanza.

In case you miss this: Top 50 Poultry Farming Tips, Ideas, and Techniques

Polutry Shed

The principle of thumb when designing a poultry house is to dissipate heat and promote cooling by increasing the velocity of airflow, especially in hot regions of Kenya, such as the Northeast Province. Due to the hot temperatures in Kenya, the roof of a poultry house should be part of your ventilation system. A good roof is made of common building materials available in Kenya, especially iron sheets. When broilers are still chickens, they should be kept in a brooder, usually a warm shelter for chickens. Broilers require a temperature of 15 to 23°C to thrive. 

The cost of poultry houses in Kenya will depend on many factors. For example, if you don’t have enough ground level to raise many chickens, you will need a storied shelter. So, the price will be higher. But, at the same time, it depends on the type of chicken you are raising. 

Broilers usually lay their feathers in 5 weeks; it is essential to feed the baby chickens feeds that contain enough protein to facilitate the process of feathers. Make sure the feeders (containers containing chicken feed) are always full when the baby chickens begin to learn to feed.

Once the baby chickens have learned to feed correctly, reduce the feed amount on the feeder to reduce waste. But the same feed containers never be dry. Therefore, for the first weeks of broiler rearing, the protein content in the starter feed should be at least 23%. Broiler feeds five weeks and above, known as farmer’s diet, should contain at least 19% protein. 

  • Free-range system – This is the traditional way of raising chickens. In this system, the farmer allows the chickens to roam freely on the farm for food and water. Poultry is kept for farmers’ meat and eggs. 
  • Deep waste system – This is a modern way of raising chickens and they are kept indoors all the time. The system structures are large and allow for free movement of the chickens. Food and water are also provided in this structure. 
  • Battery system – This is a modern way of raising chickens. Each chicken is kept in its cage, food and water are kept in front of each cage. 
  • Use of folds – The chicken is kept in a structure called a fold. Feeding and water troughs are located outside each layer. Birds feed on wire mesh. 

Outbreaks of diseases like chicken flu kill a large number of poultry birds. Then, this causes a lot of loss to the farmers. Moreover, the means of transportation are not well developed in poultry farming areas. Then, this makes it difficult for farmers to get reasonable prices for their produce. Moreover, poultry feed and medicines are expensive, and many farmers cannot afford them. 

In case you miss this: How to Start Poultry Farming in Karnataka

Poultry Feeding

You need to know how much it will cost you to start a poultry business before starting it. The initial cost can vary from place to place and even to different types of birds. The first important thing to consider is how big the poultry farm will be. Do you want to start a small or medium-scale poultry farm? The scale of your poultry farm will give you an idea of ​​how much it will cost you to create it. Below are the things to keep in mind when starting a poultry business;

  • Land Acquisition 
  • Feed Cost 
  • Cost of Poultry Equipment 
  • Construction Cost 
  • Labor Cost 

Keeping in mind all the above considerations, you need approximately Ksh 3000 to Ksh 25000 will be required to start small to medium poultry farms. For large poultry farms, you need more than 25,000 Ksh to get started.

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Kienyeji Chicken Farming

Improved Kienyeji Chicken Farming

January 31, 2019, 2:17 pm 1.6k Views

Improved Kienyeji chicken farming is currently a popular niche with many Kenyan farmers wishing to venture into poultry farming. Launched less than a decade ago, the KARI improved kienyeji chickens have largely replaced the indigenous kienyeji chicken that were once a common site across rural Kenya.

kienyeji chicken business plan

Factors such as fast maturity, good egg yield and quality meat makes them a profitable choice for farmers wishing to venture into poultry farming. They are also relatively cost-effective. You don’t need an intensive system to raise your improved kienyeji chicken. The feeding requirements are relatively lower than those of factory-reared chicken. Additionally, there is a ready market for improved kienyeji chicken meat and eggs. They have traditionally been preferred by many health-conscious families. While the retail market is still dominated by broilers, there is a big and growing niche for kienyeji chicken products which makes this farming venture a largely sustainable and profitable one.

If you are planning to venture into improved kienyeji chicken farming, there are plenty of measures that you can undertake to ensure you run a successful operation. These include the following:-

  • Read and learn more about what improved kienyeji chicken farming entails : There are lots of resources online that you can use for this including our kienyeji chicken farming manuals which are a treasure0-trove of information. You can also visit kienyeji farms for first-hand information and practical experience on the best husbandry methods when it comes to kienyeji farming.
  • Have a business plan : Have a clear business plan on the business objectives you wish to achieve. It’s not mundane. A business plan can be a good guiding light that will help you realize your plans.
  • Work on your poultry farming strategy : The strategy should be clearly spelled out in the poultry farming business plan. What kind of poultry farming venture are you planning to invest in? Will it be kienyeji egg farming or meat production? Do you wish to be a breeder? When it comes to poultry farming ventures. It’s often best to specialize in one line of venture.
  • Save money : Poultry farming costs lots of money so it is important to set aside some savings that will cater for the capital expenditures and the ongoing expenditures such as the labor and feeding costs.
  • Have clear record keeping : Keep good records on your poultry venture. These should range from the flock size to costs, mortality, feeding and other activities on the poultry farm. Good record keeping is key to effective farming venture management.
  • Scale it up : Think about the scale of poultry farming that you can manage. You can start with as little as 50 chicks but scale this over time to 500 or even 1000 hens. It’s good to have a short time and long term goal. Start small but always work towards building a bigger poultry farming venture. Scaling up your poultry farming operations will make this difference between a subsistence venture and a large scale commercial operation.

Lastly, poultry farming requires a degree of patience, particularly if you are planning to go into this for the first time. You will make mistakes and there will be a crucial learning phase during which you will need to refine your skills and cut down on the losses.

Buy 3 Kienyeji Chicken Farming Manuals for the Price of One

Kari improved kienyeji chicken comprehensive rearing guide.



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  1. How to Start Profitable Kienyeji Chicken Farming in Kenya. Download

    A chicken business plan gives you a long term outlook for your kienyeji chicken farming business. It will help you know what to expect 6 months into the future when your chicken starts laying. It will help you handle the challenges that come with the business and seize new opportunities that come your way.

  2. How to start profitable Kienyeji chicken farming

    Getting one rooster (male chicken) and two hens are enough to start. When the hens start laying, let them sit on eggs. If each hen hatches 10 chicks, and is let to brood them for two months, then lay for another month, you should have at least 60 chicken at the end of one year.

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    Here are a few reasons why Kienyeji chicken farming is an attractive venture: Low Initial Investment: Kienyeji chickens are relatively inexpensive to acquire, and their housing requirements are minimal, making it an accessible business for those with limited capital. Dual Purpose: These chickens serve a dual purpose, providing both meat and ...

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    The KARI Kienyeji chicken is easy to maintain and can be kept under a free-range system or deep litter system. Farmers can choose to keep the KARI Kienyeji chicken for meat, eggs, or both. A hen can produce between 220 and 280 eggs per year, which is similar to the output of a white leghorn exotic layer kept in a deep litter system.

  5. Improved kienyeji chicken farming

    Improved kienyeji chicken price in Kenya. On average, a live hen will fetch around ksh. 700 to 900 depending on its size. On the other hand, a live improved kienyeji rooster will retail at around ksh. 1,200 to 1,500 depending on its size. Bear in mind that the price might also vary a little bit depending on your locality.

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    Pure indigenous chicken or improved indigenous chicken locally known in Kenya as Kienyeji chicken can be raised anywhere in Kenya. All one needs is passion, a business mindset, commitment and a little capital to start. It is prudent to put in place a feasible plan in place on how as a farmer you will roll out this process seamlessly starting from housing, where water and feeds will come from ...

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  8. How to start Kienyeji chicken farming for eggs or chicks production

    Incubation by mother hens. Usually, one hen starts incubating by staying overnight on the boiled egg. Leave this hen on the boiled egg for 10 days while it is waiting for other birds. After the 10 days, give all the birds that would have started incubating (within the 10 days) 17 selected but recently laid eggs.

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    Kienyeji poultry farming is one of the most profitable ventures if done right and according to a defined plan taking into account all the resources needed and the anticipated risks. Chicken rearing and selling is profitable because it is a form of food for the ever increasing populations in Kenya and other areas hence a continuing need to feed people. There is also an increased demand for ...

  10. How to Start a profitable kienyeji chicken farm

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    A Chicken farming business brings in lot of income Poultry farming is very profitable. ... Plan to check on them at least five times a day during the first couple of weeks of life, and less after that. ... Meet farmer minting profits from rearing over 2,000 kienyeji chickens. Maina Andrew-6th October 2023.

  13. Start a Profitable Kienyeji Chicken Business in Kenya

    Kienyeji Chicken rearing does not require a huge capital. With as little as 1000shillings, one is ready and set to go. 1000 shillings can get you 10 chicks and if they mature, that is a lot of profit. The market for your chicken, eggs, or meat should be readily available for you before you began rearing chickens.

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    successful indigenous chicken business. 2 TOPIC 1. ROLE OF INDIGENOUS CHICKEN IN HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY ... CHICKEN PRODUCTION SYSTEM 52 weeks plan 3 hens each with 8 chicks walking and feeding Vaccinating chicken through an eye drop. In the example referred to in Table 2 (below), the flock size is initially 5 hens and 1 cock, all ...

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    These are the best breeds of kienyeji chicken available in Kenya and abroad. Commercial farmers prefer them because of their increased productivity compared to local and older dual-purpose chickens. It is cheaper to carry than hybrid layers and broilers as they can fight many diseases. ... Initially, make a business plan on how to run a ...

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  23. Improved Kienyeji Chicken Farming

    Improved Kienyeji chicken farming is currently a popular niche with many Kenyan farmers wishing to venture into poultry farming. Launched less than a decade ago, the KARI improved kienyeji chickens have largely replaced the indigenous kienyeji chicken that were once a common site across rural Kenya. Factors such as fast maturity, good egg yield and quality meat makes them a profitable choice ...