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Essay on environmental pollution in nepali | वातावरण प्रदूषण निबन्ध नेपाली

Essay on environmental pollution in nepali | वातावरण प्रदूषण निबन्ध नेपाली

वातावरण प्रदूषण निबन्ध in nepali (Batabaran pradusan essay in nepali 150 words)

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essay on environmental pollution in 250 words-Nepal-2022

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                            ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION

environmental pollution essay in nepali

Environment simply refers to ours surrounding. All the natural and man-made things that we see are the elements of the environment. Pollution means decline of the original qualities of the elements of the environment like air, water, land, etc. Our environment determines our health and civilization.  

Environmental pollution is one of the greatest threats of the world today. All living being birds, animals, insects, plants and even human beings are victims of pollution. No part of the world now is unaffected by the problem of pollution these days.

Pollution is of different types. They are air pollution, water pollution and land pollution. Pollution causes various kinds of harms. Polluted air causes lung diseases, pain ad asthma. Similarly, when we drink polluted water become ill with diarrhea, dysentery, jaundice, etc. Loud noise harms our ear. However, the greatest harm is the depletion of the ozone layer. It causes increase in temperature in the earth, acid rain and drought.

The main reason of pollution is industrialization and population increase. These two bring about environmental change. Many factories have been established to produce goods. These factories and vehicles like bus, truck, car, motorcycle emit huge quantities of smoke into the atmosphere. Similarly, over population causes deforestation. So the ecological balance of nature is disturbed.

Environmental problem has been a major problem in the cities of Nepal. The industries are located in the cities like Kathmandu, Pokhara, Biratnagar and Chitwan. Population density is also high there. We do not have good system for the disposal of garbage. We link our drainage to the nearby rivers. So the people in these places suffer from different communicable diseases.

It is the duty of the government and citizens to take the initiative to make the world a better place. Awareness in people is essential. If human beings as well as other organisms are to survive, the environment must be kept neat and clean.    


environmental pollution essay in nepali

For the well-being of living beings, fresh air is the most important element . Air pollution is the undesirable change in the physical or biotic elements of the environment which may cause adverse effects to the biotic community . Pollutants can be divided into two categories on the basis of their production. They are:

         i.             PRIMARY POLLUTANTS:

                                           They can be defined as the pollutants which are directly emitted to the environment from the source. For example: nitrogen derivatives, oxides, halogens, etc.

       ii.             SECONDARY POLLUTANTS:

                                             They can be defined as the pollutants which are not directly emitted but are formed when primary pollutants chemical react in the atmosphere. For example: ozone, formaldehyde, acetyl nitrate, etc.

Dust particles which are emitted from industries and factories, pollutants from burning coal and improper management of waste products, smoke emitted from vehicles, etc. are the major causes of air pollution.


A)     natural resources:.

                                       These sources of air pollution are directly related to the activities of the nature. Examples: volcano eruption, forest fire, dust storms, etc.


                                       The sources of air pollution which are not naturally made but caused due to human activities are called artificial sources. Examples: CO, CO 2 , NO, NO 2 , SO 2 , Cl 2 , NH 3 , etc. gases produced by burning fuel, industrialization, over population, deforestation, automobile, nuclear explosions, etc.


Air pollution may cause various short and long term effects in the elements of the environment and human health. The effects caused due to air pollution are:


                                          When various gases and dust particles mix in the atmosphere, it makes the sky blurry which is often termed as haze. This is the reason why people living in city areas cannot enjoy the clear sky. Due to fog and smog, people cannot see nearby objects clearly which makes it much risky to drive vehicles and fly airplanes due to reduced visibility.


                                                      The areas where air pollution is high, solar radiation is absorbed by dust particles and moved to various place. Due to this, the amount of solar radiation required to reach the surface cannot get there and there will be the reduction of solar radiation. On the other hand, the temperature of other areas increases drastically which is harmful to living beings.


                                      Various greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, ozone, Sulphur dioxide, etc. formed due to air pollution act like a blanket in the atmosphere, which traps the radiation and it does not let the heat escape to outer space. This causes rapid increase in the temperature of the earth. This is known as greenhouse effect.


                                           Sunlight is very important for plants to prepare food through photosynthesis. But increasing air pollution causes reduction in solar radiation due to which plants do not get enough light for their proper growth and development. This causes inhibition in biological growth of plants.


                                                                                     Air pollution has contributed directly to the deteriorating health condition oh humans. Gases like carbon monoxide causes headache, nausea, difficulty in breathing, etc. Nitrogen oxide causes stinging of the eyes, coughing, headache, dry throat, congestion, etc. It may also cause insomnia, laziness, etc.


                                                                       The chemicals causing ozone layer depletion are mainly chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), methyl chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, methyl bromide, etc. which are emitted due to air pollution. These compounds decompose in the atmosphere and form nascent hydrogen, chlorine, bromine, etc. which deplete the ozone layer.

g.     ACID RAIN:

                                      The process of deposition of acid gases like Sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, etc. from the atmosphere on land in the form of rain is called Acid rain. In the atmosphere these oxides are unable to remain in the gaseous state and hence they react with moisture to form acids which fall into the earth as acid rain. Buildings, mountains, statues, bridges, etc. are corroded by acid rains.


                                                                                                 Over a long period of time, air pollution can damage various monuments and buildings of historical importance permanently lowering their esteem. We can take the example of Taj mahal in India which is being damged due to excessive pollution.


                                                       Air pollution causes dust as well as gases to collect in the atmosphere which increases the temperature in some places and decreases the temperature in other places. Due to this, ice melts and it may cause floods in some regions and drought in others.


In order to prevent any further air pollution, the following measures can be implemented:

1.     The emission of air pollutants from industries should be controlled by using electrostatic precipitators of filter.

2.     The industrial areas should be constructed far from human settlements.

3.     Over population should be controlled.

4.     Some cheap fuels with higher Sulphur content should be banned and the use of disuphurized coal should be encouraged.

5.     Roadside plantation of trees should be done along the side of the roads which help to minimize the content of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

6.     Alternate sources of energy such as solar energy, wind energy, etc. should be used instead of petroleum products.

7.     Various awareness programmes about the effects of air pollution should be conducted.


environmental pollution essay in nepali

 Water in its purest form is colorless and odourless. But due to various human as well as natural activities, many pollutants enter the sources of water and make them polluted. This causes the water to be unsafe for daily usage. Water pollution can be defined as any undesirable changes in physical and biotic element of water. It degrades the quality of water which may cause serious health hazards.

Sources of water pollution.

   Although water pollution is caused by both humans and natural activities, mostly humans are only responsible for this problem. Natural causes may be mixing of dust in sources of water, production of bacteria and harmful germs in water. Thus, the causes of water pollution can be summarized below:

a)           Sewage water:

    The liquid waste discharged from industrial as well as domestic Sources is called sewage. This sewage without any treatment is directly discharged into sources of water like rivers, lakes, etc. This activity has resulted in spread of water borne diseases as well as the depletion of aquatic life.

b)  Contaminated from industries:  

     Along with the production of various useful products from industries, they also produce various chemical, papers and radioactive substances which are directly discharged into the sources of water without any treatment. Thus, the water will neither be capable of holding aquatic life nor will it be fit for human consumption.

c)           Agricultural wastes: 

     Farmers use various poisonous chemicals like DDT, BHC, Aldrin, etc. to kill pests and insects and increase the crop yield. But, sometimes farmers use these fertilizers in excessive amount due to lack of knowledge about their use. During the rainy season or due to human causes, such harmful chemicals mix with sources of water and kill all the aquatic lives in the water. It may also cause harm to humans as well.

d)  Obstruction in flow of water: 

If there is any sort of obstruction in the flow of water, it may cause all the pollutants to get collected in the source of water. This may cause the water to get more polluted which can be a reason for the end of the aquatic life .

e) Oily pollution: 

Oil is an important fuel. But it is one of the major causes of water pollution. Through various means such as leakage in oil tanks, spilling and washing vehicles, etc. oil reaches the water surface and it decreases the oxygenation in water which kills the aquatic life.

f) Radioactive substances:

  Radioactive substances released from mines through various means mix with sources of water. Due to this, it may be Lethal to plants and animals including humans.

Measures to control water pollution

Water pollution can be minimized by the following activities:

1.  Wastes ejected from homes and factories must be recycled by implementing recycling facilities.

2.  Dead bodies of living beings must be properly disposed either by burning or burying.

3.  The surrounding environment of sources of water must be kept clean by planting trees and preserving them.

4.  The use of compost manure should be encouraged during cultivation rather than using pesticides, insecticides and other harmful fertilizers.

5.  Proper drainage system must be built for efficient collection and treatment of wastes.

6. Various legal measures must be implemented for the protection of rivers and   use of safe water .


environmental pollution essay in nepali

Soil is a vital part for living beings because it provides a habitat to animals, plants, insects, human and basically every living being in the world. Soil provides necessary moisture as well as minerals to support plants life. Plants prevent erosion and many natural disasters. Many insects and microbes live in soil. Therefore, soil is an important element for insects, plants, animals and humans.

The degradation of soil due to the presence of various unwanted chemicals altering the natural state of the soil is called soil pollution . It is harmful to plants as well as any other forms of life. Uneducated farmers use insecticides, pesticides and various fertilizers in excess amount which not only degrades the quality of soil such as soil texture, water holding capacity, porosity, etc. but also minimizes crop yield. This also kills various useful animals living inside the soil. Soil pollution is mostly found in urban and industrialized areas. If land is polluted, to neither plants can develop properly nor is it suitable for animals.

environmental pollution essay in nepali

Sources of soil pollution

Land gets polluted because of various reasons. There are various sources of land pollution such as domestic wastes, use of harmful chemicals, industrial wastes, use of fertilizers, acid rain, etc. The wastes emitted from sources are the main pollution of soil. The major reasons for the pollution of land are as follows:

a)     Domestic wastes

Many products, both edible and non- edible, are used in our daily life. Domestic wastes include waste products such as dust, excreta, broken utensils, plastic, contaminated food etc. When these wastes come in contact with land, it may produce many harmful microbes which also supports in the formation of various diseases. If lots of wastes get deposited in a certain place, it may act as a breeding place for various bacteria. Land pollution may also decrease the fertility of soil.

b)      Excessive use of pesticides

Farmer's main job is to cultivate various crops. However, sometimes various insects and pests attack their crops. In order to protect the crops from any damage, many chemical compounds are used. These chemicals protect the crops from harmful insects. But they also pollute the soil. Due to this reason, insecticides, fungicides, weedicides, etc. are considered as  pollutants. The most dangerous substances that cause harm to the soil are DDT, dialdrin, Aldrin, parathion, etc.

                c) Industrial waste

                          Many useful objects are manufactured by industries. However, some other objects which cause pollution are also emitted. The substances which are thrown from factories include chemicals, metals, nonmetals, waste products, living wastes, etc. which cause harm to the natural quality of the soil which pollutes it and degrades the crop yield. It may also adversely harm the living animals in the polluted soil.

        d)         Use of chemical fertilizers

Many fertilizers are used to increase the productivity and fertility of the soil. If it is used in proper amount, it may increase the crop yield. However, excessive use of these fertilizers is the major cause of soil pollution. Fertilizers contain various elements such as Arsenic (As), Barium (Ba), Calcium (Ca), Cobalt (Co), Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Mercury (Hg), Lead (Pb) etc. These elements are responsible for killing various useful living organisms in the soil and also causing imbalance in the nutrients of the soil.

e)                   Municipal Wastes

Municipalities are the major sources of waste products. These waste products most often do not get disposed in the right area due to which the soil gets contaminated. These waters are both organic and inorganic and are responsible for the depletion of fertility of the soil.

f)                    Acid rain

Basically, the presence of any sorts of acid in rain is regarded as acid rain. The major compounds causing acid rain are sulphuric acid (H2S04), nitric acid (HN03), hydrochloric acid (HCI), Carbonic acid (H2C03).


1.     The use of harmful chemical fertilizers must be replaced by compost mature in order to maximize the crop yield.

2.     The use of pesticides and insecticides must be minimized and other methods of controlling pests which do not contaminate the soil must be used.

3.     Proper disposal of domestic wastes should be established.

4.     The irrigation of fields using polluted water must be discouraged.

5.     The radioactive substances emitted from factories and laboratories must be appropriately disposed.

6.     Proper drainage system must be built for the disposal human excreta.

7.     Afforestation must be done in order to prevent the soil erosion from natural disasters such as floods, landslides, etc.

8.     The use of materials that do not decay over a certain period of time must be minimized.

9.     Farmers must be trained and educated through various programmes on proper use of fertilizers.

10.        Awareness programmes must be conducted to aware the people about the harmful effects of soil pollution.

11.        Soil conservation methods should be implemented to preserve the soil.

                                             Chemical Pollution

environmental pollution essay in nepali


Environmental deterioration due to unscientific and improper use of chemical substances is called chemical pollution.  Our environment is getting increasingly unhygienic and polluted day by day because of this chemical pollution. In general, chemical pollution is excessive in the areas with high population density.

Some causes of chemical pollution are as follows:

1.     Chemical fertilizers:

 Chemical fertilizers and insecticides used by the farmers constitute the major part of chemical pollution. The chemicals contained in fertilizers get dissolved in water and reach rivers, streams and ponds. This process supports the excessive growth of algae and other immaterial grasses. This obviously results   in over-exploitation of oxygen in the water when they decay after their death. It brings a gradual reduction in the number of organisms in the water as they have to undergo oxygen deficiency.

2.     Insecticides:  

The use of insecticides has a negative impact on useful plants and organisms as well. DDT, BHC, methoxychloride, etc. are commonly used insecticides which kill many useful insects and hamper the growth of some plants. This chemical is stored in plants and animals and harms them causing chronic and infectious diseases. Many animals who feed on dead animals (death is caused by insecticides) are badly affected by insecticides.

Dieldrine, aldrin, cobalt, lead, mercury, etc. directly pollute our environment. The use of lead containing petrol is seriously injurious to our health. Scientists are making efforts to produce lead free petrol. The industries established on the bank of rivers, seas and oceans excrete a great amount of mercury that affects fish and other aquatic animals the sea. Many people were killed because of eating the fish containing profuse level of mercury in 1950 in Japan.

3.     Refuses and waste materials :

 Dirt and waste materials are the main causes of environmental pollution. The rapid degradation of our environment is probably owing to improper disposal of dirt and garbage being increasingly collected day to day. The noxious substances in the dirt spread out in the air and water causing rise in atmospheric pollution.

4.     Plastic:  

Plastic is used to make utensils, bags, pipes and many other things. The things made by plastic are not decomposed; it ultimately creates an alarming problem in the environment. This gives off poisonous gas on being burnt. Hence, it is really essential to develop the recycling process of waste plastic in order to save the environment from being polluted.

3.  Smoke from the means of transport and industries :

Greenhouse effect  is on the rise due to the increasing quantity of      carbon dioxide in the air. it has resulted in global temperature increment and dreadful droughts. high temperature accelerates the melting of snow in the polar regions causing the sea surface to rise higher. the lands along the edge of the sea will then come under water. dust and smoke cause chronic lung diseases in animals. moreover, dense smoke has a negative effect on the environment. it causes lung diseases., 4. colours used in foodstuffs :.

 Many people prefer to use different colours in foodstuffs and drinks like tea, coffee, chocolate, etc. to make them attractive to look. This kind of use of colours in food is ruinous to our health. It increases the possibility of death by causing diseases like cancer.

  5. Synthetic clingers:

  control measures of chemical pollution.

l. Rules and regulations are to be made to establish industries, factories and other thermal plants far from residential areas. 

2. Farmers are suggested for the use of organic fertilizers rather than chemical fertilizers.

3. Trainings should be given to farmers for the wise and proper use of chemical fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides.

 4. The waste water, dyes and other liquids released from industrial areas must be purified before mixing them into water bodies.

 5. Noxious smokes from industries should not be allowed spread in the air.

 6.People must be conscious of the results of using harmful substances in food.

7.Unnecessary use of fertilizers and insecticides should not be done. 

8. Vehicles and industries should be kept in proper conditions.

Pollution control is basically integral to maintain natural balance. Today it is a bounded duty of all of us to protect our environment from being deteriorated. Scientists have been engaged in finding out easier methods of environmental preservation. 

   Management of bio-degradable and non-biodegradable wastes

Solid waste is considered as any sort of bio-degradable and non-biodegradable garbage such as food wastes, construction debris, plastic, clothes etc . Primarily, the amount of solid waste is increasing day by day in urban areas in an alarming rate. The increase in the amount of domestic as well as industrial wastes due to over population causes environmental imbalance.

The unwanted or unusable wastes from industrial, commercial, agricultural operations and even from community activities are called solid wastes. Some kinds of wastes around us are garbage refuse, plastic, broken metals, glass pieces, clothes, rocks, green wastes, paper, etc. On the basis of the characteristics, solid wastes can be classified into biodegradable and non-biodegradable solid wastes. 

  Biodegradable wastes

The wastes which consist of organic matter and can be decomposed into their simpler components such as carbon dioxide, water, methane and other organic molecules by micro-organisms in a short time period are called biodegradable wastes. Kitchen wastes, dead animals, clothes, paper, human wastes, manures, etc. are the biodegradable wastes.

           Non-biodegradable wastes

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Essay on Environment in Nepali Language : In this article we are providing  वातावरण प्रदूषण मा निबंध नेपाली for Class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Read here  Vatavaran Pradushan in Nepali Essay for Students.

वातावरण प्रदूषण मा निबंध नेपाली

Essay on environment in nepali language.

वातावरण वातावरण दिवस मनाउन सुरु गरिएको हो । वातावरण सन्तुलनका लागि नेपालले पनि विश्व वातावरण दिवसलाई सन् १९७६ देखि नियमित रूपमा मनाउँदै आएको छ । वातावरण स्वच्छ भएन भने मानिस, अन्य जीवजन्तुहरुलाई समेत बाँच्नको लागि अपठ्यारो हुन्छ । मानिस स्वस्थ छ भने यसले जीवनमा धेरै कामहरु गर्न सकिन्छ। मानिसको 'स्वस्थ्य नै जीवन हो" भन्ने कुरा कदापि बिर्सिनुहुँदैन। वातावरण स्वच्छ हुँदा मात्र मानिस स्वस्थ बन्न सक्दछ भन्ने कुरालाई सबैले आत्मसात गर्नुपर्दछ। 

वातावरण प्रदूषण मा निबंध नेपाली (Essay on Environment in Nepali Language)

त्यसैले सबै मिलेर वातावरणको संरक्षण गर्न आजको आवश्यकता हो । मानवले बनाएको टेक्नोलोजी विकासले प्रकृतिको सन्तुलन बिग्रिरहेको छ। सम्पूर्ण प्राणीको सृष्टि प्रकृतिबाटै भएकाले यसलाई संरक्षण गर्नु पर्ने हाम्रो दायित्व रहेको देखिन्छ । प्रकृतिले स्वच्छ वातावारण तयार गरिदिएर सम्पूर्ण प्राणीको जीवनलाई स्वस्थ बनाइदिएको हुन्छ। सृष्टिको सुरुवातदेखि नै मानव अन्य प्राणी र वनस्पतिक बीच घनिष्ठ सम्बन्ध रहीआएको पनि छ। संसारका प्राणीहरुमध्येको विवेकशील प्राणी मानिस नै भएकाले वातावारणलाई जोगाउने दायित्व हामीहरुको हातमा रहेकोछ। 

प्राकृतिक सम्पदाहरलाई जोगाई जोगाउने वातावरण संरक्षण गर्न सबैका निम्ति हितकर हुनेछ । मानवलगायत अन्य प्राणीहरुको जीवन वातारवरणमै निर्भर हुनालेभएकोले वातावरणको संरक्षण गर्नु हामी सबैको दायित्व देखिन्छ । स्वस्थ वातावरणले प्रकृतिलाई सन्तुलनमा राख्नका साथसाथै बढ्दै गएको पोषण मागलाई पूरा गर्दै जान्छ अनि पृथ्वीमा रहेको सबै जीवजन्तुलाई बाँच्नको लागि सहजताको विकास गर्ने गरेको छ । वर्तमान समयमा पृथ्वीमा रहेको केही वनस्पति तथा जीवजन्तुहरू लोप भएका छन् भने केही लोप हुने अवस्थामा पुगेका छ, यो बढ्दो वातावरण विनासको कारणले भएको हो। मानिस प्रकृतिके सृष्टि भएकाले कहिल्यै पनि प्रकृतिबाट टाढा बस्न सक्दैन। प्रकृतिले प्रदान गरेको स्वच्छ वातावरणकै भरमा मानिसको जीवन अडेको छ। मानव आफैले वातावरणलाई प्रदुषित बनाइ आफ्नै जीवनलाई छोट्यइरहेको छ। 

प्रकृतिका विरुद्धमा पनि जान सक्दैन भन्ने कुरा थाहा हुदाँहुदै पनि मानिस प्रकृति माथि गलत कार्यहरु गर्न पछि परेको छैन। मानिसले भौतिक उन्नति गर्ने क्रममा प्राकतिक वातावरणको स्वच्छतामा खलल पुर्याइरहेको देखिन्छ। प्राकृतिक सम्पदाहरुलाई नष्ट गर्ने काम मानिसले मात्र गरेको पाइन्छ । अन्य प्राणीहरु प्राकृतिक सुन्दरतामै हाँस्दैखेल्दै रमाएराहेका हुन्छन। मानिसचाहिँ प्राकृतिक वातावरणलाई आफ्ना आनुकुल बनाउने कोसिस गरिरहेका छन । मानिसका अविवेकी क्रियाकलापहरुले गर्दा प्राकतिक नदि, हावा,रुख, हरियाली आदि कुराहरु विकृति अवस्थामा देखा परिरहेका छन्। उद्योग र कलकारखानाबाट निस्कने फोहोर, धुवा धुलो र दुषित पानीबाट हावा र पानी दुषित हुन् गई वातावरण बिग्रिने हामी सबैलाई थाहै भएकै छ। 

हावापानी दुषित भएपछि मानिसले आफू पूर्ण स्वस्थ भएर बच्ने कल्पना गर्ने ब्यर्थ हुन्छ। बोटबिरुवाहरु बाट निस्कने अक्सिजन प्राप्त गरी बच्ने आधार पाएको मान्छे तिनै बोटबिरुवाहरुलाई काटी देशको विकाश गर्न लागि परेको देखिन्छ । प्रकृतिको नियमलाई मिचेर कहिँ कसैबाट हुनुहुँदैन । प्राकृतिक सुन्दरतालाई नष्ट गरिदिने खालका  विस्फोटक पदार्थहरुको प्रयोग नगर्नु नै राम्रो हन्छ। प्रदुषित वातावरण मानवजतिको सर्वनाशको जड भएकाले वातावारणलाई स्वच्छ राख्ने प्रयास गर्नु सम्भव पनि छ। जीवनको स्वास्थ्यका निम्ति स्वच्छ वातावारण रहेकाले यसको संरक्षण व्यक्ति, समाज र विश्वले नै सचेत बन्नुपर्ने आवश्यकता देखा परेको छ । वातावरणको सिर्जना यस पृथ्वीमा रहेको जीवजगृत र प्राकृतिक सम्पदाहरूको संयोगबाट हुने भए पनि यसको संरक्षणमा मानवजातिको महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका हुन्छ । त्यसैले वातावरण स्वच्छ राख्नु हामी सबैको कर्तव्य हो । औद्योगिक तथा वैज्ञानिक प्रगति, रासायनिक पदार्थको उत्पादन र अव्यवस्थित प्रयोग, प्राकृतिक स्रोत साधनहरूको दुरुपयोगले दिन प्रतिदिन वातावरण असन्तुलित बनाइरहेको छ । यसले गर्दा मानिसको जीवन कष्टकर बन्न पुगेको देखिन्छ । 

मानिसले भौतिक उन्नति गर्ने क्रममा प्राकतिक वातावरणको स्वच्छता माथि खलल पुर्याउने काम गरेको देखिन्छ ।वातावरण प्रदुषणका कारणहरू अनियन्त्रित जनसंख्या वृद्धि, प्राकृतिक सम्पदाको अधिक प्रयोग, वनजंगलको तीव्र वृद्धि, जनचेतनाको अभाव, वातावरण संरक्षणको लागि राष्ट्रिय र अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय समन्वयको कमी, आदि हुन्। विश्वबाट निस्कने ३० प्रतिशत फोहोर मैलाको कुनै प्रकारको व्यवस्थापन नभएको देखिन्छ भने विकासोन्मुख देश नेपालको अवस्था झने विकराल रहेको छ । यसरी बढ्दै गएको समस्या र चुनौतीलाई समाधान गर्न वातावरण संरक्षणको महत्व सबैले बुझ्न जरुरी छ । वातावरणीय पक्षहरूलाई संरक्षित गर्दै विकासको गतिलाई एकीकृत तथा समान रूपमा अगाडि बढाउनु नै। वातावरण व्यवस्थापन हो ।वातावरण व्यवस्थापन भित्र प्राकृतिक स्रोत साधनको उपयोग, वातावरण संरक्षण, प्रदुषण र फोहोरमैला व्यवस्थापन, जैविकविविधता संरक्षण, भूमि तथा वनको दिगो प्रयोग लगायत सम्पूर्ण विधि र पक्रिया समेटिएको पाइन्छ । वातावरण व्यवस्थापनको महत्व मानिस र वातावरणबीच अन्योन्याश्रित सम्बन्ध छ । एकातर्फ मानिसलाई अत्यावश्यक आधारभूत आवश्यकताहरू वातावरणबाट उपलब्ध हुन्छन् भने अर्कोतर्फ मानिसको प्रकृतिमाथिको अतिक्रमणले वातावरण विभिन्न समस्याहरू सिर्जना गरिहेको छ ।पृथ्वीमा जीवनको अस्तित्वमा वातावरणले महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निर्वाह गर्दछ । पृथ्वी विभिन्न जीवित प्रजातिको घर हो र हामी सबै खाद्य, हावा, पानी र अन्य आवश्यकताहरूको लागि वातावरणमा निर्भर छौं त्यसैले वातावरणको संरक्षण गर्नु आजको आवश्यकता देखिन्छ ।

वातावरणको अर्थ सबै प्राकृतिक परिवेश जस्तै भूमि, हावा, पानी, बिरुवा, पशु, ठोस सामग्री, अपशिष्ट, सूर्यलाइट, जंगल र अन्य चीजहरू हो । स्वस्थ वातावरणले प्रकृतिको सन्तुलनको साथसाथै साथमा बढ्दै पोषण र पृथ्वीमा रहेका सबै जीवित चीजहरू विकास गर्न मद्दत गर्दछ। तथापि, आज एक दिन, वातावरण बिग्रेको केही मानवले बनाएको  टेक्नोलोजी विकासले धेरै तरिकामा प्रकृतिको सन्तुलन बिग्रेको छ। सम्पूर्ण प्राणीको सृष्टि प्रकृतिबाटै भएकाले वातावारणलाई प्राकृतिक परिवेशले उचित वातावरण प्रदान गरिदिएको हुन्छ। प्रकृतिले स्वच्छ वातावारण तयार गरिदिएर सम्पूर्ण प्राणीको जीवनलाई स्वस्थ बनाइदिएको हुन्छ। सृष्टिको सुरुवातदेखि नै मानव अन्य प्राणी र वनस्पतिक बीच गानिष्ठ सम्बन्ध रहीआएको पनि छ।संसारका प्राणीहरुमध्येको विवेकशील प्राणी मानिस नै भएकाले वातावारणलाई जोगाउने दायित्व उसकै हातमा छ। प्राकृतिक सम्पदाहरलाई जोगाई जोगाउने वातावारण संरक्षण गर्नु सबैका निम्ति हितकर छ। मानवलगायत अन्य प्राणीहरुको जीवन वातारवरणमै भरपर्ने हुनाले वातावारंको संरक्षण गर्नु अत्यावश्यक छ।

मानिस प्रकृतिकै  सृष्टि भएकाले उ कहिल्यै पनि प्रकृतिबाट लता रहेर बस्न सक्दैन। प्रकृतिले प्रदान गरेको स्वच्छ वातावरणकै  भरमा मानिसको जीवन अडेको छ; तर उ आफैले वातावरणलाई प्रदुषित तुल्याई आफ्नै जीवनलाई छोट्यइरहेको छ।प्रकृतिका विरुद्धमा कोही पनि जान सक्दैन भन्ने कुरा थाहा हुदाँहुदैँ पनि मानिस प्रकृतिमाथि विजय प्राप्त गर्ने नाममा गलत कार्यहरु गर्न पछि परेको छैन्। मानिसले भौतिक उन्नति गर्ने क्रममा प्राकृतिक वातावरणको स्वच्छतामा खलल पुर्याइरहेको देखिन्छ। प्राकृतिक सम्पदाहरुलाई नष्ट गर्ने काम मानिसले मात्र गरेको पाइन्छ।अन्य प्राणीहरु त् प्राकृतिक सुन्दरतामै हाँस्दै-खेल्दै रमाएराहेका हन्छन।मानिसचाहिँ प्राकृतिक वातावरणलाई आफ्ना आनुकुल बनाउने कोसिस गर्दछ अनि आफ्नो कोसिस असफल हुँदा क्रोधत् बन्दै प्रकृतिकै विनाश गर्न अग्रसर हुन्छ। मानिसका अविवेकी क्रियाकलापहरुले गर्दा प्राकृतिक नदि, हावा, रुख, हरियाली आदि कुराहरु विकृति अवस्थामा देखा परिरहेका छन्। उद्योग र कलकारखानाबाट निस्कने फोहोर धुवा र दुषित पानीबाट हावा र पानी दुषित हुन् गई वातावरण बिग्रिने कुरा हामीलाई थाहै छ। हावापानी दुषित भएपछि मानिसले आफू पूर्ण स्वस्थ बनेर बच्ने कल्पना गर्ने ब्यर्थ हुन्छ।बोटबिरुवाहरुलाई अक्सिजन प्राप्त गरी बच्ने आधार पाएको मान्छे तिनै बोटबिरुवाहरुलाई काट्न कोसिन्छ।

वातावरण स्वच्छ नभएमा मानिस आपंग नै बन्न पुग्दछ। आपंगा भएर बच्नु ज्यादै गार्हो हुन्छ।मानिस स्वस्थ छ भने यसले जीवनमा धेरै कामहरु गर्न सक्दछ। मानिस 'स्वस्थ्य नै जीवन हो'' भन्ने कुरा कदापि बिर्सिनुहुँदैन। वातावरण स्वच्छ हुदा मात्र मानिस स्वस्थ बन्न सक्दछ भन्ने कुरालाई सबैले आत्मसात गर्नुपर्दछ/ त्यसैले सबै मिलेर वातावरणको संरक्षण गर्न आजको आवश्यकता नै हो। यसको संरक्षणक लागि कारवा गर्न कसैले पनि कन्जुस्याइँ गर्नुहुदैन. जुन कम गर्दा वातावरणमा नराम्रो असर पर्छ, त्यस्ता कामहरु बिर्सेर पनि गर्नुहुँदैन।

प्रकृतिको नियमलाई मिच्ने काम कहिँबाट र कसैबाट हुनुहुँदैन। एकै पलमा प्राकृतिक सुन्दरताले नष्ट गरिदिने खालका  विस्फोटक पदार्थहरुको  प्रयोग नगर्नु नै राम्रो  हो। प्रदुषित वातावरण मानवजतिको सर्वनाशको जड भएकाले वातावारणलाई स्वच्छ राख्ने प्रयास गर्नु सम्भव पनि छ। जीवनको स्वस्थताक निम्ति स्वच्छ वातावारण रहेकाले यसको संरक्षण व्यक्ति, समाज र विश्वले नै सचेत बन्नुपर्ने आवश्यकता टड्कारो देखा पर्छ।


Author: Admin

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One more report ranks Nepal among most polluted countries in the world

One more report ranks Nepal among most polluted countries in the world

Chandan Kumar Mandal

As the country braces for deteriorated air quality with the approaching winter season, Nepal has been once again ranked as one of the most polluted countries in the world.

The State of Global Air report 2020 places Nepal among the top 10 countries with the highest outdoor PM2.5 levels in 2019. With an annual average emission of 83.1 micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m3) of PM2.5 in the country, Nepal was placed only behind India.

Over 90 percent of the world’s population experienced annual average PM2.5 concentrations that exceeded the World Health Organization’s Air Quality Guideline of 10 μg/m3, according to the report, released on Wednesday.

PM2.5, or particulate matter less than 2.5 microns thick, are among the most dangerous pollutants that can get past the nose and throat to enter the lungs and even the bloodstream. Since PM2.5 particles are small, they are also likely to remain suspended in the air for longer, increasing the chances of people inhaling them.

As per the report, annually produced by the Health Effects Institute and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation’s (IHME’s) Global Burden of Disease (GBD) project, PM2.5 pollution killed 17,900 Nepalis in 2019. Similarly, 42,100 deaths in Nepal were attributed to air pollution during the period.

Long-term exposure to PM2.5 leads to ischemic heart disease, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lower respiratory infections such as pneumonia, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and adverse birth outcomes among other adverse health impacts.

The report has once again come as a reminder that Nepalis continue to breathe toxic air despite several national and international reports showing the deteriorating quality of air in the country and terming air pollution as a major public health issue.

“Nepal’s frequent top ranking in terms of poor quality of air shows that we have not done enough to improve the air quality over the years. Although there have been some actions in the past, we should have been going on war-footing,” Bhushan Tuladhar, an environmentalist who closely follows urban environmental issues, told the Post. “As the whole world, including Nepal, is going through the public health crisis of Covid-19, air pollution has been linked with higher Covid-19 death rates . Air pollution was a major killer even before the pandemic. But we have opted for short-term measures.”

In March, the World Air Quality Report had ranked Nepal as the 8th most polluted country in the world with its PM2.5 annual average 44.46 μg/m3, a drop from 54.15 μg/m3 in 2018, when the country was still placed in eighth position.

The state of air report has highlighted that in 2019, air pollution moved up from the 5th to the 4th leading risk factor for death globally only surpassing high blood pressure, tobacco use, and poor diet as it claimed 6.67 million lives worldwide .

For the first time ever, the report has also measured the harmful impact of particulate matter pollution ambient— PM2.5 and household air pollution—exposures on infants’ health and survival in their first month of life (ages 0 to 27 days).

The report concludes that outdoor and household particulate matter pollution contributed to the deaths of nearly 500,000 infants in their first month of life . According to the report findings, air pollution accounts for 20 percent of newborn deaths worldwide, most related to complications of low birth weight and preterm birth.

The highest annual average exposures were seen in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, according to the report, which further pointed out that although PM2.5 levels have shown modest improvements in some regions, there has been little or no sustained progress in the most polluted regions.

The report has pointed out that some regions have seen improvements, notably Southeast Asia, East Asia, and Oceania, led by China, Vietnam, and Thailand. However, others — in particular North Africa, the Middle East, and sub-Saharan Africa — have experienced little or no progress or even have seen increases in exposures.

“The disparities in exposure to PM2.5 across these regions have largely remained constant over the past decade, with South Asia consistently seeing the highest exposures,” reads the report. “In large part, these regional trends track closely with socioeconomic development and national policy actions.”

According to Tuladhar, the country has to prioritise long-term actions to deal with the annually deteriorating air quality while short-term measures can be implemented immediately.

“For example, what we have been doing now is managing ventilators which give clean oxygen rather than managing clean air forever. It’s not that we don’t need ventilators, but we need sustainable solutions for clean air,” said Tuladhar.

“We can start by implementing the air pollution action plan, stopping open garbage burning, strictly checking vehicles that pollute and take them off the road. We can implement emission testing just like we have done with the campaign against drunk driving. Such actions don’t demand much resources.”

Every year as the winter sets in , air quality in major cities, including the capital, turns unsafe . This year, however, the harmful impacts of air pollution, coupled with Covid-19, is likely to turn things worse for the public as studies have shown those with heart and lung ailments are at the higher risk of coronavirus infection and death.

“This report comes as the Covid-19 pandemic, a disease for which people with heart and lung disease are particularly at risk of infection and death, has claimed more than 1 million lives, and as India is entering its annual worst air pollution cycle,” Pallavi Pant, an air quality scientist with Health Effects Institute, told the Post in an email.

“Although the full links between air pollution and Covid-19 are not yet known, there is clear evidence linking air pollution and increased heart and lung disease, and there is growing concerned that air pollution exposures, especially in the most polluted regions of South Asia, could exacerbate the effects of Covid-19 significantly .”

The Covid-19 pandemic and months of lockdown, which saw a partial or complete shutdown of vehicular movement around the world, resulted in the improvement of air quality in major cities . With the volume of public movement slowly returning to pre-Covid times, air quality is also likely to deteriorate to pre-pandemic levels.

For Tuladhar, Covid-19 could be a silver lining when it comes to improving air quality.

“The Covid-19 came up with several opportunities. People realised what clean and pure air quality meant. They surely do not want to go back to bad air days in the pre-pandemic situation. Public also realised the value of cycling, free roads and public health,” said Tuladhar. 

Chandan Kumar Mandal Chandan Kumar Mandal was the environment and migration reporter for The Kathmandu Post, covering labour migration and governance, as well as climate change, natural disasters, and wildlife.

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Environmental Pollution Essay In Nepali Language

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  • 14. SPCA Animals Robots have been remarkably helpful from doing things like swimming underwater, picking up trash, entertaining, and feeding animals and people. Robots have to be programmed to do a task or many tasks at once and are made to do tasks that are repetitive or are considered for humans to do. The task was to provide a service a robot could execute for a certain population, then showing as a prototype. As a result, the group s chosen service was to make our robot or fantastic feeder feed the cats and dogs in the shelters of the SPCA. Therefore, fantastic feeder will help the SPCA by preforming service, improving quality of life, and will help social, economic, and political implications of the function. Next, the group had to make a decision of what service to provide between the elderly, waitresses/waiters, the SPCA, the ecosystem, or the orphans. The SPCA animals. The fantastic feeder will use its line sensors to get to the cage. There would be about 37 cats, 4 kittens, 46 dogs, and 6 puppies that the fantastic feeder would be feeding. 1 ВЅ cups of food in the morning and night are needed... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A social and political implication is that animal cruelty crimes will not be committed often. This is because the SPCA will most likely gain publicity from having advanced technology and rescuing more dogs and cats. The reason that will effect animal cruelty crimes is that people will become more aware of the SPCA and how animals are in trouble, then if the person knows anything about an animal cruelty crime being committed they will report it. In the same way, people could also want to help homeless dogs or cats because they are more aware. An economical implication the fantastic feeder will cost money, but it will also raise awareness. This will make people want to donate to save the animals. Therefore, the fantastic feeder implicates social, economic, and political changes in its ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. The Z3 Research Paper The creation of the modern computer was not a clear, patented event, but an evolutionary process occurring over many decades. There was a tremendous amount of work aimed towards the development of computing from the time of Charles Babbage to Jack Kilby. Records of the most significant contributors vary from nation to nation. Since more people have begun to see the huge influence of computers on everyday lives, the records of the computers pioneers have been juxtaposed to honor those most influential. Today, many people think of the first computer to be the ENIAC (1946), the ABC (1942), or Colossus (1943) when actually the Z3 was completed about one to five years before all of these. Konrad Zuseinvented the Z3, the first programmable, digital computer, in 1941. The background of Konrad Zuse begins in Germany, he created his machines unaware of the other developments of computers going on in the world, and his machines, software, and novel ideas would give a portending insight into the future of computers. Konrad Zuse was born in Berlin, Germany on June 22, 1910. His father was a civil servant; his mother was his father s niece. He was brought up in Prussia, where his father was from, and attended school there. He attended a school called Evan gelische Hoheve Madchen Schule and then Gymnasium Hosianum, and for his entire school career he was always about two years younger than the rest of his classmates which he said made him feel physically inferior , but this did not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Augustine On Free Will Analysis In Augustine s On Free Choice of the Will he explains that the human soul is predisposed to have a good will and that it is a will by which we desire to live upright and honorable lives and to attain the highest wisdom (Augustine 19, 1993). Augustine believes that in order to be free we must live according to our good will. To follow our good will we must live according to the four main virtues in life: prudence, fortitude, temperance, and justice. He defines prudence as having the knowledge of what is to be desired and what is to be avoided (Augustine 20, 1993). Augustine establishes fortitude as the disposition of the soulby which we have no fear of misfortune or of the loss of things that are not in our power (Augustine 20,1993).... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He explains justice as the virtue by which all people are given their due (August 20,1993). In On Free Choice of the Will Evodius says that, [he] acknowledges that all four virtues that [Augustine] just described, ... are present in those who love their own good will and value it highly (Augustine 21, 1993). Here Evodius is stating that by living with these four virtues we are able to live a happy life that is in accordance with our good will. Augustine states that to have a good will is to have something far more valuable than all earthly kingdoms and pleasures... (Augustine 20, 1993). Here he is saying that to be happy in life you must have more than just temporary possessions such as money or health, Augustine defines these possessions as temporal objects. In order to have a good will we must make a distinction between temporal objects and eternal objects; he explains these differences in the temporal and eternal laws. The eternal law demands that we purify our love by turning it away from temporal things and toward what is eternal (Augustine 25, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Comparing Two Newspaper Article Analysis The reporting and presentation of the same news incident in different newspapers are very different. This essay will analyze the articles about the association between concussion and suicidal risk. The Toronto Star and The Globe and Mail present the same story with several differences between them. Most importantly, we will further analyze some implications of these differences, namely in the appearance, language, and the content. Firstly, we will analyze the differences in the appearance of these two newspaper articles, namely The Globe and Mail Concussion raise suicide risk, study says and Toronto Star Concussions linked to suicide risk . Regarding layout, The Toronto Stararticle is presented in multiple columns. The article begins at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Toronto Star presents Dr. Donald Redelmeier as an Internal medicine specialist and senior scientist at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto . His research is well supported by Dr. Anthony Phillips, scientific director of neurosciences for the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. The data in Toronto Star are more numeric for example; weekend injuries accounted four times the population norm in comparing to three times the population norm of the weekday injuries. This gives the authenticity of the statistical data. In addition, The Toronto Star mentions both men and women were equally affected by suicide and, about 80 per cent patients had seen doctors in the month previous to suicide. The Toronto Star article concludes the story focusing the importance of the awareness program to both public health and practicing physicians. On the other hand, The Globe and Mail introduce Dr. Donald Redelmeier as a senior author and senior core scientist at Toronto s Institute for Clinical Evaluative sciences . The Globe and Mail discuss another research by Dr. Gabriela Ilie who relates the concussion to a number of the serious problem including an increased risk of suicide. In contrast, to the Toronto Star, the Globe and Mail state more than half of the individuals committed suicide after concussion were a man and, half of those who committed suicide had seen a doctor in the last week before the suicide. Towards the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Cry The Beloved Country Essay A father who s going through so much pain and suffering to help his son who has shamed him to the heart and soul and stills try his best to help out. In Cry, The Beloved Country, Stephen Kumalo goes to Johannesburg to bring Absalom back home, but finds out that he is a criminal, soon to be a father without marriage, and going to jail for murder. Kumalo is ashamed of his son for doing such things that Kumola as a Christian is against. Kumalo is a good father to Absalom by going to Johannesburg to bring him back home, helping and providing information during his trial, and for taking in his daughter in law and, helped to get mercy from Mr. Jarvis for the death of his son by Absalom hands. Kumalo shows great devotion when he goes to Johannesburg ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When Kumalo first encountered the young pregnant lady a child to have a child was during the time when Kumalo was trying to find Absalom which lead to his home. While at Absalom house the head of the reformatory was talking to the young lady while Kumalo and Msimangu were talking at the table, while at the table Msimangu was telling Kumalo that he cannot do nothing about the news he has just witness because he already had so much to deal with. When Kumalo hears what Msimangu saying he tells him You do not understand that the child would be my grandchild (100) saying that he cannot just leave her be with his grandchild and no husband to take care of her in the baby. The next day Kumalo goes back to Absalom house to talk to the young pregnant lady to tell her about Absalom situations, while talking to her and braking the bad news Kumalo asks her Do you wish to marry my son (144) asking her if she really loved to marry, then asking why would she even marry Absalom so she responded by saying He is my husband (144) even when they weren t certified to as married she considered Absalom to be her husband. While Absalom was in prison Kumalo brought his soon to be daughter with him so that her and Absalom could be married by Father Vincent so she could be part of the familyand taken back home with Kumalo to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest By Donald Trump Donald Trump s run for presidency brings faithful supporters, angry critics, and a plethora of headlines. Supportive followers ignore the plentiful reasons that deem Trump unfit for presidency. For example, on several occasions comments and statements made by Trump paint him as sexist and racist. In addition, Trump shares similarities with Adolf Hitler, an unsettling realization. However, those who support Donald Trumpargue that his economic experience as well as his honesty outweigh the long list of his faults. America, a country considered a melting pot, requires a president capable of accepting those of different races and religions. Donald Trump s openly racist remarks disqualify him from holding presidency. In a speech, Trump made the assertion that all Muslim people should be barred from entering the U.S. (Pulliman Moore). In response, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest stated What Donald Trump said yesterday disqualifies him from serving as president (Pulliman Moore). In addition, House Speaker Paul Ryan insisted that religious freedom was a fundamental Constitutional principle (Pulliman Moore). Trump clearly crossed the line with his comment. Displaying islamophobia violates the right of religious freedom, as granted by the First Amendment. Presidential obligations include respecting and upholding the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and Trump proves incapable of carrying out that responsibility. In addition to racism, Trump proves sexist as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Theme Park Industry on the Gold Coast The external environment of the theme park industry on the Gold Coast plays a significant role in determining if the industry is profitable. According to Hubbard, Rice and Beamish (2008), the external environment is the factors outside the organisation that influence strategy and is made up of two environments; the macro environment and the industry environment. The macro environment includes the general factors that affect growth of an industry, whereas an analysis of the industry environment determines the profitability of an industry. An analysis of the Gold Coast theme park industry environment will determine the industry s profitability by analysing the strength of the following five forces; the threat of new entrants, bargaining... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For the theme park industry on the Gold Coast this low level of power held by the roller coaster suppliers means that any of the theme parks will be able to discuss their needs with a number of manufacturers due to the large number available to choose from and due to the suppliers reliance on the theme park industry to sell their products, prices will be reasonable which will also be helped by the fact that there is large competition between the suppliers due to their numbers. The profitability of the theme park industry on the Gold Coast can also be impacted by the bargaining power of buyers (Hubbard, Rice Beamish 2008; Porter 1980). One factor where the bargaining power of buyers is low is the industry concentration relative to buyer concentration. The theme park industry on the Gold Coast is quite large with seven theme parks located within the region; however these seven parks are owned by only two companies; Macquarie Leisure Trust Group and Village Roadshow (Roller Coaster 2008B, Online). Therefore due to there only being two companies within the region, the amount of competition between the parks isn t as fierce as it would be if each park had a different owner. For this reason the buyer doesn t have as much power against each park ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Importance Of Corporal Punishment In Education Corporal punishment has been practiced for many centuries, available throughout many countries. This form of punishment is thought to be an effective method for obedience. However, corporal punishment is becoming a growing concern throughout the US. Multiple research reveals that the obedience gained from corporal punishmentlasts only for a short amount of time and may cause other issues, both mentally and physically. Each individual has a set of ethics that differs from every other person. Due to this difference, there have been many controversies in the use of corporal punishment. This becomes an issue in multiple environments for teachers and parents alike. As said before, each individual s set of ethics differethical frame differs and thus each teacher must incorporate their own ethics into the educational environment. Since there are no defining lines for the degrees of physical paindealt to the students,#there are line 2017 its called abuse it is up to those in charge to see if the physical punishment was fit for the act of disobedience. In Asian countries, such as India, corporal punishment is often used for academic reasons, howeverbut western countries, such as the United States, often incorporate corporal punishment to reinforce the compliance of students. Educators need to reexamine the situation and gauge the student body s voice. To understand the complex relation between the educators and students, the ethical frames must be known. According to Ashwini ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Literary Analysis Of Mirror By Sylvia Plath Some poems are exuberant, while, sometimes poems can be a cry of the heart. Written in 1961, Mirror by Sylvia Plath is an emotional poem, successfully personified and narrated through a mirrors point of view. Plath was an American literature figure that wrote poems, novels and several short stories. During her life time, it was always noted that she was chronically gerontophobic, which is the fear of growing old. Plath s poem represents a woman grappling with the reality of ageing and fear losing her beauty. Plath unfolds...... Through the use of several different literary terms. Plath s poem is written in stanzaic form of two stanzas each consisting of nine lines. The double stanzaof the poem can be interpreted as catoptric, since the poem is describing the reflections, while also describing its own image. Likewise, both stanzas are equal in length to reflect each other, in that they both have little to no sign of rhyme or rhythm, otherwise known as a free verse poem. The structure of Plath s poem perhaps can serve to reflect the extended figure, for like the woman in this poem we too are entranced by the product of its general simplicity. As Plath s poem shows no evidence of stressed and unstressed syllable patterns or even complicated diction, the poem is written in such a way that, when spoken, it naturally and exquisitely roles of the tongue. As a rhythm booster Plath takes advantage of adding in phrases such as over and over and comes and goes, and in doing this attracts attention to the sound of the word which in turn adds rhythm and flavor. In the beginning of the poem, the speaker starts out to seem young and optimistic, seeing things exactly how they look on the surface, although it does not judge what if feels or sees. The poem opens by describing a graven image of the speaker, silver and exact (line 1), in which the poet felt compelled to immediately certify the speaker. By line 5, the speaker becomes somewhat egotistical, calling itself the eye of a little god. This line displays the mirrorsgod like powers over the woman looking into the mirror, as she feels eager to acquire a perfect reflectionof herself. The power of the mirror is so intnse that is causs the woman to turn to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Finnish Theory Of Learning The Finnish Model will work well in reforming the U. S. because it provides equal education and opportunity to everybody. In the country of Finland, there were no high tech, interactive white boards in her [Kim s] classroom...no police officer in the hallway (p. 83). This suggests that these students do not need fancy equipment or armed protection to be the smartest kids in the world. In addition, the Finnish yearn for everyone to be successful despite their circumstances at home, and one way they do so is implementing academic and vocational schooling. This gives students a choice between two equitable options of learning instead of forcing them down a one way path to graduation. The U.S., in my opinion, would greatly benefit from allowing this option in their schooling system because it give students freedom over their future. The Finnish philosophy of learning is created at a young age formal education is started at age seven. Kindergarten is not part of the education policy in Finland, and in fact, it is not deemed as an educational system at all. As Sahlsburg mentions, this type culture would be beneficial to the United States because it allows kids to be kids for as long as possible. This extended childhood concept is shared among many parents in Finland, and being able to play and enjoy childhood is a virtue that is more important than having to sit down in a desk for eight hours and have formal instruction. On a differing aspect, students in Finland are judged ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Political Politics Of The United States Essay A diverse society requires a pluralistic political structure in order to enfranchise citizens and allow the broadest scope of opinions to be heard. The United States has a rich history filled with specific examples of how an individual s voice carries enough weight to make both a difference. However, a person s ability to make a political impact does not necessitate eloquence and or individual intrepidity. Rather, our Founding Fathers carefully crafted a democratic system in which the voices of every individual were given significance and influence through their right to vote in elections. Unfortunately, political elections are not as idealistic as our fore fathers may have intended. In recent years, political campaigns in the United States have become an increasingly distasteful process in recent years, specifically in regard to the way in which they are funded. Political campaigns are regularly fuel by greed, power and a shady procurement of financial support. This corruption promotes inequitable campaign procedures, and almost never results in a fair and unbiased candidate victory. In recognition of this exploitation of power, steps have been taken by federal and state legislatures to regulate rampant unethical funding in political elections. In response to these efforts, two distinct sides have emerged. Proponents of campaign finance limits argue that wealthy donors and corporations hold too much sway in elections and as a result, corrupt campaigns. Those favoring less ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Channeling Communication Between the World and Us Through... By definition, sense perception is whereby the idea of sense is referred to the external stimulus in which we perceive our knowledge through while perception is defined to be the awareness towards something through our senses. Long before we learned how to use language, reasoning, faith, or emotions, we have already been making use of our external stimuluses to make senseor even be conscious of the world. This makes sense perceptionour primary source of obtaining knowledge since it is the only way for us to interact with the world around us. However, though it plays a requisite part for us in attaining knowledge, sense perception can both impede and limit our understanding of the world. In this essay, the strengths and weaknesses of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is similar to the way in which knowledge is deduced in human sciences. For example, in Anthropology, anthropologists make claims based on the observations they make of a particular community. These observations can range from the clothes the people in the community adorn, to the way in which they interact with one another. Without observing the community while being immersed in it, theories of communities or about their culture will never surface. While sense perception serves as our fundamental way of knowing, its strength of it being our predominant method of acquiring knowledge is its weakness as well. Due to the imperfection of our sensory organs, it generates inconsistent information gathered which subsequently affects the way we perceive knowledge. In the case of natural sciences, such a Biology, the obtainment of raw data sometimes requires the process of the image. For example, one might need to measure the size of the cell during the study of cytology. Human error is involved the moment a process of what is observed needs to be carried out. From various angles, the cell may appear slightly larger, while in other angles, slightly smaller, resulting in a variation of the data obtained. In such a case, how can one deduce that the data collected by one person is indeed accurate or false? Besides, we as humans generate our biasness towards everything, subconsciously or consciously. This results in us never being able to grasp a situation ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Essay on Data Mining Benefits and Drawbacks Data Mining Benefits and Drawbacks Introduction In a world where computers are becoming as essential to daily life as the cars we drive or the telephones we use to communicate, it is difficult to find a person who doesn t have some particular use for computers. Computers have become the information stores of the world. If you take a moment to think about all the kinds of information a person can and does hold on their computer it is staggering. I myself have all the passwords to my email and bank accounts, the history of every web page I ve visited in the last 3 weeks, my credit card numbers, the complete history of all my banking transactions for the last three years stored on my computer. Additionally, think about all the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A number of healthcare advocacy, provider and consumer groups fear changes to new medical privacy rules could give a green light to banks and other financial institutions to access sensitive, personal medical information. 3 Consider for a moment the impact of a bank denying a person a loan because they are considered to be not healthy enough. Let s say the person is getting over a drug addiction or has a history of smoking, the bank just might deny the loan based the on belief that the person will use the money to either buy drugs or the person will simply die too early to be able to pay off the loan. It seems far fetched, but is it really? The Dark Side of Data Mining The seemingly innocuous practice of data mining has a less reputable and more aggressive side to it. Some people and companies mine for data by subtly installing applications on users systems to monitor their activity. These applications are know as spyware and they range from simple pop up advertisements to viruses which search out, record, and report back vital information such as passwords, email addresses, and account numbers. Spyware is embedded in many programs without the knowledge of users. It is used to monitor the activities of computer users and report them to the spyware publisher. 4 In most cases personal data is collected and distributed for re sale to marketing enterprises... many of the programs are hidden as downloads on computer games for children. 5 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Avon is Inspiring Women with Cosmetology Brand Name Avon s brand strategy is to inspire women across the conception of opportunities. Opportunities to encounter new people, accomplish commercial autonomy, prop communal reasons all as fulfilling their individual quest for beauty. Avon builds brand worth across innovative produce and procedures, the unmatched manipulation of its allocation channel and the paycheck opportunity it provides women. In supplement, the manipulation of their globe working ideal, philanthropy, and their people give to brand equity. This has positioned Avon as the top manage seller of cosmeticsin the world. Key Resources Integral to Avon s brand area are its key resources. Key resources contain conventions, customer events, enterprise awards, cause marketing, scholarships, websites, publications and parties/open houses. Thousands of thrilled, passionate sale representatives attend alongside alongside key administrators, top sellers and operatives alongside an atmosphere of company and fun. On the company side, there are motivational talkers, product and training seminars, product displays, alongside alongside the latest news on all of the upcoming adjustments in produce, association plans and e commerce. On the fun side, there are celebrities, period displays, raffles and free products. On the weighty side, news considering the cause marketing efforts is relayed but the vibe stays affirmative and energizing. Avon has structured their online period for both ease of use for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Guitar Concert Review On September 8th, 2016 at 7:30 PM, a concert was held at Chabot College, Buffington Theater. A concert was performed by many different musicians such as William Sauerland with voice; Rick Flores with guitar , I really enjoy this performance because the guitar is one of my favorite instruments. The next one is Percussion which performed by Timothy Harris, Joe Bonfiglio with clarinet and Casey Hurt with pianoand voice; Beverly Johnston with flute, Eric Schultz with vibes and electronics Deb Shider with oboe. There were 4 to 5 pieces performed by many musicians that I had listed on top. In each performance, each one of them contained its own unique techniques , contents, tempo and rhythms, sound and voice. The first piece was performed by Timothy Harris. His main instrument is a drum. In this instrument, the uniqueness about the drum is fast and it was very easy to know. In this performed, Timothy Harris started his performing named Morris Dance . This was a great performance because when he started to play the drum,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He was the only one of the musicians played guitar today. I am really enjoy this performance because when he started to play this song, it reminded me about the song that I used to played in High school named Romanza . In this song, the rhythm is soft and smooth. I think Rick Flores is nailed it because, he played his song in a very emotional way. He really good at expressing his feeling through the song with his lovely happy tones, rhythm, chords and melody. The fourth piece was perform by Eric Schultz. It was really nice, it was a vibes and electronics vibes. This song is contained different types of rhythm, tones and it goes from Forte to Vivace and ended up with Presto. This song had a fast beat from low B to high B which performed by the end of the song. However, this song is contained its special technique by the electronics and the vibe from the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Debate of Interracial Marriages and the Unseen... The Debate of Interracial Marriages and the Unseen Barriers of Relationships 1 For decades, interracial relationships have been a deep seated conflict among many people and families in our history. Not only in the United States, but many countries around the world have debated and banned such acts. Although it has now been found to be unconstitutional based on the violation of the fourteenth amendment, societal perceptions, norms, and hate groups have still managed to persist. We as a country have come a long way in the past fifty years by recognizing the injustice in banning and punishing certain marriages, but there is still a definite stigma and an abundance of prejudice, resentment, and negative reactions attached to those who are... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These types of experiences and attitudes lead many Black/white couples to isolate from their communities to protect themselves (Bratter King, p.170). As one can see, when social support is lacking it can lead to couples isolation. Isolation in turn can lead to other psychological issues and problems between the couple making arguments and distress much easier to come by. One could almost say that at least outside of the direct home of the couple, negativity seems to be lurking on all sides of them. It would be easy to see how divorce may sometimes seem like the most logical or conceivable solution to these stresses. It is clear that negative reactions from family as well as from society and also outsider beliefs are aspects that can contribute to stress and negative marital dynamics, yet there are still other variables like background/values, age, and psychological distress that was just touched on briefly. In the past, interracial relationships were seen by many as a psychological flaw or disorder in the person involved; someone who had low self esteem, self loathing, deep psychological sicknesses, and inferiority issues. These attitudes put even more of a 4 negative impression on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Oncology Personal Statement From scoring my first lab coat at age five to winning a science fair contest at age nine to assessing the ecological health of the Bronx River at age sixteen, the sciences have always been my place to shine. In the past few years, I have grown particularly attracted to biomedical science because of its combination of both life science and humanism. My budding interest in pathology and clinical applications of science, as I discovered in my internship with Bronx Westchester Area Health Education Center, has me to discover oncology. I am interested in becoming a cancer researcher, so I can perform innovative translational research that may assist cancer patients. Cancer research captivates me, because it is both a rewarding and challenging field. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Role of Native and MГ©tis Women in the Western Fur Trade Final Research Paper The Role of Native and MГ©tis Women In the Western Fur Trade Over time, the power that Native women held with in their tribe has unfortunately digressed. During the age of exploration Native women have played key roles in the western fur trade. Native women assisted the fur traders by being liaison between the Europeans and Natives. This role was fundamental in strengthening trade increasing the economic stability of the post. They acted as guides for the European traders who often found themselves in dangerous and unfamiliar territory. Finally, they provided an intimate relationship for the European traders, and played a pragmatic role as a domesticated wife. However in order to fully understand the magnitude of the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Before the Europeans came to Canada, Natives had their own culture, traditions and norms. These differences were obvious to the Europeans who sailed to Canada, their interactions with the Native peoples proved these vast differences. One major difference noted was that the Iroquois organized their societies on different lines than did the patrilineal western Europeans. Iroquois women by virtue of her functions as wife and mother, exercised an influence but little short of despotic, not only in the wigwam but also around the council fire. She indeed possessed and exercised all civil and political power and authority. The country, the land, the fields with their harvests and fruits belonged to her ... her plans and wishes modeled the policy and inspired the decisions of council. The Europeans were astounded by this way of life. The women have great power here. A man may promise you something, and if he does not keep his promise, he thinks he is sufficiently excused when he tells you that his wife did not wish to do it. I told him then that he was not the master, and that in France women do not rule their husbands . As well accounts from traders who explored the Northwest coast have written about the strong roles women played in trade transactions with these unfamiliar men. On one account an Englishman who was visiting and having an experience in trading at Nootka Sounds. [A senior trader under the East India Company], named James Strange jotted ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Encore Studio Research Paper It takes both an athlete and an artist to be able to dance. Dance requires you to have muscular strength, flexibility, physical and emotional endurance. People usually question why dancers love what they do when there is a whopping 80% of professional dancers that get injured every year. The answer is simple though, what keeps them going though is the constant love and encouragement from friends and family. Every since 1991, Encore Studio has upheld this common thought of love and encouragement for its dancers. The studio is covered with their spirited colors of pink and black, dispersed amongst paintings of ballerinas, to the wallpaper having glimpses of pink, grey, black, and white. No matter if it is Monday night ballet, or Saturday ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Everyday, I go into the studio and hear a generous hello from a staff member. If the vibrant dance bags, and leather jet black couches do not make you feel at home, then the dancers will. Mallory Flores is an intern and dancer of 15 years at Encore Studio, and thinks Encore s sense of community is what makes everyone feel at home whenever they step onto the dance floor. Not only does the sense of community keep the dancers going, but it keeps the business running, as Karen Flores stated she loves how the people she sees come in and out of the studio have a constant positive energy radiating off of them . Yet, being at the studio for up to fourteen hours a week for some dancers does not keep them from coming in and enjoying the curriculum taught in class. Not only does it drive the dancers to come to class, but it keeps the teachers motivated to continue to put out their best work too. Angelina Gallo thinks that The dancers at Encore are so passionate, they are kind, they are genuinely good people... I think a lot of this stems from the dance training and the people that they are surrounded by on a daily basis. The students are my family. which shows why everyone feels the constant state of security within the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Composition As A Write Of Passage By Nathalie Singh-Corcoran Relatability vs. Evidence Composition 1, also known as English 101 or FYC (First Year Composition) is an entry level course taken by a majority of college students to introduce them to college level reading and writing. FYC is a prerequisite course at many colleges and universities and therefore must be taken before students can enter into courses specific to their major. Though FYC serves as a bridge to college level reading and writing many students and even some compositionists (those who teach writing in a college or university) do not see the relevancy of the course and instead view FYC as a course with very little applicability within the majors and future careers of college students. Others, including Nathalie Singh Corcoran, believe FYC is a crucial prerequisite course that does teach skills crucial to the futures and lives of college students. In her essay, Composition as a Write of Passage, Nathalie Singh Corcoran first, speaks to the purpose and overall goals of an FYC course before explaining how the skills learned in FYC can actually be applied to the majors and future careers of college students. From the very beginning of her article, Singh Corcoran establishes a strong foundation from which she can reach her main audience, but, she fails to support her main points in the best possible way by a very sparse use of non anecdotal or personal experience based evidence. Above all, Singh Corcoran is highly successful in reaching her main audience, college ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Paradigms Of The Jewish Culture Paradigms in Jewish Culture Judaism is one of the oldest religions in the world. Jewish religious movements, sometimes referred to as denominations, can be looked at in terms of paradigm shifts in the Jewish Culture. Jewish denominations include different groups of Jews that have developed since the ancient times. In the United States, these denominations took the form of three large groups known as Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform. While each denomination keeps to certain core beliefs, there is diversity within the faith as a whole. Orthodox Judaism. Historically, there is no such thing as Orthodoxy (Kress, 2014). This term is used primarily in North America. The specific term Orthodox Judaism has a recent origin and is used specifically to differentiate the followers of more traditionally practicing Jews from the more Liberal Jewish movements (Kress, 2014). The so called ultra Orthodox may be the most recognizable Jews due to their distinctive garb (Wertheimer, 2014). Many of the people from this denomination live in densely populated enclaves, speaking Yiddish among themselves, and consciously reject much of the Western culture. They arrange their family lives, daily routines, finances, and politics in a manner entirely different from other Jewish denominations (Wertheimer, 2014). The largest following of the ultra Orthodox consist of Hasidism. Orthodox Judaism believes that both the Written and Oral Torahare of divine origin, thereby representing the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Cataphatic Meditation Meditation is a mental exercise used to reach a heightened level of spiritual and mental awareness thru repeating one s mantra and breath. Although the practice sounds simple in itself and doesn t sound like there would be much room for an expansion and growth as a practice, it has still managed to grow into an umbrella term with a rich history and a wide verity of different meditation that people practice. Some even date back before the Buddhist monks in early 2,500 B.C. People have been practicing meditation for years from the Catholic monasteries, to the Desert Father, and throughout the Buddhist monasteries across Asia. However, unlike apophatic meditation form the branches of meditation that can be found as most beneficial is the Kataphatic (also known as Cataphatic) meditation form which can be found nearly across the entire board as one of the most beneficial things a person s physical and psychological health, as well as it is of the best ways for people to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It can be defined as, the use of words and/or images. There are many kinds of kapathatic mediation. Some of the most common meditation forms are prayer, centering prayer, cosmic, and mindfulness meditation, which Buddhists, Christian Mystics and other religious sects practice with variation according to doctrine. All these meditations focus on a single mantra. However, some go through entire stories like The Last Supper or The Christmas Story. While the latter, Apophatic meditation, is mainly practiced by eastern orthodox Christians and some Buddhist secs, and the majority of it centers on or around God. Unlike kataphatic meditation, it does not use words or image but focuses on the negation of self, general understanding, and words/ images. Which many times causes it to be somewhat paradoxical creating a much more defined line between kapaphaticism and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Summary Of John Howard s Response To The China Problem Introducing the debate roughly, I shall present on how different governments, from Howard government to Abbott government, respond to the China problem. 4.1.1 John Howard government and the development of the China question, 1996 2007 Although Howard introduced his response to the China problem during his election campaign, his government first systemically present the problem in the 1997 Australia s Foreign and Trade Policy White Paper entitled In the National Interests. Australia s national interests include pragmatically grasping economic benefits; strengthening relations with the US, and obtaining an upper hand in technologies and military forces in the next fifteen years; and contributing to regional peace and stability, the basis ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Politically, the paper argued for binding engagement. Australia attempted to promote the principle of the rule of law in the region. Indirectly, Howard government projected soft power, favorably intangible power of binding norms, to engage Asian powers, including China, shaping their policy preference without coercion (Nye 2004: 5 6). Public diplomacy is also discussed in the paper as a way to project Australia s attractive image for the 2000 Sydney Olympics (Commonwealth of Australia 1997a: 78). In addition, the paper presented clue showing Australia s determination to remains politically close with the United States and economic close with China looking for the formation of ad hoc issue based coalitions to show Australia s eagerness in issues actively involved (Commonwealth of Australia 1997a: 50 51). Shortly, the 1997 Foreign and Trade Policy White Paper laid down Howard government s grand strategy with two particular focuses on strategic implications of the rise of Asia, arguing against the need to choose one side exclusively between American led Western camp and, potentially in the future, Chinese led Asian camp. On the other hand, several ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Arm Wrestling with My Father by Brad Manning and... ARM WRESTLING WITH MY FATHER BY BRAD MANNING AND SHOOTING DAD BY SARAH VOWELL In these two stories, both authors depict the condition of his/her parent/child relationship in spatial terms and their perception of gradual changes by expressing the hardship of understanding affection from each of their father during their childhood. Although these two are connected, each author has different conditions in terms of relationship with their own father and ways of describing to depict their stories. After analyzing each story, I believe that Brad Manning s Arm Wrestling with My Father wins over Sarah Vowell s Shooting Dad in terms of sharing with the readers about his relationship with his father more vividly. Brad Manning s Arm... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She shares her thoughts of seeing the gun as a killing machine, while her father sees them as her favorite tool. This proves that Vowell had always been tough minded the moment she had her hands down and decided that guns were not for her. Where else, her twin sister, Amy, shares her father s enthusiasm for firearms, making her feel sort of like and outcast in the family. Later in the story, Vowell realizes that they do share some similarities, although both of them have totally different passions. This was shown by her during the event of accompanying her dad to shoot off his dad s cannon at Montana. She later finds out that she ...was no longer his adversary (SV 139) and stated that she ...was his accomplice (SV 139). She depicts the irony of the whole situation by admitting to readers that she was indeed, liking it. ... what s worse, I was liking it. (SV 139). She also compares the loud sound of the gun when she was little to the sound of her dad s cannon and finds herself finally embracing her dad s passion instead of rejecting it like before. When her dad dies, Sarah vows that she is willing to embrace her dad s death by shooting his ashes off from his cannon during the start of Hunting Season. In the story, Sarah proves to maintain her independence, personality and characteristics wise. For Sarah, the occurrence of that somewhat meaningful event in her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Hoby Seminar The Hugh O Brian Youth leadership seminar is a unique program that enables potential leaders to identify their commanding qualities and use them to benefit their community. By attending the HOBY seminar, I will broaden my intuition to solve issues and overcome barriers. I will learn to accept responsibility to drive my community and myself forward. Not only will this program aid me to thrive in my current activities, it will also enhance my ability to inspire others to be leaders and take action in their lives as well. I believe that I should be chosen to represent Cranbrook in the seminar not because I possess a set of strong qualities, but because of my enthusiasm for developing and utilizing these leadership skills. To me, being a true leader is to take all my skills and return them to my community in an even better way. I m dedicated to helping those less fortunate than me and service is my biggest ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I ve been to 4 international schools and met people from all across the globe. In the HOBY seminar, I ll be able to meet other leaders from multiple backgrounds to discover different leadership skills. I ll use my newfound skills in Business Club to make my goal as a future business leader possible. I m intrigued to develop my communication skills and learn how to build better relationships in order to strengthen the outcome of cooperation. Although I m new to Cranbrook this year, I m determined to contribute to the Cranbrook community likewise. Furthermore, I m a risk taker; I usually don t participate in events like HOBY, but this time, I challenged myself to seize an opportunity where I m given the potential to improve as a leader. Cranbrook is full of excellent students, thus my role as a leader would be to guide them to use their talent in a positive and beneficial way. The seminar will instruct me on how to be a leader of action, not position. I am confident that the HOBY seminar will be extremely awarding to both my community and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Norwich University Case Study Norwich University s mens lacrosse program continues to grow each year. The amount of student athletes that are recruited, accepted and retained becomes more and more and as that trend continues it is vital to add increased funding into the program. The additional recruits and student athletes dictates an increase in full time lacrosse coaches who can help support these young men. Norwich University currently has one full time head coach who is the only full time staff member for the men s lacrosse program. He is solely responsible for recruiting student athletes, working with current students, budgeting, developing and implementing team standards and strategies. There are also three part time coaches who have primary jobs ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With the added attention it will allow coaches to retain more students. The Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) can be extremely demanding on student athletes. Students feel pressure from academics, their officers and athletics. The addition funding will enable coaches to guide and support student athletes in their journey to become officers in the United States military. The students that attend Norwich University are attending to become officers, coaches will be able to help students live their dreams and reach their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Sixth Decade By Jonathan Schell GS 435 Book Review The Seventh Decade by Jonathan Schell By: Jordan Petruska Professor Tom Deligiannis Friday October 9, 2015 The nuclear bomb is an interesting phenomenon that has captured the fascination of scholars, academics, politicians, and the media to bring curiosity and fear together. The first and only use of nuclear weapons occurred in 1945 during the Second World War, wiping out over 200,000 Japanese civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Nuclear bombs, were now viewed as the number one threat that could potentially destroy our planet and the human race. Since 1945 nuclear weapons have since been a strong threat that has imposed a psychological anxiety for world leaders as this threat has expanded to fifty countries with the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The third and final proposal is taking greater action on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty to confirm all nations are on the same playing field to dismantle nuclear weaponry. I plan on providing updated analysis in these issues as well. The Seventh Decade was written in 2007 and a lot has gone on since then in regards to nuclear activity and I plan on making it clear to the reader where the U.S. and the rest of the world stands. It has been seventy years since the last military nuclear bomb was successfully executed and many of us feel that nuclear threats have decedent or vanished, but Schell informs us that they are full of life. The Seventh Decade examines how the nuclear bomb has continued to cast a dark shadow over global politics and has advocated for the non proliferation of nuclear weapons. The book takes on a robust roadmap to a nuclear bomb free world that looks at the historical dark uncertainties of the Cold War, where the odds of a nuclear attack were extremely high during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis to the spread of nuclear knowledge and technology in the 1990s to unstable nations like Iraq and Pakistan, increasing the risk and fear of a nuclear war. Schell brings up some important foundational questions like what can be done? Where are we heading? Why has the nuclear threat been revived? The Seventh Decade calls into question for a global debate to end nuclear ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Whole Foods Business Analysis In 1980 Whole Foods Market opened its first store. Over the last thirty five years, Whole Foods has transformed the organic and natural grocery industry. Whole Foods Market s vision is to become an international brand synonymous with carrying the highest quality natural and organic foods available and being the best food retailer in every community in which a whole foodsstore was located (Thompson, Peteraf, Gamble, Strickland, 2015, pp.C11). By understanding Whole Foods strategies, insightful strategic elements, competition, and future recommendation, it would then be possible to build a better understand of the success of the organizations and the change it has brought to the industry. Strategies Product line Quality Whole Foods ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The company strengthens local suppliers by providing local producers loans to help them become self sustainable, productive and valuable partners. Human Resource Whole Foods human resource strategy empowers employees to create an environment that builds on customer experiences. Each store allocates funds for to the devolvepment of employees. Training is geared towards enhancing the skills and performance of the stores staff. As a result customers, experiences are enhanced and the company has been listed as one of the best company s to work. Insightful strategic elements When analyzing Whole Foods Market, it is apparent that the firm aligns strategies with the organization s eight core values. Whole Foods product strategy brings consumers an assortment of high quality organic, natural products that bring nourishment to customers and made it possible for the company to be environmental stewards. The companies merchandising strategy creates a delightful experience by positions goods and services appropriately for each location. The growth strategy of Whole Foods has helped them create wealth and grow into different areas locally and globally. The supply strategy has given local suppliers the ability to provide products to stores in their region and has helped to uphold Whole Foods commitment to serving and supporting local communities. Whole Foods has also been able to improve partnership with suppliers through their loan program that helps local partners ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Stereotypes Of Women In The Short Happy Life Of Francis... There are countless times that women have been shown or portrayed in a negative light, whether it be in books, movies, or anything media related. This can basically be summed up by the word stereotype which has been used many times in the past years. Sadly, women have a set of stereotypes that many people believe, that really portrays them in a negative way. Ernest Hemingway portrays a certain set of stereotypes of women as well, through many of his stories including The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomberand The Catin the Rain . Hemingway portrays women as being unfit to face the realities of the real world. He suggests this by showing women as overly emotional, self absorbed, and unable to make competent decisions whether it be under pressure, or just in general. Women in Hemingway s stories are portrayed to be heavily sensitive and emotional, and unable to deal with the realities of life. They do not seem to understand how life is not necessarily always going to be a picture perfect world. In The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber , Margot Macomber is shown as a very emotional women in many circumstances, as if she is not able to deal with obstacles that life will throw at her. One instance of this is when the two men are having a discussion about killing the lion. At one point, she is making jokes and seeming perfectly fine, then the next thing she starts to cry. Her husband, Francis, and Wilson even acknowledge this as well. They describe how they both saw ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The Dangers Of Air Pollution Eliminate Pollutants To eliminate dust mites, pollens and polluting particles from our daily atmosphere, one solution exists, and it is the air purifier. In addition to its invisibility, all the complexity of this pollution lies in the large number of pollutants of various types. The sources of indoor air pollution are multiple: some building materials, furniture, air, lifestyle of occupants (smoking, etc.), combustion appliances, insufficient ventilation, biocontaminants (house dust mites, etc.), allergens, human activity (cooking, etc.), cleaning products, equipment, etc. There are a few main categories of pollutants. One of these is chemical: building materials, furniture, decorative items, products maintenance and DIY. Air purifiers should also have an extremely quiet night mode that allows you to sleep next to the unit without being disturbed. Fine particles, we talk a lot about them, but once home, we continue to breathe polluted air and it is even more polluted than the outside air, and of a different nature. The most sophisticated air purifiers are therefore installed on the central heating ventilation system. Concerning pollution as well as bacteria, the air purifier is able to filter them also thanks to a HEPA filter. If an air purifier is used, these particles are normally treated by the HEPA filter with a very promising level of retention. The air flow and especially the CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate, ie the volume of purified air it is able to deliver) must be adapted to the size of the room to be treated and even ideally the entire home. The activated charcoal filter is mainly used to kill bad odors in your home. If you simply want to protect yourself from dust and pollution, one air purifier it should be enough. There is also pollution that emanates from glues and chemicals contained in furniture, building and decoration materials (such as paint solvents), some cleaning products, etc. An air purifier filter is composed of a layer of very fine fiber, and thanks to its tight weave, it can hold animal hair, fine dust, molds, pesticides, fungi, bacteria, viruses, dust mites, pollens, or even diesel particles. The air purifier is for anyone who wants to treat the air quality of their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Business Forecast Abstract This Paper examines and compares various forecasting techniques used for qualitative and quantitative business forecasting and their use in Firstlogic Inc., to forecast the demand under conditions of uncertainty. Time series and Delphi forecasting methods are considered for this research to evaluate their ability to make effective decisions regarding the future. Business Forecasting Business forecasting is the process of studying historical performance for the purpose of using the knowledge gained to project future business conditions so that decisions can be made today that will aid in the achievement of established goals. Forecasting plays a crucial role in today s uncertain global marketplace. Forecasting is traditionally ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This group then feeds back the responses to other members of the group, while never giving away the identity of the response. The experts are then asked to respond again, after reviewing the responses of other respondents. This process may continue until a consensus is reached among the group. The group may be united to form a final consensus (Namvar, 2000, p.8). Time Series Forecasting Method Time series techniques are the most popular quantitative method. These techniques use statistical methods for projecting from historical data. Quantitative techniques are preferred when appropriate data are available. The main assumption is that the historical pattern will continue into the future. The two main types of time series forecasting are average smoothing and exponential smoothing. The moving average is simply a series of arithmetic averages. Predicting sales for next year is simple. The actual sales for a certain number of years is added, and then divided by the number of years used to get the moving average. A weighted moving average is obtained by assigning a specific weight to previous years. The sum of all weights must equal one. Recent years are given a higher weight (Namvar, 2000, p.13). Exponential smoothing is simply a subtype of the weighted moving average. A new forecast is a weighted sum of actual variables (usually sales) in the current year and the weighted forecast of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. The Visual Characteristics Of Tea And Porcelain In China The visual sources provided throughout 14.1 14.4 assist in showing what items were used, and why they were there at the time; while the descriptions give us evidence of how the products were collected. In 14.1, there s many foreign items to take note of in the visual source provided that is Tea and Porcelain in China. For example, the Porcelain tea cups, teapot, and saucer are all in the image to show what materials were used at the time. Though the tea cups were manufactured in China, they were specifically made for the target audience of European buyers. There is evidence of this shown in the Chinese patterns on the cups and teapots. The Chinese floral designs, clothing styles, creativity, and more had a major impact on the desires of the elite upper class in Europe as they had become widely fascinated with all things Chinese. While the Chinese had realized this liking of their designs by the European market, they used this to target their buyers by making the teacups with cultured designs such as the Chinese gardens but also tied in the European style houses to cater to the tastes of the European consumers. The woman shown in the visual source looks as if she is from the upper class. Judging by her silk dress and that she is using the Porcelain cups makes it most likely that this is the case. If the dress was of unimportance, then there could be the possibility that she is involved in the trade but I would argue that she is in fact in the elite upper class. This take ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Video Games And Its Effects On The Classroom As technology changes each generation, so does choice of pastime. The most notable one being a kid s obsession with video games, spending hours glued to the monitor. Instead of fighting it, educators around the nation are accepting and adopting the video game interest to their classrooms. Many may argue that videogames are a distraction and are too violent, however, if implemented in school systems the games used will be safe and focused around the core subject. Otherwise, there are teachers out there that are interested in leveraging game for learning, they re not alone. as the director of the academic and digital learning Lucas Gillispie says, It makes it logical to implement video games to the class lesson as it provides a fun and effective way for students to learn with. One of the most popular game amongst young children, Minecraft, have already been implemented in many school systems nationwide. Minecraft is a digital lego like, sandbox game, meaning that the player has complete freedom within that game world. Players manipulate the world around them through, as the game name says, mining and crafting. The game itself has an overwhelming amount of items mirror the real world with, giving Minecraft a high educational value to the point that it has it s own educational variety, MinecraftEdu. According to the T H E Journal s 4 Innovative Ways To Teach With Video Games , their use of Minecraft was intentionally used as an after school program for at risk students. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. The Decline Of Jazz Music Over the past several decades, there has been a great decline in the popularity of jazz music. The Decline of Jazz has fueled a debate as to whether or not the genre is dead. Many music scholars and fans argue that jazz s popularity is declining because the people who appreciate the music are aging and newer generations do not share their love of the music. For as long as I can remember, my parents have played jazzmusic in our home, while cooking meals together, or entertaining guests, or reading on a Sunday morning. My familiarity with the music from a young age is what caused me to start singing songs from artists like Ella Fitzgerald and Nina Simone. Jazz served as the foundation for my love and appreciation of music, both old and new, which is why I believe there is a place for jazz in the future. Over the past century, jazz music has evolved immensely so much so that some people mistake the genre s evolution for complete disappearance. But jazz is not dead. Instead, it has been woven together with other genres, such as rock and pop, and embraced new sounds and techniques that make it difficult for people to recognize as jazz. The musicians who have expressed a deep love and passion for the music are the ones who have kept jazz alive. When jazz was first being played, the fame or the money that accompanied the music s rising popularity did not motivate musicians. They played purely out of love for the music and the message it communicated to audiences. In the jazz ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. What Is A Hinge Joint In The Knee The knee is the largest join in the human body, it is a hinge joint which means it allows extension and flexion of the leg. The knee is full of tendons, ligaments, and cartilage that help the knee with its structure and function. Also the knee joint has a variety of bones for example, femur, tibia, and patella ACL, anterior cruciate ligament, is an important ligamentlocated in the knee, and within the knee, it connects the femur to the tibia. The femur is a bone located in the thigh, that extends from the hip to the knee, while the tibia is located near the front of the lower leg between the ankle and patella. The ACL is located on either side of the knee, and cross each other in the front, helping the knee keep from bending inward. The ACL ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...

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The Threat of Ambient Air Pollution in Kathmandu, Nepal

Bhuvan saud.

Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, Janamaitri Foundation Institute of Health Sciences (JFIHS), GPO Box 8322, Hattiban, Lalitpur, Nepal

Govinda Paudel

Air pollution has been a major problem of 21st century for both developed and developing world. It has a negative impact on various environmental aspects which directly or indirectly affect the quality of human health. Nepal, especially Kathmandu, in the current situation, is observing rapid urbanization and various infrastructure development projects. As a result, these sorts of human activities have been responsible for increasing air pollution in an enormous rate inside Kathmandu Valley. Chronic exposure of deteriorated air increases the chance of Noncommunicable Disease (NCD) like lung disease, heart disease, and cancers. Short term exposures also invite respiratory diseases and allergy. This review is an attempt to summarize the updated knowledge on the threat of air pollution on public health and discuss the sources of air pollutants in Kathmandu. We reviewed the literatures that were published in PMC, MEDLINE, life science journals, and organization official websites and finally came up with the findings and their interpretation that reveal the current scenario in the context of Kathmandu's air quality status and its impact on human health. The knowledge about the invisible killer's role in causing acute and chronic diseases may help in finding out the answer of the question regarding its effect and prevention.

1. Introduction

Kathmandu Valley, well known as city of temples, has now transformed itself into city of pollution. The city of temples is now clad in dust and smoke. The pristine blue hills and the crisp blue sky that covered the valley just about two decades ago now appear gray and hazy due to the stagnant smog that hovers over them. Kathmandu has a population density of 13,225 per km 2 [ 1 ] as of data recorded by Central Bureau of Statistics in 2011, with population growth rate of 4.78% [ 2 ]. Such a high population in the valley is due to its being the capital city and people from all over the country throng to the city in pursuit of better life and opportunities. The valley is surrounded by high mountains ranging from 2000 to 2800 metres from sea level [ 3 ]. Due to this, the valley has a unique bowl-shaped topographic structure which restricts the movement of wind thereby retaining the pollutants in the air [ 4 – 6 ]. This makes the valley particularly vulnerable to air pollution.

World Health Organization (WHO) defines air pollution as contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any chemical, physical, or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere. Common sources of air pollution are household combustion devices, motor vehicles, industrial facilities, and forest fires [ 7 ]. Air pollution is a complex mixture of thousands of components, majority of which include airborne Particulate Matter (PM) and gaseous pollutants like ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), volatile organic compounds (like benzene), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), etc. [ 8 , 9 ]. A variety of respiratory and other diseases, which can also be fatal, are caused by outdoor and indoor air pollution [ 7 ]. Particulate Matter (PM 10) is that suspended particle that is about 10 µ m in diameter and mainly arises from the poor quality roads, construction sites, and farms and is responsible for causing irritation in eyes, nose, and acute respiratory infections [ 10 ]. High rate of PM10 associated mortality and respiratory illness are found in children and adults [ 11 ]. On the other hand PM2.5 (particles less than 2.5 µ m in diameter) penetrate deep into the lung, irritate and corrode the alveolar wall, consequently impair lung function [ 12 ], and even penetrate the blood [ 7 ]. It has been shown that PM2.5 is a public health concern whose exposure leads to decreased life expectancy [ 13 – 16 ]. The high concentration of CO forms carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) and exacerbates heart attack and also affects nervous system, NO2 causes bronchitis and bronchopneumonia, and SO2 causes eye irritation, shortness of breath, chronic bronchitis, asthma, various heart diseases, lung disease, cancer [ 11 ], and conjunctivitis [ 17 ]. O3 is associated with stimulation of transcription factors and increased expression of cytokine and adhesion molecules which lead to the development of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases [ 18 – 20 ]. Air pollution's association with autoimmune diseases has been published [ 21 , 22 ]. Air pollution has been emerging as a major threat to the whole ecosystem.

Geographically, Nepal is a small landlocked country sandwiched between two giant countries India and China. Though these two countries have been emerging as supreme economic powers, they still struggle in managing their environmental air quality. Studies have shown that major cities of India like Delhi, Raipur, Gwalior, and Lucknow are listed among the world's top 10 polluted cities and altogether 37 Indian cities feature in a list of 100 most polluted cities globally, with highest PM10 [ 25 ]. Delhi the capital of India is classed as the world's most polluted capital city with air pollution parameters 30 times higher than WHO's recommended upper limit [ 26 ]. China a rapidly developing country equally suffers from air pollution. Rapid industrialization and high energy consumption have been the major reasons of air pollution in China. Cities such as Jingjinji, Beijing, Tianjin, and Chongjin and northwest part are the places that are highly polluted [ 27 ]. PM2.5 is considered the main pollutant of atmospheric pollution in China [ 28 ]. It was found that average PM2.5 concentration among 210 cities in China is approximately more than 8 times higher than WHO recommended level [ 29 ]. In Nepal, along with the rapid and uncontrolled urbanization and haphazard developmental projects, people are being victimized with serious airborne diseases. Though few studies and publications have been done regarding air pollution in Kathmandu, the city has now been regarded as severely polluted place [ 30 ]. This article hence emphasizes highlighting the effects, sources, status, and threats of air pollution in Kathmandu Valley.

A variety of factors are responsible for deteriorating the quality of air. Nepal is a rapidly urbanizing country. A data of 2014 shows 4.6 million of Nepalese live in urban areas [ 31 ]. This trend is increasing rapidly and it is estimated that urban population will reach 60 million by 2040 [ 32 ]. Subsequent increase in number of vehicles is one of the main culprits of air pollution [ 33 , 34 ]. Kathmandu Valley has seen a rapid increase in vehicle numbers in the last 15 years. Data have shown that in 2000/1, number of registered vehicles was 24,003 and by 2015/16 it has increased to 7, 79,822. This shows an increment by more than 32 times in the last one and a half decade. The graph shown in Figure 1 illustrates the vehicles registered on different categories among which private vehicles like motorcycles and cars top the list, respectively. The trend of purchasing new vehicle is also seen to be increasing as the year 2015/16 sees the largest number of registered vehicles [ 23 ]. Private vehicles are increasing in comparison to public transport vehicle. Due to lack of an efficient public transport system, many residents have chosen to buy private vehicle. Emissions from vehicles are particularly toxic as diesel powered vehicles, which are considered deadly pollutant and carcinogen, are more numerous than the petrol powered ones. This fact agrees with the report of WHO where it has stated that low and middle income countries suffer superfluously from transport generated pollution due to old and inefficient diesel powered vehicles [ 35 ]. Besides vehicles, haphazard digging of road for currently ongoing Melamchi water project, brick kilns, unplanned expansion of roads, ill-managed dumping of building materials on the busy road sides, and the old engine vehicles that race incessantly on the pothole laden roads are adding insult to injury.

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Registration of vehicles in Bagmati Zone 2001 to 2016 [ 23 ].

In 2016, Environmental Performance Index (EPI) of Nepal's air quality ranked 177th out of 180 countries [ 36 ] and, in Asia, Kathmandu is ranked one of the most polluted cities [ 4 ]. According to a report of World Health Organization (WHO), the maximum status of fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in urban areas of Nepal was noted to be 140 µ g/m 3 [ 37 ] which is 10 times higher than the desirable value. Ministry of Science and Technology, in 2012, had published a guideline on “National Ambient Air Quality.” The values set on these parameters were still higher than those set by WHO [ 38 ]. The targeted PM10 and PM2.5 values were 120 µ g/m 3 and 40 µ g/m 3 , respectively, which were approximately two times higher than the WHO targeted value. The Department of Environment is planning to establish air quality monitoring stations throughout the country. As of today, it is limited in nine places, 3 stations inside Kathmandu Valley and 6 stations outside the valley [ 39 ]. According to Department of Environment, in 2017, 24-hour average of Total Suspended Particles (TSP) in a site in Kathmandu was 4,749 µ g/m 3 , average PM10 was 2,928 µ g/m 3 , and PM 2.5 was 226 µ g/m 3 [ 40 ].To find out seasonal variation of air pollution, a study conducted in Kathmandu Valley measured NO2, CO, and PM 2.5 concentration on daily basis in all the four seasons of a year. The maximum level of each of these parameters was seen during winter and spring seasons as shown in Figure 2 [ 24 ].

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Outdoor air pollution in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, 2015 [ 24 ].

4. Impact on Human Health

Till date, majority of studies on impacts of air pollution on human health have been done in North America and Europe. Only few studies on this regard have been done in region like Nepal. It has been found that, with high level of air pollution exposure, Nepal, especially Kathmandu, is suffering from a potentially serious human health burden from air pollution [ 30 ]. Air pollution has long been regarded as a silent killer responsible for causing a variety of chronic and infectious diseases. Globally, unhealthy environment causes a total of 12.6 million deaths [ 41 ] and air pollution is solely responsible for 7 million deaths annually [ 42 ]. Every year air pollution is linked with around 6.5 million premature deaths globally, of which household air pollution causes 3.5 million and ambient air pollution causes 3 million deaths and the future scenario by the 2040 is assumed to increase up to 7.5 million premature deaths per year [ 43 ]. PM2·5 caused an estimated 7·6% of total global mortality in 2015 and was the fifth-ranking global mortality risk factor. Although global rates of mortality due to PM2·5 exposure decreased from 1990 to 2015 as a result of improved air quality in high-income countries [ 44 ], in Nepal's case the impact on human health is equally severe. By 2030 annual premature deaths in Nepal, due to outdoor air pollution, are expected to be 24,000 [ 45 ].

In Nepal, the commonest diseases like respiratory illness, allergy, and eye infection and chronic diseases like lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Ischaemic Heart Disease (IHD), and stroke are present in an alarming rate. Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) have been the major cause of human death accounting for 60% of deaths. Of NCDs cardiovascular diseases have caused a maximum death of 22% followed by chronic respiratory diseases 13%, cancer 8%, and other NCDs 14%. Premature (between ages of 30 and 70 years) mortality due to NCDs is 22% [ 31 ]. Data of Global Health Observatory (GHO) for mortality from ambient air pollution in Nepal in 2012 shows a threatening rate of 9,944 deaths of which Ischaemic Heart Disease (IHD) caused the highest death rate of 33.4% followed by stroke 32%, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 17.8%, lung cancer 9.3%, and Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (ALRTI) 7.4%. The number of female deaths was higher than that of male deaths in each disease [ 37 ]. Data of Department of Health (DoH) services in Nepal shows that, in 2013-2014, COPD was the most common cause of mortality among inpatients and respiratory tract diseases were the most common reason for outpatients' consultations with both upper and lower respiratory tract infections being within the top four [ 46 ].

In a hospital based study, NCD prevalence was 31% out of which COPD was 43%, cardiovascular disease was 40%, and cancer was 5% [ 47 ]. A study done in hospitalized patients of various hospitals of Kathmandu Valley shows a high prevalence of respiratory diseases. Among the diseases, COPD was the most prevalent one with a significant proportion of other diseases too as shown in Figure 3 . Gender-wise distribution showed that of total inpatients 51.3% were male and 48.7% were female. District-wise distribution showed that highest number of patients came from Kathmandu 44.4% followed by Lalitpur 10.3% and Bhaktpur 10.2%. Overall morbidity was 44.4% and the highest morbidity rate was seen in COPD cases as shown in Figure 3 [ 24 ]. A hospital based study outside Kathmandu Valley in Chitwan showed that 48.4% of COPD patients had a history of the disease since more than 5 years [ 48 ]. A study in 2017 has shown that 2.7–3.4 million preterm births might be associated with PM2.5 exposure in 2010 globally [ 49 ]. Nepal also has a significant number of preterm births of 14% [ 50 ]. No clear cut reasons have been found for this high preterm birth, but air pollution can arguably have an important impact on this. Air pollution is rising as an occupational hazard in Nepal, both in Kathmandu and in other cities like Pokhara, especially in traffic police who are being continuously exposed to dusty roads [ 51 , 52 ]. Due to this pulmonary functions have been significantly worsened in the traffic police working in Kathmandu [ 53 ]. Airborne occupational hazards are equally present in brick kiln workers and grocery workers in Kathmandu, whose health has been seriously hampered and needs quick action for protection [ 54 , 55 ]. According to World Bank, air pollution stands as fourth major factor for causing death worldwide leaving metabolic risks, dietary risks, and tobacco smoking behind. Globally, 1 in 10 deaths is understood to be caused by air pollution [ 56 ]. Hazards due to air pollution have been a great economic burden too. A data on impact of air pollution on human health shows a global loss of $225 billion annually of which South Asia has been the most severely affected region suffering a loss of more than $66 billion alone annually, which is approximately 1% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) [ 57 ].

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Disease-wise distribution of hospitalized patient in Kathmandu Valley [ 24 ].

5. Legislatives and Future Action Plans

Despite the current scenario, it is unjust to mention that Nepal government has not given a thought on this issue; the outcomes though are quite futile. It is found that Nepal government has included environment quality in its plan and strategy and formulated national policies and legislations on this regard beginning from the middle of the 1990s. The important national plans and legislations of Nepal government on environmental issue can be listed as follows [ 40 ]:

  • Environmental policy and legislative framework: Environmental Act 1996 and Regulation 1997, National Climate Change Policy 2011, National Low Carbon Economic Development Strategy (still in draft), and National Pollution Control Strategy and Action Plan (still in draft)
  • Transport Sector Policies and Legislations: National Transport Policy 2001, Transport Management Act 2049 (Nepalese calendar year), Vehicles and Transport Management Rules 2054 (Nepalese calendar year), and National Sustainable Transport Strategy (NSTS) (2015-2040) (still in draft)
  • Industry Sector Policies and legislations: Industrial Policy 2011, Foreign Direct Investment Policy 2015, and Industrial Enterprises Act 2073 (Nepalese calendar year)
  • Energy Sector Policies and Legislations: Hydropower Development Policy 2001, Rural Energy Policy 2006, and Renewable Energy Subsidy Policy 2016.

Besides formulating the abovementioned policies and legislatives, Nepal Government has also formed various committees to deal with the air pollution problem, as mentioned below:

  • Task Force on Air Pollution Control in Kathmandu Valley, 2073 (Nepalese calendar year)
  • High Level Committee on Probing and Solving the Issues on 20 year Old Vehicles, 2058 (Nepalese calendar year)
  • Committee on Implementation of the Order of Supreme Court on Phase out of 20 Year Old Vehicles, 2058/59 (Nepalese calendar year)
  • Committee on Review of Vehicle Emission Standard and Monitoring Mechanism 2060. (Nepalese calendar year)
  • Technical Committee on the Relocation of Brick Industries from Kathmandu Valley 2060 (Nepalese calendar year).

Nepal government claims to be seeking to make use of a rich Air Quality Management portfolio created by big cities of developed and developing countries, for implementing and executing successful programs while avoiding many of the recognized pitfalls. Some of the future prospects include the following:

  • Strategies on Ambient Urban Air Quality Management: with the vision that all the citizen living or visiting urban cities of Nepal breathe clean air
  • Action Program on Ambient Air Quality Management of Kathmandu Valley: the aim is to bring the level of air pollution in the valley to the target set in the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of Nepal within the next 5 years. The various factors to support this plan are Air Quality Management supporting system, Environmentally Sustainable Transport System, Environment Friendly Construction Activities, Reducing Emissions of Industries in Valley, Environmentally Sound Management of Wastes (dealing with toxic air pollutants), Promoting Cleaner Fuel and Technology to Minimize Domestic Pollution (Indoor Air Pollution), Strengthening the Policy and Legislative Framework, Institutional Arrangement for Effective Implementation, and Financing the Action Plan.

6. Areas to Be Addressed

Nepal government has been formulating policies to control environmental pollution since the 1990s, but the implementation of the legislatives has not been effective enough. Several seminars, talks, committees, and task forces have been formulated to curb the issue but no concrete solution has been met. Air pollution has been a burning issue but adequate air quality monitoring stations have been limited only to a few places like Kathmandu, Kavre, Pokhara, Chitwan, and Rupendehi ( http://pollution.gov.np ). No sufficient study regarding air quality of urban and suburban regions has been done and categorically published on the basis of pollution level. It has been generalized that poor air quality is having adverse effect on people's health; however, studies are limited and no sufficient studies have been done longitudinally to find out short and long term effects, seasonal patterns, geographical variations, and other issues of air quality affecting human health. Knowledge and awareness of poor air quality's threat on human health have not reached the common public level which has blind folded them from taking basic precaution measures. Besides, other hindrances are economic conditions, malpractice in politics, and limited approach to health facilities.

7. Conclusion

Air pollution has been a huge burden to the residents of Kathmandu, threatening the lives of thousands of people of every year. The scenario is obvious to worsen in the coming years if immediate preventive measures are not taken in time. It is of utmost urgency to educate the common people on harmful aspects of air pollution and the necessary precautions to prevent its deadly consequences. The solution to Kathmandu's air pollution can be achieved only when the government takes the leading role in addressing the situation. The Constitution of Nepal 2015 has mentioned that clean and healthy environment should be guaranteed to the people as their primary right [ 58 ]. National health policy of Nepal has included air pollution as a priority research/public health agenda, but implementation part has not been efficient. Benefit of doubt can be given to government as the political scenario is still in the transition phase after the Nepalese overthrew centuries-old monarchy and established the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal. Currently, people are awaiting a better political stability whereby a better economic growth can be achieved so that solutions to this public health issue be achieved.


Conflicts of interest.

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

Mera Peak with Earth's Edge 2

Environmental Issues and pollution in Nepal – A Tale of Two Halves

The capital city of Kathmandu is bustling and densely populated with intriguing culture, peaceful people and exotic religions at every turn. Despite the ubiquitous abject poverty and pollution in Nepal, the people are happy and friendly. The city is a reminder of the resilience of humanity and how lucky most people in Western societies are in comparison.

Pollution in Kathmandu

It’s a fascinating city but the inescapable air pollution and litter are major problems. The EPI recently found Nepal to have the worst air pollution in the world . It was interesting to note that despite the manic traffic and lack of infrastructure many city roads were dirt tracks, with no traffic lights evident. The traffic on the most part seemed to move along without any fuss. 

Pollution in Nepal

Taking action to tackle the pollution in Nepal

As a Tallaght Litter Mug , I was interested to see how the city managed its waste and unsurprisingly there was a lot of litter but the sheer scale of the issue was unexpected. There are continual waste management issues in the city but to experience how young and old sifted through it looking for scraps of food and recyclable materials was a shock. People processed the waste in filthy conditions on the side of the street, without any gloves and often in flips flops.

Pollution in Nepal

I couldn’t resist the opportunity to carry out a clean-up myself, with the main aim of raising awareness back in Ireland. If you would like to get involved in regular litter clean-ups in Sean Walsh Park, Tallaght, please register your interest at the Litter Mug website or facebook page .  If you would like to take part in clean-ups nationally, check out the National Spring Clean and Clean Coasts websites.

Pollution in Nepal and what to do

Everest Base Camp pollution

The expected filthy Everest trek never materialised, which was a huge relief, especially having just come from Kathmandu. In its place was a stunningly beautiful trek, with jaw-dropping scenery that never got old. Recent reports have suggested that over-congestion and climate change have made ice-falls in the region much riskier for mountaineers attempting to summit the world’s highest peak. This is substantiated by the knowledgeable Sherpas who guided our expedition.

The always smiling Vempa Sherpa said that he noticed that the glaciers were melting quicker than before. He noticed raising humidity levels, the lakes increasing in size, and less flora and fauna. All of these are factors in   rising levels of flooding as well as increased avalanche and mud-slide risk. 

Pollution in Nepal

These are a real worry for tourism and those dependent on business from passing hikers. In a later conversation, our leader Darwla Sherpa said: “the warm season is warmer and the winter has especially become warmer, this affects water supplies to the rivers”. These rivers are a lifeline to the region’s agriculture, with lakes of meltwater increasing flooding risks .

Kunga Sherpa agreed, saying “It’s definitely hotter than before, with glaciers melting easier. Spring now has much bigger meltwater river-flows, with summer providing much less water”. Even the location of Everest basecamp itself has moved, in part due to receding glaciers caused by climate change and the pollution in Nepal.

Local schools in Nepal

Several days after the amazing trek to Everest basecamp and the challenging ascent of the stunning Kala Patthar, 5,550M (which gave unbridled sunrise views of mountains Everest, Nuptse, Changtse  and Lhotse ), Vempa Sherpa kindly brought me to his former primary school in Lukla. We met the school principal, to whom I gave some school stationary to and we exchanged email addresses. We are hoping to set up cultural exchanges and share stories of environmental efforts between Green School & Climate Ambassador School Scoil Mhuire, Buncrana and Nepal.

Although the school in Lukla was a comparatively well-resourced school, it was a basic school by Western standards and relied heavily on altruistic contributions. These are in part being used to expand and rebuild the school after the devastating earthquake in 2015.

Pollution in Nepal and Everest

Afterwards, as we sipped black tea in a local café and discussed local politics and the Sherpa’s hopes and dreams. I was struck by the indomitable spirit that is part and parcel of their make-up. Their pride in providing a quality service as mountain guides is apparent. This feeds into their ambition to make their community better than it was before the earthquake struck.

Trek basecamp for yourself

This was a trip of a lifetime and I would urge anyone interested in seeing the area to do so as soon as they can, as the ice is receding and most local glaciers are expected to disappear by the end of the century. Your badly needed money will also help this poor country rebuild and sustain itself. You might consider offsetting any carbon emissions from your trek by choosing a scheme such as the UN’s carbon offsetting programme .

I chose Earth’s Edge to go to Base Camp with because they’re a  sustainable and ethical company.  They ticked every box for me, making sure I had a very enjoyable trip while making sure we had a minimal impact on the environment while also ensuring the Sherpas and Yaks were well looked after. It was a challenging but ultimately inspiring and life-affirming trip, and I am so fortunate and grateful to have had the opportunity to experience it first-hand while meeting like-minded people.


If you would like to learn more about climate change and how you can make a difference, please go to the Climate Ambassador website. You can also sign up to our newsletter, with applications to become a Climate Ambassador for 2019 will be released very soon. You can be part of the fight against pollution in Nepal and all over the world.

Gary Tyrrell is a Climate Action Officer for An Taisce’s Environmental Education Unit.

How to experience Base Camp for yourself

For all the reasons highlighted by Gary, it’s important to remember our responsibility to protect this area. Here at Earth’s Edge, we are committed to responsible travel  and urge you to check our commitment to protecting the world we love to explore. If you are interested in coming to Base Camp to see our efforts for yourself  CLICK HERE

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  • O'Callaghan's Café & Delicatessen ★★★★★ 3 weeks ago Just back from EBC with Earth’s Edge and I cannot recommend them enough. Everyone involved in the trip was incredible, Ciara in the office was so helpful and no question was too silly, our leader John was brilliant; always checking in with … More everyone to see how they were, reassuring of what lay ahead and providing wardrobe updates on the daily, Maeve, our exp doctor was brilliant, so approachable and checked in with everyone everyday to make sure they were feeling ok, the Nepalese team were AMAZING. I have never met better people. Everything along the way was so well organized, we didn’t have to think about anything. Our group was the perfect size at 15 so plenty of people to chat to along the way. Honestly the trip of a lifetime made even better due to a great team and group. I can’t wait to go on even more adventures and will definitely be doing them with Earth’s Edge - I have the bug now!Kate O’Callaghan
  • Davey Owens ★★★★★ 3 weeks ago I recently had the extraordinary opportunity to embark on an 18-day expedition to Everest Base Camp with Earth's Edge, and I cannot praise this experience highly enough. From the meticulous planning to the flawless execution, every … More aspect of the trip was thoughtfully arranged to ensure an unforgettable adventure.Our expedition leader, Mike, demonstrated exceptional leadership, combining expertise with enthusiasm. His attention to detail and commitment to the safety and enjoyment of each participant was truly commendable. Doctor Sam provided essential medical support with utmost professionalism and care, ensuring everyone felt secure and cared for throughout the trek.The local guides, Passang, Preyna, Pimba, and Ram, were knowledgeable about the terrain and incredibly passionate about their culture. They enriched our experience by sharing fascinating insights and stories that deepened our connection to the spectacular landscapes we traversed.Thanks to the team's dedication and hard work. I wholeheartedly recommend Earth's Edge to anyone looking to undertake this remarkable adventure; their expertise and spirit make them the perfect companions for such an epic endeavour.

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Pollution in Nepal

Modern day Nepal is one of the most polluted and impoverished places in the world. Kathmandu has dangerous levels of air and water pollution, making certain regions of the city nearly unlivable. Additionally, problems like littering and excessive carbon emissions are causing problems for both people and the environment. Many or most issues regarding air and water pollution can be traced back to the waste disposal system found in most urban and rural regions in Nepal, or rather, lack thereof. Without any convenient way to dispose of trash, people living on hillsides in the Himalayas either burn their trash or throw it into a river, reassured that the cool mountain waters will wash away the numerous scraps and debris. This creates many problems for both people and ecosystems found in Nepal, one of them being excessive water pollution. Groundwater remains to be a major source of water for over 1.5 million people in Nepal, and one study conducted in 2002 showed there to be iron, manganese, and mercury concentrations far exceeding the guideline values. Yet another study conducted in 2006 showed not only high levels of iron, arsenic, and mercury that exceeded Nepalese guidelines, but also found Escherichia Coli (E Coli) bacteria in 72% of all water samples. Those without access to basic sanitation rely on local surface water sources like rivers for bathing and washing clothes. Likewise, because Nepal is one of the poorest regions of the world (with the average person having a GDP of 700 U.S dollars) only 27% of Nepal’s 27.47 million people have access to basic sanitation. Consequently, people living in Nepal are at high risk for such water-borne diseases as diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid, and cholera. Sadly, children under the age of f... ... middle of paper ... ...tween exposure to particulate matter and respiratory problems such as asthma and bronchitis. Children, whose immune and respiratory systems are still developing, are more susceptible to the negative effects of particulate matter exposure, and are more likely to develop chronic respiratory diseases that a full-grown adult. Likewise, because these particles are so small, they can travel long distances and are able to affect regions far from the area where they were originally produced. Furthermore, fine particles such as these are particularly drawn to water and consequently contribute to acid rain, which can kill trees, destroy the leaves of plants, and can permeate soil. In addition to PM2.5, black carbon (BC) is the strongest light-absorbing component of particulate matter. Likewise, BC has many of the same sources of PM2.5, including fossil fuels and biofuels.

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...million people each year, so that’s 6,000 children every day. Waterborne children are particularly vulnerable to waterborne diseases. Their small bodies take in a disproportionately large quantity of water and its contaminants, and their immune systems are not equipped to fight off bacteria such as E. Coli, Giardia and the Typhoid bacteria. More than 2 million children are killed by such diarrheal diseases each year, and 90 percent of them are kids under five. Global warming is also exacerbating this crisis as severe, prolonged droughts dry up water supplies in barren regions and heavy rains because sewage overflows. In terms of the sheer number of people affected, the lack of access to safe water and basic sanitation is a massive problem. Yet it is a problem with a variety of solutions. People who fall ill from borne diseases their bodies can’t function very well.

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Pollution is so harmful to human beings. Polluted water can cause many kinds of diseases, such as diarrhea, enteritis, and so on. And sometimes the diseases even take man’s life. Dirty air or air-borne garbage causes stinging eyes and running nose. Pollutants are destructive. They will cause runs in stockings and crack rubber tires and they always eat away at stone and rust iron. Time and time again, there are serious accidents that polluted the air. For example, At 1986 there was a bad accident at a nuclear power station in Russia. A cloud of radiation crossed the whole Europe. It is said that 125,000 people died in Russia as a result of illnesses caused by that accident. In 1984 there was an accident at a factory in India and a dangerous cloud gas covered the town of Bhopal. Over 2,500 people were killed that night, and hundreds and thousands of people were injured. Many of the injured lost their sight, and it really dangerous, even in our imagination.

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they create many breathing and heart conditions like cancer and other threats in the body, that is why children who are exposed through air pollutants are most likely to have pneumonia and asthma.


Factories and transportation depend on huge amounts of fuel--billions of tons of coal and oil are consumed around the world every year. When these fuels burn they introduce smoke and other, less visible, by-products into the atmosphere.

More about Pollution in Nepal

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Essay on Environmental Pollution for Students and Children

500+ words essay on environmental pollution.

Essay on Environmental Pollution – Environment is the surroundings in which we live. But the contamination of our environment by pollutants is environmental pollution. The current stage of the earth that we are seeing is the cause of centuries of exploitation of earth and its resources.

Moreover, the earth cannot restore its balance because of environmental pollution . The human force has created and destroyed life on earth. Human plays a vital role in the degradation of the environment.

Essay on Environmental Pollution

Effect of pollution on the health

The environmental pollution, directly and indirectly, affects the lives of humans and other species. These living beings co-existed on the earth with human from centuries.

Effect on Air

Carbon and dust particles string up with the air in the form of smog, damaging respiratory system , haze, and smoke. These are caused by the emission of industrial and manufacturing units by burning of fossil fuels, vehicle combustion of carbon fumes.

Moreover, these factors affect the immune system of birds which become a carrier of viruses and infections.

Besides, it also affects the body system and body organs.

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Effects on Land, Soil, and Food

Human’s organic and chemical both waste harm the land and soil with its decomposition. Also, it introduces some chemical in the soil and water. Land and soil pollution mainly caused by the use of pesticides, fertilizers , soil erosion, and crop residues.

Effect on Water

Water gets contaminated easily with any pollutant whether it is human waste or chemical discharge from factories. Also, we use this water for irrigation of crops and drinking. But, because of infection they become contaminated too. Besides, an animal dies because they drink this same contaminated water.

Moreover, around 80% of pollutants of land such as chemical, industrial and agricultural waste end up in the water bodies.

Besides, these water bodies ultimately connect to the sea which means it indirectly pollutes the biodiversity of the sea.

Effect on Food

Because of contaminated soil and water, the crop or agricultural produce also get toxic. Furthermore, this contaminated food effect our health and organs. From the beginning of their life, these crops are laced with chemical components that reach a mass level until the time of harvest.

Effect on Climate

Climate change is also a cause of environmental pollution. Also, it affects the physical and biological components of the ecosystem.

Moreover, ozone depletion, greenhouse gases, global warming all these climate changes are a cause of environmental pollution.

environmental pollution essay in nepali

Furthermore, some unstable climate changes are earthquakes, famine, smog, carbon particles, shallow rain or snow, thunderstorms, volcanic eruption, and avalanches are all because of climate change that happens all because of environmental pollution.

In conclusion, man has exploited the wealth of nature at the cost of his and environments health. Also, the effect that is now emerging rapidly is all because of the activities of humans for hundreds or thousands of years.

Above all, if we wish to survive and continue our life on earth then we have to take measures. These measures will help is securing our as well as our next generation future.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Explain environmental pollution in easy language.”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “When some harmful chemical and substances get mixed in the environment which changes the natural order of things is called environmental pollution.”} }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Is the food that we eat is safe to eat?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”In today’s world every food that grows on the land is either contaminated by chemicals directly or indirectly. We use this food for our consumption. So, we can say that the food we eat is not safe for consumption.”} }] }

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environmental pollution essay in nepali

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  1. Essay on environmental pollution in nepali

    यहाँ वातावरण प्रदूषण निबन्ध नेपाली (Essay on environmental pollution in nepali) १५०, २००, २५०, ३००, ५०० शब्दहरुमा छन।

  2. essay on environmental pollution in 250 words-Nepal-2022

    Pollution means decline of the original qualities of the elements of the environment like air, water, land, etc. Our environment determines our health and civilization. Environmental pollution is one of the greatest threats of the world today. All living being birds, animals, insects, plants and even human beings are victims of pollution.

  3. वातावरण प्रदूषण एक निबन्ध Essay Writing On Environment Pollution in Nepali

    Essay writing about Pollution in Nepali Language.https://youtu.be/ciQNcfKHbvI

  4. वातावरण प्रदूषण मा निबंध नेपाली (Essay on Environment in Nepali

    Essay on Environment in Nepali Language. वातावरणको अर्थ सबै प्राकृतिक परिवेश जस्तै भूमि, हावा, पानी, बिरुवा, पशु, ठोस सामग्री, अपशिष्ट, सूर्यलाइट, जंगल र अन्य ...

  5. वातावरण प्रदूषण नेपाली निबंध

    Environment essay In Nepali, वातावरण प्रदुषण बारे निबन्ध#वातावरण_प्रदुषण_बारे_निबन्ध

  6. वातावरण प्रदूषण आजको समस्या निबन्ध

    वातावरण प्रदूषण आजको समस्या निबन्धEnvironmental Pollution Today's Problem EssayBatabaran Pradushan Aajako ...

  7. One more report ranks Nepal among most polluted countries in the world

    In March, the World Air Quality Report had ranked Nepal as the 8th most polluted country in the world with its PM2.5 annual average 44.46 μg/m3, a drop from 54.15 μg/m3 in 2018, when the country was still placed in eighth position. The state of air report has highlighted that in 2019, air pollution moved up from the 5th to the 4th leading ...

  8. Environmental Pollution Essay In Nepali Language

    Environmental Pollution Essay In Nepali LanguageEnvironmental Pollution Essay In Nepali Language 2. Words And Description In The Poem Digging Observation and description are said to function as the core elements of today s poetry as poets are being led away from their role as teachers of morality. Instead, in many modern poems, it is the ...

  9. National Essay Competition on various topics from Environment and Pollution

    Submission Deadline: 30 Jun, 2022. Please create an account and login to participate on this essay competition. E. Pathshala has been organizing the National Essay Contest in Nepal. This is a national essay contest. With carefully selected educational topics encourage participants to develop their creative, research, and organizational skills ...

  10. The Threat of Ambient Air Pollution in Kathmandu, Nepal

    Air pollution has been a major problem of 21st century for both developed and developing world. It has a negative impact on various environmental aspects which directly or indirectly affect the quality of human health. Nepal, especially Kathmandu, in the current situation, is observing rapid urbanization and various infrastructure development projects. As a result, these sorts of human ...

  11. The Threat of Ambient Air Pollution in Kathmandu, Nepal

    3. Status. In 2016, Environmental Performance Index (EPI) of Nepal's air quality ranked 177th out of 180 countries [] and, in Asia, Kathmandu is ranked one of the most polluted cities [].According to a report of World Health Organization (WHO), the maximum status of fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in urban areas of Nepal was noted to be 140 µg/m 3 [] which is 10 times higher than the ...

  12. Environmental issues in Nepal

    In Kathmandu, ambient air pollution due to construction projects, the high population which results in an increased number of vehicles, and bad conditions of the road lead to hazardous pollution. In Nepal, Diarrhea is the 4th leading cause of death. There is still limited systemic monitoring of the water system and water quality.

  13. Environmental Issues and pollution in Nepal

    It's a fascinating city but the inescapable air pollution and litter are major problems. The EPI recently found Nepal to have the worst air pollution in the world. It was interesting to note that despite the manic traffic and lack of infrastructure many city roads were dirt tracks, with no traffic lights evident.

  14. essay on environmental pollution in 250 words in nepali

    Privacy policy; Terms and conditions; essay on environmental pollution in 250 words-Nepal-2022. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION. Environment simply refers to ours surrounding ...

  15. वातावरण प्रदुषण निबन्ध नेपाली । Essay on Environment Pollution

    वातावरण प्रदुषण निबन्ध नेपाली । Essay on Environment Pollution#entertainment #pollution #essay #वातावरण To stay updated please ...

  16. Pollution in Nepal

    724 Words2 Pages. Modern day Nepal is one of the most polluted and impoverished places in the world. Kathmandu has dangerous levels of air and water pollution, making certain regions of the city nearly unlivable. Additionally, problems like littering and excessive carbon emissions are causing problems for both people and the environment.

  17. Essay on Environmental Pollution for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Environmental Pollution. Essay on Environmental Pollution - Environment is the surroundings in which we live. But the contamination of our environment by pollutants is environmental pollution. The current stage of the earth that we are seeing is the cause of centuries of exploitation of earth and its resources.

  18. Everest is a dirty, trash-strewn mess. Is it too late for Nepal to fix

    The Nepal army, part of the clean-up project since 2019, plans to collect more than 10 tonnes of waste and bring down at least five dead bodies from the Everest, Lhotse and Nuptse peaks this year ...

  19. Essay On Environmental Pollution In Nepali Language

    Essay On Environmental Pollution In Nepali Language - 1(888)814-4206 1(888)499-5521. 4.9/5. Place an order. Toll free 24/7 +1-323-996-2024 Relax and Rejoice in Writing Like Never Before. Individual approach; ... Rashtra Prem Essay In Hindi, Peoplesoft Programmer Resume 100% Success rate ...

  20. Essay About Environment Pollution In Nepali

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  21. Essay on Environment in Nepali । Writing Environment Essay in Nepali

    Essay on Environment in Nepali । Writing Environment Essay in Nepali । वातावरण निबन्धपृथ्वीमा रहेका जीव ...

  22. Essay About Environment Pollution In Nepali Language

    Direct communication with a writer. Our writers always follow the customers' requirements very carefully. Any paper at any academic level. From a high school essay to university term paper or even a PHD thesis. 725. Customer Reviews. Bennie Hawra. #29 in Global Rating. 1217 Orders prepared.

  23. Essay On Environment Pollution In Nepali Language

    Essay On Environment Pollution In Nepali Language. Research papers can be complex, so best to give our essay writing service a bit more time on this one. Luckily, a longer paper means you get a bigger discount! Hire a Writer. Essay on Public Relations. Property Status.

  24. वातावरण Essay on Environment in Nepali

    वातावरण Essay on Environment in Nepali !https://youtu.be/9HyfoN3uJO4

  25. PDF MAY 22, 2024

    Patterns and Socio-Environmental Correlates and Distal Outcomes of Polysubstance Use Among People Who Inject Drugs: A Multi-Level Latent Class Analysis** Breanna Marie Crane; Adviser: Michelle Carlson, PhD. Air Pollution, Community Mobility, and Clinic-Based Cognitive and Physical Function in Older Adults* Idiatou B. Diallo; Adviser: Judith ...