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Startup Cover Letter Samples & Examples That Worked in 2024

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Picturing yourself as the next big thing in the cutting-edge startup world? Your startup cover letter is your secret handshake with the top leaders. It's where your talents and tenacity come together in a pitch-perfect symphony.

We've put together a comprehensive guide overflowing with handy tips, examples from the real world, and straightforward templates to give you a leg up on your startup cover letter. 

Maersk Business Partner Cover Letter Example

Keep reading to learn all about:

  • Exploring valuable startup cover letter examples
  • Formatting properly your cover letter
  • Crafting an effective startup cover letter header & headline
  • Creating a personalized greeting on your startup cover letter
  • Writing an eye-catching startup cover letter introduction
  • Showcasing your value as a startup professional
  • Ending your cover letter with a powerful closing statement
  • Avoiding common mistakes in a startup cover letter
  • Pairing your startup cover letter with a resume
  • Understanding the average salary and job outlook for business and finance professionals
  • Accessing the best job search resources for startup professionals

Still looking for a job? These 100+ resources will tell you everything you need to get hired fast.

Business operations manager cover letter example

Business Operations Manager Cover Letter Example

Why does this cover letter sample work?

  • Highlight of relevant experience from the start: The candidate successfully outlines their experience right from the beginning, immediately establishing themselves as a qualified candidate for the role.
  • Clear listing of accomplishments:  The use of bullet points to clearly list accomplishments and responsibilities helps readability and allows the hiring manager to quickly grasp the candidate's skills and experience.
  • Reasons stated for job change:  The candidate has provided a legitimate and clear reason for leaving their current role, addressing what could potentially be a question in the hiring manager's mind.

What could make this sample even better?

  • Personalized greeting:  Rather than addressing it to "Head of Human Resources," applying some effort in researching specifically who to address it to can come across as attentive and diligent. This displays added insight and respect for the reader, which surely doesn't go unnoticed.

Business development intern cover letter example

Business Development Intern Cover Letter Example

What are the strengths of this intern cover letter sample?

  • Relevant academic achievements: The applicant clearly makes a case for strong academic performance, not just by stating a GPA but by showing a thoughtful course selection process and a high level of involvement in extracurricular activities that directly relate to the job.
  • Multilingual and tech-savvy: Demonstrating fluency in multiple languages as well as proficiency in tech tools required for the job increases the applicant's allure in today's increasingly global and digital workforce.

What are the weaknesses of this cover letter example?

  • Overuse of personal pronouns: The cover letter, while understandably about your fit for the role, reads better if you strike a balance between the use of "I" and other pronouns. This will help to emphasize not just what the job can do for you, but also what you can do for the company.
  • Blocks of text: Kareena's achievements, skills, and experiences are currently presented in lengthy paragraphs. To improve readability, these key points could be listed in bullet format. This ensures that recruiters, who often have limited time to read through numerous applications, can quickly spot her standout points and understand her value proposition.

CEO cover letter example

CEO Cover Letter Example

What are the sweet points of this CEO cover letter sample?

  • Career span and experiences: Erich emphasizes his extensive career span as a CEO and his experiences in diverse organizations, from startups to Fortune 500 companies. This demonstrates a breadth of experience and adaptability, both key for a leadership role.
  • Relevant qualifications: Mentioning his MBA and an Advanced Certificate in Leadership Principles gives Erich a solid boost. It shows targeted knowledge-building, reinforcing his leadership claim.

What could be improved?

  • Cliché phrases and lack of quantified achievements: Terms like "action-oriented," "performance-driven," "reliable person with a proven track record of success" are cliched and often overused, which can make them feel empty without solid, quantified proofs backing them up. Instead, demonstrating these qualities through specific, number-backed accomplishments can make a much stronger impact.
  • Generic closing statement: Erich's closing statement is quite common and doesn't really stand out. A bit more personal touch or a brief mention of what he appreciates about J&O Technologies could make a striking difference.

1. Properly format your startup cover letter

How to properly format your startup cover letter

Good content is just the starter in the meal of creating a compelling cover letter — presentation is the main course. Let's navigate through the key ingredients for format perfection.

  • Clarity rules: Go for a professional and easy-to-read font, such as Arial or Times New Roman in 10-12 point size. Skip the decorative fonts — we're not throwing a font party here!
  • Set the pace: A cover letter that's easy on the eyes has well-spaced lines. Play it cool with 1.15 or 1.5 line spacing and keep the margins to around 1"-1.5" on all sides.
  • Keep it light: A bulky cover letter can be a bore. Stick to a one-page document that piques interest without draining the reader's energy.
  • Stay digital-ready: Ensure it's formatted for digital consumption, preserving your layout even when opened on various devices. A PDF file usually does the trick.

Remember, your startup cover letter needs to be user-friendly and easy to navigate. No errors, no excess, just a neat layout that lets your application shine.

Create your cover letter fast with artificial intelligence.

2. craft a well-formatted startup cover letter header & headline.

To begin writing your startup cover letter, the first key steps are to create a properly formatted header and headline.

Cover letter headers are often found in the top left corner of the document and detail all the necessary information about the company and applicant.

Comparatively, a cover letter headline is similar to a title, placed directly after the header but before the greeting of the cover letter.

To better demonstrate how to craft each of these elements, here are more-in depth explanations and examples of each:

Formatting the header

In the header of your startup cover letter, there should be between 3 to 4 lines of text that include:

  • Your name and professional title
  • Your professional contact information (phone number, email address, location, LinkedIn profile link)
  • The name of the hiring manager or the department department you are applying to, the company name, and the company address

Bad cover letter header example 

Joe King, Phone: (123) 456-7890 [email protected] Bronze Group

What's the issue? This falls short, missing out on necessary details such as full addresses and the professional title of the sender. There's an absence of LinkedIn profile link and no punctuation to separate contact details, creating a cluttered look.

Good cover letter header example

From: Joe King, Startup Specialist (123) 456-7890 | [email protected] | Stockton, CA 95204 |

To:  Peter Broke, Hiring Manager The Bronze Group, Business Development Department 3501 Maple Avenue, Stockton, CA 95204

Why does it work? This example ticks all the boxes — it is concise, clean, and comprises all important information. Each sender's detail is separated by a pipe symbol, creating a clear and easy-to-read layout. Including a LinkedIn profile link and mention of the specific person within the company gives it a professional and fine-tuned touch.

Writing the headline

In the fast-paced world of startups, you need to catch attention quickly. Your cover letter headline does just that — it's your first impression, your elevator pitch. But how do you create a headline that hooks a reader?

Bad cover letter headline example

Applying for Startup Job

Why does it fall flat? This headline does not make a strong impact. It's generic and lacks specific details about the role or your unique offerings.

Good cover letter headline example

Dedicated Growth Hacker with 5-Year Track Record, Ready to Propel Your Startup to New Heights

Why is it strong? This revamped headline amplifies its allure with the mention of a 5-year experience history. It reiterates the candidate's specialized skill set and shows readiness to actively contribute. Tying this with a clear benefit to the prospective company, it promises a tangible value — taking the startup to new heights. It's a perfect concoction of experience + skills + intent + targeted benefit!

Remember, a successful headline instantly communicates your value and readiness to contribute to the dynamic startup landscape.

Startup headline examples

3. Create a personalized greeting on your startup cover letter

Whenever you write a startup cover letter, it is crucial to use a personalized greeting rather than a generalized one.

Generalized greetings — such as “To Whom It May Concern” — fail to show employers any attention to detail or help to hook their attention. On the other hand, a personalized greeting will address a specific person or department by name, revealing to employers that you have completed thorough research on their company before applying.

Personalized greeting examples for your cover letter

Dear Julie Marking, Dear Ms Marking,  Dear Hiring Manager Julie Marking,

If you are unable to pinpoint the exact person or department who will review your application, try out one of these alternatives:

General greeting examples

To the [Company Name] Team To the [Company Name] Hiring Manager

4. Craft an eye-catching startup cover letter introduction

The headline and greeting of your startup cover letter help to initially hook the employer’s attention — but to keep them intrigued, you will need an eye-catching introductory paragraph .

A strong cover letter introduction will include:

  • A brief overview of your professional history and goals
  • A statement on why you are enthusiastic about applying to this company
  • A mutual acquaintance (when possible)

Bad startup cover letter opening example

I'm writing to apply for the position posted on your website. I think I would be a great fit because I like startups and have some experience in the field.

Why is it ineffective? The opening is vague and fails to mention any specific expertise or enthusiasm about the company. It lacks the necessary details to grab the hiring manager’s attention and make the candidate stand out.

Here is an example to help demonstrate how to write a startup cover letter introduction

To the [Company Name] Hiring Manager,

I am a Startup Advisor & Specialist with 3+ years of experience working with technology company founders and experts. After meeting your Head of FinTech Communications at a recent conference and learning about your company’s ongoing objectives and mission, I found that I share your professional outlook on the FinTech industry and decided to apply for this position.

Why is this one better? The opening mentions specific qualifications, the applicant's connection to the company and alignment with its objectives, and the action of deciding to apply after being impressed by the company. This precisely recaps the candidate's professional history and their shared vision with the company while demonstrating genuine interest.

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5. Showcase your value as a startup professional

Following the introduction to your startup cover letter are the body paragraphs. Most cover letters will contain between 2 to 4 body paragraphs that offer in-depth answers to these 4 key questions:

  • What excites you about working at this company?
  • What do you hope to learn from working at this company?
  • What accomplishments or qualifications make you stand out as an applicant?
  • What key skills do you possess that are relevant to the position?

What's more, integrating action words while describing your accomplishments adds dynamism, and brings your various roles and achievements to life. These verbs emphasize the actions you've taken and paint a picture of you as a proactive and impactful professional.

Few powerful action words for a startup cover letter include

  • Spearheaded
  • Conceptualized
  • Streamlined
  • Implemented
  • Revolutionized

Recalling your achievements with these action verbs can immensely bolster the real-world value you present to your prospective employers.

Take this example of an accomplishment:

Examples of how to describe an accomplishment in a startup cover letter

  • As the Startup Advisor for [Former Employer], I negotiated with major investors to help fund the company’s launch and initial product development. These negotiations led to the acquisition of 3 key investors who offered a market value of more than $3M to help support the company’s launch.
  • In my role as Operations Manager at ABC Start-up, I implemented an agile workflow system, optimizing task delegations and enhancing cross-functional collaboration. This strategic intervention improved project delivery timelines by 30% over a period of six months."

To wrap up, spotlighting your key accomplishments in your IT cover letter shows employers not just what you've done, but what you're capable of achieving. It quantifies your impact, convincing potential employers of the unique value you could bring to their organization. 

Startuo cover letter action words

6. End your cover letter with a powerful closing statement

To end your startup cover letter, you need a powerful closing statement that includes:

  • An enthusiastic sentence saying you are looking forward to hearing from them
  • An additional sentence stating you will follow up, including how you will contact them or how they can contact you
  • A formal sign-off

Bad example of a cover letter closing statement

I hope you'll contact me. 

[Applicant Name]

Why is it weak? This conclusion lacks enthusiasm, doesn't outline how the candidate will follow up or how they can be contacted. It also uses an overly casual sign-off which may not be deemed professional.

Good example of a closing statement on a startup cover letter

With my years of experience and successes as a Startup Specialist, I am confident I can provide your company with the support it needs during its development and launch. I am eager to meet with you directly to discuss further what I can bring to the table, and am available for calls or in-person meetings Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The best way to reach me is at (123) 456-7890, or via email at [email protected].

Warm Regards,

Why is it strong? This definitive statement communicates the contender's confidence in their ability to contribute significantly to the company. By offering specific availability for further discussion and providing a preferable contact method, it shows preparedness and anticipation for the next steps. Using a professional, yet cordial sign-off strikes the right balance.

Follow this cover letter outline for maximum success.

Cover letter conclusion tips

7. Avoid common mistakes in a startup cover letter

Slip-ups in your startup cover letter can be like icebergs for your budding career — unseen yet potentially disastrous. Here's a quick look at these common errors and how you can sidestep them.

  • Generic and impersonal tone: Startups often appreciate a touch of personality. Avoid sounding like a corporate bot. Use a conversational tone that reflects your character. Remember, you're not just showcasing your skills, but also your fit within a usually close-knit startup team.
  • Ignoring the company's values: Startups are typically mission-driven. Ignoring the firm's values or not aligning your letter with them is a missed opportunity. Research the company. Understand their mission and values. Show how these resonate with you personally.
  • Mistaken 'cut and paste': Understandably, you're applying to multiple jobs. But, startups are unique beasts. A generic cover letter isn't your best friend. Tailor each cover letter to fit the specific startup. 
  • Typos and grammar mishaps: These errors can cast doubts on your attention to detail, a critical quality in the dynamic startup environment. Proofreading , or better yet, getting a third-party review, can help you steer clear of these issues.

Remember, a startup cover letter isn't just your key to a desired job, but your ticket to being part of bringing a vision to life. Avoid these pitfalls and you're already a step closer.

8. Pair your startup cover letter with a resume

Crafting a winning startup cover letter and a knockout resume might seem like two different ball games. Truth is, they're more like two sides of the same coin — complementary and equally crucial.

Your cover letter tells your professional story . It’s where you spell out your passion, your alignment with the company's vision, and elaborate on relevant experiences. 

Meanwhile, your resume — the fact-fueled counterpart — lists down your skills, experiences, and achievements, providing validating evidence to your cover letter claims. 

So, how do you pair them effectively? 

Consistency is key: Use the same font , formatting , and design style for both. This not only ensures they look part of a unified set but also speaks volumes about your attention to detail — a valued quality in a fast-paced startup world.

Ultimately, your cover letter and resume are the dynamic duo that collectively reflect your strengths and fitment for the startup role, proving you're more than just another application in the pile.

9. Salary and future prospects for those in business & finance

If you're considering breaking into the business and finance industry, the conditions look promising. Recent data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) forecasts a faster-than-average surge in job opportunities in this sector from 2022 to 2032.

Every year, an impressive average of 911,400 job openings is projected in these realms. 

It's not just prospective job positions that are juicy, the paychecks are attractive too. Take note — the median annual wage in this sector clocked in at $76,850 in May 2022, significantly outperforming the median annual wage of $46,310 across all fields. 

With flourishing job prospects and potentially hefty pay, it's fair to say that the world of business and startups is set to charm fresh and seasoned professionals alike in the years to come.

Startup salary and job outlook

10. Best job search resources for startup professionals

Navigating the job market as a startup professional presents its unique challenges and opportunities. The key lies in knowing where to look and which resources can provide the most relevant guidance, connections, and openings. Here are some of the best tools and platforms that can aid in your search:

  • Networking platforms:  In the startup ecosystem, it's often about who you know. Platforms like LinkedIn and Meetup allow you to connect with other startup enthusiasts and professionals, join relevant groups, and attend events that can help you expand your network.
  • Specialized job boards:  There are several job boards specifically targeting startups. Websites like AngelList  or  CrunchBoard  are excellent platforms to discover opportunities in startups.
  • Startup events and meetups:  Tech conferences, startup weekends, and meetups are invaluable for making connections and getting your foot in the door. Websites like Eventbrite or Meetup can help you find relevant events.
  • Startup news sites:  Staying informed about the latest in the startup world is crucial. Websites like TechCrunch , VentureBeat , and Startup Grind not only provide news but also list job openings on occasion.
  • Online learning platforms:  Websites like Coursera , Udemy , and LinkedIn Learning offer a range of courses that can help you upskill and stay ahead in the competitive startup landscape.
  • Social media:  Don't underestimate the power of social media. Following startup influencers and joining relevant discussion groups on platforms like X  and Facebook can also lead to potential job opportunities.
  • Resume builders:  A well-tailored resume can make you stand out. Online tools like Kickresume can help you create a resume best fit for a startup job application.

Remember, finding the right position in a startup takes persistence, creativity, and a hefty dose of networking. Using these resources can streamline your job search process and help you find the right match sooner than you think.

Startup Cover Letter FAQ

What essential elements should i include in my startup cover letter.

A great startup cover letter should contain your contact information, the date, a professional greeting, a compelling opening paragraph highlighting your interest in the role, a brief summary of your relevant skills and experiences, a closing paragraph expressing enthusiasm for the job opportunity, and a professional closing. 

How long should my startup cover letter be?

Keep your startup cover letter concise and to the point. Ideally, it should be no longer than one page. 

Should I customize my cover letter for each startup I apply to?

Absolutely! Each startup is unique, and your cover letter should reflect that you have taken the time to understand their specific needs, values, and culture. Customizing your cover letter for each startup shows your genuine interest in the role and the company. 

How formal should my tone be in a startup cover letter?

While it's important to maintain professionalism, startups generally appreciate a more conversational, yet respectful tone. Show enthusiasm and let your personality shine through. 

Should I mention my startup experiences in my cover letter?

Definitely. If you have been part of other startups or similar environments in the past, mentioning these experiences can be very beneficial. It demonstrates that you are familiar with the flexible, multi-tasking, and fast-paced nature of startup work.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Milan Šaržík, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

All business cover letter examples

  • Account Manager
  • Business Development
  • Entrepreneur / Business Owner
  • Procurement

All startup cover letter examples

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Here's How To Write a Cover Letter for a Startup Job in 2022

When you find the right fit, startups can be great places to work in, but this often doesn't eliminate the need for hiring tools like resumes and the dreaded cover letter—even in 2022.

If you're fascinated by the world of technology and want to join a startup that is at the forefront of innovation and growing fast, making a great first impression is key.

» FREE TRIAL: Sign up to LoopCV and automatically personalize your cover letters to reach more opportunities faster

For that, you'll need a cover letter.

A really, really good cover letter.

So, how do you write one that captures the attention of the hiring manager or founder? And what are the steps to jump through the technological hoops of HR software in 2022?

Let's go through each step.

Why Your Cover Letter Matters if You Want To Join a Startup

working at a startup company requires a good introduction via cover letter

You may think that cover letters are outdated and, to some degree, they are. But they're also still used by most corporations, and startups are no different.

So what makes for a good startup cover letter?

And how does it differ from a classic one?

Searching for the right position is both a quantitative and qualitative job. You have to strike the right balance between nailing your message and sending out enough applications.

Your cover letter plays the qualitative part of the equation, especially if you're looking to apply for a job at a startup where they want to hire forward-looking individuals.

What Startups are Looking for in a Candidate

Tech startups that are serious about their growth opportunities will want to onboard forward-looking individuals who understand the "chaos" of working in a new environment.

This doesn't mean that a startup is unorganized, it just means that a lot of the processes necessary to handle the type of growth they're going through aren't ready yet.

So the primary thing a hiring manager or founder themselves will want to see from a candidate is the willingness to adapt and make decisions on your own as to what's next.

The primary thing a hiring manager or founder themselves will want to see from a candidate is the willingness to adapt and make decisions on your own as to what's next.

Unlike established firms, startups need to produce results to keep afloat and, therefore, are looking for people with a good amount of confidence in taking ownership of tasks.

(i.e. don't just follow instructions, create them!)

You can absolutely have this type of mentality come through your cover letter and, in fact, it's one of the better places to do so. A cover letter may just be an email for example.

However, don't forget that cover letters are about the value you can deliver to the startup company. They talk directly to somebody in relation to what you can do for them .

Your name, age, and past experiences won't cut it.

You need to go deep into the value you're going to provide instead…

AIDA: The 4 Elements Your Startup Cover Letter Can't Do Without

Borrowed from the world of copywriting (marketing), the AIDA model is perfect for writing a cover letter as well. It stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.

These 4 elements can help you shape the way you drive the readers' focus down to having them reach out. After all, looking for a job is a form of marketing yourself to a company.

So, let's look into each of them:

1) Attention

grabbing attention is the first step in a cover letter

This is the most important aspect of your cover letter—the opening. You can't possibly get a startup owner to hire you if you don't grab their attention first, right?

To write a cover letter that grabs attention, you need to get to the heart of the problem as quickly as possible, and become hyper-relevant in doing so.

Here's an example of a standard opening:

"Dear Mr. [Manager's name],

My name is John and I'm interested in applying to [enter company]'s position as [enter role]. I have extensive experience of [enter subject matter] and believe that my skills would fit well with the type of position you're looking to fill.

I've collected multiple certifications in the field of [enter field] over the years and demonstrated impact in previous roles by working on [enter projects], where I've learned to apply my skills in stressful environments such as a startup.

Your company is interesting to me because..."

And here's an example using the AIDA model:

Looking at [enter company]'s open role for [enter position], I can contribute to the growth of your startup company in the following ways:

  • Enhance the efficiency of [enter process] by applying my skills in [enter field] and communicating changes with existing employees.
  • Drive [enter business goal] forward by implementing [enter tactic] and ensuring the effective rollout of each feature necessary.
  • Communicate on a daily basis regarding progress made towards reaching [enter business goal] and steps taken towards improving [enter process].

Prior experience of 5+ years allows me to state with confidence that [enter company]'s goal can be achieved in [enter timeframe], advancing your business infrastructure and cementing your position as a leader in [enter industry].

My contribution to your position will..."

The AIDA model helps the reader understand the value they're getting from the very first paragraph, unlike a standard approach where the applicant talks about themselves only.

This will increase your chances of getting noticed in a sea of same-ish cover letters that are bound to end up either in the trash or that will never receive a response.

2) Interest

picking interest is the second step to a good startup cover letter

Grabbing attention is only one part of the equation though; now you need to attract the interest of the reader by showcasing your skills, or the how of benefitting the startup.

This is where you have free reign to talk about your skills, technicalities that may be related to the job, and things that pertain to you in regards to helping the company.

Don't go overboard, a few paragraphs will suffice. Make sure that what you write is pertinent to the benefits you've highlighted at the beginning of your cover letter.

desire is the 3rd step to getting hired at a startup company via your cover letter

As the hiring manager or founder goes through your cover letter, they're building up a desire for what you can bring to the table. You've literally given them all the answers!

Now you just need to reinforce the message that what you offer is what they're looking for, and you can do so with a simple message such as:

"My goal is to help [enter company] achieve the goals you've set out to hit in a timely manner, and do so while driving innovation from within the company.

This way, the value you'll gain will be shared among internal collaborators, making my contribution a team effort rather than an individual force."

Mentioning the fact that you're willing to share your knowledge inclusively (i.e. without leaving out other collaborators) increases your desirability in a startup.

Why? Because they're just getting started…

The more value they can build internally, the better.

Having somebody state that they will do what's good for the company as a whole going forward is exactly the type of message you have to send through at the Desire stage.

action is the final step towards getting a startup to hire you

Finally, you want the reader to take positive action towards making your dream startup job a reality. The way you do this is by providing an entryway into your world.

You've grabbed their attention, funneled their interest, and made yourself desirable; now it's a lot easier for you to pitch your contact details rather than just saying "call me."

The key to this step is conciseness.

You don't want to confuse the reader…

Give the hiring manager one place where they can reach you in regards to your application, one only. Don't beg for a reply, simply give your contact details.

After going through all of what you've written that's specifically catered to helping the organization thrive, the hiring manager will likely shortlist you as a potential candidate.

Your chances of receiving a reply this way are 100x higher than sending a generic "I can do this and that" type of cover letter. Use AIDA to drive action!

This may sound like a lot of work and to some degree it is, but you can streamline the process significantly through the use of job search personalization software like LoopCV.

Here's an example of making your cover letter stand out for multiple startup companies without having to write a new one every single time you want to apply:

» Create a forever free account

with loopcv you can create an account to send out cover letters automatically

» Choose a job title, location, and more

loopcv allows you to choose the job you want at a startup company

» Personalize your email and cover letter for each position

personalize email and cover letter for each startup company role

» Active your "loop" to send out personalized cover letters to each startup

activate your loop and send out your cover letters

And that's it!

You've just created an automatic way to apply to 100s of highly-qualified jobs at interesting startup companies without having to re-do your cover letter each time.

Personalize Your Startup Cover Letter & Get Replies

Your job isn't a joke, and neither is the process of searching for a job. This is why a cover letter is so important even in startup culture… It builds trust in what you can bring to the table.

In a sea of poorly-written cover letters, your chances of getting noticed are slim. But with the AIDA model (and a bit of creative energy!), you can make it to the other end successfully.

With a bit of preparation and a touch of personalization using software like LoopCV, this numbers' game will quickly turn in your favour and lend you the job of your dreams.

  • Cover Letters

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George Avgenakis

CEO @ Loopcv

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How to Write A Great Cover Letter To Join a Startup in 2023 (With 3 Examples)

flat art illustration of a person writing a letter on a laptop

  • Research the company and its values. Before you start writing your cover letter, take some time to research the company and its values. This will help you tailor your letter to the specific needs of the startup and show that you're a good fit for their team.
  • Address the hiring manager by name: Start your cover letter by addressing the hiring manager by name. This personalizes your cover letter and shows that you've taken the time to research the company and the role.
  • Show how you can contribute to the company: In your cover letter, explain how your skills and experiences can contribute to the company's success. Focus on the value you can bring to the startup and how you can help the company achieve its goals.
  • Show enthusiasm for the company and its mission. Startups are often looking for people who are passionate about their mission and values. In your cover letter, be sure to show your enthusiasm for the company and what it's trying to accomplish. This will demonstrate that you're a good fit for their team and will help you stand out from other applicants.
  • Keep it brief: A cover letter for a startup should be brief and to the point. Hiring managers at startups are often busy and don't have time to read long, rambling cover letters. Keep your cover letter to a single page and use bullet points to highlight your skills and experiences.
  • Use a professional tone. While startups are often known for their casual and laid-back culture, it's important to use a professional tone in your cover letter. Avoid using slang or overly casual language, and instead focus on making a strong case for why you're the right person for the job.

Example Two

Example three.

Dear [Hiring Manager],

I am writing to apply for the [Position] at [Startup]. I am excited about the opportunity to join your team and contribute to the success of your innovative company.

As a [Previous Job/Experience], I have developed strong [Skill/Experience Relevant to Position]. In my current role, I have [Specific Example/Achievement Using Relevant Skill/Experience]. I am confident that my skills and experience make me a strong fit for this position.

In addition to my experience, I am a [Personal Quality Relevant to Position] individual who is eager to learn and grow with a startup like [Startup]. I am excited about the company's mission and vision, and I believe that my passion and determination will enable me to make a meaningful contribution to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to the success of [Startup].

Sincerely, [Your Name]

cover letter for start up

cover letter for start up

Writing a Cover Letter That Opens Doors: Tips from Tech Recruiters

Crafting a compelling cover letter can make a significant difference in your job application process, particularly in the tech industry. While your resume provides the technical details of your career, your cover letter offers a unique opportunity to showcase your personality, passion, and the value you bring to the role. Let's dive into expert advice from tech recruiters on how to write a cover letter that stands out.

1. Start with a Strong Opening

The first impression is crucial. Your opening should grab the recruiter's attention and make them want to read more. Avoid generic phrases like "I am writing to apply for..." Instead, start with something engaging and relevant.

"Imagine a world where technology bridges gaps in education, making learning accessible to everyone. As a passionate software engineer with a background in edtech, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your mission at XYZ Company."

Why It Works:

This opening sets the stage for your application by aligning your passion with the company's mission, showing that you are not just looking for any job, but this specific job.

2. Tailor Your Letter to the Job Description

Tech recruiters emphasize the importance of customization. A tailored cover letter demonstrates that you've done your homework and are genuinely interested in the position.

"I was thrilled to see the opening for a Data Analyst at ABC Tech. With my experience in leveraging Python and SQL to drive data-driven decisions, I am confident in my ability to contribute to your team's success."

By directly addressing the job requirements and mentioning specific skills, you show that you understand what the role entails and how you can meet those needs.

3. Highlight Relevant Achievements

Tech recruiters are looking for candidates who can demonstrate their impact. Highlighting your accomplishments with quantifiable results can make your cover letter more compelling.

"In my previous role at DEF Inc., I optimized the data processing pipeline, reducing processing time by 30% and improving data accuracy by 20%. This improvement not only enhanced our data quality but also saved the company $50,000 annually."

Specific achievements with measurable results provide concrete evidence of your capabilities and contributions.

4. Show Enthusiasm for the Company and Role

Expressing genuine enthusiasm for the company and the role can set you apart from other candidates. Research the company's projects, culture, and values, and reflect that in your cover letter.

"I am particularly drawn to XYZ Company's commitment to innovative healthcare solutions. Your recent project on AI-driven diagnostics is groundbreaking, and I am eager to bring my expertise in machine learning to help advance this initiative."

This approach shows that you are not just looking for any job, but are specifically interested in contributing to the company's innovative projects.

5. Demonstrate Cultural Fit

Tech companies often place a strong emphasis on cultural fit. Mentioning aspects of the company's culture that resonate with you can help you stand out.

"ABC Tech's emphasis on continuous learning and collaboration aligns perfectly with my personal values. I believe that my proactive approach to professional development and my collaborative nature would thrive in your team environment."

This highlights your alignment with the company's values and culture, making you a more attractive candidate.

6. Address Potential Concerns Proactively

If there are any potential red flags in your application, such as a career gap or a lack of direct experience in a specific area, address them head-on in your cover letter.

"After taking a career break to care for a family member, I am now eager to return to the workforce. During this time, I completed several online courses on cloud computing and earned my AWS certification, ensuring my skills remain up-to-date."

Proactively addressing potential concerns shows honesty and a proactive approach to overcoming challenges.

7. Close with a Strong Call to Action

End your cover letter with a confident call to action, inviting the recruiter to take the next step.

"I am excited about the possibility of contributing to XYZ Company and would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences align with your needs. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of working together."

A strong closing reinforces your enthusiasm and encourages the recruiter to move forward with your application.

QA Engineering

Careerist's Role in Crafting Compelling Cover Letters

At Careerist, we understand the importance of a well-crafted cover letter in the job application process. Our programs are designed to help students articulate their value effectively. Here's how we support our students:

1. Personalized Coaching

Our 1:1 career coaching sessions help students tailor their cover letters to specific job descriptions, ensuring they highlight the most relevant skills and experiences.

2. Real-World Insights

Through partnerships with industry professionals, Careerist provides insights into what tech recruiters are looking for, helping students align their applications with industry expectations.

3. Practical Training

Our hands-on training programs ensure that students not only learn technical skills but also understand how to communicate their value effectively in their cover letters.

Example Cover Letters

Example 1: software engineer.

XYZ Company

Imagine a world where technology bridges gaps in education, making learning accessible to everyone. As a passionate software engineer with a background in edtech, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your mission at XYZ Company. Your commitment to innovative solutions that improve educational outcomes resonates deeply with my personal and professional goals.

I was thrilled to see the opening for a Software Engineer on your team. With my experience in developing scalable applications using Python and JavaScript, I am confident in my ability to contribute to your innovative projects. At my previous role at DEF Inc., I optimized the data processing pipeline, reducing processing time by 30% and improving data accuracy by 20%. This improvement not only enhanced our data quality but also saved the company $50,000 annually.

I am particularly drawn to XYZ Company's commitment to continuous learning and collaboration. Your recent project on AI-driven diagnostics is groundbreaking, and I am eager to bring my expertise in machine learning to help advance this initiative. Additionally, I believe that my proactive approach to professional development and my collaborative nature would thrive in your team environment.

I am excited about the possibility of contributing to XYZ Company and would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences align with your needs. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of working together.

Sincerely,[ Your Name]

Example 2: Data Analyst

Data is the new oil, and I am passionate about turning raw data into actionable insights that drive business decisions. As a seasoned Data Analyst, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to ABC Tech's mission of leveraging data to create innovative solutions.

I was thrilled to see the opening for a Data Analyst at ABC Tech. With my experience in leveraging Python and SQL to drive data-driven decisions, I am confident in my ability to contribute to your team's success. In my previous role at DEF Inc., I developed a predictive model that increased sales forecast accuracy by 25%, leading to more informed business strategies and increased revenue.

ABC Tech's emphasis on data-driven innovation and its collaborative culture aligns perfectly with my professional values. I am particularly impressed with your recent project on predictive analytics for customer behavior, and I am eager to bring my expertise to further enhance these initiatives.

After taking a career break to care for a family member, I am now eager to return to the workforce. During this time, I completed several online courses on cloud computing and earned my AWS certification, ensuring my skills remain up-to-date.

I am excited about the possibility of contributing to ABC Tech and would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences align with your needs. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of working together.

Example 3: UX Designer

User experience is at the heart of impactful digital solutions, and I am passionate about creating designs that enhance user satisfaction and drive business success. As a dedicated UX Designer, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to LMN Corp's mission of delivering exceptional user experiences.

I was thrilled to see the opening for a UX Designer at LMN Corp. With my experience in user-centered design, I am confident in my ability to contribute to your innovative projects. At my previous role at XYZ Agency, I led the redesign of a major client’s e-commerce platform, resulting in a 40% increase in user engagement and a 25% boost in conversion rates.

LMN Corp's emphasis on continuous learning and collaboration aligns perfectly with my personal values. Your recent project on integrating AI to personalize user experiences is groundbreaking, and I am eager to bring my expertise in user research and design thinking to help advance this initiative.

ABC Tech's emphasis on continuous learning and collaboration aligns perfectly with my personal values. I believe that my proactive approach to professional development and my collaborative nature would thrive in your team environment.

I am excited about the possibility of contributing to LMN Corp and would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences align with your needs. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of working together.

Writing a cover letter that opens doors in the tech industry requires a combination of research, personalization, and a clear demonstration of your value. By following the tips from tech recruiters and leveraging the support offered by Careerist, you can craft a compelling cover letter that sets you apart from the competition. Remember, your cover letter is your opportunity to tell your story and show why you are the perfect fit for the role. So, take the time to make it count!

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7 Ways to Start a Cover Letter

Rachel Meltzer

Beginning a cover letter can feel awkward. Should you use formal language you would never say aloud? Should you be direct, or demure?

If you’re here, you’re obviously wondering how to start a cover letter. To put it simply, the first paragraph of a cover letter should tell hiring managers who, what, where, and why. What job you’re applying to, where you found the job, who you are, and why you’re the perfect fit.

Here, we’ll look at how to start a cover letter with grace and confidence. We’ll show you what a cover letter is, give you seven options for starting a cover letter, share examples, and answer your big questions about cover letters.

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What is a cover letter?

A cover letter is a one-page document submitted alongside a job application or résumé. It introduces the applicant to the employer, highlights key qualifications relevant to the position, and explains why the applicant is interested in and suitable for the job.

The beginning of a cover letter is crucial because it serves as the first impression you make on a potential employer. It can determine whether the employer continues reading. A well-crafted opening can entice the employer to delve deeper into your qualifications and motivations, increasing your chances of standing out among other applicants.

What should you include in the first paragraph of a cover letter?

The first paragraph of a cover letter should be concise and impactful—only a few sentences. The purpose of the first paragraph is to entice the hiring manager to keep reading. It should include the following three key points:

  • Position and source

Explain the purpose of your inquiry, mentioning the job title and the company you’re applying to. Detail how you heard about the job opening, such as through a job posting on a specific website or a company referral.

  • Interest and enthusiasm

Express your genuine interest in the position and the company. In one sentence, briefly explain why you’re excited about the opportunity and what attracts you to the role or the company.

Initial highlight

To seamlessly transition into the body of your cover letter, include one sentence about why you’re qualified for the job. In the body of the letter, you’ll explain in depth why you’re a good fit for the job, so you can keep it short here. This is your hook that gets hiring managers to keep reading.

Briefly mention a key skill, achievement, or experience that makes you a strong fit for the position. This should be just one sentence that sets you up for the in-depth explanation you’ll give in the body paragraphs of the cover letter.

7 ways to start a cover letter

Here are seven captivating openers to help you write your cover letter and explanations for why they work. Each of these openers aims to establish a strong connection, spark interest, and convey your suitability for the job in a unique and engaging way. Remember to tailor your opener to the specific company and role you’re applying for.

1 Relevant accomplishment

Highlighting a notable achievement directly related to the job demonstrates your capabilities and immediately grabs the reader’s attention. Maybe you launched a new product, spearheaded a rebrand, opened a new location, developed a new process, or won an award.

2 Impressive stats

Presenting a noteworthy statistic or quantifiable accomplishment from your previous experience can pique their interest in your skills, knowledge, and insights. Something you achieved in a previous role, like revenue boosts, sales increases, efficiency improvements, or website traffic growth, are all great accomplishments to share right away.

3 Future vision contribution

Sharing a brief vision of how you see yourself contributing to the company’s growth, revenue, or projects can intrigue the reader and encourage them to envision you in the role.

4 Enthusiastic statement

Starting with a statement that expresses genuine enthusiasm for the company or position packs a punch of personality straight away so they can get to know you and see how passionate you are.

5 Mutual connection

Mentioning someone the employer knows or respects can establish credibility and create a sense of familiarity, making them more likely to continue reading.

6 Problem-solving approach

Addressing a common issue or challenge the company might face and hinting at how your skills can help solve it can demonstrate your proactive attitude and relevance to the role.

7 Shared company value

Expressing alignment with a core value or mission of the company shows that you’ve done your research and are genuinely interested in their goals, making you a potentially good fit culturally.

Examples of how to start a cover letter

Here are some examples of how to start a cover letter for a few different professions and experience levels.

Relevant accomplishment

Marketing Manager

As an accomplished marketing professional with a proven track record of driving successful campaigns and strategic initiatives, I am excited to express my interest in the Marketing Manager position at Flight Airlines. With over five years of experience in the field, I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to leverage my expertise in travel and tourism to contribute to your team’s continued growth and innovation. Recently, I led the successful launch of a new app that resulted in a 30 percent increase in sales within the first quarter and netted 6 million users in its first year, demonstrating my ability to drive impactful results through strategic planning and execution.

Impressive stats

Sales Representative

I am writing to express my keen interest in the Sales Representative position at Network. With a verified background of driving revenue growth and cultivating valuable client relationships over the past three years, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my strategic selling skills to your dynamic sales team. My experience includes achieving a remarkable 25 percent increase in sales volume within a single quarter in my previous role at Wireless, underscoring my ability to deliver substantial bottom-line results.

Future vision contribution

I am writing to express my strong interest in the HR Manager position at Cloud. With eleven years of experience in human resources leadership roles, I am excited about the opportunity to bring my strategic approach and people-centric mindset to support Cloud’s continued growth and success. My vision includes leveraging my expertise to foster a culture of efficiency, employee development, and loyalty, contributing to the company’s retention and expansion efforts.

Enthusiastic statement

Graphic Designer

As a passionate and experienced designer, I’m eager to contribute my six years of creative design accomplishments in the role of Graphic Designer. I have always been drawn to Art’s innovative approach to design, and I’m excited to have the opportunity to work alongside such talented and forward-thinking professionals. Throughout my career, I have honed my skills in graphic design, web design, and branding, developing a keen eye for detail and an ability to create visually stunning and impactful assets. I take pride in my ability to think outside the box and push boundaries, always striving to create designs that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also convey a message and tell a story.

Mutual connection

Registered Nurse

I was thrilled to learn about the open Registered Nurse position at City Hospital, a facility known for its commitment to community patient care and clinical excellence. My enthusiasm for joining your dedicated team is further fueled by the admiration I hold for Dr. Maria González, whose reputation for compassionate nursing and unwavering dedication to patient well-being is widely respected within the industry. As a passionate and skilled nurse, I am excited about the prospect of contributing to your patient-centered approach and continuing the tradition of high-quality care that Dr. González exemplifies.

Problem-solving approach

Software Developer

As a well-trained software developer with a keen eye for innovation, I am excited to express my interest in the Software Developer position at Neurology Labs. In our rapidly evolving tech landscape, I know how to strike that delicate balance between developing cutting-edge solutions and maintaining robust and scalable codebases. The prospect of collaborating with your small team and contributing my proficiency in software architecture and optimization has me eager to help tackle these challenges head-on, ensuring Neurology’s products are both groundbreaking and resilient.

Shared company value

I am thrilled to apply for the teaching position at Montessori. I’m dedicated to creating a nurturing environment where students are encouraged to explore their passions. I believe that education should inspire curiosity and empower students to become active learners and critical thinkers. I’ve spent two years guiding young minds through personalized learning journeys as a Special Education teacher for the GATE program of California. I am excited to create a classroom atmosphere that celebrates diversity and nurtures the innate potential of each child at Montessori.

How to start a cover letter FAQs

A cover letter is a written document submitted along with a job application or résumé. It provides an opportunity for job seekers to introduce themselves to potential employers, explain their qualifications and experiences relevant to the job, and convey their enthusiasm and interest in the position.

Why is the beginning of a cover letter important?

The beginning of a cover letter is the first impression you make on the employer or hiring manager. A strong opening helps your cover letter stand out, encouraging the reader to delve into the details of your skills and experiences and read all the way to the end of your cover letter .

What should the first paragraph of a cover letter include?

An effective beginning should capture the reader’s attention, clearly state the purpose of the letter, and provide a glimpse of your enthusiasm and qualifications.

Here’s what the first paragraph should include:

  • Initial highlights

cover letter for start up

4 Cover Letter Examples (Plus Tips on How to Write Yours)

Getty Images

We love having examples. It’s so much easier to decorate a cake, build a model, or yes, even write a cover letter when you know what the end product could look like. So that’s what we’re going to give you—all the cover letter examples and tips you need to make yours shine (unfortunately we’re not experts in cake decorating or model building). 

You'll see that writing a cover letter is all about highlighting your relevant skills, professional experience, and accomplishments, while emphasizing your interest for the role in an engaging manner.

Want to get right down to business? Skip ahead to:

1. The traditional cover letter example

2. the impact cover letter example, 3. the writing sample cover letter example, 4. the career change cover letter example, bonus cover letter examples, a few more cover letter tips, why bother with a cover letter at all.

We bet when you see a job listing that says “ cover letter optional ,” you breathe a sigh of relief, gleefully submit your resume, and move on. But you’re truly doing yourself a disservice by not including a cover letter (or by writing one that’s super generic or formulaic).

“When you’re writing a resume you’re oftentimes confined by space, by resume speak, by keywords—you’re up against a lot of technical requirements,” says Melody Godfred, a career coach and the founder of Write in Color who’s read thousands of cover letters over the course of her career. “In a cover letter you have an opportunity to craft a narrative that aligns you not only with the position you’re applying to but also the company you’re applying to.”

Whether you’re writing a cover letter for a data scientist or marketing manager position, an internship or a senior-level role, a startup or a Fortune 500 company, you’re going to want to tailor it to the role, company, and culture. A strong, customized cover letter will help you explain your value proposition and stand out from the stack of applicants. 

If there’s a gap in your resume , you have the opportunity to explain why it’s there. If you’re changing careers, you have the chance to describe why you’re making the switch. If your resume is pretty dull, a cover letter helps you show some personality . And yes, cover letters still get read.

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What do I write in a cover letter? The 3 basic elements

You'll notice from our cover letter examples that the body of your text can vary a lot depending on factors like the position you're applying for, your career stage, and the type of cover letter requested by the hiring manager. For instance, a writing sample cover letter is different from a traditional professional cover letter (we'll get there soon.)

However, there is some information that you can't leave out. It's important to highlight your most relevant experience, skills, and qualifications for the role in any type of cover letter. Plus, make sure to write an engaging first paragraph to grab the reader's attention, and an effective final paragraph, ideally followed by a call to action, in order to leave a lasting positive impression.

You could say that cover letters are a little like puzzles. When you put each component in its proper place (and remove any parts that don’t fit), you create a complete picture. Even though that picture is always different, the types of pieces are basically the same. We've broken down these three key elements for you:

1. An engaging opener

How you start a cover letter is everything. Your opening lines influence whether someone keeps reading—and you want them to, right? “Starting with something that immediately connects you to the company is essential—something that tells the company that this is not a generic cover letter,” Godfred says. “You have to say something that tells the employer, ‘I wrote this just for you.’”

It can be a childhood memory tying you back to the company’s mission. It can be a story about the time you fell in love with the company’s product. It can be an anecdote from another job or experience showing how hard of a worker you are. Whatever you decide to open with, make it memorable.

2. A clear pitch

Use the next few paragraphs of your cover letter to “hit them with the strongest results you have that are aligned with the opportunity,” Godfred says. Ryan Kahn , Muse career coach and founder of The Hired Group , calls this your pitch. In other words, the part where you’re “selling yourself for the position and why you’re qualified for it.”

Additionally, Godfred says, “If you’re someone who’s transitioning careers, and you need to explain that transition, you do it there.”

This section should have a balance of soft and hard skills . Talk about your experience using Salesforce or doing SEO work, but also highlight your ability to lead teams and communicate effectively.

“Companies are embracing authenticity, they’re embracing humanity, they’re looking for people who are going to fit their culture,” says Godfred. “So what are your values? What do you stand for? These values should be as much a part of your cover letter as the super specialized hard skills.

3. A great closing line

Your closing line could include your next steps or a call to action, Kahn says, such as “ I welcome the opportunity to speak with you more about how I can contribute to the team ,” or, “ I would love to schedule a time for us to discuss this role and my experience. ” But more importantly, “You want to make sure that you’re gracious and thanking them,” he says. While seemingly cliché , it never hurts to end on a simple, “ Thank you for your consideration. ”

Does that sound a bit overwhelming? Don’t panic! We’ve got examples of four types of cover letters below: a traditional cover letter , an impact cover letter , a writing sample cover letter , and a career change cover letter . So let’s take a look at these examples, why they work, and how you can use them to craft your own.

A traditional cover letter is similar to what you’d come up with using position-based cover letter templates . It moves in reverse chronological order through your career history, highlighting parts of your past jobs that make you well suited for this position.

You might want to use this type of cover letter if:

  • You’re applying to a more formal company (like a law firm or major healthcare company ) or a more conventional role (like a lawyer or accountant).
  • You want to play it safe and conservative with your application materials.

What does the job description say?

Imagine you’re applying to a paralegal job opening at a law firm. The job description might include:


  • Draft routine legal documents for review and use by attorneys
  • Coordinate and organize materials and presentations for legal proceedings
  • Research legal and related issues and report findings and conclusions to team
  • Provide overall legal administrative support to the legal team
  • Maintain calendars and ensure timely filings


  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent of relevant education and work experience
  • Strong communication skills (oral and written)
  • Strong organizational , multitasking, and prioritization skills
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite and LexisNexis
  • Trustworthy, positive, energetic, and optimistic attitude with a willingness to roll up your sleeves

The cover letter example

Here’s an example of a traditional cover letter you could write for this role—keeping things strictly professional but without sounding too boring or jargon-y:

Dear Ms. Jessica Sanchez,

In my five-year career as a paralegal, I have honed my legal research and writing skills, and the attorneys I’ve worked with have complimented me on my command of case law and litigation support. Spiegel Law Firm’s 20 years in practice proves that the firm has strong values and excellent attorneys, and I’d be eager to join such a talented team.

I currently serve as a paralegal for Chandler, Chandler, and Greene, where I work closely with the partners on a number of high-priority cases. During my time here, I implemented a new calendar system that ensures timely filing of court papers. This system has prevented missed deadlines and allowed for better organization of internal and client meetings.

Previously, as a paralegal for the Neuerburg Law Firm, I received praise for my overall support of the legal team and my positive attitude. While working there, I came up with and implemented a plan for digitizing their old files while still ensuring security and privacy. This led to more efficiency when preparing for client meetings and legal proceedings.

My further qualifications include a bachelor’s degree from Rutgers University, a paralegal certificate, and training in LexisNexis, Westlaw, and Microsoft Office Suite.

I would love the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your legal team. Thank you in advance for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Chase Broadstein [email protected] (222) 222-2222

Download this example

Why this works

This cover letter example is short, sweet, and to the point. It shows the candidate has a knack for getting things done in a thorough and timely manner and a track record for helping out wherever needed. The opening lines also express a genuine interest in this specific firm. Plus, there are some important keywords in there like “calendar system,” “bachelor’s degree,” “paralegal certificate,” and “LexisNexis.”

The impact cover letter puts your accomplishments front and center rather than organizing your paragraphs by past roles. You might use a cover letter like this if:

  • You’re applying for roles where you’re expected to deliver on certain goals or results (for example, if the jobs involve sales quotas or marketing metrics).
  • You haven’t followed a straightforward career path and your past job titles don’t show the extent of your qualifications.
  • You want your personality to stand out a bit more than it might in a traditional cover letter.

What does the job description say

Imagine you’ve come across an opening for an email marketing manager . Part of the job description states:

  • Manage email marketing strategy and calendar, including copywriting, optimization, monitoring, analyzing, and reporting on campaigns
  • Improve campaign success through conversion optimization, A/B testing, and other experiments
  • Collaborate with the design team to ensure brand guidelines are followed in emails
  • Partner and collaborate cross-functionally with sales, product, product marketing, and data teams
  • 3+ years in email marketing
  • Experience with Constant Contact, Google Analytics, HTML, CSS, Photoshop, and Microsoft Excel, a plus
  • Excellent communication skills (oral and written) and an eye for copyediting
  • Strong interpersonal , relationship-building, and stakeholder management skills
  • Excellent project management, problem-solving , and time management skills, with the ability to multitask effectively

Here’s an example of an impact cover letter where the writer’s hard skills and successes stand out:

Dear Russ Roman,

I have a problem. See, my inbox currently (and embarrassingly) hosts 1,500 unread emails—including newsletters from at least 50 different brands.

But this problem only fuels my passion for creating emails that are worth opening. Because from my perspective, as someone who can barely get through their own stack of mail, that’s a true win.

I’ve been following Vitabe for years, and can proudly say that I open every single email you send to me. I’m a sucker for a good subject line—“Take a Vitamin-ute—We’ll A-B-C You Soon” being my favorite—and the way your email content feels both fun and expert-backed really speaks to me. This is why I’m thrilled to submit my application for a role as email marketing manager at your company.

I have over four years of experience working in the email marketing space. In my current role at Westside Bank, I was able to implement new email campaigns centered around reengaging churned clients. By analyzing data around the types of clients who churn and the engagement of our current email subscribers, as well as A/B testing headlines and newsletter layouts, we were able to increase email subscribers by 15% and convert 30% of those subscribers to purchase our product, a significant increase from the previous year. 

I also launched a “Your Credit Matters” newsletter focused on educating our clients on how they spend and manage their credit—which became our highest performing campaign in terms of open-rates and click-through to date.

Previously, as a member of the marketing team at Dream Diary Mattresses, I collaborated with the sales and product team to understand how I could best support them in hitting their quarterly goals. One specific project involving creating personalized emails for customers drew more people to come back to our site after 30 days than direct paid ad campaigns, leading to a 112% increase in revenue from the last quarter.

I take the content I write and the calendars I manage seriously, editing and refining beyond detail-oriented and into meticulous territory, and I feel my experience and drive would greatly help Vitabe further develop their email program for success.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

Lad Miller [email protected] (987) 654-3210

This sample cover letter concisely highlights the applicant’s most significant, relevant achievements. By adding context to how their projects were created, monitored, and completed, they’re able to show just how results-driven they are and how they’ve successfully leveraged some of the skills the company is looking for.

One thing worth noting: This person didn’t include keywords such as Constant Contact, Google Analytics, HTML, CSS, Photoshop, or Microsoft Excel—all of which are listed in the job description. But those skills are most likely in their resume already, and leaving them out gives them the space to discuss specific projects and tell a story not visible on other parts of their job application.

For roles where written communication is key, such as PR, copywriting , or journalism jobs, your cover letter will likely be the first writing sample your future employer sees. So it’s just as important to show your skill set in action through eloquent writing.

  • Writing or editing is a key component of the role you’re applying to.
  • You want to show off your creativity.

Here’s part of a job description for a staff writer position:

  • Pitch and write articles, reporting on timely issues and trends
  • Collaborate with editorial and other teams to launch each digital issue and other special projects on schedule
  • Evaluate content performance and digital trends on a daily basis to constantly adjust pitches and packaging
  • Utilize CMS tools, strategically select photos and videos, and request original graphics to optimize all written content for maximum engagement
  • At least 2-3 years of experience creating content at a digital-first outlet
  • Strong writing and reporting skills, and the ability to write clearly and quickly
  • Familiarity working in a CMS and with analytics tools such as Google Analytics
  • Deadline-driven, strategic thinker with a knack for crafting click-y headlines
  • Strong collaborator who thrives in fast-paced environments

Have fun with this one, but triple-check for spelling and grammar mistakes, and make sure you’re showing off your best writing. Here's the cover letter sample:

Dear Tai Chen,

Since I could walk, I’ve been dancing. And since I could read, I’ve been glued to Arabesque Weekly. At one point, you featured one of my local heroes—a ballerina who struggled with an injury early in her career and went on to become a principal dancer at Pacific Northwest Ballet—and I plastered the article above my childhood bed. It’s still there today.

That article—and so many others you’ve published—taught me that dancing was about more than just pirouettes and arabesques and that the right kind of writer can shed light on aspects of the art that make it surprising, impactful, and universal. I can be that writer.

As an editorial assistant at for the past two and a half years, my main responsibility was to get all of our content ready to go live on the site. This included fact-checking, proofreading, adding in HTML where necessary, and finding photos, videos, and GIFs that would complement the content and optimize audience engagement. 

As I tinkered with each post, I became intimately familiar with our internal CMS. Reviewing every single article we published and following reactions and engagement helped me gain a deep understanding of what makes a piece really land with our audience.

But by far my favorite aspect of this role has been writing. Each week, I pitch and write at least one article, from 250-word news items to 900-word advice pieces to even longer profiles, features, and personal essays. I love the challenge of developing pitches that align with the trends we see in the data, reflect with the company’s brand and mission, and allow me to flex my creative muscles.

Collaborating with my team to form the best content library we can has been a dream come true. I would be so excited to use my experience to help Arabesque Weekly achieve its goals. And I hope to one day write a story that another little dance lover tapes to their wall forever.

It would be an honor to be a part of your editorial team, and I look forward to the possibility of discussing the opportunity with you.

Hoping to be your next staff writer,

Marlee Wood [email protected] (555) 666-4433

This candidate is clearly passionate about this specific publication and leads with a unique personal anecdote tied to the company’s mission that demonstrates their ability to tell stories in a compelling way. There are relevant keywords and phrases, sure, but they’re not just thrown in there. Their voice comes through in every sentence, proving this person knows how to communicate effectively and creatively.

Cover letters can play a big part in helping career changers prove their qualifications—especially when it’s unclear how their skills transfer over to this new field.

You might write a career change cover letter if:

  • You want to highlight the transferable skills you have that relate to the job description.
  • You want to explain why you’re making the switch and what’s driving you toward this specific industry, company, or position.

Imagine you’re someone who has experience supporting a sales team as an administrative assistant , and you’re now looking to become a sales representative. You come across a job posting that includes:

  • Develop new sales techniques and strategies to build pipeline and hit team goals
  • Coordinate with other teams to increase lead-generation efforts
  • Assist in the processing of new business, including contacting customers to finalize sales and service transactions
  • 1-3 years of successful sales experience
  • Strong communication skills
  • Ability to thrive in a fast-paced, ever-changing environment
  • Ability to work independently to plan, set priorities, and effectively organize work
  • Proven ability to be persuasive, persistent, and confident in closing a sale

Typically, this type of cover letter should include a compelling narrative about your career change and how you can transfer your past experiences to this new role. Here’s how you might translate your past experience over to this new (and exciting) prospect:

Dear Maria Russo,

The head of sales at Sunshine Inc. was in a bind. She needed six client meetings scheduled, 18 service transactions processed, and a summary of the team’s new lead generation campaign drafted before getting on a flight to Austin—in three hours. So she turned to her cool-headed, sales-savvy administrative assistant for help. That assistant was me. Not only did I execute everything on her to-do list, I did it all before her plane left the ground.

For three years, I worked in lockstep with a busy, growth-oriented sales leader to support the business development team. As the sole administrative assistant in the department, I balanced a swath of competing priorities, ranging from coordinating meetings and inputting data to contacting customers, finalizing transactions, and creating promotional materials. This role helped me develop a comprehensive understanding of the sales cycle, sales strategy, and pipeline growth.

Like many others, my career path hasn’t been entirely straightforward. After leaving Crabapple Media, I enrolled in a local coding bootcamp. Six months later, I emerged with a certificate in computer programming and a certainty that I did not want to be a coder. But education is never wasted. I’m now an aspiring sales representative with experience supporting a thriving sales team and extensive knowledge of the tech space.

Here’s a little bit more about how my experience would translate into this role:

  • At Crabapple Media, I assisted in coordinating three annual sales strategy rollouts, yielding an average increase in pipeline of 26% YoY.
  • At Sunshine Inc., I supported 12 independent team members in their lead-generation efforts. I also assisted in processing an average of 300 sales transactions every quarter.
  • I thrive in busy, ever-changing environments that require me to communicate clearly and concisely. Supporting a high-volume team and a busy executive helped me to hone these skills—I typically sent more than 200 emails a day!

I would, of course, love to schedule a time for us to discuss this role and my experience, and I truly want to thank you for considering me.

All the best,

Olu Abiola [email protected] (123) 456-789

The opener draws you in and makes you want to learn more. It toots the person’s horn, but in a way that’s substantiated. Then, the next couple sections explain their experience in the sales space and other relevant qualifications, before eventually tying that back to why they’re applying to this specific job. 

Similar to the impact cover letter, the author lists some of the more important qualities they bring to the table, doing a bit of keyword inclusion and resume gap explaining along the way.

To further guide you, check out some more cover letter examples:

  • Pain point cover letter example
  • Internship cover letter example
  • Recent graduate cover letter example
  • (Another) career changer cover letter example
  • Stay-at-home parent returning to work cover letter example
  • Sales cover letter example
  • Email marketing manager cover letter example
  • No job description or position cover letter example (a.k.a., a letter of intent or interest)
  • Example cover letter with no experience

Let’s break down one of our example cover letters real quick

All three professional cover letter examples have some key elements that make them great and able to grab the hiring manager's attention. Check out this handy infographic that breaks down our impact cover letter:

infographic of impact cover letter example pointing out different elements of cover letter

Here are a few more tips to help the cover letter process:

Start with a “brain dump” 

If you’re staring at a blank page, Godfred always recommends that her clients start by getting all their ideas on the page without paying attention to length. Then “ask yourself how you can cut half of it,” she says. You’ll likely find that repeated information and very generic phrases are the first to go. (If it’s still too long, here are some tips for getting your cover letter down to one page .)

Don’t just repeat your resume

You only have so much space to get your point across, so focus on the information that isn’t stated elsewhere rather than simply regurgitating your resume. A good cover letter should complement your resume, so use the opportunity to elaborate your skills and qualifications further, as well as your accomplishments and why you're a good fit for that position.

Focus on quality over quantity 

Target the jobs you’re most closely drawn to and qualified for and give them all your energy, rather than trying to churn out hundreds of cover letters, Kahn says. You may not be able to apply to as many jobs, but you’ll have a better response rate.

Remember the ATS 

Much like your resume, an applicant tracking systems, or ATS , will be sifting through your cover letter. So you’ll want to scatter relevant keywords from the job description throughout your pitch where it makes sense.

Don’t stress over formatting 

You may see flashy cover letter examples across the internet, but for the most part, it just isn’t necessary. An ATS can’t read text that has been formatted beyond using bold, italics, underline, and color, so keep your font and layout simple—especially if you’re submitting your cover letter through an online portal.

Don't forget your contact information

Include your contact information on every page, including your name, phone number, and email. “Imagine you come across a cover letter and you print it out with a bunch of applications to review and it doesn’t have the person’s contact information on it,” Godfred says. “You never want to put yourself in a situation where you’re the right person and they can’t find you.”

Edit your cover letter before submitting

Never submit a cover letter right after you finish writing it—there could be critical errors that you didn't notice while typing. Take some time away from your text, then revisit it like you're reading someone else's letter. Be sure to double-check all the information you've included, paying special attention to:

  • The company's name
  • The hiring manager's name
  • The job title
  • Your contact information
  • Basic grammar and spelling

You're ready to go

If you've come this far, you're equipped with all the information you need to craft a great cover letter. Hopefully these cover letter examples help as you go to tackle your own. Remember: This is just one small step in the process! Take your time, but learn to move on when you’ve given it your all.

Amanda Cardoso contributed to the latest version of this article.

cover letter for start up

This Cover Letter Gets Startups to Call You

This Cover Letter Gets Startups to Call You

There is a nasty rumor going around that recruiters and hiring managers do not read cover letters. The truth is, many large companies use software to scan resumes for keywords and then forward those candidates deemed qualified to the HR team. In this case, your stunning cover letter would not help you get to the first round.

I get it, this is frustrating because job seekers spend a lot of time applying without much signal or feedback throughout the process. Which leads to LinkedIn posts like this that encourage job seekers to stop writing cover letters all together:

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But for us little guys—the companies who hire dozens instead of hundreds; the start ups looking to change the world with team members who are equal parts talented and passionate; the tribes where each new person immediately sends ripples through the culture—we read every cover letter, and make our interview decisions based on them.

Cover letters are a chance to fill in the "why" behind the resume, especially if the industry, type of company, or role you are applying for isn't consistent with previous experience . It answers the question: Why the choice to move from the Entertainment to Tech industry? Why go from a massive company to a start up? Why apply for a Marketing position when your previous role was in Sales? Answers to these questions reveal that one is being very deliberate about their career path.  The cover letter should show that you match what the company is looking for, and the company matches what you want in an employer.

The other important "why" in the cover letter is "why this company"? It is a huge bonus in the cover letter if there is any mention of geeking out on our technology, cultural tenets, or our mission. These candidates are the ones who understand, at least on a basic level, what we are building and why it is important, and are enthusiastic about it. This gives them an edge because our small start up runs on passion and thirst for knowledge—if you don't get excited about complex bleeding edge technology then you won't have nearly as much fun as everyone else.

So below are two cover letters to illustrate how a cover letter can be a total waste of everyone's time or instantly earn a call from a hiring manager. These are real cover letters submitted for the same role that I have edited to reveal no personal information.

1. The worst (and most common) cover letter

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find my resume for the position of Executive Assistant. I am experienced in office administration, have excellent problem solving and time management skills. Additionally, I am highly organized and have been successful working in both individual and group settings.

I strongly believe that my educational experience, strong work ethic, customer service experience, communication skills and eagerness to learn will enable me to make a positive contribution to Gem.

I sincerely thank you for taking the time to review my application. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


What's wrong with it?

  • It could be for most any job, any company, any industry.
  • It shows no personality, gives no context to experience, and does not distinguish this person as an individual.
  • It is awfully long for saying nothing of substance.

How would I fix this cover letter?

When in doubt, always do short and specific instead of long and vague.

My revised version:

Hi Gem Team,

I'm an administrative professional for a VP at a large technology company looking to make a big impact in an emerging tech start up. As you can see from my resume, I have held a wide variety roles, and I see this position at Gem as an opportunity for me to embrace my passion for being an assistant while flexing many other muscles by event planning, office management, culture building, and more!

Looking forward to chatting further,

Why was this version better?

  • The "why" they are applying is in the first sentence ( looking to make a bigger impact )
  • It turns a potential negative ( this person's resume is all over the place with different types of roles...rejected! ) into a positive ( this person has a ton of skills and interests, perfect for a start up environment...get them on the phone! ).
  • It references that the company they are applying for is a tech start up. This shows they are being deliberate about (or at least paying attention to) the companies they are applying to. This is a very low bar of expectation but many do not meet it! So many job seekers blast their resume out to dozens of companies without paying attention to where they are actually applying. Break out from the pack! Apply to fewer places and be more specific.
  • It shows a touch of eagerness and entrepreneurial spirit that start ups thrive off of.
  • It scrapped the formal, "Dear Sir/Madam" and "Sincerely" for a warmer, "Hi Gem Team" and "Looking forward to chatting further."
  • It's shorter.

2. The best (and rarest) cover letter

Hi Madeline,

This is the second time I have applied to Gem because I am determined to become a part of your team. While my resume might come across as left-of-center, I have whittled away at it to reveal the pointed yet diverse experiences that make me uniquely qualified to be your Executive Assistant at Gem.

Currently, I assist my Executive Director (ED) as the liaison for a roster of several hundred executive-level contacts, one-fifth of whom work for healthcare institutions you may be familiar with via GemOS, such as [Company Name], [Company Name], and [Company Name]. With my partnership management acumen, I have the balance of left- and right-brain sensibilities to make a professional, personable gatekeeper and liaison for your leadership on a day-to-day basis.

Given my entrepreneurial and curious nature, I am constantly researching start-up technologies and their success stories (and failures) to improve workplace efficiency. Recently I implemented a project management software to assist the production of a statewide symposium. Ultimately, my research and organization system leveraged additional time to help my ED sell out tickets and close $115K in funding for the event ahead of schedule.

Since the last time I applied, I am even more enthusiastic to find that not only is Gem bringing an elegant technology to the fore, you have translated its immense potential into the field of healthcare data management. I am inspired by the opportunity to support Gem in this arena, as well as supply chain management, and bridge my enterprising and administrative capacities with a personal passion for wellness.

What stood out about this letter?

  • They start out by showing great eagerness by announcing they have applied before. Without a cover letter, this candidate could appear that they are just constantly applying to EA roles, not taking note of which companies they are applying to. Instead, they show that they are deliberate and persistent—excellent!
  • They show interest and expertise for the healthcare industry—an industry we work closely with. This suggests they have specialized knowledge and will likely find our work compelling.
  • They reference improving workplace efficiency. This shows that they both take initiative to improve their workplace (right in line with our "Make it Happen" company value) and they seek out ways to learn and level up (in line with our "Seek Knowledge" value). Adding this paragraph shows that they understand the kind of person we are looking for.
  • The closing paragraph reiterates specific interest in the company and the role (instead of stating something dry and generic).

The above cover letter is long, which is not essential to making a good impression, but long is good if the relevance of the information is high. Each sentence added something new to the identity of the candidate, whereas in the first example nearly every sentence was a throw away.

There is no universal truth when it comes to cover letters—it's a messy, nuanced, subjective topic. But if I could give you a heuristic to operate by it's:

  • Write a cover letter if it is for a smaller company with a lower volume of hires. BUT...
  • Do not write a cover letter unless you have something specific to say about yourself and/or the company.

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