Kite Runner Research Paper Topics

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Delving into the rich tapestry of The Kite Runner research paper topics reveals a vast landscape of literary exploration based on Khaled Hosseini’s acclaimed novel. This piece offers students a comprehensive guide to understanding the intricacies of the narrative, its characters, and socio-political undertones. By harnessing the novel’s thematic depth, students can craft compelling research papers that resonate with readers while contributing to the broader academic discourse on this modern classic.

100 The Kite Runner Research Paper Topics

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini offers a poignant tale of friendship, betrayal, and redemption set against the turbulent backdrop of Afghanistan’s history. Its multifaceted narrative provides a wealth of topics for academic exploration. Here, we have compiled a comprehensive list of research paper topics, meticulously categorized into ten sections, ensuring a vast array of subjects to pique every student’s interest.

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1. Character Analysis:

  • Amir’s journey from cowardice to redemption: An in-depth character transformation.
  • Hassan’s unwavering loyalty: An analysis of his crucial role in the novel.
  • Baba’s complex moral code and its influence on Amir.
  • The tragic life of Sohrab: A reflection of lost innocence in war-torn Afghanistan.
  • Assef: The embodiment of societal evils and personal vendetta.
  • Rahim Khan’s role as a moral compass in Amir’s life.
  • The portrayal of Soraya: Breaking cultural taboos and finding redemption.
  • General Taheri: A symbol of Afghan pride and traditional values.
  • The contrast between Ali and Baba: Friendship beyond social hierarchy.
  • Farid’s representation of modern Afghanistan: A contrast to Amir’s nostalgia.

2. Themes and Motifs:

  • The intricate interplay of guilt and redemption in The Kite Runner .
  • Friendship and betrayal: An exploration of the central relationships.
  • The impact of socio-political upheaval on personal relationships.
  • The pervasive nature of racial and class distinctions in the novel.
  • Symbols of flight and freedom: The significance of kites.
  • The haunting impact of childhood traumas on adult life.
  • Love and sacrifice: A recurrent theme in Hosseini’s narrative.
  • The search for identity in a diasporic community.
  • The cyclical nature of history and its influence on characters.
  • The theme of fatherhood and paternal influences.

3. Historical and Political Context:

  • The role of The Kite Runner in portraying the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
  • The depiction of the Taliban regime and its societal impacts.
  • Afghanistan’s tumultuous history as the backdrop of the narrative.
  • The Afghan diaspora: Migration patterns and their influence on characters.
  • The changing landscape of Kabul: From a peaceful haven to a war zone.
  • Cultural and historical references in The Kite Runner .
  • The representation of political unrest and its personal implications.
  • Afghanistan under the monarchy: A glimpse into a bygone era.
  • The political undertones of Amir’s return to Afghanistan.
  • The influence of Western powers on Afghanistan’s socio-political landscape.

4. Cultural and Social Exploration:

  • The portrayal of Afghan traditions and ceremonies.
  • Honor and pride in Afghan society: A dual-edged sword.
  • The role of religion in shaping societal values.
  • The constraints and expectations placed on Afghan women.
  • The cultural rift between Afghanistan and America.
  • The tradition of storytelling and its importance in the novel.
  • Social hierarchies and class distinctions in Afghan society.
  • The impact of societal norms on individual choices.
  • Marriage and familial expectations in the Afghan context.
  • The evolution of Afghan culture in the diaspora.

5. Symbolism and Literary Devices:

  • The use of kites as a symbol of freedom, childhood, and betrayal.
  • The significance of the pomegranate tree in Amir and Hassan’s relationship.
  • The motif of the cleft lip: From Hassan to Sohrab.
  • The cyclical narrative structure of The Kite Runner .
  • The importance of letters and written communication in the story.
  • The lamb’s symbolism: Sacrifice and salvation.
  • The recurring motif of physical and emotional scars.
  • The symbolism of the photograph in connecting past and present.
  • The role of mirrors and reflections in character introspection.
  • The juxtaposition of the winter landscape with the narrative’s darker elements.

6. Narrative Structure and Writing Style:

  • The first-person narrative: Advantages and limitations.
  • Hosseini’s prose: A blend of lyrical and poignant.
  • The use of flashbacks in unraveling the narrative.
  • The significance of the non-linear narrative in understanding characters.
  • The role of juxtaposition in highlighting societal contrasts.
  • The impact of cultural idioms and proverbs in the novel.
  • Hosseini’s narrative techniques in building suspense.
  • The significance of the prologue in setting the novel’s tone.
  • The interplay of drama and introspection in Hosseini’s style.
  • The use of cultural narratives in enhancing the main plot.

7. Critical Reception and Adaptations:

  • The Kite Runner in the context of post-9/11 literature.
  • Critical responses to the portrayal of Afghan history.
  • The novel’s impact on Western perceptions of Afghanistan.
  • The challenges and successes of adapting The Kite Runner for the silver screen.
  • Comparing the novel with its cinematic adaptation.
  • The Kite Runner in academic discourse: Popular research angles.
  • The novel’s contribution to modern classic literature.
  • Reader reception: The novel’s universal appeal.
  • The Kite Runner ‘s significance in contemporary book clubs and reading circles.
  • The novel’s portrayal in media and journalistic reviews.

8. Personal Relationships and Emotions:

  • The complexities of Amir and Hassan’s friendship.
  • Baba’s dual role as a father and a friend.
  • The portrayal of love in Amir and Soraya’s relationship.
  • The impact of guilt on personal growth and redemption.
  • Friendship beyond societal boundaries: A recurrent theme.
  • The emotional trauma of betrayal and its long-term consequences.
  • The representation of father-son dynamics in the novel.
  • The complexities of Rahim Khan’s relationship with Amir.
  • The emotional and physical journey of Sohrab.
  • The intricacies of love, loyalty, and sacrifice in personal relationships.

9. Gender Roles and Feminism:

  • The portrayal of women in Afghan society.
  • Soraya’s character: Breaking stereotypes and traditional boundaries.
  • The silent sufferings of Hassan’s mother.
  • The evolution of gender roles in the Afghan diaspora.
  • The juxtaposition of strong female characters in a patriarchal society.
  • The constraints of tradition and honor on women’s lives.
  • The depiction of motherhood: Absence and influence.
  • The role of women in preserving cultural and familial ties.
  • The impact of societal norms on women’s choices and freedoms.
  • Feminist readings of The Kite Runner .

10. Moral Dilemmas and Ethical Questions:

  • The moral implications of Amir’s betrayal.
  • Baba’s theft paradox: A reflection of his personal choices.
  • The ethical challenges faced by characters in war-torn Afghanistan.
  • The fine line between redemption and atonement.
  • The morality of silence: Complicity vs. protection.
  • The ethics of return: Amir’s journey back to Afghanistan.
  • The challenge of doing the right thing in a complex moral landscape.
  • The moral weight of familial expectations and responsibilities.
  • The implications of Hassan’s unwavering loyalty.
  • Ethical reflections on the novel’s conclusion and Amir’s final choices.

In conclusion, The Kite Runner  presents a plethora of topics for scholarly exploration, ranging from intricate character analyses to broader thematic studies. This comprehensive list offers students diverse avenues to embark on a captivating literary journey, enabling them to craft research papers that are both insightful and compelling.

Understanding The Kite Runner

And the myriad research topics it offers.

Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner is more than just a novel; it’s a deep dive into the psyche of its characters and the socio-political landscape of Afghanistan. For students and researchers, the novel unfolds as a treasure trove, presenting a myriad of research avenues that encompass diverse fields of literature, history, and sociology.

First and foremost, when discussing The Kite Runner , research paper topics often gravitate towards the intricate web of relationships in the narrative. The story showcases not only the tumultuous relationship between Amir and Hassan but also delves deep into the complex father-son dynamics of Baba and Amir. The socio-political turmoil in Afghanistan acts as a silent yet potent character in the story, influencing these relationships at every turn. Thus, the novel provides an interesting intersection of personal choices against the backdrop of larger historical events.

One of the strengths of The Kite Runner is its vivid portrayal of Afghanistan – both before and after the rise of the Taliban. Through Hosseini’s narrative, researchers have the opportunity to explore Afghanistan’s rich cultural tapestry, marred by political upheaval. This rich historical and cultural narrative makes The Kite Runner research paper topics diverse, ranging from the socio-political dynamics of pre-Taliban Afghanistan to the diaspora experience in the West.

Another dominant theme that underpins The Kite Runner is the concept of guilt, redemption, and atonement. Amir’s quest for redemption is a motif that resonates deeply with many readers, making it a fertile area for exploration. Analyzing the psychological complexities of the protagonist can give birth to an array of The Kite Runner research paper topics focused on moral dilemmas, personal growth, and the human capacity for forgiveness.

Moreover, Hosseini’s choice of setting and narrative structure opens up avenues for literary analysis. The juxtaposition of Kabul’s changing landscape, from a paradise of Amir’s childhood to a Taliban-ruled war zone, offers a dynamic setting for evaluating elements like symbolism, motifs, and allegorical references. Additionally, the non-linear narrative technique used by Hosseini, where the past and the present intertwine, offers another layer for analysis, making The Kite Runner research paper topics varied and multidimensional.

For those inclined towards gender studies, the novel presents a nuanced portrayal of women, offering a peek into their lives, struggles, and resilience in a predominantly patriarchal society. The characters of Soraya and Hassan’s mother, among others, provide a lens to view the changing dynamics of gender roles both within Afghanistan and in the diaspora.

In conclusion, The Kite Runner is not just a tale of friendship, betrayal, and redemption. It is a narrative rich in detail, cultural nuances, and historical insights. The multifaceted nature of the story offers a plethora of The Kite Runner research paper topics for students and scholars alike. Whether one is interested in character analysis, historical context, cultural insights, or literary devices, the novel provides a profound base from which to launch an in-depth academic exploration.

How to Choose Kite Runner Research Paper Topics

Selecting a research topic, especially for a literary masterpiece such as The Kite Runner , can be both exciting and daunting. Given the depth and richness of the narrative, students often find themselves overwhelmed by the myriad of possibilities. If you’re in this situation, you’re not alone. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you streamline your thought process and select the perfect Kite Runner research paper topic.

  • Personal Connection: Start with what resonates with you. Was there a particular theme, character, or event in the novel that you felt deeply connected with? Personal interest can be a strong motivator, driving more authentic engagement with your research.
  • Historical & Cultural Context: If history or cultural studies fascinate you, consider diving deep into Afghanistan’s socio-political scenario during the timeline of the novel. Understanding the changing political landscapes and how they affected everyday life can provide a unique lens for your research.
  • Literary Devices: Khaled Hosseini’s storytelling is layered with symbolism, foreshadowing, and other literary techniques. If you have a penchant for literary analysis, dissecting these elements can be a rewarding research avenue.
  • Character Analysis: Delve into the psyche of a character. For instance, the protagonist Amir’s journey from guilt to redemption, or Hassan’s unwavering loyalty amidst adversity, can offer profound insights into human behavior.
  • Comparative Studies: Compare and contrast themes or characters within the novel or juxtapose them with those from other works. This approach can provide a fresh perspective on familiar narratives.
  • Societal Themes: The Kite Runner touches on heavy societal issues – from racial discrimination to the status of women in Afghan society. These themes are ripe for exploration, especially for those interested in sociology.
  • Narrative Structure: The non-linear timeline and the first-person narrative style Hosseini employs are distinctive. Analyzing how these elements enhance the storytelling can be a unique topic in itself.
  • Relevance to Contemporary Issues: While The Kite Runner is set against a particular historical backdrop, many of its themes are timeless and universal. How do they relate to current global issues or societal dynamics?
  • Feedback Loop: Discuss your shortlisted topics with peers, professors, or mentors. Their insights might offer a fresh perspective or help refine your chosen topic.
  • Scope for Analysis: Ensure your topic isn’t too broad that it becomes unmanageable or too narrow that there’s limited material to explore. A well-defined, focused research question will be the backbone of your paper.

Choosing the right topic for your Kite Runner research paper is the first crucial step in the research process. While the options are many, it’s essential to pick a topic that not only resonates with you but also offers ample scope for in-depth analysis. Remember, a well-chosen topic can make the research journey both enlightening and enjoyable. Happy researching!

How to Write a Kite Runner Research Paper

Crafting a research paper on Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner is no ordinary task. The novel’s profound themes, intricate character relationships, and compelling narrative require a meticulous approach. If you’re gearing up to dive into this endeavor, here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure you produce an exceptional paper.

  • Preliminary Reading & Notes: Before anything else, immerse yourself in the text. Make notes of crucial events, character developments, and your personal reactions. This immersive reading will give you a holistic view of the narrative and form the foundation for your research.
  • Thesis Statement: Centralize your research around a strong thesis statement. This single sentence will guide the direction of your research, ensuring all your arguments align with this central idea. Remember, a precise and strong thesis statement can make or break your paper.
  • Outline Creation: Before delving into writing, draft an outline. This will serve as your paper’s skeleton, ensuring a logical flow of ideas. Decide on the key points you want to discuss, supporting arguments for each, and the evidence you’ll provide.
  • Extensive Research: While The Kite Runner is a fictional novel, it touches on real historical, cultural, and societal issues. Supplement your paper with external sources – be it historical records, academic papers on Afghan culture, or expert analyses of the novel.
  • Character Analysis: The characters in the novel are multidimensional. Understand their motivations, relationships, and development throughout the story. Highlighting these nuances will add depth to your paper.
  • Literary Analysis: Dive deep into the literary devices employed by Hosseini – symbolism, allegory, and narrative techniques. Discussing these elements will not only display your understanding of the text but also elevate your paper’s quality.
  • Discussion of Themes: Address the key themes of the novel – redemption, loyalty, betrayal, and societal pressures, to name a few. Explore how these themes evolve, intertwine, and drive the narrative forward.
  • Drafting & Redrafting: Your first draft is unlikely to be perfect. Once completed, take a step back, and return to it with fresh eyes. Refine your arguments, improve coherence, and ensure your thesis statement remains central throughout.
  • Citations & Formatting: Ensure you consistently follow the required citation style, be it APA, MLA, or any other format. Proper citations not only give credit but also enhance the paper’s credibility.
  • Conclude with Impact: Your conclusion should not merely be a summary. Instead, offer insights, address the broader implications of your research, and possibly pose further questions or areas for exploration.

Writing a research paper on The Kite Runner is a journey in itself. It’s an opportunity to delve deep into a masterpiece and offer your unique perspective. Remember, while the guidelines and recommendations can steer your approach, your personal touch, interpretation, and passion will truly bring the paper to life. Stay dedicated, and may your research journey be as captivating as Hosseini’s storytelling.

iResearchNet’s Custom Writing Services

For kite runner research papers.

When it comes to producing unparalleled research papers on Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner , iResearchNet has established its prowess and dominance in the academic writing arena. Here’s a comprehensive look at why iResearchNet is your ultimate choice for creating impeccable Kite Runner research papers:

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers: Our team is not just a random assembly of writers; it’s a meticulously curated group of professionals who hold advanced degrees in literature. Their deep-rooted knowledge of literary techniques, themes, and character analyses ensures your paper transcends the ordinary.
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  • In-Depth Research: The Kite Runner is a novel steeped in historical, cultural, and societal nuances. Our writers ensure every paper is complemented with in-depth research, integrating the complexities of the narrative with real-world contexts.
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  • Customized Solutions: Whether you’re focusing on a character analysis, thematic exploration, or a cultural study related to the novel, our solutions are tailored to resonate with your chosen path.
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Crafting a research paper on The Kite Runner demands depth, passion, and precision. iResearchNet, with its unmatched expertise and commitment, ensures your journey through Hosseini’s intricate narrative is both enlightening and academically rewarding. Choose us, and embark on a literary exploration that’s as profound as it is academically stellar.

Unlock the World of The Kite Runner with iResearchNet

Stepping into the rich tapestry of The Kite Runner is an expedition into deep-rooted cultural narratives, heart-wrenching emotional journeys, and layers of historical context. But to truly appreciate the depth and breadth of Khaled Hosseini’s masterpiece requires more than a cursory reading; it demands profound exploration, detailed analysis, and a delicate balance between academic rigor and literary appreciation. This is where iResearchNet comes into the picture.

With our unparalleled expertise in literature-based academic writing, we provide students with a unique opportunity. An opportunity to delve deep, to ask critical questions, and to present analyses that not only score academically but also resonate with the very essence of the novel. The winding streets of Kabul, the intense bond of friendship and betrayal between Amir and Hassan, the palpable weight of redemption – all of it deserves more than just a mention. It warrants in-depth exploration, and we’re here to guide you through it.

Don’t let the daunting task of researching, analyzing, and drafting deter you from unearthing the literary treasures hidden within The Kite Runner . With iResearchNet by your side, you’re not alone in this academic journey. You’re backed by the best in the field – individuals who share your passion for literature and understand the nuances of academic writing.

But why choose iResearchNet? It’s simple. We don’t just provide a service; we partner with you. We embark on the literary journey alongside you, ensuring every turn, every analysis, every assertion is rooted in authenticity, depth, and scholarly rigor. Our commitment to excellence is unwavering, and our track record speaks for itself.

So, as you stand at the crossroads of academic expectation and literary exploration, remember that with iResearchNet, you’re choosing a path of excellence, a journey that not only meets academic benchmarks but also enriches your understanding of one of contemporary literature’s most poignant narratives.

Take the leap. Let iResearchNet be your guide in the intricate world of The Kite Runner .


the kite runner research paper

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Please note you do not have access to teaching notes, afghanistan and multiculturalism in khaled hosseini's novels: study of place and diversity.

Multicultural Education & Technology Journal

ISSN : 1750-497X

Article publication date: 12 June 2009

The purpose of this paper is to frame Khaled Hosseini's novels, The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns , as literature to expand and enhance the American secondary curriculum with multicultural themes based on Afghanistan as a geographical and cultural place in a dynamic, diverse, and complex world more mediated than ever before by computer technologies.


The methodological approach to the study is a synthesis of geographic education grounded in the concept of place and diversity pedagogy.

Khaled Hosseini's web site has become the cyber place where hundreds of readers from around the world come to express their deep emotional reactions to The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns . At the same time, that so many diverse international readers are responding favorably to Hosseini's novels, his works are being censored in classrooms in the USA. The research outlines geographical and cultural geographic features of Afghanistan – a place torn by military efforts of several nations. In the context of diversity pedagogy, the power of the novels portrays “difference,” yet humanity in need of understanding. Further attention is given to the censorship of ideas in American education, with Hosseini's books as one example.


This paper frames Hosseini's novels as place‐based literature illustrating the homeland of Afghanistan now more accessible than ever before to international and US classrooms.

  • Multicultural societies
  • Cultural studies
  • Afghanistan

Agnello, M.F. , Todd, R.H. , Olaniran, B. and Lucey, T.A. (2009), "Afghanistan and multiculturalism in Khaled Hosseini's novels: study of place and diversity", Multicultural Education & Technology Journal , Vol. 3 No. 2, pp. 96-111.

Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2009, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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Further Research

Guilt and redemption in  the kite runner, learn more about:   superego guilt, redemption and atonement in khaled hosseini’s  the kite runner. .

In this paper, Hesham Khadawardi explores how themes of guilt and redemption are interwoven and the two most prominent themes throughout The Kite Runner . Throughout his paper, Khadawardi focuses on how Hosseini uses the protagonist, Amir, as a way to conceptualize how redemption only comes as a subsequent response to an “ominous offence” because the actor feels some kind of remorse. Khadawardi examines Amir’s characterization and character as a clear manifestation of both guilt and redemption. He attempts to answer questions, like: In what ways are guilt and redemption manifested? To what extent do interventions by the guilt address the issue of guilt? What is the role of betrayal as harbinger of guilt and redemption?

Khadawardi, Hesham. “Superego Guilt, Redemption and Atonement in Khaled Hosseini’s the Kite Runner.” International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education 4, no. 2 (2017). doi:10.20431/2349-0381.0402009.

Learn more about:   the kite runner as an allegory of global ethics ..

In this article, Jefferess critically examines the recurring concept/ideology in  The Kite Runner  on ethics that, “there is a way to be good again,” in relation to contemporary conceptions of humanitarianism. As Jefferess explains in detail,  The Kite Runner is allegorical in the sense that the narrative begs for answers to moral questions regarding responsibility and intervention, and it reflects, or at least is translatable to, contemporary ethical discourses of humanitarianism and globalized identities. Jefferess also goes into depth about human’s moral obligation to be good, and backs up his argument by dissecting Rahim Khan’s reminder to Amir that there is a way “to be good again,” and how Amir’s mission in the novel to be good again is an individual dilemma that the universal reader can identify with. As a political allegory, Jefferess examines how race, nation, and/or religion can be transcended through the distinction of the individual as being “good.” He argues that “ The Kite Runner reflects a shift from the supremacy of race and nation as primary markers of political community and identity to the idea of the ‘modern’ as the framework for determining the ‘human.'”

Jefferess, David (2009) ‘To be good (again): The Kite Runner as allegory of global ethics’, Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 45: 4, 389-400,  DOI: 10.1080/17449850903273572 .

Afghan ethnic tensions, learn more about:   the hazaras of afghanistan ..

Throughout Mousavi’s book, he offers historical insight on the Hazara ethnic group in Afghanistan and the discrimination they have faced and still face today. He explores the complexities of Afghan society and the different ways in which Afghanistan is considered a nation suffering from a crisis of social identity. He identifies and analyzes the crisis of social identity in Afghanistan, specifically for ethnic Hazaras, by going into detail about the cultures and beliefs of Hazaras, including religion, language, and art, and then explaining the socio-economic relations with other ethnic groups. Moreover, Mousavi illustrates the socio-political change in Hazara society by talking about the Hazara uprisings in the nineteenth century and the consequences of the uprisings’ failure, as well as Hazaras in contemporary Afghanistan and various Hazara resistance movements.

Mousavi, Sayed Askar. The Hazaras of Afghanistan: an Historical, Cultural, Economic and Political Study . Curzon, 1998.

Learn more about:  representation of afghan history and conflict in khaled hosseini’s the kite runner ..

In this essay, Kumar explores how  The Kite Runner is a good representation of Afghan history, as it covers the period from 1979 Soviet Invasion until the reconstruction and rebuilding of Afghanistan following the fall of the Taliban. It is an attempt to track the history of conflict in Afghanistan by reflecting key historical events that shaped the history of Afghanistan and referencing The Kite Runner to depict how the country had been ravaged by violence and ethnic tension. He argues that Hosseini portrays Afghans as independent, brave people who have defended the country from several invasions over the last century. Moreover, Kumal reveals how Amir’s encounter with the Taliban in order to help Hassan illustrates the suffering that Afghan people had to undergo during the reign of the Taliban. Kumal’s main argument is that  The Kite Runner  reveals the bloody processes and ethnic tensions by which historical changes in Afghanistan have come about.

KUMAR, Hilal Ahmad. Representation of Afghan History and Conflict in Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner. IJELLH (International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities) , [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 10, feb. 2019. ISSN 2321-7065. Available at: < >. Date accessed: 23 may 2019.

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Danny Burke ’19

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    The novel The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini shows how the main character Amir reflects a sense of self through the views of the other characters. At some point in the story, Amir's self-conceptualization changes radically. Thus, the paper wants to make a psychological interpretation of how emotional traumas affect the self-perception, moral-development, and planned behavior of the main ...

  7. PDF An Analysis of Conflict and Trauma in The Kite Runner

    analyse the conflict and the trauma that the characters represent that the paper focuses on, it is important to briefly understand its plot. II. NARRATIVE Amir, a Pashtun kid, and Hassan, a Hazara who is the son of Ali, the family's servant, spend their days kite fighting in Kabul in the 1970s in The Kite Runner.

  8. The Kite Runner: A New Historicist Reading

    Abstract. Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner, even a decade after its publication, continues to remain a hit among readers worldwide. While the novel has been looked at from different theoretical prisms, the objective of this paper is to read the text from the New Historicism angle.

  9. PDF Familial Relationship in Khaled Hosseini's The

    Kite Runner U. Jaya. M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil Research Scholar, Bharathiyar Arts and Science College(W), Deviyakurichi. Abstract Khaled Hosseini's novel The Kite Runner reveal around the family relationship between a father and a son who helps to prepare a boy to understand right from the wrong. Khaled Hosseini in, The Kite

  10. PDF Superego Guilt, Redemption and Atonement in Khaled Hosseini's the Kite

    The Kite Runner, The Oshwald Review: An International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Criticism in the Discipline of English, Vol. 13, No.1; Niraja Saraswat ... present paper is concerned with The Kite Runner. The novel is mainly about atonement and redemption. The story starts with a sin committed by the father against Ali (Hassan's ...

  11. Analysis on the Symbolism of Modern English Long Novels—Taking The Kite

    Khaled Hosseini,born in Afghanistan, is the author of The Kite Runner. It tells the story of the main character Amir,who suffered from the difficulties and sufferings to get relieved from his sins through his life. The kite has a symbolic significance for understanding the human's growth in this literary work, working as a consistent image and binging a close to the novel.The application of ...

  12. Kite Runner Research Paper Topics

    This rich historical and cultural narrative makes The Kite Runner research paper topics diverse, ranging from the socio-political dynamics of pre-Taliban Afghanistan to the diaspora experience in the West. Another dominant theme that underpins The Kite Runner is the concept of guilt, redemption, and atonement. Amir's quest for redemption is a ...

  13. Afghanistan and multiculturalism in Khaled Hosseini's novels: study of

    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to frame Khaled Hosseini's novels, The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns, as literature to expand and enhance the American secondary curriculum with multicultural themes based on Afghanistan as a geographical and cultural place in a dynamic, diverse, and complex world more mediated than ever before by computer technologies.

  14. Further Research

    Guilt and Redemption in The Kite Runner Learn more about: Superego Guilt, Redemption and Atonement in Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner. In this paper, Hesham Khadawardi explores how themes of guilt and redemption are interwoven and the two most prominent themes throughout The Kite Runner.Throughout his paper, Khadawardi focuses on how Hosseini uses the protagonist, Amir, as a way to ...

  15. PDF Comparative Analysis of the Kite Runner: Novel and Film Adaptation

    International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 SJIF (2022): 7.942 . Volume 13 Issue 1, January 2024 . Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal . 6. Structuralism in the Kite Runner . The main principle of Structuralism is the death of the author, the Kite Runner — — The Kite ...

  16. PDF Thematic Concerns in Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner

    Kite Runner Dr. Anupam Soni Dept. Of English ... an aspect of competition of cutting down opponent's kite with glazed and glass strings tied to a paper of piece. Before the entry of the Taliban, kite flying was a part of national games. ... JETIR2004623 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) 915 Islamic ...

  17. The Kite Runner Research Papers

    The Unresolved Ethnic Conflict in Khaled Hosseini's the Kite Runner. The tragic state of an ethnic minority group in Afghanistan is the primary subject in Khaled Hosseini's novel The Kite Runner. The Hazaras' violent and humiliating suppression takes place in the two narrative levels in Hosseini's novel—in... more. Download.

  18. Literature review on Khaled Hosseini's "The Kite Runner" and 'A

    This article intends to depict the fellowship reality in The Kite Runner, a novel by Khaled Hosseini. The truth of the nearby emotions as sibling covers the subject of the story in three viewpoints, I. E. (an) a connection design between a sibling and his progression sibling, and (b) the tight bound between an uncle and his progression nephew. Furthermore, there is finding that the social ...