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Scope of the Research – Writing Guide and Examples

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Scope of the Research

Scope of the Research

Scope of research refers to the range of topics, areas, and subjects that a research project intends to cover. It is the extent and limitations of the study, defining what is included and excluded in the research.

The scope of a research project depends on various factors, such as the research questions , objectives , methodology, and available resources. It is essential to define the scope of the research project clearly to avoid confusion and ensure that the study addresses the intended research questions.

How to Write Scope of the Research

Writing the scope of the research involves identifying the specific boundaries and limitations of the study. Here are some steps you can follow to write a clear and concise scope of the research:

  • Identify the research question: Start by identifying the specific question that you want to answer through your research . This will help you focus your research and define the scope more clearly.
  • Define the objectives: Once you have identified the research question, define the objectives of your study. What specific goals do you want to achieve through your research?
  • Determine the population and sample: Identify the population or group of people that you will be studying, as well as the sample size and selection criteria. This will help you narrow down the scope of your research and ensure that your findings are applicable to the intended audience.
  • Identify the variables: Determine the variables that will be measured or analyzed in your research. This could include demographic variables, independent variables , dependent variables , or any other relevant factors.
  • Define the timeframe: Determine the timeframe for your study, including the start and end date, as well as any specific time intervals that will be measured.
  • Determine the geographical scope: If your research is location-specific, define the geographical scope of your study. This could include specific regions, cities, or neighborhoods that you will be focusing on.
  • Outline the limitations: Finally, outline any limitations or constraints of your research, such as time, resources, or access to data. This will help readers understand the scope and applicability of your research findings.

Examples of the Scope of the Research

Some Examples of the Scope of the Research are as follows:

Title : “Investigating the impact of artificial intelligence on job automation in the IT industry”

Scope of Research:

This study aims to explore the impact of artificial intelligence on job automation in the IT industry. The research will involve a qualitative analysis of job postings, identifying tasks that can be automated using AI. The study will also assess the potential implications of job automation on the workforce, including job displacement, job creation, and changes in job requirements.

Title : “Developing a machine learning model for predicting cyberattacks on corporate networks”

This study will develop a machine learning model for predicting cyberattacks on corporate networks. The research will involve collecting and analyzing network traffic data, identifying patterns and trends that are indicative of cyberattacks. The study aims to build an accurate and reliable predictive model that can help organizations identify and prevent cyberattacks before they occur.

Title: “Assessing the usability of a mobile app for managing personal finances”

This study will assess the usability of a mobile app for managing personal finances. The research will involve conducting a usability test with a group of participants, evaluating the app’s ease of use, efficiency, and user satisfaction. The study aims to identify areas of the app that need improvement, and to provide recommendations for enhancing its usability and user experience.

Title : “Exploring the effects of mindfulness meditation on stress reduction among college students”

This study aims to investigate the impact of mindfulness meditation on reducing stress levels among college students. The research will involve a randomized controlled trial with two groups: a treatment group that receives mindfulness meditation training and a control group that receives no intervention. The study will examine changes in stress levels, as measured by self-report questionnaires, before and after the intervention.

Title: “Investigating the impact of social media on body image dissatisfaction among young adults”

This study will explore the relationship between social media use and body image dissatisfaction among young adults. The research will involve a cross-sectional survey of participants aged 18-25, assessing their social media use, body image perceptions, and self-esteem. The study aims to identify any correlations between social media use and body image dissatisfaction, and to determine if certain social media platforms or types of content are particularly harmful.

When to Write Scope of the Research

Here is a guide on When to Write the Scope of the Research:

  • Before starting your research project, it’s important to clearly define the scope of your study. This will help you stay focused on your research question and avoid getting sidetracked by irrelevant information.
  • The scope of the research should be determined by the research question or problem statement. It should outline what you intend to investigate and what you will not be investigating.
  • The scope should also take into consideration any limitations of the study, such as time, resources, or access to data. This will help you realistically plan and execute your research.
  • Writing the scope of the research early in the research process can also help you refine your research question and identify any gaps in the existing literature that your study can address.
  • It’s important to revisit the scope of the research throughout the research process to ensure that you stay on track and make any necessary adjustments.
  • The scope of the research should be clearly communicated in the research proposal or study protocol to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the research objectives and limitations.
  • The scope of the research should also be reflected in the research design, methods, and analysis plan. This will ensure that the research is conducted in a systematic and rigorous manner that is aligned with the research objectives.
  • The scope of the research should be written in a clear and concise manner, using language that is accessible to all stakeholders, including those who may not be familiar with the research topic or methodology.
  • When writing the scope of the research, it’s important to be transparent about any assumptions or biases that may influence the research findings. This will help ensure that the research is conducted in an ethical and responsible manner.
  • The scope of the research should be reviewed and approved by the research supervisor, committee members, or other relevant stakeholders. This will ensure that the research is feasible, relevant, and contributes to the field of study.
  • Finally, the scope of the research should be clearly stated in the research report or dissertation to provide context for the research findings and conclusions. This will help readers understand the significance of the research and its contribution to the field of study.

Purpose of Scope of the Research

Purposes of Scope of the Research are as follows:

  • Defines the boundaries and extent of the study.
  • Determines the specific objectives and research questions to be addressed.
  • Provides direction and focus for the research.
  • Helps to identify the relevant theories, concepts, and variables to be studied.
  • Enables the researcher to select the appropriate research methodology and techniques.
  • Allows for the allocation of resources (time, money, personnel) to the research.
  • Establishes the criteria for the selection of the sample and data collection methods.
  • Facilitates the interpretation and generalization of the results.
  • Ensures the ethical considerations and constraints are addressed.
  • Provides a framework for the presentation and dissemination of the research findings.

Advantages of Scope of the Research

Here are some advantages of having a well-defined scope of research:

  • Provides clarity and focus: Defining the scope of research helps to provide clarity and focus to the study. This ensures that the research stays on track and does not deviate from its intended purpose.
  • Helps to manage resources: Knowing the scope of research allows researchers to allocate resources effectively. This includes managing time, budget, and personnel required to conduct the study.
  • Improves the quality of research: A well-defined scope of research helps to ensure that the study is designed to achieve specific objectives. This helps to improve the quality of the research by reducing the likelihood of errors or bias.
  • Facilitates communication: A clear scope of research enables researchers to communicate the goals and objectives of the study to stakeholders, such as funding agencies or participants. This facilitates understanding and enhances cooperation.
  • Enables replication : A well-defined scope of research makes it easier to replicate the study in the future. This allows other researchers to validate the findings and build upon them, leading to the advancement of knowledge in the field.
  • Increases the relevance of research: Defining the scope of research helps to ensure that the study is relevant to the problem or issue being investigated. This increases the likelihood that the findings will be useful and applicable to real-world situations.
  • Reduces the risk of scope creep : Scope creep occurs when the research expands beyond the original scope, leading to an increase in the time, cost, and resources required to complete the study. A clear definition of the scope of research helps to reduce the risk of scope creep by establishing boundaries and limitations.
  • Enhances the credibility of research: A well-defined scope of research helps to enhance the credibility of the study by ensuring that it is designed to achieve specific objectives and answer specific research questions. This makes it easier for others to assess the validity and reliability of the study.
  • Provides a framework for decision-making : A clear scope of research provides a framework for decision-making throughout the research process. This includes decisions related to data collection, analysis, and interpretation.

Scope of the Research Vs Scope of the Project

Scope of ResearchScope of Project
A focused and specific implementation of a solutionFocused and specific implementation of a solution
Seeks to explore and discover new information and knowledgeAims to solve a problem or address a specific need
Can be theoretical or practical in natureGenerally practical, with tangible deliverables
May involve data collection, analysis, and interpretationInvolves planning, execution, and monitoring of tasks and activities
Usually conducted over a longer period of timeHas a defined timeline and milestones
May result in publications, reports, or academic degreesResults in a product, service, or outcome that meets the project objectives
Can have implications beyond the specific project or applicationHas a direct impact on the stakeholders and users involved in the project

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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Scope and Delimitations – Explained & Example


  • By DiscoverPhDs
  • October 2, 2020

Scope and Delimitation

What Is Scope and Delimitation in Research?

The scope and delimitations of a thesis, dissertation or research paper define the topic and boundaries of the research problem to be investigated.

The scope details how in-depth your study is to explore the research question and the parameters in which it will operate in relation to the population and timeframe.

The delimitations of a study are the factors and variables not to be included in the investigation. In other words, they are the boundaries the researcher sets in terms of study duration, population size and type of participants, etc.

Difference Between Delimitations and Limitations

Delimitations refer to the boundaries of the research study, based on the researcher’s decision of what to include and what to exclude. They narrow your study to make it more manageable and relevant to what you are trying to prove.

Limitations relate to the validity and reliability of the study. They are characteristics of the research design or methodology that are out of your control but influence your research findings. Because of this, they determine the internal and external validity of your study and are considered potential weaknesses.

In other words, limitations are what the researcher cannot do (elements outside of their control) and delimitations are what the researcher will not do (elements outside of the boundaries they have set). Both are important because they help to put the research findings into context, and although they explain how the study is limited, they increase the credibility and validity of a research project.

Guidelines on How to Write a Scope

A good scope statement will answer the following six questions:

Delimitation Scope for Thesis Statement

  • Why – the general aims and objectives (purpose) of the research.
  • What – the subject to be investigated, and the included variables.
  • Where – the location or setting of the study, i.e. where the data will be gathered and to which entity the data will belong.
  • When – the timeframe within which the data is to be collected.
  • Who – the subject matter of the study and the population from which they will be selected. This population needs to be large enough to be able to make generalisations.
  • How – how the research is to be conducted, including a description of the research design (e.g. whether it is experimental research, qualitative research or a case study), methodology, research tools and analysis techniques.

To make things as clear as possible, you should also state why specific variables were omitted from the research scope, and whether this was because it was a delimitation or a limitation. You should also explain why they could not be overcome with standard research methods backed up by scientific evidence.

How to Start Writing Your Study Scope

Use the below prompts as an effective way to start writing your scope:

  • This study is to focus on…
  • This study covers the…
  • This study aims to…

Guidelines on How to Write Delimitations

Since the delimitation parameters are within the researcher’s control, readers need to know why they were set, what alternative options were available, and why these alternatives were rejected. For example, if you are collecting data that can be derived from three different but similar experiments, the reader needs to understand how and why you decided to select the one you have.

Your reasons should always be linked back to your research question, as all delimitations should result from trying to make your study more relevant to your scope. Therefore, the scope and delimitations are usually considered together when writing a paper.

How to Start Writing Your Study Delimitations

Use the below prompts as an effective way to start writing your study delimitations:

  • This study does not cover…
  • This study is limited to…
  • The following has been excluded from this study…

Examples of Delimitation in Research

Examples of delimitations include:

  • research objectives,
  • research questions,
  • research variables,
  • target populations,
  • statistical analysis techniques .

Examples of Limitations in Research

Examples of limitations include:

  • Issues with sample and selection,
  • Insufficient sample size, population traits or specific participants for statistical significance,
  • Lack of previous research studies on the topic which has allowed for further analysis,
  • Limitations in the technology/instruments used to collect your data,
  • Limited financial resources and/or funding constraints.

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How to write the scope of the study?

The scope of the study refers to the elements that will be covered in a research project. It defines the boundaries of the research. The scope is always decided in the preliminary stages of a study. Deciding it in the later stages creates a lot of ambiguity regarding the research goals. The main purpose of the scope of the study is that explains the extent to which the research area will be explored and thus specifies the parameters that will be observed within the study. In other words, it enables the researcher to define what the study will cover and the elements that it will not. Defining the scope helps the researcher acquire a high level of research and writing capability.

Goals of establishing the scope of the study

The following steps can help the researcher to effectively define the goals of establishing a scope of the study.

Identification of the project or research needs

The first step is to identify the research needs. This helps them set a benchmark from the first step. Identification of the ‘what’ and ‘why’ enables the researcher to clearly set the research goals and objectives and the manner in which they will be performed.

Confirmation of the goals and objectives of the research

The goals and objectives defined in the project scope should be aligned with the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timeframe) guidelines, which are:

  • Specific- this involves a clear specification of what the researcher wants to achieve. It involves specifying what, why and how things will be done. This reduces the chances of ambiguities and any misunderstanding in the future.
  • Measurable- Goals should be measurable and dynamic so that constant feedback can be generated for improvement.
  • Achievable- Research goals should be achievable with the resources that are available.
  • Realistic- Goals should be easier to deliver so that complications that can hamper the quality of the research can be avoided. Other considerations to be kept in mind are the budget and timeline.  
  • Time frame- lastly, the researcher should estimate whether the set goals can be achieved within the given time frame or not.

Expectations and Acceptance

The researcher should take into account the expectations of the research and how well the findings of the researcher will be accepted by the reader. For instance, will the findings of your study help in policymaking or not?

Identification of the constraints

there are always certain roadblocks in conducting research, such as environmental conditions, technological inefficiency and lack of resources. Identifying these limitations and their possible solutions in advance help achieve goals better.

Identifying the necessary changes

After the preliminary goals are set, the researcher must carry out some part of the research so that necessary changes that lead to waste of time and resources at later stages are reduced. For example, while conducting an interview, if the researcher believes that the sample size decided is too large or too small according to the scope of the study, then the researcher can make the necessary changes in that order to avoid wastage of time and resources.

Guidelines for writing the scope of the study

The major things that the researcher should keep in mind while writing the scope of the study are as follows.

  • Time period: While writing the scope of the study the researcher should first mention or state categorically the time periods the study will cover. Generally, the researchers combine the scope of the study with the limitation of the study. These things are quite interwoven. The main difference between the two is that limitations further cover the points like monetary constraints or non-cooperation from the side of the target audience.
  • Geography: In addition to this another major point that the researcher should keep in mind is that the scope of the study should state the specific aspect of the data that needs to be collected like the geographic locations and the variables.
  • Research population: Another major aspect that should be involved while writing the scope of the study is the sample size or the population that the researcher has selected for the study. The sampling plan must clearly indicate the sample universe, target population, profile and sample size with justification.
  • Theories: The researcher should state the academic theories that are being applied to the data collected so that the reader better knows the lens of the analysis. This is presented in the ‘theoretical framework’ section.
  • Purpose: The scope of the study must indicate the purpose behind it. It must briefly define the larger picture, i.e. the overall goal the researcher is trying to achieve.  
  • Limitations: It is impossible to avoid roadblocks in research. Every research is restricted in scope and is subjected to certain limitations. By acknowledging these limitations and how they are restricting the study makes its findings even more credible.

Elements of the scope of the study

Consider the topic ‘Analysis of the role of social media on the educational development in India from 2000-2015’. The scope of the study for this research topic should include several roles within the mentioned time period. Further, it should also cover the mass media types that have been used in the analysis of the study also including the location and the sample size as well.

Scope of the study

With the increase in the number of social media users and its use in everyday communication at the individual and organizational levels, there has been a corresponding increase in its incorporation in educational development and especially in a country like India. In view of this situation, the present study analyzes the role of social media on the educational development of students. To this end, the study will also cover the changes in the usage of social media in the educational field over the time period ranging from 2000-2015. The scope of the study is restricted to select social media platforms, specifically Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The empirical study in this research is restricted to five universities located across India, wherein the opinions of 30 teachers were studied in interview sessions. Further, the study also involves an analysis of students’ perspectives on the role of social media in education from the same university. Therefore the scope of this study is limited to India, and more specifically to those offering Arts and Science-related courses.

  • Priya Chetty

Priya is the co-founder and Managing Partner of Project Guru, a research and analytics firm based in Gurgaon. She is responsible for the human resource planning and operations functions. Her expertise in analytics has been used in a number of service-based industries like education and financial services.

Her foundational educational is from St. Xaviers High School (Mumbai). She also holds MBA degree in Marketing and Finance from the Indian Institute of Planning and Management, Delhi (2008).

Some of the notable projects she has worked on include:

  • Using systems thinking to improve sustainability in operations: A study carried out in Malaysia in partnership with Universiti Kuala Lumpur.
  • Assessing customer satisfaction with in-house doctors of Jiva Ayurveda (a project executed for the company)
  • Predicting the potential impact of green hydrogen microgirds (A project executed for the Government of South Africa)

She is a key contributor to the in-house research platform Knowledge Tank.

She currently holds over 300 citations  from her contributions to the platform.

She has also been a guest speaker at various institutes such as JIMS (Delhi), BPIT (Delhi), and SVU (Tirupati).

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How To Write Scope and Delimitation of a Research Paper (With Examples)

How To Write Scope and Delimitation of a Research Paper (With Examples)

An effective research paper or thesis has a well-written Scope and Delimitation.  This portion specifies your study’s coverage and boundaries.

Not yet sure about how to write your research’s Scope and Delimitation? Fret not, as we’ll guide you through the entire writing process through this article.

Related: How To Write Significance of the Study (With Examples)

Table of Contents

What is the scope and delimitation of a research paper.

how to write scope and delimitation 1

The “Scope and Delimitation” section states the concepts and variables your study covered. It tells readers which things you have included and excluded in your analysis.

This portion tells two things: 1

  • The study’s “Scope” – concepts and variables you have explored in your research and;
  • The study’s “Delimitation” – the “boundaries” of your study’s scope. It sets apart the things included in your analysis from those excluded.

For example, your scope might be the effectiveness of plant leaves in lowering blood sugar levels. You can “delimit” your study only to the effect of gabi leaves on the blood glucose of Swiss mice.

Where Should I Put the Scope and Delimitation?

This portion is in Chapter 1, usually after the “Background of the Study.”

Why Should I Write the Scope and Delimitation of My Research Paper?

There’s a lot to discover in a research paper or thesis. However, your resources and time dedicated to it are scarce. Thus, given these constraints, you have to narrow down your study. You do this in the Scope and Delimitation.

Suppose you’re studying the correlation between the quantity of organic fertilizer and plant growth . Experimenting with several types of plants is impossible because of several limitations. So, you’ve decided to use one plant type only. 

Informing your readers about this decision is a must. So, you have to state it in your Scope and Delimitation. It also acts as a “disclaimer” that your results are inapplicable to the entire plant kingdom.

What Is the Difference Between Delimitation and Limitation?

how to write scope and delimitation 2

People often use the terms “Delimitation” and “Limitation” interchangeably. However, these words differ 2 .

Delimitation refers to factors you set to limit your analysis. It delineates those that are included in your research and those that are excluded. Remember, delimitations are within your control. 

Meanwhile, limitations are factors beyond your control that may affect your research’s results.  You can think of limitations as the “weaknesses” of your study. 

Let’s go back to our previous example. Due to some constraints, you’ve only decided to examine one plant type: dandelions. This is an example of a delimitation since it limits your analysis to dandelions only and not other plant types. Note that the number of plant types used is within your control. 

Meanwhile, your study cannot state that a higher quantity of organic fertilizer is the sole reason for plant growth. That’s because your research’s focus is only on correlation. Since this is already beyond your control, then this is a limitation. 

How To Write Scope and Delimitation: Step-by-Step Guide

To write your research’s Scope and Delimitation section, follow these steps:

1. Review Your Study’s Objectives and Problem Statement

how to write scope and delimitation 3

Your study’s coverage relies on its objectives. Thus, you can only write this section if you know what you’re researching. Furthermore, ensure that you understand the problems you ought to answer. 

Once you understand the abovementioned things, you may start writing your study’s Scope and Delimitation.

2. State the Key Information To Explain Your Study’s Coverage and Boundaries

how to write scope and delimitation 4

a. The Main Objective of the Research

This refers to the concept that you’re focusing on in your research. Some examples are the following:

  • level of awareness or satisfaction of a particular group of people
  • correlation between two variables
  • effectiveness of a new product
  • comparison between two methods/approaches
  • lived experiences of several individuals

It’s helpful to consult your study’s Objectives or Statement of the Problem section to determine your research’s primary goal.

b. Independent and Dependent Variables Included

Your study’s independent variable is the variable that you manipulate. Meanwhile, the dependent variable is the variable whose result depends upon the independent variable. Both of these variables must be clear and specific when indicated. 

Suppose you study the relationship between social media usage and students’ language skills. These are the possible variables for the study:

  • Independent Variable: Number of hours per day spent on using Facebook
  • Dependent Variable: Grade 10 students’ scores in Quarterly Examination in English. 

Note how specific the variables stated above are. For the independent variable, we narrow it down to Facebook only. Since there are many ways to assess “language skills,” we zero in on the students’ English exam scores as our dependent variable. 

c. Subject of the Study

This refers to your study’s respondents or participants. 

In our previous example, the research participants are Grade 10 students. However, there are a lot of Grade 10 students in the Philippines. Thus, we have to select from a specific school only—for instance, Grade 10 students from a national high school in Manila. 

d. Timeframe and Location of the Study

Specify the month(s), quarter(s), or year(s) as the duration of your study. Also, indicate where you will gather the data required for your research. 

e. Brief Description of the Study’s Research Design and Methodology

You may also include whether your research is quantitative or qualitative, the sampling method (cluster, stratified, purposive) applied, and how you conducted the experiment.

Using our previous example, the Grade 10 students can be selected using stratified sampling. Afterward, the researchers may obtain their English quarterly exam scores from their respective teachers. You can add these things to your study’s Scope and Delimitation. 

3. Indicate Which Variables or Factors Are Not Covered by Your Research

how to write scope and delimitation 5

Although you’ve already set your study’s coverage and boundaries in Step 2, you may also explicitly mention things you’ve excluded from your research. 

Returning to our previous example, you can state that your assessment will not include the vocabulary and oral aspects of the English proficiency skill. 

Examples of Scope and Delimitation of a Research Paper

1. scope and delimitation examples for quantitative research.

how to write scope and delimitation 6

a. Example 1

Research Title

    A Study on the Relationship of the Extent of Facebook Usage on the English Proficiency Level of Grade 10 Students of Matagumpay High School

Scope and Delimitation

(Main Objective)

This study assessed the correlation between the respondents’ duration of Facebook usage and their English proficiency level. 

(Variables used)

The researchers used the number of hours per day of using Facebook and the activities usually performed on the platform to assess the respondents’ extent of Facebook usage. Meanwhile, the respondents’ English proficiency level is limited to their quarterly English exam scores. 

(Subject of the study)

A sample of fifty (50) Grade 10 students of Matagumpay High School served as the study’s respondents. 

(Timeframe and location)

This study was conducted during the Second Semester of the School Year 2018 – 2019 on the premises of Matagumpay High School in Metro Manila. 


The respondents are selected by performing stratified random sampling to ensure that there will be ten respondents from five Grade 10 classes of the school mentioned above. The researchers administered a 20-item questionnaire to assess the extent of Facebook usage of the selected respondents. Meanwhile, the data for the respondents’ quarterly exam scores were acquired from their English teachers. The collected data are handled with the utmost confidentiality. Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation was applied to quantitatively assess the correlation between the variables.


This study didn’t assess other aspects of the respondents’ English proficiency, such as English vocabulary and oral skills. 

Note: The words inside the parentheses in the example above are guides only. They are not included in the actual text.

b. Example 2

  Level of Satisfaction of Grade 11 Students on the Implementation of the Online Learning Setup of Matagumpay High School for SY 2020 – 2021

This study aims to identify students’ satisfaction levels with implementing online learning setups during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Students’ satisfaction was assessed according to teachers’ pedagogy, school policies, and learning materials used in the online learning setup. The respondents included sixty (60) Grade 11 students of Matagumpay High School who were randomly picked. The researchers conducted the study from October 2020 to February 2021. 

Online platforms such as email and social media applications were used to reach the respondents. The researchers administered a 15-item online questionnaire to measure the respondents’ satisfaction levels. Each response was assessed using a Likert Scale to provide a descriptive interpretation of their answers. A weighted mean was applied to determine the respondents’ general satisfaction. 

This study did not cover other factors related to the online learning setup, such as the learning platform used, the schedule of synchronous learning, and channels for information dissemination.

2. Scope and Delimitation Examples for Qualitative Research

how to write scope and delimitation 7

  Lived Experiences of Public Utility Vehicle (PUV) Drivers of Antipolo City Amidst the Continuous June 2022 Oil Price Hikes

This research focused on the presentation and discussion of the lived experiences of PUV drivers during the constant oil price hike in June 2022.

The respondents involved are five (5) jeepney drivers from Antipolo City who agreed to be interviewed. The researchers assessed their experiences in terms of the following: (1) daily net income; (2) duration and extent of working; (3) alternative employment opportunity considerations; and (4) mental and emotional status. The respondents were interviewed daily at their stations on June 6 – 10, 2022. 

In-depth one-on-one interviews were used for data collection.  Afterward, the respondents’ first-hand experiences were drafted and annotated with the researchers’ insights. 

The researchers excluded some factors in determining the respondents’ experiences, such as physical and health conditions and current family relationship status. 

 A Study on the Perception of the Residents of Mayamot, Antipolo City on the Political and Socioeconomic Conditions During the Post-EDSA Period (1986 – 1996)

This research aims to discuss the perception of Filipinos regarding the political and socioeconomic economic conditions during the post-EDSA period, specifically during the years 1986 – 1996. 

Ten (10) residents of Mayamot, Antipolo City, who belonged to Generation X (currently 40 – 62 years old), were purposively selected as the study’s respondents. The researchers asked them about their perception of the following aspects during the period mentioned above (1) performance of national and local government; (2) bureaucracy and government services; (3) personal economic and financial status; and (4) wage purchasing power. 

The researchers conducted face-to-face interviews in the respondents’ residences during the second semester of AY 2018 – 2019. The responses were written and corroborated with the literature on the post-EDSA period. 

The following factors were not included in the research analysis: political conflicts and turmoils, the status of the legislative and judicial departments, and other macroeconomic indicators. 

Tips and Warnings

1. use the “5ws and 1h” as your guide in understanding your study’s coverage.

  • Why did you write your study?  
  • What variables are included?
  • Who are your study’s subject
  • Where did you conduct the study?
  • When did your study start and end?
  • How did you conduct the study?

2. Use key phrases when writing your research’s scope

  • This study aims to … 
  • This study primarily focuses on …
  • This study deals with … 
  • This study will cover …
  • This study will be confined…

3. Use key phrases when writing factors beyond your research’s delimitations

  • The researcher(s) decided to exclude …
  • This study did not cover….
  • This study excluded … 
  • These variables/factors were excluded from the study…

4. Don’t forget to ask for help

Your research adviser can assist you in selecting specific concepts and variables suitable to your study. Make sure to consult him/her regularly. 

5. Make it brief

No need to make this section wordy. You’re good to go if you meet the “5Ws and 1Hs”. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. what are scope and delimitation in tagalog.

In a Filipino research ( pananaliksik ), Scope and Delimitation is called “ Saklaw at Delimitasyon”. 

Here’s an example of Scope and Delimitation in Filipino:

Pamagat ng Pananaliksik

Epekto Ng Paggamit Ng Mga Digital Learning Tools Sa Pag-Aaral Ng Mga Mag-Aaral Ng Mataas Na Paaralan Ng Matagumpay Sa General Mathematics

Sakop at Delimitasyon ng Pag-aaral

Nakatuon ang pananaliksik na ito sa epekto ng paggamit ng mga digital learning aids sa pag-aaral ng mga mag-aaral.

Ang mga digital learning tools na kinonsidera sa pag-aaral na ito ay Google Classroom, Edmodo, Kahoot, at mga piling bidyo mula YouTube. Samantala, ang epekto sa pag-aaral ng mga mag-aaral ng mga nabanggit na digital learning tools ay natukoy sa pamamagitan ng kanilang (1) mga pananaw hinggil sa benepisyo nito sa kanilang pag-aaral sa General Mathematics at (2) kanilang average grade sa asignaturang ito.

Dalawampu’t-limang (25) mag-aaral mula sa Senior High School ng Mataas na Paaralan ng Matagumpay ang pinili para sa pananaliksik na ito. Sila ay na-interbyu at binigyan ng questionnaire noong Enero 2022 sa nasabing paaralan. Sinuri ang resulta ng pananaliksik sa pamamagitan ng mga instrumentong estadistikal na weighted mean at Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Hindi saklaw ng pananaliksik na ito ang ibang mga aspeto hinggil sa epekto ng online learning aids sa pag-aaral gaya ng lebel ng pag-unawa sa aralin at kakayahang iugnay ito sa araw-araw na buhay. 

2. The Scope and Delimitation should consist of how many paragraphs?

Three or more paragraphs will suffice for your study’s Scope and Delimitation. Here’s our suggestion on what you should write for each paragraph:

Paragraph 1: Introduction (state research objective) Paragraph 2: Coverage and boundaries of the research (you may divide this section into 2-3 paragraphs) Paragraph 3 : Factors excluded from the study

  • University of St. La Salle. Unit 3: Lesson 3 Setting the Scope and Limitation of a Qualitative Research [Ebook] (p. 12). Retrieved from https://www.studocu.com/ph/document/university-of-st-la-salle/senior-high-school/final-sg-pr1-11-12-unit-3-lesson-3-setting-the-scope-and-limitation-of-a-qualitative-research/24341582
  • Theofanidis, D., & Fountouki, A. (2018). Limitations and Delimitations in the Research Process. Perioperative Nursing (GORNA), 7(3), 155–162. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.2552022

Written by Jewel Kyle Fabula

in Career and Education , Juander How

scope of the study in thesis sample

Jewel Kyle Fabula

Jewel Kyle Fabula is a Bachelor of Science in Economics student at the University of the Philippines Diliman. His passion for learning mathematics developed as he competed in some mathematics competitions during his Junior High School years. He loves cats, playing video games, and listening to music.

Browse all articles written by Jewel Kyle Fabula

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scope of the study in thesis sample

Decoding the Scope and Delimitations of the Study in Research

scope of the study in thesis sample

Scope and delimitations of the study are two essential elements of a research paper or thesis that help to contextualize and convey the focus and boundaries of a research study. This allows readers to understand the research focus and the kind of information to expect. For researchers, especially students and early career researchers, understanding the meaning and purpose of the scope and delimitation of a study is crucial to craft a well-defined and impactful research project. In this article, we delve into the core concepts of scope and delimitation in a study, providing insightful examples, and practical tips on how to effectively incorporate them into your research endeavors.

Table of Contents

What is scope and delimitation in research

The scope of a research paper explains the context and framework for the study, outlines the extent, variables, or dimensions that will be investigated, and provides details of the parameters within which the study is conducted. Delimitations in research , on the other hand, refer to the limitations imposed on the study. It identifies aspects of the topic that will not be covered in the research, conveys why these choices were made, and how this will affect the outcome of the research. By narrowing down the scope and defining delimitations, researchers can ensure focused research and avoid pitfalls, which ensures the study remains feasible and attainable.

Example of scope and delimitation of a study

A researcher might want to study the effects of regular physical exercise on the health of senior citizens. This would be the broad scope of the study, after which the researcher would refine the scope by excluding specific groups of senior citizens, perhaps based on their age, gender, geographical location, cultural influences, and sample sizes. These then, would form the delimitations of the study; in other words, elements that describe the boundaries of the research.

The purpose of scope and delimitation in a study

The purpose of scope and delimitation in a study is to establish clear boundaries and focus for the research. This allows researchers to avoid ambiguity, set achievable objectives, and manage their project efficiently, ultimately leading to more credible and meaningful findings in their study. The scope and delimitation of a study serve several important purposes, including:

  • Establishing clarity: Clearly defining the scope and delimitation of a study helps researchers and readers alike understand the boundaries of the investigation and what to expect from it.
  • Focus and relevance: By setting the scope, researchers can concentrate on specific research questions, preventing the study from becoming too broad or irrelevant.
  • Feasibility: Delimitations of the study prevent researchers from taking on too unrealistic or unmanageable tasks, making the research more achievable.
  • Avoiding ambiguity: A well-defined scope and delimitation of the study minimizes any confusion or misinterpretation regarding the research objectives and methods.

Given the importance of both the scope and delimitations of a study, it is imperative to ensure that they are mentioned early on in the research manuscript. Most experts agree that the scope of research should be mentioned as part of the introduction and the delimitations must be mentioned as part of the methods section. Now that we’ve covered the scope and delimitation meaning and purpose, we look at how to write each of these sections.

How to write the scope of the study in research

When writing the scope of the study, remain focused on what you hope to achieve. Broadening the scope too much might make it too generic while narrowing it down too much may affect the way it would be interpreted. Ensure the scope of the study is clear, concise and accurate. Conduct a thorough literature review to understand existing literature, which will help identify gaps and refine the scope of your study.

It is helpful if you structure the scope in a way that answers the Six Ws – questions whose answers are considered basic in information-gathering.

Why: State the purpose of the research by articulating the research objectives and questions you aim to address in your study.

What: Outline the specific topic to be studied, while mentioning the variables, concepts, or aspects central to your research; these will define the extent of your study.

Where: Provide the setting or geographical location where the research study will be conducted.

When : Mention the specific timeframe within which the research data will be collected.

Who : Specify the sample size for the study and the profile of the population they will be drawn from.

How : Explain the research methodology, research design, and tools and analysis techniques.

How to write the delimitations of a study in research

When writing the delimitations of the study, researchers must provide all the details clearly and precisely. Writing the delimitations of the study requires a systematic approach to narrow down the research’s focus and establish boundaries. Follow these steps to craft delimitations effectively:

  • Clearly understand the research objectives and questions you intend to address in your study.
  • Conduct a comprehensive literature review to identify gaps and areas that have already been extensively covered. This helps to avoid redundancies and home in on a unique issue.
  • Clearly state what aspects, variables, or factors you will be excluding in your research; mention available alternatives, if any, and why these alternatives were rejected.
  • Explain how you the delimitations were set, and they contribute to the feasibility and relevance of your study, and how they align with the research objectives.
  • Be sure to acknowledge limitations in your research, such as constraints related to time, resources, or data availability.

Being transparent ensures credibility, while explaining why the delimitations of your study could not be overcome with standard research methods backed up by scientific evidence can help readers understand the context better.

Differentiating between delimitations and limitations

Most early career researchers get confused and often use these two terms interchangeably which is wrong. Delimitations of a study refer to the set boundaries and specific parameters within which the research is carried out. They help narrow down your focus and makes it more relevant to what you are trying to prove.

Meanwhile, limitations in a study refer to the validity and reliability of the research being conducted. They are those elements of your study that are usually out of your immediate control but are still able to affect your findings in some way. In other words, limitation are potential weaknesses of your research.

In conclusion, scope and delimitation of a study are vital elements that shape the trajectory of your research study. The above explanations will have hopefully helped you better understand the scope and delimitations meaning, purpose, and importance in crafting focused, feasible, and impactful research studies. Be sure to follow the simple techniques to write the scope and delimitations of the study to embark on your research journey with clarity and confidence. Happy researching!

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Post-Grad Collective [PGC]. (2017, February 13). Thesis Writing-Narrow the Scope   [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlCO5yRB9No&feature=youtu.be

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The scope of your project sets clear parameters for your research. 

A scope statement will give basic information about the depth and breadth of the project. It tells your reader exactly what you want to find out , how you will conduct your study, the reports and deliverables  that will be part of the outcome of the study, and the responsibilities of the researchers involved in the study. The extent of the scope will be a part of acknowledging any biases in the research project. 

Defining the scope of a project: 

  • focuses your research goals
  • clarifies the expectations for your research project
  •  helps you determine potential biases in your research methodology by acknowledging the limits of your research study 
  • identifies the limitations of your research 
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Setting Limits and Focusing Your Study: Exploring scope and delimitation

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As a researcher, it can be easy to get lost in the vast expanse of information and data available. Thus, when starting a research project, one of the most important things to consider is the scope and delimitation of the study. Setting limits and focusing your study is essential to ensure that the research project is manageable, relevant, and able to produce useful results. In this article, we will explore the importance of setting limits and focusing your study through an in-depth analysis of scope and delimitation.

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Table of Contents

Scope and Delimitation – Definition and difference

Scope refers to the range of the research project and the study limitations set in place to define the boundaries of the project and delimitation refers to the specific aspects of the research project that the study will focus on.

In simpler words, scope is the breadth of your study, while delimitation is the depth of your study.

Scope and delimitation are both essential components of a research project, and they are often confused with one another. The scope defines the parameters of the study, while delimitation sets the boundaries within those parameters. The scope and delimitation of a study are usually established early on in the research process and guide the rest of the project.

Types of Scope and Delimitation

scope of the study in thesis sample

Significance of Scope and Delimitation

Setting limits and focusing your study through scope and delimitation is crucial for the following reasons:

  • It allows researchers to define the research project’s boundaries, enabling them to focus on specific aspects of the project. This focus makes it easier to gather relevant data and avoid unnecessary information that might complicate the study’s results.
  • Setting limits and focusing your study through scope and delimitation enables the researcher to stay within the parameters of the project’s resources.
  • A well-defined scope and delimitation ensure that the research project can be completed within the available resources, such as time and budget, while still achieving the project’s objectives.

5 Steps to Setting Limits and Defining the Scope and Delimitation of Your Study

scope of the study in thesis sample

There are a few steps that you can take to set limits and focus your study.

1. Identify your research question or topic

The first step is to identify what you are interested in learning about. The research question should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Once you have a research question or topic, you can start to narrow your focus.

2. Consider the key terms or concepts related to your topic

What are the important terms or concepts that you need to understand in order to answer your research question? Consider all available resources, such as time, budget, and data availability, when setting scope and delimitation.

The scope and delimitation should be established within the parameters of the available resources. Once you have identified the key terms or concepts, you can start to develop a glossary or list of definitions.

3. Consider the different perspectives on your topic

There are often different perspectives on any given topic. Get feedback on the proposed scope and delimitation. Advisors can provide guidance on the feasibility of the study and offer suggestions for improvement.

It is important to consider all of the different perspectives in order to get a well-rounded understanding of your topic.

4. Narrow your focus

Be specific and concise when setting scope and delimitation. The parameters of the study should be clearly defined to avoid ambiguity and ensure that the study is focused on relevant aspects of the research question.

This means deciding which aspects of your topic you will focus on and which aspects you will eliminate.

5. Develop the final research plan

Revisit and revise the scope and delimitation as needed. As the research project progresses, the scope and delimitation may need to be adjusted to ensure that the study remains focused on the research question and can produce useful results. This plan should include your research goals, methods, and timeline.

Examples of Scope and Delimitation

To better understand scope and delimitation, let us consider two examples of research questions and how scope and delimitation would apply to them.

Research question: What are the effects of social media on mental health?

Scope: The scope of the study will focus on the impact of social media on the mental health of young adults aged 18-24 in the United States.

Delimitation: The study will specifically examine the following aspects of social media: frequency of use, types of social media platforms used, and the impact of social media on self-esteem and body image.

Research question: What are the factors that influence employee job satisfaction in the healthcare industry?

Scope: The scope of the study will focus on employee job satisfaction in the healthcare industry in the United States.

Delimitation: The study will specifically examine the following factors that influence employee job satisfaction: salary, work-life balance, job security, and opportunities for career growth.

Setting limits and defining the scope and delimitation of a research study is essential to conducting effective research. By doing so, researchers can ensure that their study is focused, manageable, and feasible within the given time frame and resources. It can also help to identify areas that require further study, providing a foundation for future research.

So, the next time you embark on a research project, don’t forget to set clear limits and define the scope and delimitation of your study. It may seem like a tedious task, but it can ultimately lead to more meaningful and impactful research. And if you still can’t find a solution, reach out to Enago Academy using #AskEnago and tag @EnagoAcademy on Twitter , Facebook , and Quora .

Frequently Asked Questions

The scope in research refers to the boundaries and extent of a study, defining its specific objectives, target population, variables, methods, and limitations, which helps researchers focus and provide a clear understanding of what will be investigated.

Delimitation in research defines the specific boundaries and limitations of a study, such as geographical, temporal, or conceptual constraints, outlining what will be excluded or not within the scope of investigation, providing clarity and ensuring the study remains focused and manageable.

To write a scope; 1. Clearly define research objectives. 2. Identify specific research questions. 3. Determine the target population for the study. 4. Outline the variables to be investigated. 5. Establish limitations and constraints. 6. Set boundaries and extent of the investigation. 7. Ensure focus, clarity, and manageability. 8. Provide context for the research project.

To write delimitations; 1. Identify geographical boundaries or constraints. 2. Define the specific time period or timeframe of the study. 3. Specify the sample size or selection criteria. 4. Clarify any demographic limitations (e.g., age, gender, occupation). 5. Address any limitations related to data collection methods. 6. Consider limitations regarding the availability of resources or data. 7. Exclude specific variables or factors from the scope of the study. 8. Clearly state any conceptual boundaries or theoretical frameworks. 9. Acknowledge any potential biases or constraints in the research design. 10. Ensure that the delimitations provide a clear focus and scope for the study.

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What is an example of delimitation of the study?

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A Simple Guide to Writing a Scope of the Study

A Simple Guide to Writing a Scope of the Study

You're probably at that stage where you need to write a research work. Research writing is important, and it requires to be approached with precision. Part of the table of content of every research is the scope of the study, which gives an oversight of a study.

What is the scope of the study?

The scope of the study explains the extent to which your research area will be explored, and the parameters the study will operate. It gives the reader and the writer an insight into what the study is aimed at and what should be anticipated.

This implies that the scope of the study should define the purpose of your study, the sample size and qualities, geographical location, the timeframe at which the study will be executed, theories the study will focus on, etc.

The scope of the study is just an aspect of research writing, and great attention needs to be taken not to go beyond what is expected. Therefore, the scope of the study sheds light on areas your study will cover and what it focuses on. What your study area is not going to focus on is of no relevance to your research study, and the scope of the study eliminates that.

Now that you understand the study's scope, how do you write one for your research work?

How To Write A Scope Of The Study

In writing the Scope of the Study of research work, you need to include significant points that will guide your audiences (readers) and provide them with adequate information about the rationale and limits of your study.

To write your scope of the study, you need to restate the research problem and objectives of your study. You should state the period in which your study focuses on. The research methods utilized in your study should also be stated. This incorporates data such as sample size, geographical location, variables, and the method of analysis. You also need to state the academic theories applied to the data. This conveys to the reader the lens of analysis you are using. Collection of all data is impossible on a subject and exploration of all aspects of a subject. Therefore, all research is restricted in scope and subjected to limitations.

When writing your scope of the study, you need to note that if you broaden it too much, you may not be able to do justice to the study. That is, it may take a longer period to complete. Also, limiting your scope might limit your findings and make the research easier at your end. Before you define the scope of your work, you need to analyze the feasibility of your study.

For instance, if you are writing on the topic "The Impact of Anti-Corruption Agencies in Nigeria Election from 2009-2018", your scope will comprise all impacts (positive or negative) within the stated time frame. The anti-corruption agencies analyzed would also be included. Obtaining data for this time frame may also be tasking.

Examples of a Scope of Study

Below is a hypothetical example of the scope of study culled from Discoverphds . The research question analyzes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health.

“ While the immediate negative health problems associated with the COVID-19 pandemic have been well documented, the impact of the virus on the mental health (MH) of young adults (age 18-24 years) is poorly understood. This study aims to report on MH changes in the population group due to the pandemic.
The scope of the study is limited to recruiting 100 volunteers between the ages of 18 and 24 who will be reached through their university email accounts. This recruitment duration will last for a maximum of 2 months and will end when 100 volunteers have been recruited or the 2 months duration has passed. Each volunteer for the study will be asked to complete a short questionnaire to evaluate any changes in their mental health. ”

Scope of the study is important in every research work as it helps the researcher to focus his study within achievable parameters. The target of a project is also determined by clearly stating your focus. Finally, it states why a particular data will be or is eliminated from the research work.

How to Write the Scope of the Study

June 12, 2023

2023   ·   PHD     ·   Blog  

Source: https://www.discoverphds.com/blog/scope-of-the-study

The scope of the study is defined at the start of the research project before data collection begins. It is used by researchers to set the boundaries and limitations within which the study will be performed.

What is the Scope of the Study?

The scope of the study refers to the boundaries within which your research project will be performed; this is sometimes also called the scope of research. To define the scope of the study is to define all aspects that will be considered in your research project. It is also just as important to make clear what aspects will not be covered; i.e. what is outside of the scope of the study.

Why is the Scope of the Study Important?

The scope of the study is always considered and agreed upon in the early stages of the project, before any data collection or experimental work has started. This is important because it focuses the work of the proposed study down to what is practically achievable within a given timeframe.

A well-defined research or study scope enables a researcher to give clarity to the study outcomes that are to be investigated. It makes clear why specific data points have been collected whilst others have been excluded.

Without this, it is difficult to define an end point for a research project since no limits have been defined on the work that could take place. Similarly, it can also make the approach to answering a research question too open ended.

How do you Write the Scope of the Study?

In order to write the scope of the study that you plan to perform, you must be clear on the research parameters that you will and won’t consider. These parameters usually consist of the sample size, the duration, inclusion and exclusion criteria, the methodology and any geographical or monetary constraints.

Each of these parameters will have limits placed on them so that the study can practically be performed, and the results interpreted relative to the limitations that have been defined. These parameters will also help to shape the direction of each research question you consider.

The term limitations’ is often used together with the scope of the study to describe the constraints of any parameters that are considered and also to clarify which parameters have not been considered at all. Make sure you get the balance right here between not making the scope too broad and unachievable, and it not being too restrictive, resulting in a lack of useful data.

The sample size is a commonly used parameter in the definition of the research scope. For example, a research project involving human participants may define at the start of the study that 100 participants will be recruited. This number will be determined based on an understanding of the difficulty in recruiting participants to studies and an agreement of an acceptable period of time in which to recruit this number.

Any results that are obtained by the research group can then be interpreted by others with the knowledge that the study was capped to 100 participants and an acceptance of this as a limitation of the study. In other words, it is acknowledged that recruiting 100 rather than 1,000 participants has limited the amount of data that could be collected, however this is an acceptable limitation due to the known difficulties in recruiting so many participants (e.g. the significant period of time it would take and the costs associated with this).

Example of a Scope of the Study

The follow is a (hypothetical) example of the definition of the scope of the study, with the research question investigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health .

Whilst the immediate negative health problems related to the COVID-19 pandemic have been well documented, the impact of the virus on the mental health (MH) of young adults (age 18-24 years) is poorly understood. The aim of this study is to report on MH changes in population group due to the pandemic.

The scope of the study is limited to recruiting 100 volunteers between the ages of 18 and 24 who will be contacted using their university email accounts. This recruitment period will last for a maximum of 2 months and will end when either 100 volunteers have been recruited or 2 months have passed. Each volunteer to the study will be asked to complete a short questionnaire in order to evaluate any changes in their MH.

From this example we can immediately see that the scope of the study has placed a constraint on the sample size to be used and/or the time frame for recruitment of volunteers. It has also introduced a limitation by only opening recruitment to people that have university emails; i.e. anyone that does not attend university will be excluded from this study.

This may be an important factor when interpreting the results of this study; the comparison of MH during the pandemic between those that do and do not attend university, is therefore outside the scope of the study here. We are also told that the methodology used to assess any changes in MH are via a questionnaire. This is a clear definition of how the outcome measure will be investigated and any other methods are not within the scope of research and their exclusion may be a limitation of the study.

The scope of the study is important to define as it enables a researcher to focus their research to within achievable parameters.

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  • Dissertation & Thesis Outline | Example & Free Templates

Dissertation & Thesis Outline | Example & Free Templates

Published on June 7, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on November 21, 2023.

A thesis or dissertation outline is one of the most critical early steps in your writing process . It helps you to lay out and organize your ideas and can provide you with a roadmap for deciding the specifics of your dissertation topic and showcasing its relevance to your field.

Generally, an outline contains information on the different sections included in your thesis or dissertation , such as:

  • Your anticipated title
  • Your abstract
  • Your chapters (sometimes subdivided into further topics like literature review, research methods, avenues for future research, etc.)

In the final product, you can also provide a chapter outline for your readers. This is a short paragraph at the end of your introduction to inform readers about the organizational structure of your thesis or dissertation. This chapter outline is also known as a reading guide or summary outline.

Table of contents

How to outline your thesis or dissertation, dissertation and thesis outline templates, chapter outline example, sample sentences for your chapter outline, sample verbs for variation in your chapter outline, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about thesis and dissertation outlines.

While there are some inter-institutional differences, many outlines proceed in a fairly similar fashion.

  • Working Title
  • “Elevator pitch” of your work (often written last).
  • Introduce your area of study, sharing details about your research question, problem statement , and hypotheses . Situate your research within an existing paradigm or conceptual or theoretical framework .
  • Subdivide as you see fit into main topics and sub-topics.
  • Describe your research methods (e.g., your scope , population , and data collection ).
  • Present your research findings and share about your data analysis methods.
  • Answer the research question in a concise way.
  • Interpret your findings, discuss potential limitations of your own research and speculate about future implications or related opportunities.

For a more detailed overview of chapters and other elements, be sure to check out our article on the structure of a dissertation or download our template .

To help you get started, we’ve created a full thesis or dissertation template in Word or Google Docs format. It’s easy adapt it to your own requirements.

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Chapter outline example American English

It can be easy to fall into a pattern of overusing the same words or sentence constructions, which can make your work monotonous and repetitive for your readers. Consider utilizing some of the alternative constructions presented below.

Example 1: Passive construction

The passive voice is a common choice for outlines and overviews because the context makes it clear who is carrying out the action (e.g., you are conducting the research ). However, overuse of the passive voice can make your text vague and imprecise.

Example 2: IS-AV construction

You can also present your information using the “IS-AV” (inanimate subject with an active verb ) construction.

A chapter is an inanimate object, so it is not capable of taking an action itself (e.g., presenting or discussing). However, the meaning of the sentence is still easily understandable, so the IS-AV construction can be a good way to add variety to your text.

Example 3: The “I” construction

Another option is to use the “I” construction, which is often recommended by style manuals (e.g., APA Style and Chicago style ). However, depending on your field of study, this construction is not always considered professional or academic. Ask your supervisor if you’re not sure.

Example 4: Mix-and-match

To truly make the most of these options, consider mixing and matching the passive voice , IS-AV construction , and “I” construction .This can help the flow of your argument and improve the readability of your text.

As you draft the chapter outline, you may also find yourself frequently repeating the same words, such as “discuss,” “present,” “prove,” or “show.” Consider branching out to add richness and nuance to your writing. Here are some examples of synonyms you can use.

Address Describe Imply Refute
Argue Determine Indicate Report
Claim Emphasize Mention Reveal
Clarify Examine Point out Speculate
Compare Explain Posit Summarize
Concern Formulate Present Target
Counter Focus on Propose Treat
Define Give Provide insight into Underpin
Demonstrate Highlight Recommend Use

If you want to know more about AI for academic writing, AI tools, or research bias, make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples or go directly to our tools!

Research bias

  • Anchoring bias
  • Halo effect
  • The Baader–Meinhof phenomenon
  • The placebo effect
  • Nonresponse bias
  • Deep learning
  • Generative AI
  • Machine learning
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Supervised vs. unsupervised learning

 (AI) Tools

  • Grammar Checker
  • Paraphrasing Tool
  • Text Summarizer
  • AI Detector
  • Plagiarism Checker
  • Citation Generator

When you mention different chapters within your text, it’s considered best to use Roman numerals for most citation styles. However, the most important thing here is to remain consistent whenever using numbers in your dissertation .

The title page of your thesis or dissertation goes first, before all other content or lists that you may choose to include.

A thesis or dissertation outline is one of the most critical first steps in your writing process. It helps you to lay out and organize your ideas and can provide you with a roadmap for deciding what kind of research you’d like to undertake.

  • Your chapters (sometimes subdivided into further topics like literature review , research methods , avenues for future research, etc.)

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If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

George, T. (2023, November 21). Dissertation & Thesis Outline | Example & Free Templates. Scribbr. Retrieved June 19, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/dissertation/dissertation-thesis-outline/

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Sample Scope and Limitation of the Study for Chapter 1-Thesis Writing

scope of the study in thesis sample

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How to Write Limitations of the Study (with examples)

This blog emphasizes the importance of recognizing and effectively writing about limitations in research. It discusses the types of limitations, their significance, and provides guidelines for writing about them, highlighting their role in advancing scholarly research.

Updated on August 24, 2023

a group of researchers writing their limitation of their study

No matter how well thought out, every research endeavor encounters challenges. There is simply no way to predict all possible variances throughout the process.

These uncharted boundaries and abrupt constraints are known as limitations in research . Identifying and acknowledging limitations is crucial for conducting rigorous studies. Limitations provide context and shed light on gaps in the prevailing inquiry and literature.

This article explores the importance of recognizing limitations and discusses how to write them effectively. By interpreting limitations in research and considering prevalent examples, we aim to reframe the perception from shameful mistakes to respectable revelations.

What are limitations in research?

In the clearest terms, research limitations are the practical or theoretical shortcomings of a study that are often outside of the researcher’s control . While these weaknesses limit the generalizability of a study’s conclusions, they also present a foundation for future research.

Sometimes limitations arise from tangible circumstances like time and funding constraints, or equipment and participant availability. Other times the rationale is more obscure and buried within the research design. Common types of limitations and their ramifications include:

  • Theoretical: limits the scope, depth, or applicability of a study.
  • Methodological: limits the quality, quantity, or diversity of the data.
  • Empirical: limits the representativeness, validity, or reliability of the data.
  • Analytical: limits the accuracy, completeness, or significance of the findings.
  • Ethical: limits the access, consent, or confidentiality of the data.

Regardless of how, when, or why they arise, limitations are a natural part of the research process and should never be ignored . Like all other aspects, they are vital in their own purpose.

Why is identifying limitations important?

Whether to seek acceptance or avoid struggle, humans often instinctively hide flaws and mistakes. Merging this thought process into research by attempting to hide limitations, however, is a bad idea. It has the potential to negate the validity of outcomes and damage the reputation of scholars.

By identifying and addressing limitations throughout a project, researchers strengthen their arguments and curtail the chance of peer censure based on overlooked mistakes. Pointing out these flaws shows an understanding of variable limits and a scrupulous research process.

Showing awareness of and taking responsibility for a project’s boundaries and challenges validates the integrity and transparency of a researcher. It further demonstrates the researchers understand the applicable literature and have thoroughly evaluated their chosen research methods.

Presenting limitations also benefits the readers by providing context for research findings. It guides them to interpret the project’s conclusions only within the scope of very specific conditions. By allowing for an appropriate generalization of the findings that is accurately confined by research boundaries and is not too broad, limitations boost a study’s credibility .

Limitations are true assets to the research process. They highlight opportunities for future research. When researchers identify the limitations of their particular approach to a study question, they enable precise transferability and improve chances for reproducibility. 

Simply stating a project’s limitations is not adequate for spurring further research, though. To spark the interest of other researchers, these acknowledgements must come with thorough explanations regarding how the limitations affected the current study and how they can potentially be overcome with amended methods.

How to write limitations

Typically, the information about a study’s limitations is situated either at the beginning of the discussion section to provide context for readers or at the conclusion of the discussion section to acknowledge the need for further research. However, it varies depending upon the target journal or publication guidelines. 

Don’t hide your limitations

It is also important to not bury a limitation in the body of the paper unless it has a unique connection to a topic in that section. If so, it needs to be reiterated with the other limitations or at the conclusion of the discussion section. Wherever it is included in the manuscript, ensure that the limitations section is prominently positioned and clearly introduced.

While maintaining transparency by disclosing limitations means taking a comprehensive approach, it is not necessary to discuss everything that could have potentially gone wrong during the research study. If there is no commitment to investigation in the introduction, it is unnecessary to consider the issue a limitation to the research. Wholly consider the term ‘limitations’ and ask, “Did it significantly change or limit the possible outcomes?” Then, qualify the occurrence as either a limitation to include in the current manuscript or as an idea to note for other projects. 

Writing limitations

Once the limitations are concretely identified and it is decided where they will be included in the paper, researchers are ready for the writing task. Including only what is pertinent, keeping explanations detailed but concise, and employing the following guidelines is key for crafting valuable limitations:

1) Identify and describe the limitations : Clearly introduce the limitation by classifying its form and specifying its origin. For example:

  • An unintentional bias encountered during data collection
  • An intentional use of unplanned post-hoc data analysis

2) Explain the implications : Describe how the limitation potentially influences the study’s findings and how the validity and generalizability are subsequently impacted. Provide examples and evidence to support claims of the limitations’ effects without making excuses or exaggerating their impact. Overall, be transparent and objective in presenting the limitations, without undermining the significance of the research. 

3) Provide alternative approaches for future studies : Offer specific suggestions for potential improvements or avenues for further investigation. Demonstrate a proactive approach by encouraging future research that addresses the identified gaps and, therefore, expands the knowledge base.

Whether presenting limitations as an individual section within the manuscript or as a subtopic in the discussion area, authors should use clear headings and straightforward language to facilitate readability. There is no need to complicate limitations with jargon, computations, or complex datasets.

Examples of common limitations

Limitations are generally grouped into two categories , methodology and research process .

Methodology limitations

Methodology may include limitations due to:

  • Sample size
  • Lack of available or reliable data
  • Lack of prior research studies on the topic
  • Measure used to collect the data
  • Self-reported data

methodology limitation example

The researcher is addressing how the large sample size requires a reassessment of the measures used to collect and analyze the data.

Research process limitations

Limitations during the research process may arise from:

  • Access to information
  • Longitudinal effects
  • Cultural and other biases
  • Language fluency
  • Time constraints

research process limitations example

The author is pointing out that the model’s estimates are based on potentially biased observational studies.

Final thoughts

Successfully proving theories and touting great achievements are only two very narrow goals of scholarly research. The true passion and greatest efforts of researchers comes more in the form of confronting assumptions and exploring the obscure.

In many ways, recognizing and sharing the limitations of a research study both allows for and encourages this type of discovery that continuously pushes research forward. By using limitations to provide a transparent account of the project's boundaries and to contextualize the findings, researchers pave the way for even more robust and impactful research in the future.

Charla Viera, MS

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How to structure your PhD thesis

Organising your PhD thesis in a logical order is one of the crucial stages of your writing process. Here is a list of the individual components to include

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The task of writing a PhD thesis is top of mind for many aspiring scholars. After all, completing one is no small task. And while these pieces of writing often share a standard format, this can differ slightly based on the requirements of your institution or subject. So what elements make up a PhD thesis?

A doctoral thesis usually contains:

  • A title page
  • Declarations from the candidate and supervisor
  • A certificate from the candidate and supervisor
  • A plagiarism report
  • Acknowledgements 
  • A table of contents
  • Abbreviations 
  • An abstract

Chapters typically cover:

  • A general introduction 
  • Literature review
  • Analysis of the gap in research with aims and objectives
  • Materials and methods
  • Summary and conclusion
  • References or bibliography. 

You should also include a list of papers you have published and any relevant achievements at the end. 

An explanation of each of the components of a PhD dissertation 

Title page: a PhD thesis starts with a title page that contains the complete title of the research work, the submitting university, names of the candidate and supervisor, affiliation and month and year of submission.

Abstract: this serves as a concise synopsis of the dissertation, covering the research context, purpose of the study or research questions, methodology, findings and conclusions. This section is usually one to two pages in length. 

Table of contents: this page lists the thesis content and respective page numbers.

General introduction and literature review: this component is usually 20 to 40 pages long. It presents the readers with the primary material and discusses relevant published data. It provides an overview of pertinent literature related to the thesis such as texts that critically assess the existing literature to identify the gap in research and explain the need behind the study. 

Aims and objectives: this section of the thesis is typically one to two pages long and describes the aims and objectives of the study. Structure them as three to four bullet points describing specific points that you will investigate. Approach this by thinking about what readers should understand by the end of the thesis. Ensure you:

  • Give a clear explanation of the purpose and goals of your study 
  • Outline each aim concisely
  • Explain how you will measure your objectives
  • Ensure there is a clear connection between each aim
  • Use verbs such as investigate, evaluate, explore, analyse and demonstrate.

Materials and methods: this section briefly explains how you have conducted the study and should include all the materials you used and procedures you implemented. For example, if your research involves working with chemicals, list the chemicals and instruments used, along with their catalogue numbers and manufacturers’ names. This section should also explicitly explain the methodology you used, step-by-step. Use the past tense while writing this section and do not describe any results or findings of the study yet.

Results: this section is sometimes called the “findings report” or “the experimental findings” (referring to data collection and analysis). Write the results concisely and in the past tense. Include text, figure and table infographics created with tools such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe Illustrator and BioRender to visualise your data . 

Discussion: this is a chance to discuss the results and compare the findings of your study with the initial hypothesis and existing knowledge. Focus on discussing interpretations, implications, limitations and recommendations here.

  • Resources on academic writing for higher education staff 
  • Tips for writing a PhD dissertation: FAQs answered
  • How to tackle the PhD dissertation

Summary and conclusion: this section should be shorter than the discussion and summarise your key findings. The summary and conclusion should be brief and engaging, allowing the reader to easily understand the major findings of the research work. Provide clear answers to the research questions, generate new knowledge and clarify the need for the study. 

Future perspective: this section of the thesis (which is often combined with a summary or conclusion) talks about the study's limitations, if any, and indicates the directions for future studies based on your findings. 

References or bibliography: the last section should include the list of articles, websites and other resources cited in the thesis.

Always remember that, depending on the department, university or field of study, you might have to follow specific guidelines on how to organise your PhD thesis. Ensure you consult your supervisor or academic department if you have any doubts.

Shama Prasada Kabekkodu is a professor and head of cell and molecular biology at Manipal School of Life Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, India.

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scope of the study in thesis sample

A thesis is a comprehensive research paper that presents a central argument or claim supported by evidence. Typically written by students pursuing advanced degrees, a thesis demonstrates a deep understanding of a subject. It includes a clear research question, literature review, methodology, analysis, and conclusions. The process enhances critical thinking, research skills , and subject expertise, culminating in a significant academic contribution.

Thesis paper . Many students tend to fear this word and there is a good reason as to why they do.  You may already have tried making a thesis before and at some point, you would also realize the trial and error stage of making one. 

What Is a Thesis?

A thesis a research paper writing that is made for a purpose. Thesis papers consists of a research statement , a kind of statement , a theory, a purpose. The thesis is made in order to prove your theory and make it into a fact. There are a lot of kinds of thesis, but the most common thesis kinds are analytical thesis, an argumentative thesis and an explanatory thesis.

Types of Thesis

Analytical thesis.

An analytical thesis breaks down an issue or idea into its component parts, evaluates the topic, and presents this breakdown and evaluation to the audience. It is often used in literature, history, and social sciences.

Expository Thesis

An expository thesis explains a topic to the audience. It provides a comprehensive overview of a subject, presenting facts and analysis without personal opinion. This type is common in science and technical writing.

Argumentative Thesis

An argumentative thesis makes a claim about a topic and justifies this claim with specific evidence. The goal is to persuade the reader of a particular viewpoint. This type is prevalent in fields like philosophy, political science, and law.

Narrative Thesis

A narrative thesis tells a story or recounts an event. It includes personal experiences or detailed descriptions of events to support the main argument. This type is often used in creative writing and autobiographies.

Comparative Thesis

A comparative thesis compares and contrasts two or more subjects, evaluating their similarities and differences. It is commonly used in literature, history, and social sciences to draw meaningful conclusions.

Descriptive Thesis

A descriptive thesis provides a detailed description of a topic without arguing a specific point. It paints a vivid picture of the subject, often used in fields like anthropology and sociology to explore cultural phenomena.

Empirical Thesis

An empirical thesis is based on original research and data collection. It involves experiments, surveys, or observations to answer a specific research question. This type is typical in natural and social sciences.

Examples of Thesis

Thesis examples in literature, 1: analysis of a single work.

Title: “The Use of Symbolism in ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F. Scott Fitzgerald”

Thesis Statement: In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s ‘The Great Gatsby,’ the use of symbolism, particularly through the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock, the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg, and the Valley of Ashes, serves to illustrate the overarching themes of the American Dream, moral decay, and the quest for identity.

2: Comparative Analysis

Title: “The Role of Women in ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Jane Austen and ‘Jane Eyre’ by Charlotte Brontë”

Thesis Statement: While both Jane Austen’s ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and Charlotte Brontë’s ‘Jane Eyre’ critique the limited roles and expectations of women in 19th-century British society, Austen’s Elizabeth Bennet and Brontë’s Jane Eyre embody different forms of rebellion against societal norms, highlighting the evolving perception of women’s independence and self-worth.

3: Thematic Analysis

Title: “Exploring the Theme of Isolation in ‘Frankenstein’ by Mary Shelley”

Thesis Statement: Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’ explores the theme of isolation through the experiences of Victor Frankenstein and his creation, the monster, demonstrating how isolation leads to destructive consequences for both individuals and society.

4: Character Analysis

Title: “The Evolution of Hamlet’s Character in William Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet'”

Thesis Statement: In William Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet,’ the protagonist undergoes a significant transformation from a grief-stricken and indecisive prince to a determined and introspective avenger, reflecting the complexities of human nature and the impact of existential contemplation.

5: Genre Analysis

Title: “Gothic Elements in ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Emily Brontë”

Thesis Statement: Emily Brontë’s ‘Wuthering Heights’ employs key elements of Gothic literature, including a brooding atmosphere, supernatural occurrences, and the exploration of human psychology, to create a haunting and timeless tale of passion and revenge.

6: Symbolic Analysis

Title: “The Symbolism of the Green Light in ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F. Scott Fitzgerald”

Thesis Statement: The green light in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s ‘The Great Gatsby’ symbolizes Gatsby’s unattainable dreams and the elusive nature of the American Dream, reflecting the broader themes of hope, disillusionment, and the pursuit of an idealized future.

7: Historical Context

Title: “Historical Influences on George Orwell’s ‘1984’”

Thesis Statement: George Orwell’s ‘1984’ draws heavily on the political climate of the early 20th century, particularly the rise of totalitarian regimes and the impact of World War II, to present a dystopian vision of a future where government surveillance and propaganda control every aspect of life.

8: Feminist Critique

Title: “Feminist Perspectives in ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ by Margaret Atwood”

Thesis Statement: Margaret Atwood’s ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ critiques the patriarchal structures of contemporary society by depicting a dystopian world where women’s rights are stripped away, illustrating the extreme consequences of gender oppression and the resilience of female solidarity.

9: Psychoanalytic Criticism

Title: “Freudian Elements in ‘The Turn of the Screw’ by Henry James”

Thesis Statement: Henry James’s ‘The Turn of the Screw’ can be interpreted through a Freudian lens, where the governess’s experiences and the ambiguous nature of the ghosts reflect deep-seated psychological conflicts and repressed desires, highlighting the novella’s exploration of the human psyche.

10: Postcolonial Analysis

Title: “Postcolonial Themes in ‘Things Fall Apart’ by Chinua Achebe”

Thesis Statement: Chinua Achebe’s ‘Things Fall Apart’ addresses postcolonial themes by portraying the clash between traditional Igbo society and British colonial forces, illustrating the devastating effects of colonialism on indigenous cultures and the struggle for cultural identity and autonomy.

Thesis Examples for Essays

1: persuasive essay.

Topic: “The Importance of Renewable Energy”

Thesis Statement: Governments around the world should invest heavily in renewable energy sources like solar and wind power to reduce dependency on fossil fuels, combat climate change, and create sustainable job opportunities.

2: Analytical Essay

Topic: “The Symbolism in ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F. Scott Fitzgerald”

Thesis Statement: In ‘The Great Gatsby,’ F. Scott Fitzgerald uses the symbols of the green light, the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg, and the Valley of Ashes to illustrate the moral and social decay of America during the Roaring Twenties.

3: Expository Essay

Topic: “The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers”

Thesis Statement: Social media has significantly impacted teenagers’ mental health, social skills, and academic performance, both positively and negatively, necessitating a balanced approach to its usage.

4: Compare and Contrast Essay

Topic: “Public vs. Private School Education”

Thesis Statement: While public schools offer a more diverse social environment and extracurricular opportunities, private schools provide smaller class sizes and specialized curriculums, making the choice dependent on individual student needs and family priorities.

5: Cause and Effect Essay

Topic: “The Causes and Effects of the Rise in Obesity Rates”

Thesis Statement: The rise in obesity rates can be attributed to poor dietary habits, sedentary lifestyles, and genetic factors, leading to serious health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and decreased life expectancy.

6: Narrative Essay

Topic: “A Life-Changing Experience”

Thesis Statement: My trip to volunteer at a rural school in Kenya was a life-changing experience that taught me the value of education, the importance of cultural exchange, and the power of empathy and compassion.

7: Argumentative Essay

Topic: “The Necessity of Free College Education”

Thesis Statement: Free college education is essential for ensuring equal opportunities for all, reducing student debt burdens, and fostering a more educated and productive workforce.

8: Descriptive Essay

Topic: “The Beauty of a Sunset”

Thesis Statement: A sunset, with its vibrant hues and serene ambiance, evokes a sense of peace and reflection, illustrating nature’s ability to inspire awe and tranquility in our daily lives.

9: Definition Essay

Topic: “What is Happiness?”

Thesis Statement: Happiness is a complex and multifaceted emotion characterized by feelings of contentment, fulfillment, and joy, influenced by both internal factors like mindset and external factors such as relationships and achievements.

10: Process Essay

Topic: “How to Bake the Perfect Chocolate Cake”

Thesis Statement: Baking the perfect chocolate cake involves selecting high-quality ingredients, precisely following the recipe, and understanding the nuances of baking techniques, from mixing to temperature control.

Thesis Examples for Argumentative Essay

1: gun control.

Topic: “Stricter Gun Control Laws”

Thesis Statement: Stricter gun control laws are necessary to reduce gun violence in the United States, as evidenced by lower rates of gun-related deaths in countries with stringent regulations.

2: Climate Change

Topic: “Addressing Climate Change”

Thesis Statement: To effectively combat climate change, governments worldwide must implement aggressive policies to reduce carbon emissions, invest in renewable energy, and promote sustainable practices.

3: Animal Testing

Topic: “Ban on Animal Testing”

Thesis Statement: Animal testing for cosmetics should be banned globally due to its ethical implications, the availability of alternative testing methods, and the questionable reliability of animal-based results for human safety.

4: Education Reform

Topic: “Standardized Testing in Schools”

Thesis Statement: Standardized testing should be eliminated in schools as it narrows the curriculum, causes undue stress to students, and fails to accurately measure a student’s potential and abilities.

5: Universal Basic Income

Topic: “Implementing Universal Basic Income”

Thesis Statement: Implementing a universal basic income would help alleviate poverty, reduce income inequality, and provide financial stability in an increasingly automated and unpredictable job market.

6: Health Care

Topic: “Universal Health Care”

Thesis Statement: Universal health care should be adopted in the United States to ensure that all citizens have access to essential medical services, reduce overall healthcare costs, and improve public health outcomes.

7: Immigration Policy

Topic: “Reforming Immigration Policies”

Thesis Statement: Comprehensive immigration reform is essential to address undocumented immigration, protect human rights, and contribute to economic growth by recognizing the contributions of immigrants to society.

8: Death Penalty

Topic: “Abolishing the Death Penalty”

Thesis Statement: The death penalty should be abolished as it is an inhumane practice, prone to judicial errors, and has not been proven to deter crime more effectively than life imprisonment.

9: Social Media Regulation

Topic: “Regulating Social Media Platforms”

Thesis Statement: Social media platforms should be regulated to prevent the spread of misinformation, protect user privacy, and reduce the negative impact on mental health, particularly among adolescents.

10: College Tuition

Topic: “Free College Tuition”

Thesis Statement: Providing free college tuition at public universities would increase access to higher education, reduce student debt, and help create a more educated and skilled workforce to meet future economic demands.

Thesis Examples for Research Papers

1: environmental science.

Topic: “Impact of Plastic Pollution on Marine Life”

Thesis Statement: Plastic pollution in the oceans is causing significant harm to marine life, leading to ingestion and entanglement of plastic debris, disruption of ecosystems, and bioaccumulation of toxic substances in the food chain.

2: Psychology

Topic: “Effects of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health”

Thesis Statement: Excessive use of social media negatively impacts adolescent mental health by increasing the risk of anxiety, depression, and poor sleep quality, while also contributing to body image issues and cyberbullying.

3: Education

Topic: “Benefits of Bilingual Education Programs”

Thesis Statement: Bilingual education programs enhance cognitive abilities, improve academic performance, and promote cultural awareness, making them a valuable approach in the increasingly globalized and multicultural society.

4: Public Health

Topic: “Addressing the Obesity Epidemic”

Thesis Statement: Addressing the obesity epidemic requires a multifaceted approach that includes implementing public health campaigns, promoting healthy eating habits, increasing physical activity, and regulating food advertising targeted at children.

5: Economics

Topic: “Universal Basic Income and Economic Stability”

Thesis Statement: Implementing a universal basic income can provide economic stability by reducing poverty, ensuring a safety net during economic downturns, and stimulating consumer spending, thereby supporting overall economic growth.

6: Political Science

Topic: “Impact of Voter ID Laws on Voter Turnout”

Thesis Statement: Voter ID laws disproportionately reduce voter turnout among minority and low-income populations, undermining the democratic process and exacerbating existing inequalities in political participation.

7: Sociology

Topic: “Gender Stereotypes in Media Representation”

Thesis Statement: Media representation perpetuates gender stereotypes by consistently portraying men and women in traditional roles, which reinforces societal norms and limits the opportunities for gender equality.

8: Technology

Topic: “Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare”

Thesis Statement: The integration of artificial intelligence in healthcare can improve patient outcomes, enhance diagnostic accuracy, and streamline administrative processes, but it also raises ethical concerns regarding data privacy and the potential for job displacement.

Topic: “Causes and Consequences of the American Civil War”

Thesis Statement: The American Civil War was primarily caused by deep-seated economic, social, and political differences between the North and South, particularly over the issue of slavery, and it resulted in significant social and political changes, including the abolition of slavery and the reconstruction of the South.

10: Environmental Policy

Topic: “Renewable Energy Policies and Their Effectiveness”

Thesis Statement: Renewable energy policies, such as subsidies for solar and wind power and carbon pricing, are effective in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable energy sources, but their success depends on comprehensive implementation and international cooperation.

Thesis Examples for Informative Essay

Topic: “The Water Cycle”

Thesis Statement: The water cycle, which includes processes such as evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and infiltration, is essential for distributing water across the Earth’s surface and maintaining ecological balance.

2: Health and Wellness

Topic: “The Benefits of Regular Exercise”

Thesis Statement: Regular exercise is crucial for maintaining physical health, improving mental well-being, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular conditions.

3: Technology

Topic: “The Development of Artificial Intelligence”

Thesis Statement: The development of artificial intelligence has progressed from simple machine learning algorithms to complex neural networks capable of performing tasks such as natural language processing, image recognition, and autonomous driving.

Topic: “The Causes and Effects of the American Civil Rights Movement”

Thesis Statement: The American Civil Rights Movement was driven by factors such as racial segregation, economic disparity, and political disenfranchisement, leading to significant legislative and social changes that improved the rights and freedoms of African Americans.

5: Education

Topic: “The Montessori Method of Education”

Thesis Statement: The Montessori method of education, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, emphasizes self-directed learning, hands-on activities, and collaborative play, fostering independence and critical thinking skills in young children.

6: Sociology

Topic: “The Impact of Urbanization on Community Life”

Thesis Statement: Urbanization significantly impacts community life by altering social structures, increasing economic opportunities, and presenting challenges such as overcrowding, pollution, and loss of green spaces.

7: Environmental Policy

Topic: “The Role of Renewable Energy in Combating Climate Change”

Thesis Statement: Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, play a critical role in combating climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and providing sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels.

8: Business

Topic: “The Rise of Gig Economy”

Thesis Statement: The rise of the gig economy has transformed the labor market by offering flexible work opportunities, fostering entrepreneurship, and posing challenges such as job insecurity and lack of benefits for workers.

9: Psychology

Topic: “The Importance of Sleep for Cognitive Function”

Thesis Statement: Adequate sleep is essential for cognitive function, memory consolidation, and emotional regulation, with chronic sleep deprivation leading to impaired mental performance and increased risk of mental health disorders.

10: Cultural Studies

Topic: “The Influence of Japanese Anime on Global Pop Culture”

Thesis Statement: Japanese anime has significantly influenced global pop culture by shaping trends in fashion, art, and storytelling, and fostering a dedicated international fanbase that celebrates its unique aesthetic and thematic elements.

Thesis Examples for Synthesis Essay

1: climate change.

Topic: “Combating Climate Change through Policy and Innovation”

Thesis Statement: Combating climate change requires a multifaceted approach that includes stringent environmental policies, investment in renewable energy technologies, and community-based initiatives to reduce carbon footprints, integrating efforts from government, industry, and society.

2: Education

Topic: “Balancing Technology and Traditional Teaching Methods in Education”

Thesis Statement: A balanced approach to education that combines the benefits of technology, such as interactive learning tools and online resources, with traditional teaching methods, like face-to-face instruction and hands-on activities, can enhance student engagement and academic achievement.

Topic: “Addressing the Opioid Crisis through Comprehensive Strategies”

Thesis Statement: Addressing the opioid crisis requires comprehensive strategies that include better access to addiction treatment programs, stricter regulations on prescription opioids, and increased public awareness campaigns to educate communities about the risks of opioid misuse.

4: Technology

Topic: “The Impact of Social Media on Political Mobilization”

Thesis Statement: Social media has revolutionized political mobilization by providing platforms for grassroots campaigns, enabling real-time communication, and fostering civic engagement, but it also poses challenges such as the spread of misinformation and echo chambers.

5: Business

Topic: “Corporate Social Responsibility and Its Impact on Brand Loyalty”

Thesis Statement: Corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, when genuinely implemented, can significantly enhance brand loyalty by aligning company values with consumer expectations, fostering trust, and contributing positively to societal well-being.

Topic: “The Role of Gender Stereotypes in Media Representation”

Thesis Statement: Media representation perpetuates gender stereotypes by consistently depicting men and women in traditional roles, which influences societal perceptions and expectations, but progressive portrayals are gradually challenging these norms and promoting gender equality.

Topic: “Sustainable Urban Development and Green Infrastructure”

Thesis Statement: Sustainable urban development that incorporates green infrastructure, such as green roofs, urban gardens, and eco-friendly public transportation, is essential for mitigating environmental impacts, improving public health, and enhancing the quality of urban life.

8: Psychology

Topic: “The Effects of Mindfulness Practices on Mental Health”

Thesis Statement: Mindfulness practices, including meditation, yoga, and mindful breathing, have been shown to significantly improve mental health by reducing stress, enhancing emotional regulation, and promoting overall well-being, supported by a growing body of scientific research.

9: Economics

Topic: “Universal Basic Income as a Solution to Economic Inequality”

Thesis Statement: Universal Basic Income (UBI) presents a viable solution to economic inequality by providing financial security, reducing poverty, and supporting economic stability, though it requires careful consideration of funding mechanisms and potential societal impacts.

10: Public Health

Topic: “The Importance of Vaccination Programs in Preventing Epidemics”

Thesis Statement: Vaccination programs are crucial for preventing epidemics, protecting public health, and achieving herd immunity, as evidenced by the successful eradication of diseases like smallpox and the control of outbreaks such as measles and influenza.

Thesis Examples for Persuasive Essays

Thesis Statement: Stricter gun control laws are essential to reduce gun violence in the United States, as they will help prevent firearms from falling into the wrong hands, decrease the number of mass shootings, and enhance public safety.

Topic: “Urgent Action on Climate Change”

Thesis Statement: Immediate and robust action is needed to combat climate change, including reducing carbon emissions, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and implementing sustainable practices to mitigate the devastating effects on our planet.

3: Animal Rights

Topic: “Ban on Animal Testing for Cosmetics”

Thesis Statement: Animal testing for cosmetics should be banned worldwide due to its ethical implications, the availability of alternative testing methods, and the questionable reliability of animal-based results for human safety.

Topic: “Abolishing Standardized Testing in Schools”

Thesis Statement: Standardized testing should be abolished in schools as it narrows the curriculum, places undue stress on students, and fails to accurately measure a student’s potential and abilities, thereby hindering educational growth.

5: Universal Health Care

Topic: “Adopting Universal Health Care in the United States”

Thesis Statement: The United States should adopt a universal health care system to ensure that all citizens have access to essential medical services, reduce overall healthcare costs, and improve public health outcomes.

6: Immigration Policy

Thesis Statement: Comprehensive immigration reform is essential to address undocumented immigration, protect human rights, and contribute to economic growth by recognizing the contributions of immigrants to society and ensuring a fair, efficient legal process.

7: Death Penalty

Thesis Statement: The death penalty should be abolished as it is an inhumane practice, prone to judicial errors, and has not been proven to deter crime more effectively than life imprisonment, while also being more costly to taxpayers.

8: Social Media Regulation

Thesis Statement: Social media platforms should be regulated to prevent the spread of misinformation, protect user privacy, and reduce the negative impact on mental health, particularly among adolescents, to create a safer online environment.

9: College Tuition

Topic: “Providing Free College Tuition”

10: Renewable Energy

Topic: “Investing in Renewable Energy Sources”

Thesis Statement: Governments should invest heavily in renewable energy sources like solar and wind power to reduce dependency on fossil fuels, combat climate change, and create sustainable job opportunities, ensuring a cleaner and healthier future.

Thesis Examples for Analysis Essays

1: literary analysis.

Topic: “Symbolism in ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F. Scott Fitzgerald”

Thesis Statement: In ‘The Great Gatsby,’ F. Scott Fitzgerald uses symbols such as the green light, the Valley of Ashes, and the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg to critique the American Dream and explore themes of ambition, disillusionment, and moral decay.

2: Film Analysis

Topic: “Themes of Redemption in ‘The Shawshank Redemption'”

Thesis Statement: ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ explores themes of hope, friendship, and the human spirit’s resilience, using the character arcs of Andy Dufresne and Red to highlight the transformative power of hope and redemption within the confines of a corrupt prison system.

3: Rhetorical Analysis

Topic: “Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘I Have a Dream’ Speech”

Thesis Statement: In his ‘I Have a Dream’ speech, Martin Luther King Jr. employs rhetorical strategies such as repetition, parallelism, and powerful imagery to effectively convey his vision of racial equality and galvanize the civil rights movement.

4: Historical Analysis

Topic: “Causes of the Fall of the Roman Empire”

Thesis Statement: The fall of the Roman Empire was the result of a complex interplay of factors, including political corruption, economic instability, military defeats, and the gradual erosion of civic virtue, which collectively undermined the empire’s ability to sustain itself.

5: Character Analysis

Topic: “The Complexity of Hamlet in William Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet'”

Thesis Statement: In William Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet,’ the titular character’s complexity is revealed through his introspective nature, moral ambiguity, and fluctuating resolve, which collectively illustrate the play’s exploration of existential themes and the human condition.

6: Social Analysis

Topic: “The Impact of Social Media on Modern Communication”

Thesis Statement: Social media has significantly altered modern communication by enabling instantaneous sharing of information and fostering global connectivity, while also contributing to issues such as reduced face-to-face interactions, cyberbullying, and the spread of misinformation.

7: Cultural Analysis

Topic: “Cultural Significance of Traditional Festivals”

Thesis Statement: Traditional festivals play a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage, fostering community identity, and promoting social cohesion, as they provide a platform for the transmission of customs, values, and shared history across generations.

8: Economic Analysis

Topic: “The Effects of Globalization on Local Economies”

Thesis Statement: Globalization has profoundly impacted local economies by enhancing market access, fostering economic growth, and encouraging cultural exchange, but it has also led to job displacement, wage suppression, and the erosion of local industries in some regions.

9: Psychological Analysis

Topic: “Freudian Themes in ‘The Turn of the Screw’ by Henry James”

Thesis Statement: Henry James’s ‘The Turn of the Screw’ can be analyzed through a Freudian lens, where the governess’s experiences and the ambiguous nature of the ghosts reflect deep-seated psychological conflicts, repressed desires, and the complexities of the human psyche.

10: Political Analysis

Topic: “The Effectiveness of the New Deal Programs”

Thesis Statement: The New Deal programs implemented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt were effective in providing immediate relief during the Great Depression, spurring economic recovery, and implementing long-term reforms that reshaped the American social and economic landscape.

Thesis Examples for Compare and Contrast Essay

1: literature.

Topic: “Comparing ‘1984’ by George Orwell and ‘Brave New World’ by Aldous Huxley”

Thesis Statement: While George Orwell’s ‘1984’ presents a dystopian future of totalitarian control through fear and oppression, Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ explores a similar theme through a society controlled by pleasure and conditioning, highlighting different methods of societal control and their implications.

Topic: “Public School vs. Private School Education”

Thesis Statement: Public schools offer a diverse social environment and a broad curriculum, whereas private schools provide smaller class sizes and specialized programs, making the choice between the two dependent on individual educational goals and personal preferences.

Topic: “E-books vs. Printed Books”

Thesis Statement: While e-books offer convenience, portability, and interactive features, printed books provide a tactile experience, lack of screen strain, and a sense of nostalgia, demonstrating how each format caters to different reader preferences and needs.

Topic: “Traditional Medicine vs. Modern Medicine”

Thesis Statement: Traditional medicine emphasizes holistic and natural treatments based on centuries-old practices, while modern medicine focuses on scientific research and technological advancements, highlighting the strengths and limitations of each approach in addressing health issues.

5: Social Media

Topic: “Facebook vs. Instagram”

Thesis Statement: Facebook facilitates in-depth social interaction and a wide range of features for communication and information sharing, whereas Instagram focuses on visual content and a streamlined user experience, catering to different user preferences and social engagement styles.

Topic: “Traveling by Plane vs. Traveling by Train”

Thesis Statement: Traveling by plane offers speed and efficiency for long distances, while traveling by train provides scenic views and a more relaxed experience, highlighting the trade-offs between convenience and leisure in different modes of transportation.

7: Economics

Topic: “Capitalism vs. Socialism”

Thesis Statement: Capitalism promotes economic growth and individual entrepreneurship through market competition, whereas socialism emphasizes social welfare and equitable distribution of resources, reflecting contrasting ideologies on economic management and social equity.

8: Literature

Topic: “Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’ vs. Sophocles’ ‘Oedipus Rex'”

Thesis Statement: While Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’ delves into themes of indecision, revenge, and existential angst, Sophocles’ ‘Oedipus Rex’ explores fate, self-discovery, and the inevitability of destiny, illustrating different approaches to tragedy in Western literature.

9: Lifestyle

Topic: “Urban Living vs. Rural Living”

Thesis Statement: Urban living offers convenience, diverse cultural experiences, and numerous job opportunities, while rural living provides a peaceful environment, close-knit communities, and a connection to nature, demonstrating the contrasting lifestyles and priorities of each setting.

10: History

Topic: “The American Revolution vs. The French Revolution”

Thesis Statement: The American Revolution focused on independence from colonial rule and the establishment of a democratic republic, whereas the French Revolution aimed to overthrow the monarchy and address social inequalities, highlighting different motivations, outcomes, and impacts on world history.

More Thesis Samples & Examples:

1. thesis statements.

Thesis Statements

2. University Thesis Research

University Thesis Research

3. Working Thesis

Working Thesis

4. Master Thesis

Master Thesis

5. Basics About Thesis Statements

Basics About Thesis Statements

6. Thesis Sample


7. Thesis Format

Thesis Format

8. Thesis PDF

Thesis PDF

9. Graduate Students Thesis

Graduate Students Thesis

10. Thesis Example

Thesis Example

Tips for Writing Your Thesis

Tips for Writing Your Thesis

Start Early

  • Begin your thesis process early to allow ample time for research , writing , and revisions.

Choose a Relevant Topic

  • Select a topic that interests you and has sufficient research material available. Ensure it is specific enough to be manageable but broad enough to find sources.

Develop a Strong Thesis Statement

  • Craft a clear, concise thesis statement that outlines the main argument or focus of your paper. This will guide your research and writing.

Create an Outline

  • Plan your thesis structure with a detailed outline. Include sections for the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.

Conduct Thorough Research

  • Use a variety of sources, such as books, journal articles, and credible websites. Take detailed notes and organize your research to support your thesis statement.

Write in Stages

  • Break down the writing process into manageable stages. Start with the introduction, move to the literature review, then the methodology, and so on.

Maintain Consistent Formatting

  • Follow the required formatting style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago) consistently throughout your thesis. Pay attention to citation rules and references.

Seek Feedback

  • Regularly consult with your advisor and seek feedback from peers. Incorporate their suggestions to improve your work.

Edit and Revise

  • Set aside time for multiple rounds of editing and revising. Check for clarity, coherence, grammar, and spelling errors.

Stay Organized

  • Keep all your research materials, notes, and drafts well-organized. Use tools like folders, labels, and reference management software.

Stay Motivated

  • Set small, achievable goals and reward yourself for meeting them. Stay positive and remember that writing a thesis is a marathon, not a sprint.

Proofread Thoroughly

  • Conduct a final proofread to catch any remaining errors. Consider using grammar checking tools or hiring a professional proofreader.

What to include in a Thesis

Writing a thesis involves several critical sections that contribute to the overall structure and argumentation of the research. Here’s a guide on what to include in a thesis:

1. Title Page

  • Title: Clear, concise, and descriptive.
  • Author’s Name
  • Institutional Affiliation
  • Date of Submission
  • Advisor’s Name

2. Abstract

  • Summary: Brief overview of the research.
  • Key Points: Main objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
  • Word Limit: Typically 150-300 words.

3. Table of Contents

  • Sections and Subsections: With corresponding page numbers.

4. List of Figures and Tables

  • Figures/Tables: Numbered and titled with page numbers.

5. Introduction

  • Background: Context of the study.
  • Problem Statement: The issue being addressed.
  • Objectives: What the research aims to achieve.
  • Research Questions/Hypotheses: Specific questions or hypotheses the study will test.
  • Significance: Importance of the study.

6. Literature Review

  • Overview of Existing Research: Summarize previous studies.
  • Theoretical Framework: The theories guiding the research.
  • Gaps in Literature: Identify what has not been addressed.

7. Methodology

  • Research Design: Type of study (e.g., qualitative, quantitative).
  • Participants: Who was involved in the study.
  • Data Collection: How data was gathered (e.g., surveys, experiments).
  • Data Analysis: Methods used to analyze the data.
  • Ethical Considerations: How ethical issues were handled.
  • Findings: Present data and key results.
  • Visuals: Use tables, graphs, and charts for clarity.
  • Statistical Analysis: Include relevant statistical tests.

9. Discussion

  • Interpretation of Results: What the findings mean.
  • Comparison with Existing Literature: How results align or contrast with previous research.
  • Implications: Practical or theoretical implications.
  • Limitations: Discuss limitations of the study.
  • Future Research: Suggestions for future studies.

10. Conclusion

  • Summary of Findings: Recap main findings.
  • Restate Importance: Reiterate the study’s significance.
  • Final Thoughts: Concluding remarks.

11. References

  • Citations: Complete list of all sources cited in the thesis.
  • Formatting: Follow a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).

12. Appendices

  • Supplementary Material: Additional data, questionnaires, or detailed descriptions.

Thesis vs. Dissertation

Demonstrates mastery of a subjectContributes new knowledge to the field
Typically for Master’s degreeTypically for Doctoral (PhD) degree
Generally shorter (50-100 pages)Generally longer (100-300+ pages)
Focuses on existing research and literatureInvolves original research and data
May involve original research or analysisPrimarily involves original research
Structured around existing knowledgeStructured around original findings
Show understanding and ability to analyzeShow ability to conduct independent research
Typically 1-2 yearsTypically 2-5 years
Usually reviewed by a smaller committeeReviewed by a larger committee and public defense
Demonstrates competency in the fieldAdvances knowledge in the field

How do I know if my Thesis is strong?

Clear and specific thesis statement.

  • Precision : Your thesis statement should be clear, specific, and concise. It should articulate the main argument or focus of your thesis.
  • Focus : Ensure it directly addresses the research question without being too broad or vague.

Well-Defined Research Question

  • Relevance : The research question should be significant to your field of study.
  • Feasibility : Make sure it is practical and manageable within the scope of your resources and time frame.

Comprehensive Literature Review

  • Depth : Your literature review should cover relevant research and show an understanding of key theories and findings.
  • Gaps Identification : Highlight gaps in the existing literature that your thesis aims to fill.

Solid Methodology

  • Appropriateness : The chosen methodology should be suitable for answering your research question.
  • Detail : Clearly describe your research design, data collection methods, and data analysis procedures.
  • Justification : Explain why these methods are the best fit for your study.

Strong Evidence and Analysis

  • Support : Provide ample evidence to support your thesis statement and arguments.
  • Critical Analysis : Critically analyze the data, showing how it supports or contradicts your hypothesis.
  • Consistency : Ensure that all evidence is consistently interpreted and integrated into your argument.

Coherent Structure

  • Organization : The thesis should be well-organized with a logical flow of ideas.
  • Clarity : Each section should clearly contribute to the overall argument.
  • Transitions : Use smooth transitions between sections to maintain coherence.

Original Contribution

  • Innovation : Your thesis should offer new insights or findings in your field.
  • Significance : Highlight the importance and impact of your research.

Proper Formatting and Style

  • Formatting : Follow the required formatting guidelines (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) consistently.
  • Grammar and Spelling : Proofread your work to ensure it is free from grammatical and spelling errors.
  • Citations : Properly cite all sources and provide a comprehensive reference list.

Feedback and Revision

  • Advisor Feedback : Regularly seek feedback from your advisor and incorporate their suggestions.
  • Peer Review : Get input from peers to identify areas for improvement.
  • Multiple Revisions : Be prepared to revise your thesis multiple times to enhance its quality.


  • Alignment : Ensure that all parts of the thesis align with the thesis statement.
  • Completeness : Check that all required sections are included and thoroughly addressed.
  • Confidence : Be confident in your arguments and the quality of your research.

How to Make a Thesis

Where do you often begin when you want to make a thesis? Many may say to begin by drafting, to begin by making an outline or to start at the introduction. A lot of these answers may even confuse you and may make you think that making a thesis is difficult or confusing. Stop right there, there are answers to every question, and to show you the  thesis statement writing tips .

Step 1: Make an Outline for the Thesis

Start out by making a  thesis outline . The outline will help you as it acts as the backbone of your entire thesis. Making outlines also help you by giving you a good view of what comes first, what should be added here and what should not be added. Outlining your thesis is often the best way to begin.

Step 2: Start with a Thesis Proposal for Your Thesis Paper

Once you have a blank outline for your thesis, which you will be filling out in order to know what goes first, the next thing to do is to pick a topic or pick a thesis proposal . This is an important part of making your thesis paper. Start with thinking about what kind of thesis proposal you want to talk about.

Step 3: Write Down the Introduction of Your Thesis

Thesis introduction has an important role to play. Its role in your thesis is to give a short summary of what can be expected in your thesis. The introduction of your thesis is all about the topic or the proposal of your thesis. When you write your thesis, make sure that the introduction should be clear and concise. After the introduction, the heart of your thesis will follow.

Step 4: Finalize Your Thesis Paper

Finalizing your thesis paper may take a lot of time and effort. But not to worry. It is always necessary and understandable that finalizing your thesis paper is important. As long as you are making sure that everything that is necessary, the introduction, the proposal, the thesis problem, solution and conclusion are present.

How do I choose a thesis topic?

Choose a topic that interests you, has ample research material, is specific enough to be manageable, and aligns with your academic goals.

How long should my thesis be?

Thesis length varies by discipline and degree level; Master’s theses are usually 50-100 pages, while PhD dissertations can be 100-300+ pages.

What is a thesis statement?

A thesis statement is a concise summary of the main point or claim of your thesis, guiding your research and writing.

How do I structure my thesis?

A typical thesis structure includes a title page, abstract, table of contents, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, and references.

How important is the literature review?

The literature review is crucial as it contextualizes your research, highlights gaps, and demonstrates your understanding of existing scholarship.

What is the difference between a thesis and a dissertation?

A thesis is usually for a Master’s degree and demonstrates mastery of a topic, while a dissertation for a PhD contributes new knowledge to the field.

How do I manage my time effectively while writing my thesis?

Create a detailed timeline, break the process into manageable tasks, set deadlines, and regularly consult with your advisor.

How do I ensure my thesis is original?

Conduct thorough research, properly cite sources, use plagiarism detection tools, and contribute unique insights or findings to your field.

What should I do if I encounter writer’s block?

Take breaks, set small writing goals, change your environment, seek feedback, and stay connected with your advisor for guidance and support.


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Appendix 4. Sample Outcome Statements from History Master’s Degree Programs

/ AHA Resource Library

/ Appendix 4. Sample Outcome Statements from History Master’s Degree Programs

Published Date

February 1, 2005

This historical document is from the archives of the American Historical Association. It is provided for you to interpret as a primary source and might no longer reflect the editorial decisions or views of the organization.

From Retrieving the Master’s Degree from the Dustbin of History (2005)

The formal outcome statements that are printed in graduate catalogues and appear on history department websites do not necessarily reflect the actual goals or accomplishments of any given graduate program. Given the banal content of many outcome and mission statements—which are written, it appears, to satisfy the demands of administrators, accreditors, and other external observers— this is probably a good thing. At their best, however, outcome statements are the product of frank self-appraisal; they serve as guides for departmental planning; they help potential students to be well-informed consumers when choosing a graduate program; and they give current students (and their teachers) a yardstick for measuring academic and personal progress.

To be sure, many history departments do provide informative, constructive outcome statements for their master’s programs. The best tend to come from departments that do not have doctoral programs as well. Here we offer three examples, without endorsing the particular content of any of them. We urge every history department to produce and disseminate an honest and practicable outcome statement that reflects its own institutional and departmental priorities, its own resources, and the interests of its own faculty and (potential) graduate students:

Illinois State University

History M.A. and M.S. Objectives 1 : The main object of these programs is to advance students’ knowledge and understanding of the essentials of historical study beyond what they achieved at the undergraduate level.  These programs include three core elements – the development of students’ general methodological and philosophical knowledge; their instruction in the skills necessary for historical research, composition, and presentation; and, the study of specific periods and places.

The specific objectives of these programs are to assist students to:

  • Develop understanding of the philosophy of historical study.
  • Develop knowledge of historiography, including major themes and narratives in history.
  • Develop multidisciplinary knowledge of research methods in history and the social sciences.
  • Develop knowledge at an advanced level of diverse periods, peoples, and societies.
  • Demonstrate the ability to apply their knowledge in examinations, research papers and presentations and, as appropriate to the program option, in thesis form.

State University of West Georgia

The M.A. in History at West Georgia has for its primary purpose the development of a more sophisticated understanding of the discipline of history for the post-baccalaureate student accepted into our master’s program. 2

Students completing the Master of Arts Degree in History, through the completion of the thesis or non-thesis program will:

  • demonstrate the ability to undertake advanced historical research;
  • show basic familiarity with historical literature in major and minor fields of study;
  • demonstrate an understanding of historiography and its permutations over time;
  • be able to identify and describe career options in the field of history;
  • demonstrate a knowledge of the theory and ethics of public history [for Public History concentration];
  • demonstrate knowledge of the standards and practices for at least two fields in public history [for Public History concentration];
  • Apply practical skills in at least two fields of public history [for Public History concentration].

Washington College (Maryland)

The master of arts program with concentration in history offers advanced training in American and European history, with elective courses available in other social science fields. 3 Courses are structured with special emphasis on those aspects of the subject likely to be useful to teachers of history and social studies in pre-college level institutions. The major has among its aims: (1) to supplement the student’s basic stock of factual and bibliographical data; (2) to bring the student abreast of the findings of recent scholarly work; (3) to encourage, by example, effective methods of dealing with controversy in historical interpretation; (4) to strengthen the student’s skills in the use of primary materials as sources for reconstruction of the past; and (5) to demonstrate the usefulness of acquiring basic competence in other social science disciplines for broadening the scope and enhancing the sophistication of historical understanding.

Next section: Appendix 5

  • See  https://www.assessment.ilstu.edu/program/History/history.htm , accessed on February 18, 2005. [ ↩ ]
  • See  https://www.westga.edu/~history/assessmentfrom fachandbook.htm , accessed on September 4, 2003. [ ↩ ]
  • See  https://grad.washcoll.edu/history.html , accessed on May 2, 2003. [ ↩ ]

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Content Warning

This page contains words or ideas that might be offensive to modern readers. To maintain the accuracy of historical documentation, the content is reprinted in its entirety as it was originally published. This accurate reproduction of original historical texts therefore contains words and ideas that do not reflect the editorial decisions or views of the American Historical Association.

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UB medical students are making it easier to find gender-affirming care in Buffalo

Concept of gender-affirming care featuring a stethoscope and hearts in gender flag colors.

With the help of UB clinicians, students developed a webpage that went live this month hosted by the Erie County Department of Health

By Ellen Goldbaum

Release Date: June 22, 2024

Elana Tal MD; Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo; 2021.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — Gender-affirming health care just got a bit easier to access in Western New York, thanks to a new webpage developed by University at Buffalo medical students working with local clinicians.

The webpage, LGBTQIA2S+ Healthcare Resources in Erie County , went live this month and is hosted by the Erie County Department of Health. It provides information about local health care resources specifically for patients who identify as LGBTQIA2S+. (The acronym stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual and 2-spirit.)

“People who are seeking gender-affirming health care should know that our region has a solid foundation of clinical and medical resources,” says Gale R. Burstein, MD , Erie County commissioner of health and clinical professor of pediatrics in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at UB.

“Having us, as a local health department, host this list makes sense,” she continues. “LGTBQIA2S+ patients are more likely to be disproportionately affected by health disparities. This comprehensive list will save patients time as they research medical care options, and we are proud to support connections between LGTBQIA2S+ patients and the health care that they seek.”   

The need for such a resource became obvious when a new faculty member at the Jacobs School who provides gender-affirming had difficulty finding other local clinicians who do the same. Gender-affirming health care providers often refer patients to each other so it’s important for them to be familiar with each other and the scope of their colleagues’ practices.

A quick search turned up only one name: Elana Tal, MD , assistant professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the Jacobs School. Tal lectures medical students in the reproductive module and clearly states her support for transgender and gender non-conforming people. She explicitly uses gender-neutral terminology and is course director for the Jacobs School’s transgender elective, developed by Nat Voos, MD, a Jacobs School graduate from the Class of 2023.

She knew there were plenty of clinicians in Buffalo and Erie County providing gender-affirming care, but the fact that they were hard to find with a quick web search was, she says, a concern.

With Burstein’s help, Tal convened a meeting with local clinicians who shared her concerns.

An additional barrier

“Not being able to access this information just becomes an additional barrier for people already stigmatized by society and the medical system,” Tal says. “They already have challenges accessing care.”

Those barriers are well-documented and can end up making patients reluctant to seek any kind of medical care, a significant health equity issue.

It quickly became obvious that there needed to be some kind of central repository of information for people seeking gender-affirming care.

Tal organized several students who she knew were interested in improving gender-affirming care in Western New York and gender-affirming education in the Jacobs School. The group included Virginia Alexandria Headd, MD, a 2024 graduate of the Jacobs School, who will soon begin a family medicine residency at Kaiser Permanente Northern California; Madison Clague of the Class of 2026; and Zoe Arditi and Berkley Sawester of the Class of 2027.

“We were dismayed at how hard it was to find providers, but also pleasantly surprised by the depth and breadth of services being provided by physicians once we identified them,” says Tal. “People were universally proud to be providing this care. The problem was the information wasn’t in any one place.”

Getting that information out to those who need it became the group’s main mission.

Clague was well-aware of the need to share such information widely. She had previously earned a master’s in public health at Columbia University, where her thesis was on “The Landscape of LGBTQ+ Health Care in the United States: Patient and Provider Perspectives.”

‘Pretty much word of mouth’

“One of the things I found from doing my thesis was that people said the only way they could find gender-affirming care was pretty much word of mouth,” she says. “Just trying to find someone you trust or just knowing someone who has gone through it before you and then banking on their referral, that’s not sustainable.”

Headd led the students in developing and distributing the survey to local practices to find out what kind of gender-affirming care is being offered and where.

Across the board, the response was positive. “Everyone was supportive,” says Headd. “Some didn’t want their names on the website but were OK with the information about their practice being made accessible to patients.”

Gender-affirming care encompasses a range far broader than people may assume. It can range from medical and psychiatric treatments to many different types of plastic surgery, including oral and maxillofacial surgery and otolaryngology to speech and language coaching, all of which are available in Erie County.

“Transgender patients seek various types of medical and surgical care,” explains Tal.  “Some don’t seek any and some want lots of intervention. Those interventions might involve getting care from multiple different departments through multiple different practices through multiple different hospitals.”

To continue their work, the students have submitted an application for a Jacobs School social justice fellowship for this project for the coming year.

They are committed to enhancing gender-affirming education for their peers as well. For example, Arditi and Sawester helped organize the annual OUTpatient conference at the Jacobs School in May, which centered on gender-affirming care in Buffalo. OUTpatient is the Jacobs School’s LGBTQIA+ student organization.

“In medical school, you are building your perception of how patients are going to present to you and if that’s never introduced to you, you’re never going to think about it,” says Headd. “You don’t really cement those things until you see your first patient with a certain condition or identity.”

Tal concludes: “What I really like is that these students are choosing to put their scholarly interests into an advocacy project in a scientifically rigorous way, collecting data and reviewing the literature with sensitivity to the needs of the community. I’m really proud of them for making a difference.”

Gender-affirming providers who would like to be considered for inclusion on the webpage can email Tal at [email protected] .

Media Contact Information

Ellen Goldbaum News Content Manager Medicine Tel: 716-645-4605 [email protected]

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Investing in the new era of value-based care

Value-based care has evolved into a healthcare landscape of its own, with a wide range of organizations contributing to systematic changes that improve quality of care and outcomes while better controlling costs. Providers specializing in value-based care have become attractive to investors because of the distinctive quality of care that they can provide and the investable opportunity they present, with a diversity of risk levels and business models. By building on a decade of increasing value-based payment adoption—combined with enhanced value-based capabilities across payers, providers, employers, and other healthcare stakeholders—continued traction in the value-based care market could lead to a valuation of $1 trillion in enterprise value for payers, providers, and investors. 1 Assumes approximately 160 million lives in value-based care models, accounting for $1.6 trillion to $1.7 trillion in medical spending, with medical cost savings ranging from 3–20 percent based on level of risk, of which 50 percent is realized as profit margin with a 12-fold to 15-fold valuation multiple applied.

Value-based care is emerging as a distinct healthcare landscape

Stakeholders in the healthcare community define value-based care differently. The Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network (LAN) includes performance, reporting, and even infrastructure in its first step of value-based care, while others note that these models fall short of delivering value (in quality or affordability) because they don’t remedy the problems of fee-for-service healthcare. 2 “Why ‘pay for performance’ hasn’t worked,” Center for Healthcare Quality & Payment Reform, accessed December 2022; David Raths, “Current, ex-MedPAC chairs ask: Is value-based care juice worth the squeeze?,” Healthcare Innovation, October 1, 2020.

In this article, we take a more expansive definition of the value-based care landscape and include all care models that align provider incentives to quality or care cost-reduction. Though we recognize that improvements in care quality will vary considerably across models, based on our experience working with a wide range of providers, we assume savings ranges from a low of 3 percent in more limited quality-based models to a high of 20 percent in high-touch primary care groups taking fully capitated risk on Medicare Advantage members.

Value-based care investment quadrupled during the pandemic

Private capital inflows to value-based care companies increased more than fourfold from 2019 to 2021, while new hospital construction—a proxy for investment in legacy-care delivery models—held flat. While these are distinct forms of investment—with private equity seeking returns on enterprise value and construction debt funding seeking safer opportunities for more modest returns—it’s noteworthy that private-capital inflows in value-based care assets rose from 6 percent of the capital investment in hospitals to nearly 30 percent within two years, as illustrated in Exhibit 1. 3 PitchBook private equity and venture capital transaction data, accessed in spring 2022; McKinsey value-based care expertise.

The future potential of value-based care

Given the momentum we see behind value-based care investment, it’s worth examining recent trends to understand the ways in which this landscape could potentially evolve. In imagining the value-based care landscape five years from now, the following scenarios seem possible—and not at all mutually exclusive:

  • Scenario 1: Value-based care growth will continue to accelerate. Growth in valued-based care has accelerated from creating approximately $500 billion in enterprise value today and may be on track to reach $1 trillion as the landscape matures (see Exhibit 2 and sidebar, “Our approach to estimating this $1 trillion opportunity”). Based on our research, this would likely be driven by a rising number of lives in all value-based care arrangements of 10–15 percent, with growth rates for lives in full or partially capitated contracts well above that (potentially 20–30 percent). Improved medical-cost-management performance from providers in value-based contracts—becoming more critical in the face of potential increases in medical-cost inflation 4 Addie Fleron, Aneesh Krishna, and Shubham Singhal, “ The gathering storm: The transformative impact of inflation on the healthcare sector ,” McKinsey, September 19, 2022. —could further support enterprise value creation, and the cumulative impact of these tailwinds may suggest positive downstream effects on patient health outcomes as well. In fact, some of the largest value-based care performance reviews have found that they correspond to improved outcomes, increased preventative care, and improved patient satisfaction. 5 Value-based care report: Physician progress and patient outcomes based on calendar year 2020 data , Humana, 2021; “Physicians provide higher quality care under set monthly payments instead of being paid per service, UnitedHealth Group study shows,” UnitedHealth Group, August 11, 2020.
  • Scenario 2: A handful of national platforms could take the lead, with sharp competition among them. Platforms could include integrated primary care, managed-services organizations (MSOs), and specialty-based care. While vertical integration may accelerate, these platforms may not necessarily be “walled garden” silos: a degree of collaborative interoperability will likely be necessary, potentially enabled by platforms specializing in a variety of patient populations.
  • Scenario 3: Distinctive operational capabilities could become prerequisites for successful value-based care providers. Distinctive operational, clinical, and analytical capabilities could increasingly become prerequisites for successful value-based care providers. These capabilities could range from new technology to the prediction of membership changes and points in between.
  • Scenario 4: Specialists may begin to adopt value-based care. Specialists appear to accelerate adoption of value-based care models as part of increasingly effective and scalable value-based care platforms. These models are already emerging in specialties like nephrology and oncology.
Growth in valued-based care has accelerated from creating approximately $500 billion in enterprise value today and may be on track to reach $1 trillion as the landscape matures.

Scenario 1: Value-based care growth will continue to accelerate

In our experience, adoption of value-based care has accelerated in recent years, and this trend could continue in the coming years as payers, employers, and the government embrace these models. 6 The McKinsey value-based care market model includes insights from more than 50 expert interviews, published third-party data (for example, payer value-based care reporting, payer financial filings), and publicly available data from government sources (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, California Department of Managed Healthcare). For example, last year the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation issued an ambitious goal to shift 100 percent of Medicare beneficiaries into an accountable-care relationship by 2030, 7 Driving health system transformation: A strategy for the CMS Innovation Center’s second decade , Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, October 2021. which we recently analyzed. 8 Zahy Abou-Atme, Stephanie Carlton, and Isaac Swaiman, “ Looking ahead to the next decade of accountability for care delivery ,” McKinsey, November 9, 2022.

Our approach to estimating this $1 trillion opportunity

To arrive at the $1 trillion enterprise value estimate, consider the following:

  • Approximately 160 million total lives are in value-based care. According to McKinsey analysis, this represents an aggregated and triangulated view that draws on payer financial statements, publications, and press releases; Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services data for Medicare and Medicaid; state regulatory agency publications; and extended discussions with internal and external healthcare leaders.
  • There is a total medical spend for these lives at approximately $1.6–1.7 trillion, based on national spending levels. 1 Per member, per year spend calculations are from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and commercial claims data sets (namely Truven).
  • There is 3–20 percent savings of medical spend, varying across lines of business and value-based payment models, our analysis found.
  • There is a valuation of 12-fold to 15-fold on earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) applied to a 50 percent assumed margin on the generated savings, assuming the other 50 percent is required operational expenses for the provider to deliver the incremental services and preventative care necessary to realize these aggregate savings, according to our analysis. Review of public research and industry perspectives 2 Sarah Pringle, “Skin in the game: OMERS readies sale of Forefront Dermatology,” PE Hub , June 30, 2021; Claire Rychlewski, “How much is your doctor worth? Investors are trying to decide,” Forbes , January 10, 2020. suggests that valuations can vary widely based on secular and asset-specific factors but are often 12-fold to 15-fold EBITDA for at-scale physician platforms. We therefore assume this range in this analysis.

Ultimately, our research suggests that the number of patients treated by physicians within the value-based care landscape could roughly double in the next five years, growing approximately 15 percent per annum.

Increased physician appetite for value-based models lies at the heart of this acceleration, but within the national community of one million licensed (if not necessarily working) physicians, 9 Katie Arnhart et al., “FSMB census of licensed physicians in the United States, 2020,” Journal of Medical Regulation , July 2021, Volume 107, Issue 2. value-based care adoption remains uneven. Not all primary care providers find value-based models readily accessible, and in our experience, pockets of the market (notably those at institutions that focus on quaternary care rather than primary care) lag behind in adoption. Such physicians, particularly those affiliated with more academically oriented institutions, may require more peer-reviewed research (lacking today) before altering their practice models. 10 Yomi Ajao and Andrew M. Snyder, “Making value-based care more attractive to AMCs,” Academic Health Focus , The Governance Institute, August 2021; Meg Bryant, “Academic medical centers face headwinds in shift to value-based care, Moody’s says,” Healthcare Dive, April 1, 2019. Nevertheless, some recent data suggest that the number of patients aligned with a primary care provider in a value-based care arrangement is increasing—and the associated outcomes are better than those in fee-for-service arrangements. 11 Value-based care report , 2021.

These successes could power further growth, as physicians taking note of improved outcomes and other benefits become more interested in adopting value-based models. Growth could become disproportionately driven by the adoption of meaningful risk (full and partial cap) as these models mature. Our research suggests that the upward trend in the number of people receiving care in value-based models should continue across lines of business (Exhibit 3). This is one of the primary factors powering the growth in enterprise value associated with the value-based care landscape, potentially leading to a $1 trillion cumulative valuation.

Scenario 2: A handful of national platforms could take the lead, with sharp competition among them

A look at mature markets across the country may shed some light on where the risk-bearing provider market is heading. In Southern California, where health maintenance organization (HMO) approaches using independent physician associations and employed risk-bearing providers have been around for two decades, a consolidation of lives over the past five years has been driven by acquisitions, attractive offers to physicians, and member behaviors (Exhibit 4). Southern California may be unique in its value-based care adoption, but as more emergent markets in Florida and elsewhere catch up, their providers have displayed a similar acquisition strategy. 12 “Cano Health acquires University Health Care for $600 million and increases 2021 adjusted EBITDA guidance to over $100 Million,” Cano Health, June 14, 2021; “Cano Health acquires Doctor’s Medical Center for $300 million and updates guidance for 2021 and 2022,” Cano Health, July 7, 2021; “Oak Street Health acquires virtual specialty care provider RubiconMD,” Oak Street Health, October 21, 2021.

Based on data from Definitive Healthcare and the California Department of Managed Health Care, we estimate that 90 percent of Southern California’s commercial and Medicare lives are in value-based contracts, as well as nearly 50 percent of its Medicaid lives, making this one of the more mature markets nationally.

In the next five years, mature markets such as Florida and California will likely see increased competition among provider groups to further improve performance via more operationally and clinically complex levers. Successful providers will likely establish a strong presence with payers looking to delegate their growing memberships.

We have taken an expansive definition of value-based care in this article and included pay-for-quality, pay-for-performance, and similar models. Our experience suggests that private investment has focused on assets that take material financial risk on medical-cost management. This typically includes different types of physician groups, MSOs, independent physician associations, or other care delivery models, but has largely excluded hospitals and health systems in primarily pay-for-performance or pay-for-quality models. Through that lens, we observe investor interest primarily concentrated in three types:

  • Risk-bearing primary care groups enter value-based care contracts with payers with an aim to take over the accountable care within capitated payments, either on professional and physician services or on a member’s entire cost of care. In our experience, these providers often offer a higher-touch care model for a smaller patient panel than is typically seen in fee-for-service primary care. They spend more time with a smaller panel of patients than their fee-for-service peers, and they focus extensively on preventive care, condition management, and addressing patients’ social determinants of health. The past two to three years have seen a rise of at-scale risk-bearing groups with high valuations. They offer a proven investment rationale for sponsors—recent corrections in public valuations notwithstanding—with clear levers for growth, operational improvement, and multiple exit opportunities.
  • Value-based care MSOs have developed a compelling value proposition for independent primary- and specialty-care groups by facilitating the transition to risk through a combination of off-the-shelf tools and accompanying wraparound services, including payer contracting and practice transformation support. Successful MSOs can gain rapid scale when entering a new market, aggregating physicians and payer membership and quickly standing up risk-bearing entities or accountable-care organizations to take collective risk.
  • Risk-bearing specialty groups, while currently less prevalent than their primary care counterparts, are increasingly carving out medical-cost risk in value-based models tied to their specific procedures and conditions. Adoption varies considerably across specialties: orthopedics and nephrology were among the earliest adopters, and traction is emerging in cardiology (more on nephrology below). These groups can ultimately participate in a wide range of risk models, from episodic bundles to specialist subcapitation models that offer an analogue for global or population-level risk.

Scenario 3: Distinctive operational capabilities could become prerequisites for successful value-based care providers

As the market for value-based care providers has matured, public markets have driven market capitalization down substantially relative to the S&P 500 index, but with better results for those companies that have proven the ability to at least break even. Exhibit 5 shows trends over time.

Scrutiny may rise as investors become increasingly discerning about providers’ operational sophistication; providers that realize material savings will likely have clear and comprehensive clinical pathways that cover their members’ needs and a well-disciplined clinical staff immersed in a common approach to care delivery supported by analytical insights. Training clinicians in these models often takes time, which can influence the balance between the growth and operational performance of value-based care organizations. Further, the operational foresight necessary to weather a pandemic or other force majeures is expected to become increasingly important.

That said, market watchers might reasonably propose an array of factors that make this analysis imperfect—rebounding utilization in the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, market volatility from interest rate changes and attendant investor speculation, and public market skepticism of special-purpose acquisition company valuations chief among them. The divergence in enterprise valuations may create consolidation opportunities that accelerate the emergence of the national platforms relevant to investors, as detailed above.

With a variety of value-based care platforms, dormant value may be achieved from foundational “blocking and tackling” in analytics applications. In our view, predictive and truly advanced analytics, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, 13 Solveigh Hieronimus, Jonathan Jenkins, and Angela Spatharou, “ Transforming healthcare with AI: The impact on the workforce and organizations ,” McKinsey, March 10, 2020. hold substantial promise, but they may not be prerequisites for success in medical-cost management. This reflects both the complexity of the data and the enormity of the analytics challenge—past efforts to predict utilization (particularly emergency department and hospital inpatient utilization) have yielded few actionable insights. But there may be other opportunities for the application of value-additive advanced analytics 14 Ankur Agrawal, Karl Kellner, Jay Krishnan, and Prashanth Reddy, “ How healthcare services and technology companies can boost productivity with data and analytics ,” McKinsey, January 29, 2021. in predicting membership changes; providers may succeed in identifying drivers of patient churn and apply these to their own data on a forward-looking basis, developing mitigating interventions accordingly. 15 Scott Dresden et al., “Predicting avoidable emergency department visits using the NHAMCS dataset.” AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings Archive , May 23, 2022.

The path to value creation is likely to rest on analytics, standardized clinical practices and operational workflows, and a package of member and physician services designed to reduce medical costs by avoiding unnecessary (or unnecessarily high-cost) practices. From our experience working with value-based care providers, mature markets may be entering a transition in which the low-hanging fruit in operational and clinical performance improvement has largely been picked, as evidenced by the publicly reported performance of provider groups (Exhibit 6). 16 “Investor & Analyst Day Presentation,” Cano Health, March 4, 2021; Marlow Hernandez, “Redefining primary care to transform healthcare,” Cano Health, 2022 Investor Day presentation, June 7, 2022; “J.P. Morgan 2022 Virtual Healthcare Conference,” CareMax, January 13, 2022. This next wave of impact requires material capability building; many providers have already begun investing.

Scenario 4: Specialists may begin to adopt value-based care

Value-based care models have grown more intermittently among specialists than they have among primary care providers in recent years. 17 “ How providers can best confront the reality of value-based care ,” McKinsey, April 17, 2019. Across specialties, there has been a fundamental shift away from a predominantly utilization-management approach to specialty spend to one that aims to use analytics, care coordination, provider integration, and patient engagement to address avoidable spend more holistically. Two main models seem to be emerging:

  • The subcapitation model has been focused on specialties with high value at stake, predictable condition incidence, and clear value-creation levers under specialist control (for example, oncology care pathway choice, initiation of dialysis). In these models, specialty-specific spend is delegated to the risk-bearing entity, usually a benefit-management/care-management platform or a provider network. Either the payer or a primary care risk group can delegate this spend. Oncology, for example, has seen increased penetration of these models, 18 “COA letter to CMS and CMMI requesting extension of OCM,” Community Oncology Alliance, November 15, 2021; “Investor Presentation,” Oncology Institute of Hope and Innovation, November 2022. especially in markets where the presence of primary care risk delegation is high, with the risk-bearers generating medical cost savings mainly through the close management of specialty drug spend and the redirection of infusion to the highest-value clinically appropriate site of care.
  • Episode-based model adoption is higher among specialties with a higher prevalence of expensive, clearly defined episodes. Orthopedics, with its high-cost, highly “episodic” joint-replacement procedures, is perhaps the most notable example, 19 CMS Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Model: Performance year 4 evaluation report - Fourth annual report , Lewin Group, September 2021. but there is growing adoption in women’s health (for end-to-end maternity journeys), cardiology, and oncology.

Nephrology has seen the most accelerated adoption of value-based care models in recent years, supported by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services programs and rules (for example, coverage of end-stage renal disease [ESRD], launch of Kidney Care Choices), but this has occurred through structures that more closely resemble those of primary care. In emerging nephrology models, risk-bearers assume the risks for the total cost of care (versus specialty-spend only) for members with chronic kidney disease or ESRD. 20 Gaurav Jain and Daniel E. Weiner, “Value-based care in nephrology: The Kidney Care Choices model and other reforms,” Kidney360 , October 2021, Volume 2, Issue 10. Current reimbursement rates, cost-savings potential, and multiyear ownership of the patient journey make the model economically and operationally viable for nephrology. These value-based models are in relatively early stages of development, but we observe that nephrology providers adopting them report substantial reductions in hospital admissions, readmissions, and dialysis crashes, as well as widespread adoption of in-home dialysis, both improving outcomes and reducing the cost of care delivery. There are other specialties (for example, oncology and some segments of cardiology) for which the economics could be similarly feasible.

Overall, diverse risk-sharing models continue to grow in specialty care. Exhibit 7 lists some of our expectations by specialty. Episodic and condition-based capitation models should thrive as they continue to propel improved medical cost performance, as should specialty subcapitation models. Enabling and accelerating this trend, specialty provider MSOs are developing (or integrating with) specialty benefit-management solutions to take on more population-level risk. Investors could capture this value by acquiring practices, MSOs, or both. In each scenario, strong secular growth tailwinds across most geographies may bolster the investment thesis.

Investors may continue to look to value-based care for strong growth. With double-digit growth in the penetration of value-based care models, value-based care could continue to present a strong investment thesis—the “$1 trillion prize” in enterprise value that McKinsey described almost ten years ago. 21 Tom Latkovic, “ Claiming the $1 trillion prize in US health care ,” McKinsey, September 1, 2013.

These models hint at the possibility that by incentivizing improved patient outcomes and healthcare equity, value-based care players across the value chain (and the sponsors who back them) could continue to make gains. Competition will likely require operational effectiveness and differentiation, but whatever the approach may be, value-based care is a reality 22 “ How providers can best confront the reality of value-based care ,” McKinsey, April 17, 2019. with potential benefits for everyone from patients to clinicians to investors.

Zahy Abou-Atme is a partner in McKinsey’s New York office, Rob Alterman is an associate partner in the Philadelphia office, Gunjan Khanna is a senior partner in the Pittsburgh office, and Edward Levine, MD , is a senior partner in the Bay Area office.

The authors wish to thank Vamsee Gurram, Amit Kunte, Isaac Swaiman, and others for their contributions to this article.

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  20. How to Write Limitations of the Study (with examples)

    Common types of limitations and their ramifications include: Theoretical: limits the scope, depth, or applicability of a study. Methodological: limits the quality, quantity, or diversity of the data. Empirical: limits the representativeness, validity, or reliability of the data. Analytical: limits the accuracy, completeness, or significance of ...

  21. How to structure your PhD thesis

    Future perspective: this section of the thesis (which is often combined with a summary or conclusion) talks about the study's limitations, if any, and indicates the directions for future studies based on your findings. References or bibliography: the last section should include the list of articles, websites and other resources cited in the thesis.


    1 Scope and Limitation The scope of the study is heavily focused on the effect of tourism development beach resorts of Dahican, Mati City, particularly in Sitio Kaligu-an, Dafila, and Maribuhok. The subjects and respondents of the study would be limited to Barangay officials, Tribe leaders, and residents Barangay Dahican, Mati City.

  23. Thesis

    A thesis is a comprehensive research paper that presents a central argument or claim supported by evidence. Typically written by students pursuing advanced degrees, a thesis demonstrates a deep understanding of a subject. It includes a clear research question, literature review, methodology, analysis, and conclusions.

  24. Appendix 4. Sample Outcome Statements from History Master's ...

    History M.A. and M.S. Objectives 1: The main object of these programs is to advance students' knowledge and understanding of the essentials of historical study beyond what they achieved at the undergraduate level. These programs include three core elements - the development of students' general methodological and philosophical knowledge ...

  25. Q: What is the meaning of scope and delimitations of a study?

    Answer: Scope and delimitations are two elements of a research paper or thesis. The scope of a study explains the extent to which the research area will be explored in the work and specifies the parameters within which the study will be operating. For example, let's say a researcher wants to study the impact of mobile phones on behavior ...

  26. Q: Can you give an example of the scope of a study?

    1 Answer to this question. Answer: The scope of a study explains the extent to which the research area will be explored in the study and specifies the parameters within which the study will be operating. Thus, the scope of a study will define the purpose of the study, the population size and characteristics, geographical location, the time ...

  27. UB medical students are making it easier to find gender-affirming care

    6/22/24 UB medical students are making it easier to find gender-affirming care in Buffalo; 6/22/24 Study: Researchers use big data to establish long COVID subtypes based on more than 250,000 VA patients; 6/21/24 Teaching a passion for UB Fulbright recipient; 6/21/24 Seeking root causes for mass shootings in perpetrators' statements; 6/21/24 Jacobs School to host international conference of the ...

  28. Investing in the new era of value-based care

    To arrive at the $1 trillion enterprise value estimate, consider the following:. Approximately 160 million total lives are in value-based care. According to McKinsey analysis, this represents an aggregated and triangulated view that draws on payer financial statements, publications, and press releases; Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services data for Medicare and Medicaid; state regulatory ...