ProQuest™ Dissertations & Theses Citation Index

The ProQuest™ Dissertations & Theses Citation Index (PQDT) is the world's most comprehensive curated collection of multi-disciplinary dissertations and theses, offering over 5.5 million records representing dissertations and theses from thousands of universities around the world.

Extending from they early 1600s to present, PQDT coverage is broadly multidisciplinary and includes foundational research in the life sciences, mathematics, computer science, engineering, social sciences, and humanities. Within dissertations and theses is a wealth of scholarship, yet it is often overlooked because most go unpublished.

Key Features

The ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index will be a standalone database and included in an All Databases search by default. WoS users also have filter options available in each search so that they can search broadly and then narrow focus on a particular collection, subject category, document type, etc. If a user wants to locate dissertations or theses specifically, they can also search of ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index only.

Standalone and aggregated search

PQDT is included in ALL Database search and can also be searched as a unique collection.

Track citation activity in Web of Science Core Collection

Dissertations and theses that have been cited by Web of Science Core Collection records will include a citation count and a link to the citing articles.

Claim dissertation or theses to a Web of Science Researcher Profiles

Researchers can manually claim their dissertation or thesis to their Web of Science Researcher Profile and make it part of the public view of their profile.

Links to Full Text of dissertations and theses on ProQuest platform

Institutions that subscribe to PQDT Global on the ProQuest platform will be able to link directly to their entitled full text.

Note: ProQuest Dissertation and Theses Citation Index will be released to customers in two phases. Phase 1: In July 2023, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Citation Index will go live with metadata records for 5.5+ million dissertations and theses. The records will not include cited reference indexing, which means that functionality such as Related Records and Cited References lists and associated navigation will not display. Phase 2: In late 2023, Linked Cited References lists and Related Records will be released to fully connect dissertations to the Web of Science citation network. If you have any questions regarding PQDT entitlement or functionality, please contact the Web of Science support team .

The Graduate School

Thesis & dissertation, what is an electronic thesis or dissertation.

The University of Maryland, Baltimore County has entered into an agreement with ProQuest to accept Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD). Students submit their documents directly to Proquest, and the Graduate School evaluates them online for formatting and legibility. If you need to make corrections, you’ll receive an email from the Graduate School detailing what needs to be done.

Once all corrections are made, the Graduate School accepts the document, and, provided you have passed all necessary departmental and university checks (see your department and the Graduate School for more info) for graduation, you are cleared to graduate. After this process is complete, the Graduate School “delivers” the documents officially to ProQuest, who logs, indexes and publishes them on Digital Dissertations , a nationwide clearinghouse of theses and dissertations, to which the vast majority of U.S. theses and dissertations are submitted. After delivery, if you need to make corrections or changes, you will deal directly with ProQuest, as administration of the documents shifts to them.

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Graduate School deadlines for thesis and dissertation submission are listed here. These deadlines indicate the date by which your academically complete document must be submitted to the system. An academically complete document is one to which all examining committee-ordered revisions have been made.

  • Fall: December 1
  • Summer: August 1
  • Spring: May 1

As long as your academically complete document is submitted by the deadline (even without correct Graduate School formatting), it is considered to have met the deadline. Any formatting changes requested by the Graduate School can be made after the ETD editors evaluate your document during the submission process.

Materials Available to Help You

The Graduate School’s requirements for all theses and dissertations are outlined in detail in the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Style Guide . Anyone submitting a Thesis or Dissertation document should consult these requirements prior to beginning the ETD process.

In addition, thesis and dissertation templates for Word and LATEx are available. The documents come pre-formatted to the standards set forth in the Style Guide.

  • Instructions for Using the Dissertation and Thesis Templates
  • Full Template for Dissertations
  • Full Template for Theses
  • Thesis and Dissertation Template for LaTeX

ProQuest also provides a guide for Preparing your Manuscript for Submission.

Policy on the Remote Participation of Committee Members

All members of the Final Defense Committee must be physically or remotely present for Masters Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation defenses. Remote participation must occur in a synchronous form of communication that allows the Committee Members and the Degree Candidate to see and hear each other. This is considered a hybrid defense. In addition, the Candidate must ensure that the remote participant(s) has access to the thesis or dissertation and the presentation.  Doctoral Degree Candidates must provide the web address of hybrid or remote defenses to the Graduate School at the time that they submit their Announcement of Defense forms.

The Report of Examining Committee form will be sent to the committee via DocuSign prior to the start of the defense. All committee members, whether physically or remotely present, are responsible for signing the Report of Examining form within 48 hours of the conclusion of the defense. Once the DocuSign form is complete, it will automatically be sent to the appropriate Graduation Coordinator in the Graduate School.

The Graduate School strongly encourages using Webex for hybrid and remote defenses. Information on setting up a Webex defense can be found here:

Serving On Committees After Leaving In Good Standing

The following are guidelines approved by the Graduate Council for serving on Thesis and Dissertation committees for Regular or Associate Graduate Faculty who have left the University in good standing.

At the discretion of the Dean or Associate Dean:

  • For committees that were formed before the faculty member left the University, faculty may retain their graduate faculty status to fulfill minimum number of associate or regular members on a committee. Faculty who leave the University cannot Chair an existing committee but may serve as co-Chair. The time limit for this rule shall be two (2) years with an option for the program to reconfirm for additional two-year periods.
  • Faculty who maintain an adjunct appointment may continue as an Associate member and thus can chair a thesis committee but not a dissertation committee.
  • For all committees formed after the faculty member has left, the former faculty member serves as an Outside Member and a CV is required. Special Graduate Faculty status is not required.
  • With prior approval by the department and/or program, faculty who have been granted emeritus status, and who are actively involved in research and their department, may retain their graduate faculty status, including chairing a committee.
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University of South Florida

Office of Graduate Studies

Main navigation, etd process requirements, proquest thesis/dissertation submission.

ProQuest is the website USF uses to facilitate the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Review. It saves all versions of the ETD, and allows us to work with you on revising your document to meet the format requirements. 

To start, you'll need to create a new account and then upload your thesis or dissertation in PDF format for review. You will receive a confirmation email once you've submitted the ETD.

Initial review of the ETD generally takes 5-10 business days (and begins only once all submission requirements [ETD Registration, COA Packet, and ProQuest Submission] have been completed by the student). Note that ETDs submitted close to or on the deadline may require longer review times.  Keep an eye on your email inbox so you don't miss any updates to your submission. 

NOTE: Please double-check your inbox and spam folder for emails from ProQuest before reaching out to the ETD Administrators for an update on your submission.

Making Revisions & Submitting the Revised ETD

If the Office of Graduate Studies (OGS) requires modifications to the submitted ETD, the student will receive an email with instructions on how to view the requested revisions. In order to see the comments, download the PDF, containing the ETD Administrator's commentary, from ProQuest and then open it. 

NOTE: Make the needed revisions in the Word or LaTeX document you originally used. Do not try to make corrections to the ProQuest PDF or try to save the PDF as a Word document. Doing so messes with the formatting and makes it nearly impossible to make the corrections. We strongly suggest saving the revised word document as a new copy so that you have the original version. This protects your work if anything happens to the document as you revise it.

The student must make all corrections and resubmit the corrected ETD to ProQuest at least a few days before the OGS deadline. 

Be sure to click all "Submit Revision" confirmations within ProQuest – this lets us know you are ready for your revisions to be annotated!

The Office of Graduate Studies will then re-review the corrected ETD as described above. 

Reviews may require an additional 5-7 business days - depending on the current number of ETDs in review and the level of revision required.

Proquest process

Late ETD Submission

ETDs submitted after the respective deadline without an extension request form from the Dean of Graduate Studies may not be processed for that semester's graduation. You may have to register again in the following semester.

Publishing Options - Embargo

An Embargo allows students to withhold the release of their ETD for one year (1Y) . Reasons for an embargo include patentable rights; sensitive/classified information; interest of academic/commercial press in acquiring the rights to publish as a book; or content likely to be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal.

If you would like to embargo your ETD for one year, you must select the correct option in ProQuest.

ProQuest Asks: Delaying Release “Do you want your work to be available in ProQuest as soon as it is published?” Choose either:

○ Yes (Immediate Worldwide Access – No Embargo) ○ No (One-Year Embargo)

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Stary Oskol

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Rusmania • Deep into Russia
  • Belgorod Region

Coat of arms

Stary Oskol is the Belgorod Region’s second city by population and today consists of two main parts: the historical centre on the hill and the new centre made up of blocks of housing estates (mikroraiony). It is named after the river on which it stands on; the word stary (old) was added to distinguish it from the new settlement of Novy Oskol (New Oskol). Just outside the city is an impressive cave-monastery complex.

Top recommendations in Stary Oskol

Stary Oskol 6

Kholkovsky Monastery

Travel outside the city to the nearby settlement of Kholki to visit the Kholkovsky Monastery - an impressive cave monastery.

Stary Oskol 40

Historical Centre

Walk around the historical part of the city, located where once a wooden fortress stood to protect Russia’s southern borders, and visit the museum here.

Stary Oskol 37

War Memorials

Have a look at all the war memorial in the city - in recognition of Stary Oskol’s status as a City of Military Glory.

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How text and data mining enables digital literacy in the classroom.

Read about the University of Sydney’s journey to integrate text and data mining (TDM) into its undergraduate courses and incorporate it across disciplines

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Print Copies

Whether you’re an author, university library, or researcher, ordering a dissertation or thesis through ProQuest is easy. Our hardcover editions replicate the Library of Congress holdings—printed in full color, with elegant black covers and embossed gold titles.

Academic interlibrary loan offices can make purchases easily and cost-effectively by setting up an ILL Account. Complete the form to sign up .

* Shipping is an additional cost and is calculated at the time of purchase.

A4 Hardcover library bind; black linen cover; embossed gold title; 24-lb acid-free archival-grade paper; double-sided color printing.

1-2: $62.00

3-4: $56.00

5 or more: $50.00

$82.00 $82.00
8 ½ x 11 Hardcover library bind; black linen cover; embossed gold title; 24-lb acid-free archival-grade paper; double-sided color printing. Replicates Library of Congress holdings.

1-2: $62.00

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6 x 9 Hardcover library bind; black linen cover; embossed gold title; 24-lb acid-free archival-grade paper; double-sided color printing.

1-2: $51.00

3-4: $46.00 

5 or more: $41.00

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8 ½ x 11 Softcover blue cover; stamped black title; 24-lb acid-free archival-grade paper; double-sided color printing.

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6 x 9 Softcover blue cover; stamped black title; 24-lb acid-free archival-grade paper; double-sided color printing.

1-2: $38.00

3-4: $34.00

5 or more: $31.00

$58.00 $58.00
Available for immediate download. N/A $41.00 $41.00


  1. Find Dissertations and Theses via the ProQuest Dissertations Database

    proquest dissertation correction

  2. ProQuest dissertations and theses A&I (PQDT)

    proquest dissertation correction

  3. Using Proquest Dissertations and Theses

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  5. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses

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  6. PPT

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  1. 7 Steps Problem Statement Template! (𝙎𝙀𝑪𝙍𝑬𝙏!)

  2. dissertation brouillage des classes

  3. Locate Dissertations by Chair

  4. Literature Online on the ProQuest Platform

  5. Jinjin Ma, 2012 Distinguished Dissertation Award Winner

  6. Finding resources in ProQuest databases


  1. Dissertation/Thesis Correction Policy

    Dissertation/Thesis Correction Policy. A letter or email from the graduate office at your university, giving authorization for the changes to be made to your published dissertation/thesis. A complete, corrected copy of your dissertation/thesis. The document must be in PDF format, non-encrypted (without password protection), and all fonts should ...

  2. Dissertation corrections

    How do I report corrections to a dissertation? To make correction requests for dissertations, please submit a Dissertations & Theses support case. You can also call Author and School Relations at: 1-800-521-0600, press 2, then 1. Please include the dissertation title, author, year, and publication number.

  3. Support for Dissertations & Theses

    As part of the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses service, our staff editors carefully compile relevant bibliographic information about each dissertation or theses that is published. That bibliographic data is used as the basis for MARC records.

  4. ProQuest Dissertations FAQ

    Author Dissertations FAQs. Frequently asked questions about ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis.

  5. Dissertations & Theses

    ProQuest Dissertations & Theses provides researchers with unmatched search and reference link functionality that delivers results from across the globe.

  6. Author Dissertations FAQs

    ProQuest assists researchers and institutions in the discoverability and dissemination of their dissertations and theses; the database is accessed by researchers at more than 3,100 institutions worldwide. Inclusion in ProQuest provides access to an author's dissertation alongside decades of groundbreaking research from doctoral and master's ...

  7. WSU Libraries

    After submitting your thesis or dissertation to ProQuest, you will be prompted to make any necessary corrections by the Graduate School. Approximately 45 days after commencement, the Graduate School strives to complete reviews of all ETDs.

  8. PDF Thesis Dissertation Handbook

    ProQuest provides these services at no charge and is a nonexclusive distribution of your open-access thesis or dissertation. You will be eligible for a royalty based on sales of the full text of your work in all formulas. Please contact [email protected] with any questions or to set up your account to collect royalties. Do not upload your ...

  9. ProQuest™ Dissertations & Theses Citation Index

    The ProQuest™ Dissertations & Theses Citation Index (PQDT) is the world's most comprehensive curated collection of multi-disciplinary dissertations and theses, offering over 5.5 million records representing dissertations and theses from thousands of universities around the world.

  10. Thesis & Dissertation

    What is an Electronic Thesis or Dissertation? The University of Maryland, Baltimore County has entered into an agreement with ProQuest to accept Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD). Students submit their documents directly to Proquest, and the Graduate School evaluates them online for formatting and legibility. If you need to make corrections, you'll receive an email […]

  11. Why am I being charged a correction fee to make dissertation ...

    When we process a dissertation/thesis through our editorial workflow, we create multiple copies of microfilm that are stored in separate climate and humidity-controlled vaults around the United States. Correction fee to revise a published manuscript.

  12. ProQuest Thesis/Dissertation Submission

    ProQuest is the website USF uses to facilitate the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Review. It saves all versions of the ETD, and allows us to work with you on revising your document to meet the format requirements.

  13. ProQuest Dissertations Express

    Discover and access a vast collection of graduate works from various institutions on ProQuest Dissertations Express.

  14. Submitting Your Dissertation

    Over 90% of dissertations produced by graduates of research institutions are published. For many institutions, the submission process culminates with the submission of the manuscript and/or abstract and index to the historical and now global database. Scholars from around the world in 3000 research libraries are able to access the work.

  15. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

    ProQuest Dissertations and Theses ( PQDT) is an online database that indexes, abstracts, and provides full-text access to dissertations and theses. The database includes over 2.4 million records and covers 1637 to the present.

  16. Stary Oskol Map

    Stary Oskol is a city in Belgorod Oblast, Russia, located 618 kilometers south of Moscow. Stary Oskol has about 222,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.

  17. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global

    The ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (PQDT) ™ database is the world's most comprehensive curated collection of multi-disciplinary dissertations and theses from around the world, offering over 5 million citations and 3 million full-text works from thousands of universities.

  18. New ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global Citation Connections

    Start the process by performing a search on ProQuest Dissertations & These Global (PQDT Global) and you normally perform using key terms in the search bar. Since the Citation Connections algorithm uses extracted references, you may want to add "AND ref (1)" to your search terms to ensure that all returned results include references. From the results page, select the dissertation or theses ...

  19. File : Coat of Arms of Stary Oskol (Belgorod oblast).png

    File:Coat of Arms of Stary Oskol.svg is a vector version of this file. It should be used in place of this PNG file when not inferior.

  20. Stary Oskol

    Stary Oskol is the Belgorod Region's second city by population and today consists of two main parts: the historical centre on the hill and the new centre made up of blocks of housing estates (mikroraiony). It is named after the river on which it stands on; the word stary (old) was added to distinguish it from the new settlement of Novy Oskol (New Oskol). Just outside the city is an ...

  21. ... VDOM

  22. SBU Says its Drones Attacked Russian Oil Depot and Power ...

    SBU sources tell Kyiv Post it carried out successful drone attacks on the Oskolnaftosvetna oil depot in the Belgorod region and the Eletskaya substation in the Lipetsk region of Russia. Overnight on 12 / 13 May, drones belonging to the Security Service of Ukraine ( SBU) were actively operating in the Lipetsk and Belgorod regions of Russia ...

  23. Writing Your Dissertation or Thesis

    Use computer-aided proofreading for spelling and "find and replace" corrections. Use hard-copy proofreading to correct punctuation and grammar. Writing and revising your dissertation can look overwhelming in the beginning. Try out some of the ideas in fast writing and editing and you might find that writing your dissertation can be both ...

  24. Dissertation Copy Options

    Whether you're an author, university library, or researcher, ordering a dissertation or thesis through ProQuest is easy. Our hardcover editions replicate the Library of Congress holdings—printed in full color, with elegant black covers and embossed gold titles.