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Write a Good Travel Essay. Please.

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Kathleen Boardman

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Editor’s Note: We know that many of you are looking for help writing travel experience essays for school or simply writing about a trip for your friends or family. To inspire you and help you write your next trip essay—whether it’s an essay about a trip with family or simply a way to remember your best trip ever (so far)—we enlisted the help of Professor Kathleen Boardman, whose decades of teaching have helped many college students learn the fine art of autobiography and life writing. Here’s advice on how to turn a simple “my best trip” essay into a story that will inspire others to explore the world.

Welcome home! Now that you’re back from your trip, you’d like to share it with others in a travel essay. You’re a good writer and a good editor of your work, but you’ve never tried travel writing before. As your potential reader, I have some advice and some requests for you as you write your travel experience essay.

Trip Essays: What to Avoid

Please don’t tell me everything about your trip. I don’t want to know your travel schedule or the names of all the castles or restaurants you visited. I don’t care about the plane trip that got you there (unless, of course, that trip is the story).

I have a friend who, when I return from a trip, never asks me, “How was your trip?” She knows that I would give her a long, rambling answer: “… and then … and then … and then.” So instead, she says, “Tell me about one thing that really stood out for you.” That’s what I’d like you to do in this travel essay you’re writing.

The Power of Compelling Scenes

One or two “snapshots” are enough—but make them great. Many good writers jump right into the middle of their account with a vivid written “snapshot” of an important scene. Then, having aroused their readers’ interest or curiosity, they fill in the story or background. I think this technique works great for travel writing; at least, I would rather enjoy a vivid snapshot than read through a day-to-day summary of somebody’s travel journal.

Write About a Trip Using Vivid Descriptions

Take your time. Tell a story. So what if you saw things that were “incredible,” did things that were “amazing,” observed actions that you thought “weird”? These words don’t mean anything to me unless you show me, in a story or a vivid description, the experience that made you want to use those adjectives.

I’d like to see the place, the people, or the journey through your eyes, not someone else’s. Please don’t rewrite someone else’s account of visiting the place. Please don’t try to imitate a travel guide or travelogue or someone’s blog or Facebook entry. You are not writing a real travel essay unless you are describing, as clearly and honestly as possible, yourself in the place you visited. What did you see, hear, taste, say? Don’t worry if your “take” on your experience doesn’t match what everyone else says about it. (I’ve already read what THEY have to say.)

The Importance of Self-Editing Your Trip Essay

Don’t give me your first draft to read. Instead, set it aside and then reread it. Reread it again. Where might I need more explanation? What parts of your account are likely to confuse me? (After all, I wasn’t there.) Where might you be wasting my time by repeating or rambling on about something you’ve already told me?

Make me feel, make me laugh, help me learn something. But don’t overdo it: Please don’t preach to me about broadening my horizons or understanding other cultures. Instead, let me in on your feelings, your change of heart and mind, even your fear and uncertainty, as you confronted something you’d never experienced before. If you can, surprise me with something I didn’t know or couldn’t have suspected.

You Can Do It: Turning Your Trip into a Great Travel Experience Essay

I hope you will take yourself seriously as a traveler and as a writer. Through what—and how—you write about just a small portion of your travel experience, show me that you are an interesting, thoughtful, observant person. I will come back to you, begging for more of your travel essays.

Take Notes in a Cute Journal

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Keep track of all the crucial details- and even the ones you might forget, in a durable and refillable journal.

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Mr Greg's English Cloud

Short Essay: My Adventurous Trip

A couple of short essay examples on an adventurous trip.

Table of Contents

My Adventurous Trip Essay Example 1

Traveling is one of the most exciting experiences one can have in life. It allows us to explore new places, meet different people, and create unforgettable memories. My recent adventurous trip was one such experience that I will cherish for a lifetime. The trip involved hiking through a dense forest, crossing a river, and reaching the summit of a mountain, where I enjoyed a breathtaking view. Despite facing challenges such as unpredictable weather and rough terrain, the trip was a memorable and rewarding experience. In this essay, I will share my experience of this adventurous trip, highlighting the challenges, the exhilarating moments, and the memories that I will cherish forever.

Our trip started with hiking through a dense forest. The forest was full of tall trees, colorful flowers, and chirping birds. The trail was steep and rocky, and we had to be careful while walking. The forest was so dense that we could hardly see the sun, and the air was full of freshness. We had to take breaks in between to catch our breath and hydrate ourselves. As we walked, we could hear the sound of a river, and after a few hours of hiking, we finally reached the river. The river was wide and had a strong current, and we had to cross it to continue our journey. We had to be careful while crossing the river, and we held hands to maintain our balance. The water was cold, and we could feel the current pushing us, but we made it to the other side, feeling proud of ourselves.

The highlight of our trip was reaching the summit of the mountain. The climb was steep and exhausting, but the view from the top was worth every effort. From the top of the mountain, we could see the entire valley, and it was a sight to behold. The sky was clear, and the sun was shining brightly, making the view even more beautiful. We took pictures and sat there for a while, enjoying the serene beauty of nature. We could hear the sound of birds and feel the cool breeze on our faces. It was a moment of pure bliss, and we felt grateful for being able to witness such a beautiful view.

Despite facing challenges such as unpredictable weather and rough terrain, the trip was a memorable and rewarding experience. We had to face unexpected rain and strong winds, which made the climb more challenging. We slipped a few times, but we managed to keep going, motivated by the thought of reaching the summit. The journey was long and tiring, but the memories we created were worth it. We bonded with our fellow travelers, shared laughter, and created memories that we will cherish forever. The trip taught us to be resilient, to push ourselves beyond our limits, and to appreciate the beauty of nature.

In conclusion, my adventurous trip was an unforgettable experience that allowed me to explore the beauty of nature, push my limits, and create memories that I will cherish forever. Hiking through a dense forest, crossing a river, and reaching the summit of a mountain were challenging but rewarding experiences. Despite facing unpredictable weather and rough terrain, we persevered and created memories that will stay with us for a lifetime. The trip taught us the importance of resilience, perseverance, and appreciation for the beauty of nature. It was an experience that I will always treasure and would love to relive again.

My Adventurous Trip Essay Example 2

My adventurous trip was an experience of a lifetime. It was a chance for me to step out of my comfort zone and explore the great outdoors. The trip was filled with activities such as hiking, camping, and kayaking. The beautiful scenery and wildlife sightings made the trip memorable. Overcoming challenges such as inclement weather and physical exertion added to the sense of accomplishment and adventure. In this essay, I will share my experiences of this unforgettable trip.

Hiking was one of the most exciting activities of the trip. We started our hike early in the morning, and the trail was challenging, but the view was worth it. The trail led us through dense forests, and we saw wildflowers, butterflies, and birds along the way. We stopped for a break at a small waterfall, and the sound of the water was soothing. As we continued our hike, we came across a steep incline, which was physically demanding, but we pushed on. At the peak, we were rewarded with an incredible view of the valley below. The sense of accomplishment we felt after completing the hike was indescribable.

Camping was another activity that added to the adventure of the trip. We set up our tents near a lake, and the view was breathtaking. We spent the night sitting around a campfire, roasting marshmallows, and sharing stories. The night sky was clear, and we saw countless stars, which was a beautiful sight. The next morning, we woke up early to go kayaking on the lake. The water was calm, and we saw fish jumping out of the water. We even saw a family of ducks swimming nearby. Kayaking was a peaceful and relaxing experience.

The trip was not without its challenges, however. We faced inclement weather during our kayaking, and it was physically demanding. The waves were strong, and the water was choppy. We had to navigate our kayaks through the waves carefully. At times, it was nerve-wracking, but we were able to push through and complete the activity. Overcoming these challenges added to the sense of adventure and accomplishment.

In conclusion, my adventurous trip was an experience that I will cherish forever. The activities such as hiking, camping, and kayaking, the beautiful scenery and wildlife sightings, and the challenges we faced made the trip unforgettable. It was an opportunity for me to step out of my comfort zone, explore the great outdoors, and create memories with friends. I hope to have more opportunities like this in the future.

My Adventurous Trip Essay Example 3

Going on an adventurous trip is an experience that many people crave. It is an opportunity to explore new destinations, push oneself to the limit, and create unforgettable memories. I recently had the chance to embark on one such journey, and it was an experience that I will never forget. My adventurous trip involved hiking through a dense forest to reach a remote waterfall. Along the way, I encountered challenging terrain and had to navigate through rough terrain. Despite the difficulties, the stunning views and sense of accomplishment made the trip a truly unforgettable adventure. In this essay, I will describe my trip in detail, highlighting the challenges and the rewards that came with it.

The first part of my adventurous trip involved hiking through a dense forest to reach a remote waterfall. The trail was not well-marked, and the terrain was challenging, consisting of steep inclines, muddy patches, and slippery rocks. The dense foliage made it difficult to see the path ahead, and we had to rely on our instincts and map reading skills to find our way through. The forest was alive with the sounds of birds and small animals, and the air was fresh and invigorating. As we got closer to our destination, the sound of rushing water became louder, and we knew we were getting close. Finally, after several hours of hiking, we arrived at the waterfall, and the sight before us was breathtaking. The waterfall was a powerful force of nature, cascading down from a height of over 100 feet. The water was crystal clear, and the surrounding rocks were covered in moss and ferns. It was a sight that made all the hiking and exertion worth it.

The second part of my adventurous trip involved navigating through rough terrain. The terrain was rocky and uneven, and we had to be careful not to slip or fall. At some points, the trail was so steep that we had to use ropes to climb up or down. The weather was also unpredictable, and we had to be prepared for sudden rain or wind. Despite the challenges, the sense of adventure and excitement kept us going. We were a group of friends, and we encouraged and supported each other along the way. We shared food and water, helped each other over difficult patches, and cheered each other on when we reached a milestone. The journey was not just about reaching the destination; it was also about the bonds we formed and the memories we created.

The final part of my adventurous trip was the sense of accomplishment that came with it. After several hours of hiking, navigating challenging terrain, and enduring unpredictable weather, we finally reached our destination. The feeling of standing in front of the waterfall, surrounded by the beauty of nature, was indescribable. It was a sense of accomplishment that came from pushing ourselves beyond our limits, from facing our fears and overcoming them. We took pictures, laughed, and savored the moment. It was a feeling that stayed with us long after the trip was over. The adventurous trip was not just a physical journey; it was also a journey of the mind and the spirit.

In conclusion, my adventurous trip was an experience that I will never forget. It involved hiking through a dense forest to reach a remote waterfall, navigating through rough terrain, and the sense of accomplishment that came with it. The trip was challenging, but it was also rewarding. It reminded me of the beauty of nature, the importance of perseverance, and the power of friendship. It was an experience that taught me to appreciate the simple things in life and to embrace the adventure that comes with it.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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my trip experience essay

Travel: Personal Experience

One of my passions is travelling. Travel involves visiting new places and meeting new people and having varied experiences. I come originally from Romania and have travelled to UK and US. I remember the quote by Samuel Johnson: “All travel has its advantages. If the passenger visits better countries, he may learn to improve his own. And if fortune carries him to worse, he may learn to enjoy it”. I have had the luck of visiting better countries and I believe my travel experiences have taught me a lot about human life and helped me expand the way I see things.

When I first travelled within Romania, it opened my eyes to how other people live. I saw how people lived happily even though they did not have much money or luxuries. It taught me that to be happy, money is not the only thing. I must have an attitude to be happy with what I have. It also taught me to accept people from different races and colors. When I travelled abroad, I saw new cultures and different lifestyles.

It was very exciting and adventurous. I learnt to enjoy these new experiences, to become part of these varied cultures by taking their food, wearing their dresses, etc. This has created in me the awareness that people all over the world are basically the same but they are different in the cultures – have different ways of talking, singing, enjoying, dancing, writing, building, dressing and conducting business. I have acquired a more global perspective of the world we live in. My knowledge has thus expanded because of my travel.

Self-confidence is another quality that I developed as a result of travelling. Whenever I travel, I had to be responsible for my own luggage, tickets and documents. I had to be careful in taking flights and cabs. When I was in my home country, I used to be shy to talk to new people. But during my travels, I learnt to talk to strangers and ask for help whenever I needed it. This gave me the confidence that I can make new friends. Also, new places sometimes had new customs that I had to adapt to.

Travel is the time I use to read and listen to music. This also gives me the time to reflect deeply on my life’s goals and where I am right now. It is an ideal opportunity to break free from a routine lifestyle. I feel very much relaxed during my travel and enjoy seeing new scenes and landscapes. It gives me time to discover more about myself. For example, when I was in Los Angeles, I saw a rock music performance at a club where everyone danced. I had not danced earlier at clubs. But when I joined the fun, I was surprised to realize that I enjoyed the experience a lot.

Travel also gives me a sense of being free and independent. It makes my mind open to new experiences all the time. Even during a flight, I get to taste new food, hear a new language, see new ways of dressing and listen to new kinds of music. This is very exciting and I thoroughly enjoy my life during these moments.

Through my travels, I have made many new international friends. Conversing with them has helped me understand their cultures better and I also have opportunities of improving my English which is now very important when travelling in UK and US. Moreover, as I intend to study in United States, it is good to improve my language skills before I begin my studies. Travelling to the United States has also helped me absorb their local culture and understand the value of hard work.

Above all, whenever I return to Romania after my travels, it helps me appreciate my home country a lot. I value Romanian culture and the warm way in which people relate to each other. I can appreciate it all the more when I travel abroad. Thus, my passion for travel while giving me fun, dreams and confidence, has also educated me, helped me embrace new cultures and new communication skills, adopt a more global perspective, improve my English and given me lots of good friends and wonderful memories. It has made me a richer person internally.

  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2021, September 28). Travel: Personal Experience.

"Travel: Personal Experience." IvyPanda , 28 Sept. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Travel: Personal Experience'. 28 September.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Travel: Personal Experience." September 28, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Travel: Personal Experience." September 28, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Travel: Personal Experience." September 28, 2021.

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Personal Narrative Essay: My Travel Experience

Travelling is an action in which the mind is enriched and which can ultimately change one's life. It all began from the business trips my dad used to take to Berlin, Germany. He used to tell us these fascinating stories and how the atmosphere of this beautiful city was unlike any other. We are a family who loves to travel, whenever we have off from school we usually travel. Some of the places that I have travelled to include the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, United States, etc. So when my dad told me that Berlin and Europe was different from all of my other travels I was fascinated. I wondered, what could make Europe so different? After that, I was extremely anxious to travel to Europe, especially Paris because I love fashion. Once summer of 2018 came around we took a trip to Europe. It was an exonerating experience. One that made me appreciate different cultures. This trip gave me a different perspective on life and its diverse cultures. It gave me the wonderful opportunity to experience different cultures, lifestyles, cities, and most importantly it made me appreciate the life my parents have provided for me. 

My month long trip consisted of travelling to different cities such as London, Paris, and Berlin. The moment I landed in Paris, I already noticed a big difference in the culture, language, food,and style. I honestly fell in love with the city. As a fashion designer the fashion industry was the best; the boutiques were so unique with exquisite clothing pieces. My favorite was going to Champs Elysee and Galeries Lafayette where we shopped day and night. Oh and the architecture was even better; from the tall gold defined construction of the Palace de Versailles was eye shocking. It was a feeling and ambience unique to Europe. It was like seeing the art from the History books but in real life. Our next stop was London. This was much different as compared to Paris, it honestly was the most culture shocking for me. The accent was so different but I honestly loved it. It felt like I was living a royal lifestyle because of how respectful, kind, and downhearted the natives were. We were staying at the Waldorf Astoria of London which was probably one of the best hotels I have stayed in; the breakfast they offered was to die for from various pastries, cheese’s, and breads. The ambience was amazing; it felt like you were living through history with an acadian style architecture with gold finishes. Something I found fascinating was how the taxi cabs were like the cars you would see from the 1900s, the back beetle like cars, with the driving seat on the right side. The London eye and the Big Ben was breathtaking. The last stop to our trip was Berlin, the most relaxing of them all. We were able to  explore the city without having to make it on time for some activity. The breakfast we had at the lounge was also amazing. The people were so kind there. However, the one thing i did notice was that people love to drink beer and smoke cigarettes there a lot, which is something I find appalling as I feel that consuming or smoking such cansmoking such can have negative effects on your health. We went on fairy rides that took you all throughout the city, which was relaxing. Overall, Berlin was a beautiful city and the most relaxing.  Overall the culture and moral is much different from anywhere else in the world.

The lifestyle in Europe is if you just want to forget about all your problems and have no one rush you. Everything there was just so laid back and relaxing, like I mentioned before they didn’t rush you out of anywhere. I am also coming from a vacation aspect, if I lived there it would be a totally different lifestyle. Talking about living, my family and I were going to move to Berlin for a year because we loved it so much. I truly wanted to move there but my sister didn’t want to leave in the middle of high school so we decided to stay in America. In Berlin, it just felt safe, me and my sister were going on the train and just exploring all of Berlin by ourselves because our parents knew it was safe. If you want to live the city lifestyle with the European touch Berlin is the place to be. London had the luxury lifestyle everyone fantasizes about with houses shaped like castles and going to Harrods to shop and eat. The atmosphere in Paris specifically near the Eiffel Tower was everyone is just living in the moment and you would hear soothing French street music as you observe how the Eiffel Tower is nothing like the pictures. 

All of this wouldn’t be possible without my parents. This trip made me realize how fortunate and grateful I am to have parents who want me to experience all different types of cultures. If it weren’t for my parents my trip to Europe would not have been possible. I wouldn’t be staying at such luxurious hotels and eating such exquisite food. I have never appreciated travelling as much as I did when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. It made me reminisce of all the wonderful times we had as a family. 

Going to Europe gave me a different perspective on life by making me realize how grateful I should be to have experienced such an amazing trip which I will remember for the rest of my life. It also made me realize that we should never take things for granted especially because there are many out there who aren’t fortunate enough to be able to experience such luxuries. So whenever we take such trips my family likes to donate to various organizations to help those in need. This trip was most definitely the most enriching especially because I was able to experience different cultures, food, languages, and cities. After this trip, I was even more intrigued in travelling than I was before. I want to continue travelling the rest of the world and explore more cultures. I definitely believe that travelling can change a person for good, it makes one appreciate all the amazing cultures, religions, and lands out there. A wise man once told me that people forget years and remember moments which will resonate with me for the rest of my life. 

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Essay on My Trip for Students

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  • Updated on  
  • Feb 3, 2024

Essay on my trip

Everybody enjoys traveling and exploring the outside world, the beautiful valleys, beaches, waterfalls, and other wonders of nature. School students are often required to write an ‘essay on my trip’, especially after their long vacations or school trips. The essay on my trip is an opportunity for you to relive those cherished memories once again. The only difference is that you have to explain it in your own words. 

Writing an essay is a great way to effectively communicate your ideas and express your thoughts. When writing an essay on my trip or any school-level topics, you need to understand your audience, to whom you are addressing your essay. It’s time for you to hold a pen and paper in front of you and follow the essay on my trip samples discussed below. Here we go!

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on My Trip for Class 3
  • 2 Essay on My Trip for Class 5
  • 3 My Favourite Trip Essay in 250 Words
  • 4 10 Lines on My Trip

Master the art of essay writing with our blog on How to Write an Essay in English .

Essay on My Trip for Class 3

‘My trip started with me and my family making a list of necessary items and packing our stuff. Me and my family went on a 4-day trip to Udaipur, the city of lakes. This city has a total of 7 lakes, out of which, Lake Pichola is the most beautiful one. My father booked a suite for us, where we stayed. 

As always, my restless sister and I started exploring the hotel. We saw the beautiful swimming pool, played water sports, and ate a lot of Indian food. I enjoyed the Dal Bhaati Churma.

Then we visited the Jagdish temple, which was located just outside the royal palace. It is an architectural marvel and is listed among the top monuments in India. 

Last but not least, we went boating on Lake Pichola, which was the most beautiful moment of my entire trip. We rented a motor boat, where our guide told us everything about the city, its history, and how it has because a tourism hub. 

My trip to Udaipur was a magical experience. Every moment of my trip is a cherished memory that I will never forget. Traveling with my family was so much fun.’

To improve your essay writing skills, here are the top 200+ English Essay Topics for school students.

Essay on My Trip for Class 5

‘When I was in Class 5, we went on a school trip to Rishikesh, the famous hill station. My mother packed all my important things and told me to follow everything my teacher told me. It was a 3-day trip, where we had a lot of fun, ate delicious food, played games on the riverside, did rafting, bonfire and jungle-adventure.

We visited the hotel in the early morning and were served with delicious breakfast. After breakfast, we visited the famous Lakshman Jhula, located on the Ganges River. This Jhula is used by pedestrians to cross the river and visit the other side of the city.

The next thing we did was rafting. There were rafting boats, and we were provided with life jackets, helmets, and wetsuits. We were given clear instructions not directly to jump into the river and stay in the boat. It was really fun and a completely different experience for me.

Then we had our lunch and sat down near the river, where we talked with locals. We learned about the history of this beautiful city. Our guide took us to the nearby waterfall, where we played water sports and enjoyed a lot. 

Lastly, we all sat in a circle around a bonfire and listened to the beautiful stories from our teachers and guides. 

While we were packing our stuff and leaving the hotel, we were offered souvenirs and holy prasad by the hotel staff. This trip was full of adventure, spirituality, and beautiful moments with my friends.’

My Favourite Trip Essay in 250 Words

‘My favorite trip was to Kashmir, called ‘Paradise on Earth’. It is an Indian Union Territory, located in Northern India. There were breathtaking views, serene lakes, and snow-capped mountains. It was like I was in heaven.

We traveled by train, where we enjoyed the winding green valleys and beautiful waterfall. Firstly, we explored the Mughal Gardens. There were terraces arranged near the water channel, fountains lined, and various types of flowers and trees planted. 

We explored the famous Dal Lake, which is a natural wetland with floating gardens. My father rented a houseboat, locally known as ‘Shikhara’ where we had our lunch and enjoyed the boating experience. It was like a fairy world, where everything was calm as a bright blue sky.

Our next destination was Gurmarg, which is famous for its snow-covered landscapes. The scenic beauty of the Himalayan Mountains in the backdrop was like an additional adventure to our trip. Me and my brother enjoyed Skiing at the Apharwat Peak. My father is a golf fan, so he played golf at the Gulmarg Golf Course, close to our hotel.

After skiing, we were so hungry that my brother and I ate a hearty meal to recover our exhausted energy. We were so exhausted that we slept for 4 hours. When we woke up, we witnessed snow for the first time. We made a snowman and played Tic-Tac-Toe using sticks.

‘My trip to Kashmir was a life-changing experience, and I wish I could travel there again to relive those cherished memories once more.’

10 Lines on My Trip

Here are 10 lines for my trip. Feel free to add them to your essay or any academic topics.

  • My trip was full of adventure and fun. 
  • Me and my family did rafting and hiking.
  • We made new friends and learned about different cultures on our trip.
  • We explored different landscapes and enjoyed the natural beauty of the nature.
  • My trip was a new experience for me and my family.
  • I visited the snow-capped mountains and played in the snow with my friends.
  • We stayed in tents in the middle of the jungle, and at night, we could hear the sound of wild animals.
  • I have a lot of pictures from our last camping trip, where we all had a lot of fun.
  • We visited the beach on our trip, where we enjoyed the sea breeze and played sand volleyball.
  • My last trip was to the National Zoological Park, where we saw different kinds of animals, like lions, tigers, elephants and giraffes.

Ans: ‘My trip started with me and my family making a list of necessary items and packing our stuff. Me and my family went on a 4-day trip.’

Ans: ‘My trip started with me and my family making a list of necessary items and packing our stuff. Me and my family went on a 4-day trip to Udaipur, the city of lakes. This city has a total of 7 lakes, out of which, Lake Pichola is the most beautiful one. My father booked a suite for us, where we stayed. As always, my restless sister and I started exploring the hotel. We saw the beautiful swimming pool, played water sports, and ate a lot of Indian food. I enjoyed the Dal Bhaati Churma.’

Ans: ‘When I was in Class 5, we went on a school trip to Rishikesh, the famous hill station. My mother packed all my important things and told me to follow everything my teacher told me. It was a 3-day trip, where we had a lot of fun, ate delicious food, played games on the riverside, did rafting, bonfire and jungle-adventure. We visited the hotel in the early morning and were served with delicious breakfast. After breakfast, we visited the famous Lakshman Jhula, located on the Ganges River. This Jhula is used by pedestrians to cross the river and visit the other side of the city’

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We hope the essays above will help school students with their essay-writing skills. For more information on such interesting topics, visit our essay writing page and follow Leverage Edu .

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How To Write a Good Travel Essay

  • March 18, 2020

Travelling is one of the most exciting parts of everyone’s life. In the same way, this experience has the potential to be a fascinating topic for your writing assignments.

Writing a travel essay requires minimal creativity because trips are full of extraordinary events by their nature, as well as dramas and cultural findings. So, there’s no need to make things up or think through ideas while you are writing this kind of essay. To make life even easier you can even order essay .

However, as easy as it may sound, turning a travel experience into a piece of writing can be a bit challenging for students. Because if not careful, they will end up writing some dull clichés about a bunch of different places, and nothing more.

If you’ve never read any trips or you don’t have enough time to write a paper, you can quickly get your essay written by making use of available writing services. However, here we present some practical guidelines to help you write an exceptional essay:

Select Your Favorite City

Sometimes a trip is explicitly taken to collect information for an essay. If this is true about you, take your time to choose your destination carefully. Do some research before deciding on the city. Read about various regions and see which ones inspire you the most.

Your task here is to share useful information with people and get them involved in your journey. If you can’t enjoy your own trip, how can you let others have fun while reading the story? So it’s essential to choose a destination that you are interested in.

Choose a Few Attractions

Every city or town usually has several tourist attractions. If you attempt to include every single place you visited on that journey, your writing would be a boring list of city attractions that can be found anywhere, such as a tourist website.

Rather than mentioning multiple sights, focus on two or three places, and provide detailed information about them. Let readers know few, but know well.

Another point is that famous attractions are not proper choices for your writing because almost everyone knows the basic information about these places. Put your focus on unknown sites, remembering that people want to hear about something they have never heard.

Write a Compelling First Paragraph

Your first paragraph is usually the most important one. It’s where you convince the readers you had an incredible trip – one that has something new to teach your audience and is worth reading about.

Start with an unusual tradition you witnessed, an interesting dialogue you had, or a cultural misunderstanding you faced during your journey.

Use your sense of humor. Be as innovative as you can. No matter what you do, the final aim is to engage the readers and make them stick to your story.

Show Rather Than Tell

‘Showing’ is what makes a difference between a boring and outstanding travel essay. When you show something with your words, you actually describe what you experienced in full details. However, when you tell something, it’s like you’re just giving a brief report on what you did.

Readers won’t understand what an incredible park, a fabulous road, or a fantastic building means unless you show it to them. Showing makes the readers feel they’ve been there with you.

Therefore, don’t merely rely on telling where you went. Instead, add specific descriptions about that place, talk about your feelings, and paint an imaginary picture of that space in the minds of readers.

Images serve as a complement to your verbal description as they help readers imagine your story better.

One or two pictures is enough, but try to pick the most breathtaking ones that are more related to your narrative. Also, remember that vivid shots are always a better option than black and white ones because they are more eye-catching and can better intrigue the reader’s curiosity.

Keep It Simple

The primary purpose of writing a traveling essay is to entertain your readers. So, there’s no need to show off by using literary words or highly academic structure. Instead, use an active voice, try to be friendly, and bring readers closer to your story.

In this kind of essay, your writing intelligence depends on your ability to amuse people and your art of describing scenes, not using a lot of fluffy sentences.

Describe What You Achieved

If your traveling experience didn’t teach you anything or couldn’t make a positive change in your life, it would be a significant loss of time and money. Every great experience comes with great achievement. This can be as small as a shift in your beliefs, or as big as making wonderful friends. Whatever the accomplishment is, it’s worth telling your readers about it.

Give Readers a Good Ending

Every fantastic narrative begins with a good starting point, continues with a climax, and ends with a reasonable conclusion. Plan your paragraphs before writing. Think about the ways you want to start your story, go through the rising action, and then slow it down gradually to let readers know they are reaching the end of the story. If you end your writing in the middle of the turning point where the reader is reading the most thrilling part of the story, they might get puzzled and confused. It’s like putting an obstacle in front of a high-speed runner and making him stop all of a sudden.

Bottom Line

Travels are full of new experiences. Sometimes a short trip gives you a handful of stories to tell your future grandchildren. They have a lot to teach us and therefore, a lot to talk about. So why not use them as a subject for your writings? The next time you will be searching the net for online essay writing services with “interesting topics to write my essay,” think about your traveling experiences and bring everything you can remember on the paper. Then, google some “help write my essay tips” to learn the main guidelines for writing a travel essay.

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English Compositions

Essay on My Most Memorable Travel Experience for Students [PDF]

Who doesn’t love travelling? Maybe rare! I love travelling so much, in this essay paper I am covering my most memorable travel experience, I hope you like this essay presentation. So without wasting more of your time let’s jump to the essay!

Essay on My Most Memorable Travel Experience feature image

I love to travel  

Don’t you? For me traveling opens my mind to new ideas, new adventures and lets me learn. I like to learn as well and when I travel I get to learn about different people, their cultures and their way of thinking. 

When I was young I was able to travel across Canada. Even in a western country, there are different cultures and I got to see Ottawa and Montreal up close. The French Canadians are not the same as the Western Canadian and my experience was fabulous. 

Going to the east was not as exciting as traveling through the Rocky Mountains though. The grandeur and beauty of that mountain range defy description. Snow-capped almost all year round, these mountains stood tall and majestic. 

They even have a glacier in their midst that is something to behold. Lake Louise stands out as well with its multi-colored water and mountain surroundings. But as good as those trips were, they do not compare to when I left Canada and traveled to Asia for the first time. 

Here I was traveling to a completely different culture than I had experienced as a child. My itinerary was taking me to the land of the Morning Calm and was known in earlier days as the hermit kingdom. 

This was going to be a new experience for me. The plane took off going in a northerly direction as airlines like to fly close to land. This is a good policy as the passengers get to see the grand western mountains from a new angle. 

Up to and past Mt. Mckinley the snow-covered peaks glistened under the sun’s rays… That look was made better by the contrasting dark green colors of the forests that make their home throughout the mountains. 

Then as we were flying over the north Pacific ocean the realization set in that I was in for an adventure. The bright blue waters of the Pacific made the Japanese islands look like little diamonds set on a velvet cloth. 

A few minutes later we were passing over the eastern coastline of Korea, with its tall waves beating against the rocky shores. It was too late to turn back. We were almost to our destination, Seoul. 

After we had landed and I found my way to my hotel. The great thing about Korea is that it has signed both in English and Korean making it easy for foreigners to navigate to their destinations without hassle. 

The taxi drivers were polite and very helpful, plus they did not try to rip me off. They drove me directly to my hotel and helped me get inside. In looking out my hotel window I could see what made Seoul so attractive. It was a modern city filled with history. 

A history the Korean people were proud of. That pride was found in the lack of an entry fee to their wonderful museums. Even their ancient palaces were not that expensive to enter. Seoul. Has at least 3 of them within its borders. 

The main palace, Geongbokgung, is backed by Seoul’s mountains giving it a picture-perfect quality that is astounding. It took some time to see it all. After I left the palace I headed to the first national treasure of Korea, Nam Dae Mun or the southern gate. 

It stood tall and proud and it would be the entrance you would come through if you were traveling to Seoul from the south. The wide Han River is quietly weaved its way through the city supply the residents with pure mountain fresh water every day. 

There is too much to list here that both Seoul and Korea have to offer but it was a trip of a lifetime and one I will always remember. It wasn’t a vacation nor an adventure. It was a true travel experience. 

Do not forget to share your thought on this Essay on My Most Memorable Travel Experience, it will help us to deliver more helpful essays for you guys.

Essay On Travel

500 words essay on travel.

Travelling is an amazing way to learn a lot of things in life. A lot of people around the world travel every year to many places. Moreover, it is important to travel to humans. Some travel to learn more while some travel to take a break from their life. No matter the reason, travelling opens a big door for us to explore the world beyond our imagination and indulge in many things. Therefore, through this Essay on Travel, we will go through everything that makes travelling great.

essay on travel

Why Do We Travel?

There are a lot of reasons to travel. Some people travel for fun while some do it for education purposes. Similarly, others have business reasons to travel. In order to travel, one must first get an idea of their financial situation and then proceed.

Understanding your own reality helps people make good travel decisions. If people gave enough opportunities to travel, they set out on the journey. People going on educational tours get a first-hand experience of everything they’ve read in the text.

Similarly, people who travel for fun get to experience and indulge in refreshing things which may serve as a stress reducer in their lives. The culture, architecture, cuisine and more of the place can open our mind to new things.

The Benefits of Travelling

There are numerous benefits to travelling if we think about it. The first one being, we get to meet new people. When you meet new people, you get the opportunity to make new friends. It may be a fellow traveller or the local you asked for directions.

Moreover, new age technology has made it easier to keep in touch with them. Thus, it offers not only a great way to understand human nature but also explore new places with those friends to make your trip easy.

Similar to this benefit, travelling makes it easier to understand people. You will learn how other people eat, speak, live and more. When you get out of your comfort zone, you will become more sensitive towards other cultures and the people.

Another important factor which we learn when we travel is learning new skills. When you go to hilly areas, you will most likely trek and thus, trekking will be a new skill added to your list.

Similarly, scuba diving or more can also be learned while travelling. A very important thing which travelling teaches us is to enjoy nature. It helps us appreciate the true beauty of the earth .

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Conclusion of the Essay on Travel

All in all, it is no less than a blessing to be able to travel. Many people are not privileged enough to do that. Those who do get the chance, it brings excitement in their lives and teaches them new things. No matter how a travelling experience may go, whether good or bad, it will definitely help you learn.

FAQ on Essay on Travel

Question 1: Why is it advantageous to travel?

Answer 1: Real experiences always have better value. When we travel to a city, in a different country, it allows us to learn about a new culture, new language, new lifestyle, and new peoples. Sometimes, it is the best teacher to understand the world.

Question 2: Why is travelling essential?

Answer 2: Travelling is an incredibly vital part of life. It is the best way to break your monotonous routine and experience life in different ways. Moreover, it is also a good remedy for stress, anxiety and depression.

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Student Essays

Essay on My Travel Experience

5 Essays on My Travel Experience – Joys, Memories, Friends [ 2024 ]

Traveling is the wonderful and most beautiful thing to have in life. Traveling broadens our mental capabilities and understanding of life. The following essay on topic My Travel Experience via travel to Goa sums up best life moments of my journey. This essay is very helpful for children and students in school exams and written tests.

Essay on My Travel Experience | My Joyful Train Travel Experience to Goa

Traveling bring a unique experience with wonderful memories to cherish for the rest of life. It exposes one to different lifestyles, people, and places. It helps us learn new things and explore the world beyond our imagination. For me, traveling is an opportunity to relax and escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

I had always wanted to travel by train but never got a chance until recently when I went on a vacation to Goa. I took the train from Mumbai to Goa and it was a wonderful experience. The journey was very relaxing and the views were amazing. I saw different types of landscapes and villages as we passed by. I also got a chance to meet some interesting people from all walks of life.

Essay on My Travel Experience

I utilized multiple ways to  maximize my joy during train travel experience to Goa. I made sure that I had my travel essentials with me so that I could make the most of my journey. I carried a map of the train route, some snacks and drinks, and a book to keep me entertained during the long journey. I also made sure to dress comfortably as I knew I would be sitting in the same position for a long time.

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I started my journey early in the morning so that I could enjoy the views of the sunrise. As the train made its way through the countryside, I was mesmerized by the beauty of nature. The fields, trees, and rivers looked like a painting. I also saw some animals grazing by the side of the tracks. It was a wonderful experience and I felt very lucky to be able to witness it.

The journey was a bit tiring as it took over 16 hours, but it was definitely worth it. I arrived in Goa feeling refreshed and relaxed. I would definitely recommend traveling by train to anyone who wants to experience the beauty of India’s countryside. It is an experience that I will never forget.

My Suggestion to Everybody Travelling via Train

1. Make sure you carry all your essentials with you, including a map of the train route, snacks, and drinks. 2. Dress comfortably so that you can relax in your seat during the journey. 3. Start your journey early in the morning to enjoy the views of the sunrise. 4. Talk to the people around you to learn more about their culture and way of life. 5. Take plenty of breaks to stretch your legs and walk around the train. 6. Enjoy the scenery as you pass through different landscapes and villages.

Therefore, my train trip to Goa was a unique one. I met different types of people from all walks of life. I also got a chance to experience the beauty of India’s countryside. I would definitely recommend this mode of transportation to anyone who wants to explore India. It is an experience that I will never forget. Do you like travelling by train? What are some of your best experiences? Let us know in the comments below!

Unforgettable Travel Experience Essay:

Traveling is one of the most enriching and life-changing experiences one can have. It allows us to step out of our comfort zone, immerse ourselves in different cultures, and create unforgettable memories. Among all my travels, there is one particular trip that stands out as my most unforgettable travel experience.

It was a solo backpacking journey across Europe, and it was my first time traveling alone. I had always wanted to explore the world on my own terms, without any restrictions or agendas. So, when I finally got the opportunity to take a month-long break from work, I knew exactly where I wanted to go – Europe.

I started my journey in Paris, the city of love and lights. From there, I traveled to Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, and Budapest. Each city had its unique charm and history that captivated me. The museums in Paris were a treasure trove of art and culture; the canals in Amsterdam were picturesque; the street art in Berlin was thought-provoking; the architecture in Prague was breathtaking; the palaces in Vienna exuded grandeur, and the ruin bars in Budapest were vibrant.

But what made this trip truly unforgettable was not just the places I visited, but also the people I met along the way. As a solo traveler, I had to rely on my communication skills to make friends and navigate through unfamiliar territories. This experience pushed me out of my shell and allowed me to connect with people from different backgrounds and nationalities. From hostel roommates to locals I met at cafes, each person had a unique story to tell and left an indelible mark on my journey.

Moreover, being alone in a foreign land made me more aware of my surroundings and more appreciative of the little things in life. Whether it was sipping coffee at a quaint café while people-watching, admiring a street performer’s talents, or getting lost in the cobblestone streets of old towns – these were moments that I would have missed if I had been traveling with others.

As my trip came to an end, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for this unforgettable travel experience. It taught me so much about myself and the world around me. It showed me that there is so much beauty and diversity in the world, and it only takes a curious mind and an open heart to experience it. This trip also gave me the confidence to continue traveling solo, and since then, I have visited many other countries on my own.

In conclusion, my unforgettable travel experience across Europe was not just a journey of visiting new places but also a journey of self-discovery, cultural immersion, and personal growth. It will always hold a special place in my heart and serve as a constant reminder to keep exploring and creating unforgettable memories.

My Travel Experience Story:

My love for travel started at a young age when my parents took me on my first trip to the beach. The new sights, sounds and smells fascinated me and I knew that I wanted to keep exploring more of our beautiful world.

As I grew older, my passion for traveling only intensified. I saved up money from odd jobs and planned trips with friends whenever possible. But it wasn’t until I took my first solo trip that I truly fell in love with traveling. Being able to set my own itinerary, make decisions on the spot and fully immerse myself in a new culture was an exhilarating experience.

During one of my solo trips, I went backpacking through a few countries in Southeast Asia. It was an eye-opening journey filled with adventure, delicious food and wonderful people. I learned so much about myself and gained a new perspective on life.

Since then, I have made it a priority to travel at least once a year. My destinations range from popular tourist spots to off-the-beaten-path locations. Each trip brings its own unique experiences and memories that I will always cherish.

Traveling has not only allowed me to see amazing places, but it has also taught me valuable life lessons. I have learned to be more adaptable, patient and open-minded. I have made lasting connections with people from different backgrounds and cultures, broadening my understanding of the world.

I believe that traveling is one of the best ways to learn and grow as an individual. It allows you to step out of your comfort zone, challenge yourself and gain a new appreciation for the world we live in. I am grateful for every opportunity I have had to travel and I cannot wait to see where my next adventure takes me. So here’s to more stamps on the passport and memories to last a lifetime!

Travel Experience in English:

Traveling with friends is an experience unlike any other. It allows you to not only explore new places but also strengthen the bond between you and your friends. Recently, I had the opportunity to go on a trip with my college buddies and it was one of the best experiences of my life.

We planned our trip for months, deciding on a budget-friendly destination that would cater to everyone’s interests. We finally settled on a beach destination and were eagerly looking forward to our adventure.

The trip began with an early morning flight and all of us being sleep-deprived, but the excitement and anticipation kept us going. As soon as we landed, we made our way to our accommodation which was right by the beach. The scenic view from our room instantly lifted our spirits and we knew it was going to be an amazing trip.

Over the next few days, we explored the local markets, tasted new cuisines, and indulged in various water activities. The ocean breeze, warm sun on our skin, and carefree attitude made us feel alive. We laughed until our stomachs hurt, took countless pictures, and made unforgettable memories.

But what made this trip truly special were the conversations we had. We talked about anything and everything, from our childhood memories to our future aspirations. Being away from the chaos of college life, we got a chance to connect on a deeper level and understand each other better.

Reflecting back on that trip, it was not just about visiting a new place, but also about the bond we shared. Traveling with friends brings you closer, teaches you patience and understanding, and makes for unforgettable experiences.

I highly recommend everyone to plan a trip with their friends at least once in their life. It doesn’t have to be an exotic location, even a nearby town or city will do. What matters is the time you spend together and the memories you create. It’s a great way to recharge and reconnect with your friends, and I guarantee you won’t regret it. So don’t wait, start planning your next trip with your buddies today! Happy travels! Let the adventures begin!

Essay on why traveling is Important:

Travelling is an important aspect of life that allows us to explore the world around us and learn about different cultures, people, and places. Whether it’s a short trip to a nearby city or a long journey to a foreign country, travelling has the power to broaden our horizons and change our perspective on life.

One of the main reasons why travelling is important is that it provides us with the opportunity to step out of our comfort zone and experience new things. When we travel, we are exposed to different customs, languages, and ways of life that may be unfamiliar to us. This allows us to challenge ourselves and learn more about who we are as individuals.

Moreover, travelling also helps us understand and appreciate diversity. In today’s globalized world, it is essential to have a broad understanding of different cultures and societies. By travelling, we get the chance to meet people from all walks of life and gain a deeper appreciation for their traditions, beliefs, and values.

Travelling also allows us to disconnect from our daily routines and live in the moment. It gives us the opportunity to relax, unwind and take a break from our busy lives. By exploring new places and trying out new activities, we can rejuvenate ourselves and come back with a fresh perspective on life.

In addition to personal growth, travelling also has numerous educational benefits. It provides us with the opportunity to learn about history, art, architecture, and other subjects in a hands-on manner. By visiting museums, historical sites and attending cultural events, we can gain a better understanding of the world and its rich history.

Travelling also has a significant impact on our mental well-being. It allows us to escape from stress, anxiety and other negative emotions that may be weighing us down. By immersing ourselves in new surroundings and engaging in new experiences, we can improve our mood and overall mental health.

Finally, travelling also has a positive impact on the economy. It generates employment opportunities and contributes to local businesses in the places we visit. By supporting the local economy, we can help improve the lives of people living in those areas.

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In conclusion, travelling is an essential part of life that allows us to grow personally, culturally, and intellectually. It has numerous benefits that not only enrich our lives but also contribute to the growth of society. So, pack your bags and embark on a journey of self-discovery, knowledge, and adventure!

  • Start with a compelling introduction.
  • Share personal experiences and observations.
  • Use vivid descriptions and sensory details.
  • Include cultural insights and interactions.
  • Reflect on the impact of the journey.
  • Conclude with a memorable closing.
  • A travel essay is a literary genre that combines elements of travelogue and personal reflection.
  • It narrates the author’s experiences, impressions, and emotions during a journey.
  • It often explores cultural, historical, or social aspects of the destination.
  • Travel essays can inform, entertain, and inspire readers to explore new places.

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Essay on A Trip With My Family

Students are often asked to write an essay on A Trip With My Family in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on A Trip With My Family

Planning the trip.

My family and I planned a trip to the beach last summer. We packed our bags with essentials like swimsuits, sunscreen, and snacks.

The Journey

We drove down the scenic route, singing songs and playing games. The journey was as fun as the destination itself!

At The Beach

We built sandcastles, played volleyball, and swam in the sea. The salty air and the sound of waves were relaxing.

Returning Home

As the sun set, we packed up and headed home. Tired but happy, we promised to plan more such trips.

250 Words Essay on A Trip With My Family


Family trips are an opportunity to create lasting memories and strengthen familial bonds. Last summer, I embarked on an unforgettable journey with my loved ones that not only brought us closer but also broadened our horizons.

Our destination was a quaint village tucked away in the heart of the mountains. The journey was as enchanting as the destination itself. As we drove through winding roads, the panoramic views of the lush green valleys and towering peaks were a sight to behold.

Experiences and Learning

The village was a treasure trove of culture and tradition. We spent our days exploring the local markets, tasting exotic foods, and interacting with the warm, hospitable locals. The trip was a stark reminder of the simplicity and serenity that is often lost in the hustle of city life.

Strengthening Bonds

The evenings were spent around a bonfire, sharing stories, and playing games. These were the moments that strengthened our bonds. Without the distractions of technology, we were able to truly connect with each other.

As we headed back, our hearts were filled with a sense of contentment and a newfound appreciation for our roots. The trip was a testament to the fact that the journey is indeed more important than the destination. It was not just a trip, but a journey of self-discovery and familial bonding.

500 Words Essay on A Trip With My Family

Traveling is an integral part of human life, and it becomes even more valuable when shared with loved ones. A journey with my family is a memory that I always cherish. It’s a beautiful amalgamation of shared experiences, learning, and bonding. This essay narrates one such trip with my family, an experience that was both enriching and enlightening.

The Destination

Our destination was the picturesque town of Shimla, nestled in the Himalayan foothills. Known for its colonial architecture, historic temples, and panoramic views, Shimla is a place that promises a blend of cultural wealth and natural beauty. The decision to visit this town was driven by its historical significance and the opportunity to experience a different climate.

The journey to Shimla was as exciting as the destination itself. We chose to travel by train to enjoy the scenic landscapes. The train chugged through verdant fields, bustling towns, and winding rivers, offering us a glimpse into the diverse Indian landscape. The journey was a lesson in patience and adaptability, with unexpected delays and changing weather conditions.

Exploring Shimla

Upon arrival, the cool mountain air and the sight of snow-capped peaks welcomed us. We visited the famous Christ Church, an architectural marvel of the colonial era, and the bustling Mall Road, the heart of Shimla. The Jakhu Temple, perched atop a hill, provided a panoramic view of the town. Each place was a lesson in history, culture, and architecture, broadening our understanding of the world around us.

Family Bonding

The trip was also an opportunity for family bonding. Away from the daily grind, we spent quality time together, playing games, sharing stories, and exploring new places. The shared experiences brought us closer and strengthened our family bond. It was a reminder of the importance of family in our lives and the joy of shared experiences.

Lessons Learned

The trip was not just about sightseeing; it was also about learning. It taught us the importance of adaptability, patience, and understanding. We learned to appreciate different cultures and respect their traditions. We learned the value of time spent together as a family, away from the distractions of daily life. It was a reminder of the beauty of our planet and the importance of preserving it for future generations.

In conclusion, the trip with my family to Shimla was a memorable experience. It was a journey of discovery, learning, and bonding. It taught us valuable lessons about life, culture, and nature. It reinforced the importance of family and the joy of shared experiences. As I look back, I cherish the memories and look forward to more such journeys with my family. After all, life is a journey best enjoyed with loved ones by your side.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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How Two Weeks in Tokyo Helped Me Rediscover My Personal Style

By Michelle Li

Image may contain Person Sitting Bench Furniture Clothing Footwear Shoe Adult Teen Face Head and Photography

Back in April, I landed in Japan at 3 a.m. after a long flight from New York—and awoke three hours later to begin my first (jetlagged) day in Tokyo. Thankfully, more than any other destination, Tokyo has always had the remarkable ability to reinvigorate me—and just as importantly, how I get dressed. It’s a city of contradictions, with subway supermalls only a few steps away from a serene neighborhood shrine, or charming streets with local ramen and third-floor monjayaki spots located across from a seven-floor TGI Fridays. Which instead of confusing me, makes complete sense—contradictions and contrasts have always been the bedrock of my approach to style.

Recontextualizing an item in an unexpected way was how I originally found my place within the fashion industry. A pair of track pants with a ruffled feminine top, an anorak with a soft chiffon skirt, pastels with a hint of neon. It’s a delicate balancing act that I felt I’d lost over the past few years in New York City. I had started to question if I was overcomplicating the items in my closet—even pieces I loved—after spending too much time on social media.

So, I started planning this trip. There are some vacations that are meant for relaxing (by the beach, cocktail in hand) and other vacations that are meant for challenging yourself. Historically, Tokyo has pushed me out of my comfort zone—but I’ve always come home feeling reinvigorated creatively.

Image may contain Clothing Coat Jacket City Road Street Urban Tarmac Footwear Shoe Accessories and Glasses

This would be my third trip to Japan. The last time I visited was in 2019: I was a fashion assistant at a magazine, my hair was pink, and in all honesty, I still didn’t have my personal style quite figured out. I packed my usual everyday items: a puffer coat, some easy comfortable pants, a few sweatshirts, and a pair of Skechers. But after returning home, I felt a sartorial shift after observing how authentically everyone dressed for themselves in Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka. People dressed in outfits that felt truly lived in. Thoughtfully tailored to be worn for a lifetime. Making a convincing case for putting care into the clothing you already own. I remember clearly thinking: This is how you translate those fashion editorials into your real, everyday life.

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Image may contain Road Tarmac City Street Urban Metropolis Neighborhood Clothing Footwear Shoe Adult and Person

So it was that spirit I tried to reconnect with when I began packing my suitcase for two weeks in Tokyo. It forced me to get creative with how I built my outfits, and to see the clothing I own in a new context. When in Tokyo, my “boring” everyday denim and leather jackets looked shiny and new. My two pairs of shoes seemed to be the only shoes I would ever need! I packed some wild-card-last-minute-decision items, like a pair of green lace-up leather pants and a striped Kiko Kostadinov dress. These pieces—that see the light of day only a few times every year in New York City—somehow became staple items in Tokyo. I started brainstorming outfits around the daunting pieces in my closet at home that I loved but had neglected. It could even be the simple process of adding a belt, or trying a different pair of shoes to bring out a different texture. It reminded me that an outfit doesn’t have to go big to be good.

Image may contain Grove Land Nature Outdoors Plant Tree Vegetation Woodland Grass Face Head and Person

In Tokyo, where overstimulation is only a subway ride away (if that), instead of feeling panicked when I got out of Shibuya station, I felt a sense of calm and curiosity. I could process it all on my own time. I was staying at K5 Hotel in Kabutocho, formerly the financial district and home to the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and housed in a bank building that dates back to 1923. My everyday routine was simple: I woke up and read a few chapters of My Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion (I try to read a book every vacation so that I can associate the book with the trip), then headed out for the day to find breakfast (a surprisingly difficult task because a lot of places in Tokyo don’t open until 11 a.m.), then took my time popping into shops in various neighborhoods. By 8 p.m., I was exhausted and ready to go to the local sento —or neighborhood communal bathhouse—and give myself time to fully process everything I saw that day.

Instead of “decompressing” by scrolling mindlessly on TikTok and Instagram, I would reflect on the outfits I saw that day. I especially loved seeing the unique styles of the salarymen on their way to work, with the subtlest winks to their own personal style. Like the guy I sat across from on the train with a Comme des Garcons multi-pocket briefcase reading manga on his way to work, or the elderly man I spotted in one of the city’s smoking sections wearing a leather Bottega Veneta tie. Beautiful pieces of clothing brought to life by the authenticity of how they were worn. The kind of thing you can only appreciate when you see it in real life.

Image may contain Face Head Person Photography Portrait Plant Tree Vegetation Grass Clothing Footwear and Shoe

On my final days in Tokyo, I began to find myself mentally removing items that I had previously put in the box of “things I would never wear.” (V-neck sweaters, collared shirts, bomber jackets, anything yellow—the list goes on.) I asked myself why I felt so inspired and excited to dress up every day in Tokyo, but couldn’t bring that same energy to my day-to-day life in New York City? For some reason, after two weeks here, getting dressed here felt like an opportunity, not an obligation.

Now that I’m back home, I’ve been inspired to undergo a massive closet overhaul. But instead of waving items of clothing goodbye, I’ve been trying everything on, thinking about the fit, and finding new places for it in my wardrobe. It’s challenging to find ways to grow with your clothing (trust me and my green leather lace-up pants) but as I’ve learned from my trip to Tokyo, it’s worth it. Sometimes all it takes is getting dressed in a new city to get you excited again about the clothes you already own.

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The day I returned home after being kidnapped by Islamic terrorists

Beth and Tommy in Portaledge in a tent on the side of a cliff

Beth Rodden is a professional rock climber who, along with three other climbers, was kidnapped and held hostage by Islamic militants in 2000 while on a climbing trip in Kyrgyzstan. The following is excerpted from her new memoir, “A Light Through the Cracks,” about the day she returned home to the U.S. 

Amsterdam, August 2000

By the time my boyfriend, Tommy Caldwell, and I made it to Amsterdam’s gleaming, sterile airport, we had been passed along a half dozen times, like an important but increasingly well-worn package. Military helicopters had brought us and our other two climbing partners from base to base. We’d endured a surreal ride on a private jet from the last military base to the capital, Bishkek, traveling alongside the tipsy and jovial president of Kyrgyzstan. He’d patted us on the shoulders like a grandfather and claimed us long enough for a photo op and a speech to local media in a language we couldn’t understand. Then he handed the four of us off to the American embassy, which scrambled to find us flights home. A few days later, Tommy and I drove across the Kazakhstan border, in a hired car with a diplomatic escort, to the international airport in Almaty, and finally a commercial jet took us from Central Asia to the edge of the Atlantic. Now we had just one more flight to go.

Our tickets were a last-minute mess, and we needed to check on our connection. As we crossed the terminal, I carried a brown paper gift bag from the airport candy shop — despite what we’d been through, I still wanted to bring my older brother a present from this trip. I watched the families clustered around the gates, the lone business travelers perched at the bars, scanning each face around me. I’d been on edge through practically every step of the journey: The embassy in Bishkek had felt almost safe, but at the hotel where they’d sent us to get some sleep, I’d felt vulnerable and stayed vigilant.


In the airport, I was hungry again. When we’d made it to the second army base, the one that felt like a cluster of portable classrooms set down on a vast brown plain, we’d stuffed ourselves with barley and warm buttered bread, but I could not stay full. I had just eaten two chocolate croissants. Still, my stomach felt like a cavern. My brother didn’t really need a present, did he?

I ate half the chocolate in the bag before we got to our gate.

The line at the KLM Royal Dutch Airlines counter felt so orderly. The whole airport did. Just existing there felt like getting a big, soothing hug. When we’d boarded the flight in Kazakhstan, the passengers had formed no line. Everybody just pushed in a scrum toward the plane. Tommy and I stood frozen, like the good, shocked scouts that we were, and got lost in the flood. I felt so fragile, so extremely fragile, and so resigned to that fragile state.

We weren’t safe. That was obvious to me. No line, no order, no rule of law. I loved rules. People smoked openly on that first plane.

“Next,” the flight attendant said as we arrived at the counter. Her voice was as professionally cheerful as her uniform: light blue skirt, light blue jacket, white blouse underneath.

“We’re here to check in for our flight,” I said.

“Wonderful. May I please have your boarding passes?”

I mumbled something apologetic and handed her a few crumpled, dirty sheets of paper. “I think we have to get our seats and stuff from you.”

She pinched her brow as she read our mess of documents. She typed vigorously. I was sure this meant we weren’t going to make it home.

“Can you wait one second?” she asked, flashing a strained smile. She disappeared behind a wall.

Beth Rodden climbing a boulder

I looked at Tommy. He stared into the blank space where the woman had just been. I couldn’t tell if he was as scared as I was, if he was also monitoring the people pooling and flowing around us for any threat. I felt like I had grown an invisible antenna that vibrated continually, never at rest. Never letting me rest. A memory tried to surface inside me: a body in silhouette, sailing off a dark cliff. A crunch, and an exhale. I forced it back down.

Two blond attendants now appeared where there had been one.

“Can you tell me: Was it something KLM did?” the new flight attendant asked.

I looked back at Tommy. Did he know what she was talking about? Did she know what had happened? Tommy shrugged.

“Wait, what?” I said. “What was something . . . ?”

“Well, um, how to say this,” the flight attendant said. “It says on your tickets, ‘Emotionally distressed passengers, please take care.’ So, we are just wondering if it’s something KLM did.” She looked concerned and defensive in her caring, like a hospital billing manager. She didn’t want to know the answer, but she had to ask.

I didn’t want a stranger to try to comfort me, but I did feel the need to comfort her. So I said, “Oh no, definitely not. We were just kidnapped and we want to go home.”

I couldn’t believe how easily the sentence came out. We were just kidnapped . . . I’d never said it so plainly before.

The flight attendant exhaled all her breath at once, stunned and relieved. “Well, good,” she said.

Well, good?

“KLM does our best. How about business-class seats for you two?” She printed our fresh, flat boarding passes. Tommy and I boarded the plane.

We ate every meal and every snack that was offered to us on the long ride home. My hunger was like a portal opened into a galaxy — infinite, absolute. When I was in middle school, I used to watch my older brother, David, eat, stunned by the mountain of food he could consume. Now, it felt strangely freeing to eat with that type of abandon. I hadn’t done that since ninth grade, when I became obsessed with climbing.

I could eat, but I still couldn’t sleep. My anxiety kept me wide awake, and my wakefulness in turn meant I had nothing but space and time for the anxiety to spin itself tighter in my body. I kept wondering if the plane would crash. That seemed possible, maybe even probable, given how the rest of our trip had gone. An appropriate ending, in a way. I wondered if I’d be scared. What would Tommy say to me before impact? Would it hurt? Our backpack, stuffed at our feet, was filled with souvenirs purchased in a blur during our strange interlude in Bishkek, between our flight with the president and our diplomatic drive across the border. I had stuffed the paltry remains of the airport chocolate into our bag alongside the rest of the things we’d acquired: a hand-carved wooden chess set, a wool hanging. Proof that we’d done something major and been somewhere cool. What were we thinking?

Beth Rodden

The backpack that sat at our feet had been lost in transit when we’d first landed in Kyrgyzstan, full of hope for our climbing adventure, and was waiting for us, perversely intact, at the hotel in Bishkek after our escape. We’d left San Francisco with 20 expedition duffels, and all I had left was this backpack filled with trinkets from a country to which I’d never return. Maybe that was why we’d bought them, with the money Tommy had wadded up in his sock just before we were marched away from our camp at gunpoint. Maybe it was some attempt to fabricate a decent memory of the place.

My hands trembled the whole 12 hours to San Francisco. I knew I needed sleep, but if the plane did crash, wasn’t I supposed to be awake for that? I had no idea how to act, what to do or say or who to be when we saw our parents. I’d left as a 20-year-old girl full of herself, ready for the world, sure I was doing something extraordinary. I was living out the dream I’d stared at in the posters I hung on my bedroom wall: climbing to incredible heights in far-off places. My mother had hardly traveled, certainly not by my age. I’d felt so awfully superior as I’d walked down the jetway when we left. I didn’t even turn back to wave.

My parents had given me everything — pride, freedom, confidence. They trusted me. They trusted my decisions. They trusted the world. Now I was returning home a broken mess. I’d spoken to them a few times from the embassy in Bishkek, the words mainly drowned in my tears. I wanted to be small again, so small I could crawl through the phone into their arms, where they’d hold me and shush me and stroke my head. I wanted my mother to say, “Mama’s here, Mama’s here,” just like she always did when I was a girl. I wanted to shrink back into that little-girl body and lay my head in her lap and cry.

How was I supposed to carry myself getting off the jetway? Was the idea to act strong, like I was fine? I was weirdly good at that. Or should I literally run into their arms?

Now — how to do this? How was I supposed to carry myself getting off the jetway? Was the idea to act strong, like I was fine? I was weirdly good at that. Or should I literally run into their arms, like I had been dreaming of doing for the past eight days? I’d never spoken easily with my parents about feelings. They were so kind, so present, and gently but firmly on my team. But inside, I always felt nervous, like there was a line I was afraid to cross, like I needed to be tougher, solid, unbreakable. And even if I could lay my head in my mother’s lap and have her say, “Mama’s here,” would that still work to soothe me? I was not the same person I had been when I left. My thoughts flapped like the loose end of a film in an old-fashioned movie projector, the front reel spinning empty.

I looked over at Tommy. Maybe he’d know what to do. His head was slumped at a 45-degree angle to his chest, his mouth dropped open, snoring. He was sick. His brain was more lucid and less spastic than mine, but his body was breaking down. He had a fever. I envied Tommy’s oblivion. I felt so alone.

We landed. My palms were sweating, but Tommy’s hands felt strong. That felt like a plan: I’d hold his strong hand and we’d present a united front, though I hadn’t told him about my looping, flapping mind. I was trying to stay composed — for him, for me, maybe for my parents too. We collected our bag of souvenirs from under the airplane seats. The souvenirs promised our trip was normal. We were normal. I grabbed a free chocolate bar and a package of cookies from the plane’s galley as we exited. I never did anything like that, but now instead of saying, “Don’t eat that, Rodden,” I thought, “Just in case we don’t have any other food.”

I didn’t race off the plane like I had seen people do in movies, straight into their loved ones’ arms. Instead I walked so slowly that other passengers started passing us. I was desperate to return home, to the narrow twin bed in my parents’ house, on our quiet block filled with minivans and white Honda sedans, to replant myself in the flat farmland around Davis, California, to recommit to the safe wide sidewalks. I just didn’t know how. I wondered if people could tell we’d changed: if we walked differently or stood slightly less straight, if we’d absorbed so much fear and terror that we now emitted it.

Excerpted from “A Light Through the Cracks: A Climber’s Story,” by Beth Rodden. © 2024 Published by Little A Books, May 1, 2024. All Rights Reserved.

Beth Rodden is the author of “A Light Through the Cracks: A Climber’s Story,” out May 2024. 

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