How to Start a Mobile Ultrasound Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Start a Mobile Ultrasound Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

Starting a mobile ultrasound business can be both fulfilling and profitable. As a mobile ultrasound technician, you have the flexibility to work on your own terms and provide vital healthcare services to people who might not have access to it otherwise. If you’re interested in starting a mobile ultrasound business, it’s crucial to understand that it requires an equal dose of passion and strategic planning. This article will guide you through the steps and resources you will need to start your own mobile ultrasound business.

When you’re starting a mobile ultrasound business, the first thing you need to do is conduct thorough research on the industry and the market you’ll be operating in. This includes identifying your target market, finding out what services are in-demand, and determining who your competitors are. The more information you gather, the better equipped you’ll be to develop a successful business plan.

One of the biggest advantages of starting a mobile ultrasound business is the minimal startup costs compared to other healthcare enterprises. However, you will still need to invest in high-quality medical equipment, obtain the necessary permits and licenses, and ensure you have enough insurance coverage to protect your business and clients. It’s also essential to develop marketing strategies that will enable you to reach your target audience and promote the services you offer. By following these steps, you can start your mobile ultrasound business and start making a positive impact on people’s lives while pursuing your entrepreneurial aspirations. Understanding the requirements for mobile ultrasound equipment

Starting a mobile ultrasound business can be a wise and profitable decision. However, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the requirements for mobile ultrasound equipment to launch and run a successful mobile ultrasound business.

Here are some crucial requirements you need to consider:

Transducer Types

  • Convex Transducer: Used to scan abdominal organs and obstetrics.
  • Linear Transducer: Best for superficial scanning like thyroid and nerve scanning.
  • Phased Array Transducer: Works well for cardiovascular and pediatric scans.


Mobile ultrasound machines come in different sizes. Your choice will depend on the type of scanning services you plan to offer and other related factors. To run a successful mobile ultrasound business, you need a portable machine that can be quickly moved from one location to another. The device’s weight should not be too cumbersome for movement.

Image Quality

The image quality is a crucial factor that can significantly affect the diagnosis. You want a mobile ultrasound machine that produces high-quality images. The clearer the images are, the easier it will be to make accurate diagnoses. A reliable machine will help you build a reputation for excellence, resulting in increased referrals and a growing business.

Software and Connectivity

Managing patient documents is an essential part of a mobile ultrasound business. The ultrasound machine should come with software that allows easy archiving, retrieval, and sharing of patient information. The software should also have an intuitive user interface and user-friendly connectivity features, enabling easy transmission of scanned data.

By ensuring your mobile ultrasound machine meets these requirements, you’ll be able to establish a successful mobile ultrasound business, provide high-quality healthcare services to your clients while maximizing profits.

Identifying the Target Audience for a Mobile Ultrasound Business

When starting a mobile ultrasound business, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your target audience. This will help you design a business plan that caters to their needs, and ultimately lead to the success of your business.

  • Pregnant Women – One of the most significant audiences for a mobile ultrasound business is pregnant women. They require regular ultrasound scans throughout their pregnancy, and a mobile service can provide them with greater convenience by conducting scans in their own homes.
  • Doctors and Clinics – They often require ultrasound services for their patients. Mobile ultrasound businesses that have a strong rapport with clinics can benefit from word of mouth referrals, establishing a reputation in the industry.
  • Sports Teams – Many sports teams require musculoskeletal ultrasound services to diagnose soft tissue injuries, such as strains, sprains, and tears. A mobile ultrasound clinic can travel to the team’s location, reducing the need for athletes to commute to a medical facility.

By targeting these groups, mobile ultrasound business owners can ensure a consistent demand for their services.

Choosing Your Marketing Strategy

Once you’ve identified your target audience, it’s essential to create an effective marketing strategy that speaks to them. Consider advertising in places or magazines your target audience is likeliest to frequent. Social media is also an excellent platform to promote your mobile ultrasound business, such as creating a Facebook page. Provide information about the services provided, pricing structure, and client reviews.

Another useful marketing technique is to form collaborations with businesses that cater to your target audience. For example, if you are catering to pregnant women, form a relationship with pre-natal yoga studios, doulas, and other businesses that cater to expecting mothers.

Providing Exceptional Customer Service

Providing exceptional service is critical when dealing with your clients, most especially when they need to ensure the health of their loved ones. One way of demonstrating excellent customer service is to ensure that your customers’ inquiries are handled well and that they are informed of relevant and accurate information.

Remember, excellent customer service can lead to positive word-of-mouth referrals, which is an excellent marketing tool for a mobile ultrasound business.

Creating a Business Plan for a Mobile Ultrasound Business

When starting a mobile ultrasound business, it’s important to create a solid business plan. This will help you to define your business goals, identify the resources you need, and outline the steps you need to take to get started. Here are a few key elements to include in your business plan:

  • Executive summary: A brief overview of your business and the services you’ll offer.
  • Business description: A more detailed look at your business, including your target market, competition, and growth potential.
  • Market analysis: An in-depth look at the ultrasound market in your area, including demand and competition.
  • Service description: A detailed description of the services you’ll offer, including equipment and staff requirements.
  • Marketing and sales strategy: A plan for how you’ll attract and retain customers.
  • Financial projections: A detailed look at the costs of starting and running your business, as well as your projected revenue and profit.

It’s also important to consider the legal and regulatory requirements for starting a mobile ultrasound business. You’ll need to register your business with the appropriate government agencies, obtain any necessary licenses and permits, and comply with all healthcare regulations.

Below is a table outlining some of the key resources and investments you’ll need to start your mobile ultrasound business:

By taking the time to create a solid business plan, you’ll be better equipped to start and grow your mobile ultrasound business. With a clear vision and careful planning, you can build a successful business that provides valuable services to your community.

Securing funding options for a mobile ultrasound business

Starting a mobile ultrasound business is an exciting venture that could potentially provide a valuable service in various settings. However, launching a business requires upfront investments to purchase necessary equipment, hire trained sonographers, and cover operational expenses. Before diving in, entrepreneurs should explore funding options that best suit their financial situation and business plan.

  • Personal Loans: Entrepreneurs with excellent personal credit may be able to secure a personal loan from a bank or credit union. Personal loans can offer a flexible repayment period and competitive interest rates, with no collateral required.
  • Business Loans: For those with a well-developed business plan, a business loan may be the best option. Business loans typically require collateral, such as personal assets or the equipment being purchased. Entrepreneurs should shop around for the best rates and repayment terms.
  • Crowdfunding: Crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter or GoFundMe allow entrepreneurs to raise funds by asking for small contributions from a large group of people. Crowdfunding is ideal for those who have a unique, attention-grabbing business idea that resonates with a broad audience.

For mobile ultrasound businesses looking for consistency and reliability in funding, there are grant opportunities that offer financial assistance without the pressure of repayment:

  • Small Business Administration (SBA) Grants: The SBA offers several grant programs that assist small businesses with research and development, exporting, and veteran entrepreneurship. Eligibility requirements vary depending on the specific grant program.
  • National Institute of Health (NIH) Grants: The NIH offers various grant programs for medical start-ups, including diagnostic or therapeutic medical devices. The grant offers funding for research and development, with the expectation of breakthrough, commercializable technologies.
  • State and local grants: There are also grant programs provided by state and local governments, such as the Texas Workforce Commission or the Pennsylvania Statewide Small Business Assistance Program. These grant programs provide financial assistance and business development guidance.

Aside from grants and loans, partnerships with healthcare organizations, hospitals, or clinics can also be a viable funding option. In exchange for providing mobile ultrasound services, the partnering organization may offer financial investments or contracts to ensure business viability. Entrepreneurs can also consider investors or venture capitalists if they have a compelling business plan and pitch.

Remember, funding options should align with the entrepreneur’s business plan and financial capability. Each funding option has its pros and cons that should be carefully considered before making a decision. With the right funding strategy, entrepreneurs can launch their mobile ultrasound business and be on their way to success.

Obtaining necessary licenses and permits for a mobile ultrasound business

If you want to start a mobile ultrasound business, you must obtain the necessary licenses and permits to operate legally. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Research the requirements in your state: The first step is to research the requirements for starting a mobile ultrasound business in your state. You may need to obtain licenses and permits at the state, county, and city levels.
  • Apply for a business license: Once you know what licenses and permits you need, you can begin the application process. The first step is usually to apply for a business license. This allows you to operate legally and pay taxes on your earnings.
  • Apply for a medical license: In most states, you will need a medical license to perform ultrasound exams. This requires education, training, and passing an exam. You can check with your state’s medical board for specific requirements.

Some states require additional licenses and permits, such as:

  • Medical imaging license
  • Radiation safety license
  • Transportation permit

Make sure you understand all of the legal requirements to operate a mobile ultrasound business in your state. Failure to obtain the necessary licenses and permits can result in fines, legal action, and a damaged reputation.

Here is a table of licenses and permits that may be required:

By obtaining all of the necessary licenses and permits, you can start your mobile ultrasound business on the right foot. This will give you the legal right to operate and provide peace of mind to your clients.

Finding a Reliable Supplier for Mobile Ultrasound Equipment

Starting a mobile ultrasound business can be a profitable venture as long as you have the right equipment. Finding a reliable supplier for mobile ultrasound equipment is key to getting your business off to a good start. Here are some tips to help you choose a supplier:

  • Reputation: Look for a supplier with a good reputation in the industry. Ask around and do your research before making a decision.
  • Quality: Choose a supplier that offers high-quality equipment. You don’t want to compromise on the quality of your equipment as this may affect the accuracy of your scans.
  • Cost: You also need to consider the cost of the equipment. Look for a supplier that offers affordable prices without sacrificing quality.

When shopping for mobile ultrasound equipment, you need to ensure that it meets your specific needs. Some suppliers may offer generic equipment while others may specialize in specific types of ultrasound equipment. Consider your customer base and choose equipment that will cater to their needs.

It’s also important to choose a supplier that offers good customer service. You should be able to reach out to your supplier if you have any issues with your equipment or if you need assistance with using it properly.

Choosing a reliable supplier for mobile ultrasound equipment is an important step in starting your business. Take the time to research your options and choose a supplier that meets your specific needs and budget. With the right equipment, you can provide accurate and timely ultrasound scans to your clients, ensuring that your business grows and thrives.

Establishing a Pricing Model for Mobile Ultrasound Services

One of the crucial elements of starting a mobile ultrasound business is establishing a pricing model that works best for your business and customers. Here are some factors to consider when setting your pricing model:

  • Cost of Equipment: Calculate the total cost of acquiring and maintaining the machinery and equipment required for your business.
  • Location: The cost of providing the service may vary depending on your location. The distance and time spent traveling to customers can affect the prices charged.
  • Staffing Costs: Consider the cost of hiring and training qualified ultrasonographers to perform the services you offer.

When establishing prices for your mobile ultrasound services, it may be helpful to take into account the services and prices of your competitors. You may also consider bundling services for better pricing options.

Below is an example pricing model that can be used as a guide for your business:

Remember, your pricing model should be reasonable and sustainable while providing quality services to your customers. Keep in mind that these prices may vary depending on your location, competition, and other factors.

Building a Marketing Strategy to Attract Clients for a Mobile Ultrasound Business

Marketing is crucial for any business as it helps to attract and retain clients. Here are eight steps to building a marketing strategy to attract clients for your mobile ultrasound business:

  • Define your target market – Identify who your ideal clients are based on things like age, gender, income, and location.
  • Research your competition – Look into what other mobile ultrasound businesses are doing in your area, what services they offer, and how much they charge.
  • Create a brand identity – Develop a clear and consistent brand identity that includes a logo, tagline, website, and social media presence.
  • Determine your unique selling proposition (USP) – Identify what makes your mobile ultrasound business different from your competition, such as specialized services or competitive pricing.
  • Create a marketing plan – Develop a detailed plan that includes how you will reach and communicate with your target market, what types of advertising or promotions you will use, and how you will measure success.
  • Use digital marketing – Consider using online platforms like social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) to reach potential clients and build your brand.
  • Attend community events – Participate in local events like health fairs and community health days to meet potential clients and showcase your services.
  • Offer referral incentives – Encourage your existing clients to refer new clients by offering incentives like discounts or free services.

Remember that building a marketing strategy is an ongoing process, so regularly review and adjust your plan as needed based on data and feedback from your clients.

By following these steps and creating a detailed marketing plan, you can attract new clients and grow your mobile ultrasound business.

Developing a network of healthcare providers to collaborate with

One of the most important aspects of starting a mobile ultrasound business is building a network of healthcare providers to collaborate with. These providers will both refer clients to you and allow you to provide services on-site at their facilities. Here are some key steps to take in order to develop this network:

  • Research potential healthcare partners: Identify hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare centers in your area that may be interested in partnering with a mobile ultrasound service. Consider their services, location, and patient demographics.
  • Reach out to potential partners: Contact the decision-makers at these healthcare centers and introduce them to your mobile ultrasound business. Explain your services and benefits, and be prepared to answer any questions they may have.
  • Offer incentives: Consider offering a discount or other incentives to healthcare providers who refer clients to your business. This can help foster positive relationships and encourage them to continue referring clients to you.

In addition to building relationships with healthcare providers, it is important to establish credibility within the medical community. This can be achieved by participating in continuing education opportunities, joining relevant industry associations, and staying up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies in the field.

Here is an example of a table that could be used to track potential healthcare partnerships:

By developing strong relationships with healthcare providers and staying up-to-date on industry trends, you can build a successful mobile ultrasound business that provides valuable services to patients while also generating revenue.

Ensuring compliance with HIPAA regulations and patient confidentiality measures.

As a mobile ultrasound business owner, it is crucial to ensure you are following all HIPAA regulations and patient confidentiality measures. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in hefty fines and even legal action. To avoid any issues, here are some tips:

  • Train your staff – Educate your staff on HIPAA regulations and patient confidentiality measures. Make sure they understand the importance of protecting patient information and how to handle it appropriately.
  • Secure patient information – Make sure all patient information is stored securely and protected from unauthorized access. This includes electronic and paper records, as well as any other forms of communication such as text messages or emails.
  • Implement proper procedures – Have proper procedures in place for handling patient information. This includes obtaining patient consent, notifying patients of their rights, limiting access to patient information, and properly disposing of patient information when it is no longer needed.

Additionally, it is important to keep up to date with any changes or updates to HIPAA regulations and patient confidentiality measures. This can be done through attending training sessions or subscribing to industry newsletters.

To ensure you are meeting all necessary requirements and avoiding any potential issues, consider seeking assistance from a compliance expert or consultant who can help you navigate these regulations and implement proper procedures and practices.

Following proper HIPAA regulations and patient confidentiality measures not only protects your patients’ information but also safeguards your business from any legal issues that may arise. Incorporating these regulations into your business operations will create a professional and trustworthy image to your potential customers.

FAQs on How to Start a Mobile Ultrasound Business

1. what are the requirements to start a mobile ultrasound business.

To start a mobile ultrasound business, you will need a registered business name, ultrasound equipment, a reliable mode of transportation, and proper licensing and certification.

2. Is it expensive to start a mobile ultrasound business?

Starting a mobile ultrasound business can be expensive, as ultrasound equipment can range from $30,000 to $100,000. Additionally, there may be costs associated with licensing, certification, and marketing your business.

3. Do I need a medical background to start a mobile ultrasound business?

While a medical background is helpful, it is not necessary to start a mobile ultrasound business. However, you will need to be properly trained and licensed to use ultrasound equipment.

4. How can I market my mobile ultrasound business?

To market your mobile ultrasound business, consider creating a website and social media accounts to promote your services. You can also reach out to local doctors and medical practices to establish partnerships and referrals.

5. How much can I charge for mobile ultrasound services?

The cost of mobile ultrasound services can vary depending on the region and type of service provided. It is important to research your market and competitors to determine fair pricing.

6. What are some common challenges when starting a mobile ultrasound business?

Some common challenges when starting a mobile ultrasound business include acquiring proper licensing and certification, securing financing for equipment and startup costs, and establishing credibility and partnerships within the medical community.

7. How can I ensure patient confidentiality in a mobile ultrasound business?

Patient confidentiality is crucial in a mobile ultrasound business. To ensure confidentiality, consider investing in secure electronic medical record software and using discreet vehicles and equipment.

Closing Paragraph

Thanks for taking the time to explore how to start a mobile ultrasound business. Remember, it takes hard work, dedication, and proper planning to succeed in the competitive medical field. With the right equipment, training, marketing, and partnerships, you can build a thriving mobile ultrasound business that provides valuable services to your community. Keep researching, learning, and innovating, and feel free to visit our website for more business insights and tips. Best of luck on your entrepreneurial journey!

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How To Start A Mobile Ultrasound Business

Starting a mobile ultrasound business involves determining the services to offer, creating a business plan, securing financing, obtaining necessary licenses and certifications, purchasing ultrasound equipment, hiring trained technicians, and implementing a targeted marketing strategy.

  • Last Update: November 23, 2023


  • Steps in this Guide: 11

Starting a mobile ultrasound business can be an exciting and fulfilling venture for individuals with a passion for healthcare and entrepreneurship. In recent years, the demand for convenient and accessible medical services has grown, creating an opportunity for entrepreneurs to provide mobile ultrasound services. Whether you are a sonographer looking to venture on your own or an investor interested in the healthcare industry, this blog post will guide you through the essential steps in starting a mobile ultrasound business. From understanding the market and regulatory requirements to securing the right equipment and marketing your services effectively, we will explore the key components you need to consider to ensure a successful start in this dynamic and rewarding field. So, let’s dive in and learn how to embark on your journey towards launching a thriving mobile ultrasound business.

How To Start A Mobile Ultrasound Business: Step-by-Step

Step 1: market research,.

In order to effectively determine the demand for mobile ultrasound services, evaluate existing competition, identify the needs of hospitals, clinics, and private patients, and develop potential pricing strategies relevant to your targeted area.

Step 2: Business Planning,

Create a comprehensive business plan with clear strategies, target market identification, competitive pricing, efficient operational procedures, effective marketing plans, necessary resources, and realistic financial projections.

Step 3: Legal Formalities,

It is essential to register your business name, obtain permits and licenses, and comply with healthcare industry regulations. Consulting with a business attorney can help you understand your legal obligations.

Step 4: Purchase Necessary Equipment,

Invest in portable and user-friendly mobile ultrasound machines, a vehicle for transportation, and supporting systems such as billing software and CRM to ensure high-quality services and efficient operations.

Step 5: Set Up a Mobile Van or Clinic,

The van will be customized to offer mobile ultrasound services, ensuring cleanliness and professionalism. It will be equipped to securely hold and power the necessary ultrasound equipment for efficient and convenient use.

Step 6: Hiring Trained Technicians,

It is crucial to have competent and certified ultrasound technicians who possess the necessary skills and training to effectively operate the equipment and deliver quality results.

Step 7: Training,

In order to ensure optimal performance, it is essential to provide comprehensive training to technicians on equipment usage and standard operating procedures. This includes emphasizing cleanliness, punctuality, and professionalism to maintain high standards in service delivery.

Step 8: Insurance Coverage,

It is crucial to obtain appropriate insurance coverage for safeguarding your equipment, vehicle, and protecting against any potential professional liability. This will provide financial security and peace of mind in the event of unforeseen damages or legal situations.

Step 9: Marketing and Branding,

Create a comprehensive marketing strategy to connect with your target audience through diverse channels including online ads, brochures, business cards, health fairs, and more. Establish a polished website and cultivate a distinctive brand image for long-term success.

Step 10: Networking and Partnerships,

Build connections with medical professionals and institutions in your community, such as doctors, clinics, and hospitals. Participate in healthcare events and seminars to expand your network and market your mobile ultrasound services effectively.

Step 11: Launch Your Business,

By offering mobile ultrasound services with a strong dedication to quality, customer satisfaction, and continuous improvement, you can establish an excellent reputation in the field. Gather feedback to enhance your services and strengthen your business’s standing.

In conclusion, starting a mobile ultrasound business can be a lucrative and rewarding venture. With the increasing demand for convenient healthcare services, particularly in remote or underserved areas, there is ample potential to provide top-quality ultrasound services on the go.

By carefully considering the steps outlined in this guide – conducting thorough market research, obtaining necessary certifications and licenses, investing in the right equipment, developing effective marketing strategies, and ensuring excellent customer service – you can set yourself on the path to success.

Remember that perseverance and adaptability are key in a rapidly changing healthcare industry. Stay updated with the latest technological advancements, continuously improve your skills, and be willing to adapt your services based on market demands.

Starting a mobile ultrasound business requires careful planning and hard work, but by providing a vital service, improving access to healthcare, and contributing to the wellbeing of individuals, it can be a fulfilling and financially rewarding endeavor. So, take the leap and embark on your journey towards building a successful mobile ultrasound business today!

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How Do I Start? Jenny Can Show You How!

Do you have an idea? Like a really great idea? I hear that! When I came up with my idea for Hey Baby, I knew I was on to something big! But.....getting started is always the hardest part. There are so many things to consider. 

What will I need? Where should I buy everything? How should I operate my company?

When I started Hey Baby, I had to figure out so many things along the way. It was a huge challenge. I always wished there was someone I could hire to do everything that I needed done. It was very difficult to find someone who could do all the business stuff in a timely fashion. I wound up building my own website. I promoted myself with online advertising. I found which ultrasound machine to buy, and who to buy it from. I figured out payment companies, booking sites, and so so so much more. I really felt like I was very overwhelmed. Luckily, once I had it all set up, things were great! I got to get back to what I really loved to do- scanning the babies! I have had so many people reach out to me, asking how they could get a mobile ultrasound business started. I am so happy to announce that I am now helping other people from all over the world, get their own mobile 3D/4D ultrasound business up and running! If you are ready to start your own mobile ultrasound business, I can help make that happen. * One of the major issues I dealt with when I started my business was the medical equipment company I sourced my ultrasound machine from. They were not forth-coming with what I was getting. They shipped the machine to the wrong address, the machine would not turn on, and the software did not work. It was a nightmare- such a huge financial investment... I felt like I was in a spiral of doom. * Through that business experience, I have built a relationship directly with the manufacturer. I make sure that when you are ready to start your own Mobile Ultrasound Business, that the ultrasound machine will be the very least of your worries! You won't have to go through the same issues I did. 

I also include ultrasound machine training for you. I can operate the Chison Sonobook 9 in the dark, without looking at the keyboard- I am overly qualified to help you become very familiar with your new machine. I’m not a Sales Person. I’m a Sonographer that owns her own business, and I use this machine on a daily basis for the last 4+ years. I have developed Five Options of Tiers that are listed below. (If you see a Tier that is close to what you are looking for, I can also customize a package to suit your needs.) I completed a Tier 1 Full Company Build for in January 2023. Here is a Video testimonial from Joy (Co-owner & Sonographer of JerBear Imaging.)

Video testimonial from Joy with JerBear Imaging

I absolutely loved building this company for JerBear Imaging!

There are FIVE programs to choose from:

Tier one: ultrasound machine & full company build, tier three: ultrasound machine with on-site training.

Would you like Jenny to do EVERYTHING for you? 

Then this package is for you.

-A Chison Sonobook 9 AND a complete PRE-BUILT business plan for you, so you can get started making money right away!

For more information on this package, including pricing, click the button below.

Tier TWO: Ultrasound Machine & Complete Road Map

Are you ready to start your own ultrasound business, and are tech savy? 

-A Chison Sonobook 9 AND a complete business plan for you to follow. 

Are you ready to be your own boss, and want to do most of the set up yourself? Are you only looking to purchase the ultrasound equipment and get trained on how to use it? 

Tier FOUR: Ultrasound Machine with Remote Training

Would you only like to purchase the ultrasound machine, and be trained remotely?

For more information on this package,  click the button below.

Tier FIVE: Ultrasound Machine ONLY

Are you already familiar with 3D, 4D, and Virtual HD? Do you feel like you only need the Ultrasound Machine, and you don't need any training?

Then this is the option for you!

hey baby changed my life!

How life has changed for me since i started hey baby.

In the last 19 months: * I built a following of 155.9k TikTok Followers * I've traveled as far as Florida to do ultrasounds * Traveled to Texas to help build an Ultrasound Business from the ground up for JerBear Imaging. * I've worked directly with Chison, the Ultrasound Machine Manufacturer, to test a new ultrasound machine, make promotional videos, and train other Sonographers to use the 4D Technology. Matt and I just took a road trip to NYC to do an ultrasound, and then we went on a family trip to Disney! I had the freedom to travel to South Korea to watch my daughter get married this past summer, & also went on a family cruise to Cozumel! This has been the best Professional Year of my Life! I have met so many wonderful people, and seen so may areas around the country. Hey Baby has changed my life in a way that I never could have imagined. I no longer take orders from a boss, I work whichever days & times I please, and I get to spend limitless amounts of time with my family and pets. I couldn't ask for a better situation. Live the life you want, people. ❤

a good example why....

Let me tell you a little story. this just happened in april 2023:.

A sonographer contacted me to help start her own mobile ultrasound business in another state. We spent several hours on the phone talking about every question that she had. Things were going well. 

Then she found a medical supply company that could 'save her' a little bit of money. She opted to go that direction instead. C'est la vie, right? Such is life.  I was disappointed that she decided not to go with me, but these things happen.

So then what happened?

Well, Fast forward a little over a month later, and she is frantically calling me, texting me, and emailing me. The medical supply company she bought her ultrasound machine from was not providing enough support for her to understand how to optimize her 3D and 4D images with her new machine. 

On top of that, they sold her MULTIPLE transducers, (which were NOT needed,) and at the end of the day, she spent $5,000 dollars more with the medical supply company, than she would have with me!

How was she feeling?

Ohhhhh, extremely upset doesn't even begin to describe it. She said that she felt that she had made a Tremendous mistake. I agreed. I felt bad- because I had gone through the same sort of scenario when I bought my own machine. Ultimately, I suggested she try to return the machine to get her money back. 

What did she do?

She contacted her medical supply company, and they told her the $2,000 transducer was nonreturnable, and that the restocking fee for the returned ultrasound machine was $6,600. She was beside herself. Can't say that I blame her.

How does the story end?

Good question... as of right now, she is trying to get training through another out of state sonographer that uses the same machine that she purchased. I am hopeful for her that it all works out. After all, I know how hard it can be to start your own business.

Instead of blindly trying to figure things out along the way, my Tiered Programs offer my expertise to get your own Mobile Ultrasound Business Completely Up and Running! You could be driving to your first in-home ultrasound appointment literally 3 weeks from today! That's all the time it takes me to start your business for you.

jenny was interviewed! starting a mobile ultrasound busINESS

An article was written recently by Travis Truax from Schedulicity, about how to start your own mobile ultrasound business- and I was interviewed for it! Check it out!

I love my job, and it shows. you can love your job, too!

Google us 5 star reviews for hey, baby, watch how much fun i have every day.

Check out this In-Home Ultrasound done at a Gender Reveal Party! I get to have this much fun every single day.

When I show up to do an in-home ultrasound, it's like Britney Spears pulled in their driveway. Lol. People are excited to see me, and appreciate my service! Every day is so much fun. Watch the video and feel the excitement!


Chase your dreams, this started as a dream.

I love what I do.

Getting Ready To Go Do An Ultrasound!

Beautiful before and after pictures.

It is so much fun to parents a sneak peek of their baby, before birth! 

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Woman-Owned Family Business

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a sonographer's guide to entrepreneurship

Talking tech

Episode 7: 6 steps to optimize your mobile ultrasound business startup strategy

Having a strategy in place is crucial when starting a new business. Today, I’m chatting the 6 steps to optimizing your startup strategy in the mobile ultrasound industry. From business plans to vendors, I’m dishing the details on having the right plan in place.


Jen (00:01): Hello and welcome to the Talking Tech Podcast, a sonographer’s guide to entrepreneurship. I am your host, Jennifer Lindsey, and today I’m so excited to chat with you about six steps to optimize your startup strategy for your mobile ultrasound business. Having a tried and true plan before you’re ready to get out there and market to your doctors will be so important. So, today we will go over the backend work you need to do to ensure you have all of your ducks in a row before you get out there and start marketing to your doctors. So let me go through these six steps, and then we’ll dive into each of them specifically. So first things first, we need to understand our market. So that means having a business plan and a market analysis put in place so that we understand our general area, our market, our physicians, local to us, the types of reimbursements that we’re getting back in the area so that we can come up with a pricing structure that works.

(01:00) We also want to have a business plan put in place, and I’ll go over the main specific points we’ll need to have in there. We also, number two, need to understand the legal implications of us providing these services and the business setup as well. Because the moment you start going into a practice with not just yourself as the tech as a staffer, but you go in. You bring in the ultrasound equipment, and a million new rules and regulations apply. We have to know what these are to make sure that we are providing a service that is a legal, legally set up service and a legal way for us to do business inside these physician practices because the doctors are the ones billing. And I’ll review our business setup again if you haven’t heard from me yet.

(01:47) I’ve got a few podcasts and blog posts that I delve into specifically. So if you need more information, please refer back to those. But we need to understand that because the doctor is the one billing and receiving reimbursement back from insurance and Medicare, they are the ones who get in trouble. They can have their Medicare license taken away from them. They can get in criminal trouble for the services that we are providing. So it’s got to be above board, and we have to make sure we understand those legal implications. The third thing we need to have in place is a marketing plan. On my podcast last week, I reviewed the five-step sales process we teach our students. Of course, our students get detailed information on all this, but I did a great overview.

(02:37) So if you are interested in getting deep into that, go to the podcast from last week to check that out. And if you want even more details, you can definitely message me with questions because I would love to get you some of the information we provide our students. But it’s important to have something in place so that you know how to move them through that sales process when you’re out there talking with your physicians. Obviously, most of our students are ultrasound techs, so they’re not well-versed in sales. And so knowing what that sales process will look like and how to move your doctors through that process is very important—getting closed sales at the end. You also want to make sure you know what vendors you need to have in place too. There are certain groups we’re going to have to work with to provide services such as pacs or accounting services, those types of things that we’ve got to have in place for our business before we get started because we want to make sure that once we get out there and start marketing to the doctors, we’re ready to go. We have all the people in place to help us move that needle forward.

(03:40) You also want to have an idea about the ultrasound machine. We suggest not purchasing your equipment until you are ready to start that first account. Why? Well, it makes most business sense to cover the cost of the equipment with the new revenue you are bringing into your business. We have so many techs excited to get their ultrasound equipment, and rightfully so. Having your own piece of equipment that you own yourself and have at your house ready to scan patients is so exciting. And so we’ve got a lot of techs that think their first step when they’re getting ready to start their business is to buy their machine. But it makes the most business sense to wait until you’re ready to start that first account before purchasing or leasing your ultrasound equipment like I said, because that way, the revenue that you’re bringing in from that new account can help cover the cost of the equipment.

(04:33) So just having an idea of the type of equipment may be that you’re looking at in an average roundabout cost so that you can make some cost projections on that side. Knowing before you get out there and start marketing to your doctors is important. Number six, here is an implementation plan for new clients. So this is obviously very important because we can have everything laid out on the backend ready to go. We start out sales in our sales process and marketing to our doctors, and then we get that closed account. What do we do from there? How do we make the service we provide as seamless and easy as possible? We’ve got to have an implementation plan in place to do so because we want our clients around for the long term. And the easiest way to do that is by providing exceptional customer service and an easily laid out plan to provide these services in their office.

(05:26) All right, so we’ve given you the background here, numbers one through six. Let’s dive into each of those a little bit more specifically for your market analysis. You want to know the number of physicians local to you. I would start out with between a 25 and 50-mile radius in your area of the types of doctors you can provide services to. So as the sonographer, you know what types of services you can provide, and you can make sure that you understand which types of physicians are going to be able to utilize those services. So, for example, we don’t want to market to dermatologists because they’re not going to order ultrasounds, right? So we don’t want to just look up every single MD located within a 25-mile radius of us. We want to have a list of types of physicians. So you know, internal medicine practice, doctors, cardiologists OB/GYNs, family practice doctors, as a few examples, we can even go into specialties and those types of things too.

(06:25) Now, will some of these doctors already have ultrasound? Will some of them be owned by or employed by a hospital and unable to use our services? Yes, but initially, we’re just getting a list of the types of physicians that could use our service. So we have an idea of what our market looks like in our area. The other thing that we want to do is delve into the average reimbursement. And so, we want to know how much insurance is paying back to the physician so that we know how to set our pricing structure. Now, the average price across the board will be higher on the East Coast and West Coast, but to give you a good average, it’s about $125 an hour. And I’ll talk a little bit more about that in we get to number two in the legal implications.

(07:12) But that’s a good average for you to get started with. And so if you’re seeing that your reimbursements, let’s say, in California, obviously are going to be higher than us here in Indiana, you can likely charge more than we would because the reimbursements to the physicians are higher. The other thing that you want to make sure that you have in there is just an idea of what you’re going to be looking at as far as the number of doctors, the pricing that you’re going to be charging, and the types of ultrasounds now that you can provide. So usually, we’ll have a little section at the bottom of our market analysis template that all of our students have access to that lists out some of the main types of ultrasounds, and that way, we can look up some of the ones that are lower-paying, some of the ones that are higher paying and get a good average of about how much we’re looking at back to the physician from those ultrasounds as reimbursement to kind of determine that pricing.

(08:08) So the market analysis is just a few things, kind of finding out basic information about your market, which definitely goes into the business plan. Now, an average business plan has multiple sections, and I’m going to go through those a bit. For those of you watching me on YouTube, I’ve got to look at my notes here just to make sure that I go ev over every single one of these for you. But the first section you’re going to have in the business plan, and by the way, this is a template we have for all our students. So if this is something you need, please let me know, and we can connect you. But the first section you will want to have is an executive summary. And this is telling your reader, so whomever you’re giving this business plan to, a lot of people use this for funding or honestly, if you don’t need funding or it’s something that you’re going to fund on your own, just having this as the kind of roadmap for your business is important, even if you’re not going to use it for funding.

(09:06) But this executive summary briefly tells what your company is and why it’s going to be successful. So you want to have a mission statement, your specific product or service. So in our case, that will be the mobile ultrasound services we are providing. And then basic information about the leadership team, employees, and locations. So you would have a roundabout area where you will be providing your services. Likely when you start, it’s going to be you as the leader and you as the employee. So you would just discuss exactly what types of services you will be providing and how you will be doing that in your area. You should also include any financial information and high-level growth plans in this section if you plan on asking for financing. So you would want to delve into that a little bit deeper there.

(09:51) The next section you want to have is a company description. So here, obviously, we’re using a description to detail what information we have about our company, what services we will be providing, and what problem our service solves. So here we would detail out the information about how many physicians don’t have enough patient load for it to make sense for them to purchase ultrasound equipment and have to buy it and have it sit in their office multiple days a week because they may only need it a day a week, right? Based on their patient load, they’d have to hire a sonographer; they’d have to manage them; they’d have to hone in, and try to make sure that they are filling up that sonographer’s time with patients. And so, for us to provide a service where they are using it on an as-needed basis makes way more sense for these physicians.

(10:40) So we’re touching on that niche there and discussing the problems we can solve. So the physician is going to have the benefit to them is going to be providing services in the office as a service provider for medicine. They’re a business. They need to be thinking of all the revenue streams that they have. And so you are coming in and providing the service where their billing insurance, paying you a fee to provide this service is a revenue generator for their office. So that’s one of the things that we can provide is revenue generation for the physician that solves the problem of a doctor trying to come up with ways to bring more and more revenue into his practice. And this allows us to do it so that they do not have to do a bunch of extra work.

(11:27) They don’t have to hire anybody or buy anything or manage anything. They allow us to come in on a scheduled basis and provide these services in the office. So be specific and list the organizations and businesses that may be local to you. So I would say these types of physician practices are who we are going to be targeting. And then explain any competitive advantages that are going to make your business a success. So many of our students put in their business plans that they work with business consultants and coaches to provide them with sales, marketing, and legal information. It’s something nice that you can put in there. Other things that you would be able to add are your specific information on your background, what you’ve done, where you’ve worked, all of the things that have created such an amazing sonographer in you, and a way that you can explain how you’re going to provide services to have that competitive advantage going in these offices, providing services with revenue generation for the physician, cost savings for the patients.

(12:33) These are all competitive advantages that you have as opposed to them sending their patients out to the hospital. We already talked about a market analysis, but this is a good section to put that overview in. And then, you could use the actual market analysis template you put together as an addendum to your business plan as additional paperwork. Okay? And then you’d want to have a section two on organization and management. So you would explain how your business will be structured and who will be running it. You’d have information on the legal structure of your business. So you would list out whether your company’s going to be an S-corp, a C-corp, or an LLC, and then you would show each person’s unique experience and how they’re going to contribute. So likely, as I said, this is going to be just you. So you would have all of your expertise and experience listed out there as the operations director of your company.

(13:30) And so with that, you’re going to be doing marketing, you’re going to be doing the actual ultrasounds themselves. So you could also include resumes or CVs in this section so that the groups we are sending this out to for potential financing could see those. Then you want an entire section on the service or product line. So for us, of course, that’s mobile ultrasound. So you would explain how that will work, what it will look like, and how we would provide these services to the physician’s office. And then you’d want to also have a section on marketing and sales. So how will you be providing the marketing and sales structure to these physician offices? And you need to kind of put goals in this section and describe how you’re going to attract and how you’re going to retain your physician clients.

(14:19) And then if you are asking for funding, this is the section, the next section here, you would want to put a funding request, how much money you’re asking for information on that. It says on this list here that I just went over what we have in our business plan. You would want to list out the terms you’d like applied and the length of time potentially. So this would be if you are requesting funding, this is a great place to put that in. And then, lastly, you’ll want to have some financial projections. So we have an hour template and an entire like profit and loss Excel spreadsheet section. So you would want to list out what you’re expecting to make all the financial projections, including balance sheets and cash flow statements, those types of things if you already have a business, because I know some of the people that listen to this podcast have a business here already.

(15:11) And so if you’ve got a business already, you would want to include those types of things in this section or just have your goals and projections if this is a new startup in that financial projections section. So there are quite a few here. I will list them out again for you so you can write these down. So number one in the business plan, number one section executive summary, then you want a company description, you want to list out then your market analysis, the organization, and management, your service or product line when explain you know, what you are going to be providing, your marketing and sales approach, how you’re going to keep how you’re going to attract. And then also keep and retain clients. A funding request if you’re asking for money. And then, finally, your financial projections. So business plan takes a lot, there’s a lot of information that goes in there, and it can be ever-changing too.

(16:04) So if you or have been in business for a little while and need to change that up, change your projections, change exactly how you’re marketing those types of things, this is something that can always be updated and changed as you go—so moving along to number two, legal implications and the business setup. So as soon as you bring in the ultrasound equipment, many more laws now apply to go in as a staffer. So if you have your own business and just want to provide staffing for offices that already have their ultrasound equipment, this is easy. There is a much simpler contract. If you want to set it up that way, you can provide services on a patient basis, like a per-patient payment basis. The moment you bring in your equipment, you can no longer charge per patient.

(16:58) That’s considered per click, and it is a Stark and anti-kickback violation. So really important to note that you cannot charge by the patient when you provide services with both the ultrasound tech and the equipment. So that’s very important for you guys to understand, and that is why we set our students up with a service agreement contract where they’re providing the services in the physician practice hourly. The way that that is best set up is to schedule them out in half-day or full-day sessions. And so, depending on the physician’s patient load, you may go a couple of half days a month or a couple of full days a week; everything will vary based on your client’s patient load. But that is the best way to set it up to ensure it is legally set up. Now you have to have a contract in place for this, which can be one of the most expensive startup expenses for you because healthcare attorneys are not cheap.

(17:48): I have done a few blog posts and things on this, and that is why one of the things that we provide in our ultrasound business academy is all the contracts that our clients need because that is so important to have all of those when you first start. And so that’s just something to think about: the actual contracts are something you’re surely going to have to have. And so we want to make sure that we’re in compliance with Stark and anti-kickback, which means we’ve got to have those hourly rates and have our contract set up for a year. Our contract has a 30-day cancellation in it, which is nice so that the doctors don’t feel like they’re signing away their firstborn child, but it’s got to be for a one-year session to be in compliance.

(18:41) And then there are a few other legal implications that you need to consider, too, if the physician can’t interpret their own studies. So there is a rule called anti-markup and a few ways to comply. We go into this specifically for our students, but in general, the physician that is having the services in their office, so your physician client can’t profit on the reed if they are not doing it on their own. So let’s say, for example, in Indiana, I think our echo professional component, so the Reed portion allowable for Medicare, is about $68 or so, but our cardiologists only charge $45 for the read. So if a physician were to bill Medicare $68, right for the interpretation, but they only paid the cardiologist $45, they made a profit on that, and that’s not legal at all.

(19:36) There are a few ways to get around that, and like I said, this is something specific we go with for our students, but that’s something you’ll need to figure out and have the details of so that you can explain to your doctors. The last thing you would want them to do is get in trouble with Medicare. This one, I believe, does have a criminal liability issue if they are not compliant with it, which means they can go to jail; some of these, some of these rules, the consequences are just getting your Medicare number taken away or getting fined others they can go to prison for prison, I don’t know, jail, whatever. But it’s something that you need to think about because you want to provide the service in a way that they are completely protected and that all of the exceptions have been accounted for in the agreement so that everything is set up and up and up. You’re providing the very best service possible legally, right?

(20:30) Okay. So that is kind of an overview of the legal, business setup, kind of how it would work in the physician practice. The next step is to ensure you’ve got a strong marketing plan in place. And for those of you, like I mentioned, obviously 99% of our students, our ultrasound techs, have never been in sales before. And so, a lot of times, it’s hard to figure out how that will work and what you need to say. Like I mentioned in a blog post last week on the five steps, we teach our students as an overview. So please go listen to that. There’s a lot of great information in there. But the basics of the sales plan that we suggest putting together is a five-step process. Number one is prospecting.

(21:13) So finding out correlates a bit with the market analysis you would’ve put together, finding out those types of physicians local to you, and getting a list of the doctors that could use your service. So any type of physician that would order ultrasounds that you can provide as the tech are going to go on a list. So we’re looking on WebMD, we’re looking on Medicare’s physician finder. There are tons of different places you can buy lists of doctors. There are a lot of places to kind of compile this initial list. But once you have those doctors on there, that’s when you’re going to start going and doing these initial office visits where you are working to chat with a doctor. We want to find out from them, explain a little bit more about our service and find out if they’d like to move on to the next step, which is finding more specific information about their practice and what we could provide for them.

(22:06) So in that initial visit, you would be giving more information about your service, the types of things you’d be able to provide, and trying to move them into the next step, which is the discovery. So that’s step number three is finding out discovering more about their practice. So types, numbers of ultrasounds they’re doing on an average basis. Usually, finding out either per week or per month is a better one on what they’re ordering so that you can create a revenue analysis for them if they had you come in and provide services and pay you, for example,125 an hour for these services, how much revenue could their practice make and what could they look at having as an opportunity for revenue generation by having you come in. So that’s step number four is the revenue analysis. And then step five is closing the contract.

(22:59) So once you’ve presented the information on what you can provide specifically for them based on the information you found out from the discovery, that’s when you go in and discuss the final bits of information. Here’s how our service is set up, here’s contractually how it would work. And that’s when you’re going to start those closing statements and working to close that contract. So those five steps again are prospecting, finding out types of doctors that could potentially use your service, put those on a list, start going out and visiting with them, having that initial visit where you’re discussing more information about your service and getting them interested enough to do the discovery, which is number three. So finding out the types and numbers of scans they’re doing on average moves you along to step four, which prevents presenting a revenue analysis to them so that they would understand more about what can be provided in their office as a revenue generator.

(23:58) And then step number five is closing that contract. So having a really good marketing plan in place is super important. Now we also want to make sure that we have information readily available whether we’ve already contracted with them or not, but have an idea of the types of vendors that we would need to have in place to be able to provide these services in the physician practice. So those types of physician vendors for this type of service are just a basic list; you’ve got to have a PACS provider. You’re going to have to be able to get images from your machine to a PACS so that an interpreting doctor can read them. You’ve got to have a scheduler. I suggest that the PACS group that we use and that all of our students have access to has a scheduler right in the PACS.

(24:46) It’s so cool that the office gets its own username and passcode that are all HIPAA compliant. They don’t have to have any hardware or anything software. Nothing has to be put into their computers or their office. It’s all web-based. So they log on and see their schedule so they can pop patients right on the schedule on the days that you’re coming in. Those are the only days that are open and available for them to schedule. It also auto-populates the timeframe it takes you to do each exam. So they’re not double booking you; they’re not giving you 10 minutes for an echo, for example. So it’s a nice setup, and that’s what we do for our mobile business here. It’s been so nice to have that opportunity to have them have a scheduler that’s in the pack. So they’ve got one tab for a scheduler and one tab for the PACS where they can view all of the images and reports once they’re completed, and it archives everything for them too.

(25:40) So those two things are nice to have. Obviously, a PACS is a necessity. A scheduler isn’t necessary, but it makes our jobs so much easier. You also want to make sure you have interpreting physicians put in place too. We are so excited to be able to provide that as an option for our students because that can be hard to find. And if you do find them, they often have monthly minimums and those types of things. And that’s where this can get expensive with vendors. Many of them have minimums because bringing new clients on board for PACS costs a lot. For example, they have to build you out a complete website, and if you’re starting from zero, you know they have to have an implementation cost to cover all of that. So likely, most of the groups that, if you go out and find these on your own, are going to have minimums to either get started or monthly minimums for you.

(26:29) So that’s something to consider. And it’s one of the reasons why we’re so excited to offer that, that all of the vendors we use for our students don’t have any minimums—just such a huge cost saver in the beginning. You also want to make sure you’ve got someone ready to go for insurance. So there are multiple types of insurance you will need for your business. And so having an insurance agent ready to go and having quotes on that’s going to be important before you get started. And then you want to have a vendor for marketing materials. So you are providing services out in physician offices. The other reps that are also vying for these doctors’ attention work for billion-dollar companies, right? We’ve got pharmaceutical reps and medical reps and all these people coming in that are talking to the doctors too.

(27:14) And even though it’s a different service, they’re bringing in marketing materials that billion-dollar companies created. We need our stuff to look good. I’m saying don’t make your logo at home, don’t make all your marketing materials at home. You’ve got to get a graphic designer to do all of these things for you. You want to have a website; you want to have a marketing handout, you want to have a logo and business cards, and all of those things professionally made so that you don’t look like a mom-and-pop shop even though you are because it’s fine to be a mom and pop shop. We just want to fit in with the other groups that are spending a lot of money on their marketing materials, and it can be done very inexpensively. But you want to have someone professionally provide all those for you.

(27:58) A few other team members as vendors you would want to have in place is a CPA. So having an accounting firm that can do your business taxes is going to be very important because you’ll likely have many questions that come up along the way. As soon as we started our business, we had to get an accountant because there was no doing your taxes anymore, guys. Okay? There are so many things that you have to make sure that you do. And so having a CPA or an accounting firm to help you along with that is super important, and you can use them as much as you need. So we do all of our like daily books and all of that, but they deal with any of the payments that we have to make to the IRS for our employees and all of that type of thing.

(28:44) They deal with all that. They tell us what to pay; we pay it, and it’s good to go. And then, at the end of the year, they do all of our into the yearbooks and put things together for all of the stuff we have to send out for our tax returns. So it is amazing to have someone to help you. And then along the way, when you have questions that have that expertise, and then obviously if you’re getting your contracts on your own, you’ve got to have a healthcare attorney. That’s super important, and it’s a requirement. If you’re going to have contracts put together, you must have them by a healthcare attorney. I’ve said this a lot, you may have heard me say this before, but to me to give you guys a good analogy that you’ll understand, it’s like if you went to sonography school and you touched on echo and then someone ten years later, you haven’t done it for ten years, someone ten years later asks you to do an echo.

(29:34) Well, you’re not going to be well-versed in it. You may be able to study it quickly, but you won’t be as good as you would be if you had been doing it for ten years. And being an attorney is the same way. I mean, people work for law firms that have specialties for a reason, and it’s the same thing. They specialize in certain things, and yes, they could likely put a contract together for you, but it will take a lot longer because they don’t know right away where to research all of this stuff. And so it will cost you potentially more because it will take them longer to research it, or they will leave some things out they didn’t realize they needed to have in there. And that, to me, is one of the most important reasons why you need to have a healthcare attorney create the contracts, which again is why we are so excited to be able to include those in our business academy so that our students don’t have to even worry about that.

(30:25) Cause that can be a very big cost in the beginning. So those are your main vendors that you’ll want to make sure you have put together and ready to go when you’re ready to start that business. And then our kind of fifth step here is to have an idea of the ultrasound system. And I touched on this when I first started the podcast today; you don’t want to buy it until you’re ready to start that first account but have an idea of how much it will cost. And that way, you can have revenue projections when you say, okay, if my first few accounts I’m working one or two days a week at $1,000 a day, that’s $2,000 a week in gross revenue to me or $8,000 a month in gross revenue. If the ultrasound system’s going to cost me, X, now I know what my potential monthly net profit will be by subtracting out the expenses you know you’ll have.

(31:21) So that’s something important, and that would be outlined and covered for you once you put it all together in that business plan, which is why it’s nice to have that even if you weren’t getting funded. It’s nice to put that together because you have a big-picture projection of what you’re looking at. And you can put goals in place with that too. Definitely portable, don’t kit. Hey, big piece of equipment, and buy a van with a lift gate. That’s not necessary. There’s amazing portable equipment. We personally, for our business, use the MindRay. I get about a 50-50 response on that. Some people have heard of it; some people haven’t. But they, their systems are amazing, their warranties are amazing. It’s a real true shared service piece of equipment. So we do from echoes to OBs, and we can use the same machine, obviously different probes, plug them in the back, and be ready to go.

(32:10) It’s been nice for us. That’s something that’s important. And one of the things that we are also able to provide to our students, which I just always like to tell people, is that we became vendors years ago for a lot of the major manufacturers because our students had so much trouble either getting the equipment they needed or getting good pricing on equipment that they needed. And so that’s something to take a look at and consider pricing and that type of thing when you’re looking at the ultrasound equipment. But again, wait to purchase and release that until you’re ready to start that first account so that gross revenue can cover that expense. And then one of the other, the last step here, one of the other things that are so important is having an implementation set up, ready to go for when you do start that first account because you want to be as seamless as possible when you go into your first account down to your 20th account.

(33:07) It’s so important. We still do the same thing every time we start a new account for our mobile business. And so, just as a quick overview, having an idea of putting an implementation plan together for us, I would suggest including an implementation meeting before starting that first account for everybody. Always have an implementation meeting, no matter how long you’ve been in business. We usually try to do it about a week or so before we’re ready to start. If you do it too soon, people will forget what you told them. And if you do it too close to the time when you’re actually starting the account, it may cause a little bit of a scramble. And so about a week or so before you’re starting that first account, go in there and meet with anybody who’s going to have their hands in ultrasound.

(33:49) So usually that’s the office manager would be any of you know, the nursing staff that will be included in that. Sometimes, the medical assistant will have a hand in it. The schedulers, for sure, any of the billers in the office. And that way you can go over how all of that works, how that’s going to be put together, how it’s going to look for them, what you need from them when they when you come in. you know, and that way they have an idea of what it’s going to look like so that when you go in for that first day, it is as seamless as possible. So what we do is we put a binder together with all of the information. We got a page on an overview of our service, what it looks like, what the billers need to do, and what the schedulers need to do.

(34:35) What we need when we come in a list of those things; that way, they’ve got a binder filled with all of the information, you know, our contact information is right in there. We have printed out pages of how they navigate the PACS, how they navigate the scheduler, and all of those things so that they have an idea and can pull that off the shelf, especially if someone’s new. That is easy too. Or if someone’s out sick and another person has to be helping you when you come in, it’s so nice to have that binder there, ready and available for them. We also have a review in there of billing too. For you to have an idea of how that process works, in general, is going to be important. And so just a review of the payable codes and all of that type of thing is nice to have in that binder too.

(35:25) So that is kind of how we suggest having that implementation meeting set up and a plan to have in place when you do start that first account because it’s so much easier to keep clients for the long term than to screw up while you’re in there and have to continually be getting new accounts to cover the days. And so going in there and being able to be a very seamless addition to their practice is so important, and that’s going to keep those contracts for the long term, which is what we want, right? And so those are our six tips on optimizing your initial business setup. And as always, if you guys have questions, you can find me in so many different places. You can head to our website, ; we’ve got a bunch of freebies on there. There’s a link to the podcast and the blog so that you can go and look at the other, you know, podcast.

(36:23) If you want to look at that. Things that I’ve written out from the blog section, you can do that on there too. But message me if you have questions or you need more information because we are here to help. We want to provide as much information to you as possible so that all of you who are considering starting your own business have as much information as possible so that you can make the decision that’s right for you. And so I hope this was helpful for you today. I’m so excited to hear what you guys have to think and hear what questions you have. So until next week, we’ll see you guys later.

your strategy-obsessed ultrasound business coach.

I'm Jennifer -

Welcome to the Talking Tech podcast, where we answer your questions about legal, marketing, admin, sales, and so much more. After nearly 20 years in the industry running our own mobile ultrasound business and helping techs across the country do the same, I'm so excited to bring you industry insight, mindset, productivity, business tips, and inspiration to help you design the business of your dreams.

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6 steps to establishing an ultrasound business.

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With the increasing demand for elective ultrasound services, starting a profitable ultrasound business has become more attractive than ever. However, like any other business, there are steps to follow for a successful outcome. In this article, we’ll provide six essential steps to help you start an ultrasound business.

Step 1: Research and evaluate the market The first step is to analyze the market and evaluate your competition. Determine the demand for your services, the consumer demographics, and the service rates of your competition. With such information, you can identify your target market and develop a competitive pricing strategy that suits your market niche.

Furthermore, research and evaluate the available technology used in ultrasound machines such as 3D and 4D ultrasound training , HD ultrasound technology, and other features that sellers provide. Your machines should be top of the line to satisfy customer expectations.

Step 2: Create a business plan A business plan is fundamental in starting any business. It helps you identify your goals, target market, expenses, and potential profitability. Include details such as marketing strategies, startup costs, projected revenues, and the legal entity of your elective ultrasound business.

A comprehensive business plan will help you identify financial support options such as loans or investors. A solid business plan will also help you identify any potential roadblocks early enough so that you can mitigate them before they derail your efforts.

Step 3: Choose a location and set up your business When setting up your facility, consider factors such as location demographics, convenience of customers’ access to your facility, rental costs, parking availability, and visibility.

The rental cost often varies according to locations. Ensure to choose available locations that are convenient for customers around town or near a major hospital or clinic facility. Additionally, invest in comfortable furniture and fixtures that make clients feel relaxed during appointments.

Step 4: Acquire licensing and certification Starting an ultrasound business requires that you meet all legal requirements for the state or country you operate in. That means obtaining all necessary licenses such as a  medical sonographer license, a business license, and a tax identification number. Certification also assures clients that your business meets required standards of health and safety.

Acquiring certification and licensing may require you to attend training sessions on how to use ultrasound machines effectively, interpret results, and adhere to professional ethics when dealing with clients. Ensure to meet all these requirements before launching your business, as it increases the trustworthiness of your service for potential customers.

Step 5: Develop marketing strategies Having a solid marketing strategy is significant in gaining market share in any industry. Identify your target market, develop campaigns that resonate with them, advertise on social media platforms, partner with other businesses, and attend relevant community events. You may also consider offering special discounts to new customers to encourage repeat business.

Furthermore, modern marketing approaches such as search engine optimization (SEO) will help you to rank higher on search engine results pages for keywords related to ultrasound services. High rankings mean more visibility and organic traffic to your website.

Step 6: Plan for growth and expansion As your elective ultrasound business grows, you may consider branching out into other service offerings such as fetal heartbeat monitoring, gynecological imaging services, and more. Ensure that you have the appropriate staff and expertise before embarking on any expansion plans.

Also, consider investing in more advanced machines with features such as faster imaging capabilities or newer technologies like AI (artificial intelligence) or virtual reality systems. This will help your business maintain its competitive edge in the industry.

In conclusion, follow these six steps closely when establishing an ultrasound business to ensure success . With strategic planning and solid execution of these steps, you should be able to create a thriving ultrasound business that satisfies clients’ needs while earning significant profits.

mobile ultrasound business plan

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Ultrasound Trainers is the leader in 3D/4D HD elective ultrasound training as well as elective ultrasound business training & full turn-key business startups.

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  • Jan 16, 2020

How to make $1000 a day in your mobile ultrasound business.

Updated: Mar 5, 2020

One of the very first "must-do" things when you're looking at starting any business is determining a) how much it costs to start and run and b) how much revenue you can bring in!

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It can get really confusing when you start trying to figure out how to put everything together, and so I want to break this down for you, and show you how to come up with your potential revenue and what that looks like.

First things first, you need to understand how the business is set up. In our Business Academy , we teach our students to initially start their business using a service-fee model. In this setup scenario, the physician office bills insurance directly (because they are already credentialed and in-network) and the mobile ultrasound company charges the physician client a fee to provide the services in their office. This way, you don't have to waste months of time and energy AND purchase your equipment and be forking over the monthly payments before you are even credentialed. Insurance credentialing is confusing and time consuming, and did I mention the insurance groups can tell you they don't need anymore providers? But not until after you've waited months for them to respond. Want more info on this? Head over to our blog post HERE for some further details.

So, now that you have a little heads up on how the business model looks, let's chat about revenue potential....

The average amount a mobile ultrasound company can charge is about $125/hour. We suggest setting out blocks of time at your client offices so you aren't driving around all over creation doing one ultrasound here and two ultrasounds there...when they know you're coming in every week on Tuesdays for example, the office books all their ultrasound patients into that particular time slot, you show up and provide the services.

Let's do a little math here. AT $125/hour, a half day (4hr) time slot is $500 in revenue and a full day (8hr) time slot is $1000 in revenue. This is then the total gross revenue back to your mobile ultrasound company for providing the services in their office. It will take some time to build up those accounts to 5 days per week, but the average monthly revenue back at full capacity then with an average of 20 working days a month is $20,000 per month. With such low overhead, this is really the way to start this business.

Different areas of the country will differ as far as the amount to charge, some will be a bit less and others a bit more, but $125 is a great average to do your initial revenue analysis on. And the best part about this setup is that due to Stark and Anti-Kickback laws, physicians are not legally able to make any profit off of patients they are referring out to the hospital or imaging center. So you're bringing in an opportunity for the physician to make a revenue off of something he or she is already ordering, while your company does 99% of the work. AND it saves the patient a ton of money as opposed to going to the hospital for their scan, so it's not a only a win/win, it's a win/win/win for all parties involved!

BUT it has to be set up correctly! The laws governing this setup are strict and there are a lot of them. You need to ensure your service contract is set up to carve out all of the exceptions in the laws that pertain to providing mobile ultrasound services inside a physician practice.

Need help navigating this? Head over to our website to learn more about us and our Business Academy courses, or shoot me over an email: [email protected]. We are here to help!

Until next week!

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How to Start a 3D 4D Ultrasound Business [Business Plan]

According to reports, Americans spend over $2 trillion annually on healthcare, accounting for approximately 16% of the nation’s entire GDP. Yet a good number of entrepreneurs seem not to be interested because they feel they need a very advanced medical background to successfully venture into the industry.

However, have it in mind that there are numerous entry points for entrepreneurs who do not have medical degrees, including ultrasound medical imaging. The global 3D ultrasound market size reached USD 2.9 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at an interesting annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.6% from 2020 to 2027.

According to experts, the major drivers of the market are the growing incidence of target disease, the growing number of diagnostic centers, and a general preference for minimally invasive procedures. In addition, progress in 3D imaging has genuinely helped to boost diagnosis by offering immediate clinical information and also helped in reducing healthcare costs.

Steps to Start a 3D 4D Ultrasound Business

1. conduct market research.

A good number of people who venture into this business try to avoid the creation of their business plans, investing countless hours in the details of their start-up strategy. Howbeit, note that a good business plan offers you the platform to properly research and address details about your industry. Have it in mind that the absence of a thorough industry analysis may propel lenders and/or other external stakeholders to have a negative view of your company.

a. Who is the Target Audience for a 3D 4D Ultrasound Business?

The target audience for a 3D 4D ultrasound business is mostly pregnant mothers and those who have a medical need for it. Most of the time, a 3D or 4D scan will only become necessary if medical concerns arise. 3D and 4D scans tend to provide more information about the health and formation of the baby. Since these scans can show extensive details from different positions, they can help in the diagnosis of physical or internal abnormalities.

b. Is 3D 4D Ultrasound Business a Profitable Business?

Yes, without a doubt, the 3D 4D ultrasound business is very profitable and also one for the future. Note that the rise in birth rate will continue boosting market demand in the coming years. Coupled with its benefits and ease, mobile devices are massively being adopted in the United States because of the rising demand for ambulatory care.

Also note that the demands for handheld ultrasound devices are growing too, especially in the United States. The availability of advanced technologies and healthcare facilities will boost the demand for the market product in the coming years.

c. Are There Existing Niches in the Industry?

Yes, there are several entry points for entrepreneurs who are looking to venture into this business. Aside from having well-equipped facilities, mobile ultrasound businesses are gaining more attention as a way for physicians to bill patients directly while outsourcing ultrasound activities to an external provider. Other niches to consider in this business include;

  • HIFU (High-Intensity Frequency Ultrasound)
  • Male Reproductive System
  • Sports Injuries
  • Female Reproductive Systems
  • Core Ultrasound
  • Musculoskeletal System

d. Who are the Major Competitors?

  • Prenatal Peek
  • Analogic Corporation
  • FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation
  • Carestream Health
  • Canon Medical Systems Corporation
  • Mobisante, Inc.
  • Picture Perfect 3D/4D Ultrasound
  • Insight Ultrasound
  • 3D Keepsake Imaging
  • Lake Norman 3D Imaging

e. Are There County or State Regulations or Zoning Laws for 3D 4D Ultrasound Business?

Yes, and these regulations vary from state to state and county to county. Note that3D and 4D machines are quite noisy when in use and will possibly be a nuisance to any upstairs or even downstairs neighbors. Owing to that, it is important to research your local regulations or visit your county office for clarifications. You should also note any area of your facility that may be sound sensitive and make sure it’s not near any noisy equipment.

f. Is There a Franchise for 3D 4D Ultrasound Business?

  • United Imaging Partners: $185,000+
  • Miracle In Sight 3D 4D Ultrasound: $45,000
  • Stork Vision franchise: $85,000
  • Prenatal Peek®: On-Demand
  • Hey Baby 4D: £96,000
  • Fetal Fotos: $61,500-$130,000
  • Little Angels 3D/4D: On-Demand
  • Little Bellies Spa: On-Demand
  • Womb with a View: $75,000-$150,000

g. What Do You Need to Start a 3D 4D Ultrasound Business?

Even though you don’t require a medical school diploma to launch an ultrasound business, a medical background can be acceptable. In addition, you and/or your staff will have to be certified sonographers with current RDMS (Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer) credentials.

If you also want your business to offer ultrasound reads, then you need to have certified radiologists either on staff or available on an outsourced basis. You will also need adequate capital to purchase equipment and a good location (Depending on your choice of niche).

Memorable Name ideas for 3D 4D Ultrasound Business

  • Ultrasound Medical Units
  • All Clean Radiology
  • Concrete Mobile MRI
  • Amber Diagnostics
  • Clear Vision Worldwide
  • Aurora Advanced Breast Imaging
  • Temple Mobile Imaging
  • Western Advanced Imaging
  • Imaging Partners
  • Baby Carestream
  • Bay Coast Radiology
  • Infant Radiology Group
  • Baby Face Room
  • Desert Medical Imaging
  • Classic Imaging Specialists
  • Emergence Teleradiology
  • Bio-Art Imaging
  • Fair Oaks Centre
  • Insight Imaging
  • Lone star Ultrasound
  • Mapita Medical Systems
  • Mobile Diagnostics

Register your Business

A. what type of business structure is best for 3d 4d ultrasound business.

In the United States, the LLC remains the ideal and perfect legal entity for a 3D 4D ultrasound business. The benefits it offers include:

  • Protected assets
  • Heightened credibility
  • Limited compliance requirements
  • Flexible management structure
  • Few restrictions

b. Steps to Form an LLC

  • Choose a Name for Your LLC.
  • File Articles of Organization.
  • Choose a registered agent.
  • Decide on member vs. manager management.
  • Create an LLC operating agreement.
  • Comply with other tax and regulatory requirements.
  • File annual reports.

c. What Type of License is Needed to Open a 3D 4D Ultrasound Business?

  • General Business License
  • Health and Safety Permit
  • Zonal Permits
  • Signage Permit
  • Operational State Facility Inspections

d. What Type of Certification is Needed to Open a 3D 4D Ultrasound Business?

In the United States, certifications are not mandatory when starting a 3D 4D Ultrasound Business; however, you should seek Certification to boost your credibility and relevance in the market. Some certifications to consider;

  • Advanced Cardiac Sonographer
  • Registered Congenital Cardiac Sonographer
  • Registered Cardiac Sonographer
  • Registered Phlebology Sonographer
  • Registered Vascular Specialist

e. What Documents are Needed to Open a 3D 4D Ultrasound Business

Depending on your choice of business entity and other business concepts, the documents you will need to start and manage a 3D 4D Ultrasound Business in the United States include;

  • Federal Tax Payer’s ID
  • State Permit and Building Approval
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Business License
  • Business Plan
  • Employment Agreement (offer letters)
  • Operating Agreement for LLCs
  • Insurance Policy
  • Online Terms of Use (if you have a website)
  • Online Privacy Policy Document (for online payment portal)
  • Company Bylaws
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

f. Do You Need a Trademark, Copyright, or Patent?

You may not need a patent, trademark, or copyright to render your 3D 4D Ultrasound service in the United States. However, your company has a name a recognizable logo. Since your name and logo are part of your brand, registration of copyright and trademark is something you should consider extensively.

Cost Analysis and Budgeting

A. how much does it cost to start a 3d 4d ultrasound business.

Owing to detailed cost analysis, the total cost of starting a 3D 4D Ultrasound Business in the United States will range from $25,000 to $75,000; however, this will depend on your market, your business concepts, and some other factors.

Have it in mind that a new business will have to set funds aside for 6 or more months of rent and payroll so that you can focus on building your business. The biggest and most important cost in setting up your ultrasound business is the actual ultrasound equipment, and that can cost around $20,000 for used machines or $40,000 for brand new ones.

b. What are the Cost Involved in Opening a 3D 4D Ultrasound Business?

  • The total fee for registering the business in the United States of America – $750.
  • Legal expenses for obtaining licenses and permits as well as the accounting services (software, P.O.S machines, and other software) – $3,300.
  • Promotion expenses for the grand opening of the 3D4D Ultrasound business for $4,200 and as well as flyer printing (2,000 flyers at $0.04 per copy) for the total amount of $2,360.
  • The total cost for hiring a business consultant including writing a business plan – $2,500.
  • The total cost for the purchase of insurance (general liability, workers’ compensation, and property-casualty) coverage at a total premium (initial (first) premium) – $6,400.
  • The cost for renting or leasing operational office space or facility- $45,000.
  • The cost for 3D 4D Ultrasound Machines – $93,000
  • Other start-up expenses including, commercial satellite TV subscriptions, stationery, ultrasound gel, gel warmers, Disinfectant spray, wipes, and cleaning solution – $4,700
  • Operational cost for the first 3 months (salaries of employees, payments of bills and fuelling et al) – $10,000
  • The cost for the purchase of storage hardware (bins, rack, and shelves) – $3,720
  • The cost for office equipment (cash register, security, ventilation, signage) – $3,750
  • The cost of purchase and installation of CCTVs: $3, 000
  • The cost of launching a website: $600
  • Miscellaneous: $5,000

c. What Factors Determine the Cost of Opening a 3D 4D Ultrasound Business?

  • Business Size
  • License and Certifications
  • Hiring and Paying a Business Consultant and Attorney
  • Branding, Promotion, and Marketing Plans
  • Supplies and Ongoing Expenses
  • Cost of Recruiting and Training Your Staff

d. Do You Need to Build a Facility?

Yes, aside from going down the mobile business route, you will need a well-built facility to run a 3D 4D Ultrasound business. However, note that the cost of constructing your facility will surely differ based on some key variables like size, square footage, and existing building infrastructure.

Owing to all these factors, you will see a large variation in 3D4D Ultrasound facility construction costs compared to office costs. Nonetheless, expect to spend around $350 to $1325 per square foot. Have it in mind there is no one formula and each facility needs to be evaluated individually.

e. What are the Ongoing Expenses for Running a 3D 4D Ultrasound Business?

  • Payroll and taxes
  • Electronic Medical Records/EMR software
  • Utility bills
  • Maintenance and cleaning
  • Professional fees

f. What is the Average Salary of your Staff?

  • Chief Ultrasound Technologist (Owner) – $83,185 /year
  • Ultrasound Technicians – $65,753 /year
  • Ultrasound Nurse: $75,981/year
  • Ultrasound Technician Assistant: $49,694 /year
  • Accountants (Cashiers) – $52,000 per year
  • Receptionist – $26,541 per year

g. How Do You Get Funding to Start a 3D 4D Ultrasound Business?

  • From personal savings and sale of personal stocks and properties
  • From investors and business partners
  • Selling shares to interested investors
  • Applying for a loan and equipment financing from your bank/banks
  • Applying for business grants and seed funding from the government, donor organizations, and angel investors
  • Source soft loans from your family members and your friends.

Write a Business Plan

A. executive summary.

Amber Diagnostic is a new 3D 4D Ultrasound company in the city of Denver that offers a vast range of medical image scanning tests to pregnant moms and medical facilities around the city. We have successfully noted two customer segments that we will target: medical insurance carriers and physicians. The driving force of getting customers is attracting large insurance carriers.

Our second customer group at Amber Diagnostic is the physicians. Although the insurance company will mandate what labs are acceptable for their insurance plan, it is the doctor’s choice where they send their patients to. Our business aim is to capture 40% of local physicians’ business within two years.

b. Services

C. mission statement.

At Amber Diagnostic, our mission is to be renowned as the leader in medical scanning technology in Denver, Colorado. We intend to achieve this by focusing on friendly service, flexible acceptance of insurance plans, and accurate analysis.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to offer a vast range of 3D 4D-based medical scanning tests. We boast of the latest equipment and expert medical training to provide valuable consultation to patients.

d. Goals and Objectives

  • To capture 40% of local physicians’ business within two years.
  • To attain profitability within two years.
  • To boost and double sales by year three.

e. Organizational Structure

  • Chief Ultrasound Technologist (Owner)
  • Ultrasound Technicians
  • Ultrasound Nurse
  • Ultrasound Technician Assistant
  • Accountants (Cashiers)
  • Receptionist

Marketing Plan

A. swot analysis.

  • Superior location
  • The extraordinary reputation of our technicians
  • Immune from any negative change in the economy given that the bulk of our revenues are generated from insurance companies and publicly funded health systems
  • High gross margins
  • Changes in regulation
  • The constant struggle with the United States government as it relates to reimbursement rates
  • Absence of a detailed marketing plan


  • We can expand by developing satellite locations or by establishing secondary full-scale locations.
  • We can also hire additional ultrasound technicians that can increase the billings of the centers on an ongoing basis.
  • Changing government policies

b. How Do 3D 4D Ultrasound Businesses Make Money?

Note that every patient attended to by the 3D 4D Ultrasound Business will help generate revenue for the business. Most of these businesses make money by offering the following services.

  • CT, MRIs, PET scans
  • Blood work, urinalysis, and handling of other bodily fluids testing

c. Payment Options

  • Payment via bank transfer
  • Payment with cash
  • Payment via credit cards
  • Payment via online bank transfer
  • Payment via check
  • Payment via mobile money transfer
  • Payment via bank draft

d. Sales & Advertising Strategies

  • Connect Amber Diagnostic RIS system to a HIPAA compliant visual analytics tool where we can create customized reports.
  • Create a map report that shows the zip code or address of all Amber Diagnostic patients.
  • Find specific neighborhoods, schools, and businesses in our business areas to partner with.
  • Leverage our business location and post specials and coupons on private Facebook neighbourhood groups or the NextDoor website.
  • Run Facebook ads for the businesses in our location.
  • Advertise our business in community-based newspapers, local TV and radio stations
  • List our business on yellow pages ads (local directories)
  • Encourage the use of word-of-mouth marketing (referrals)

Financial Projection

A. how much should you charge for your product/service.

First, note that what you charge will vary depending upon the type of services a patient receives. However, since medical coding for this type of facility can be quite confusing, you must invest in an EMR specifically written for ultrasound imaging facilities, hire a billing company or coder, or invest in additional education on this subject.

Although insurance companies will handle much of the reimbursement, patients are also required to fulfill their deductible and copays and these fees tend to vary depending upon the client’s medical plan.

b. How Much Profit Do 3D 4D Ultrasound Business Owners Make a Year?

Have it in mind that the amount of profit an ultrasound business owner can make annually is directly tied to the number of patients the business attends to, average fees charged for each client, and operating costs. If you have one technician on staff, who attends to two patients for a nine-hour day, 5 days a week, at $100 per patient:

$100 x 2 x 9 x 22 = $39,600 per month. That comes out to approximately $475,200 annually.

Howbeit, to note your actual profit, you must subtract clinic costs, including salaries of the physician and staff. Successful facilities report break-even numbers of between 12 and 18 patients per day, depending upon the specifics of their business and location.

c. What Factors Determine the Amount of Profit to Be Made?

  • Business size
  • Number of patients or clients
  • Business location
  • Facility management style
  • Marketing and advertising plans
  • Staff and facility credibility

d. What is the Profit Margin of a 3D 4D Ultrasound Business?

Note that the profit margin of a 3D4D Ultrasound business is not fixed, and will depend on some factors like location, services, insurance companies, and other industry regulations. However, the Profit Margin of these facilities could range from 30 percent to 65 percent!

e. What is the Sales Forecast?

  • First Fiscal Year (FY1): $270,000
  • Second Fiscal Year (FY2): $520,000
  • Third Fiscal Year (FY3): $800,000

Set Up your Office

A. how do you choose a perfect location for a 3d 4d ultrasound business.

  • At least 5 Hospitals are within ten miles
  • The population of the cities and towns in the business area should be substantial
  • Other freestanding or independently owned diagnostics centers and the modalities they offer
  • Traffic patterns and accessibility from major roadways.
  • Don’t forget to take parking and public transit into account when selecting your building!

b. What State and City are Best to Open a 3D 4D Ultrasound Business?

  • Austin, Texas.
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Columbus, Ohio.
  • Houston, Texas.
  • Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • San Antonio, Texas.

c. What Equipment is Needed to Operate a 3D 4D Ultrasound Business

  • Gamma Cameras
  • PET Scanners
  • Fluoroscopic C-Arms
  • Fluoroscopy and Radiography Systems
  • High-Resolution Monitors
  • Teleradiology Equipment
  • Medical Imaging Systems
  • DICOM Viewer
  • Image Viewers
  • Image Printing Systems (Paper Printers, Paper Products & Accessories, Records Management – Storage & Disposal, Film Products & Accessories, Film Processors & Services, Alternators/Light Boxes, Film Printers)
  • MRI & CT scanners
  • Diagnostic Imaging Equipment
  • Lab Benches & Equipment Carts
  • Film Digitizer

Hire Employees

The first mistake most entrepreneurs make when starting this business is to hire a lot of staff. You must start simple until the business begins to amass profit. At that point, you will only need front office personnel and a manager.

Also note that employing individuals with experience will help guarantee the business runs effectively, particularly in the lean months. To attract seasoned professionals, you will have to offer attractive incentives and benefits packages.

Launch the Business Proper

Have it in mind that this industry is becoming very competitive, and aside from hosting an opening party, properly branding should be your utmost priority. Note that the outward appearance of your facility, location, logo, and website are all very necessary components of the branding experience. You should also consider employing the services and expertise of a professional when developing your branding and marketing strategy.

a. What Makes a 3D 4D Ultrasound Business Successful?

  • Only source and acquire medical equipment that has demand within the community.
  • Offer quick, friendly service with accurate readings.
  • Leverage strict financial controls to help manage the expensive capital costs associated with 3D4D Ultrasound equipment.

b. What Happens During a Typical Day at a 3D 4D Ultrasound Business?

In this line of business, there are numerous moving parts and you will be expected to wear many caps, especially at the beginning. The facility will have to be kept clean and orderly, patients need to be checked in and out, billing and other administrative duties will also have to be taken care of, and patients will also need to be attended to.

Sometimes, someone from the facility needs to ensure patients receive follow-up details and services as required. A representative will also need to be in charge of handling the marketing strategy.

c. What Skills and Experience Do You Need to Build a 3D 4D Ultrasound Business?

  • Confident In Decision-Making
  • Skilled At Delegating Responsibilities To Staff
  • Experience In Business Administration
  • Excellent Communication and Negotiation Skills.
  • Ability To Pay Attention To Details

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Comcast Business Mobile Introduces New, Unlimited Plans

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Comcast Business today announced that it has made Comcast Business Mobile more affordable than ever with the introduction of a series of new mobile plans designed to drive greater value and performance for small business customers.

The new Comcast Business Mobile plans can save customers money on their wireless bill. Comcast Business Mobile – exclusively available to Comcast Business Internet customers – is designed for business with flexible data options including Unlimited data, and nationwide 5G coverage.

“Today’s complex, fast-paced world calls for solutions that small businesses can rely on, with the flexibility to evolve as quickly as they do,” said, Colleen McKelvey, Sr. Director of Product Management, Comcast Business. “With Comcast Business, today’s small businesses get flexible and reliable advanced connectivity solutions that work together – from the company with 99.9% network reliability alongside offering an internet backup solution, advanced WiFi, and advanced security to help protect against cyberthreats. When combined with Comcast Business Mobile, reliable connectivity goes wherever business takes them.”

Business connectivity requirements are constantly evolving, and no two businesses are alike. For that reason, Comcast Business Mobile offers unlimited data options for the evolving needs of each business. Customers have the flexibility to mix and match data options for each line. Calls, texts, and roaming within the U.S. and to and from Canada and Mexico are also included with unlimited plans at no extra charge.

With an all-in-one connectivity provider, combining Internet and Mobile, small businesses can realize greater simplicity and savings – spending less time managing vendors and more time tending to their business. We’re proud to extend these savings further with our latest Comcast Business Mobile plans.

Comcast Business Mobile customers also have access to the recently announced, WiFi Boost. As consumers increasingly want to enjoy experiences on the go, Xfinity Mobile and Comcast Business Mobile have tapped into the nation’s largest and most powerful WiFi network to deliver customers even more speed on the go.

WiFi Boost is made possible by Comcast’s fiber-based network which has been built to deliver an exceptional Internet experience, ubiquitously, to the more than 60 million homes and businesses and across more than 23 million WiFi hotspots in Comcast’s footprint. It is a culmination of years of research, technological breakthroughs, and massive investments, including more than $20 billion since 2018 alone, in development and infrastructure.

Comcast Business Mobile is available exclusively to Comcast Business Internet customers in all of Comcast Business’s service areas. To sign up for Comcast Business Mobile, visit:

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Rusmania • Deep into Russia

Out of the Centre

Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

mobile ultrasound business plan

Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

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To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

mobile ultrasound business plan

The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

mobile ultrasound business plan

Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

mobile ultrasound business plan

The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

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At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

mobile ultrasound business plan

The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

mobile ultrasound business plan

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Why Is Charlie Kirk Selling Me Food Rations?

The Turning Point USA founder hosts a podcast that is dire and polemical—especially the ads.

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Produced by ElevenLabs and News Over Audio (NOA) using AI narration.

Charlie Kirk is worked up. “The world is in flames, and Bidenomics is a complete and total disaster,” the conservative influencer said during a recent episode of his podcast The Charlie Kirk Show . “But it can’t and won’t ruin my day,” he continued. “Why? ’Cause I start my day with a hot America First cup of Blackout Coffee.” Liberals have brought about economic Armageddon, but first, coffee.

Listening to Kirk’s show—which is among the most popular podcasts on the right—can be unsettling, even if you are a conservative. In the past year, the founder of Turning Point USA has uploaded episodes with titles such as “The Great Replacement Isn’t Theory, It’s Reality” and “The Doctors Plotting to Mutilate Your Kids.” He has also conducted friendly interviews with a blogger who once described slavery as “a natural human relationship,” and discussed crime stats with the white supremacist Steve Sailer in a way that veered toward race science. (Andrew Kolvet, a spokesperson for Kirk, declined to comment for this story.)

But the advertisements Kirk reads are sometimes more dire and polemical than what he and his guests talk about during the show. “Rest assured knowing that you’re ready for whatever the globalists throw at us next,” Kirk said at the end of one ad for medical-emergency kits. These ads espouse conservative values and talking points, mostly in service of promoting brands such as Blackout Coffee, which sells a “2nd Amendment” medium-roast blend and “Covert Op Cold Brew.” The commercial breaks sounded like something from an alternate universe. The more I listened to them, the more I came to understand that that was the point.

Some brands, of course, speak the language of Democrats, touting their climate commitments and diversity efforts. But when I listened to left-of-center podcasts, including Pod Save America , Michelle Obama: The Light Podcast , and MSNBC’s Prosecuting Donald Trump , I mostly heard ads from an assortment of nonpartisan brands such as Ford, Jefferson’s Ocean Aged at Sea Bourbon, eHarmony, and SimpliSafe. The closest equivalent I found was Cariuma, a sustainable shoe brand that sponsors Pod Save America .

The right, meanwhile, has long hawked products that you don’t typically see advertised on mainstream outlets and shows. In 2007, the historian Rick Perlstein chronicled a far-fetched investment opportunity involving stem cells and placentas advertised on the far-right website Newsmax . Supplements and gold have become part of conservative-advertising canon, as the writer Sam Kriss summed up in his recent essay on the ads that appear in National Review ’s print magazine: “The same apocalyptic note [ran] through all these ads. The hospitals will shut down, the planet will freeze over, you personally are getting old and dying—and now your money might be worthless if you haven’t put it all in gold.”

Some of Kirk’s ads hit the same beats. At times, they sound a little jarring: “You are nine meals away from anarchy,” he said in one ad for buckets of food rations, from a website called Yet as the world of right-wing-coded products has expanded, so has the weirdness of ads for them. “For 10 years, Patriot Mobile has been America’s only Christian-conservative wireless provider,” started another ad. Switching to Patriot Mobile, Kirk explained, would mean that “you’re sending the message that you support free speech, religious liberty, the sanctity of life, the Second Amendment, our military veterans and first-responder heroes” while getting “the same coverage you’ve been accustomed to without funding the left.” How? By renting access to “all three major networks” via a business deal with T-Mobile, a company that has positioned itself as at least nominally left of center on some issues .

If listeners are feeling charitable, Kirk has options for them too. “Hey, everybody, exciting news. Very, very important. Uh, we are saving babies with PreBorn,” Kirk opened up a dollar-matching promo for a group raising money for ultrasounds, apparently having managed to quantify the precise dollar amount it would take to stop a woman from having an abortion. “For a one-time, $15,000 gift, you’ll provide not just one ultrasound machine, but two, saving thousands of babies for years to come; $280 saves 10 babies; $28 a month saves a baby a month, for less than a dollar a day.”

Conservative podcasts have become mega popular in recent years, and are some of the most trusted sources of news on the right : Kirk’s show ranks as the 12th-most-popular “news” podcast on Spotify right now. The show is also syndicated on radio stations across the country and posted on YouTube, where Kirk has 1.7 million subscribers. And although conservative influencers including Candace Owens, Matt Walsh, and Jack Posobiec also promote gold or supplements (or both) on their own shows, Kirk’s ads were the most varied of the conservative-podcast ads I listened to. Some conservatives, however, want no part of these kinds of ads. Earlier this month, the right-wing YouTuber Steven Crowder made fun of his contemporaries for hawking “shitty supplements.” Most of it is “selling you crap you don’t need from people who don’t care about you!” Crowder yelled at the end of a four-minute rant on the matter.

The ads reflect the new paradigm of advertising. In previous decades, ads had to appeal to whole segments of the population—and products were made with that in mind. That some readers of Vanity Fair might want a Givenchy handbag, and some readers of Sports Illustrated might want Callaway golf clubs, was as targeted as ads could get. Now the country has fractured into partisan subgroups, and companies have access to reams of analytics that enable them to target ever more precise demographics. Through shows like Kirk’s, brands such as Blackout Coffee and Patriot Mobile can reach their relatively niche audiences more easily than ever. (Blackout Coffee and Patriot Mobile did not respond to my requests for comment.)

But something else is happening too. Kirk and the rest of the conservative-podcast ecosystem aren’t just selling wares. The ads, with some exceptions, are not like ads for beer or pickup trucks that detract from the action while one watches, say, a football game. Rather, conservative ads are constitutive. They enhance and reinforce the arguments that Kirk and others are already making on their podcasts—that Black people are prone to crime, whiteness is getting excised, abortion is murder, and the United States is unstable and on the verge of collapse. The commercial breaks are the final screws needed to construct a self-contained conservative chamber. Kirk has ensconced himself in a world in which he’ll likely never face external pressures to self-moderate in the way that, say, Rush Limbaugh occasionally did when he went too far beyond the tastes of mainstream advertisers.

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When you’re listening to Kirk talk about Blackout Coffee, you can also look down and see the steam coming off your own cup of Blackout Coffee, and relax while its caffeine helps you “be awake not woke .” You can open a new browser tab and check in on your portfolio, whose wealth managers are endorsed by Kirk, and then look at the price of gold and think about your own supply procured from a company that Kirk himself vetted “from top to bottom.” You can even stop listening to Kirk, go out to your backyard, and make a call, knowing that you’re doing so as a freedom-loving conservative with your Patriot Mobile phone plan.

On The Charlie Kirk Show , there is no longer a gap between the real world and what is playing inside listeners’ headphones. Kirk’s fans can make fewer and fewer compromises on their views and burrow themselves more deeply in the womb of reactionary politics. And with the coupon code “Charlie,” listeners can get a discount to buy something else that will allow them to further immerse themselves inside of it.


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  5. How to Start an Ultrasound Business

    3. Develop a Business Plan. A well-thought-out business plan is crucial for any successful venture. When you start an ultrasound business, your plan should include market analysis, financial projections, marketing strategies, and a detailed operational plan. Your business plan will be your guide and a vital tool for securing financing, if needed.

  6. How To Start A Mobile Ultrasound Business • Srive Blog

    A mobile ultrasound business is a type of healthcare service that provides ultrasound imaging to patients in various locations instead of operating from a. ... creating a business plan, securing financing, obtaining necessary licenses and certifications, purchasing ultrasound equipment, hiring trained technicians, and implementing a targeted ...

  7. uba 2

    I've pioneered a framework using our nearly two decades of experience in the mobile ultrasound industry and our 4-Pillar model of success to create a specific, strategic plan for ultrasound techs to start, operate, and grow their mobile ultrasound business. Apply today to learn how we can help you achieve your dreams and goals.


    Tier ONE: Ultrasound Machine & Full Company Build. Are you ready to start your own ultrasound business, and are tech savy? Then this package is for you. -A Chison Sonobook 9 AND a complete business plan for you to follow. For more information on this package, including pricing, click the button below.

  9. 6 steps to optimize your mobile ultrasound business startup strategy

    You can listen above on this page, or on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher or watch on YouTube. Enjoy! And as always, let me know what questions you have. Til next week! >> 1:08 - Intro to Step 2 - Legal Implications & Business Setup. >> 3:17 - Intro to Step 4 - Partnering with the right Vendors. >> 4:46 - Intro to Step 6 - Have an Implementation Plan ...

  10. Episode 7: 6 steps to optimize your mobile ultrasound business startup

    Welcome to the Talking Tech podcast, where we answer your questions about legal, marketing, admin, sales, and so much more. After nearly 20 years in the industry running our own mobile ultrasound business and helping techs across the country do the same, I'm so excited to bring you industry insight, mindset, productivity, business tips, and inspiration to help you design the business of your ...

  11. How to Start a Mobile Ultrasound Business?

    The mobile ultrasound business relies heavily on transporting diagnostic equipment to locations where imaging and consultations are performed. Ⅱ. Introduction of Stork's mobile ultrasonic ...

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    However, like any other business, there are steps to follow for a successful outcome. In this article, we'll provide six essential steps to help you start an ultrasound business. Step 1: Research and evaluate the market. The first step is to analyze the market and evaluate your competition. Determine the demand for your services, the consumer ...

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    Operating a successful mobile ultrasound service depends heavily on negotiating the intricate details of the often challenging start-up process. Things You Will Need. Phone. Automobile. Computer with Internet Access. Obtain industry knowledge. While a background in the field is not needed to start this type of business, training in diagnostic ...

  15. My Mobile Ultrasound Business Online was created to train individuals on how to create their very own mobile ultrasound business. We have a heavy focus on compliance and federal health care law. Our program is broken up into six sections with over 9 hours of video lecture style content. Our platform is designed to train and teach sonographers ...

  16. How to make $1000 a day in your mobile ultrasound business.

    AT $125/hour, a half day (4hr) time slot is $500 in revenue and a full day (8hr) time slot is $1000 in revenue. This is then the total gross revenue back to your mobile ultrasound company for providing the services in their office. It will take some time to build up those accounts to 5 days per week, but the average monthly revenue back at full ...

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    Promotion expenses for the grand opening of the 3D4D Ultrasound business for $4,200 and as well as flyer printing (2,000 flyers at $0.04 per copy) for the total amount of $2,360. The total cost for hiring a business consultant including writing a business plan - $2,500.

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    In the mobile ultrasound business, marketing is done in a different way. This business structure and model relies heavy on relationships and building rapport with key decision makers, managers, and physicians. In order to reach these key people - we have to have a plan.

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    The new Comcast Business Mobile plans can save customers money on their wireless bill. Comcast Business Mobile - exclusively available to Comcast Business Internet customers - is designed for business with flexible data options including Unlimited data, and nationwide 5G coverage. Download Pricing Charts PDF. "Today's complex, fast ...

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    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

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    Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar ...

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    00:00. 08:51. Produced by ElevenLabs and News Over Audio (NOA) using AI narration. Charlie Kirk is worked up. "The world is in flames, and Bidenomics is a complete and total disaster," the ...