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From the Diary of Anne Frank Class 10 Important Extra Questions for Revision

  • Post last modified: 4 October 2020
  • Post category: Class 10 English Extra Questions

About the Chapter- ‘From the Diary of Anne Frank’ class 10 is a chapter in the Class 10 English textbook ‘First Flight. Anne Frank was Jewish girl who had to go hiding in 1942 with her family to escape any possible action from the Hitler regime. She was gifted a Diary by her father on her thirteenth birthday. She has written what she felt or observed while in hiding. The chapter has taken the excerpts from the diary in which she gives the reason for writing diary, a brief sketch of her family and her school life especially her maths teacher Kessing and how he gave her extra work to punish her for her too much talking in the class.

Extra Questions: From the Diary of Anne Frank Class 10

Here are given the previous years; asked questions. As per the Class 10 English syllabus, Now the MCQs are also an important part of English Exam Paper for class X. The questions given below include all types of questions asked in the Board Exams. It is advised that you should draft your answers to have ample practise in thinking and then framing answers. See the questions below and learn how the questions have been answered.

Anne Frank’s Diary Class 10 Important Questions

Short answer type questions (30-40 words), q.1. why did mr. keesing call anne an ‘incorrigible chatterbox’ [sqp 2020].

Ans . Anne was very talkative, didn’t stop despite being punished, wrote an essay as a punishment, justified her over-talkative nature. (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2020)

Q.2. Why does Anne want to keep a diary? (2019- AI Dehradun)

Ans. Anne wants to keep diary because she thought she did not have any close friends to share her feelings of secrets. She could not see all things with family members. She was of the view that ‘paper has more patience than human beings. Paper is non-judgemental and you can write on it depending upon your time. So, she started writing diary searing her feelings and secrets

Q.3. ‘Paper has more patience than people’. Elucidate. (2012)

Ans. according to Anne Frank paper is non-judgemental. It is not critical of the writer. It is not sunny reaction to what the writer writes. People are reactionary, judgemental and critical in approach. The fear of reaction from the people can make us withdraw from expressing our feelings but the paper is available to you to write on it whenever you have time to express your feelings in words. She could easily write on it what she felt inner heart. She could trust a diary more than the people.

Q.4. Grandma had a significant place in Anne’s heart. Explain (2014)

Ans. Anne had spent some years of childhood grandma. In the summer of 1941, Anne’s Annie has retained the diary that she loved and missed her grandma very much on Annie’s birthday, a separate country was late for grandma along with the rest grandma fell ill and had to have an operation. But she died in January 1942. Annie has mentioned the diary that she missed her to grandma very much. Her love for grandma shows that grandma had a significant place in her life. On Anne’s birthday, a separate candle for grandma was lit along with the other candles.

Q.5. Why was Anne’s entire class anxious and nervous? (2012)

Ans . The entire class was anxious and nervous because it was result time and there was going to be a meeting to decide who was going to the next higher class and who was to be detained in the same class. There were a few students who did not deserve to be promoted but the entire class was anxious to know the result and so they felt nervous.

Q.6. How did Sanne help Anne Frank in writing the third essay? (2012)

Ans. Sanne was good at poetry. She was friend of any and wanted to help her third essay in verse. The essay contained a story of a swan and its ducklings who were eaten up by the swan because the talked too much. Perhaps the main aim was to turn the joke on the Mr. Keesing himself and make him realise how natural important it was for children to talk and how strict or insensitive he was in not permitting the children to have this freedom.

Q.7. How did Anne finally stop Mr. Keesing from punishing her? Explain. (2012)

Ans. Annie wrote a story in the form of third essay and it was in verse. It was a story of the father swan who killed its three baby swans because they quacked much. The difference was obvious and Mr Keesing understood that this time father swan was he himself. It made him realise what the children thought and what they wanted. He did not become angry but took it in right way. He stopped giving any further extra work to Anne.

Long Answer Type Questions (100-150 words)

Q.1. what do you think about anne’s talent for writing essays which she wrote convincingly, when punished by the teacher (2020).

Answers: We can easily say that Anne Frank was talented and argumentative writer. It is clearly visible form the very first extra work given to her. Mr Keesing had given her some extra work to write an essay on “A Chatter Box”. She wrote in her essay, “Talking is a student’s trait and I would do my best to control it. But I won’t be able to cure this habit since my mother is also talkative. So, moving from the inherited trait cannot be done”.

In reply to the essay on ‘An Incorrigible Chatter Box’. Anne very subtly but impressively put her points in a story in verse. Through her of father swan and the ducklings, she was able to impress her teacher and made him realize his mistake. It also reflects her frankness and critical thinking, coupled with her creativity and sense of humour.

Q.2. Anne justified her being a chatterbox in her essay. Do you agree that she had the courage to fight injustice? What values do you learn from Anne’s character through this? Write in about 80-100 words. (2016)

Ans. Value Points: (a) Courage (b) Acceptance (c) Sense of freedom (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016)

Anne Frank was a very intelligent and courageous girl who did not give up on her arguments to justify her stand as talkativeness was her birth right and she should have the freedom to enjoy it. Mr. Keesing punished Anne for her talkativeness again and again asking her to write essay, one after the other, and Ane seized every opportunity to win the teacher in her favour.

She composed, with the help of her friend Sanne, a poem on “The incorrigible Chatterbox”. This writeup again was an attempt to make her teacher realise the talking traits of children. This time she was successful. The teacher got so impressed by her little poem that he decided not to punish her. It also reflects her fearlessness, critical thinking humility and unbiased approach as well as her creativity and humorous approach to deal with her strict teacher.

We learn the value of and importance of courage, and sense of freedom to have a critical thinking to weigh our stand and then raise voice against what seems to be an injustice or suppression or denial of one’s rights.

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how did sanne help in writing the third essay

From the Diary of Anne Frank Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English

From the Diary of Anne Frank Class 10 Extra Questions & Answers are available here. Class 10 English From the Diary of Anne Frank extra questions and answers are prepared by our expert teachers. All these questions are divided into two or three sections. They are short type questions answers, long type question answers and extract based questions. Learning these questions will help you to score excellent marks in the board exams.

From the Diary of Anne Frank Extra Questions and Answers

Very short answer questions.

1. What prompted Anne to maintain a diary? Answer:  Anne maintained a diary because he had no friends.

2. Who became Anne’s friend and the what was the friend’s name? Answer:  Anne’s diary became her friend and her name was Kitty.

3. For whom was Anne’s “a birthday present” and why? Answer:  She was a birthday present for her sister because she went to Holland later.

4. When did she make her first entry in her diary? Answer:  She made her first entry in her diary on 20th June 1942.

5. Which subject did Anne find difficult? Answer:  Anne found Mathematics difficult.

6. Why was Mr Keesing annoyed with Anne? Answer:  He was annoyed with Anne because she talked in the class.

7. What was a strange experience for Anne? Answer:  Writing in a diary was a strange experience for Anne.

8. How old was Anne? Answer:  She was thirteen years old.

9. According to Anne What has more patience than people? Answer:  According to Anne paper has more patience than people.

10. What was the name of Anne’s sister? Answer:  Her name was Margot.

11. What was the name of Anne’s maths teacher? Answer:  His name was Mr Keesing.

12. What was the topic of the first essay? Mr Keesing asked Anne to write? Answer:  ‘A Chatterbox.’

13. What was the name of the essay on which Anne had to write the second time? Answer:  ‘An Incorrigible Chatterbox.’

14. Who helped Anne to write the essay in poetry? Answer:  Anne’s friend Sanne.

15. What was the title of the third essay? Answer:  ‘Quack. Quack. Quack. said Mistress Chatterbox.’

16. What was the name of Anne’s mother? Answer:  Her mother’s name was Edith Hollander Frank.

17. Who was Mrs. Kuperus? Answer:  She was as the headmistress of Anne’s school in both standards.

18. Where did Anne’s family migrate from Germany too? Answer:  Her family migrated from Germany to Holland.

19. Who was Kitty? Answer: It was the name went to her diary by Anne.

Short Answer Type Questions

1. What does Anne write in her first essay?

Answer:  In her first essay, titled ‘A Chatterbox’, Anne wanted to come up with convincing arguments to prove the necessity of talking. She wrote three pages and argued that talking was a student’s trait and she would do her best to keep it under control.

2. Mr. Keesing is a kind, but strict teacher. Explain.

Answer:  Mr. Keesing is a kind but strict teacher. He was annoyed with Anne as she was a very talkative girl. He warned her several times but she didn’t change. So, he punished her by giving an essay to write.

3. How did Sanne help Anne Frank in writing the third essay?

Answer:  Senile was Anne’s close friend, and good at poetry. She helped Anne write the third essay in verse. It turned out to be a good poem, and even the teacher, Mr. Keesing, took it in the right way.

4. Why did Anne prefer confiding in her diary? Or Why does Anne want to keep a diary? Why does she feel she can trust a diary more than the people?

Answer:  Anne did not have a true friend to whom she could confide, hence she started writing a diary. Moreover, she knew that paper had more patience than people and her secrets would be safe in a diary. She could trust a diary more than people.

5.   How does Anne feel about her father, grandmother, Mrs. Kuperus and Mr. Keesing?

Answer:  Her father was the most adorable father, she loved him very much. She also loved her grandmother and often thought of her with reverence after her death. She was deeply attached to her teacher, Mrs. Kuperus and was in tears when she left her. Anne did not have a good impression of Mr. Keesing, her maths teacher and often called him ‘old fogey’.

6.   ‘Paper has more patience than people.’ Do you agree/disagree? Give reason.

Answer: I do agree with the above statement. People sometimes get bored, tired or have no mood or time to listen to you. They can get irritated, grudge or complaint about forcing them to listen to you but paper never grudges. It definitely has more patience than people.

7.   How did Anne want her diary to be different?

Answer:  Anne did not want to jot down the facts in her diary, the way most people do. She wanted the diary to be her friend. She called it a kitty. She wrote about her feelings and experiences in it. It was a mature work, reflecting deep insight.

8.   Explain ‘teachers are the most unpredictable creatures’.

Answer:  Anne and her classmates thought that teachers were the most unpredictable creatures’ as nobody would know what there was in their minds and what their next step would be.

9. Why did Anne think that she was alone? Give reasons.

Answer:  Anne had losing parents and an elder sister she had lost aunts and a good home She had a member of blends also Rut there was no one in whom she could confide So she thought that she was alone.

10. How do you know that Anne was close to her grandmother?

Answer:  Anne lived with her grandmother for some months when her parents went to Holland. She loved her deeply. When her grandmother died, Anne felt sad. She often thought about her. So she was close to her grandmother.

11. Why was Anne in tears when she left the Montessori School?

Answer:  When Anne was in the sixth form in the Montessori School, her teacher was Mrs. Kuperus, the headmistress. Anne loved her teacher deeply. She also showed affection to Anne. So when Anne left the Montessori school, she was in tears.

12. Why was the entire class quaking in its boots?

Answer:  The time for declaring the annual results were coming closer. Soon a meeting would be held. The teachers would decide whom to pass and whom to retain in the same class. That is why the whole class was quaking in its boots.

13. Why does Anne feel that writing in a diary is really a strange experience?

Answer:  It must be remembered that Anne Frank was just a thirteen-year-old girl. She was in hiding and cut off from the larger world. She was hesitant that no one would be interested in the musings of a young girl. She had never written anything before. So, it was naturally a strange experience for her.

14. What motivated Anne Frank to write in a diary? Or Why did a thirteen-year-old girl start writing a diary? Did her suffocation lead her to it?

Answer:  It should not be forgotten that Anne was living in hiding. She couldn’t have normal dealings with the people outside. She could talk about ‘ordinary things’ with her family and friends. She couldn’t talk highly personal and intimate issues with them. She didn’t have any real friends. She felt utterly lonely and depressed. Writing in a diary could get all kinds of things off her chest.

15. Give a brief life-sketch of Anne Frank.

Answer:  Anne was born on 12 June 1929. She lived in Frankfurt until she was four. Her father emigrated to Holland in 1933. Her mother went with him to Holland in September. Anne and her elder sister, Margot, were sent to Aachen to stay with their grandmother. Margot, went to Holland in December and Anne followed in February. She started right away at the Montessori nursery school. She stayed there until she was six, where she started in the first form. His grandmother died in January 1942, when she was thirteen.

16. Why does Anne say: “Paper has more patience than people”?

Answer:  Anne doesn’t seem to have much faith in the people around her. She was living in hiding and couldn’t trust people so easily. Moreover, people do react. Sometimes people react rather negative, unpleasant, vulgar and violent manners. Paper is an impersonal and non-reactive object. Whatever you write on it, it receives it without giving any such reactions.

17. Why doesn’t Anne want to jot down facts as most people do in a diary? Why does she call it her friend ‘Kitty’?

Answer:  For Anne Frank, a diary writing is a highly personal and intimate experience. He is not like other diary writers who load it with facts and non-personal matters. She wants to compensate her loss of having no ‘true friends’ with opening out of her heart in the pages of her diary. She wants the diary to be her true friend and calls it `Kitty’.

18.   Why does Anne think it prudent and wise to provide a brief sketch of her life?

Answer:  Anne Frank calls her diary ‘Friend Kitty’. She addresses all her writings to Kitty. For readers, it would be rather difficult to understand ‘the word’ of her stories to Kitty. So, instead of plunging ‘right in’, she thinks it wise to provide a brief sketch of her life. Though she dislikes doing so.

19. Why did Anne Frank feel suffocated?

Answer:  Anne Frank was a very sensitive girl. She was cut off from the mainstream of life, her friends and her people. She was living in a hiding to escape being arrested by the Nazi agents in Holland. Moreover, even with so-called friends, she could not share her intimate and personal feelings and problems. She felt suffocated. She was left with no alternative than opening out her heart through the pages of her diary. ‘Kitty’ her diary became her most intimate friend

20. Give a brief description of Anne Frank’s family.

Answer:  Anne confesses that she has ‘lovely parents’. Her father Otto Frank is ‘the most adorable father’ she has ever seen. Her elder sister Margot was born in Frankfurt in Germany in 1926. Her mother Edith was 25 when she married her father. She and her elder sister stayed with their grandmother before they were sent to live with their parents in Amsterdam.

21. Anne Frank had a great attachment with her grandmother. Justify your answer.

Answer:  There is no doubt that Anne Frank had a great attachment with her grandmother. When her parents migrated to Holland, she along with her elder sister Virago were sent to live with her grandmother in Aachen. The grandmother died in January 1942. She thought of her quite often and still loved her.

22. Why was the entire class quaking in its boots?

Answer: It is true that the whole class was shaking with fear. The teachers were to decide about the fate of the students. They were to decide who would go up in the next class or not. Half of the class was making bets. The verdict of the teachers could go either way. They were quite unpredictable creatures on earth.

23.   Why did Anne Frank says that teachers are the most unpredictable creatures on earth?

Answer:  Anne Frank felt that nothing could be predicted about the mood of the teachers. They were the most ‘unpredictable creatures on earth’. It depended on their choice who would go up in the next class. Only they could decide who would be kept back. Half the class was making bets.

24.   How was Anne getting along with her teachers? Why was Mr. Keesing annoyed with her?

Answer:  No doubt, Anne Frank was getting along well with all her nine teachers— seven men and two women. Mr. Keesing was an old-fashioned man who taught them math. He was annoyed with her for a long time. The reason was simple. He didn’t like Anne as she talked so much in the class.

25. Why did Mr. Keesing assign Anne to write an essay entitled ‘A Chatterbox’?

Answer:  There was only one teacher with whom Anne was not getting along well. He was Mr. Keesing. The maths teacher was annoyed with her because she talked too much in the class. After several warnings, he gave her extra homework like a sort of punishment. She was assigned to write an essay on the topic, ‘A Chatterbox’.

26. How did Anne justify her habit of talking in her first essay on ‘A Chatterbox’?

Answer:  Anne Frank wrote three pages on the topic, ‘A Chatterbox’. In the essay, she justified her habit of talking. She argued that talking was a student’s trait. She would never be able to cure herself of the habit. Her mother talked as much as she did, if not more. She would do her best to keep it under control. However, it was very difficult to control her inherited trait.

27. What were the second and third essays assigned to Anne Frank as punishment?

Answer:  Mr. Keesing had a good laugh at Anne’s arguments in the first essay on ‘A Chatterbox’. He assigned her a second essay on ‘An Incorrigible Chatterbox’. She did write on the subject. Mr. Keesing was not satisfied. He said, “Anne Frank, as punishment for talking in class, write an essay entitled — ‘Quack, Quack, Quack’, said Mistress Chatterbox’.

28. How did she write the last essay “Quack, Quack, Quack, said Mistress Chatterbox”?

Answer:  The third essay assigned to Anne Frank was also related to ‘Chatterboxes’. She had lost her originality on the subject. Her friend Sanne was good at poetry. She offered to help Anne in writing the essay in verse. The poem was about a mother duck and a father swan with three ducklings. The poor ducklings were bitten to death by the father because they quacked too much.

29. How did Mr. Keesing take Anne’s third essay in verse? How did he react? Do you find a change in him?

Answer:  Mr. Keesing took Anne’s joke the right way. He got the message Anne wanted to give to him by narrating the death of three ducklings. He read the poem to the class, adding his own comments. Since then, she had been allowed to talk and hadn’t been assigned any extra homework as he was transformed man now.

Long Answer Type Questions

1. “Paper has more patience than people.” Elucidate.

Answer:  Anne Frank felt lonely in the world. She had loving parents, an elder sister and a number of friends. But she was not intimate with anyone. She could talk to them about common everyday matters. But she could not express her inner feelings to them. She wanted a patient listener with a sympathetic heart. But she found that people had no patience to listen to her. She could not relieve the feelings of her heart to anyone. Anne wanted to lighten the burden of ideas in her heart. So she decided to maintain a diary. A diary is not a human being. It has a lot more patience than man. One can express one’s thoughts freely. The diary does not get bored. It is a true friend. It never rejects the offer of friendship. That is why Anne Frank says that paper has more patience than people.

2. Give a brief sketch of Anne’s life.

Answer:  Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl. She lived with her parents in Germany. But Hitler’s Nazi party was against the Jews. The Nazis were killing the Jews or forcing them to work in the concentration camps. The Frank family fled from Germany in 1933 and took shelters in the Netherlands. But in 1940, Germany attacked the Netherlands and captured it. Now the Nazis started arresting the Jews and sending them to the concentration camps. The Frank family went into hiding. They lived secretly in the upper floors of their business premises. They hid there for 25 months. Their non-Jewish friends gave them food.

Anne had started writing her diary before going into hiding. In August 1944, the Germans came to know of their hiding. They were arrested and sent to Germany. Anne, her sister, Margot, and her mother soon died in a concentration camp. Her father survived and published part of Anne’s diary. In this diary, Anne gives a moving and tragic account of the difficulties faced by her family and the other Jews. The part of the diary reproduced in this chapter is about the days when Anne was a schoolgirl and she, and her family had not yet moved to the secret quarters.

3. (i) Why did Mr Keesing punish her? (ii) What was the punishment? (iii) How did Anne finally stop Mr Keesing from punishing her?

Answer:  Anne Frank was in the habit of talking in the class. Mr Keesing was her Maths teacher. He was annoyed with Anne as she talked much in the class. He gave her several warnings but it had no effect. One day, he punished her by giving her extra homework. He asked her to write an essay on the subject “A Chatterbox’. Anne wrote the essay, giving very amusing arguments in it. Mr Keesing liked the essay. But Anne again talked in the class. So he gave the task of writing another essay. This time, the subject was, An Incorrigible Chatterbox.’ After that. for two lessons, Anne did not get any punishment.

But during the third lesson. Mr Keesing saw Anne talking again He was very annoyed. He asked her to write another essay. The subject of this essay was, “Quack. Quack. Quack. Said Mistress Chatterbox.” The whole class laughed. Mr Keesing was trying to play a joke on Anne. But she wrote the essay in an amusing way. Mr Keesing liked the essay and did not punish Anne after that.

4. How do you assess Anne’s character? You can choose appropriate words from the following box and write a paragraph. Responsible; caring and loving; humorous; talkative; sensible; patient; mature for her age; lonely; accurate in her judgement; childish; intelligent?

Answer:  Anne was a girl of thirteen years. She was very intelligent. She had a sharp brain. She was different from the other girls of her age. She could think clearly and deeply. She had deep thoughts and ideas that she wanted to share with someone. But she found that her friends were not able to understand her completely. Their mental level as not equal to that of Anne. They could talk to Anne about the ordinary everyday matter only.

She had loving parents, an elder sister and loving aunts also. But she could not share her deep thoughts with anyone. So she decided to make her diary to her friend. She wrote down her inner thoughts and feelings in a diary. Anne had an argumentative mind. She argued in her first essay that parental trans arc inherited by children. She had a good sense of humour. Her Maths teacher. Mr Keesing tried to play a joke on her. But she wrote the essay in verse in such a way that the Joke was turned on him.

5. Why did Anne Frank maintain a diary?

Answer:  Anne decided to keep a diary, as she had no “true” friend. She figured paper had more patience than humans did. She felt that there was no one with whom she could share her thoughts and feelings. She had caring parents, a sixteen-year-old sister, and about thirty people she could call her friends. She could not talk about anything except ordinary everyday matters. She could have a good time with them. However, she did not have any true friends. She did not confide in any of her friends. She knew the situation would never change so she decided to keep a diary.

6. What does Anne say about her parents, elder sister and her stay in the Montessori School?

Answer:  Anne calls her father very adorable. When her parents were married, her father was thirty-six and the mother was twenty-five. Margot was Anne’s elder sister. She was born in Frankfurt in 1926. Three years later, Anne was born. She lived in Frankfurt until she was four. Her father migrated to Holland in 1933. Her mother, Edith Hollander Frank, went with him. Anne and her sister Margot were sent to Aachen to stay with their grandmother.

Margot went to Holland in December and Anne went three months later. Anne started studying at the Montessori School. She stayed there until she was six at which time she was in the first form. When was in the sixth form, her teacher was Mrs Kuperus. the headmistress. Both loved each other. When she left school, both Anne and her teacher were in tears.

7. Anne had loving parents and a number of friends. Even then she thought that she was alone. Why?

Answer:  Anne Frank was a thirteen-year-old girl. She had loving parents and an elder sister. She had loving aunts and lived in a good home. She had about thirty friends also. Even then she felt that she was alone in the world. She had no intimate person. She had no true friend with whom she could share her feelings. She could not confide in anyone. She had a number of thoughts that she wanted to express to someone.

But she could not get close to anyone. She could have a good time with them. She could talk to them about ordinary everyday matters of life. But there was no one with whom she could share the deepest thoughts of his heart. Thus she felt lonely in the world. She wanted a true friend so she decided to make the diary her friend.

8. Why was the whole class shaking in its boots? How does Anne Frank describe the behaviour of her classmates?

Answer:  The time of the declaration of the annual results was. coming closer. The teachers were going to hold their annual meeting. In that meeting, they were going to decide which of the students would be promoted to the next class and which of them would be kept back in the same class. As a result, the students were nervous because of the worries of their future. Half the class was making bets.

Anne and her friend G.N. laughed heartily like their classmates, C.N. and Jacques had staked their entire holiday savings on their bet. They were all the time speculating who would pass and who would not. Anne was angry with many of them. But they would not calm down. There were many dummies in Anne’s class. She felt that at least half of them should not be promoted to the next class. But she also felt that teachers are the most unpredictable persons on earth.

9. Describe the three essays written by Anne Frank.

Answer:  Anne Frank was in the habit of talking in the class. Her Maths teacher, Mr Keesing was annoyed with her. One day, Mr Keesing gave her extra homework as a punishment. He asked her to write an essay on the subject, ‘A Chatterbox’. She gave amusing arguments in her essay. She wrote that it was a trait of a student to talk. Moreover, she could not cure herself of this habit as her mother also talked as much as she did. It was an inherited trait. Mr Keesing liked the essay. But Anne talked again for the class. So he asked her to write another essay on the topic, ‘An Incorrigible Chatterbox.’ Now for two lessons, she did not get any punishment. But she talked again. This time, Mr Keesing asked her to write an essay on the topic, ‘Quack, Quack, Quack, Said Mistress Chatterbox.’ Anne wrote this essay in verse form. She wrote about a mother duck and father swan. They had three ducklings. But the father killed the ducklings because they quacked too much. Mr Keesing liked the essay greatly. He read it out to the class. He read it to other classes also. After that, he stopped punishing Anne.

Anne Frank was a young girl who lived during World War II and was known for her diary, which chronicled her life during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. In addition to her diary, Anne Frank also wrote several essays, which provide insight into her thoughts and feelings during this difficult time. Here are three of her essays:

1. My Ideas on Ghosts

In this essay, Anne Frank explores her beliefs about ghosts and the afterlife. She begins by describing her own experiences with ghosts, including a dream in which she saw her deceased grandmother. Anne then goes on to discuss different theories about ghosts, including the idea that they are the spirits of dead people and the idea that they are simply figments of our imagination. Ultimately, Anne concludes that she cannot say for sure whether ghosts exist or not, but that she believes in the power of the human spirit to live on after death.

2. A Letter to a Friend

In this essay, Anne Frank writes a letter to a friend, in which she shares her thoughts and feelings about the war and the occupation of the Netherlands. She describes the fear and uncertainty that she and her family feel, and expresses her frustration with the restrictions placed on them by the Nazis. Anne also talks about her hopes for the future, and her belief that the war will eventually end and that she will be able to live a normal life again.

3. The Importance of Reading and Writing

In this essay, Anne Frank reflects on the importance of reading and writing in her life. She describes how reading and writing have provided her with an escape from the difficult realities of the war, and have allowed her to express her thoughts and feelings in a way that she cannot do in other ways. Anne also talks about her love of books, and how they have opened up new worlds and ideas to her. Finally, she encourages others to read and write, and to never take the power of words for granted.

Overall, these essays provide a glimpse into the mind of a young girl trying to make sense of the world around her in the midst of war and turmoil. They show her curiosity, her intellect, and her hope for the future.

10. Anne believed that paper has more patience than people. She could confide more in her diary than in people. Why did she feel so? Was she free from bias and stereotypes? Explain in 100-120 words the values we need to imbibe from the diary as a friend.

Answer:  Anne was a sensible and intelligent girl. She believed that paper has more patience than people as it can confine secrets and shared confidence better than people. Anne didn’t have a true friend hence she shared her thoughts and feelings with her diary. She felt people may not be interested in what you have to say. They also may not be there when you need them. However, paper can never show disinterest and is free from bias and stereotypes. It can’t talk and hence can keep your secrets. She felt paper was more dependable than people and hence treated her diary as her friend.

11. Mr Keesing punished Anne by giving her an essay to write. Did he lack empathy and compassion? Was it not in his attitude to respect differences among the students? What values would you like to inbuilt in him and why? Write in 100-120 words .

Answer:  Mr Keesing was annoyed with Anne as she was a very talkative girl. He warned her several times, but when she didn’t change, he punished her by giving an essay to write. I think he lacked empathy and compassion. As a teacher, he should be more patient and considerate and should have understood Anne’s condition. He lacked the qualities of a good teacher. A good teacher understands that all students are not the same, and there are different ways to teach different students. But Anne was able to change his attitude through her essays. She taught him that talking was a student’s trait and that it was the teacher’s responsibility to change it.

12. Anne wanted to write convincing arguments to prove the necessity of talking. What does this tell you about her? Did she possess a sense of freedom? Explain the values she possessed to justify herself in 100-120 words.

Answer:  Mr Keesing punished Anne by giving her an essay to write on the topic, ‘A Chatterbox’. Anne, in her essay, argued that talking was a students’ trait. The only thing that she could do was to try to control. But that would not be very effective. Her mother talked as much and hence nothing could be done about an inherited trait. Then in her next essay, which she wrote in verse, she expressed her quality of talking through a story. In the poem, a father swan bites his three ducklings to death as he could not bear their excessive quacking. This changed Mr Keesing’s attitude and he never punished her after that. This shows that besides being talkative, Anne was an intelligent, and sensible girl and had a good sense of humour.

13. Anne justified her being a chatterbox in her essay. Do you agree that she has the courage to defy the injustice? What values do you learn from Anne’s character through this? Write in 100-120 words.

Answer:  Anne was a 13-year old intelligent and sensible girl. She was very talkative and hence her maths teacher punished her and asked her to write an essay on ‘A Chatterbox’. She expressed her ‘talking’ as a students’ trait. She defied the injustice through her three essays on the same topic. She said that she could do nothing with her inherited trait. Finally, she wrote her third essay in verse. It was about three ducklings bitten to death by their father swan because they quacked too much. This changed Mr Keesing and he never punished her after that. This showed the power of the pen to express her feelings and the sense of injustice done to her, without annoying others.

14. What made Anne Frank write a diary? Did she think that people would be interested in her writings? Why did she feel that paper has more patience than people?

Answer:  Ant Anne Frank was a highly sensitive girl. She was a thirteen-year-old girl. She didn’t find herself very comfortable in the society she was growing up. It should be remembered that she and her family were made to live in hiding to escape arrests. They were Jews. Those were horrible times. Nazis had let loose untold atrocities on the Jews. Living in such unpleasant circumstances, the young girl could not confide in the people around her.

She couldn’t share her personal and intimate issues with her so-called friends. She needed to get all kinds of things off her heart. She realised that `paper has more patience than people’. She wanted the diary to be her friend. She called this friend ‘Kitty’. She knows it clearly that people would not be interested in the musings of a thirteen-year-old girl.

15. On the one hand, Anne Frank says that she is not all alone in the world. On the other hand, she says that she seems ‘to have everything, except my one true friend’. Why can’t she confide in and come closer to her friends?

Answer:  Anne Frank seems to be a split personality. On the surface, there are about thirty people she can call her friends. She doesn’t seem to be alone in the world. She has loving parents and a sixteen-year-old elder sister. She has loving aunts and a family. She has the ‘most adorable father’. However, she feels very lonely. She can’t talk about but ordinary things with them. Personal and intimate issues can’t be shared with them. She can’t confide or repose complete trust in them. She has reasons to believe that `paper has more patience than people’. Therefore, she wants her diary to be her only true friend. She can power out her heart and express her most intimate emotions through her writings in her diary.

16. Give a brief character-sketch of Anne Frank highlighting the contradictions and conflicts she faced in her short life.

Answer:  Anne Frank was a very sensitive, sharp and mature girl of thirteen. Actually, unpleasant circumstances she was living in, made her mature and wise beyond her years. Being a Jew, she was constantly hounded by the Nazis. She was living in terrible times. Born in Germany, she and her family had to migrate to Amsterdam to escape persecution. They were forced to live in hiding when the Nazis occupied Holland.

No doubt, she had a family, relatives, and friends. But she was an introvert. She felt utterly lonely and couldn’t confide in others. She needed a true friend before whom she could open out her heart and share her innermost feelings. She found that true friend in ‘Kitty’, her diary. She was very emotional. She loved her grandmother very much. She was in tears as she said a heartbreaking farewell to the headmistress, Mrs Kuperus. She was `a Chatterbox’ and annoyed her maths teacher, Mr Keesing as she talked too much in the class. He punished her by giving extra homework to write essays on this subject. But her joke pleased him very much.

17. Give a brief character sketch of Mr Keesing highlighting the transformation that comes to him in the end.

Answer:  Mr Keesing was an old fashioned teacher of maths in Anne Frank’s school. He was rather strict with his students and didn’t allow much talking in class. He was annoyed with Anne as she talked too much in the class. Being irritated, he gave several warnings to her. Ultimately, he assigned her to write an essay on ‘A Chatterbox’. Anne wrote the essay justifying that talking is a student’s trait. She inherited this trait from her mother. Mr Keesing was not amused. He assigned her two more essays. They were: ‘An Incorrigible Chatterbox’ and ‘Quack, Quack, Quack, said Mistress Chatterbox’. Anne wrote the story of three ducklings who were beaten to death by their cruel father because they quacked too much. The essay gave the right message to Mr Keesing. By chance, the joke fell on him. He was a transformed man now. He allowed Anne talking and never assigned her any extra homework again.

18. Why was the whole class ‘quaking in its boots’? Why were teachers the most unpredictable creatures on earth?

Answer:  It was the day of destiny for students. The reason was quite simple. In the forthcoming meeting, the teachers were going to decide who would move up in the next class. They were to decide who would be kept back in the same class. The entire class was ‘quaking in its boots’. Half the class was making bets. Two silly boys C.N. and Jacques had staked their entire’ holiday savings on their bets. One would encourage the other. “No, I’m not.” Anne felt that there were so many dummies or worthless students in the class. She felt that a quarter of the class should be kept back. Anne also felt that teachers were the most unpredictable creatures on earth. They work according to their whims. Naturally, the girls and boys were worried. They waited for the verdict with their fingers crossed.

19. How did Anne turn the table on Mr Keesing who tried to make a joke on her by asking her to write the third essay or the ridiculous subject: ‘Quack, Quack, Quack, said Mistress Chatterbox’? Or How did Anne Frank outsmart her maths teacher, Mr Keesing by giving the right message in her third essay to him?

Answer:  In her first essay, Anne justified her habit of talking. She claimed that talking is a student’s trait. However, Mr Keesing was not amused by her arguments. He decided to punish her for talking in the class. He assigned her to write her third essay on rather a ridiculous subject: `Quack, Quack, Quack, said Mistress Chatterbox’. She class roared. Mt Keesing was trying to play a joke on her with this `ridiculous subject’. But Anne decided to pay him in the same coin.

Anne was lucky that a friend of hers, Sanne, was good at poetry. She helped her to write the essay in verse. The essay was about a mother duck and a father swan. They had three ducklings. The baby ducklings were beaten to death by the father because they quacked too much. Luckily, Mr Keesing took the joke in the right way. The message was very clear. He read the poem to the class, adding his own comments. He was a transformed man now. He allowed Anne to talk and never troubled her by assigning any extra homework.

20. Do you agree that Anne Frank was far more intelligent, mature and witty than her age? Give a reasoned answer.

Answer:  There is no doubt that Anne Frank was mature and intelligent beyond her age. Just imagine a girl of thirteen writing a diary! She knew that not many people would be interested in her musings. Being a very sensitive girl, she was aware of the difference between a real friend and the so-called crowd of friends. Her diary didn’t describe facts and figures. But she opened out her suppressed self. Being an intelligent girl, she knew that paper has more patience than people. She couldn’t confide in everybody and anybody. Only ‘Kitty’, her diary was her true friend.

The highly emotional Anne could be witty and practical too. She knew how to defeat people in their own games. The argument she gave in favour of talking in her first essay spoke volumes of her practical wit. Mr Keesing who wanted to play a joke on Anne by giving her to write on a ridiculous subject was paid in the same coin. Luckily, Mr Keesing understood the message in the right way. Her writing transformed him. He allowed her to talk and stopped troubling her by assigning any extra work.

Extract Based Questions

Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Question 1: All I think about when I’m with friends is having a good time. I can’t bring myself to talk about anything but ordinary everyday things. We don’t seem to be able to get any closer, and that’s the problem. Maybe it’s my fault that we don’t confide in each other. In any case, that’s just how things are, and unfortunately they’re not liable to change. This is why I’ve started the diary.

a) What are Anne’s views on friends? b) What is her fault? c) Explain ‘unfortunately they’re not liable to change’. d) What is the problem which the speaker has with her friends?

Answer: (a) Anne could only think of having a good time with friends, nothing more.

(b) Her fault was that they did not confide in each other, and hence, weren’t very close.

(c) It means that regrettably, the situation was not likely to change, as she couldn’t confide in friends.

(d) She feels that her friends do not confide in her, and nor does she reveal her secrets to them.

Question 2: ‘Paper has more patience than people.’ I thought of this saying on one of those days when I was feeling a little depressed and was sitting at home with my chin in my hands, bored and listless, wondering whether to stay in or go out. I finally stayed where I was, brooding: Yes, paper does have more patience and since I’m not planning to let anyone else read this stiff-backed notebook grandly referred to as a ‘diary’, unless I should ever find a real friend, it probably won’t make a bit of difference.

a) Why did Anne think that ‘paper has more patience than people’? b) Why did Anne feel depressed? c) When would Anne allow one to read her diary? d) Why did Anne think she could confide more in her diary than in people?

Answer: (a) She thought so because paper is much better than people in sharing thoughts, keeping secrets and it never shows disinterest.

(b) Anne felt depressed because she did not have a true friend.

(c) She would allow one to read her diary when she would find a real friend.

(d) She was never so close to people as to pour her heart out to them. She could do so only in her diary because she considered the diary to be her true friend.

Question 3: However, during the third lesson he’d finally had enough. “Anne Frank, as punishment for talking in class, write an essay entitled— ‘Quack, Quack, Quack, said Mistress Chatterbox’.”

The class roared. I had to laugh too, though I’d nearly exhausted my ingenuity on the topic of chatterboxes. It was time to come up with something else, something original. My friend, Sanne, who’s good at poetry, offered to help me write the essay from the beginning to end in verse and I jumped for joy. Mr Keesing was trying to play a joke on me with this ridiculous subjects, but I’d make sure the joke was on him.

a) Who is ‘he’? What did ‘he’ had enough? b) How was this essay different from the one written earlier? c) Why was Anne punished? d) Why did the whole class roar with laughter?

Answer: (a) He is Mr Keesing, Anne’s maths teacher. He was tired of Anne’s talking habit.

(b) This essay was written in verse.

(c) Anne was punished because she had been continuously talking for three periods.

(d) This was because the topic of the essay given to Anne as punishment was absurd and funny.

Question 4: Our entire class is quaking in its boots. The reason, of course, is the forthcoming meeting in which the teachers decide who’ll be kept back. Half the class is making bets.

a) What does ‘quacking in its boots’ imply? b) Why was the entire class quacking in its boots? c) What were they betting for? d) What opinion did Anne have about her classmates?

Answer: (a) ‘Quacking in its boots’ implies shaking with fear and nervousness.

(b) There was going to be a meeting of all the teachers to decide whom to promote to the next form and whom to detain in the same class.

(c) They were betting for — who would be promoted to the next class.

(d) She thought that girls were better in studies than the boys and most of them were dummies.

Question 5: I wrote the three pages Mr Keesing had assigned me and was satisfied. I argued that talking is a student’s trait and that I would try to keep it under control, but I would never be able to cure myself of the habit since my mother talked as much as I did if not more, and that there’s not much you can do about inherited traits.

a) Which fact shows that the narrator was intelligent? b) Which trait of students did she mention in her essay? c) Why did she say that she could never be able to cure herself of the habit of talking? d) How did Anne justify her being a chatterbox in her essay?

Answer: (a) Anne came out with convincing arguments in support of her habit of talking.

(b) Anne mentioned the trait of talking in her essay.

(c) This was because she inherited it from her mother and it was difficult to cure inherited habits.

(d) She argued that talking was a student’s trait. Moreover, she had inherited it from her mother.

Self- Assessment Test

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Anne want to keep a diary? 2. Why, according to Anne, is writing a diary really a strange experience? 3. Why did Anne prefer confiding in her diary? 4. What was the impact of Anne’s first essay on Mr Keesing? 5. What information does Anne give about her family?

Long Answer Questions

1. Describe the three essays written by Anne Frank.

2. Why was the whole class shaking in their boots? How does Anne Frank describe the behaviour of her classmates?

3. Anne wanted to write convincing arguments to prove the necessity of talking. What does this tell you about her? Did she possess a sense of freedom? Explain

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how did sanne help in writing the third essay

From the Diary of Anne Frank Class 10 Extra Questions

From the Diary of Anne Frank extra questions and answers are important for Class 10 board preparation. A diary written by an 18-year-old girl, Anne Frank, describes the author’s life. Her father gave her the diary on her 13th birthday, and she called it ‘Kitty’. While fleeing from the Nazis during World War II, Anne Frank shares her experience and story. Her efforts are directed toward studying and writing, gaining knowledge of politics and literature. Her diary is made famous around the world after her death.We can conclude from the story From the Diary of Anne Frank that in order to stay mentally healthy, a young student must talk and feel joy. Students are required to prepare From the Diary of Anne Frank Class 10 extra questions. There is a considerable amount of information on inspiration in this chapter.

From the Diary of Anne Frank Extra Questions

1. Why did Anne want to write a diary?

Answer : Anne wanted to write a diary because she was devoid of a single friend.

2. How did Mr Keesing stop punishing her?

Answer : Mr Keesing read the poem by Anne. In this poem, a father swan bit his three ducklings to death. He could not bear their excessive quacking. Mr Keesing took the jokes. He read the poem to the class. He never punished her after that.

3. Why does Anne Frank think that ‘paper’ has more patience than ‘people’?

Answer : Anne believes that paper has more patience than people because it listens to her more patiently and silently it does not react like other people and also because she can confide in her diary all her secrets.

4. What was the name of Anne’s mother?

Answer : Her mother’s name was Edith Hollander Frank.

5. How did Sanne help Anne Frank in writing the third essay?

Answer : Senile was Anne’s close friend, and good at poetry. She helped Anne write the third essay in verse. It turned out to be a good poem, and even the teacher, Mr. Keesing, took it in the right way.

6. Mr Keesing is a kind, but strict teacher. Explain

Answer : Mr Keesing is a kind, but strict teacher. He was annoyed with Anne as she was a very talkative girl. He warned her several times but she didn’t change. So, he punished her by giving an essay to write. 

7. How did Anne regard her diary and what name did she give to it ?

Answer : Anne regarded her diary as her long awaited friend. She named her diary as ‘Kitty’.

8. Enumerate any two reasons that justify Mr. Keesing’s displeasure at Anne’s talking in class.

Answer : Mr Keesing was an old-fashioned or conservative person and was a strict disciplinarian too. He wanted the students to be attentive. Anne was not in his good books because she was very talkative. He wanted her to be more attentive during the class because she was weak in Maths.

9. Grandma had a significant place in Anne’s heart. Explain.

Answer : Anne had spent some years as a childhood grandma. In the summer of 1941, Anne’s Annie has retained the diary that she loved and missed her grandma very much on Annie’s birthday, a separate country was late for grandma along with the rest grandma very much on Annie’s birthday, a separate country was late for grandma along with the rest grandma fell ill and had to have an operation. But she died in January 1942. Annie has mentioned in the diary she missed her to grandma very much. Her love for grandma shows that grandma had a significant place in her life. On Anne’s birthday, separate candle for grandma was lit along with the other candles. 

10. What extra homework did Mr. Keesing give to Anne, and why?

Answer : Mr. Keesing was really annoyed at Anne’s talkative habit and gave her extra homework to write an essay on the topic “Chatterbox.” She was given another two assignments, namely, “An Incorrigible Chatterbox” and “Quack, Quack, Quack, Said Miss Chatterbox.”

11. How does Anne turn the table on Mr Keesing in the end?

Answer : In the end, Anne finally turns the table on her mathematics teacher, Mr Keesing, by drawing a parallel between him and the cruel father swan who bites the three ducklings to death for quaking too much. This made her teacher realize that talking is as natural to students as quacking is to ducklings. 

12. What does Anne write in her first essay?

Answer : Anne knew the importance of words. She wanted to produce something convincing, instead of just penning an essay to complete the task. She wanted to present her point about the necessity of talking and how it’s an important trait all students must possess. She also mentioned that she would do her best to keep it under control to avoid any further disturbance in class. She continued the essay by mentioning that it was an inherited trait and nothing could be done about it. Mr. Keesing was impressed by the points she did put forward and had a good laugh listening to the essay.

14. What made Mr Keesing allow Anne to talk in the class?

Answer : Mr Keesing well understood and appreciated the humorous Twist given by Anne to her poem on the subject Quack, Quack, Quack, Said Mrs Chatterbox. Following this, he allowed Anne to talk in the class.

15. Why does Anne need to give a brief sketch about her family? Does she treat ‘Kitty’ as an insider or an outsider?

Answer : Annie usually sits depressed , all alone and she claims of having no real friend.Anne Frank gives the sketch of her adorable father, compassionate mother, kind grandmother, and loving sister in her diary. Kitty was an outsider which was gifted by her parents on her 13th birthday  but she treated Kitty as an insider because she called it her best friend and was ready to confide in it. 

16. How does Anne feel about her father, her grandmother, Mrs Kuperus and Mr Keesing? What do these tell you about her?

Answer :Anne felt that her father was the most adorable father she had ever seen. Anne remembered her grandmother even after her death. She wrote in her diary that no one knew how often she thought of her grandmother and still loved her. In the sixth form at the Montessori nursery school, her teacher was Mrs Kuperus, who was also the headmistress. At the end of the year, they were both in tears as they said a heartbreaking farewell. Mr Keesing was her Maths teacher. He was annoyed with her because she talked too much. However, Anne was able to justify her talkative nature every time she was punished by Mr. Keesing. On each occasion he was impressed by the manner in which she presented her arguments. All these incidents show how lovable and smart Anne was. Everybody was attached to her, and even Mr Keesing could not help but laugh at her essays and acknowledge her smart mind.

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how did sanne help in writing the third essay

Chapter Chosen

Book chosen, subject chosen, previous year papers, from the diary of anne frank.

What did Anne think when she was assigned the third essay?

Anne thought that she had nearly exhausted her brilliance on the topic of chatterboxes. She had to come up with something different that is original.

What was the third topic that Mr Keesing assigned to Anne for writing an essay?

After Anne handed over the second assignment to him, Mr Keesing didn't complain for next two lessons. But, during the third lesson he told Anne that she had to write an essay entitled, ‘Quack, Quack, Quack, Said Mistress Chatterbox’ as a punishment for talking in class.

Who helped Anne with her third assignment?

Anne's friend, Sanne was good at poetry. She offered to help her write the essay from beginning to end in verse.

What was the poem about? How did it affect Mr Keesing?

Mr Keesing had assigned Anne to write an essay on, ‘Quack, Quack, Quack, Said Mistress Chatterbox’. Anne decided to write the essay in verse and she wrote a beautiful poem. It was about a mother duck and a father swan with three baby ducklings who were bitten to death by the father because they quacked too much. Mr Keesing understood Anne's message in the poem and took it in the right way. He read the poem to the class. He also added his own comments. Moreover, he allowed Anne to talk in the class and stopped assigning her extra homework.

What is the main theme of 'The Diary of A Young Girl'? 

'The Diary of A Young Girl' was written by Anne Frank, a thirteen year old Jewish girl. She started witing the diary as she had no friend with whom she could share her thoughts and experiences. She named her diary,'Kitty'. She had expressed her feelings of fear and frustration on the way Jews were treated by Germans. The diary has the accounts of everyday happenings in her life in detail.

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Sanne Ledermann

Sanne Ledermann was a friend of Anne Frank.

Vervaadiger: Helene Goldberg-Wechsler. Fotocollectie: Anne Frank Stichting, Amsterdam

  • Susanne Ledermann
  • Born on: Oct. 7, 1928
  • Born in: Berlijn, Duitsland
  • Died on: Nov. 19, 1943
  • Died in: Auschwitz

Foto van Eva Goldberg, Sanne Ledermann en Anne Frank, Merwedeplein, Amsterdam, 1936

Vervaadiger: Helene Goldberg-Wechsler. Fotocollectie: Anne Frank Stichting, Amsterdam

In copyright (rechten Derden)

Sanne Lederman [1] was a friend of Anne Frank. [2] They lived in the same neighbourhood and their parents were friends. [3] They both went to the Jeker School. Later, Sanne and her older sister Barbara went to the [4] HBS secondary school in P.L. Takstraat to do a three-year course.

There are various photos showing Sanne and Anne together in the street. In one of them they are standing with Eva Goldberg. Like Anne, Sanne wrote a German verse in Eva's poetry scrapbook on 29 January 1939  . [5]  

In her story "A Maths Lesson", Anne describes how she got detention-work three times from Keesing the maths teacher because she talked too much in class. Sanne helped her the third time to write a composition in rhyme. The first sentence was: " Quack, Quack, Quack, Said Mistress Chatterback ". [6]

Source personal data. [7] Addresses: Zandvoort; Noorder Amstellaan 37 III, Amsterdam (December 1933). [8]

  • ^ Wikipedia: Sanne Ledermann .
  • ^ Anne Frank, Diary Version A, 14 and 30 June 1942, in: The Collected Works,  transl. from the Dutch by Susan Massotty, London [etc.]: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2019.
  • ^ Sanne Ledermann is one of Anne Frank's friends portrayed in: Janny van der Molen, Vergeet mij niet. Anne Franks vrienden en vriendinnen , Amsterdam: Ploegsma, 2022.
  • ^ Stadsarchief Amsterdam (SAA), Inventaris 5191, dossier, 7410.
  • ^ United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), Washington DC, collectienummer (accession nr.) 2004.644.1: Poëziealbum Eva Goldberg.
  • ^ Anne Frank, Tales and events from the Secret Annex, "A Maths Lesson", 14 August 1943, in: The Collected Works .
  • ^ SAA, Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaart S. Ledermann; Joods Monument: Susanna Ledermann   http://www.joodsmonument.nl/person/504629 (geraadpleegd januari 2012).
  • ^ SAA, Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaart S. Ledermann.

Anne Frank plays with Sanne Ledermann and Eva Goldberg

Amsterdam july 1, 1936 - july 31, 1936, familie ledermann imprisoned in camp westerbork, zwiggelte june 20, 1943.

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  • From the Diary of Anne Frank

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Extra Questions for Diary of Anne Frank Class 10 English First Flight

Chapter 4 diary of anne frank important questions class 10 first flight english.

Chapter 4 Diary of Anne Frank Important Questions Class 10 First Flight English

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.  What was the name of Anne’s maths teacher?

His name was Mr Keesing.

Question 2. When did Anne’s father marry?

Anne’s father married when he was thirty six years hid.

Question 3.  How old was Anne?

She was thirteen years old.

Question 4.  Which subject did Anne find difficult?

Anne found Mathematics difficult.

Question 5.  Who became Anne’s friend and what was the friend’s name?

Anne’s diary became her friend and her name was Kitty.

Question 6. What did Anne say about her family?

Anne said that she had loving parents, a sixteen year old sister, and about thirty people as her friends.

Question 7.  Who helped Anne to write the essay in poetry?

Anne’s friend Sanne.

Question 8.  Who was Mrs. Kuperus?

She was as the headmistress of Anne’s school in both standards.

Question 9. When the little girl started her diary, what was her age?

Anne was thirteen years old, when she started her diary.

Question 10.  What prompted Anne to maintain a diary?

Anne maintained a diary because he had no friends.

Question 11.  When did she make her first entry in her diary?

She made her first entry in her diary on 20th June 1942.

Question 12.  What was a strange experience for Anne?

Writing in a diary was a strange experience for Anne.

Question 13. Why did Anne stay with her grandmother?

Anne had to stay with her grandmother since her parents had gone to Holland.

Question 14.  What was the name of Anne’s sister?

Her name was Margot.

Question 15. What did Anne feel about paper?

Anne thought that paper had more patience than people.

Question 16.  What was the name of the essay on which Anne had to write the second time?

‘An Incorrigible Chatterbox.’

Question 17. Why did Anne want to write a diary?

Anne wanted to write a diary because she was devoid of a single friend.

Question 18.  What was the name of Anne’s mother?

Her mother’s name was Edith Hollander Frank.

Question 19. How many sisters Anne had?

Anne had a sister named Margot.

Question 20.  Who was Kitty?

It was the name went to her diary by Anne.

Question 21.  Why was Mr Keesing annoyed with Anne?

He was annoyed with Anne because she talked in the class.

Question 22. What happened to the grandmother of Anne?

The grandmother became ill in the summer of 1941.

Question 23. What was the punishment for Anne’s talkative nature?

To write an essay on ‘A Chatterbox’.

Question 24.  According to Anne What has more patience than people?

According to Anne paper has more patience than people.

Question 25. Why was the whole class feeling nervous?

The whole class was feeling nervous about their result.

Question 26.  What was the title of the third essay?

‘Quack. Quack. Quack. said Mistress Chatterbox.’

Question 27.  Where did Anne’s family migrate from Germany too?

Her family migrated from Germany to Holland.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What role does the diary play in Anne’s life?

The diary was an important part of Anne’s life because herb diary was her best friend who would listen to her without any advises. ‘I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a source of great comfort and support’ is a comment added by Anne on the first day of writing. Anne usually wrote all the things she thought about everything in everyday life which helped her a lot in controlling her feelings.

Question 2. What makes writing in a diary a strange experience for Anne Frank?

Writing a diary is a strange experience for Anne Frank because of two reasons. The first reason is she has not written anything before. The second reason is the apparent disinterest which most of the people would show in musings of a thirteen year old girl.

Question 3. Why does Anne want to keep a diary?

She needs some channel through which she can get off all the burden and pain she is suffering from. Hence, she wants to keep a diary. Anne Frank is also searching for a friend in the form of her diary.

Question 4. Why does Anne provide a brief sketch of her life?

A good introduction helps drawing reader’s attention to the topic. Moreover, it gives background information about the topic. By providing brief sketch of her life, Anne gives an overview of her family, her relatives, and her age. This helps the reader to develop connect with the author.

Question 5. Do you think Mr Keesing was a strict teacher?

Whatever actions a teacher takes, that is done in good intention. Teachers always think about knowledge development of child. It is the differences in perspective of student’s vis-à-vis that of teachers which creates an image of a strict teacher. Mr Keesing was also trying to control a supposedly bad habit of Anne. When he was convinced that Anne was good at writing and her talkativeness was not coming in the way of her studies then he started behaving properly with Anne.

Question 6. What does Anne write in her first essay?

In her first essay on “Chatterbox”, Anne wrote about the reasons of her being a chatterbox. In the essay; she accepted the drawbacks of being a talkative person but she was also frank enough to admit that it was difficult for her to give up the habit.

Question 7.  Why did Anne Frank feel suffocated?

Anne Frank was a very sensitive girl. She was cut off from the mainstream of life, her friends and her people. She was living in a hiding to escape being arrested by the Nazi agents in Holland. Moreover, even with so-called friends, she could not share her intimate and personal feelings and problems. She felt suffocated. She was left with no alternative than opening out her heart through the pages of her diary. ‘Kitty’ her diary became her most intimate friend.

Question 8.  Why does Anne say: “Paper has more patience than people”?

Anne doesn’t seem to have much faith in the people around her. She was living in hiding and couldn’t trust people so easily. Moreover, people do react. Sometimes people react rather negative, unpleasant, vulgar and violent manners. Paper is an impersonal and non-reactive object. Whatever you write on it, it receives it without giving any such reactions.

Question 9.  Why does Anne feel that writing in a diary is really a strange experience?

It must be remembered that Anne Frank was just a thirteen-year-old girl. She was in hiding and cut off from the larger world. She was hesitant that no one would be interested in the musings of a young girl. She had never written anything before. So, it was naturally a strange experience for her.

Question 10.  How do you know that Anne was close to her grandmother?

Anne lived with her grandmother for some months when her parents went to Holland. She loved her deeply. When her grandmother died, Anne felt sad. She often thought about her. So she was close to her grandmother.

Question 11. What shows that Anne was deeply in love with her grandmother?

Anne loved her grandmother from the core of her heart. She died in January 1942, but Anne still went on loving her. When the birthday of Anne was being celebrated in 1942, a special candle was lit for her.

Question 12.  How did Anne want her diary to be different?

Anne did not want to jot down the facts in her diary, the way most people do. She wanted the diary to be her friend. She called it a kitty. She wrote about her feelings and experiences in it. It was a mature work, reflecting deep insight.

Question 13.  Why was the entire class quaking in its boots?

It is true that the whole class was shaking with fear. The teachers were to decide about the fate of the students. They were to decide who would go up in the next class or not. Half of the class was making bets. The verdict of the teachers could go either way. They were quite unpredictable creatures on earth.

Question 14. What did Anne think of having a true friend?

Anne thought that one could have good time with a true friend. Friendship brings closeness and helps in confiding in each other. Though we can talk about ordinary things with anybody else too.

Question 15.  Why did Mr. Keesing assign Anne to write an essay entitled ‘A Chatterbox’?

There was only one teacher with whom Anne was not getting along well. He was Mr. Keesing. The maths teacher was annoyed with her because she talked too much in the class. After several warnings, he gave her extra homework like a sort of punishment. She was assigned to write an essay on the topic, ‘A Chatterbox’.

Question 16.  How did she write the last essay “Quack, Quack, Quack, said Mistress Chatterbox”?

The third essay assigned to Anne Frank was also related to ‘Chatterboxes’. She had lost her originality on the subject. Her friend Sanne was good at poetry. She offered to help Anne in writing the essay in verse. The poem was about a mother duck and a father swan with three ducklings. The poor ducklings were bitten to death by the father because they quacked too much.

Question 17.  Mr. Keesing is a kind, but strict teacher. Explain.

Mr. Keesing is a kind but strict teacher. He was annoyed with Anne as she was a very talkative girl. He warned her several times but she didn’t change. So, he punished her by giving an essay to write.

Question 18. Why did Anne think she could confide more in her diary than in people?

It is because of the fact that she can have a good time with her diary. She may be able to confide more with her diary by remaining quite close with it. She can even have heart to heart talk with her.

Question 19.  How does Anne feel about her father, grandmother, Mrs. Kuperus and Mr. Keesing?

Her father was the most adorable father, she loved him very much. She also loved her grandmother and often thought of her with reverence after her death. She was deeply attached to her teacher, Mrs. Kuperus and was in tears when she left her. Anne did not have a good impression of Mr. Keesing, her maths teacher and often called him ‘old fogey’.

Question 20.  Explain ‘teachers are the most unpredictable creatures’.

Anne and her classmates thought that teachers were the most unpredictable creatures’ as nobody would know what there was in their minds and what their next step would be.

Question 21. How did Mr Keesing stop punishing her?

Mr Keesing read the poem by Anne. In this poem, a father swan bit his three ducklings to death. He could not bear their excessive quacking. Mr Keesing took the jokes. He read the poem to the class. He never punished her after that.

Question 22.  Why was Anne in tears when she left the Montessori School?

When Anne was in the sixth form in the Montessori School, her teacher was Mrs. Kuperus, the headmistress. Anne loved her teacher deeply. She also showed affection to Anne. So when Anne left the Montessori school, she was in tears.

Question 23.  Why doesn’t Anne want to jot down facts as most people do in a diary? Why does she call it her friend ‘Kitty’?

For Anne Frank, a diary writing is a highly personal and intimate experience. He is not like other diary writers who load it with facts and non-personal matters. She wants to compensate her loss of having no ‘true friends’ with opening out of her heart in the pages of her diary. She wants the diary to be her true friend and calls it `Kitty’.

Question 24. Why did Anne feel like writing?

Anne had no real friend. Even she had a greater need to get all kinds of things off her chest. So she felt like writing. Though she had a whim that none would take interest in her views because of her small age.

Question 25.  How did Anne justify her habit of talking in her first essay on ‘A Chatterbox’?

Anne Frank wrote three pages on the topic, ‘A Chatterbox’. In the essay, she justified her habit of talking. She argued that talking was a student’s trait. She would never be able to cure herself of the habit. Her mother talked as much as she did, if not more. She would do her best to keep it under control. However, it was very difficult to control her inherited trait.

Question 26. Why did Anne felt alone?

Anne felt alone though she had loving parents, relatives and thirty friends. It was because she could not confide in them. Though she enjoyed their company, yet she could not get close to any one of them.

Question 27.  How did Mr. Keesing take Anne’s third essay in verse? How did he react? Do you find a change in him?

Mr. Keesing took Anne’s joke the right way. He got the message Anne wanted to give to him by narrating the death of three ducklings. He read the poem to the class, adding his own comments. Since then, she had been allowed to talk and hadn’t been assigned any extra homework as he was transformed man now.

Question 28.  How did Sanne help Anne Frank in writing the third essay?

Sanne was Anne’s close friend, and good at poetry. She helped Anne write the third essay in verse. It turned out to be a good poem, and even the teacher, Mr. Keesing, took it in the right way.

Question 29.  Why did Anne think that she was alone? Give reasons.

Anne had losing parents and an elder sister she had lost aunts and a good home She had a member of blends also Rut there was no one in whom she could confide So she thought that she was alone.

Question 30.  Why was the entire class quaking in its boots?

The time for declaring the annual results were coming closer. Soon a meeting would be held. The teachers would decide whom to pass and whom to retain in the same class. That is why the whole class was quaking in its boots.

Question 31.  Why does Anne think it prudent and wise to provide a brief sketch of her life?

Anne Frank calls her diary ‘Friend Kitty’. She addresses all her writings to Kitty. For readers, it would be rather difficult to understand ‘the word’ of her stories to Kitty. So, instead of plunging ‘right in’, she thinks it wise to provide a brief sketch of her life. Though she dislikes doing so.

Question 32.  How was Anne getting along with her teachers? Why was Mr. Keesing annoyed with her?

Answer:  No doubt, Anne Frank was getting along well with all her nine teachers— seven men and two women. Mr. Keesing was an old-fashioned man who taught them math. He was annoyed with her for a long time. The reason was simple. He didn’t like Anne as she talked so much in the class.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.  How did Anne and her family reach the ‘Secret Annexe’?


The Frank family received a call-up notice. The family got scared. The vision of the concentration camps and lonely cells was frightening. So, they decided to go into hiding even if it had to be a month earlier than what had been planned. Anne and her sister packed most important fixings in a schoolbag, no Jew in that situation would dare to leave the house with a suitcase full of clothes, so all wrapped themselves in many layers of clothes as if going off to spend the night in refrigerator, each took a satchel and a bag full of important things, Margot-Anne’s sister took her bike to reach destination, other three members walked in the pouring rain, Miep escorted them to the Secret Annexe.

Question 2.  Anne called 26th July a ‘tumultuous’ day. Explain the reasons behind it?

26th July was a tumultuous day. It was full of tension and fright. The first warning siren sent off in the morning but nobody paid any attention to it because it only meant that the planes were crossing the coast. It was only around two in the afternoon when the sirens waited again. Both the sisters went upstairs. After five minutes they heard the gun-shots which were very loud. Their house shook and the bombs kept falling. After half an hour the drone of engines faded and life became normal. When they looked outside it seemed as if the city were enveloped in thick fog. At dinner time, there was another air raid alarm. Nothing happened after that but after dinner, there was another air raid warning, gun-fire and swarms of planes. The bombs rained down. Schiphol Airport was bombed. The planes dived and climbed. The air was abuzz with the drone of engines. Nobody slept for the large part of the night as it started again at midnight.

Question 3.  Why did Anne call herself a songbird without wings?

Sadness had started setting in Anne’s life after a few months of hiding. The tension of being discovered troubled her all the time. She had prepared an ‘escape bag’ also so as to leave the annexe as soon as she got the opportunity but she knew she was safer inside than on the roads. She could feel tension building up in other members of the annexe also. Everyone was fed up of that life. Anne felt like a songbird whose wings had been cut off and who kept hurling itself against the bars of its dark cage. She longed to ride a bike, dance, whistle, feel young and know that she was free. There was no escape. Frustration and sadness had become a part of her life. She only liked to talk to ‘Kitty’ and no one else.

Question 4.  Paper has no more patience than people. Justify.

Normally, people are not interested in others; they are too busy with their own lives and problems. It is very difficult to find a person who is genuinely interested in us and listen to us with understanding and feels sympathy for our problems. When we talk about our problems, people feel bored and become impatient. They want to end the conversation as they are neither bothered about our problems nor our lives. On the other hand, when we write our feelings and thoughts on paper, we can write as long as we want. We can give vent to our feelings – both sad and happy. Paper does not get bored or stops us from writing. It becomes a patient friend who listens to us with attention and sympathy. Though, Anne had many friends but she did not have a friend in whom she could confined or who was genuinely interested in her life. Hence, Anne turned to her diary to give her feelings expression.

Question 5.  What type of relationship did Anne and Peter share?

Anne was a lovely girl who never had anyone to share her secrets with. As she was growing up, she started having a feeling that she should have a friend. She liked Peter and dreamt of him. She always wanted to be near him, so she kept on finding some excuses to go to his room or talk to him. She longed for his company. Whenever Peter didn’t talk to her she used to cry a lot and became restless. Both had a very understanding relationship. Even Peter liked her company. They talked on every subject including physical changes in a teenager and sex. They never felt embarrassed about it. Their parents objected to their meetings but still they used to meet. They didn’t bother much about their parents as they felt them to be too rosy. Anne felt herself to be in love with him whereas Peter thought of her as a friend.

Question 6.  Justify the title ‘The Diary of a Young Girl’.

‘The Diary of a Young Girl’ was written by Anne Frank, a thirteen year old Jewish girl. She started writing her diary as she did not have any friend with whom she could share her feelings and emotions. The red and white checked diary came to her rescue and throughout her life she confided in it and gave it the name ‘Kitty’. She treated it as her dear friend. She gave vent to her feelings while making her entries in the diary. Some of the entries are very personal while some criticise her parents as well as her friends. She never kept anything back from her diary and recorded even petty issues like the everyday quarrel between her mother and Mrs Van Daan and even Mrs and Mr Van Daan. She recorded her feelings during the war, her fear, her frustrations and anger at the way in which the Jews were treated by the Germans. The whole book has been written in the diary form and revolves around the life of the girl – Anne Frank. Hence the title is justified.

Question 7.  Anne wanted to write convincing arguments to prove the necessity of talking. What does this tell you about her? Did she possess a sense of freedom? Explain the values she possessed to justify herself in 100-120 words.

Mr Keesing punished Anne by giving her an essay to write on the topic, ‘A Chatterbox’. Anne, in her essay, argued that talking was a students’ trait. The only thing that she could do was to try to control. But that would not be very effective. Her mother talked as much and hence nothing could be done about an inherited trait. Then in her next essay, which she wrote in verse, she expressed her quality of talking through a story. In the poem, a father swan bites his three ducklings to death as he could not bear their excessive quacking. This changed Mr Keesing’s attitude and he never punished her after that. This shows that besides being talkative, Anne was an intelligent, and sensible girl and had a good sense of humour.

Question 8.  Describe the three essays written by Anne Frank.

Anne Frank was in the habit of talking in the class. Her Maths teacher, Mr Keesing was annoyed with her. One day, Mr Keesing gave her extra homework as a punishment. He asked her to write an essay on the subject, ‘A Chatterbox’. She gave amusing arguments in her essay. She wrote that it was a trait of a student to talk. Moreover, she could not cure herself of this habit as her mother also talked as much as she did. It was an inherited trait. Mr Keesing liked the essay.

But Anne talked again for the class. So he asked her to write another essay on the topic, ‘An Incorrigible Chatterbox.’ Now for two lessons, she did not get any punishment. But she talked again. This time, Mr Keesing asked her to write an essay on the topic, ‘Quack, Quack, Quack, Said Mistress Chatterbox.’ Anne wrote this essay in verse form. She wrote about a mother duck and father swan. They had three ducklings. But the father killed the ducklings because they quacked too much. Mr Keesing liked the essay greatly. He read it out to the class. He read it to other classes also. After that, he stopped punishing Anne.

Question 9.  On the one hand, Anne Frank says that she is not all alone in the world. On the other hand, she says that she seems ‘to have everything, except my one true friend’. Why can’t she confide in and come closer to her friends?

Anne Frank seems to be a split personality. On the surface, there are about thirty people she can call her friends. She doesn’t seem to be alone in the world. She has loving parents and a sixteen-year-old elder sister. She has loving aunts and a family. She has the ‘most adorable father’. However, she feels very lonely. She can’t talk about but ordinary things with them. Personal and intimate issues can’t be shared with them. She can’t confide or repose complete trust in them. She has reasons to believe that `paper has more patience than people’. Therefore, she wants her diary to be her only true friend. She can power out her heart and express her most intimate emotions through her writings in her diary.

Question 10.  Why was the whole class ‘quaking in its boots’? Why were teachers the most unpredictable creatures on earth?

It was the day of destiny for students. The reason was quite simple. In the forthcoming meeting, the teachers were going to decide who would move up in the next class. They were to decide who would be kept back in the same class. The entire class was ‘quaking in its boots’. Half the class was making bets. Two silly boys C.N. and Jacques had staked their entire’ holiday savings on their bets. One would encourage the other. “No, I’m not.” Anne felt that there were so many dummies or worthless students in the class. She felt that a quarter of the class should be kept back. Anne also felt that teachers were the most unpredictable creatures on earth. They work according to their whims. Naturally, the girls and boys were worried. They waited for the verdict with their fingers crossed.

Question 11.  Anne had loving parents and a number of friends. Even then she thought that she was alone. Why?

Anne Frank was a thirteen-year-old girl. She had loving parents and an elder sister. She had loving aunts and lived in a good home. She had about thirty friends also. Even then she felt that she was alone in the world. She had no intimate person. She had no true friend with whom she could share her feelings. She could not confide in anyone. She had a number of thoughts that she wanted to express to someone.

But she could not get close to anyone. She could have a good time with them. She could talk to them about ordinary everyday matters of life. But there was no one with whom she could share the deepest thoughts of his heart. Thus she felt lonely in the world. She wanted a true friend so she decided to make the diary her friend.

Question 12.  Anne justified her being a chatterbox in her essay. Do you agree that she has the courage to defy the injustice? What values do you learn from Anne’s character through this? Write in 100-120 words.

Anne was a 13-year old intelligent and sensible girl. She was very talkative and hence her maths teacher punished her and asked her to write an essay on ‘A Chatterbox’. She expressed her ‘talking’ as a students’ trait. She defied the injustice through her three essays on the same topic. She said that she could do nothing with her inherited trait. Finally, she wrote her third essay in verse. It was about three ducklings bitten to death by their father swan because they quacked too much. This changed Mr Keesing and he never punished her after that. This showed the power of the pen to express her feelings and the sense of injustice done to her, without annoying others.

Question 13.  Mr Keesing punished Anne by giving her an essay to write. Did he lack empathy and compassion? Was it not in his attitude to respect differences among the students? What values would you like to inbuilt in him and why? Write in 100-120 words .

Mr Keesing was annoyed with Anne as she was a very talkative girl. He warned her several times, but when she didn’t change, he punished her by giving an essay to write. I think he lacked empathy and compassion. As a teacher, he should be more patient and considerate and should have understood Anne’s condition. He lacked the qualities of a good teacher. A good teacher understands that all students are not the same, and there are different ways to teach different students. But Anne was able to change his attitude through her essays. She taught him that talking was a student’s trait and that it was the teacher’s responsibility to change it.

Was Anne an intelligent girl? Give instances in support of your answer. Answer: I think Anne was not only an intelligent girl, but she was far mature than her age. The very fact that she thought so much that she needed to write a diary shows that she was intelligent. Anne was also intelligent enough to realise that no one would be interested in her musings. Anne believed that paper had more patience than people. She knew that she had friends with whom she could enjoy.

Yet, she could not confide in them. She realised that things would not change. She was quite a popular student. She knew that she would be promoted though Maths was her weak point. She also took her punishment of writing essays good humouredly. Ultimately she convinced Mr Keesing with her arguments and she got rid of her punishments.

Question 14.  What made Anne Frank write a diary? Did she think that people would be interested in her writings? Why did she feel that paper has more patience than people?

Ant Anne Frank was a highly sensitive girl. She was a thirteen-year-old girl. She didn’t find herself very comfortable in the society she was growing up. It should be remembered that she and her family were made to live in hiding to escape arrests. They were Jews. Those were horrible times. Nazis had let loose untold atrocities on the Jews. Living in such unpleasant circumstances, the young girl could not confide in the people around her.

She couldn’t share her personal and intimate issues with her so-called friends. She needed to get all kinds of things off her heart. She realised that `paper has more patience than people’. She wanted the diary to be her friend. She called this friend ‘Kitty’. She knows it clearly that people would not be interested in the musings of a thirteen-year-old girl.

“I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support.” Explain. Answer: Anne writes this on the inside cover of her diary just after she receives it for her thirteenth birthday. At the time, she feels that she does not have any true confidants, which makes her feel lonely and misunderstood. Anne does, however, have many friends and admirers, and she is a playful, amusing, and social young girl. Thus, her sentiments in this passage may seem odd and a bit exaggerated,but she later explains that even though she has friends, she is never fully able to open up to them.

Anne finds that she and her friends talk only about trivial things, even when she has deeper things on her mind that she wishes to share. For example, she never broaches the subjects of her developing body or Germany’s occupation of Holland. Having a diary—which she addresses as “Kitty,” like a friend— enables her to express her thoughts without fear of being criticized by others. Anne’s relationship with her diary helps in comforting her through her insecure, lonely, and fearful time in the hiding.

Question 15.  Give a brief character sketch of Mr Keesing highlighting the transformation that comes to him in the end.

Mr Keesing was an old fashioned teacher of maths in Anne Frank’s school. He was rather strict with his students and didn’t allow much talking in class. He was annoyed with Anne as she talked too much in the class. Being irritated, he gave several warnings to her. Ultimately, he assigned her to write an essay on ‘A Chatterbox’. Anne wrote the essay justifying that talking is a student’s trait. She inherited this trait from her mother. Mr Keesing was not amused. He assigned her two more essays. They were: ‘An Incorrigible Chatterbox’ and ‘Quack, Quack, Quack, said Mistress Chatterbox’. Anne wrote the story of three ducklings who were beaten to death by their cruel father because they quacked too much. The essay gave the right message to Mr Keesing. By chance, the joke fell on him. He was a transformed man now. He allowed Anne talking and never assigned her any extra homework again.

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From the Diary of Anne Frank Short Answer Type Question | Assumption, Creativity & Critical Thinking Based | Class 10 First Flight

From the Diary of Anne Frank Short Answer Type Question edumantra.net

This page offers From the Diary of Anne Frank Short answer type question for Class 10   from the book First Flight.  We’ve put together a bunch of Short answer type question based on assumption , creativity, extrapolation and critical thinking. These types of questions are introduced after 2024 in CBSE Board. So, practice to understand From the Diary of Anne Frank Short answer type question

From the Diary of Anne Frank Short Answer Type Question

1. Why did Anne decide to treat her diary as a friend?

Answer: Anne felt lonely and believed she lacked a true friend with whom she could share her deepest thoughts, so she named her diary ‘Kitty’ and treated it as her friend.

2. How did Anne describe her relationship with her teachers?

Answer: Anne said she had a good relationship with her teachers, even though she talked too much in class. This was especially true with Mr. Keesing, who often pointed out how chatty she was.

3. What creative approach did Anne take to her punishment essays?

Answer: Anne used humour and creativity when writing her punishment essays. Instead of just writing them normally, she made them funny and filled with morals. This creative approach made Mr. Keesing, her teacher, enjoy her work. 

4. How did Anne’s thoughts about friendship change in her diary?

Answer: Anne wrote about feeling lonely and not having a close friend. This made her use her diary more like a friend. She shared her deepest thoughts in her diary because she couldn’t find the same connection with people around her.

5. What does Anne mean by saying “paper has more patience than people”?

Answer: Anne believed that her diary, as paper, was a more patient and non-judgmental listener than people, allowing her to express her thoughts and feelings freely.

6. How did Mr. Keesing respond to Anne’s essays?

Answer: Mr. Keesing first gave Anne more homework when she kept talking in class. Later, he liked her creative essays so much that he stopped the extra assignments. This showed he really appreciated her cleverness.

7. How important was Anne’s diary to her while she was hiding?

Answer: Anne’s diary was very important to her. It was like a friend she could talk to, which helped her deal with feeling alone and stressed while hiding.

8. How did Anne handle her academic struggles, particularly in maths?

Answer: Anne admitted she had trouble with maths, but overall, she kept a positive attitude towards her schoolwork. She focused on trying her best in all her subjects, not just the ones she found difficult. This shows her determination to succeed despite the challenges.

9. How did Anne’s family background affect her experiences during the war?

Answer: Anne’s family were German Jews who moved to the Netherlands to escape danger. Because of this, they had to hide during the war. This situation led Anne to write her diary, where she shared her experiences of hiding and living in fear.

10. What does Anne’s interaction with Mr. Keesing tell us about her personality?

Answer: Anne’s interaction  with Mr. Keesing highlights her firmness and cleverness. She turned her punishments into chances to show off her creativity, impressing her teacher with her thoughtful and imaginative essays.

11. How did Anne feel about normal teenage activities during the war?

Answer: Anne wanted to experience normal teenage activities, but the war and her need to stay hidden greatly affected this. Her diary entries show that she deeply missed these normal experiences. 

12. Why did Anne feel her diary understood her better than people did?

Answer: Anne might have felt more understood by her diary because it allowed her to express herself without fear of judgement or misunderstanding, providing a safe space for her thoughts.

13. What impact did Anne’s writing have on her personal development during the war?

Answer: Writing helped Anne understand her feelings and experiences better, which supported her personal growth. It gave her clarity, made her stronger, and gave her a sense of purpose during difficult times.

14. How did Anne’s dreams show her inner thoughts and feelings?

Answer: Anne dreamed of becoming a writer and stayed hopeful, even in tough situations. This shows she had a strong and hopeful inner self that believed in a better future.

15. In what ways does Anne’s diary provide a unique perspective on World War II?

Answer: Anne’s diary provides a unique and personal view of what it’s like to hide during war. It shows the daily impact of war on a person’s life in a way that most historical records do not capture.

16. How might Anne have felt if she had a real friend to talk to while hiding?

Answer: If Anne had a real friend to confide in during her time in hiding, she likely would have felt more supported and less alone. Being able to share her fears and hopes openly might have helped lighten her emotional load.

17. What could have happened if Anne’s diary was not preserved?

Answer: If Anne’s diary had not been saved, we might have lost a crucial personal view of what life was like for a young girl during the Holocaust. This would have made it harder to understand the human side of this time in history.

18. How did Anne’s relationship with her sister, Margot, affect her diary entries?

Answer: Anne’s bond with her sister Margot helped shape her diary. Having Margot around meant Anne could write about what they both went through together. This made her diary entries more emotional and detailed.

19. What if Anne’s teacher, Mr. Keesing, had been less understanding?

Answer: If Mr. Keesing had been less understanding, Anne might have received harder punishments. This could have limited her creativity and made her school days more stressful and less enjoyable.

20. How would Anne’s view of the outside world change if she could see it from her hiding place?

Answer: If Anne could see the outside world from her hiding place, she might have felt more connected to it. This could have been comforting, but it might also have made her more afraid by showing her the realities of the war.

21. What career might Anne have chosen if she had survived the war?

Answer: Anne was good at writing and thinking deeply. She might have become a writer or a journalist. She could have used her experiences and thoughts to help and teach others.

22. How would the story of Anne Frank be different if it was told from the perspective of her father, Otto?

Answer: If told by Otto, the story would include a parent’s perspective, focusing more on the challenges of protecting his family, the pain of loss, and the burden of survival, offering a more adult perspective on the events.

23. What does Anne’s ability to find humour in her situation teach us about resilience?

Answer: Anne’s use of humour shows that finding lightness in dark times can be a powerful form of resilience, helping to maintain one’s spirit and strength despite adversity.

24. How can Anne’s dedication to her diary show the importance of self-reflection today?

Answer: Anne’s regular writing shows how important it is to think about our own feelings and problems. It encourages people today to write down their thoughts and experiences to better understand themselves and handle tough times.

25. How does Anne’s story help us understand the Holocaust better?

Answer: Anne’s personal story adds a human touch to the facts we know about the Holocaust. It shows how important individual stories are for helping us truly understand and feel empathy for what happened during historical events.

26. What does Anne’s relationship with her imaginary friend Kitty teach us about handling loneliness?

Answer: Anne’s friendship with her imaginary friend Kitty shows that having a way to express ourselves can help reduce feelings of loneliness. It can give us a sense of having someone with us, even when we are alone.

27. What might Anne have thought about peace if she had experienced it after the war?

Answer: If Anne had experienced peace after the war, she likely would have valued it greatly. Based on her tough experiences, she probably would have supported understanding and tolerance. 

28. How might Anne’s view of the world have changed if she had read other diaries from her time?

Answer: If Anne had read other diaries from the same period, it could have deepened her understanding of how others also suffered and stayed resilient. This might have made her even more empathetic.

29. How might Anne’s feelings of isolation have changed if she could talk to other hidden children during the war?

Answer:  If Anne could have communicated with other hidden children, it might have made her feel less alone. Sharing experiences and support could have created a stronger sense of community and togetherness.

30. How can Anne’s insights into human nature help us deal with societal prejudices today?

Answer: Anne’s thoughts about human behaviour and prejudices remind us of the risks of intolerance. They teach us to value diversity and work towards being more inclusive in our societies today.

Note- Following are the old stylish questions. These were asked before 2024-25. Actually these questions focus more on memory rather than creative thinking, imagination and extrapolation. 

1. Mr Keesing is a kind, but strict teacher. Explain.  

Answer. Mr Keesing is a kind but strict teacher. He was annoyed with Anne as she was a very talkative girl. He warned her several times but she didn’t change. So, he punished her by giving an essay to write. 

2. How did Sanne help Anne Frank in writing the third essay? 

Answer.   Senile was Anne’s close friend, and good at poetry. She helped Anne write the third essay in verse. It turned out to be a good poem, and even the teacher, Mr Keesing, took it in the right way. 

3. How did Anne want her diary to be different?

Answer: Anne wanted her diary to be more than just a record of events. She saw it as her friend and named it Kitty. Instead of just listing facts, she wrote about her feelings and experiences, sharing deep insights. 

4. Explain ‘teachers are the most unpredictable creatures’.  

Answer- Anne and her classmates believed that teachers were very unpredictable because it was hard to know what they were thinking or what they would do next.

5. How do you know that Anne was close to her grandmother? 

Answer. Anne lived with her grandmother for some months when her parents went to Holland. She loved her deeply. When her grandmother died, Anne felt sad. She often thought about her. So she was close to her grandmother. 

  • From the Diary of Anne Frank Summary Class 10 pdf
  • MCQs of From the Diary of Anne Frank
  • Hard Words : From the Diary of Anne Frank
  • From the Diary of Anne Frank Extract Based Questions
  • Diary of Anne Frank NCERT Solutions

6. Where did Anne stay before going to Holland?

Answer. Anne’s parents migrated to Holland. They did not take Anne with them. So Anne stayed with her grandmother for some months. 

7. Why was Anne in tears, when she left the Montessori School? 

Answer. When Anne was in the sixth form in the Montessori School, her teacher was Mrs Kuperus, the headmistress. Anne loved her teacher deeply. She also showed affection to Anne. So when Anne left the Montessori school, she was in tears. 

8. Why was the entire class quaking in its boots? 

Answer. The time for declaring the annual results was coming closer. Soon a meeting would be held. The teachers would decide whom to pass and whom to retain in the same class. That is why the whole class was quaking in its boots. 

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CBSE English Friend

From The Diary of Anne Frank by: Anne Frank

From the diary of anne frank, by: anne frank.

Anne Frank’s First Entry in the Diary

A thirteen year old school girl, Anne Frank was under some depression and despair. She thought of the saying, “Paper has more patience than people.” Then she started writing a diary but she was in need of a real friend and who could be more than a diary.

The writer explains that no one believed that the girl was alone in the world because she was not alone. She had her loving parents, a sister and thirty other people. She had a decent family except her one true friend. With friends one can have a good time. We can talk of ordinary things everyday but we won’t get closer. Even we cannot confide in one another. Since the written facts cannot be changed, the writer started writing the diary. That was her everlasting friend. She called that friend ‘Kitty’.

Her Childhood and Family

Anne called her father as the most adorable person. He was 36 when he married her mother, who was just 25. She has an older sister Margot. She had about 30 people around her but she had no true friend. They lived in Frankfurt for sometime but as they were jewish they had to migrate to Holland for refuge. Her mother stayed with her grandmother but later on went to Holland to her father.

Anne’s Schooling

She was sent to a Montessori nursery school. She stayed there until she was six. At her farewell she and her headmistress Mrs Kuperus had tears in their eyes.

Her Grandmother’s Death

In the summer of 1941 her grandmother fell ill. She had to be operated upon but she died in January 1942. It gave Anne a shock and she did not write her diary in that period, but after that she wrote again as she thought of her grandmother’s love and affection.

Her view About Teachers

Anne was not good at maths so she and her friends were always worried about it, but she was sure that she would go to the next class. She expressed her opinion about her class that almost quarter of the class should be stopped from going into next grade but she always considered teachers to be the most unpredictable creatures on the earth. So she told her friends not to lose hope.

Punishment by Mr Keesing

There were nine teachers in Anne’s school. She was a good student and had a good relationship with all the teachers except Mr Keesing, who taught her Maths. He remained annoyed with Anne because of her talkative nature. So, he gave her some extra work to write an essay on ‘A Chatter Box’.

After the homework, Anne started thinking on the essay. An idea flashed in her mind. She wrote “Talking is a student’s trait and I would do my best to control it. But I won’t be able to cure this habit since my mother is also talkative. So moving from the inherited trait cannot be done.” Hearing her arguments, Mr. Keesing had a good laugh.

Completion of Homework

Anne was unable to understand what she could write in the essay. She started writing to consider it the necessity. She wrote the three pages for her satisfaction. She defined it as a trait of a student and also mentioned that she inherited this trait from her mother who also used to talk much.

Homework given as Punishment Again

Mr Keesing read Annes’ essay in front of class and laughed at it. He gave her another essay as a punishment on the topic ‘An Incorrigible Chatterbox’ and Quack, Quack, Quack, said Mistress Chatterbox’.

Anne Mocks Mr Keesing Amusingly with her Homework

Anne wanted to write something interesting and different this time. So, with the help of her friend Sanne who was good at poetry, she wrote an essay in verse. It was about three duckling who were killed because their father duck beat them as they quack way too much. Mr Keesing took the joke in the right way and didn’t bother Anne for talking after that incident. She was not even given any extra homework after that. Mr. Keesing also started making jokes in the class since that day.


What makes writing in a diary a strange experience for Anne Frank?

Answer: First she had never written anything like this before and secondly she thought that nobody is going to read or would be interested in her diary.

Why does Anne want to keep a diary?

Answer: Anne wants to keep a diary as she didn’t have friend and she thought she could confide in her diary.

Why did Anne think she could confide more in her diary than in people?

Answer: She could confide in her close friend but she didn’t have one. The friends she had were there to have more fun and good times rather than the ones on whom she could confide. She also believed that a paper has more patience than people, so she decided to write and confide in a diary.

Why does Anne provide a brief sketch of her life?

Answer: Anne provides a brief sketch of her life since no one would understand a word of her musings if she were to jump right in without telling anything about herself.

What tells you that Anne loved her grandmother?

Answer: Her statement, that no one could understand her intensity of love for her grandma tells that she loved her grandmother. Moreover, the touching gesture of lighting up one candle for grandmother during Anne’s birthday is also a poignant reminder of the love for grandma.

Why was Mr Keesing annoyed with Anne? What did he ask her to do?

Answer: Mr. Keesing was annoyed with Anne because she talked very much in the class. He assigned her extra homework, asking her to write an essay on the subject, ‘A Chatterbox’.

How did Anne justify her being a chatterbox in her essay?

Answer: She gave two arguments to justify her ‘Chatterbox’, one that chatting is student’s traits and other reason that nothing can be done about the inherited traits as she inherited the trait of talking from her mother who is as talkative as she is if not more.

Do you think Mr Keesing was a strict teacher?

Answer: Mr Keesing can be called as a strict teacher but he was not rigid. Being strict is based on different perspective of different peple. Nowhere, he was found reprimanding Anne. He wanted discipline in class and there is nothing wrong in that. He was a fun-loving person too. When he sees that anne was good at writing and arguing, he asked her to write an essay on, ‘Quack, Quack, Quack, Said Mistress Chatterbox’. He was trying to play a joke on her. But, he acknowledges the good content of the verse that Anne wrote in her assignment. Moreover, he allowed her to talk freely in class.

What made Mr Keesing allow Anne to talk in class?

Answer: Anne was able to justify her talkative nature every time she was punished by Mr. Keesing. On three occasions, as punishment, he gave her topics to write essays on. However, on each occasion he was impressed by the manner in which she presented her arguments. Finally, Mr. Keesing accepted the fact that Anne would always be that way. Hence, she was allowed to talk in class.

Was Anne right when she said that the world would not be interested in the musings of a thirteen-year-old girl?

Answer: No, Anne was not right when she said that the world would not be interested in the musings of a thirteen-year-old girl as this thirteen years old girl’s diary became one of the best selling books ever.

There are some examples of diary or journal entries in the ‘Before You Read’ section. Compare these with what Anne writes in her diary. What language was the diary originally written in? In what way is Anne’s dairy different?

Answer: Anne’s diary was originally written in Dutch. Her diary is different from the others in many aspects. She had named her diary ‘Kitty’. She thought of it as her only true friend whom she could confide in. She treated it as another person who was listening to her daily accounts. She wrote all her stories in it. She started by writing ‘Dearest kitty’ and ended the account by writing, ‘Yours Anne’. Her diary was a lot more personal than other diaries.

Why does Anne need to give a brief sketch about her family? Does she treat ‘Kitty’ as an insider or an outsider?

Answer: Anne Frank claims that paper has more patience than people. She usually sits depressed and all alone .She claims of having no real friend .This lends the reader the perception that there isn’t any body to take care of Anne Frank. To clear the clouds of doubt, Anne Frank gives the sketch of her adorable father, compassionate mother, kind grandmother, and loving sister.

She treated Kitty as an insider because she called it her best friend and was ready to confide in it.

How does Anne feel about her father, her grandmother, Mrs Kuperus and Mr Keesing? What do these tell you about her?

Answer: Anne felt that her father was the most adorable father she had ever seen. Anne remembered her grandmother even after her death. She wrote in her diary that no one knew how often she thought of her grandmother and still loved her.

In the sixth form at the Montessori nursery school, her teacher was Mrs Kuperus, who was also the headmistress. At the end of the year, they were both in tears as they said a heartbreaking farewell.

Mr Keesing was her Maths teacher. He was annoyed with her because she talked too much. However, Anne was able to justify her talkative nature every time she was punished by Mr. Keesing. On each occasion he was impressed by the manner in which she presented her arguments.

All these incidents show how lovable and smart Anne was. Everybody was attached to her, and even Mr Keesing could not help but laugh at her essays and acknowledge her smart mind.

What does Anne write in her first essay?

Answer: In her first essay, titled ‘A Chatterbox’, Anne wanted to come up with convincing arguments to prove the necessity of talking. She began thinking about the subject. She wrote three pages and was satisfied. She argued that talking was a student’s trait and that she would do her best to keep it under control. She further wrote that she would never be able to cure herself of the habit since her mother talked as much as she did. There was not much that one could do about inherited traits. Mr Keesing too had a good laugh reading her arguments.

Anne says teachers are most unpredictable. Is Mr Keesing unpredictable? How?

Answer: Anne felt that a quarter of her class was dumb, and should be kept back and not promoted to the next class. However, she also felt that teachers were the most unpredictable creatures on earth. Mr Keesing could be termed as unpredictable. The way Anne always talked while the class was going on, any teacher would lose his temper. However, after several warnings, all Mr Keesing did was to assign her extra homework. She had to write an essay on ‘A Chatterbox’. In this way, he tried to play a joke on her. Each time that he asked her to write such essays, she wrote very well. She kept countering his jokes. One could not have predicted that he would take all the jokes in the right spirit. Finally, when she wrote an entire essay in verse he accepted her talkative nature and actually allowed her to talk in class. He did not even assign her any more extra homework. That is why it can be said that Mr Keesing was unpredictable.

What do these statements tell you about Anne Frank as a person?

(i) We don’t seem to be able to get any closer, and that’s the problem. Maybe it’s my fault that we don’t confide in each other.

(ii) I don’t want to jot down the facts in this diary the way most people would, but I want the diary to be my friend.

(iii) Margot went to Holland in December, and I followed in February, when I was plunked down on the table as a birthday present for Margot.

(iv) If you ask me, there are so many dummies that about a quarter of the class should be kept back, but teachers are the most unpredictable creatures on earth.

(v) Anyone could ramble on and leave big spaces between the words, but the trick was to come up with convincing arguments to prove the necessity of taking.

(i) These lines show that Anne had no true friend whom she could confide in. She even put the blame on herself that the fault might be hers.

(ii) This line shows that Anne really considered her diary as a friend whom she could trust and narrate all her stories to. She did not want just a diary in which she could write down the facts like others did. She considered it as her friend and named her Kitty.

(iii) This statement shows that Anne was a fun-loving person. She was witty and knew how to present things in a funny way. She narrated this incident with a lot of fun. The use of ‘plunked down’ shows her sense of humour.

(iv) This statement shows that she had an opinion on everything. She thought that a quarter of her class was full of dummies, signifying that she herself was intelligent enough to make it to the next class. She thought of teachers as the most unpredictable creatures on earth because nobody could say which students they would fail and which students would be passed on to the next class.

(v) This statement shows that Anne knew a lot about writing. She was given the task of writing an essay as a punishment. She took it on with full vigour. She did not want to write it like others who merely left big spaces between the words to make the essay look voluminous. She knew that the trick was to come up with a convincing argument to prove the necessity of talking. She was different in her approach from everybody else.


‘ Paper has more patience than people’. Elucidate.

Answer: According to Anne Frank, people are not always interested in listening to what you are telling them. They get bored and lose patience, but it is not so with paper. You can go on writing whatever you like, and as long as you like.

How did Anne regard her diary and what name did she give to it ?

Answer: Anne regarded her diary as her long awaited friend with whom she could share all her feelings and secrets. She named her diary as ‘Kitty’.

Grandma had a significant place in Anne’s heart. Explain.

Answer: Anne loved her grandma very much. She died in January 1942. Her death was all the more troublesome to Anne. At Anne’s birthday, a separate candle was lit for grandmother.

The class-mates of Anne Frank were shaking with fear and nervousness. Why ?

Answer: The class mates of Anne Frank were shaking with fear and nervousness because it was time to move to the next class. The students did not know who would be kept back and who would be promoted.

Who taught Anne Frank maths ? Why did the maths teacher always get annoyed with her ?

Answer: Mr. Keesing taught her maths. He always got annoyed with her because she talked too much in the class.

What does Anne write in her first essay ?

Answer: Anne wrote that talking is a student’s trait. She would not keep talking under control because her mother talked a lot. She had inherited this trait from her mother.

How did Sanne help Anne Frank in writing the third essay ?

Answer: Sanne was one of Anne Frank’s friends. She suggested Anne to write the essay in verse form. She also advised her to put up the example of a swan and ducklings in it.


Was Anne an intelligent girl ? Support your answer giving instances ?

Answer: Anne was indeed an intelligent girl. She was only 13 but her diary shows she was mature for her age. She decided to write a diary because she felt that paper has more patient than people. Only an intelligent girl can think so deeply and wisely. Moreover, she proved the necessity of talking; She defended her habit as hereditary. Finally, She wrote a fine poem and turned the joke on her teacher.’ Only an intelligent girl could do it.

Why did Anne Frank think that she could confide more in her diary than in the people?

Answer: Anne felt alone, bored and depressed, though she had loving parents, a sister and thirty other people. She was a shy, introvert type of girl she did not have a friend. She had a happy family but somehow, she could not confide in them. She wanted someone with whom she could share her secrets. At that time, her friend gifted her a red and white diary. She found a real friend in her diary ‘Kitty’. Moreover, she realized the truth lying in the fact that paper has more patience than people. So she could confide more ideas in her diary than in people because people are not always interested in listening to what you are telling them.

How did Anne respond to the punishment by Mr. Keesing ? What light does it throw on her nature ?

Answer: When Mr. Keesing punished Anne for her talkativeness again and again and asked her to write essay, one after the other, she composed a poem on ‘The incorrigible Chatterbox’ and gave a message through it to the teacher. The teacher got so impressed by her little poem that he decided not to punish her. It shows that she was capable of writing good essays and poems and to win the heart of Mr. Keesing and make him realize his mistake. It also reflects her fearlessness, critical thinking humility and unbiased approach as well as her creativity and humorous approach to deal with her strict teacher.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 4 From the Diary of Anne Frank

CBSE Class 10  Science CBSE Class 10 Social Science CBSE Class 10 Maths

Page No 49:

Question 1:.

Do you keep a diary? Given below under ‘A’ are some terms we use to describe a written record of personal experience. Can you match them with their descriptions under ‘B’? (You may look up the terms in a dictionary if you wish.)

Question 2:

Here are some entries from personal records. Use the definitions above to decide which of the entries might be from a diary, a journal, a log or a memoir.

(i) I woke up very late today and promptly got a scolding from Mum! I can’t help it − how can I miss the FIFA World Cup matches?

Ans:  _____________________________

(ii) 10:30 a.m. Went to the office of the Director

01:00 p.m. Had lunch with Chairman

05:45 p.m. Received Rahul at the airport

09:30 p.m. Dinner at home

(iii) The ride to Ooty was uneventful. We rested for a while every 50 km or so, and used the time to capture the magnificent landscape with my Handy Cam. From Ooty we went on to Bangalore.

What a contrast! The noise and pollution of this once − beautiful city really broke my heart.

(iv) This is how Raj Kapoor found me − all wet and ragged outside R. K. Studios. He was then looking for just someone like this for a small role in Mera Naam Joker, and he cast me on the spot. The rest, as they say, is history?

I woke up very late today and promptly got a scolding from Mum! I can’t help it − how can I miss the FIFA World Cup matches?

Ans:   Diary

10:30 a.m. Went to the office of the Director

The ride to Ooty was uneventful. We rested for a while every 50 km or so, and used the time to capture the magnificent landscape with my Handy Cam. From Ooty we went on to Bangalore.

Ans:   Journal

This is how Raj Kapoor found me − all wet and ragged outside R. K. Studios. He was then looking for just someone like this for a small role in Mera Naam Joker, and he cast me on the spot. The rest, as they say, is history?

Ans:   Memoir

Page No 51:

What makes writing in a diary a strange experience for Anne Frank?

Writing in a diary was a strange experience for Anne Frank not only because she had never written anything before, but also because it seemed to her that later on, neither she nor anyone else would be interested in the musings of a thirteen year old schoolgirl.

Why does Anne provide a brief sketch of her life?

Even though she disliked doing so, Anne provides a brief sketch of her life since no one would understand a word of her musings if she were to jump right in.

What tells you that Anne loved her grandmother?

Anne’s grandmother had fallen ill and had to be operated upon. Therefore, Anne’s birthday passed with little celebration. Her grandmother died the next year. Anne wrote in her diary that no one knew how often she thought of her grandmother and still loved her.

Why does Anne want to keep a diary?

Anne wanted to keep a diary because she did not have a “real” friend. She thought that paper had more patience than people. She had loving parents, a sixteen year old sister and about thirty people whom she could call her friends. However, she did not have that one true friend. She did not confide in any of her friends. She knew the situation would never change. That is why she decided to keep a diary.

Question 3:

Why did Anne think she could confide more in her diary than in people?

Anne did not have a true friend. She had many friends, but she only talked to them about ordinary everyday things. She did not seem to get any closer to them. She felt that maybe it was her fault that she could not confide in them. Knowing that the situation would not change and believing a paper to have more patience than people, she decided to write and confide in a diary.

Page No 54:

Was Anne right when she said that the world would not be interested in the musings of a thirteen-year-old girl?

No, Anne was not right when she said that the world would not be interested in the musings of a thirteen year old girl. Her diary was published under the name ‘The Diary of a young girl’. It was translated from its original Dutch into many languages and it became one of the world’s most widely read books. There have also been several films, television and theatrical productions, and even an opera based on the diary. It was described as the work of a mature and insightful mind. It provides an intimate examination of life under Nazi occupation. Anne Frank became one of the most renowned and discussed of the Holocaust victims.

There are some examples of diary or journal entries in the ‘Before You Read’ section. Compare these with what Anne writes in her diary. What language was the diary originally written in? In what way is Anne’s dairy different?

Anne’s diary was originally written in Dutch. Her diary is different from the others in many aspects. She had named her diary ‘Kitty’. She thought of it as her only true friend whom she could confide in. She treated it as another person who was listening to her daily accounts. She wrote all her stories in it. She started by writing ‘Dearest kitty’ and ended the account by writing, ‘Yours, Anne’. Her diary was a lot more personal than other diaries.

Why does Anne need to give a brief sketch about her family? Does she treat ‘Kitty’ as an insider or an outsider?

Anne gave a brief sketch of her life since no one would understand a word of her stories to her diary if she were to plunge right in. She, therefore, wrote a brief sketch of her life, even though she disliked doing so. She treated Kitty as an insider because she called it her best friend and was ready to confide in it.

Question 4:

How does Anne feel about her father, her grandmother, Mrs Kuperus and Mr Keesing? What do these tell you about her?

Anne felt that her father was the most adorable father she had ever seen.

Anne remembered her grandmother even after her death. She wrote in her diary that no one knew how often she thought of her grandmother and still loved her.

In the sixth form at the Montessori nursery school, her teacher was Mrs Kuperus, who was also the headmistress. At the end of the year, they were both in tears as they said a heartbreaking farewell.

Mr Keesing was her Maths teacher. He was annoyed with her because she talked too much. However, Anne was able to justify her talkative nature every time she was punished by Mr. Keesing. On each occasion he was impressed by the manner in which she presented her arguments.

All these incidents show how lovable and smart Anne was. Everybody was attached to her, and even Mr Keesing could not help but laugh at her essays and acknowledge her smart mind.

Question 5:

What does Anne write in her first essay?

In her first essay, titled ‘A Chatterbox’, Anne wanted to come up with convincing arguments to prove the necessity of talking. She began thinking about the subject. She wrote three pages and was satisfied. She argued that talking was a student’s trait and that she would do her best to keep it under control. She further wrote that she would never be able to cure herself of the habit since her mother talked as much as she did. There was not much that one could do about inherited traits. Mr Keesing too had a good laugh reading her arguments.

Question 6:

Anne says teachers are most unpredictable. Is Mr Keesing unpredictable? How?

Anne felt that a quarter of her class was dumb, and should be kept back and not promoted to the next class. However, she also felt that teachers were the most unpredictable creatures on earth. Mr Keesing could be termed as unpredictable. The way Anne always talked while the class was going on, any teacher would lose his temper. However, after several warnings, all Mr Keesing did was to assign her extra homework. She had to write an essay on ‘A Chatterbox’. In this way, he tried to play a joke on her. Each time that he asked her to write such essays, she wrote very well. She kept countering his jokes. One could not have predicted that he would take all the jokes in the right spirit. Finally, he accepted her talkative nature and actually allowed her to talk in class. He did not even assign her any more extra homework. That is why it can be said that Mr Keesing was unpredictable.

Question 7:

What do these statements tell you about Anne Frank as a person?

(i) We don’t seem to be able to get any closer, and that’s the problem. Maybe it’s my fault that we don’t confide in each other.

(ii) I don’t want to jot down the facts in this diary the way most people would, but I want the diary to be my friend.

(iii) Margot went to Holland in December, and I followed in February, when I was plunked down on the table as a birthday present for Margot.

(iv) If you ask me, there are so many dummies that about a quarter of the class should be kept back, but teachers are the most unpredictable creatures on earth.

(v) Anyone could ramble on and leave big spaces between the words, but the trick was to come up with convincing arguments to prove the necessity of taking.

(i)  These lines show that Anne had no true friend whom she could confide in. She even put the blame on herself that the fault might be hers.

(ii)  This line shows that Anne really considered her diary as a friend whom she could trust and narrate all her stories to. She did not want just a diary in which she could write down the facts like others did. She considered it as her friend and named her Kitty.

(iii)  This statement shows that Anne was a fun-loving person. She was witty and knew how to present things in a funny way. She narrated this incident with a lot of fun. The use of ‘plunked down’ shows her sense of humour.

(iv)  This statement shows that she had an opinion on everything. She thought that a quarter of her class was full of dummies, signifying that she herself was intelligent enough to make it to the next class. She thought of teachers as the most unpredictable creatures on earth because nobody could say which students they would fail and which students would be passed on to the next class.

(v)  This statement shows that Anne knew a lot about writing. She was given the task of writing an essay as a punishment. She took it on with full vigour. She did not want to write it like others who merely left big spaces between the words to make the essay look voluminous. She knew that the trick was to come up with a convincing argument to prove the necessity of talking. She was different in her approach from everybody else.

Why was Mr Keesing annoyed with Anne? What did he ask her to do?

Mr. Keesing was annoyed with Anne because she talked too much in the class. He assigned her extra homework, asking her to write an essay on the subject, ‘A Chatterbox’.

How did Anne justify her being a chatterbox in her essay?

In her essay, Anne wanted to come up with convincing arguments to prove the necessity of talking. She argued that talking was a student’s trait and that she would do her best to keep it under control. She further wrote that she would never be able to cure herself of the habit since her mother talked as much as she did. There was not much that one could do about inherited traits. This was how she justified her being a chatterbox in the essay.

Do you think Mr Keesing was a strict teacher?

Mr. Keesing was a strict teacher. However, he was not rigidly strict. He expected discipline and silence in his class while he was teaching, which is acceptable. He punished Anne by asking her to write an essay on ‘A Chatterbox’. When Anne wrote a convincing essay on it, he received it with a good laugh. However, when Anne continued with her talking, he punished her again by asking her to write another essay; this time the topic was ‘An Incorrigible Chatterbox’. Even after this when she kept talking, he asked her to write on the topic ‘Quack Quack Quack, said Mistress Chatterbox”. He was trying to play a joke on her. However, she came up with a brilliant poem, and he read this poem in the class, acknowledging its content. Therefore, in regard of these events, Mr. Keesing cannot be entirely labelled as a strict teacher. He was fun-loving too.

What made Mr Keesing allow Anne to talk in class?

Anne was able to justify her talkative nature every time she was punished by Mr. Keesing. On three occasions, as punishment, he gave her topics to write essays on. However, on each occasion he was impressed by the manner in which she presented her arguments. Finally, Mr. Keesing accepted the fact that Anne would always be that way. Hence, she was allowed to talk in class.

Page No 55:

Match the compound words under ‘A’ with their meanings under ‘B’. Use each in sentence.

Phrasal Verbs

Find the sentences in the lesson that have the phrasal verbs given below. Match them with their meanings.

(i)  plunge in − go straight to the topic

Since no one would understand a word of my stories to Kitty if I were to  plunge  right  in , I’d better provide a brief sketch of my life, much as I dislike doing so.

(ii)  kept back − not promoted

The reason, of course, is the forthcoming meeting in which the teachers decide who’ll move up to the next form and who’ll be  kept back .

(iii)  move up − go to the next grade

The reason, of course, is the forthcoming meeting in which the teachers decide who’ll  move up  to the next form and who’ll be kept back.

(iv)  ramble on − speak or write without focus

Anyone could  ramble on  and leave big spaces between the words, but the trick was to come up with convincing arguments to prove the necessity of talking.

(v)  get along with − have a good relationship with

I  get along  pretty well  with  all my teachers.

(vi)  calm down − make (them) remain quite

Even G.’s pleading advances and my angry outbursts can’t  calm  them  down .

(vii)  stay in − stay indoors

I thought of this saying on one of those days when I was feeling a little depressed and was sitting at home with my chin in my hands, bored and listless, wondering whether to  stay in  or go out.

(viii)  make up for − compensate

This birthday celebration in 1942 was intended to  make up  for the other.

(ix)  hand in − give an assignment (homework) to a person in authority (the teacher)

I  handed  it  in , and Mr Keesing had nothing to complain about for two whole lessons.

Page No 56:

1. Here are a few sentences from the text which have idiomatic expressions. Can you say what each means? (You might want to consult a dictionary first.)

  • Our entire class is  quaking in its boots . ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Until then, we keep telling each other  not to lose heart . ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Mr Keeping was annoyed with me  for ages  because I talked so much.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Mr Keeping was trying to play a joke on me with this ridiculous subject, but I’d make sure  the joke was on him .____________________________.

2. Here are a few more idiomatic expressions that occur in the text. Try to use them in sentences of your own.

(i)Our entire class is  quaking in its boots .  Shaking with fear and nervousness

(ii) Until then, we keep telling each other  not to lose heart .  Not to lose hope

(iii) Mr. Keeping was annoyed with me  for ages  because I talked so much.  Since a long time

(iv) Mr. Keeping was trying to play a joke on me with this ridiculous subject, but I’d make sure  the joke was on him .  He was outwitted by her

(i) caught my eye

The beautiful diamond necklace placed in the shop caught my eye.

(ii) he’d had enough

He’d had enough of the bullying that he faced everyday.

(iv) laugh ourselves silly

John and I laugh ourselves silly at the new cartoon show.

(v) can’t bring myself to

I can’t bring myself to eat anything but sweets.

Page No 57:

You have read the expression ‘not to lose heart’ in this text. Now find out the meanings of the following expressions using the word ‘heart’. Use each of them in a sentence of your own.

1. break somebody’s heart

2. close/dear to heart

3. from the (bottom of your) heart

4. have a heart

5. have a heart of stone

6. your heart goes out to somebody

1.  break somebody’s heart − to upset somebody deeply

It has unfortunately become very easy these days to break somebody’s heart.

2.  close/dear to heart − something or someone who is near and close to you

The drawing given to me by my little daughter is very close to my heart.

3.  from the (bottom of your) heart − genuinely meaning or feeling something

He loved his son from the bottom of his heart.

4.  have a heart − to evoke the feeling to help someone in distress

The poor beggar asked the rich man to have a heart and give him something to eat.

5.  have a heart of stone − to not feel anything or any sentiment

The cruel landlady has a heart of stone as she beats up her children.

6.  your heart goes out to somebody − to sympathise with someone else and understand his feelings and distress

My heart goes out to the little girl who lost both her parents in a car accident.

Page No 58:

Contracted Forms

1. Make a list of the contracted forms in the text. Rewrite them as full forms of two words.

For example:

I’ve = I have

2. We have seen that some contracted forms can stand for two different full forms:

I’d = I had or I would

Find in the text the contracted forms that stand for two different full forms, and say what these are.

(i) I’ve − I have

(ii) Doesn’t − does not

(iii) Won’t − would not

(iv) I’m − I am

(v) Don’t − do not

(vi) Can’t − cannot

(vii) it’s − it is

(viii) That’s − that is

(ix) I’d − I would

(x) Didn’t − did not

(xi) Who’ll − who will

(xii) You’re − You are

(xiii) We’ll − We will

(xiv) There’s − there is

(xv) He’d − he had

(xvi) Who’s − who is

(xvii) Haven’t − have not

(i) I’d − I had or I would

(ii) He’d − He had or he would

From the Diary of Anne Frank Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English First Flight

Extract Based Questions [3 Marks Each]

Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Question 1. Writing in a diary is a really strange experience for someone like me. Not only because I have never written anything before, but also because it seems to me that later on neither I nor anyone else will be interested in the musing of a thirteen year old school girl. Oh well, it doesn’t matter. I feel like writing and I have an even greater need to get all kind of things off my chest. ‘Paper has more patience than people.’ I thought of this saying on one of those days when I was feeling a little depressed and was sitting at home with my chin in my hands, bored and listless, wondering whether to stay in or go out. (a) To whom does T refer in the given passage? (b) ‘Paper has more patience than people’ – Why did Anne Frank say that? (c) Find a word in the passage that means ‘deep thought’. (d) Which word in the passage is a synonym of lethargic?

Answer: (a) ‘I’ refers to Anne Frank in the given passage. (b) Anne Frank said that ‘Paper has more patience than people’ because one can rely on the paper to confide his/her secrets and it listens carefully and silendy. (c) The word is ‘musing’. (d) The word is ‘listless’.

Question 2. Let me put it more clearly, since no one will believe that a thirteen-year-old girl is completely alone in the world. And I’m not. I have loving parents and a sixteen-year-old sister, and there are about thirty people I can call friends. I have a family, loving aunts and a good home. No, on the surface I seem to have everything, except my one true friend. All I think about when I’m with friends is having a good time. I can’t bring myself to talk about anything but ordinary everyday things. We don’t seem to be able to get any closer, and that’s the problem. Maybe it’s my fault that we don’t confide in each other. In any case, that’s just how things are, and unfortunately they’re not liable to change. This is why I’ve started the diary. (a) Why was Anne Frank disturbed even when she had loving parents, relatives and friends? (b) Why did Anne decide to write a diary? (c) Find the word that means the same as ‘unluckily’. (d) To confide in somebody is to ……… Answer: (a) Anne Frank was disturbed even after being surrounded by so many people because she didn’t have any true friend. (b) Anne decided to write a diary because she could not confide in anyone and felt lonely. (c) The word is unfortunately. (d) It means tell somebody your secrets or personal information.

Question 3. To enhance the image of this long awaited friend in my imagination, I don’t want to jot down the facts in this diary the way most people would do, but I want the diary to be my friend, and I’m going to call this friend ‘Kitty’. Since no one would understand a word of my stories to Kitty if I were to plunge right in, I’d better provide a brief sketch of my life, much as I dislike doing so. CBSE 2016 (a) Who was the long awaited friend of Anne? Why? (b) What did she provide in her diary? (c) Find a word from the extract which means the same as ‘submerge’. (d) To write down the idea as and when it occurs in mind is ceiled Answer: (a) The diary named ‘Kitty’ was the long awaited friend of Anne, because she had no true friend in her life with whom she could share her feelings and thoughts. (b) She provided a brief-sketch of her life and her family in her diary. (c) It is called jotling down.

Question 4. My father the most adorable father I’ve ever seen, didn’t marry my mother until he was 36 and she was 25. My sister Margot was born in Frankfurt in Germany in 1926.1 was born on 12th June, 1929.1 lived in Frankfurt until I was ’ four. My father emigrated to Holland in 1933. My mother, Edith Hollander Frank, went with him to Holland in September, while Margot and I were sent to Aachen to stay with our grandmother. (a) When and where was Anne Frank bom? (b) To whom was Anne and her sister Margot stay with in Aachen? Why? (c) Find out the opposite of ‘immigrated’ used in the passage. (d) Is there any word in the passage which means ‘to dote on’? If so, write it. Answer: (a) Anne Frank was born in Germany on 12th June, 1929. (b) Anne and her sister Margot stayed with their Grandmother in Aachen as their parents emigrated to Holland. (c) The word ‘emigrated’ is the opposite of‘immigrated’. (d) The word is ‘adore’.

Question 5. That evening, after I’d finished the rest of my homework, the note about the essay caught my eye. I began thinking about the subject while chewing the tip of my fountain pen. Anyone could ramble on and leave big spaces between the words, but the trick was to come up with convincing arguments to prove the necessity of talking. I thought and thought, and suddenly I had an idea,: I wrote the three pages Mr. Keesing had assigned me and was satisfied. I argued that talking is a student’s trait and that I would do my best to keep it under control, but that I would never be able to cure myself of the habit since my mother talked as much as I did if not more, and that there’s not much you can do about inherited traits. (a) What is the main feature of an essay according to Anne? (b) What did Anne argue in the essay? Why? (c) What does the idiom ‘caught my eye’ means? (d) What do you understand by inherited traits?

Answer: (a) The main feature of an essay is ‘to give convincing arguments’ in support of the necessity to talk. (b) Anne argued that talking was a student’s trait and she got it from her mother so nothing could done about this inherited trait. (c) ‘Caught my eye’ means ‘to attract attention’. (d) It means a particular quality of one’s personality which one inherits from parents.

Question 6. However, during the third lesson he’d finally had enough. ‘Anne Frank, as punishment for talking in class, write an essay entitled ‘Quack, Quack, Quack, Said Mistress Chatterbox’.” The class roared. I had to laugh too, though I’d nearly exhausted my ingenuity on the topic of Chatterboxes. It was time to come up with something else, something original. My friend, Sanne, who’s good at poetry, offered to help me write the essay from beginning to end in verse and I jumped for joy. Mr Keesing was trying to play a joke on me with this ridiculous subject, but I’d make sure the joke was on him. (a) Why did Mr Keesing her teacher ask her to write another essay? (b) Why did Anne want to write the essay with the help of her friend Sanne? (c) Find out the word which means ‘deserving or inviting mockery’. (d) The word ……. means the ability to invent things and solve problems in a clever and new way. Answer: (a) Mr Keesing asked her to write another essay as punishment because she had not stopped talking in the class. (b) Anne wanted to write the essay with something original so she sought help from Sanne her friend, who suggested her to write the essay in verse. (c) The word ‘ridiculous’ means ‘deserving and inviting mockery’. (d) The word is ‘ingenuity’.

Question 7. I finished ray poem, and it was beautiful! It was about a mother duck and a father swan with three baby ducklings who were bitten to death by the father because they quacked too much. Luckily, Mr Keesing took the joke the right way. He read the poem to the class, adding his own comments, and to several other classes as well. Since then I’ve been allowed to talk and haven’t been assigned any extra homework. On the contrary, Mr Keesing’s always making jokes these days. (a) Why did the father duck kill the baby ducklings? (b) What happened when Mr Keesing read the essay? (c) Find out the word from the passage which means ‘given’. (d) ‘On the contrary’ means …………

Answer: (a) The father duck killed the baby ducklings because they quacked too much. (b) When Mr Keesing read the essay, he understood the feelings of Anne and allowed her to talk. He also started to make jokes thereafter. (c) The word is ‘assigned’. (d) The word is ‘inversely opposite’.

Short Answer Type Questions [3 Marks]

Question 1. Describe Anne’s Feelings about having a diary. Answer: Anne feels it is silly for a 13 years old teenager to have a diary as it would seem she has many friends and other people to talk to, but in reality, she states she feels very lonely in the world. She wishes her diary to become her friend.

Question 2. Why does Anne Frank think that ‘paper’ has more patience than ‘people’? Answer: Anne believes that paper has more patience than people because it listens to her more patiently and silently it does not react like other people and also because she can confide in her diary all her secrets.

Question 3. What does Anne Frank tell about her family in her diary? Answer: Anne Frank tells that she has very lovely and caring family. Her parents and her elder sister love her a lot. There are about thirty people near by her whom she can call friends. She has loving aunts and a good home but she wants to have a true friend with whom she can share her feelings and thoughts.

Question 4. Describe your views about Mr Keesing as a teacher. Answer: Mr Keesing seems to be a strict teacher but he actually believes taking actions with good intention and for the development of children. He tries to control her bad habit of talking too much but as soon as he is convinced that her habit does not affect her studies, he overlooks her shortcoming.

Question 5. What does Anne write in her first essay to support her habit of talking so much? Answer: Anne Frank supports her nantte by stating that talking is a student’s trait and she will try to control it. But she also says that she has got it from her mother and such inherited traits cannot be curbed.

Question 6. What was Mr Keesing’s reaction after reading Anne’s poem on the third essay that he had given to her to write? Answer: When Mr Keesing read Anne’s poem on the third essay that he had given her to write, he took the joke the right way. He understood the intention of Anne and felt it in good humour. After that he allowed her to talk and did not punish her by assigning her extra work.

Question 7. Why was Anne’s entire class anxious and nervous? Answer: Anne’s class was anxious and nervous about the result. It was yet to be decided who would be promoted to the higher class or who would not because many deserved it.

Question 8. Describe Anne’s love for her grandmother.  [CBSE2016] Answer: When Anne’s grandmother died, she stated that no one could understand her intensity of her love for her grandma. She also said that no one could imagine how much she thought of her. Lighting up extra candle for her during her birthday showed her love for grandmother.

Question 9. Describe about Anne Frank’s early education. Answer: Anne Frank got her early education at the Montessori Nursery School until she was six. She started in the first form and in the sixth form, she had developed such a good relation with her headmistress Mrs Kuperus that both of them were in tears on the farewell.

Long Answer (Value Based) Type Questions [8 Marks]

Question 1. Anne called 26th July a ‘tumultous’ day. Explain the reasons behind it. Answer: Anne called 26th July a tumultous day as it was full of tension and fright. The first warning siren was sent off in the morning but nobody paid any attention to it because it only meant that the planes were crossing the coast. The siren alarmed again around 2 O’clock in the afternoon. Anne and her sister went upstairs but after five minutes they heard loud gunshots. After half an hour, drone of engines faded and life became normal. The city was enveloped in thick fog. But after dinner time, there was another gun-fire round and swarms of planes. The air was buzz with the drone of engines. Nobody was able to sleep that night because it repeated again at midnight.

Question 2. Why did Anne think that she could confide more in her diary than in the people? Answer: Anne Frank did not have a friend with whom she could share now. Although she had spent a good time with her friends but she was unable to share her views and thoughts with them. When she got her diary, she decided to share everything with it because she believed that nobody would be interested enough in her musings. So, she treated her diary as her best friend. It would keep her life a secret and would not react like people. She confided everything in the diary; her family, her fear, her loneliness, her life and considered it her best friend.

Question 3. Who helped Anne in writing the essay and how? Answer: Anne was fond of talking a lot. Mr Keesing punished her and gave her essays to write one after another as she didn’t stop talking in the class. When she was asked to write the essay on Ans. the topic ‘Quack, Quack, Quack said Mistress Chatterbox’ she decided to make it original. Her friend Sanne helped her as she was good at poetry and suggested her to write the entire essay in verse. Anne tried to play a joke on Mr Keesing with the essay. Mr Keesing took it in the right way and read it in the class. He understood that she was not a dull student, but talkative so he allowed her to talk and did not punish her again.

Question 4. Write the character sketch of Anne Frank. Answer: Anne Frank was born on 12th June 1929 in Frankfurt Germany. She was four years old when her father went to Holland to find a better place for his family to live. She was very intelligent and always wanted to become a writer. She loved Peter even when she had to face opposition from her family in this regard. She was a very good reader as well, she continued reading books, translated chapters, wrote down the vocabulary and worked hard on her skills. Like any child, she loved her parents but later grew a dislike towards her mother as she compared Anne to Margot. She was always jealous with her. She believed that time would come when the problems would be over. She felt alone although there were thirty people around her but she hardly could call anyone a true friend. Anne died of typhus in the concentration camp at Berger-Belsen in late February or early March of 1945.

Question 5. ‘Paper has more patience than people’. Justify. (or) ‘Paper has more patience than people’. Do you agree with the statement? Answer: Anne believes that people are not interested in other’s life as they are stuck with their own problems so it is really hard to get someone who can give importance to her diary. People feel bored and become impatient when we talk about our problems. On the other hand when we write our feelings and thoughts on paper , we can write as long as we want without thinking of anyone, intention as it doesn’t react. We can share our feelings, both sad and happy. It never gets bored or stops us to write. It behaves like a true friend who keeps your secret and listens to you patiently. So she thinks that paper has more patience than people.

Question 6. “From the diary of Anne Frank’ throws light on teacher-student relationship, class atmosphere and discipline. Write a paragraph oh the values of these aspects of school and how far these values are necessary for learning and life.  [CBSE 2016] Answer: “The diary of Anne Frank” clearly describes the teacher-student relationship, class atmosphere and discipline. Anne who talks a lot in the class gets punished by Mr Keesing her Maths teacher. He asks her to write essays as punishment which is learning in disguise because he wanted her to focus on studies. He cannot be blamed for the punishment as he did it for the development of Anne. The teacher-student relationship is very respectful and sacred. It is about discipline and classroom manners which are essential for every student as well as teacher, otherwise both teaching or learning could hamper. This relationship is clearly shown in Mr Keesing and Anne Frank actions as they both try to joke on each other but in very humorous and healthy manner. So this healthy relationship is needed everywhere in the class for effective teaching and learning.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 4 From the Diary of Anne Frank with Answers

Question 1. What was the subject on which she had to write? (a) Necessity of Walking (b) Necessity of Running (c) Necessity of Talking (d) Necessity of Studying

Answer: (c) Necessity of Talking

Question 2. What was topic of the essay written by Anne? (a) My Diary (b) A Chatterbox (c) A letterbox (d) None of the Above

Answer: (b) A Chatterbox

Question 3. How does the Anne explain his father? (a) Most Adorable father (b) Most Angry Father (c) Most delicate Father (d) None of the Above

Answer: (a) Most Adorable father

Question 4. Who is Anne’s long awaited friend? (a) Her pen (b) Her cat (c) Her diary (d) Her Dog

Answer: (c) Her diary

Question 5. How does she want to begin her diary? (a) By writing her name (b) By giving an introduction (c) By writing about her hobby (d) None of the Above

Answer: (b) By giving an introduction

Question 6. On which date did Anne record the incident in Mr Keesing’s class in her diary? (a) 12 June, 1942 (b) 21 June, 1942 (c) 20 June, 1942 (d) 22 June, 1942

Answer: (c) 20 June, 1942

Question 7. In which city were Anne and Margot sent to live with their grandmother? (a) Berlin (b) Aachen (c) Munich (d) Bonn

Answer: (b) Aachen

Question 8. Who was the only survivor from Anne’s family (a) Anne (b) Anne’s father (c) Anne’s mother (d) Anne’s sister

Answer: (b) Anne’s father

Question 9. How many siblings did Anne have? (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

Answer: (a) 1

Question 10. What name was her book published with? (a) From the Diary of Anne Frank (b) The Diary of a Young girl (c) Anne Frank (d) Anne Frank’s Diary

Answer: (b) The Diary of a Young girl

Question 11. What did she write in her last essay? (a) a poem (b) a joke (c) a paragraph (d) a funny poem

Answer: (d) a funny poem

Question 12. Why was she unable to get closer to her already existing friends? (a) she didn’t like her friends (b) her friends are not understanding (c) she can’t bring herself to talk about personal stuff (d) all of the above

Answer: (c) she can’t bring herself to talk about personal stuff

Question 13. What shows Anne’s love for her grandmother? (a) she still thinks about her (b) she misses her (c) she let her birthday pass with little celebration (d) both 1 and 2

Answer: (d) both 1 and 2

Question 14. What language was the diary originally written in ? (a) Spanish (b) English (c) Dutch (d) French

Answer: (c) Dutch

Question 15. Why was Mr Keesing annoyed with her? (a) she was not a good student (b) she was talkative (c) she was rude (d) all of the above

Answer: (b) she was talkative

Question 16. Why does she give a brief sketch about her family in the diary? (a) no one would understand it if she dove right in (b) to introduce Kitty to her family (c) she would forget facts about her family (d) she liked talking about her family

Answer: (a) no one would understand it if she dove right in

Question 17. Why does Anne want to keep a diary? (a) she has no close friends (b) she loves to write (c) she wants people to read about her later (d) she likes the idea of it

Answer: (a) she has no close friends

Question 18. Why was writing in a diary a strange experience for Anne? (a) she had never written anything before (b) she didn’t know how to write (c) neither she nor anyone else would be interested in it later (d) Both A and C

Answer: (d) Both A and C

From the diary of Anne Frank

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  • On which date did Anne record the incident in Mr Keesing's class in her diary? 20 June, 1942
  •  Oops!  Okay!
  • What made Mr Keesing allow Anne to talk in class? Anne was punished three times by Mr Keesing.But every time she came up with her homework in a very well manner
  • Why was Mr Keesing annoyed with Anne? What did he ask her to do? Anne use to talk to much in the class, So Mr Keesing got annoyed with Anne. He assigned her extra homework, and ask her to write an essay on “A Chatterbox”.
  • How did Anne justify her being a Chatterbox in her essay? Anne justifies her being a Chatterbox with two arguments. 1. is chatting in students traits 2. is that nothing can be done about the inherited traits.
  • What was the name of Anne Frank's sister? Margot
  • In which city were Anne and Margot sent to live with their grandmother? Aachen
  • How did Sanne help Anne Frank in writing the third essay ? Sanne was one of Anne Frank’s friends. She suggested Anne to write the essay in verse form. She also advised her to put up the example of a swan and ducklings
  • Why does Anne want to keep a diary? Why does she feel she can trust a diary more than the people ? She wanted to keep a diary because she felt that people change and can’t be trusted but paper doesn’t change and patiently documents one’s experiences
  • How many siblings did Anne have? 1
  • Grandma had a significant place in Anne’s heart. Explain Anne loved her grandma very much,She died in January 1942. Her death was all the more troublesome to Anne. At Anne’s birthday, a separate candle was lit for gm
  • How did Anne regard her diary and what name did she give to it ? Anne regarded her diary as her long awaited friend. She named her diary as ‘Kitty’.
  • Why does Anne provide a brief sketch of her life in this chapter ? Anne provides a brief sketch of her life in this chapter because Anne wants to give an overview of her life family and her relations to the readers of her story
  • How old was Anne's father when he married her mother? 36
  • Who taught Anne Frank maths ? Why did the maths teacher always get annoyed with her ? Mr. Keesing taught her maths. He always got annoyed with her because she talked too much in the class.
  • The class-mates of Anne Frank were shaking with fear and nervousness. Why ? Because it was time to move to the next class,The students did not know who would be kept and who would be promoted.
  • What did she write in her last essay? a funny poem


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How did sanne help anne frank …



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  1. From the Diary of Anne Frank Class 10 Important Extra Questions for

    How did Sanne help Anne Frank in writing the third essay? (2012) Ans. Sanne was good at poetry. She was friend of any and wanted to help her third essay in verse. The essay contained a story of a swan and its ducklings who were eaten up by the swan because the talked too much. Perhaps the main aim was to turn the joke on the Mr. Keesing himself ...

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  3. From the Diary of Anne Frank Extra Questions and Answers Class 10

    How did Sanne help Anne Frank in writing the third essay ? [Board Term I, 2012; Set-EL2 - 037] Answer: Sanne was one of Anne Frank's friends. She suggested Anne to write the essay in verse form. She also advised her to put up the example of a swan and ducklings in it. Long Answer Type Questions (100-120 words & 8 marks each) Question 1.

  4. From the Diary of Anne Frank Class 10 Extra Questions

    How did Sanne help Anne Frank in writing the third essay? Answer: Senile was Anne's close friend, and good at poetry. She helped Anne write the third essay in verse. It turned out to be a good poem, and even the teacher, Mr. Keesing, took it in the right way. 6. Mr Keesing is a kind, but strict teacher. Explain

  5. From the Diary of Anne Frank Class 10 Summary, explanation ...

    Explanation of the Above Passage - When the professor scolded her for the third time and punished her, the whole class started laughing. As a result, she had to pretend to be amused too. After writing twice on similar topics, she ran out of thoughts. Thus, her friend Sanne who was good at poetry offered to help her write in rhyme.

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    Mr Keesing had assigned Anne to write an essay on, 'Quack, Quack, Quack, Said Mistress Chatterbox'. Anne decided to write the essay in verse and she wrote a beautiful poem. It was about a mother duck and a father swan with three baby ducklings who were bitten to death by the father because they quacked too much.

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    How did Sanne help Anne Frank in writing the third essay? Answer. Sanne was Anne's close friend, and good at poetry. She helped Anne write the third essay in verse. It turned out to be a good poem, and even the teacher, Mr. Keesing, took it in the right way. Question 29. Why did Anne think that she was alone? Give reasons. Answer

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    2. How did Sanne help Anne Frank in writing the third essay? Answer. Senile was Anne's close friend, and good at poetry. She helped Anne write the third essay in verse. It turned out to be a good poem, and even the teacher, Mr Keesing, took it in the right way. 3. How did Anne want her diary to be different?

  12. Anne Frank's Diary: Friendship, Trust, and Isolation

    1.How did Sanne help Anne Frank in writing the third essay? Answer: Senile was Anne's close friend, and good at poetry. She helped Anne write the third essay in verse. It turned out to be a good poem, and even the teacher, Mr. Keesing, took it in the right way. 2.Why does Anne want to keep a diary?

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  15. From the diary of Anne Frank

    Sanne was one of Anne Frank's friends. She suggested Anne to write the essay in verse form. She also advised her to put up the example of a swan and ducklings

  16. However, during the third lesson he'd finally had enough."Anne Frank

    5. Why did the whole class roar with laughter ? a. The class roared with laughter because the topic of the essay given to Anne as punishment was absurd and funny. b. The class roared with laughter because Anne started dancing in the middle of the class. c. The class roared with laughter because Anne kicked Sanne while dancing. d.

  17. How did Sanne help Anne Frank in writing 3rd essay

    Answer: For the third time when Anne got the punishment of writing the essay, she felt herself to be running out of the ideas. She wanted her essay to be original. Anne went forward to her friend Sanne to ask for ideas to write the essay. She suggested her to write her essay in the form of verse. Anne did the same.

  18. PDF From the Diary of Anne Frank

    Q. How did Sanne help Anne Frank in writing the third essay? Ans. Sanne was one of Anne Frank's friends. She suggested Anne to write the essay in. verse form. She also advised her to put up the example of a swan and ducklings in it. The poem was very beautiful. Q. Was Anne an intelligent girl? Support your answer giving instances?

  19. How did Sanne help Anne Frank in writing the third essay?

    The poem was very beautiful. Q. How did Sanne help Anne Frank in writing the third essay? Ans. Sanne was one of Anne Frank's friends. She suggested Anne to write the essay in verse form. She also advised her to put up the example of a swan and ducklings in it. The poem was very beautiful.

  20. Who helped Anne in writing the essay and how

    When she was asked to write the essay on the topic 'Quack, Quack, Quack said Mistress Chatterbox' she decided to make it original. Her friend Sanne helped her as she was good at poetry and suggested her to write the entire essay in verse. Anne tried to play a joke on Mr Keesing with the essay.

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  22. How did sanne help anne frank …

    She asked her to compose a poem in verse. Saane was anne goof friend. Sanne was good at poetry, she offered Anne to help her in writing the essay from beginning to end in verse. Posted by Pradya Shree 2 days, 8 hours ago. Posted by Bhibhuti Pradhan 3 days, 7 hours ago.

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