10+ অসমীয়া ভাষাত চিঠি পত্ৰ আবেদন পত্ৰ লিখাৰ নিয়ম || 10+ Best Assamese Application Letter writing format

assamese application writing

অসমীয়া ভাষাত চিঠি পত্ৰ কেনেকৈ লিখে (Assamese Application Letter writing format

আবেদন পত্ৰ বা চিঠি পত্ৰ আমাৰ জীৱনৰ বৰ্তমানো এক অতি জৰুৰী অংগ হয়। বৰ্তমানৰ technology ৰ দিন হলেও চিঠি পত্ৰৰ এক নিজস্ব বৈশিষ্ট আছে আৰু ইয়াৰ সহায়ত আমাৰ দৈনন্দিন জীৱনৰ বহু অফিচিয়েল কাম কাজ কৰিবলৈ সহজ হয়। বিদ্যালয়ৰ আবেদন পত্ৰ, পুলিচ থানাৰ এজাহাৰ, verification, বেংকৰ ঋণৰ আবেদন, পঞ্চায়তৰ বা বিধায়ক, সাংসদ আদিক ৰাস্তাৰ মেৰামতিৰ বাবে আবেদন আদি বহুতো আবেদন আমি নিতৌ লিখিব লাগে। সেয়েহে আমি আবেদন পত্ৰ বা চিঠি পত্ৰ লিখিবলৈ জনাটো আৰু সুন্দৰকৈ বিষয়বস্তু উপস্থাপন কৰাটো অতি জৰুৰী।

বহু যুগৰ পৰা চিঠি বা আবেদন পত্ৰ লিখি অহাৰ এটা পৰম্পৰা চলি আহিছে আৰু ইয়াক বৰ্তমান এটা বহু গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ বিষয় হিচাপে ধৰা হয়। বৰ্তমান সকলো চৰকাৰী বেচৰকাৰী প্ৰতিষ্ঠানৰ কামকাজত চিঠি পত্ৰৰ ব্যাপক ব্যবহাৰ দেখা যায়। যেনে চাকৰি সংক্ৰান্তত আবেদন, ছুটিৰ বাবে আবেদন, মন্ত্ৰী, বিধায়ক বা কোনো চৰকাৰী বিভাগলৈ আবেদন আদি বহু ক্ষেত্ৰত চিঠিপত্ৰ সহায় লব লাগে। এনেধৰণৰ পত্ৰ লিখোঁতে বহু ক্ষেত্ৰত আমি কি লিখিম, কি নিলিখিম আদি ভাব আহে। সকলো চিঠিপত্ৰ লিখাৰ কিছুমান নিৰ্দিষ্ট নিয়ম আৰু বিষয় (Assamese Application Letter writing format) থাকে। সেয়েহে প্ৰতিটো বিষয়ত চিঠি লিখোতে কিছুমান সাধাৰণ নীতি নিয়ম (Assamese Application Letter writing format) মানি চলা উচিত।তেনে কিছুমান সাধাৰণ নিয়ম তলত উল্লেখ কৰা হল।

✓সকলো চিঠিপত্ৰ লিখোঁতে সদায় মাৰ্জিত ভাষাত সহজ সৰল কৈ লিখিব লাগে। ✓পৰিষ্কাৰ আৰু শুদ্ধ বানানত লিখিব লাগে ✓চিঠি বা আবেদন লিখাৰ আগতে মূল বিষয়বোৰ মনতে বা আন এখন কাগজত টুকি লব লাগে যাতে মূল বিষয়বোৰ থাকি নাযায়। ✓চিঠিপত্ৰৰ অংগসজ্জা নিয়মবোৰ মানি চলি উপযুক্ত স্থানত চিঠিৰ অংগ বোৰ সন্নিবিষ্ট কৰিব লাগে ✓চিঠিপত্ৰ বোৰ সাধাৰণতে বিষয় অনুসৰি ভদ্ৰ, বিনয়ী ভাষাত আৰু উপযুক্ত সন্মান প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰি উপযুক্ত শব্দ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি লিখিব লাগে। ✓চিঠিত স্পষ্ট কৈ দুয়োপক্ষৰে নাম, ঠিকনা আৰু যোগাযোগৰ নম্বৰ যথাস্থানত উল্লেখ কৰিব লাগে। ✓চিঠিপত্ৰ যদি উৰ্ধতম কৰ্তৃপক্ষ লৈ লিখা হয় তেন্তে সদায় উপযুক্ত সন্মান প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰি লিখিব লাগে। ✓চিঠি পত্রত সদায় তাৰিখ আৰু স্থান উল্লেখ কৰা উচিত।

ইয়াৰ উপৰিও আন বহুতো সৰু সৰু নিয়ম আছে। তলত কেইখনমান আবেদন পত্ৰৰ আৰ্হি আপোনালোকৰ সুবিধা হোৱাকৈ উল্লেখ কৰিছোঁ।

Assamese Application Letter writing format

1. ব্যক্তিগত প্ৰতিষ্ঠানত চাকৰিৰ বাবে আবেদন (অভিজ্ঞতা সহ) (Assamese Application Letter writing format for apply job in private company)

প্ৰতি, পৰিচালক মহোদয় নিয়োগ বিভাগ(বিভাগৰ নাম উল্লেখ কৰিব) __________ প্ৰতিষ্ঠান (প্ৰতিষ্ঠানৰ নাম উল্লেখ কৰিব)

বিষয়ঃচাকৰিৰ বাবে আবেদন

মহাশয়/মহাশয়া যোৱা ইংৰাজী_______ তাৰিখৰ______ কাকতৰ বিজ্ঞাপনৰ পৰা আপােনাৰ/আপোনালোকৰ প্ৰতিষ্ঠানৰ _______ পদৰ বাবে এজন অভিজ্ঞ প্ৰাৰ্থীৰ আৱশ্যক বুলি জানিব পাৰি এই আবেদন পত্র প্রেৰণ কৰিলাে। মই উক্ত পদৰ বাবে উপযুক্ত বুলি ভাবি মোৰ প্ৰাৰ্থীত্ব আগবঢ়ালোঁ। যদি আপোনালোকে মোক উক্ত পদত নিযুক্তি প্ৰদান কৰে তেন্তে মই আপোনালোকৰ প্ৰতিষ্ঠানত অতি নিষ্ঠা সহকাৰে কাম কৰি আগুৱাই লৈ যাব পাৰিম বুলি মোৰ বিশ্বাস। মোৰ এই ক্ষেত্ৰত কাম কৰাৰ প্ৰায় তিনি বছৰৰ অভিজ্ঞতাৰ প্ৰমাণ পত্ৰ আৰু মোৰ শিক্ষাগত অৰ্হতাৰ প্ৰমাণপত্ৰ ইয়াৰ লগত সংলগ্ন কৰি দিয়া হৈছে। মোৰ শিক্ষাগত অৰ্হতা ____ বিভাগৰ স্নাতক আৰু কম্পিউটাৰত ১বছৰৰ পোষ্ট গ্ৰেজুৱেট পাঠ্যক্ৰম সমাপ্ত কৰিলোঁ। বৰ্তমান এটা ব্যক্তিগত কোম্পানীত _____ বিভাগত কাম কৰাৰ তিনিবছৰ অভিজ্ঞতা আছে। সেই প্ৰতিষ্ঠানত মই অতি নিষ্ঠা সহকাৰে কাম কৰাৰ পাছত যথেষ্ট অভিজ্ঞতা অৰ্জন কৰিলোঁ আৰু সেই অভিজ্ঞতাৰ জৰিয়তে আপোনালোকৰ প্ৰতিষ্ঠানত মোৰ ফালৰ পৰা উৎকৃষ্ঠ সেৱা আগবঢ়াবলৈ সক্ষম হম বুলি বিশ্বাস আছে। অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি আপোনালোকৰ মতামত জনাই তলত উল্লেখ কৰা ফোন নম্বৰত যোগাযোগ কৰি সাক্ষাৎকাৰৰ তাৰিখ আৰু সময় জনাই যেন। আপােনালােকৰ মতামত অতি সােনকালে জনাব বুলি আশা ৰাখিছোঁ। ধন্যবাদ। আপােনাৰ/আপোনালােকৰ বিশ্বাসী নাম ফোন নম্বৰ তাৰিখ

2. স্কুলৰ অনুষ্ঠানত মুখ্য অতিথিৰ বাবে মন্ত্ৰী/বিধায়ক অনুৰোধ জনাই লিখা পত্র। (Assamese Application Letter writing format for invitation to Minister/MLA/MP)

প্রতি মাননীয় মন্ত্রী/ বিধায়ক মহোদয় _________ সমষ্টি অসম চৰকাৰ দিছপুৰ

বিষয়ঃস্কুলৰ অনুষ্ঠানত মুখ্য অতিথিৰ অনুৰোধ

মাননীয় মহাশয়, সন্মান সহকাৰে আপোনাক জনাব পায় সুখী হৈছো যে অহা ইং_________তাৰিখৰ পৰা ______তাৰিখলৈ আমাৰ বিদ্যালয়ৰ ৰূপালী জয়ন্তী বৰ্ষ প্ৰতিষ্ঠা দিৱস, তিনিদিনীয়া কাৰ্যসূচীৰে উদযাপন কৰাৰ কাৰ্যসূচী হাতত লোৱা হৈছে। এই তিনিদিনীয়া কাৰ্যসূচীত বিভিন্ন প্ৰতিযোগিতা মূলক অনুষ্ঠান অনুষ্ঠিত কৰাৰ উপৰিও সাংস্কৃতিক অনুষ্ঠান পৰিবেশন কৰা হব। তৃতীয় দিনাৰ কাৰ্যসূচী অনুসৰি মুকলি সভা অনুষ্ঠিত কৰা হৈছে । মুকলি সভা কাৰ্যসূচীত আপোনাক মুখ্য অতিথি হিচাপে ৰূপালী জয়ন্তী উদযাপন সমিতিৰ জৰিয়তে আমন্ত্ৰণ জনোৱা হল। আশা কৰোঁ আপোনাৰ বহুমূলীয়া সময়ৰ পৰা কিছু সময় উলিয়াই আমাৰ মুকলি সভা অনুষ্ঠানত মুখ্য অতিথি হিচাপে উপস্থিত থাকি কণ কণ ছাত্ৰ ছাত্ৰীৰ লগতে আমাক কৃতাৰ্থ কৰে যেন। শেষত আমাৰ অনুৰোধ ৰক্ষা কৰি আমাৰ মাজত উপস্থিত হব বুলি আশা কৰিলোঁ। ধন্যবাদ।

আপোনাৰ বিশ্বাসী ৰূপালী জয়ন্তী উদযাপন সমিতিৰ হৈ সভাপতি সম্পাদক

3. অফিচৰ কর্তৃপক্ষলৈ দিয়া পদত্যাগ পত্ৰ (Assamese Application Letter writing format for resign from job)

প্ৰতি মাননীয় পৰিচালক মহোদয় _____________প্ৰতিষ্ঠান বিষয়ঃপদত্যাগ পত্ৰ মহাশয়,

বিনীত নিবেদন এই যে, মােৰ কিছুমান এৰাব নােৱাৰা পাৰিবাৰিক কাৰণত মই মােৰ বর্তমান চাকৰি এৰিবলৈ বাধ্য হৈছাে। গতিকে মোক মোৰ কর্তব্যৰ পৰা অব্যাহতি দিবৰ কাৰণে অনুৰোধ জনালাে। গতিকে মহোদয়ে মোক এই মাহৰ দৰমহাৰ লগতে মই পাবলগীয়া সকলো বিলাক ভৱিষ্যত নিধিৰ ধন অহা ____ তাৰিখৰ ভিতৰত মুকলি কৰি দিবলৈ অনুৰোধ জনালোঁ। ধন্যবাদ আপোনাৰ বিশ্বাসী নাম

4. চাকৰি এঠাইৰ পৰা আন ঠাইলৈ বদলিৰ কাৰণে কৰা আবেদন পত্র। (Assamese Application Letter writing format for transfer)

প্ৰতি মাননীয়/ মাননীয়া পার্চনেল মুভমেন্ট বিভাগ (হেড অফিচ) আঞ্চলিক প্ৰবন্ধকৰ জৰিয়তে বিষয়ঃ __________ স্থানলৈ স্থানান্তকৰণ মহাশয়, সন্মান সহকাৰে আপোনাক জনাব বিচাৰো যে মই শ্ৰী/শ্ৰীমতী _______ এজন ________ পদৰ কৰ্মচাৰী হিচাপে _____ শাখাত সেৱা আগবঢ়াই আহিছোঁ। যোৱা ইং ________ তাৰিখে মোৰ তথা আমাৰ পৰিয়ালটো স্থায়ীভাৱে _________ অঞ্চলত থাকিবৰ বাবে ব্যবস্থা কৰা হল। মোৰ পৰিয়ালৰ সকলো সদস্য বৰ্তমান নতুনকৈ সজা স্থায়ী ঘৰটোত বাস কৰি আছে। সেয়েহে মহোদয়ক অনুৰোধ জনাওঁ যে আমাৰ বিভাগৰ ________ অঞ্চলৰ কাৰ্যালয়ত মোৰ চাকৰিটো স্থানান্তৰিত কৰি মোৰ তথা মোৰ পৰিয়ালক উপকৃত কৰি দিয়ে যেন। ধন্যবাদ। আপােনাৰ বিশ্বাসী শ্ৰী/ শ্ৰীমতী

Assamese job application

5.ব্যক্তিগত প্ৰতিষ্ঠানত চাকৰিৰ কাৰণে আবেদন (Assamese Application Letter writing format to apply for job in private company) Assamese job application বা চাকৰিৰ আবেদন

প্রতি, মাননীয় পৰিচালক মহাশয়/ মহাশয়া ____________ প্ৰতিস্থান বিষয়ঃচাকৰিৰ কাৰণে আবেদন মহাশয়/মহাশয়া

বিশ্বস্তসূত্রে জানিব পাৰিছাে যে আপােনালোকে আপােনালােকৰ অফিচত _______ পদৰ বাবে নিযুক্ত কৰিব বিচাৰিছে। মই উক্ত পদৰ বাবে আবেদন কৰিব খুজিছাে। মই বৰ্তমান স্নাতক শিক্ষা সমাপ্ত কৰি চাকৰিৰ বাবে সুযোগ বিচাৰি আছোঁ। মােৰ বয়স ___ বছৰ, স্বাস্থ্য ভাল আৰু কঠোৰ শ্রম কৰিবলৈ সক্ষম। মই নিশ্চিত যে অতি কম সময়ৰ ভিতৰতে মােৰ শ্রম আৰু নিষ্ঠাৰে আপােনালােকক সন্তুষ্ট কৰিব পাৰিম আৰু প্ৰতিষ্ঠান টো আগবঢ়াই লৈ যাবলৈ পাৰিম। মই মোৰ বায় ডাটা আৰু শিক্ষাগত অৰ্হতাৰ প্ৰমাণপত্ৰ ইয়াৰ লগত সংলগ্ন কৰি দিছোঁ। উক্ত পদত মােক নিয়ােগ কৰিবৰ কাৰণে আপােনাৰ ওচৰত সবিনয়ে আবেদন জনালাে। আপােনাৰ বিশ্বাসী নাম

6. বিদ্যালয়ত সন্তান অনুপস্থিত থকাৰ বাবে ছুটী মঞ্জুৰৰ আবেদন। (Assamese Application Letter writing format for grant leave)

প্ৰতি মাননীয় প্রধান শিক্ষক/প্রধান শিক্ষয়িত্রী মহোদয়/ মহোদয়া ______________ বিদ্যালয় বিষয়ঃছুটী মঞ্জুৰৰ আবেদন মহোদয়/ মহোদয়া

বিনীত নিবেদন এই যে, মােৰ পুত্র/কন্যা শ্ৰীমান/ শ্ৰীমতী__________ ক/খ শাখাৰ ছাত্র/ছাত্রী, ক্রমিক নং______আপােনাৰ বিদ্যালয়ত অসুস্থতাৰ কাৰণে যোৱা ইং _____ তাৰিখৰ পৰা তাৰিখলৈ শ্রেণীত উপস্থিত থাকিব নােবাৰিলে। সেয়েহে মহােদয়ক/মহােদয়াক অনুৰোধ জনাও যে, উক্ত দিনবােৰৰ বাবে ছুটী মঞ্জুৰ কৰে যেন। আপােনাৰ বিশ্বাসী নাম ঠিকনা

7. চৰিত্ৰ প্রমাণপত্র বিচাৰি কৰা আবেদন পত্র (Assamese Application Letter writing format to Head teacher/principal)

প্ৰতি প্রধান শিক্ষক/শিক্ষয়ত্রী ________ বিদ্যালয় বিষয়ঃ চৰিত্ৰ প্রমাণপত্র বিচাৰি কৰা আবেদন পত্র মহোদয়/ মহোদয়া

বিনীত নিবেদন এই যে মই আপােনাৰ বিদ্যালয়ৰ প্রাক্তন ছাত্র/ছাত্রী। মই যোৱা ______ চনত হাইস্কুল শিক্ষান্ত পৰীক্ষাত এই বিদ্যালয়ৰ পৰা প্ৰথম বিভাগত সুখ্যাতিৰে উত্তীর্ণ হৈছিলাে। ইয়াৰ বাহিৰেও মই বিদ্যালয়ৰ অন্যান্য খেল ধেমালিত, সাংস্কৃতিক কাৰ্যসূচী ত অংশ গ্রহণ কৰিছিলাে‌ বর্তমান মই ______ কলেজত ______ বিভাগত পঢ়ি আছাে। সম্প্রতি চাকৰীৰ আবেদন কৰাৰ বাবে মোক চৰিত্ৰ প্ৰমাণ পত্ৰ এখনৰ প্ৰয়োজন হৈছে। আশাকৰো অতি সােনকালে মােক উক্ত প্রমাণ পত্রখন প্রদান কৰি বাধিত কৰিব। আপােনাৰ বিশ্বাসী

8. স্থানীয় বিধায়ক/সংসদৰ ওচৰত পকী ৰাস্তা নিৰ্মাণৰ আবেদন। (Assamese Application Letter writing format to local MLA MP)

প্রতি মাননীয় বিধায়ক/ সাংসদ মহোদয় __________ বিধান সভা/ লোকসভা সমষ্টি

বিষয়ঃ পকী ৰাস্তা নিৰ্মাণৰ আবেদন

মহাশয়, প্ৰথমতে _______ অঞ্চল বাসী ৰাইজৰ হৈ অলপতে হৈ যোৱা বিধান সভা/ লোকসভা নিৰ্বাচনত আপুনি বিজয়ী হোৱাত আন্তৰিক অভিনন্দন জনালোঁ। এই পত্ৰৰ দ্বাৰা আপোনক আমাৰ অঞ্চলৰ এটা বহুদিনীয়া সমস্যা দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণ কৰিব বিচাৰিছাে। আমাৰ অঞ্চলটো বহুদিনৰ পৰাই চৰকাৰৰ উন্নয়নমূলক আঁচনি পৰা বঞ্চিত হৈ আহিছে । আমি প্ৰতিটো নিৰ্বাচনত ভোট দান কৰি আহিছোঁ যদিও ৰাইজৰ দ্বাৰা নিৰ্বাচিত জনপ্রতিনিধি সকলে আমাৰ অঞ্চলৰ অতি গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ আৰু একমাত্ৰ পথটো বৰ্তমানেও পকী কৰাৰ ব্যৱস্থা নকৰিলে। ইয়াৰ ফলত স্থানীয় ৰাইজে বাৰিষা কালত চহৰলৈ যাবলৈ, স্কুল, কলেজ, বজাৰত যাবলৈ অশেষ কষ্ট সমস্যাৰ সন্মুখীন হৈছে। ৰাস্তাত বৃহৎ বৃহৎ গাঁত সৃষ্টি হোৱাৰ ফলত বহু সময়ত দুৰ্ঘটনা সংঘটিত হৈ আহিছে। গতিকে আপোনাক মূল ঘাইপথৰ পৰা আমাৰ গাঁৱলৈ সোমাই যোৱা পথটো পকীকৰণৰ ব্যৱস্থা কৰিবলৈ টানি অনুৰোধ জনালোঁ। গতিকে আমাৰ অঞ্চলটোৰ ৰাইজৰ এটা দীৰ্ঘদিনীয়া সমস্যা সমাধান কৰিব বুলি আশা ৰাখিলোঁ। ধন্যবাদ

______ বাসী ৰাইজৰ হৈ

9. নিজৰ অঞ্চলৰ পকী ৰাস্তা নিৰ্মাণৰ আবেদন বাবে চিঠি (Assamese Application Letter writing format to Gaon Panchayat)

প্ৰতি সভাপতি/সম্পাদক ___________ গাওঁ পঞ্চায়ত বিষয়ঃ পকী ৰাস্তা নিৰ্মাণৰ আবেদন সভাপতি/ সম্পাদক ডাঙৰীয়া,

আমাৰ ________ অঞ্চলৰ বাসিন্দাসকলৰ পক্ষৰ পৰা প্ৰথমতে সাদৰ সম্ভাষণ গ্ৰহণ কৰিব। আপোনাক আমাৰ অঞ্চলৰ এটা অতি গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ সমস্যা দৃষ্টিগোচৰ কৰিব বিচাৰিছোঁ। আমাৰ অঞ্চলৰ পৰা ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় ঘাইপথ লৈ যোৱা ৰাস্তা টো পকী নোহোৱাৰ বাবে গাঁৱৰ অধিবাসীসকলে খুবেই কষ্ট ভােগ কৰিব লগা হয়। আমাৰ গাঁৱৰ পৰা সম্পূৰ্ণ ৰাস্তাত কেৱল শিল দিয়া আছে কিন্তু বাৰিষা কালত তাত সৃষ্টি হোৱা বৃহৎ বৃহৎ গাঁতবোৰত পানী জমা হোৱাৰ বাবে ছাত্ৰ ছাত্ৰী, ব্যৱসায়ী আদি লোকৰ যাতায়তৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত যথেষ্ট সমস্যাৰ সন্মুখীন হৈছে। সেয়েহে আমি _____ অঞ্চলবাসী ৰাইজে আপােনাক অনুৰােধ কৰো যে, আপুনি আপােনাৰ ঊৰ্ধতম কৰ্তৃপক্ষক অৱগত কৰে যাতে সংশ্লিষ্ট কর্তৃপক্ষ্ই তৎপৰ হৈ বিশেষ ব্যৱস্থা গ্রহণ কৰি পথটো পকীকৰন কৰে যেন। ধন্যবাদ। আপােনাৰ বিশ্বাসী

10. জন্মৰ প্রমাণ পত্রৰ বাবে পৌৰনিগমৰ/ চিকিৎসালয় কৰ্তৃপক্ষৰ ওচৰত আবেদন। (Assamese Application Letter writing format to Municipality Board)

প্ৰতি, মাননীয় জন্ম পঞ্জীয়ক পৌৰ নিগম/ চিকিৎসালয় কৰ্তৃপক্ষ বিষয়ঃ জন্মৰ প্রমাণ পত্রৰ বাবে আবেদন মহাশয়,

যথাবিহিত সম্মানপূর্বক নিবেদন এই যে, মােৰ পুত্র/পুত্ৰী শ্রীমান/ শ্ৰীমতী__________ যোৱা ______ তাৰিখে এই চহৰৰ _____ অঞ্চলত জন্ম গ্রহণ কৰে। সেই মতে সেই সময়ত তাৰ জন্ম আপােনালােকৰ কাৰ্য্যলয়ত নথিভূক্ত কৰা হয়। এতিয়া তাক স্কুলত ভর্তি কৰিব লগা হােৱা বাবে জন্মৰ প্রমাণ পত্রৰ আৱশ্যক হৈছে। সেয়েহে মহোদয়ৰ ওচৰত মােৰ অনুৰোধ, অনুগ্রহ কৰি তাৰ জন্মৰ প্রমাণ পত্রখন দিয়ে যেন।। আশা কৰাে, মােৰ প্রয়ােজনৰ কথা বিবেচনা কৰি অবিলম্বে প্রয়ােজনীয় ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ কৰিব। ধন্যবাদ আপােনাৰ বিশ্বাসী

আবেদনকাৰীৰ ঠিকনা

১১)চাকৰিত যোগদান সন্দৰ্ভত (Assamese Application Letter writing format for Job joining report)

প্ৰতি, মাননীয়/মাননীয়া (বিভাগৰ মুখ্য বিষয়াৰ পদৰ নাম আৰু ঠিকনা যালৈ পঠিয়াব লাগে) মাননীয় (যোগদান কৰা কাৰ্যালয়ৰ মুখ্য বিষয়াৰ পদৰ নাম) যোগেদি বিষয়: চাকৰিত/পদত যোগদান সন্দৰ্ভত মহোদয়/মহোদয়া সন্মান সহকাৰে আপোনাৰ জ্ঞাতাৰ্থে জনাব বিচাৰো যে memo no ___________ আদেশ অনুসৰি________(বিভাগৰ নাম) বিভাগৰ দ্বাৰা মোক ______ (কাৰ্যালয়ৰ নাম) _______(পদৰ মন) পদত নিযুক্তি দিছে। উক্ত আদেশ অনুসৰি আজি ইং______(তাৰিখ) তাৰিখে পুৱা __(সময়) বজাত কামত যোগদান কৰা হয়। ইতি মহোদয়ৰ/মহোদয়াৰ বিশ্বাসী

১২) সাংস্কৃতিক সন্ধিয়াৰ আয়োজনৰ অনুমতি বিচাৰি পুলিচ কৰ্তৃপক্ষৰ ওচৰলৈ চিঠি ( application for police permission)

প্রতি, মাননীয় ভাৰপ্ৰাপ্ত আৰক্ষী বিষয়া _________থানা (থানাৰ নাম) __________জিলা মহাশয়, আপোনাক অৱগত কৰিব বিচাৰো যে অহা ইং ২০ জুন ২০২২ তাৰিখে ______ গাওঁত _______ ক্লাবৰ উদ্যোগত দিনজোৰা কাৰ্য্য সূচীৰে কলাগুৰু বিষ্ণুপ্ৰসাদ ৰাভা স্মৃতিত “ৰাভা দিৱস” উদযাপনৰ যোজা কৰা হৈছে। সেয়েহে উক্ত কাৰ্য সূচী অনুসৰি দিনত বিভিন্ন প্ৰতিযোগিতা আৰু সন্ধিয়ালৈ সাংস্কৃতিক সন্ধিয়াৰ আয়োজন কৰা হৈছে। এই অনুষ্ঠান পুৱা ৯ বজাত আৰম্ভ হৈ ৰাতি বাৰ বজাৰ ভিতৰত শেষ হব। সেয়েহে আমাৰ এই অনুষ্ঠান সুকলমে অনুষ্ঠিত কৰিবলৈ _____ ক্লাবৰ হৈ নিম্ন লিখিত ব্যক্তিসকলে আপোনাৰ সু দিহা পৰামৰ্শ আৰু অনুমতি বিছাৰি আৱেদন জনালোঁ। আশাকৰোঁ আমাক “ৰাভা দিৱস” আৰু সাংস্কৃতিক সন্ধিয়াৰ অনুষ্ঠান আয়োজন কৰিবলৈ অনুমতি প্ৰদান কৰি কৃতাৰ্থ কৰে যেন। ধন্যবাদ। বিনীত ( নামসমূহ) তাৰিখ – ঠিকনা

১৩) হেৰোৱা Mobile Phone উদ্ধাৰৰ বাবে পুলিচ কৰ্তৃপক্ষলৈ এজাহাৰ পত্ৰ (application for police FIR) Police FIR in Assamese বা এজাহাৰ

প্রতি, মাননীয় ভাৰপ্ৰাপ্ত আৰক্ষী বিষয়া _______ আৰক্ষী থানা, ______ জিলা তাৰিখ : ________ বিষয় : এজাহাৰ মহাশয়, ইয়াৰ দ্বাৰা আপোনাক জনাওঁ যে আজি ইং _______ তাৰিখে ________ চহৰৰ _______ পথত মোৰ ব্যক্তিগত মবাইল ফোনত কথা পাতি ৰাস্তাত খোজ কাঢ়ি গৈ থাকোতে পাছফালৰ পৰা এখন কলা ৰঙৰ বাইকত অহা দুজন অচিনাক্ত ব্যক্তিয়ে মোৰ ______ কোম্পানীৰ, _____ মডেলৰ, ______ ৰঙৰ মবাইল ফোন আৰু ফোনত থকা __________ (মবাইল নং) চিমৰ সৈতে লুট কৰি লৈ যায়। সেয়েহে মহোদয়ে উক্ত কাৰ্যত জৰিত ব্যক্তি সকলক চিনাক্ত কৰি মোৰ হেৰোৱা Mobile Phone টো উদ্ধাৰ কৰি দিবলৈ অনুৰোধ জনালোঁ। গতিকে মহোদয়ে সমগ্র বিষয়টোৰ উচিত তদন্ত কৰি মোক ন্যায় প্ৰদান কৰে যেন। ধন্যবাদ সহকাৰে বিনীত (নিজৰ নাম) ঠিকনা যোগাযোগ নং

ওপৰৰ লিখনি কেনে লাগিল তলত comment কৰিব।

73 thoughts on “10+ অসমীয়া ভাষাত চিঠি পত্ৰ আবেদন পত্ৰ লিখাৰ নিয়ম || 10+ Best Assamese Application Letter writing format”

wc val ne sir

উপস্থাপন সুন্দৰ হৈছে ।

Joining report r karone dibo sun…plzzz

ok Keep visiting

Mritro biyotir proman potror babe PHc loi likha niyomor babe aapunar pora akha korisu ..

ওপৰৰ লিংকত গৈ তুমি official application download কৰিব পাৰিবা।

Bohut bhal lagile read kori. Thanks

Apunar letter bor porih bohut bhaal lagil thanks a lot .

Priyo teacher loi akhon later

ৰাজহ চক্ৰ বিষয়া লৈ মাটিৰ ম্যাদি কৰণৰ বাবে কিদৰে লিখিব লাগিব দিব বেয়া নাপায় যদি

AB UB physical test tot back date r babe kenekoi application likhib lage . reply fast sir

সুন্দৰ হৈছে… আৰু পাম বুলি আশা থাকিল ধন্য়বাদ

বহুত সুন্দৰ নিদৰ্শন

মই BA Certificate বিছাৰি কেনেকৈ আৱেদন কৰিম । কলেজলৈ

এনেদৰে লিখিলে হব

প্ৰতি, মাননীয় অধ্যক্ষ মহোদয় (কলেজৰ নাম)

বিষয় – স্নাতক উত্তীৰ্ণ certificate বিচাৰি কৰা আবেদন

মহোদয়, সন্মান সহকাৰে আপোনাক জনাব বিচাৰোঁ যে যোৱা _______ বৰ্ষত মই _______ কলেজৰ পৰা স্নাতক চূড়ান্ত কলা শাখাৰ পৰীক্ষাত অৱতীৰ্ণ হৈ _____ বিভাগত উত্তীৰ্ণ হলোঁ। মোৰ উচ্চ শিক্ষা গ্ৰহণৰ উদ্দেশ্যে নামভৰ্তিৰ বাবে আৰু বিভিন্ন চাকৰিত আৱেদন কৰিবলৈ এখন Provisional Pass Certificate ৰ প্ৰয়োজন হৈছে। সেয়েহে মোক এখন Provisional Pass Certificate দিয়াৰ ব্যৱস্থা কৰিলে নথৈ আনন্দিত হম। মোৰ admit card আৰু Markshit ৰ copy এটাকৈ ইয়াৰ লগতে গাঁঠি দিছোঁ। এয়ে আপোনাক জনাব লগীয়া মোৰ সৰল প্ৰাৰ্থনা। ইতি আপোনাৰ একান্ত বাধ্য ছাত্ৰ/ ছাত্ৰী

ধন্যবাদ। চেষ্টা কৰিম।

ভৱিষ্যতে চেষ্টা কৰিম।

পুনৰবাৰ লিখিলে এনেধৰণৰ আৱেদন লিখিবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰিম।

ধন্যবাদ জ্ঞাপন কৰিলো জানি ভাল লাগিল।

চিঠি সমূহ পঢ়ি ভাল লাগিল। বহুত সুন্দৰ ভাৱে বিষয় সমূহ উপস্থাপন কৰিছে। বেংকৰ বিভিন্ন। কাম- কাজ কৰাৰ বাবেও চিঠি লিখিব বুলি আশা কৰিলো।

Thank you so much

Police verification ৰ কাৰনে এটা দিব ।।

বিষয় সলনি বাবে আবেদন লিখিব 🙏

Who to write an application to our village agent for buying a football for us

Bank Or Manager Loi Kenekoi Application Likhe Tare Format 2 Dibo Buli Aakha Rakhilu

DC offiloi kenekoi complain application likhe tar babe format 2 dibo buli akhare….

School transfer application ahon lagisil, student or

ল'ৰাৰ স্কুল স্থানন্তৰ দৰখাস্ত এখন লাগিছিল

বেংক মেনেজাৰলৈ একাউণ্ট বন্ধ কৰি জমা থকা টকা উলিয়াবলৈ কেনেকৈ আবেদন লিখে দিয়ক চোন

অসম আৰক্ষীলৈ কেনেকৈ আবেদন কৰিম।

Police verification kanakoy abedon korim

Police verification

Bohut val lagil. Sposto vakhare likhise.

জিলা উপায়ুক্ত মহোদয়লৈ আবেদন

নতুন কৈ ৰাস্তা বনাই দিবলৈ হ'লে কেনেকৈ লিখিব লাগে।

বিদ্যুৎ সংযোগ আছে কিন্তু ২৪ ঘন্টাত ৪ ঘন্টা বিদ্যুৎ নাথাকে ইয়াৰ বাবে আবেদন কেনেকৈ লিখিম????

muk Assam montriloi, bidrut, paboloi, transfroma khoru hoise ata danger trasfroma lage, post adikori lage, dorkhasto kenekoi likhim, likhidiasun, montri/bidhaiokloi

গাওঁ বুঢ়া পদৰ বাবে আবেদন কেনেকৈ লিখিম

চৰকাৰী ঘৰ বিচাৰি আবেদন কেনেকৈ লিখিম

Reen bisari darkhasto kenekoi likhim

শিপিনী ৰ বাবে কেনেকৈ লিখিব লাগিব

S.P. লৈ police report বিছাৰি আবেদন

চাহ বাগিছা লৈ accountant post ৰ বাবে আবেদন কেনেকৈ লিখিব লাগে


ট'কিঅ অলিম্পিকত ব্ৰঞ্জৰ পদক প্ৰাপ্তিৰে অসমৰ গৌৰৱ লাভলীনা বাক অভিনন্দন জনাই কেনেদৰে চিঠি লিখিম আৰ্হি এটি লিখি জনাবচোন।

স্কুলত নাম ভৰ্তিৰ বাবে আবেদন কেনেকৈ লিখিম

অঞ্চলৰ খোৱা পানী সমস্যা সমাধানৰ বাবে বিধায়কৰ লৈ আবেদন কেনেকৈ লিখিম

গাঁওৰশী বাহিনী আবেদন কেনেকৈ লিখিম (VDP)

সুন্দৰ হৈছে।

Bikhekh competitive exam r Babe college khoti korar babe abedon kenekoi likhibo lge

বেংক লৈ আবেদন কেনেকৈ লিখিম

মোৰ শাৰীৰিক মানসিক অসুস্থতাৰ বাবে B.A 6th Sem exam নিদিয়াৰ বাবে প্ৰধান অধ্যক্ষ লৈ আবেদন

SBI Bank loi ATM card heruar babe application kenekoi likhim

লিখনি শব্দটো হেমকোষ, চন্দ্ৰকান্ত অভিধান, চলন্ত অভিধান, আধুনিক অসমীয়া অভিধান আদি মান্যতাপ্ৰাপ্ত অভিধান সমূহত নাই ্। ইয়াত যি অৰ্থত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হৈছে ,তাৰ সলনি 'লেখা',হ'ব লাগে ‌।

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An Application for Bank Loan | নতুন ব্যৱসায় কৰাৰ বাবে বেঙ্ক ঋণ গ্ৰহণৰ বাবে আবেদন

An Application for Bank Loan

The Manager,

Name of the Bank…………..



Sub: An Application for Bank Loan

I am an unemployed youth and I intend to start a new business of manufacturing Hardware goods. I have already rented a convenient room near to the main road and procured some machines for this purpose. But as I am short of fund, it is not at all possible to carry out this purpose. Therefore, I intend to take a loan of Rs. 15,000 from your bank which will be repaid in time at reasonable instalments. Please let me know of your terms and conditions and send necessary forms as early as possible.

Your kind and immediate action will be highly appreciated.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours faithfully


(Address of the Applicant)

নতুন ব্যৱসায় কৰাৰ বাবে বেঙ্ক ঋণ গ্ৰহণৰ বাবে আবেদন।

ব্ৰাঞ্চ মেনেজাৰ



বিষয়: নতুন ব্যৱসায় কৰাৰ বাবে বেঙ্ক ঋণ গ্ৰহণৰ বাবে আবেদন।

মই এজন বেকাৰ যুৱক। মই লৌহনিৰ্মিত দ্ৰব্যাদি প্ৰস্তুত কৰাৰ বাবে ব্যৱসায় কৰিব বিচাৰিছো। এই উদ্দেশ্য মই ইতিমধ্যে ডাঙৰ ৰাস্তাৰ ওচৰত সুবিধাজনক এটা ঘৰ ভাড়া লৈছো আৰু কিছু যন্ত্ৰপাতিও সংগ্ৰহ কৰিছো। যিহেতু মোৰ মূলধনৰ অভাৱ সেয়েহে ব্যৱসায় আৰম্ভ কৰাতো মোৰ পক্ষে সম্ভৱ নহ’ব। সেইবাবে মই আপোনাৰ বেঙ্কৰ পৰা ১৫,০০০টকা ঋণ ল’ব বিচাৰিছো। এই ঋণ যুক্তিসঙ্গত কিস্তিত পৰিশোধ কৰা হ’ব। অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি এই বিষয়ে নিৰ্দাৰিত নিয়ম-নীতি মোক জানিবলৈ দিব আৰু আৱশ্যকীয় প্ৰপত্ৰ আদি মোলৈ অতি সোনকালে পঠাব।

আপুনি অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি যথাশীঘ্ৰে ব্যৱস্থা গ্ৰহণ কৰিলে বাধিত হ’ম।


আপোনাৰ বিশ্বাসী

ইতি (দৰখাস্তকাৰীৰ ঠিকনা)       

  • Application for New Telephone at Residence – ঘৰত নতুন টেলিফোন লোৱাৰ বাবে সোৱৰণী আবেদন
  • Application for Claim Compensation to the Railway Company – ক্ষতিপূৰণ বিচাৰি ৰেল কত্তৃপক্ষলৈ চিঠি

Application for Birth Certificate (জন্মৰ প্ৰমাণ পত্ৰৰ বাবে পৌৰনিগমৰ ওচৰত আবেদন)

  • Application for Changing the Ration Shop – ৰেশ্বন দোকান পৰিৱৰ্তনৰ বাবে আবেদন
  • Application for wrong printing of Telephone No. | টেলিফোন নম্বৰ ভুলকৈ ছপা হোৱাৰ বাবে আবেদন
  • Application to repair an ‘out-of-order’ Telephone | বেয়া টেলিফোন ভাল কৰাৰ বাবে আবেদন
  • Application for cooking gas | ৰন্ধন গেছৰ বাবে আবেদন
  • Application for police permission in connection with the use of microphone | মাইক্ৰোফোন ব্যৱহাৰৰ অনুমতি বিচাৰি পুলিচ কৰ্তৃপক্ষৰ ওচৰলৈ চিঠি
  • Application for New Telephone at Residence


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Published In: Applications

How to Write a Loan Application Letter (with Samples)

Sometimes we need financial assistance to push through with our business idea, education, medical emergencies, or any other personal project or goals that require a huge amount of money for its realization. Basically, it is for this reason that banks and other money lending institutions exist.

Applying for a loan from any lending institution requires the applicant to first fill out a form.  Along with this form, the applicant can attach a loan application letter that provides more details on what he/she intends to do with the money and an overview of how the loan will be paid.

As a loan applicant, you need to learn how to write the loan request letter in a polite and convincing tone to appeal to your lender for your loan to be granted successfully.

What is a Loan Application Letter?

A Loan application letter is a document that informs the financial lending institution of the amount of money you are asking for, a clear outline of what you intend to do with the money, and convinces the bank why you are a good investment risk. Because it is a request, a loan application letter should be written in a polite tone, short and to the point.

The Loan Application Process

Based on the financial institution you choose, the process and time it takes for you to receive funding may vary. However, the typical loan application process may take on the following critical stages:

Pre-qualification stage

Prior to the loan contract, the potential borrower receives a list of items that they need to submit to the lender for them to get a loan. This may include Identification proof, credit score, current employment information, bank statements as well as previous loan statements.

Immediately this information is submitted, the lender reviews the documents and makes a pre-approval- meaning the borrower can move on to the next phase of the loan application process.

Loan application

In the second phase of the loan origination process, the borrower fills-in the loan application form either electronically- through mobile apps, websites, or paper-based. The data collected is then tailored to specific loan products.

The aspects that are included in the loan application form include the following;

The payment method- if it will be personal, through a check, or via online banking.

The payment frequency- There are several payment frequency methods, for example, Monthly installments, annually, or if the loan will be paid once.

The amount of interest accumulated on the loaned amount. This is the amount of money charged by the lender to the borrower on top of the amount which he/she has loaned.

The assets in the form of properties of the borrower will serve as collateral damage/guarantees in case the borrower defaults loan repayment or is unable to make his payments as per the agreed time.

Application processing

Once the application is received by the credit department, it is reviewed for accuracy, genuineness, and completeness.  Lenders then use Loan Originating Systems to determine an applicant’s creditworthiness.

Underwriting process

This process only begins after an application is totally completed. In this stage, the lender checks the application in consideration of various accounts, such as an applicant’s credit score, risk scores, and other industry-based criteria. Today, this process is fully automated using Rule Engines and API integrations with credit scoring engines.

Credit Decision

Based on the results from the underwriting phase, the lender makes a credit decision. The loan is either approved, denied, or sent back to the originator for additional information. If the criteria used do not match with what is set in the engine system, there is an automatic change in the loan parameters, for instance, reduced loan amount or a different interest rate on the loaned amount.

Quality Check

Quality check of the loan application process is very critical since lending is highly regulated. The loan application is then sent to the Quality Control Team to analyze critical variables of the loan against internal and external regulations on loans. This is often the last step of the application process before funding is approved.

Loan funding

Once the loan documents are signed by both the borrower and the lender, funds are released shortly after. Nevertheless, business loans, loans on properties, and second mortgage loans may comparatively take more time to be approved due to legal and compliance reasons.

Essential Elements of a Loan Application Letter

Now that you have already understood the complex loan application process, it is important that you know the critical points to include in your loan request letter to convince your lender to give you a business loan.

Here is how to effectively write a loan application letter:

Header and greetings

The first and most important element of your business or personal loan application letter should be a header and an appropriate greeting.

In your header, include the following details:

  • Your business names
  • The physical address of your business
  • Business telephone and cell phone numbers
  • Lender’s contact details
  • Lender’s or Loan Agent’s Name and Title
  • A subject line stating the loan amount you are requesting for.

Once you have written your header, include a friendly but professional greeting to start off your loan application letter in a cordial tone.

Business Loan Request Summary

The body of your business or personal loan request letter should start with a brief summary of your loan request amount, why you need the loan, your basic business information, and why you are an ideal risk investment for the lender. This section should be brief and concise. Only include the relevant information to capture your loan agent’s interest and keep them reading the body of your loan application letter.

Basic Details about your Business

Ideally, this is the third paragraph of your loan application letter. Use a few short and concise sentences to give a clear outline of your business.

Be sure to include the details below:

  • The legal name of your business and any DBA that your business uses
  • Your business structure- if it is a corporation- partnership, individually owned, etc.
  • A summary of what your business does.
  • How long your business has been operational
  • Total number of employees
  • A brief description of your current annual revenue

Once you have provided your basic business information, it is time to write the meat of your business loan request letter- clearly explaining why you need the business loan and how you intend to recuperate the investment.

The purpose of the business loan

In the fourth paragraph of your loan application letter, explain succinctly how you will use the business loan. Additionally, tell the lender why your intended use of the business loan will be a wise business investment.

While detailing this section, be as specific as possible and demonstrate to the lender that you have carefully considered the kind of revenue generation this new debt will accomplish for your business. for instance, don’t just say that you intend to use the loan for working capital. Rather, say that you plan to increase your inventory by 45% or that you need to increase your Human Resources to 4 to generate more income by 6%.

In the same paragraph, inform the lender exactly how the loaned amount will help generate more profits necessary to cover repayment plus the interest accumulated on loan.

Proof that you’ll be able to fully repay the loan

In this section, you need to demonstrate to the lender that you can pay back the loaned amount together with interest as per the agreed repayment period. You will want to use any figures from your latest income statements or balance sheets to prove your business is financially healthy and that it is a low-risk investment decision for your lender. In case you have other existing debts, be sure to mention them and include a business debt schedule if possible. If your business is profitable, highlight that in your letter since it something that most lenders pretty much look for in successful loan applicants.

In addition to that, consider including specific cash flow projections to demonstrate to your lender how you plan to fit repayment of the loaned amount plus interest into your budget.

Sample: Loan Application Letter

Sample 1: business loan application letter.

Samira Mitchell,

Mitchell Face Masks Limited,

4680 Forest Road

939, New York.

January 17, 2021

Mr. Wesley Kingston

Guarantor Trust Bank

679, New York State

Ref: Loan Request for $10,000

Exactly two years ago, I started my small face mask vending business in our local market. Over the last two years, my business has picked up really well to an extent where I need to expand to a bigger face mask vending company.

It is for this reason that I am writing this letter. I am confident that there is a great market niche for face masks, especially due to the current worldwide Novel Covid-19 Pandemic. Thus far, I have had many repeat customers, new customer links through referrals, and my client base has grown rapidly. Generally, there is an increase in demand for my products; therefore, I am requesting for a loan amounting to $10,000 to be able to supply more and satisfy all my clients.

This money, along with the amount that I have saved up from my profits, will enable me to lease a large, modern storefront and to import supplies that will help me launch my business plan.

I have attached my business plan, my latest business balance sheets, current business schedules, as well as my credit history statements for your perusal and review. If you have any questions or need any further clarifications, please contact me directly on (111) 345 679 or email me at Thank you for your consideration.

Samira Mitchel.

Sample 2: Personal Loan Application Letter

Dear Michael,

It is common for everyone to face difficult situations and bitter realities in life. I am currently facing a situation where everything seems bleak, and there seems to be no way out of this difficult situation. I am in debt, and I need to pay at least 30% of my house’s mortgage will be taken over by the bank, and I am currently ailing and weak, I’ll not be able to survive such a nervewrecking situation.

The only way I can avoid such a fate is by paying the full amount that is needed by the bank. I can be able to do so if I am allowed to take out a loan from the office, which is a privilege that the company has granted to all the employees. I would be thankful if the company allows me to borrow the money against my monthly pay.

Mr Brandon Brown

Do’s and Don’ts of Writing a Loan Request Letter

A loan application letter may increase or break your chances of receiving funding from any lending institution. This is because it is the first thing that lenders look for in the underwriting process when you submit an application. That said, you must know the dos and don’ts of writing a winning loan request letter to help you receive the funding that you really need.

  • Check your personal and business credit scores before sending a loan request letter and take the necessary steps to improve them.
  • Have all your financial statements ready, including cash flow statements, business balance sheets, P$L statements, etc
  • Make sure to submit all your relevant credentials along with your loan application request letter.
  • Always provide the correct and factual information to avoid fraudulent consequences.
  • Don’t make your letter too long and unnecessarily wordy
  • Don’t use an informal format while writing the loan application letter. Instead, follow the proper rules on writing formal letters
  • Don’t include any false information in your loan request letter- be it your business’s current financial health, assets, and liabilities that may be used as collateral damage in case you default payment or why you need the money.

Things to Remember When Writing a Loan Application Letter

Generally, you should always consider the following essential tips if you want to write a winning loan application letter:

  • The loan application letter is a formal document. Therefore, observe the proper rules of writing a formal letter.
  • Clearly state your intent to borrow a given amount of money
  • Provide a vivid but brief description of why you need the money. Your explanation should be concise, genuine, and transparent. While at it, explain how you plan to use the loaned amount and be very sincere about it.
  • Explain why your business is a low-risk investment decision for the lender.
  • Enumerate your assets and liabilities
  • Include the time, date, manner, and method that you will use to make your payment.

Free Loan Application Letter Templates

Are you looking to get some financing for your business or personal emergency? Download our free, well-crafted Loan application letter templates to help you customize your loan request letter. Our Templates includes all the critical elements of a winning loan request letter that will successfully help convince your lender to grant you the funding you need. Download our templates today to help you get started!


Collateral is defined as something that helps secure a loan. Generally, based on the type of lending institution you pick, the lender will give you less than your pledged asset value. Lenders every so often quote an acceptable loan to value ratio, meaning that if you borrow against your house, for example, and it worth $400,000, you will be given a loan amounting to $380,000. Again, this depends on the bank.

The prepayment penalty is a fee that some lenders charge if you pay off all or part of your loan before the loan’s maturity date. These do not usually apply if you pay extra principal on your loaned amount in small amounts at a time. However, it is good that you counter check with your lender.

Every lender follows a different criterion to approve a business or personal loan. The application process depends on several factors; therefore, the time taken to receive funding in your account may take anywhere from a few minutes to several days. This depends on the type of institution you choose and the type of loan you are asking for.

Acquiring a loan is sometimes a necessity in one’s business or personal life.  Nonetheless, it is not always easy to get a loan as lenders are wary of granting loans due to loan repayment defaults and fraudulent borrowers. This article has provided you with great insight on loan application letters, the loan application process, essential tips for writing a winning loan application letter, and the dos and don’ts of writing a convincing loan request letter. If you keep these things in mind every time you are thinking of applying for a loan, you are sure to get the funds you need to ensure the smooth running of your business and sort any personal emergency that may come your way.

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There are times when we need financial aid to push through with our education, business ideas, or other personal projects or goals which require a huge amount of money for its realization. It is for this reason that lending companies have been existing ever since the days of old. Today, the primary step to being taken by someone who wants to borrow money from another individual or institution is to write a loan application letter .

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The Loan Application Process

  • Before the loan contract , the borrower would send a loan application cover letter to the prospective lender to express his or her intent to ask for a loan.
  • Afterward, when the lender has decided to consider the application for a loan made by the borrower, the borrower, and the lender would convene to negotiate the terms of the loan.
  • The payment method, whether personal, through a check, online banking, etc.
  • The number of times the payment is going to be made. There are various options. For example, the loan can be paid at one time, or it can be done in yearly or monthly installments.
  • The amount of interest to be added on top of the loaned amount. The interest is the amount of money that is charged by the lender to the borrower on top of the amount which he/she has loaned. You may also see job reference letters .
  • The assets (land, buildings, vehicles, or other properties) of the borrower would serve as collateral damage in case the borrower fails to make his/her payment on the time it is due.

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Things To Remember in Writing a Loan Application Letter

  • Observe the proper rules for writing formal letters.
  • State your intent to borrow a specific amount of money.
  • Explain in detail the reason for borrowing money. You must be offering a clear, honest, and transparent explanation as to how you intend to utilize the money you intend to borrow. You may also see free application rejection letters .
  • Enumerate your assets and liabilities.
  • State the time, date, manner, and method which you prefer to make your payment.

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Home » Letters » Bank Letters » Loan Application Letter | Sample Application Letter to Bank Manager for Loan

Loan Application Letter | Sample Application Letter to Bank Manager for Loan

loan application letter in assamese

To, The Loan Officer, __________ (Bank Name), __________ (Branch Address)

Date: __________ (Date)

Subject: Loan Application

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to apply for a loan from __________ (Bank Name) to __________ (state the purpose of the loan, e.g., purchase a home, start a business, etc.).

I am __________ (Your Name), and I have been a loyal customer of __________ (Bank Name) for __________ (mention duration, if applicable). I believe that with your financial assistance, I will be able to achieve my goals and fulfill my financial obligations.

I am requesting a loan amount of __________ (mention loan amount) with a repayment period of __________ (mention repayment period). I have attached all the necessary documents, including proof of income, identification, and any other relevant documents required for the loan application process.

I assure you that I am capable of repaying the loan amount in a timely manner, as per the agreed terms and conditions. I am open to discussing the details of the loan application and providing any additional information if required.

Thank you for considering my loan application. I look forward to a favorable response from your end.

Yours sincerely,

__________ (Your Name) __________ (Your Contact Information)

By lettersdadmin

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loan application letter in assamese


১।  God Is Good

 ঈশ্বৰ ভাল

২।  Application For Leave Two Days In My school 

মোৰ বিদ্যালয়ত দুদিন ছুটিৰ বাবে আবেদন 

৩।  Application to the Headmaster Requesting him to grant leave after the 3rd Period 

তৃতীয় পিয়দৰ পিছত ছুটি মঞ্জুৰ কৰিবলৈ অনুৰোধ কৰি প্ৰধান শিক্ষকৰ ওচৰত আবেদন  

৪। ছুটি মঞ্জুৰিৰ বাবে আৱেদন   

Apply for Leave Grant  

৫। মৃত্যুৰ খবৰ 

Death News 

৬। ৰেকাৰিং ডিপজিট বন্ধ 

Reccaring Deposit Closed 

৭। মোৰ বিদ্যালয়ত দুদিনৰ ছুটিৰ বাবে আৱেদন 

Apply for two days off at my school 

৮। দাদা / ভন্টিৰ বিয়ালৈ  

Dada / Bhunti's Wedding

৯। বন্ধু / বান্ধবীক নিমন্ত্ৰণ 

Invite friend / girlfriend 

১০। দেউতা বা লিখা মালৈ চিঠি

Letter to father or mother

১১। জন্মদিন উপলক্ষ্যে বন্ধুক নিমন্ত্ৰণ কৰা চিঠি 

Letter invited to friend on birthday 

১২। বিয়াৰ বাবে বন্ধু / বান্ধবীক অভিনন্দন

Congratulations to friend / girlfriend for marriage 

১৩। দাদালৈ লিখা চিঠি

Letter to Dada

১৪। প্ৰমাণ পত্ৰ বাবে আৱেদন

Apply for Certificate

১৫। নতুন পাচবোকৰ বাবে আবেদন

Application for new pashbok

১৬। বেংকৰ পৰা লোৱা ঋণ পৰিশোধ কৰিব নোৱাৰাৰ বাবে আবেদন

Application for non-payment of loan taken from bank

১৭। নতুন ৰেশ্বন কাৰ্ডৰ বাবে আবেদন

Application for new ration card

১৮।জন্মৰ প্ৰমাণ পত্ৰৰ বাবে পৌৰ নিগমৰ ওচৰত আবেদন 

Application to municipal corporation for birth certificate 

১৯। স্কুলৰ ছাত্ৰ নাম ভৰ্ত্তিৰ বাবে আবেদন 

Application for School Student Status 

২০।চৰিত্ৰৰ প্ৰমাণ বিচাৰি কৰা আবেদন পত্ৰ

Application seeking character proof

২১। অহাকালি স্কুলত অনুপস্থিত থকাৰ বাবে আবেদন 

Application for missing in school nowadays 

২২। এজেঞ্চি পোৱাৰ বাবে চিঠি

Letter to get an agenda

২৩। বেয়া হোৱা টেলিফোন ভাল কৰাৰ বাবে আবেদন 

Appeal to cure bad tele phone

২৪। পকেটমাৰি ঘটনা বৃদ্ধি হোৱাৰ বাবে স্থানীয় থানাত অভিযোগ 

Complaints at local police stations over increase in pickpocketing incidents 

২৯। গাওঁপঞ্চায়ত সভাপতিৰ ওচৰত ৰাস্তাঘাট মেৰামতি কৰাৰ বাবে আবেদন 

 Application to the Gaonpanchayat President for road road mainization 

৩০। ঠিকনা পৰিৰ্ত্তনৰ বিষয়ে জনা পোষ্টমাষ্টৰলৈ চিঠি 

Letter to postmaster 

৩১। পানী যোগান বৃদ্ধি কৰিবলৈ পৌৰ নিগম / পৌৰসভাৰ ওচৰত আবোদন

 Appeal to Municipal Corporation /Municipal Corporation to increase water supply 

৩২। বেচি টকাৰ টেলিফোন বিল পঠোৱাৰ বাবে অভিযোগ 

Complaint for repaying telephone bills for more money 

৩৩। ঘৰত নতুন টেলিফোন লোৱাৰ বাবে সোঁৱৰণী পত্ৰ 

A letter of memory for new telephone stake at home 

৩৪।ফ্লেট বিক্ৰিয় সংক্ৰান্ত বিজ্ঞাপনৰ উচৰত চিঠি 

Letter in the flash of flat sales ad 

৩৫।ঘৰ এৰি দিয়াৰ বাবে ভাৰতীয় প্ৰতি ঘৰৰ মালিকৰলৈ চিঠি

Letter from landlord to Indian for leaving home

৩৬।এজন ছাত্ৰক প্ৰমোচন দিয়াৰ কাৰণে প্ৰধান শিক্ষকলৈ অনুৰোধ পত্ৰ

Letter of request to headmaster to promote a student

৩৭। স্কুলৰ মাচুল ৰেহাই দিয়াৰ বাবে আবেদন 

 Application for school's dissertated 

৩৮। ট্ৰেঞ্চফাৰ চাৰ্টিফিকেটৰ বাবে আবেদন

Application for Transfer Certificate 

৩৯। স্কুলৰ অনুষ্ঠানত সভাপ্ৰতিত্ব কৰাৰ বাবে শিক্ষামন্ত্ৰীলৈ অনুৰোধ জনাই লিখা পত্ৰ

Letter requesting education minister to host meetings at school functions

৪০। পিয়নৰ পদৰ কাৰণে আবেদন 

Application for the post of Peon 

৪১। চেভিংচ  একাউণ্টৰ স্থানাস্তৰৰ বাবে আবেদন

Application for Location of Savings Account 

৪২।যৌথ চেভিংচ একাউণ্ট খোলাৰ বাবে আবেদন

Application for opening of joint savings account 

৪৩। চাকৰিত এঠাইৰ পৰা আন এঠাইলৈ বদলি হোৱাৰ কাৰণে কৰা আবেদন পত্ৰ 

Application for transfer from one place to another in the job 

৪৪। অফিচৰ কৰ্তিপক্ষলৈ দিয়া পদত্যাগ পত্ৰ

Resignation letter to office's court 

৪৫।বন্ধক সপেক্ষে বেঙ্কলৈ ঋণৰ কাৰণে আবেদন

Application for loan to bank in case of mortgage 

৪৬। নমুনা চহী পৰিবৰ্তনৰ কাৰণে বেঙ্কলৈ আবেদন

Application to bank for change of sample card 

৪৭। দিয়া চেক বাতিল কৰাৰ চিঠি

Letter of Cancellation of Cheque given

৪৮।নমুনা চহী পৰিবৰ্তনৰ কাৰণে বেঙ্কলৈ আবেদন

Exchange to bank for sample card change

৪৯। লকাৰ ভাড়া লোৱাৰ বাবে বেঙ্কলৈ চিঠি

 Letter to bank for renting locker

৫০। গাঁৱলীয়া বেঙ্কৰ পৰা কৃষি ঋণ পৰিশোধ কৰিব নোৱাৰাৰ বাবে চিঠি

Letter from village bank for not being able to repay agricultural loan

৫১। ক্ৰেডিট কাৰ্ডৰ কাৰণে দিয়া আবেদন পত্ৰ 

Application forms given by the card of the card 

৫২।ক্ৰেডিট কাৰ্ড হেৰাই যোৱাৰ বাবে পত্ৰ 

Letter of the fact that the card is being held in the 

৫৩। সমবায় সমিতিৰ পৰা কৃষি ঋণৰ বাবে আবেদন 

Application for Agricultural Loan from Cooperative Society 

৫৪। আন ঠাইলৈ টেলিফোণ লাইনৰ স্থানান্তৰণ 

Transfer of telefol lin to other places 

৫৫। মোবাইল ফোনৰ স্কীম পৰিবৰ্তনৰ কাৰণে আবেদন

Application for change of scheme of mobile phone

৫৬। দৰমহা বঢ়োৱাৰ বাবে আবেদন

Application for pay extension

৫৭। নতুন মোবাইল সংযোগ লোৱাৰ বাবে আবেদন

 Application for new mobile connection 

৫৮।পত্ৰ মিতালী কৰাৰ বাবে আবেদন 

Application for Letter Mithali 

৫৯।বেছি টকাৰ বিলৰ বাবে অভিযোগ 

Complaint for high money bill  

৬০। নতুন মিটাৰ বাবে ইলেকট্ৰিক চাপ্লাই কৰ্পোৰেশ্যনৰ উচৰত আবেদন

 Application from Electronic Supply Corporation for new 

৬১।কোনো সমিতিৰ পৰা ঋণ লোৱাৰ বাবে আবেদন 

Application for taking loan from a committee 

৬২।নতুন ব্যৱসায় কৰাৰ বাবে বেঙ্ক ঋণ গ্ৰহণৰ বাবে আবেদন 

Application for bank loan for new business 

৬৩। কাৰেণ্ট একাউণ্ট খোলাৰ বাবে চিঠি 

Letter for opening current account 

৬৪। বেচি টকাৰ বিলৰ বাবে আবেদন

 Application for Bessi Rupee Bill

৬৫।ঘৰত নতুন টেলিফোন লোৱাৰ বাবে সোঁৱৰণী পত্ৰ

A letter of memory for new telephone stake at home

৬৬।বেয়া হোৱা টেলিফোন ভাল কৰাৰ বাবে অভিযোগ

Complaints for doing good to bad telephones

৬৭।টাইপিষ্ট কেৰাণীৰ চাকৰিৰ কাৰণে আবেদনো

Also apply for the job of typist queen

৬৮।ক্ৰটিপূৰ্ণ মিটাৰ বদলি কৰাৰ বাবে আবেদন

Abed for transfer of crtifull mat

৬৯। স্কুলৰ অনুষ্ঠানত সভাপতিত্ব কৰাৰ বাবে শিক্ষামন্ত্ৰীলৈ অনুৰোধ জনাই লিখা পত্ৰ

Letter requesting education minister to preside over school function

৭০। চাকৰিৰ বাবে আবেদন 

Job Application 

৭১। মিয়াদ পূৰ্ব হোৱা টকা ঘুৰাই পোৱাৰ কাৰণে জীবন বীমা নিগমৰ  ওচৰত আবেদন

Appeal to Life Insurance Corporation to get back the money that Has been filled up by The Miad

৭২। জীৱনবীমাৰ পলিচি অন্য ঠাইলৈ বদলি কৰাৰ কাৰণে আবেদন

Application for transfer of life insurance policy elsewise

৭৩।কাৰ্য্যালয়ত অনুপস্থিত থকাৰ বাবে আবেদন

Application for absence from office

৭৪।দীৰ্ঘমিয়াদী জমা টকা পুনৰ্নবীকৰণৰ বাবে আবেদন

Application for renewal of long term deposit money

৭৫।পত্ৰবাহকৰ মাৰফৎ নতুন চেকবুক ইছু কৰাৰ কাৰণে আবেদন

Application for new chequebook to be started by the letter bearer

৭৬। ঘন ঘন লোডছেডিংৰ বাবে অভিযোগ  জনাই সম্পাদকলৈ চিঠি 

Letter to editor complaining about frequent load shedding 

৭৭।নিজৰ অঞ্চলৰ ৰাস্তাৰ বিপদ জনক অৱস্থাৰ বাবে সম্পাদকলৈ চিঠি

Letter to editor for dangerous condition of the way in his area

৭৮। ক্ষতিপুৰণ বিচাৰি ৰেল কৰ্ত্তৃপক্ষলৈ চিঠি 

 Letter to the train authorities seeking damages 

৭৯। শিশুৰ ৰেশ্বন কাৰ্ড আদি কাৰ্ডত পৰিণত কৰাৰ বাবে আবেদন 

Application for conversion of children's resonating card into adult card 

৮০।থকা ঠাই পৰিবৰ্ত্তনৰ পিচত ৰেশ্বন দোকান পৰিবৰ্ত্তনৰ বাবে আবেদন 

Application for change of reson shop after shifting of accommodation 

৮১। টেলিফোন ডাইৰেক্টৰীত টেলিফোন নম্বৰ ভুলকৈ ছপা হোৱাৰ বাবে অভিযোগ

Allegations of wrong print of phone number pushed in telephone directory

৮২।অন্য বেঙ্কৰ পৰা এবছৰ আগতে গৃহঋণ স্থানান্তৰৰ কাৰণে নতুন বেঙ্কলৈ পত্ৰ 

Letter from other bank to new bank for transfer of home loan a year ago 

৮৩।টেলিফোন ডাইৰেক্টৰীত টেলিফোন নম্বৰ ভুলকৈ চপা হোৱাৰ বাবে অভিয়োগ 

Complaint for incorrect lying telephone number in telephone directory 

৮৪। ট্ৰেক্স বৃদ্ধিৰ বাবে আপত্তি জনাই পৌৰ নিগমলৈ দৰখাস্ত

Municipal corporation staked objection to increase in track

৮৫।বিভিন্ন ঋণৰ বাবে আবেদন

Application for various loans

৮৬। আনুষ্ঠানিক পত্ৰৰ বিন্যাস

Official Letter Format

৮৭। অভিযোগপত্ৰ


৮৮।বিদ্যালয় বা মহাবিদ্যালয়ত নাম পৰিৱৰ্তনৰ বাবে আবেদনৰ  পত্ৰ 

Application for name change in school or college 

৮৯। নমুনা বৃত্তি পত্ৰ বৈন্যাস

Sample Scholarship Format

৯০।নাম পৰিৱৰ্তনৰ বাবে বিদ্যালয়লৈ নমুনা পত্ৰ

Sample letter to school for name change

৯১।এটা সৰু ব্যৱসায়িক পত্ৰ

A Small Business lette

৯২।  'জীৱনৰ বাবে উপযুক্ত'ৰ বাবে "পৰিচয়ৰ আনুষ্ঠানিক পত্ৰ"

"Formal Letter of Identity" for 'Fit for Life'

৯৩। পিতৃ-মাতৃৰ বাবে লিখা পত্ৰ

Letter written for parents

৯৪।গাওঁ বুঢ়ালৈ লিখা কিছুমান চিঠি পত্ৰ 

Some letters written to the old man of the house 

৯৫।বাতৰিৰ কাকতৰ প্ৰাথমিক/প্ৰবন্ধৰ বিষয়বোৰৰ ওপৰত  এখন  পত্ৰ 

A letter on the topics of the primary/article of the news Paper 

৯৬।এজন সম্পাদকলৈ পত্ৰ আৰু অফিচিয়েল চিঠি

Letter to an Editor and Official Letters

৯৭।অভিযোগ পত্ৰ 

Charge sheet 

৯৮।ব্যক্তিগত প্ৰতিষ্ঠানত চাকৰিৰ কাৰণে আবেদন

Application for job in private company

৯৯।স্থানীয় বিধায়ক/সংসদৰ ওচৰত পকী ৰাস্তা নিৰ্মাণৰ আবেদন

Application for construction of  Road with local MLA/Parliament

১০০।চাকৰিত যোগদান সন্দৰ্ভত

 Job joining report

Daily Assam

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Loan application letter

Loan Application Letter

Applying for the loan requires you to provide a lot of documentation. Some organizations ask you to fill out the loan application form, while in some cases, you have to write a loan application letter to the institute to apply for the loan.

The loan application letter allows you to add all the details that you are required to provide. The letter is written to the loan manager of the company, and he then decides whether he should accept the application or not. The letter should include the personal information of the applicant, and since it is a formal letter, it should be written to the point by avoiding unnecessary details. The lender should follow a standard format while writing the loan application letter. The loan manager should be told about the intended use of the money.

The first paragraph of the letter should state the reason for lending the money. It should be assured in the letter that you will not use this money for any illegal purpose. The date on which the applicant will return the borrowed money should be mentioned in the letter.

You should also include information about you in the letter that can make the reader feel that you are a trustworthy person. Here is a sample letter that can help you learn about the structure and format of the letter.

Loan application letter:

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

It is stated that I am writing this letter to request a loan from the finance office of your company because of some of my very peculiar and essential needs. My mother is seriously ill, and I must get her treated at the hospital, for which I need money. Please accept my loan application and sanction me $2000. I assure you that I will return you the loan from the deductions of my gross salary.

I will be highly grateful for this favor of yours.

I am looking forward to your reply.

[Your Name]

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I am writing this letter to get a loan from your bank branch situated in New Jersey. Currently, I am working as a sales executive for ABC Organization and need a $10,000 loan. I am in utmost need of this amount as I have to meet the surgery expenses of my father. I have gone through all the requirements related to the loan process and have enclosed the necessary documents along with this email. Please let me know what other documents I need to send you, and you can call me at any time for further queries. I hope you will give a positive response to my request.

This application is a request to ask for a loan from your organization. I am Christiana Roseland, and I am currently running a bakery in New Jersey. I am planning to open a new branch according to the rising demand of people. For this purpose, I need $70,000/- and I will return the amount in installments. I have thoroughly read the rules and policies for the loan process and hopefully, I will return the entire amount within the given time period and the financial pronouncement has been affixed with this application. Waiting to get positive feedback from you.

This letter is a request for a loan application to construct a house. I am the managing director at ABC Company, and my monthly salary is not adequate to meet the construction expenses. I will return the due amount according to the company’s rules and policies and will not let you be disappointed. I contacted the admin office to find out the details, and Mr. Jackson has provided me with all the information. If you need additional information, you can ask me at any time. Thank you for taking my request into account.

Dear Madam, I, Darcy Louis, work in the security office of your company. I live in Valley Stream and travel two hours daily to come to the office. I do not have a personal vehicle, and sometimes it creates a lot of difficulties, and I often arrive late to the workplace. I want to apply for a loan because I have to buy a motorcycle. I need $10,000 in this regard. I have chosen a six-month installment plan, and 20% of my salary will be deducted each month. I request that you accept my loan application. I will be grateful to you. Thanking in anticipation.

Dear Sir, I am Dorothy John, and I live in Toronto. I am running a branch of ABC School. The strength of students is increasing with each session, and it is becoming difficult to adjust to the large number of students in a limited space. Therefore, I need to open a new branch adjacent to the current school and construct a new building, but I do not have enough money. I learned about your loan policy and want to apply for it. I have attached the needed documents along with the application. I am hoping to hear a quick response from you.

I am Julia Hughes, and I am writing this message to ask for a loan from your bank. I have an account in your Brooklyn branch, and my account number is [#]. I have a small business marketing in Brooklyn, and I intend to open a new branch in the Netherlands. Hence, it can be a source of ease for hundreds of people. The savings I have and the loan I am asking for will be of great help in expanding my business. Kindly send me an email detailing all the formalities for the loan process. I would like to ask you to send me a confirmation message so I may visit your branch on an immediate basis.

  • Ramadan Office Schedule Announcement Letters/Emails
  • Letter to Friend Expressing Support
  • Letter to Employer Requesting Mental Health Accommodation
  • Letter Requesting Reference Check Information
  • Letter Requesting Salary Certificate
  • Letter Requesting Recommendation from Previous Employer
  • One Hour Off Permission Letter to HR
  • Payroll Apology Letter to Employee
  • Advice Letter to Subordinate on Effective Communication
  • Advice Letter to Subordinate on Time Management
  • Letter to Patient for Feedback/Responding Survey/Online Form
  • Cold and Cough Leave Message to Boss
  • Secret Santa Messages to Coworkers
  • Warning Letter for Insufficient Adherence to Instructions
  • Undertaking Letter for Company

Are you sure you want to sign out?

Eligibility, application process, documents required.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

Sources And References

Something went wrong. please try again later., you need to sign in before applying for schemes, it seems you have already initiated your application earlier. to know more please visit, check eligibility, ministry of micro, small and medium enterprises, prime minister's employment generation programme.

  • To generate employment opportunities in rural as well as urban areas of the country through the setting up of new self-employment ventures/projects/micro enterprises.
  • To bring together widely dispersed traditional artisans! rural and urban unemployed youth and give them self-employment opportunities to the extent possible, at their place.
  • To provide continuous and sustainable employment to a large segment of traditional and prospective artisans and rural and urban unemployed youth in the country, so as to help arrest migration of rural youth to urban areas.
  • To increase the wage-earning capacity of workers and artisans and contribute to an increase in the growth rate of rural and urban employment.
  • At the National level, the scheme is being implemented by the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), a statutory organization under the administrative control of the Ministry of MSME as the single nodal agency.
  • At the State level, the scheme is implemented through State offices of KVIC, State Khadi and Village Industries Boards (KVIBs), District Industries Centre's (DICs), Coir Board (for coir-related activities), and Banks. The government may also involve other suitable agencies for the implementation of the scheme.
Funds under PMEGP Scheme will be available under two major heads:
Levels of support under PMEGP
  • The maximum cost of the project/unit admissible for Margin Money subsidy under the Manufacturing sector is ₹50,00,000.
  • The maximum cost of the project/unit admissible for the Margin Money subsidy under the Business/Service sector is ₹20,00,000.
  • The balance amount (excluding the own contribution)of the total project cost will be provided by Banks.
  • If the total project cost exceeds ₹50,00,000 or ₹20,00,000 for Manufacturing and Service/Business sector respectively, the balance amount may be provided by Banks without any Government subsidy.
For PMEGP new enterprises (Units)
  • Any individual, above 18 years of age.
  • There will be no income ceiling for assistance in setting up projects under PMEGP.
  • For setting up of project costing above Rs.10 lakh in the Manufacturing sector and above ₹ 5,00,000 in the Business /Service sector, the beneficiaries should possess at least VIII standard pass educational qualification.
  • Assistance under the scheme is available only for new projects sanctioned specifically under the PMEGP.
  • Existing Units (under PMRY, REGP, or any other scheme of the Government of India or State Government) and the units that have already availed of Government Subsidy under any other scheme of the Government of India or State Government are not eligible.
For up-gradation of existing PMEGP / REGP / MUDRA units
  • Margin Money(subsidy)claimed under PMEGP has to be successfully adjusted on the completion of the lock-in period of 3 years.
  • The first loan under PMEGP/REGP/MUDRA has to be successfully repaid in the stipulated time.
  • The unit is profit-making with good turnover and has the potential for further growth in turnover and profit with modernization/upgrading of the technology.
  • Only one person from one family is eligible for obtaining financial assistance for setting up of projects under PMEGP. The 'family’ includes self and spouse.
  • Any Industry/ Business connected with Meat(slaughtered), i.e., processing, canning and/or serving items made of it as food, production/Manufacturing or sale of intoxicant items like Beedi/Pan/ Cigar/Cigarette etc., any Hotel or Dhaba or sales outlet serving liquor, preparation/producing tobacco as raw materials, tapping of toddy for sale will not be allowed.
  • Any Industry/Business connected with cultivation of crops/plantation like Tea, Coffee, Rubber etc. Sericulture (Cocoon rearing), Horticulture, Floriculture, Animal Husbandry will not be allowed.However, value addition under these will be allowed under PMEGP. Off Farm/Farm Linked activities in connection with sericulture, horticulture, floriculture etc. will also be allowed.
  • Activities prohibited by Local Government/Authorities keeping in view environment or socio-economic factors will not be allowed .
  • Visit the official website .
  • Click on the “Apply” button under the “Application For New Unit” tab .
  • Furnish all the required details on and click on Save Applicant Data.
  • On the next page, upload the required documents and proceed for final submission.
  • Click on the “Apply” button under “Application For Existing Units (2nd Loan)” tab.
  • Click on the Online Application tab and fill the complete form on : .
  • Complete the form and click on Next page, upload the required documents and proceed for final submission.
  • Visit the official website of PMEGP Portal: .
  • Enter your User ID and Password and click Log in.
  • Caste Certificate
  • Special Category Certificate, wherever required
  • Rural Area Certificate
  • Project Report
  • Education / EDP / Skill Development Training Certificate
  • Any other applicable document

What Is Maximum Project Cost Allowed Under PMEGP?

Rs.25.00 lakhs for the manufacturing unit and Rs.10.00 lakhs for Service Unit

What Is The Component Of Project Cost?

Capital Expenditure Loan, one cycle of working capital and 10% of project cost as own contribution in case of General category and 5% of project cost in case of weaker section.

Which Are The Financial Agencies?

27 Public Sector Banks, Regional Rural Banks(RRB), Co-operative Banks, and Private Scheduled Commercial Banks approved by respective State Task Force Committee.

How The Capital Expenditure Loan / Cash Credit Limit Be Utilized ?

Working Capital at least once should touch the 100% limit of Cash Credit within three years of the Lock-in period of M.M. and not less than 75% of the utilization of the sanctioned limit on average.

Where The Beneficiary Has To Submit His/Her Application/ Project?

The beneficiary can submit his/her application/Project online on kvic website / A list of office addresses of KVIC/KVIB/DIC is available at our website.

What Is Village Industry ?

Any Village Industry (except those mentioned in the negative list) located in the Rural Area which produces any goods or renders any service with or without the use of power and in which the fixed capital investment for head of a full time artisans or worker does not exceed Rs.1.00 lakh in plain area and Rs.1.50 lakhs in hilly areas and for A & N Island and Laxdeep Rs.4.5 Lakhs.

What Is Rural Area ?

Any area classified as Village as per the revenue record of the State, irrespective of the population. It also includes an area even if classified as town provided its population does not exceed 20000.

What Is Age Limit ?

Any adult beneficiary above 18 years is eligible for financing under PMEGP.

What Are The Main Criteria Of Project?

It should fulfill the criteria of rural area (for Rural Area project), per capita investment, own contribution, negative list, and the unit should be a new one

Whether EDP Training Is Compulsory?

Before MM Claim through the PMEGP portal, EDP training of 10 working days for a Project cost of More than 5.00 lakhs and 6 Working days of training for up to Project Cost of 5.00 lakhs to the beneficiary is compulsory

Whether Collateral Security Is Mandatory?

As per RBI guidelines, the project costing up to Rs.10.00 lakhs under PMEGP loans are free from collateral security. The CGTSME provided a collateral guarantee for the project beyond Rs.5.00 lakhs and up to Rs.25.00 lakhs under the PMEGP scheme.

What Is PMEGP Scheme, And What Are Its Objectives?

Answer: PMEGP stands for Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme, which is a credit-linked subsidy scheme launched by the Ministry of MSME, Government of India, to generate employment opportunities in the country. The main objective of the scheme is to create self-employment opportunities for unemployed youth and women entrepreneurs in rural and urban areas.

Who Is Eligible To Apply For PMEGP Scheme, And What Is The Age Limit For The Applicants?

Answer: Any individual above 18 years of age can apply for the PMEGP scheme. However, the maximum age limit for applying is 35 years for general category applicants and 40 years for SC/ST/OBC/PH/Women candidates.

How Can I Apply For The PMEGP Scheme, And What Is The Application Procedure?

Answer: You can apply for the PMEGP scheme through the online portal of KVIC, or offline by submitting the application form to the nearest KVIC office or bank. The application procedure involves filling up the application form, attaching the necessary documents, and submitting it along with the project report.

What Are The Different Types Of Projects That Can Be Set Up Under The PMEGP Scheme?

Answer: The PMEGP scheme supports various types of projects, including manufacturing, service, and business projects. The projects should be viable and have the potential to generate employment opportunities.

How Much Financial Assistance Can I Expect To Receive Under The PMEGP Scheme, And What Is The Repayment Period?

Answer: Under the PMEGP scheme, financial assistance is provided in the form of a subsidy, which ranges from 15% to 35% of the project cost, depending on the category of the applicant. The remaining amount can be obtained as a bank loan. The repayment period for the loan is generally 3 to 7 years.

Can I Apply For Multiple Projects Under The PMEGP Scheme, And What Is The Maximum Limit?

Answer: No, an individual can apply for only one project under the PMEGP scheme. However, a group of individuals can apply for a group project, subject to a maximum of 10 members.

What Are The Documents Required To Apply For The PMEGP Scheme?

Answer: The documents required for PMEGP scheme application include a project report, proof of identity and address, caste certificate (if applicable), educational qualification certificate, and bank account details.

How Long Does It Take For The PMEGP Scheme Application To Be Processed?

Answer: The processing time for the PMEGP scheme application varies from state to state and depends on various factors such as the completeness of the application, the availability of funds, and the number of applications received.

Can I Apply For The PMEGP Scheme For An Existing Business?

Answer: No, the PMEGP scheme is meant for setting up a new business or for expanding an existing business. An existing business is not eligible for financial assistance under the PMEGP scheme.

What Is The Role Of The Khadi And Village Industries Commission (KVIC) In The PMEGP Scheme?

Answer: KVIC is the nodal agency for implementing the PMEGP scheme. It is responsible for receiving and processing the applications, conducting training programs, and disbursing the subsidy to the beneficiaries through the banks.

What Is The Project Report, And How Do I Prepare It?

Answer: The project report is a detailed document that provides information about the proposed project, its feasibility, and financial viability. It includes details like project cost, sources of funding, marketing plan, and expected income and expenses. KVIC provides a format for preparing the project report, which can be downloaded from their website.

Can I Apply For The PMEGP Scheme Offline?

Answer: Yes, you can apply for the PMEGP scheme offline by submitting the application form along with the project report and necessary documents to the nearest KVIC office or bank.

Can I Apply For The PMEGP Scheme Online?

Answer: Yes, you can apply for the PMEGP scheme online through the KVIC portal. The process involves registering on the portal, filling up the application form, and uploading the necessary documents.

What Are The Documents Required For The PMEGP Scheme Application?

Answer: The documents required for the PMEGP scheme application include proof of identity and address, educational qualification certificate, caste certificate (if applicable), project report, and bank account details.

Can I Make Changes To My PMEGP Scheme Application After Submission?

Answer: No, you cannot make changes to your PMEGP scheme application after submission. Therefore, it is important to ensure that all the information provided in the application is accurate and complete before submitting it.

How Will I Know If My PMEGP Scheme Application Has Been Approved?

Answer: Once your PMEGP scheme application is approved, you will receive an approval letter from KVIC or the bank, along with the sanction letter stating the amount of subsidy and loan that you are eligible for.



Final Guidelines For Second Loan

Exemption Of COVID Vears Viz. FY 2020-21 & FY 2021-22 While Considering Profitability Of Existing PMEGP/REGP/ MUDRA Units Applying For 2hd Loan Under PMEGP

Receipt Of Applications In Physical Form Under PMEGP

Return Or Refund Of PMEGP Margin Money Subsidy

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Biden's latest student-loan forgiveness plan brings questions for borrowers: What to know

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Some student loan borrowers may not take advantage of President Joe Biden's final plan to eliminate debt for millions because they don't know if they're eligible, don't understand the process or think it is a scam.

On Monday, Biden promised student loan relief by the fall with his final proposal. This plan comes less than a year after the Supreme Court blocked his initial attempt.

Under the proposed plan, more than 4 million borrowers who have been paying down their student loans for 20 years or more could have their debt completely canceled, according to the White House. The plan would also help more than 10 million borrowers by giving them $5,000 or more in relief, Biden's administration said.

Biden also aims to help 23 million borrowers by eliminating interest past the original loan amounts.

How to apply for student loan forgiveness?

If eligible for debt relief, borrowers should periodically check their emails for updates from their student loan servicers and Federal Student Aid .

Learn more: Best personal loans

While Biden works on his final proposal, eligible borrowers can apply on the Federal Student Aid website for other kinds of relief, including if they have a disability , work for a nonprofit , or are a teacher , government employee or medical professional .

Borrowers repaying their loans for 20 to 25 years can apply for income-driven repayment (IDR) loan forgiveness.

Several other loan forgiveness options are available on the Federal Student Aid website, but borrowers should check if they're eligible by looking closely at each selection. Victims of forgery, borrowers who declared bankruptcy and Perkins loan borrowers are examples of individuals eligible for forgiveness.

What document explains your rights and responsibilities as a federal student loan borrower?

A Master Promissory Note (MPN) is a binding legal document borrowers must sign before they receive a federal student loan promising they'll repay the loans and any accrued interest and fees to the U.S. Department of Education, according to Federal Student Aid.

Student loan debt: Averages and other statistics in 2024

There is one MPN for direct subsidized/unsubsidized loans and a different MPN for direct PLUS loans. All MPNs can be signed electronically.

"You may receive more than one loan under an MPN over a period of up to 10 years to pay for your or your child’s educational costs, as long as the school is authorized to use the MPN in this way and chooses to do so," the Federal Student Aid website says.

Am I eligible for student loan relief?

By checking their emails, borrowers typically receive messages explaining whether they're eligible for relief and what type they can apply for.

If not signed up for emails, borrowers can visit the Federal Student Aid website and check their eligibility by hovering over the "loan forgiveness" tab and clicking "types of loan forgiveness."

Once the borrower clicks "types of loan forgiveness," they will be taken to a page showing the available relief options. Borrowers then can check their eligibility.

Be aware of student loan scams

Federal Student Aid warns borrowers to be aware of scams because they "might be contacted by a company saying they will help you get loan discharge, forgiveness, cancellation, or debt relief for a fee."

"You never have to pay for help with your federal student aid," the office's website says. "Make sure you work only with the U.S. Department of Education, the office of Federal Student Aid, and our loan servicers, and never reveal your personal information or account password to anyone."

The emails to borrowers come from [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected].

Borrowers can report scam attempts to the Federal Trade Commission by calling 1-877-382-4357 or by visiting

Student loan scam involving 'Mission Hills Federal'

The Federal Trade Commission announced March 13 that it is sending more than $4.1 million in refunds to 27,584 borrowers who "lost money to student loan debt relief scammers who lured consumers with fake loan forgiveness claims and pocketed their money," according to a news release.

The scheme, which "tricked students into paying hundreds to thousands of dollars" since 2014, went by many names including Mission Hills Federal, Federal Direct Group, National Secure Processing and The Student Loan Group.

The group made the borrowers pay "illegal upfront fees and pretended to lower consumers’ monthly student loan payments," according to the FTC. The operators also deceived borrowers into sending their monthly student loan payments directly to them by "falsely claiming to take over the servicing of the consumers’ loans," the agency said.

"In reality, few payments were actually applied to consumers’ student loans and in many cases, none at all," the FTC said. "Instead, the defendants kept consumers’ money for themselves."


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    Business telephone and cell phone numbers. Lender's contact details. Lender's or Loan Agent's Name and Title. A subject line stating the loan amount you are requesting for. Once you have written your header, include a friendly but professional greeting to start off your loan application letter in a cordial tone.

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    First, the borrower is made to fill out a loan application form which is prepared by the lender. The aspects which are to be included in the loan application form are the following: The payment method, whether personal, through a check, online banking, etc. The number of times the payment is going to be made.

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    I assure you that I am capable of repaying the loan amount in a timely manner, as per the agreed terms and conditions. I am open to discussing the details of the loan application and providing any additional information if required. Thank you for considering my loan application. I look forward to a favorable response from your end.

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