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18 Famous Websites Built with Python in 2024

Mar 25, 2024 6 Min Read 7460 Views

(Last Updated)

While binge-watching the latest Netflix series or replying to your Instagram DMs, have you ever wondered about the technology stack built on these awesome websites? If you have guessed Python, you are absolutely right!

Many of today’s most successful software companies use Python for their website’s backend. Python programming language is a powerful and widely used computer language. Web development, data science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data, and other fields can benefit.

Guido van Rossum designed Python in 1991. It is a popular programming language among both novice and experienced programmers. Python programmers adore the language’s readability and straightforward syntax. It can also be used in game development, social networking applications, and data visualization.

Table of contents

  • 18 Popular Websites Built with Python
  • Facebook (Meta)
  • Survey Monkey
  • Is it possible to create a website with Python?
  • What well-known websites make use of Python?
  • How does Netflix use Python?
  • Is Python used by Amazon?
  • In Website Development, which Python framework is most commonly used?

Python’s popularity, in and of itself, is proof that it is well worth adding to your development toolkit. On the other hand, which major tech giants employ Python for web development? Let’s have a look at the top 18 well-known websites that were built with Python.

If you are aspiring to explore Python through a self-paced course, try   GUVI’s Python self-paced certification course with IIT Certification.

Netflix is the world’s most popular internet television network, with over 33 million subscribers in 40 countries watching over one billion hours of TV shows and movies each month, including Netflix’s original series.

Netflix developers use Python because of its comprehensive standard library, short and clear yet expressive syntax, big developer community, and abundance of third-party libraries.

Netflix is the perfect example of a firm that has kept up with technological advancements. Netflix used to rent DVDs by mail, but it swiftly hopped on the digital bandwagon and grew to become one of the world’s most popular streaming services.

Google is the most extensively used search engine on the planet. It is another primary Python-based website. Developers can switch traffic and manage search requirements for each level using the language and its supporting infrastructure.

Using Python, Google is a web application that operates smoothly and without errors during development. Python is now an official language at Google, with many applications ranging from system development and administration to code evaluation.

Python is also utilized in many of Google’s cutting-edge machine learning and AI projects, which is becoming increasingly crucial in big tech as the need for data analytics grows.

YouTube , a Google subsidiary, was built primarily in Python. The world’s largest video streaming site, which has been distracting us from existential sorrow with funny videos since 2005, is a prime real-world example of Python in web development.

Python powers the site in various ways, including view video, administrator video, data access, and website control templates, to name a few. It has various features and libraries that make the user experience more dynamic.

It has been designed to make the process of uploading, downloading, and sharing videos as simple as possible. Surprisingly, it didn’t start that way. The initial codebase for YouTube was PHP. However, after a few months, the creators decided to switch to Python because of the latter’s superior speed, performance, and flexibility.

4. Instagram

The backend of Instagram , the world’s most popular online photo-sharing program, is written in Python. Instagram presently has the world’s largest Django web framework deployment, fully built-in Python.

It’s user-friendly, straightforward, tidy, and logical. Instagram’s user interface is made possible through Python web programming. It’s also great for building a team of developers because the platform’s scalability isn’t an issue.

Python is used to create APIs, search mechanisms, and other features. That’s something I’m sure you didn’t know!

Python was used to create the ride-hailing service, making about 15 million journeys every day. Python, Node.js, Go, and Java is their major tech stack. Python frameworks such as Django and Flask are also widely utilized to create various features of Uber .

While Python isn’t Uber’s only programming language (it makes up approximately 35% of their tech stack), it is the backbone of its back-end operations. This includes data analytics features for forecasting supply and demand, user surges, and arrival times—all of which are highly mathematical operations that Python excels at.


6. Pinterest

Pinterest , a virtual pinboard and social bookmarking platform has been on our screens for over a decade. Users can create image collections for everything from dogs to wedding gowns to origami art. Python was chosen as the company’s first programming language because it allowed them to scale and construct reliable apps.

The organization uses a variety of third-party Python modules for communication and configuration management. The site’s persistent dependence on machine learning, on the other hand, strongly suggests that Python is still a key component of its software stack.

Dropbox is a place where you can save all your images, documents, videos, and data. Also, one of the world’s foremost providers of cloud storage solutions, Dropbox, employs Python web programming in its tech stack.

It uses the programming language to host files and lets users interface with various application components in real-time. It is still at the forefront of the industry today, and Python is responsible for most of its success.

Dropbox has used Python on both the server and client sides since its inception. Dropbox chose the language because of its cross-platform capabilities and readability, allowing them to implement, test quickly, and deploy new product features.

The organization is so committed to Python that it hired Guido van Rossum, the language developer, from 2012 to 2019.

Quora is probably the most well-known Q&A site on the internet, and it’s best recognized for its intriguing questions and occasionally dubious solutions. It is another site that heavily relies on Python.

Because Quora is such a dynamic site, Python has allowed them to construct and test new functionality with fewer lines of code, allowing them to speed up the creation of new features.

Quora’s backend uses a variety of Python packages, including Tornado and PyPy, among others. The codebase has changed dramatically in the last five years. Today, the Python application serves as a foundation for Quora’s whole development.

Spotify allows you to listen to select music or albums right away, with almost no buffering. Since its inception in 2008, the app has grown to over 75 million paid customers and employs Python significantly in its software. Python’s simplicity and readability were required because the company wanted to focus on speed. The organization uses Python async frameworks for IO-bound services. Spotify’s web backbone, which consists of multiple interconnected services, heavily relies on Python. Around 80% of these, according to the business, are written in Python. Luigi, a Spotify-developed data analytics tool, which drives Spotify’s Radio and Discovers features and recommendations, was built to swiftly prototype complex data processes. Luigi is also written in Python.

Reddit is a social news aggregation platform usually referred to as the internet’s front page. The server-side of Reddit is written in Python. The company admires the programming language because of its vast libraries. Even new developers may get started coding on the project because the code is exceptionally expressive, understandable, and straight. When every time you send a request to Reddit via your browser, the web server utilizes Python to translate it. The relevant HTML is subsequently sent back, which you see in your browser. You can think of Python as the link between your server request and what appears on your screen in this situation.

11. Facebook (Meta)

Facebook (now renamed Meta), the world’s most popular social networking site, has kept us connected to our friends and stalking exes since 2004. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re aware that the site is involved in various activities, from messaging to live-streaming. As a result, its products and services are available in multiple languages. On the other hand, Python plays a significant role, accounting for at least 21% of their codebase.

Amazon also uses Python. Thanks to Amazon, we can get almost anything delivered to our doorsteps at the touch of a button, and we don’t have to worry about how it gets there. Amazon employees, in particular, have created Python machine learning algorithms that work with the company’s Hadoop data storage system. Amazon’s well-known recommendation engine, which urges us to buy new things, is powered by this powerful analytics stack. Python assists Amazon is recommending even more items for us to believe by analyzing user search and purchase habits. Isn’t it cool?

Yahoo! , Google’s main competitor, uses the Python programming language in various projects. Yahoo! Maps makes use of the language and its frameworks. Although Yahoo Maps is losing ground to competing map service providers, it still has several valuable features. Apart from that, Python is used in several Yahoo interface designs. The language has provided platform search capabilities akin to Google.

14. Instacart

Instacart promises one-hour grocery delivery from your favorite merchants. It quickly becomes one of the most popular grocery delivery applications, with over 500,000 users and $2 million in sales. They make the estimates using Python or R code, which reads all of the data, calculates how many shoppers we’ll need in the next week or two, and then writes those values. In North America, the grocery delivery and pick-up service now service 5,500 cities. Python is used to estimate, validate, and read data from many sources. They can use Machine Learning methods to find demand and supply approximations with the language’s help. Instacart heavily uses the vocabulary in its development.

Disqus , a well-known commenting plugin, moderates incoming content and assists in comment control. This global comment hosting service allows users to leave comments on thousands of blogs and websites worldwide. It has Django-powered social media integrations, statistics, and tools for controlling one’s online profile. For security features and frequent security fixes, it uses Python and its framework Django. The plugin supports multiple sign-ins and notifications to keep users informed. Python programming plays a significant role in this.

16. Survey Monkey

Survey Monkey may be the first name that comes to mind when conducting online surveys. Ryan Finley’s cloud-based Software as a Service company, which he launched in 1999, was similarly built entirely in Python. Python has made it simple to use and incredibly interactive. It gives the site a more interactive and user-friendly feel. It can handle a lot of traffic, and Python helps with scaling. Python is used by Survey Monkey, one of the most valuable research tools, because of its extensibility and readability.

Bitly , a prominent link management software founded by Peter Stern in 2008, shortens almost 600 million connections every year. Python is also responsible for the creation of this website. It maintains over 600 million URLs per year and is the world’s most popular URL shortener. Because of Python’s popularity as a user-friendly programming language for constructing websites, aspiring programmers and web developers worldwide are taking advantage of web development training to master this user-friendly programming language.

Lyft is the fastest-growing ride-hailing service in the United States, with more than 200 locations and 14 million monthly rides. Lyft is one of several company logos on-hire bikes, scooters, and cars worldwide. Python is a favorite of Lyft’s. NumPy, Pandas, and PuLP are commonly used by services to serve requests via Flask, Gevent, and Gunicorn. To combat fraud, they use SciPy, and to provision hosts, they use Salt. They also operate their web server with Flask, serving data with scikit-learn, and manipulating using Pandas. In a nutshell, they use Python extensively!

Python is a popular choice for web development because of its basic capabilities. To begin with, Python is a free, open-source, and widely used programming language. But, more crucially, it is extremely adaptable. Python enables programmers to design websites using a variety of programming techniques. It can be used for both object-oriented and functional programming, for example. It also can type dynamically. This is advantageous for web development since it needs less coding and facilitates debugging.

That’s all there is to it! Python, as we’ve seen, is a powerful and widely used programming language with a wide range of applications, including web development. If you’re new to coding, we hope our list of top 18 Python website examples has demonstrated how beneficial adding this string to your bow is.

Do we hope this article has inspired you to take the plunge with learning Python for web development? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!

1. Is it possible to create a website with Python?

Yes, Python can be used to create a website, and it can be done pretty quickly. Even though Python is a general-purpose programming language, it naturally extends to web development.

2. What well-known websites make use of Python?

Most popular websites, such as Google, Netflix, Instagram, and YouTube, employ Python programming language in their backend.

3. How does Netflix use Python?

According to developers, python is utilized throughout the whole content lifecycle at Netflix, from security tools to recommendation algorithms and its proprietary content delivery network (CDN) Open Connect. Python-based apps manage the majority of Netflix’s network equipment.

4. Is Python used by Amazon?

Yes. Amazon, one of the most well-known players in the online marketplace, employs Python in a number of aspects of its platform. Implemented in Amazon’s product and deal recommendation system, which analyses and recommends things to customers using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

5. In Website Development, which Python framework is most commonly used?

Django. It is the most popular full-stack Python framework, ranking among the top five web frameworks in 2020. It is open-source and free to use, with many functions that make web building much more accessible.

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About the Author

Ive been a content writer and SEO fanboy since high school. I prefer to create easy and digestible pieces of content about search engine

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10 Famous Websites Built Using Python

April 29, 2022 3 min read

There are tens of thousands of Python websites on the internet. Python is a powerful programming language created by Guido van Rossum in 1991.  Python is a popular language with both beginners and seasoned developers.

Many of today’s most successful tech companies are choosing Python for the back-end of their website . Let’s take a look at 10 famous websites built using Python.

1 . Instagram

Instagram uses Python

Instagram, the world’s biggest online photo-sharing app, uses Python on its backend. According to Instagram’s engineering team,

Instagram currently features the world’s largest deployment of the Django web framework, which is written entirely in Python.

Read more about how Instagram uses Python on the Instagram blog.

Google uses Python

Google is the most widely used search engine in the world with over 75% of the market share . Longtime Google engineer, Alex Martelli, explained how Google got started using Python in their tech stack,

It all got started, I believe, because the very earliest Googlers (Sergey, Larry, Craig, …) made a good engineering decision: “Python where we can, C++ where we must.”

Read more about why the Google tech stack is built using Python .

Spotify uses Python

Spotify allows instant listening to specific tracks or albums with virtually no buffering delay. The app was launched in 2008 and has since then has reached over 75 million paid subscribers .

While Spotify’s website is build using WordPress , the Spotify app is built using Python. Spotify engineer Geoff van der Meer explains how Spotify used Python to code the app’s backend:

Spotify’s backend consists of many interdependent services, connected by [its] own messaging protocol over ZeroMQ. Around 80% of these services are written in Python.

Read more about how Spotify uses Python .

Netflix uses Python

Netflix is the world’s leading internet television network with more than 33 million members in 40 countries enjoying more than one billion hours of TV shows and movies per month, including Netflix original series. According to the Netflix technology blog,

Developers at Netflix have the freedom to choose the technologies best suited for the job. More and more, developers turn to Python due to its rich batteries-included standard library, succinct and clean yet expressive syntax, large developer community, and the wealth of third party libraries one can tap into to solve a given problem.

Read more about how and why Netflix uses Python .

Uber uses Python

Uber, the ridesharing service, completes over 15 million trips daily. According to Uber engineers,

At the lower levels, Uber’s engineers primarily write in Python, Node.js, Go, and Java. We started with two main languages: Node.js for the Marketplace team, and Python for everyone else. These first languages still power most services running at Uber today.

Learn more about the Uber tech stack and how they use of Python.

Dropbox uses Python

Dropbox is a home for all your photos, docs, videos, and files.

Have you ever wondered, how does an app like Dropbox scale from 2000 users to 200M users?  According to Rajiv Eranki, previously Head of Server Engineering at Dropbox, they used Python for everything .

In 2012, Dropbox hired the man who created Python, Guido van Rossum , away from Google . As of this writing, Rossum is still employed at Dropbox, making sure that Dropbox’s Python stack is one of the most efficient in the industry.

Read more about how Dropbox is using Python.

7. Pinterest

Pinterest uses Python

Pinterest is a social bookmarking site where users collect and share photos of their favorite events, interests, and hobbies. According to Pinterest co-founder Paul Sciarra ,

We use python + heavily-modified Django at the application layer. Tornado and (very selectively) node.js as web-servers.

Find out more about Pinterest’s tech stack.

8. Instacart

Instacart uses Python

Instacart guarantees groceries delivered from the stores you love in one hour. With more than 500,000 users and 2 million in revenue , it is quickly becoming one of the most popular grocery delivery apps. According to an interview with Instacart’s engineering team,

We have a data science team that works in both Python and R […] In the case of demand forecasting, we have Python or R code that does the estimates, that reads all the data, comes up with how many shoppers we’re going to need for the next week or two, and then writes those values.

Read more about Instacart’s stack and why they use Python .

Reddit uses Python

Reddit has 330 million monthly active users . According to an interview at PyCon with Reddit co-founders Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian,

The biggest thing that has kept us on Python … well, there are two huge things. One are the libraries. […] The other thing that keeps us on Python, and this is the major thing, is how readable and writable it is. When we hire new employees … I don’t think we’ve yet hired an employee who knew Python. I just say, “everything you write needs to be in Python.” Just so I can read it. And it’s awesome because I can see from across the room, looking at their screen, whether their code is good or bad. Because good Python code has a very obvious structure. And that makes my life so much easier.

Read more about why Reddit uses Python.

Lyft uses Python

Lyft is the fastest growing rideshare company in the United States and is available in more than 200 cities, facilitating 14 million rides per month.

At a San Francisco Meetup in 2018, Lyft software engineer Roy Williams told the crowd,

Lyft is a big fan of Python. It’s quite common for services to utilize NumPy, Pandas, and PuLP to serve requests via Flask, Gevent, and Gunicorn. We use SciPy to fight fraud, we use Salt to provision hosts.

Watch Roy Williams’ talk on how and why Lyft uses Python 3 in their tech stack .

Ready to learn Python? You can join over 60,000 students at One Month where we offer a 30-day Learn Python Online Bootcamp . The course is for absolute beginners, and we offer live human support for when you have questions.

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20 Website Examples built with Ruby on Rails

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25 of the Most Popular Python and Django Websites

Updated: december 14, 2020.

python plus django Shuup Press and Multi Vendor News

We at Shuup are proud of the fact that we are built with Python on top of the Django web framework – and we are not alone. Some of the most popular and widely used websites and applications that you use every day are built using these same open source tools. The success of these shows the power of the Python language and Django framework.

Shuup is written in Python and benefits greatly from its inherent capabilities . Python was chosen for its reliability, clean code, and for the enjoyment of the developers working with it. It is extremely powerful and yet fun to work with. Here are some highlights of the most famous sites that seem to agree (Data provided by Hartmann Software Group and NetGuru ).

We all know YouTube as the place to upload cat videos and fails. As one of the most popular websites in existence, it provides us with endless hours of video entertainment. The Python programming language powers it and the features we love.

Image result for youtube

DropBox started the online document storing revolution that has become part of daily life. We now store almost everything in the cloud. Dropbox allows us to store, sync, and share almost anything using the power of Python.

Image result for dropbox

Python also provides the power behind the most popular search engine in the world – Google. The programming language can handle the traffic and computing needs of the search engine and its connected apps.

Ready to launch your Python marketplace? Start today

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websites built with python

Uber – one of the 2 biggest rideshare driver networks – uses Python for their API’s, calculations, and business logic . Python can handle tons of data and perform complex calculations like accurate driver ETA’s.

uber and django

Lyft – the other largest rideshare driver network – uses Python for data processing and machine learning . Python can help predict models and behavior for machine learning uses and improvements.

lyft and django

Facebook – the biggest online community in the world – uses Python for a big portion of their technology infrastructure . Python helps handle millions of pic uploads, posts, and status updates.

facebook django python blog post

Netflix is global, moving from movie streaming to movie and TV production powerhouse. Powerful analytics based on Python choose recommended movies and shows just for you.

netflix django python blog post

Quora is the number one place online to ask a question and receive answers from a community of individuals. Relevant results are answered, edited, and organized by these community members. Python provides the functionality.

websites built with python

Get started building your Python marketplace!

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We all know Instagram as the place to share your life in pictures. The Instagram website is built using the Python programming language and allows users to browse, find and post pictures.

websites built with python

Spotify is an application that allows you to find, play and share music for free. With the options of a free ad based subscription or an ad free paid subscription, Spotify gives you access to the music you want. Spotify does this with the power of Python.

Image result for spotify

Shuup is an enterprise multivendor software platform you can use to build marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Grubhub, Fiverr, or SkipTheDishes. Let merchants sell products, services, rentals, and electronic goods through a scalable, multivendor ecommerce marketplace .

websites built with python

Have a Python marketplace idea? Start development today!

We’d be love to help you meet your business requirements.

Reddit is known as the front page of the internet. It is the place online to find information or entertainment based on thousands of different categories. Posts and links are user generated and are promoted to the top through votes. Many of Reddit’s capabilities rely on Python for their functionality.

Image result for reddit logo

Yahoo maps may be losing the battle to other map service providers, but it still holds some powerful tools. Yahoo’s map program runs on Python as well as many of its other programs.

Image result for yahoo maps

Hipmunk is an online consumer travel site that compares the top travel sites to find you the best deals. Python powers the sites tools that allow you to find the cheapest hotels and flights for your destination.

Image result for

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And now for some …

websites built with python

Django just celebrated its’ tenth anniversary proving that it can stand the test of time. We at Shuup chose Django as our web framework due to its scalability, security, rapid development and amazing community. Kenneth Love over at Treehouse provides some more great reasons to choose Django for your next project. Here are some popular Django projects that you might know (List provided by CoderFactory )

Pinterest is a visual discovery tool that allows users to showcase their interests through the posting of pictures. Users can also follow and share other users’ pictures and content all through the power of Django.

websites built with python

The Onion opened its website to provide an online venue for their satirical newspaper. The newspaper has for a long time been a source of entertaining articles on fictitious news stories. Django provides the framework for The Onion’s online presence.

websites built with python

This global comment hosting service provides an interface for comments on thousands of blogs and websites. It includes powerful social media integrations, analytics, and tools for managing one’s online presence – all powered by Django.

disqus django python blog post copy

Ready to launch your Django marketplace? Start today


Washington Post

The Washington Post’s website is a hugely popular online news source to accompany their daily paper. Its’ huge amount of views and traffic can be easily handled by the Django web framework.

websites built with python

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s official website is the place to find news, pictures, and videos about their ongoing space exploration. Its’ huge amount of views and traffic can also be easily handled by the Django web framework.

websites built with python

Bitbucket provides a cloud based hosting site for source code management and collaboration. Developers can host their projects in Bitbucket to utilize many of their tools and services. The site and its’ tools are built on top of the Django framework.

websites built with python

Launch your Django marketplace today!

Need help getting started? Tell us about your business idea.

Reddit Gifts

The hugely popular Reddit website has launched an online, anonymous gift exchange and meetup platform called Reddit Gifts. The site connects users from around the world and facilitates the gift exchange between them. The Django web framework powers its’ functionalities.

websites built with python

Prezi is a cloud based alternative to Microsoft PowerPoint built on the Django framework. The site provides a virtual canvas that can be manipulated and zoomed into and out of. This provides the entire view of the presentation rather than individual slides.

websites built with python

Pitchfork brings indie music together and provides daily publications. The Django based platform provides a venue for criticism, commentary, news, and interviews. Its’ focus is on independent music.

websites built with python

The Python programming language and Django web framework are both tried and tested and have proven to be more than capable of handling even the most demanding of applications. We at Shuup love working with them and hope to inspire more to jump on the Python and Django bandwagons.

Check out our Python and Django development activity over at the Shuup Github

Ready to launch your Django marketplace? Start today!

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A complete guide to web development in Python

Web Development in Python

Django is the most popular full-stack web framework for Python. It helps people create web apps quickly.

We just released a 7-hour course that will teach you how to use the newest version of Django to create web apps. The course also covers pandas, matplotlib, JavaScript, ajax, xhtml2pdf, dropzone.js, and more.

Luke from pyplane developed this course. He is an experienced software developer and he has created many popular courses.

In this course, you will learn about:

  • Django concepts (models, views, templates, signals, and more)
  • pandas dataframes
  • matplotlib and seaborn integration
  • pdf integration
  • JavaScript ajax integration
  • dropzone.js for csv files
  • working with base64

This course is for beginners. The only prerequisite is that you have some Python experience.

Here are all the sections in this comprehensive course:

  • Django Project Setup Part 1
  • Django Project Setup Part 2
  • Django Project Setup Part 3
  • Customer Model
  • Product Model
  • Profile Model + Post_save Signal
  • M2m_changed Signal
  • Reports Model
  • First View And Template
  • Working On The Sales List
  • Navigating To The Detail Page
  • Creating The Search Form
  • Get The Data From The Search Form
  • First Querysets And Dataframes
  • Display Dataframes In The Templates
  • Dataframe For The Positions
  • Get The Sales Id For Position Objects
  • The Apply Function
  • Merge Dataframes
  • Perform Groupby
  • Working On The Charts Part 1
  • Working On The Charts Part 2
  • Hello World From The Console
  • Adding The Modal
  • Add The Report Form To The Modal
  • Add The 'results by' Field
  • No Data Available Alert
  • Add The Chart To The Modal
  • Create Report Objects
  • Adding Alerts To The Modal
  • Report List And Detail Page
  • Working On The Report List
  • Working On The Report Detail
  • The Report Pdf
  • Add Dropzone + Favicon
  • Working On The Dropzone Js Part 1
  • Working On The Dropzone Js Part 2
  • Uploading CSVs
  • First Objects From File
  • Improving The Dropzone
  • Dropzone Js Final Touches
  • Adding My Profile
  • Working On My Profile
  • Authentication
  • Protecting The Views
  • Adding The Navbar
  • The Forgotten Sale Detail Page
  • Outro + Next Steps

Watch the full course below or on the YouTube channel (7-hour watch).

I'm a teacher and developer with I run the YouTube channel.

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How to Build Websites with Python

This python flask tutorial is designed to teach you how to build websites quickly and easily with Flask. Flask is a micro web framework that makes it very fast and easy to build websites with python.

What You’ll Learn

This series is packed full of valuable information. You will learn and understand the following after this tutorial:

  • Create basic websites with Flask
  • Use HTML Templates
  • Integrate with Bootstrap and other frameworks
  • Detect button presses and events
  • Validate forms
  • Connect Databases
  • HTTP Methods (GET, POST, DELETE etc.)


This is NOT a beginner tutorial and I will not be teaching python syntax

  • Experience With Python 3 Syntax

13 Real-World Examples of Python in Web Development

Python is all the rage in developer and tech circles right now. But which big companies use Python for web development? Find out in this guide.

There’s been a lot of hype about the Python programming language over the last few years. But is that all it is? Hype?

In web development circles, there’s no doubt Python is one of the most popular coding languages. The 2023 Stack Overflow Developer Survey reported that Python sits in a close second place as the language developers most want to learn. The survey also highlighted that having Python in your toolkit commands a higher salary, which matches our own research into how much Python developers can earn .

Convinced yet?  

In this post, we’ll explain what Python is and how it’s used for web development. We’ll then dive in with 13 real-world examples of Python in web development. In all, we’ll cover:

  • What is Python?
  • How is Python used for web development?
  • 13 real-world examples of Python in web development
  • How to become a Python developer
  • Python in web development FAQs

Ready to learn more? Let’s dive in.

1. What is Python?

In short, Python is currently one the most popular computer programming languages in use.

This isn’t simply hyperbole: on the software development platform, Github, Python is the number one most popular programming language , replacing JavaScript (which as we’ll see in the next section, is no bad thing).

A young Dutch coder called Guido van Rossum created Python back in 1991. He wanted to develop a multipurpose programming language that would work across multiple programming paradigms and emphasize code readability.

Back then, most coding languages were pretty abstract. Python allowed developers to express programming concepts using fewer lines of code and in a much more intuitive way. This was pretty revolutionary. And so, while Python was first intended for writing basic scripts, it soon grew in popularity. And in the digital age, it has boomed.

Python is sometimes referred to as a “batteries included” language thanks to one of its standout features: the Python Package Index (PyPI) , which has over pre-existing 70,000 libraries of code .

For all these reasons and more, Python is now used on projects large and small, across many different disciplines from special effects and data analytics to deep learning and, of course, web development.

The language is being constantly improved with new releases, with Python 3.8 particularly full of useful features .

2. How is Python used for web development?

Python’s core features make it a popular option for web development.

Firstly, Python is free , open-source , and widely available . More importantly, though, it is also highly adaptable . Python allows developers to create websites according to several different programming paradigms.

For instance, it’s suitable for both object-oriented programming (OOP) and functional programming (FP). You can learn about the differences between the two in our guide to FP vs OOP .

It also boasts dynamic typing capabilities . In layman’s terms, this just means that Python scripts don’t require compiling (or translating) before execution. Instead, they’re executed at runtime. This is useful for web development, since it requires less coding and makes debugging easier . We could go and, and in fact, we have—we’ve created a beginner’s guide to the advantages of web developers learning Python .

Also, remember how we said Python is number one on the list of most popular programming languages? Number one in 2022 was JavaScript .

As it happens, there’s a reason these two languages are the most popular. Namely, JavaScript and Python are often used together . Web developers may use JavaScript to create the presentation layer (or frontend) and Python to create the server-side layer (or backend).

Fortunately, backend coding using Python is much easier using web frameworks freely available on PyPI. Two of these, Django and Flask , are especially popular and remove much of the heavy lifting from backend coding. These libraries are widely accepted as secure, scalable, and—once you get to grips with Python’s straightforward syntax—easy to use.

Of course, you might find this all a bit abstract at this stage. We now understand how Python is used for web development, but what does this look like in practice?

Next, we’ll take a look at some of the most famous Python website examples so that you can see this language in action.

3. Real-world examples of Python in web development

Is Python that popular, we hear you ask? The answer is a resounding yes!

Realize it or not, you use it all the time. From binging the latest series on Netflix to checking your DMs on Instagram, many of our most beloved websites and apps incorporate Python into their tech stack . Frankly, its ubiquity alone is a testament to the fact that Python is well worth adding to your development toolkit.

Next, let’s look at 13 Python website examples that demonstrate just how dynamic and adaptive this language can be.

If you ever wanted evidence of a company that kept pace with digital change, Netflix is the one! While Netflix used to rent DVDs by post, they quickly jumped on the digital bandwagon and expanded to become one of the most popular streaming services in the world.

From a web development standpoint, Python is at the core of their success.

Developers at Netflix explain that they use Python throughout “the full content lifecycle.” In short, this means that Python sits at the base of many Netflix applications from their security tools and recommendation engine, to their in-house content distribution network, Open Connect (which delivers streaming content to its end users). Now you know!

The go-to forum for everything from news to bleeding-edge social commentary, Reddit has long been a staple of the world’s internet diet. But did you know that its server-side is coded in Python?

You don’t see it, but whenever you send a request via your browser to Reddit, the web server (Reddit) uses Python to translate your request. It then sends back the necessary HTML, which is what you see in your browser.

In this case, you can think of Python as the middle man between your server request and what pops up on your screen. Who knew?

If you’re old enough to remember the tedious days of ripping CDs onto your computer DVD drive (the what drive?) then you’ll appreciate just how much easier Spotify has made it to listen to music.

Spotify makes heavy use of Python on its web backend, which comprises many interconnected services. According to the company, around 80% of these are coded using Python .

Spotify also has a proprietary data analytics package called Luigi. Designed to quickly prototype complex data jobs, Luigi powers Spotify’s Radio and Discover features, as well as recommendations for people you might want to follow. And what language is Luigi coded in? You guessed it: Python.

First launched in 2008, the file hosting service Dropbox was doing cloud storage long before it was cool!

Today it remains at the cutting edge of the sector and much of its success is down to Python. Dropbox has used Python since its inception, both server-side and on the client end.

The language’s cross-platform support and readability led Dropbox to adopt the language since these allowed them to implement, test and deploy new product features at speed.

The company is also a firm believer in open-source. They regularly share their innovations with the wider world–something we like to see! The company is so focused on Python that, from 2012 to 2019, they even employed Guido van Rossum, Python’s creator.

Probably the internet’s most famous Q&A site (at least since Yahoo Answers departed—RIP) Quora is best known for its compelling questions and occasionally dubious responses.

Nevertheless, it’s hugely well-known and is another site that makes heavy use of Python.

Being such a dynamic site, Python has allowed Quora to build and test new functionality with fewer lines of code, streamlining their new feature development.

Thanks to Python’s simplicity of use, designers, data analysts, and even non-engineers can write code as and when required. In terms of their exact tech stack, Quora uses numerous Python libraries on its backend, including Tornado and PyPy , amongst others.

Never has getting from A to B (or ordering takeout) been as simple as it has since Uber arrived in our lives. But did you know that much of the ride-hailing app’s functionality is built using Python? Like Quora, they tend to use Tornado .

And while Python isn’t the only language Uber uses (it accounts for about 35% of their tech stack) much of its backend functionality relies heavily on it. This includes data analytics features for predicting supply and demand, user surges and arrival times—highly mathematical functions that Python is ideally suited to.,  

Because of Amazon, we can get pretty much anything delivered to our doorsteps at the click of a button, and all without needing to spare a thought for how it arrives there. Thanks, Jeff Bezos! But did you know that Amazon uses Python, too?

In particular, Amazon engineers have produced Python machine learning algorithms that interact with the company’s Hadoop data storage system. This mighty analytics stack powers Amazon’s famed recommendation engine that encourages us to purchase new products. Analyzing user search and purchase habits, Python helps Amazon recommend even more stuff for us to buy! Cool, huh?  

The virtual pinboard and social bookmarking site Pinterest has been gracing our computer screens for over a decade.

It allows users to curate image collections for everything from puppies, to wedding dresses and driftwood art. As is often the case with new websites, Pinterest was initially built using Python, because that’s what languages its developers knew best.

It’s since taken a more pragmatic approach, with former Pinterest Chief Technology Officer, Vanja Josifovski, explaining that Pinterest uses many programming languages depending on the use case. However, the site’s continued reliance on machine learning strongly suggests that Python remains a core part of their tech stack.  

Lyft: One of many company logos you may recognize on hire bikes, scooters, and cars in cities across the world. Like Uber, there’s no question they’ve transformed urban mobility. Also like Uber, Python is a core language at the company.

According to their Principal Tech Lead, Roy Williams:

“It’s not uncommon for us to have services configured by Salt (written in Python) while running a web server with Flask, serving data with scikit-learn, and manipulating with Pandas… this is pretty common for us.”

In short, they use Python widely! Be sure to check out Roy’s whole talk on YouTube.

Google, the search engine so ubiquitous it spawned its own verb (Google it, if you don’t know what we mean). Early on, Google’s engineering team famously decided: “Python when we can, C++ when we must.” And hey, it seemed to work out for them.

Today, Python is an “official language” at Google and has many continued applications across the organization, from system building and administration to code evaluation.

Of course, as the need for data analytics becomes increasingly important in big tech, Python is also used in many of Google’s cutting-edge machine learning and AI projects.

Distracting us from existential angst with kitten videos since 2005, the world’s largest video streaming site is a prime real-world example of Python in web development.

YouTube functionality including view video, administrator video, data access, and website control templates are just a few ways in which Python powers the site.

Interestingly, though, it didn’t start this way. YouTube’s original codebase was PHP. Over its first few months, however, the founders migrated it to Python, due to the latter’s greater speed, performance, and flexibility. A pretty compelling advertisement for Python, in our book.

Facebook (Meta)

The world’s most famous social networking site, Facebook (now hurriedly renamed Meta) has kept us connected to our friends (and stalking exes) since 2004.

Unless you live under a rock, you’ll know the site has its finger in many pies, from dating to live-streaming. As a result, it relies on many different languages for its products and services.

However, Python plays no small part, accounting for at least 21 percent of their codebase , mostly in the area of production engineering. Oh, and remember that Tornado web framework we mentioned (used by Quora and Uber)? Yep, Facebook developed it.

Best known for its starring role in the invention of the selfie, picture sharing site Instagram is another social platform that’s now so ubiquitous it’s impossible to imagine life without it. And we have Python to thank.

Instagram’s original backend was built on a Django framework—still used to this day. And since Meta (formerly Facebook) bought Instagram, the integration between the two platforms has grown increasingly complex. APIs, search mechanisms, and other functionality are all coded in Python. Bet you didn’t know that!

4. How to become a Python developer

As these real-world examples of Python in web development show, the language is far more than just hype. It’s a core component of some of the biggest websites and apps in the world.

And, since these companies sit at the top of the tech economy, Python certainly won’t be going anywhere any time soon. And why would we want it to? It’s versatile, secure, and scalable. Plus: it’s easy to learn .  

So, if you want to become a Python developer, what first? The main thing to decide is if you want to use it more for web development or something else, like data analytics. Both are popular applications of the language, but as our Python website examples demonstrate, web development is a good choice.

If you agree, then we’d recommend getting to grips with the Django web development framework first. It’s well-established, widely used, and gives you a chance to learn the basics. Here are few things to get you started:

  • Read up on Python: Before you commit to learning it, make sure you research Python further—find out about its applications and decide which you’d most like to learn.
  • Download the necessary tools: To get started, you’ll need to download and install the latest version of Python and an appropriate integrated development environment (IDE).
  • Take a tutorial: Start learning the basics of Python with some online tutorials, like this Python for Beginners guide or this introductory YouTube video .
  • Get support online: Got questions? Seek out advice from other developers on a forum like Stack Overflow or the GitHub community .
  • Take a structured course: Once you’ve done all of the above, you should have a better idea if Python is for you. If it is, why not invest in a structured online course of study?

5. Next steps

So, there we have it! As we’ve seen, Python is a versatile and ubiquitous programming language with many popular use cases, not least in web development.

If you’re a total coding novice, we hope our Python website examples have shown you just what a useful technology it is to learn. Feel like adding it to your own skillset? While there are a number of online specialization courses available in Python for programmers, chief among them is the CareerFoundry Python for Web Developers course .

Studying flexibly at 15 hours per week for two months, you’ll learn to master Python, in particular the Django framework. At the end of this mentored course you’ll emerge with not just Python in your toolkit, but also a certificate and projects for your web development portfolio .

Check out the following to learn more about the field:

  • What’s a web development framework and why are they useful?
  • Key differences between jQuery and JavaScript: An expert guide
  • What are the best web development bootcamps at the moment?

6. Python in web development FAQs

Is it good to use python for web development.

Netflix, Reddit, Spotify, Uber…these are just a few examples of companies which owe a lot of their success to their apps and technologies built using the coding language Python in their web development. The language is easy to deploy as well as to read, making it a good one to use for programming.

Why is Python so commonly used?

Simply put, Python’s flexibility and ease-of-use are two big reasons it’s so commonly used. These things allow developers to build complex scaleable apps quickly, making it a tech company’s dream.

Is Python in demand for web development?

While it was always popular, particularly for working with databases and for analysis, a major change in the tech landscape has caused it to become even more in demand. Python is one of the better languages, along with C++ and Java, for working in AI development. And with the AI market predicted by Statistic to be worth almost  2 trillion U.S. dollars by 2030 , it’s safe to say Python developers will stay in demand.

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How to create a website using Python (an introduction)

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Can you make a website using Python?

Why create a website with python, relatively easier to learn, a vast collection of libraries, faster development time, excellent data visualization capabilities, budget-friendly, secure and scalable, what other websites were made using python, how to code a website in python using web frameworks, which framework should you use to build your website using python, a step-by-step guide to create a website using python, step 1: get a handle on html and css, step 2: master the basics of javascript, step 3: master the document object model, step 4: backend development with python, step 5: choose your framework and database, final words.

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10 Famous Websites Built With Python

  • App Development

The global programming landscape is growing by leaps and bounds. With skilled programmers and web developers making six figures yearly, it certainly won’t be hyperbole to say that web development is an evergreen line of work. People need websites, and if you know how to make them, you will never be out of work. In this blog post, we will focus on Python.

Python came into existence in 1991 and has taken giant strides in the world of programming. Built by a Dutch programmer named Guido van Rossum, Python is an advanced programming language that emphasizes the concept of code readability. It follows a syntax that allows programmers to build a framework using fewer lines of code.

A striking feature that makes Python a preferred language for programmers to build websites is the language’s dynamic type system and automatic memory management. The fact that it also supports multiple paradigms of programming, including Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), functional, imperative, and


  • January 16, 2018

The global programming landscape is growing by leaps and bounds. With skilled programmers and web developers making six figures yearly, it certainly won’t be hyperbole to say that web development is an evergreen line of work. People need websites, and if you know how to make them, you will never be out of work. In this blog post, we will focus on Python.

A striking feature that makes Python a preferred language for programmers to build websites is the language’s dynamic type system and automatic memory management. The fact that it also supports multiple paradigms of programming, including Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), functional, imperative, and procedural, makes it a highly versatile programming language.

A large number of aspiring programmers are taking an opportunity to apply for web development training to  learn Python web programming  basics to begin their journey in the world of programming. Start your training journey now!

Advantages of Choosing Python Over Any Other Programming Language

Here is why you should learn Python,

  • Extensible in C and C++
  • Ease of learning and support
  • Data structures are user-friendly
  • Third party operating modules are present

Owing to its user-friendliness, Python has been used to create some of the most popular websites in the world such as:

One of the most popular search engines in the world has been built using Python. Python allows Google to switch the traffic and figure out the requirements of search.

Python has been the driving force behind YouTube, a website used by millions for downloading and uploading videos of all hues and sizes.  The website has been coded in a way which makes it easier and extremely interactive for the user.

It’s a portal where you get your answers. You can post a question and you can get an answer from any part of the world. Quora’s language programming has been developed using Python’s framework.

Many of our choices to store our data are going online. We create a document, save it and share it. All of this is done online using Dropbox. It is an ideal way to preserve your documents online. Dropbox used Python to create its file hosting service.

Yahoo is Google’s biggest competitor in the search engine criteria. Yahoo and many of its subsidiaries, including Yahoo Maps, used Python for their designs.

Reddit, popularly called the internet’s front page, has also been developed using Python. It is a place where you can find a lot of information and entertainment across thousands of categories. The website focuses on user-generated content. Many of the website’s features are dependent on Python for their functionality.

Uploading and sharing photos has never been this exciting. Instagram has revolutionized the way pictures and videos are shared. The popular picture sharing website also relies heavily on Python for many of its functionalities, including the video sharing service.

  •   Spotify

Stream countless songs and music videos with Spotify. You just can’t get enough of your favorite musicians, singers and composers. Spotify is yet another popular website created using Python. Spotify focuses on speed, and Python complements that mindset really well.

  • Survey Monkey

When you think of conducting online surveys, Survey Monkey might be the first name that comes to mind. The cloud-based Software as a Service company founded by Ryan Finley in 1999 has also been created entirely using Python. It is easy to use and extremely interactive, all because of Python.

Bitly is the popular link management platform created by Peter Stern in 2008 that shortens close to 600 million links annually. This website also owes greatly to Python, as it came into existence because of Python.

Looking at the websites that have been developed using Python, it certainly won’t be an overstatement to say that Python is the driving force behind some of the biggest and most popular websites across the globe. Looking at the success of Python as an ideal way of creating websites, aspiring programmers and web developers across the world are giving themselves a chance to join the bandwagon of web developers by getting to learn this user-friendly programming language through web development training.

You, too, can make websites like that by  learning Python web programming basics  from QuickStart. Start your 7-day FREE TRIAL with QuickStart.

  • Everything You Need To Know about Becoming A Professional Python Programmer
  • How To Start Your Career As A Freelance Web Developer
  • How to Become a Professional Game Developer
  • How To Capitalize On The Skills Gap in The Web Development Sector

Learn Python Django From Scratch

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websites built with python

Code Conquest

The 50 best websites to learn python.

April 15, 2016 by Code Conquest

Python is an elegant, high-level programming language that is relatively easy to learn and includes multiplatform support.

The latter feature is important because generally as a developer you would need to learn multiple languages to cross the barrier between platforms. On mobile, for instance, Android uses Java while Apple’s iOS uses Swift or Objective-C. There are tools to easily port apps and software between separate platforms, but they come with their own set of drawbacks. It’s always better to create a native app.

Python is so deep and easy to learn, that it is one of the most recommended languages among education and research markets. A lot of students start their coding or programming journey by learning Python.

According to a report from Tiobe , Python was in the top five most popular languages for 2016 right at number 5. During the same period last year (April 2015) it was in position number 8. Through that info, you can see just how popular the language has become in such a short time.

It helps that there is an abundance of online tutorials, courses, and educational books about the language.

Just to provide a frame of reference, you could learn the absolute basics of Python within just the first hour of working with the language. The best Python tutorials will actually have you coding simple apps in that time, as well. Obviously, you’re not going to be able to whip up a full-scale application with that small amount of training, but you’ll know enough to dive in and get started.

Where Should You Start?

Python is considered to be one of the easiest programming languages to learn, and because it harbors an incredible amount of depth it is extremely versatile. You can use the language for anything from web development to game development.

Plus, the language serves as a gateway to other, similar languages like PHP, Ruby, and much more.

The best way to learn – especially when it comes to a programming language – is by doing. Therefore, the best way to start learning Python is to choose a lesson or course that peaks your interest and jump in.

When it comes to learning how to code , it is fairly easy to teach yourself.

You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars for a degree or one of the popular coding boot camps. One of the best ways to hone your skills is through practice. That is, trial and error.

To help you get started, we have compiled a huge list of resources that will either help you get started with Python or broaden your understanding if you already know the basics.

We’ll explain which of the options below are more suitable to your tastes — whether you’re at a beginner, intermediate or expert level.

Top 50 Websites to Learn Python

Keep in mind, the first ten resources on this list are some of the best around. The following forty, then, are not listed in any particular order.

1. Code Academy

Code Academy is a free, online learning center for all things programming. They offer lessons in a variety of languages and topics, not just Python.

What makes it special, is that you can write code directly in your browser and see the results pan out live. This is useful when you’re starting out because it eliminates the need to setup a development environment for practice exercises.

This portal is best suited for beginner to intermediate coders. During your time working with Python through Code Academy, you’ll build your own tip calculator tool, and a board game based on Battleship.

Python topics you will learn include common syntax, strings and console output, conditional and control flow, loops, functions, file input and output, lists and dictionaries, and much more.

Price: Free

2. TutorialsPoint

TutorialsPoint is another site like Code Academy that offers free tutorials with the option to test out code directly in a browser window.

They offer one of the most comprehensive tutorials for novice coders that will take you through the basics and beginner stages of the language all the way to expert level tasks. You will learn how to set up a Python development environment, write basic syntax, work with variables, operators and loops, and much more.

What makes TutorialsPoint’s guide so comprehensive is that it also covers advanced Python topics like database access, CGI, and game programming, the use of multithreading, XML processing, networking, GUI design, and more.


Codementor is designed for intermediate to expert developers who are already working with the language in question. There are some tidbits for beginners scattered throughout, but this is certainly not a portal for novice coders to spend a majority of their time.

Each post on the site is a separate tutorial that covers a specific focus, like sorting Git Authors in an app with code, integrating Node.js with Python, using Python decorators and more.

4. PythonChallenge

If you’re the type of person that would much rather be challenged and put under a small amount of pressure to increase your learning capacity, PythonChallenge is right up your alley.

It isn’t the prettiest site in existence; actually, the design is downright ugly. However, the challenges and lessons you will participate in are invaluable to learning Python. There are 33 levels to master currently, with over 2,000,000 visitors to the site to date.

5. Google’s Python Class eBook

Due to the nature of the material, Google’s Python Class eBook is best suited for intermediate to experienced coders. It is well written and clearly explains various concepts related to Python, yet it’s more about programming theory as opposed to the practical application of it. Therefore, you won’t find any step-by-step tutorials or in-depth guides.

This makes it a great travel companion for Python developers who want to stay in the loop while they are on the move.

There are multiple books available, and you can download companion exercises to execute locally on your machine. This allows you to work with and test out different snippets of code.


When in doubt, you can always turn to the official documentation for a language. is the official channel for the developers of Python, so you can find plenty of references, materials, and resources on working with the language.

As you’d expect, they have a great beginner’s tutorial that will walk you through the basics. Then, you’ll learn about more advanced topics like different Python libraries, distributing modules, and much more.

7. Learn Python the Hard Way eBook

Once again the challenge is the main focus. Learn Python the Hard Way is a free eBook that you can read in full. The online version can be accessed from any device including mobile, and is always free. If you want a paper or digital copy of the book – to read offline – you’ll need to pony up some cash ($30).

Apparently, more than 1.5 million people have read this eBook annually. That’s an impressive number, even more so if they all went on to work with Python in some form or another.


One of the first ideas we discussed is that it’s best to learn by doing. has designed a platform where you can do exactly that. Rather than spend your time combing over an endless stream of text, this website allows you to participate in interactive tutorials. You get to work with the Python language right in your browser.

You’ll start with the infamous “Hello World,” tutorial and move on to more advanced topics if you stick with the course. This portal is best for beginner to intermediate level coders.

9. Invent with Python eBook

Another way to learn and retain knowledge is to ensure you are having fun and enjoying yourself while you do so. That’s the driving idea behind the Invent with Python eBook .

Every tutorial, tip, and lesson have to do with serving a specific purpose through the use of Python. For instance, the book

For instance, the book Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python will teach you how to make games. With each progressive lesson, the games get more complex and require a more advanced use of the language. By the time you’re done, you’ll have a firm grasp of Python – enough to strike out and build applications or games on your own.

The online versions of the books can always be accessed for free, but there are options to purchase them for access offline too, for a price.

10. Dive into Python 3

Dive into Python 3 is an online book that covers the difference between working with Python 3, as opposed to Python 2. Since it’s licensed under a Creative Commons license you can also download HTML and PDF versions of the book for free.

This book is a great resource for all coders from beginner to experienced, and there’s material here for everyone.

11. Python for Beginners

Although Python for Beginners has been idle for some time it’s under new management. Recently, the site received a design overhaul and some new content in the form of a beginner’s Python tutorial.

As for the regular content on the site, you’ll find a long list of Python coding guides and snippets that you can use in your own projects. For this reason, the site is ideal for Python developers of all skill levels, even those with considerable experienced under their belts.

12. Pythonspot

As the name suggests, Pythonspot is a great place to find a variety of Python-centric resources and tutorials. All content is separate into categories by skill level, tutorial type (like GUI and Network guides), and platform (Android, iOS, etc).

13. Learning Python Magic Methods

Magic method is an advanced concept for object-oriented programming languages. Unfortunately, the official Python documentation doesn’t explain it well.

Refekkettler – the creator of Learning Python Magic Methods – created the site to remedy that problem. Obviously, the material is for intermediate to advanced level Python developers.

It’s essentially an online resource guide; you can also download a PDF version for access offline if need be.


The  AfterHoursProgramming  tutorial features a native code simulator that allows you to write and deploy code from your browser. It starts off with some basic and simple concepts and moves to more advanced topics. For instance, later exercises walk you through building web applications with some neat interactivity features.

At the end of the course, you can take a pretty extensive quiz to test retention of the knowledge you learned.

15. theNewBoston Basic Python Tutorials

theNewBoston is a popular training crew, renowned for their in-depth video tutorials hosted on YouTube. They have a series of tutorials on Python 3.4 Basics that are phenomenal, especially for newbies.

16. NewCircle Python Fundamentals Training

NewCircle Training is another great channel for coding and beginner tutorials on a variety of subjects. They offer a Python Fundamentals Training series which is just as invaluable as anything else on this list. Video tutorials are excellent if you’re more of a visual learner.

17. A Byte of Python Online Book

Written by Swaroop, A Byte of Python is a beloved online tutorial book that serves as a great beginner resource, as well as a future resource for intermediate coders who might need to look back at thorough documentation.

18. Coursera Python Course by Rice University

Like Code Academy, Coursera offers free online courses for those willing to learn. Most of the courses on Coursera, however, are affiliated with actual colleges and universities.

The Python Course is provided by Rice University and is offered as a 7-course series in two separate parts. It must be followed over the course of several weeks (so you’ll need to have time set aside for this), and you have to register for the online classes like you would at a local college or university. The good news is that it’s free to register and attend the courses.

If you want a certificate to show for your hard work you’ll need to pay extra.

19. Think Python Online Book

This resource also comes in the form of an online book. You can purchase the paper version of Think Python via Amazon if you are so inclined. Otherwise, access to the online version is free.

The book actually aims to teach beginners computer science fundamentals and programming basics. To better explain these topics, it does so by relating the information to Python. So, you’ll learn both the foundation of programming and Python language at the same time.

20. Getting Started with Django Video Series

Django is a convenient, development framework built on the Python language. A framework essentially makes a developer’s job easier by implementing a more modular form of a language.

The Getting Started with Django video series is a great way to introduce yourself to the framework and get a much better understanding of Python in the process.

21. Code School’s Try Python Interactive Coding Environment

If you’re the type of go-getter that doesn’t want to bother with sorting through a heap of text-based tutorials and guides, Code School’s Try Python is just for you.

It throws you into the thick of things and provides an online, interactive environment to begin coding with Python right away.

22. Interactive Python

Runestone Interactive offers a plethora of open-source, online textbooks, for beginner and intermediate level coding classes. Many of them focus on Python, especially their Interactive Python series.

All books are free to access and use, but you’ll want to register for an account (also free) so that you can save your spot – unless you plan to read the textbooks in one sitting, which is highly unlikely.

23. Code Nerd Python Tutorial Videos

Video tutorials are an excellent way to soak up knowledge and skills, and Code Nerd’s Python Tutorial series is no exception to that rule.

The videos are easy to follow, well-written, and cover a range of important topics related to Python.

24. Python Fundamentals

The Python Fundamentals course hosted on Pluralsight isn’t free, unfortunately. However, it happens to be one of the most thorough and informative guides on Python you’ll find. Not only does it explain how to use Python, and elaborate on what certain functions of the language are for, it also explains the natural order of the language. This helps you better understand why things are a certain way in Python compared to other languages.

Keep in mind the price listed below is for a Pluralsight subscription and earns  you access to their entire database of tutorials and content, not just this one.

Price: $299 annually ($24.92/mo)

25. Learning to Program Version 3

Alan Gauld is both a moderator and regular contributor for the Python tutor mailing list. He also happens to be responsible for Learning to Program . The site offers beginner tutorials designed to introduce programming newbies to the basic fundamentals of coding.

Version 3 – which is the version linked – centers on the use of Python Version 3.

26. Intro to Computer Science

Udacity is another free online training platform, which hosts an excellent – and free – Intro to Computer Science course. Even though the focus is on computer science and programming as a whole, you’ll primarily be working with Python for the exercises and projects.

During the course, you’ll learn how to build your own web crawler, search engine, and social network using Python.

27. Python Crash Course

Python Crash Course affords several assumptions, the first being that you’re already an experienced developer and understand object oriented programming.

The course is comprised of a series of documents and presentation slides, that are meant to serve as a teaching aid.

28. Python Tutor

Python Tutor is a portal to learn the basics of programming and become familiar with a bunch of languages including Python, Java, JavaScript, C++, Ruby and more.

29. Real Python

Real Python is a premium online course with multiple subscription levels. With your purchase, you’ll gain access to over 1,300 pages of content, 9 hours of video, exercises, sample files, and course assignments.

Price: Starts at $60

30. Full Stack Python

This portal is for intermediate to experienced developers. If you are already proficient in Python, but would like some more guidance on where to go next, check out Full Stack Python .

You’ll be assigned individual projects to complete like building a certain type of web app, website demo, or module.

31. PythonLearn

If you are familiar with the concept of informatics, PythonLearn is a resource portal you might be interested in. Naturally, it is meant for developers that work with Python on a regular basis.

32. CS for All

Written by professors at Harvey Mudd College, CS for All explores the foundation of computer science through the use of Python. The content is straightforward and accessible, and it was clearly structured to accommodate the layman. That’s not to say experienced developers can’t look to it as a resource, however.

33. Twilio Blog: Python Projects Tag

The versatile company Twilio has turned their blog into something of an authority on all things technology-based. The Python Projects tag narrows down visible content to posts that are directly related to Python.

Each tutorial explores a unique project that you can complete using the language. Some examples include sending selfies without servers using Python, developing a personal ISS tracker, and generating Choose Your Own Adventure style presentations.

34. Intro to Programming with Python

Despite the fact that this resource has another generic sounding name, Introduction to Programming with Python is a great place to find information on Python from basic to intermediate topics. There’s even a section dedicated to what you should do after completing the tutorial.

35. Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

O’Reilly, the popular training book provider, has made Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist available for free online.

There are links to purchase a physical or digital copy of the book too.

36. Web Development: How to Build a Blog

This free Udacity course was created by Steve Huffman, one of Reddit’s founders. As the title suggests, Web Development: How to Build a Blog walks you through basic web development concepts and teaches you how to build web applications with Python.

It is for intermediate coders that already have some experience with the language. Beginners can always start with the Intro to Computer Science or Programming Foundations with Python courses.

37. Learning Python by Matt Makai

Renowned developer Matt Makai wrote a useful post on his personal blog about Learning Python as a beginner. Most importantly, it talks about the best place to start if you have no former programming knowledge and provides some valuable resources – some of which are already on this list.

38. Python for You and Me

Like most of the other free online books in this resource list, Python for You and Me starts with the basics and slowly builds to more complex topics. It made the list because once you complete the main content you can try your hand at creating your first Flask web app using the provided tutorial.

39. Practical Business Python

Practical Business Python is a niche blog that delivers Python scripts, snippets and tutorials to be used in the world of business. You’ll learn about creating advanced Excel workbooks, using Python for data analysis tasks, and much more.

40. Talk Python to Me

Talk Python to Me is an online podcast that features discussions from devs and thought leaders who actually spend their time working with Python. It’s a great way to pick up tips, tricks, and insights from some of the industry’s best influencers.

Because it’s a podcast, you can listen to episodes while you code, or complete other training programs.

41. Learn Python 3 in Y Minutes

This online guide is designed for experienced developers who are migrating from another language. If you already know the basics but want to better understand how Python is structured as a language, Learn Python 3 in Y Minutes is your poison.

42. The Elements of Python Style

The Elements of Python Style is essentially a style guide for the Python programming language. It helps establish a community standard that all developers would do well to follow. This is a valuable resource for everyone, but intermediate to experienced developers will definitely get the most use out of it.

43. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python

Borrowing inspiration from the sci-fi novel – and movie – of a similar name, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python is a massive reference about the language. There are also introductory guides about the Python dev community, which can be valuable for those just starting out.


A great resource for Python Cheat Sheets and other handy language printouts. This site has been around for a long time and has a very cool graphic representation of popular cheatsheets.

45. Awesome-Python

Because Python is so versatile and easy-to-use, developers have come up with a great many tools to use with the language. Awesome-Python is a downloadable list that reveals a ton of frameworks, libraries, and software you can work with as a Python developer.

46. Python Weekly

Python Weekly is a free, email newsletter that keeps you up-to-date on all the Python happenings and current events. You’ll get information about new tutorials, videos, potential projects, and much more.

47. CheckiO

Gamification is real big these days, and it also happens to be a great way to turn otherwise boring tasks into fun, addictive achievements.

CheckiO takes the process of learning programming and turns it into a game. If you can’t stand reading, watching videos, or listening to podcasts this is sure to steal your attention.

48. Learn Python Programming Fundamentals by Building a PyPet

Remember the Tamagotchi craze from the 90’s? If for some reason you don’t, they were cute, digital pets that kids – and adults – could spend their free time taking care of and playing with. Despite how exhausting that sounds, they were a lot of fun.

This Python Programming Fundamentals course will teach you the basics of the language, all while you work on building your own PyPet – a custom, Python version of a Tamagotchi. It’s a pretty fun and unique way to learn.

49. The Python Guru

The Python Guru is yet another beginner-friendly resource for learning the language.

50. Python Tips

Already know how to use Python and just looking for some tips and tricks you can file away for use later? Python Tips is a blog that includes regular content updates all related to the Python language.

That’s a Huge List of Mobile App Development Websites and Resources!

After reading through the list, you should be able to find at least one website or resource to aid in your mission to learn Python .

If you’d prefer to learn through a more educational or collegiate format, give one of the popular online code schools a try such as Treehouse , Lynda or Code School .

Disclosure of Material Connection : Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers.

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Python for Beginners: Which Commonly Used Websites Are Built Using Python?

  • Miscellaneous Python For Kids

Python web development is becoming increasingly popular among businesses for their technical needs.

According to Salary Expert, the average python developer’s gross salary in India is around 18,01,225. Python programmers adore the language due to its clarity and straightforward grammar.

websites built with python

Python is a popular back-end programming language that many of today’s top tech businesses use for their websites. Here are 6 well-known websites that were created with Python.

1. Instagram

Instagram is a well-known photo & video sharing social networking platform which has  approximately 1.440 billion users around the world. Do you know that Instagram uses Python programming language on its backend? As per Instagram’s engineering team:

Instagram currently has the world’s largest Django web framework deployment, which is written entirely in Python. We initially chose Python because of its reputation for simplicity and practicality, which aligns well with our “do the simplest thing first” philosophy.

websites built with python

Instagram engineers have created open-source tools like the Python static type checker Pyre, which Instagram uses to examine its server software and to enhance developer efficiency. Additionally, Instagram engineers have produced developer tools like LibCST for Python code analysis. Due to Instagram’s short restart time after testing new features Python is used for the purpose of fast iterations.

Spotify is one of the largest music streaming service platform with more than 433 million monthly active users. Python is primarily used at Spotify to serve Backend services and Data analysis.

websites built with python

Backend Services:

The backend of Spotify is made up of numerous interdependent services that are connected via a custom messaging protocol using ZeroMQ. As per experts, 80% of these services are written in Python programming language. Python is a good fit for Spotify as it puts a lot of emphasis on speed. Spotify also heavily rely on Python async libraries to aid IO-bound services.

websites built with python

Data Analytics:

Analytics are heavily used by the Spotify team in both product development and decision-making. We employ our Luigi package to make Hadoop interactions simpler. Spotify uses Luigi, a Python-based ETL tool, to power its Hadoop data intelligence operations. Instead of continuous, streaming activity, it helps developers schedule, manage, and track batch jobs. 

Dropbox is a cloud-based platform that serves the purpose of file storage, syncing, and, sharing etc. When we compare dropbox to more traditional methods of FTP or emailing filing as an attachments, we find that Dropbox has the capability to transfer large files which crosses the maximum attachement size limit. 

websites built with python

According to Dropbox’s freemium business model , customers can sign up for a free account with a certain amount of storage( 2 GB of free storage space). For more space, they need to get paid subscriptions as per their requirements. Dropbox uses Python because of its cross-platform support, better readability and Ease of learning. Python offers a rapid development cycle, which is essential for the implementation, testing, and deployment of new features in the Dropbox. 

Netflix is a video streaming site with a large selection of entertaining TV episodes, films, anime, and documentaries. Python-based apps are used by Netflix to manage the majority of their network devices. Netflix developers claim that from security tools to its recommendation algorithms and its in-house content distribution network (CDN), Open Connect, Python is utilised throughout the whole content lifecycle. 

websites built with python

Python is a programming language that is used by Netflix’s information security team to carry out a number of very essential tasks such as risk classification, vulnerability identification, security automation, and auto-remediation, etc. efficiently.

Netflix uses machine learning significantly in several areas. They base a lot of their machine learning applications on Metaflow, a Python framework that simplifies the use of machine learning projects and pushes the capabilities of Python to function even more effectively.

It’s interesting to note that Python web programming is solely responsible for the Bitly platforms’ existence. Python web programming is used by the well-known Bitly-URL shortener site to handle links. It now holds the title of most used URL shortener in the world, managing more than 600 million URLs created each month in a majority of companies across the world.

websites built with python

For building the frontend and backend interface for a website like Quora, Python performs far better than PHP due to its readability and efficiency. It streamlines the development process by enabling the creation of more functions with fewer lines of code.

websites built with python

Python accelerated the brainstorming process, saving Quora money, time, and effort. Python offers a far more robust environment and standard library, which could aid developers in writing code. Python 2.6 is easily switchable for Quora’s developers because it is compatible with many libraries already in use.

Summing Up!

In this python for beginners blog we have talked about 6 well known companies that use Python in their functionality one way or the other. We also learned the scope of learning python programming language.

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python programming for beginners

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How to Build A Website with Python: An Ultimate Guide

Have you ever wondered how to flex your coding muscles and whip up a slick website using Python?

You’re in luck! In this article, we’ll explore website construction with Python. It is a strong and flexible programming language. Scalability and ease of usage are well-known features.

The following article will show you how to build a website with Python!

What is Python?

Guido van Rossum created Python in the latter part of the 1980s. It’s a popular high-level programming language known for being straightforward. Plus, it accommodates numerous paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming, making it suitable for a variety of applications.

What is Python?

Python has become a powerful tool in web development. This is because Django and Flask are frameworks. They offer structured and efficient ways to build web apps. Django offers many features. Flask is lightweight and flexible. It lets developers customize components as needed.

Many people use Python for website development. It is popular because it is adaptable, simple, and has a vibrant ecosystem. It allows you to create web solutions. They can scale, remain strong, and maintain themselves. This is true no matter how complex or simple they are.

Also read: Hire Python Web Developers: How to find & How much does it cost

Why should we build a website with Python?

Creating a website with Python offers several advantages:

Why should we build a website with Python?

  • Versatility. Python is a powerful programming language. It has adaptable libraries and frameworks, like Django and Flask. They enable web app development, routing, and databases.
  • Ease of learning. Beginners can easily comprehend Python thanks to its simple and clear syntax. This means that even new programmers can develop web apps. They can quickly learn the basics.
  • Large ecosystem. Python’s extensive library and tool ecosystem is a valuable resource for web development. It makes databases, web servers, and complex tasks easier to handle.
  • Scalability. Python is used by some of the largest websites and web applications. This shows its scalability. Platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and Dropbox have successfully scaled their services using Python.
  • Community support. Python has an active community of developers. They contribute to its growth. This makes it easy to find support and resources for issues in Python-based web projects online.
  • Combination. Python integrates easily with many systems and technologies. This makes it good for building complex web apps. The apps interact with many services and APIs.
  • Cost-effective. Since Python is open-source, using and distributing it is free. This can make it cheap for businesses and individuals. They want to develop web apps without paying big licensing fees.

How to build a website with Python in 8 steps

Step 1: get prerequisite knowledge.

Before you build a website with Python, you must first acquire prerequisite knowledge. Many people find Python easy to learn and understand. It’s a popular programming language. So, it’s an excellent choice for web development. However, a strong foundation of knowledge is necessary.

Step 1: Get prerequisite knowledge

Below is a summary of the main areas that require your attention:

  • Python programming. You’ll pick up the basics of Python. This covers functions, control structures, data types, variables, and object-oriented programming. You will also master writing Python code and its syntax.
  • Web fundamentals. Understand web development basics. These include client-server architecture. They use the HTTP protocol, web servers, browsers, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They are for structuring web pages, styling, and adding interactivity.
  • Flask or Django framework. Choose between Flask and Django for Python web frameworks, based on their lightweight and flexible nature, and thoroughly study their documentation and tutorials for best practices.
  • Database management. Websites often require interaction with databases, so understanding DBMS like SQLite, PostgreSQL, or MySQL, CRUD operations, relational databases, and SQL for querying is essential.
  • HTML templating. Learn about template engines like Jinja2 and Django’s built-in template language, and pass data from Python code to generate dynamic HTML content in web development frameworks like Flask and Django.
  • HTTP requests and responses. Understand the process of handling HTTP requests and responses in a web application, including routing URLs to specific views, handling various HTTP methods, and processing form submissions.

To sum up, acquiring prerequisite knowledge equips you for Python website creation, but consistent practice, project work, and knowledge expansion are crucial for progress in web development.

Step 2: Setup your environment

Setting up your environment is one of the most important steps in building a Python website. It makes sure you have installed all needed dependencies and tools. You need them for developing, testing, and launching your web app.

Here’s a detailed guide to assist you in setting up your environment:

  • Ensure Python is on your computer. Download it from the official website and follow your operating system’s instructions.

websites built with python

  • Choose a text editor or IDE like VSCode, PyCharm, Atom, or Sublime Text to write Python code.
  • Install additional packages by using Pip, Python’s package management according to your project’s particular requirements.
  • Make a project folder to keep your files organized, including Python scripts, HTML templates, CSS files, and other website resources.
  • Start writing Python code for the website using your preferred text editor or IDE, along with HTML templates and CSS files.
  • After writing code, test it using various local website running methods depending on the framework or tools used.

That’s it! You’ve successfully set up your environment to build a website with Python. Now, you can continue developing your website, adding features, and making it awesome!

Step 3: Select your framework and database

Selecting a framework and a database is an important step when creating a website with Python. A framework provides the structure and tools you need to build your website efficiently, while a database stores and manages your website’s data.

Step 3: Select your framework and database

Some of the most popular Python frameworks are listed below:

  • Django. People know Django for its all-in-one approach. It has built-in features. These include an ORM for databases, authentication, and an admin panel. It’s great for larger, complex projects.
  • Flask. Flask is more lightweight and flexible than Django. Its simple, modular structure suits smaller projects. It also suits times when you need more control over the components you use.
  • Pyramid. Pyramid is flexible and customizable. It scales well from small sites to large apps. It offers a lot of freedom in how you structure your application.

Moreover, Python supports various databases for storing data. The database you choose depends on factors. These include the type of data. Also, how much it needs to scale and your preference.

  • SQL databases: Python online applications often employ PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite databases. They are appropriate for applications requiring organized data storage and advanced querying.
  • NoSQL databases: MongoDB, Redis, and Cassandra provide flexibility and scalability. They are an excellent solution for applications with a large amount of unstructured data. They are also suitable for applications in which the schema may change.

Once you’ve chosen your framework and database, follow the installation guidelines. They are in the relevant documentation. Also, configure your framework to use the chosen database. Do this by updating the settings file with the database details.

With your framework and database set up, you’re ready to start building your website! 

Step 4: Create the project structure

Setting up the project structure is essential when using Python to create a website. It means organizing your directories and files. You do it in a way that fits your project.

Step 4: Create the project structure

Here’s a quick tutorial for doing it:

  • First, make a main directory for your project.
  • Static. This directory will contain static files. These include CSS stylesheets, JavaScript files, and images.
  • Templates. Here, you’ll store HTML templates for your website pages. These templates can be dynamically filled with content from your Python code.
  • Scripts. You can have a directory for Python scripts that handle backend logic, such as database interactions or business logic.
  • Data. If your website deals with data files, you might want to create a separate directory to store them.
  • Consider creating configuration files based on your project’s requirements. 
  • Install third-party libraries or frameworks within your virtual environment using a package manager like pip.
  • Start coding by creating HTML templates, defining routes, writing backend logic, and styling your website with your project structure in place.

Step 5: Style your website

Styling your website is like giving it a unique personality and appearance. It’s an essential stage in the development of a website with Python. With Python, you can use various tools and libraries to add style to your site effortlessly.

Step 5: Style your website

This is an easy-to-follow tutorial on using Python to style your website:

  • Decide on the overall look and feel you want for your website.
  • Use CSS as a tool used to control the visual presentation of web pages, including text, images, and backgrounds, once a design is established.
  • Customize your website’s style by creating a CSS file defining elements like headers, paragraphs, and buttons, and linking it to your HTML templates.
  • Make your website look good on all devices and screen sizes. Do this by adjusting the styles of CSS frameworks. These frameworks often come with built-in responsiveness.
  • Improve your website with pretty images and icons. You can use Python libraries like Pillow and FontAwesome. They offer a wide range of options.
  • Test your website thoroughly across different browsers and devices before deployment to ensure consistent styling and functionality.
  • Gather feedback from users and continuously iterate on your design to improve user experience and engagement.

Step 6: Test your website

Testing your website is critical when building a website with Python. It ensures that your website works as intended. It looks good and gives users a smooth experience.

Step 6: Test your website

Here’s how to test your website:

  • Test website components like functions, classes, and methods using built-in libraries like ` unittest ` and ` pytest ` in Python.
  • Test how different parts of your website work together. 
  • Examine how different components of your website interact.
  • Use tools like Selenium or PyTest to automate testing, which saves you time and effort. 
  • Assess how your website handles different levels of traffic and ensure it can handle many users. 
  • Use tools like WebDriver or BrowserStack as they test if your website works in various browsers. 
  • Check if your website is accessible to users with disabilities. Use tools like Axe-Core or Wave.
  • Use security testing tools. As an example, scan your website for vulnerabilities with OWASP ZAP or Nikto.
  • Use JMeter or Locust. They help find and fix website bottlenecks.

So, remember to test your website. In this way, you can ensure it is high quality and reliable. It will also provide a great experience for your users.

Step 7: Launch the website you created

To launch the website you’ve created using Python, you’ll need to follow a few steps:

Step 7: Launch the website you created

  • Organize your website’s Python code well. It should include HTML templates, CSS files, JavaScript (if needed), and Python scripts.
  • Choose a hosting service like Heroku, PythonAnywhere, AWS, or your own server. Use it to host your website.
  • Sign up for an account with your chosen hosting service and create a new project or app to set up your hosting environment.
  • Upload Python code to your hosting service’s servers using tools like FTP, Git, or a web-based file uploader.
  • Adjust settings based on your hosting provider to configure your server to execute your Python code.
  • After uploading your code and configuring your server, test your website well. Identify any errors or issues that require fixes.

Once you’re sure everything works, it’s time to launch your website! This usually involves making your website public. You do this by pointing your domain name to your hosting service’s servers.

Step 8: Continuously maintain your website

Continuously maintaining your website is needed to create a successful online presence using Python. After you’ve launched your website, you must keep it updated, secure, and optimized. This is key to keep it working well and relevant to your audience.

Step 8: Continuously maintain your website

Here’s how you can integrate continuous maintenance into your website creation process using Python:

  • Put in place automated testing using Python frameworks like Selenium.
  • Use Git and other version control systems. They let you efficiently manage your website’s codebase. They enable easy tracking, collaboration, and rollback to previous versions.
  • Use Python libraries and logging frameworks. Use them to implement monitoring and logging for website performance and error identification. Also, use them to visualize metrics like traffic, server health, and response times.
  • Put security best practices into effect to protect your website from weaknesses.
  • Update and manage your website’s content to keep it fresh and relevant to your audience.
  • Make your website faster. This will ensure quick load times and a smooth user experience.
  • Make regular backups of the code and data on your website. They protect against data loss from accidents or security breaches.
  • Engage with your website’s community. Ask for feedback, answer questions, and address user concerns.

Also read: 10 Strategies to Hire Dedicated Python Web Developers

Final thoughts

In conclusion, building a website with Python offers immense flexibility and power. Follow the steps above. Then, you can make an excellent and dynamic web presence tailored to your needs.

You must set up your development environment. Then, you must deploy your site. Each stage is essential for crafting a successful online platform. No matter your experience, Python’s versatility makes it great for web development.

So, embrace the journey when you build a website with Python, and unlock the endless possibilities it offers in shaping the digital landscape.

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What Is Python?

websites built with python

Python is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that has several implications across the software, web development , data science and automation environments. The language’s dynamic semantics, high-level built in data structures , dynamic typing and dynamic binding make it one of the most useful languages for rapid application development.

Is Python Easy to Learn?

Python is one of the easiest programming languages to learn, largely due to its object-oriented nature and simple syntax.

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What Is Python Used For?

Python is most commonly used in website development , s oftware development , task automation, data analysis and data visualization .

Python is an incredibly versatile programming language. Often used to develop an application or website’s back end, Python is capable of processing data , communicating with databases, routing URLs and ensuring overall security . 

Python also offers the ability to easily automate processes through scripting , making it key for software testing, troubleshooting and bug tracking.

Finally, Python plays a key role in data science tasks and is used to perform complex statistical calculations, visualize data and create machine learning algorithms .

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What Makes Python So Powerful?

Python’s power comes in its versatility. The language is easy to use and can be implemented across a variety of technical processes, such as programming, machine learning , data science , automation and more.

While other languages may be capable of handling tasks in all of these environments, Python stands out due to its ability to excel in each. Python is also an interpreted language, meaning that it executes instructions directly without the need for compilation.

Additionally, there are a variety of Python frameworks and libraries, such as Django and Flask, that add additional power and tailored capabilities to specific processes. 

Related Reading on Built In 5 Ways to Write More Pythonic Code

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Python scraper based on AI


Folders and files, repository files navigation, 🕷️ scrapegraphai: you only scrape once.


ScrapeGraphAI is a web scraping python library that uses LLM and direct graph logic to create scraping pipelines for websites and local documents (XML, HTML, JSON, etc.).

Just say which information you want to extract and the library will do it for you!

Scrapegraph-ai Logo

🚀 Quick install

The reference page for Scrapegraph-ai is available on the official page of pypy: pypi .

you will also need to install Playwright for javascript-based scraping:

Note : it is recommended to install the library in a virtual environment to avoid conflicts with other libraries 🐱

Official streamlit demo:

My Skills

Try it directly on the web using Google Colab:

Open In Colab

📖 Documentation

The documentation for ScrapeGraphAI can be found here .

Check out also the Docusaurus here .

There are three main scraping pipelines that can be used to extract information from a website (or local file):

  • SmartScraperGraph : single-page scraper that only needs a user prompt and an input source;
  • SearchGraph : multi-page scraper that extracts information from the top n search results of a search engine;
  • SpeechGraph : single-page scraper that extracts information from a website and generates an audio file.

It is possible to use different LLM through APIs, such as OpenAI , Groq , Azure and Gemini , or local models using Ollama .

Case 1: SmartScraper using Local Models

Remember to have Ollama installed and download the models using the ollama pull command.

The output will be a list of projects with their descriptions like the following:

Case 2: SearchGraph using Mixed Models

We use Groq for the LLM and Ollama for the embeddings.

The output will be a list of recipes like the following:

Case 3: SpeechGraph using OpenAI

You just need to pass the OpenAI API key and the model name.

The output will be an audio file with the summary of the projects on the page.

🤝 Contributing

Feel free to contribute and join our Discord server to discuss with us improvements and give us suggestions!

Please see the contributing guidelines .

My Skills

Check out the project roadmap here ! 🚀

Wanna visualize the roadmap in a more interactive way? Check out the markmap visualization by copy pasting the markdown content in the editor!

❤️ Contributors


🎓 Citations

If you have used our library for research purposes please quote us with the following reference:


ScrapeGraphAI is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


  • We would like to thank all the contributors to the project and the open-source community for their support.
  • ScrapeGraphAI is meant to be used for data exploration and research purposes only. We are not responsible for any misuse of the library.

Code of conduct

Security policy, releases 71, sponsor this project.


Contributors 30


  • Python 99.1%

Python Mk II & Updates To The Gamestore

Python Mk II & Updates To The Gamestore

Greetings Commanders,

3310 is a busy year for Elite Dangerous, with three Titans down already, Powerplay 2.0 in the works, four new ship variants on their way AND the other new feature we have not shared with you yet.

This year will also see us celebrate our 10-year anniversary - the love and support you have shown us over the years has been nothing short of incredible, and we want to share with you some other changes coming this year.

Gameplay Additions and Changes

We are excited to share more on Powerplay 2.0 over the coming months as we get closer to Update 19. We are confident the rework of this feature will not only allow players to pledge, engage with, and support their chosen power, but also visually see the impact their efforts have on the galactic landscape.

In addition, we will also be making some balancing changes to Engineering. Our focus will be on making Engineering more accessible and predictable, allowing you to focus on your ship build rather than the materials needed. As stated in the past, we also have another brand-new feature coming to Elite Dangerous later this year.

Gamestore and Pricing

Over the past few years, many of you have identified that the store has become hard to navigate and that it is difficult to find the content that you really want, with this in mind we will be refreshing the store to provide a better experience for our players.

Starting in May 2024, you will notice a change in how we approach the gamestore – which will also include ARX pricing adjustments for some of our cosmetic items, alongside new product types which are detailed below. Players will continue to be able to earn ARX in-game by playing Elite Dangerous daily, or by contributing to events in game.

Ship Variants

We are excited to bring ship variants into Elite throughout the year and are looking forward to seeing how you make use of each one. Starting with the Python Mk II, we are pleased to announce that this will be available in game for Odyssey players on 7 August for credits at Shipyards across the galaxy.

However, if you cannot wait until then you can get 3-month early access to this ship on 7 May from the store for 16250 ARX.

Non-Odyssey owners will be able access ship variants from the store for ARX.

Pre-built Ships

We’re also going to be introducing a new category in the Elite Dangerous gamestore: Pre-built Ships. Pre-Built Ship packages will offer Commanders the opportunity to purchase ships that have been given a significant upgrade from their base models.

We envision these Pre-built Ships to be a quicker way for newer players to get involved in the areas they have the most interest in, or for our existing players who are considering a new career path in game, but do not have time to devote to a new build from scratch.

A ‘Pre-built’ ship package will include instant-access to a pre-fitted ship, a ship kit, and a paintjob – and will typically be themed to match an activity within the game. For example, if you’re looking to jump into the current AX conflict against the Titans, the AX Combat Jumpstart package will give instant access to an Alliance Chieftain with all the necessary modules to go straight into the action within the maelstrom.

The Python Mk II will also launch with a Pre-built Ship package, allowing you to kickstart your career in the latest ship, including a brand-new paintjob and ship kit.

Cosmetic Items

A ‘Best Sellers’ section will be added to the gamestore, including some of our most popular items, allowing Commanders to purchase items such as Midnight Black, Stygian and Chromed all year round. We will continue to add to the store throughout the year with that same focus on items that players care about the most.

We’re excited to roll out Powerplay 2.0 and the Python Mk II, and we’ll have more to show regarding Engineering and the brand-new feature coming later this year in future Frontier Unlocked livestreams. 

Keep in touch

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    The Instagram website is built using the Python programming language and allows users to browse, find and post pictures. Spotify. Spotify is an application that allows you to find, play and share music for free. With the options of a free ad based subscription or an ad free paid subscription, Spotify gives you access to the music you want.

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    from flask import Flask app = Flask (__name__) @app. route ('/') def hello (): return 'Hello, World!'. In the preceding code block, you first import the Flask object from the flask package. You then use it to create your Flask application instance with the name app.You pass the special variable __name__ that holds the name of the current Python module. It's used to tell the instance where it ...

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    Python is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that has several implications across the software, web development, data science and automation environments. The language's dynamic semantics, high-level built in data structures, dynamic typing and dynamic binding make it one of the most useful languages for rapid application development.

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  27. Welcome to Claude

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  28. GitHub

    There are three main scraping pipelines that can be used to extract information from a website (or local file): SmartScraperGraph: single-page scraper that only needs a user prompt and an input source;; SearchGraph: multi-page scraper that extracts information from the top n search results of a search engine;; SpeechGraph: single-page scraper that extracts information from a website and ...

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  30. Python Mk II & Updates To The Gamestore

    The Python Mk II will also launch with a Pre-built Ship package, allowing you to kickstart your career in the latest ship, including a brand-new paintjob and ship kit. Cosmetic Items A 'Best Sellers' section will be added to the gamestore, including some of our most popular items, allowing Commanders to purchase items such as Midnight Black ...