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Pollution: IELTS Topic Ideas, Grammar, Vocabulary and Sample Answers

Pollution: IELTS Topic Ideas, Grammar, Vocabulary and Sample Answers

July 20, 2023 By Ben W

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In this tutorial, we discuss Pollution IELTS Topic Ideas, grammar, vocabulary and sample answers.

Table of Contents

Introduction, grammar point covered, pros and cons regarding pollution, topic specific vocabulary collocations and phrases.

  • Model Sentences Using Pollution Phrases and Grammar Point

Model Essay About Pollution

Speaking part 3 questions and model answers, further reading.

Pollution, a pressing issue affecting our planet, requires immediate and extensive action. This article will provide an in-depth exploration of pollution, its impacts on society, a critical grammar point and related vocabulary, as well as model answers for IELTS writing and speaking tasks.

The focus of our grammar is on writing sentences that imply a position on a topic rather than explicitly outline the position. This indirect method allows for nuanced expression and can demonstrate a higher level of language ability. Here are some example sentences about pollution:

  • Given the alarming rate of climate change, one might surmise that stricter pollution controls are needed.
  • The increasing incidence of asthma suggests a link to pollution.
  • The declining bird population could be seen as an indictment of our pollution practices.
  • From the smog hovering over cities, it would not be unreasonable to deduce a pressing need for cleaner technologies.
  • Considering the rise in oceanic dead zones, perhaps we ought to examine the role of pollution in aquatic ecosystems.

Please note that no argument can genuinely be in favour of pollution. However, some arguments might downplay the urgency of addressing pollution, highlighting potential challenges or costs of intervention.

  • Pollution often correlates with industrial growth and development.
  • Overcoming pollution requires a significant investment in research and development.
  • Allowing pollution via loser regulations may encourage economic growth.
  • Pollution contributes significantly to global warming.
  • Various forms of pollution lead to health problems, such as respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Pollution negatively impacts biodiversity.
  • Pollution can harm local economies that depend on clean environments, such as tourism and fishing.
  • Pollution affects the aesthetic appeal and quality of life in residential areas.
  • Air Quality Index
  • Carbon footprint
  • Eco-friendly practices
  • Greenhouse gas emissions
  • Non-renewable resources
  • Ozone layer depletion
  • Renewable energy
  • Wastemanagement
  • Water contamination
  • Wildlife conservation

Model Sentences Using the Pollution Phrases and Grammar Point

  • Considering the rapid ozone layer depletion , one might argue that more emphasis should be placed on eco-friendly practices .
  • Air Quality Index readings in many cities suggest an urgent need for better waste management practices.
  • The rise in greenhouse gas emissions could potentially be curbed by a global shift towards renewable energy .
  • The increasing use of non-renewable resources hints at a need for greater innovation in sustainable technologies.
  • The state of our rivers and oceans, marred by water contamination , might prompt a call for improved regulation of industrial waste.

One of the most alarming threats humanity faces today is the overwhelming degree of pollution . This essay will discuss the detrimental impacts of pollution on our planet and suggest possible solutions to this pressing issue.

Body Paragraph 1

Pollution , manifesting in several forms such as air, water, and soil pollution, has detrimental impacts on both human health and the broader ecosystem. The Air Quality Index of many urban areas, for example, implies the severe health risks posed by polluted air. Besides human health, wildlife is also adversely affected, with water contamination leading to a reduction in aquatic biodiversity.

Body Paragraph 2

In light of these issues, it becomes evident that robust measures are needed to curb pollution. Transitioning to renewable energy sources, implementing stricter waste management policies, and promoting eco-friendly practices can substantially reduce the harmful impacts of pollution. Though these changes might require considerable effort and investment, the potential benefits to our environment and future generations are undeniable.

In conclusion, pollution is a severe issue that requires immediate and comprehensive action. As stewards of the earth, it is our responsibility to adopt sustainable practices to ensure the well-being of our planet.

Why do you think pollution has become such a significant problem in the modern world?

Well, to be honest, I think it’s largely down to industrialisation and the consumer-driven society we live in. We’re using non-renewable resources at an alarming rate, which contributes significantly to pollution. It’s like we’re on a runaway train* , and we need to find a way to apply the brakes.

* runaway train : A situation that’s out of control and will probably lead to trouble.

Should governments be held responsible for addressing pollution?

I believe so, yes. Governments have the power and resources to enforce regulations on industries contributing to pollution . For instance, they could incentivise eco-friendly practices and invest in renewable energy .

What are some measures individuals can

take to reduce pollution?

I’m not an expert on this, but I guess reducing, reusing, and recycling waste is a good place to start. Also, switching to renewable energy sources and reducing our carbon footprint can make a significant difference. As the saying goes, “every little helps.”

How has the situation regarding pollution changed from the past, and what do you foresee for the future?

In the past, the effects of pollution were not as widespread as they are today. As far as I know, if we continue down this path, the future seems quite bleak. But I’m optimistic that if we act now and embrace sustainable practices, we can improve the air quality index and ensure a healthier planet for future generations.

Is pollution a significant issue in your country?

Yes, unfortunately, pollution is a considerable problem in my country. Water contamination is particularly concerning due to improper waste management practices. However, there have been initiatives promoting wildlife conservation and environmental cleanliness, which is a positive step forward.

  • BBC News: What is pollution?
  • National Geographic: Pollution
  • Wikipedia: Pollution
  • US Environmental Protection Agency: Pollution
  • World Health Organisation: Air Pollution

Why don’t scientists trust atoms?

Because they make up everything, even pollution!

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IELTS Charlie

Your Guide to IELTS Band 7

IELTS Model Essay: Plastic

This IELTS Writing Task 2 sample essay is a problems-solutions essay on the topic of plastic pollution from  Cambridge IELTS 16 . This lesson in includes my essay plan, my example essay, a vocabulary list and a fill-in-the-blanks activity. So let’s get started!

Here is the task:

Plastic bags, plastic bottles and plastic packaging are bad for the environment. What damage does plastic do to the environment? What can be done by governments and individuals to solve this problem?

Cambridge General Training 16 (Test 1)

This is a topic that has been on the news a lot over the last few years, especially since Sir David Attenborough’s BBC documentary, BBC Planet II .

If you’re struggling to generate ideas for this essay topic, read Greenpeace’s page about plastic pollution .

What Damage? (Problem)

Plastic in water supply

  • When plastic degrades, tiny particles get washed into water supply. These are toxic, so can cause disease, e.g. cancer

Animals try to eat plastic

  • Animals mistake them for food. Causes problems
  • Some animals may choke on plastic bags and die

Make plastic packaging more expensive.

  • Extra cost of plastic will encourage people to re-use plastic or avoid it altogether
  • Supermarkets can charge for using plastic bags, so people will bring own bags.

Improve water supply

  • Many people buy drinking water in plastic bottles because local water supply is poor (bacteria, heavy metals, e.g. Thailand, Turkey)

Here is my visual plan for this essay. Click on the image to view it full-size.

Plastics Essay Plan

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Plastic use has increased dramatically over the last 50 years, replacing more traditional packaging such as glass bottles, tins and paper bags. Unfortunately, this has also resulted in a huge amount of plastic being discarded, and this has caused a number of environmental problems.

One of the main problems – one that has only recently been discovered – is that when plastic degrades, it releases tiny particles which eventually get washed into the water supply. These particles can be toxic if ingested in large enough quantities, and may even be carcinogenic. Another problem is that animals may mistake plastic items for food. For example, seagulls often mistake plastic bags for jellyfish, and try to eat them, causing them to choke and die. Many larger aquatic animals have been found washed up on beaches with their digestive systems full of plastic material.

So what can be done about this? One of the obvious solutions is to make plastic packaging more expensive in order to encourage people to re-use plastic or avoid it altogether. Supermarkets in many countries have started to charge consumers for plastic bags and this has proved to be successful, with many people bringing their own reusable shopping bags. Another solution might be to improve local water supply. In many developing countries, tap water cannot be drunk because it contains bacteria or heavy metals, so people instead buy bottled water. However, this creates a colossal amount of plastic waste since these bottles are single-use. Helping countries like Thailand or Turkey modernise their domestic water supply infrastructure would therefore lead to a large reduction in the use of plastic bottles.

To summarise, plastic packaging has harmful effects both on drinking water and for animals, but making it more expensive and improving access to drinkable water in the developing world can go a long way to reducing these problems.

(308 words)

Plastic Pollution in the Ocean

Here is some of the language in my essay that would ensure a high band score. Note that most of this language are phrases and collocations , not single words. Examiners are looking at your ability to use “lexical items” (i.e. groups of words) at Band 7 and above.

  • glass bottles, tins and paper bags
  • a huge amount of plastic being discarded
  • a number of environmental problems
  • has only recently been discovered
  • plastic degrades
  • releases tiny particles
  • washed into the water supply
  • carcinogenic
  • mistake…for
  • aquatic animals
  • washed up on beaches
  • re-use plastic
  • reusable shopping bags
  • local water supply
  • heavy metals
  • colossal amount of
  • domestic water supply infrastructure

Can you re-create my essay? Without looking at the essay again, fill in the missing spaces with the correct words from my essay above. Good luck! (The activity works best on a desktop, laptop or tablet computer).

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4

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ielts essay topics on pollution

About the author

Charlie is a former IELTS Examiner with 25 years' teaching experience all over the world. His courses, for both English language learners and teachers, have been taken by over 100,000 students in over 160 countries around the world.

3 thoughts on “IELTS Model Essay: Plastic”

You are a brilliant teacher 😊

Thank you, Jashan!

Thank you, very useful.

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Discover the 7 STEPS to BAND 7 in IELTS Writing Task 2

Air pollution is the most important concern of many countries. What are the main causes and effects of this issue?

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Use a variety of complex and simple sentences

You should use complex sentences in your writing, but it does not mean that you should try to make all of our sentences complex.

‘Complex’ sentences are not actually very complex; they are just two or more simple sentences put together. Putting them together makes the essay more coherent and cohesive.

I really want to study but I’m too tired.

I wore a warm coat because the weather was cold.

If action is not taken soon on climate change , global warming will get worse.

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ » — a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

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Solving Traffic and Pollution Problems: Essay Ideas

Below are some ideas for the following IELTS writing task 2 essay question.

Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?

There are two questions to answer:

  • Do you think increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems?
  • What other measures do you think might be effective to solve traffic and pollution problems?

Increasing the price of petrol:

  • if the price is increased, less people will be able to afford it
  • if less people can afford petrol, less people will drive cars
  • if less people drive cars, there will be less congestion on the roads
  • if less people drive, there will be less air pollution

Other ways to solve traffic and pollution problems:

  • traffic problems can be solved by improving public transport to encourage more people to use it rather than to use their own cars
  • public transport can be improved by having more public transport available, making it more punctual and reducing the price of tickets to make it more affordable to the average person
  • another measure is to have no traffic zones in city centers which will  reduce both congestion and pollution in urban centers.

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Hi Liz. I have a question, please , if possible, instruct me the best way to do it. So, in some essay has two questions. To be specific, in the agree and disagree essay I don’t know how I should approach. Like this: To what extent do you agree or disagree, and next question in the same essay : ‘What other measures do you think might be effective’. Please, enlight me if I construct the essey: introduction, the first paragraph- the first side(which I don’t agree, the second- which I agree, third paragraph-solution? Or the first-my side, senond-solutions?

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You are over thinking. Try to take a very simple, logical approach. IELTS is testing you on logical organisation. One body paragraphs contains your opinion (whatever it is) and the other body paragraph contains the solutions. Simple, clear, logical = high band score for Coherence & Cohesion.

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Is it okay to use “this essay will discuss/ this essay discussed?? I’ve seen many teachers teach this . Thank you!

If the instructions ask for your opinion, the words “this essay will” does not express your opinion.

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Dear ma’am , How can i improve my sentense formation ………. My teacher said that ” mostly, i make incorrect sentense ” please give the instruction to make correct sentense ………. Thankyou…

You need an English language teacher and an English language website. This website is for IELTS skills. Start developing your English first.

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Hi Liz, this topic popped up on 25 Mar IELTS in Australia.

Yes, sometimes the topics and questions can re-appear in the test 🙂

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hai liz please suggest what type of essay is the below mentioned one.

Some companies have uniform for their staffs which must be worn at all times

What are the advantages for a company of having a uniform?

Are there any benefits of having a uniform for the staff ? tnq kalaivanan

This is Direct Question Essay. You have two questions to answer.

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hi Liz, i’m not clear about what type of question is this?is it opinion essay,cause/solution or direct question essay????

It is a mixed type. It contains an opinion with solutions.

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Please have a look at this one. Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree. What other measures do you think might be effective.

Growing traffic is considered to be a major issue to the world. More cars are hitting the road day by day, which lead to serious pollution problems. In order to tackle this ongoing issue, countries decide to increase the price of petrol, as they think it is the most convenient approach and use some alternatives to petrol like wind and solar power that might be effective. I personally feel that increasing petrol price is not necessary to cut down pollution problems.

To begin with, we can classify people into three categories based on their income such as low income, middle income and rich. When the country increases the petrol price, the first two of these categories will be affected. With regards to low paid people, they suffer from paying petrol’s normal price, but when it is increased, they will not be able to afford it. It is likely to be the same with middle-income people, the money they get is only sufficient for their hand and mouth, so they spend their money consciously. Most of their money goes for household appliances, children education, electricity, and petrol. When petrol price increases, they will suffer a lot and think twice before paying for petrol. On the other hand, this will not majorly affect rich people, as they can afford petrol because of their extra allowances.

However, the country should encourage people to reduce the usage of cars by advertising the consequences of the traffic congestion on the society. Having said that, carpooling is another environmentally friendly solution, as it reduces the carbon footprint of each individual by going to work in groups. In addition to that, we as individuals play a major role in this process. We should be aware of keeping our body fit by cycling or walking instead of using cars for short distances. This will help us to be physically active and healthy, as well as reduce the consumption of petrol. Furthermore, Government could also reserve separate lanes for carpoolers, bicyclers and pedestrians so that they can reach their destination faster which will encourage other people to follow them.

To conclude, traffic is one of the main causes of pollution as it produces harmful gasses and we should be aware of this catastrophic problem. The Government should raise awareness among people on limiting the usage of petrol and use public transportation to keep our atmosphere safe and clean. In this regard, I feel that the government should focus on educating the people instead of increasing the price of petrol. Government and people are the two sides of a coin, so not only the Government always plays a role in saving our earth, but also we should work along with the Government in order to restrict the pollution problem due to the large consumption of petrol.

I don’t usually comment. However, I will say that your conclusion should be either one or two sentences long – no more.

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It is believed that the most effective solution to rapidly increasing traffic and pollution problems is to make petrol expensive. In my opinion, I agree that, by doing so, it will help to bring down the traffic congestion but there are also other ways to curb the exploding traffic and pollution menace.

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Hi Liz How can I write a thesis statement for a cause and effect essay?

The percentage of overweight children in western society has increased by almost 20% in the last ten years.

What are the causes and effects ?


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Hi Liz…i am confused with the use of the verb ‘increase’…I thought that it is a passive verb which means that we do not use it in Passive voice as it has a passive meaning..However you used the phrase ‘if the price is increased’or …’need to be increased’…please could you explain me this grammatic phenomenon?…thanks a lot

This verb can be used in all forms. Please check your dictionary. All the best Liz

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I noticed that the question states “pollution problem”. Would I be deviating from the topic if I state that increasing fuel cost will not be the optimal solution for mitigating pollution issues since other factors unrelated to car use may pollute the air, such as improper waste disposal?

I am looking forward to your response. thank you very much.

For this essay question, the subject is both traffic and pollution together which means you can separate them. The pollution in the essay question relates to traffic pollution only so it wouldn’t be advisable to start writing about other sources of pollution. Liz

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Hi Liz sorry for disturbing.Could you assess my essay and give some advices.

Nowadays,increasing number of cars on roads,one of the big issues for the environment and growthing amount of people.Owing to,vehicles emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere,which able to create greenhouse effect in the atmosphere.Simultaneously,greenhouse gases cause to raise average ambient temperature. In my opinion,increasing the price of petrol isn’t the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems.Due to,the people who has afford to drive a car,although increasing price of petrol,ongoing driving,by connecting it with their needing.Meanwhille,increasing price of petrol can influence to the price of other manufactures trade,makes it raise.That is why,I can’t go along this opinion.In addition,the increasing price of petrol also can lead to protest and demonstrations,which aren’t good for goverment policy. I suggest that the solution start mass to make vehicles which use alternative types of fuel instead of petrol and that is can mitigate the pollution of environment.Furthermore,for reducing traffic congestion I reckon that,some rich people need change their opinion about cars psychologically.They should look to cars as transport method don’t as luxurious.Because,many rich families have more cars than they need.To conclude,I’d like to mention about that,todays many entrepreneurs at the world are interesting about mass producing cars which use alternative types of fuel (hybrid,hydrogen e.t.c.)

Please read my notice about posting writing: https://ieltsliz.com/posting-writing/ Thanks Liz

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IELTS Essay, topic: Environmental problems

  • IELTS Essays - Band 7

Nowadays environmental problems are too big to be managed by individual persons or individual countries. In other words, it is an international problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

ielts essay topics on pollution

Lately, many presentations, conferences and international summits are held to deal with waste treatment, recycling, and soil and water contamination. joint efforts and consolidation can only help in the mutual war the ongoing environmental disaster. For instance, governments should offer support to companies and organizations, involved in manufacturing, industry or agriculture in order to find environment-friendly approaches. These could be special law regulations, recycling programs, helping courses in order to implement ISO certificates and many more.

However, the influence of individuals over environment should not be ignored. If we do not that our planet is our home, we will never be able to take care of it. We have to contribute every day to the preservation of nature and environment. For example, always remember to save energy by switching off lamps, computers and everything that we do not use. Our next obligation is to separate waste and throw bulk only in the designated areas. Driving vehicles can also be environment friendly. For example, we have to avoid accelerating the engines too rapidly or using the air conditioning in the country, where it would be better to save energy and simply open the windows.

To sum up, environmental problems should be handled by local and international authorities as well as individuals. Every single person should take care of the environment, moreover we have to bring up our children to be conscious citizens of a clean and preserved planet.

This is a very good essay, a Band 7+ candidate. The structure of this essay and sentences is correct as well as the spelling and punctuation. Good job!

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This is very nice page and it helps me in my studies ☺️

İts a very good

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IELTS TOPIC: A Place That Had Air Pollution

03/28/2023 03:27 PM

Things to consider:

  • It can be difficult or easy to define "air pollution" , depending on where to live. For example, I haven't experienced any heavy air pollution in my life, at all. But I have seen it on TV and in articles. I've probably had it in my city but I didn't pay attention . So you need to talk about reasons why cities can have air pollution . It becomes clear after that.
  • You can make up a story by stating things like:
  • I once visited a town/city...(where/when/what?)
  • At first, It looked... (positive)
  • After a while, I realized that... (pollution)
  • The reason why it was polluted was... (reason 1, reason 2)
  • At that time I felt... (feeling 1, feeling 2)
  • Eventually, I thought...
  • Focus on your feelings about air pollution. You can talk in general. For instance:
  • I felt worried and afraid...
  • I felt disappointed about...
  • I felt a little angry about...
  • I felt neutral, without any specific feelings because...
  • I felt something was off, but I didn't react in any way because...

ielts essay topics on pollution

Part 2: Sample Answer

Although air pollution has been a big discussion in my lifetime , I have to admit that I haven’t seen so much of it, or at least I’m not sure I’ve seen it. Perhaps the reason is that I can’t recognize if a place has polluted air . I’m definitely sure what clean air is, as I’ve been in the countryside and I know the difference in the “ taste ” of the air over there. However, that’s a characteristic of the mountains and the countryside . Can we say that everything except mountain-fresh air is polluted? Probably, especially in the cities.

I talk about the meaning of polluted air in conection to my life.

I’ve definitely seen smog and heavily contaminated air once or twice. Even in the city I live in, we are not safe from this phenomenon . I live in a seaside city that is quite small and compact . On the outskirts of the city, there is a big industrial free-trade zone with many factories and large facilities . Now there is a reason why that zone is far outside of the city – and that is to protect the citizen from pollution. Well, every now or then, the wind will blow in direction of the city and that pollution will land directly at us.

I introduce the place (my city) and the reason for the pollution.

I remember 2 or 3 times last year when the air in the city was heavy , yellowish and it felt contaminated . But even then, I was not sure if that was something I am supposed to stay protected from , or if I should just take it . You see, the problem is that those of us who live in the city, are used to this air. We lived at times when all cars were gasoline or diesel . We simply walked around, breathing all this air without any regret or consideration .

I describe a problem of knowing what "polluted" means.

If I think about it for more than a minute, of course, I agree that we deserve better . I mean there are places covered in smog all year round and that’s awful . I’ve heard about the negative consequences of all this pollution – carcinogens building up in our bodies over time. Don’t forget that the food we eat absorbs all this pollution too. All of this leads to an increase in cancers and other diseases . Well… I hope we make our living environment safer… at least for the next generations .

I finish with my feelings about the topic and air pollution.

Idioms and Phrases

Sentence starters and linking words, vocabulary related to the topic, business phrases, part 3 questions.

In Part 3 we continue to talk about air pollution  and further discuss the effect of this pollution on our society. We then move on to talk about solutions to fight this problem.

ielts essay topics on pollution

Examiner:   I s there more pollution now than in the past?

A case for yes.

  • We all know about climate change and the pollution development and industrialization have brought. Many countries, while trying to grow and progress , disrespect their environment for economic growth . This means that, yes, there is much more pollution now than 30, or even 20 years ago.  

A Case for No

  • At the same time , many countries have realized that pollution has become a danger to their citizen's life , and have begun taking measures. There are cities and countries that have achieved a lot of progress in fighting pollution and may have actually improved their environment's condition compared to 10 or 20 years ago.

Examiner:   Do you think the city is cleaner or dirtier than the countryside? Why?

Cities and pollution.

  • Of course , the cities are more polluted and dirtier than the country. There are many reasons for that, but probably the main one is the high population and the concentration of industry in the cities. Many people moving to cities means high demand for jobs, products, and services, and making all of those requires a ton of resources and energy to create. That causes pollution.

The Country

  • The countryside is cleaner mainly because there are fewer people , less industry , and less transportation over there. What's more , people in the countryside tend to care more about the environment and their surroundings , while people in cities tend to be a bit more  selfish and care mostly about themselves, carrying on with their lives. 

Examiner:   What can factories and power plants do to reduce pollutants?

  • Plants and factories have to invest in renovation and replacement of their outdated technologies for production. This will help them to reduce the amounts of waste they create dramatically . The problem is quite often that these companies do not invest much or at all in that, and use old, inefficient equipment for many years.

Societal Impact

  • Big corporations and producers have to embrace and accept their moral responsibilities to protect society. This means that they should go above and beyond to improve society and invest further in projects that are environmentally-friendly and green . Sadly , very few of them would do what is morally right , as that means higher costs.

Accept responsibility . No seriously, some of the environmental problems we have in our society stem from this very reason. Companies simply refuse to invest in new equipment or fail to update their equipment frequently enough , and by using old outdated technologies they do more pollution. We have a ton of people lecturing us, individuals , to reduce our carbon footprint , but what about those who create the products themselves? Are we supposed to stop buying just so we can force companies to change? That is an ineffective strategy and it’s a waste of time . Companies need to take responsibility and update their machines regularly, or in other words invest in their own business, not the stock market .

Examiner:   Do you think the wind has any effect on pollution? How?

  • The wind blowing can bring in a lot of air pollution from other areas of a country or even from another country. A lot of cities move out their manufacturing and industry outside of the larger cities, but then once the wind blows, it brings back all that pollution right back into the cities.
  • In areas that have a dry climate , are near a desert , or are being desertified because of logging or other natural reasons , the wind can blow and bring up a lot of dust and sand particles . If the wind is powerful enough, it can carry those particles many kilometers away and cause sand or dust pollution in cities or other areas.

Well, the wind can blow pollution into the cities, even if those cities have removed heavy manufacturing away. I’ve seen this in a few examples around the world but I believe this is what happens regularly in Beijing. The capital of China has been trying to reduce pollution, but often, especially in the winter when it’s coal-burning season , the wind brings all the heavy smog back to town. Another type of air pollution is actually sand and dust which comes from dry areas or deserts , and that can be brought by the wind across large distances as well .

Examiner:  Do you think many companies have been forced to reduce pollutants?

Not exactly....

  • To a large extent , many companies have been left to do as they please, because they add too much economic growth , and so governments and politicians have stayed away from heavy punishments and scrutiny . Many companies have received tiny , minor fines that do not force them to change their ways.
  • While so far the government hasn't pushed for much regulation , there is increasing public anger towards companies and pollution, and that created the occasional higher push for justice . Perhaps we will see high fines and tough regulations in the near future if we want to restore our planet back to normal.

Some of them have been working on this problem, and some have done close to nothing about it. The reality is that a small number of companies with a large market share are responsible for the largest amount of pollution, be it plastic pollution , air pollution , or water pollution . Many of these large corporations put profits and money above dignity and the environment . Some governments around the world have become increasingly aware of the problem, but unfortunately , they act too slowly and do not punish those companies enough to make them change their attitudes . I hope that in the near future , people start taking this problem seriously .

Examiner:   What can be done by an individual to reduce air pollution?

As an ordinary person.

  • For a single person, it can be very difficult to impact the environment alone, but we can take some steps to reduce our carbon footprint . We can drive less, we can cycle more, we can buy less plastic , and opt out of food delivery . We can make better choices when buying clothes and generally shop less online. There are a lot of actions we could take.

As Someone with Power

  • People in positions of power are better suited to affect society in one way or another. In terms of air pollution, they can try to run for government , invest money in renewable energy , or even start a green business that can improve society in some way. 

It is very difficult for one person to impact the whole planet, but let’s assume that it is possible. As an ordinary citizen , this person should find ways to reduce his carbon footprint . The person can replace his fossil fuel car with an electric vehicle at first. Then he can make better choices when buying clothes, purchasing l onger-term items rather than fast fashion pieces which are a high polluter in the world. The person should buy less plastic and avoid ordering takeaway as much as possible. Now, if the person is in a position of power , he is much better suited to impact society for the better. He should invest in green technologies and support environmentally-friendly political decisions .

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IELTS Sample Writing: International Pollution Issues

by sammy (China)

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International Pollution Issues

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With rapid economic development and population growth, an increasing amount of global pollution that has international impacts has motivated people to pay more attention to environmental protection. People excessively exploit the natural resources due to the growing demand. Some people say that individuals have no contribution to cope with international pollution. In my opinion, nothing is further from the truth.

In the first place, everyone can help to reduce pollution even it is very small for the environment protection. However, penny and penny lays up will be many. Every individual should have the sense of environment protection, and start from little things. For example, turning lights off after you left the room can save plenty of energy. Leaving televisions, stereos and computers on standby with the little red light, even though they might look like it is turned off.

Secondly, environmental protection is the responsibility of not only government, but also citizens. A green environment is made possible by two important links- governments and citizens. Governments are taking major steps in environmental protection, such as introducing strict emission norms, penalties for industries which would exceed emission limits, and make strict automotive regulation. But all these efforts would be nothing if we don't cooperate with government. If one link is active while the other link is inactive then the whole system cannot run smoothly. Both have to work together for an efficient system.

It can be conclude that everyone should take responsibility for environment protection. Thus, I am firmly convinced that we are an important part of the link. If you understand this you can act as a cardinal link.
Feb 27, 2013

I would recommend to upload examples of the essay by experts before we uploaded our answers in order to look and follow the example
May 19, 2013

your writing is so good, I have learned many things from you
Jul 06, 2013

Dec 28, 2013

this is my first attempt in an essay. please check it out.

With rapid increase in technology invention, international pollution has become a biggest threat for our environment. Energy shortage and global warming being most severe and the need to take them into consideration has alarmed government around all the countries considerably. I believe that if each n every individual takes responsibility to help in their own to reduce these problems, it will help government to enforce their program.

Usage of energy has dramatically increased over few decades, resulting in depletion of energy sources like fossil fuels, oils, petrol. In turn when these energy sources are used, they emit various gaseous substances which pollute the air. This constant emission of dangerous gases leads to global warming. Global warming is further worsen by deforestation. Gases like aerosols from air fresher, air conditioner and cars should be replaced by new non-polluting substance. Even daily used technology like refridgerator uses aerosol and dry ice which can harmful to our environment.

People should be warned about its use and should be educated about their side-effects. Moreover, these should also be added in school education syllabus so that children’s can learn this crucial subject since their childhood. People working in private advertisement firm can advertise about these topic and bring up this issue in eyes of government. In addition, we can use solar energy machines as replacement for such technology.

Though we cannot ignore the fact that nation as whole has to get in action to prohibit further damage to environment. Furthermore, government should start inventing technology which does not endanger our environment. I truly believe, that as an individual, we should be cautious with use of our energy but on bigger aspect, nation as a whole has to bring about new legislation and technology.

Jan 16, 2014

In the modern era every state and individual wants to take an edge over the other as result natural resources are depleting, which intern has increased the level of international pollution like global warming and shortage of energy etc.

As for as the individual abilities to concern to tackle these problems it is true upto some extent that generally they are less capable to solve these burning issues, but still they can do a lot to save the environment by good practices. Furthermore, Individual can recycle many things like pet bottles, textiles, furniture, tins, paper etc. Similarly by planting a tree they can make their vicinity beautiful, net & clean. Besides they can do a lot to decreasing the pollution level by avoiding the use plastic bags, instead of polyethylene shapers they should prefer cloths bags for bringing food stuff from markets. Such small things will bring a great change in tackling down the problem.

Apart from individual, state is the main character that has sufficient machinery to control the pollution. State should come forward with clear mindset about minimizing pollution of air and effective use of resources for energy production. Because with the passage of each day the requirement, of energy for economic development is increasing. In order to cop the demand and save the environment, Government should make such laws and policies that can address the current level of problems as well as the future. State should provoke lucrative schemes for creating awareness in the people.

To conclude, Individual can be as good as the state for solving the pollution issue in his vicinity. No society can control this hindrance without the participation of individual.
Mar 04, 2015

energy shortage and global warming have always been an issue of debate. non-renewable resources of energy are being exploited day by day. global warming has become one of the biggest problems in the world, due to which the temperature of earth is increasing gradually.

there are some people, who believe that individuals can't cope with these pollution issue. individuals do not have appropriate resources and money to fight these bad changes. pollution, which is increasing at international level, can only be controlled by governments, by implying heavy taxation on industrial units which are misusing the natural resources.

on contrast to this, some believe that we can handle these issue at individual level also. id an individual reduce the use of AC and car, plants more trees, and save water then the we can at least reduce the pollution if not eliminate it thoroughly.

also, we can use bicycle to go near by places than to use public transport. we can save energy by switching off the light or fan when we leave the room. these are the small efforts which may help us to save our environment.

i strongly believe that we should play our part in reducing pollution by making small endeavors. and, let government take steps towards those industries which are pollution the environment and wasting energy.
Mar 15, 2015

Environment consists of both living and non living substances.Three types of pollution are common all over the world such as water pollution, air pollution and soil pollution that are continuously polluted the natural environment.Government, community, society and individuals are able to protect the environment from pollution because most of the pollution and environmental distortion have created by human being. In my view, individuals have a significant role to reduce pollution because society, community, government and organization are made up of individuals and their activities. if Government and organization take initiatives for conserving environment, individuals should help them for making a better world.

Firstly, Governments and organization are powerful than individual so that they have to show their sincere effort for removing all of factors which is related to environment pollution. For example, two oil contained ship crushed in near the area of world largest mangrove forest in Bangladesh in 2o12, as a result oil is pouring for the ship and formidably floating nearby sea area including Sundarban. For this accident, thousands of aquatic animal and plant species had died. But on that time government took initiative for removing this floating oil and they were succeed with a weeks. so that, other Mangrove organisms were saved from fatality. so, Government and organization are able to take instant action because of the manpower and logistic support.

Secondly, every person has a capacity onto his or her range. Moreover, if a person aware about his heath and ecosystem, he tries to always maintain it thought it is little or insufficient amount. Human being who creates machine, web and all of other scientific innovation. so I think a conscious person can change the environment condition in his territory through his humane and altruistic activities. For instance, one of my school teacher named Kadir, He was like scavenger in our school because in the tiffin period, he has collected all of the dirt, polythene and other wastage materials for our school campus and nearby roads. As a result that area was always neat and clean and his activities was exemplary paradigm for all the students and teachers. Like Mr. Kadir, if all the people do his responsibilities it would be very easy for make a sound environment.

In conclusion, the causing agents of pollution are man made and environmental pollution mostly caused by human being except natural calamity. It is indispensable that Individual has a great role to protect the earth from the obvious natural downfall like government and conservation related organizations.
Mar 15, 2015

Nowadays,nuclear technology became big power around world and it use for the purpose of a lot of different helpful goal.I strongly believe that, nuclear power include some advantages for people such as it avoid environmet pollution and provide better economy.I am going to explain two advantages about nuclear power.

Unfortunately, enviromental pollution is big problem today and it threaten the our life.Therefore, people need a new solution for this problem.Then people find a new solution is nuclear technology which is not bad effect for environment .Well, why nuclear technologhy is sollution for environment pollution, because nuclear technology has any harmfull effect on environment.Also,nuclear technology has not waste and so nuclear technology supply any garbage that mean it is exactly clean life.I read Turkish daily newspaper two days ago and according to newspaper, we can see big differences between past and now pollution on environment with a lot of countries use nuclear technology, because nuclear technology do not offer any bad effect like a other usage.

On the other hand, nuclear energy is cheaper technology in world and since use of nuclear technology,world economy is better than past, because nuclear power include saving.I watched Tv programs about nuclear power one year ago and it indicated nuclear power supply saving to 75% generate of electricity.This percentage qute big and very very big reason for use of nuclear technolgy.This reason provide big advantage for country economy and a lot of countries established new power plants whole their empty area.

To sum up, nuclear technology useful for people and it supply main two advantages avoid environment pollution and provide strongly economy.
May 06, 2015

As the technology advances and almost everything is or to be mechanized, the energy requirements of the world continue to increase. To cater to the growing demand, the world continues to plunder the earth's precious resources, using them to fuel their research and return to the mother nature dangerous by product chemicals and greenhouse gases.

Over the years many sustainable environment friendly means of energy production have been introduced. Instead of focusing on the diminishing fuels extracted from the earth such as oil, coal, the burning of which produces dangerous gases for the environment and for man's health, the newer greener technologies for energy production should be focused on.

Geothermal energy plants use the natural heat below the earth's crust to produce steam and to rotate turbines in order to produce electricity. Although the geographical topography should allow such a construction, more effort can be made in this area by all the nations, pinpointing such locations within their own land where it could be feasible.

Solar energy produces electricity from the sun's rays. This type of energy production again does not require combustion of fossil fuels. Thus saving the environment from the chemicals used for its extraction and released in its burning.

The wind can be used to generate electricity as well, the wind turbines can be installed in vast unpopulated areas where the wind travels unhindered. Similarly more techniques using the energy of the ocean have also been devised.
In the same way, green cars have been introduced which require electricity charging at home or use solar panels to run.

The international community should take this matter seriously, and should co operate by sharing their successful alternative technologies.

The world is largely oil dependent and its trade has seen much political and military strife. Much politics around the world revolves around this energy resource, where each country not possessing it naturally is fearful of not being able to acquire it from other countries. The need for each country to be independent in energy production is of great importance for world peace. The transition from this diminishing fuel to the more sustainable one can be gradual and difficult. However it is well within the international communities' hands to change the situation if they could forget their political strife for the sake of the environment and mother nature.
Jun 21, 2015

I have learned few things from you, thank you.
Jun 22, 2015

In this modern era, by the improvement in technology, pollution becomes a dangerous problem thereby environment gets damaged. It results in energy shortage as well as global warming which should be taken care by individuals and community as well. However, I expostulate with the perspective that protection of environment is the duty of nation and it emphasis that it is also the responsibility of each one also.

Indeed, it is initially be noted that energy is to be preserved by reducing the unnecessary energy consumption. Environmental resources like water, wind, sunlight are the sources of power. Precautions like turn off light, computer, iron box and so on are essential for conserving the energy.

Besides, none can negate the fact that planting new trees are essential to limit the problem like global warming. Deforestation rises the level carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide and it leads to the depletion of ozone layer thereby global warming. Seed a plant by every individual in their yard is a necessary to keep the nature away from danger.

However, some believe that nation and society have wide capabilities to protect environment rather than individuals because rules and laws enhances the provisions. But I feel that individual is responsible along with the nation since they are duty bound to keep natural resources to their childre and upcoming generations also.

In short, it can rightly be reiterated that every individual has the duty to maintain environment safely. I am hopeful that if everyone takes appropriate steps to protect the environment, it will give a fruitful and peaceful life in future.
Jul 03, 2015

It would be a crucial idea to avoid short forms as they are regarded as informal writing criterias. Therefore, in order to go away from that common mistakes, students or learners should have a note to write down all the inappropriate phrases or structures as possible.
Best wishes!!!
Jul 29, 2015

Global warming and green house effect are the biggest issues faced globally. Everything is in the loop and affects the ecosystem in some or the other way. To eradicate it, a decision concerning every continent and climatic zones must be taken into account and followed accordingly.

According to me individual steps towards the goal won't create a difference but inculcating the need of it in horde mentality will lead conspicuous results. negative impacts are already showing their results, among them include rising level of water in oceans due to melting of snowy regions, decline of ozone layer in turn rising the temperature and animal species getting extinct due to detrimental climatic conditions.

In either way, some scientist even had made comments that it is not a serious issue which media tends to exacerbate. It is more amount of fear created in the air and brains making it extremely serious than it really is. Scientist have been saying that control measures have already been taken and implemented and provided with the statistics of the same in near future, and, not each individual have to strain to make contribution to the same because squad of people in every country has been established and working on the same.

Finally i concede that it is a serious issue for our coming generation and every individual hand for saving our ecosystem would provide with smooth and friction-less work.
Sep 07, 2015

a very nice way to aware all the mistake mostly people do.
Nov 05, 2015

Recently international pollution has become a huge issue for any country. Every country is trying out measures to deal with the issue. However, its arguable that whether an individual can contribute measures to solving the issue or not.

I agree with the statement that is an individual cares enough, then they need not wait for the nation to take measures to solve the problem. Global warming is an issue that is one way or the other effecting every individual. It not only increases the heating temperature of the earth, but also introduces skin related diseases for the human being. One of the reasons of global warming is the increasing pollution caused by the vehicles. More the number of vehicles on the road, more is the pollution. Hence, we can make use of public transport more often and use the private vehicles only when its unavoidable. This will not only decrese the pollution but also improve the traffic jam issue to a great extent.

Another issue that we face these days is the noise pollution. The crowd on the road these days has no patience and they honk continuosly without thinking for a second. Honking so frequently will not get them to the destination any faster, but they don’t think while doing that. So, once people start honking only when necessary, there might be lot less noise pollution compared to the current state.

These are the forms of energy which are being used blindly without thinking the after effects of these. They come back and harm us and our families but we still fail to realize the cause. Hence, if we start using the energy sources in a limited amount, we might not have to wait for the nation to take any measures at all to solve the issue.
Dec 15, 2015

The debate whether the ability of the nation and society outweighs individuals in dealing with social pollution such as the lack of energy and global warming is heated constantly. While I concede that people have limited abilities to solve these problems effectively, I believe that there is nothing to put two parties in comparison in the terms of capability.

It is true that in order to restrict the phenomenon of energy shortage or the increasing temperature globally, placing emphasis on changing personal consumption is the very first thing that is considered for individuals to put it in priority. Instead of driving vehicles using petrol which lead to environmental damage, people have changed their way into environmentally-friendly ones such as electric and hybrid cars. But it is clear that in Viet Nam, although this solution is hold by individuals, those people cannot run these environmental protections radically because of their limitation in connecting other individuals to do the same on global scale.

By contract, I do believe that in terms of ability in tackling with internationally environmental pollution, the saying that governments and societies would do better than individuals do is just a fallacy. The comparison between those parties is unrealistic in which each party has its responsibility to this problem and even more one party would be the supporting key towards other. For example, in the revolution of dealing with the lack of natural energy, the role of erudite experts is to invent green technology using alternative energy such as solar and wind, while the major responsibility of the government is to support them with the greatest quality working environment which acts as a catalyst to encounter this issue.
May 19, 2016

Here, I found only one side including two supporting paragraphs. But another type is writing both sides.

Which would be better for getting higher band score for this type of question?
May 19, 2016

It's not as simple as that when deciding which will get the best score.

If you are asked to agree or disagree you can agree 100% and look at one side or look at both.

It's not that one would necessarily get a better score than the other.
Nov 18, 2016

In this modern era, whole world seems to be in trouble because of environmental pollution, global warming and shortage of energy. The main reason behind these issue is carelessness by government because its hard to blame individuals as they don't have much resources to protect it.

Firstly, fresh environment is the main key of health and everyone should do care by doing their little efforts because in these kind of issue, everyone could be responsible. Governments also should take some steps to deal with these environmental problems by making some new rules against factor affecting. As they can ban unwanted factories, chimneys and vehicles

Secondly, there should be some government law of immediate sentence for people who spoil environment and spread deleterious particles Moreover, everyone should be aware of these law and concerns related to environment. However, individuals also can do some thing on low level by saving electricity, by control on vehicles when if they actually don't need them and by planting trees.

On other hand, internet also can be used as resource by which governments can enlighten people as they will be come to know these environmental issues

In conclusion, everyone should have to take responsibilities on own to protect environment nearby and Governments also should be strict for their laws and natural issues.

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Some people believe that air travel should be restricted Sample Essay


Updated On Jan 23, 2024


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Some people believe that air travel should be restricted Sample Essay

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This article contains some people believe that air travel should be restricted sample essays.

Given below is a real IELTS Writing Part 2 Essay question. We have provided sample essays as well as an essay outline so that you can practice writing your own!

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Read the sample essay for Some people believe that air travel should be restricted because it causes serious pollution and will use up the world’s resources. Do you agree or disagree? 

Restricting air travel is the only way to prevent air pollution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Opinion Essay


  • Sentence 1: Introduce the given topic
  • Sentence 2: Clearly and directly state your point of view with one short and simple sentence
  • Paragraph 1: Aircraft accounts for a large proportion of air pollution. Planes contribute a large part of local emission annually.
  • Paragraph 2: Along with air pollution, aircraft can cause noise pollution.
  • Restate your opinion with a clear and direct sentence

Sample Answer

The impact of air travel on the environment has been a topic of continuous debate in recent years, following the concern that more and more people refer to it as a convenient means of travel. I feel that restrictions should be imposed on air travel.

The first undeniable factor is that aircraft accounts for a large proportion of air pollution. Planes, either idling or taxiing , contribute a large part of local emissions annually. There are some suggestions that air travel is one of the most suitable modes of transport for long-distance trips. This idea is, however, fallacious . Trains, for instance, can also serve as an optimal alternative, consuming less energy and causing less contamination . So it is highly recommended, that the government imposes restrictions on intra-country travel.

Along with air pollution, aircraft can cause noise pollution. Although it is impossible to precisely measure the actual impact of noise on people’s everyday lives, its ability to increase anxiety and disturbance levels has been confirmed. Especially for those living in the neighbourhood of an airport and around the flight paths, noise problems created by aircraft are a headache.

However, the air is indeed the only fastest means of transport to fly across countries. So it should be operated in such a way that its strengths can be taken maximum advantage of. For instance, by replacing old engines with cleaner ones, people can mitigate the negative effect caused by flying.

In light of the facts discussed above, substantial consideration should be given to pollution caused by aircraft. Air travel should be preferred only when there are no other means of transport available.

Meaning: forming an unbroken whole; without interruption

Eg.: There was a continuous droning sound coming from the engine.

Meaning: unable to be denied or disputed

Eg.: Her beauty was undeniable.

Meaning: run slowly while disconnected from a load or out of gear.

Eg.: She kept the engine idling.

Meaning: move slowly along the ground before take-off or after landing

Eg.: You should not stand up while the plane is taxiing.

Meaning: the production and discharge of something, especially gas or radiation

Eg.: Cars are a leading cause of carbon emissions.

Meaning: based on a mistaken belief

Eg.: She made a fallacious judgement in a rush.

  • Contamination

Meaning: the action or state of making or being made impure by polluting or poisoning

Eg.: They were quarantined to prevent further contamination.

Meaning: exact terms; without vagueness.

Eg.: the guidelines are precisely defined.

Meaning: make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful

Eg.: They gave me painkillers to mitigate the pain.

  • In light of

Meaning: taking (something) into consideration.

Eg.: He was let go from the company in light of the recent fraud allegations against him.

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ielts essay topics on pollution

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Updated on Jul 17, 2024, 12:36

The IELTS Writing section evaluates your ability to express ideas clearly and coherently in English through two distinct tasks: Task 1 involves summarising and describing information from graphs, charts, or diagrams, while Task 2 requires responding to an essay prompt. In both IELTS General Training and IELTS Academic, Task 2 prompts vary significantly, reflecting different contexts and topics.

For instance, topics in Task 2 may focus on statements like "Some people believe that visitors to other countries." Here, candidates are tasked with constructing a well-organised essay defending a stance supported by relevant examples and logical reasoning. This type of prompt typically falls under the category of discussing both views, which demands a clear position, logical arguments, and illustrative examples to bolster the argument effectively.

While the Academic version of the IELTS leans towards formal, academic scenarios, the General Training module often includes topics relevant to everyday life contexts. Despite these differences, Task 2 in both modules critically assesses candidates' ability to engage in critical thinking and present a coherent, structured argument.

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1. Some People Believe That Visitors To Other Countries: How to Answer

Essays must always start with a clear introduction that restates the question and states your opinion.

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2. Some People Believe That Visitors To Other Countries: Sample Essay

Let's explore essay samples for Some People Believe That Visitors To Other Countries.

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Some People Believe That Visitors To Other Countries: How to Answer

Essays must always start with a clear introduction that restates the question and states your opinion. Each body paragraph should focus on one main idea with examples or arguments. Use transition words to connect your ideas. 

Since this is both views type of essay, you must try to strike a balance despite your personal views! 

In the end, you can summarise your main points and repeat your opinion. Keep your writing clear, logical, and accurate, using a range of vocabulary and grammar effectively.

The topic will look like this:   

Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behaviours. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences.

  • Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Here's a more detailed breakdown of how to structure and answer the essay on the topic "Some People Believe That Visitors To Other Countries" in the ' both views ' format:

1. Introduction:

  • Paraphrase the Prompt: Begin by restating the topic in your own words to show your understanding.
  • Thesis Statement: Clearly state your position (agree, disagree, or both) and briefly mention the reasons that will be discussed in the body paragraphs.

2. Body Paragraphs:  

  • Topic Sentence: Start with a clear topic sentence that introduces the first viewpoint.
  • Explanation: Explain why some people hold this viewpoint. Use examples or personal experiences if possible.
  • Analysis:  Discuss the implications or consequences of this viewpoint.

Paragraph 2 - Viewpoint 2:

  • Topic Sentence: Introduce the second viewpoint that contrasts with the first one.
  • Explanation:  Describe why others might disagree or have a different perspective.
  • Analysis:  Analyse the impact or consequences of this alternative viewpoint.

Paragraph 3 - Your Perspective (Optional):

  • Topic Sentence:  Present your own perspective on the issue, if different from the previous viewpoints.
  • Reasons:  Provide reasons or arguments that support your viewpoint.
  • Conclusion:  Summarise why your viewpoint is valid or preferable.

3. Conclusion:

  • Summary of Arguments: Recap the main arguments from the body paragraphs.
  • Restate Your Position: Reaffirm your stance on the issue based on the arguments presented. 
  • Final Thought:  Provide a concluding statement that reinforces your position or suggests a way forward.

Some People Believe That Visitors To Other Countries: Sample Essay


Tourism is a global phenomenon that impacts economies, cultures, and environments worldwide. This essay delves into the contrasting viewpoints regarding the effects of visitors to other countries, exploring both the benefits and drawbacks they bring.

Economic Benefits Advocates of tourism argue that it significantly boosts local economies through job creation and revenue generation. Tourists inject money into various sectors such as hospitality, transportation, and retail, stimulating economic growth. For instance, destinations like Bali in Indonesia or Barcelona in Spain thrive on tourism income, supporting livelihoods and infrastructure development. The economic ripple effect extends to small businesses and communities, enhancing living standards and prosperity.

Cultural and Environmental Concerns However, critics highlight the cultural and environmental downsides of mass tourism. Overcrowding at popular sites can lead to degradation of cultural heritage and strain on local resources. The influx of tourists may disrupt traditional ways of life and erode cultural authenticity. Moreover, environmental degradation, including pollution and habitat destruction, poses risks to fragile ecosystems. For example, Venice faces challenges from cruise ship tourism, threatening its architectural integrity and local identity.

In conclusion, while tourism fuels economic growth and cultural exchange, its sustainability hinges on responsible management and preservation. Balancing economic benefits with cultural integrity and environmental conservation is crucial. Governments and stakeholders must prioritise sustainable tourism practices to ensure that future generations can continue to benefit from tourism while safeguarding the planet's natural and cultural heritage.

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Q. How is the IELTS Writing section scored, and what are the criteria for assessment?

Ans.  The IELTS Writing section is scored based on four criteria: Task Achievement, Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource, and Grammatical Range and Accuracy. Each criterion is weighted equally. Task Achievement assesses how well the test-taker addresses the task, Coherence and Cohesion evaluates the organisation and connectivity of the response, Lexical Resource measures the range of vocabulary used, and Grammatical Range and Accuracy focuses on the command of grammar.

Q. Can I use informal language in my essay?

Ans.  In Academic IELTS, avoid informal language and stick to a formal tone. For General Training, Task 1 may vary depending on the letter type, but Task 2 should remain formal.

Q. What are some effective strategies for managing time during the IELTS Writing section, especially for Task 2 essay writing?

Ans.  To manage your time effectively during the IELTS Writing Task 2, it's essential to budget your time wisely. Allocate around 5 minutes for planning, 35 minutes for writing, and 5 minutes for reviewing and making any necessary revisions. Stick to the recommended essay structure with a clear introduction, well-developed body paragraphs, and a concise conclusion. Practice writing under timed conditions to improve your speed and ensure that you can complete the essay within the given timeframe.

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IELTS Writing Topics: Discover Different Types of General and Academic Writing Topics

ielts essay topics on pollution

Study Abroad Content Writer | Updated On - Jul 16, 2024

  • Task 1 Topics: For general writing, task 1 includes a letter whereas for academic writing it includes graphs, charts, and tables with questions.
  • Task 2 Topics: For general and academic writing task 2 includes similar topics but the questions normally vary.
  • Strategies: Make sure you are aware of the task requirements before starting your essay and avoid making any grammatical mistakes.
  • Exam Format: For task 1 you will get 20 minutes while for task 2 you will get 40 minutes for both academic and general IELTS writing.

Practicing IELTS writing topics regularly can help you improve your writing skills and techniques to achieve higher scores. IELTS writing questions are divided into two tasks. Both the tasks in IELTS general and academic writing have different question patterns. The general writing tes t is designed for those who want to move to an English-speaking Country for work and PR purposes . Whereas, IELTS academic writing test is for those who want to move abroad for study purposes. In task 1 of IELTS general writing, you will have to write a letter. In Task 2 you will have to write an essay based on different topics. However, in IELTS academic writing Task 1 includes graphs, tables, charts, or diagrams. IELTS Writing Task 2 includes an essay in both general and academic writing, but the questions may vary.


  • Writing Exam Format
  • Writing Topics in Task 1
  • Writing Topics in Task 2

Strategies for IELTS Writing Topics

Ielts writing exam format.

IELTS writing test topics in general and academic tests have different patterns. However, Task 2 is similar in both tests where you will have to maintain a word limit of 250 words. In both tasks, you will be provided with time limits as well to complete IELTS essay topics. Below is the information regarding tasks 1 and 2 of IELTS writing exam.

Task -1 20 minutes
Line graph 

Writing a letter 
Task-2 40 minutes
Government Spending 

IELTS Writing Topics in Task 1

There are diverse IELTS exam topics that improve the skills and knowledge of English learners. For the General IELTS writing Task 1 topics, you will have to write a letter consisting of 150 words . When it comes to IELTS academic writing tests, you will have to describe different types of lines graphs, tables, charts , and many others.You can see the information regarding topics associated with general and academic IELTS writing are given below:

Spend 20 minutes to write a letter of 150 words. Situation
Problems and reasons for its difficulties
Preferable accommodation
For IELTS exam topics writing in Academic tests, you will get different topics

A diagram that includes numbers or rates of something over some time. For Example,

Similar to line graphs, bars, and charts also linearly deliver data. However, the data can also be categorized in a non-linear way. For Example,

The pie charts have the figures displayed in percentages. They can also be categorized in linear and non-linear ways which is similar to bar-graph. For example,

The data can also be displayed in table form which includes linear and non-linear ways. For example,
The data can be displayed in numerical or percentage form.

You can find combinations of graph types together which can include as line graph and a pie chart. For example,

IELTS Writing Topics in Task 2

Writing task-2 topics are similar in both IELTS general and academic writing tests. In terms of Task 2, you will get certain topics that come up repeatedly while practicing sample questions. Below you will find IELTS essay topics with examples:

Education Education is the common theme in IELTS writing task 2 topics. Questions can range from topics such as the classroom to the curriculum. For example,

Technology In this present time, people are heavily dependent on technology. Various topics for writing essay in IELTS task 2 depends on technology. For example,

Health This is another common essay topics for IELTS writing. This is because health is becoming more complex with time and affecting the lives of people. For example, the question in IELTS task 2 can include:

Environment The environment is a worldwide issue that affects everyone which makes it one of the essential IELTS writing test topics. For Example:

Government Spending This topic generally affects the economic status of a country that directly or indirectly affects the lives and well-being of people. For which government spending is one of the essential IELTS writing task 2 topics. For example,

Sociology People mostly behave differently based on different situations. This is why sociology is one of the most common topics for writing in IELTS. For example,

There are many ways for you to improve your IELTS academic writing and general writing. IELTS writing tips can also help you perform better in academic writing tests. Considering the strategies will help you to understand topics for writing essays in IELTS. Below are some strategies that can help you with IELTS writing tasks 1 and 2 in both academic and general writing:

Academic writing

  • Understand the requirements of the task before starting
  • Analyze the visual information regarding tables, graphs, and charts very carefully.
  • Create a clear and organized plan for your response
  • Start your essay with a concise and engaging introduction
  • Present an overview in a separate paragraph.
  • Support with specific details in the subsequent paragraphs
  • Use cohesive elements and language devices
  • Proofread and revise

General Writing

  • Provide appropriate tone in the letter
  • Present with bullet points, highlights, and extensions
  • Start your letter by clearly stating why you are writing, and the purpose.
  • Use longer sentences that use passive language
  • Generate an attractive structure of your letter

For both Academic and General Writing

  • Answer all the parts of the question
  • Present a clear position including valid points
  • Develop a common vocabulary for each topic
  • Use linking devices or transition words
  • Correctly use a range of grammatical structures
  • Make sure to check your essay thoroughly

You can ace your test score band with the help of different IELTS writing test topics. Task 1 writing test is different for general and academic writing. Whereas, IELTS writing task two topics are similar but include different essay questions.

Ques: What is the most common topic for IELTS writing?

Ans: The question for IELTS writing can be anything. However, the sample question for task 2 includes education, technology, sociology, health, environment, and many more. In task 1 general writing includes a letter and for academic writing it includes tables, graphs, and charts.

Ques: Is writing difficult in IELTS?

Ans: Students facing issues with grammar can deal with difficulties in answering the questions related to IELTS. You can focus on different questions related to tasks 1 and 2 and extend your practice sessions to decrease the level of difficulty.

Ques: What is the 9 in IELTS writing?

Ans: if your score is 9 bands in your IELTS writing means you have an exceptional level of English proficiency in your essay. This factor indicates your ability to maintain accuracy in your writing and sophistication in your language.

Ques: How can I get 7.0 in IELTS writing?

Ans: You can focus on answering all parts of the question and present a clear position to improve your IELTS writing skills. Along with this, you must structure your essay in a specific manner to make it attractive and clear to the examiners.

Ques: Do IELTS writing topics repeat?

Ans: The essay questions related to IELTS never repeat but the topic might repeat. You might get essay questions on the topic of education but the questions will vary. So, you will have to focus more on the topic and writing pattern rather than focusing on questions.


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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts essay # 456 - the best way to solve traffic and pollution problems, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve the growing traffic and pollution problems., to what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement what other measures do you think might be effective.

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