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Sentence Rewriter Tool

Find the perfect wording every time using Rephrase, ProWritingAid's AI sentence rewriter.

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Get unlimited rephrases on a paid plan or 10 a day for free.

or select a sentence to rephrase

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Join over 3 million people improving their writing

I’ve tried every free and paid writing/editing/grammar extension out there, and this by far is the best one my team and I have found. It’s fast, accurate, and really helps improve your writing beyond simple grammar suggestions.

Joel Widmer

ProWritingAid has a Rephrase feature now—I just tried it today, and it helps so much! Like a magic✨ editor!

Julianne Munich

I just used rephrasing! It’s awesome! Especially the sensory suggestions. It helps with writer’s block for me. I can’t believe how PWA keeps getting better and better!

Alexandria Yandt

Rewrite your sentences in just a few clicks

Find the right words instantly.

Find new ways to express your ideas with the power of our AI sentence rewriter. See dozens of options for rephrasing any sentence.

ProWritingAid Product UI: rephrasing tool for creative writers

Choose how to rewrite

Choose whether you want your writing to be more formal or informal, longer or shorter, and even add sensory detail.

Translate to fluent English

Write in your native language, and our sentence rewriter will translate your text to fluent, native-level English.

Works wherever you do

Rewrite sentences across all the apps you use, whether they’re on desktop or online.

ProWritingAid's Sentence Rewriter FAQs

What is prowritingaid.

ProWritingAid is a grammar checker and writing coach all in one helpful tool.

When you sign up for a ProWritingAid account, you get access to advanced grammar and spelling checks, style suggestions, and 20+ other reports designed to perfect your writing.

Will Rephrase write content for me?

Rephrase isn't a content generation tool. Instead, Rephrase takes any sentence and finds ways to reword your writing without changing the meaning or intent.

Think of Rephrase as a brainstorming partner that generates new ideas and helps you to express your thoughts more clearly and effectively.

Do I have to pay to get access to Rephrase?

Nope! As a ProWritingAid user, you can get ten rephrases a day, totally free. If you want to rewrite more sentences, upgrade to a paid plan to access unlimited rephrases.

Does Rephrase use GPT-3.5?

Yes, Rephrase uses the power of GPT-3.5 to generate rewording options for any sentence.

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Essay Rewriter Tool for Students

The Essay Rewriter tool is easy to use. Follow these steps to obtain a perfectly paraphrased text.

  • Copy the original that you need to rewrite.
  • Paste it into the tool, checking if the text length doesn’t exceed the limit.
  • Select the required paraphrasing rate.
  • Press the “Rewrite” button.
  • Copy the result for further use.

Wondering how to avoid plagiarism in a paper or article? You are welcome to use the essay rewriter tool above. It was designed for academic purposes. Easily paraphrase texts in no time!

  • ✅ The Benefits of the Tool
  • ✍️ Avoiding Plagiarism with a Rewriter

🆚 Quoting vs. Rewriting vs. Plagiarism

🔗 references, ✅ essay rewriter: 5 key benefits.

  • It helps to avoid plagiarism. Not all plagiarism happens intendedly. Essay Rewriter eliminates the human factor in paraphrasing. It provides you with a text that contains a preset quantity of original words.
  • It is specially designed for students. The rephrasing is neither too academic nor conversational. The style of the resulting text perfectly fits all educational requirements.
  • It is simple to use. It would be strange to waste your time exploring a tool that should save it. Essay Rewriter is intuitively clear. You can open the web page and use it straight away.
  • It has an adjustable percentage of paraphrased words. Sometimes you need to preserve some part of the original. Try various rates to choose the best result.
  • It is equally functional on computers and mobile devices. You can use the tool at home or college from your smartphone. All the features will be available in the mobile version.

✍️ Rewriter Tool: An Easy Way to Avoid Plagiarism

Want to know when rewriting means plagiarizing?

It is easy.

When you use someone else’s intellectual property, pretending it’s your own, you plagiarize. When you reword a text that another person wrote without referencing the original, it is plagiarism.

Unfortunately, even if you unwillingly copy someone’s text, it is also punishable . The consequences range from lowered marks and reprimanding to expulsion from the educational institution or research community. Nobody likes plagiarizers. People perceive them as thieves.

Still, every researcher resorts to paraphrasing. What is the recipe for the balance between rewriting and plagiarism? The short answer is, always mention the original . There are more nuances, like retelling the text with your own words rather than using synonyms here and there. But whichever method or app you use, give credit to the author.

When you wish to use someone else’s words as a part of your writing, you insert a quote . In this case, you are supposed to enclose the phrase or sentence in quotation marks to signal that you are quoting. After that, include a citation with page number and author’s name.

When should you quote?

There is a general rule that if more than four words in a row match the source, you should enclose them in quotation marks.

But if the sentence or paragraph you wish to use is too long, it is better to paraphrase it. In such a case, quotation marks are unnecessary. Still, paraphrases also require citations at the end of the rewritten text and in the list of references. Make sure to modify the words and their order to avoid plagiarism.

You can consult the examples of quoting, rewriting, and plagiarism examples below. Compare them to find out the difference and never have problems using someone else’s text in your research article or essay.

Quoting: Example

The quote from a book by Oliver Sacks below contains quotation marks and a reference to the original according to APA citation style.

“The scientific study of the relationship between brain and mind began in 1861, when Broca, in France, found that specific difficulties in the expressive use of speech, aphasia, consistently followed damage to a particular portion of the left hemisphere of the brain. This opened the way to cerebral neurology, which made it possible, over the decades, to ‘map’ the human brain, ascribing specific powers — linguistic, intellectual, perceptual, etc. — to equally specific ‘centers’ in the brain. Toward the end of the century it became evident to more acute observers that this sort of mapping was too simple, that all mental performances had an intricate internal structure, and must have an equally complex physiological basis.” (Sacks, 1998, p. 5)

Rewriting: Example

The rewriting sample below contains all the essential features. All the grammatical structures of the sentences have been modified. Most words have been replaced with synonyms, and most importantly, it contains a reference to the original . You can use this example as a good one.

In “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat: And Other Clinical Tales,” Sacks (1998) describes the beginning of the research on brain and mind. In particular, Broca was the first to discover the relationship between aphasia and the damaged section of the left hemisphere. This finding started a breakthrough in cerebral neurology. In some decades, people described the brain’s structure with respect to its functions and the centers responsible for them. Later, researchers found that this approach overly simplified mental processes. On the contrary, the human brain has a complicated psychological structure, and its functioning is much more intricate.

Plagiarism: Example

This plagiarism sample does not change the sentence structure and frequently uses the same word order. Deleting the subordinate parts of sentences and changing some words with synonyms does not suffice for a good rewriting. Plagiarism checkers will recognize this passage as the original . But if your poor rewriting is revealed, you will be punished. Its main drawback is the absence of credit to the original.

The study of the brain and mind began in 1861 when Broca found that specific difficulties in the expressive use of speech usually followed damage to the left hemisphere of the brain. This gave impetus to the development of cerebral neurology, which made it possible to ‘map’ the human brain. Scientists ascribed specific powers — intellectual, linguistic, perceptual, etc. — to some particular areas in the brain. At the end of the century, it became evident that such mapping was too simple. Therefore, all mental activities had a complicated internal structure, and they must have an equally intricate physiological basis.

Hope the tips and examples above are useful for you. By the way, summarizing the sources you use is another way to avoid plagiarism – in case you mention the author, of course. If you need to summarize anything, use our free tool !

AHelp Essay Rewriter

Fast and efficient paraphrase generator.

7 paraphrasing modes

7 paraphrasing modes

Smart rewording algorithms

Smart rewording algorithms

Plagiarism-free content

Plagiarism-free content

New ideas at the tips of your fingers.

Have you ever felt like your assignments are never-ending? That every time you finish one, another is creeping up on you from around the corner? And there is always not enough time, but you still have to come up with new and original ideas to make your paper really shine. We are pretty sure, you have found yourself in that position one time or another. It is absolutely exhausting having to come up with exciting ways to engage your audience while rephrasing the same information again and again. And don’t even get us started on grammar checks, structure, outline, vocabulary, and many other things. Learning is supposed to be fun and interesting, and one way to make it such is to use a paraphrasing tool to optimize your routine. 

Let’s discuss what paraphrasing is all about, the benefits of trying one, and how you can work with it effectively!

AHelp Paraphraser – Your Go-To Study Buddy

Want to know more about our tool? The Paraphraser by AHelp equipped with intelligent rewording algorithms is a handy companion for anyone regularly engaged with writing tasks. Whether you’re drafting a formal email, an essay, a research proposal, or you just strive for clearer communication, this tool is versatile with its seven different paraphrasing modes. 

More than just rearranging words or altering sentence structures, it is a pro at keeping the core meaning of the text while making it more engaging and easy to read. Our Paraphraser delivers content that is free from plagiarism, allowing you to present your work with confidence. For writers, students, and professionals looking to present high-quality, original content without the risk of copying, this paraphrasing tool proves itself to be a go-to resource.

The Benefits of Using a Paraphrase Tool

Have you ever found yourself stuck trying to rephrase your writing to make it clearer or more engaging? This is where paraphrase tools come into play, offering a handy way to breathe new life into your text. Here are five reasons why these tools can be incredibly useful:

  • Clearer communication . Sometimes, the way we phrase things can be a bit complex, especially when juggling technical terms or intricate ideas. Paraphrase tools help simplify and clarify your writing, so your audience can easily grasp what you’re trying to convey. This results in stronger engagement and improves the overall impact of your message, which is always a plus.
  • Steering clear of plagiarism . We all know the importance of keeping our work original, especially when strict academic rules are in place. Paraphrase tools are great for rewording content while maintaining the meaning of the original text. This way, you can avoid plagiarism and keep your integrity intact, whether you’re crafting a research paper, writing up a report, or putting together a simple essay.
  • Sparking creativity . Ever feel like you’re just recycling the same phrases over and over? A paraphrase tool can suggest fresh ways to express your ideas, which can be particularly refreshing when you’re stuck. It’s a bit like shaking up a can of soda and watching new bubbles pop up, bringing a creative fizz to your work! This can be a major boost when you’re looking to innovate or add a unique twist to your writing.
  • Time Saver . Let’s face it, rewording content manually can eat up a lot of time. With a paraphrase tool, you can rework a piece in a fraction of the time, freeing you up to focus on other parts of your writing or even just giving you a break to catch your breath. This efficiency not only speeds up the editing process but also helps you maintain a flow of ideas without getting bogged down by details.
  • Better Learning Comprehension . Paraphrase tools do more than just alter text—they provide an opportunity to see different ways to structure sentences and use language. This can be particularly beneficial for non-native English speakers or those looking to improve their language skills. Users can learn new vocabulary and different sentence constructions, improving their overall language level by observing variations in phrasing.

With that being said, our Paraphraser doesn’t just shuffle words around—it helps make your writing more effective, engaging, and accessible. Whether you’re a student polishing an essay or a professional fine-tuning a project, trying a paraphrase tool can elevate your writing game significantly.

How to Effectively Write with a Paraphrasing Tool

There’s no such thing as a free lunch, so simply copying the entire text into your assignment file won’t do. Of course, using a paraphrasing tool can boost your writing performance, but it can be even more effective if you try some extra techniques. Remember,  it’s not just about plugging in and cranking out text; it’s about using the tool thoughtfully to get the best results. Here’s what you can do.

First off, consider the original message of your text . A paraphrasing tool isn’t just about finding fancy synonyms; it’s about reshaping your message in a way that might be clearer or more engaging. Give the tool solid sentences to work with, and it’s more likely to give you something back that’s ready to go with little need for tweaks. This can be especially handy when you’re tackling topics that are complex or filled with specific terminology.

Next, keep an eye out for plagiarism . Even the slickest tools can occasionally echo too much of your source. Using the paraphrased text as a starting point, make sure to add your own flair so that the final product stands apart. This step is absolutely necessary, as it keeps your integrity intact and your content original.

Also, remember that while synonyms can spice up your writing, relying on them too heavily can backfire , leading to odd phrases or even misuse of terms. It’s important to not just swap out words but to play with the structure of sentences for a smoother flow. Engage with the tool’s output by tweaking and refining it. This way, your style shines through, keeping the text natural and relatable.

Lastly, treat your paraphrasing tool as your assistant, not your replacement . Use it to enhance your understanding of how sentences can be shaped and ideas expressed differently. You’ll not only avoid potential pitfalls but also polish your skills in composition when you stay involved in the editing process.

If you stick to these practices, you can use paraphrasing tools to their fullest potential, ensuring your writing remains sharp, effective, and uniquely yours. Whether you’re a student or a professional, these tools can help elevate your writing and make it more accessible and engaging for everyone.

Using a Paraphrase Generator for Work and Study

Paraphrasing tools aren’t just for tackling essays or schoolwork—they’re also incredibly useful in the workplace. Whether you’re drafting emails, writing reports, or preparing proposals, a paraphraser can be your secret weapon for clear and professional communication. In any job, getting your message across clearly directly affects your (and others) performance. A paraphrasing tool helps polish your words so they’re easy to understand. This is especially handy when you need to explain complex topics simply and clearly, making technical speech accessible to everyone.

Paraphrasers also spark creativity. If you find yourself using the same phrases over and over, this tool can mix things up, suggesting new ways to say the same info. This keeps your writing fresh and interesting, which is great for things like marketing or customer communications where catching and keeping attention is key. And let’s not forget about time-saving! Paraphrasing tools allow you to quickly revise drafts and frees up your schedule to focus on other important tasks. This can be a lifesaver in a fast-paced work environment where every minute counts.

So, it’s clear that paraphrasing tools are not just for students. They offer a lot of value in professional settings, too, helping to boost readability, stir up creativity, and save precious time. Whatever your role, incorporating a paraphraser can make a big difference in how effectively you communicate.


essay sentence rewriter

What is the best paraphrasing tool online free?

One of the top free options for paraphrasing online is the AHelp Paraphraser. It offers many rewriting modes that cater to a wide range of needs and doesn’t take much time to complete the task. This makes it ideal for students and professionals looking to improve the clarity and creativity of their text or just rephrase it in a new light.

What is the best free AI to paraphrase?

The best free AI for paraphrasing is AHelp's Paraphrasing Tool. It was designed with advanced algorithms in mind to restructure and refine text while keeping the authentic meaning, which provides an invaluable resource for producing unique and engaging content.

Is using AI to paraphrase cheating?

Using AI to paraphrase is not really cheating; it depends on how you use it! If used to understand and rephrase text for clarity or learning, it's a legitimate tool. However, passing off AI-paraphrased work as entirely your own in contexts where originality is expected can be considered unethical and you can even face penalties for it.

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Reword My Essay: Rewriter for Students

How do I reword my essay without plagiarizing? Find here the answer! This essay rewriter was designed for students. It will easily reword an essay, paragraph, article, or any other piece.

Rewriting can sometimes be even more challenging than writing a new essay. Yet we know how to save your time and nerve cells. That’s why our team designed Rewrite My Essay – a rewording tool for students. It will help you create a unique writing piece without putting too much time and effort into it.

Copy and paste the initial text, press the button, and enjoy the high-quality work in several moments.

We also collected the most useful rewriting tips in the article below. They will help you reword your essays or any other academic papers like a pro. Content creation has never been so easy!

  • 🙌 5 Benefits of the Tool
  • 👨‍🎓️ Plagiarism & How to Avoid It
  • 👣 5 Rewriting Steps
  • 🌟 Polishing the Text

🔗 References

🙌 essay rewriter: 5 key benefits.

In case you might be asking yourself why you should choose our rewriter tool, here are some valid reasons.

It is 100% intuitive. Forget about putting much effort into receiving a new text. With our rewording generator, you don’t have to make anything complicated. Copy and paste the initial text and receive high-quality content by clicking a button.

It is 100% automatic. How much time do you spend looking through thesaurus? Trying to replace a word or a phrase can be exhausting. Our essay rewriter does not require any additional actions. It is fully automatic and searches the synonyms from a database in seconds.

It is 100% free with no registration. “Register,” “buy a monthly subscription” – annoying, right? That is why Rewrite My Essay does not require completing any registration steps. What is more crucial, it does not take money from you.

It is 100% online. The lack of storage space can be one of the most irritating problems people deal with. But don’t worry! Our essay rewriter does everything online. Now you don’t have to waste your memory space on numerous downloaded documents.

It is 100% original. Stressed out about the plagiarism issue? No need to! If you use our essay rewording tool, the content will be completely unique. Besides, you’ll have time to add something to the document, making it even more original.

👨‍🎓️ Avoid Plagiarism with an Essay Rewriter

Now you know that our sentence changer is a perfect choice for you. So, it’s time to figure out why every student should know about it.

According to integrity rules, any academic work requires a 100% uniqueness. However, composing an original paper can be an incredibly tricky task. And when you should write a research paper with plenty of citations and rewriting, you may face even more issues.

That is to say:

Our tool is an excellent helper if you need to rewrite any content without losing its meaning. For more insights, explore the following sections.

Plagiarism is unacceptable for any type of academic work. So, carefully structure your thoughts while taking information from the secondary sources. Rewriting may become a real struggle for students, especially in papers with numerous references.

First of all:

There are two main types of plagiarism – intentional and unintentional . If you strive to demonstrate high academic performance, you have to avoid any kind of plagiarism.

Consequences of plagiarism in academic writing.

Intentional plagiarism is one of the offenses that may result in dismissal from the college . Be extremely careful while using someone else’s works. Claiming other people’s ideas as yours without listing them as sources is unethical. You disobey the moral and academic rules.

Sometimes, however, students plagiarize unintentionally. For example, they might forget to use proper punctuation marks to determine the quote. It can happen when you take notes and then insert them into the paper. Or it might be quite challenging for students to rewrite the paragraph, so they don’t change the wording properly.

What is more:

Imagine you managed to prove that you plagiarized unintentionally. Even then there is no 100% guarantee that you will omit the academic penalty.

Therefore, rewriting the essay, you should use rewording tools and be as attentive as possible: changing the text does not guarantee that you don’t plagiarize.

Rewriting and Plagiarism: What’s the Difference?

Rewriting that uses the pattern of words from the source text is plagiarism. But are there situations when rewriting does not violate any intellectual property rights?

Paraphrasing does not count for plagiarism if:

  • You give credit to the original author according to the selected citation style.
  • You reword the cited material enough to make the sentence structure and word choice different from the original.
  • Copying a sentence from the source, you cite it as a quote.

To make your rewriting far from the original wording, try putting away the text once you have read it. Wait for several minutes. Then sit down and paraphrase it without consulting the original. You will perfectly transmit the idea in your own words. Below are easy but essential rewriting steps that describe the process in more detail.

👣 How Do I Rewrite My Essay? 5 Easy Steps

  • Read the text several times to understand the author’s message. Paraphrasing should be accurate and objective. You can achieve this level of quality only by gaining a thorough understanding of the source. Pay attention to the sentence structure and the flow of thought. You will have to change it while rewriting your essay.
  • Take notes of the essentials. This piece of advice is suggested for your convenience. Use these notes as an outline later while rewriting. It will give you more freedom of expression and lower the chance of plagiarism.
  • Put aside the original and write your summary, consulting the notes. Once again, follow your notes, looking up into the original only for the details. Mind that the more you peep into the text, the more you will be tempted to copy the author’s manner of writing.
  • Look through your writing and compare it with the source. Rewrite the sentences that look too similar. You can use a plagiarism checker for this purpose. Still, a computer program can miss some points a human eye would detect. Making it by hand eliminates the chance of unintended plagiarism.
  • Include a reference to the source. Using the respective rules of the citation style, give credit to the author.

But there is an easier way to paraphrase a text than doing it by hand. Use Rewrite My Essay tool to save time and get high-quality reworded text without plagiarizing.

🌟 Polishing Your Essay

Rewrite My Essay tool is an excellent helper for text rewording. It will do most of the work for you. Yet, after using it, you still should proofread your essay.

Why? See the following reasons:

  • The tool is automatic. Nowadays, artificial intelligence is still not as developed as a human brain. So, there is a probability of some drawbacks, improperly chosen words, punctuation mistakes, etc.
  • The synonym selected by the tool is not that precise.
  • The tool confused the homographs or homonyms. Instead of selecting a synonym, it offers an antonym (or just an inappropriate alternative).
  • Proofreading is essential for any writing. Before submitting the paper, you should always ensure its high quality. Thoroughly revise and proofread it so that your text is free of mistakes, coherent, and properly structured. All in all, never skip this step while working on an assignment.

Here is a pleasant bonus for you – five essential tips on proofreading.

Tips on proofreading an academic paper.

  • Take a break before proofreading. As you finished writing your essay, take a pause and do something you like. After your brain got refreshed, carefully reread your work and correct all the mistakes.
  • Know your weaknesses. Do you always struggle with the punctuation marks in the compound sentences? Or maybe you know that you tend to write monotonous, boring paragraphs that need improvement? While proofreading, focus first on your weak sides and try to correct them.
  • Proofread the text out loud. This trick will help you to spot the repetitions, indicate the incoherent or weak parts. Another good idea is to use our text-to-speech tool that will read the text for you.
  • Read backward. Of course, we don’t recommend reading each word from right to left - sentences only. With this method, you will better focus on spelling, punctuation , and grammar mistakes, rather than on the content. It might be useful for identifying and correcting minor errors.
  • Let the other person read your work. When you are writing a paper, you know the idea, so everything seems clear for you. Ask someone to read your paper and indicate the wordy or unconcise fragments.

That’s it! Thank you for visiting our page. Use our sentence rewriter and share it with the other students who need to rewrite their essays. By the way, you might want to try our thesis statement generator . This tool can be used for essays and more complicated academic assignments, such as a term paper or thesis.

❓ Essay Rewriter FAQ

❓ how to rewrite an essay in your own words.

To rewrite an essay, article, or paragraph in your own words, you need to read the text first. Do that several times to make sure you understand the author's message. Making notes while reading is a good idea. After that, you can put the original text aside and write your own summary.

❓ Who Can Rewrite My Essay?

To make sure the reworded text is truly original and meaningful, you can rewrite it by yourself. However, if you lack time, you might want to use our essay rewriter. The tool on this page will paraphrase any paper quickly and easily.

❓ Why Is It So Hard to Rewrite an Essay?

While rewriting a paper, you need to perform two major tasks. The first one is to understand and convey the author's message. The second one is to avoid plagiarism. That is why essay rewriting may become a real struggle.

❓ Is Article Rewriter Legal?

Our essay rewriter is 100% legal. You are welcome to use it to prepare indirect quotes and paraphrased texts. However, if you use someone else's ideas, you should refer to the author to meet the requirements of academic integrity.

  • Proofreading: The Writing Center, the University of Wisconsin–Madison
  • Tips For Effective Proofreading - Writing Center, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock
  • Plagiarism: Study Skills and Training, the University of Oxford
  • Academic Writing Style, Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper: Research Guides at University of Southern California
  • What Is Academic Writing: Library at University of Leeds
  • How to Write a College Essay Best Colleges: Kelly Mae Ross, Devon Haynie, and Josh Moody, US News
  • Basics of Writing An Effective Essay: Becton Loveless, Education Corner


  1. Sentence Rewriter: Reword Sentences & Paragraphs with Ease

    essay sentence rewriter

  2. 10 Best Sentence Rewriters to Improve Your Writing Style

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  3. 10 Best Sentence Rewriters to Improve Your Writing Style

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  4. Sentence Rewriter

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  5. [2024]5 Best Essay Rewriter Tools and Their Accuracy Levels

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  6. Essay Rewriter

    essay sentence rewriter


  1. 10 Lines Essay on important of Time

  2. Long Format GPT Rewriting Tool

  3. English sentence/ English language learning english essay sentence

  4. Revealing Quote on Writing!

  5. Remarkable Quote on Writing!

  6. Impressive Quote on Writing!


  1. Paraphrasing Tool

    QuillBot's AI-powered paraphrasing tool will enhance your writing. Your words matter, and our paraphrasing tool is designed to ensure you use the right ones. With unlimited Custom modes and 9 predefined modes, Paraphraser lets you rephrase text countless ways. Our product will improve your fluency while also ensuring you have the appropriate ...

  2. Free AI Sentence Rewriter Tool

    Content editing and enhancement. Ahrefs' AI Sentence Rewriter Tool can be highly useful for content creators, writers, and editors who want to improve the quality and clarity of their sentences. By inputting sentences into the tool, users can receive rephrased versions that offer enhanced readability, improved flow, and better overall structure.

  3. Paraphrasing Tool

    Save time: Gone are the days when you had to reword sentences yourself; now you can rewrite an individual sentence or a complete text with one click. Improve your writing: Your writing will always be clear and easy to understand. Automatically ensure consistent language throughout. Preserve original meaning: Paraphrase without fear of losing the point of your text.

  4. Free AI Sentence Rewriter Tool

    Write in your native language, and our sentence rewriter will translate your text to fluent, native-level English. — it's free. Get Started — it's free. View Plans. Works wherever you do. Rewrite sentences across all the apps you use, whether they're on desktop or online.

  5. AI-based Paraphrasing Tool

    Strengthen Your Communication Skills. Try out the best paraphrasing tool for free and discover how LanguageTool can elevate your writing. Enhance your writing with LanguageTool's AI-based paraphrasing tool. Discover a smarter way to rewrite and refine your text for improved clarity and uniqueness.

  6. Essay Rewriter Tool for Students

    The Essay Rewriter tool is easy to use. Follow these steps to obtain a perfectly paraphrased text. Copy the original that you need to rewrite. Paste it into the tool, checking if the text length doesn't exceed the limit. Select the required paraphrasing rate. Press the "Rewrite" button. Copy the result for further use.

  7. Essay Rewriter: Free Online Paraphraser by Academichelp

    Whether you're drafting a formal email, an essay, a research proposal, or you just strive for clearer communication, this tool is versatile with its seven different paraphrasing modes. More than just rearranging words or altering sentence structures, it is a pro at keeping the core meaning of the text while making it more engaging and easy to ...

  8. DeepL Write: AI-powered writing companion

    Get perfect spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Sound fluent, professional, and natural. Fine-tune your writing with word and sentence alternatives. Choose a writing style and tone that fits your audience. DeepL Write is a tool that helps you perfect your writing. Write clearly, precisely, with ease, and without errors. Try for free now!

  9. Free Rewrite and Paraphrasing Tool

    Wordtune's Rewrite is a free AI paraphrasing tool that helps you improve anything you write. Features. Rewrite. Instantly paraphrase emails, articles, messages and more. ... It's like having 10 friends all willing to suggest alternatives to a sentence I'm writing, and I can pick the best one without hurting anyone's feelings. :-) Ed Bockelman.

  10. Wordtune: Free AI Writing Assistant

    Unleash yourtrue potential. Try Wordtune for free. No credit card required. Wordtune is the AI writing assistant that helps you write high-quality content across emails, blogs, ads, and more. Use it to get results you can trust every time.

  11. Free AI Paragraph Rewriter

    A Paragraph Rewriter is an online tool designed to rephrase or rewrite a paragraph while preserving its original meaning. Essentially, it takes a given paragraph and rephrases it in a way that maintains the main idea and presents it using different words and sentence structures.

  12. Rewrite your text with precision and ease

    DeepL uses advanced AI to provide high-quality, context-aware paraphrasing in English and German. Our tool intelligently restructures and rephrases text, preserving the original meaning and enhancing your writing. 2. How do you use DeepL's paraphrasing tool? To accomplish writing tasks, you can: - Paste your existing text into the tool.

  13. Free AI Paraphrasing Tool

    Ahrefs' Paraphrasing Tool uses a language model that learns patterns, grammar, and vocabulary from large amounts of text data - then uses that knowledge to generate human-like text based on a given prompt or input. The generated text combines both the model's learned information and its understanding of the input.

  14. Free AI Paragraph Rewriter

    Ahrefs' Paragraph Rewriter can be beneficial for content creators, editors, or writers who need to enhance or refine their written content. By inputting a paragraph into the tool, users can receive a rewritten version that offers improved clarity, structure, and overall quality. This use case can save time and effort in the manual editing ...

  15. Paraphrasing Tool

    Paraphraser is the best AI paraphrasing tool that helps you accurately paraphrase sentences, paragraphs, and essays using state-of-the-art technology. Features of Paraphraser ... and paraphrases the text. It also works as a reworder and rewriter for lessness chances of plagiarism. Paraphrase Anywhere. Our free paraphrasing tool can be used ...

  16. Paraphrasing Tool

    Paraphrasing Tool. This is a free AI-powered rewrite tool that offers you rephrasing of your articles, sentences, essays, stories, and other creations. Our tool finds the best options for text rewording thanks to Natural Language Processing (NLP) AI software and presents you with a variety of choices. We are here to offer you the best free tool ...

  17. Reword My Essay: Rewriter for Students

    This essay rewriter was designed for students. It will easily reword an essay, paragraph, article, or any other piece. Copy and paste your text. 6,500 characters left. Place your order and get your paper in 1 hour , without plagiarism! Let's Start. Replaced words. 40%. Process words with a capital letter.

  18. Paraphrasing Tool

    Essay Rephraser . Our AI essay paraphraser can help you write engaging essays. Revamping content with this essay rephrasing tool can quickly improve your writing tone and structure. It will take a few clicks to paraphrase essays, papers, and theses. Article Rephraser

  19. Free AI Rewording Tool

    Swiftly reword and rephrase sentences or paragraphs for posts, emails or articles. ... Quickly rephrase and reword any text for essays, articles, emails, and more. Sentence Rewriter Tool. Enhance the quality and clarity of any sentence and improve its construction with this powerful free tool. Summarizer Tool.

  20. Free AI Paragraph Generator

    Students and researchers can benefit from Ahrefs' Paragraph Generator when working on papers, essays, or research articles. By providing the necessary instructions, the tool can generate well-structured paragraphs that present key arguments, evidence, and analysis, aiding in the writing process. Personal writing and communication.