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14 auditor cover letters.

Approved by real hiring managers, these Auditor cover letters have been proven to get people hired in 2024. A hiring manager explains why.

Hiring Manager for Auditor Roles

Table of contents

  • Senior Auditor
  • Senior Internal Auditor
  • IT Audit Manager
  • Alternative introductions for your cover letter
  • Auditor resume examples

Auditor Cover Letter Example

Why this cover letter works in 2024, highlighting a specific accomplishment.

This cover letter showcases a specific accomplishment that is relevant to the role and demonstrates the applicant's ability to deliver results. Use a quantifiable achievement to catch the hiring manager's attention.

Sharing a Process Improvement

By mentioning a new process that improved efficiency, the applicant shows they are proactive and can bring valuable insights to the company. Make sure to include any improvements you've made in your past roles.

Expressing Excitement for the Company

This sentence shows genuine interest in the company's values and culture. When writing your cover letter, research the company and express what specifically attracts you to their organization.

Show Relevance to Your Current Role

Sharing details about your current work and highlighting its relevance to the job you are applying for not only demonstrates your experience but also shows that you've thought about how your skills could be applied in the new role. In this case, specifically mentioning your work at Resume Worded in an auditing context showcases your hands-on experience in the field.

Highlight Achievements with Tangible Outcomes

Concrete examples of your work and their impacts can be extremely persuasive. Here, you've quantified your achievement by mentioning the cost savings of 20%. This not only shows your ability to deliver results but also gives an idea of the scale at which you've worked.

Emphasize Efficiency Gains

Efficiency is paramount in any job role, and the fact that you reduced auditing time by 30% is a powerful testament to your capabilities. This shows you're not just doing the work, but also thinking about how to do it better and faster.

Appreciation of Company Culture

This cover letter does a nice job of highlighting the company's positive attributes. It's important to show that you've done your homework and understand the company culture. When you acknowledge the company's commitment to continuous learning and improvement, it demonstrates alignment with your own values.

Quantifiable Achievements

Now this is what I'm talking about! You've used hard data to showcase your achievements. Reducing reporting errors by 40% isn't a feat to be taken lightly. This shows you can deliver measurable results, which is exactly what employers are looking for.

Relevance of Experience

You've clearly outlined how your past experiences have prepared you for this role. It's not enough to just list your past successes, you've made it clear how these experiences have shaped you as an auditor. This makes it easier for an employer to see how you would fit into their team.

Alignment with Company Initiatives

This shows you've done your research and are keenly aware of the company's initiatives. Plus, you've made it clear how your skills can contribute to these initiatives. That's a plus in my book.

Enthusiasm and Expertise Blend

You've ended on a high note by showcasing your passion for auditing along with your experience and innovation. The blend of these traits makes for a very compelling candidate.

Show your enthusiasm for the auditor firm

It's good to share why you are excited about the company you're applying to. This shows you know them and share their values.

Highlight your skills as an auditor

Talk about your strong skills and how you have used them in the past. This helps us see how you can be helpful right away.

Demonstrate your impact on audit efficiency

When you share how you made processes better and saved time, it shows you can handle tasks well and think of ways to improve work.

Express eagerness to face new challenges

Showing you are eager to work with different companies and learn from them tells us you're always looking to grow and help clients in new ways.

Close with a strong call to action

Ending your letter by asking for a chance to discuss how you can help the company shows confidence and a strong desire to be part of the team.

Does writing cover letters feel pointless? Use our AI

Dear Job Seeker, Writing a great cover letter is tough and time-consuming. But every employer asks for one. And if you don't submit one, you'll look like you didn't put enough effort into your application. But here's the good news: our new AI tool can generate a winning cover letter for you in seconds, tailored to each job you apply for. No more staring at a blank page, wondering what to write. Imagine being able to apply to dozens of jobs in the time it used to take you to write one cover letter. With our tool, that's a reality. And more applications mean more chances of landing your dream job. Write me a cover letter It's helped thousands of people speed up their job search. The best part? It's free to try - your first cover letter is on us. Sincerely, The Resume Worded Team

Want to see how the cover letter generator works? See this 30 second video.

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Connect personal passion to the auditor role

Showing that your interest in auditing started early and is connected to significant events makes your motivation seem genuine and deep.

Showcase relevant auditing skills

Describing your skills in financial analysis and risk assessment provides a clear picture of what you can do.

Prove innovation in audit processes

Sharing how you've improved processes and efficiency demonstrates you're not just doing the job but actively seeking ways to do it better.

Emphasize attention to detail and analysis

Highlighting these specific skills reassures me that you have the meticulousness and analytical mindset crucial for success in this role.

Communicate excitement for the opportunity

Your enthusiasm about joining the firm makes me more interested in considering you as a strong candidate.

Show your passion for the audit industry

Expressing excitement about the role and admiration for the company shows you are genuinely interested and have done your research.

Highlight your auditing achievements

Discussing specific successes and improvements you've made in past roles demonstrates your capability to add value and solve problems.

Emphasize your leadership in audit teams

Confidence in your technical and leadership skills assures the hiring manager of your ability to contribute significantly to their team.

Express eagerness to collaborate

Showing enthusiasm for working with a team and using advanced tools signifies you are a team player and eager to learn.

Close with a call to action

A polite expression of hope for a discussion about your fit for the role encourages the hiring manager to move forward with your application.

Senior Auditor Cover Letter Example

Establish leadership credentials.

Leadership skills are critical for a senior role, so it's important to highlight these. Your mention of leading a team of auditors at Resume Worded demonstrates your ability to manage and guide others, which is absolutely crucial for a Senior Auditor role.

Showcase Significant Contributions

Speaking about the discrepancies you identified that totaled over $500,000 showcases your eye for detail and your ability to make significant contributions. It's about showing that you're not just going through the motions, you're actively making a difference.

Highlight Impactful Innovations

By automating your auditing process and reducing audit cycle time by 40%, you've demonstrated your ability to innovate and create impactful changes. In a senior role, such capabilities are highly valued as they can greatly enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the team.

Passionate Storytelling

Here, you didn't just talk about your skills or achievements, but you shared a bit of your personal story and passion. This makes your cover letter more memorable and shows you're not just another applicant, but someone with a real passion for auditing.

Leadership and Achievements

Leading a team through a high-profile compliance audit and getting zero findings is quite impressive. This not only showcases your technical skills but also highlights your leadership capabilities. And trust me, firms are always on the lookout for those who can confidently lead.

Planned Contributions

You've made it clear that you're not just looking to join KPMG - you're looking to make a real impact there. This shows ambition, proactiveness and that you're not afraid to take the reins.

Recognition of Company's Progressiveness

You've acknowledged the company's use of cutting-edge technology, showing you appreciate their forward-thinking approach. This demonstrates you’re aware of the evolving landscape of auditing and are ready to be a part of it.

Confidence and Commitment

Your closing sentence exudes confidence and commitment. You've shown that you're ready for the challenges of the Senior Auditor position and are excited to contribute to the team. Confidence can be contagious and employers love to see that.

Senior Internal Auditor Cover Letter Example

Connect your passion with the company’s reputation.

Starting by linking your interests with what the company is known for makes it clear why you're a good match for the role.

Showcase significant achievements in risk management

Describing a major success story, like uncovering fraud, highlights your ability to make a big difference in the company.

Share your excitement for the team's values

Telling us what you like about the team you’ll be joining helps us see that you’ll fit in well with our culture and goals.

Emphasize the importance of teamwork and communication

Mentioning your belief in working together and talking effectively shows you understand these are important for doing well in the job.

End with a personalized thank you note

Acknowledging the time taken to consider your application and expressing a desire to talk more about the role makes a polite and professional closing.

Show how your it auditor experience fits

When you explain how your skills match the job, it helps me see you in the role. Your passion for the work makes your application stand out.

Detail your significant it audit achievements

Talking about your big wins, like fixing a cybersecurity issue, shows you can handle important problems. It's good to see real examples of your work.

Highlight your strategy and tech use in audits

Showing you can think of new ways to do audits and use technology to do it better tells me you're always looking to improve. This is something we value highly.

Express enthusiasm for the company's values

When you tell us you like our focus on excellence and innovation, it feels like you really get what we're about. This makes me think you'll fit in well here.

Close with a strong, polite follow-up

A thank you and an invitation to talk more tells me you're serious about the job and polite. This is a great way to end your cover letter.

Align your goals with the company's mission

Stating how the company's values and your career aspirations align demonstrates you're a good cultural and professional fit.

Detail your impact as an internal auditor

Sharing specific examples of your work, like leading successful audits, shows you can handle responsibilities and drive results.

Show excitement for the senior internal auditor role

Conveying your enthusiasm about bringing your skills to the new role indicates you're motivated and ready for the challenge.

Highlight your problem-solving skills

Confidence in your analytical abilities and attention to detail showcases your readiness to tackle complex auditing issues.

Invite further discussion

Ending with gratitude and an open invitation for a conversation shows professionalism and eagerness to engage further.

IT Auditor Cover Letter Example

Show passion for it and finance.

When you explain why you're excited about the job, it helps me see you're not just looking for any position but are specifically interested in what we do.

Demonstrate impact as an IT auditor

Talking about how you identified and helped fix big problems shows you can handle important responsibilities.

Align with company values

Mentioning what you admire about the company tells me you've done your homework and see yourself fitting in with our culture.

Highlight communication skills

Stressing your ability to explain complex ideas simply is crucial because it means you can work well with others who might not have your expertise.

Express eagerness to contribute

Ending your letter by looking forward to contributing to our future projects makes me excited to see what you can bring to the team.

Show passion for technology and the company

Your strong interest in both the job and our approach to tech risk management makes your application memorable. It’s clear you’ve done your homework on us.

Describe impactful it audit projects

Sharing specific examples of your work, like auditing a big financial institution, shows me what you can do. This makes it easy for me to picture you succeeding in this role.

Explain your ability to simplify complex tech

Your skill in making tough tech topics easy for everyone to understand is important. It tells me you can work well with different teams.

Connect your goals with the company's direction

Seeing that your passion for technology matches our firm's innovation goals helps me see you'll be a good match for our culture and aims.

End with gratitude and an open invitation

Thanking us for our time and asking to discuss your fit for the role is a respectful and proactive way to finish your cover letter. It leaves a positive, lasting impression.

IT Audit Manager Cover Letter Example

Show your enthusiasm for the it audit manager position.

Starting your cover letter with excitement for the role shows me you're genuinely interested. It makes me want to learn more about you.

Highlight IT audit achievements clearly

Talking about leading a team and identifying vulnerabilities demonstrates your capability to handle responsibilities and improve systems. This is what we look for in a strong candidate.

Connect your skills to the job's success

By expressing how you plan to use your skills, you tell me that you're already thinking about how you can contribute to our team. It shows you're forward-thinking and goal-oriented.

Assert your fit for the IT audit manager role

Confidence in your abilities and eagerness to deliver exceptional service are key traits we appreciate. It assures me of your potential fit within our culture and your impact on our clients.

Ending your letter by expressing a desire to discuss your fit further demonstrates initiative. It also subtly nudges me to consider you as a serious candidate and to revisit your application.

Alternative Introductions

If you're struggling to start your cover letter, here are 6 different variations that have worked for others, along with why they worked. Use them as inspiration for your introductory paragraph.

Cover Letters For Jobs Similar To Auditor Roles

  • Auditor Cover Letter Guide
  • External Auditor Cover Letter Guide
  • Government Auditor Cover Letter Guide
  • Night Auditor Cover Letter Guide
  • Senior Auditor Cover Letter Guide
  • Staff Auditor Cover Letter Guide

Other Finance Cover Letters

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  • Credit Analyst Cover Letter Guide
  • Finance Director Cover Letter Guide
  • Finance Executive Cover Letter Guide
  • Financial Advisor Cover Letter Guide
  • Financial Analyst Cover Letter Guide
  • Financial Controller Cover Letter Guide
  • Loan Processor Cover Letter Guide
  • Payroll Specialist Cover Letter Guide
  • Purchasing Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • VP of Finance Cover Letter Guide

cover letter examples for an audit manager

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cover letter examples for an audit manager

Audit Manager Cover Letter Examples

A great audit manager cover letter can help you stand out from the competition when applying for a job. Be sure to tailor your letter to the specific requirements listed in the job description, and highlight your most relevant or exceptional qualifications. The following audit manager cover letter example can give you some ideas on how to write your own letter.

Audit Manager Cover Letter Example

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Cover Letter Example (Text)

Leidi Krahmer

(994) 602-3489

[email protected]

Dear Ms. Bumford,

I am writing to express my interest in the Audit Manager position at Deloitte, as advertised on your company website. With a solid foundation of five years in the audit industry, primarily gained at KPMG, I am excited about the opportunity to bring my expertise, leadership skills, and commitment to excellence to your esteemed firm.

During my tenure at KPMG, I honed my skills in managing diverse audit teams, overseeing complex financial audits, and maintaining high-quality standards in compliance with GAAP and regulatory requirements. My experience in leading audits for large multinational corporations has equipped me with a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in financial reporting and risk management. I have consistently demonstrated the ability to deliver comprehensive audit strategies that enhance business processes, mitigate potential risks, and provide actionable insights to stakeholders.

What excites me most about the opportunity at Deloitte is the prospect of contributing to a team that is renowned for its innovative approach to auditing and its dedication to fostering an environment of continuous learning and professional growth. I am particularly drawn to your company's commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology to improve audit efficiency and accuracy, which I believe aligns perfectly with my passion for embracing technological advancements to drive audit excellence.

I am eager to bring my strong analytical abilities, effective communication skills, and a proven track record of successful project management to Deloitte. I am confident that my proactive approach to identifying and resolving audit issues, coupled with my dedication to fostering client relationships, will make a significant contribution to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my experience and skills will be beneficial to Deloitte's audit team. I am keen to contribute to your company's success and to further develop my professional skills under the guidance of Deloitte's leadership.

Warm regards,

Related Cover Letter Examples

  • Audit Associate
  • Audit Director
  • Audit Supervisor
  • Night Auditor

Internal Audit Manager Cover Letter Example

Cover letter examples, cover letter guidelines, how to format an internal audit manager cover letter, cover letter header, cover letter header examples for internal audit manager, how to make your cover letter header stand out:, cover letter greeting, cover letter greeting examples for internal audit manager, best cover letter greetings:, cover letter introduction, cover letter intro examples for internal audit manager, how to make your cover letter intro stand out:, cover letter body, cover letter body examples for internal audit manager, how to make your cover letter body stand out:, cover letter closing, cover letter closing paragraph examples for internal audit manager, how to close your cover letter in a memorable way:, pair your cover letter with a foundational resume, key cover letter faqs for internal audit manager.

Start your Internal Audit Manager cover letter by addressing the hiring manager directly, if possible. Then, introduce yourself and state the position you're applying for. You can then briefly mention your current role and how your experience aligns with the job requirements. For example, "Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], I am writing to express my interest in the Internal Audit Manager position at [Company's Name]. As a Certified Internal Auditor with over [number] years of experience in managing diverse audit projects, I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team." This approach is direct, professional, and shows that you've done your research about the position and the company.

The best way for Internal Audit Managers to end a cover letter is by summarizing their interest in the role, reiterating their relevant skills, and expressing enthusiasm for a potential interview. They should also thank the reader for their time and consideration. For example: "I am excited about the opportunity to bring my unique blend of skills and experience to your organization and contribute to your internal audit team. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my qualifications further. Thank you for considering my application." This ending is assertive yet polite, and it demonstrates eagerness for the next step in the hiring process. It's also important to end with a professional closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by their name.

In a cover letter, Internal Audit Managers should include the following: 1. Contact Information: At the top of the letter, include your name, address, phone number, and email address. 2. Professional Greeting: Address the hiring manager directly if you know their name. If not, use a professional greeting such as "Dear Hiring Manager." 3. Introduction: Start with a compelling introduction that grabs the reader's attention. Mention the position you're applying for and where you found the job listing. 4. Relevant Experience: Highlight your relevant work experience, focusing on your accomplishments and the skills you used to achieve them. As an Internal Audit Manager, you might discuss your experience in managing audit projects, identifying risks, or improving internal controls. 5. Skills and Qualifications: Discuss your key skills and qualifications that make you a good fit for the role. These might include your knowledge of audit procedures, your ability to analyze data, or your expertise in a specific industry. 6. Company Knowledge: Show that you've done your research by mentioning something specific about the company and explaining why you're interested in working there. This could be something about the company's mission, culture, or recent projects. 7. Closing: In your closing paragraph, express your enthusiasm for the role and your interest in an interview. Thank the hiring manager for considering your application. 8. Professional Closing: End with a professional closing such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your name. Remember, your cover letter should complement your resume, not repeat it. Use it as an opportunity to tell a story about your experience and skills, and to show your passion for the role and the company.

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IT Auditor Cover Letter

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Senior Internal Auditor Cover Letter

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Related Resumes for Internal Audit Manager

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Auditor Resume Example

Compliance auditor resume example, financial auditor resume example, it auditor resume example, quality auditor resume example, senior auditor resume example, senior internal auditor resume example, try our ai cover letter generator.

internal audit manager cover letter

Audit Manager Cover Letter

Generate your audit manager cover letter in minutes, stand out from other candidates with our ai cover letter generator., audit manager cover letter example:.

Audit Manager jobs are in high demand, and a well-written cover letter can help you stand out from the competition. Here is a high quality Audit Manager cover letter that you can use as a blueprint to write your own.

I am writing to express my interest in the Audit Manager position at your esteemed organization. With a solid background in auditing and a proven track record of delivering exceptional results, I believe I would be a valuable addition to your team.

In my previous role as an Audit Manager at XYZ Firm, I led a team of auditors and successfully managed numerous audits for clients in various industries, including manufacturing and financial services. I have a comprehensive understanding of industry-specific regulations, accounting principles, and auditing standards, which has enabled me to consistently deliver accurate and reliable financial reports.

One of my key strengths lies in my ability to develop and implement effective audit plans. By conducting thorough risk assessments and identifying areas of improvement, I have consistently contributed to the optimization of internal controls and corporate governance. Additionally, I am proficient in utilizing advanced audit management software, such as TeamMate, to streamline processes and enhance efficiency.

Furthermore, my excellent communication skills enable me to establish strong working relationships with clients and my team members. I am adept at effectively conveying complex financial concepts to non-financial stakeholders, ensuring a clear understanding of audit findings and recommendations.

Besides my technical expertise, I possess strong leadership qualities that have enabled me to successfully guide and mentor my team members. I believe in fostering a collaborative work environment that encourages growth and innovation, leading to enhanced performance and surpassing organizational goals.

I am confident that my skills and experiences make me an ideal candidate for the Audit Manager position at your organization. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team’s success and would greatly appreciate the chance to discuss further how my qualifications align with your specific requirements.

Thank you for considering my application. I have attached my resume for your review. I look forward to the possibility of speaking with you further and demonstrating my commitment and enthusiasm for this role.

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  • Senior Compliance Manager
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Auditor Cover Letter Samples & Examples That Worked in 2024

Martin Poduška — Editor in Chief / Resume Writer

Crafting a superb auditor cover letter is a crucial part of your job application process, working in tandem with your resume to secure that shortlist. 

Our ultimate guide will equip you with practical tips, examples, and an easy-to-follow structure, enabling you to nail the “audit” of your job application.

Finance Intern Cover Letter Example

Dive into this guide, and you'll find out how to:

  • Nail the correct formatting for your cover letter
  • Pen a professional header 
  • Construct an engaging cover letter headline
  • Customize the greeting on your cover letter
  • Create a powerful introduction for your auditor cover letter
  • Highlight your skills and achievements in the main body of your cover letter
  • Write a persuasive conclusion 
  • Sidestep common mistakes in an auditor cover letter
  • Understand the average salary and job prospects for auditors
  • Find some valuable job seeking resources for aspiring auditors

1. How to nail the correct formatting for your auditor cover letter

Ensuring a top-notch first impression starts with formatting your auditor cover letter correctly. Here are clear-cut, yet crucial points to help you structure your letter smoothly and make it easily navigable:

  • Length: Keep your letter succinct. A single page is sufficient — anything more than that might prove counterproductive.
  • Margins: Stick to 1-inch margins on all sides. This creates a balanced and neat overall presentation, ensuring your text doesn't look squished. 
  • Font: Opt for a professional, readable font. Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman are classic, solid choices. Respect a friendly font size too, typically between 10 and 12 points.
  • Alignment: Keep all your text left-aligned and justified. This ensures consistency making your letter smooth to read from left to right.
  • Paragraphs: Space your paragraphs adequately for easy reading. A single line space between paragraphs should do the trick. 
  • Contact information: Your full name, address, city, state, zip code, phone number, and email address should be placed at the top of the page. Follow this with the date and then the hiring manager's details.
  • Body of the letter: Break down the essence into four main parts: the greeting, an opening paragraph, a middle paragraph(s), and a closing paragraph. Each part should have its specific message and purpose.

Remember, formatting gives the first blueprint of your professionalism. As a detail-oriented auditor, you’ll need to showcase this trait in your auditor cover letter. Let your skill come across in your formatting finesse.

Create your cover letter fast with artificial intelligence.

2. how to write an effective cover letter header.

The header of your auditor cover letter is quite literally at the top of things — the portion that would first meet the reader's eye. This is where you provide your contact information and the employer’s contact details.

A correctly written header should contain the following information in this order:

  • Your full name
  • Your address
  • City, state, zip code
  • Contact number
  • Email address

Following your information, include the date of application. Then, add the hiring manager's information, a professional courtesy and signs of a well-formatted cover letter:

  • Hiring manager's full name
  • Their position
  • Company’s name
  • Company's address

Here's what an incorrect header might look like:

Incorrect auditor cover letter header example

John Doe, (123) 456-7890, [email protected], Microsoft, 1234 Lane, New York, NY, 98765

Why is this example weak? This mishmash format disarrays the information and makes it hard to distinguish between your details and the company's.

Here's how you should ideally structure the header of your auditor cover letter:

Correct auditor cover letter header example

John Doe 1234 Lane New York, NY, 98765  (123) 456-7890 [email protected] February 22, 2023

To: Mr. Adam Smith HR Manager, Microsoft 5678 Street New York, NY, 91234 

Why is this header correct? This organized format with line breaks allows the necessary information required by hiring managers to be found swiftly and easily without confusion.

3. How to build a powerful cover letter headline

Just as a headline in a newspaper catches attention, your cover letter's headline aims to grab your reader's interest . An effective headline succinctly sums up who you are professionally and a hint about the value you can offer the company. 

When creating your headline:

  • Highlight your experience or academic achievements
  • Mention the specific role you're applying for
  • Add a little something special that makes you unique

Let's review some examples, for both seasoned auditors and fresh graduates:

Weak cover letter headline example

Experienced Auditor Seeking Employment

The problem with this headline? It's bland and does not offer anything unique or intriguing. It doesn't mention where your expertise lies, the industries you've worked in, the size and type of projects you've handled, or the years of experience you carry. 

Strong cover letter headline for senior auditors

Senior Auditor with 10+ Years of Experience in Financial and Operational Auditing

Why is this a strong headline?  It effectively illustrates the candidate's substantial experience, area of mastery, and readiness for senior roles, all in one succinct line.

Strong cover letter headline for graduate auditors

Accounting Graduate with Distinction Offering Fresh Perspectives in Auditing

Why is this a good example? This headline provides concrete evidence of academic excellence and signifies the applicant's eagerness and readiness to contribute innovative insights to the industry.

Remember, your cover letter's headline is your first chance to communicate your professional value. Make it compelling. Make it count.

4. How to customize the greeting on your cover letter

Opening your cover letter with an appropriate, personalized greeting sets the stage for a strong professional impression . But why is it so crucial?

  • It shows you've done your homework.
  • It demonstrates your attention to detail, a critical skill for an auditor.
  • It signifies respect for the recipient, which builds a positive impression.

So, where can you find the name of the hiring manager?

  • Check the job listing: Often, companies list the name of the recruiter right there.
  • LinkedIn: Look for HR professionals or hiring managers within the company.
  • Company website: Many companies list their key personnel here.

Examples of personalized greetings for your cover letter

  • Dear Mr. Clash,
  • Dear Bill Clash,
  • Dear Hiring Manager Bill Clash,

However, there might be times when you can't find any name. In such cases, use a professional, generic greeting. Here are few options:

  • " Dear Hiring Manager, "* This is a safe, professional option if you cannot find any specific name.
  • " To the Audit Department, "* This is appropriate if you're confident that your application will be assessed by the entire team.
  • " Dear Recruitment Team, "* Use this if you think the hiring process involves a team of recruiters.

So, whether you're addressing a specific person or a team, remember to make your greeting professional yet personalized. It's your opening line, so make it count!

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5. How to build a strong introduction for your auditor cover letter

The introduction to your cover letter is your chance to grab the recruiter's attention. It should include the following elements:

  • A brief overview of your professional or academic journey
  • A clear statement of why you are applying for the job
  • A mention of a mutual acquaintance, if applicable

Let's examine some examples:

Incorrect auditor cover letter opening example

I saw your job posting and am applying for the auditor position.

Why is this a weak example? This opening lacks impact. It doesn't capture any unique aspects about the candidate or convey genuine interest in the role.

Correct cover letter opening for an experienced auditor

As a seasoned auditor with over a decade of experience in managing comprehensive audits for diverse industries, I was thrilled to discover the opportunity at [Company Name]. Having collaborated with your CFO, [CFO's Name], in the past, I am familiar with your company's commitment to stringent financial practices.

Why is this a correct opening? This introduction highlights the candidate's experience and connection to the company, instantly making them stand out.

Correct cover letter opening example for a fresh graduate

With a bachelor's degree in Accounting awarded with distinction, and an internship at [Company Name], I am excited to apply for the Auditor role at [Your Company]. Participating in challenging audits during my internship sparked my interest in your firm, known for its rigorous audit procedures.

Why is this a strong introduction? Here, the candidate demonstrates their academic achievement and relevant experience while expressing enthusiasm for the company's work ethic.

Remember, your introduction should not only be about who you are and what you've done. It's also about how well you understand the company and why you believe you're the perfect fit for the job. Leaving an impression here sets the tone for the rest of your cover letter.

6. How to highlight your top skills and achievements

The body of your cover letter is where you showcase your specific skills and accomplishments relevant to the auditor role. It’s the core of your cover letter and must be meticulously formatted. 

So, how to really highlight your skills and accomplishments?

  • Be specific: Mention specific accomplishments that directly tie to the job you're applying for. Use quantifiable results wherever possible.
  • Show progression: Instead of a generic list of roles, show the path of your career progress.
  • Use keywords: Mirror the terms used in the job description to highlight your relevant skills.

Essential skills you should mention in your auditor cover letter

  • Risk management
  • Financial review and analysis
  • Reporting and documentation
  • Attention to detail
  • Critical thinking
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Data analysis

But what if you lack work experience? Well, in that case: 

  • Highlight academic achievements
  • Mention any internships or relevant case studies
  • Discuss problem-solving instances
  • Showcase soft skills like communication , teamwork , and adaptability

Senior auditor’s cover letter body paragraph example

In my current role at XYZ Inc., I've led a team of auditors handling high-stake audits for key clients. One significant accomplishment was the successful execution of an enterprise-wide audit, revealing potential cost savings of $2M, which enhanced our client's financial performance.

Why is this a strong example? The above statement highlights leadership , problem-solving , and a direct impact on a client's financial success.

Fresh graduate’s cover letter body paragraph example

As a recent graduate with a major in Accounting, I have not only acquired technical knowledge but also honed my analytical skills. During a university project, my team and I audited a local business. We spotted irregularities that, when addressed, saved the business a potential financial loss.

Why is this a strong body paragraph? This example shows the candidate's ability to apply learned skills practically, despite not having formal work experience.

The body of your cover letter is your chance to shine — the platform where you can demonstrate your unique value. Consequently, ensure you use it well.

auditor skills examples

7. How to persuasively end your auditor cover letter

The conclusion of your cover letter may be your last chance to persuade your prospective employer. This important part is your final pitch, making the last, crucial argument for why they should hire you.

Your conclusion should:

  • Recap briefly: Remind the reader of your most critical skills or achievements.
  • State a clear next step: Include when and how you can be contacted and also indicate your plans to follow up.
  • Include a formal sign off: This should be formal but warm, displaying your professionalism.

Here’s an example of a strong cover letter conclusion

I am confident my blend of experience, dedication to quality assurance, and in-depth understanding of risk management position me to make a significant impact at [Company Name]. I eagerly await the possibility of contributing to your esteemed team and would appreciate the opportunity to further discuss my candidacy. I will follow up next week to arrange a suitable time for a meeting, or you can reach out to me directly at [Your Contact Details]. 

Thank you for considering my application. 


[Your Name]

This conclusion demonstrates confidence, reinforces the candidate's qualifications, suggests the next course of action, and ends with a courteous sign-off.

Remember, wrapping up your cover letter effectively can boost your prospects of landing a job interview . It’s a conduit for reaffirming your interest in the role and expressing your eagerness to take the discussion further. So, craft your conclusion with the same careful attention given to the rest of your cover letter.

8. How to avoid common mistakes on an auditor cover letter

Despite people’s best intentions, certain mistakes seem to crop up consistently in cover letters. Here's a list of common errors and how you can dodge them effectively.

  • One-size-fits-all approach: This mistake arises when job seekers use the same cover letter for all job applications.  Tip: Personalize each cover letter. Show that you understand the company and why you're a great fit for the specific role.
  • Overemphasis on education: Fresh graduates often overemphasize their degrees, which can make the cover letter uninteresting.  Tip: Highlight any practical application of your knowledge. Talk about internships, projects, or part-time jobs.
  • Focusing only on yourself: A cover letter that only talks about what the job will do for your career progression is a turn-off for most recruiters.  Tip: Focus on how you can contribute to the company. Your skills and experiences should always be framed in the context of what benefit they bring to the employer.
  • Neglecting soft skills: Many candidates focus only on technical skills and neglect to mention soft skills like teamwork , adaptability , and critical thinking .  Tip: Showcase your soft skills. Employers appreciate candidates who can work well with others and adapt to different situations.
  • Grammatical errors: Even the most impressive cover letter can be derailed by typos and grammatical errors.  Tip: Always proofread your cover letter, not just for grammar, but also for clarity and flow. Consider having a friend or mentor read it over, too.

By keeping these tips in mind, you'll be well on your way to crafting a top-notch auditor cover letter that avoids common pitfalls and captures the attention of potential employers.

9. Average salary and job outlook for auditors

Pursuing a career as an auditor can prove to be financially rewarding. As per the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data, in May 2022, the average annual salary for an auditor was $78,000 . 

But, it's not just about the rewarding paycheck. The job market for accountants and auditors is thriving. From 2022 through 2032, employment opportunities in this field are projected to grow by 4 percent . This growth rate aligns with the average growth for all occupations.

Given these projections, about 126,500 job openings for accountants and auditors can be expected each year over the next decade. 

This data means a considerable opportunity for both aspiring and established auditors. With the right skills, certifications, and a well-crafted cover letter, individuals stand a strong chance of securing rewarding positions in this thriving industry.

auditor average salary and job outlook

10. Valuable job search resources for auditors

To land the perfect auditing job, you need more than just qualifications — you need the right tools and resources.:

  • Professional associations: Organizations like the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) and the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) provide useful resources, training opportunities, and networking events that could further your career.
  • Networking: LinkedIn can be a powerful tool to connect with other professionals in your field. Attend industry events to meet potential employers and learn about job openings. What’s more, you can now turn your LinkedIn profile into a polished resume within a few seconds.
  • Online job boards: Websites like Indeed , Glassdoor , and SimplyHired regularly post jobs for auditors. Customize your job search to match your experience level and desired location.
  • Continuing education: Online learning platforms like Coursera and Udemy offer courses to expand your skills as an auditor. Remember, the more skills you acquire, the more attractive you become to potential employers.
  • Career services: Universities often have career centers that offer support for alumni seeking employment, from resume writing to interview coaching.
  • Industry publications:  Staying up to date with industry trends and changes is crucial in the auditing field. Publications like " The Auditor ," " AuditNet ," and " Journal of Accountancy " not only provide the latest industry news but can also occasionally list job advertisements and networking events. By regularly reading these publications, you demonstrate a keen interest in your industry and make sure your skills are always relevant.

Remember, it's not just about having a sparkling audit resume and cover letter. Expanding your network, continuing education, and leveraging professional resources are key to a successful job search in the auditing field.

Auditor Cover Letter FAQ

How long should my auditor cover letter be.

Typically, a cover letter should be no more than one page long. It should be concise, easy to read, and to the point.  

Is it necessary to send a cover letter when applying for an auditing job?

Though not always required, a cover letter can significantly impact your application. It gives recruiters a better understanding of your skills, experience, and why you're interested in the role.

Should I include references in my auditor cover letter?

Traditionally, references are not included in a cover letter. They are typically requested separately or included in your resume.

How can I demonstrate my ability to stay updated with financial laws and regulations in my auditor cover letter?

You can discuss any professional development or continuing education courses you've completed or industry newsletters or newswires you follow to stay up to date.

What if I do not have any auditing experience?

As a recent graduate or entry-level applicant, focus on your academic achievements, transferable skills, internships, or relevant university projects in your cover letter.

Martin Poduška — Editor in Chief / Resume Writer

Martin Poduška

Martin is a resume expert and career advice writer at Kickresume. In his five years at Kickresume, he has written hundreds of in-depth, painstakingly researched resume advice articles and, as chief editor, he has also edited and revised every single article on this website. Tens of thousands of job seekers read Martin’s resume advice every month. He holds a degree in English from the University of St Andrews and a degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Amsterdam .

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Internal Audit Manager Cover Letter Examples & Writing Tips

Use these Internal Audit Manager cover letter examples and writing tips to help you write a powerful cover letter that will separate you from the competition.

cover letter examples for an audit manager

Table Of Contents

  • Internal Audit Manager Example 1
  • Internal Audit Manager Example 2
  • Internal Audit Manager Example 3
  • Cover Letter Writing Tips

Internal auditors are responsible for assessing the effectiveness of a company’s internal controls. They also work to prevent and detect fraud and financial irregularities.

To be successful in this field, you need to have strong analytical skills and a keen eye for detail. In your cover letter, highlight your experience and skills that make you the perfect candidate for the job.

Use these examples and tips to write an internal audit manager cover letter that stands out from the competition.

Internal Audit Manager Cover Letter Example 1

I am excited to be applying for the Internal Audit Manager position at Topdown Accounting. I have more than 10 years of experience in accounting and auditing, and I believe my skills and qualifications would be a perfect fit for this role.

In my previous role as an Audit Manager at Crunchtime Accounting, I was responsible for conducting audits of various departments within the company, including the accounting and finance departments. I also developed and conducted training programs for new and existing employees on auditing standards and procedures. I have experience with a variety of auditing software, including ACL, IDEA, and Microsoft Excel.

I am a strategic thinker with a proven track record of success in auditing. I have the ability to see the big picture and develop creative solutions that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the auditing process. I am also a strong leader with the ability to motivate and lead a team of auditors.

I am confident that I have the skills and qualifications to be a successful Internal Audit Manager at Topdown Accounting. I look forward to discussing this opportunity further with you in the near future. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Internal Audit Manager Cover Letter Example 2

I am writing in regards to the Internal Audit Manager position that was recently advertised. I am confident that I have the skills and qualifications that would make me the perfect candidate for the job.

I have been working in the internal audit industry for the past three years and have gained a wealth of experience and knowledge in the process. I have a deep understanding of internal auditing principles and am familiar with both federal and state laws and regulations. I am also an excellent problem solver and have a proven track record of being able to identify and resolve issues quickly and effectively.

I am a highly organized and efficient individual, and I have a strong attention to detail. I am also able to work well under pressure and can handle multiple tasks simultaneously. I am confident that I have the skills and qualifications necessary to be successful in this role.

I would be grateful if you could contact me to discuss this position further. I look forward to hearing from you.

Internal Audit Manager Cover Letter Example 3

I am writing to express my interest in the Internal Audit Manager position that you have posted. I believe that my extensive experience in internal audit, coupled with my education and training, make me an excellent candidate for this position.

I have been working as an internal auditor for the past 10 years. My experience includes performing financial, operational and compliance audits of a variety of organizations including hospitals, banks, insurance companies, manufacturing facilities and government agencies. I have also served as a consultant to several organizations on their internal audit programs.

My education and training include a Bachelors of Science degree in Accounting from the University of Michigan and a Masters of Business Administration degree from the University of Michigan. I have also completed the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) program through the Institute of Internal Auditors.

I am confident that my extensive experience in internal auditing, along with my education and training, will allow me to be an asset to your organization. I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my skills can benefit your company.

Internal Audit Manager Cover Letter Writing Tips

1. demonstrate your skills.

Internal audit managers are responsible for conducting financial, operational, and compliance audits. They also work with management to develop and implement internal controls. When writing your cover letter, be sure to highlight how your skills and experience make you the perfect candidate for the job.

Some ways to do this include:

  • Discussing your experience conducting financial, operational, and compliance audits.
  • Detailing how you developed and implemented internal controls in the past.
  • Highlighting any awards or recognition you’ve received for your work in internal auditing.

2. Customize your cover letter

Just as you would for any other job application, customize your cover letter to match the company you’re applying to. This means paying close attention to the job description and highlighting how your skills and experience make you the perfect candidate for the role.

For example, if the company is looking for someone with experience in risk management, be sure to mention any projects you’ve worked on in the past that involved risk assessment and mitigation.

3. Show your passion for the job

Internal audit managers need to be passionate about their work in order to be successful. When writing your cover letter, be sure to show your enthusiasm for the job by using phrases like “I’m excited” and “I’m passionate”.

4. Proofread your cover letter

Just as with any other position, proofreading your cover letter is essential for avoiding any embarrassing mistakes. Make sure to spell-check and double-check that all of your information is correct before submitting your application.

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Audit Manager Cover Letter Example

The responsibility of an Audit Manager is to organize and manage internal audits as per the company’s required audit plans. The long list of responsibilities of this professional also includes overseeing audits overall process, policy changes as per auditing, ensuring firm fulfillment of global and government compliance obligations. The following Audit Manager Cover Letter sample can help a person to gain insight into the various job responsibilities and duties that are required by an organization.

The mentioned qualities are essentially required to get selected for the prestigious role. The following cover letter sample may increase your chances of getting selected for the job. It will also help you to work more on the development of new skills which can be helpful in the long run.

Audit Manager Cover Letter example

  • Cover Letters
  • Accounting & Finance

What to Include in a Audit Manager Cover Letter?

Roles and responsibilities.

Job Responsibilities of an Audit Manager:

  • Coordinating internal auditing process .
  • Solving the problems related to auditing.
  • Thorough knowledge of financial transactions.
  • Advising executives and conducting meetings.
  • Work in groups with associates.
  • Create reports and update them from time to time.
  • Preparing analysis of departments.
  • Estimation of profits and losses.

Education & Skills

Skills Required in an Audit Manager:

  • Brilliant managerial skills.
  • Good communication and writing skills.
  • Good computer knowledge.
  • Expertise and knowledge in finance and accounting.
  • Excellent reporting on audits.
  • Observational and analytical skills.
  • Proficient in English and email writing.
  • Motivated and organized.
  • Good Mathematical knowledge.

Qualifications Required in an Audit Manager:

  • Bachelors degree in finance or accounting.
  • Proficiency in external and internal audits.

Audit Manager Cover Letter Example (Text Version)

Dear Mr./Ms.,

This letter is regarding my interest in applying for the post of Audit Manager at [XXXYYYY organization]. My …… years of service at the same position at [XXXXYYY organization] matches well with the designation required for this job.

With a strong network of professional educational qualifications and background, I am sure to deliver the best results in your firm.

[XXX organization] has set the benchmark in the field of finance and accounting due to its optimized approach and excellent quality of services to its clients.

This role helped me understand various procedures and guidelines surrounding the field like

  • Accounting.
  • Excellent managerial skills.
  • Leadership and consulting.
  • Helping the audit associates.
  • Communication with auditors.
  • Problem-solving tasks.
  • Maintaining a positive and motivated attitude towards work.
  • Completion of work within the specified date.

Given an opportunity, I shall strive hard to add value to your organization.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

After checking out the above cover letter sample for this job, also check the Audit Manager Resume Sample here that highlights the updated procedures and techniques that are to be presented while you are applying for this job role. The key requirements and job duties are the main areas where the person must know thoroughly and clearly. It will increase the chances of getting selected if all the specifications and criteria match the demands of the job.


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Professional IT Audit Manager Cover Letter Examples for 2024

Your IT audit manager cover letter should immediately capture attention with demonstrable expertise. Show them you're a leader who has effectively managed audit teams and improved processes. Reveal your proficiency with IT frameworks and regulations in your cover letter. Prove how your skills have continuously elevated organizational compliance and security postures.

Cover Letter Guide

IT Audit Manager Cover Letter Sample

Cover Letter Format

Cover Letter Salutation

Cover Letter Introduction

Cover Letter Body

Cover Letter Closing

No Experience IT Audit Manager Cover Letter

Key Takeaways

IT Audit Manager cover letter

Crafting an IT Audit Manager cover letter can be daunting, especially if you've just dived into job hunting and realized it's a must-have. Your cover letter is more than a repeat of your resume; it's your stage to spotlight that shining professional moment you're most proud of. Striking a balance between formality and originality, without leaning on tired clichés, is key. And remember, brevity is your ally—keep it compelling within a single page. Let's conquer this together.

  • Create a it audit manager cover letter to persuade the recruiters you're the best candidate for the role;
  • Use industry-leading it audit manager cover letter templates and examples to save time;
  • Dedicate your it audit manager cover letter space to your best achievement;
  • Make sure your it audit manager cover letter meets recruiters' expectations and standards.

Avoid starting at the blank page for hours by using Enhancv's AI - just upload your resume and your it audit manager cover letter will be ready for you to (tweak and) submit for your dream job.

If the it audit manager isn't exactly the one you're looking for we have a plethora of cover letter examples for jobs like this one:

  • IT Audit Manager resume guide and example
  • .Net Full Stack Developer cover letter example
  • Facebook cover letter example
  • Junior Network Engineer cover letter example
  • Database Analyst cover letter example
  • QA Analyst cover letter example
  • Enterprise Architect cover letter example
  • Junior Salesforce Admin cover letter example
  • Senior Network Engineer cover letter example
  • Ethical Hacker cover letter example
  • Product Support Specialist cover letter example

IT Audit Manager cover letter example

Paisley Moore

San Jose, California


[email protected]

  • Starting the cover letter with an alignment of personal professional philosophy and the company's values sets a positive tone and immediately shows congruence in mindset.
  • Providing specific metrics, such as increasing audit efficiency by 40% and improving security compliance by 25%, offers concrete evidence of past successes and the potential value the applicant can bring to the new role.
  • Mentioning a key initiative led at a renowned company like Cisco Systems, Inc. and emphasizing experience with computer-assisted audit techniques (CAATs) showcases relevant experience and a high level of expertise, which is attractive for an IT audit and compliance management role.
  • Expressing enthusiasm for bringing one's blend of skills to the new team and seeking a discussion on how these skills align with the company's needs demonstrates a proactive and engagement-driven attitude.

Designing your it audit manager cover letter: what is the best format

Let's start with the basics, your it audit manager cover letter should include your:

  • Introduction
  • Body paragraph
  • Closing statement
  • Signature (that's not a must)

Next, we'll move to the spacing of your it audit manager cover letter, and yes, it should be single-spaced ( automatically formatted for you in our cover letter templates ).

Don't go for a old-school font (e.g. Arial or Times New Roman), but instead, pick an ATS-favorite like Chivo, Volkhov, or Raleway, to stand out.

Our cover letter builder is also set up for you with the standard one-inch margin, all around the text.

Finally, ensure your it audit manager resume and cover letter are in the same font and are submitted in PDF (to keep the formatting in place).

P.S. The Applicant Tracker System (or ATS) won't be assessing your [job] cover letter, it's solely for the recruiters' eyes.

The top sections on a it audit manager cover letter

  • Header: The header should contain your name, contact information, the date, and the recipient's details to ensure that the cover letter is directed appropriately and the recruiter can easily contact you.
  • Greeting: A personalized greeting addressed to the specific hiring manager or recruitment team demonstrates that you have researched the company and adds a professional touch to your application.
  • Introduction: The introduction must capture the hiring manager’s attention by outlining your relevant IT auditing experience, certifications (such as CISA), and the unique value you would bring to the company, setting the tone for the rest of the letter.
  • Body: This section should detail your expertise in IT controls, risk management, and compliance, with specific examples of audits you’ve managed or process improvements you've implemented, highlighting how these experiences align with the job requirements.
  • Closing: In your closing, reiterate your enthusiasm for the role, invite the recruiter to review your enclosed resume, and suggest a follow-up meeting or phone call to discuss how your skills and experiences will benefit their organization.

Key qualities recruiters search for in a candidate’s cover letter

  • Expertise in IT governance frameworks: Recruiters look for knowledge in frameworks like COBIT, ITIL, or ISO/IEC 27001, as this demonstrates an ability to align IT operations with business objectives and regulatory requirements.
  • Proficiency in risk assessment and management: Being able to identify, evaluate, and mitigate IT-related risks is crucial for safeguarding an organization’s data and systems.
  • Strong leadership and team management skills: IT audit managers must lead audit teams, so the ability to motivate, direct, and develop staff is highly valued.
  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving abilities: The role requires dissecting complex data systems, identifying weaknesses, and proposing actionable solutions.
  • Outstanding communication and reporting skills: IT audit managers must communicate findings, risks, and recommendations effectively to technical and non-technical stakeholders.
  • Relevant certifications: Holding professional certifications such as CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor), CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional), or CIA (Certified Internal Auditor) demonstrates a commitment to the field and a mastery of industry standards.

The it audit manager cover letter salutation: how to address hiring managers

After covering the format of your it audit manager cover letter, let's look at the salutation.

Back in the day, the cordial "To whom it may concern" or "Dear Sir/Madam", might have worked out fine.

But, nowadays, your cover letter should approach hiring managers on a more personal basis.

So, what to do about your cover letter salutation ?

If you've messaged the recruiters and are on a first name basis or a more formal one, use the hiring manager's name in the greeting (e.g. "Dear Sophie," "Dear Ms. Givens", or "Dear Mr. Everett,").

Always aim to make the effort to find out the name of the hiring manager, who'd be assessing your application. Search on LinkedIn, double-check the advert on the corporate website, or message the brand on social media to find out more about the role.

If you can't find the hiring manager's name (and still want to sound professional), use "Dear HR Team,", "Dear Hiring Manager,", or the likes.

List of salutations you can use

  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dear [Company Name] Team,
  • Dear [Department Name] Hiring Committee,
  • Dear [Mr./Ms./Dr. Last Name],
  • Dear [Professional Title] [Last Name],

Your it audit manager cover letter intro: showing your interest in the role

On to the actual content of your it audit manager cover letter and the introductory paragraph .

The intro should be no more than two sentences long and presents you in the best light possible.

Use your it audit manager cover letter introduction to prove exactly what interests you in the role or organization. Is it the:

  • Company culture;
  • Growth opportunities;
  • Projects and awards the team worked on/won in the past year;
  • Specific technologies the department uses.

When writing your it audit manager cover letter intro, be precise and sound enthusiastic about the role.

Your introduction should hint to recruiters that you're excited about the opportunity and that you possess an array of soft skills, e.g. motivation, determination, work ethic, etc.

What to write in the middle or body of your it audit manager cover letter

Here's where it gets tricky.

Your it audit manager cover letter body should present you in the best light possible and, at the same time, differ from your resume.

Don't be stuck in making up new things or copy-pasting from your resume. Instead, select just one achievement from your experience.

Use it to succinctly tell a story of the job-crucial skills and knowledge this taught you.

Your it audit manager cover letter is the magic card you need to further show how any organization or team would benefit from working with you.

Ending your it audit manager cover letter: a closing paragraph with a promise

If you're thinking of finishing your it audit manager cover letter with a "Sincerely yours" or "Thanks for the consideration," you need to read on.

End the final paragraph of your it audit manager cover letter with a twist:

  • a promise - of how you'd grow as a professional, part of the company, or improve organizational metrics;
  • a call to action - prompt interviewers with some follow-up actions if they are interested in your profile.

A personalized ending would surely help you to stand out by being a memorable candidate.

Lacking experience: here's how to write your it audit manager cover letter

As a candidate with no experience, it's important to be honest from the get-go of your application .

Use your it audit manager cover letter to sell your unique talents. Choose an accomplishment from your academic background or your volunteer work to show the skills that are relevant to the role.

Focus on your career objectives and how you see the job to align with them. Be specific and, at the same time, realistic about where you picture yourself in five years.

Key takeaways

Creating your it audit manager cover letter should be a personalized experience for the role and the recruiter, where you:

  • Format your cover letter using the same ATS-friendly font (e.g. Railway) as you did for your resume;
  • Greet recruiters, using their name, and follow up with two sentences to introduce yourself, your interest in the role, and to stand out;
  • Map out one key success from your career (or life) that has taught you job-crucial skills;
  • Substitute your lack of experience with an achievement from your internships, degrees, or volunteering gigs;
  • End with a promise for your potential or your availability for an interview.

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Cover letter examples by industry

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  1. Internal Audit Manager Cover Letter

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  2. Internal Auditor Cover Letter

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  3. Sample Internal Auditor Cover Letter Download Printable PDF

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  4. Internal Audit Manager Cover Letter Sample

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  6. Top 3 tips for cover letter writing (manager position)


  1. Professional Audit Manager Cover Letter Examples for 2024

    In the top one-third, make sure to include a header (with your contact information, name, role, and date), a salutation, and an introduction. Next, follows the heart and soul of your audit manager cover letter or its body. End your audit manager cover letter with a closing paragraph and, if you wish, a signature.

  2. 2024 Audit Manager Cover Letter Example (+Free Tools & Guidance)

    Audit Managers should include the following elements in their cover letter: 1. Contact Information: Start with your name, address, phone number, and email address. 2. Salutation: Address the hiring manager by their name if it's known. If not, use a professional greeting like "Dear Hiring Manager."

  3. How To Write an Audit Manager Cover Letter (With Examples)

    The following is an example cover letter for an audit manager: Chuck Ferris. Chicago, Illinois. 304-555-0192. [email protected] March 14, 2024 Mr. Bob Richardson. ABC Company Dear Bob Richardson, I am writing to express my interest in the audit manager position listed on the ABC Company website.

  4. Audit Manager Cover Letter Example

    Here is the Professional Audit Manager Cover Letter Example: Dear Ms. Bailey, I am writing to apply for the Audit Manager position opening up in the next few weeks with Arbol Group Inc. As soon as I saw the posting for this position, I knew I had to apply.

  5. 9+ Auditor Cover Letter Examples (with In-Depth Guidance)

    Isabella Diaz. Hiring Manager. AutoTest Dynamics. Dear Isabella Diaz, I am writing to express my strong interest in the Auditor position at AutoTest Dynamics. With my background in auditing and my passion for ensuring financial integrity, I am confident that I would be a valuable asset to your team.

  6. 14 Auditor Cover Letter Examples: Plus Recruiter Insights (Updated for

    Senior Auditor Cover Letter Example. Dear Ms. Thompson, I am writing to express my interest in the Senior Auditor position at KPMG. While many are drawn to the prestige of working for a Big Four firm, for me, KPMG stands out for its dedication to integrity and its forward-thinking approach to auditing.

  7. Audit Manager Cover Letter Examples

    Use these Audit Manager cover letter examples to help you write a powerful cover letter that will separate you from the competition. Cover Letter Insights. Published Apr 3, 2023. Audit managers are responsible for ensuring that their company's financial records are accurate and compliant with government regulations. They also work with ...

  8. Internal Audit Manager Cover Letter Examples

    Dear Ms. Pollack, I would like to apply for the Internal Audit Manager position listed on your website. I am attaching my resume with this email for your consideration. Alongside six years of experience in this field I hold a Bachelor's in Accounting and am a licensed Certified Internal Auditor. In this capacity I create audit documentation ...

  9. Professional Internal Audit Manager Cover Letter Examples for ...

    Your internal audit manager cover letter must immediately establish your expertise in risk management and compliance. Display your analytical acuity with examples of past audits that added value to the business. Segue into your second paragraph by echoing your dedication to continuous improvement and staff development.

  10. 15 Professional Auditor Cover Letter Examples for 2024

    If the auditor isn't exactly the one you're looking for we have a plethora of cover letter examples for jobs like this one: Auditor resume guide and example; Director of Accounting cover letter example; Internal Audit Manager cover letter example; Banking cover letter example; Accounting Supervisor cover letter example; Purchase Manager cover ...

  11. Audit Manager Cover Letter Examples and Templates

    Use this template. or download as PDF. Cover Letter Example (Text) Leidi Krahmer. (994) 602-3489. [email protected]. Dear Ms. Bumford, I am writing to express my interest in the Audit Manager position at Deloitte, as advertised on your company website. With a solid foundation of five years in the audit industry, primarily gained at KPMG ...

  12. Auditor Cover Letter Example and Template for 2024

    999-555-4578. [email protected] May 6, 2023 Dear Leslie Anderson, I'm delighted to submit my application for the open position of Auditor with Divoc Financials. I have seven years of professional financial experience, including three years of experience in consulting and auditing with a focus on external and payroll audits.

  13. How to write an audit manager cover letter (with examples)

    Here is a cover letter template you can adapt to draft your own cover letter. [Your name] [Town or city, postcode] [Your phone number] [Recipient's company] Dear [Recipient's name], I would like to express my interest in the audit manager position listed [where you saw the job advertisement]. As a [current or previous profession] with ...

  14. Internal Audit Manager Cover Letter Example

    In a cover letter, Internal Audit Managers should include the following: 1. Contact Information: At the top of the letter, include your name, address, phone number, and email address. 2. Professional Greeting: Address the hiring manager directly if you know their name.

  15. High Quality Audit Manager Cover Letter Example in 2024

    Audit Manager Cover Letter Example: Audit Manager jobs are in high demand, and a well-written cover letter can help you stand out from the competition. Here is a high quality Audit Manager cover letter that you can use as a blueprint to write your own. Dear Hiring Manager,

  16. Auditor Cover Letter Samples & Examples 2024

    The header of your auditor cover letter is quite literally at the top of things — the portion that would first meet the reader's eye. This is where you provide your contact information and the employer's contact details. A correctly written header should contain the following information in this order: Your full name.

  17. Cover letter for audit manager

    Check out these audit manager cover letter sample and examples previously used by job seekers to land on job interviews as audit manager. Use our AI cover letter generator to create a personalized cover letter as audit manager. 4.5 Star Rated / 523 Users. Create Cover Letter Now.

  18. Internal Audit Manager Cover Letter Examples & Writing Tips

    Show your passion for the job. Internal audit managers need to be passionate about their work in order to be successful. When writing your cover letter, be sure to show your enthusiasm for the job by using phrases like "I'm excited" and "I'm passionate". 4. Proofread your cover letter.

  19. Internal Audit Manager Cover Letter Example

    Here is the Experienced Internal Audit Manager Cover Letter Example: Dear Ms. Joiner, I am applying for the Internal Audit Manager position currently open with Kennametal, Inc. I have a bachelor's degree in accounting and I am recognized as a Certified Internal Auditor.

  20. Audit Manager Cover Letter Examples

    The following Audit Manager Cover Letter sample can help a person to gain insight into the various job responsibilities and duties that are required by an organization. The mentioned qualities are essentially required to get selected for the prestigious role. The following cover letter sample may increase your chances of getting selected for ...

  21. Professional Audit Director Cover Letter Examples for 2024

    Enhancv harnesses the capabilities of ChatGPT to provide a streamlined interface designed specifically focused on composing a compelling cover letter without the hassle of thinking about formatting and wording. Content tailored to the job posting you're applying for. ChatGPT model specifically trained by Enhancv. Lightning-fast responses.

  22. Outstanding IT Auditor Cover Letter Examples

    City, State, Zip Code. Home: 000-000-0000. [email protected]. Dear Mr. Levitt, As a highly skilled IT Auditor, I read your posting for a new IT Auditor with interest. My experience aligns well with the qualifications you are seeking at Levitt Corporation, in particular my role as an IT Auditor at IT Solutions, and I am certain I would make a ...

  23. Professional IT Audit Manager Cover Letter Examples for 2024

    IT Audit Manager cover letter example. Paisley Moore. San Jose, California. +1- (234)-555-1234. [email protected]. Dear Hiring Manager, Your team's commitment to excellence and innovation in IT audit and compliance management resonates with my professional philosophy and the trajectory of my career.