【Argumentative Essay格式】格式範文 topics example|ENG DSE

Mr. J English

Argumentative Essay DSE 經常出現?

Argumentative essay 特點, 1. 單邊與雙邊論述(one-sided vs. two-sided), 2. 論據結構(argument structure), 3. 語調鋒芒(tone and persuasiveness), argumentative essay 格式, argumentative essay 寫作清單, argumentative essay opening introduction 引言/前言寫法, 引言(introduction), 背景介紹(background), argumentative essay body 正文寫法, 主體段落(body paragraph), argumentative essay conclusion 結尾/結語/總結寫法, 結論(conclusion), argumentative essay dse 5+ 範例參考.

- 引起讀者興趣的開場白
- 提出你的論點或立場

- 提供與主題相關的背景資訊
- 引入相關的背景文獻或事實

- 段落 1: 第一個主要論據,包括支持該論據的具體證據和例子
- 段落 2: 第二個主要論據,同樣提供支持性的證據
- 可以有更多的主體段落,視需要而定

- 重申你的立場
- 總結主要論據
- 提出呼籲行動或結語

- 引起讀者興趣
- 提出你將討論的兩個對立觀點

- 簡要介紹兩個對立觀點的背景
- 可以提供一些有關爭議的歷史或相關的情境

- 段落 1: 第一個正面觀點的詳細說明,包括支持該觀點的具體證據和例子
- 段落 2: 第二個正面觀點的詳細說明,同樣提供支持性的證據
- 段落 3: 可能的中立或共通點

- 對第 3 部分的兩個觀點進行反駁,指出它們的弱點或瑕疵
- 提出你的立場或解釋為何你的觀點更為合理

- 重申你的觀點
- 總結兩個對立觀點的主要論據
- 提出呼籲行動或結構

two sided argumentative essay sample dse

  • 引起讀者興趣的開場白。
  • 提出明確的論點或立場。
  • 提供背景資訊或引入主題。
  • 提供與主題相關的背景資訊。
  • 引入相關的背景文獻或事實。
  • 確保背景介紹有助於讀者理解主題。
  • 每個主體段落專注於一個主要論據。
  • 提供具體的支持性證據和例子。
  • 確保論據的呈現順序有邏輯性。
  • 使用過渡句子使段落間的過渡更順暢。
  • 確認每個主體段落的結尾與下一段有連貫性。
  • 提供簡短的反駁或解釋為何該觀點不成立。
  • 確保反駁的內容有針對性且有說服力。
  • 如適用,確保中立或共通點的部分清晰且有意義。
  • 提出呼籲行動或結語,使結論有結束感。

two sided argumentative essay sample dse

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Mr. J English

Mr. J English

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two sided argumentative essay sample dse






English language & literature

2019 dse english writing question 3 (sample).

Learning English through Debating

The Hong Kong Daily Press invites readers to submit their views on the following topic:

Do social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter encourage or stifle public debate? When first created, social media was thought to be a place where rational debate and logic would thrive. However, as time has shown, this is not always the case.

  • Write an argumentative essay
  • Choose one side of the argument and state your position, giving reasons and evidence to support your view
  • Include a title for your essay

Social Media: A Platform for Rationality & Logic?

Social media such as Facebook and Twitter allows us to convey our own thoughts and comment on others’ thoughts as well. It is thought that it can encourage rational discussion when different views are exchanged. However, in reality, when it comes to public affairs, social media falls short of promoting rational public debate. For example, in recent years, as the political climate in Hong Kong becomes very tense, the discussion on these social media platforms has become a battlefield among people having opposite political views. The dispute is so heated and harmful that people start to withdraw from expressing their political views openly on these social media sites. Public debate becomes silenced.

Public debate on these social media platforms are in fact less rational and logical than we would have thought. In order to grab viewers’ attention, social media users tend to post provoking or emotional remarks about current news or social issues. They intend to arouse others’ emotions and drive the conversations rather than raise rational discussion.  Moreover, the thoughts and comments are mostly impulsive rather than thoroughly examined. Rational public debate mostly does not happen.

The fact that like-minded people flock together and exclude dissidents stifles public debate. Social media tends to show the content from people whom we like or who are similar to us. Social media users are fed with what they like to see and hear and are less exposed to the other side. Moreover, when people talk about political and social issues on these sites, people tend to prefer listening to similar comments rather than opposite views. If someone voice out dissenting views, they are likely to become the target of attack and be abused verbally. Therefore, the dissidents will shy away from expressing opposite views to protect themselves from hostile insults or bullies. 

It turns out that people unfriend those whose views are opposite to theirs; as a result, there is only one side of opinions allowed, not to mention public debate. In the matter of public affairs which concerns the core values and interests of Hong Kong people, people of opposite views stand against each other. When one side notices that the opposite side expresses dissenting views, it will draw massive criticism from the other side.  People vent their anger and resentment on the person who represents the other side. It happens that some people feel so emotionally hurt that they unfriend their enemies. There is a great divide among people having opposite political views. Rational public debate becomes impossible.

To conclude, as far as social media is concerned, on the one hand, it can facilitate people to express and share their own views; on the other hand, it cannot be relied on for rational discussion. As such, the traditional form of media such as newspaper forum, radio forum and academic paper are still a more reliable platform for rational public debate to take place.

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  • Fri. Aug 23rd, 2024

English Syllabus Guru

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Crack the DSE Writing Exam: A Complete Guide

two sided argumentative essay sample dse

By Waqas Sharif

Crack the DSE Writing Exam: A Complete Guide

The Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE) writing exam is a crucial component of the overall assessment. The exam tests students’ ability to write coherently and concisely, while also demonstrating their proficiency in English. It’s a challenging test, and many students struggle to pass it. However, with the right preparation and guidance, you can improve your writing skills and crack the exam. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with all the tips and tricks you need to ace the DSE writing exam. From understanding the exam format and structure to mastering vocabulary and grammar, we will cover it all. Whether you are a high school student looking to improve your writing skills or a teacher seeking to help your students, this guide will be an invaluable resource.

1. Understanding the DSE writing exam format

The DSE writing exam is a test that assesses a candidate’s proficiency in the English language. The exam is split into two sections:

DSE Exam Sections

  • The first section tests the candidate’s ability to write a composition of at least 400 words on a given topic within 45 minutes.
  • The second section tests the candidate’s ability to write a response to a given prompt within 30 minutes.

It’s important to note that the DSE writing exam is graded on several criteria, including grammatical accuracy, vocabulary usage, sentence structure, and coherence of ideas. As such, candidates must familiarize themselves with the exam format and practice writing under timed conditions to improve their writing skills.

Grading System

In addition to understanding the format of the exam, candidates should also be aware of the scoring system. The DSE writing exam is scored on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest score possible. To achieve a high score, candidates must demonstrate a strong command of the English language and be able to effectively communicate their ideas clearly and concisely. By understanding the format and scoring system of the DSE writing exam, candidates can better prepare themselves for the test and increase their chances of acing it.

2. Key skills tested in the DSE writing exam

To ace the DSE writing exam, it is crucial to understand the key skills that are tested in the exam. The exam assesses your ability to communicate effectively in written English, with a focus on your ability to convey your ideas clearly and cohesively.

One of the key skills that are tested is your ability to organize your thoughts and ideas logically and coherently. To do this, you will need to have a clear understanding of the different types of writing structures and be able to apply them appropriately. You will also need to be able to use a wide range of vocabulary and grammatical structures accurately, to convey your ideas effectively. Another important skill that is tested in the DSE writing exam is your ability to write persuasively. This means that you will need to be able to present a coherent argument and support it with evidence and examples. You will also need to be able to anticipate and address any potential counterarguments or objections to your argument.

Finally, the DSE writing exam also tests your ability to write in a variety of different styles and genres, such as formal letters, reports, and essays. Each of these requires a different approach and set of skills, so it is important to be able to adapt your writing style accordingly. By understanding the key skills tested in the DSE writing exam, you can focus your preparation and ensure that you are fully prepared to ace the test.

3. Developing a study plan for the DSE writing exam

The DSE writing exam is a high-stakes test that requires a lot of preparation and practice. Developing a solid study plan is essential to ensure that you’re covering all the necessary content and improving your writing skills in the most effective way possible.

To begin with, start by familiarizing yourself with the exam format, scoring criteria, and time limits. This will help you determine what areas you need to focus on and how much time to allocate for each section. Next, create a schedule that outlines your study goals, deadlines, and practice sessions. It’s important to set realistic objectives and allocate enough time for review and reflection.

To improve your writing skills , you should read widely on a variety of topics and practice writing regularly. You can also benefit from getting feedback from your teachers, peers, or online resources. In addition to practicing writing, you should also work on your grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. There are many resources available online that can help you with this, including grammar guides, vocabulary lists, and writing prompts.

Finally, don’t forget to take breaks and relax! Studying for a high-stakes exam can be stressful, so make sure to take care of your mental and physical health during the process. With a solid study plan in place, you’ll be well on your way to acing the DSE writing exam.

4. Preparing for the DSE writing exam – Tips & tricks

The DSE writing exam is an important step towards achieving your academic and career goals. To prepare for the exam, it’s important to develop a solid plan that includes tips and tricks to help you succeed.

  • First , it’s essential to read widely and practice writing regularly. This will help you to develop your writing skills, expand your vocabulary, and improve your grammar. Make sure to read a variety of materials, including academic texts, news articles, and fiction. This will broaden your perspective and help you to develop a more nuanced understanding of the topics you’ll be writing about in the exam.
  • Second , practice writing under timed conditions. The DSE writing exam is timed, so it’s important to get used to writing quickly and efficiently. Try setting a timer for yourself and writing for a set amount of time each day. This will help you to build up your stamina and develop good time-management skills.
  • Third , review past exam papers and familiarize yourself with the format of the exam. This will help you to understand what’s expected of you and what the examiners are looking for. Pay attention to the types of questions that are asked and the types of responses that are expected. This will help you to structure your answers effectively and maximize your marks.
  • Finally , don’t forget to proofread your work carefully. Spelling and grammar mistakes can detract from the clarity and cohesiveness of your writing. Take the time to review your work and make any necessary edits before submitting your answers.

By following these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to acing the DSE writing exam and achieving your academic and career goals.

5. Common mistakes to avoid in the DSE writing exam

The DSE writing exam is an important test that can determine your future academic or career prospects. To achieve a good score, you need to avoid making common mistakes that can cost you valuable marks. One of the main mistakes that students make is not reading the prompt carefully. It is important to understand exactly what the prompt is asking you to do before you start writing. This can save you from writing irrelevant content, which will lead to a lower score.

Another common mistake is not planning your essay before you start writing. This can lead to a disorganized structure and unclear ideas. It is important to spend some time planning your essay, outlining the main points and arguments you want to make, and ensuring that your essay has a clear and logical structure.

Additionally, using complex vocabulary and sentence structures that you are uncomfortable with can lead to mistakes and unclear ideas. It is better to use simple and clear language that you are confident with, rather than trying to impress the examiner with big words that you may misuse.

Finally, not proofreading your essay can lead to careless mistakes and lower your score. It is important to leave some time at the end of the exam to read over your essay and check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can improve your chances of achieving a high score on the DSE writing exam.

6. Time management strategies for the DSE writing exam

Time management is crucial in the DSE writing exam. You have 40 minutes to complete the task, which includes planning, writing, and proofreading. Therefore, it’s essential to adopt some time management strategies to ensure you complete the exam within the given time frame.

Firstly, you should allocate some time for planning. Spend a few minutes reading the prompt and brainstorming ideas. Jot down some notes to help organize your thoughts, which will help you write more efficiently.

Once you have a clear plan of what you want to write, start writing. Keep an eye on the clock and aim to allocate 25-30 minutes for writing. Avoid spending too much time on any one section or paragraph. Instead, focus on writing clear and concise sentences that convey your ideas effectively. If you get stuck on a particular point, move on to the next section and come back to it later.

Finally, ensure that you proofread your work in the remaining time. It’s easy to make mistakes when rushing to finish, so it’s important to take the time to read through your work and correct any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. You can also use this time to check that your writing flows logically and that you have addressed all the points in the prompt.

By adopting effective time management strategies, you can complete the DSE writing exam within the given time frame and ensure that you submit a well-written and error-free composition.

7. Techniques for brainstorming ideas and organizing your thoughts

Brainstorming ideas and organizing your thoughts is crucial when it comes to writing an effective DSE essay. Before you start writing, take some time to brainstorm and jot down any ideas that come to mind. This can be in the form of a mind map or a list of bullet points. Make sure to include any relevant examples, evidence, or arguments that support your thesis statement. Once you have your ideas written down, it’s time to organize them into a coherent structure. This can be done by creating an outline or framework for your essay. Start with a clear introduction that grabs the reader’s attention and sets the tone for the rest of the essay. Then, move on to your main points, ensuring you have enough supporting evidence to support your arguments. When organizing your ideas, it’s important to consider the overall flow of your essay. Each paragraph should seamlessly transition into the next, creating a logical and easy-to-follow structure. Make sure to use transitional phrases or sentences to link your ideas together and avoid abrupt shifts in the topic.

Another helpful technique is to create a rough draft of your essay before writing the final version. This will help you identify gaps in your argument or areas where additional evidence is needed. It will also allow you to refine your language and ensure your writing is clear and concise. Overall, effective brainstorming and organization are key to acing the DSE writing exam. By taking the time to plan and structure your essay, you’ll be able to write a compelling and persuasive piece that showcases your writing skills and knowledge of the topic at hand.

8. Writing techniques to improve your writing skills

Writing is an essential skill that is required in all aspects of life. Whether you are a student or a professional, having good writing skills is important, and it can be developed over time. Here are some writing techniques to improve your writing skills:

1. Practice is the key to success. The more you write, the better you become. Start by writing short paragraphs, essays, or articles on a regular basis to improve your writing skills.
2. Reading is an excellent way to improve your writing skills. Read books, magazines, newspapers, and blogs to understand different writing styles and techniques. Pay attention to the sentence structure, grammar, and vocabulary used in the writing.
3. Keep your writing simple and easy to understand. Use short sentences, avoid jargon, and write in a way that is easy to comprehend.
4. Using active voice makes your writing more engaging and interesting to read. It also makes your writing more concise and direct.
5. Editing and revising your writing is essential to improve your writing skills. Read your writing aloud, check for errors in grammar and spelling, and make sure your writing flows well.
6. Getting feedback from others is a great way to improve your writing skills. Ask a friend, family member, or teacher to read your writing and provide feedback. Take their suggestions into consideration and use them to improve your writing.

By using these writing techniques, you can improve your writing skills and confidently tackle the DSE writing exam. Remember, practice makes perfect!

9. Tips for writing an effective essay

Writing an essay can be a daunting task, especially when you’re under time pressure to complete it. However, there are a few tips you can follow to make sure your essay is effective and stands out to the examiner. Firstly, ensure that you understand the question in its entirety. Take the time to read it carefully and make sure you are clear on what is being asked of you. Plan your essay and make sure you have a clear structure in mind. This will help you to stay on topic and ensure that you cover all of the necessary points.

When writing your essay, make sure that you are answering the question directly and that your arguments are relevant to the topic. Use examples and evidence where possible to support your points and make sure that you are clear in your writing.

It’s important to also keep in mind the tone of your essay. Keep it professional and avoid using slang or overly casual language. Use formal language throughout and ensure that your grammar and spelling are correct.

Finally, make sure that you leave enough time to proofread your essay before submitting it. This will allow you to check for any errors or mistakes and make any necessary changes.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your essay is effective and stands out to the examiner, helping you to ace the DSE writing exam.

10. Conclusion & final thoughts on the DSE writing exam

In conclusion, the DSE writing exam is an important milestone for students who aim to pursue higher education in Hong Kong. It’s a challenging task that requires a lot of preparation and practice to excel. However, with the right mindset, resources, and techniques, you can crack the DSE writing exam and achieve your desired results.

Remember that the key to acing the DSE writing exam is to understand the requirements of the test, plan your essay effectively, and express your ideas clearly and concisely. It’s also important to avoid common mistakes such as grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and poor organization.

To prepare for the DSE writing exam, take advantage of the many resources available to you, such as sample essays, past papers, and online writing courses. Practice writing essays on various topics and get feedback from teachers or peers to improve your writing skills.

Most importantly, stay calm and confident during the exam. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and trust that you have prepared well enough to succeed. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to acing the DSE writing exam and achieving your academic goals.

We hope you found our guide to cracking the DSE writing exam helpful. The exam can be a daunting task, but with the tips and strategies we’ve provided, you can go into the test feeling confident and prepared. Remember, practice makes perfect, so be sure to spend plenty of time practicing your writing skills before the exam. We wish you the best of luck in your DSE writing exam and hope that our guide was useful. Don’t forget to let us know how you did!

DSE Writing FAQs

Answer: The common writing genres that are tested in DSE Writing exams are argumentative essays, discursive essays, and descriptive essays. Argumentative essays require you to take a stance on a particular topic and present arguments to support your viewpoint. Discursive essays require you to explore both sides of an issue and present a balanced view. Descriptive essays require you to use sensory language to describe a person, place, or thing.

Answer: To improve your writing speed and efficiency for DSE Writing exams, practice timed writing exercises regularly. Start with short exercises and gradually increase the length of your writing sessions. Use outlines to organize your ideas before you start writing. Also, practice typing and use shortcuts to save time.

Answer: Some common mistakes to avoid in DSE Writing exams are using incorrect grammar and punctuation , using overly complicated language, and failing to address the prompt directly. Also, be sure to proofread your writing to catch any errors or typos.

Answer: Organization and structure are very important in DSE Writing exams. A well-organized essay with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion is easier to follow and more effective in presenting your ideas. Use transition words and phrases to connect your ideas and make your writing flow smoothly.

Answer: The criteria for evaluating writing in DSE Writing exams include task fulfillment, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation and intonation. Task fulfillment refers to how well you address the prompt and stay on topic. Coherence and cohesion refer to how well your writing flows and how your ideas are connected. Lexical resources and grammatical range and accuracy refer to your vocabulary and grammar skills. Pronunciation and intonation refer to your ability to speak clearly and effectively.

Answer: To develop a strong argument in your DSE Writing essays, start by analyzing the prompt and identifying the key points you need to address. Choose a clear stance on the issue and use evidence and examples to support your arguments. Use counterarguments to anticipate and address potential objections. Use transition words and phrases to connect your ideas and make your argument clear and convincing.

Answer: Effective strategies for brainstorming and outlining your DSE Writing essays include freewriting, mind mapping, and creating an outline. Freewriting involves writing down all of your ideas without worrying about organization or structure. Mind mapping involves creating a visual diagram of your ideas and how they are connected. Creating an outline involves organizing your ideas into a clear and logical structure.

Answer: To incorporate evidence and examples to support your arguments in DSE Writing essays, start by choosing relevant and credible sources. Use quotes, statistics, and other types of evidence to support your arguments. Make sure to explain how each piece of evidence supports your argument and connect it back to your thesis statement.

Answer: To use language effectively and appropriately in DSE Writing exams, focus on using precise and concise language, and avoiding slang or overly complex vocabulary. Make sure to also use appropriate grammar and sentence structures to ensure clarity and coherence in your writing. Finally, consider your audience and purpose when selecting your tone and style.

Answer: Time management is crucial during the DSE Writing Exam to ensure that you have enough time to plan, write, and revise your essay. Start by allocating time for each section of the writing process, such as brainstorming, outlining, writing, and revising. Practice writing under timed conditions to improve your speed and efficiency. Additionally, make sure to keep track of time during the exam to ensure that you can complete your essay within the allocated time.

Answer: Grammar is essential in the DSE Writing Exam as it affects the clarity and coherence of your writing. Poor grammar can also result in lower scores, even if your ideas are well-organized and well-supported. To improve your grammar, review grammar rules and practice using them in your writing.

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two sided argumentative essay sample dse

Mr. Waqas Sharif is an English Language Teaching (ELT) Professional, Trainer, and Course Instructor at a Public Sector Institute. He has more than ten years of Eng Language Teaching experience at the Graduate and Postgraduate level. His main interest is found in facilitating his students globally He wishes them to develop academic skills like Reading, Writing, and Communication mastery along with Basics of Functional Grammar, English Language, and Linguistics.

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two sided argumentative essay sample dse

DSE Paper 2: Writing pros and cons in an argumentative essay! Are you repeatedly using ‘advantage’ and ‘disadvantage’?

DSE Paper 2: Writing pros and cons in an argumentative essay! Are you repeatedly using ‘advantage’ and ‘disadvantage’?

The advantage and disadvantage question has always been a popular topic in the DSE English Writing exam. Genre of writing such as argumentative essay always request students to compare advantages and disadvantages. Let’s try using these 8 words apart from ‘advantage’ and ‘disadvantage’!

One of the perks of living in the countryside is that you can have a slower-paced life.

Internship experience will be a plus for students’ further job careers.

An upside of stress is that it can motivate people to meet their goals.

4. Argument in favour of sth

An argument in favour of getting enough sleep is you can have a strong immune system.


The demerit of buying your child a smartphone at a young age is that it may encourage social isolation.

There are undoubtedly benefits of growing up in a multilingual family. However, language delay may be one minus to children.

3. Negative effect

The negative effect of rapid development in less developed countries is that there are considerable environmental damages.

4. Argument against

Some may have an argument against breakfast is the most important meal in a day. They believe there is no evidence that breakfast boosts weight loss.

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two sided argumentative essay sample dse

DSE English – Paper 2 Exam Analysis

Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
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2016Parents installing apps on children’s mobile phones that monitor their activitiesLetter to the editor
• State whether you agree with the parents' actions
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20.6% (22.6)
2017“Watching TV makes us smarter”Debate speech
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12.0% (21.46)
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• Argue either for or against the motion
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• What you need to improve before the next rehearsal
Data unavailable
2012Incorporating drama into English lessonsForum post
• Explain the (lack of) educational benefits of the use of drama
• Share experience of learning through drama
7.8% (19.14)
2013Betraying best friendDiary entry
• Describe an instance of betrayal
• Make reference to the plot of Julius Caesar
2.7% (15.31)
2014Poor behaviour during a drama performanceFormal email to Drama Club members
• Describe the complaint received
• Explain what behaviour is prohibited/encouraged and reasons
3.9% (12.92)
2015Elderly realizing their dreamsStory
• Describe the elderly realizing their dreams
6.5% (17.78)
2016Studying at HKAPAPersonal email
• Convince parents to support the decision to study at HKAPA instead of another institution
7.3% (19.5)
2017Romantic love and happy marriageEssay
• Define romantic love and happy marriage
• Explain why romantic love is (not) necessary for a happy marriage
1.6% (19.09)
2018Showing video-recordings of live drama performancesMagazine feature article
• Explain why the video-recordings are (not) a good way to attract more people to watch stage plays
2% (18.4)
2019New CinderellaFilm review
• Brief description of the plot
• How the characters are portrayed
• Why the director wanted to make this film
4.3% (20.5)
2020Chinese OperaBlog post
• Describe your experience watching Chinese Opera in the new Xiqu Centre in West Kowloon Cultural District
• Describe the impact it had on you
6% (17.4)
2021A new TV drama series about three generations of a familyFormal letter to the production manager
• Introduce the characters, plot and setting
• Explain why the idea would be popular with viewers
1.5% (16.9)
The hero and the villain
Journal entry
• Reflect on which role you preferred playing
• Explain the reasons 

Poems & Songs

Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
Sample paperA poem advertising a restaurantPersonal letter
• Comment on the things you like best about his poem
• What could be improved to make the advertisement more effective
Data unavailable
Practice paperFoul language in songs and freedom of speechLetter to the editor
• Explain why songs which contain foul language do not have a negative influence on society
• Explain how songs are just a means of expressions under freedom of speech
Data unavailable
2012First performance at a music festivalBlog post
• Describe the performance
• How you felt
• The atmosphere
• The things you could have done better
8.8% (16.3)
• Explain how time can slip away if you don’t make good use of it
• Explain how to make good use of time
• Need to refer to the song
4.7% (20.76)
2014Hong Kong Schools Poetry FestivalSchool magazine feature article
• How you prepared for the competition
• What you learned from this experience
3.3% (16.04)
2015Language arts festivalFormal letter to the Central Library
• Suggest two interesting activities
• Explain how these activities would increase students’ interest in learning English
2.5% (15.68)
• Explain how importance it is for us to acknowledge the challenges we face and find ways to cope with them
• Need to use relevant personal examples
• Need to refer to the quote
2.4% (21.7)
2017OpportunitiesBlog post
• Write about one opportunity that you missed
• One opportunity that you took
• Need to refer to the song
3.1% (21.23)
2018Summer poetry workshopLetter of application
• Explain why you are interested in participating in the workshop
• Why you should be selected to take part in this workshop
1% (10.7)
• Discuss what a critic does
• How to give criticism
• Ways to respond to criticism
• Need to refer to the quote
3.7% (23.6)
2020Best New ArtistFeature article in a magazine
• Report on Zoe’s sudden rise to fame
• Report on where the ideas behind her songs came from
5% (24.1)
2021New friends and old friendsEssay
• What is the difference between old and new friendships?
• Are older friendships better than new ones?
4.5% (17.3)
Bio for a musical group
Artist biography
•Background information about the group
•Style of music
•Plans for the future

Popular Culture

Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
Sample paperPlanning a special birthday event for one of your parents on a reality showPersonal letter
• Describe the event was organized
• How your parent felt about it being shown on TV
Data unavailable
Practice paperProposing a reality TV show for school TV networkProposal
• Theme and content of the show
• Why this would be popular with students
• How to make it appealing to viewers
Data unavailable
2012Cosmetic surgery and obsession with physical beautyLetter to the editor7.3% (26.28)
2013Popularity of Asian stars in Western countriesArticle for school newspaper
• Reasons for the rise
16.0% (20.78)
2014Stand-up comedy showArticle for school magazine
• Describe the show
• Discuss the challenges performers might face
• How students can benefit from watching it
4.4% (18.92)
2015Fewer people going to cinemas than beforeReport
• Reasons
• Suggestions
5.9% (22.46)
2016Proposing a Youth Festival to showcase youth trends in Hong KongProposal
• Suggest 1 or 2 trends
• Ways to present
3.1% (13.2)
2017Protecting intangible cultural heritage (traditional egg tarts or mahjong)Letter to the editor
• Reasons why we should protect
• Ways to protect
20.1% (19.42)
2018Trend of athleisureArticle for local newspaper
• Reasons for the rise
9% (23.6)
2019Getting information about the latest trends in pop cultureArticle for Young Post
• Sources of information about the latest trends
27.5% (21.1)
2020Hong Kong’s housing estates becoming Instagram spotsEssay
• What attracts Instagrammers to Hong Kong’s housing estates
• How residents feel about this
22% (22.3)
2021The 21-day Gratitude ChallengeBlog post
• Why you accepted this challenge
• What you hoped to achieve
• Reflect on the 21 days and whether taking on this challenge has changed you
11% (24.6)
YouTube channel from a teenage perspective
Article for Teen Magazine
•Why you started this channel
•What you have learned in the process

Short Stories

Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
Sample paperChanges in Hong KongPersonal letter
• Describe the changes in Hong Kong
• How you feel about them
Data unavailable
Practice paperWhat makes a good short storySchool magazine article
• Explain why you found the talk interesting
• What you learnt
Data unavailable
2012Poor brother driving an expensive sports carShort story
• Explain how you found out the truth
10.9% (17.9)
2013Vandals hit museumShort story
• Explain why the masterpieces were damaged
3.2% (19.62)
2014Roommate’s sudden departureShort story
• Describe the events that led to your roommate’s sudden departure
• Explain why your roommate suddenly left the hall
6.8% (17.01)
2015Meet the authorFormal email to a teacher
• Explain why you have selected the author
• Suggest activities the author can either lead or help with
2.8% (15.01)
2016Revenge is sweetShort story
• Explain why the protagonist took revenge
4.0% (17.1)
2017WildlifeShort story
• Describe the events leading to a lion climbing up a kitchen stove
5.3% (18.34)
2018Open bird cageShort story
• Describe the events leading to the open bird cage
• Describe the events that take place afterwards
11% (18.7)
2019The New Tortoise and the HareShort story
• Describe the race
• Include the ending that the two characters team up to race against other contestants and win
• Include a message for the story
11.6% (16.7)
2020Disappearing staff in a research stationShort story
• Write the first chapter only of a story based on the scenario
4% (23.6)
2021Scary story about a security guard on duty at nightShort story
• Write a scary story based on four pictures provided: two people in the security room, a security guard falling asleep, alarm ringing, security guard patrolling (in any order)
9% (19)
Story about survival in nature
Short story
•Write a story about a hiker who got caught in a storm while hiking in the mountains

Social Issues

Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
Sample paperAbusing petsFormal letter to SPCA
• Show concern
• Give details of any incidents of abuse
• Suggest some measure to ensure the welfare of the pets and say why they are urgent
Data unavailable
Practice paperThe joys of being a teenager in Hong KongSpeech for a conferenceData unavailable
2012Mental healthMagazine feature article
• Describe the friend’s depression
• How he/she overcame it
• Give advice on how to help fight depression
31.4% (24.84)
2013Private school bus service operators not following proper safety proceduresFormal letter to the Bus Operators Association
• Express concerns
• Give three recommendations for how private school bus services can be improved
17.7% (20.92)
2014Filming movies in the city centreLetter to the editor
• Give opinion
• Give three reasons
19.8% (20.74)
2015Sending children to other countries to complete schoolingSchool magazine article
• Examine two reasons for the phenomenon
• Discuss the impact of this on local schools and on children who leave to study overseas
42.9% (22.05)
2016“Hong Kong’s Disappearing Street Life”Essay
• Focus on one aspect of local street life or culture that is fast disappearing
• Suggest why it is worth preserving
5.2% (18.7)
2017Hong Kong NEETsReport
• Explain why the number of NEETs in HK is rising
• Suggest what can be done to help these youths
• Give reasons to support suggestions
39.9% (22.2)
2018Parental intervention in choosing careerLetter of advice for a teen magazine52.3% (22)
2019Hiring international talentsEssay
• Explain some benefits and challenges international talent brings to HK
• Ways to ensure that people from local community are not neglected
28% (24.2)
2020Small independent stationery shops in Hong Kong closingNews report
• Explain the trend
• Discuss whether independent stationery shops can survive
22% (23.4)
2021Low sales of electric darsLetter to the editor
• Discuss why sales of electric vehicles are so low
• Suggest what can be done to attract more people to drive these vehicles
44% (24.0)
Young people's lack of interest in traditional art forms
Letter to the editor

Sports Communication

Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
Sample paperTaking up motorbike racing as a hobbyInformal letter
• Explain why you are worried about the hobby
• Persuade him to take up a different sport
• Give reasons for the recommendation
Data unavailable
Practice paperremoving PE lessons from the curriculumFormal letter to the Secretary of Education
• Express your views
Data unavailable
2012Doing virtual sports versus real sportsOnline post in a health e-magazine
• Write your views
14.1% (19.3)
2013Producing a program about a local HK sporting eventFormal email to a teacher
• Suggest a sporting event
• Explain what would be included in the program
• Outline how to make the program interesting to schoolmates
17.4% (12.23)
2014Requesting donation of old equipment from a fitness centreFormal letter to a fitness centre
• Describe how the donation could benefit the school and the fitness centre
14% (17.33)
2015Disappointing PE lessonsFormal letter to the Principal
• Explain why the classmates are unhappy about existing PE lessons
• Suggest some activities that could be introduced in the future PE lessons
• Explain why students would prefer them
26.8% (17.36)
2016Using sports facilities after school hoursLetter to the editor
• State the opinion
• Give three reasons
34.1% (19.5)
2017Dancers are athletesSchool magazine article
• as a member of the dancing team
• Write about physical strength and skills
• Self-discipline and training
7.4% (16.9)
2018Hong Kong MarathonBlog entry (on HK Marathon website)
• Encourage other young people to take part in the next marathon
23% (20.8)
2019Unexpected incidence during the final game of the seasonNews report
• Describe the incident and what happened afterwards
• Include thoughts and opinions from different people involved
9.5% (18.4)
2020Proposing Dragon Boat Racing in future OlympicsFormal letter to the International Olympic Committee
• Explain how it appeals to young people
• Explain how it promotes gender equality
• Explain how it attracts media coverage
8% (20.7)
2021Professional athlete looking for a career changeJob application letter
• Introduce yourself and your athletic history
• Explain your interest and suitability for the job
8% (19.4)
Being second in the inter-school championship

Workplace Communication

Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
Sample paperWork experience programSchool magazine article
• Describe the experience during the “Working Week”
• The feeling about the chosen job
Data unavailable
Practice paperJob interviewPersonal email
• Offer advice on how to prepare for the interview
• What to do during the interview
Data unavailable
2012A campaign about recruiting criminals or drug addictsFormal letter
• Outline the new project
• Explain the benefits
• Persuade the businesses to join the scheme
11.1% (20.5)
2013Many people leaving the office lateCompany newsletter article
• Describe the situation
• Discuss the negative effects
• Give two suggestions to improve the situation
31.0% (22.10)
2014Summer job experiences as a costumed character performerNewspaper article
• Describe the typical working day
• The good things and bad things about the job
34% (18)
2015Handling complaints about the companyEmail to the manager
• Summarize details of a recent complaint
• Suggest three possible actions
5.0% (17.96)
2016Graduates finding a job in other cities in AsiaEssay
• Discuss your views on this suggestion
• Give three reasons
22.6% (21.7)
2017Graduates being less hard-working and less willing to face challengesLetter to the editor
• Disagree with the issue
• Give three reasons and / or examples
10.0% (20.18)
2018Complaints about work-related emails and text messages received out of officeLetter to staff
• Address the complaints
2% (20.1)
2019Designing campaign poster for a candidate running in the district council electionEmail to the council election committee
• Explain the ideas behind the designs and how they would make a good campaign theme
• Share the idea for a new design
5.3% (21.97)
2020Applying for a work transferEmail to manager
• Highlight your work experience
• Highlight why you would like to transfer
• Highlight how your transfer will benefit the organisation
13% (19.6)
2021Advocating for the cancellation of the no-exchange/no-refund policyEmail to sales manager
• Explain why the policy should be changed
• Suggest what changes could be made
• Discuss ways to prevent customers from taking advantage of the new policy
10% (21.7)
Opening a café vs. accepting a promotion at current company
Letter of advice for a job magazine

Trends in text types

Genre Specific text type Frequency Year & Question number
Expositionfeature article18SPQ8, PPQ3, 12Q1, 12Q9, 13Q6, 13Q7, 14Q1, 14Q6, 14Q7, 14Q8, 15Q4, 16Q3, 17Q8, 18Q6, 18Q7, 19Q5, 20Q7, 22Q2
Expositionformal letter14SPQ9, PPQ6, 12Q8, 13Q4, 14Q2, 14Q5, 15Q2, 15Q8, 17Q1, 18Q3, 20Q4, 20Q5, 21Q9, 22Q9
Expositionletter to the editor12PPQ4, 12Q6, 13Q5, 14Q4, 15Q1, 15Q5, 16Q2, 16Q4, 17Q5, 17Q9, 21Q2, 22Q5
Expositionspeech7PPQ9, 12Q5, 13Q8, 16Q1, 19Q7, 21Q1, 22Q4
Expositionformal email613Q2, 14Q3, 15Q6, 15Q9, 19Q8, 21Q3
16Q5, 16Q8, 17Q4, 19Q2, 20Q2, 21Q8
Expositionletter of advice4SPQ2, PPQ8, 18Q4, 22Q3
Expositiondebate speech3PPQ7, 17Q6, 18Q5
Expositionpersonal letter3SPQ4, SPQ6, SPQ7
Expositionreview3SPQ3, 19Q6, 20Q1
Expositionargumentative essay319Q3, 20Q6, 21Q5
Expositionproposal2PPQ5, 16Q7
Expositionreport215Q7, 17Q7
Expositionforum post212Q2, 12Q3
Expositionletter of application218Q8, 21Q4
Expositioninformation poster1PPQ1
Expositionpersonal email116Q9
Expositionparents’ letter118Q1
Expositionnews report120Q3
Artist biography
Narrativeshort story1112Q7, 13Q9, 14Q9, 15Q3, 16Q6, 17Q3, 18Q9, 19Q9, 20Q8, 21Q7, 22Q8
travel guide
Recountblog post512Q4, 17Q2, 18Q2, 20Q9, 21Q6
Recountnews report3SPQ1, SPQ5, 19Q4
Recountdiary/journal entry3
PPQ2, 13Q3, 22Q7
Recountphoto descriptions113Q1
Recountyearbook entry119Q1

Average Score of Different Electives

Property 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Average
Social Issues24.8420.9220.7422.0518.722.22224.223.42422.3
Popular Culture26.2820.7818.9222.4613.219.4223.621.122.324.621.3
Workplace Communication20.522.11817.9621.720.1820.121.9719.621.720.4
Poems & Songs16.320.7616.0415.6821.721.2310.723.624.117.318.7
Short Stories17.919.6217.0115.0117.118.3418.716.723.61918.3
Sports Communication19.312.2317.3317.3619.516.920.818.420.719.418.2

Spencer Lam English team

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Two-sided argumentative essay 中文 詳解

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  • 你係唔係為寫two-sided argumentative essay感到煩惱?
  • 唔知有啲咩句式可以背?

唔緊要!因為小編今天為大家整理了two-sided argumentative essay 攻略,內裡包含可以使用的句式以及範文參考!

Two sided argumentative

Two sided argumentative格式

Two-sided argumentative essay 是一種文體,如果要說它的格式,那麼就要知道題目要求我們根據哪一種實用格式書寫。






Letter to the Editor






Two sided argumentative essay 題目

the viewpoints and arguments of the different parties

the rights wrongs

providing arguments for against

the benefits drawbacks

the advantages disadvantages

the pros cons

Your school principal has told the tuck shop to stop selling “junk food”, such as fish balls and soft drinks, in response to the government’s campaign to promote healthy eating . However, this policy has evoked a strong reaction from some students who insist on their right to exercise freedom of choice . You are a reporter for the school newspaper and have just attended a meeting between the principal and representatives of parents, teachers and students. Write an article for the school newspaper describing the viewpoints and arguments of the different parties . Give your article a title .

The government has successfully convicted a person of infringing copyright. The person had used internet technology to upload movies and allow other users to download them. You are a computer enthusiast and you often download music and movies. Write a letter to the editor of the Young Post commenting on the rights and wrongs of downloading entertainment from the Internet and whether you think people will continue to break the law when they risk being prosecuted . Sign your letter “Chris Wong”. Do not write any address.

Two sided argumentative essay 開頭

: , the suicide rate of Hong Kong has increased in recent years.

, China has the largest number of smokers in the world.


, (

, the living standard of many Chinese people .

, many children are spoilt by their parents.


smartphones have penetrated our lives.

that Asian people are more prone to diabetes.

more and more Hong Kong people are considering migrating to other countries.

high property prices are the most pressing concern of Hong Kong people.


The problem of air pollution exists in many places. .

The incident involving Lam Wai-sze the moral standard of our teachers.

The serious traffic accidents in the past few weeks the road safety in Hong Kong.


The ferry disaster on Lamma Island last year navigation safety in Hong Kong.

The recent suicide by a 15-year-old secondary schoolboy the mental health of our next generation.


Obesity in our society.


: The Occupy Central Movement .

The expansion of landfills in Tsueng Kwan O, Tuen Mun and Ta Ku Ling .


Homosexuality .

of wealth gap .

Traditionally, men have enjoyed superiority over women. In many parts of the world, still .

Nowadays, more women have chosen to get married when they are older. also in Hong Kong.

animal cruelty in Hong Kong.

the reasons for the popularity of smartphones.

the problem of waste disposal for the government.


the advantages of building casinos in Hong Kong.

my opposition to build mental hospitals in Shatin.


the activities of the Science Club and students to become our members.

that heritage preservation can co-exist with economic development.

Two-sided argumentative essay 過度段


It is crystal clear that posting messages and videos online brings to our society.

Nonetheless, we need to recognize that the possible of the phenomenon should by no means be underestimated.

Two-sided argumentative essay 句式

之前小編有些一篇argumentative essay文章,裡面有詳細講述有什麼 句式 好用。

Two-sided argumentative essay topics

Two-sided argumentative essay 的主題大多都是一些社會議題

  • Should social media platforms be banned from collecting their users’ data?
  • Should companies have to hire human workers overusing autonomous machines?
  • Should cell phones be banned from vehicles?
  • Should parents educate their children at home?
  • Should parents limit screen time for kids?

Two-sided argumentative essay sample

Learning English through Social Issues

More and more young people are making friends on the Internet. Meanwhile, many parents and teachers have expressed concern about this trend.

Write an article for the school newspaper to explain both the advantages and disadvantages of internet friendships. Give the article a title.

Online friendship – a blessing or a curse?

Paragraph 1 介紹

Nowadays, meeting new friends is not schools, workplaces and churches. It takes place on the Internet as well. Teenagers are especially enthusiastic about making friends online, probably due to their socializing, desire for excitement, and information technology. With the increasing popularity of social networking websites such as Facebook and Myspace, it can be foreseen that there will be more and more chances for young people to meet random strangers online.


Nevertheless, while a lot of students consider Internet friendship as a form of leisure activity, many parents and teachers have this phenomenon. To explore the issue, this article will first discuss the benefits before investigating the drawbacks of cyber friendship.

Paragraph 2 好處一

To commence with, internet friendships can .

It is worth noting that there are hundreds of millions of Internet users around the world. Many nice, smart people are for us to meet. Young people can make use of the Internet to discuss various issues, including global current affairs, their favourite pop idols as well as the latest fashion trends and share their opinions with one another.

Through establishing cyber friendships can we enrich our knowledge and enhance our critical thinking and logical thinking

Paragraph 3 好處二

Apart from broadening our horizons, young people can meet friends with similar interests and hobbies online, and widening their social circle.

In bygone days, international communication was restricted by geographical barriers. Nonetheless, the pendulum has swung the other way. Thanks to the of the Internet, the world has become and have been . Cyberspace has allowed teens to meet people of different nationalities on the Internet, ranging from the Brazilians to the and Germans.


Evidently, internet friendships can broaden our horizons, helping us learn more about the of world cultures.

Paragraph 4 過渡段

It is crystal clear that internet friendships bring to youngsters.

Nonetheless, we need to recognize that the possible of the phenomenon should by no means be underestimated.

Paragraph 5 壞處一

First and foremost, it is extremely difficult for adolescents to develop deep, solid friendships on the Internet.

Due to the lack of face-to-face interaction, cyber friendships often have , lacking the warmth and intimacy of traditional friendships among classmates or colleagues. Chatting online with people you have never met through such platforms as Yahoo Messengers, Weibo or online forums may sometimes feel just like making friends with a robot or a machine without a face or emotions.

Paragraph 6 壞處二

Worse still, students are likely to encounter bad influences while making friends online.

As young people are often , they may lack the judgment to . Since youngsters are , online friendship may them with corrupt ideas and .

The global of ISIS, which is a terrorist group hatred and bloodshed, is a case in point. by the utopic world by the members of ISIS on the Internet, teenagers from different parts of the world have to Syria and Iraq to join the ISIS and participate in terrorist attacks, slaughtering hundreds of innocent people.

Equally alarming is that some people, such as , gangsters may the Internet as a means to approach young people and them to engage in criminal offences.

Glance through the newspapers in recent months and you are bound to see the news of teenagers being arrested by the police as they had trafficked drugs. Not only will they incarcerated for several years, their future will be ruined due to their criminal records.

Evidently, with terrorists and criminals their , internet friendships can become a curse the adolescents forever.

Paragraph 7 總結

As shown above, while internet friendships can be a blessing benefitting the teenagers, it can easily into a curse jeopardizing their future.

Thus, youngsters must be careful and alert whenever they want to meet new people online. Never should they disclose personal information to any strangers. Otherwise, it will be too late to feel regret when tragedies occur.

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【Two-Sided Argumentative Essay】跟住step by step寫就有lvl5+?

Two-Sided Argumentative Essay是其中一種文章可以在短時間內學會,並拿到Level 5+。以下,小編將會整理所有有關Two-Sided Argumentative Essay的寫作技巧及注意事項。

Two-Sided Argumentative Essay 是什麼

“Two-Sided Argumentative Essay” 是一種寫作形式,也稱為 “Argumentative Essay” 或 “Persuasive Essay”。它是一種寫作方式,旨在探討一個問題或一個主題的兩種對立觀點,並且試圖以有力的論據和邏輯來說服讀者接受其中一方的觀點。

Two-Sided Argumentative Essay

Two-Sided Argumentative Essay 格式

Two-sided argumentative essay format.


  • 提出你將討論的兩個對立觀點。
  • 簡要介紹兩個對立觀點的背景。
  • 可以提供一些有關爭議的歷史或相關情境。

主體段落(Body Paragraphs):

  • 段落1:詳細說明第一個正面觀點,包括支持該觀點的具體證據和例子。
  • 段落2:詳細說明第二個正面觀點,同樣提供支持性的證據。
  • 段落3:可能的中立或共通點。


  • 對第3部分的兩個觀點進行反駁,指出它們的弱點或瑕疵。
  • 提出你的立場或解釋為何你的觀點更為合理。


  • 總結兩個對立觀點的主要論據。

Two-Sided Argumentative Essay 開頭/引言






Two-Sided Argumentative Essay 正文

  • 開始陳述第一個觀點,並提供相應的論據和例子支持該觀點。
  • 呈現首個論點,並提供相關的事實、數據或引用。
  • 接著提供支持該論點的例子、專家觀點或研究結果。
  • 結束段落時,總結並強調這一觀點的重要性。
  • 開始陳述第二個觀點,並提供相應的論據和例子支持該觀點。






  • 引出與第一個對立的觀點,並提供反駁論據。
  • 呈現首個反駁論點,並提供相關的事實、數據或引用。
  • 結束段落時,總結並強調這一觀點的限制或不足。
  • 引出與第二個對立的觀點,並提供反駁論據。
  • 呈現第二個反駁論點,並提供相關的事實、數據或引用。

Two-Sided Argumentative Essay 總結


  • 回顧你在正文中陳述的兩個觀點,並簡要概述每個觀點的主要論點。
  • 确定每個觀點的重要性以及支持該觀點的主要證據。
  • 強調兩個觀點之間的不同和相似之處。
  • 提及兩個觀點在解決問題或影響社會的方式上的差異。
  • 根據你所展示的論據和證據,表明你所支持的觀點。
  • 提供支持你觀點的理由或證據。
  • 強調這個討論的重要性,並解釋為什麼這個問題值得關注。
  • 提出可能的解決方案或建議,以引起讀者的思考。
  • 總結你的論點,並強調你的觀點。
  • 提供一個強而有力的結論,使讀者對你的觀點留下深刻的印象。

Two-Sided Argumentative Essay DSE 範文

Two-sided argumentative essay dse sample.

A growing number of youths are forming online friendships. In the meantime, this trend has drawn the concern of numerous parents and educators.

Write a piece explaining the benefits and drawbacks of online friendships for the school newspaper. Give the piece a heading.

Online friendship – a blessing or a curse?

Nowadays, meeting new friends is not confined to schools, workplaces and churches. It takes place on the Internet as well. Teenagers are especially enthusiastic about making friends online, probably due to their passion for socializing, desire for excitement, and familiarity with information technology. With the increasing popularity of social networking websites such as Facebook and Myspace, it can be foreseen that there will be more and more chances for young people to meet random strangers online.

Nevertheless, while a lot of students consider Internet friendship as a form of leisure activity, many parents and teachers have expressed grave concern over this phenomenon. To explore the issue, this article will first discuss the benefits before investigating the drawbacks of cyber friendship.

To commence with, internet friendships can widen our horizons.

【詳細解釋 — 普遍情況】

It is worth noting that there are hundreds of millions of Internet users around the world. Many nice, smart people are out there for us to meet. Young people can make use of the Internet to discuss various issues, including global current affairs, their favourite pop idols as well as the latest fashion trends and share their opinions with one another.

Through establishing cyber friendships can we enrich our knowledge and enhance our critical thinking and logical thinking

Apart from broadening our horizons, young people can meet friends with similar interests and hobbies online, forging new friendships and widening their social circle.

In bygone days, international communication was restricted by geographical barriers. Nonetheless, the pendulum has swung the other way. Thanks to the advent of the Internet, the world has become flatter and geographical constraints have been eliminated. Cyberspace has allowed teens to meet people of different nationalities on the Internet, ranging from the ebullient Brazilians to the meticulous and methodical Germans.

Evidently, internet friendships can broaden our horizons, helping us learn more about the kaleidoscope of world cultures.

It is crystal clear that internet friendships bring blessings to youngsters.

Nonetheless, we need to recognize that the possible curses of the phenomenon should by no means be underestimated.

First and foremost, it is extremely difficult for adolescents to develop deep, solid friendships on the Internet.

Due to the lack of face-to-face interaction, cyber friendships often have shaky foundations, lacking the warmth and intimacy of traditional friendships among classmates or colleagues. Chatting online with people you have never met through such platforms as Yahoo Messengers, Weibo or online forums may sometimes feel just like making friends with a robot or a machine without a face or emotions.

Worse still, students are likely to encounter bad influences while making friends online.

【詳細解釋 — 普遍情況1】

As young people are often immature, they may lack the judgment to distinguish right from wrong. Since youngsters are impressionable, online friendship may brainwash them with corrupt ideas and lead them astray.

【詳細解釋 – 個別例子1】

The global proliferation of ISIS, which is a terrorist group advocating hatred and bloodshed, is a case in point. Captivated by the utopic world portrayed by the members of ISIS on the Internet, teenagers from different parts of the world have fled to Syria and Iraq to join the ISIS and participate in gruesome terrorist attacks, slaughtering hundreds of innocent people.

【詳細解釋 — 普遍情況2】

Equally alarming is that some ill-intentioned people, such as perverts, gangsters may resort to the Internet as a means to approach young people and entice them to engage in criminal offences.

Glance through the newspapers in recent months and you are bound to see the news of teenagers being arrested by the police as they had trafficked drugs. Not only will they incarcerated for several years, their future will be ruined due to their criminal records.

Evidently, with the multitude of unscrupulous terrorists and criminals disseminating their evil thoughts, internet friendships can become a curse haunting the adolescents forever.

As shown above, while internet friendships can be a blessing benefitting the teenagers, it can easily metamorphose into a curse jeopardizing their future.

【展望將來 – 盡量減低網上資訊的壞處】

Thus, youngsters must be careful and alert whenever they want to meet new people online. Never should they disclose personal information to any strangers. Otherwise, it will be too late to feel regret when tragedies occur.

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【DSE 英文】One-sided Argumentative Essay 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips

DSE 英文】One-sided Argumentative Essay 格式

DSE 英文 – 寫 One-sided Argumentative Essay 要注意什麼?

1. Set the context in the introduction 2. Don’t repeat the words of the question 3. State your position at the end of the first paragraph 4. Use PEE in the body paragraphs 5. Be specific – give concrete examples 6. Get the connectors right 7. Use conditionals 8. Recognise the opposite point of view 9. Keep it formal 10. In conclusion, don’t repeat yourself

DSE 英文作文體材 – One-sided Argumentative Essay 題目 1-5

1. In a recent newspaper article, a journalist argued that ‘homework should be optional, not compulsory’. Write an essay in which you either agree or disagree with this view.

2. Your school is going to hold a debate on the issue of testing on animals. Write an essay in which you give your opinions of whether it is ethically acceptable to use animals to test such products as medications and cosmetics.

3. Some countries insist that young men spend a period of time serving in the armed forces, whilst others do not see this as necessary. Write an essay in which you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of compulsory military service.

4. ‘New architecture should fit in with the prevailing style of a city.’ Write an essay in which you agree or disagree with this view.

5. You are working as an intern for a famous politician. He has asked you to write an essay outlining the causes of pollution in the SAR and giving suggestions about what can be done to combat it. Write the essay.

DSE 英文作文體材 – One-sided Argumentative Essay 題目 6-9

  • Your teacher has asked your class to debate the issue of smoking in public places. The title of the motion is ‘smoking in public places should be banned’.  To prepare for the debate she has asked you to write an essay that examines the reasons why smoking should be banned.  Write the essay.
  • Recently you read an article that claimed that ‘the way young people spend their free time nowadays is less productive than fifty years ago.’ When you told your teacher that you didn’t think this characterisation was fair she told you to write an essay giving reasons for your belief.  Write the essay. 
  • ‘Celebrities welcome publicity so they can’t complain if newspapers publish their photos without their consent.’ Write an essay in which you agree or disagree with this view. 
  • In your social studies class you have been discussing what can be done to tackle the problem of global warming. Some people say that society needs to take tough action on the issue, whilst others claim that society should make the economy its number one priority.  Write an essay giving your opinion on the issue. 
  • You recently heard a politician say that the state ‘should not excessively legislate on drugs and alcohol because the people themselves have the common sense to think these issues through sensibly.’ Write an essay in which you agree or disagree with this view. 

DSE 英文作文 One-sided Argumentative Essay 實用開頭句子

  • Nowadays, it’s increasingly common to see…
  • In recent years there has been an alarming increase in…
  • It cannot have escaped anyone’s notice that…
  • In this essay I examine both opinions and give my view.
  • In this essay, I will assess both points of view before coming to a conclusion.

DSE 英文作文 One-sided Argumentative Essay 如何表達意見:

  • On the one hand, some people contend…
  • A persuasive argument in favour of x is…
  • Defenders of x argue that….
  • The evidence to support the view that … is overwhelming

DSE 英文作文 One-sided Argumentative Essay 如何提及另一方意見:

  • Although some critics might argue…
  • The arguments above notwithstanding, we have to say that…
  • Of course, it’s possible to say that…
  • Whilst it’s true to say…, we nevertheless have to maintain…
  • Opponents of x argue that…

DSE 英文作文 One-sided Argumentative Essay 提供例子好用句子:

  • For instance
  • For example
  • Some evidence for this suggestion is…
  • This can be seen in…
  • This theory is confirmed by the evidence.

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【DSE English Writing】英文作文5**示例-2019 Part B question 3

已更新: 2021年8月31日

two sided argumentative essay sample dse


Want to score 5** in the DSE English Language Paper 2 Writing Section?


In addition to learning more useful English writing skills and sentence patterns, you should look at examples of essays that have scored 5**.

本文提供的範文取自考評局每年的 考生表現示例 中的等級5作文。作文題目來源於新聞報導。

The sample essay provided in this article is taken from the level 5 example in the Samples of Candidates' Performance posted by the HKEAA each year. The question of the essay comes from a news report.


The original text was revised by our professional English tutor. We corrected all grammatical and spelling errors, as well as improper use of words/ phases, while strictly retaining the original content to ensure that it is as close to the 5** level as possible.

【DSE English Writing】英文作文5**示例 - By Topics

Learning English through Debating

2019 part b question 3.

The Hong Kong Daily Press invites readers to submit their views on the following topic:

Do social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter encourage or stifle public debate? When first created, social media was thought to be a place where rational debate and logic would thrive, However, as time has shown, this is not always the case.

Write an argumentative essay.

Choose one side of the argument and state your position, giving reasons and evidence to support your view

Include a title for your essay.

Social media: a curse to public debate?

In this day and age, social media became a hot potato among both youngsters and adults. Originally, these social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, you name it, were aimed to conduct reasonable public debate and create a peaceful communicative platform. However, as time has shown, the case became different. Irrational debate and cyberbullying sparked with the development of social media. Barely were the discussions online thrive in logic. What turns our social media users into ‘keyboard warriors’? Let’s probe into the issue and find the reasons behind it.

Social media platforms were said to be promoting freedom of speech at first since everyone can create their account to share their opinion online. This was undoubtedly right, however, some characteristics — or should we call loopholes? — causes the stifle of public debates. Not only can everyone create their account to share their opinion, but also create accounts with fake information. Only an email address is needed to open up a social media platform account, which doesn’t require the users to provide their personal information such as their real name and gender. Under the conveniences, hardly any users need to have the responsibility in law to their comments and posts due to the hustle and bustle of information flows on the internet, some people even own a few accounts and just use it to comment. As no responsibilities in law are needed to worry about, users always comment harsh and unkind content which is detrimental to healthy public debate. Let’s state a remarkable example in Hong Kong. During the time of Umbrella Reballience, a fierce debate was sparked in tons of social media platforms, some netizens would even use foul language to insult others just because of having different democratic opinions. In the meantime, many people criticized policemen— no matter what they did or commented on — people started to insult them just because of their career as a policeman. Cyberbullying or job discrimination then became a prevalent issue on social media since people can talk whatever they like online without being responsible in law. There is no longer a public debate but one-sided blame, which abundantly shows that social media is exacerbating public debate.

Apart from the grim situation caused by the freedom of speech stated, here comes another problem of social media platforms, which is the freedom of posting videos and photos. As technology improved day by day, it was convenient for people to take photos or videos everywhere. With a huge network of social media users, social media platforms seldom block the content shared by users. Thus, people can easily upload photos and videos of themselves and even others. This sparks another round of online judgment which is vulnerable to the encouragement of public debate. For instance, people always upload photos of people who didn’t give out their seats to the elderly or children. Many netizens will then comment and blame the main character in the photo, somewhere enhancing language bullying online. Moreover, users will always focus on the caption typed by the one who posts the photo out to complain. The people in the photo may have some invisible reasons for not giving their seat out, such as injury or sickness, which will usually be ignored by other users. This kind of ‘online justice’ made many citizens a culprit. On Instagram, an account was opened to post photos of people sleeping on MTR. This issue also causes a social dilemma. Some Blame the one who posts the photos due to the problem of privacy, and some blame the one sleeping on MTR but not giving out their seats. This kind of activity performed on social media platforms is promoted just because users can upload anything they want freely. And this puts the relationship of public and logical debate in jeopardy.

In a nutshell, social media platforms deprive us of carrying out peaceful and rational public debate. Worse still, it promotes cyberbullying and one-sided arguments. But with deep consideration, are you one of those who are having the same act just because of the freedom provided by this platform? ‘What we do in life echoes in eternity, a platform wouldn’t determine the content we discuss or post online, the stifle of public debate caused by the mainly irresponsible user. Maybe social media sites are only a platform that shows our dark side of humanity and catastrophic inequality in society under the wide range of freedom given.

(746 words)


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