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speech in urdu on eid milad un nabi

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Eid Milad un Nabi Speech in Urdu & English

Get Jashne Eid Milad un Nabi speech in Urdu for school, college or any program in your university. Eid Milad ul Nabi is observed every year on 12th of Rabiul Awwal to celebrate the birth of our prophet Muhammad Mustafa (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam). Get a comprehensive speech cum Eid Milad ul Nabi essay in Urdu with English translation either for a contest, event or academic program.

Eid Milad un Nabi Speech in Urdu

English Translation

Eid Milad un Nabi Speech/Essay in English:

Respected sir and fellows! There was dominance of gloom in whatever place. Regime of darkness, ignorance and hypocracy. Wine was drunk like water. Daughters were buried alive at birth, influentials ruled the weak. Slaves were treated in a way that we can’t imagine today.

Sir! To eliminate the gloom of darkness and ignorance, Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alayhe Wasallam came to this world. He brought the treasure of faith. To remove hypocracy, he came as ‘Truthful’. He came to eliminate wine. He came to restore the respect and dignity of women, the mother, daughter and sister. He came to free the slaves undergoing hardships and cruelties. With the advent of prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alayhe Wasallam, beams of brightness stretched across the world especially the land of Arab. Every thing swayed up. Trees, mountains and every thing else put heads in submission in your honor.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) came as a saviour for every human being. He came as blessing for people of Arab and rest of the world. He is the prophet whom all messengers of ALLAH wished to be follower of. How blessed we are to be his ummati (believer) since our birth. We got that by God which was the desire of all messengers of ALLAH (Subhanahu Wa Taa’ala).

And why wouldn’t one wish that?

He will be the one to provide intercession on resurrection day. He will be the one to offer water from Hoz e Kausar. He will be the one to get his believers pardoned.

Respected Sir! Lift of prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is like an open book for us but all we need is to act upon his teachings. That, the open book is Holy Qur’an. In Quran e Majeed, there is solution to every problem and disease. Quran e Kareem is actually a ‘recipe of alchemy’ sent by ALLAH to his believers through prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). And he was a live instance of Quranic teachings. Enviable the fortune of Bibi Haleema (Radi Allah u Taa’la Anha) who fed the prophet, who nurtured the prophet Muhammad (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) in her lap.

Friends! Why won’t we term the day of 12th Rabiul Awwal as Eid? This is the day when all humanity got freed from the stone idols. And we all got the path to right God ‘ALLAH’. Just think, if prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) were not to come to us, we were still groping in the dark and gloom.

Respected Sir, the day of today, ALLAH SWT laid the basis for our forgiveness and bestowed us with the ‘Perfect Mentor’, who led us to the right path.

O Muslims! Celebrate today the happiness of Prophet’s birthday. The day Muhammad (peace be upon him) came to this world. Celebrate but not with fireworks and lavishness. Do not waste money but populate Masjids, offer nafil prayers, saying duroods, help the poors, feed the beggars and helpless because this is the true teaching of Muhammad (peace be upon him) the Arabic Prophet.

O ALLAH (the God of the worlds), we your people plead YOU to confer us the daring to celebrate Jashan e Eid Milad un Nabi in a way which leads us to right path, which contains your consent and acceptance.

Listen 12 Rabiul Awal Naats Online

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I want new speeches ????????????

I love this speech and main chati ho ka har koi allah ka ahkam pa chala aur hama b chalana ke to… ata farma amman

very very nice

Beautiful speech

:sose- -goo d- -r:

i love this speech

I learn a lot from this speech.it was very good speech.

thanks very much…

: :it’s amazing .I love it????????


Sir plz short kr ke dedu ye speech jashne Eid milad un nabi

good ho gaya

ky ap urdu ma kar sak th hai plz mare friend muslime hai wo ka rahe thi

Good Speech

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Essay On Eid Milad Un Nabi In Urdu

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جشن عید میلاد النبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ایک خوشی کا موقع ہے جس میں آقائے دو جہاں صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے چاہنے والے سرکار صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی ولادت پر خوشی کا اظہار کرتے ہیں اور ہمارے پیارے نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے میلاد کا جشن مناتے ہیں۔

اسلامی مہینے ربیع الاول کی بارہ تاریخ کو یہ جشن منایا جاتا ہے۔ عاشقان رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم سرکار کی ولادت کی خوشی حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی آمد کے نعرے لگاتے ، جھنڈے لہراتے سڑکوں پر نکل آتے ہیں اور سرکار دو عالم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم سے بے پناہ محبت کا اظہار کرتے ہیں اور کیوں نہ ہو کہ اللہ تعالیٰ نے قرآن مجید میں ارشاد فرمایا:

“ قل بفضل اللہ وبرحمتہ فبذالک فلیفرحوا”۔ ترجمہ اے محبو ب آپ فرمادیجئے کہ اللہ کے فضل اور رحمت کی خوشیاں مناؤ اور مسلمانوں پر اللہ کا سب سے بڑا فضل اور سب سے بڑی رحمت ہمارے پیارے آخری نبی حضرت محمد مصطفی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ہیں۔

12ربیع الاول جشن عید میلاد النبی ﷺ منانے سے اللہ تعالیٰ کی خوشنودی اوردونوں جہانوں کی خوشیا ں حاصل ہوتی ہیں۔ آپﷺ کا یومِ ولادت منا کر اہل ایمان نہ صرف اپنے دین و ایمان اور دِلوں و روح کو تازگی پہنچاتے ہیں بلکہ رحمت العالمین ﷺ کی آمد باسعادت پر خوشیاں مناتے ہیں اور اس احسان ِ عظیم پر اﷲ پاک کا شکر ادا کرتے ہیں۔

اﷲ تعالیٰ نے ذکر مصطفیٰ ﷺ کو عظمتیں اور رفعتیں عطا کی ہیں۔ اسی خوشی میں عاشقان رسولﷺ کی ایک بڑی جماعت دکھائی دیتی ہے۔ رب کریم اور اُس کے فرشتے بھی ان خوشیوں میں شریک رہتے ہیں اور یہ ذکر پاک ہر لمحہ ہر سو بلند سے بلند تر ہوتا جاتا ہے۔ ہر سال جشنِ عید میلاد النبی ﷺ کی دھوم دھام پہلے سے زیادہ ہونا اس کا بڑا ثبوت ہے۔ حضور نبی کریم ﷺ کی ولادت باسعادت سے جہاں دنیا سے تاریکی ختم ہوئی وہاں دونوں جہانوں کی مخلوق کی مرادیں بھی پوری ہوئیں۔ عیدمیلادالنبی ﷺ کی بابرکت محفل میں اللہ تعالیٰ کے فرشتے بھی شریک ہوکر حضور نبی اکرم ﷺ کی خدمت اقدس میں دورد و صلوٰۃ پیش کرتے ہیں۔ عید میلاد النبی ﷺ کے موقع پر اہل ایمان کا جشن اور خوشیاں منانا مذہبی شعائر میں سے ہے۔ کسی بھی مسلمان کا ایمان اُس وقت تک کامل نہیں ہوتا جب تک وہ اپنے ماں باپ سے بھی بڑھ کر حضور نبی کریم ﷺ سے الفت وعقیدت نہ رکھے۔ یہی وجہ ہے کہ کوئی بھی مسلمان حضور ﷺ کی شانِ اقدس میں ذرا بھر گستاخی برداشت نہیں کر سکتا۔

عید میلاد النبی ﷺ اردو تقاریر pdf

Eid-e-milad un nabi(pbuh) 5 urdu speech pdf, جشن عید میلاد النبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم، جو کہ نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی ولادت باسعادت ہے،, اس مقدس موقع کو دنیا بھر کے مسلمان انتہائی عقیدت و احترام کے ساتھ مناتے ہیں۔, اس مبارک دن کی تفہیم اور تعریف کی سہولت کے لیے، ہمیں عید میلاد النبیﷺ کے موقع پر اس اردو تقریر کی پیش کرتے ہوئے خوشی ہو رہی ہے۔, ذیل میں 5 بہترین تقاریر کا مجموعہ پیش کیا گیا ہے۔, مختلف اجلاس میں طلبہ کے لیے ضرور مفید ثابت ہوں گے۔.

درود ان پر سلام ان پر یہی کہنا خدا کا ہے خدا کے بعد جو ہے مرتبہ صلی علی کا ہے وہی سردار عالم ہیں وہی غمخوار امت وہی تو حشر کے میدان میں سب کی شفاعت ہیں


عید میلاد النبی پر تقریر – Eid Milad un Nabi Speech in Urdu

بعثت سے لے کر حبشہ کی طرف ہجرت تک کے بیان میں

اس دورانیے میں مندرجہ ذیل واقعات رونما ہوئے: (۱) آپ ﷺ پر وحی کا نزول : جب آپ ﷺے چالیس سال کے ہوئے تو ۷ ار رمضان کو پیر کے دن حضرت جبریل علیہ السلام وحی لے کر آئے ، صحیح بخاری میں ہے کہ حضرت عائشہ رضی اللہ عنہا وحی کی کیفیت بیان کرتی ہوئی فرماتی ہیں: سب سے پہلے رسول اللہ ﷺ کو نیند میں اچھے خواب دکھائے گئے ، آپ جو بھی خواب دیکھتے وہ صبح کی روشنی کی طرح صاف ستھرا ہوتا، پھر آپ خلوت نشینی کو پسند کرنے لگے ، آپ غار حرا میں جا کر کئی کئی راتیں عبادت کرتے تھے، جاتے وقت تو شہ بھی رکھ لیتے ، پھر تو شہ ختم ہونے کے بعد واپس آتے اور اسی طرح پھر دوبارہ توشہ لے کر کئی دنوں کے لیے تشریف لے جاتے۔

سلسلہ یونہی دراز تر ہوتا رہا، دن رات میں اور رات دن میں تبدیل ہوتے رہے، کہ ایک دن آپ پر غار حراء میں وحی کا نزول ہوا، حضرت جبریل علیہ السلام آکر کہنے لگے : پڑھو، آپ نے فرمایا: میں پڑھا ہوا نہیں ہوں ، آپ میت ہے فرماتے ہیں: جبریل نے مجھ کو پکڑ کر اپنے سینے سے لگا کر دبوچا جس سے مجھے بے

انتیا مشقت محسوس ہوئی، پھر مجھے چھوڑ کر دوبارہ کہا: پڑھو، میں نے کہا: میں پڑھا ہوا نہیں ہوں، پھر دوبارہ انہوں نے مجھے سینے سے لگا کر دبوچا، جس سے مجھے بہت زیادہ تکلیف محسوس ہوئی، پھر مجھے چھوڑ دیا، اور کہا: پڑھو، پھر میں نے وہی جواب دیا، تو انہوں نے تیسری مرتبہ ویسا ہی سلوک کیا اور کہا: اقرا باسم رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ خَلَقَ الإِنْسَانَ مِنْ عَلَقَ اقْرَأْ وَرَبُّكَ الأَكْرَمُ الَّذِي عَلَّمَ بالقَلَم عَلَّمَ الإِنسَانَ مَالَمُ يَعْلَمُ (پڑھو اپنے پروردگار کا نام لے کر جس نے سب کچھ پیدا کیا ، اس نے انسان کو جمے ہوئے خون سے پیدا کیا ہے، پڑھو، اور تمہارا پروردگار سب سے زیادہ کرم والا ہے، جس نے قلم سے تعلیم دی ، انسان کو اس بات کی تعلیم دی جو وہ نہیں جانتا تھا ) ( اعلق استا۵) پھر آپ مہ اس حال میں گھر لوٹے کہ آپ کا دل طبعی خوف سے معمور تھا، آپ سیدہ خدیجہ رضی اللہ عنہا کے پاس جا کر کہنے لگے، مجھے چادر اوڑھاؤ، انہوں نے آپ کو چادر اوڑھائی تو کچھ دیر بعد آپ کو اطمینانی کیفیت حاصل ہوئی ، آپ نے حضرت خدیجہ رضی اللہ عنہا سے سارا ماجرا کہہ سنایا، اور کہا کہ مجھے اپنی جان کے جانے کا ڈر ہے ، حضرت خدیجہ یہ سن کر کہنے لگیں قسم بخدا، اللہ آپ کو بھی رسوا نہ کرے گا ، آپ تو صلہ رحمی کرتے ہیں، ضعیفوں اور کمزوروں کی مدد کرتے ہیں، غریبوں کو کما کر کھلاتے ہیں ، مہمان نوازی آپ کا شیوہ ہے، آپ آنے والے مصائب روزگار میں لوگوں کے لیے مددگار ثابت ہوتے ہیں۔

پھر حضرت خدیجہ رضی اللہ عنہا آپ کو لے کر ورقہ بن نوفل کے پاس گئیں جو رشتہ میں حضرت خدیجہ رضی اللہ عنہا کے چا زاد بھائی تھے، انہوں نے زمانہ جاہلیت میں نصرانیت کو اختیار کیا تھا، وہ عبرانی زبان لکھتے اور بولتے تھے، انہوں نے انجیل کا ایک حصہ عبرانی زبان میں منتقل کر دیا تھا، کبرسنی کی وجہ سے ان کی بینائی چلی گئی تھی۔ حضرت خدیجہ رضی اللہ عنہا ان سے کہنے لگیں: اے میرے چچا کے بیٹے ! آپ کے بھتیجے کے احوال سینے ، ورقہ نے کہا: بھتیجے، تمہارے ساتھ کیا احوال پیش آئے ؟ آپ ﷺ نے ان سے جو کچھ پیش آیا تھا سب کہہ سنایا، آپ کی بات سن کر ورقہ کہنے لگے: یہ وہی وحی لانے والے جبریل ہیں جو حضرت موسی علیہ السلام پر نازل ہوتے تھے ، کاش میں اس وقت زندہ اور طاقت ور جوان ہوتا جب آپ کی قوم آپ کو اپنے شہر سے نکال باہر کرے گی ، آپ نے فرمایا: کیا میری قوم مجھ کو مکہ سے نکال دے گی ؟ ورقہ نے کہا: ہاں، جو شخص بھی اس طرح کے پیغام کو لے کر اٹھتا ہے جیسا آپ پر نازل ہوا تو لوگ اس کے دشمن بن جاتے ہیں ، اگر وہ دن میری زندگی میں آئے تو میں آپ کا بھر پور ساتھ دوں گا لیکن ورقہ کا کچھ ہی دنوں کے بعد انتقال ہو گیا اور وحی کچھ دنوں کے لیے موقوف ہوگئی۔ ابن ہشام کی روایت ہے: آپ ﷺ غار حراء میں ریشم کے بستر پر سوئے ہوئے تھے، جس میں ایک کتاب رکھی ہوئی تھی ، اسی اثناء میں جبریل آکر

کہنے لگے پڑھو۔ آپ ﷺ فرماتے ہیں کہ میں نے پڑھا، پھر وہ فرشتہ وہاں سے چلا گیا اور میں نیند سے بیدار ہو گیا، مجھے ایسا محسوس ہوا جیسے میں نے اپنے دل میں کچھ لکھ لیا ہو، پھر میں غار سے نکلا، ابھی پہاڑ کے درمیان ہی پہنچا تھا کہ میں نے آسمان سے ایک آواز سنی: اے محمد آپ اللہ کے رسول ہیں، اور میں جبریل ہوں، میں نے آسمان کی طرف نظر کی تو دیکھا کہ جبریل ایک صاف ستھرے قدموں والے آدمی کی شکل میں آسمان کے افق میں نظر آرہے تھے ، اور یہ کہے جارہے تھے : اے محمد ، آپ اللہ کے رسول ہیں اور میں جبریل ہوں، میں رک کر بغیر ملے ان کو دیکھنے لگا، پھر میں نے ان سے نظریں ہٹا کر آسمان کے مختلف گوشوں میں نظر دوڑائی تو میں جس گوشے میں دیکھتا وہ مجھے وہاں اسی طرح نظر آتے ، میں اسی طرح آگے پیچھے ہوئے بغیر وہاں کھڑا رہا، جب کافی دیر ہوگئی تو حضرت خدیجہ نے مجھے تلاش کرنے کے لیے بعض کارندوں کو روانہ فرمایا الخ۔ (۲) تمام لوگوں میں سب سے پہلے آپ ﷺ کے ہاتھ پر مشرف بہ اسلام ہونے والی آپ کی زوجہ خدیجہ ہیں ، بچوں میں سب سے پہلے ایمان لانے والے آپ کے چازاد بھائی حضرت علی رضی اللہ عنہ ہیں جن کی عمر اس وقت دس سال تھی ، آزاد کردہ غلاموں میں سب سے پہلے اسلام قبول کرنے والے زید بن حارثہ ہیں، اور غلاموں میں سب سے پہلے حضرت بلال رضی اللہ عنہ ایمان لائے ، اور مردوں میں حضرت ابو بکر صدیق رضی اللہ عنہ نے حق کا کلمہ پڑھا،

آپ اللہ نے حضرت خدیجہ رضی اللہ عنہا کے ساتھ پیر کے دن شام کے وقت نماز ادا کی ، وہ آپ کی نماز کا پہلا دن تھا، اس وقت تک دور کعتیں صبح میں اور دو

رکعتیں شام میں فرض تھیں۔ ۳) پھر صحیح قول کے مطابق چھ ماہ کے لیے وحی کا سلسلہ موقوف ہو گیا، جس سے آپ ﷺ بہت غمگین اور پریشان ہوئے ، آپ کی یہ کیفیت ہوگئی کہ آپ پہاڑوں کی طرف نکل جاتے ، اور ان کی چوٹیوں سے نیچے کودنے کی کوشش کرتے ، یہ سوچ کر کہ اللہ تعالی نے آپ کو رسالت کا شرف بخشنے کے بعد بے یار

و مددگار چھوڑ دیا ہے، لیکن پھر کچھ دنوں بعد وحی کا سلسلہ دوبارہ بحال ہو گیا۔ بخاری میں ہے: حضرت جابر رضی اللہ عنہ فرماتے ہیں کہ نبی کریم ہے نے ارشاد فرمایا: ایک مرتبہ میں چل رہا تھا کہ اچانک آسمان سے ایک آواز سنائی دی، میں نے اپنی نگاہ اٹھائی تو دیکھا کہ وہ فرشتہ جو غار حراء میں آیا تھا آسمان وزمین کے درمیان ایک کرسی پر بیٹھا ہے، میں اس سے طبعا مرعوب ہو گیا، میں گھر لوٹا اور گھر والوں سے کہنے لگا کہ مجھے چادر اوڑھا دو، پھر اللہ نے یہ آیتیں نازل فرمائیں: يا أيها المدثر الخ . (المدثر :1) اس وقت وحی کا سلسلہ دوبارہ جاری ہو گیا۔ (۴) آپ سے اس کے بعد ان لوگوں کو دعوت دینے لگے جن کی عقلوں پر آپ کو اعتماد تھا، یہ کام تقریبا تین سال ہوتا رہا، جس کا نتیجہ یہ ہوا کہ سمجھ دار اور زیرک سمجھے جانے والوں کی ایک بڑی تعداد اسلام میں داخل ہوگئی۔

ما الله (۵) جب اسلام میں داخل ہونے والوں کی تعداد میں ہوگئی تو اللہ تعالی نے آپ کو حکم فرمایا کہ اب علانیہ دعوت دیں، جیسا کہ اللہ تعالی کا ارشاد ہے: فَاصْدَعُ بِمَا تُؤْمَرُ وَاعْرِضْ عَنِ الْمُشْرِكِيْن ) ( جس بات کا تمہیں حکم دیا جا رہا ہے اسے علی الاعلان لوگوں کو سنادو، اور جو لوگ ( پھر بھی ) شرک کریں ، ان کی پر واہ مت کرو ) ۔ ( الحجر ۹۴۰) (1) اس کے بعد آپ میں اور نو مسلموں پر تکالیف کا سلسلہ شروع ہوا، مشرکین کو یہ بات ناگوار گزرتی تھی کہ آپ علیہ السلام ان کے کاموں کو بے وقوفانہ ٹھہراتے ہیں، ان کے معبودان کے نقائص بیان کرتے ہیں، اور ان کے پاس ایسا نیا دین لے کر آئے ہیں جس میں صرف ایک ایسے معبود کی عبادت کی جاتی ہے جسے نگاہیں نہیں دیکھ سکتی ، لیکن وہ سب کچھ دیکھتا اور سنتا ہے، اور وہ انتہائی لطیف اور باخبر ہے۔ ے آپ سے اس دورانیے میں مومنوں کے ساتھ خفیہ طور پر حضرت ارقم رضی اللہ عنہ کے گھر جمع ہوتے تھے ، وہ بھی اسی وقت اسلام لائے تھے، آپ ے ان کے سامنے قرآن کریم کی آیات پڑھتے ، اور اس وقت جو احکام نازل ہوتے ؛ ان کی تعلیم دیتے۔ صا الله

اس وقت آپ مہ کو حکم ہوا کہ آپ اپنے قریبی رشتہ داروں کو ڈرا ئیں، چناں چہ آپ حکم کی تعمیل میں کو و صفا پر چڑھے، اور قریش کے ایک ایک

قبیلے کو پکار کر انہیں اسلام کی دعوت دینے لگے، بتوں کو چھوڑنے کا حکم دینے لگے، انہیں جنت کا لالچ دیا اور دوزخ کے عذاب سے ڈرایا، یہ سب سن کر ابو لہب کہنے

لگا: تیر استیا ناس ہو، کیا اسی لیے تو نے ہمیں جمع کیا ؟ ۹) قریش چاہتے تھے کہ کسی طرح آپ ﷺ کا قصہ پاک کر دیں، لیکن ابو طالب آڑے آئے ، اور آپ میے کو ان کے سپرد کرنے سے انکار کر دیا، پھر قریش کے چلے جانے کے بعد وہ آپ سے کہنے لگے کہ آپ اپنی دعوت کے مشن میں تھوڑا توقف کر لیجے۔ آپ یہ سمجھے کہ چا ابوطالب آپ کی مدد سے ہاتھ کھینچ رہے ہیں تو آپ نے اس وقت یہ مشہور بات کہی قسم بخدا! اگر یہ لوگ میرے داہنے ہاتھ میں سورج، اور بائیں ہاتھ میں چاند رکھ دیں کہ میں اس کام کو چھوڑ دوں، تو بھی میں اسے اس وقت تک نہیں چھوڑوں گا جب تک اللہ اس کو غالب نہ کر دے یا پھر میں ہی اس

کی تبلیغ کرتے ہوئے شہید کر دیا جاؤں۔ ۱۰) اس کے بعد مشرکین کی تکالیف آپ پر اور آپ کے صحابہ پر اور بڑھ گئیں حتی کہ بعض مسلمان ان تکالیف کو برداشت نہ کرتے ہوئے شہادت پاگئے۔ (1) جب قریش نے دیکھا کہ مومنین اپنے عقیدے پر ڈٹے ہوئے ہیں تو انہوں نے چاہا کہ آپ کے اپنی دعوت چھوڑنے کے بدلے جتنا مال چاہیں ہم دیدیں گے، یا حکومت کا مطالبہ کریں تو ہم وہ بھی آپ کے سپرد کر دیں گے۔ لیکن آپ نے ان کی تمام پیش کشوں کو جھٹلا دیا۔

۱۲) جب آپ ﷺ نے دیکھا کہ قریش مسلسل سرکشی کر رہے ہیں، اور صحابہ کو اذیت پہنچا رہے ہیں تو آپ نے صحابہ کرام سے فرمایا: اگر تم لوگ حبشہ چلے جاؤ تو بہتر ہوگا، اس لیے کہ وہاں کا بادشاہ ایسا ہے جو رعایا اور اپنے پاس پناہ گزیں لوگوں پر زیادتی نہیں کرتا، پھر جب اللہ اسلام پر کھل کر عمل کرنے کی راہیں ہم وار کر دے گا تو تم لوگ چلے آنا۔ چناں چہ پہلی مرتبہ بارہ مردوں اور چار عورتوں نے ہجرت کی، پھر جب انہیں حضرت عمر رضی اللہ عنہ کے اسلام لانے اور اسلام کے پھیل جانے کا علم ہوا تو وہ واپس آگئے لیکن چند ہی دنوں کے بعد یہ لوگ کچھ اور مومنین کے ساتھ واپس لوٹ گئے، اس دوسری ہجرت میں شامل لوگوں میں تر اسی مرد اور گیارہ عورتیں تھیں ۔ ۱۳) قریش نے آپ ﷺ ، بنی ہاشم اور بنی عبد المطلب کا بائیکاٹ کیا کہ ان کے ساتھ بیع و شراء نہ کی جائے ، ان خاندانوں میں نکاح نہ کیا جائے ، ان سے کسی طرح کا میل ملاپ نہ رکھا جائے اور ان کی صلح کبھی قبول نہ کی جائے ، یہ بائیکاٹ دو یا تین سال جاری رہا، آپ ﷺ اور آپ کے ساتھ موجود افراد نے بے انتہاء مشقتیں اٹھا ئیں، پھر قریش کے زیرک لوگوں کی کوششوں سے یہ بائیکاٹ ختم ہوا۔

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Urdu Main Eid Milad Un Nabi ( Sallallhu Alaihi Wasalam) اردو میں عید میلاد النبی ﷺ

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اردو میں عید میلاد النبی ﷺ

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Eid milad-un-nabi speech in urdu & english download free.

Eid Milad-un-Nabi Speech in Urdu & English can be Downloaded Free here. Eid Milad-un-Nabi is Muslims religious day which is day of birth of their beloved prophet (PBUH). All Muslims all over the world celebrate this day with great joy and illuminate their streets and bazars with light of different colors. Speeches are on beautiful teachings of Islam and beautiful character of prophet (PBUH) which are available here. They give greetings to each other according to type of occasions. Muslims celebrate mostly three EIDS like EID ul aza, EID ul fiter and EID jashna malad ul nabi. Whatsap status, fb posts and social media related material is available here.

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Eid Milad Un Nabi Speech Topics In Urdu 12 Rabi Ul Awal

Here we are sharing the Eid Milad Un Nabi Speech Topics In Urdu 12 Rabi Ul Awal. Rabi-Ul-Awal is the third month of Islamic calendar where on Monday 12th Rabi Al Awal, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born. It is a great blessed day for Muslims all around the world because our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was born to Amina Bint-e-Wahb. In the regards of blessings of this day, Muslims all around the world use to arrange the speech ceremonies to realize the world that how great and blessed is the personality of Muhammad (SAW). We use to decorate our mosques, homes, streets, and market in order to welcome the birthday of our forecaster and preacher to whom we follow to live life and all the daily activities of our life. So the purpose to write this post is to provide different ideas to the general public about to get Eid Milad Un Nabi speech topics in Urdu on this 12 Rabi Ul Awal. After reading this page, you will come to know that when you are going to call an Islamic Scholar (Maulvi or ulama) you can ask him to speak on that topic for the sake of truth and the real way to follow that portion in our life.

Eid Milad Un Nabi Speech Topics in Urdu 12 Rabi Ul Awal

In the following side, you are watching a list of different topics which we have considers that will be very beneficiary and appropriate on this occasion. So that is why you can choose any of the one topics to speak on this Jashn-e-Eid Meelad-an-Nabi (SAW).

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This post is providing you different ideas about to choose a specific speech topic for Eid Milad Un Nabi bayan.

Eid Milad Un Nabi Speech Topics In Urdu 12 Rabi Ul Awal:

  • Why We Call 12 Rabi Ul Awal “Eid Milad Un Nabi”
  • Seerat Un Nabi Speech In Urdu
  • Is It Right To Celebrate 12 Rabi Ul Awal Mehfil and Meelad
  • Uswah Hasanah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  • What Is Sunnah and Its Reward
  • Why Quraan Befall To Muhammad (PBUH)
  • What Quraan Teaches Us
  • Order of Reciting Prayers In Islam
  • Anecdotes (Waqiah) of Prophet Muhammat (PBUH)
  • What Actually Islam Teach Us

So these are ten Eid Milad Un Nabi speech topics in Urdu 12 Rabi Ul Awal. We have written all those topics which are beneficiary for a general speech on anywhere in the world on this occasion. Besides these, if you have any further topic in your mind and you think that it will inheritor for the listeners then we will feel good to receive your comments in the following commenting section. Remember us in your prayers and Happy Jashn E Eid Milad Un Nabi (12 Rabi Ul Awal). Thank You!

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Eid Milad-un-Nabi in the light of Quran & Ahadith

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Before writing the arguments of Eid Milad-un-Nabi (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him), I want to clear the meaning of Milad according to literature and Shariah.

The word Milad has been derived from “viladut” which means birth. Therefore, according to Arabic language, Milad is word which signifies the place and time of birth. In the light of Shariah, we means, Milad is to remember the events which took place at the birth time of the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) and we get the opportunity of narrating the Seerat of the Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) on this occasion, we also presents the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) gifts of Durood -o- salam. We mention before the people attributes and praises of the Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him). We do not believe that Milad is specified with same night but, we believe that the remembrance of the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) is incumbent in each minute and second of time and every Muslim should act it sunnahs in the whole life time. Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) is a great source of preaching. It is incumbent for scholars to teach Muslims nations on this Holy occasion, moral behavior of the Holy Prophet, (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) his antiquates, His affairs, His Seerat, His dealings and His worships.

Now I write the proofs of Milad from the Holy Quran, the hadith of the Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) and consensus of Ulemas.

Evidence of the Holy Quran The Qur’anic verses proves that to celebrate Milad is not only a proper deed but it is also a praiseworthy.

1) Allah Almighty says in Quran:

“The peace is on Him the day when he was born and the day when he will die and the day when he will be raised alive.” (Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran, Sura Al-Maryam, Verse 15)

In the above verse Allah Almighty has mentioned the complete Milad of Hazrat Yahya (Alaihis Salam). And before this Allah Almighty has mentioned the events which took place before the birth. It is the same way of celebrating birth day as Ahle Sunnat adopts for the Milad of the last Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) of Allah Almighty. In other words the Prophet of Allah Almighty Hazrat Isa (Alaihis Salam) celebrates his own Milad.

2) As Allah Almighty says:

“And the same peace on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I would be raised alive.” (Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran, Sura Al Maryam, Verse 33)

Before this verse Allah Almighty has stated the whole story of Maryam (Allah may pleased with him) that who she got pregnant and gave birth her great son, the Prophet of Allah Isa (Alaihi Salam). Allah Almighty also mentioned the words of Isa (Alaihis Salam) by which Isa (Alaihis Salam) praised himself. This style of narrating story is nothing but celebration of Milad of Isa Alaihis Salam. Ahle Sunnat also narrate the story of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) in the same style. We too narrate the events which took place before the birth and after it as Allah Almighty narrated about Yahya and Isa (Alaihimus Salam). Therefore, a person who has eyes of justice will obviously accept that to celebrate Milad is an important deed which Allah Almighty has done. So it proves that the basis of Milad is found in the Holy Quran.

3) Allah Almighty says:

“And remind them of the days of the Allah.” (Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran, Sura Ibrahim, Verse5)

In this verse Allah Almighty orders his prophet Musa Alaihis Salam to remind his nation the days of Allah Almighty. “The days of Allah” are those days in which great events took place or Allah Almighty bestowed his great rewards to his creature. As the Holy Quran testifies this explanation of the days of Allah Almighty. In the Holy Quran Musa Alaihis Salam says:

“And when Musa said it his people remember Allah’s favor upon you, when he delivered you from Firawn’s people who used to afflict you worstly, and slaughter your sons and let your daughters live and in it there was shown great mercy of your lord.” (Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran, Sura Ibrahim, Verse 6)

According to the Qur’anic verse emancipation of the nation of Musa Alaihis Salam from Firawn is a day of Allah, so the birth day of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) is, with any doubt, also a day of Allah, because the Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) emancipated whole world from the darkness of ignorance and brought them to the light of guidance. Therefore, the birthday (Milad) of the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) deserves to be celebrated then the celebration of any other event. In case we would not be grateful to Allah Almighty for his favor, which is Muhammad (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him). He will punish us severely. As Allah Almighty says:

“And remember when your lord proclaimed, if you will be great full then I shall give you more and if you’re thankless then my treatment is severe.” (Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran, Sura Ibrahim, and Verse 7)

4) Allah Almighty says: “Then remember the bounties of Allah and wander not in the earth spreading mischief.” (Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran, Sura Araf, Verse 74)

In the above verse Allah Almighty orders us to remember his bounties and rewards. The last Prophet of Allah Almighty Muhammad (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) is, undoubtedly, great blessing of Allah Almighty for whole mankind. Allah Almighty himself considers the Prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) his great favor for mankind as He says:

“Undoubtedly, Allah did a great favor to the Muslims that in them from among themselves sent a messenger who recites unto them His signs and purifies them and teaches them the book and wisdom and necessarily before that they were certainly apparent error. (Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran, Sura Ale Imran, Verse 164)

Therefore, according to the Qur’anic commandments we must remember the beloved Prophet of Allah Muhammad (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) and Milad-un-Nabi is a best way of remembrance of the greatest Prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him). In another words Allah Almighty says:

“And publicize well the favor of your lord” (Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran, Sura Al Duha, Verse 11)

The companion of the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Abbas (Allah is well pleased with Him) explained the word favors. He says here, In this verse favor signifies the prophet hood and Islam. (Tafseer Ibne Abbas, Sure Al Duha, Page 651).

So in the light of the given explanation by the cousin of the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him), we can say that Allah Almighty orders us to remember Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) in our gatherings between the people, in our mosque between the worshiper and in our houses between our families and Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him), as I have written is a best way for this Qur’anic purpose.

4) Allah Almighty orders us: “Say you oly Allah’s grace and his mercy, on it therefore let them rejoice. That is better then all their wealth.”

In this verse Allah Almighty orders us to enjoy on his grace and mercy. If we see around us we find that each favor of Allah Almighty is great mercy for us. Even our existence is also a mercy of Allah Almighty. But the greatest of Allah is the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him). As Allah Almighty says:

“And we sent not you but mercy for all worlds.” (Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran, Sura Al Ambiyaa, Verse 107)

So according the Qur’anic teachings it is necessary for us that ewe must be happy and pleased on the birthday of the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him). The one who pleases with the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) is really a true follower of the Quran. And it is obvious that, in whole world Muslims celebrates Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him). Specially for enjoying the mercy of Allah Almighty that is the beloved prophet of Allah Almighty (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him)Therefore the Holy Quran itself confirms the Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him)

5) The gathering of Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) incite Muslims on saying Durood and Salam ( to pray for prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) of blessing and peace) Allah Almighty says:

“Oh you who I believe send upon Him blessing and salute Him fully well in abundance. (Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran, Sura Al Ahzab, Verse 56)

According to the law of Shariah, a thing which is desired by Shariah, is exactly a like an aim of Shariah. And the benefits of Durood -o- salam are so much in numbers that can not be counted. Durood -o- salam causes for the help of Allah Almighty in this world and here after. So Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) is a source of fulfilling the commandments of Allah Almighty

6) Allah Almighty says:

“And all that we narrate to you of the tidings of the messengers is for the purpose of strengthening your heart therewith.” (Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran, Sura Hood, Verse 121)

This Qur’anic verse reveals that the wisdom of mentioning the stories and events of Prophets (Alaihis salam) was to stand fast the heart of the last prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him). And it is obvious that we are, also today, in need of being stand fast. We must know that how; the prophet of Allah (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) faced the problems of his time so that we may face the problems of our times according to the Sunnah. Therefore Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) provides us an opportunity to know about the affair of the Prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him).

Evidence of Hadith (Narrations of the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him)

There are many narrations, which proves the Milad Sharif but I write a few.

1) The Prophet of Allah (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) himself stated his own birth from very beginning He says: “I had been transferred, continuously, from purified offspring to purified wombs. I had been given birth by a lawful marriage not by adultery. When Allah Almighty sent Adam Alaihis Salam on earth so He put me in his spine and then transferred in Nuh Alaihis salam in his boat, and then in Ibrahim Alaihis salam Allah Almighty transferred me continuously from noble offspring to the purified wombs up to that He brought me in my parents who never committed adultery.” (Tafseer Ruhul Bayan, Vol. 3, Page 54)

As I have written in the beginning that Milad means the time of birth or place of birth. So the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) himself celebrated his own Milad. In the same way Ahle Sunnat following the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him)narrate the events of the birth of the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) .This hadith is the clear proof Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) and as well as tell us that to celebrate Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) is not innovation (bidat) but it is a sunnah (tradition) of Prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him).

There are many other narrations which narrate that the Prophet of Allah (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) celebrate his own Milad several times, some of those narrations have been written in Mishkat Sharif.

2) “The one who rejoices on the birth day of the Holy Prophet would not be severely punished and it is hopped that a Muslim who celebrate the Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him), will not be punished in hell. Imam Bukhari Rahmatullah Alaih narrates that Abu Lahab would be punished lightly in the hell on Monday. Because he rejoiced and freed his handmaid indicating by his finger, when the Prophet of Allah Almighty (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) took birth. So as a reward of happiness on Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) he would be given water by his finger. (Saheehul Bukhari Vol. 2, Page 764)

Imam Shams ud din Naseer Al Damaishqi narrates this hadith in poetry. Here is its translation.

If such kafir was denounced (in the Quran) And perished are his hands, and in the flame is his eternal abode. It is narrated every Monday. His torment is made easy for his joy at the birth of Ahmad. (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) What is the expectation then of a servant who spent all his life. Happy with the arrival of Ahmad (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) and died on the one ness of Allah Almighty. (Haul-ul-Ahtifal Bil Mawlid Al-Nabvi Al Sharif, Page 11)

2) The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) celebrated his own Milad by having fast. Imam Wali ud din write this narration with reference to the Saheeh Muslim. When the Prophet of Allah (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) was asked about the fast of Monday. He (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) said:

“I took birth and the Quran was revealed upon me in this day.” (Mishkat Sharif, Page 179)

This narration proves that to celebrate Milad un Nabi is a tradition of the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) on every Monday. Secondly it is lawful to fix a particular day for Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him). Thirdly it is an act of sunnah to worship in the pleasure of the Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him)

Evidence of general consensus of Muslim ummah and scholars (Ulema)

1) Imam Al-Hafiz Al-Suyuti in his famous book “Al-Hawii Lil-Fatawii” allocated a special chapter on that topic and named it “The Excellence of Objective in Celebrating the Mawlid” where he said: The question under consideration is what the verdict of the Shari’ah on celebrating the Holy Birthday of the Noble Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) during the month of Rabbi-ul-Awwal. From the point of view of Shari’ah is this a praiseworthy action or a blameworthy one? And do those who arrange such celebration Receive blessings or not? He said:

“The reply to this question is that in my view the Milad Shareef (Celebration of the Birthday of the Noble Prophet Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) is in fact such an occasion of happiness on which people assemble and recite the Holy Qu’ran to the extent that is easy. Then they relate the prophecies concerning the appearance of the Noble Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) that have been transmitted in Ahadith and Author, and the miraculous events and signs that took place on his birth. Then food is set before them and according to their desire they partake thereof to satisfaction. This festival of celebrating the birthday of the Noble Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) is a Bid’ah Hasanah (good Innovation) and those arranging it will get blessing, since in such a celebration is found the expression of joy and happiness at the greatness and eminence of the Noble Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) and his birth”.

Even Ibn Tay’miah said in his book “Necessity of the Right Path”, p. 266, 5th line from the bottom of that page, published by Dar Al-Hadith, the following:

“As far as what people do during the Milad, either as a rival celebration to that which the Christian do during the time of Christ’s birthday or as an expression of their love and admiration and a sign of praise for the Noble Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him), Allah Almighty will surely reward them for such Ijtihad”. He then said: “Although Milad was not practiced by (Salaf), they should have done so since there was no objection against it from the Shari’ah point of view”. And we certainly only celebrate Milad out of love and admiration to the Prophet of all Mankind.

2. Imam Al-Hafiz Al-Qastalani, who gave commentary on Sahih Bukhari, said: “May Allah Almighty shower his Mercy upon a person who takes the days of the month of Rabbi-ul-Awwal, in which the Noble Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) was born, as days of feast and celebration for doing so is the best cure for the heart of an ailing person.”

3. Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar was asked, same reference of Imam Suyuti, about Milad Shareef. His reply was:

“Milad Shareef is, in fact, and innovation, which was not transmitted from any pious predecessor in the first three centuries. Nevertheless, both acts of virtue as well as acts of abomination are found in it (i.e. Sometimes acts of virtue are found therein and sometimes acts of abomination). If in the Milad Shareef only acts of virtue are done and acts of abomination are abstained from, then the Milad Shareef is a Bid’ah Hasanah (good innovation), otherwise not.” He then added ” “To do any virtuous act and to observe it annually as means of recollection for any special day on which Allah Almighty has bestowed any favor or removed any calamity is a form of showing gratitude to Allah Almighty. Gratitude to Allah Almighty is expressed through different kinds of Ibaadah (worship) -prostration and standing in prayer, charity and recitation of the Holy Qu’ran. And what is a greater favor from Allah Almighty can there be than the appearance of the Prophet of Mercy (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) on this day (i.e. 12th of Rabbi-ul-Awwal)?” Some people do not limit it and celebrate the Milad Shareef on any day of Rabbi-ul-Awwal. Nay, some people have extended it even more and increased the period to the whole year. According to the latter, the Milad Shareef can be celebrated on any day of the year. The objective here is the same, i.e. to rejoice at and celebrate the Holy Birth of the Noble Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him).

4. Imam Abu-Bakr Abdullah Al-Dimashqi compiled a number of books on the subject and called them “Collection of Traditions on the Birth of the Chosen Prophet”, “The Pure Expression on the Birthday of the Best of Creations” and “The Spring for the Thirsty One on the Birth of the Rightly Guided”.

5. Imam Al-Hafiz Al-Iraqi wrote a book and called it “The Pure Spring on the Sublime Birth”.

6. Imam Ibn Dahyah wrote a book and called it “Enlightenment on the Birthday of the Bearer of Good News, The Warner”.

7. Imam Mulla Ali Qari wrote a book and called it “The Quenching Spring on the Birthday of the Prophet”. (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him)

8. Imam Shams ul-Din bin Naseer Al-Dimashqi, said in his book: “The Spring for the Thirsty One on the Birth of the Rightly Guided” about the story of Abu Lahab that he will receive a light punishment every Monday for expressing joy at the birth of the Noble Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon him) on that day. The Imam said the following verse of poetry, the translation is: If such Kafir was denounced in the (Qur’an) and perished are his hands, and in the Flames is his eternal abode It is narrated that every Monday. His torment is made easy for his Joy at the Birth of Ahmad What is the expectation then of a servant who spent all his life Happy with the Arrival of Ahmad (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) and died on the Oneness of Allah.

9. Imam Shams Ul-Din Ibn aL-Jazri, the Imam of reciters, wrote a book and named it “The Scent of Notification on the Blessed Birthday”.

10. Imam Al-Hafiz Ibn Al-Jawzi said in the description of Milad: “Peace and Tranquility takes over during that year and a good glad tiding to obtain your wish and inspiration”.

11. Imam Abu-Shamah, The Sheikh of Al Hafiz Al Nawawi, said:

“The best of the innovations of our times is what is carried out on the day of corresponding to the birthday of our Beloved Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him), where people give out donations, practice what is right, express their joy and happiness, in doing so is surely a sign of love and admiration for the Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon him)”Before writing the arguments of Eid Milad-un-Nabi (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him), I want to clear the meaning of Milad according to literature and Shariah


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speech in urdu on eid milad un nabi

Anees, classical Urdu literature and ‘offensive language’In response of Aqeel Gharawi


Explanation is not upto the mark

“The days of Allah” are those days in which great events took place or Allah Almighty bestowed his great rewards to his creature.”

“And when Musa said it his people remember Allah’s favor upon you, when he delivered you from Firawn’s people who used to afflict you worstly, and slaughter your sons and let your daughters live and in it there was shown great mercy of your lord.”

“And remember when your lord proclaimed, if you will be great full then I shall give you more and if you’re thankless then my treatment is severe.”

According to the Qur’anic verse emancipation of the nation of Musa Alaihis Salam from Firawn is a day of Allah, so the birth day of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) is, with(out) any doubt, also a day of Allah, because the Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) emancipated(liberated) whole world from the darkness of ignorance and brought them to the light of guidance. Therefore, the birthday (Milad) of the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon Him) deserves to be celebrated then the celebration of any other event.”

Subhan ALLAH. Jazak ALLAH

very well explained and gave references. Allah bless you. And keep us on the right path. Ameen

Great explaination. Allah reward you.

The first evidence u gave from Quran: Surah Al- Maryam vers 15 is all about The jesus PBUH Firstly U r Wrng What to xpect from U…??

Your explanation is not linked to verses of Quran and nowhere Allah states, if seen from the verses you put as reference above, to celebrate the birthday

if there is any more references to celebrate eid milad please mention

The first verse I came across was for Hazrat Isa AS and not Hazrat Yahya AS. Because Hazrat Isa AS after being born was taken off to heaven and then will be called upon this world again (i.e. his rebirth). The very first reference you gave was utterly wrong in every sense as you didn’t even had the basic knowledge of what actually happened to other prophets. The 2nd reference also has similar context and you again gave such a misleading translation. What to expect from a person like you who doesn’t even know what he’s writing about Qur’an???? Prior to writing this article you didn’t even care to do a little bit of effort in searching the translations at all and later on associated it with some other prophet for your own benefiting reason, shame on you!

Alhamdulillah you make a great case for the celebration of Milad of Nabi SAW. The evidences you provide, although are not specific to Nabi SAW have been made to fit into the narrative that you wish to portray. May Allah give us His Divine Guidance because this is clearly a contentious subject. I honestly feel for whomever searches this topic and comes to this article. But do ask yourself this question. How do I celebrate the extraordinary life or Nabi SAW? Is it just for one day or do I celebrate all through the year? Do I spend resources on others or myself – the latter of which might be considered extravagance by Nabi SAW and his companions? How many Sunnah of Nabi SAW have I brought into my life? How much of the Seerah do I know? How much of the Seerah have I passed on to my children and family? True celebration of Milad is to bring his life and teachings into our own lives. Not just one day a year but all the time. Just my opinion but if I truly profess to love and honour him, how much of his life do I live? May Allah Bless you and please pray for my guidance. JZK

I was about to agree with this article but thanks to your comment

Ma Sha ALLAH Subhan ALLAH I was somewhat doubting milad un nabi. But not now. I’m fully certain that Milad un nabi is the right thing( even essential) and Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamat is the only right firqa. The explanation is a bit lacking but once you read it with an open mind and good concentration, you’ll realize the value and beauty of this post. Jazak Allah khair to the Author and to Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamat and also Alhumdulillah 🥰 for belonging to Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat.

Where is Allah Almighty mention that celebrate 12 rabi awwal as a festive, give me the surah name and verse. Btw you can’t give bcs there is nothing in quran like this So, Stop this type of Bid’ah

However, we have to recite durood upon Prophet SAW and the celebration of Milad is not evident from any of Sahabas, Taba’ een, Taba Taba’ een and even from the life of Prophet SAW

It is entirely not up to mark as doesn’t fit to the topic as you know there are many things in ESA alisalams time which were prohibited in Muhammad’s sallallahu alaihi wasallam time. So how come that proves it. In short these refrences are not relevant to toipic. Moreover Sahabas knew Qur’an better than us and they never celebrate it. There isn’t any proof of that.

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Darood e Pak

Maulana Maudoodi’s speech on Eid Milad-un-Nabi ﷺ

(The Speech delivered by Maolana Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi on 12 th Rabi Al Awwal , 30th March, 1942, from All India Radio Station, at Lahore).

T oday is the day of great bounties for the world, because on this

date, the trailblazer of this planet, Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi

Wasallam (P.B.U.H) had arrived in this world. Though, Islamic law has not

declared the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) as EID, nor has it

established any customary practice for its celebration, but if people consider it

as EID, due to this being the day of arrival of the greatest Prophet (P.B.U.H) of

Allah and the peerless saviour of the world, and observe it as a day on which

the biggest blessing of Allah for mankind came into existence, then there is no

harm either. However, the manner in which it should be celebrated is not all

about eating and drinking, electrification of private and public premises, taking

out processions and parades, and undertakes wasteful and exhibitory activities

for mere entertainment and self satisfaction. If you do this, then there will be

no distinction between you and the ignorant communities. They too celebrate

distinguished events of their history through fun, fete and frolicking and if you

also ape their style of celebration, then you will meet their consequences only.

Islam has evolved a noble style for commemorating remembrance. The most

remarkable of which is the sacrifice of Prophet Ibraheem (P.B.U.H) , to

commemorate which, Allah has laid down the criterion of prayers and Sacrifice

of Eid-ul-Azha and Haj. After considering this, you can assess as to how Muslims

should celebrate the memory of great historical events. You should also

ascertain that how this date of 12th of Rabi-ul-awwal does holds any

significance for you. It was not because a baby boy was born in the family of an

Arab individual, but because that day the greatest prophet was sent down on

the earth and through whom humanity received guidance of Allah, and through

whom man literally learnt to be human, whose individuality was the blessing

for the entire humanity and who spread the light of faith and noble deeds

across the earth. Thus, if these are the reasons for the significance of this

date, then it should be observed by extending the same message of Prophet

Muhammad, more on this day than any other day. Take some lessons from his

character and from his teachings, and at least his message should be resonated

in such a manner that it remains effective for coming one year. If you

commemorate like this, then it will truly demonstrate that you sincerely

consider the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) as EID. But if it is

confined to fun, food and frolicking then it will not be an Islamic EID but it will

only be an ignorant celebration that has no significance.

In line with today’s pertinence, I shall deliver the sermon, relevant to the

occasion. Allah has stated in His Holy Book that the Prophet, whom I have sent,

has been sent so that he is followed. This is also the reason why it is mandatory

for every Muslim to follow him, because he was also Prophet Sallallallhu Alaihi

Wasallam (P.B.U.H) of Allah. Besides this generic instruction, Allah has also

issued specific commands to Muslims pertinent to the status of Prophet

Muhammad, which are given below:

Say : “If you do love Allah, follow me: Allah will love you and forgive your

sins: For Allah is oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.” (3:31)

The answer of the Believers, when summoned to Allah and His Messenger, in

order that he may judge between them, is no other than this: They say, “We

hear and we obey.” (24:51)

Is it not fitting for a believer, man or woman, When a matter has been decided

by Allah and His Messenger, to have any option, about their decision: If anyone

disobeys Allah and His messenger, he is indeed on a clearly wrong path. (33:36)

But no by the Lord, they can have no (real) faith. Until they make you

judge in all disputes between them, and find in their souls no resistance

against the decisions but accept them with the fullest conviction. (4:65)

Deem not the summons of Messenger among yourselves like the summons

of one of you to another. (24:63)

Nor it is right for you that you should annoy Allah’s Messenger. (33:53)

Those who annoy Allah and His Messenger, Allah has cursed them in this

world and the Hereafter, and has prepared for them a humiliating

punishment. (33:57)

Let those beware who withstands the Messenger’s order, lest some trial

befall them. (24:63)

O you who believe ! Raise not your voices above the voice of the Prophet, nor

speak aloud to him in talk, as you may speak aloud to one another, lest your

deeds become vain and you perceive not.(49:2)

You will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, (but)

loving those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even though they are

their fathers or their sons, or their brother or their kindred. (58:22)

Say: If it be that your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your mates,

or you kindred: the wealth that you have gained; the commerce in which

you fear a decline or the dwellings in which you delight are dearer to

you then Allah or His Messenger, or the striving in his cause; then

wait until Allah brings about His decision: and Allah guides not the

rebellious. (9:24)

It is difficult to state all relevant verses here. My sole objective is to make you

understand as Muslim that what is the nature of your relationship with Prophet

Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi Wasallam (P.B.U.H). This fact is highlighted by

few verses that I have stated above. It is evident from them that an individual

ceases to be Muslim unless he is obedient to Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu

Alaihi Wasallam (P.B.U.H). if Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi Wasallam

(P.B.U.H) gives some instructions and in turn if some one says that I do not

accept this, then it shows that his heart is free from Faith. The demand of

Faith is to bow down after hearing the command. Faith can not co-exist with ifs

Now please listen carefully, the instructions Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu

Alaihi Wasallam (P.B.U.H) has given on behalf of Allah. Thereafter every

individual should go on assessing the level of faith in his or her heart and how

sincere Muslim he or she is.

  • Muslim is one from whose tongue and hand Muslims are safe. Means who

does not trouble his fellow brothers-in-Islam either through his tongue or

  • None of you can be Faithful unless he prefers the same path for others,

which he chooses for himself. Means that way you want your own well

being, similarly you should desire it for your brothers-in-Islam and the

way you do not want to harm yourself, do not wish the same for your

Hazrat Abuzar Ghafari Razi Allahu Anhu narrates that one I had picked up fight

with some one and I abused him. Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi

Wasallam (P.B.U.H) heard it and said, “You still have shades of ignorance left

in you and Islam has not completely entered your life.”

Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi Wasallam (P.B.U.H) states that here are

four attributes of hypocrisy and the one who has all of them is an accomplished

hypocrite and the one who has one them, he too has one part of duplicity. First

sign is that when some thing is handed over to him in good faith, he swindles it;

secondly, when he converses, he certainly misrepresents ; thirdly when he

promises or enters into a contract with someone, he invariably backtracks; and

finally, when he has a brawl with somebody, he turn abusive and gets down to

humiliate his opponent, through wrongful means.

Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi Wasallam (P.B.U.H) stated: a Muslim is

the brother of another Muslim, he himself will not suppress him nor will he

hand him over to a cruel. One who is busy fulfilling the needs of his brother,

Allah does the same for him; and the one who saves fellow Muslims from

inconvenience, Allah will curtail one of his pains of the Day of Judgement; and

the one who conceals the deficiencies of a fellow Muslim, will receive the same

treatment from Allah on the Day of Judgement.”

Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi Wasallam (P.B.U.H) says: “Help your

brother, whether he is tyrant or aggrieved.” When his companion sought

clarification that we shall certainly aid the oppressed but how should we help

the cruel? He replied, “The aid of an oppressor is to hold his hand so that he

does not commit atrocities.”

On another occasion he said: “Beware of the curse of an oppressed, because

there is nothing between him and Allah, means it directly flies to the thorn of

Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi Wasallam (P.B.U.H) stated: the one who

deprived his Muslim brother from his rights or has caused damage to his

respect, wealth or any other thing, he should compensate him in this life only

or else if it is carried forward to the day when money or other material objects

would not exist, rather he will have to pay out of his good deeds or a part of a

tyrant’s burden will be shifted to his account.”

Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi Wasallam (P.B.U.H) enumerates: “If

someone has grabbed even an inch of land, he will have to wear a collar in his

neck, seven times that weight of that land.”

Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi Wasallam (P.B.U.H) said that three sins

are the gravest:

(1) Sharing the Unity of Allah with some one

(2) Disobedience of parents and recklessness towards their rights and

(3) Lying and false testimony.

He further stated that Gabriel (Jibra’eil) told me so repeatedly about

treating the neighbour decently, that I began to wonder whether they

would be entitled to share the inheritance as well.

On another occasion, Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi Wasallam

(P.B.U.H) said, “That person is absolutely apostate, completely faithless

whose neighbour is scared of his mischief.”

One more tradition of Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi Wasallam

(P.B.U.H) is : The one who is faithful should not cause pain to his neighbour,

treats his guest with respect; and when speaks, it should be with kindness

or else remain quiet.

Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi Wasallam (P.B.U.H) stated that one of

worst persons, on the Day of Judgement, would be the one who has dual

face , means if he meets one of the two rivals, he speaks in his favour while

meeting the other rival, takes his side; speaks one thing on the face and

another behind the back.

Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi Wasallam (P.B.U.H) said:

Abdication of prayers (Salat) lies between man and infidelity. It means that

there is one stage in between approaching infidelity from Islam and that is

forsaking prayers. If you have renounced prayers that means you are

hanging between Faithlessness and Islam, one step more and you will enter

the boundary of apostasy.

On one occasion, Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi Wasallam (P.B.U.H)

enumerated: those who stay at home, even after hearing azaan, I feel like

torching their homes. There are numerous traditions for the reiteration of

prayers, but I have talked about these two only, from which you can assess

that how strong is this instruction, and what is the meaning of this defiance.

This is with regard to that farz from which Muslims are becoming usually

oblivious these days.

Secondly, you must also know about the sin which is proving most disastrous

for Muslims, meaning interest based financing. Prophet Muhammad

Sallallallhu Alaihi Wasallam (P.B.U.H) has categorically stated that taking

interest, paying interest, keeping record of and being witness to it are all

prohibited, and men committing any of these acts will be punished in hell.

Brothers, you celebrate EID-E-MEELAD UN NABI, it is very nice, but I

would only say that at the time of entering the darbar of our chief, just

think what face are taking to that pious spirit. If a servant lapses, then

he fears in facing his employer and tries to hide away. Then how should

we face someone whose one or two instructions are not defied every

day but numerous. O Allah! Guide me to comply with the instructions of

my Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi Wasallam (P.B.U.H) and to my

brothers as well.

Second Speech

Today is the anniversary of the birth of an incredible personality, who

arrived as a boon for the entire humanity and brought with him a set of

principles, pursuing which guarantees even triumph and well-being for

every individual, every nation and country and the whole mankind. Though

this day comes every year, but this year it has come at such a crucial time

when inhabitants of the earth are more indigent of the guidance of that

sagacious person, than ever before. It is difficult to say whether Mr. Bernard

Shaw made this statement consciously or not, but whatever he stated was

absolutely fitting that “Had Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi Wasallam

(P.B.U.H) been the dictator of the world, at present, then peace would

have been prevailing in the world.” I would go one step further and say

that, though Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi Wasallam (P.B.U.H) is

not present in this world, yet the doctrine presented by him are available

hook line and sinker. If we sincerely presume his tenets as Dictator, then all

the evils can be rid, the fire of which has turned the abode of humanity into

Over fourteen hundred years back, when Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu

Alaihi Wasallam (P.B.U.H) set his foot on the earth, that time his own

nation had reached the nadir of moral ebb, chaos and turmoil. Qur’an has

explained the situation of that, in these words: you were standing on the

edge of fire-filled pit, from which Allah rescued you. Other countries of the

world had no better condition than this. Persian and Roman empires were,

then, the biggest cradle of human civilization, and both of them were

engulfed in mutual hostilities on the one hand and domestic economic

inequality, economic distinctions and religious rifts on the other hand.

Under these circumstances, Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi Wasallam

(P.B.U.H) got up and within a span of 23 years, not only did he change the

shape of Arabian peninsula, but the movement which set off under his

command from Arab, within a quarter of a century, reformed a large

portion of the earth, from the borders of India to North Africa, in culture &

civilization, economics & politics, and all other sphere of life.

How this revamping was achieved? It is difficult to spell out the details in

one brief talk, but I shall present you its broad principles:

The very first point which he stressed upon was that all human beings

should recognize only Allah as their real King, real Owner, the Most Wise

and the Sovereign. Do not accept to the subject of anyone else other than

Allah, should bow down to the highest authority of Allah, not only within

the limited confines of religious matters, but in every sphere of life.

Besides, second important aspect of his preaching was that human

sovereignty and recklessness should come to a grinding halt. Every person,

individually, considers himself to be accountable to Allah, and similarly

human organizations too, whether they are in the form of families and clans

or sections; in the form of nations or governments and states. Nevertheless,

all of them should consider themselves responsible and accountable before

Allah. The very image of men, which Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi

Wasallam (P.B.U.H) presented, was that of a representative or deputy of

Allah on the earth. In whatever and which ever capacity he is empowered,

that is essentially not his own rights, rather they have been entrusted by

Allah and in its dispensation he is answerable to Allah.

On the basis of supreme sovereignty of Allah and every human being his

deputy, Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi Wasallam (P.B.U.H)

established the relationship of equitable unity and cooperation among

human beings which could not have been achieved otherwise. Race and

lineage, language and colour, national and economic interests and all other

elements forming the genesis of the society, necessarily divide human

beings into various groups and make them rival of one another. Even if they

find unanimity among themselves, that compatibility is temporary and

purely on selfish motives. Conflicts and hostilities are the natural outcome

of this division and injustice is its mandatory consequence. There is no way

to avert this, except having the entire humanity united on the allegiance of

Allah and by making them aware of their accountability before Allah, they

should be persuaded to do justice.

Instead of nationalism and socialism, Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi

Wasallam (P.B.U.H) laid the foundation of universal social life on the basis

of obedience of Allah and Kilafah. He moulded every aspect of that life into

durable moral principles. His morality were not meant for reclusive saints,

but for very people who run the show on the earth like farmers, landlords,

labourers, industrialists, traders, customers, cops, jurists, administrators,

governors, soldiers, supreme commanders, ministers, and diplomats. Each

of these functionaries were made to adhere to moral code within its

precincts, the bolting and unbolting of which and the making and breaking

of its principles would not rest on the desires of any individual or masses.

He disciplined. All facets of human life on the basis of rectitude, whether it

is social or interpersonal relation, are or culture, trade or commerce,

politics or administration, international relations or war and peace.

Everything that is linked to human life was denied the right to bloom and

prosper independent of moral restrictions.

These are the broader principles depended on which the reforms program of

Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi Wasallam (P.B.U.H). The strategy he

adopted to implement this program commenced from individual reform. He

did not overlook the fact that every map of collective reforms eventually

depends upon the success of individual reform. Even the best of programs

can not be successfully implemented with having people of loose character

and questionable standing along. Flaws in the character of individuals may

cause serious damage in the implementation of a noble system, which can

not be averted by merely theoretical remedies. Theoretically, whatever

imaginary precautions one can take for the prevention of deficiencies. But

practically, if the people who are responsible for executing the conceptual

plan are vulnerable to desires, vested interests and partisan; if they lack

true piety and character, then despite your utmost caution, there would be

impediments for your plans and that too from quarters which you never

expected. On the contrary, by looking at the black board, you can prove the

possibility of a number of loopholes. But if a reliable team is available for

executing this plan, then their correct actions will plug the holes, which you

think can pop up in your hypothetical simulation.

This is why Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi Wasallam (P.B.U.H)

expended all his energy on the grooming of such human capital that could

put his plan of transforming the world into action in the best manner. He

produced people who were God-fearing and pious under every situation.

Who held themselves accountable to Allah in every sphere of their lives?

Who restrained themselves from every single deed which they suspected

could make Allah furious with them and who were willing to dedicate

themselves to a cause which they felt would please Allah. Who could

sacrifice everything which could win them favour of Allah? In whose heart

there was no fear, no greed of favours or desires of awards from anyone

other than Allah. For whom there was no distinction between their private

and public lives. Who were as pious, decent, and virtuous behind the veil as

they appeared in front of the whole world? Who could prove to be

trustworthy, if they were entrusted with the responsibility of protecting the

life, property and honour of the servants of Allah? If they took oath on

behalf of their self, nation or government, they would not back track. If

they were made jurist, they would not be held cruel. If they undertook

commercial transaction then they would not be declared as crooks. They

might be slow in claiming their rights, but will be quick in dispensing others.

They used their intelligence, prudence, diligence and qualifications for

truth and justice and for the welfare and prosperity of humanity and not for

deceiving and depriving others from their rights because of individual and

national gains.

After spending full 15 years for the development of such people, Prophet

Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi Wasallam raised a task force of handful of

true believers which was not committed to the reforms of only Arabian

Peninsula but for the mankind of the whole world, and which was comprised

of people other than Arab nationals also.

Having raised this team, he moved on to make large scale efforts to bring

about social reforms and in merely eight years, brought comprehensive

social economic, cultural and political revolution on the land of Arabian

peninsula, spreading over 15,00,000 square miles. Then, the same team,

which was integrated by him, accomplished its task of reforming Arabs,

proceeded further and showered the grace of this revolution, which was

initiated in Arab, over a large part of the then civilized world. These days

we hear the idea of new world order everywhere, but we fail to understand

that how the very fundamental flaws which have ultimately turned the old

system into turmoil, if still exist in the new system, with a different face,

can be considered a new order? It would essentially be the same system

whose bites and stings have pushed us to the deathbed for which we are

seeking antidote of he new system. Fearlessness and apathy towards

Supreme authority of Allah by human beings, national and racial distinction,

political and economic self-interest of nations and regions an don-Godfearing

people ruling the roost are the real drawbacks which have been

destroying the humanity till date and will continue to do so if our life style

remains the victim of the same evils. If reforms are to be brought about,

then only on those principles through which one of the greatest well-wisher

of humanity not only guided us, centuries back, but practically showed us

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Signifying Eid Milad-Un-Nabi (12th Rabi-Ul-Awwal) From Qur’an And Hadith Perspective

Celebrating in an event of happiness to express joy is quite human. That is why we find almost all religions and cultures of the world with such celebrations, allowing their followers to express and emanate their auspiciousness regarding any particular event. Same is the case with Muslims. Muslim Ummah celebrates a few occasions every year globally, marking their joy and gratefulness to Allah Almighty for endowing them with such blessings.

Eid Milad-un-Nabi (PBUH)

Out of all Islamic months, Rabi-Ul-Awwal holds the honor of being the month when humanity was endowed with the most valuable of all gifts from Almighty Allah, i.e. the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This happened more than 1400 years ago when humanity was passing through darkest of its periods. Ever since then, the fate of humanity in general and the fate of followers of Muhammad (PBUH) in particular, had been miraculously turned towards positivity, as emanated from the great teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). In fact, Allah Almighty reveals to us in the Holy Scripture of Qur’an that:

“We have sent him (Muhammad saw) as a source of mercy for the A’alimeen (humans, jinns and all else that exists),” (Surah 21.Al- Anbiya: Verse 107).

Linguistic experts are of opinion that the word “Milad” is a derivative of “viladat”, meaning birth. It means “Milad” as a word is used to signify the time and place of a particular birth. The whole word as it is mentioned here “Eid Milad-Un-Nabi (PBUH)” signifies of celebration and joy for Muslims in particular and the whole world in general, for getting blessed with the biggest honor from Allah Almighty to them in form of last of the prophets, Muhammad (PBUH).

Milad in relation to Quran

Quran, the Holy Scripture according to which Muslims are to live their lives, also contains content that suggests praising and celebrating the day when prophets (PBUT) of Allah Almighty are born. The following verse of Quran reveals the same as in case of Hazrat Yahya (A.S):

“The peace is on Him the day when he was born and the day when he will die and the day when he will be raised alive.” (Sura Al-Maryam, Verse 15)

This verse mentioned here is in connection with the complete Milad of Allah’s Prophet, Hazrat Yahya (A.S) as mentioned in great detail in the concurrent verses and chapter. Similarly, another narration also exhibits expressions of joy and celebration in relation to the birth of Hazrat Isa (A.S) (or Jesus), also in the same chapter of Qur’an:

“And the same peace on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I would be raised alive.” (Holy Quran, Sura Al Maryam, Verse 33)

Comprehensive Quran Learning leads us to conclusion that Milad of a prophet is deemed as a praiseworthy event by Allah Almighty Himself. Based upon such inferences, it is quite logical to conclude that Eid Milad-Un-Nabi (celebrated on 12 th of Rabbi-al-Awwal) should be an exceptional day of celebration for the followers of Allah (SW)’s last prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Eid Milad-Ul-Nabi (PBUH) in relation to Hadith

Hadith (descriptive narrations from Prophet PBUH) comes second to Quran for every Muslim to take heed from. There are many ahadith that signify the importance of Eid Milad-Un-Nabi, such as:

The one who rejoices on the birth day of the Holy Prophet would not be severely punished and it is hoped that a Muslim who celebrate the Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him), will not be punished in hell. Imam Bukhari Rahmatullah Alaih narrates that Abu Lahab would be punished lightly in the hell on Monday. Because he rejoiced and freed his handmaid indicating by his finger, when the Prophet of Allah Almighty (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) took birth. So as a reward of happiness on Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) he would be given water by his finger. (Saheehul Bukhari Vol. 2, Page 764)

For Muslims, having true faith is incomplete unless they love and respect Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) more than anything else, as evident from the following hadhith as well:

“None of you becomes a believer until I am dearer to him than his children, his parents and all mankind.” (as reported by Bukhari and Muslim)

That alone should serve a reason more than enough to express your joy and happiness for the greatest of gifts from Allah Almighty to humanity as true Muslims; so make the most of it this year as well.

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Eid Milad Un Nabi Essay In Urdu and English

Photo of author

By Fayyaz Sidhu

December 21, 2023

Here on this page we are sharing for our viewers Eid Milad Un Nabi 2024 Essay in Urdu, we would try to give you full information for your short speech on Milad Un nabi in Urdu at any platform whether you have to present yourself in school or in college or any other forum regarding celebrations of 12 rabi Ul awal 2024 the day when Prophet Muhammad was born. It is day when the most merciful man for mankind was born. In Quran, it is stated as.

وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعَالَمِينَ

Wam a  arsaln a ka ill a  ra h matanlilAA a lameen a

“And We have sent you not  but as a mercy for the ‘Alameen”  (Mankind, Jinn and all that exists). 

Quraan: Sura Al-Anbiya Ch 21 Ayat 117 

Eid Milad Un Nabi 2024 Essay In English

According to the  Quran ,  Muhammad  is the last in a chain of  prophets  sent by God (33:40). Throughout the  Quran ,  Muhammad  is referred to as “Messenger”, “Messenger of God”, and “ Prophet “. … In several  verses , the  Quran crystallizes Muhammad’s relation to humanity.

In the Holy Qur’an, Allah Almighty gives a clear order to celebrate and rejoice in the raising and coming of the Holy Prophet (saw). In Surah Yunus, (10:58) Allah Ta’ala states “Say: Because of the( fadl) Blessings of Allah and His (Rahma) Mercy you should celebrate (with happiness and pleasure). That is better than what (wealth) they amass.”

Nisaar Teri Chehel Pehal Par

Hazaaron Eiden Rabee-ul-Awwal

Siwaa’e Iblees Ke Jahaan Mein

Sabhi To Khushiyaan Manaa Rahe Hein

(O Rabee-ul-Awwal! Your joys surpass thousands of ‘

Eids. All in the world are rejoicing, except Shaitaan.)

There are many verses in the Holy Qur’an where Allah Almighty states that the Holy Prophet (saw) is Allah’s  rahma  and  fadl. In Surah Al Imran, (3:164) Allah Almighty states: “ Indeed Allah conferred a great  favor  on the believers when he sent among them a  Messenger  (Muhammad (saw)) from among themselves, reciting unto them His verses, and purifying them, and instructing them (in) the book and Al-Hikmah of the Prophet (saw) while before that they had been in manifest error”. 

The above-mentioned Quran verses describe fully about celebrating the Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday. We cant summarize all about the Eid Milad un Nabi’s essay in English for your speech on eid Milad un nabi in English.

We are sharing an Essay on Eid Milad Un nabi in the school level or for 12 rabi Ul Awal essay in Urdu for a speech on eid Milad Un nabi in Urdu forums.

You can get paragraphs on Eid milad Un nabi written in Urdu and English on this page and can share this article with your friends in the Muslim community on social media like on Facebook, Twitter etc.

Eid Milad Un Nabi Essay In Urdu

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    Get Jashne Eid Milad un Nabi speech in Urdu for school, college or any program in your university. Eid Milad ul Nabi is observed every year on 12th of Rabiul Awwal to celebrate the birth of our prophet Muhammad Mustafa (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam). Get a comprehensive speech cum Eid Milad ul Nabi essay in Urdu with English translation either ...

  2. عید میلاد النبی ﷺ|eid-e-milad un nabi(pbuh) 5 urdu speech pdf

    download eid-e-milad un nabi speech 05 ہم نے حتی الامکان کوشش کی ہے کہ املا کی کوئی غلطی نہ ہو، لیکن اگر غیر ارادی طور پر کوئی غلطی سرزد ہو گئی ہو تو برائے مہربانی ترمیم کے لیے کمنٹ باکس کا استعمال کریں۔

  3. Essay On Eid Milad Un Nabi In Urdu

    Essay On Eid Milad Un Nabi In Urdu- In this article we are going to read history of eid milad un nabi in urdu, Essay On Eid Milad Un Nabi In Urdu, جشن عید میلاد النبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ایک خوشی کا موقع ہے جس میں آقائے دو جہاں صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے چاہنے والے سرکار صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ...

  4. عید میلاد النبی ﷺ اردو تقاریر pdf

    اس مبارک دن کی تفہیم اور تعریف کی سہولت کے لیے، ہمیں عید میلاد النبیﷺ کے موقع پر اس اردو تقریر کی پیش کرتے ہوئے خوشی ہو رہی ہے۔. eid-e-milad un nabi (pbuh) 5 urdu speech pdf عید میلاد النبی ﷺ اردو تقاریر pdf ذیل میں ...

  5. عید میلاد النبی پر تقریر

    عید میلاد النبی پر تقریر - Eid Milad un Nabi Speech in Urdu. بعثت سے لے کر حبشہ کی طرف ہجرت تک کے بیان میں. اس دورانیے میں مندرجہ ذیل واقعات رونما ہوئے: (۱) آپ ﷺ پر وحی کا نزول : جب آپ ﷺے چالیس سال کے ہوئے تو ۷ ...

  6. Urdu Main Eid Milad Un Nabi ( Sallallhu Alaihi Wasalam) اردو میں عید

    Urdu Main Eid Milad Un Nabi ( Sallallhu Alaihi Wasalam) اردو میں عید میلاد النبی ﷺ, Eid, milad un nabi, milad, meelad, melad, molood, mowalid, 12 rabi ul awal, Eid saeed, jashan e baharan, Tareekh, tarikh, history of Milad un nabi, books of Milad un nabi, تاریخ عید میلاد النبی ﷺ، اردو زبان ...

  7. Eid Milad Un Nabi 12 Rabi Ul Awal Bayan 2024 Peer Tabassum ...

    Eid Milad Un Nabi 12 Rabi Ul Awal Bayan 2024 Peer Tabassum Bashir Owaisi Eid Milad Un Nabi speech In Urdu YOUSAF PRODUCTIONIf you find value in our content, ...

  8. Eid milad Un Nabi Speech in Urdu

    This video is about Eid milad Un Nabi Speech in Urdu | 12 Rabi Ul Awal Speech |عید میلادالنبی ﷺ تقریر. Eid milad Un Nabi Speech in Urdu | Speech on eid milad...

  9. Eid Milad-un-Nabi 12 Rabi-ul-Awal Speech in Urdu

    Prophet Muhammad was born Arabia in the city of Mecca on the 12th day of Rabi-ul-Awwal, which was Monday the 20th day of April, 571 A.C. Eid Milad un-Nabi Speech in English. Prophet Muhammad's birthday coincided with his physical passing as was ordained by God. Hazrat Ali took over the spiritual reins from him and this chain has continued to ...

  10. Eid Milad un Nabi Speech in Urdu || عید میلاد النبی پر تقریر

    Eid Milad un Nabi Speech in Urdu || عید میلاد النبی پر تقریر🔴 RECOMMENDED VIDEOS 🎥 https://youtu.be/spk8xeyp1AA🎥 https://youtu.be/v2qcg ...

  11. Eid Milad-un-Nabi Speech in Urdu & English Download Free

    Eid Milad-un-Nabi Speech in Urdu & English can be Downloaded Free here. Eid Milad-un-Nabi is Muslims religious day which is day of birth of their beloved prophet (PBUH). All Muslims all over the world celebrate this day with great joy and illuminate their streets and bazars with light of different colors. Speeches are on beautiful teachings of ...

  12. Eid Milad Un Nabi Speech Topics In Urdu 12 Rabi Ul Awal

    Here we are sharing the Eid Milad Un Nabi Speech Topics In Urdu 12 Rabi Ul Awal. Rabi-Ul-Awal is the third month of Islamic calendar where on Monday 12th Rabi Al Awal, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born. It is a great blessed day for Muslims all around the world because our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was born to Amina Bint-e-Wahb.

  13. Best Eid milad un nabi speech in Urdu|12 Rabi ul awwal speech 2024| Eid

    #seeratunnabi #SAW #Speech#eidmilad #miladun nabi #HazratMuhammadSAW #Muhammad #5october #teachersday #ustaad #teacher #teacher #urduspeech#teachersDay #asat...

  14. Eid Milad-un-Nabi in the light of Quran & Ahadith

    45126. Before writing the arguments of Eid Milad-un-Nabi (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him), I want to clear the meaning of Milad according to literature and Shariah. The word Milad has been derived from "viladut" which means birth. Therefore, according to Arabic language, Milad is word which signifies the place and time of birth.

  15. Maulana Maudoodi's speech on Eid Milad-un-Nabi ﷺ

    By ISCC on December 1, 2014 Eid Milad-un-Nabi ﷺ, Publications. (The Speech delivered by Maolana Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi on 12th Rabi Al Awwal, 30th March, 1942, from All India Radio Station, at Lahore). Today is the day of great bounties for the world, because on this. date, the trailblazer of this planet, Prophet Muhammad Sallallallhu Alaihi.

  16. Signifying Eid Milad-Un-Nabi (12th Rabi-Ul-Awwal) From Qur'an And

    Eid Milad-un-Nabi (PBUH) Out of all Islamic months, Rabi-Ul-Awwal holds the honor of being the month when humanity was endowed with the most valuable of all gifts from Almighty Allah, i.e. the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This happened more than 1400 years ago when humanity was passing through darkest of its periods.

  17. Best urdu speech on Seerat un Nabi

    Best urdu speech on Seerat un Nabi ﷺ | Urdu speech on seerat un nabi ﷺ | Speech on seerat un nabi in urdu | Seerat un nabi speech | Seerat un nabi speech in ...

  18. Eid Milad Un Nabi

    6 Kalma Hajj Ayat ul Kursi Tarawih laylat ul Qadr Itikaf Muharram Sadaqah Zakat Fitrana Dua e Qunoot Tahajjud. Eid Milad Un Nabi in Urdu (Article No. 19). Read Islamic articles about جشن عید میلادالنبیؐ and other important Islamic articles about Quran, Hadees, Namaz, Ramadan and more. Read Urdu Islamic books and download ...

  19. Eid milad un nabi speech in urdu

    Eid milad un nabi speech in urdu12 Rabi ul awal is birth day of Holy Prophet PBUH. A student of Noor Eastern Collegiate is expressin her ideas about her holy...

  20. Eid Milad Un Nabi Essay In Urdu and English

    December 21, 2023. Here on this page we are sharing for our viewers Eid Milad Un Nabi 2024 Essay in Urdu, we would try to give you full information for your short speech on Milad Un nabi in Urdu at any platform whether you have to present yourself in school or in college or any other forum regarding celebrations of 12 rabi Ul awal 2024 the day ...

  21. Eid Milad un Nabi speech in Urdu

    Eid Milad un Nabi speech in Urdu | Speech on Eid Milad un Nabi | Essay on Eid Milad un Nabi#eidmiladunnabiﷺcomingsoon2021 #eidmilad #eidmiladunnabi #eidmila...

  22. Best Eid milad un nabi speech in urdu

    Best Eid milad un nabi speech in urdu speech on seerat un nabi in urdu12 Rabi ul awal is birth day of Holy Prophet PBUH. A student of Noor Eastern Collegiat...