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Technical Education Quotes

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quotations about essay technical education

The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.

I had to gain experience as I did not have a technical education.

quotations about essay technical education

Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know.

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.

We are looking for ways to decrease the dropout rate. I am pretty sure, if we eliminate career and technical education, we are going to increase the dropout rate.

I feel strongly that we have to have an education system that starts with preschool and goes through college. That's why I want more technical education in high schools and in community colleges, real apprenticeships to prepare young people for the jobs of the future.

The antithesis between a technical and a liberal education is fallacious. There can be no adequate technical education which is not liberal, and no liberal education which is not technical.

So outside agriculture, in manufacturing and services, we must create a lot more jobs. But that also means that we must ensure that our systems of general education and technical education are in line with the job requirements that a more modern manufacturing and a more modern services sector would require.

In my own house I rigged up a laboratory and studied chemistry in the evenings, determined that there should be nothing in the manufacture of steel that I would not know. Although I had received no technical education I made myself master of chemistry and of the laboratory, which proved of lasting value.

In my own view, some advice about what should be known, about what technical education should be acquired, about the intense motivation needed to succeed, and about the carelessness and inclination toward bias that must be avoided is far more useful than all the rules and warnings of theoretical logic.

The Common Core State Standards Initiative is an important step forward in ensuring that the United States remains competitive in the global economy. Career technical education (CTE) shares the Initiative s goal that all students must be college and career ready. CTE programs that incorporate the Common Core Standards will ensure students have the academic and technical knowledge and skills to be successful in the 21st century workplace.


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Technical Education Essay

Technical Education Essay | Outlines, Quotations and Good Comprehension


Education is a key to success.  We do not acquire education only for the purpose of getting information and developing the power of judgments but to be prepared for our professional life.  Education enlightens our minds and widens our thoughts.  In other words, getting an education is not a purpose but a means to a purpose.  There are many kinds of educations which include technical education, liberal or general education, etc.  Both of them train people in their span.  Technical education is quite different from general education.   Technical education can be defined as tutoring skills to make a living out of it.  Technical education can be exampled as carpentry, medical, tailoring, etc. 

Technical education is interlinked with the usage of technology.  People who acquire technical knowledge and become skilled in their departments are called technicians.  Technical education shapes the world according to human needs.  This can be described as manual work or manual labor.  Without this technical education or manual labor, we cannot meet our everyday needs and requirements. 

I had to gain experience as I did not have technical education Mikhail Kalashnikov

Significance of technical education:

This is the modern era in which almost everything is done by machines which reduces time and human efforts.  Machines have become so vital that there is no aspect of life completed without it.   Even the small tasks of our everyday life are done by machines.  Although machines reduced our efforts there is no doubt that machines cannot operate by themselves either they cannot instruct themselves to run.  So, we delicately need technicians and skilled workers to run these machines.  Technicians operating a machine should have proper knowledge and information of all the functions of that machine.  So, the importance of technical laborers cannot be denied.  There is a wide span of technical education in this regard of the endless usage of machines.  All scientific innovations are dependent on technical workers and skilled minds. 

Technical education is significant in raising the rate of literacy in the country.  Not every student of a country is mentally perfect for learning the combination of science and arts or business education.  There are many students who wish to serve their country in a divergent way. 

In this era of the global market, our commercial products and stocks do not assemble to the international market in quality.  This is because of unskilled and unqualified staff in our industry. 

After getting a quality education from schools, colleges and universities our students are still unemployed and even rejected by the other countries for the job.  This is just because of a lack of technical knowledge and skillful expertise.  Therefore, our educated people are more distressed than the uneducated masses of our country. 

The goal of education is understanding; the goal of training is performance

Government Innovations in technical education:

Technical education is vital for the development of the country.  Learning techs and skills is the only way of getting rid of unemployment and surviving in this modern era.  Our government should take notice of plenty of raw materials available but no technical and skilled laborers and modern technology.  So, our economy should be moved from agriculture to industry. 

We need to open vocational and technical centers in small and big cities as well to produce qualified and skilled workers.  Though the government took the initiative of making TEVTA centers for technicians but still there is a lack of institutes in small and rural areas of our country.  We should ensure the economic prosperity of our society that is dependent only on getting technical education.  With general and liberal education technical education should be a key focus of our education system. 

Our country is facing intense suffering in unemployment.  Technical education is the only way of making our country prosperous, developed and resourceful.  General education is also important to be a good citizen but technical education is vital to make living and to survive in this inflation.  So, in this time vocational and technical education centers are important to meet the requirements of this era. 

The principal goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done

Forms of technical education:

Technical education has many forms like agriculture, carpenters, constructor, tailor, etc.  Our ways of living and requirements of life vary according to our lifestyles.  So we need technicians for food, clothing, to meet the limitations of the modernized era.  In the field of medicine, we need technical workers like, nurses to look after the patients.  Nursing also requires proper knowledge about medications and dealing with patients. 

As agriculture is the backbone of our country so we need skilled farmers and qualified young men with innovative new ideas.  Skilled farmers are important if we want to impart in the development of our country.  These qualified workers should have the proper knowledge of newly introduced machinery.  Foreign countries are using new technology to grow crops and if we are still stuck with old conceptions of growing crops we will lose in the long run. 

The great end of life is not knowledge but action T.H Huxley

Span of technical education

Time has changed and we have shifted human efforts to machinery.  Now, we sew clothes with newly invented machines instead of knitting with our hands.  Even mobile phones and other mini-computers are used to stay connected with friends and family.  We do not need a postman to post our messages for friends and loved ones far away.  So we need skilled workers and qualified youngsters who know the usage of this machinery. 

Moreover, in this context technical persons can never be unemployed.  Technical and skilled workers do not need to beg for jobs and request to be hired.  They know what to do and how to make their livings from their skills.  A skillful person never faces unemployment.  There is a wide span of technical education.  Young man and women after completing education face unemployment and difficulties finding a job that meet their educations and learnings.  In this regard, technical education is important to start their own business instead of engaging themselves in petty jobs. Technical education is the only way of choosing a profession according to one’s capability and interest. 

Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.


Our government has made great innovations in expanding technical education by building TEVTA centers.  TEVTA is the abbreviation of technical education and vocational training authority.  But still, we need to follow the educational system of some developed countries because the development of a country depends on technical, skillful and qualified masses.  Only technical education can solve so many problems of our country which include unemployment, literacy rate, poverty and economy.  So, technical education is highly required in this current era. 

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Top 26 Quotations for Technical Education Essay for Class 12

Quotations for technical education essay for fa fsc part 2 – second year english notes.

In this post, I am sharing the Top 26 Quotations for Technical Education Essay for FSC Part 2 Students. This is an important essay for FSC 2nd Year Students. Students can write the same essay under the title, Essay on Technical Education, Essay on Importance of Technical Education or Essay on Need of Technical Education. I have already shared the complete Essay on the Importance of technical education with quotations . So, if you need the complete essay you can go to the previously shared link and note it. However, if you have essay content already and you need only quotations, you can choose quotations from the below-shared quotes. I have shared a wide range of English Essays with Quotes  and separately, I have shared Quotations for English Essays . You should visit both pages as per your requirements.

Quotes on Technical Education Essay, Technical Education Essay Quotes, Importance of Technical Education Essay Quotes

Need for Technical Education Quotes for FSC 2nd Year Students

  • “Science is a key which unlocks for mankind a store of nature.” (Samuel Johnson)
  • “The teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” (Henry Adams)
  • “The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.” (Robert M. Hutchins)
  • “The great end of life is not knowledge but action.” (T.H Huxley)
  • “Technical Education is not only a ladder of opportunity, but it is also an investment in our future.” (Ed Markey)
  • “The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.” (Albert Einstein)
  • “Science is more fascinating than classics.” (Carl Sagan)
  • “Education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is, not a preparation for life; education is life itself.” (John Dewey)
  • “Technical education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” (Malcolm X)
  • “Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity.” (Aristotle)
  • “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” (Jim Rohn)
  • “Technical education is not learning of the facts, but the training of the mind to think.”
  • “The antithesis between a technical and a liberal education is fallacious. There can be no adequate technical education which is not liberal, and no liberal education which is not technical.” (A.N Whitehead)
  • “The goal of education is understanding, the goal of training is performance.” (Frank Bell)
  • “Technical education is not learning of the facts, but the training of the mind to think.” (Albert Einstein)
  • “Science is but an image of the truth.” ( Francis Bacon)
  • “Education is learning what you didn’t even know you didn’t know.” (Daniel J. Boorstin)
  • “I had to gain experience as I did not have technical education.” (Mikhail Kalashnikov)
  • “Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.” (BF Skinner)
  • “Men are only as good as their technical development allows them to be.” (George Orwell)
  • “Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done.” ( Robert A.Heinlem)
  • “Man lover to wonder and that is the seed of science.” (R.W Emerson)
  • “Science is nothing but trained and organized common sense.” (Thomas Huxley)
  • “Science is a war of destruction.” ( Long Fellow)
  • “Science surpasses the old miracles of mythology.” ( Emerson)
  • “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” (Nelson Mandela)

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Technical education essay with quotations.

Technical Education Essay

Technical Education Essay

The goal of education is understanding; the goal of training is performance
I must emphasize that greater attention should be paid to technical and vocational education
Technology is a gift of God after the gift of life, it is perhaps the greatest of God’s gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts, and of sciences

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Anila Ibrahim

An educationist, web content writer, equipped with an LLB and a Master’s degree in English Literature, as well as a Master of Philosophy in Entrepreneurship. I have a comprehensive understanding of both the English language and the educational landscape. This academic background empowers Anila to deliver content that is not only informative but also thoroughly researched.

13 thoughts on “ Technical Education Essay with Quotations ”

Beautiful essay.

U are right

I liked! ✨👏

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Good effort

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Thank you for sharing such a beautiful essay on technical education

Remarkable! Its genuinely awesome piece of writing, I have got much clear idea about from this piece of writing.

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Zahid Notes

Importance of technical education essay in English

 Here is another Essay in English for the 2nd year and 10th class, 12 class with outlines and quotations. The essay is best on the topic of Technical education in Pakistan. The context of this essay is technical education in Pakistan. You can download the essay in pdf here.

English essay on Technical Education

Now the essay with outline is given. Class 12 and class 10 students can see this essay topic in their smart syllabus. So, I have written these essays to help the students in 2021 exams in English. The quotations are included at various points in the essay.

Essay on the Importance of Technical education for 2nd year

Essay on the Importance of Technical education for 2nd year

I had to gain experience as I did not have technical education- Mikhail Kalashnikov
The great end of life is not knowledge but action- T.H Huxley
The goal of education is understanding, the goal of training is performance - Frank Bell

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Technical Education Essay

Updated at Jan 26, 2024 | by Admin

importance of technical education

This article contains technical education essay, importance of technical education and how technology has impacted the lives of human beings. Students of class 1st year, 2nd year, BA, BSC, FSC and DAE can write this essay as it is in their exams or any other assessment.

What is Technical Education

How technology has improved our lives, importance of technical education.

Technical education is a type of education which focuses more on acquiring skills by practical implementation of knowledge rather than just understanding the concepts theoretically.

“The great aim of education is not knowledge, but action.” – Herbert Spencer

The world is changing rapidly day after day, it would not be wrong to say that the primary reason of it is technology and it's advancement. Every other day, we here about a new technology or the advancement of an existing technology.

The primary purpose of all the technologies is to make the life of human beings easy and better than before. Including medical technology, transportation technology, information technology and telecom technology etc, all strive for the betterment of life.

Inventions in medical technology made it so easy to diagnose the diseases quickly and get to the actual reason of those diseases.

technology in medical field

Inventions in transportation technology and it's advancements made it possible to travel miles of distance in a very short time. Before these inventions, people had to travel for days or months to get to their destination but now it takes only a few hours to get to that same destination.

technology in transport field

The world has become a global village, people can see and talk to each other whenever they want even by staying on different geographical locations, this is because of telecom technology.

technology in telecom field

In the modern world, we are surrounded by technologies and we depend a lot on them. We should realize the importance of technology as well as the importance of technical education. Government should promote technical education because it has the power to dramatically change the life of individuals and the economy of the country as well in a positive way.

“Tech gives the quietest student a voice.” – Jerry Blumengarten

The institutions which are already offering technical education must be facilitated by the Government, they should also be provided by experts, who can guide the teachers a proper way of carrying the students from beginner to expert level. In this way, students will get a proper roadmap right from the start. Other institutions which do not offer technical education, should also be encouraged to start offering technical education.

“The goal of education is understanding, the goal of training is performance.” - Frank Bell

As we depend on technologies, we must have proper knowledge to deal with them. If we do not know the core principles of a technology, we would not be able to improve it or develop something else that can be even more helpful than the existing one, this is why technical education is very important.

Need for Serious Planning in Technical Education in Pakistan

Pakistan has more than 64% of its population below the age of 30, this is the biggest asset Pakistan has right now. If the Government of Pakistan channelizes the youth and help them acquire quality technical education, they can put a huge impact on the economy of Pakistan.

“Technical education is not learning of the facts, but the training of the mind to think.” - Albert Einstein

Because Pakistan depends a lot on imports and there are barely handful products that we produce, the biggest reason of it is we are lagging behind in adopting and learning new technologies. If we produce technically sound persons, they will definitely boost the production whenever they will enter an industry. Increase in production is the first step to stability of an economy.

"Technology can become the “wings” that will allow the educational world to fly farther and faster than ever before—if we will allow it" - Jenny Arledge

By producing more, we will not only fulfill our needs but we can also start exporting those products, this can be the strongest weapon against inflation. Right now, inflation in Pakistan is the biggest problem that we are facing. Imported products are always expensive than domestic products.

As today's world is completely based on technology and it has improved every aspect of life, technical education has become a primary need of the society. Behind every luxury of life that we enjoy today, is a technology. To keep growing and discovering new wonders, we must promote technical education.

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Essay on Technical Education

Students are often asked to write an essay on Technical Education in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Technical Education


Technical Education is a branch of learning that provides practical knowledge and skills for specific occupations or technologies.

Technical education plays a vital role in the modern age. It helps students gain specialized knowledge and become self-reliant.

Technical education offers practical skills, leading to direct employment. It also promotes innovation and entrepreneurship.

In conclusion, technical education is essential in today’s world. It provides the necessary skills to meet the demands of the evolving job market.

250 Words Essay on Technical Education

Importance of technical education.

In today’s rapidly evolving world, technical education holds enormous significance. It is instrumental in fostering the development of a skilled workforce that can meet the demands of various industries. It equips individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform specific tasks, making them more employable and productive.

Benefits of Technical Education

Technical education offers numerous benefits. It provides a direct link between education and the workplace, ensuring that students are job-ready upon graduation. It also promotes innovation and creativity, as students are trained to solve real-world problems using technical skills. Furthermore, it contributes to economic growth by filling the skills gap in various sectors.

Challenges and Solutions

Despite its importance, technical education faces several challenges. These include a lack of awareness, inadequate infrastructure, and outdated curricula. To overcome these challenges, it is crucial to raise awareness about the value of technical education, invest in infrastructure, and update curricula to keep pace with industry trends.

In conclusion, technical education plays a pivotal role in today’s knowledge-driven economy. By equipping individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge, it ensures a competent workforce that can drive economic growth and development. However, for it to reach its full potential, concerted efforts are needed to address existing challenges.

500 Words Essay on Technical Education

Technical education is a branch of vocational education that focuses on practical applications of various concepts. It is a systematic, organized and institutionalized segment of education that equips individuals with practical and professional skills in various sectors of a country’s economy.

The Importance of Technical Education

Technical education is vital for national development. It fosters innovation, enhances productivity, and promotes entrepreneurship. It also addresses the skills mismatch in the labor market, reducing unemployment and underemployment rates.

The Current State of Technical Education

Despite its significance, technical education often remains under-prioritized in many countries. Traditional academic education is still considered the primary route to success, leading to an imbalance in the workforce. However, the increasing demand for skilled professionals is gradually altering this perception.

Challenges and Opportunities

The main challenges in technical education include the stigma associated with vocational training, lack of awareness, inadequate infrastructure, outdated curriculum, and the rapid pace of technological change. There is a need for a paradigm shift in societal attitudes towards technical education and a significant investment in infrastructure and curriculum development.

However, there are immense opportunities as well. The advent of Industry 4.0, characterized by automation, data exchange, and the Internet of Things (IoT), is creating a demand for new skill sets. Technical education can play a pivotal role in preparing the workforce for this digital revolution.

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Next Pakistan

Top 26 Quotations for Technical Education Essay for Class 12

quotations about essay technical education

  • January 25, 2024

Kainat Shakeel

Technical education encompasses the methodical accession of skills and knowledge related to a specific assiduity or field. It goes beyond theoretical learning, fastening practical operation, and preparing individualities for the demands of the professional world. In the fleetly advancing global landscape, technical education is pivotal for fostering invention, driving profitable growth, and addressing the skills gap in colorful diligence.

Quotes on Technical Education

  • ” Technical education is the ground between dreams and inventions.” 
  • ” Learning the language of technology is the key to unleashing a world of possibilities.” 
  • ” Technical education is the foundation upon which the edifice of invention is erected.” 
  • ” Mastery of technology begins with the humble step of technical education.” 
  • ” The unborn belongs to those who embrace the power of technical knowledge.” 
  • ” In the world of bytes and circuits, technical education is the law to success.” 
  • ” The art of the future is drafted through the wisdom of technical education.” 
  • ” Technical education is the compass that navigates the trip from proposition to operation.” 
  • “Learning the tools of technology is the first step towards shaping a brighter hereafter.” 
  • ” Technical education is the passport to the future, for hereafter belongs to the technically professed.” 
  • ” The canvas of invention is painted with the encounter of specialized education.” 
  • ” In the factory of knowledge, technical education is the master key to the artificer.” 
  • ” Knowledge in technology is the energy that propels the machine of progress.” 
  • ” In the symphony of progress, technical education provides the notes that harmonize invention.” 
  • ” To navigate the digital geography, one must first master the chart of technical education.” 
  • ” The trip of a thousand inventions begins with a single step into the realm of technical education.” 
  • ” Technical education is the design for erecting a society driven by invention and progress.” 
  • ” In the period of rapid-fire technological elaboration, nonstop literacy through technical education is the only constant.” 
  • ” Technological knowledge is the passport to a global society driven by invention.” 
  • ” Technical education is the anchor that keeps us predicated while we reach for the stars of progress.” 
  • ” A society that invests in technical education is a society investing in its future.” 
  • ” Technical education is the toolkit that empowers individualities to construct their fortune.” 
  • ” In the world of bits and bytes, technical education is the language that speaks progress.” 
  • ” The hands that draft the future are the hands that have been trained by technical education.” 
  • “Unleashing the doors of invention requires the key of technical education.” 
  • ” Technical education is the compass that guides us through the ever-expanding geography of technology.” 
  • ” In the digital age, technical education is the passport to profitable commission.” 
  • ” The trip of invention begins with the vestiges of technical education on the beach of knowledge.”

In conclusion, technical education stands as a pivotal pillar in the development of individualities and nations likewise. Its benefits extend beyond particular career growth to encompass profitable substance, rigidity, and invention.  To aspiring students, the path of technical education offers a gateway to a world of openings. Embrace the challenges, seek practical experiences, and contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of  Industries.

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Kainat Shakeel is a versatile SEO-Content Writer and Digital Marketer with a keen understanding of tech news, digital market trends, fashion, technology, laws, and regulations. As a storyteller in the digital realm, she weaves narratives that bridge the gap between technology and human experiences. With a passion for staying at the forefront of industry trends, her blog is a curated space where the worlds of fashion, tech, and legal landscapes converge.

  • Sun. Aug 25th, 2024

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A Best Comprehensive Essay on Technical Education With Quotations

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By Arbaz Javed

Essay on Technical Education

You’ll find an essay about technical education with interesting quotes in the following article. This essay is for the 10th Class, 12th Class, and graduation-level students. Students can write this essay if the questions are Technical Education Essay with Quotations, Essay on Technical Education with Quotes, and Essay on Importance of Technical Education.

Table of Contents

Technical Education Essay with quotes for Class 10, Class 12, and Graduation

Traditional schooling is no longer sufficient to secure an enjoyable and rewarding future in today’s quickly changing society. Various opportunities and problems have changed, and as a result, there is a greater demand for technical education than ever before. 

“Science is a key which unlocks for mankind a store of nature.” 

Technical education is critical in shaping the modern workforce, giving individuals with practical skills and knowledge that enable them to make meaningful contributions to society and the economy.

At its core, technical education provides individuals with the knowledge and skills required to succeed in specific sectors and fields. Technical education dives into the practical aspects of numerous subjects, as opposed to general education, which largely concentrates on academic knowledge. It helps students prepare for real-world difficulties and professional achievement by eliminating the gap between academics and industry.

One of the most significant benefits of technical education is its potential to address the problem of unemployment. The modern world is characterized by rapid advancements in technology and automation, frequently resulting in a shift in job needs. 

“The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.”

Technical education guarantees that individuals are well-prepared to meet the needs of the job market by providing specialised training and abilities. This proactive strategy not only eliminates unemployment but also promotes economic growth by cultivating a capable and skilled workforce.

General education has long been promoted over technical education in many parts of the world, resulting in a shortage of trained employees and a need for more expertise in critical fields. This imbalance frequently results in individuals being unprepared for the demands of the modern workforce, which contributes to unemployment and poverty. One of the best quotes about technical education is Ralph Waldo Emerson says:

“Skills make dreams happen.”

The lack of technical education is the major factor in Pakistan’s economic crisis.

The country has a wealth of raw material resources, but the lack of technical knowledge and skills makes it difficult to use these resources for economic gain. As a result, while the potential for progress and prosperity, poverty remains.

To overcome these difficulties, it is critical to recognize the importance of technical education and to take action to integrate it into educational systems. Prioritizing technical education has proven beneficial in countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan, and China. These countries have reaped the rewards of a trained workforce, strong industry, and long-term economic growth.

“Skills are the currency of the future.”

Furthermore, the value of moral education and technical instruction cannot be emphasized. While technical education provides individuals with practical skills, moral education promotes values and ideals that influence how those talents are applied. 

Societies may assure economic prosperity and the holistic development of individuals who contribute constructively to their communities by integrating both forms of education.

2nd Essay on Technical Education and Its Importance & Value in Human Life

Today we’ll talk about something incredibly cool and important: “technical education.” Have you ever thought about how your toys, gadgets, or even large equipment work? Technical education, on the other hand, is all about learning how to manufacture and repair things. It’s like being a mechanical superhero.

Learning Useful Skills

Technical education teaches you a variety of useful skills. You learn to build, fix, and create things in the same way that you learn to ride a bicycle. You learn how to employ tools to make things better, much like a superhero’s toolkit. You’ll get pretty proficient at making and fixing things this way.

Discovering Amazing Machines

Consider yourself a detective exploring how machines work. Technical education teaches you about the inner workings of machines such as computers, television, and even automobiles. You get to look inside and solve the mystery. It’s like being a magician who understands all the tricks.

Building a Bright Future

When you know a lot about technology, you can choose interesting occupations when you grow up. You can work as an engineer, scientist, or inventor. These careers allow you to use your superhero abilities to tackle major problems and make the world a better place. Remember, even superheroes began off as learners!

Fixing Things Like a Pro

Have you ever seen someone fixing a damaged toy or a dripping tap? With technical education, you can become a repair expert! Broken objects can be made to work again. It’s as if you have a magical touch that can bring things back to life.

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Finally, the essay on technical education serves as a reminder of the importance of this type of education in creating the present and future. It highlights the significance of practical skills, vocational training, and the development of a skilled workforce. As the world grows, adopting technical education is a step towards growth, prosperity, and a brighter future.

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Importance of Technical Education (Essay For College Students)

Essay on Importance of Technical Education in Pakistan (Urdu & English) 900 Words Today at studysolutions.pk we are going to share English and Urdu essays on “ Importance of Technical Education ” for college students of intermediate and ADP (BA/BSc). Length of this essay is about 900 words. Lets start reading the English essay first;

Table of Contents

What is Technical Education?

Technical education is a type of education that focuses on the practical application of knowledge and skills in specific fields of study. It can be found in colleges and universities, as well as non-traditional institutions such as technical colleges and vocational institutes.

Importance of Technical Education

Technical education has become increasingly important in the world today. With the growth of technology and the need for workers with specific skills, technical education has become an important part of the education system. Technical education can provide students with the skills they need to work in a variety of fields.

English Essay

Technical Education is key to success for any nation or country in 21st century. Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Malaysia and Japan have neither minerals nor these countries can produce enough food for their people, still these countries are progressing with great speed. These countries have just trained their human resource by giving emphasis on vocational and technical training. Now these counties are earning billion of dollars foreign exchange by exporting their high-tech products. This revolution took just 50 years to be happened.

Relation of Technology with Technical Education

We are living in the era of technological revolution. Artificial intelligence is going to rule the world. Technological advances have a profound impact on the way students learn. In order to keep up with the ever-changing technology, schools must provide students with the necessary technical education to remain employable in the workforce. Technical education can be divided into two main categories: vocational and technical.  Vocational education provides students with the skills and knowledge needed for a specific career. Technical education provides students with the skills and knowledge needed for a specific technical field. We need to promote both.

Difference Between Technical Education and Vocational Education

Technical education is a type of education that prepares students for a specific career or occupation. Vocational education is a type of education that prepares students for a specific trade or profession.

Importance of Technical Education for Pakistan

Technical education in Pakistan is important for the country because it provides the workforce with the required skills for the future. It also helps to improve the economy by providing more jobs.

Pakistan has a long history of technical education. The country’s first technical institute, the Karachi School of Engineering, was established in 1892. The country’s technical education system has been in place since then and has since undergone various reforms.

Pakistan is still much behind in technical education. Our human resource is untrained and raw. Majority of our people are working as laborers in Middle East and Europe. There are rare success stories. We need to train our people so that they may earn more foreign exchange for Pakistan and their families. Pakistan need targeted technical education as per our local needs. We need technical experts in the areas of information technology, textile industry, leather industry, garments industry, biomedical engineering, manufacturing and healthcare.

Importance of Technical Education For Females

There is no doubt that technical education is important for females. Firstly, it provides females with the skills they need to be successful in a variety of fields. Secondly, it provides females with the opportunity to gain knowledge and experience that will help them in their careers. Technical education can help the females in standing on their feet. They can easily earn money on the basis of their skills and qualification.

How to Promote Technical Education?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to promote technical education depends on the specific needs and goals of the community in question.

How to Promote Technical Education in Pakistan?

Just technical education is not enough as we need to go towards industrialization of the country. First we need to create jobs for technically trained persons, then we should prepare the experts of these fields as per our need. Special emphasis should be given on high-tech industry and information technology. Startups should be given interest free loans. Free laptops and tool kits should be provided on the completion of technical education. One window desks should be established for facilitating the industrialists and startups. Technical education should be the part of syllabus right from class one. Technical institutes should be open in all cities and towns of Pakistan. Separate technical institutes should be established for females. Digiskills should introduce more free vocational and IT training online courses. AIOU should also take steps in this direction.

Conclusion In conclusion, Technology is the backbone of the 21st century. It’s what powers the digital world, enables people to connect and share ideas, and allows people to make informed decisions and communicate faster than ever before. It also creates new markets for goods and services, connects people around the world, enables businesses to scale, and even supports people’s well-being. As such, technology is more important than ever before. Therefore, we need to learn how to use it. There are several ways to learn how to use technology, and the most important is to understand the importance of technical education and promote it. Below now you can read Urdu essay on “ Importance of Technical Education “.

Importance of Technical Education (Essay For College Students)

I am a professional content writer and have experience of 10 years. I also launched first ever English monthly magazine of human rights in Pakistan. Majority of content on this website is written by me.

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IGCSE essay paragraph plan on money in Pride and Prejudice

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NGA Publishes Updated Technical Resource on School Security Glazing

NGA volunteers update Glass Technical Papers (GTPs) through the systematic review ballot process on a 5-year cycle. The GTP FB71-24 School Security Glazing has been updated and is now available to download for free in the NGA Store.

Protecting students and teachers remains a major concern across the country, and glass can help. This updated resource provides information on security (delayed forced entry) glazing options for windows and doors installed in schools. It is important to determine the assets, the potential threats and hazards, and the level of vulnerability in order to know what level of testing or certification is required, before specifying the glazing. Many test standards are available to determine the suitability of glass for safety applications. This document is a guide to the standardized methods recommended and used by the glass industry.

NGA offers over 90 Glass Technical Papers free to download for everyone. Find them in the NGA Store .


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