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Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development - photo by Jerry van Dijk

Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development

Phd research.

Photo of PhD researchers at the Copernicus Institute

Our goal is to train curious, empowered and rigorous researchers who can address the social and technical challenges of a changing world.

PhD researchers at the Copernicus Institute come from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds within the field of sustainability. Our 100+ PhDs have an academic and social home in one of our five research groups. The institute is a fun and vibrant place to work, with an open, productive and supportive research culture that values inclusivity and a diversity of perspectives. 

How do I find current PhD vacancies? 

All PhD positions are announced through the Utrecht University website: Working at Utrecht University 

Do I need to speak Dutch to work at the Copernicus Institute? 

English is our working language. Unless otherwise stated for a specific position, knowledge of Dutch is not required (although you are encouraged to learn Dutch while you are here!). 

  • Information for potential applicants
  • Information for current PhD researchers

Stories from our PhD research

phd sustainability netherlands

Revitalizing Arctic Indigenous food systems through inclusive, transdisciplinary approaches

Silja Zimmermann's first publication explores how inclusive, transdisciplinary and action-orientated research that acknowledges the complexity of Arctic food systems is crucial to help enable a sustainable future for Arctic Indigenous food systems.

phd sustainability netherlands

A 100% circular fashion industry by 2050? Second-hand alone will not get us there

Denise Reike's PhD research highlights how second-hand reuse alone is not sufficient for the Netherlands to reach its 2050 circularity targets. We need to promote a range of different approaches to reach the goal of a sustainable and circular textile industry by 2050.

phd sustainability netherlands

Campus Living Labs test new, transformative ways of thinking and doing

Harm van den Heiligenberg’s PhD research has provided a scientific basis to help us understand the conditions needed to make living labs for sustainability successful in urban areas. Claudia Stuckrath Alvarado is now zooming in to see how these hotbeds for experimentation can be used to bridge campus operations with academia, accelerating the transformation to a sustainable society.

phd sustainability netherlands

Agriculture, food and degrowth: four avenues to pave the way to a sustainable food system

PhD candidates Leonie Guerrero Lara, Laura van Oers, Jacob Smessaert, Julia Spanier and Guillherme Raj propose a new research agenda exploring the questions degrowth researchers need to ask to advance the transition to a sustainable and just global food system.

phd sustainability netherlands

How water may hold the key to tiger conservation in the Himalayas

Mayuri Phukan and Pranisha Pokhrel's research is trying to unravel the complex, intertwined relationship between climate, rivers, groundwater, land use and grazing at the foot of the Nepalese Himalayas. The aim: to help provide a sustainable habitat for the tiger population.

phd sustainability netherlands

Uncovering the obscure world of cold water corals

Most people have heard of tropical corals. But what about lesser-known cold water corals? We speak to Anna van der Kaaden about her research on this essential ecosystem-supporting organism found in barren deep waters and the importance of science communication.

phd sustainability netherlands

Breaking the curse or going under: governance challenges of land subsidence in Dutch peatlands

10 meters is the almost surreal amount by which Dutch peatlands have lowered over the last 1000 years. From greenhouse gas emissions to collapsing buildings and rising flood risk, land subsidence needs serious attention. Mandy van den Ende's research identifies some of the main challenges in the governance of subsiding peatlands and gives suggestions on how to move forward.

phd sustainability netherlands

Diplomatic channels crucial for diffusion of sustainable infrastructure

Michał Bączyk's PhD research shows how diplomatic channels play a crucial role in how key sustainability technologies related to solar, wind, nuclear and marine power, high-speed railway, and telecommunication satellites diffuse between countries.

Utrecht University Heidelberglaan 8 3584 CS Utrecht The Netherlands Tel. +31 (0)30 253 35 50

PhD programmes of the departments

Phd programme environmental economics.

The PhD research in the department of Environmental Economics investigates how economic growth (including the improvement of livelihoods for the world’s poor) and environmental sustainability can be reconciled. Part of the answer lies in the use of economic principles such as the polluter pays, market mechanisms for ecosystem services, resource use and flood protection, and other economic instruments such as environmental taxation. Our research tools include economic models, statistical analysis, empirical data collection (e.g. surveys, choice experiments) and methods such as cost-benefit analysis.

Important fields of application include IVM’s four main topic areas (water, climate, energy and ecosystems), but also other areas such as air pollution and waste. A list of our current key projects is found here . The PhD research is linked to three scientific themes, covering a wide range of policy relevant environmental themes: (1) Economics of natural capital and ecosystem services; (2) Climate change economics; (3) Economics of sustainable energy. Click here for more information on the Environmental Economics department's research.

Contact For more information or applications, please contact Prof. Wouter Botzen or  Prof. Pieter van Beukering .


The PhD programme in the department of Environmental Geography has a strong methodological focus in developing, applying and interpreting novel approaches for the description, mapping, and modelling methods land and food systems on different spatial and temporal scales. The main objective is to study the complex interactions between human activities and the natural environment reflected in land use.

PhD students in the EG department follow the department’s four main research themes: (1) Socio-ecological system mapping and modelling, (2) Trade-offs between climate, biodiversity and ecosystem services, (3) Land system change and sustainability transformations, (4) Sustainable land management and cities (more information on our research themes page).

The EG department is well embedded within the international research community, and the PhD students in the department are often part of research projects consisting of international collaborators. While several of our PhD students perform global-scale research, many study land use in regional contexts all over the world: woodlands in Kenya, traditional landscapes in Greece, tiger habitats in Cambodia, coastal land use on Curaçao, cocoa smallholders in Ghana, peri-urban areas in Switzerland and city parks in the Netherlands, to name a few.

Contact For more information or applications, please contact Prof. Peter Verburg or Dr Nynke Schulp .


The PhD research in the department of Environmental Policy Analysis (EPA) focuses on the theme of governance for sustainability. Governance has become a key concept in policy research, where it denotes the departure from old-style government to new forms of horizontal and vertical steering. This generally includes a transition from bureaucratic, centralized top-down policies to new forms of decision-making that are more inclusive, more decentralized, more flexible, less hierarchical, and more complex.

Within this context, we investigate several overarching questions: for example, how effective are modern systems of environmental governance in achieving the transition to sustainability? Which theories can best explain variation in the effectiveness of different forms of governance? How can we scrutinize unintended effects? How does a multitude of institutions that co-exist with an issue area interlink, overlap, and interact? How do unsustainable practices change into sustainable ones? And finally, how can we stimulate innovation in terms of governance approaches?

The EPA department runs PhD research projects linked to their three Research themes: (1) Governing under Complexity; (2) Governance Innovation and Institutional change; (3) Governance Evaluation (more information here ).

Contact For more information or applications, please contact Prof. Philipp Pattberg or Dr Oscar Widerberg .


The PhD programme of the Department of Water and Climate Risk aims at developing data and modelling methods for the analysis of societal and environmental risk related to water and climate. The focus is on water and climate extremes such as floods and droughts, to estimate impacts from these extremes on various economic sectors, and to examine what strategies can be developed to reduce impacts and risk.

The PhD programme of the WCR Department follows the department's three main research lines or specialisations: (1) Climate Extremes, Attribution and Forecasting; (2) Flood, Drought and Multi-Risk Assessment; (3) Socio-Hydrological Feedbacks and Risk Management (more information here ).

The department of WCR has a strong international orientation with a large research network and there are many collaboration activities with colleague universities and institutes from all over the world. Many of our PhD students use their tie as guest researcher at one of our international network institutes: e.g. JRC, Columbia Earth Institute, PIK Potsdam, Oxford University, etc.

Contact For more information or applications, please contact Prof. Jeroen Aerts or Prof. Philip Ward .

For IVM’s high-level PhD programme

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Research on sustainability

Biology research

UvA research programmes and institutes with a sustainability focus

  • A Sustainable Future
  • Analytics for a Better World
  • Centre for Sustainable Development Studies
  • Ecological values
  • Electricity generation and transport
  • Global Ecology
  • Green Life Sciences
  • Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED)
  • Systems Biology
  • Sustainable chemistry
  • Sustainable cities
  • Sustainable enterprise and regulations
  • Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (SILS)
  • Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS)

Innovation platform

The Amsterdam Green Campus , co-founded by IBED, SILS, HIMS and others, is a regional innovation platform for a greener future. Researchers, educational institutes and entrepreneurs are working together to develop innovations that will promote sustainability and educate the next generation of leaders in sustainability.

Practical applications from research

We are committed to developing practical applications from research that are of benefit to society. Some examples include:

  • Photanol , a SILS spin-off, is a renewable chemicals company that uses cyanobacteria to process CO 2 and sunlight into valuable chemical products.
  • Plantics , a HIMS spin-off company, produces a fully biodegradable, compostable and 100% biologically-based plastic.

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Maastricht University Graduate School of Sustainability Science

Maastricht University Graduate School of Sustainability Science & Policy

Maastricht University Graduate School of Sustainability Science (MUST) conducts research into sustainable development and integrated assessment at the International Centre for Integrated Assessment and Sustainable Development (ICIS). MUST strives to find innovative new ways of integrating knowledge across academic divides, between social and natural sciences and between critical and problem-solving research. We do this in the context of major sustainability challenges such as globalisation, climate change, global health, loss of biodiversity, water issues, regional sustainability, tourism, mobility, governance and innovation.

  • conducts research into sustainable development and integrated assessment
  • strives to integrate knowledge between social and natural sciences

Research on complex issues is best conducted with experts tackling different aspects of a given problem from their own expertise and perspectives. MUST offers a perfect environment for this kind of collaboration, with scientific training and a dynamic learning environment where the exchange of knowledge between younger and more experienced researchers is emphasised. PhD candidates from different disciplinary backgrounds and post-docs work closely together with professional scientific leadership to find solutions to sustainability issues affecting our society.

The MSc and PhD programme ‘Sustainability Science and Policy’ is offered under the umbrella of MUST, with our researchers contributing to the development of all participants.

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  • PhD impact incubator (A2)
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  • SENSE PhD Council (SPC)
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  • SENSE research in society


We are an academic network for integrated environmental and sustainability research and multidisciplinary PhD training.

Established in 1994, the Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment has developed into a Dutch network of outstanding environmental research institutes and graduate schools from ten Dutch universities and institutes.

SENSE e-News April 2024

Farewell symposium johan feenstra (wimek-wur): empowering transitions for sustainable futures, python programming for phds, grounding carbon farming, the sense research school is currently a network of 13 research institutes in the field of environmental and sustainability sciences connected to 8 dutch universities, ihe-delft and the netherlands environmental assessment agency (pbl)..

The SENSE Research School is dedicated to supporting the development and dissemination of cutting-edge disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary scientific knowledge in the field of environmental and sustainability sciences. The SENSE organisation consists of a general board, a directorate or daily board, a research committee, an education committee, a PhD Council and a SENSE supporting office.


We function as a school for PhD education and training in environmental and sustainability sciences.


We function as a national academic research network in this field.


We function as a bridge to society for sustainable solutions.

Our partners


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phd sustainability netherlands

PhD programmes

A PhD track consists of original scientific research under the supervision of a professor, which takes on average 4 years.

Every year, around 400 PhD candidates defend their dissertation at Leiden University, spread across all the University’s different disciplines.

A PhD track consists of original scientific research under the supervision of a professor, which takes on average 4 years. Many PhD candidates are employed by the University, but a number are subsidised by a grant that they have acquired themselves. The University also has a large number of external PhD candidates, who generally work part-time on their research. 

Every PhD candidate is enrolled in one of the University Graduate Schools.

Read more about Studying for your PhD .

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PhD courses

These courses provide opportunities for PhD candidates, functioning as a platform to acquire skills and explore topics and theories in the field of sustainability. Check them out and sign up if it suits your planning!

PhD Course Safe by Design 2023

Offered at TU Delft, this course is free and open to PhD candidates and postdocs from all universities and universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands. 


More information on the PhD Course Safe by Design 2023

PhD program Sustainable Energy Technology

The PhD program Sustainable Energy Technology gives you the opportunity to become an independent researcher in the field of Sustainable Energy Technology. An in-depth study and research project allow you to further specialize and to focus on the future, your own and that of society.

The following research groups are involved in the PhD program Sustainable Energy Technology:

Research groups Mechanical Engineering

Research groups applied physics, research groups electrical engineering, research groups chemical engineering, research groups built environment, research group industrial engineering and innovation sciences.

172 PhD-in-Sustainable-Energy positions in Netherlands

Filtered by.

  • Netherlands
  • PhD-in-Sustainable-Energy

Refine Your Search

  • Scholarship 111
  • Research Job 37
  • Postdoctoral 35
  • Delft University of Technology 120
  • University of Twente 17
  • Eindhoven University of Technology 15
  • University of Amsterdam 5
  • University of Groningen 4
  • Wageningen University and Research Center 4
  • AcademicTransfer 2
  • ; Maastricht University 1
  • Leiden University 1
  • Computer Science 50
  • Engineering 43
  • Education 19
  • Economics 11
  • Chemistry 9
  • Materials Science 8
  • Electrical Engineering 5
  • Mathematics 5
  • Arts and Literature 3
  • Earth Sciences 3
  • Environment 3
  • Medical Sciences 3
  • Sports and Recreation 2
  • Humanities 1
  • Linguistics 1
  • Philosophy 1
  • Statistics 1

PhD New Luminescent Materials for Sustainable Energy Technology : towards a photovoltaic window

this PhD research project, luminescent materials for building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) technology will be developed. The PhD will make and study new types of strongly absorbing luminescent solar

PhD position in Co-simulation tools for Integrated Energy Systems

sustainable energy systems , with an emphasis on electricity systems, markets and systems integration. This research is performed in two research labs: the Digital power and energy systems lab (EES DigiPES lab

PhD Position Machine Learning for Energy System State Estimation

are sustainable , reliable and effective, now and in the future. As part of your 4-year PhD project, you will develop novel graph-based machine learning algorithms for state estimation of energy systems

Lab Manager Catalysis Engineering|Technician Reactor Systems

Section, you ensure a safe and reliable operation of a lab focused on developing and demonstrating new catalytic solutions for energy transition and sustainability . This requires an innovative mindset as

PhD Position DC Circuit Breaker for Electric Aircraft

). About the department The research in the Department of Electrical Sustainable Energy is inspired by the technical, scientific, and societal challenges originating from the transition towards a more

PhDs on legal aspects of Floating Offshore Wind Energy – project ‘HybridLabs’ (2.0 FTE)

. The University of Groningen, Groningen Centre of Energy Law and Sustainability is involved in the legal and regulatory research for this project. The two PhD candidates will be integrated in the Groningen Centre

PhD Position Markov Decision Process for Power System Topological Actions

Challenge: Transforming the conventional carbon-intensive energy use Change: AI to turn data into knowledge for efficient systems Impact: Boosting the sustainable , fair and reliable energy

Postdoc position on energy - efficient scheduling in datacenters

to innovate more rapidly and share knowledge in the societal impactful areas of energy efficiency , sustainability , and security. With the decentralized network of data centers of the future through a decentral

PhD Position Analysis of Critical Raw Material Demand and Circularity for Dutch Solar PV in a European Context

. About the department The PVMD group is part of the Electrical Sustainable Energy department which is inspired by the technical, scientific, and societal challenges originating from the transition towards

Postdoc Applied Probability Theory for Machine Learning Tasks in Complex Energy Systems

Collaborate&Learn: TU Delft and AIT Challenge: Renewable energy transition Change: Turn data into knowledge for efficient systems Impact: Boost the sustainable , reliable energy transition TU Delft

Searches related to PhD in Sustainable Energy

  • personnel psychology
  • renewable energy
  • engineering
  • phd human resources development
  • phd organization development
  • renewable energy phd
  • electrical engineering
  • phd in human resources management

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106 PhD jobs in The Netherlands

Find PhD jobs in The Netherlands here. To have jobs sent to you the day they're posted, sign up for job alerts.

  • PhD positions in Eindhoven (48)
  • PhD positions in Enschede (20)
  • PhD positions in Amsterdam (13)
  • PhD positions in Leiden (13)
  • PhD positions in Nijmegen (9)
  • PhD positions in Maastricht (1)
  • PhD positions in Den Helder (1)
  • PhD positions in Delft (1)

Other countries

  • PhD positions in Belgium (110)
  • PhD positions in Germany (62)
  • PhD positions in Switzerland (52)
  • PhD positions in Finland (46)
  • PhD positions in Sweden (31)
  • PhD positions in Luxembourg (25)
  • PhD positions in Austria (20)
  • PhD positions in Norway (14)
  • PhD positions in France (12)
  • PhD positions in Israel (4)

Search results (106)


PhD Reconfigurable metasurfaces for Radar Cross Section (RCS) control

PhD Research Project "Reconfigurable metasurfaces for Radar Cross Section (RCS) control" Promoter: Prof. dr. G. Gerini (TU/e Electromagnetics Group – TNO Optics Department)Position PhD-studentIrène Curie Fellowship NoDepartment(s) Electrical Engin...

PhD position in Human-Centric Optimization for Supply Chain Excellence

Position PhD-studentIrène Curie Fellowship NoDepartment(s) Industrial Engineering and Innovation SciencesFTE 1,0Date off 08/09/2024Reference number V39.7650Job descriptionThe labor shortage in the Netherlands has become a critical issue, affecting...

PhD on hardware design of RDC for Electric Vehicle Fast Chargers (E2GO DC1)

Position PhD-studentIrène Curie Fellowship NoDepartment(s) Electrical EngineeringFTE 1,0Date off 01/09/2024Reference number V36.7646Job descriptionResearch Programme Description“E2GO– Cost-reduction of EV fast-charging station to enable large-scal...


PhD Position: Role of User Feedback and Introspection Mechanisms in the Context of Neurotechnological Systems

Employment 1.0 FTEGross monthly salary € 2,770 - € 3,539Required background Research University DegreeOrganizational unit Faculty of Social SciencesApplication deadline 12 September 2024Are you passionate about leveraging machine learning techniqu...

PhD Position: Priming Plant-Soil Microbiota Interactions

Employment 0.8 - 1.0 FTEGross monthly salary € 2,770 - € 3,539Required background Research University DegreeOrganizational unit Faculty of ScienceApplication deadline 06 October 2024Are you eager to learn how soil microbiota protect plants from dr...

PhD Position: Condensed Matter Research in High Magnetic Fields with Intense THz Radiation

Employment 0.8 - 1.0 FTEGross monthly salary € 2,770 - € 3,539Required background Research University DegreeOrganizational unit Faculty of ScienceApplication deadline 29 September 2024Are you passionate about experimental condensed matter physics?...

PhD on Foundation Models for Embedded and Embodied AI in Autonomous Driving

Position PhD-studentIrène Curie Fellowship NoDepartment(s) Mathematics and Computer ScienceFTE 1,0Date off 23/09/2024Reference number V32.7703Job descriptionWe are seeking to fill a PhD position in the Data and Artificial Intelligence Cluster, wit...

PhD on Generative AI (KG-enhanced LLMs)

Are you eager to work on a combination of Large Language Models (LLMs) with Knowledge Graphs (KGs) to create trustworthy conversational AI? Do you want to have an impact on the world’s supplier to the semiconductor industry (ASML)?Position PhD-stu...

PhD Candidate: Computer Security and Privacy: Online Privacy and Digital Rights

Employment 1.0 FTEGross monthly salary € 2,770 - € 3,539Required background Research University DegreeOrganizational unit Faculty of ScienceApplication deadline 29 September 2024Are you passionate about improving the digital landscape and protecti...

PhD TA on Algorithm Engineering

Are you inspired by algorithmic and optimization-based approaches to real-world problems? Passionate about designing and implementing algorithms – investigating their practical performance? Let's support the energy transition by helping with its d...


PhD scholarship in “Quantitative Analysis of Impact Investing and Social Entrepreneurship Scaling”

Job descriptionThe PhD project is part of a network of 15 doctoral theses that all contribute to the overall goal of understanding social entrepreneurship (SE) scaling. This particular PhD thesis i...

PhD position in IC Design group

Job descriptionThe University of Twente (UT) is located in the east of the Netherlands. It offers a dynamic campus, excellent facilities and the possibility to work in- and with- famous research gr...


PhD-student: Non-Hermitian nano-optomechanical networks and their sensing performance

The Photonic Forces group seeks a motivated and talented PhD student working at the intersection of the fields of nano-optomechanics and topological physics. Nanomechanical resonators are versatile...

PhD Candidate in Trustworthy Analysis of Stochastic Timed Systems

Job descriptionApplications will be evaluated on a monthly basis. The vacancy may be closed early once the positions are filled. We offer two Ph.D. positions within the TruSTy project on “Trustwort...

PhD on Innovation pathways for off-shore wind energy integration

TU/e is seeking an enthusiastic candidate for a PhD project that aims to develop pathways for the integration of offshore wind energy in the energy system.Position PhD-studentIrène Curie Fellowship NoDepartment(s) Industrial Engineering and Innova...

PhD on Stochastic modelling and reliability assessment

Disruptive innovations are needed in managing and operating distribution grids. Are you our next PhD researchers in exploring disruptive innovations in managing and operating distribution grids?Position PhD-studentIrène Curie Fellowship NoDepartme...

EngD position on Supply Chain Security

Job descriptionPolicy makers around the world, especially in Europe, are increasingly focused on enhancing the resilience and security of their critical infrastructures, given the increasing cyber ...


PhD student in Biochemistry, Structure and Function of Archaeal Chromatin

PhD student in Biochemistry, Structure and Function of Archaeal ChromatinThe project is aimed at understanding structure, function and evolution of archaeal histone proteins. It is embedded in a dynamic multidisciplinary research group (biochemist...

PhD Candidate: Effect of Online and Offline Marketing of Alcohol-free Beverages on the Drinking Behaviour of Young People

Employment 1.0 FTEGross monthly salary € 2,770 - € 3,539Required background Research University DegreeOrganizational unit Faculty of Social SciencesApplication deadline 11 August 2024Are you passionate about becoming an expert in the unique resear...

PhD on learning and analysis of coupled dynamical systems with constraints

Position PhD-studentIrène Curie Fellowship NoDepartment(s) Mechanical EngineeringFTE 1,0Date off 06/10/2024Reference number V35.7707Job descriptionSimulation-based design is a powerful tool assisting the development and maintenance of many enginee...


PhD position “WildMarsh – Enhancing coastal resilience through trophic rewilding”

Are you passionate about coastal ecology and eager to explore innovative solutions for enhancing coastal resilience? The Department of Estuarine and Delta Systems (EDS) at the Royal Netherlands Ins...


PhD: Computational imaging and metrology through a multimode fiber

Work ActivitiesOptical metrology is a key ingredient of nanolithography, as it enables the characterization of critical features of nanostructures printed on wafers. High-resolution imaging is an essential part of optical metrology: We need to per...

PhD: Imaging Spectroscopy for Broadband EUV Source Size Characterization

Work ActivitiesThis fully funded PhD position is part of a Holland High Tech (TKI HTSM) grant titled “Imaging Spectroscopy for Broadband EUV Source Size Characterization (ImSpec)”, a collaboration between the Advanced Research Center for Nanolitho...

PhD position: Hydrodynamics of droplet-laser interaction for EUV lithography

Work ActivitiesThis fully funded PhD position lies at the interface between fundamental physics and industrial application. It is part of a fully funded Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council titled “Next-Generation Light Source: Dr...

PhD Candidate in Algorithmic Fairness in Social Network Analysis

The Faculty of Science and the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) is looking for a:PhD Candidate in Algorithmic Fairness in Social Network Analysis (1.0 FTE)About this positionAre you a passionate and committed young researcher ...

PhD Position: Neuromorphic Human-Computer Interaction at the Human Media Lab

Employment 1.0 FTEGross monthly salary € 2,770 - € 3,539Required background Research University DegreeOrganizational unit Faculty of ScienceApplication deadline 13 October 2024Are you passionate about revolutionizing Human-Computer Interaction? Co...

PhD candidate (1,0 FTE) in Central Asian (Tarim Basin) Palaeography

Leiden University, Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL), is looking for aPhD candidate (1,0 FTE) in Central Asian (Tarim Basin) Palaeographyto work on“Patterns of writing: The development of the Brāhmī and Kharoṣṭ...

EngD position: Construction Management and Engineering

Job descriptionAn Engineering Doctorate is an official-accredited degree as professional technological designer. During this in-depth program, you become a specialist while following a tailored pos...

PhD on meta-optics mediated light-matter interaction

Position PhD-studentIrène Curie Fellowship NoDepartment(s) Applied Physics and Science EducationInstitutes and others Institute for Complex Molecular Systems, Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir InstituteFTE 1,0Date off 26/09/2024Reference number V34.7653Jo...

PhD-student: Transmembrane protein mimics for communication between synthetic cells

As a PhD-student in our Physics of Cellular Interactions group headed by Dr. Kristina Ganzinger, you will apply state-of-the-art techniques to generate transmembrane protein mimics for communicatio...

Jobs by field

  • Programming Languages 183
  • Electrical Engineering 180
  • Machine Learning 172
  • Artificial Intelligence 171
  • Molecular Biology 144
  • Electronics 131
  • Materials Engineering 130
  • Computational Sciences 128
  • Cell Biology 128
  • Materials Chemistry 109

Jobs by type

  • Postdoc 312
  • Assistant / Associate Professor 147
  • Researcher 126
  • Professor 93
  • Engineer 64
  • Management / Leadership 60
  • Lecturer / Senior Lecturer 51
  • Research assistant 50
  • Tenure Track 37

Jobs by country

  • Belgium 224
  • The Netherlands 175
  • Morocco 127
  • Germany 126
  • Finland 108
  • Switzerland 96
  • Luxembourg 76

Jobs by employer

  • Mohammed VI Polytechnic Unive... 131
  • KU Leuven 94
  • University of Luxembourg 74
  • Eindhoven University of Techn... 72
  • Ghent University 41
  • ETH Zürich 35
  • Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) 30
  • KTH Royal Institute of Techno... 30
  • University of Twente 29

phd sustainability netherlands

Global Shrimp Forum 2024: Recap on 3 busy days in the Netherlands

IntraFish was reporting live from this year's Global Shrimp Forum in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Read our blog to catch up on all the news from the showfloor.

The Global Shrimp Forum 2024 is taking place in the city of Utrecht, the Netherlands.

  • Rachel Mutter
  • Robin Paxton


  1. PhD International Scholarships in Sustainability Assessment of Carbon

    phd sustainability netherlands

  2. 6 Sustainability Innovations in the Netherlands

    phd sustainability netherlands

  3. Sustainable Future in the Netherlands

    phd sustainability netherlands

  4. Environmental Sustainability Study 2023 (Wave 3

    phd sustainability netherlands

  5. International PhD Positions in Sustainable Lifespan Extension of Inner

    phd sustainability netherlands

  6. Sustainability in the Dutch Power sector

    phd sustainability netherlands


  1. From IISER Pune to PhD in Netherlands: A Rising Chemist's Journey

  2. AUS Alumni Succeed in the Job Market

  3. Bachelor of Science in Digital Construction

  4. AUS at International Education Show (IES) 2023

  5. Science PHD Journeys

  6. Maarten Hajer


  1. MSI

    PhD programme. The interdisciplinary PhD programme in Sustainability Science and Policy (SSP) is designed to educate researchers, university teachers, and world leaders in the social, economic and natural science disciplines that underpin sustainable development. The research produced by the programme's doctoral dissertations will focus on ...

  2. 351 phd-sustainability positions in Netherlands

    PhD Position Sustainable Steel Production Modelling Solid Pile Formation in Reduced Electric Furnaces. Contribute to sustainable steel! The objective of the "Groeien met Groen Staal" program, funded by the Dutch National Growth Fund, is to help and prepare the steel industry for a green transition.

  3. Maastricht Sustainability Institute (MSI)

    The Maastricht University Graduate School of Sustainability Science & Policy (MUST) is based at MSI, which offers a PhD programme and Master programme to study the complex challenge of sustainable development in an international and interdisciplinary ambience. MSI provides also sustainable development courses at Bachelor level for other units at Maastricht University.

  4. Science for Sustainability Graduate Programme

    The Science for Sustainability Graduate Programme (GPS4S) boosts the sustainability research at Utrecht University by funding PhD positions in the period 2022-2027. The GPS4S will train eight excellent PhD-students who have written their own research proposal. The research projects will address challenges in the field of sustainability from an ...

  5. Radboud Global PhD programme on Sustainability Challenges

    Then the Radboud Global PhD Programme on Sustainability Challenges is the opportunity for you. Language: English. Average duration: 6 to 8 years, depending on the candidate's progress. Start month: flexible. Degree: Doctor of Philosophy. Target group: mid and end-career sustainability professionals in the public, private and civil society sectors.

  6. PhD research

    PhD research. Our goal is to train curious, empowered and rigorous researchers who can address the social and technical challenges of a changing world. PhD researchers at the Copernicus Institute come from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds within the field of sustainability. Our 100+ PhDs have an academic and social home in one of our five ...

  7. PhD programmes of the departments

    PhD students in the EG department follow the department's four main research themes: (1) Socio-ecological system mapping and modelling, (2) Trade-offs between climate, biodiversity and ecosystem services, (3) Land system change and sustainability transformations, (4) Sustainable land management and cities (more information on our research ...

  8. Research on sustainability

    Sustainability - environmental, social and financial - is at the heart of many of our research programmes. As a broad-based research university, the UvA is ideally equipped to study sustainability issues from different perspectives and in interdisciplinary research teams. A SILS researcher at work in one of the greenhouses at Amsterdam ...

  9. Maastricht University Graduate School of Sustainability Science

    The MSc and PhD programme 'Sustainability Science and Policy' is offered under the umbrella of MUST, with our researchers contributing to the development of all participants. ... P.O. Box 616 6200 MD Maastricht The Netherlands. UM visiting address Minderbroedersberg 4-6 6211 LK Maastricht The Netherlands +31 43 388 2222. Follow us on Social ...

  10. List of Universities for PHD in Sustainability in Netherlands

    Find the list of all universities for PHD in Sustainability in Netherlands with our interactive university search tool. Use the filter to list universities by subject, location, program type or study level.

  11. Home

    The SENSE research school is currently a network of 13 research institutes in the field of environmental and sustainability sciences connected to 8 Dutch universities, IHE-Delft and the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL). The SENSE Research School is dedicated to supporting the development and dissemination of cutting-edge ...

  12. PhD programmes

    PhD programmes. A PhD track consists of original scientific research under the supervision of a professor, which takes on average 4 years. Every year, around 400 PhD candidates defend their dissertation at Leiden University, spread across all the University's different disciplines. A PhD track consists of original scientific research under ...

  13. Sustainable Development in Netherlands

    Studying Sustainable Development in Netherlands is a great choice, as there are 8 universities that offer PhD degrees on our portal. Over 125,000 international students choose Netherlands for their studies, which suggests you'll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from all over the world.

  14. PhD courses

    PhD Course Safe by Design 2023. Offered at TU Delft, this course is free and open to PhD candidates and postdocs from all universities and universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands. More information on the PhD Course Safe by Design 2023. Centre for Sustainability. Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities.

  15. PhD projects

    PhD projects. Within a Circular Economy, three interdependent cyclic systems emerge around: biological nutrients, technical nutrients, energy capture. Biomass plays a pivotal role as biological nutrient and as nutrient for biogas. Biogas is currently not economically viable in the Netherlands without subsidies.

  16. 685 PhD-sustainable-development positions in Netherlands

    PhD Position in Activating History and Heritage of Amsterdam's Bridges and Quaywalls for Sustainable Development and Protection. 17th century, to future solutions that protect heritage and allow for sustainable development in line with the UNESCO Historic Urban Landscape approach. The PhD researcher will be employed to co-lead.

  17. PhD program Sustainable Energy Technology

    The PhD program Sustainable Energy Technology gives you the opportunity to become an independent researcher in the field of Sustainable Energy Technology. An in-depth study and research project allow you to further specialize and to focus on the future, your own and that of society. The following research groups are involved in the PhD program ...

  18. List of PHD Programs in Sustainable Development in Netherlands

    Find the list of all PHD Programs in Sustainable Development in Netherlands with our interactive Program search tool. Use the filters to list programs by subject, location, program type or study level.

  19. PhD programmes in Environmental Sciences in Netherlands

    Water and Climate Risk. Ph.D. / Full-time / On Campus. 10,000 EUR / year. 4 years. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands. Ranked top 2%. View Programme Information. Add to compare.

  20. 172 PhD-in-Sustainable-Energy positions in Netherlands

    PhD position in Co-simulation tools for Integrated Energy Systems. sustainable energy systems, with an emphasis on electricity systems, markets and systems integration. This research is performed in two research labs: the Digital power and energy systems lab (EES DigiPES lab.

  21. Your complete guide to a PhD in Sustainable Development

    Sustainable Development is an interdisciplinary field, involving knowledge from Environmental Economics, Policy Making, and Resource Management. Sustainable Development is a subject that aims to limit the usage of fossil fuels and encourages the adoption of alternative renewable energy sources that can limit human impact on the environment.

  22. 100 PhD jobs in The Netherlands

    Employment 1.0 FTEGross monthly salary € 2,770 - € 3,539Required background Research University DegreeOrganizational unit Faculty of Social SciencesApplication deadline 12 September 2024Are you passionate about leveraging machine learning techniqu... Published 4 days ago. Closing in: 6 days. PhD. Leiden University.

  23. Global Shrimp Forum 2024: Recap on 3 busy days in the Netherlands

    A mixed picture on sustainability. The sustainability picture is complex for international retailers. Mark Eastham from Ahold Delhaize USA said the company's Dutch stores get much more pressure from consumers than its stores in the United States.

  24. PhD programmes in Sustainable Development in Europe

    English - Literary and Cultural Studies. University of Cincinnati. Cincinnati, United States. More interesting programmes for you. Find the best PhD programmes in the field of Sustainable Development from top universities in Europe. Check all 0 programmes.