MS Word-templates for essays, thesis, research portfolio and research master thesis

Templates section breaks, margins, page numbers and automatic tables.

  • Template Essay
  • Template Master's Thesis
  • Template Research Portfolio
  • Template Research Master's thesis
  • Template Master's Thesis (Master Wereldreligies)

Master's thesis at the Faculty of Science

The master's thesis is the culmination of your academic master's programme. You actively participate in scientific research within your chosen field. This allows you to demonstrate your ability to independently approach and develop a research project in a scientific manner. In addition to research skills, you will also apply knowledge gained from your studies, such as problem-solving, analysis, reporting, and collaboration.

Faculty Master's Thesis Calendar

  • Choosing a Topic
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Scientific Integrity & Plagiarism
  • Writing and Submission
  • Graduating in January


master thesis template ku leuven

Please also check the departmental deadlines for your programme in the corresponding Toledo community.

The various aspects involved in a master's thesis have been outlined in a faculty note .

In addition to the education and examination regulations, there is the faculty master's thesis regulation , which details the expectations for students, supervisors, advisors, and the master's thesis coordinator.

As with every course component, certain objectives must be achieved by the end of the master's thesis. The emphasis for the master's thesis is on the students' ability to actively contribute to scientific research.

Finally, there are specific conditions regarding the selection, commencement, and submission of the master’s thesis.


If you are enrolled in the master's programme, you may choose an existing topic for your master's thesis. You can also propose your own topic. In some cases, it is possible to write the master's thesis in pairs with another student. Read more about choosing a topic here

Are you on an exchange for your thesis or internship and writing your master's thesis abroad ? If so, you will follow a separate procedure.

Always adhere to the language requirements associated with your programme.


From start to finish, various individuals play crucial roles in the master's thesis process. The master’s thesis coordinator, the (co-)supervisor, the daily supervisor, the examiners, and the student each have specific responsibilities that contribute to the successful completion of the thesis. On this page , you can learn more about the roles of the guidance team, the student, and the examiners in the development of the thesis, as well as additional information about the role of the master’s thesis coordinator.


The Faculty of Science has its own policy on scientific integrity . Here, you will find guidelines on referencing, citing, and paraphrasing, as well as information about the prevention, detection, and sanctioning policies.

On the KU Leuven GenAI portal , you can find more information about what is permitted and what is not regarding the use of GenAI tools in writing the master’s thesis.

Students are required to obtain a certificate in information literacy during their studies. This is a prerequisite for submitting the master's thesis . Most master's programmes require a certificate in the faculty's Toledo community for scientific integrity . Check which certificate your programme requires .

At KU Leuven, every master's thesis is screened for plagiarism using Turnitin . In cases of suspected plagiarism, the procedure for irregularities is initiated, as described in articles 85 and 86 of the education and examination regulations and the faculty note on scientific integrity .

In the context of scientific integrity, it is also important for students to adequately acknowledge any contributions and support provided by others. This can be clarified in a separate ' contribution statement ' section in the master's thesis.


Master’s theses of successful students are electronically archived and can be accessed through the online library catalog LIMO. Master’s theses with a score of 14/20 or higher are made publicly available on the internet. Master’s theses with a score of 10/20 to 14/20 are only made available in the library catalog.

Certain master’s theses may be subject to an embargo due to patent applications or the inclusion of data covered by a confidentiality agreement.

There are two types of embargo possible:

  • Full Embargo : Restriction on publication on the internet and KU Leuven’s intranet (the thesis will not be publicly available or accessible to individuals with KU Leuven network access via the library catalogue Limo).
  • Partial Embargo: Restriction on publication on the internet (the thesis will not be publicly available but will remain accessible to individuals with KU Leuven network access via the library catalogue Limo).

If a master’s thesis needs to remain confidential for specific reasons, the student (with the approval of the supervisor and thesis coordinator) can request an embargo on disclosure using this application form . Requests for embargo must be submitted no later than 5 weeks before the thesis defence.

If you are conducting research within a company or organisation, usually as part of your bachelor's or master's thesis, it may involve:

  • research without interaction with the company or organisation
  • research with interaction with the company or organisation

For research without interaction , a contract is not mandatory, but it does provide the benefit of clear agreements and the rights and obligations of all parties. If a contract is required, the KU Leuven model agreement for research without interaction (NL) with the organisation should be used.

For research involving interaction by a KU Leuven student in an external company or organisation, the KU Leuven model agreement for an internship and/or research (NL) must be used, with a clear indication that the research is part of your master's thesis.


There are specific requirements for the cover page, the first page, the summary, and other elements of your master's thesis. Therefore, ensure you follow the guidelines regarding format and layout .

The process for submitting your master's thesis in KU Loket is described in a step-by-step plan . Additionally, there are specific guidelines for students and a technical manual . Be sure to also read through the FAQ .

Always adhere strictly to the deadlines for uploading your thesis.

KU Leuven offers various workshops on Working on Your Master's Thesis, including practical tips and more specialised workshops.

At the end of the master's thesis, the student defends their work before a defence committee , which consists of at least the supervisor, any co-supervisors, and readers.

The committee uses an assessment rubric and a rating scale to determine whether and to what extent the objectives have been achieved. Four ratings are given: one from the supervisor, one from each of the readers, and one for the defence (by the entire committee). These scores are weighted and combined to determine the overall score.

The defence of the master's thesis takes place at fixed times during the academic year, namely at the end of the examination periods in January, June, or September. Read the full explanation about the defence (committee and defence times), graduation, the assessment rubric, and the final score.


Students who only need to complete their master's thesis or internship and have a maximum of two first-semester courses left to complete can submit a request to graduate in January.

The online application form will be available from December 1 to December 15.

  • Working on your master's thesis
  • Coaching boost je masterproef (NL)
  • Een masterproef schrijven - de laatste rechte lijn (NL)
  • Academic writing for Master's students
  • Academic speaking and presentation skills for Master's students

AAP/BAP/doctoral students

  • Supervising a Master's thesis
  • Supporting Academic Writing
  • More online modules

Master Thesis Template KU Leuven

Master Thesis Template KU Leuven

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Master's thesis

Plagiarism policy.

All literary arts students and researchers are proficient in original source research. They treat scientific sources with great integrity and do not commit plagiarism. Under plagiarism policy on our website, you can see the precise definition of plagiarism and how to avoid it.

Faculty provisions and guidelines for your master's thesis (Leuven)

Read the rules and guidelines , which cover everything from subject choice to evaluation of the work you submit.

Submitting the electronic copy of your master's thesis

Submitting your master's thesis.

In most study programmes at KU Leuven, it is required to submit a hard copy (in paper) of your master's thesis. Information on this matter can be found on your faculty's student portal , where you can also find other practical guidelines with regard to submitting your thesis (deadlines, formal requirements, etc.).

Apart from the paper copies, you are required to submit an electronic copy of your master's thesis as well, using the web application 'Master's thesis' in your   KU Loket . If you have registered your master's thesis in your individual study programme (ISP) this application will be shown under the 'Student' menu.

Guidelines    FAQ

Guidelines for the web application 'Master's thesis' in KU Loket

  • Under the section ' Master's thesis ', select the thesis for which you would like to upload information. If you have registered only one master's thesis in your ISP, this field will automatically contain the correct information.
  • Fill in the metadata of your master's thesis, and subsequently click 'Save' at the bottom of the page.
  • Enter your master's thesis' title under ' Original title ', and the title's language under 'Original language of the title'. You only have to submit a translated title (and its language) on the right side of the page if that is required by your faculty (check the faculty's guidelines on its student portal). The original title of your thesis will be shown on official documents such as your diploma supplement and list of exam results.
  • Click on ' Add Supervisor ' to enter the name of your supervisor. Only add a co-supervisor if one has been assigned to you by your faculty. If the name of your supervisor or co-supervisor does not show up in the pop-up screen when searching for it (probably because they are not employed at KU Leuven), you cannot submit it through the web application. In those cases, the name will be added by the faculty.
  • Under ' Number of pages ', enter the number of pages of your thesis (excluding appendices).
  • Under ' Summary ', submit the abstract of your master's thesis (max. 3500 characters). You only have to submit a translated summary on the right side of the page (and the language in which that summary was written) when that is required by your faculty (check the faculty's guidelines).
  • After saving the metadata, you can upload your files (master's thesis and appendices). Once again click on 'Save' after doing so.
  • Click on 'Add file' and indicate which type of file you would like to upload. Choose ' Main text ' if you want to submit the main text of your thesis.

Please note :

Evidently, you can submit no more than one file of the type 'Main text'.

This file has to be submitted in PDF format with a maximum size of 40 MB.

You cannot upload your master's thesis after your faculty's submission deadline has passed.

  • If you want to upload appendices as well, click on 'Add file' once more and subsequently select ' Appendix '. You can submit several appendices and formats other than PDF files are also allowed.
  • In the file overview , you can see which files you have already uploaded (file name, size, type and date). By clicking on the red X you can remove files. If a file is shown in the overview, it is uploaded correctly. You do not need to click on 'Send', clicking on the 'Save' button is sufficient for uploading a file. Please note : you will not receive a message confirming that your upload was succesful.  

I have problems with uploading my master's thesis. Who can I contact about this?

Consult the answers to the questions below before contacting anyone. It is very well possible you might already find a solution to your problem there. If after that you still do not succeed in uploading your thesis, contact your faculty. Please mention your operating system (Windows, Mac OS 10.1, ...) and your browser (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, ...), and add a screenshot if possible.

Are there any rules regarding the file name?  

Yes, there are a few rules regarding the file name:

  • File names may only contain letters, numbers, underscores (_) and hyphens (-). Spaces and special characters are not allowed.
  • File names must be unique for every uploaded file.
  • File names may contain no more than 50 characters.

Do I have to click 'Send' as is the case in the ISP? Will I receive a confirmation that my master's thesis was uploaded?  

You do not have to click 'Send'. By clicking 'Save' the entered metadata and added files are uploaded in the system. In the file overview you can check which files have been uploaded. After having clicked 'Save' you will see a pop-up window which lists the (mandatory) information you have already submitted and indicates whether or not your master's thesis is complete. You will not receive a confirmation of a succesful upload. 

I cannot select 'Main text' when I want to upload a file. What to do?

  • Have you already uploaded another file of the type 'Main text'? If so, remove this file first.
  • Have you filled in (and saved) the original title, the number of pages and the summary under 'Metadata'? If not, do this first.

Has the submission deadline passed? If so, you can no longer upload your master's thesis. Contact your faculty for more information.

I cannot select 'Appendix' when I want to upload a file. What to do?  

  • Has the submission deadline passed? If so, you can no longer upload appendices. Contact your faculty for more information.

When can I submit the electronic copy of my master's thesis?  

You can only upload files of the types 'Main text' and 'Appendix', as well as metadata regarding the summary and the number of pages, in the weeks prior to the submission deadline (in most cases this is a period of five weeks, but less might be possible as well). Metadata regarding the title and promotor can be added before this period, and so can files of the type 'Other files' (progress reports, provisional title pages, etc.).

How can I submit my master's thesis for a second time (after failing in the first examination opportunity)?  

Remove the files of the types 'Main text' and 'Appendix' if you have submitted those during your first examination opportunity. Afterwards, you can upload a new version of your master's thesis (and appendices). 

What is the maximum size of my files?

The maximum size of the PDF file containing your master's thesis is 40 MB. If your file exceeds this limit, it probably contains high resolution images. In that case, you are advised to adjust the resolutions. In total (including appendices) you may upload 300 MB of files.

Is it normal that uploading my files takes so long?  

The time necessary to upload a file depends on the file size, your internet connection and the system load. Some numbers as a guideline:

  • Telenet Whoppa: approximately 2 minutes for 100 MB;
  • Kotnet: approximately 15 minutes for 100 MB;
  • network KU Leuven (e.g. library, PC rooms): less than one minute for 100 MB.

What happens with the electronic copy of my master's thesis?  

  • Assessment : the electronic copy is used to be read by the evaluators of your thesis.
  • P lagiarism detection : all master's theses at KU Leuven are systematically screened for signs of  plagiarism .

Institutional repository : master's theses are recorded by the university library, and electronically disclosed, a few months after your graduation, through  Limo  (only for Limo users within the KU Leuven network), unless your thesis is subject to an embargo. Master's theses submitted from academic year 2023-2024 onwards, and for which a result of 14/20 or higher has been obtained, will be publicly available for one person whoc accesses Limo (not only for Limo users within the KU Leuven network).

How can I request an embargo on access to my master's thesis?  

If your master's thesis for some reason cannot be disclosed to the public, you can request an embargo by submitting  this form . Consult your faculty's student portal for specific information on your faculty's procedure. If your request has been validated and processed by your faculty, the embargo will be shown under the 'Metadata' section of the KU Loket application.

Master's Thesis

Conditions master's thesis .

You must meet certain conditions in order to start the master's thesis.

Choosing a topic

Choose a subject of the list, or propose your own thesis topic. Have a look at the guidelines for more information on this process.

Submitting the thesis

What conditions must the master's thesis meet? For which deadline must you submit your thesis and when will the defences take place?

Interim deadlines

The interim deadlines are set by the research groups. The group of your topic will contact you with more info.

Declarative Languages and Artificial Intelligentie (DTAI)

  • Distributed and Secure Software (DistriNet)
  • Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
  • Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (NUMA)
  • Combinatorial Optimisation and Decision Support (CODeS)
  • Computer Science Teaching Methodology (CSTM)

Practical information  

  • Info session Master's Thesis 2024

Additional departmental guidelines 

Assessment form

  • Titles of professors (ZAP) and senior researchers Assigned Thesis Topics 2024-2025 lock

You can find a lot of important information (such as the template  for the thesis text, embargo guidelines, information about relevant workshops , etc.) on the website of the Faculty of Engineering Science!

Webpage Faculty


Any remaining questions.

  • Lenny Verkoelen  (Academic Officer)

Layout requirements for the master’s thesis

Layout requirements.

In the master's thesis regulations you can find all the layout requirements. 


Bibliographic referencing

Toledo community  information skills

Tutorial information literacy


Searching for dissertations in limo.

How to find a dissertation (MA or PhD) in Limo? 

This search field will only search for dissertations. 

  • You can find dissertations and theses in Limo. Go to ‘advanced search’ and set ‘ material type ‘ to ‘ dissertations ' to refine your search.
  • Only want to consult dissertations from our faculty? Once in Limo, you can add "economische wetenschappen". 
  • You can also specify the date or subject in Limo. 
  • Only want to consult online dissertations? Use filter by: Online access.
  • Here  you can find an archive of all dissertations from the KU Leuven.
  • More info about doctoral studies can be found at the  general site

Paper copies of dissertations 

Dissertations before 2000 are available in the Artes University Library   Always check Limo first! 

Starting 2000: only available online via  Limo .

Master dissertations FEB Antwerpen: all non-confidential dissertations are online available.  

Master of Laws Double Degree between KU Leuven and McGill University (Montreal)

Programme structure, eligibility & admissions, eligibility and admission requirements, master of laws, double degree between ku leuven & mcgill university.

Please note that as a matter of procedure, you will have to apply to McGill separately even if you already enrolled at KU Leuven. An application to this double degree programme does not constitute an application to McGill University.

Admission requirements

Basis Admission requirements (to be fulfilled at the start of the programme)

  • Meet the admission requirements of both McGill and KU Leuven
  • Plan to enrol in the 2-year 'Master in de Rechten' (120 ECTS, Track A) or 1-year LL.M. (60 ECTS, track B) at KU Leuven, or the Thesis LL.M. (45 credits) at McGill
  • Having secured funding as required for the obtention of student visas according to the legislation in force in both countries.

Additional requirements

  • Motivation Letter
  • A letter of reference
  • Transcripts of academic records (outstanding academic performance)
  • Proof of English Language Proficiency

A photocopy of the identity page of your passport

A programme proposal for both years (Leuven/McGill), click here to download a template for Track A

  • Apply to McGill University while indicating you would like to be a part of this programme
  • McGill deadline: 20 December ( subject to change , see here )
  • *After 20 December?  If you wish to start next academic year, it is only possible to start Track A (KU Leuven), which means you start at KU Leuven and spend your second year at McGill University. Please apply to the KU Leuven LL.M. Programme first.
  • Be admitted to McGill and selected for this programme
  • You should hear back from the programme before April and applications will be given priority.
  • Apply to (Track B: LL.M.) or register for (Track A: 'Master in de Rechten') KU Leuven

Application outgoing students

N.B.: Note that the requirements for this specific double degree programme may be different than those listed in the general application form above. The requirements on this webpage take precedence over the general application requirements.

Required Proof of English Language Proficiency

  • TOEFL iBT of 100 or above (no less than 23 in each component and no less than 25 in writing), or
  • IELTS 7.0 or above (no less than 6.5 in each component and no less than 7.0 in writing)
  • English is your mother tongue, or
  • you have obtained a degree from a recognised foreign institution where English is the language of instruction, or
  • you have obtained a degree from a recognised institution in Canada or the USA, or
  • you have lived and attended university (or been employed) for at least four consecutive years in a country where English is the acknowledged primary language

I have a question

Take a look at the McGill Thesis LL.M. website. If you still have doubts feel free to get in touch with the International Office of the Faculty of Law of KU Leuven.

Master's thesis regulations and official documents - Leuven

‹    Return to "Master's thesis"

Master's thesis regulations: campus Leuven  

Master's thesis regulations for the Master of Economics, Master of Business Economics, Master of Business Engineering and Master of Business and Information Systems Engineering

  • Master's thesis regulations for the Master of Information Management
  • Master's thesis regulations for the Master of Advanced Studies in Economics

Master's thesis regulations for the Master of Actuarial and Financial Engineering

Dutch Master's thesis regulations: campus Leuven

The regulations for master's theses written in Dutch can be found via  the Dutch student platform .

Master's thesis topics

Discover which topics are available for which programmes and find out how to suggest your own topic.

Submission deadlines and procedure

How and when to submit a master's thesis can be found on this page.

Information for staff

Form requirements.

Content is most important, but form can determine how the content of your master's thesis is received and evaluated. Therefore, be sure to keep in mind the form rules and templates. You can find them on this page.

Requirements for good research

What is good research? What do you need to achieve good research? And which basic requirements are absolutely necessary?

You don't make a master's thesis on your own. You will be supervised by a supervisor and/or a work leader. What can you expect from them and what can they expect from you?

Evaluation of your master's thesis

How and by whom your master's thesis will be evaluated can be found here.

Awards and prizes for master's theses

Your master's thesis usually deals with a socially or (business) economically relevant problem. There is often interest in it from the professional field. In exceptional cases, it can also win you prizes.

Master's thesis in one semester agreement

Students who only need to complete the master's thesis (which you take up for the second time) , or the master's thesis combined  with one or more courses organized during the first semester of the academic year, have the opportunity to write and defend the master's thesis in one semester (subject to the procedure foreseen for this purpose within art. 49 from the Regulations on Education and Examinations: Because of the didactic structure of the master's thesis, it is impossible for students who take the master's thesis for the first time to be assessed in the first examination period. Students who only have to complete the master's thesis, and have already taken it in a previous academic year, can be assessed in the first examination period ). In case you still need to pass courses from the second semester, your application will not be taken into consideration. The deadline to finalize the procedure is the 15th of December . Before submitting the official application form via the FEBadvisor to the Education and Students Administrative Office, the form has to be signed by your supervisor.

  • Request February Graduation

Anyone who makes use of this procedure has taken the first of a maximum of two exam opportunities (within one academic year) at the end of the first semester, regardless of whether or not the master thesis is submitted. The second examination opportunity can be taken in May/June (subject to the procedure foreseen for this purpose within art. 47 from the Regulations on Education and Examinations), or in August/September. The deadline to finalize the procedure is the 15th of April .

  • Request June Graduation

Please note : From academic year 2024-2025, the conditions for submitting a master's thesis in one semester will change.

Master's thesis confidentiality agreement

If you use confidential data or if your Master's thesis may not be published for any other reason, you must submit a confidentiality agreement. For example, if you cooperate with an external party that requires confidential treatment of its information, you can guarantee  confidentiality by means of the document you can find below.

You sign three copies of the confidentiality agreement: one copy is handed over to the external party, a copy remains in the possession of the student's affairs office and a copy should be submitted to your  master's thesis coordinator . Subsequently, your master's thesis coordinator will characterize your master's thesis as confidential via the master's thesis portal.

Note: Even if you write a Master's thesis with a confidential nature, it must be submitted via the Master's thesis  portal. In consultation with your daily supervisor and/or work leader check whether the option "confidentiality" was checked in the master’s thesis portal and confirmed by the master's thesis coordinator, ensuring that your master’s thesis will not be available via the LIBIS database. In that case your master's thesis can under no circumstances be consulted electronically.

  • Confidentiality form Master's thesis

master thesis template ku leuven

Still have unanswered questios? Reach out to an ombudsperson or to your master's thesis coordinator.  

Ombuds person       Master's thesis coordinator


  1. KU Leuven Thesis Template

    master thesis template ku leuven

  2. KU Leuven Thesis Template

    master thesis template ku leuven

  3. KU Leuven Thesis Template

    master thesis template ku leuven

  4. KU Leuven Thesis Template

    master thesis template ku leuven

  5. KU Leuven Thesis Template

    master thesis template ku leuven

  6. PPT

    master thesis template ku leuven


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  1. Templates and documents

    Content is the most important thing, but form can help determine how the content of your master's thesis is received and evaluated. Therefore, always keep in mind the form requirements and use the correct templates and documents. Timely preparation of the master's thesis administration is also important to succeed on your master's thesis.

  2. Dissertation (& templates)

    The dissertation contains 10.000 to 25.000 words. These limits are guidelines rather than strict rules. Depending on the type of master's thesis and the writing style you employed, the number of words may fall outside this range. If you are registered in the Dutch-language study programme, as a rule, you will write your dissertation in Dutch.

  3. Format and layout of the Master's thesis

    Substantive Formatting of the Master's Thesis. The master's thesis must be consistent with respect to bibliography and references. At the end of the thesis, a comprehensive list of bibliographic references must be provided. References to figures, tables, and appendices should also be consistent. The following items are included in the master's ...

  4. Master's thesis

    The Master's thesis is a scientifically underpinned research project that is carried out independently by the student and of which its development is supervised by a supervisor. Through the Master's thesis, the student demonstrates analytical and synthetic competences and/or his/her independent problem-solving ability at academic level.

  5. MS Word-templates for essays, thesis, research portfolio and research

    Template Research Master's thesis; Template Master's Thesis (Master Wereldreligies) Last update: Jun 04, 2024 Comments on the content and accessibility: Faculteit Theologie en Religiewetenschappen KU Leuven. Log in Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies Sint-Michielsstraat 4 box 3100 BE-3000 Leuven, Belgium. Follow us on. keyboard_arrow_up.

  6. Templates

    Templates. Template MT ENG Antwerp. Template MT ENG Leuven. Template MT ENG Brussels. FEB Template ENG. MIBEM Literature Review. Last update: Sep 05, 2024. Comments on the content and accessibility: Faculty of Economics and Business KU Leuven. Disclaimer.

  7. PDF Guidelines for writing a master's thesis at the KU Leuven Faculty of

    Guidelines for writing amaster's thesis at the KU Leuven Faculty of Engineering Science Luc Van Eycken 5 April 2023 The evaluation of the master's thesis depends largely on the quality of the text. Because the master's thesis equals 40% of the marks of the last year, it is important that the presented work is clearly described.

  8. Facultary Template

    There is currently no official templates available for other word or document processors, such as Word or Indesign. As a Word user, you may want to start from a Word template that has already been used for a Master's thesis in Chemical Engineering. Make sure you follow the general layout guidelines. Last update: Apr 06, 2023.

  9. Master's Thesis

    Learn about the Master's thesis process, deadlines, guidelines, prizes, and workshops at the Faculty of Engineering Science. Find out how to choose your topic, supervisor, language, and deal with plagiarism and embargo.

  10. KU Leuven Faculty of Engineering Science Masters Thesis Template

    The Masters thesis template from KU Leuven website. More details can be found in:

  11. Master's thesis: practical information (Leuven)

    Below you can find templates you can use as your master's thesis title page. ... These can be consulted by anyone with access to the KU Leuven network (staff members, students and library visitors). From the academic year 2023-2024 on, as part of the policy on Open Access, master's theses with a minimum result of 14/20 will also be made ...

  12. Master's thesis portal

    Contracts. Master's thesis guidance. Dissertation (& templates) Plagiarism and plagiarism control. Confidentiality (embargo) Submitting the master's thesis. Evaluation. All (polivy- agreements for staff can be found . Laatste update 30-01-2024.


    The Master's Thesis is the most important part of the Master's Programme in philosophy. Its weight is 24 out of the total of 60 study points and it is thus the pinnacle of a year of intensive study in which a student learns to find her/his way in the world of individual scientific research.

  14. Master's thesis at the Faculty of Science

    EMBARGO. Certain master's theses may be subject to an embargo due to patent applications or the inclusion of data covered by a confidentiality agreement.. There are two types of embargo possible: Full Embargo: Restriction on publication on the internet and KU Leuven's intranet (the thesis will not be publicly available or accessible to individuals with KU Leuven network access via the ...

  15. Master Thesis Template KU Leuven

    LaTeX in 30 minutes. Templates. Webinars. Tutorials. How to insert images. How to create tables. Plans & pricing. Premium features. For individuals & groups.

  16. Layout requirements for the master's thesis guidelines

    Appendix II: LAYOUT REQUIREMENTS MASTER'S THESIS. Paper format: A4 Margins around the text: left: 2,5 cm, right: 2,5 cm, top: 2,5 cm, bottom: 2,5 cm (in Word, select subsequently: File, Page setup, Margins) Font: a professional, easily readable font (i.e. Calibri, Helvetica, Baskerville) Line spacing: 1-1,5 Cover page model: examples of the cover pages can be found on the pages specific to ...

  17. Master's thesis

    Faculty provisions and guidelines for your master's thesis (Leuven) Read the rules and guidelines, which cover everything from subject choice to evaluation of the work you submit. Last update: Jun 14, 2024. Comments on the content and accessibility: Faculteit Letteren. Everything you need to know about your master's thesis at the Faculty of Arts.

  18. Submitting the electronic copy of your master's thesis

    Submitting your master's thesis. In most study programmes at KU Leuven, it is required to submit a hard copy (in paper) of your master's thesis. Information on this matter can be found on your faculty's student portal, where you can also find other practical guidelines with regard to submitting your thesis (deadlines, formal requirements, etc.).. Apart from the paper copies, you are required ...

  19. Master's Thesis

    Practical information. Info session Master's Thesis 2024. Additional departmental guidelines. Assessment form. Titles of professors (ZAP) and senior researchers. Assigned Thesis Topics 2024-2025lock. You can find a lot of important information (such as the template for the thesis text, embargo guidelines, information about relevant workshops ...

  20. The submission procedure of the master's thesis

    In this guide you can read step by step how to submit your master's thesis online via KU Loket. If you complete 2 course units in the same academic year, upload each paper in the correct section. Some specific points of attention while uploading: Make sure you have filled in all fields correctly (especially the title).

  21. Master's thesis

    Welcome to the master's thesis portal. From now on, all master's thesis information is put together per study programme on this renewed website. That way, as a student, you can easily find all important information that applies to your study programme and you'll be able to follow which part of the process you're currently in. If you still have ...

  22. Layout requirements for the master's thesis

    Layout requirements. In the master's thesis regulations you can find all the layout requirements. Requirements.

  23. Dissertations

    Paper copies of dissertations. Dissertations before 2000 are available in the Artes University Library Always check Limo first! Starting 2000: only available online via Limo. Master dissertations FEB Antwerpen: all non-confidential dissertations are online available. EBIB - Doctoraten. Last update: Mar 15, 2024.

  24. Master of Laws Double Degree between KU Leuven and McGill University

    Meet the admission requirements of both McGill and KU Leuven; Plan to enrol in the 2-year 'Master in de Rechten' (120 ECTS, Track A) or 1-year LL.M. (60 ECTS, track B) at KU Leuven, or the Thesis LL.M. (45 credits) at McGill; Having secured funding as required for the obtention of student visas according to the legislation in force in both ...

  25. Master's thesis regulations and official documents

    Master's thesis in one semester agreement. Students who only need to complete the master's thesis (which you take up for the second time), or the master's thesis combined with one or more courses organized during the first semester of the academic year, have the opportunity to write and defend the master's thesis in one semester (subject to the procedure foreseen for this purpose within art ...