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Overarching guide on writing a career research paper.

career research paper

What is a career research paper? It is a paper written about a chosen career that appeals to the writer (student in this case.) A research paper on career is one of the most common since that is the end goal of education – a flourishing career!

The tenets of a top-notch career research paper are that it should:

Highlight your career goals. Discuss your hobbies, talents, and interests. Major on one career. Bring out the facts about the career Discuss the pros and cons of the possible career

Now, the conventions of a career research paper assignment are more formulaic than you might think. Nevertheless, it also is as simple as counting one to five. How is the latter possible? With this expert articulated article, you will find it smooth writing such a paper.

Are you ready to unravel the secret writing formula? Well, keep on reading. Remember, we always save the best for the last part.

How to Write a Career Research Paper

Why can’t I use a career research paper sample and get done with this once and for all? Before you start aiming all those criticism guns, allow me to tell you why such a comprehensive guide is necessary:

It brings out all the information readers need to know It shows readers the order in which they need to write

You will never find these things when you decide to jump right into a career research paper example. That said and done, let us see how to structure a college research paper on careers. We will begin with the most critical part:

A Career Research Paper Outline

The outline of a top career research paper should entail all the career’s positive and negative perspectives. Also, a thorough evaluation of your skills and shortcomings relevant to the subject are essential when coming up with the outline.

How do you achieve an entertaining, informative, and practical outline for your career research paper? Read on.

The Introduction

Someone once said, “show me your introduction and I will tell you whether I will read your paper or not.” A top-grade career research paper introduction should:

Have information about yourself such as your talents, goals, and interests Include a good definition of a career such as nursing, journalism, and engineering – what does the job entail? Contain a thesis statement that clearly explains the focus of the paper – from which perspective are you handling your paper?

Be sure to end the introduction with a strong declarative statement on your research paper’s career choice.

Depending on the topic you chose for your career paper, the body content may vary. However, these are the standard guidelines to help you write it effectively:

  • Hierarchically present the information – begin with the essential details, such as the features of the career.
  • Have a topic sentence for each body paragraph of your paper.

If you have a research paper on nursing career, these pointers can come in handy for you:

  • What is the nature and responsibilities of nursing as a career?
  • Which minimum qualifications do I need for this job?
  • What are the challenges involved in pursuing this career?
  • What are the positives of nursing?
  • Is nursing worth pursuing?

For a research paper on career choice, these use some of the ideas below:

Which skills do I have which complement the career responsibilities? Which schools offer the best programs for the career? How does the job I chose to reflect on my career goals? Where do I need to improve to succeed in this career? How many hours will I need to dedicate to this career?

All these ideas and prompts do not only apply to one career choice; they cut across the divide. Feel free to use them to make your career research paper body as in-depth as possible.

And finally,

The Conclusion

Here, you will make a summary of the most relevant points in your discussion. You should have an appealing concluding statement that effectively wraps up the research paper.

The climax of all this is to justify your decision to pursue a particular career.

Careers Research Paper: Pro Tips

To spice up your research paper on careers; these professionally brainstormed tips will act as your anchor:

  • Write on a career that appeals to you; this way, you will have more points to discuss.
  • Explore career sites such as or to get career ideas.
  • Delve deep into the benefits and limitations of possible careers. You can make a chart to achieve this quickly.
  • Your career + your goals + your skills + your interests = your topic.
  • It should be informative and subjective as opposed to a boring story about a career you like.
  • Include the trends in the career path you wish to take

Hopefully, at the end of your career paper, you will have a clear picture of what you would like to do in the future.

Career Research Paper Nailed With Ease

Organizing your thoughts is vital in coming up with a perfect research paper on careers. Fortunately, with this guide, you can accomplish that and get your paper started right away!

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Alcoholism Research Paper


Career Essay

Career essay generator.

career research paper essay

How do you see yourself 5 or 10 years from now? That question kicks start your imagination and make you visualize yourself in your future career. Maybe you are thinking about it now, but you are likely confused about expressing it in words. Unlike other essay writing , writing your career essay is exciting because you are writing about yourself, your plans, passion, and aspiration. Learn how to make your career essay impressive by reading this article.

10+ Career Essay Examples

1. career pursuing essay.

Career Pursuing Essay

Size: 324 KB

2. Career Interest Essay

Career Interests Essay

Size: 642 KB

3. Career Goals Essay

Career Goals Essay

Size: 429 KB

4. Career Research Essay

Career Research Essay

Size: 186 KB

5. Career Scholarship Essay

Career Scholarship Essay

Size: 96 KB

6. Career Personal Essay

Career Personal Essay

Size: 95 KB

7. Career Needs Essay

Career Needs Essays

Size: 73 KB

8. Career Teaching Essay

Career Teaching Essay

Size: 59 KB

9. Formal Career Essay

Formal Career Essay

Size: 42 KB

10. Career Project Essay

Career Project Essay

Size: 29 KB

11. Career Plan Essay

Career Plan Essay

Size: 230 KB

What Is a Career Essay?

A career essay is a text people write to detail their goals or plans for the future. In this essay, people talk about the career they want in the future and the things they have achieved so far. People often ask you to write a career essay when you send an application letter for a scholarship or submit your resume for a job.

How To Write a Rousing Career Essay

You should write your career essay seriously because it might be a deciding factor for your future. That said, in writing your essay, there are a lot of things to consider and a process you need to follow. Your end goal in writing your essay is to convince people that you are determined to walk the talk and make the things you wrote in your descriptive essay to reality.

1. Devise an Engrossing Title

The first thing to think about when writing an essay is coming up with an attention-grabbing title. When people read your essay, they pay the most attention to your title. Also, another benefit of coming up with your title first is that it will serve as a guide for you for the whole essay. 

2. Introduce With a Hook

After devising a title, deliver the next blow with an introduction that piques their curiosity. To do that, begin your essay with a hook. Your hook can be a quote, a question, or you can even provide a statistic. If your introduction is good enough, it will secure the engagement of your readers.

3. Organize Your Ideas

Writing an essay is like taking your readers for a ride. You need to set the vibe and organize the flow of your thoughts. Don’t start too strong it might make the rest of your essay bland. You need to properly build up the development of excitement and make sure the order of your ideas makes sense. 

4. Polish Your Essay

Finalize your essay by proofreading it. When people talk about their passion, they tend to talk too much and include several unnecessary things. Make sure not to do that. Omit all the details that don’t contribute to the overall impact of your reflective essay. Also, don’t forget to review your text for grammatical errors. 

Why is career planning important?

People hustle every day to reach their dream careers. Having a target career gives you a direction and sets your path. Planning your career is essential because being indecisive about it might negatively impact your life. Not having a fixed goal is like not having an end destination. Preparing for it would also make your career action plan achievable.

What is a career genogram?

A career genogram traces back an individual’s family tree and examines the career timeline they pursued. The scope of this genogram reaches the grandparents, extended family, and even the person’s close friends. This graphic representation is helpful when a person has a hard time deciding about his or her career development plan .

What is career assessment?

Career assessment is the process of identifying what career would work best for you. Most assessments are in the form of a questionnaire . It includes questions about your interests, your skills, your hobbies, and your strengths. These are some examples of questions that would help assess your future career. The result of your career assessment might give you ideas on what path to take.

The moment people read your career essay, they often rate how likely you are to succeed. Show them a piece of your mind that would erase all their doubts about your success. They say manifesting works wonders, so manifest the future that you want best by composing a rousing career essay. 


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How To Write A Career Research Paper

  • July 2, 2020
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Here's What We'll Cover

A career research paper is a write-up that gives students a better idea of what to expect in a career field they’d like to explore. The paper helps them familiarize themselves with careers they knew nothing or little about. Besides, it also gives them a chance to prove the career choice is indeed suitable for them. And if it isn’t, they can then reconsider their area of specialization . 

For an effective research paper, find a career that suits your interest to score better grades. You also need to conduct detailed research and create an outline to help you organize your work. Examples of career research papers include; How to get an internship and careers that don’t require a college education. Other topics are what should your resume contain and The benefits of working from home.

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There are diverse careers out there designated for different people based on their personalities and capabilities. Thus when writing the career research paper, your focus will be a career you have thought about before. It might also be a job that suits you perfectly.

How To Develop a Career Research Paper

If you’ve had any challenges writing your research paper, worry no more. This article will teach you how to write a great career research paper. To do so, consider the following;

  • Identify a career
  • Gather sufficient information on the chosen career
  • Identify professionals in your career line and interview them
  • Write your career essay

Identify A Career

Every person has an aptitude and personality. This must be considered when determining an ideal career. If you are not sure what career fits you best, consider taking a personality test quiz. These answers will eventually help you discover careers that best match your personality. In the test, you will answer questions like; are you friendly towards people? Do you prefer working alone? Do you enjoy writing and have tremendous writing abilities ? 

Be keen on your interests and strengths. Carefully examine them with different opportunities. More so, through the research paper, you will be able to access the unfamiliar career opportunities available. A career research paper does not necessarily mean you will pursue that career in life. Nonetheless, it helps present adequate information about the careers.

Gather Sufficient Information On The Chosen Career

Use the internet, library, and career center materials to gather additional information. Your research plays an integral role in gathering sufficient data and facts about the career at large. You can also consult with librarians and career advisors for career recommendations. Therefore, have questions designated for your research. 

Identify Professionals In Your Career Line And Interview Them

Experts in a particular field must be considered for such interviews. They have extensive knowledge and experience. So, find the professionals and ask your burning questions concerning your career choice. Ask relevant questions that will help you understand their experiences, likes, dislikes, and the challenges they face. 

Write Your Career Essay

Because you have already gathered sufficient information, use your outline to start writing your paper. The essay will contain information about the career, the requirements needed to pursue it, the pay range, and its pros and cons. In a situation where you conducted interviews, designate a paragraph for the reporting.

What Should a Career Research Paper Have?

The purpose is to have a paper that is informative and resonates with the reader . Therefore, it should explore the following; 

Highlight Your Career Goals 

Talk about what you want to pursue or achieve in life and the steps to get you there. Here, you’ll need to have long-term and short-term goals. This will answer questions like, where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years. Examples of short-term goals are; gaining a new professional skill or a self-improvement skill like networking. On the other hand, long-term goals are opening a business, making a career switch, or attaining a leadership position. 

Discuss One Major Career

Talk about one career you’d love to pursue. If you want to become a doctor, you can narrow it down to a cardiologist or a pediatrician. However, if you want to be a reporter, you can focus on being a business or sports reporter.

Talk About Facts Concerning The Career

Some careers don’t necessarily need a degree or professional skills. If yours falls under this category, you can talk about it. And because every career has its strengths and weaknesses, talk about both without sugarcoating anything. For example, if you write about the healthcare industry, you might discuss working beyond the extra hours or lack of advancement opportunities. Discussing the pros and cons will prepare you for the challenges ahead or issues you had overlooked before. 

Discuss Hobbies, Talents, and Interests

A career research paper requires you to talk about what you love to do in your free time. It might be something you are good at or something you’d love to be an expert in. Therefore, this helps you match your personality to a career you are interested in. It also makes you aware of other possibilities you can explore. 

Cite Sources Correctly

Because the paper will require you to do a lot of research, you must document your search sources. Therefore, it is important to cite your sources correctly to add credibility to your paper. 

Guidelines To Help You Write A Catchy Paper

  • Examine your goals
  • Analyse your skills and interests
  • Make a chart of pros and cons
  • Explore career sites
  • Reseach current trends
  • Create an outline
  • Identify a conducive environment to write from
  • Work with a timeline.
  • Edit and proofread your work
  • Confirm that all career questions are answered

Examine Your Goals

What are the goals you want to achieve? Is there a particular level you’d love to reach? Is your objective to have money or find a career that will give your life meaning and purpose? Taking time to think about the future can help you identify jobs that will be a long-term fit. You should also consider the salary, working hours, advancement opportunities, and location.

Analyse Your Skills And Interests

A skill is something you have learned to do or something you are good at. You might have a skill in writing, knitting, or fixing appliances. On the other hand, interest is something you like . An area you’ve always loved to pursue. It might be fashion, photography, drawing—anything you like or prefer to do. Most importantly, ask yourself what you are interested in the most, what gives you joy, or what areas you would like to perfect.

Make A Chart Of Pros And Cons

Everything in life has its advantages and disadvantages. If something makes you happy, it will inevitably make you sad. That is why it is important to list the positives and the negatives of a particular career. You might choose an interesting field that is quite demanding. It might require long hours of work or a high level of confidentiality, or maybe creativity. Hence, it is essential to know what you are willing to work with.

Explore Career Sites 

There are many sites you can use to get detailed information regarding certain careers. For instance, some sites will help you take personality tests to match what career types match your personality the best.

Research Career Trends 

What major careers are people pursuing? What careers will bloom in the next five years? Is it technology? Is it healthcare because of the pandemic? The hospitality industry or finance ? If you consider this aspect, it will help you make a wise move.

Create An Outline

An outline is the framework of any good paper. Developing an outline helps you understand the sequence of the paragraphs. Additionally, it will help you know what idea to establish, hence creating a good flow. Having an outline can also help you develop a draft for your paper as well as ensure you have a powerful introduction and a strong thesis that backs up all of your points with good research.

Identify A Conducive Environment To Write From

Writing an essay demands keenness and a high level of concentration. Therefore, choose a welcoming environment to write from. For instance, you could write from the library, a silent coffee shop at the corner, or even your bedroom, where you experience zero disruptions and distractions. 

Work With a Timeline.

Understand the deadline for handing in the research paper and set your timeline. A timeline will certainly help you meet deadlines and also help you submit a high-quality research paper that has not been written in a hurry.

Edit And Proofread Your Work

Edit and proofread your work to correct grammatical mistakes that make you look like a careless writer. Similarly, you can even read your work twice or thrice to ensure that you haven’t left out any errors.

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Confirm That All Career Questions Are Answered

How thorough is the essay? Does it cover all the angles about the career? The career research paper needs to present a detailed report about the career. Therefore, reexamine the relevance of the paper as far as the career is concerned.

Crafting this paper has never been a simple task. However, if the guidelines above are followed, the process becomes easier to tackle. So, understand each instruction, and you will be able to write your essay about careers.

An Outline For a Career Research Paper 

A good outline is important for any paper. Most importantly, it helps you create a good flow of thoughts and ensures you have a powerful introduction, body, and conclusion. 

The Introduction 

An introduction has one or two paragraphs. Of course, this depends on the simplicity or the complexity of the paper. The introduction should introduce the paper’s topic, have a good definition of the career, and a thesis statement that clearly explains the paper’s focus. Above all, remember to hook the reader to your paper and give them an easy transition to your work. 

The Body 

The body can have three or more paragraphs depending on the points you want to address. Here are some things that need to be included;

  • The most important features of the career.
  • The nature of the job and a list of the responsibilities.
  • The minimum qualification required for the purpose.
  • The challenges involved in pursuing the career.
  • A discussion of how easy or how difficult it is to find placement in the sector.
  • The possibilities for growth in the career sector.
  • An explanation of why that particular career looks more appealing to you than the rest.
  • The skills which complement the career responsibilities.
  • The shortcomings that might come in the way of your career and how you plan to tackle those situations.

The Conclusion

The conclusion should summarize what you have learned. It should summarise the most important points, a reinstatement of the thesis stated in the introduction, and a concluding statement that effectively winds up the discussion.

An Example Of a Career Reserch Paper

Career Research Paper


Media ideally refers to means of delivering information to a targeted audience. Throughout the lessons, we have learned of the different types of media that are there. These include print media, broadcast media, and the internet.

Print media uses printed items to pass the information, including magazines, books, newspapers, brochures, and pamphlets.

On the other hand, broadcast media involves using avenues like television and radio to pass information to people. The internet is the other form of media whereby people share and communicate through online platforms.

Some people use the internet as a media channel by using podcasts, YouTube videos, and virtual programs. As time goes by, some types of media lose audiences because of better and convenient platforms for communication.

When the internet had not been developed, print media was the most prevalent avenue for passing information. However, this got to change with the invention of the internet.

I have chosen the type of media is the broadcast media, as a journalist who aspires to work as a news anchor. Journalism career at the most basic level revolves around journalists investigating, collecting, and presenting the information.

This can be done in newspapers and magazines or radio, television, and online sites of passing information. It is the work of journalists to inform the public of important news and activities.

Therefore, I would like to learn more about journalists and the news anchoring profession and their importance. I believe that news anchors are essential in the world of information and communication. They are the link between the listeners and the public.

I hope to learn how they can read the news eloquently with the most minimal errors. Intriguingly, an individual will read news knowing well that a million people are watching yet still not become shy and afraid of the vast multitude.

I am also interested in learning more about how they can maintain professionalism in their interviews without letting their emotions get in the way. News anchoring is undoubtedly an art of presentation.

Broadcast media entails the use of radio and television to convey information. This form of media uses journalists to pass the information to other people concerning the target audience.

Television and radio remain the principal source of information and entertainment for people exposed to mass media. These channels are both influential because they reach a broader audience.

Additionally, they combine visual images, sound, motion, and color to empathize with the viewers and listeners. Broadcast journalism involves researching and reporting the news.

Several jobs are available in broadcast journalism. One can work as a reporter or work behind the scenes as researchers and producers who find background details about stories and interview other people.

These jobs include researchers, editors, news reporters, camera specialists, graphic designers, producers, and directors. Researchers are the people who go out and source for information to be passed through either television, radio, or online platforms.

On the other hand, editors edit the information received to ensure that it is safe to be viewed by the audience. Graphic designers and camera specialists ensure that the images displayed on television and online platforms are good for viewing.

News anchoring is what I am interested in, mainly reporting the news through the channels like television, radio, and online platforms.

News presentation is an art of journalism whereby an individual presents news during a news program either on the television, the radio, or online. A news reporters’ role has developed over time to what it now is.

However, these news anchors occupy a contestable role in news broadcasts. The news reporters can be working journalists who assist in the collection of news material. Also, the news presenters may provide commentary assistance during the news program session.

Often, news presenters and anchors work from the studios. These studios can be either television or radio studios. Recently, there has been a new group of news anchoring, which is done online. These online news reporters present the news from remote areas of their interest because not all of them own studios.

I take much interest in learning about journalism, particularly in news reporting. I want to study anchoring in the next two years of college and hopefully work as a news anchor one day in one of these radio or television companies.

News anchors work during news program sessions and when breaking news needs to be communicated to people. News anchors also have the opportunity to run specific programs. 

There are news anchors who report on specific topics like either politics, sports. I want to learn about these anchoring groups and maybe choose one that I can work on in the future.

Working as a news anchor journalist appears to me to be a profession that can take many different aspects from day-to-day life activities. It involves learning about what an issue is and identifying the blur lines while presenting to an audience.

Appealing to the audience is the main aim of a journalist since it is a profession that depends on the public’s interest. News anchors have to learn how to unpackage the stories using headlines that will catch the attention of the listeners and viewers. 

In conclusion, I am very interested in learning more about this profession and hopefully working in this career field in the future.

A career research paper is important for students because it opens their eyes and helps them see the employment world. It also helps them know what skills will be of help to them, what challenges they will face, and how they will overcome them. This way, they will step into the world of opportunities with an idea about how things work.

To help you explore careers, you might be interested in, learn the challenges and maybe reconsider your choice if it’s not an area you’d like to pursue.

Learn about your values, interests, personality type, and aptitude. Then identify areas you’d like to explore. Please do thorough research on them, then after figuring out the pros and cons, make your career choice and write down your goals.

Your career goals, Interests, and talents, the thesis statement, the pros and cons of the particular career, and an outline.

Start by discussing your career goals, describe your talents and interests, focus on one career, cite sources, and then explore the career’s advantages and disadvantages.

Choose a career, then describe your talents and interests, focus on one career, and outline the advantages and disadvantages of the career.

A career research is an extensive research to determine which job is best for you.

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How to Write a Career Research Paper: Tips for Students & Teachers

  • Trent Lorcher
  • Categories : High school english lesson plans grades 9 12
  • Tags : High school lesson plans & tips

How to Write a Career Research Paper: Tips for Students & Teachers

The Need for Good Topics

After receiving the 27th research paper with a URL across the bottom of the page, I suspected plagiarism . I realized I had to make English research paper topics more agreeable, so I began teaching students how to write a career research paper. It worked.

Here’s a testimonial from a former student:

When I was in high school, I wanted to be a pipe maker. I followed your steps on how to write a career research paper. As I followed the process I realized that being a pipe maker could lead to compromising public photos, so I became an Olympic swimmer instead.

If the process of writing research papers can help Michael, it can help you. I now share with you my How to Write a Career Research Paper lesson plan, a lesson plan with a limitless number of English research paper topics.

The introduction of the research paper should include information about the writer and his or her interests. The body should examine the responsibilities, education requirements, potential salary, and employment outlook of a specific career. The conclusion should summarize what was learned.

A successful career paper should:

  • discuss your career goals.
  • describe your talents and interests.
  • focus on one career.
  • discuss career facts.
  • cite sources correctly.
  • look at the advantages and disadvantages of the possible career.

As with all essays, the process for writing a research paper begins with prewriting:

Brainstorm careers as a class:

Think of all the people you’ve talked to in the last 24 hours and jot down their career.

What careers appeal to you?

What careers do you think you’d be good at?

Skim the classified ads.

Look at or for career ideas.

Examine your goals . A career choice should take into account money, hours, advancement opportunities, and location. If your goals cannot be fulfilled in a particular career, it’s time to change careers or change goals.

Examine your skills and interests. Take note of what you are good at, and more importantly, what you would like to be good at.

Do some career research. Spend a day in the library and interview people doing a career that interests you. Document your sources as you search.

Pay special attention to the advantages and disadvantages of possible careers. I recommend making a chart.

Match the career with your goals, skills, and interests. That’s your topic.

Make an outline, cluster, or any of those other prewriting organizational techniques teachers always talk about.

Drafting and Revising

Include information about yourself–your goals, interests, talents– in the introduction . Be sure to end the introduction with a declarative sentence about the career you chose for the topic of your paper. In the body of your paper, present important information with commentary. Discuss the positives, negative, and skills you will need to improve to excel in this career. Be sure to discuss post secondary requirements, if any, and which schools offer the best programs.

When revising, use the following questions to make sure you covered what you need to cover:

  • What are my career goals and how does the career I described reflect those goals?
  • How does my chosen career suit my skills?
  • What skills must I improve to succeed at my chosen career?
  • Where can I go to learn the necessary skills?
  • What do I need to improve personally to succeed at this career?
  • Photo by Aringo (Flickr: Michael Phelps, Davis Tarwater) [CC-BY-SA-2.0 ( )], via Wikimedia Commons

This post is part of the series: Different Types of Essays

Implement these strategies for different types of essays.

  • Lesson Plan: How to Write a Reflective Essay
  • Interpretive Essay Lesson Plan: How to Write a Literary Analysis
  • Writing a Career Research Paper
  • Lesson Plan: How to Write a Problem/Solution Essay
  • American History Project Ideas: Capturing Oral History


ENG 111 - Writing and Inquiry: Career Essay Assignment

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  • Career Essay Assignment
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  • Evaluate Sources
  • Documentation Style - The Basics
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Sample Career Paper

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  • For Help with APA Citations This page contains lots of information about citing in APA format.

Occupational Outlook Handbook - generally considered a Library Resource

Occupational Outlook Handbook

Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2018-2019 (Occupational Outlook Handbook (Paper-Bernan))

Sample Reference for Reference Page, APA Style

U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Statistics. (2018, July 2). Librarians. Occupational Outlook Handbook .

Intext citation, APA Style

(U.S. Department of Labor, 2018)

O*Net, generally considered a Library Resource

career research paper essay

  • O*Net The O*NET program is the nation's primary source of occupational information. The database also provides the basis for our Career Exploration Tools, a set of valuable assessment instruments for workers and students looking to find or change careers.

Here is an example of a reference and in-text citation for the O*Net

U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. (2019, February 26). Librarians. O*NET OnLine .

In-text is:

(U.S. Department of Labor, 2019)

Ferguson's Career Guidance Center, Library Resource - Career interviews

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Example of how to cite an interview video from Ferguson's in APA style:

Cambridge Educational. (2018). Animal trainer-career Q&A: Professional advice and insight. Ferguson's Career Guidance.


Example of how to cite an article in Ferguson's in APA style:

Oncological nurses. (n.d.).  Ferguson's Career Guidance Center.  Retrieved November 16, 2023 from

In-text (Oncological nurses, n.d.)

Using eLibrary Careers to find Issues and Articles

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Career Paper ENG111 Assignment Document

  • Career Essay Assignment Word Doc of the Standard English 111 Career Essay. If your teacher has made changes, it may not be in this document. Use what is on your Blackboard assignment page.

Salem Careers

Link to apa page.

Check this Out

  • APA Citation Page

Films on Demand, Library Resource - Career Interviews

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Click here to go directly to the Films on Demand Career Q&A Video Series. 

Cfnc/nc careers web resource.

  • College Foundation of NC/NC Careers - Plan for a Career Learn about Yourself, Learn about Careers, and find out information about hot jobs in North Carolina with this source.

image of health career people

Registered nurses. (n.d.).  NCCareers . Retrieved June 27, 2024, from 

("Registered Nurses", n.d.)

Title of the article or page goes in quotes in the in-text citation. It is also in title case in the citation.

Title of the article or page is in sentence case in reference and in title case in in-text citation.


  • CareerOneStop Site sponsored by the US Department of Labor to help people explore and find jobs.

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Credo Reference - Library Resource

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This service is only for Rowan-Cabarrus Community College faculty, staff, and students.

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113 Career Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Choosing a career path is a significant decision that can shape our lives. Whether you are a high school student exploring your options or a working professional considering a career change, writing a career essay can be a valuable exercise in self-reflection and goal-setting. To help you get started, here are 113 career essay topic ideas and examples that can inspire your writing:

Why I chose my current career path.

The influence of my family on my career choices.

Exploring unconventional career options.

The impact of technology on the job market.

The role of internships in career development.

How to navigate a successful career in a competitive industry.

Strategies for finding work-life balance in a demanding career.

The importance of professional networking for career growth.

Challenges faced by women in male-dominated industries.

The role of education in career success.

The pros and cons of freelance work.

How to turn a hobby into a career.

The future of remote work and its implications for careers.

The impact of automation on job opportunities.

The benefits of pursuing a career in the nonprofit sector.

The role of mentors in career development.

The importance of continuous learning in a rapidly changing world.

Exploring careers in the healthcare industry.

The challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship.

The impact of globalization on career opportunities.

The role of personal branding in career advancement.

The benefits of cross-cultural work experience.

The role of emotional intelligence in career success.

Exploring careers in the creative arts.

The challenges and rewards of a career in the military.

The impact of social media on career opportunities.

The importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

The benefits of pursuing a career in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM).

The challenges and rewards of a career in education.

The role of leadership skills in career advancement.

The impact of climate change on future career opportunities.

Exploring careers in the hospitality industry.

The benefits of pursuing a career in the environmental sector.

The challenges and rewards of a career in law enforcement.

The role of communication skills in career success.

The impact of artificial intelligence on job displacement.

The importance of financial literacy in career planning.

Exploring careers in the fashion industry.

The benefits of pursuing a career in public service.

The challenges and rewards of a career in the entertainment industry.

The role of resilience in overcoming career setbacks.

The impact of social entrepreneurship on career options.

The importance of work culture in career satisfaction.

Exploring careers in the sports industry.

The benefits of pursuing a career in the technology sector.

The challenges and rewards of a career in the aviation industry.

The role of adaptability in navigating a changing career landscape.

The impact of artificial intelligence on job creation.

The importance of work-life integration in career fulfillment.

Exploring careers in the tourism industry.

The benefits of pursuing a career in the financial sector.

The challenges and rewards of a career in healthcare administration.

The role of organizational skills in career success.

The impact of online learning on career development.

The importance of workplace diversity for innovation.

Exploring careers in the film industry.

The benefits of pursuing a career in engineering.

The challenges and rewards of a career in social work.

The role of negotiation skills in career advancement.

The impact of remote work on employee well-being.

The importance of emotional well-being in career satisfaction.

Exploring careers in the gaming industry.

The benefits of pursuing a career in marketing.

The challenges and rewards of a career in nonprofit management.

The role of time management in career success.

The impact of social media on personal branding.

The importance of cultural intelligence in global careers.

Exploring careers in the culinary industry.

The benefits of pursuing a career in journalism.

The challenges and rewards of a career in architecture.

The role of problem-solving skills in career advancement.

The impact of remote work on team collaboration.

The importance of work-life harmony in career fulfillment.

Exploring careers in the music industry.

The benefits of pursuing a career in psychology.

The challenges and rewards of a career in event planning.

The role of decision-making skills in career success.

The impact of artificial intelligence on job satisfaction.

The importance of mentorship in career development.

Exploring careers in the automotive industry.

The benefits of pursuing a career in entrepreneurship.

The challenges and rewards of a career in graphic design.

The role of creativity in career advancement.

The impact of remote work on organizational culture.

The importance of work-life boundaries in career satisfaction.

Exploring careers in the publishing industry.

The benefits of pursuing a career in human resources.

The challenges and rewards of a career in interior design.

The role of teamwork in career success.

The impact of artificial intelligence on job security.

The importance of self-reflection in career planning.

Exploring careers in the education technology industry.

The benefits of pursuing a career in healthcare research.

The challenges and rewards of a career in social media management.

The role of adaptability in overcoming career obstacles.

The impact of remote work on employee engagement.

The importance of work-life integration in career success.

Exploring careers in the renewable energy sector.

The benefits of pursuing a career in data analytics.

The challenges and rewards of a career in public relations.

The role of critical thinking skills in career advancement.

The impact of artificial intelligence on job recruitment.

The importance of lifelong learning in career growth.

Exploring careers in the e-commerce industry.

The benefits of pursuing a career in healthcare policy.

The challenges and rewards of a career in software development.

The role of adaptability in navigating a changing job market.

The impact of remote work on work-life balance.

The importance of personal development in career success.

Exploring careers in the renewable energy industry.

The benefits of pursuing a career in user experience design.

The challenges and rewards of a career in cybersecurity.

The role of emotional intelligence in career advancement.

These 113 career essay topic ideas and examples cover a wide range of industries, skills, and challenges. Whether you are passionate about a particular field or looking for inspiration, these topics can help you explore various aspects of careers and find your own unique path. Remember, writing a career essay is not only about showcasing your knowledge and skills but also about understanding yourself and the world of work. Good luck on your writing journey!

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How to Write a Research Paper | A Beginner's Guide

A research paper is a piece of academic writing that provides analysis, interpretation, and argument based on in-depth independent research.

Research papers are similar to academic essays , but they are usually longer and more detailed assignments, designed to assess not only your writing skills but also your skills in scholarly research. Writing a research paper requires you to demonstrate a strong knowledge of your topic, engage with a variety of sources, and make an original contribution to the debate.

This step-by-step guide takes you through the entire writing process, from understanding your assignment to proofreading your final draft.

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Table of contents

Understand the assignment, choose a research paper topic, conduct preliminary research, develop a thesis statement, create a research paper outline, write a first draft of the research paper, write the introduction, write a compelling body of text, write the conclusion, the second draft, the revision process, research paper checklist, free lecture slides.

Completing a research paper successfully means accomplishing the specific tasks set out for you. Before you start, make sure you thoroughly understanding the assignment task sheet:

  • Read it carefully, looking for anything confusing you might need to clarify with your professor.
  • Identify the assignment goal, deadline, length specifications, formatting, and submission method.
  • Make a bulleted list of the key points, then go back and cross completed items off as you’re writing.

Carefully consider your timeframe and word limit: be realistic, and plan enough time to research, write, and edit.

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There are many ways to generate an idea for a research paper, from brainstorming with pen and paper to talking it through with a fellow student or professor.

You can try free writing, which involves taking a broad topic and writing continuously for two or three minutes to identify absolutely anything relevant that could be interesting.

You can also gain inspiration from other research. The discussion or recommendations sections of research papers often include ideas for other specific topics that require further examination.

Once you have a broad subject area, narrow it down to choose a topic that interests you, m eets the criteria of your assignment, and i s possible to research. Aim for ideas that are both original and specific:

  • A paper following the chronology of World War II would not be original or specific enough.
  • A paper on the experience of Danish citizens living close to the German border during World War II would be specific and could be original enough.

Note any discussions that seem important to the topic, and try to find an issue that you can focus your paper around. Use a variety of sources , including journals, books, and reliable websites, to ensure you do not miss anything glaring.

Do not only verify the ideas you have in mind, but look for sources that contradict your point of view.

  • Is there anything people seem to overlook in the sources you research?
  • Are there any heated debates you can address?
  • Do you have a unique take on your topic?
  • Have there been some recent developments that build on the extant research?

In this stage, you might find it helpful to formulate some research questions to help guide you. To write research questions, try to finish the following sentence: “I want to know how/what/why…”

A thesis statement is a statement of your central argument — it establishes the purpose and position of your paper. If you started with a research question, the thesis statement should answer it. It should also show what evidence and reasoning you’ll use to support that answer.

The thesis statement should be concise, contentious, and coherent. That means it should briefly summarize your argument in a sentence or two, make a claim that requires further evidence or analysis, and make a coherent point that relates to every part of the paper.

You will probably revise and refine the thesis statement as you do more research, but it can serve as a guide throughout the writing process. Every paragraph should aim to support and develop this central claim.

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career research paper essay

A research paper outline is essentially a list of the key topics, arguments, and evidence you want to include, divided into sections with headings so that you know roughly what the paper will look like before you start writing.

A structure outline can help make the writing process much more efficient, so it’s worth dedicating some time to create one.

Your first draft won’t be perfect — you can polish later on. Your priorities at this stage are as follows:

  • Maintaining forward momentum — write now, perfect later.
  • Paying attention to clear organization and logical ordering of paragraphs and sentences, which will help when you come to the second draft.
  • Expressing your ideas as clearly as possible, so you know what you were trying to say when you come back to the text.

You do not need to start by writing the introduction. Begin where it feels most natural for you — some prefer to finish the most difficult sections first, while others choose to start with the easiest part. If you created an outline, use it as a map while you work.

Do not delete large sections of text. If you begin to dislike something you have written or find it doesn’t quite fit, move it to a different document, but don’t lose it completely — you never know if it might come in useful later.

Paragraph structure

Paragraphs are the basic building blocks of research papers. Each one should focus on a single claim or idea that helps to establish the overall argument or purpose of the paper.

Example paragraph

George Orwell’s 1946 essay “Politics and the English Language” has had an enduring impact on thought about the relationship between politics and language. This impact is particularly obvious in light of the various critical review articles that have recently referenced the essay. For example, consider Mark Falcoff’s 2009 article in The National Review Online, “The Perversion of Language; or, Orwell Revisited,” in which he analyzes several common words (“activist,” “civil-rights leader,” “diversity,” and more). Falcoff’s close analysis of the ambiguity built into political language intentionally mirrors Orwell’s own point-by-point analysis of the political language of his day. Even 63 years after its publication, Orwell’s essay is emulated by contemporary thinkers.

Citing sources

It’s also important to keep track of citations at this stage to avoid accidental plagiarism . Each time you use a source, make sure to take note of where the information came from.

You can use our free citation generators to automatically create citations and save your reference list as you go.

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The research paper introduction should address three questions: What, why, and how? After finishing the introduction, the reader should know what the paper is about, why it is worth reading, and how you’ll build your arguments.

What? Be specific about the topic of the paper, introduce the background, and define key terms or concepts.

Why? This is the most important, but also the most difficult, part of the introduction. Try to provide brief answers to the following questions: What new material or insight are you offering? What important issues does your essay help define or answer?

How? To let the reader know what to expect from the rest of the paper, the introduction should include a “map” of what will be discussed, briefly presenting the key elements of the paper in chronological order.

The major struggle faced by most writers is how to organize the information presented in the paper, which is one reason an outline is so useful. However, remember that the outline is only a guide and, when writing, you can be flexible with the order in which the information and arguments are presented.

One way to stay on track is to use your thesis statement and topic sentences . Check:

  • topic sentences against the thesis statement;
  • topic sentences against each other, for similarities and logical ordering;
  • and each sentence against the topic sentence of that paragraph.

Be aware of paragraphs that seem to cover the same things. If two paragraphs discuss something similar, they must approach that topic in different ways. Aim to create smooth transitions between sentences, paragraphs, and sections.

The research paper conclusion is designed to help your reader out of the paper’s argument, giving them a sense of finality.

Trace the course of the paper, emphasizing how it all comes together to prove your thesis statement. Give the paper a sense of finality by making sure the reader understands how you’ve settled the issues raised in the introduction.

You might also discuss the more general consequences of the argument, outline what the paper offers to future students of the topic, and suggest any questions the paper’s argument raises but cannot or does not try to answer.

You should not :

  • Offer new arguments or essential information
  • Take up any more space than necessary
  • Begin with stock phrases that signal you are ending the paper (e.g. “In conclusion”)

There are four main considerations when it comes to the second draft.

  • Check how your vision of the paper lines up with the first draft and, more importantly, that your paper still answers the assignment.
  • Identify any assumptions that might require (more substantial) justification, keeping your reader’s perspective foremost in mind. Remove these points if you cannot substantiate them further.
  • Be open to rearranging your ideas. Check whether any sections feel out of place and whether your ideas could be better organized.
  • If you find that old ideas do not fit as well as you anticipated, you should cut them out or condense them. You might also find that new and well-suited ideas occurred to you during the writing of the first draft — now is the time to make them part of the paper.

The goal during the revision and proofreading process is to ensure you have completed all the necessary tasks and that the paper is as well-articulated as possible. You can speed up the proofreading process by using the AI proofreader .

Global concerns

  • Confirm that your paper completes every task specified in your assignment sheet.
  • Check for logical organization and flow of paragraphs.
  • Check paragraphs against the introduction and thesis statement.

Fine-grained details

Check the content of each paragraph, making sure that:

  • each sentence helps support the topic sentence.
  • no unnecessary or irrelevant information is present.
  • all technical terms your audience might not know are identified.

Next, think about sentence structure , grammatical errors, and formatting . Check that you have correctly used transition words and phrases to show the connections between your ideas. Look for typos, cut unnecessary words, and check for consistency in aspects such as heading formatting and spellings .

Finally, you need to make sure your paper is correctly formatted according to the rules of the citation style you are using. For example, you might need to include an MLA heading  or create an APA title page .

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Checklist: Research paper

I have followed all instructions in the assignment sheet.

My introduction presents my topic in an engaging way and provides necessary background information.

My introduction presents a clear, focused research problem and/or thesis statement .

My paper is logically organized using paragraphs and (if relevant) section headings .

Each paragraph is clearly focused on one central idea, expressed in a clear topic sentence .

Each paragraph is relevant to my research problem or thesis statement.

I have used appropriate transitions  to clarify the connections between sections, paragraphs, and sentences.

My conclusion provides a concise answer to the research question or emphasizes how the thesis has been supported.

My conclusion shows how my research has contributed to knowledge or understanding of my topic.

My conclusion does not present any new points or information essential to my argument.

I have provided an in-text citation every time I refer to ideas or information from a source.

I have included a reference list at the end of my paper, consistently formatted according to a specific citation style .

I have thoroughly revised my paper and addressed any feedback from my professor or supervisor.

I have followed all formatting guidelines (page numbers, headers, spacing, etc.).

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Career Exploration Paper

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Words: 766 |

Published: Jun 13, 2024

Words: 766 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Personal reflection and self-assessment, research and information gathering, networking and building connections, experimentation and practical experience, adapting to change and lifelong learning.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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How to Write a Research Paper: the LEAP approach (+cheat sheet)

In this article I will show you how to write a research paper using the four LEAP writing steps. The LEAP academic writing approach is a step-by-step method for turning research results into a published paper .

The LEAP writing approach has been the cornerstone of the 70 + research papers that I have authored and the 3700+ citations these paper have accumulated within 9 years since the completion of my PhD. I hope the LEAP approach will help you just as much as it has helped me to make an real, tangible impact with my research.

What is the LEAP research paper writing approach?

I designed the LEAP writing approach not only for merely writing the papers. My goal with the writing system was to show young scientists how to first think about research results and then how to efficiently write each section of the research paper.

In other words, you will see how to write a research paper by first analyzing the results and then building a logical, persuasive arguments. In this way, instead of being afraid of writing research paper, you will be able to rely on the paper writing process to help you with what is the most demanding task in getting published – thinking.

The four research paper writing steps according to the LEAP approach:

LEAP research paper writing step 1: L

I will show each of these steps in detail. And you will be able to download the LEAP cheat sheet for using with every paper you write.

But before I tell you how to efficiently write a research paper, I want to show you what is the problem with the way scientists typically write a research paper and why the LEAP approach is more efficient.

How scientists typically write a research paper (and why it isn’t efficient)

Writing a research paper can be tough, especially for a young scientist. Your reasoning needs to be persuasive and thorough enough to convince readers of your arguments. The description has to be derived from research evidence, from prior art, and from your own judgment. This is a tough feat to accomplish.

The figure below shows the sequence of the different parts of a typical research paper. Depending on the scientific journal, some sections might be merged or nonexistent, but the general outline of a research paper will remain very similar.

Outline of a research paper, including Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Objective, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References and Annexes

Here is the problem: Most people make the mistake of writing in this same sequence.

While the structure of scientific articles is designed to help the reader follow the research, it does little to help the scientist write the paper. This is because the layout of research articles starts with the broad (introduction) and narrows down to the specifics (results). See in the figure below how the research paper is structured in terms of the breath of information that each section entails.

How to write a research paper according to the LEAP approach

For a scientist, it is much easier to start writing a research paper with laying out the facts in the narrow sections (i.e. results), step back to describe them (i.e. write the discussion), and step back again to explain the broader picture in the introduction.

For example, it might feel intimidating to start writing a research paper by explaining your research’s global significance in the introduction, while it is easy to plot the figures in the results. When plotting the results, there is not much room for wiggle: the results are what they are.

Starting to write a research papers from the results is also more fun because you finally get to see and understand the complete picture of the research that you have worked on.

Most importantly, following the LEAP approach will help you first make sense of the results yourself and then clearly communicate them to the readers. That is because the sequence of writing allows you to slowly understand the meaning of the results and then develop arguments for presenting to your readers.

I have personally been able to write and submit a research article in three short days using this method.

Step 1: Lay Out the Facts

LEAP research paper writing step 1: Prepare charts and graphics, and describe what you see

You have worked long hours on a research project that has produced results and are no doubt curious to determine what they exactly mean. There is no better way to do this than by preparing figures, graphics and tables. This is what the first LEAP step is focused on – diving into the results.

How to p repare charts and tables for a research paper

Your first task is to try out different ways of visually demonstrating the research results. In many fields, the central items of a journal paper will be charts that are based on the data generated during research. In other fields, these might be conceptual diagrams, microscopy images, schematics and a number of other types of scientific graphics which should visually communicate the research study and its results to the readers. If you have reasonably small number of data points, data tables might be useful as well.

Tips for preparing charts and tables

  • Try multiple chart types but in the finished paper only use the one that best conveys the message you want to present to the readers
  • Follow the eight chart design progressions for selecting and refining a data chart for your paper:
  • Prepare scientific graphics and visualizations for your paper using the scientific graphic design cheat sheet:

How to describe the results of your research

Now that you have your data charts, graphics and tables laid out in front of you – describe what you see in them. Seek to answer the question: What have I found?  Your statements should progress in a logical sequence and be backed by the visual information. Since, at this point, you are simply explaining what everyone should be able to see for themselves, you can use a declarative tone: The figure X demonstrates that…

Tips for describing the research results :

  • Answer the question: “ What have I found? “
  • Use declarative tone since you are simply describing observations

Step 2: Explain the results

LEAP research paper writing step 2: Define the message, discuss the results, write conclusions, refine the objective, and describe methodology

The core aspect of your research paper is not actually the results; it is the explanation of their meaning. In the second LEAP step, you will do some heavy lifting by guiding the readers through the results using logic backed by previous scientific research.

How to define the Message of a research paper

To define the central message of your research paper, imagine how you would explain your research to a colleague in 20 seconds . If you succeed in effectively communicating your paper’s message, a reader should be able to recount your findings in a similarly concise way even a year after reading it. This clarity will increase the chances that someone uses the knowledge you generated, which in turn raises the likelihood of citations to your research paper. 

Tips for defining the paper’s central message :

  • Write the paper’s core message in a single sentence or two bullet points
  • Write the core message in the header of the research paper manuscript

How to write the Discussion section of a research paper

In the discussion section you have to demonstrate why your research paper is worthy of publishing. In other words, you must now answer the all-important So what? question . How well you do so will ultimately define the success of your research paper.

Here are three steps to get started with writing the discussion section:

  • Write bullet points of the things that convey the central message of the research article (these may evolve into subheadings later on).
  • Make a list with the arguments or observations that support each idea.
  • Finally, expand on each point to make full sentences and paragraphs.

Tips for writing the discussion section:

  • What is the meaning of the results?
  • Was the hypothesis confirmed?
  • Write bullet points that support the core message
  • List logical arguments for each bullet point, group them into sections
  • Instead of repeating research timeline, use a presentation sequence that best supports your logic
  • Convert arguments to full paragraphs; be confident but do not overhype
  • Refer to both supportive and contradicting research papers for maximum credibility

How to write the Conclusions of a research paper

Since some readers might just skim through your research paper and turn directly to the conclusions, it is a good idea to make conclusion a standalone piece. In the first few sentences of the conclusions, briefly summarize the methodology and try to avoid using abbreviations (if you do, explain what they mean).

After this introduction, summarize the findings from the discussion section. Either paragraph style or bullet-point style conclusions can be used. I prefer the bullet-point style because it clearly separates the different conclusions and provides an easy-to-digest overview for the casual browser. It also forces me to be more succinct.

Tips for writing the conclusion section :

  • Summarize the key findings, starting with the most important one
  • Make conclusions standalone (short summary, avoid abbreviations)
  • Add an optional take-home message and suggest future research in the last paragraph

How to refine the Objective of a research paper

The objective is a short, clear statement defining the paper’s research goals. It can be included either in the final paragraph of the introduction, or as a separate subsection after the introduction. Avoid writing long paragraphs with in-depth reasoning, references, and explanation of methodology since these belong in other sections. The paper’s objective can often be written in a single crisp sentence.

Tips for writing the objective section :

  • The objective should ask the question that is answered by the central message of the research paper
  • The research objective should be clear long before writing a paper. At this point, you are simply refining it to make sure it is addressed in the body of the paper.

How to write the Methodology section of your research paper

When writing the methodology section, aim for a depth of explanation that will allow readers to reproduce the study . This means that if you are using a novel method, you will have to describe it thoroughly. If, on the other hand, you applied a standardized method, or used an approach from another paper, it will be enough to briefly describe it with reference to the detailed original source.

Remember to also detail the research population, mention how you ensured representative sampling, and elaborate on what statistical methods you used to analyze the results.

Tips for writing the methodology section :

  • Include enough detail to allow reproducing the research
  • Provide references if the methods are known
  • Create a methodology flow chart to add clarity
  • Describe the research population, sampling methodology, statistical methods for result analysis
  • Describe what methodology, test methods, materials, and sample groups were used in the research.

Step 3: Advertize the research

Step 3 of the LEAP writing approach is designed to entice the casual browser into reading your research paper. This advertising can be done with an informative title, an intriguing abstract, as well as a thorough explanation of the underlying need for doing the research within the introduction.

LEAP research paper writing step 3: Write introduction, prepare the abstract, compose title, and prepare highlights and graphical abstract

How to write the Introduction of a research paper

The introduction section should leave no doubt in the mind of the reader that what you are doing is important and that this work could push scientific knowledge forward. To do this convincingly, you will need to have a good knowledge of what is state-of-the-art in your field. You also need be able to see the bigger picture in order to demonstrate the potential impacts of your research work.

Think of the introduction as a funnel, going from wide to narrow, as shown in the figure below:

  • Start with a brief context to explain what do we already know,
  • Follow with the motivation for the research study and explain why should we care about it,
  • Explain the research gap you are going to bridge within this research paper,
  • Describe the approach you will take to solve the problem.

Context - Motivation - Research gap - Approach funnel for writing the introduction

Tips for writing the introduction section :

  • Follow the Context – Motivation – Research gap – Approach funnel for writing the introduction
  • Explain how others tried and how you plan to solve the research problem
  • Do a thorough literature review before writing the introduction
  • Start writing the introduction by using your own words, then add references from the literature

How to prepare the Abstract of a research paper

The abstract acts as your paper’s elevator pitch and is therefore best written only after the main text is finished. In this one short paragraph you must convince someone to take on the time-consuming task of reading your whole research article. So, make the paper easy to read, intriguing, and self-explanatory; avoid jargon and abbreviations.

How to structure the abstract of a research paper:

  • The abstract is a single paragraph that follows this structure:
  • Problem: why did we research this
  • Methodology: typically starts with the words “Here we…” that signal the start of own contribution.
  • Results: what we found from the research.
  • Conclusions: show why are the findings important

How to compose a research paper Title

The title is the ultimate summary of a research paper. It must therefore entice someone looking for information to click on a link to it and continue reading the article. A title is also used for indexing purposes in scientific databases, so a representative and optimized title will play large role in determining if your research paper appears in search results at all.

Tips for coming up with a research paper title:

  • Capture curiosity of potential readers using a clear and descriptive title
  • Include broad terms that are often searched
  • Add details that uniquely identify the researched subject of your research paper
  • Avoid jargon and abbreviations
  • Use keywords as title extension (instead of duplicating the words) to increase the chance of appearing in search results

How to prepare Highlights and Graphical Abstract

Highlights are three to five short bullet-point style statements that convey the core findings of the research paper. Notice that the focus is on the findings, not on the process of getting there.

A graphical abstract placed next to the textual abstract visually summarizes the entire research paper in a single, easy-to-follow figure. I show how to create a graphical abstract in my book Research Data Visualization and Scientific Graphics.

Tips for preparing highlights and graphical abstract:

  • In highlights show core findings of the research paper (instead of what you did in the study).
  • In graphical abstract show take-home message or methodology of the research paper. Learn more about creating a graphical abstract in this article.

Step 4: Prepare for submission

LEAP research paper writing step 4: Select the journal, fulfill journal requirements, write a cover letter, suggest reviewers, take a break and edit, address review comments.

Sometimes it seems that nuclear fusion will stop on the star closest to us (read: the sun will stop to shine) before a submitted manuscript is published in a scientific journal. The publication process routinely takes a long time, and after submitting the manuscript you have very little control over what happens. To increase the chances of a quick publication, you must do your homework before submitting the manuscript. In the fourth LEAP step, you make sure that your research paper is published in the most appropriate journal as quickly and painlessly as possible.

How to select a scientific Journal for your research paper

The best way to find a journal for your research paper is it to review which journals you used while preparing your manuscript. This source listing should provide some assurance that your own research paper, once published, will be among similar articles and, thus, among your field’s trusted sources.

career research paper essay

After this initial selection of hand-full of scientific journals, consider the following six parameters for selecting the most appropriate journal for your research paper (read this article to review each step in detail):

  • Scope and publishing history
  • Ranking and Recognition
  • Publishing time
  • Acceptance rate
  • Content requirements
  • Access and Fees

How to select a journal for your research paper:

  • Use the six parameters to select the most appropriate scientific journal for your research paper
  • Use the following tools for journal selection:
  • Follow the journal’s “Authors guide” formatting requirements

How to Edit you manuscript

No one can write a finished research paper on their first attempt. Before submitting, make sure to take a break from your work for a couple of days, or even weeks. Try not to think about the manuscript during this time. Once it has faded from your memory, it is time to return and edit. The pause will allow you to read the manuscript from a fresh perspective and make edits as necessary.

I have summarized the most useful research paper editing tools in this article.

Tips for editing a research paper:

  • Take time away from the research paper to forget about it; then returning to edit,
  • Start by editing the content: structure, headings, paragraphs, logic, figures
  • Continue by editing the grammar and language; perform a thorough language check using academic writing tools
  • Read the entire paper out loud and correct what sounds weird

How to write a compelling Cover Letter for your paper

Begin the cover letter by stating the paper’s title and the type of paper you are submitting (review paper, research paper, short communication). Next, concisely explain why your study was performed, what was done, and what the key findings are. State why the results are important and what impact they might have in the field. Make sure you mention how your approach and findings relate to the scope of the journal in order to show why the article would be of interest to the journal’s readers.

I wrote a separate article that explains what to include in a cover letter here. You can also download a cover letter template from the article.

Tips for writing a cover letter:

  • Explain how the findings of your research relate to journal’s scope
  • Tell what impact the research results will have
  • Show why the research paper will interest the journal’s audience
  • Add any legal statements as required in journal’s guide for authors

How to Answer the Reviewers

Reviewers will often ask for new experiments, extended discussion, additional details on the experimental setup, and so forth. In principle, your primary winning tactic will be to agree with the reviewers and follow their suggestions whenever possible. After all, you must earn their blessing in order to get your paper published.

Be sure to answer each review query and stick to the point. In the response to the reviewers document write exactly where in the paper you have made any changes. In the paper itself, highlight the changes using a different color. This way the reviewers are less likely to re-read the entire article and suggest new edits.

In cases when you don’t agree with the reviewers, it makes sense to answer more thoroughly. Reviewers are scientifically minded people and so, with enough logical and supported argument, they will eventually be willing to see things your way.

Tips for answering the reviewers:

  • Agree with most review comments, but if you don’t, thoroughly explain why
  • Highlight changes in the manuscript
  • Do not take the comments personally and cool down before answering

The LEAP research paper writing cheat sheet

Imagine that you are back in grad school and preparing to take an exam on the topic: “How to write a research paper”. As an exemplary student, you would, most naturally, create a cheat sheet summarizing the subject… Well, I did it for you.

This one-page summary of the LEAP research paper writing technique will remind you of the key research paper writing steps. Print it out and stick it to a wall in your office so that you can review it whenever you are writing a new research paper.

The LEAP research paper writing cheat sheet

Now that we have gone through the four LEAP research paper writing steps, I hope you have a good idea of how to write a research paper. It can be an enjoyable process and once you get the hang of it, the four LEAP writing steps should even help you think about and interpret the research results. This process should enable you to write a well-structured, concise, and compelling research paper.

Have fund with writing your next research paper. I hope it will turn out great!

Learn writing papers that get cited

The LEAP writing approach is a blueprint for writing research papers. But to be efficient and write papers that get cited, you need more than that.

My name is Martins Zaumanis and in my interactive course Research Paper Writing Masterclass I will show you how to  visualize  your research results,  frame a message  that convinces your readers, and write  each section  of the paper. Step-by-step.

And of course – you will learn to respond the infamous  Reviewer No.2.

Research Paper Writing Masterclass by Martins Zaumanis

Hey! My name is Martins Zaumanis and I am a materials scientist in Switzerland ( Google Scholar ). As the first person in my family with a PhD, I have first-hand experience of the challenges starting scientists face in academia. With this blog, I want to help young researchers succeed in academia. I call the blog “Peer Recognized”, because peer recognition is what lifts academic careers and pushes science forward.

Besides this blog, I have written the Peer Recognized book series and created the Peer Recognized Academy offering interactive online courses.

Related articles:

Six journal selection steps

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Career Research Papers Samples For Students

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Over the course of studying in college, you will definitely need to compose a bunch of Research Papers on Career. Lucky you if linking words together and organizing them into meaningful content comes naturally to you; if it's not the case, you can save the day by finding a previously written Career Research Paper example and using it as a model to follow.

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Career development is a continuous process through which an individual seeks, obtains, and processes information related to both educational and occupational alternatives. Therefore, a career development plan is a document that outlines how one develops themselves in their existing role in terms of their career goals and success. This is a career development plan for a middle school guidance counselor who is responsible to assisting students achieve maximum potential in their social, academic, and personal endeavors (Dawis, 2005).

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Apparently, many people see money as the primary determinant of whether or not a person will take up a job. This is a serious misconception as people are different and hold different views on the same. While others prioritize money, others will look at such things as the working hours, the chances to travel and so on. Personally, I would prioritize job security, work-life balance and room for growth as my first three determinants. Faced with many offers with equal pay, I would consider these three criteria for various reasons discussed below.

Job security

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Time-matrix is a theory of leadership that explains how a good leader should be able to respond to issues and how he/she takes action. It involves factors that are of varying levels of importance, consequences and also what results are expected. It seeks to guide how a leader will respond to the various concerns based on the level of urgency. This theory, if applied by the leader would ensure that they are highly principled and effective.

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Time-matrix is a theory of leadership that explains how a good leader should be able to respond to issues and how they take action. It involves factors that are of varying levels of importance, consequences and also what results are expected. It seeks to guide how a leader will respond to the various concerns based on their level of urgency. This theory, if applied by the leader would ensure that they are highly principles and also effective in their duties.

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Human resource management is the course of action through which a business employs, trains, compensates, and develops policies and strategies to retain its employees (Armstrong, 2006). Nowadays, the human resource management is a wide field according to most business organizations. For example, in the past, the human resource department was responsible for processing payrolls, arranging company outings, and conducting administrative roles among other activities (Armstrong, 2006). This shows that the roles played by the human resource field have evolved from the past to what they are today. This paper will discuss the career paths in the field of human resource management.

Example Of Research Paper On A Career In Health And Human Services

Social workers perform a range of services that touch on many disciplines within the greater health and human services field. Case management, which is closely identified with social work, features a skill set that can be applied to many areas within the discipline of social work, ranging from child protection to substance abuse. These skills include problem assessment, treatment formulation, coordination and counseling. There are considerable career development opportunities, and new skill development paradigms provide important resources for professional growth.

Keywords: Social workers, health and human services, case management, child protection, substance abuse

A Career in Health and Human Services

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Jennifer Luper is a DNN health worker in Upper Saddle, New Jersey. She holds a Masters Degree in pediatric nursing. However she has since changed to health work as she claims to have more satisfaction there. I chose to interview She comes out as a very interesting person who is also dedicated to her work. Luper since based on her experience, she seemed very resourceful.

DNN Health Worker, Upper Saddle, New Jersey

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220 Career Topics for Essays & Research Papers

Writing on career topics for students is an excellent opportunity to discover professional goals and make the right choice. StudyCorgi has prepared a list of inspirational titles for career essays to help you write an outstanding paper on a particular profession. Feel free to use these career topics for presentations, speeches, or other assignments.

🛠️ 7 Best Career Topics for Students

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  • Phases of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Poetic Career
  • Development of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Poetic Career
  • Career Plan in Nursing
  • Career Aspirations in Information Technology
  • Business Career Plan for the Next 5 Years
  • Personal SWOT Analysis to Determine the Career Development Strategy
  • Civil Engineer Career: Overview
  • What Does a Career in Aviation Mean to You? Working in aviation means being able to adapt and stay focused, having the ability and will to learn, and finally, receiving the amount of reward it gives.
  • Nursing College Education and Career This paper outlines personal hopes, aspirations, and expectations when going to college with a bachelor’s degree in the nursing program.
  • Veronica Vargas: Career Counseling In this paper, a case study of Veronica Vargas will be analyzed with the help of such elements as genogram construction, worldview interpretation, theory application, and description of cultural issues.
  • Mathematics Teacher’s Career Goal One of the goals of teaching high school mathematics is to equip the learners with the basic principles, facts, theories, skills, concepts, and approaches in mathematics.
  • Preceptorship in Nursing and Career Development A sense of inquiry is established and scholarship opportunities are created through mutual reflection on work challenges and lifelong learning in career development.
  • Teacher’s Impact on Student’s Career Choice It could be stated with certainty that teachers have an immense influence on the development of various outcomes of their students.
  • Musical Career: Personal Philosophy and Career Goals My love for music is due to the emotions that this genre of art gives. Melodies are able to awaken in the souls of people warmth, delight, worries, joy, and other strong feelings.
  • The Role of HRM in Career Management Traditional perceptions of careers are slowly being replaced by new views. Career management was once considered as a role for employers.
  • Hilton’s Career Development and Employee Motivation As one of the pioneers in the hospitality industry, Hilton aims to attract and retain the best employees to drive its services and customer excellence.
  • Career Opportunities for Business Students There are many academic and practice opportunities for students to strengthen their skills and gain the required knowledge, and joining a professional organization network is an option.
  • Decision-Making in Choosing a Career Career choice entails progress through one’s life. An individual’s career is crucial in determining his or her life pattern in terms of success or failure.
  • Mohandas Gandhi’s Career Success and Failures During his time under British control, Gandhi positioned himself as a spokesperson for the common people. He was effective in his efforts to organize nonviolent resistance.
  • Clinical Career Ladders in Healthcare The main objective of the essay is to identify the relationship between successful Clinical Ladder Programs and nurses’ job satisfaction and the factors that contribute to it.
  • Becoming a Professional in Your Career I clearly understand who I aim to be in the future, so I am currently working as a dental assistant and studying for a dental hygienist to become a leading professional.
  • Master of Public Administration and the Career Master of Public Administration emphasizes leadership duties such as policy development and management of public finances and people management.
  • My Career in Marketing Management The role of the marketing managers is to ensure that, there is a wider influence on customers’ expertise, proper instance schedule and defining.
  • Michelangelo Buonarroti’s Background and Career Michelangelo produced a magnificent statue from a rejected marble, making him an exemplary artist during the High Renaissance.
  • Career of Sound Engineer The sound engineer, after the voice record, turns to work and tries to make it so that the terrible sound, which was produced in the microphone, began to sing.
  • Amundson and Poehnell’s Career Development Model The objective of this reflective paper is to analyze and criticize Amundson and Poehnell’s Career Development Model.
  • Homai Vyarawalla’s Photography Career Homai Vyarawalla had a unique talent for penetrating the fabric of time with her camera. One looks at the photos, and the long-gone days magically return to life.
  • Career Development at the Sidra Medicine Facility Sidra Medicine is a world-class health facility in Qatar providing medical and research services focused on women and children.
  • The Difference in Career of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven The paper states that unified by the patronage system and its consequences, Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven have different career development scenarios.
  • Choice of Career: Health Information Management The present-day world dictates conditions to specialists, and its primary orientation is technological development as well as its practical implementation within healthcare facilities.
  • Nursing Career and Reasons to Choose It This essay will discuss several benefits of the nursing profession. One of the most obvious reasons for choosing to be a nurse is its influence on people’s lives.
  • The Importance of Career Counseling for Veterans The paper states that career counseling can provide valuable guidance and support to help veterans find fulfilling careers that align with their skills.
  • Career Burnout in Nurses Serving Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease Career burnout in nurses, nannies, and caregivers serving patients with Alzheimer’s disease is an urgent problem.
  • Professional Competence for Future Career Goals I intend to study intensely in my field to be professionally competent. Maintaining high levels of professional competence would make me ready for any possible future changes.
  • How Can Managers Assist Employees With Their Career Development?
  • Does Early-Career Underemployment Impact Future Career Success?
  • Are Career Women Good for Marriage?
  • What Decisions Are Critical for Success in a Career?
  • How Can Computer Skills Help You in Your Career?
  • Can Fixed-Term Contracts Put Low-Skilled Youth on a Better Career Path?
  • Does Mentor Support Increase Women’s Career Advancement More Than Men’s?
  • How Does Career Exploration Enhance People’s Ability to Further Themselves?
  • Are There Any Class Size Effects on Early Career Earnings in West Germany?
  • Does Sporting Activity Foster Career Advancement?
  • How Does Career Identity Shapes the Meaning of Work for Referred Employees?
  • Can Leadership Help Your Career?
  • Why Are Good Communication Skills Vital for Career Success?
  • Does Career Success Make People Happy?
  • How Do Career Issues Affect an Individual’s Life?
  • Can Women Have Children and a Career?
  • How Does Company Policy Influence Employees’ Careers?
  • Does Early Career Achievement Lead to Earlier Death?
  • How Does the Development of Professional Knowledge and Abilities Affect Career Success?
  • Does the Age Difference Between Partners Influence the Career Achievements of Women?
  • How Does the First Job Matter for an Individual’s Career Life in Japan?
  • What Are the Factors That Influence Career Choice?
  • How Can Personal Identity and Being Inclusive Make or Break Your Career?
  • What Are the Risks and Rewards of Different Career Paths?
  • How Does Technology Affect Career Development?
  • Pharmacy: A Career Pathway Pharmacy is vital to research and treatment of fatal diseases. Various researches are currently conducted with a view to introducing new drugs that are more efficient.
  • Ethical Approaches in Career Choice This paper discusses some of the ethical choices that a people should consider when deciding their occupations.
  • Public Health Career Opportunities Public health may have a positive effect on students’ development and accomplishment of their career goals. Public health may be practiced via many applied practical experiences.
  • Learning a New Language: Importance for Career Development Learning a new language has many advantages to a person’s career growth as it enhances their competitiveness in the local and international market.
  • Narrative Therapy and Career Counselling Narrative therapy enables people to develop their alternative life stories, which is particularly beneficial during career counseling.
  • Social Work: Career of Social Worker and Job Opportunities Social work becomes inseparable from the history of humanity. This paper is an analysis of present-day social work as a career.
  • Career Management in Business Every time a company wants to be successful it should be able to carry out career analysis, development and training, job design and implement it.
  • Psychology: Personal and Career Development Psychological studies suggest negative emotions caused by the awareness of the discrepancy between the goal and the current state are critical for encouraging self-improvement.
  • Differential Psychology as a Future Career Field As a psychology student, I am interested in pursuing any discipline that highlights individual differences and how such differences influence personality.
  • Public Diplomacy Profession, Its Significance, and Career To be successful in public diplomacy, one must be able to work with people, find understanding and common language with them, notwithstanding the size of the audience.
  • Human Resource Manager’s Career Opportunities Human resource managers now require advanced training and possess diverse sets of skills in legal affairs, finance, psychology, and other knowledge to facilitate their roles.
  • Electrical Engineers: Career Development The coursework studies the case of a high turnover of electrical engineers. It presents a formalized career development system and career development activities.
  • Leveraging Soft Skills Into Career Opportunities Soft skills can be defined as critical skills for a successful career and interpersonal communication in a team.
  • Social Work Career: Personal Experiences A first person account is the narrative from a particular person’s point of view. Normally, the genre is used for reaching the reader who is likely to contemplate.
  • A Physician Career and Its Advantages This paper aims to define a career as a physician and all it entails and explain why the author chooses to pursue this profession.
  • Missy Elliott’s Career and Queer Representation in Hip-Hop The discussion of gender stereotypes and queer representations in music is especially valid in the hip-hop genre which has been subjected to racial and gender limitations.
  • Minnesota Theory of Work Adjustment in Career Counselling Career intervention refers to the activities aimed at evaluating and enhancing a person’s career development. It helps the person develop, and profit from various career decisions.
  • Emergency Management Role in Law Enforcement Career This essay describes how the course in emergency management and the skill learned through the practice could help the author in a career in law enforcement.
  • Heidi Roizen’s Career, Work Principles and Habits Heidi Roizen managed to make use of her experience and networks at each of the following stages of her professional path.
  • Career Opportunities in a Cruise Ship for Professionals in the Hospitality Sector Cruise ships operate in the tourism and travel sector, improving the recreation experience of passengers. The vessels allow professionals from different disciplines to work here.
  • Maintaining Work-Life Balance in a Nursing Career Taking into account stressful conditions that nurses have to encounter every day, they have to have enough time outside the work in order to recover, rest.
  • Josquin Des Prez’s Musical Career and Works Though Josquin des Prez is famous as a contemporary musician and one of the most important Renaissance composers, details about his life and compositions are not well documented.
  • Social Work Practice: Work Experience and Career Development The paper tackles having experience in Psychology, Sociology, Social Policy, and Safeguarding all vulnerable people and ensuring a better Social Work Practice.
  • Why a Career in Business as an E-Business Consultant Is Best for Me? In this paper I will give an overview of my qualities and qualifications. I will look at the advantages and the shortcomings of the career and end with my conclusion.
  • Management Education Is the Key to Successful Career Management education is important because it supplies future managers and administrators with the knowledge and innovative ideas, practical examples and analytical skills.
  • Restaurant Management: A Career Perspective The job of a restaurant manage is one of the most varied careers in existence. It is the manager’s responsibility to offer service, food and drink to the public at a price they are willing to pay.
  • Psychology Branches and Future Career Perspectives The paper discusses biopsychology, cognitive neuropsychology, clinical psychology, counseling psychology, geropsychology, industrial-organizational psychology, and others.
  • Loss and Grief Studies in Psychologist’s Career The knowledge received on the loss and grief theories allows me to analyse my experience in the context of them in order to have an in-depth understanding of the problem.
  • Good Observation in Teacher’s Career and Policies Observation has a significant role in the improvement of teacher’s professional capabilities and for the development of appropriate policies.
  • Nursing Career: Achieving Goals and Objectives Nursing is not just an occupation, but rather a noble profession, which is exceptionally dynamic. Nurses can work in rehabilitation centres, schools, hospitals, etc.
  • Alan Wilson’s Career Choice to Change the World The case study analysis is focused on selecting the best career option for Alan Wilson. The purpose is to choose the option that is most beneficial to make a difference.
  • Career-Related Decision-Making and Gender Differences The paper focuses on career-related decision-making differences between men and women in general and the incidence of depression in the context of career advancement in particular.
  • Dance Education and Its Influence on Future Career The paper discusses the influence of dance or art education in general on people’s future careers that may be not related to the dance sphere.
  • Nursing Career Plan Development Being a nursing administrator needs administrative skills. A nursing administrator is concerned with enhancing communication between the management and nursing staff.
  • The significance of soft skills in the workplace.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in career success.
  • The top in-demand careers in the future.
  • Dos and don’ts for a successful job interview.
  • What students should know when pursuing a career in creative industries.
  • The importance of a strong online presence for professional development.
  • Bridging the gap between education and employability.
  • The importance of networking for career advancement.
  • Practical strategies for writing resumes and cover letters.
  • Benefits of internships and work experience for students.
  • Analysis of Ron Powell’s Career and Performance This paper aims at analyzing the professional path of Ron Powell at Jones & Jones and examine his motivation strategy.
  • Career Plan in Marketing Sphere The report provides a construct of marketing as applied to personal self-evaluative implications in this very job family.
  • Physical Educators: Career Changes Physical educators experience various difficulties in their work; this research is aimed at investigating the various reasons why physical educators are opting for a career change.
  • Career Counseling Overview: Accounting Career The essay describes the necessity and the process of the career counseling session for the group of students with common interests and skills.
  • Teaching Profession and Career Possibilities This report covers a thorough discussion of the teaching profession, the nature of work, work conditions, educational requirements, compensation, etc.
  • Career-Related Service for College Dropouts and CCIS Model The CCIS (Curricular Career Information Service) is “an innovative program for delivering educational and vocational information” that was initiated in Florida in 1975.
  • Senior-Year Students Exploring Career Options Senior year students have to prepare for going to college, which usually involves leaving their friends and family, as well as for deciding on what they want to study.
  • Decision-Making in an English Teacher’s Career This is a case of a professional with 20-years of experience in teaching high school English in Japan. To analyse his decisions, this paper applies two decision-making theories.
  • Nursing Career Vision and Networking Strategies A career plan can contribute to set realistic objectives and gradually achieving them by following the intended mode of work and constantly improving personal skills.
  • Career Choice and Diploma Despair The difficulties of choosing a career may seem fictitious and exaggerated, especially since there are ways to solve them: career counseling, counseling, major changes.
  • Educational Experiences And Significant Career Goals The latter activities testify to my diversity and dynamism. My motto has always been that: if you want something really badly then nothing is unachievable in this world.
  • Vision and Mission Discussion: Academic Networks and Career Trajectory The environment in which a person studies can influence them and it is advantageous if the university’s mission is correlated with their academic and professional goals.
  • Aligning Passion with Expertise: A Career in Sports Finance The financial analyst provides financial performance management, financial analysis and support, and financial process and reporting rigor for teams and even leagues.
  • College-to-Career Gap and Contributing Factors The paper explores the factors contributing to the college-to-career gap: the lack of job opportunities, the rise in the cost of college tuition, and the lack of career guidance.
  • Child Psychology Among Career Paths This paper analyses the psychology career opportunities and states why child psychology is a useful course that will be in demand for years.
  • Interview on Closing the Gap Between College and Career Whether we go to college to get an education or secure good pay alongside the diploma has deluded many students.
  • The Choice Milestone in Selecting a Career Path In today’s workplace, vocational decision-making, or the process of selecting a career path, has emerged as a common and challenging matter.
  • A Career Intervention Program for Self-Discovery and Future Success Choosing and pursuing a career has been an important and difficult consideration for the youth, both now and in the past.
  • Closing the Gap Between Military Service and Civilian Career A gulf between Military Service and Civilian careers prevents veterans from successfully integrating into society after military service.
  • Limitations in Career Growth in Guam There are limitations in career growth in Guam and they are mostly connected with the absence of necessary skills for an occupation outside the tourism sector.
  • A Career in Economics: Understanding Human Behavior and Tackling Social Issues Economics, a diverse discipline that extends beyond fiscal matters and quantitative proficiency, presents a dynamic and gratifying career trajectory. Fundamentally, it delves into human conduct and the distribution of resources within societal frameworks. This complex field encompasses micro and macroeconomics, examining the forces that drive individual decision-making and the larger…
  • Importance of Career Satisfaction Assesment Career satisfaction is a complex and subjective concept with as yet undefined boundaries and many interacting variables.
  • Career Decision-Making in Business Administration In business administration, one of the main challenges is knowing where to apply the acquired knowledge and skills.
  • Teacher Career: The Role of Self-Efficacy In addition to self-efficacy during teaching programs, one has ample time to read and research from several sources to have every detail at your fingertips.
  • Career in Healthcare Administration Healthcare management and administration is a vital field in healthcare that relates to the governance and oversight of medical facilities and healthcare staff.
  • Career in Cinema: Advices and Fundamentals Similarly to all other industries, it takes hard work to be successful in cinema. It applies to all representatives of this business: from actors to producers.
  • The Career of a Registered Nurse In order to successfully pursue the career of a registered nurse, one needs to possess medical knowledge and gain appropriate skills.
  • Donald John Trump’s Biography and Career Donald John Trump is a globally renowned individual whose major spotlight was when he served as the 45th President of The United States of America.
  • Choosing a Career in the Administration of Justice The careers open for students with a degree in the Administration of Justice provide a possibility for being hired for jobs in the US Department of Justice.
  • The Career of Alcibiades and Its Influence on the Athenian Politics During his political activity, Alcibiades had managed to establish alliances with almost all Greek policies, as well as neighbouring states.
  • Aspects of Developing One’s Career Developing one’s career involves a series of programs to match the requirements, abilities, and professional objectives of a person with the company’s present.
  • Tracing Raphael’s Career Development Raphael cuts the image of a master in the art arena. Starting his career in Urbino and ending it in Rome, the artist showcases exceptional talent through his artwork.
  • Louis Armstrong’s Career and Innovations in Music The improvisations introduced by Armstrong into jazz altered its landscape permanently; specifically, he made the improvising soloist the epicenter of the performance.
  • The Allied Health Segment: Dietetics and Physical Therapy Career This paper aims to describe two careers of interest within the allied health segment: dietetics and physical therapy.
  • Registered Nurse Career: Analysis of Required Traits This paper will examine an occupation of a registered nurse and will provide a comparison of required traits with personal characteristics.
  • Discussion of Career Development Stages It is the purpose of the paper to describe the five stages of Super’s theory of career development and reveal the major tasks occurring at each stage.
  • Researching of Changes in Healthcare Career This work was written with the aim of analyzing my own life experience and getting answers to questions that will help in the future to analyze such situations.
  • Career and Criminal Cases of Johnnie Cochran To Johnnie Cochran, practicing law became not only a career but also a call. He believed that many injustices were happening in the courts and he was determined to stop that.
  • Aspects of Career Development: Personal Branding and Networking In the virtual age, personal branding and networking are both exceptionally important for career development. This essay is going to underline the key aspects of these concepts
  • Educational and Career Goals Analysis The author chose nursing both because of their affinity with the profession and because they heard that it had excellent prospects.
  • Human Resources: Dual-Career Family Lifestyle In a dual-career family lifestyle, the sustainment of work-life balance becomes more difficult as employees try to stay committed both to their work and their family.
  • Career: Interviewing the Professional Choosing a career after graduation is one of the most important life choices since this decision can affect the general perception of the world.
  • Research and Career in Dental Healthcare Field The essay discusses the purposes of research in creating and disseminating new knowledge, assessing technological and scientific innovations, and educating professionals.
  • The Importance of a Scientific Component in Choosing a Future Career The purpose of this paper is to discuss the erudite factor itself and in terms of building a CSI career, especially in Kuwait.
  • Ursula Le Guin: Science Fiction Genre Writer Career As one of the most prolific and innovative science fiction writers, Ursula K. Le Guin has definitely left her mark on the landscape of science fiction as a genre.
  • The Need for Dual-Career Planning The number of families where both parents work but It is important to consider long-term goals regarding their lifestyle and distribution of housework between parents.
  • Personal Philosophy of Nursing and Its Role in Nursing Career My conviction is that nursing should readily embrace all possible dynamics to ensure that quality care is the first priority at any given time.
  • Historical Analysis of Ronald Reagan’s Presidential Career Reagan’s experience as a media person helped him significantly when he became president. He spoke confidently and had a unique style that influenced the public.
  • Leadership Style in Medical Career The purpose of the article is to discuss the benefits of the situational leadership approach under the realities of healthcare organizations.
  • Pop-Up Restaurant Chef: Career Interest This paper presents the research into the job of a pop-up restaurant chef and the interview with a person who already works this way.
  • Career Paths in Health Information: Review Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT) primarily work in hospitals but can also found in other healthcare settings including office-based physician practices.
  • Networking and Career Development Importance Networking builds a network of business ties and forms a circle of people around you, each of whom is professional in a specific field.
  • A Career in Genetics: Required Skills and Knowledge A few decades ago, genetics was mostly a science-related sphere of employment. People with a degree in genetics can have solid career prospects in medicine and even agriculture.
  • “Toward an Integrated Model of Intrinsic Motivation & Career Self-Management” by Quigley The aim of this paper is to analyze the key elements of career motivation defined by Quigley and Tymon, and analyze the effectiveness of these components.
  • Business Ethics: Career Ambition vs. Company Goals Linda explored the prospects of the autonomous transportation industry. The dilemma has emerged after she was asked to provide a more comprehensive report for Crosslink Capital.
  • Classroom Career: Occupational Interest Self-Assessment Personality assessments are useful tools that can help a person to distinguish some important personality traits relevant to career choice.
  • Changing Hearts & Minds: Training Programmes for Mid-Career Workers in Singapore While undergoing learning-centered training, such workers will not only receive necessary skills they will also be able to reevaluate their attitude towards the working process.
  • Globalization and Career of University of East London’s Students The UEL offers a wide range of study areas which allow the student to choose an interesting academic area where they aspire to be employed and begin a career.
  • William Molyneux Career and Publications William Molyneux (1654-1698) was a seventeenth-century Irish scientist, philosopher, politician and writer. He promoted and defended the ideals of science.
  • Four Employees Stages in Career Development The development of employees within their professions undergoes various forms of manipulations depending on the level of experience.
  • Employee Engagement and Career Stages The world market has become very competitive in terms of business and employees. As a result, the organizations tend to offer better perks to lure competent candidates.
  • Possible Career Choises Planning Review Career planning entails a personal initiative pursued by an individual in order to arrive at the desired occupation of interest.
  • Working as a Sports Agent: A Successful Career The present paper will be devoted to building a successful career in the sphere of sports management, analyze the history of sports management.
  • MBA Importance for Further Career MBA is an internationally recognized course. MBA offers a good package of updated knowledge and skills necessary and valid for a particular job.
  • Career Management in Business: Plan Before describing the skills required becoming a business economist, it is important to understand what a business economist does.
  • Career Management Program for an Effective Sales Team This paper introduces the need and features of a career management progra, outlines the feedback mechanisms to be used, outline the handling of duo career parents.
  • PSU: Women Managerial Career Development PSU organizational restructuring had various implications for women. It resulted to increase in the proportion of women in the PSU workforce from 9% to 12%.
  • Career as an NFL Player: Self-Analysis Besides, the career of an NFL player is a rather public position and this fact presupposes many public activities for players.
  • Teacher Career and Personal Philosophy of Education The personal philosophy of education of a teacher acts as a very significant aspect in his or her advance to guiding children along the course of enlightenment.
  • Career Exploration Into Policing The department of the Ohio state police has immense and significant aspects that are usually put into consideration during the recruitment process of potential police officers.
  • Dual-Career Couple Policy in Organizations. The organization recognizes, employs and supports dual-career couples, especially those who show commitment to the growth and success of the company.
  • Vargas Family: Career Evaluation Case Study This paper aims to explore the case of the Vargas family, in which the intention of Veronica meets her father’s resistance and refusal to support her medical education.
  • Registered Nurse’s Interview on Career Decision The purpose of this interview is to communicate with a registered nurse and collect information about factors that impacted her decision to become a nurse.
  • Personal Future Career Goal I want to work as a human resources manager in a medium-to-large-sized organization (one with 100 to 1000 employees).
  • Johnny Cash’s Life and Musical Career The songs of Johnny Cash are indicative of not only trends in the 1950s music industry but also of the American life, average enough for everyone.
  • Policy Violation in a Learner’s Academic Career This paper gives a detailed analysis of some examples of policy violations and how they tend to undermine the true purpose of graduate schools.
  • Law: Blowing the Whistle Without Blowing Your Career Some may argue that blowing the whistle goes against corporate conventions. Yet, on-the-job agreements are inferior to what the actual legislation says.
  • Career Exploration in Engineering and Healthcare The key goal of career exploration in the field of music engineering is to gain knowledge regarding the work with various types of audio equipment.
  • Career Challenges in Teaching Language An individual working in the language teaching sphere should be ready to monitor the latest alterations and use new perspectives and innovations to remain acknowledged.
  • Heidi Roizen: Personal Life and Professional Career Heidi Roizen is a full-fletched venture capitalist, currently working for Apple. Initially, she worked as an operator in the Silicon Valley.
  • College Degree and Its Role in Nursing Career Going to college is always a brand new feeling. This work describes expectations from receiving a bachelor’s degree in the nursing area.
  • College Degree and Its Effects on Career This essay describes the causes and effects chain about events of earning a college degree and its importance for acquiring essential professional skills.
  • Career in Clinical, Counseling, Forensic Psychology The paper indicates the further direction of educational planning and job research in the spheres of clinical, counseling, and forensic psychology.
  • Implementing Strategies of Career Development To position strategically it would need to undertake extensive research about the industry players. Getting apprenticeship would be profitable, since it would give hands-on experience.
  • Interclean Company’s Career Development Plan The senior manager in the supply chain department at Interclean Company needs to hire employees to fill five positions. Before doing this, he will first carry out a job analysis.
  • Career Planning: Five Steps for Students to Take Career planning is an important step to take in any student’s life. This article should help you succeed in this choice and be satisfied with the results.
  • Career Planning: Arguments To Avoid Planning a career is an important step that should not be overlooked. This article provides an overview of the mistakes that people make during career planning.
  • Generational Differences in Work and Career Growth The origin of the name ‘Generation X’ came about as a result of the high drug abuse which was common among many parents at that time.
  • Career Opportunity in the Accounting Industry Accounting information is one of the most essential factors and contributors to economic growth. The information provides knowledge that allows developing business ideas.
  • Career Growth in Management In assessing one’s managerial competences, the ability to manage people always makes for a very significant benchmark.
  • Beautician Employment and Career Report The beautician profession is affected by the different standards set by different nations thus hindering mobility. The economic crisis poses a great threat to the growth and sustainability of profession.
  • Nursing Career Choice and Refusal The study focuses on the factors that contribute to people’s consideration of nursing as their career choice and further refusal to work in the specified area.
  • Health Professionals Career Choices The health sector offers many career choices. The paper summarizes the roles, working environments, academic qualifications, potential earnings, and the employment outlooks of these careers.
  • Career in Developmental and Personality Psychology Professionals who work in the area of developmental psychology concentrate on the provision of required assistance to people with developmental issues.
  • Master of Science in Nursing and Further Career The purpose of pursuing a master of science in nursing, and specializing in the field of the family nurse practitioner is to help in meeting the present demand.
  • Nursing Further Education, Development, Career Nowadays nursing environment focuses on continuous development to ensure that a nurse possesses appropriate skills and knowledge related to his or her work.
  • Police Detective Career: Information and Issues The police detective career is very dynamic and demanding, especially the sections of criminal investigations such as homicide and theft.
  • Gender Stereotypes in Families: Parental Influence on an Adolescent’s Career Choice Gender stereotypes are still persistent in societies that often seem to be egalitarian. These stereotypes are transmitted to younger generations that copy their parents’ role models.
  • Gender Stereotypes’ Effects Career and Mental Health This paper discusses the stereotypes about women and shows how they limit the professional development of women and put them at risk of domestic violence and mental health issues.
  • Objectives for a Future Career Preparation The conditions necessary to fulfill the objective include a real-life scenario and the ability to gather the information and prepare for the conversation beforehand.
  • Cumulative Career Traumatic Stress: Law Enforcement CCTS is usually observed among officers and characterized by similar to post-traumatic stress disorder’s symptoms resulted in their constant exposure to traumatic events.
  • Importance of College Experience in Nursing Career Nursing career is synonymous with nurturing abilities of an individual. To achieve the prerequisite conditions, one has to undergo through a system at the college in readiness for the task ahead.
  • Pharmacy Technician Career: Programs That Can Help People to Become a Good Pharmacy Technician It is possible to outline some existing programs which can help a person to become a good Pharmacy Technician in Oklahoma.
  • Accounting Career Opportunities and Requirements Accounting enables businesses to keep score of their operations while at the same time providing solutions to emerging challenges.
  • Roger Staubach: Biography and Career Roger Thomas Staubach is one of the most outstanding players in the history of football. The biographical research paper explores his early life, family life, college and career life.
  • Ysujiro Ozu’s Biography: Japanese Director Life and Career Yasuhiro Ozu was born on 12 December 1903 in the Fukagawa district of Tokyo where his parents were residing. Critics believe that his interest in film production cropped from the many instances.
  • Freelancing and remote work opportunities in the gig economy.
  • Using social media for job hunting and career growth.
  • The role of mentorship in career development.
  • Career pathways in the healthcare field.
  • Ways to improve digital literacy skills to fit the modern job market.
  • Opportunities and challenges of working abroad.
  • The significance of resilience and adaptability for career success.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on different careers.
  • The harmful effects of stereotypes on students’ career choices.
  • Emerging careers: opportunities beyond traditional paths.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 220 Career Topics for Essays & Research Papers.

"220 Career Topics for Essays & Research Papers." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021,

StudyCorgi . (2021) '220 Career Topics for Essays & Research Papers'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "220 Career Topics for Essays & Research Papers." September 9, 2021.


StudyCorgi . "220 Career Topics for Essays & Research Papers." September 9, 2021.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "220 Career Topics for Essays & Research Papers." September 9, 2021.

These essay examples and topics on Career were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 20, 2024 .

Research Paper Topics

Research Paper Topics for 2024: Explore Ideas Across Various Fields

career research paper essay

When you start writing a research paper, it’s like diving into a big pool of exploration and analysis. A good research paper goes beyond just gathering facts. It’s more about exploring a topic, asking the right questions, and coming up with thoughtful answers. Whether you're looking at historical events, scientific discoveries, or cultural trends, the trick is to find interesting research topics that catch your interest and keep you motivated throughout the process.

This article is here to help with that sometimes tricky job of picking a topic. We’ll cover a variety of interesting research topics from different areas, making it easier for you to find one that not only fits your assignment but also grabs your attention.

But let’s be honest, picking the right topic isn’t always easy. If you’re still unsure after reading this article, EssayService is a great place to turn for help, whether you need assistance choosing a topic or writing the entire paper.

How to Pick a Topic for a Research Paper

Choosing the right topic can make or break your research paper. Here's how to make it easier:

  • Start with your interests: Pick a few areas or subjects that genuinely interest you. Narrow it down to the one that excites you the most. If you’re interested, it’ll show in your writing.
  • Check for resources: Before committing, do a quick search to ensure there are enough references available. You’ll want a topic that’s well-discussed so you have plenty of material to work with.
  • Stick to guidelines: Make sure your topic fits within any guidelines your teacher has set. Whether it's avoiding certain subjects or meeting specific requirements, this step is crucial for getting your paper off to a good start.

If you’re looking for easy research paper topics, keep these tips in mind to ensure you choose one that’s both manageable and engaging.

What Are Good Research Topics?

Choosing a successful research topic isn’t just about what sounds interesting — it’s about finding a topic that will help you produce a strong, insightful paper. Good research topic ideas should tick a few key boxes to ensure they’re both impactful and manageable.

Feature Description
🔍 Specific and Focused Narrow down broad areas like “climate change” to something more specific, like “the impact of urban development on local microclimates.” This gives your research a clear direction.
✨ Unique Angle Instead of rehashing well-covered topics like “social media and mental health,” explore a niche, such as “the effects of social media detox on productivity in college students.”
🌍 Significant Impact Choose topics that matter, like “renewable energy adoption in developing countries,” which could contribute to important discussions in your field or society.
📚 Accessible Sources Make sure there’s enough material available by checking databases for studies on topics like “the history of vaccine development” to ensure you have the resources you need.
🔥 Current and Relevant Focus on emerging issues, such as “the role of AI in cybersecurity,” which are timely and likely to interest both readers and reviewers.

Best Research Paper Topics for 2024

In 2024, new challenges and innovations are shaping the world around us, making it an exciting time to dive into research. Here are 15 detailed and highly relevant topics that will keep your paper ahead of the curve:

  • The impact of remote work on urban development in major U.S. cities.
  • Ethical implications of AI-driven decision-making in healthcare.
  • The role of social media algorithms in shaping public opinion during elections.
  • Effects of climate change on global food security and crop yields.
  • The influence of blockchain technology on supply chain transparency.
  • Mental health outcomes related to long-term social media use among teenagers.
  • Renewable energy adoption in emerging economies and its impact on local communities.
  • The rise of electric vehicles and its effect on traditional automotive industries.
  • Privacy concerns surrounding the use of biometric data in consumer devices.
  • The evolution of cybersecurity threats in the age of quantum computing.
  • Gender disparities in STEM education and their long-term effects on the workforce.
  • The economic impact of climate migration on coastal regions.
  • Implications of CRISPR technology in human genetic modification.
  • The effectiveness of universal basic income trials in reducing poverty.
  • The role of telemedicine in improving access to healthcare in rural areas.

College Research Paper Topics

These topics explore some of the most relevant and intriguing issues facing college students today, offering plenty of angles to explore in your research:

  • How student loan debt shapes career paths and financial stability after graduation.
  • Comparing online learning to traditional classrooms: What works best for today’s college students?
  • Social media’s influence on mental health and academic success among college students.
  • Diversity and inclusion: How initiatives are changing campus life and student experiences.
  • University sustainability efforts: How climate change is driving new campus policies.
  • The rise of esports: Transforming college athletics and student engagement.
  • Campus housing: How living arrangements affect academic success and student retention.
  • Balancing part-time jobs with academics: The impact on college students’ grades and well-being.
  • Navigating controversial topics: The importance of academic freedom in college debates.
  • Digital vs. traditional libraries: How technology is reshaping student research habits.
  • Study abroad programs: Enhancing global awareness and boosting future career opportunities.
  • Evaluating campus mental health services: Are they meeting students’ needs?
  • Fraternities and sororities: Examining their influence on college culture and student life.
  • Free college tuition: Exploring the economic and social outcomes in different countries.
  • Standardized testing: How it’s affecting college admissions and the diversity of student bodies.

career research paper essay

Research Paper Topics By Subject

Choosing a good research topic that aligns with your academic focus can make your work more relevant and engaging. Below, you’ll find topics organized by subject to help you get started.

Research Paper Topics on Health

Health is a dynamic field with ongoing developments and challenges, making it a rich area for research. These topics cover a range of health-related issues, from public health policies to advancements in medical technology:

  • How COVID-19 has changed the approach to mental health care.
  • Adoption rates of telemedicine among different age groups.
  • Antibiotic-resistant bacteria: Exploring new treatment options.
  • Barriers to healthcare access in low-income neighborhoods.
  • Ethical dilemmas in using genetic testing for personalized treatments.
  • Success rates of mental health programs in high schools.
  • Comparing dietary patterns in managing type 2 diabetes across cultures.
  • Teen vaping trends and their connection to lung health issues.
  • Strategies for supporting healthcare needs in rapidly aging populations.
  • Tracking climate-related health issues in coastal communities.
  • Innovations in vaccine development for emerging diseases.
  • Social isolation during pandemics and its link to anxiety disorders.
  • Recent changes in U.S. healthcare laws and their influence on patient choices.
  • Exploring how traditional beliefs shape approaches to medical treatment.
  • Evaluating progress in global vaccination campaigns against childhood diseases.

Research Paper Topics on Medicine

Medicine is a vast field with plenty of areas to explore. Here are some specific topics that focus on medical advancements, practices, and challenges:

  • New techniques in minimally invasive surgery for heart conditions.
  • Developments in gene therapy for treating inherited diseases.
  • Challenges in diagnosing and treating rare diseases.
  • The role of AI in improving diagnostic accuracy in radiology.
  • Progress in personalized cancer treatments based on genetic profiling.
  • The rise of antibiotic alternatives in treating infections.
  • Stem cell research advancements for spinal cord injuries.
  • Managing chronic pain: Exploring non-opioid treatment options.
  • Trends in telemedicine for rural healthcare delivery.
  • Breakthroughs in vaccine technology for emerging viruses.
  • Long-term outcomes of organ transplants in pediatric patients.
  • Advances in robotic surgery and their impact on patient recovery.
  • New approaches to treating drug-resistant tuberculosis.
  • Innovations in prenatal care and fetal surgery techniques.
  • The future of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering.

Research Paper Topics on Media

Explore the ever-changing world of media with these fresh and relevant topics. Each one dives into the trends and challenges shaping how we consume and create content today.

  • Analyze the impact of TikTok on modern marketing strategies.
  • Investigate the role of influencers in shaping public opinion during elections.
  • Explore the effects of streaming services on traditional cable TV viewership.
  • Examine how social media platforms handle misinformation and its consequences.
  • Study the rise of podcasts and their influence on news consumption.
  • Compare the portrayal of mental health in TV shows across different cultures.
  • Track the evolution of digital journalism and its impact on print media.
  • Look into the ethics of deepfake technology in video production.
  • Research the effects of binge-watching on viewer behavior and mental health.
  • Explore the relationship between video game streaming and the gaming industry.
  • Analyze the shift from traditional news outlets to social media for breaking news.
  • Investigate how algorithms curate personalized content and influence user behavior.
  • Study the changing landscape of advertising in the age of ad-blockers.
  • Examine the role of memes in political discourse and cultural commentary.
  • Explore the use of virtual reality in media and entertainment.

Research Paper Topics on Politics

Politics is a field that’s constantly evolving, with new issues and debates emerging all the time. Whether you're interested in global dynamics, domestic policies, or the role of technology in politics, there’s no shortage of interesting topics to explore:

  • How social media is influencing voter behavior in recent elections.
  • The rise and impact of grassroots movements on political change.
  • Fake news and its role in shaping public perception of political events.
  • The effects of immigration policies on relationships between countries.
  • Populism’s growth in global politics and what it means for the future.
  • How economic inequality contributes to political instability.
  • The power of political lobbying in creating and shaping laws.
  • Challenges faced by democracies under authoritarian regimes.
  • Youth activism and its growing influence in modern politics.
  • How climate change policies are impacting national security.
  • The role of technology in improving election security and voter turnout.
  • Government approval ratings and their connection to pandemic responses.
  • Influence of international organizations on a country’s domestic policies.
  • Shifts in global trade agreements and their effects on international relations.
  • The impact of gerrymandering on election results and fairness.

Research Paper Ideas on Technology

Technology is rapidly transforming our world, offering endless opportunities for research. Here are some intriguing ideas to explore:

  • The ethics of artificial intelligence in decision-making processes.
  • How blockchain technology is revolutionizing financial transactions.
  • The role of 5G networks in shaping the future of communication.
  • Cybersecurity challenges in the era of smart homes and IoT devices.
  • The environmental impact of cryptocurrency mining.
  • Virtual reality’s influence on education and training programs.
  • How autonomous vehicles are changing urban planning and infrastructure.
  • The potential of quantum computing in solving complex global problems.
  • Social media algorithms and their impact on public discourse.
  • The digital divide: Access to technology in rural versus urban areas.
  • How wearable tech is transforming personal health management.
  • The implications of deepfake technology in media and politics.
  • The future of remote work and its long-term effects on productivity.
  • Advancements in drone technology for disaster management and rescue operations.
  • The role of big data in personalizing online shopping experiences.

Research Topic Ideas on Culture

Whether you’re interested in examining specific cultural practices or looking at how modern trends reshape traditional customs, these research topics will provide you with a focused and detailed starting point:

  • Adoption of traditional Japanese tea ceremonies in contemporary urban settings.
  • Practices of food preservation among Inuit communities in the Arctic.
  • The revival of Celtic languages in Wales and Ireland through education programs.
  • Depiction of queer relationships in Netflix original series from 2015 to 2024.
  • Evolution of traditional African hairstyles in Black communities across the U.S.
  • Transformation of street art in Berlin post-German reunification.
  • Cultural significance of Día de los Muertos celebrations in Mexican-American neighborhoods.
  • Popularity of Korean skincare routines among Western beauty bloggers.
  • Modern interpretations of Norse mythology in Scandinavian literature.
  • Changes in wedding rituals among Indian diaspora in the UK.
  • Resurgence of indigenous Australian painting techniques in contemporary art.
  • Representation of disability in children’s books published in the last decade.
  • Use of traditional Māori patterns in New Zealand’s fashion industry.
  • Changes in burial customs in urbanized areas of Southeast Asia.
  • Incorporation of First Nations symbols in Canadian public architecture.

Research Paper Topics on Math

If you're looking to explore the depth and applications of math, these research topics are both specific and engaging:

  • Applications of fractal geometry in modeling natural phenomena.
  • Mathematical approaches to solving complex optimization problems in logistics.
  • Development of new algorithms for large-scale data encryption.
  • Mathematical modeling of population dynamics in ecology.
  • The use of game theory in economic decision-making processes.
  • Exploring the mathematics behind machine learning algorithms.
  • Advancements in numerical methods for solving partial differential equations.
  • Topological data analysis and its applications in computational biology.
  • Mathematical analysis of voting systems and fairness.
  • The role of number theory in modern cryptography.
  • Predictive models for financial markets using stochastic calculus.
  • Mathematical foundations of quantum computing and quantum algorithms.
  • Applications of chaos theory in weather prediction.
  • Geometry of space-time in the context of general relativity.
  • Mathematical techniques for analyzing big data in social networks.

Research Paper Topics on Art

Art is full of fascinating details and stories waiting to be explored. If you’re into art research, here are some research topics that might catch your interest:

  • How Caravaggio used light and shadow in his religious paintings.
  • The way Cubism shaped Picasso’s "Les Demoiselles d’Avignon."
  • Gustav Klimt’s "The Kiss" and its ties to Viennese culture.
  • Hokusai’s woodblock techniques in "The Great Wave off Kanagawa."
  • Bauhaus principles that still influence graphic design today.
  • Emotions and color in Mark Rothko’s abstract paintings.
  • Leonora Carrington’s role in the Surrealist movement.
  • Gaudí’s architectural genius in designing La Sagrada Familia.
  • Industrial scenes captured in Charles Sheeler’s Precisionist art.
  • Jean-Michel Basquiat’s take on graffiti and cultural identity.
  • Frida Kahlo’s evolving self-portraits through her life.
  • Claude Monet’s unique use of light in his Impressionist works.
  • Diego Rivera’s murals as powerful political statements.
  • The simplicity and impact of Donald Judd’s minimalist sculptures.
  • How African art influenced Henri Matisse during his Fauvist period.

Research Topics on Sports

Sports offer a wide range of topics that are both intriguing and highly relevant. Here are some specific research ideas to consider if you're looking to explore the world of sports:

  • The biomechanics behind sprinting techniques in elite athletes.
  • The psychological effects of team sports on adolescent development.
  • Injury prevention strategies in professional football (soccer).
  • The impact of altitude training on endurance performance in marathon runners.
  • Gender equity in sports: The evolution of women’s participation in the Olympics.
  • The role of nutrition in recovery and performance for endurance athletes.
  • How advanced analytics are changing strategies in basketball.
  • The effects of early specialization in youth sports on long-term athletic development.
  • The influence of sports media coverage on public perceptions of athletes.
  • Technology in sports: The use of wearable devices to monitor athlete performance.
  • Doping scandals and their long-term impact on athletes' careers.
  • Mental health challenges faced by retired professional athletes.
  • The economics of hosting major sporting events like the World Cup or Olympics.
  • How climate change is affecting outdoor sports events and training schedules.
  • The evolution of sports science in enhancing athlete training programs.

In 2024, some of the most popular research topics include the impact of technology on sports, the psychological aspects of team dynamics, and the evolution of gender equity in athletics. 

If you’re still unsure about which topic to choose or need help with your essay, EssayService is a great option. Our research paper writing service can assist with everything from selecting the perfect topic to crafting a well-written paper, making the whole process a lot easier.

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When do Employees Pursue Firm Goals versus their Career Concerns?

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Victoria Sevcenko

Assistant Professor of Strategy

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Writing for the Web

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December 2018

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Are you a private practice clinician interested in learning how to market yourself through online publication? Are you a researcher or academic interested in learning how to share your ideas with the public via the internet? Or, are you a graduate student looking to sow SEO seeds by publishing on the web?

Our latest webinar will teach you:

  • The value of online publishing outside of academia.
  • Web-friendly writing techniques and formatting.
  • Strategies for creating excellent content.
  • Methods and venues for getting published.

Writing for the Web: Resources (DOC, 15KB)

Blog template (DOC, 35KB)

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Kyler Shumway, PsyD

Kyler Shumway, PsyD

President and chief clinical officer of Deep Eddy Psychotherapy , one of the leading outpatient mental health practices in Texas. He is also a bestselling author with his fourth book, Neurodiversity and the Myth of Normal , being released soon as an Amazon Audible Original. He has been featured by Forbes , The New York Times , CNN, and more for his work in combatting the loneliness epidemic. As a licensed psychologist, thought leader, and TEDx speaker who has spoken to audiences across the nation (as well as internationally), his mission is to help people learn to love themselves and others, build satisfying and meaningful relationships, and find their place to belong.

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This webinar covers marketing strategies that will help you attract readers to your book.

May 2019 On Demand Webinar

Learn how to become a public speaker as a mental health professional.

March 2019 On Demand Webinar

Learn about search engine optimization, what is it and how do you find SEO success when you're not super tech-savvy.

October 2018 On Demand Webinar

Learn about options for designing and hosting as website as well as basic web design principles.

September 2018 On Demand Webinar

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  2. 43+ Research Paper Examples

    career research paper essay

  3. Career Research Paper Template

    career research paper essay

  4. Career Research Paper Template in Word, Google Docs

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  5. ethnographic research proposal

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  6. (PDF) The Career Planning Essay

    career research paper essay


  1. Career Research Paper

  2. 11th Grade Career Research Paper Review!

  3. Common Types of Research Papers for Publication

  4. Chevening Career Plan Essay by Jonathan Ayodele 2023 Scholar


  6. Secret of writing the introduction of research paper


  1. Career Research Paper: Writing Prompts and Tips

    The tenets of a top-notch career research paper are that it should: Highlight your career goals. Discuss your hobbies, talents, and interests. Major on one career. Bring out the facts about the career. Discuss the pros and cons of the possible career. Now, the conventions of a career research paper assignment are more formulaic than you might ...

  2. PDF EDUC 1300 Learning Frameworks Career Research Paper By Valorie Gehman, MS

    Read through all the instructions first to see how the paper fits together. 2. Do the research and take notes. This will start the ideas flowing. 3. Write the first draft. 4. Work on the reference page then the in-text citations. 5.

  3. Career Research Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    Career Research Personal Financial Advisor. Pages: 3 Words: 932. Challenging markets can also be a drive of growth, as fewer people will attempt to manage their own finances. ith this much growth in the industry, it can be relative easy to find a job, if one is qualified. The qualification process is challenging, and acts as a barrier to entry.

  4. Writing About Your Career Goals in a Scholarship Essay (With ...

    In 100 words, tell us about your career goals. 100-word essays, while short, can take careful planning and thought. With so little space to communicate your ideas, it's important to ensure you maximize the strength of every sentence. Scholarship teams might give you this prompt to assess your future goals quickly or to supplement some of the ...

  5. Career Essay

    Crafting an engaging and informative career research essay is a crucial step for students and professionals alike who are navigating the complex landscape of career planning and development. These essays serve as a bridge between one's academic pursuits and professional aspirations, offering insights into various fields, the skills required, and...

  6. Career Essay

    1. Devise an Engrossing Title. The first thing to think about when writing an essay is coming up with an attention-grabbing title. When people read your essay, they pay the most attention to your title. Also, another benefit of coming up with your title first is that it will serve as a guide for you for the whole essay.

  7. How To Write A Career Research Paper

    If you've had any challenges writing your research paper, worry no more. This article will teach you how to write a great career research paper. To do so, consider the following; Identify a career. Gather sufficient information on the chosen career. Identify professionals in your career line and interview them. Write your career essay.

  8. How to Write a Career Research Paper: Tips for Students & Teachers

    Students need to be shown how to write a career research paper. Assuming they&#x27;ll automatically go through the process of writing research papers without any guidance is foolish. Don&#x27;t fret. I&#x27;ve got some guidelines on how to write such a paper absolutely free. A career research paper provides many interesting English research topics.

  9. Career Essay Assignment

    ENG 111 - Writing and Inquiry: Career Essay Assignment This course is designed to develop the ability to produce clear writing in a variety of genres and formats using a recursive process. Emphasis includes inquiry, analysis, effective use of rhetorical strategies, thesis development, audience awareness, and

  10. 113 Career Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    The importance of personal development in career success. Exploring careers in the renewable energy industry. The benefits of pursuing a career in user experience design. The challenges and rewards of a career in cybersecurity. The role of emotional intelligence in career advancement. These 113 career essay topic ideas and examples cover a wide ...

  11. Career Research Essay

    taylor barefield professor shippy educ 1300 10 november 2019 career research essay my name is taylor barefield and college student pursuing career in human. Skip to document. University; High School. Books; Discovery. ... , scheduling appointments, organizing and maintaining paper and electronic files, or providing information to callers ...

  12. PDF What Does Your Future Hold? Write a Career Research Paper

    essays and English skills. This is an introduction to research paper writing and prepares students with an overview of what to expect in college. Students will decide on a career to research. A career awareness inventory could be completed prior to lesson if students are unsure of their own career path. Instructional Activities Step 1 - Discuss ...

  13. Journal of Career Development: Sage Journals

    Journal of Career Development provides the professional, the public, and policymakers with the latest in career development theory, research and practice, focusing on the impact that theory and research have on practice. Among the topics … | View full journal description. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

  14. How to Write a Research Paper

    Choose a research paper topic. Conduct preliminary research. Develop a thesis statement. Create a research paper outline. Write a first draft of the research paper. Write the introduction. Write a compelling body of text. Write the conclusion. The second draft.

  15. How To Write a Great Career Goals Essay

    1. Understand the concept of career goals. Before you write your career goals essay, you must first identify your career ambitions. Career goals are a form of personal development. Focus on the professional or educational goals you would like to achieve aside from a high salary. The qualities of your goals are a more accurate measure of success ...

  16. How To Write a Research Paper Outline (With Examples and Tips)

    Regardless of length or complexity, research paper outlines help organize your thinking. Taking the time to develop this skill will be beneficial throughout schooling and into some careers. This article will discuss the process of crafting a quality research paper outline for effective and well-structured projects, reports and essays.

  17. Career Exploration Paper: [Essay Example], 766 words

    Career Exploration Paper. Embarking on the journey of career exploration is a multifaceted endeavor characterized by both excitement and uncertainty. It's a process that requires introspection, research, and a willingness to embrace the unknown. This essay delves into the intricacies of career exploration, examining the personal, social, and ...

  18. How to Write a Research Paper: the LEAP approach (+cheat sheet)

    Reading Time: 14 minutes In this article I will show you how to write a research paper using the four LEAP writing steps. The LEAP academic writing approach is a step-by-step method for turning research results into a published paper.. The LEAP writing approach has been the cornerstone of the 70 + research papers that I have authored and the 3700+ citations these paper have accumulated within ...

  19. Career Research Paper

    Career Research Paper - Essay. Essay. Course. English Composition 1 (ENG-105) 999+ Documents. Students shared 2722 documents in this course. University Grand Canyon University. Academic year: 2022/2023. Uploaded by: Anonymous Student. This document has been uploaded by a student, just like you, who decided to remain anonymous.

  20. Career Research Paper Examples That Really Inspire

    Pablo Picasso was born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain and later, he has been associated with a large group of writers and artists in early stage of career. In 1904, Pablo Picasso settled in Paris and got friendly with artist named Georges Braque. Later, Picasso and Braque have developed Cubism (Baldassari, 2006).

  21. 220 Career Topics for Essays & Research Papers + Examples

    The Difference in Career of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven. The paper states that unified by the patronage system and its consequences, Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven have different career development scenarios. Nursing Career and Reasons to Choose It. This essay will discuss several benefits of the nursing profession.

  22. PDF Career Paper Outline Template Dr. Musil's Example

    Answer. Introduction. Sample Career Paper Outline of High School TeacherAttention Device Opener: How can you creatively introd. e this career topic?(I can begin with a story...) My parents always tell about my early interest in teaching; how, at age 4, I gathered my cousins and all the n. ighbors in the room to hear me teach a Bible story.Ce.

  23. (PDF) Career Guidance and Student Counselling

    Career guidance and student counseling is an extremely broad and a. comprehensive concept, in order to implement this task effectively there are. number of factors that need to be taken under ...

  24. 165 Research Paper Topics for Students [2024]

    College Research Paper Topics. These topics explore some of the most relevant and intriguing issues facing college students today, offering plenty of angles to explore in your research: How student loan debt shapes career paths and financial stability after graduation.

  25. Jacques P. Barber

    Jacques P. Barber is a French-born, American clinical psychologist and psychotherapy researcher. He is an Emeritus Professor and Dean at the Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology (formerly the Institute of Advanced Studies in Psychology) at Adelphi University. [1] He served as Dean from August 2011 until his retirement in August 2023.

  26. When do Employees Pursue Firm Goals versus their Career Concerns?

    Second, they examine the effects of unexpected changes in customer appropriability and firm performance on analysts' pursuit of their career concerns versus their employers' goals. These findings suggest that environmental change can play an important role in shaping employees' career concerns.

  27. Supercharge your presence: Writing for the web

    Kyler Shumway, PsyD. President and chief clinical officer of Deep Eddy Psychotherapy, one of the leading outpatient mental health practices in Texas.He is also a bestselling author with his fourth book, Neurodiversity and the Myth of Normal, being released soon as an Amazon Audible Original.He has been featured by Forbes, The New York Times, CNN, and more for his work in combatting the ...

  28. Elsevier Connect

    News, information and features for the research, health and technology communities. Skip to main content. ... Paper mills: see the wood for the trees (Part 1) Connect. Paper mills: see the wood for the trees (Part 2) Connect. Paper mills: see the wood for the trees (Part 3) Connect. 101 ways to use Scopus - part one.

  29. Switches der Cisco Catalyst 9300-Serie

    Switches der Cisco Catalyst 9300-Serie sind auf Sicherheit, IoT und die Cloud ausgelegt. Schaffen Sie eine sichere Grundlage, die optimierte Automatisierung und Einfachheit sowie umfassende Einblicke ermöglicht.