
Search for UvA Research and Theses

Digital academic repository UvA-DARE

Searching for UvA Theses

Searching for uva publications.

UvA Scripties  is a service through which the University of Amsterdam (UvA) enables worldwide digital access to the theses (master / bachelor) of its students. Theses written at the Faculty of Dentistry (ACTA) are not available in UvA Scripties, and for several faculties only the theses written for specific study programmes are available.

In the  UvA library catalogue  you can find (older) student theses of which a paper version has been added to the library collection.

Please view the  Publishing a thesis  page for contact details or more information about publishing your thesis in UvA Scripties.

The University of Amsterdam has a so-called Digital Academic Repository, UvA-DARE. This repository contains publications of UvA researchers. More than 43,000 publications are available in open access ( reference date: July 2020 ).

  • Searching for words : You can search on single words or a phrase. Entering "research and policy" in one search field will show the results that contain the exact phrase 'research and policy'. 
  • Case sensitive : No difference is made between upper and lower case letters.
  • Wildcards : To search for variations of a word or word stem, include an asterisk (*) at the end of the word as a wildcard. The query “war*”, will for example produce results that include ‘wars’, ‘warrior’, ‘warm’ and so forth.

All UvA researchers can register and upload (metadata of) their publications to UvA-DARE via the current research information system Pure .

After registration and uploading, the information and file (if open access) will be automatically available on your personal page and after validation by your institute or faculty and the library, also in UvA-DARE.

PhD Dissertations

Please note: PhD theses cannot be registered and uploaded via Pure. If you would like more information about adding your dissertation, please see the webpage Publishing Your Doctoral Dissertation .

Logo Open access

Many publications that are covered by DARE are open access : they can be read by anyone, anyplace, regardless of affiliation or subscription. These publications are marked with the open access logo. Normal copyright rules apply.

There are great advantages to making your publication worldwide available. Open access enhances visibility of publications. Publications which are freely available are downloaded and cited more often, are easy to find by Google (Scholar) and will be deposited (for long term preservation) in the e-depot of the Royal Library. If your publisher does not give permission to give access to the definitive publisher's version/PDF, in many cases it is permitted to make the last author version available (i.e. the version after peer review). This version has the same scientific content, but lacks the publisher's lay-out. More information can be found on the open access pages.

UvA-DARE is compliant with the  Open Archives Initiative  standard.

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Q. How do I submit my thesis or dissertation to the library?

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Answered By: Jennifer Huck Last Updated: Jan 09, 2021     Views: 144

Per graduation requirements, ALL schools require deposit of dissertations into our ETD Repository, which we call “LibraETD."  Most UVA masters programs have a graduation requirement to deposit masters theses in LibraETD as well.  View the Electronic Thesis & Dissertation Checklist  (ETDs) for more info. 

Theses deadlines are set by the schools, not by the Library.

Once a student defends their thesis/dissertation, a school or department administrator records that “milestone” in the student information system (SIS). The SIS system sends that information to LibraETD AND then sends an email to the student informing them that they can now deposit. Students CANNOT log on and deposit UNTIL they get a confirmation email from LibraETD.  This is important as many students think that as soon as they defend they can upload,  but they MUST wait until they receive an email message.

If a student has not received an email from LibraETD, and think that they should have, they need to email:    [email protected]    and the Libra Team will check.

 We offer an ETD Checklist to walk students through what to expect during the deposit in LibraETD:

All questions and problems about depositing in LibraETD should go to the email address:     [email protected]

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Electronic thesis/dissertation (ETD) submission checklist

Before you can submit your thesis or dissertation, you must receive an e-mail from Libra  with the subject: “ Access to upload your approved thesis or dissertation to LIBRA ”. The e-mail is sent after your defense milestone has been updated by a Graduate Administrator and after Libra receives notice of it.

If you are a graduate student whose thesis is not a graduation requirement, or an undergraduate, you can still deposit your work in Libra. Please contact your advisor or graduate administrator and have them e-mail [email protected] .

Use the instructions below to successfully  submit your ETD  to Libra (LibraETD).

Before you submit

1. review copyright information.

Check out the Copyright Essentials for Scholarly Work page to get a better understanding of a few key copyright concepts. These will be important as you draft and submit your thesis or dissertation, both in understanding how and when you can use copyrighted third-party content in your own work, and in understanding your rights and opportunities to share your work as the author of your thesis or dissertation. Thinking about publishing your thesis/dissertation in part or whole, before or after graduation? Check out the Publisher Policy Checker from MIT Library. Use this resource to find publisher policies regarding inclusion of previously published articles in theses and dissertations, and policies on accepting journal submissions that first appeared in an author’s previously released thesis or dissertation.

2. Know your school’s instructions

Check with your school for information on the proper process, workflow, and timing for submitting your thesis or dissertation.

Your school will direct you on its process for submitting your work:

  • Engineering School Graduation Procedure (MS Candidates)
  • Engineering School Graduation Procedure (PhD Candidates)
  • Arts & Sciences Thesis Submission (MA, MS, PhD)
  • School of Education and Human Development, Doctoral Student Degree Completion (Ed.D. and Ph.D.)  or email  [email protected]
  • School of Nursing (DNP)
  • School of Medicine (Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program)
  • Darden School of Business PhD Program  (Darden student access only, authentication required.)
  • School of Architecture - Constructed Environment

3. Know your open license options

Libra lets you choose an open license when you post your work, and will prominently display the CC license you choose as part of the record for your work.

  • CC-BY  (permitting free use with proper attribution)
  • All rights reserved (no additional license for public reuse) – users who download your work from Libra must comply with ordinary copyright law and seek permission for uses that are not fair use or otherwise permitted by law

A CC-BY license helps readers find your work, and makes it more likely that it will be read and re-used. If you would like to use a more restrictive Creative Commons license, please contact a Libra administrator . Review the Creative Commons section of Copyright Essentials for Scholarly Work for further information.

4. Know your access and visibility options

All graduate students are required to discuss access options (including embargo) with their advisor or committee prior to submitting to Libra. To understand your options, please see the Access and Visibility Options page.

If you are thinking about requesting an embargo, do not complete your Libra submission until your request has been approved AND applied to your Libra record. 

To request an embargo, first consult with your thesis or dissertation committee, then contact your schools’ dean’s office for final approval.

5. Prepare an abstract and keywords

  • An abstract is required for submission to Libra. It describes your work’s main focus to researchers interested in your topic. Using the abstract already included in your thesis or dissertation is fine. If your thesis does not already have an abstract, use a word processing or text editing program to create and save at least a paragraph describing your thesis to potential readers. Copy and paste your abstract into the submission form.
  • Keywords are optional but encouraged. Select at least 2 to 3 keywords that best describe the content of your thesis or dissertation. Keywords can be taken from the abstract and/or title. Individual words and/or phrases may be used. Use keywords that will be easily recognized by others in your discipline.

6. Proofread

You may not delete dissertations and theses once they are deposited in Libra . Major changes or deletions require a dean’s approval.

Submit your work

7. upload to libra.

  • Log in  to Libra (LibraETD) with your UVA NetBadge credentials.
  • An  ORCID iD is a unique researcher identifier, used worldwide, that you can keep throughout your life and retain even if you move institutions. It distinguishes you from other researchers, even if they have the same name, and enables authoritative links to be created between you and your research activities.
  • Create or link your ORCID iD in  LibraETD   by clicking the “Create or Connect Your ORCID ID” button on your dashboard (main) page in LibraETD. You may remove the Libra link to ORCID at any time by clicking the red X next to your ORCID iD on the dashboard.
  • Find out more about  ORCID at UVA .
  • Check the title displayed for your active thesis or dissertation on your Dashboard. The title in Libra must match the title as approved by your committee or advisor. If it does not, please report the discrepancy to your departmental administrator to make the corrections in SIS. Return to this step when the title has been corrected and proceed with your deposit.
  • From your Dashboard, click “Edit” to enter description information. Required fields are indicated. Report errors in pre-populated fields to your Graduate Office.
  • You must enter (one) advisor (primary advisor, committee chair, practicing mentor, etc.). You may enter additional advisors and/or committee members.
  • Select an open license in the “Rights” field.
  • Upload at least one file containing the final, approved version of your thesis or dissertation.
  • If the approved version is a document, it MUST be in PDF format (PDF/a preferred).
  • Acceptable file types for alternative theses and dissertations & supplemental files are: CSV, GIF, HTM, HTML, JPEG, JPG, MOV, MP3, MP4, PDF, PNG, TIF, TIFF, TXT, XML.
  • MP4 videos should have these specifications:  H.264 codec, with AAC audio, in a .mp4 container.
  • Consider uploading large supplemental files or data sets to  LibraData  and linking them to your thesis or dissertation.
  • Contact Libra staff  if you have questions about acceptable formats or need assistance with video or data file deposits.
  • Give each uploaded file a descriptive label that will be viewable to Libra visitors, or accept the recommended label  N _ LastName_FirstName_Year_DegreeType  (e.g. 1_Jefferson_Thomas_1871_MA.pdf).  The descriptive label will be the default name of the file when saved and downloaded.
  • If desired, see the Provost's policy on Submission of Electronic Theses and Dissertations on how to request an Embargo.
  • Read the  Libra Deposit License  for Student Theses and Dissertations and check the box to agree or contact your Graduate Office if you do not agree.
  • Click “Save and Exit” at any point to save a draft of what you have added and return to Libra later to “Edit” and complete your submission.
  • Click “Save and Continue” to view your descriptive information.
  • If you did not create/connect your ORCID iD, and you want to, you can do so from this information page by clicking the “Create or Connect Your ORCID ID” button . See the  Optional  step above. Find out more about  ORCID at UVA .
  • If there is information that needs editing or added, click “Edit” to make further changes.
  • Click “Preview before Submission” to preview the public view of your work before finalizing your submission.
  • You may not delete or make major changes to your dissertation or thesis once you have clicked “Submit Thesis”  so click “Edit” if you need to make additional changes.
  • Click “Submit Thesis” to finalize your submission.

After you submit

8.  check your submission.

  • Note the persistent link (DOI - Digital Object Identifier) for your scholarship. Add it to your CV, and share it if you chose to make it immediately open. Always provide the DOI when sharing your work with colleagues, collaborators, and on social media for the most accurate metrics on views and downloads.
  • Approximately an hour after deposit, you may check that your scholarship was successfully added to the Library’s collection by searching for your thesis or dissertation in VIRGO, the UVA online library catalog.
  • 24 hours after deposit, please verify that SIS has been updated to reflect that you have completed this requirement.
  • You will also receive email confirmation of your deposit, including the persistent link (DOI) for your scholarship.

Congratulations on your achievement!

Libra Contents

  • Libra: Search and submit
  • About Libra
  • About LibraETD
  • About LibraData
  • About LibraOpen
  • Copyright essentials

ETDs: Virginia Tech Electronic Theses and Dissertations

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Virginia Tech has been a world leader in electronic theses and dissertation initiatives for more than 20 years. On January 1, 1997, Virginia Tech was the first university to require electronic submission of theses and dissertations (ETDs). Ever since then, Virginia Tech graduate students have been able to prepare, submit, review, and publish their theses and dissertations online and to append digital media such as images, data, audio, and video.

University Libraries staff are currently digitizing thousands of pre-1997 theses and dissertations and loading them into VTechWorks. Most of these theses and dissertations are fully available to the public, but we will, in general, honor requests by the item's author to restrict access to Virginia Tech only. See our process for Requesting that Material be Amended or Removed .

To search all Virginia Tech print and digital theses and dissertations, use the University Libraries ETD resource guide .

Materials that are restricted to Virginia Tech only may be requested via your own university or public library's Interlibrary Loan program or through the VTechWorks request form that appears when you try to access the item. You might also be able to obtain a copy of the work through ProQuest's database of theses and dissertations. If you are on a Virginia Tech campus but are unable to find the pre-1997 thesis or dissertation you are seeking in VTechWorks, you may also be able to order a physical copy from library storage. Please check the library catalog at for physical copies.

The guidelines that apply to Virginia Tech's graduate students as ETD authors can be found at .

Collections in this Community

Results per page, sort options.

  • Award-winning Theses and Dissertations   78
  • Doctoral Dissertations   17326
  • Masters Theses   22838
  • Undergraduate Theses   4
  • Virginia Tech ETD Resources   17 Documentation about creating and formatting Virginia Tech ETDs


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  • Nederlands als tweede taal en meertaligheid (duale master)
  • Nederlands als tweede taal en meertaligheid (schakelprogramma)
  • Nederlands, Educatie en communicatie (master)
  • Nederlands, Educatie en communicatie (schakelprogramma)
  • Nederlandse taal en cultuur (bachelor)
  • Nederlandse taal en cultuur (master)
  • New Media and Digital Culture (master)
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  • P&A: Astronomy and Astrophysics (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: Biophysics and Biophotonics (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: General Physics and Astronomy (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: GRAPPA - Gravitation, Astro-, and Particle Physics (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: Science for Energy and Sustainability (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: Theoretical Physics (master, joint degree)
  • Pedagogical Sciences (master)
  • Pedagogische wetenschappen (bachelor)
  • Pedagogische wetenschappen (master)
  • Philosophy (master)
  • Philosophy (research master)
  • Philosophy of the Humanities and the Social Sciences (master)
  • Philosophy of the Humanities and the Social Sciences (schakelprogramma)
  • Physics and Astronomy (master, joint degree)
  • Political Science (bachelor)
  • Political Science (master)
  • Political Science (premaster)
  • Politicologie (bachelor)
  • PPLE - Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (bachelor)
  • Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image (duale master)
  • Preventieve jeugdhulp en opvoeding (schakelprogramma)
  • Privaatrechtelijke rechtspraktijk (master)
  • Psychobiologie (bachelor)
  • Psychologie (schakelprogramma)
  • Psychologie (bachelor), NL
  • Psychologie (master), NL
  • Psychology (premaster)
  • Psychology (bachelor), EN
  • Psychology (master), EN
  • Psychology (research master), EN
  • Public International Law (master)
  • Publieksgeschiedenis (master)
  • Quantum Computer Science (master)
  • Rechtsgeleerdheid (bachelor)
  • Rechtsgeleerdheid met HBO-vooropleiding (schakelprogramma)
  • Rechtsgeleerdheid met WO-vooropleiding (schakelprogramma)
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  • Religious Studies (research master)
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  • Scandinavië studies (bachelor)
  • Scheikunde (bachelor, joint degree)
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  • Sign Language Linguistics (bachelor)
  • Social Sciences (research master)
  • Sociale geografie en Planologie (bachelor)
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Traveling to Russia and beyond

Trip to Veliky Novgorod: the birthplace of Russia

Last Updated on January 6, 2024 by Irena Domingo

Around 180 kilometers south of St. Petersburg we can find Veliky Novgorod, the oldest city in Russia, whose historical center is declared as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and it’s quite worth a visit. I’ll explain you how to get there and what to see.

I'm going to talk about ...


1. how to get there, visit the city in 1 day, staying in veliky novgorod, restaurants and food, route 1: the novgorod kremlin, route 2: the court of yaroslav and the old market, route 3: at the birth of the vjojov river.

Veliky Novgorod is a beautiful city of about 230,000 inhabitants, located about 180 kilometers south of St. Petersburg, known as “The Birthplace of Russia” or “The Oldest City of Russia”, as it was in this city, in 862, where Prince Rurik proclaimed the modern Russian state.

Until the year 1478, the city was called Gospodin Veliky Novgorod (‘Lord Novgorod the Great’), and till 1999 its official name was Novgorod, an abbreviated name by which this city is usually known (not to be confused with Nizhny Novgorod).

It was one of the most important cities of Eastern Europe during the Middle Ages and was the only principality that was saved from Mongolian dominion after the Mongolian invasion of Russia.

In this city, located on the banks of the Voljov River , we can find the Cathedral of Saint Sophia , built between 1045 and 1052, and it is considered the oldest city in Russia . It is part of the historical center of the city, it was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1992, and it is located inside the Kremlin of the city. This city is also the birthplace of famous composer Sergei Rachmaninoff .

Novgorod is a very popular weekend destination for St. Petersburg residents and is also very popular with tourists visiting the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, who also are taking advantage of the route between the two to make a stop in this ancient city.

The city is located at around 180 kilometers southeast of St. Petersburg and about 524 kilometers northwest of Moscow. You can get there by train, bus or car. The easiest and quickest way is by train: from Saint Petersburg to Veliky Novgorod it takes around 3 hours and from Moscow the journey is about 5 hours. From the Novgorod railway station you can reach the city center by walking in about 10 minutes.

  • From St. Petersburg : two fast trains depart daily (Lastochka), the first train leaves at 7 in the morning and arrives at around 10 at Veliky Novgorod, while the second leaves at about 19:30 and arrives around at 23:00 hours. Trains depart from St. Petersburg-Glavny Station (commonly known as Moskovsky Station) and arrive at the Novgorod railway station , which is on the RZD website as NOVGOROD-NA-VOLHOVE. For the return journey there is also an early morning train and another in the afternoon. These tickets can be purchased on the RZD website.
  • From Moscow: the most comfortable way is to take the night train that departs from Leningradsky station at 22:05 hours, and arrives at 6:25 hours in Novgorod (the ticket can be bought in advance on RZD website). The other option is to take the Sapsan high-speed train to Chudovo (it takes around 3 and a half hours) and from there, take a bus to Novgorod (which can take 1 hour and a half).

Important: these schedules may vary, so it is best to consult them directly on RZD’s website . You can find more information on how to buy tickets in this article: Trains in Russia: How to buy tickets on-line without the middle-man .

2. How to plan the visit

There are different possibilities to visit Veliky Novgorod, depending on your itinerary and the available time you have:

  • You can go and return the same day from St. Petersburg . This option can be a bit extenuating, since the journey involves more than 6 hours in train if you do a round trip. There are also organized bus tours to visit Novgorod from St. Petersburg, but the journey is about 4 hours (one way).
  • Stop at Veliky Novgorod on the way from St. Petersburg to Moscow. If you are visiting St. Petersburg and Moscow, you can take the morning train from St. Petersburg, visit Veliky Novgorod all day, and then take the night train from Novgorod to Moscow. You can also do the reverse: take the night train from Moscow to Veliky Novgorod, visit the city by day and in the afternoon take the Lastochka train from Novgorod to St. Petersburg.

If you have more time and would like to visit the city with some more tranquility, then it is advisable to make a hotel night reservation. Among the wide range of hotels in the city you can choose from hostels or economic apartments, to more luxurious hotels, so the choice will depend on your budget. In any case, I recommend choosing a centric place. In the map below you can see the most centric area of ​​the city and the train station marked in a red box, which is close to the city center:

To book accommodation I recommend two platforms: Booking (where it is highly recommended to read the reviews of other travelers to choose a good accommodation) or the Russian platform Zenhotels (where you can often find better prices than Booking).

With regards to food, there are also many Russian food restaurants. At around 10 minutes from the Kremlin (towards the train station), on Germana street number 2, we can find the Zavodbar Russian food restaurant (see photo below). Other Russian food options are the Malinovka restaurant (right next to Zavodbar) or the Sudarushka restaurant (Bolshaya Moskovskaya, 32).

3. What to see in Novgorod

The city has many tourist attractions : the Kremlin, ancient churches, monasteries, museums, etc. The tourist information center is near the Kremlin and you can get a map of the city, or an audio guide:

Here is also a tourist map of the city in digital format:

There are several itineraries that can be done, recommended by the city’s tourism office. The most popular are:

The Novgorod Kremlin is the first must see place. Formerly known as Detinets , it is the oldest surviving Kremlin in Russia. It was founded by Prince Yaroslav, being the administrative, social and religious center of Novgorod.

The entrance to the Kremlin is free . It’s open from 6 in the morning until 12 at night, however, you have to pay an extra fee to visit some of the buildings inside the Kremlin.

The highest tower in the Kremlin is the Kokui tower , built in the 18th century, as it offers wonderful views of the city and its surroundings. The entrance to the tower costs 200 rubles (it is closed on Mondays, Thursdays and the last Wednesday of each month, it is also closed from November to May).

Inside the Kremlin we can find the Cathedral of Saint Sophia , the oldest in Russia, founded by Prince Yaroslav. The entrance is free, but to visit the bell tower of the Cathedral you have to pay a small extra entrance fee.

In the interior of the Kremlin, it is also worth mentioning the Chamber of Archbishops , the only civilian German Gothic building in Russia, where major events such as the reception of ambassadors or the meetings of the Novgorod Parliament took place (the entrance fee costs 200 rubles).

You will also find the Russian Millennium Monument , which was built in 1862 to commemorate the 1000th anniversary of Russia (free) and the state museum of Novgorod , which houses a collection of icons and other memento that is related to the city’s history (200 rubles).

In the outer gardens of the kremlin walls you can also visit the monument dedicated to the famous composer, Sergei Rachmaninoff, who was born in this city.

Leaving the Kremlin and crossing the bridge over the Vjojov river, you will arrive at the Court of Yaroslav , a garden in which the Old Market (in the arcades) was found and which is composed by several small churches, among which we can find the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, the Church of Paraskeva or the Church of St. George .

Routes 1 and 2 can be done in 1 day or even less. If you have more time, it is worth visiting the monasteries of Perynsky and St. George , at the birth of the Vjojov river (near Ilmen lake). Entrance to these monasteries is free.

Also worth visiting is the Vitoslavlitsy Wooden Architecture Museum , located in a beautiful enclave, bathed by the waters of Miachino Lake and the Voljov River, near the Monastery of St. George. The entrance fee costs 200 rubles. To get here you have to take the bus (numbers 7 and 7A) from Novgorod railway station.

Finally, if you want to take a guided tour of this beautiful city, there are several companies that offer them. You can check them through the GetYouGuide platform. Simply enter “Veliky Novgorod” in the search box to discover the different tours that are available.

Have you visited this ancient Russian city? What has been your experience? You can leave your comments below.

About Irena Domingo

Hello, my name is Irena. I was born in Russia in 1974 during the Soviet era. I worked as a Russian teacher and as a translator and interpreter for the past 30 years. One of my main hobbies is traveling. I started this blog with one aim: to create the most comprehensive guide ever written for traveling to Russia and beyond. Author of the Russia Guidebook 2024 (PDF)

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Discover more

  • Tourist Attractions
  • Tourist Attractions in Russia
  • Novgorod Oblast Tourist Attractions

Veliky Novgorod

The whole city of Veliky Novgorod is a big museum; there are many well-preserved monuments dating back to the 11th century and later centuries.

Bell ringing in Veliky Novgorod (credit to Lucia McCreery from Brooklyn)

Veliky Novgorod attractions

Novgorod kremlin, trade side and yaroslav’s courtyard, st. george's monastery, vitoslavlitsy museum of wooden architecture.

Map of the bespoke Russia tour tailored by us for our Spanish clients

Request a private tour, tailor-made for individuals and small groups to meet your needs and preferences.

Novgorod kremlin territory

Discover historical attractions of Veliky Novgorod

  • Private trip from St. Petersburg
  • Visit Novgorod Kremlin and the Cathedral of St. Sophia
  • Explore Yaroslav’s Court with its medieval churches
  • Pick-up and drop-off at your hotel

Group of 2: 16000 Rubles/person

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Beyond Shannon: Get to know UVA’s six Library locations

By Molly Minturn | September 12, 2024

The image shows a collection of six stickers, each featuring a line drawing of a different library or library section with the text "I ♥" followed by the library's name. The libraries are:      Clemons Library     Brown Library     Special Collections     The Music Library     Shannon Library     The Fine Arts Library  Each sticker includes a simple architectural illustration of the corresponding library, along with the phrase "I ♥" and the name of the library below the drawing. The stickers are arranged in a scattered layout on a dark background.

Last spring, when Shannon Library (formerly "Alderman Library") opened to the public, the Cavalier Daily declared it “the new place to be on Grounds.” While we are honored by the distinction and thrilled to see Shannon already packed with students this semester, we’d want to make sure our users know that there are five other Library locations on Grounds, filled with books, resources, and quiet study spaces!

Learn more about UVA Library’s six locations below and pick up a sticker (see above) when you visit !

Charles L. Brown Science & Engineering Library

Located in Clark Hall, Brown Library holds materials in astronomy, biology, chemistry, math, physics, and psychology and has reservable spaces for collaborative study. StatLab can provide help with statistics and data wrangling, and don’t miss the stunning murals in the library’s atrium!

Special tip for researchers : Brown Library houses specialized research support — including  Subject Liaison Librarians for the Sciences and Engineering  and  Research Data Services , where you can find support for data analysis and statistical methods and the computational data sciences.

Clemons Library

Popular with students for abundant, 24-hour study space and media-related materials, Clemons is one of the busiest libraries on Grounds. Its  Robertson Media Center  provides cutting-edge technology in virtual reality, 3D printing, audio and video spaces, and support for media creation of every kind.

Fine Arts Library

The Fiske Kimball Fine Arts Library holds collections for architecture, art history, archaeology, and classics. Study spaces include a large open area on the main floor and study carrels and tables on the second floor.

Special tip for instructors : The Fine Arts Library’s R Lab , a space dedicated to collaborative work, has special reservation options for graduate students and faculty.

Harrison Institute/Small Special Collections Library

The Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library holds more than 16 million objects including manuscripts, rare books, photographs, recordings, and more. Harrison/Small is also home to exhibitions on the main and lower floors. Later this fall, look for “Anne Spencer: I Am Here” in the main gallery.

Music Library

The Music Library has one of the most significant music collections in the southeastern United States and includes more than 135,000 books, scores, and sound recordings, as well as extensive online collections. Study spaces include the large, unique main floor, as well as study carrels on the lower level.

The Edgar Shannon Library

UVA’s main library building, Shannon Library, underwent a major renovation from 2020-24, and reopened in January. The building offers an open layout, natural light, more than 1,400 seats for study, as well as the  Scholars’ Lab and Makerspace , open to all members of the UVA population. The McGregor (“Harry Potter”) Room is located on the second floor.

Special tips for grad students/faculty : Shannon houses our  Subject Liaison Librarians for the Humanities as well as a  seminar room  that can be used for classes and special events. Shannon also has a large lounge and kitchenette exclusively for graduate students.

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Digital Humanities Courses Portal: Welcome

Welcome to the library portal for Digital Humanities courses. The portal provides quick links to resources you need to succeed in your course. Whether you are online or on-Grounds, UVA Library services and support are available to all students. 

Your Librarian

Your Librarian is Sherri Brown .

Photo of Sherri with short red/brown hair

Sherri  can help with any part of your research process: brainstorming a research topic/question and creating a search strategy; finding, evaluating and organizing your sources; and more. No question is too basic! Sherri  can meet with you in-person or online via Zoom.

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Sign up for Library orientations, workshops, and events with our  online calendar . UVA Library programming is offered in-person and online.

DH Journals

We have access to many journals in the digital humanities - some online and others in print. If you're undertaking research (or considering somewhere to potentially publish at some point), check Virgo , the library's catalog, for known titles.  Below are a few examples of journals in the digital humanities:

  • Digital Humanities Quarterly (DHQ) DHQ, published by the Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) and the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal "covering all aspects of digital media in the humanities."
  • Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (DSH) Formerly Literary and Linguistic Computing (1986-2014), DSH (2015-) publishes original contributions on digital scholarship in the humanities.
  • International Journal of Digital Humanities "[A] peer-reviewed academic journal with a focus on digital media and the development, application and reflection of digital research methodology in the Humanities."
  • Reviews in Digital Humanities "A peer-reviewed journal and project registry that facilitates scholarly evaluation and dissemination of digital humanities work and its outputs."
  • Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities (JDMDH) "JDMDH publishes relevant data analysis with human-produced dataset. The publication is as precise and comprehensive as possible."

Getting Help with DH Tools and Methods

The Scholars' Lab , part of UVA Library's DH Center, is a community lab for the practice of experimental scholarship in all fields, informed by digital humanities, spatial technologies, and cultural heritage thinking. 

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New and Recent DH Books

These titles are just a few examples of books related to digital humanities topics. Search in Virgo for the latest titles purchased by the library.

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  • Last Updated: Sep 16, 2024 9:39 AM
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  4. Publishing your thesis

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  6. Starting the Prospectus (STS 4500)

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  1. Electronic theses & dissertations (ETDs)

    Electronic dissertations and masters' theses have been deposited in the Libra scholarly repository at the University of Virginia since 2012. Libra makes UVA scholarship available to the world and provides safe and secure storage for the scholarly output of the UVA community. Submitting your work to Libra is a graduation requirement for all ...

  2. Electronic theses & dissertations (ETDs)

    All dissertations submitted to the UVA Library in CD format were deposited into Libra in early 2014. Access to these items is UVA-only, replicating the accessibility level of the originally deposited CDs. If you are the author of one of these dissertations and would like to change the access level to be world-wide open access, please contact us.

  3. Search for UvA Research and Theses

    In the UvA library catalogue you can find (older) student theses of which a paper version has been added to the library collection. Please view the Publishing a thesis page for contact details or more information about publishing your thesis in UvA Scripties.

  4. Electronic thesis/dissertation (ETD) submission checklist

    Electronic thesis/dissertation (ETD) submission checklist Before you can submit your thesis or dissertation, you must receive an e-mail from Libra with the subject: "Access to upload your approved thesis or dissertation to LIBRA". The e-mail is sent after your defense milestone has been updated by a Graduate Administrator and after Libra receives notice of it.

  5. Home

    Virgo, UVa's online catalog, provides discovery of all theses and dissertations originating at the University of Virginia as well as many others. Newer theses and dissertations are accessible online.

  6. Libra: Search and submit

    Libra is the University of Virginia's open access institutional repository, the online archive of scholarship created by the University community. It provides a central, stable location for the scholarly output of the University community (journal articles, datasets, theses/dissertations, etc.). Anyone can search, view and download content.

  7. Finding a Thesis in the Library

    A complete overview to the thesis portfolio from the history to submission. A guide to finding techincal reports and STS theses from past years in the UVA Library.

  8. Dissertations

    UVA Course Guides. CDMD contains nearly 450,000 doctoral dissertations and over 4.4 million master's theses on a wide range of topics, including basic science, engineering and technology, agriculture, medicine, philosophy, and humanities and social sciences. Users can browse by subject or degree grantor, or search multiple fields in quick ...

  9. Q. How do I find dissertations written by PhD students at UVA?

    Check Virgo for print copies of dissertations. Many are held in Ivy Stacks. Search ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text Database for the full text of graduate works published since 1997. (You can also use this to find dissertations from other universities.) Search Libra, UVA Library's Institutional Repository, for dissertations and theses.

  10. Q. How do I submit my thesis or dissertation to the library?

    Most UVA masters programs have a graduation requirement to deposit masters theses in LibraETD as well. View the Electronic Thesis & Dissertation Checklist (ETDs) for more info. Details Theses deadlines are set by the schools, not by the Library.

  11. Electronic thesis/dissertation (ETD) submission checklist

    Before you can submit your thesis or dissertation, you must receive an e-mail from Libra with the subject: "Access to upload your approved thesis or dissertation to LIBRA". The e-mail is sent after your defense milestone has been updated by a Graduate Administrator and after Libra receives notice of it.

  12. Thesis Research

    Search All Online Thesis Portfolios. The link above will get you started with the SEAS undergraduate thesis portfolios have been submitted online through Libra, the UVA LIbrary's digital repository, since 2020. From there, you can keyword search or use the toolbar on the left-hand side of the page to limit by advisor (under Author) or by Subject.

  13. ETDs: Virginia Tech Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    Virginia Tech has been a world leader in electronic theses and dissertation initiatives for more than 20 years. On January 1, 1997, Virginia Tech was the first university to require electronic submission of theses and dissertations (ETDs). Ever since then, Virginia Tech graduate students have been able to prepare, submit, review, and publish their theses and dissertations online and to append ...

  14. Presentation Master's thesis

    Presentation Master's thesis - Sven Goll - Work & Organisational Psychology. Laatst gewijzigd op 16-09-2024 10:36. share. print. The Right Way to Take Sick Leave from Work: How Disclosure Strategies and Leadership Position Changes People's Perceptions about Absentees. ... Volg de UvA op sociale media.

  15. Access and visibility options

    If you are a graduate student depositing your thesis or dissertation, you are required to discuss access options with your advisor or committee prior to submitting to Libra. For Limited Access, the Library provides access to authorized, UVA-affiliated users as well as members of the public accessing ...

  16. Libra Deposit License for Student Theses and Dissertations

    By clicking through this license, you grant to UVA only the non-exclusive right to preserve, reproduce and/or distribute your thesis or dissertation (including the metadata and abstract) worldwide, in any format or medium for non-commercial, research, educational, or related academic purposes, subject to any temporary embargo or access ...

  17. Welcome

    UVA's set of open repositories, ensuring secure storage of UVA scholarship, including dissertations and theses. Learn more > Aperio. UVA's peer-reviewed, open access press is accepting proposals for new journals and transfers of existing journals, as well as proposals for monographs, textbooks, and open educational resources. Learn more ...

  18. Historic Monuments of Novgorod and Surroundings

    The Historic Monuments of Novgorod and Surroundings is a composite World Heritage Site which includes a number of medieval monuments in and around Veliky Novgorod, Russia. The site was inscribed in 1992.

  19. Libra Deposit License for Student Theses and Dissertations

    By clicking through this license, you grant to UVA only the non-exclusive right to preserve, reproduce and/or distribute your thesis or dissertation (including the metadata and abstract) worldwide, in any format or medium for non-commercial, research, educational, or related academic purposes, subject to any temporary embargo or access ...

  20. Presentation Master's thesis

    Presentation Master's thesis - Sven Goll - Work & Organisational Psychology. Last modified on 16-09-2024 10:37. share. ... University Library; Service Desk ICT Services; Facility Services; Locations and buildings; UvA emergency number Important topics Toggle item. Go to Toggle item. Information for Toggle item. Contact Toggle item. Follow the ...

  21. Veliky Novgorod

    Veliky Novgorod (Russian: Великий Новгород, lit. 'Great Newtown', IPA: [vʲɪˈlʲikʲɪj ˈnovɡərət]), [ 10 ] also known simply as Novgorod (Новгород), is the largest city and administrative centre of Novgorod Oblast, Russia. It is one of the oldest cities in Russia, [ 11 ] being first mentioned in the 9th century.

  22. Trip to Veliky Novgorod: the birthplace of Russia

    The easiest and quickest way is by train: from Saint Petersburg to Veliky Novgorod it takes around 3 hours and from Moscow the journey is about 5 hours. From the Novgorod railway station you can reach the city center by walking in about 10 minutes. : two fast trains depart daily (Lastochka), the first train leaves at 7 in the morning and ...

  23. UVA Library home page

    The Campaign for the University of Virginia Library. Supporting Spaces, Collections, and Access at the UVA Library.

  24. Thesis Portfolio

    SEAS Thesis Portfolio Guide A complete overview to the thesis portfolio from the history to submission.

  25. Veliky Novgorod

    Our guide to Veliky Novgorod includes descriptions of main attractions of this ancient Russian city.

  26. Beyond Shannon: Get to know UVA's six Library locations

    The Edgar Shannon Library. UVA's main library building, Shannon Library, underwent a major renovation from 2020-24, and reopened in January. The building offers an open layout, natural light, more than 1,400 seats for study, as well as the Scholars' Lab and Makerspace, open to all members of the UVA population. The McGregor ("Harry Potter ...

  27. Welcome

    The Scholars' Lab, part of UVA Library's DH Center, is a community lab for the practice of experimental scholarship in all fields, informed by digital humanities, spatial technologies, and cultural heritage thinking.. Wherever you are in your DH project - from just starting out to already deep into tools and methods - the staff in the Scholars' Lab can help!