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PhD Supervisor Availability

Please see the list of academic staff who are interested in taking on new PhD students, by clicking through the Research Group headings below. There are some who are actively looking for students for October 2021 entry. Those with * after their name are only looking at supervising students for October 2022 entry only.

You are strongly encouraged to contact potential supervisors to discuss your proposal before applying . Additionally it will help your application if a supervisor has indicated interest in, or willingness to supervise, your research project.

Before approaching a potential supervisor, read some of their publications on their Research Profiles to see if they undertake work in an area relevant to you. This will help you to decide whether they are the right fit for you and your project. When approaching a potential supervisor, it is important to show an appreciation of their research expertise and interests.

When you have identified a supervisor you would like to work with, please email them, and include the following information in your message:

A short message explaining your background, research interests and why you are interested in undertaking a PhD

An explanation of why you think they are the right supervisor for your project, demonstrating your familiarity with their research work

A copy of your CV

An early draft of your research proposal (usually about 1 page).

If you do not send this information you may not get a response to your email, as without these details it will not be possible for a supervisor to assess whether they will be able to supervise your project.

It is fine to send queries to more than one supervisor, but please do not send blanket email requests to more than four academics at a time. These are unlikely to receive a response.

If you do not receive a response from your preferred supervisor after a week, then feel free to send them a reminder. If you still do not receive a response, you can still submit your application and include the name your preferred supervisor in your application. Your application will still be considered.

Please note that a supervisor’s agreement to supervise you does not guarantee entry to the programme. You must submit an online application with all of the required documents before the School is able to make a full assessment of your suitability.

Accounting & Financial Management

Dr siu kai choy.

Interested in taking on students for October 2021 entry

Research Interests:

Empirical asset pricing, event studies, options. Impact of behavioural bias on asset prices. Sources and mechanisms of anomalies.

Dr Duc Duy (Louis) Nguyen

Interested in taking on students

Empirical corporate finance and financial intermediation. His recent research projects examine how social forces shape employee and firm behaviour.

Professor Paul Guest

Banking & finance, dr angie andrikogiannopoulou.

Her research focuses on behavioural finance, household finance, individual decision making and mutual funds.

Dr Daniele Massacci

Empirical asset pricing, financial econometrics, high dimensional statistics, portfolio risk analysis.

Dr Francesca Monti

Macro-econometrics; Behavioural macroeconomics; Monetary economics

Professor David Aikman

Dr ylva baeckstrom.

Behavioural finance, investment decision making and investment advice, with a special interest in gender and the interplay between financial advisors and investors.

Dr Augustin De Coulon

Topics in Economics: post-compulsory education, mental health and the labour market, health and immigration

Dr Jack Fosten*

Interested in taking on students for October 2022 entry

I would be interested in supervising topics related to my research interests in econometrics, primarily for forecasting and nowcasting, as well as the use of quantile regression and big data methods. I am interested in applying econometrics for predicting macroeconomic and financial variables, and topics in energy, environmental and health economics.

Professor Joanne Lindley

I am interested in supervising theses focussing on the economics of inequality, educational attainment and social mobility, including those that focus on wellbeing and mental health outcomes.

Professor Georgios Chortareas

My main interests are a) institutional design of central bank policies and b) international finance.

Dr Christos Mavrodimitrakis

Policy games in macro; policy conflict, coordination, and institutional design; central bank's preferences.

Professor Brian Bell

Immigration, Wage Inequality, Economics of Crime

Dr Seyhun Sakalli

I'm broadly interested in topics in political economy and quantitative economic history. My current research focuses on the determinants and implications of intergroup conflict. Several of these studies focus on the cases of inflow/outflow of refugees with historical case studies. Another strand of my research focuses on understanding the effectiveness of nation-building policies, shedding light on conditions under which they succeed or fail.

Professor Martin Weale

I am working on economic measurement, economic statistics and macroeconomics issues such as the effectiveness of forward guidance. I am focused on finding PhD students whose work I expect to be publishable in 3 or 4-rated journals. I am reluctant to supervise work on countries of which I have no prior knowledge.

Dr Michele Piffer*

Time Series Econometrics, Macroeconomics

Dr Evagelos Pafilis

Privatization/nationalization; corporate governance; political economy of corporate finance; the property rights theory of the firm and especially its application to public goods.

Dr John Morrow

Interested in taking on students for October 2021 entry 

John's main research studies firm responses to economic changes such as trade or industrial policies and the consequences for productivity and efficiency.  More broadly, his work is on microeconomic behaviour in developing countries and general equilibrium models of heterogeneous firms.

Dr Sotiris Vandoros

Health Economics; Pharmaceutical Economics & Policy; uncertainty and health; mental health; suicide; car crashes; opioid crisis.

Human Resource Management & Employment Relations

Dr uta bindl.

My current research interests are in two primary areas: (1) motivation in organizations (employee proactivity and job crafting) , as well as (2) employee well-being and affect regulation. Potential doctoral dissertations on motivation in organization may focus in implications of employee proactivity/job crafting for individuals and the organisations they are embedded in. In the area of well-being and affect regulation, potential dissertations will focus on how do individuals actively manage their own and others’ well-being at work

Professor Katie Bailey

I am available to supervise PhD students interested in qualitative research in the following areas: meaningful work, callings, temporality, purpose, employee engagement, and gender.

Dr Graeme Lockwood

Employment Law related 

Dr Tara Reich

I am interested in supervising students who would like to explore research questions related to interpersonal interactions in the workplace, such as (but not limited to) workplace mistreatment.

Dr Ricardo Rodrigues

I am interested in supervising PhD students with an interest in one of the following broad areas:

a) A critical discussion of the idea of the ‘new career’, namely the protean and the boundaryless career orientation, and its association with employee and organizational outcomes.

b) An exploration of the nature and texture of contemporary career boundaries drawing, among others, on contributions from boundary or border theory.

c) An exploration of the employability paradox and, more specifically, the association between organizational investment in training and development, perceptions of internal and external employability, employee performance and retention.

Dr Haeseen Park

Haeseen’s research interests include leadership and leadership development, relationships at work, impression management in organizations, and goal orientation. His recent works focus on the relationships that employees build with their managers and also with the broader organisation and how these relationships are developed, maintained, and repaired over time.

Professor Janet Walsh*

Changing nature of work and careers; employee well-being; gender in organisations; the work-family/life interface; flexible work practices; interactive service work; organisational responses to the UK Gender Pay Gap Regulations; internships and employability.

Dr Mike Clinton*

Psychological and employment contracts; workplace uncertainty; employee wellbeing; self-regulation; calling; commuting

Dr Wei-Ning Yang

Wei-Ning’s (Winnie’s) main research interest is in careers, especially themes such as career plateauing and career progression. Specifically, she is interested in the mechanisms and conditions that can help plateaued workers remain engaged and productive. Additionally, she is investigating what progression means in the era of boundaryless and protean career and how the COVID-19 pandemic may affect individuals' careers.

Dr Kirk Plangger

Synthetic content (e.g., Deepfakes, GANs), Alternative Realities (e.g., VR, AR or MR), Transparency, Privacy, Surveillance, Social Influence, Technology in Marketing (e.g., AI)

Dr Elisa Schweiger

Professor shintaro okazaki.

Marketing communications (advertising, sales promotions, sponsorship, word-of-mouth, international/cross-cultural advertising), Interactive marketing (mobile marketing, social media marketing, online privacy concerns, digital corporate social responsibility), Consumer justice and equality (diversity, LGBTQ issues, ethnicity, political ideology), Tourism (green hushing, sustainable tourism, unique/memorable experience, Airbnb), International marketing (ethnocentrism, global branding, cross-cultural consumer behaviour, marketing standardisation), Social marketing (disaster resilience, crisis communication).

Dr Stefan Bernritter*

Professor sally everett.

Research interests:

  • Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Business Education
  • Inclusive Education - fostering equality, diversity and inclusion in Higher Education/Business Schools (as the Inclusive Education Lead for King's College London there is potential to become directly in involved projects that will make a positive and meaningful impact for students)
  • Sustainable Tourism Development (especially focusing on the role of food and drink tourism and special interest tourism in helping to deliver sustainable development goals)
  • Community Resistance and the impact of mega events (particularly the Olympic Games) on local communities
  • Embodied touristic experiences and critical tourism discourses (qualitative tourism research)
  • Diversity marketing

Dr Gizem Morris*

Professional Identity Service Quality, Emotional Labour, Veterinary Profession, Global Branding, Sponsorships

Dr Prokriti Mukherji

Research using quantitative methods, including but not limited to those using econometric models, random controlled trials etc. Work across various topics and industries, I have a special interest in health and wellbeing and also emerging markets.

Dr Fatima Wang

Sustainability Sustainable development goals Customer-facing employees International marketing strategy Social roles of multinational enterprises.

Public Services Management & Organisation

Professor jon hindmarsh.

I am keen to supervise students interested in video-based studies of workplace interaction, drawing on the traditions of ethnomethodology and conversation analysis. Any study that uses this approach would be appropriate, although I have particular expertise in studies of new technologies, healthcare, service work, sales, instruction and extreme work contexts. Key words: Workplace Interaction, Sociomateriality, Embodiment, Video, Coordination, Organization Studies.

Professor Christian Heath

Interested in taking on students.

Social interaction and workplace studies, technology, the cultural industries, ethnomethodology and conversation analysis.

Professor Ian Kessler

Work organisation in the public services; assistant and support roles in health, education and social  care; emotional labour amongst care workers; public sector trade unions, pay and grading systems.

Professor Paul Luff

Studies of work, interaction, new technologies; ubiquitous systems, computer supported co-operative work; human-computer interaction.

Dr Juan Baeza

Health policy; professions and professional work; professional power; public policy analysis

Strategy, International Management & Entrepreneurship

Dr johann fortwengel.

  • Intersection international business / organization theory
  • Professional services firms in emerging markets, specifically Africa

Dr Michael Etter

Michael Etter is interested in the construction of social evaluation of new and established firms, such as organizational reputation and legitimacy, in the new media landscape, which is shaped by new information and communication technologies (ICT). He looks at strategies, which new and established firms use to establish favourable social judgments in the digital economy. The role corporate social responsibility is thereby prevalent in his work.

Dr Andreas Kornelakis

My research interests are broadly within the areas of comparative management, political economy and institutional analysis, comparative HRM, work and employment relations. Particular topics of PhD proposals may include: digitalization of work; new forms of flexibility at work; employee voice; high performance work systems and HRM; institutions and corporate strategies; markets regulation, competition and multinational enterprises.

We have 39 King’s College London PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

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King’s College London

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All Funding

King’s College London PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

A digital twin of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension to predict patient outcomes, phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Funded PhD Project (UK Students Only)

This research project has funding attached. It is only available to UK citizens or those who have been resident in the UK for a period of 3 years or more. Some projects, which are funded by charities or by the universities themselves may have more stringent restrictions.

PhD studentships in Quantum Technologies, King’s College London

Funded phd programme (students worldwide).

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. Applications for this programme are welcome from suitably qualified candidates worldwide. Funding may only be available to a limited set of nationalities and you should read the full programme details for further information.

4 Year PhD Programme

4 Year PhD Programmes are extended PhD opportunities that involve more training and preparation. You will usually complete taught courses in your first year (sometimes equivalent to a Masters in your subject) before choosing and proposing your research project. You will then research and submit your thesis in the normal way.

Sleep health after sustaining serious physical combat injuries and the impact on mental/physical health: An analysis on the ADVANCE study cohort

Gene regulation in human development, self-funded phd students only.

This project does not have funding attached. You will need to have your own means of paying fees and living costs and / or seek separate funding from student finance, charities or trusts.

PhD studies in mental health, substance use disorders, multimorbidity, health services research (nursing, pharmacy, allied or public health focus)

The PhD opportunities on this programme do not have funding attached. You will need to have your own means of paying fees and living costs and / or seek separate funding from student finance, charities or trusts.

PhD Research Programme

PhD Research Programmes present a range of research opportunities shaped by a university’s particular expertise, facilities and resources. You will usually identify a suitable topic for your PhD and propose your own project. Additional training and development opportunities may also be offered as part of your programme.

Robotic systems for precision automation

Funded phd project (students worldwide).

This project has funding attached, subject to eligibility criteria. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but its funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

Manipulation of the Polarization in Ultrathin Ferroelectrics

Fe-cfd modelling of coupled coolant flow-heat transfer-thermomechanical stress-hydrogen embrittlement in hybrid thermal protection systems for hypersonic scramjet combustion engines, investigate cytoskeletal networks controlling cancer cell migration at the systems level., phd cognitive function and balance in bronchiectasis, phd digital health in bronchiectasis, full scholarship at epsrc cdt in advanced engineering for personalised surgery & intervention, epsrc centre for doctoral training.

EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training conduct research and training in priority areas funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. Potential PhD topics are usually defined in advance. Students may receive additional training and development opportunities as part of their programme.

Humanities Research Programme

Humanities Research Programmes present a range of research opportunities, shaped by a university’s particular expertise, facilities and resources. You will usually identify a suitable topic for your PhD and propose your own project. Additional training and development opportunities may also be offered as part of your programme.

German PhD (option of joint PhD with Stuttgart or Humboldt University)

History phd (option of joint phd with hong kong university or national university of singapore).

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Management Research MPhil / PhD

King's college london, university of london, different course options.

  • Key information

Course Summary

Tuition fees, entry requirements, similar courses at different universities, key information data source : idp connect, qualification type.

PhD/DPhil - Doctor of Philosophy

Subject areas

Management (General)

Course type

The School is a member of the innovative, multi-institutional LISS-DTP group (London Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership), which draws together doctoral training opportunities at some of London’s top institutions: King’s, Imperial College London and Queen Mary, University of London. Supported by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), this partnership offers doctoral students excellent opportunities to develop their research skills and experience and to work as part of an interdisciplinary community of researchers. Our research is built around a number of strategic research centres and groupings, which conduct both theoretically-driven and applied research. These groups are inclusive and active, encouraging cross-group membership, interdisciplinarity, and collaboration with members of the School and other researchers across the College. In addition, we have strong links with leading scholars from across the world, as well as with researchers and practitioners in private and public sector institutions in the UK and abroad.

Course detail

All students on the doctoral programme are registered for an MPhil in the first instance. At the beginning of the programme you will work with your supervisors to assess your individual training needs. You will use this to develop a personalised training schedule that draws on foundational and advanced courses made available to you through the School, the King’s Centre for Doctoral Studies and the London Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (LISS-DTP). These courses will hone your academic skills and prepare you for the demands of your specific research project. After around 12 months (or the part time equivalent), you will demonstrate that you are ready for formal upgrade to the PhD programme. This involves the examination of a substantial document that shows (i) you have identified an original and interesting research problem and (ii) you have the skills and expertise to tackle it within the time available. You will be supported throughout your PhD by two academic supervisors, who will provide expert advice and guidance on your progress and your project. Your project will culminate in the submission of a thesis of up to 100,000 words in length. Full-time students must submit their thesis within four years of the start of their registration. Part-time students must submit within seven years.

UK fees Course fees for UK students

For this course (per year)

International fees Course fees for EU and international students

Master's degree with a Merit and a Bachelor's degree with 2:1 in a relevant subject.

MSc Business Management

University of east anglia uea, msc management, msc digital business and management, phd postgraduate research in business and management, msc global development management.

The University of Hong Kong Graduate School

Joint PhD Programme with King's College London

HKU King's Logo

Background of King’s College London

King’s College London was founded in 1829 and is one of the top 10 universities in the United Kingdom according to latest QS World University Rankings.  It has nine academic schools of Arts & Humanities, Biomedical Sciences, Dental Institute, Institute of Psychiatry, Law, Medicine, Natural & Mathematical Sciences, Nursing & Midwifery and Social Science & Public Policy. Its academic excellence enables world class teaching, research and innovation in the service of society.    The Joint PhD programme was introduced in 2010/11. It offers a valuable opportunity for students to pursue research in a wide range of disciplines as well as in topics that invite interdisciplinary and cross-cultural approaches at two premier universities in Asia and Europe.

Programme Features

Students admitted to the joint PhD programmes will:

  • be registered as full-time students at both universities and be able to enjoy their full range of academic and various facilities;
  • be guided in their work by faculty members from both universities, and be examined to the standards of both; and
  • normally split their time of study equally between the two universities and spend the last 6 months of study in the home university.
  • Interested applicants should first contact the Faculty concerned on available supervisors and subject areas
  • King's College London postgraduate entry requirements and English Language proficiency requirements
  • The University of Hong Kong research postgraduate entry requirements and English Language proficiency requirements
  • To apply through the University of Hong Kong  (i.e. HKU as your home institution)
  • To apply through the King's College London (i.e. KCL as your home institution)

Fees and Scholarships 

Joint PhD candidates will pay tuition fees to the admitting university for the whole period of candidature.  Applicants applying through the University of Hong Kong can apply for Postgraduate Scholarships .  Candidates who have outstanding academic performance or proven research records may apply for the HKU Presidential PhD Scholarship  and Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme .    Students who pursue a joint PhD degree with King’s in Integrative Medicine may apply for the HKU Postgraduate Fellowships in Integrative Medicine . The Fellowships, offered by the LKS Faculty of Medicine, give preference to students enrolled in the HKU-King's College London Joint PhD programme with HKU being the home institution.  For enquiries about the Fellowships, please contact the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine directly.   

Award of Degree

Upon successful completion of the programme, a student will be conferred a PhD degree jointly awarded by the University of Hong Kong and the King’s College London.  

Report a problem

Thank you, your report has been submitted. We will deal with the issue as soon as possible. If you have any other questions, please send an email to [email protected] .

kcl management phd

Your Programmes

King's college london, undergraduate  .

5 in 9 undergraduate applicants received an offer in 2021/22.

Postgraduate taught

2 in 5 postgraduate taught applicants received an offer in 2021/22.

Undergraduate Programs with at least 15 applications

Most competitive among programs with at least 5 offers.


Least Competitive  


Most Applications  


Fewest Applications  


Postgraduate Taught Programs with at least 15 applications


Postgraduate Research Programs with at least 15 applications


Data sources

  • FOI Request by B.H. Crozier. January 2018.
  • Admissions Statistics . King's College London. October 2022.
  • FOI Request by Matthew Wall. October 2019.

The acceptance rate , or offer rate, represents the fraction of applicants who received an offer. Note that this will be generally lower the acceptances rates (acceptances divided by applicants) published by many other sources. This article explains it in more detail. The acceptances generally indicate the number of offer holders who accepted the offer and fulfilled its conditions. For some universities, however, it denotes the number of applicants who accepted the offer, regardless of whether they subsequently met its conditions.

Data Reliability

Unless otherwise noted, the data presented comes from the universities and is generally reliable. However, some of the differences between years and/or courses may be due to different counting methodologies or data gathering errors. This may especially be the case if there is a sharp difference from year to year. If the data does not look right, click the "Report" button located near the top of the page.

Equipping doctoral research students at King's College London to excel

  • PGR Community

King’s Outstanding Thesis Prize 2021

Congratulations to all the winners of the 2021 King’s Outstanding Thesis Prize!

Twenty awards are given across the year to celebrate truly outstanding research and theses completed by King’s doctoral students. The prizes are nominated by the external examiners and are judged by a panel consisting of the College’s Director of Research Talent and the Chair of the Research Degrees Examinations Board.  

We have an exceptional community of postgraduate researchers at King’s. Each year we recognise 20 of the very best, who have been nominated by their examiners. The standard is incredibly high, in terms of the quality and impact of the research and the clarity and skill of the written thesis. Most winners have published multiple papers and won prizes at conferences, some are already shaping their fields, forging new avenues of research and changing national policy, whether in the UK or abroad. It is definitely one of the most inspiring and enjoyable part of my role to read the submissions from the examiners and the supervisors’ supporting statements. -Dr Nigel Eady, Director of Research Talent & King’s Outstanding Thesis Prize panellist.

Take a look at some reflections from the 2021 winners:

kcl management phd

Thesis: The legal nature of export credit insurance and export credit guarantee: a comparative study between the UK and China.

I feel greatly honoured to be awarded this prize. I would like to thank Prof Özlem Gürses and Prof Eva Lomnicka QC (Hon), my dear supervisors at King’s, for their endless support. I am also grateful to King’s for offering me a generous PhD scholarship and various conference and research allowances. My PhD is a pleasant and unforgettable journey in my life. I enjoyed a number of interesting training courses organised by the Centre for Doctoral Studies, which substantially improved my academic skills. I also benefit from my internship research project at the International Union of Credit & Investment Insurers, where I was able to examine whether the legal theory fits the practice in the real commercial world. For those who are about to submit, I encourage you to keep a health daily routine. Do work hard, but also eat well, sleep sound and get some exercise every day. And always take notes when you come up with some fresh ideas even if they are not directly related to your thesis. Happy research and good luck!

kcl management phd

Thesis: Informing the knowledge gap of implementation of the World Health Organisation Surgical Safety Checklist in sub-Saharan Africa.

I loved every minute of my PhD at King’s and am indebted to my supervisors Dr Andy Leather and Prof Nick Sevdalis for their constant guidance and encouragement. They created an atmosphere that was both intellectually stretching and supportive. For me, writing my thesis was a way to express all that I had discovered and become passionate about over the last three years, which meant it was an enjoyable experience rather than a chore. I would encourage anyone interested in doing a PhD to find subject you love and supervisors who you can connect with – then you will have some of the best years of your life.

kcl management phd

Dr Luis Medina, Faculty of Arts & Humanities

Thesis: Where are the Borders? (Re)Imagining the Nation in Contemporary Ecuadorian Literature.

I remember my PhD years at King’s as some of the happiest of my life. I can’t help but smile when I think that I was privileged enough to spend so many hours reading and writing about the literature that I love. One of the most decisive aspects of my doctoral experience was my fantastic supervision team. I’ll be forever grateful to Dr Elisa Sampson Vera Tudela and Professor Catherine Boyle from the Department of Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American Studies. Their unconditional academic and emotional support helped me to produce a thesis that won three prizes and is already being edited for publication. After receiving my award in August 2020, I held a teaching position at the University of Manchester, and I’m thrilled to share that, from September 2021, I’ll be joining the University of Birmingham on a permanent lectureship in Modern Languages (Spanish).

kcl management phd

Dr Emma Kinnaird, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychoology & Neuroscience

Thesis: Beyond the stereotypes: characterising the unique features of underresearched eating disorder populations, and implications for treatment.

I feel incredibly lucky to have spent three years researching a topic that I feel passionate about, supported by two wonderful supervisors who really took time to adjust the project to my strengths and interests. I’m now taking the skills I’ve learned in my PhD and putting them into practice as I train as a clinical psychologist at Oxford University.

kcl management phd

Dr Pablo Lopez-Custodio, Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences

Thesis: Design of Reconfigurable and Mobility-Variable Linkages with Singularity Analysis and Kinematic Analysis Using Generated Surfaces

I dedicate this prize, and the thesis itself, to the loving memory of my dad Sigfrido Lopez-Zamudio, who passed away during my first year of PhD in King’s College London. Thank you having been an ever-present inspiration.  

Dr Jessica Dafflon, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience

Thesis: Machine Learning Methods in Neuroimaging.

I feel honoured and grateful to have been awarded the King’s Outstanding Thesis Prize. I would like to thank the Center for Doctoral Training in Smart Medical Imaging for this opportunity, my PhD advisors Prof. Federico Turkheimer and Dr. Peter Hellyer. But above all, I would like to thank Prof. Robert Leech, Dr. Walter Hugo Lopez Pinaya, and Pedro Carvalho De Paula Ferreira da Costa for the support during the hard times and the brilliant discussions we had. Lastly, I would like to congratulate Thomas Helfer on also winning the King’s Outstanding Thesis Prize and on making my time at King’s College an unforgettable experience.

kcl management phd

Dr Thomas Helfer, Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences

Thesis: Exotic Compact Objects in Numerical Relativity.

I am delighted to win this thesis prize, which was only possible with the help of the fantastic people that surrounded me during my Ph.D. journey. They not only helped me foster my passion and love for numerical relativity, but they were also there to share a coffe or beer during the challenging times. Thanks especially to Eugene Lim, my excellent supervisor, who always had time for questions and discussions, and shaped me into the scientist I am today. I would also like to thank Jessica Dafflon for being present during the difficult times and congratulations on also winning the KCL thesis prize.

kcl management phd

Thesis: The timing of key events and mutational processes in tumour evolution.

I was really delighted to be nominated for this prize – it feels pretty surreal to write up four years’ work into one thesis, and definitely takes a bit of stamina! I have so many great memories from my time in the lab, where I was working on a project trying to reconstruct the evolutionary history of cancer from genome sequencing data. While I was based at the Francis Crick Institute, I was also affiliated with King’s, and definitely appreciate the great support I received from both during my studies.

kcl management phd

Dr Jaffar Khan, Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine

Thesis: Novel transcatheter electrosurgical laceration of heart valve leaflets to prevent blood flow obstruction from transcatheter heart valve implantation.

I am thrilled to be awarded the Kings’ Outstanding Thesis Prize for my work on novel cardiovascular interventions. It is so unbelievably gratifying knowing that the techniques described in my thesis have already helped treat thousands of patients worldwide.

Dr Cristina Fernandez Turienzo, Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine

Thesis: Evaluation of the introduction of a midwifery continuity of care model for women at increased risk of preterm birth.

I am delighted to receive this prestigious award in recognition for my PhD work. I will always be in debt to my amazing supervisors Prof Jane Sandall, Prof Andy Shennan and Dr Kirstie Coxon, thesis committee members and many other people within Kings (and outside!) who supported me in one way or another. Thank you also to my examiners for such a positive online PhD viva experience. I have recently received a NIHR DSE award and I am looking forward to enhance my learning of clinical trials in global health.

Dr Tiago Rua, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience

Thesis: The economics of implementing new clinical pathways across community and hospital-based care.

As part of my PhD I have tried to bridge the gap between the economics and medical imaging fields by applying health economics methodologies across multiple clinical conditions and imaging modalities. Currently, I am working as a Programme Manager of the Covid-19 Vaccination Programme at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust.

kcl management phd

Dr Elisa Bruno, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience

Thesis: Wearable non-EEG sensors for seizure detection

My experience at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, has been fantastic during my PhD, and has helped me to develop professionally in a very inspiring way. It is a great workplace where I’ve found contagious positivity, enthusiasm and knowledge.

kcl management phd

Dr Rosina Matilde, Social Science & Public Policy

Thesis: Deterrence and international migration: The criminalisation of irregular entry and stay in Italy and France.

It’s an honour to be awarded the King’s Outstanding Thesis Prize. I would like to thank all my interviewees, for agreeing to share their knowledge and experiences with me. A special thanks also goes to Professor Simona Talani, and to my examiners Professor Henk Overbeek and Dr Anna Sergi. Since finishing my PhD, I have joined the European Institute at LSE as a fellow, and look forward to continuing my work on migration.

Full list of 2021 winners:

Dr Bryony White,  English Language & Literature, A&H

Dr Luis Medina, Latin American Studies, A&H

Dr Jonah Miller, History, A&H

Dr James Rakoczi, English Literature and Medical Humanities, A&H

Dr Vinod Patel, Clinical Dentistry, FoDOC

Dr Tiago Rua, Health Economics, IoPPN

Dr Jessica De Faria Dafflon, Neuroimaging, IoPPN

Dr Emma Kinnaird, Psychological Medicine, IoPPN

Dr Elisa Bruno, Clinical Neuroscience, IoPPN

Dr Clemency Jolly, Cancer Genetics, FoLSM

Dr Jaffar Khan, Cardiovascular Sciences, FoLSM

Dr Cristina Fernandez Turienzo, Women and Children’s Health, FoLSM

Dr Michelle White, Surgery (Global Health and Implementation Science), FoLSM

Dr Thomas Helfer, Physics, NMS

Dr Pablo Lopez-Custodio, Kinematics, NMS

Dr Kristina Kubiliute, Mathematics, NMS

Dr Matilde Rosina, International Political Economy, SSPP

Dr Adam Day, War Studies, SSPP

Dr Rajan Basra, War Studies, SSPP

Dr Cheng Lin, Law, DPSoL

About the awards

Each King’s Outstanding Thesis Prize winner is awarded £250 and receives a certificate endorsed by the Principal.

Impact PGR PhD Writing

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  1. Management Research

    King's Business School welcomes applicants in any of our areas of research expertise. When completed, your award would state, PhD in your subject area, relating to the relevant Academic Department, e.g., "PhD in Economics," "PhD in Marketing" and so on. All students on the doctoral programme are registered for an MPhil in the first ...

  2. PhD programme

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  3. PhD Admission Guide

    For entry to the King's Business School PhD Programme for October 2024/25, the following application and funding deadlines apply: 15 December 2023. Round 1: Applications for King's Business School Studentships and applicants who don't require funding. 2 January 2024. If you are eligible to apply for King's-China Scholarship Council.

  4. King's College London

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  5. Doctoral Research Studentships

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  8. Scholarships and Studentships

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  9. King's College London

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  13. Centre for Doctoral Studies

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