Student Essays

Essay on life is precious gift

Essay on Life is a Precious Gift [ Being Thankful to Life ]

Life is a gift but what makes it like a gift? Let us find out why life is considered as a gift in the first place and what is its importance in life. Read the Following short & Long Essay on Life is Precious Gift, with images, quotes for children

Essay on Life is Precious Gift | Short & Long Essay for Students

Gift is something that one receives without giving anything back in return. The person who gives the gift can be anyone from a fiancée to a friend or even a relative. In the same way life is considered as a gift because it comes for free and nobody has to pay for it. There’s no need to work hard in order to earn life.

Essay on life is precious gift

Life is a gift because it’s not promised to any of us. We know that we are born with time and the clock is ticking. And it goes by quickly, like sand slips through your fingers. Some of us see life as an arrow; others think life must be a river, a stream that flows and moves without end. Everything is temporary – everything changes. The only thing that’s constant is change itself.

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Life is precious because it’s so short. We are born, we live for a while, and then we die. That’s the definition of life in just a few words. The time that passes between birth and death is what makes life precious. Living is fun! It’s amazing to have eyes, ears, hands, legs – everything to be able to see, hear, feel and touch the world. It’s fun! Life is a gift because we may never know when it ends if we don’t cherish every moment of it.

Life is a blessing because we’re alive! We have the ability to feel. To see, hear, taste and smell what’s around us. Life doesn’t offer such opportunities every day of the week. A new day brings with it new experiences that you can share with others or keep locked away inside. Life doesn’t only bring the good stuff – it also brings problems and challenges that need to be dealt with.

Life is a present because you don’t know what’s going to happen next. You start this adventure called life, enter a world filled with strange people, things and experiences – it’s just plain weird. Sometimes you get the feeling that the world is doing its best to trip you up, but life is a present because you can take it or leave it – nobody’s making you stay. Life itself is just an opportunity for us to become better human beings for ourselves and others.   Life isn’t given to you; it’s something you make.

Being thankful for Life

I think that life is a gift because we never know when it ends. It’s not promised to anyone and lost in the blink of an eye. We need to be thankful for every single moment we have, because there are millions of people who don’t have even one moment. Think about this: when everyone comes together, you can make a big difference in the lives of a few people. And when a few people come together, they can make a big difference in the lives of many people.

The gift of life is precious because it’s not promised to anyone and lost in an instant. It reminds us that every moment matters, every meeting matters and every person matters. We need to live our lives every moment of it every day, because one day we might not have that chance anymore. So let’s not waste a single minute. Let’s live while we’re alive.

Life is a present that you can choose to take or leave. You need to appreciate everything you’ve got, because one day it might be gone. Sometimes life isn’t pretty; sometimes things go wrong and you don’t know how it’s going to turn out. But there are great things out their waiting for us every day if we look for

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Life is a gift, so be thankful for everything you have and everything that happens to you. Life will never be the same again if we change just one small thing.

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Why do we value human life?

essay on life is precious

  • The “sanctity of life” is the idea that human lives are inherently valuable — more valuable than any other material thing there is.
  • The fact that we value human life owes itself to various religious traditions. Without religion, can it be justified?
  • Philosophers often reference human rationality as the reason for their value. Is this good enough today?

What’s wrong with killing people? As you sit at some restaurant, ready to enjoy your meal, why can’t you just stab the chef for overcooking the steak? Why is it that we can no longer gather in packed stadiums to watch people die fighting each other in gladiatorial bouts?

Nearly all of us seem to have an unquestioned assumption that every person should continue to live; that to kill another human being is a wrong beyond no others. We unthinkingly accept that there’s something about human beings that we ought to protect and, if at all possible, avoid harming. We value human life in a way that suggests we have a magic and a sacred something that lambs, turkeys, or mosquitos do not possess.

Why do we all subscribe to the idea of the “sanctity of human life”?

A God-given gift

A lot of the value we attribute to human life comes from religion. Even if you or your country are not explicitly religious, the traditions, legal codes, and values you hold stem, at least indirectly, from religion.

If we believe a human being is ensouled in some way, or that we’re the loved and cherished children of some all-powerful deity, then it’s pretty easy to see why you ought not to murder. If you kill someone, you are offending and upsetting God, and risk everlasting damnation. You’re insulting the parent-creator by killing. It’s why all of today’s major monotheistic religions have commandments or proscriptions telling their followers to not kill. (Although, as anyone with a basic knowledge of history can tell you, rarely are these proscriptions obeyed.)

When we look beyond theistic faiths, toward karmic religions, we see that human life is meaningful for a different reason. For example, when you take a life (human or sometimes non-human), you risk gathering karma, binding your soul to the Earth for another rebirth . In Tibetan and Indian Buddhism, while human and animal life are both precious, humans are more so. This is because only humans can achieve nirvana or awakening.

Religions differ hugely across geography and time, but a key commonality is that most religions teach us we should value life, because it is either valuable to God or instrumental in rebirth.

Precious rationality

The sanctity of human life has great purchase across almost all world religions. However, when you remove religion, what philosophical arguments are left? For millennia, the answer owed much to Aristotle.

According to Aristotle, there was only one true “good” in the universe: A being that satisfies its purpose (or telos). He believed everything should live exactly as it was meant to. For humans, this means being rational and to flourish in being so. Aristotle thought that all living things could be weighed by the kind of soul they had. On the bottom rung, you have the reproductive or nutritive soul, such as of plants and trees. Next is the sensitive soul of perception and movement — the thing of the animal kingdom. At the top of the hierarchy is the intellect, or rational soul, which is uniquely human. All three souls are nested, in the sense that the higher souls contain also the lower ones; animals also reproduce, and humans also perceive. From all this, Aristotle concluded that we should value human life, due to our inherent capacity for reason.

value human life

St. Thomas Aquinas, the Christian Aristotelean philosopher, developed these beliefs into a formal “natural law” — where immoral acts were those which contradicted our God-given, but rationally intuited , purpose. The first two of Aquinas’ “primary precepts” (natural laws) were self-preservation and continuation of the species, both of which require we do not kill. For Aquinas, reason was what allowed us to discern truths of the world, and we ought to protect that: the greatest of our tools. In Islamic philosophy, there’s a similar concept of uṣūl al-fiqh . This is usually translated as jurisprudence, but it means using our reason to discover moral edicts. Reason means truth, and truth is the most important thing there is. We should value humanity because we seek to protect truth itself.

Time to be unreasonable

Today, few secular thinkers give much weight to natural law. It’s not hard to see why. For however much Aquinas and Islamic scholars elevated rationality, the idea of “truths” and “moral absolutes” as written down in the fabric of the universe depend on certain metaphysical commitments, i.e. a god or spirit which created them.

We also live in an age in which reason or the rational mind is perhaps not as celebrated as it once was. Thinkers like Søren Kierkegaard and Friedrich Nietzsche formed the vanguard of a philosophy that focused on other aspects of human life. They saw things like passion, character, and freedom as more important parts of our nature. In fact, the opening chapter of Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil is a cuttingly sardonic critique of previous philosophers’ obsession with reason and “truth”.

The Frankfurt School philosophers Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno took this even further. To them, reason did not mean a continuous, determined progress. Reason was nothing, in itself, to be so proud of. They argued that cold rationality found its horrific regression in the Nazi party and the holocaust. Lionising rationality as some sacred gift amounted only to a mythology, and a dangerous one at that.

The value of human life

Why, then, do we continue to value human life, especially above and beyond animals? If you value rationality, why is that? And does rationality, alone, bestow value on a human life?

Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of value. One is instrumental value, which is value for what something does. The other is inherent value, which is valuable because it just is. Let us entertain the first: that we value humans for their instrumental value. We might claim that a human life can be measured by the good it gives the world. If so, is it not perfectly okay to harvest organs from a vagrant and friendless scoundrel in order to keep dozens alive? Are we happy to say that some humans are more or less valuable, depending on their daily productivity or “goodness output”? Some might be fine with this, but I suspect many are not.

The other alternative is that we value life because we’ve always valued life. There’s a kind of collective unconscious (to bastardize an expression of Carl Jung) that assents and reaffirms the sanctity of life. By the stories we tell, good parenting, and moral education, we teach each generation that human life is valuable beyond all else. We establish it as the sacred myth of our time — a myth we need to constantly maintain if we want it protected.

But the philosopher’s job is not to accept the assumed inheritance of our forebears. It is to ask questions where they’re not usually asked — to peek behind the curtain and lift up the stone. As philosophers, what reasons can we give for calling human life valuable?

Jonny Thomson teaches philosophy in Oxford. He runs a popular Instagram account called Mini Philosophy (@ philosophyminis ). His first book is  Mini Philosophy: A Small Book of Big Ideas .

essay on life is precious

English Compositions

Essay on Life is a Gift [200, 500 Words] With PDF

Life is precious. In this lesson, you will learn to write essays in two different sets on life as a gift. It will help you in articulating your thoughts in the upcoming exams.

Table of Contents

Essay on life is a gift in 200 words, essay on life is a gift in 500 words.

Feature image of Essay on Life is a Gift

A gift is viewed as something unique, valuable, and mysterious. Life is the most priceless and precious gift our parents have bestowed upon us. It’s a fascinating journey full of adventures with unknown and unexpected elements. It can fill us with love, happiness, and a feeling of purpose.

Life is an art for some, which they wish to paint in vibrant colours, while it is a science for others, which must be mastered with discipline and punctuality. While some people squander their life on worthless pursuits, others find meaning in the most insignificant objects and circumstances. We are gifted with the five senses to experience life sensuously.

We must recognise its significance and strive to develop ourselves daily. Our activities, as is commonly stated, purify our souls. Some of us devote our lives to doing good things, while others squander them in the hope of greater results. While some have good intentions, others are out to harm. Life is full of both good and painful experiences. We must not give up if we have had an unpleasant or unpalatable experience in life. It’s important to remember that it’s just transitory and that with perseverance, it can be conquered.

A gift is regarded as special, valuable, and mysterious. Life is the most precious gift that our parents have given us. It is a delightful journey packed with adventures containing unknown and unanticipated elements. It has the tremendous potential to provide us with love, happiness, and a sense of meaning. For some, life is an art they want to paint in wonderful colours, while for others, life is a science that must be mastered with discipline and punctuality.

While there are people who waste their lives in meaningless endeavours, there are others who fetch meaning from the most futile objects and situations. We are gifted with the five senses to experience life sensuously. We must understand its importance and work hard to improve ourselves every day. It is often said that our actions purify our souls. Some of us dedicate our lives to performing good deeds, whereas others spoil it in the hope of getting better results. While some have ethical intentions, others have evil objectives. Every day is a gift to learn new things and enjoy the new experience. 

We must embed our lives with the people we love. We must preach kindness. If we are kind to one another and respect humanity, life will be kind to us and appreciate our existence. We all should have a motto that shall help us make this earth a better place. We must work on the legacy we wish to leave behind us. It must be something that would be cherished by the ones who know the ones who are strangers to us and us. 

Living life is not easy. Some days are tough and demanding, and it takes courage to sail through them. On such days, remembering the struggles of people who had come before us and did not give up in the face of hardships will encourage us. Life almost always offers us a wide range of options. However, we must make our choices wisely.

We must be guided by reason, and we should be passionate about all the activities we indulge in. Our sheer determination can make the impossible possible. We must have faith and promise to give our best in all situations. We should also allow ourselves leisure to take vacations, practice sport, work on our hobbies, read and write. As William Henry Davies puts it in the poem Leisure, 

“What is this life, full of care? We have no time to stand and stare.” We must never limit ourselves in our scope of doing something. 

After all, life is not a bed full of roses, but it gives occasional prickly thorns in our pathway, which we must tread carefully. We can take the flower lily as an inspiration. Although it lasts for a brief period, its aroma creates a freshening and beautiful environment. Living life honourably is the duty of every human being. We must spend our life inspiring others with thoughts that stir ecstasy. We must apprehend that life is a gift and not a burden.

Hopefully, after going through this lesson, you have a holistic idea of the value of life and the ideal way of living it. I have tried to cover every aspect of the topic briefly and in an expanded form. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, kindly let me know through the comment section below. To read more such essays on many important topics, keep browsing our website. 

Join us on Telegram to get the latest updates on our upcoming sessions. Thank you, see you again soon.

Essay Service Examples Life Personal Experience

My Life Essay

Table of contents

Essay on life in english for children and students, essay about life 1 (100 words), essay about life 2 (200 words), essay about life 3 (300 words), introduction, dealing with challenges, set goals: give purpose to life, essay about life 4 (400 words), appreciate life and express gratitude, don't waste your life, essay about life 5 (500 words), find happiness in little things, enjoy the journey of life; don't rush through it, essay about life 6 (600 words), true value of life by philosophers, identify the purpose of life, count your blessings, essay about life 7 (1300 words).

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do experiences shape someone’s life?

Experiences shape lives by influencing perspectives, beliefs, and behaviors. Positive ones foster growth, resilience, and empathy, while negative ones pose challenges and trauma. They define character and life path.

How can someone value life?

Valuing life involves gratitude, meaningful relationships, and pursuing passions. Appreciating life’s preciousness, embracing joy, and prioritizing self-care enhance its value. Personal growth and positive contributions foster purpose.

What are the ups and downs in life?

Life has ups (happiness, success, growth) and downs (challenges, setbacks, hardships). Ups bring joy, fulfillment, and milestones. Downs test resilience, provoke distress, and include failures and losses. They shape us, offer learning opportunities, and build resilience.

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Life has been bestowed upon us by the almighty and we all must value it. We should be thankful for all that we have and try to improve ourselves each day to build a better life. Technically, life is associated with feelings, growth and evolution. Like the plants have life because they grow; humans and animals have life as they feel sadness, happiness and they too grow.

The journey of life may not always be smooth but we must keep going and stay positive all the times. Life is the most precious asset on this planet and must be protected irrespective of its form and appearance. Every species, not only humans, have a fundamental right to live their life, I whatever way they desire. Life is a gift of God to humanity and any attempt to disrupt or damage it will have undesirable consequences.

Long and Short Essay on Life in English

Here we have provided Long and Short Essay on Life in English, of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam.

These Life Essays are written in simple and easy language so that they can be easily remembered and can be presented when required.

You can choose any life essay as per your interest and need and present it during your school’s essay writing competition, debate completion or speech giving.

Short Essay on Life: Life is Beautiful but Not a Bed of Roses – Essay 1 (200 words)

There is a lot of stress all around us these days. Most people complain about problems at office, issues in relationships and the growing competition in various fields. People are so engrossed in dealing with these issues that they don’t see the real beauty of life. There is so much more to life than these things. In fact, if we look at life closely, we will realize how beautiful it is. God has given us an abundance of everything. This is evident when we look at the nature. The trees, plants, rivers and sunlight – everything is in abundance and so is the energy that resides within us. This is the beauty of life.

However, this is not to say that life is a bed of roses. It is not! The problems and concerns of people are genuine. The rich, the poor, the educated, the uneducated, the beautiful and the not so beautiful – everyone has his/ her on set of problems. Life is not easy for anyone. However, we need to understand that this is how life is. If everything came easy we would not really value it. Life is beautiful in its own way and we should look for reasons to enjoy it and embrace its beauty amid the issues we are dealing with.

Essay on Life: Challenges and Goals – Essay 2 (300 words)


Challenges are a part of life. We face different challenges at different points in life. While some people look at these challenges as an opportunity to learn something new others get disheartened and succumb to them. We learn many new things as we take on different challenges. These experiences make us a better person. We can overcome many challenges by setting goals. Goals give us the determination to achieve despite the hurdles.

Dealing with Challenges

Challenges require us to get out of our comfort zone. These can be difficult to deal with. However, we must deal with them with courage and determination. Here are some ways to deal with the challenges in life:

No matter what the situation is we must deal with it calmly. We shall be able to think of a solution and act upon it only if we stay calm. If we stress about it continually we shall not be able to act wisely.

  • Stay Determined

No matter how hard the situation gets, the key is to stay determined and keep going. We must not give up half way.

  • Seek Help from Family and Friends

There is no harm in seeking help from family and friends whenever there is a need. However, we must not depend upon them completely.

Set Goals; Give Purpose to Life

It is important to set goals in life. We must set both long term and short term goals for our personal as well as professional life and work hard to achieve them. Goals give purpose to our life. To set goals, we must first understand what we want in life and then make a plan to achieve it. We must always set a time frame for achieving our goals.

While challenges take us through new experiences and make us stronger, goals help us stay focused. Both challenges and goals are important in life.

Essay on Life: It is a Precious Gift – Essay 3 (400 words)

Life is a precious gift. It must be handled with care. We must be thankful to God for sending us on Earth and giving us such beautiful surroundings to live in. We must also be thankful to God for making us physically and mentally fit to live a wholesome life. Not just human beings, the life of animals, birds and plants is equally precious and we must value it too.

Appreciate Life and Express Gratitude

We must appreciate the good in our life and express gratitude for the same. Many people are not happy with the way things go on in their life. They criticize almost everything and everyone around and develop a negative outlook. They need to understand that the fact that they have been given a life to live is in itself a big thing.

The fact that they are in good health is a reason to be thankful for. The fact that they are able and can work hard and make their life better is another reason to be grateful. They must appreciate what they have and be thankful for it. Everything else can be achieved with some effort.

Don’t Waste Life

Many people indulge in bad habits such as smoking, drinking and taking drugs. The havoc created post consuming these can be a threat to their life as well as the life of those around them. Many people drink and run over their car on innocent people killing them or injuring them badly. They even hurt themselves during such incidents. Besides, all these things have a negative impact on a person’s health.

They incur serious health problems over the time thus ruining their lives as well as the lives of their family members. They must understand that life is precious. We can lead a purposeful life and add value to it or waste it and end up in a mess. Many people realize this much later in life mostly after incurring a major problem. It is too late then and they cannot go back and relive their life properly. We must value this gift called life when there is still time and tread the right path to enjoy it.

God has given us a chance to live and enjoy the beauty of the nature. Life is a precious gift and we must all value it. We must express gratitude and stay positive to make the most of this gift given to us. We must also value the lives of those around us.

Essay on Life: It is a Journey not a Destination – Essay 4 (500 words)

There is a mad rush all around us. In schools, offices, businesses and even in households – people are running around, chasing different things and trying to achieve things as fast as they can as if they are about to miss a train. This eagerness and restlessness to get somewhere is what they pass on to their kids too and it goes on and on. Where exactly do we want to reach? And how will we feel when we reach there? We need to slow down and ask ourselves these questions.

We must understand that life is a journey not a destination. This means that we need to go through it slowly and calmly enjoying every moment and making the most of it rather than rushing through it.

Find Happiness in Little Things

We often overlook the little things in life and keep chasing the bigger things believing they will give us happiness. While achieving our big dreams and goals does give us satisfaction however it is the little things in life that bring us true happiness. These are the things that bring a smile to our face later in life. For instance, parents keep telling their children to behave nicely, study dedicatedly and sleep on time.

They do all this to inculcate discipline in them. They want them to focus on their studies so that they can choose a good stream and build a rewarding career. They believe that all this will help them get a good life partner and build a happy personal life too. They have good intentions but are they really doing good to their children? In a way, no as they are stealing the precious moments of their lives that could be spent more joyfully.

Enjoy the Journey of Life; Don’t Rush Through it

The first twenty years of a person’s life are spent in mugging up their chapters and attempting to fetch good marks. Children are repeatedly told that they can enjoy once they get a good job. When they get a good job, they are asked to work hard to get to a good position in the company. Then they are told that they can enjoy their life after they reach a certain position.

When they reach a good position in the company, they require working hard to maintain the position. It is also time for them to plan a family and fulfill various responsibilities. They are then told that they can live peacefully and enjoy life once they retire. No one even thinks that they will not be left with the same enthusiasm, energy and zeal to enjoy life when they enter that age.

Life is happening now. We must enjoy it here and now and not wait to reach a certain position or phase of life to start living the way we want.

It is important to set goals and work hard towards achieving them. We must also set deadlines for our goals, stay focused and utilize our time wisely to achieve the desired result. What we should avoid is to rush towards them. We will come across many new things as we head towards our goals. All these will make us stronger and wiser. We should allow ourselves to see and experience these new things and learn from them rather than rushing towards the goal.

Long Essay on Life: True Value of Life – Essay 5 (600 words)

We all have just one life. We are here on Earth for a limited period of time and do not know when our time will end. We must thus make the most of the time we have. We must do good deeds, help as much as we can, appreciate the beauty around us and stay positive. We must value life and be grateful for all that we have as not many are lucky to have the kind of life we do.

True Value of Life by Philosophers

Different philosophers, scholars and literary people have defined the true value of life in different ways. As per poet Henry David, “There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it.” “The true value of a human being can be found in the degree to which he has attained liberation from the self”, said Albert Einstein.

On the other hand, Myles Munroe states, “The value of life is not in its duration. You are not important because of how long you live, you are important because of how effective you live.

Identify the Purpose of Life

Different people indulge in different activities each day. Some people study, some do the household chores, some work on business plans, some work for an employer and some just enjoy and vile away their time.

Some people accomplish more than one or two of these tasks each day. They keep working on these tasks day in and day out and may take a break on the weekends. They may plan a holiday for a day or two or roam around locally to rejuvenate but as the next week begins, they start with their routine tasks yet again. Whether they like it or not they keep slogging every day as they feel that this is what they are meant to do.

However, this is a wrong perception. These daily tasks are just a way to survive in this world. We study, tidy our house, cook food, go to work and earn money just so that we can live comfortably. This is not our real purpose of life. It does not add value to our soul.

God has sent us on this Earth with a purpose. We need to identify this purpose and work towards achieving it. Once we know the purpose and successfully achieve it, we must then understand how it can help those around us and look for ways to assist them. Each one of us has been bestowed with a special power or gift. We must share it with others to make the world a more beautiful place to live in.

Count Your Blessings

We must value everything and everyone in our life. Nothing in our life should be taken for granted. We must value our parents, our siblings, our friends, our job, our house, our belongings and everything God has bestowed on us. And above all, we must value our life.

We must be grateful to the almighty for giving us the ability to take care of ourselves. We must always look at the positive side of life. We should count our blessings and value them. God has given us so many things to appreciate and we must thank him by helping those around us. We must help them live a better life.

We are born to serve humanity and make this world a better place. We must be thankful for all that we have and stay humble. We are all blessed with some unique power. Our purpose is to identify it and use it for uplifting ourselves as well as everyone around us. This is the true value of our life.

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Essay on Life in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Life has been bestowed upon us by the almighty and we all must value it. We should be thankful for all that we have and try to improve ourselves each day to build a better life. Technically, life is associated with feelings, growth and evolution. Like the plants have life because they grow; humans and animals have life as they feel sadness, happiness and they too grow.

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The journey of life may not always be smooth but we must keep going and stay positive all the times. Life is the most precious asset on this planet and must be protected irrespective of its form and appearance. Every species, not only humans, have a fundamental right to live their life, I whatever way they desire. Life is a gift of God to humanity and any attempt to disrupt or damage it will have undesirable consequences.

Long and Short Essay on Life in English

Here we have provided Long and Short Essay on Life in English, of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam.

These Life Essays are written in simple and easy language so that they can be easily remembered and can be presented when required.

You can choose any life essay as per your interest and need and present it during your school’s essay writing competition, debate completion or speech giving.

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Short Essay on Life in 100 words – Life is Beautiful but Not a Bed of Roses

There is a lot of stress all around us these days. Most people complain about problems at office, issues in relationships and the growing competition in various fields. People are so engrossed in dealing with these issues that they don’t see the real beauty of life. There is so much more to life than these things. In fact, if we look at life closely, we will realize how beautiful it is. God has given us an abundance of everything. This is evident when we look at the nature. The trees, plants, rivers and sunlight – everything is in abundance and so is the energy that resides within us. This is the beauty of life.

However, this is not to say that life is a bed of roses. It is not! The problems and concerns of people are genuine. The rich, the poor, the educated, the uneducated, the beautiful and the not so beautiful – everyone has his/ her on set of problems. Life is not easy for anyone. However, we need to understand that this is how life is. If everything came easy we would not really value it. Life is beautiful in its own way and we should look for reasons to enjoy it and embrace its beauty amid the issues we are dealing with.

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Essay on Life in 200 words – Challenges and Goals

Challenges are a part of life. We face different challenges at different points in life. While some people look at these challenges as an opportunity to learn something new others get disheartened and succumb to them. We learn many new things as we take on different challenges. These experiences make us a better person. We can overcome many challenges by setting goals. Goals give us the determination to achieve despite the hurdles.

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Dealing with Challenges

Challenges require us to get out of our comfort zone. These can be difficult to deal with. However, we must deal with them with courage and determination. Here are some ways to deal with the challenges in life:

No matter what the situation is we must deal with it calmly. We shall be able to think of a solution and act upon it only if we stay calm. If we stress about it continually we shall not be able to act wisely.

  • Stay Determined

No matter how hard the situation gets, the key is to stay determined and keep going. We must not give up half way.

  • Seek Help from Family and Friends

There is no harm in seeking help from family and friends whenever there is a need. However, we must not depend upon them completely.

Set Goals; Give Purpose to Life

It is important to set goals in life. We must set both long term and short term goals for our personal as well as professional life and work hard to achieve them. Goals give purpose to our life. To set goals, we must first understand what we want in life and then make a plan to achieve it. We must always set a time frame for achieving our goals.

While challenges take us through new experiences and make us stronger, goals help us stay focused. Both challenges and goals are important in life.

Essay on Life in 400 words – It is a Precious Gift

Life is a precious gift. It must be handled with care. We must be thankful to God for sending us on Earth and giving us such beautiful surroundings to live in. We must also be thankful to God for making us physically and mentally fit to live a wholesome life. Not just human beings, the life of animals, birds and plants is equally precious and we must value it too.

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Appreciate Life and Express Gratitude

We must appreciate the good in our life and express gratitude for the same. Many people are not happy with the way things go on in their life. They criticize almost everything and everyone around and develop a negative outlook. They need to understand that the fact that they have been given a life to live is in itself a big thing.

The fact that they are in good health is a reason to be thankful for. The fact that they are able and can work hard and make their life better is another reason to be grateful. They must appreciate what they have and be thankful for it. Everything else can be achieved with some effort.

Don’t Waste Life

Many people indulge in bad habits such as smoking, drinking and taking drugs. The havoc created post consuming these can be a threat to their life as well as the life of those around them. Many people drink and run over their car on innocent people killing them or injuring them badly. They even hurt themselves during such incidents. Besides, all these things have a negative impact on a person’s health.

They incur serious health problems over the time thus ruining their lives as well as the lives of their family members. They must understand that life is precious. We can lead a purposeful life and add value to it or waste it and end up in a mess. Many people realize this much later in life mostly after incurring a major problem. It is too late then and they cannot go back and relive their life properly. We must value this gift called life when there is still time and tread the right path to enjoy it.

God has given us a chance to live and enjoy the beauty of the nature. Life is a precious gift and we must all value it. We must express gratitude and stay positive to make the most of this gift given to us. We must also value the lives of those around us.

Essay on Life in 500 words – It is a Journey not a Destination

There is a mad rush all around us. In schools, offices, businesses and even in households – people are running around, chasing different things and trying to achieve things as fast as they can as if they are about to miss a train. This eagerness and restlessness to get somewhere is what they pass on to their kids too and it goes on and on. Where exactly do we want to reach? And how will we feel when we reach there? We need to slow down and ask ourselves these questions.

We must understand that life is a journey not a destination. This means that we need to go through it slowly and calmly enjoying every moment and making the most of it rather than rushing through it.

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Find Happiness in Little Things

We often overlook the little things in life and keep chasing the bigger things believing they will give us happiness. While achieving our big dreams and goals does give us satisfaction however it is the little things in life that bring us true happiness. These are the things that bring a smile to our face later in life. For instance, parents keep telling their children to behave nicely, study dedicatedly and sleep on time.

They do all this to inculcate discipline in them. They want them to focus on their studies so that they can choose a good stream and build a rewarding career. They believe that all this will help them get a good life partner and build a happy personal life too. They have good intentions but are they really doing good to their children? In a way, no as they are stealing the precious moments of their lives that could be spent more joyfully.

Enjoy the Journey of Life; Don’t Rush Through it

The first twenty years of a person’s life are spent in mugging up their chapters and attempting to fetch good marks. Children are repeatedly told that they can enjoy once they get a good job. When they get a good job, they are asked to work hard to get to a good position in the company. Then they are told that they can enjoy their life after they reach a certain position.

When they reach a good position in the company, they require working hard to maintain the position. It is also time for them to plan a family and fulfill various responsibilities. They are then told that they can live peacefully and enjoy life once they retire. No one even thinks that they will not be left with the same enthusiasm, energy and zeal to enjoy life when they enter that age.

Life is happening now. We must enjoy it here and now and not wait to reach a certain position or phase of life to start living the way we want.

It is important to set goals and work hard towards achieving them. We must also set deadlines for our goals, stay focused and utilize our time wisely to achieve the desired result. What we should avoid is to rush towards them. We will come across many new things as we head towards our goals. All these will make us stronger and wiser. We should allow ourselves to see and experience these new things and learn from them rather than rushing towards the goal.

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Long Essay on Life in 600 words – True Value of Life

We all have just one life. We are here on Earth for a limited period of time and do not know when our time will end. We must thus make the most of the time we have. We must do good deeds, help as much as we can, appreciate the beauty around us and stay positive. We must value life and be grateful for all that we have as not many are lucky to have the kind of life we do.

True Value of Life by Philosophers

Different philosophers, scholars and literary people have defined the true value of life in different ways. As per poet Henry David, “There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it.” “The true value of a human being can be found in the degree to which he has attained liberation from the self”, said Albert Einstein.

On the other hand, Myles Munroe states, “The value of life is not in its duration. You are not important because of how long you live, you are important because of how effective you live.

Identify the Purpose of Life

Different people indulge in different activities each day. Some people study, some do the household chores, some work on business plans, some work for an employer and some just enjoy and vile away their time.

Some people accomplish more than one or two of these tasks each day. They keep working on these tasks day in and day out and may take a break on the weekends. They may plan a holiday for a day or two or roam around locally to rejuvenate but as the next week begins, they start with their routine tasks yet again. Whether they like it or not they keep slogging every day as they feel that this is what they are meant to do.

However, this is a wrong perception. These daily tasks are just a way to survive in this world. We study, tidy our house, cook food, go to work and earn money just so that we can live comfortably. This is not our real purpose of life. It does not add value to our soul.

God has sent us on this Earth with a purpose. We need to identify this purpose and work towards achieving it. Once we know the purpose and successfully achieve it, we must then understand how it can help those around us and look for ways to assist them. Each one of us has been bestowed with a special power or gift. We must share it with others to make the world a more beautiful place to live in.

Count Your Blessings

We must value everything and everyone in our life. Nothing in our life should be taken for granted. We must value our parents, our siblings, our friends, our job, our house, our belongings and everything God has bestowed on us. And above all, we must value our life.

We must be grateful to the almighty for giving us the ability to take care of ourselves. We must always look at the positive side of life. We should count our blessings and value them. God has given us so many things to appreciate and we must thank him by helping those around us. We must help them live a better life.

We are born to serve humanity and make this world a better place. We must be thankful for all that we have and stay humble. We are all blessed with some unique power. Our purpose is to identify it and use it for uplifting ourselves as well as everyone around us. This is the true value of our life.

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Essay on Life FAQs

What is the life essay.

Life essay talks about experiences, challenges, and lessons learned throughout life's journey, shaping perspectives and values.

What is life short notes?

Life in short notes is a summary of moments, emotions, and discoveries, capturing the essence of our existence briefly.

What is a life essay?

A life essay delves into the meaning, purpose, and significance of existence, exploring individual perspectives on living.

What is life in 10 lines?

Life is a blend of joy and sorrow, moments of growth, connections with others, learning from experiences, and striving for happiness.

What is the essay of student life?

The essay on student life discusses the experiences, challenges, and learnings during the academic journey, shaping character and knowledge.

What is life an essay?

Life as an essay reflects on the chapters of existence, covering diverse experiences, emotions, and lessons learned.

What is life for a student?

For a student, life is about learning, exploring interests, facing challenges, making friendships, and preparing for the future.

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Family - The Most Precious Thing In My Life

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  • Topic: Personal Philosophy , Relationship

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