Italian Government Scholarship 2025 (Application Process)

Start your study adventure in Italy. Good news! Applications for Italian Government Scholarship 2022 are currently open. In this article, we will explain about this scholarship, its benefits and step by step application procedure.

Italian Government Scholarship 2025-2026 is a fully funded scholarship for international students to pursue masters or PhD at the top Italian Universities. This scholarship covers monthly payments of 900 euros, tuition fee and medical insurance.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) intend to promote scientific and technological cooperation, international cultural, Italian language and culture and to support Italy’s economic system in the world (According to Law 288/55 and its subsequent changes and additions). Scholarships are offered to undertake study, training, and/or research programs at Italian Higher Education Institutes, both public and legally recognized.

With 61 vibrant public universities, 30 private universities and 11 public research organizations, groundbreaking university programs, AFAM (Centers for higher artistic education) and 339 courses held in English,  Italy will teach you more than Italian.

Scholarship Description

  • Level of Study:  Masters/PhD
  • Institution(s):  Italian Higher Education Institutes
  • Study in: Italy
  • Offered Courses: It is possible to apply for every course organized by Universities recognized by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR). In any case, it is up to the applicant to verify directly with the chosen university the existence of course.
  • Program Period: The scholarship duration can be three, six, or nine months depending on the type of course.
  • Deadline: June 14, 202 4

Scholarship Coverage

Italian Government Scholarship provide the recipient with the following benefits:

  • Health and Medical Insurance Grantees will be covered by a health and medical/accident insurance contracted by MAECI for the entire duration of the grant. Insurance coverage will not apply to events derived from pre-existing physical and pathological conditions.
  • Tuition Fees Grantees may be exempted from the payment of enrollment and tuition fees depending on the policy of each University. Exemption is not granted for courses in Italian language and culture, for which enrollment fees are due.
  • Financial Grant Grantees will receive a 900 Euros monthly allowance on a quarterly basis, which will be paid on their Italian bank account.

Eligibility Criteria for Italian Government Scholarship

Following is the eligibility criteria for Italian Government Scholarship for International Students:

  • Required Language: English
  • Eligible Countries:  Students from  eligible foreign countries
  • Applicants for Master’s Degree/Higher Education in Arts, Music, and Dance (AFAM) Programs/ Italian Language and Culture Courses should not be over 28 years old by the deadline of this call, with the sole exception of renewals.
  • Applications must only be submitted by foreign students not residing in Italy.
  • Applicants for PhD Programs should not be over 30 years old by the deadline of this call, with the sole exception of renewals.
  • Proof of proficiency in Italian is not required for courses entirely taught in English.
  • Applicants for Research Projects under academic supervision should not be over 40 years old by the deadline of this call.
  • In this case, applicants must provide a language certificate of their proficiency in English Language. The minimum level required is B2 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
  • Admission to the first year of a Master’s Degree course in Italy requires the completion of a Bachelor’s degree in the applicants’ country of origin; admission to the second year is granted to applicants upon evidence to be on track with their first year studies.
  • For Italian language and culture courses, applicants must provide a certificate of their proficiency in Italian language. The minimum level required is A2 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
  • To be admitted to an Italian AFAM Institute, applicants need to meet the entry requirements and academic qualifications established by the relevant University/Institute.
  • To be admitted to a PhD in Italy, applicants need to meet the entry requirements and academic qualifications established by the University; they are also required to provide a letter of acceptance on behalf of the relevant Italian University.
  • For a research under academic supervision grants can be awarded to research projects carried out at the Italian Research Institutions (i.e Italian Research Council – CNR, Italian National Institute of Health – ISS, Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics – INFN, Italian National Institute for Astrophysics – INAF, The Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research – ISPRA) under the academic supervision of public Universities or Museums and Archives.

How to Apply for Italian Government Scholarship?

Please follow the following application instructions to win Italian Government Scholarship:

(1)  Create an account on this website by clicking  here .

(2)  Fill the online application form

(3)  Following documents are required

  • Score statement.
  • Recommendation letter.
  • Admission from the university in Italy.
  • A letter of no more than 1000 words.

To know more about Italian Government Scholarship, please visit official website:

Official Website

For more scholarships in Italy, click here .

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PhD programmes are the third and highest level of university education in Italy.

The objective of a PhD is to learn good methodology for advanced academic or scientific research that can be applied at universities, public authorities or private institutions, or to acquire highly specialised professional knowledge to use in a company.

In the context of internationalising research , the University of Verona actively supports international PhD programmes, thesis co-tutoring and the issuing of the additional Doctor Europaeus certificate, as per specific collaboration agreements with foreign universities. It is also possible to be employed in a company on an advanced research apprenticeship contract and work towards your PhD at the same time.

Candidates are admitted to the programmes by a competitive application process . At the end of the three- or four-year period of study, graduates are awarded with the title of dottore di ricerca (PhD) after successfully defending their thesis.

2nd Call for applications for admission to PhD programmes, XL cycle, Academic year 2024/2025

PhD Programmes

Inflammation, immunity and cancer.

Area : Life and Health Sciences Language : English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Biomolecular Medicine

Neuroscience, psychological and psychiatric sciences, and movement sciences, national phd programme in kinesiology and sport sciences.

Area : Life and Health Sciences Language : English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar  

Applied Life and Health Sciences

Area: Life and Health Sciences Language : Italian, English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Clinical and Experimental Biomedical Sciences

Surgical and cardiovascular sciences.

Area: Life and Health Sciences Language : English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Regenerative Medicine, Technological and Translational Surgery

Area : Life and Health Sciences Language: Italian Duration: 3 years Lesson calendar

European and International Law

Area : Law and Economics Language : Italian, French, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Interuniversity PhD in Accounting and Management

Area : Law and Economics Interuniversity PhD with Università di Udine Language : Italian, English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Economics and Finance

Area : Law and Economics Language : English Duration : 4 years Lesson calendar

Computer Science

Area: Natural Sciences and Engineering Language : English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Nanoscience and Advanced Technologies

Interuniversity phd in mathematics.

Area: Scienze naturali e ingegneristiche Interuniversity PhD with Università di Trento Language : English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar


Course partially running (last cycle activated 39th) Area: Natural Sciences and Engineering Language : English Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Molecular, Industrial and Environmental Biotechnologies

Area : Natural Sciences and Engineering Language: Italian, English Duration: 3 years Lesson calendar

Smart Agrifood Sciences

Area : Natural Sciences and Engineering Lingua: English Duration: 3 years Lesson calendar

Intelligent Systems Engineering

Human sciences.

Area: Arts and Humanities Language: English, Italian Duration: 3 years Lesson calendar

Philology, Literature, and Performance Studies

Area: Arts and Humanities Language: Italian Duration: 3 years Lesson calendar

Foreign Literatures and Languages

Area: Arts and Humanities Language: Italian, English Duration: 3 years Lesson calendar


Area: Arts and Humanities Interuniversity PhD with Libera Università di Bolzano Language : English, Italian, German Duration : 3 years Lesson calendar

Archaeology, Art History and History

PhD Programmes in collaboration with firms for Public Administration, cultural heritage, and digital and environmental transition (funded within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan - PNRR).

PhD Programmes in collaboration with firms for Public Administration, cultural heritage, and digital and environmental transition (funded within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan - PNRR).

The European Union promotes this initiative in the framework of the 'Next Generation EU' Programme for funding Doctoral scholarships related to projects that are consistent with PNRR objectives, Mission 4, Component 2 'From Research to Enterprise' (M4C2), Investment 3.3 and Mission 4, Component 1 'Strengthening the supply of education services: from nursery schools to universities' (M4C1), Investment 3.4 and 4.1. The PhD paths include mobility periods at enterprises and abroad for study and research purposes.

Recognition of foreign PhD qualifications

National phd programme in kinesiology and sport sciences.

The Call for Applications for the 40th cycle of the National PhD Programme Kinesiology and Sport Sciences run in collaboration with 24 Italian University will be published in the next months.

National PhD programme in Kinesiology and Sport Sciences

AntCom network publishes a call for 10 PhD fellowships within the training program “From Antiquity to Community: Rethinking Classical Heritage through Citizen Humanities”. The positions are funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Sktodowska-Curie Action, Grant Agreement 101073543.

Applications will be accepted from 24/02/2023 until 24/04/2023 at 12:00 pm (Central European Time).

What’s AntCom What is the role of classical heritage in building modern, plural, diverse European identities? To answer this question the consortium “From Antiquity to Community: Rethinking Classical Heritage through Citizen Humanities” (AntCom) will train a new generation of 10 highly skilled cultural heritage researchers allowing them to fully engage in the digital transitionas well as to address its professional and societal challenges

Official call and futher information at the AntCom web site

The AntCom project has received funding from Horizon Europe Program for Research and Innovation under the action Horizon MSCA Doctoral Network, Grant Agreement No. 101073543

Borse di Dottorato PON

PON Doctoral scholarships

43 additional PhD scholarships have been awarded in 2022 (XXXVII cycle) thanks to the funding available within the REACT-EU ESF resources on Green and Innovation topics under the National Operational Programme "Research and Innovation" 2014-2020 (PON), Ministerial Decree 10 August 2021, no. 1061.

The PON grant beneficiaries began their doctoral training on 1 January 2022. The training and research activities are aimed at the realisation of a research project developed within the framework of GREEN or INNOVATION themes, which, as provided for by the SNSi and NRP guidelines, promote the dissemination of an open approach to innovation and more excellent interchange between the world of research and the world of production. By the provisions of Ministerial Decree 1061/2021, the doctoral programme provides for a compulsory period in a company (minimum 6 up to 12 months). The project shall also include mobility abroad (up to 6 months).  

Borse di Dottorato a valere sul Programma Operativo Nazionale "Ricerca e Innovazione" 2014-2020, D.M. 1061 (XXXVII ciclo)

Elenco dottorandi beneficiari di borsa PON e relativo progetto

TClock4AD Doctoral network publishes a call for 17 PhD fellowships within the training program “Targeting Circadian Clock Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease”. The positions are funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Sktodowska-Curie Action.

Online application was expired on May 31 st  2023.

What's  TClock4AD

Targeting Circadian Clock Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease” Doctoral Network (TClock4AD) is a joint doctoral programme funded within Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks that aims to train doctoral candidates thorough an international consortium of universities, research institutions, SMEs, a hospital, a patient association and other socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe and beyond.


“Municipal Doctoral scholarships”

With Ministerial Decree no. 725 of 22 June 2021, the Italian Ministry for University and Research - MUR, in agreement with the Ministry for Southern Italy and Territorial Cohesion, provided for the experimental funding of "Municipal Doctoral scholarships" aimed at the definition, implementation, study and monitoring of local strategies for sustainable development and to foster in-depth analysis of issues concerning the quality of life of the citizens of inland areas, both from technical and scientific perspectives.

Two proposals submitted by the Unione Montana Comelico and the Unione Montana Spettabile Reggenza dei Sette Comuni within the PhD in Computer Science framework have been funded with two three-year PhD scholarships worth € 73,735.92.

DIRNANO - Directing the Immune Response through designed NANOmaterials

The group of Organic Chemistry and Nanobiointeractions of the Department of Biotechnology, led by Prof. Roberto Fiammengo within the framework of the EU H2020 Marie Skłodowska - Curie Innovative Training Network (MSCA-ITN) project “ DIRNANO - Directing the Immune Response through designed NANOmaterials ” employees an Early Stage Researcher (PhD Student) for position ESR09 - "Development of therapeutic cancer nanovaccine candidates” . The ESR09 is enrolled in the doctoral programme of Biotechnology (PhD in Biotechnology) of the University of Verona.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 956544.

The Empirical study of Literature Training Network

The ELIT network opened a call for applications within the framework of the ELIT project (Empiricalstudy of Literature Training Network), coordinated by the University of Verona, for 10 PhD positions , . Each early-stage researcher is enrolled in a doctoral programme leading to a double/joint doctoral degree involving two universities. One position is at the University of Verona (UNIVR) and VU Amsterdam (The Netherlands).  

What’s ELIT The Empirical Study of Literature Innovative Training Network (ELIT) is an EU network whose mission is to provide a Joint/Double Doctorate level training programme, on innovative approaches applied to literary reading in the digital age. This interdisciplinary programme will train future research leaders with the capability to address the needs of improving literacy rates and mental wellbeing in European society.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 860516.

PancREatic Cancer OrganoiDs rEsearch


The EU project PRECODE, established a shared doctorate programme of excellence for 14 PhD positions on pancreatic cancer . One of them is at the University of Verona, within the research team led by Dr Vincenzo Corbo.

What’s PRECODE PRECODE (PancREatic Cancer OrganoiDs rEsearch)  is a  network  involving 24 universities, SMEs and patient advocate groups from 9 countries, who have designed a specific  training and research programme  for the next generation of creative and innovative researchers in pancreatic cancer.

This Innovative Training Programme is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme.


The ATLAS is an Innovative Training Network - European Joint Doctorate project, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme. The project, coordinated by the University of Leuven, is implemented by a consortium of seven Universities and many industrial partners; it established a shared doctorate programme for 15 PhD positions, each leading to a double/joint doctoral degree involving two universities; two positions are at the University of Verona.

What’s ATLAS ATLAS stands for “AuTonomous intraLuminAl Surgery” and targets the training of experts in a very specific branch of Robotic Surgery. Intraluminal navigation, a particularly challenging branch,  reappears in many minimal invasive surgical (MIS) interventions that rely on steering flexible instruments through fragile lumens or vessels.

Doctoral programmes and the territory

To train the best researchers, the University of Verona, in line with the European Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training, invests in doctoral courses, strengthening their international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral dimension by promoting courses in collaboration with Italian and foreign enterprises and organisations to develop competitive profiles and know-how that can be spent in public and private contexts.

Collaboration with enterprises and other entities Collaboration with international universities

Office UO  PhD Office  

  Location Via San Francesco, 22 - 37129 Verona   Opening times Monday, Wednesday and Friday: from 10 am to 1 pm   Phone  +39 045 802 8608-8078   Email [email protected]  

INVITE is a doctoral programme of the University of Verona with a strong inter-sectoral, inter-disciplinary and international research and training dimension .

The INVITE doctoral programme aims to encourage each student’s intellectual curiosity and support the acquisition of critical thinking skills by training them in the use of innovative theoretical tools and practical methods.

The Project is cofunded by  the University of Verona, Regione del Veneto and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 754345.

More info:

N.B. The content of this video reflects only the author's view and the Research Executive Agency (REA) is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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PhD programmes

PhD programmes

Are you interested in a PhD programme?

PhD Programmes attendance at the University of Bologna is conditional upon passing an examination. The provisions governing the selection procedure are laid down in the Call for applications and its attachments.

  • University of Bologna PhD programmes
  • Other phd programmes the University of Bologna is involved in
  • NRRP PhD scholarships: over 750 professional training development opportunities
  • Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – COFUND FutureData4EU Programme - 53 PhD positions to train new Big Data talents
  • Funded Phd research projects
  • How to apply for a PhD programme
  • FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions on the PhD Call for applications and selection procedures

How to apply for a PhD programme

Are you a PhD candidate at Unibo?

Consult the Intranet Website for information concerning your career, the opportunities and services available for PhD candidates enrolled at the University of Bologna: PhD grants, tuition fees, exemption, agreements, Co-tutorship "cotutelle" agreement, mobility, requirements for staying abroad, absences, thesis, final exam, etc.

  • Intranet Website (restricted access with @unibo credentials only)
  • Regulation Governing the PhD Programme Degrees (Third Cycle Programme)
  • Internationalisation of the PhD programme
  • Certificates for PhD candidates

PhD programme degree with firms and bodies

PhD programmes with firms and bodies

The PhD programme degree may well be a preferential tool for scientific collaboration with the University of Bologna and for exchanging the knowledge and competencies that underpin innovation.

  • PhD programme with companies and public institutions
  • PhD Apprenticeship Programmes


PhD Programmes brochure [.pdf 525 KB]

AFORM - Settore Dottorato di ricerca

Via Irnerio 49, Bologna Please, book an appointment via e-mail

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  • Recognition of foreign qualifications Published
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The Ultimate Guide to Studying in Italy in 2024

Browse all phd programmes in italy.

  • Nov-Oct Academic Year
  • 49 Listed Institutes
  • 63 Ranked Universities
  • 59,000 Int. Students
  • 2,031,000 Students
  • 60,263,000 Population

Why study in Italy

It's difficult to find a country as inspiring as Italy. Birthplace of the Renaissance, home of countless famous dishes and museums, and the hub of the best luxury brands, Italy is a world leader in many areas. Plus, it has unparalleled beauty in both architecture and nature — from the cobblestone streets of Rome to the bright blue waters of the Amalfi Coast. Today, Italy, the country of the world's greatest minds, such as Da Vinci and Dante, welcomes bright students like you.  

Thanks to its affordable and high-quality education, many international students choose Italy for their studies . 

A country with beauty everywhere, both in architecture and in nature, Italy provides affordable and high-quality education in many fields. From north to south, the country is full of arts, culture, and history. And of course, great universities that offer globally recognized degrees.  

Here are the top reasons why Italy is one of the best places to study: 

  • High-ranking public and private universities offering a variety of degrees. With public universities charging between €0–5,000 per year, Italy is one of the most affordable European countries in terms of tuition fees. Among its 60 ranked universities , it is possible to find degrees in different fields, such as design, business, science, and engineering. No matter what your budget or interests are, Italy, a hub for both arts and sciences, will have something for you. 
  • Food, culture, and lifestyle like no other country. Italy is arguably one of the best destinations for foodies, culture lovers, and art enthusiasts. As the country with the largest number of UNESCO world heritage sites , Italy is home to architectural masterpieces such as the Colosseum and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. That said, visiting landmarks is only one part of experiencing Italy’s culture. To get to know Italy, go out and taste homemade pasta, grab a slice of thin-crust pizza, and have an espresso at a bar! 
  • English degrees that are valid all over the world. Italy has over 185 Bachelor’s, over 700 Master’s, and over 70 PhD programmes taught entirely in English. Plus, the country is a member of the European Higher Education Area along with 49 other member states, mainly from Europe. This means that once you obtain your degree in Italy, you can continue your studies in any of the member countries as if you studied in the same place all along. 
  • A vibrant student life full of travelling opportunities. In Italy, social life is very important. Especially in big cities, you will find many restaurants, bars, cafes, and nightclubs to spend time and meet new people. As an international student, you also benefit from various discounts, including lower museum entrances and cheaper train tickets . Hop on a bus, take a fast train, or head to the nearest airport, and you’ll be in another wonderful part of the country, in a matter of hours.  

In the Italian grading system, you will receive a mark from 0 to 30, with 18 being the minimum required to pass. Bachelor's programmes (Laurea Triennale) last three years, and Master’s programmes (Laurea Magistrale) last two years.  

Many international students choose to study in Italy because the country’s traits, which make it stand out from the crowd, are also reflected in the study curricula. For example, Milan, one of the world’s leading fashion hubs, is also a magnet for students interested in degrees in fashion , branding , and design . But the fashion capital has way more to offer! Here, you can find some of the best technical universities in the country, such as Politecnico di Milano . Italy also has successful business schools, such as Bologna Business School , and Life Sciences and Medicine programmes taught in English, like the courses at the Sapienza University of Rome .  

Located in the heart of Europe, Italy shares borders with Slovenia, Austria, Switzerland, and France, which means that there are countless travel options to explore even more cultures. You can easily travel to these European countries by bus or train, depending on where in Italy you’re studying. Other countries in Western, Eastern, and Central Europe will also be a short flight (or train) ride away.  

Learn more about studying in Italy by reading these student stories: 

  • University of Bologna, Italy: Study Experience of Veronika  
  • Rome Business School, Italy: Study Experience of Sebastian  
  • Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy: Study Experience of Rucsandra  
  • University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy: Study Experience of Richard  

Culture in Italy

People in Italy are known to be friendly and family-oriented. They take a lot of pride in their culture, which includes their food, language, and values. Respect for the elderly is very important in Italian culture — so important that the Italian Parliament introduced Festa dei Nonni (Grandparents’ Day) in 2005. As the birthplace of the Renaissance, Italy is known for influencing the world’s art, music, and architecture scene. It is also famous for its top-notch luxury fashion and car brands, such as Gucci, Prada, Ferrari, and Lamborghini. 

Italy’s population is around 60 million and it is the seventh biggest country in the European Union . It is made up of 20 regions, each with its own culture, dialect, and food. The north is considered the economic centre, whereas the south is more for tourism. 

Cultural diversity in Italy

Besides Italians, who account for over 90% of Italy’s population, there are also strong Romanian, Albanian, and Moroccan communities. In addition to this, each region of Italy has its own distinct culture. 

Languages spoken in Italy

Italy’s official language is Italian. While it’s the mother tongue of the vast majority of people, regional languages also exist. These languages are different from Italian and are not always mutually intelligible. It is important to note that English proficiency in Italy is not high. Learning some Italian will definitely make your daily life easier.  

Italian food and culture

Lasagna, spaghetti, gnocchi, risotto… The list goes on. Italian food is among the best in the world, and it is very diverse. For example, in the south, you will find a lot of seafood, and in the north, more meat-based dishes. Socialising over food is very common in Italian culture. During ‘aperitivo,’ which takes place before dinner, people enjoy catching up while enjoying some wine or spirits, along with appetisers such as olives, cheese, or crisps. 

Weather in Italy

Overall, Italy has a Mediterranean climate, with mild winters and hot summers. It snows in the north during winter, especially in the Alps, which are a top European skiing destination. You can enjoy the country’s beautiful southern beaches in the summer and spring. 

How to choose a university in Italy?

While choosing a university in Italy is a personal choice, there are some general ideas for you to consider . Here is our choosing a university checklist to help you with your decision: 

  • Is the university accessible to international students? To make sure that your university has English-taught programmes and an English-speaking community, check their website for English content and read the reviews.  
  • Do you want to live in a big city or a smaller student city? Big cities like Milan , Rome , and Florence are the world’s leading cultural hubs. Therefore, you will probably meet more international students and expats, but cost of living is also higher. For a more budget-friendly destination with a mix of internationals and locals, you can consider smaller student cities like Pisa, Padua, or Siena.  
  • What is your budget? Although there are many scholarship programmes you can apply for , private universities still have higher tuition fees . You will also have living expenses, which are higher in bigger cities. 
  • How does the university perform in your field? By checking QS Subject Rankings or THE World University Rankings, you can see how well the university is in your chosen field. 
  • What do students think about the university and the programme? Research the programme on StudyPortals and read student reviews to get an idea of how students feel about the university.  

What are the best universities in Italy? 

Here are the top 5 universities in Italy, among the 60 world-ranking universities throughout the country: 

  • Bologna Business School is the leading business school in Italy, providing global MBAs and executive masters in different fields, including marketing, finance, and innovation.  
  • The University of Bologna is considered to be the oldest university in the Western world. From economics to life sciences, it offers many different Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD programmes. 
  • Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa offers Bachelor’s and PhD courses and selects students solely based on merit. 
  • Humanitas University is an international university focusing on Life Sciences located in Milan. Its courses include Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, and related Master’s degrees. 
  • Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies Pisa is a public research university that selects students upon the passing of a public competition. Their speciality is applied sciences. 

>>> Have a look at the full list of university rankings in Italy . 

What are the top student hubs in Italy? 

  • One of Italy’s biggest student hubs is Milan which is also the economic capital of the country. Located in the north, this glamorous city attracts a lot of students in many fields, namely Business , Fashion , and Engineering . 
  • South of Milan, Bologna is a large city known for its ancient university and… the Bolognese pasta dishes. It offers a wide range of English language programmes, which makes it a favourite for many international students. 
  • Another big city that is a student hub is —of course— the capital city, Rome . A true open-air museum with so much history on the streets, the Eternal City provides degrees focusing on Arts, Design, Film, Medicine, and more.  
  • For those who prefer smaller yet vibrant student cities, Pisa, Padua, and Pavia are all great places to consider. 

Tuition Fees in Italy

Tuition fees in Italy depend on the university, the type of degree, and the student’s economic condition. On average, tuition in public universities is between €0 and €5,000 per year, and in private universities, between €3,000 and up to €35,000 per year . Some universities might have higher tuition fees for non-EU/EEA students but in most universities, there is not a big difference between EU and non-EU students.  

The Italian government gives scholarships to international students every year. Most universities also have their own scholarship programmes that take into account merit, the student’s country of origin, and family income.  

Italian students can use the ISEE (Indicator of Economic Situation) to reduce their tuition fees. ISEE examines their families’ income and assets in Italy to determine whether students qualify for lower tuition fees. Since international students rarely have property or savings accounts in Italy, they need to use another system called ISEEU parificato (ISEE equivalent). This tool calculates income and assets outside Italy. The best way to learn if you can benefit from ISEEU parificato is to contact your university and CAF (Fiscal Assistance Centre) . While it is available in some universities, not all universities have this possibility since it depends on their agreement with the local fiscal assistance centres. Make sure to check the “international students” section of your preferred universities. 

That said, there are many low-tuition fee universities in Italy where you can get your Bachelor’s or Master’s degree for under €2,000. Some more budget-friendly universities we recommend are the University of Pisa , the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano , and the University of Genoa .  

>>> Here you have the full list of universities with the cheapest tuition fees in Italy .  

Check Mastersportal for opportunities to reduce your tuition fees in Italy . Some Italian universities also offer a 100% tuition fee waiver. 

>>> Use the ‘Tuition fee’ filter on the left menu of our Bachelor’s , Master’s , or PhD search pages to find the programme best suited for your budget. You can also sort the list of available programmes by Lowest tuition fee by clicking the top right Sort button.  

Can I study in Italy for free?

You can study in Italy for free if you get a full scholarship. Even if you don't get free tuition, lowering your fees is possible. 

Public universities offer payment plans based on your financial situation. Most universities’ websites show a range of tuition fees from the minimum to the maximum payable amount. For example, a Master’s in Computer Engineering at the University of Genoa costs between €0 and €3,000. While determining how much you need to pay, universities consider your academic accomplishments, income, nationality, and disability status. 

Financial Aid and Scholarships in Italy

Both the Italian government and universities offer scholarships, reduced fees, and some other benefits. International students can apply for the ISEE equivalent (ISEEU parificato) at some universities. While ISEE lowers your tuition fees, keep in mind that it is a lengthy, bureaucratic process. 

You can apply for financial aid after being accepted through ISEE or other programmes your university offers. Many universities have lower fees for students from developing countries and non-OECD countries. 

If you start researching in advance, you can find many scholarship programmes. Here is the list of over 1,400 scholarships for study programmes in Italy . 

Types of scholarships on offer  

In Italy, there are many scholarship and financial aid options based on merit, financial need, and other criteria such as nationality. There are also options to get grants, bursaries, and loans.  

You can apply for as many scholarships as you want ; just prioritise the ones where you have more chances of getting accepted, and make sure you meet the requirements so you don’t waste precious time. 

Where can I find scholarships? 

Mastersportal is a good place to figure out where to apply for the best scholarships in Italy . You can find hundreds of scholarships from NGOs, governmental or private institutions, and universities.  

Here are other sources where you can learn more about scholarships and financial aid in Italy: 

  • Studyportals Scholarship – International Distinction Award, open to all international students – see FAQ about the award here . 
  • University websites: On the website of your preferred university, click on the “international students” section. You will be able to see the scholarships they offer or recommend. Here is a comprehensive list of universities offering scholarships.  
  • Italian government scholarships : Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation offers scholarships to students from eligible countries in cultural, scientific, and technological fields. 
  • European University Institute – "Grants for Foreigners" Programme : Also offered by the Italian government, this grant is specifically for doctoral candidates who want to study at EUI. 
  • Diritto allo Studio (Right to Study) scholarship : Based on merit or economic condition, this scholarship is for students who want to pursue their higher education in Art, Dance, and Music (AFAM) areas, in AFAM institutions.  
  • Scuola Normale Superiore PhD Scholarships : All PhD students who get accepted receive a scholarship that includes financial support for accommodation. 
  • Invest in your Talent scholarship – Master’s or PhD students from eligible countries get to attend prestigious Italian universities. The programme also includes work placements at Italian companies. 
  • NATO Defense College - Fellowships: This fellowship covers students’ living expenses in Rome while they conduct research at the NATO Defense College.  

How to apply 

Once you have some scholarship options in mind, it is time to read the requirements carefully. This way, you will get a solid idea of how to apply for a scholarship in Italy. The application process requires a lot of research and documents. Here is a step-by-step checklist: 

  • Check the eligibility criteria to make sure you qualify: Most scholarships have specific requirements, which may include academic achievements, nationality, age, field of study, economic condition, and more. Grants and bursaries may also have different rules. 
  • Gather the required documents: Get all the necessary documents well before the application deadline. The most common ones are passport copies, transcripts, motivation letters, or recommendation letters.  
  • Apply: Complete your application when you have all the documents you need. If you’re applying for an Italian government scholarship, the applications are made through the Study in Italy portal . Universities’ scholarships may have different procedures. Try submitting your application before the deadline, as portals can get busy toward the end of the application period. 
  • Wait for a response: You will receive a call or an email if you are shortlisted for the scholarship. They might then ask you for an interview . 
  • Read the terms and conditions and accept: Congratulations! 

What to include in your application 

Some documents are common in almost all scholarship applications. Firstly, they will ask you why you are applying for financial aid. This is usually done through motivation letters in which you have to discuss how the scholarship will help your future career. 

Other documents for a successful scholarship application include: 

  • Completed scholarship application form: Make sure you proofread your application form. A small mistake can cost you the entire scholarship. 
  • Copy of your passport or ID card 
  • Copy of transcripts 
  • Resume/CV 
  • Letter of recommendation : You usually need to request it from a teacher or an employer who knows you well. 
  • Financial information such as bank statements 
  • Proof of language proficiency: For English programmes, you will only need to prove your English level.  
  • Test scores: Besides your GPA, universities may ask for other exam results. For example, students who want to study Medicine in Italy need to take the IMAT exam . 
  • Essay: Some universities might want an essay on a given topic to see your writing and argumentation skills. 
  • Portfolio: For Art and Design and related degrees, your university will want to see your past work.  

Interested in scholarships for Italy? Check out our scholarship search page.

Apply to university in Italy

Before you start the application process , choose some universities in Italy. While making your decision, consider the course content, university rankings, your budget, living costs, and the size of the city. Our list of the top-ranking universities in Italy can be helpful. 

Besides Study Portals , another source you can use to find universities is Universitaly , which was created by the Italian Ministry of Education. This portal allows you to browse courses in English and to pre-enrol for degree programmes. The Uni-Italia Association also has a helpful FAQ section for international students. 

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to apply to universities in Italy: 

  • Make a list of the universities you’re interested in by using Study Portals and Universitaly . Then check the websites of these universities for calls for applications. The exact dates vary so make sure that you note them. 
  • Once you’ve selected universities, check their admission requirements. Bachelor’s degrees require 12 years of pre-university education, and Master’s degrees require 15 years. Other factors depend on the university and the course.  
  • Now, it is time to send your applications. Read the universities’ official websites carefully to sign up for their application portal and submit the necessary documents. At this stage, you can apply to as many universities as you want. If the university finds you eligible, you will receive “a letter of eligibility for enrolment.”  
  • A letter of eligibility is different from an acceptance letter. Instead, it means that the university will require certain documents to consider your application. These can be entry visas, diplomas, language certificates, or entry tests. Medicine, Architecture, and Engineering are some of the degrees requiring entry tests. 
  • If you are a non-EU student who needs a visa to study in Italy, pre-enrolling at Universitaly is mandatory . Keep in mind that the Universitaly portal allows you to pre-enrol at only one university. Your university will send you more information about the pre-enrolment process. 
  • Your university will check your Universitaly application and verify your pre-enrolment if all your documents are complete.  

What’s the structure of the Italian academic year  

The academic year in Italy consists of two semesters. While the exact starting and ending dates change from university to university, most follow a similar schedule. 

  • First semester: September/October to December 
  • Second semester: January/February to June/July 
  • Christmas break: from the end of December to the first week of January 
  • Easter break 
  • Summer break (in July/August — exact dates depend on the university) 
  • Italian public holidays  

When to apply to Italian universities  

In Italy, each university announces its own application deadlines. You can check this on the course pages of the universities you are interested in. For degrees starting in September, applications usually open in March and finish in April or May. After the interviews and the admission process, students can enrol in June or July.  

Documents needed to apply for university 

While each university might require different documents, in general, you need: 

  • Passport/ID card 
  • Passport type photograph 
  • Academic transcript 
  • University application form 
  • Letter of recommendation 
  • Letter of motivation (Adding a letter of motivation as a supporting document is useful, even if your university doesn’t require it.) 
  • Language proficiency (English or Italian) 
  • Portfolio (for students of Architecture, Art and Design, and related programmes) 
  • Exam results, SAT, ACT, or IMAT  

Language requirements

English language requirements to study in italy .

For English programmes, you will only need to provide English language proficiency . IELTS and TOEFL are the most widely accepted English language tests in Italy. 

  • IELTS : IELTS assesses English proficiency by giving a grade between 0 and 9 in four categories: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Ultimately, it takes the average of these four parts so you get a grade out of 9. To give you an idea of the minimum required grade, one of the top universities in Italy, the University of Bologna requires a minimum of 5.5 in IELTS. 
  • TOEFL : Also consisting of the same four categories, TOEFL gives a score between 0 and 30 for each category. Instead of taking an average, it sums up the results so the maximum grade is 120. If we take the same example of the University of Bologna, the required grade for admission is 80. 

Italian language requirements to study in Italy 

Your university will not ask for proof of Italian language unless your degree programme is in Italian. In most cases, you need to speak Italian at a B2 level to be admitted to an Italian-language programme. 

Even if you are not planning to study in Italian, learning the language will be useful in your daily life. Italian is one of the Romance languages , along with French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian. If you speak one of these languages, you will see that the language structures are similar. That said, for English speakers, Italian is not considered as hard to learn.  

Student housing in Italy

Most Italian universities have a dedicated webpage for student housing. Besides campus accommodation, you can also find recommended private residences and useful resources on how to find student accommodation in Italy.  

  • Student residences based on merit and income : Italian universities offer merit and need-based student housing to international students. For the most accurate information and guidelines, you should check your university’s website for application calls. A merit-based student residence requires you to pass a competition. Plus, in such residences, you need to keep your grades high throughout your studies. 
  • University-run accommodations are the cheapest options, and they include bills such as electricity, gas, and internet. In some cases, meals are also included. Let’s take The University of Milan as an example. It offers single or double rooms for 700 non-resident students based on merit and need. The selected students pay €2,750 for 11 months , which works out to €250 per month. Keeping in mind that Milan is an expensive city, this price is very affordable. 
  • Renting a room or an apartment off-campus: Depending on your budget, you can consider sharing a house with others, renting an apartment by yourself, or looking for private student halls. While making your choice, make sure to check if the bills are included, how many people will be living there, and if the landlord is trustworthy. 
  • Real estate websites such as or   
  • Social media student groups 
  • Student accommodation websites such as Student , Uniplaces, Erasmusu, HousingAnywhere , and Casita . 

When to apply for student accommodation  

When it’s time to apply, university residences will publish a call for applications on their websites. For example, The University of Milano usually accepts student applications between July and Augus t . If you’re searching independently, it is best to start looking as soon as you receive an acceptance letter from your university.  

Cost of living in Italy

The average cost of living in Italy for a student could range from €700-1,500 per month. This amount will depend on the city you’re living in, the type of accommodation you’re staying in, and your other personal expenses, including food, travel, and entertainment. 

According to the latest statistics , here are the average costs for some common expenses in Italy: 

  • Rent for a one-bedroom apartment (not student accommodation): €500-650 per month  
  • Meal at an inexpensive restaurant: €15   
  • Draught beer at a restaurant or bar: €5  
  • Cappuccino at a cafe: €1.50 
  • A one-way ticket for local public transport: €1.50  
  • Cinema ticket: €9 
  • Fitness club: €46 per month 
  • 1 minute of prepaid local mobile tariff: €0.16       

Milan is the most expensive city in Italy. A one-bedroom apartment in the city centre costs €1,310 per month , which is double the country average. Florence, Parma, Bologna, and Rome are also considered expensive cities.  

As a student, you can benefit from discounts in cinemas, shops, and public transportation. You can also sign up for ISIC , the international student card. This card proves your student status worldwide and offers more than 150,000 discount opportunities in Italy. Once you purchase your ISIC student card for €13, you will be able to benefit from discounts on groceries, entertainment, travel, and more.  

Italy is one of the cheapest countries in Western Europe and has a lower cost of living than France, Germany, and Belgium. Costs for communication services, transport, and recreational activities are lower than the European Union average . Indeed, in Italy, getting a SIM card with data costs less than €10. Regarding transportation, companies such as Trenitalia offer a wide range of discounts and flexible fares. 

Cost of food in Italy 

It is possible to buy groceries for €150-200 per month in local supermarkets. Aldi, Lidl, Prix Discount, and Penny Market are some of the cheapest stores in the country. Farmers' markets (mercati in Italian) also offer competitive prices for fresh food. If you visit the mercati in your city, you will be able to get fresh pasta, bread, fruits and vegetables, meat, and fish.  

In Italy, you have endless options for eating out. You can grab a slice of pizza from a local bakery for €3-4, eat a pasta dish for €8-10, or grab a gelato for €3-4. If you go out for aperitivo, you can get a drink and some snacks for around €8. Keep in mind that when you eat out, some restaurants might charge €1-2 for a cover charge (coperto in Italian) which is normal in Italy. 

Work and study in Italy

Are international students allowed to work in italy .

As an international student, you can work 20 hours per week in Italy , which is the equivalent of a part-time job. This is included in your student visa and you won’t need an additional work permit to get a part-time job during your studies. The 20-hour-per-week rule applies to both EU and non-EU students. 

Where can I find jobs?  

The first place to look for jobs is your university. Italian universities have a system called student collaborations (collaborazioni studentesche) that provides work opportunities for local and international students. For example, The University of Padua allows its students to work at the university offices as a part of their student collaborations . Students can earn up to €8.26 per hour while working at the international admission office, library, or laboratory. Alternatively, students can also apply to become tutors as a part of the university’s tutoring scheme.  

If you want to work at a restaurant or a bar, you would need to speak some Italian in most cases. Once you have a basic knowledge of the language, consider asking restaurants if they are hiring. 

Some other part-time jobs for non-Italian speakers are babysitting, pet sitting, tutoring, or paid internships/jobs related to your degree. You can also look for online jobs, such as freelancing or online tutoring. Here are some useful sources: 

  • Babysitting: Sitly , Babysits , Facebook groups. 
  • Pet Sitting: Trusted Housesitters , Facebook groups. 
  • Paid internships and other student jobs on-site: The Local , iAgora , LinkedIn , Indeed . 
  • Freelancing websites: Upwork , Fiverr , LinkedIn , PeoplePerHour.  
  • Online tutoring websites: , Preply , italki . 

Is Italy safe?

Italy is considered a safe country, ranking 32nd on the World Population Review’s Global Peace Index. That said, it is still important to note the emergency numbers and follow basic safety measures. Important phone numbers in Italy are: 

  • European emergency number: 112 
  • Police: 113 
  • Firefighter: 115 

How to stay safe in Italy? 

Although the crime levels in Italy are not high, you still need to be aware of pickpockets, robbers, and scammers. 

  • Get insurance: Getting health and travel insurance while you’re studying abroad is essential. You never know what might happen.  
  • Pay attention to your surroundings , especially at night: Try not to walk alone at night, and if that’s not possible, consider taking a taxi or an Uber.  
  • Be careful at tourist spots and public transport : Especially in touristy cities such as Rome, Florence, or Milan, tourist attractions and public transport can be a hotspot for pickpockets. Make sure to pay extra attention to your bags, and don’t keep your phone or wallet in your back pocket. 

Student insurance in Italy

Student insurance is mandatory in Italy.  

EU students who hold a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) can access medically necessary treatment without purchasing additional insurance.  

Non-EU students need to register with the Italian National Health Service (SSN) or get private health insurance valid in Italy. Both EU and non-EU students can contact the local health authority in their cities to register with the SSN, even if they have other insurance. 

>>>  Request an Aon Student Insurance online . For international students, researchers, Erasmus students and educational staff - we have the right insurance for your situation. . 

Support services available for international students

Italian universities have international student offices that provide information and guidance. They also offer various student support services such as counselling, assistance in finding internships or language courses, and any other help students may need depending on their individual circumstances, including support services for special needs students. 

International student offices also make sure that students have the opportunity to socialise and meet others. For example, Istituto Europeo di Design in Milan organises welcome days for international students to make them feel part of the community from the beginning. 

When you arrive in Italy, visit your university’s international students' office to learn about the events they are organising. Here are other associations that offer support to international students: 

  • Uni-Italia : Founded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Ministry of University and Research, and the Ministry of Interior, Uni-Italia aims to inform international students about social, academic, and cultural life in Italy. They also help students find the right contacts in the universities or elsewhere in Italy. 
  • Italy for Students : Their services include helping students with their visas before they come to Italy, supporting current students with administrative processes such as residence permits, and helping graduates transition from student to expat. Keep in mind that these services are paid. 
  • International Students Union : Aimed at both students and scholars, International Students Union helps internationals get the support they need when relocating to Italy. 

Student organisations

Besides providing support services, some student organisations aim to defend both local and international students’ rights and help improve their experience in Italy. Some of the most popular are: 

  • Unione degli Universitari (UdU) : UdU (Students’ Union) aims to protect students' rights and represent them on national issues.  
  • Erasmus Student Network (ESN) : As a non-profit student organisation, ESN is present all over Europe, including Italy. Besides providing support, they also organise academic, cultural, and social events.  
  • Buddy Programme at universities: More and more universities in Italy are implementing this programme intended for first-year students. If you participate, your university will assign you a “buddy,” who has already completed their first year at your university. This person will be responsible for answering your questions, showing you the campus, and helping you integrate into your new life. 

Things to do for students on a budget

Hunting for discounts and cheap activities are a part of student life. If you plan ahead, you might find exciting free things to do and get creative about where to travel in Italy. For example, you can access Italian museums for free on the first Sunday of every month.  

That said, you will be living in a country that is a pioneer in architecture so even walking on the street will feel like a cultural activity!  

Top 5 urban attractions for students  

The cheapest places to travel in Italy are often located in the southern part of the country but this doesn’t mean that there are no cheap activities in the other parts. Here are the best places to travel on a budget in Italy’s popular cities: 

  • Discover all the free attractions in Rome . One of the most beautiful cities in the world, Rome is often referred to as an open-air museum. Indeed, in the Italian capital, thousands of years of history will be surrounding you. There are also several free activities to enjoy in Rome, including visiting the 2,000-year-old Pantheon, which is now a church; St. Peter's Basilica, the largest basilica in the city; the famous Spanish Steps; and the Trevi Fountain, where people toss coins and make wishes. 
  • Do window shopping in Milan . It may be hard to enjoy Milan’s luxurious living as a student but you can still visit its galleries for free. Take a stroll at Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, Italy’s oldest shopping gallery, to see how luxury and exquisite architecture meet.   
  • Visit the piazzas in Florence . A paradise for art and culture lovers, Florence has many piazzas (or town squares in English) that offer great views of the city’s Renaissance-style architecture, and its landmark, Santa Maria del Fiore. Combine these views with an espresso and enjoy people-watching in this historical city.  
  • Cross the bridges on Venetian canals. Riding a gondola in Venice is a bucket list experience but it might be quite expensive on a student budget. An experience that will let you in all those iconic canals though, is crossing the bridges on foot.  
  • See the Historic Centre of Naples (Centro Storico di Napoli). Dating back to 470 BC, every corner of Naples is adorned with history. A visit to the Historic Centre of Naples, a UNESCO heritage site will take you back in time as you will see Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Spanish influences.  

Top 5 outdoor attractions for students  

Although Italy has gorgeous beaches, many of them are managed by private beach concessions . But this doesn’t mean that you cannot enjoy the outdoors for free or for a cheaper price. Here are some popular activities for the outdoorsy among you:  

  • Visit the Gran Paradiso National Park . An hour north of Turin, close to the French and the Swiss border is the Gran Paradiso National Park. Stretching over 173,000 acres, the park is the perfect place to watch the towering mountains, hike on lake trails, and observe wildlife. Entry is free and you can get there by car, bus, or train . 
  • Hike on the Dolomite Mountains . Italy’s famous mountain range, the Dolomites is a mountain lover’s paradise. With unreal views of alpine meadows, mountain peaks, and rolling green hills, there are many activities you can do, including skiing, mountain climbing, hiking, and cycling.  
  • Visit the Pompeii ruins. When Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 A.D., it destroyed the entire city of Pompeii. Today, you can visit the ruins and see the main attractions, including theatres, houses, and sculptures. For entry, there are no student discounts but EU citizens between the ages of 18-24 receive a reduction. Everyone can benefit from free entry if they visit on the first Sunday of the month, as is the case with other Italian museums.  
  • Explore the Cinque Terre villages . A UNESCO world heritage site, Cinque Terre consists of five villages. If you purchase the Cinque Terre Card for €7.50 per day, you get access to all the trains between the villages as well as hiking trails full of scenic spots and the iconic colourful houses that the region is known for. 
  • Relax at the Cascate del Mulino . Located in rural Tuscany, Cascate del Mulino consists of natural spas and hot springs. It is open all year round and admission is free so if you’re planning to rent a car in the Tuscan region with friends, this place might be worth stopping by. 

Travelling in Italy 

Train travel is common in Italy through Trenitalia or Italo . German company Flixbus also offers low-cost bus connections within Italy and the rest of Europe. Alternatively, local bus companies such as Marino or Itabus also have good deals. On Skyscanner , you can also find cheap flight tickets from budget airlines depending on the season.  

Here are other ways of getting student discounts through memberships:  

  • Trenitalia Young Offer provides individuals who are under the age of 30 with a discount of up to 70%. You need to sign up for a free CartaFRECCIA membership to benefit from the discount. 
  • Italo Young Offer has a similar discount for people aged between 14 and 29. 
  • Itabus Membership costs €19.99 per year. Members enjoy a 20% discount on all fares. 
  • Student discounts in museums: Before visiting a museum in Italy, we recommend that you take a look at their website. Some museums have student discounts, some are free for EU students, and some offer free entry to architecture students no matter where they’re from. 

Learning Italian

Even if you’re studying an English programme, learning at least basic Italian is important, be it for administrative tasks or for your daily life. Most Italian universities offer language classes to international students so the best way to start is to ask your university.  

Here are more ways to improve your Italian while you’re studying in Italy:  

  • Start speaking in Italian when you’re doing your groceries, buying clothes, or ordering food. 
  • Practice with native speakers and fellow learners. 
  • Find a language partner. It is likely that you’ll meet Italian students who want to improve their English so consider organising a language exchange.  
  • Expose yourself to the language as much as possible. Read books, listen to songs, and watch films in Italian. 
  • Use language apps such as Duolingo and Babbel. 

Living as an expat in Italy

An Irish expat living in Italy for 35 years says that „not learning Italian is the biggest mistake someone can make while moving to Italy”. If you’d like to look for jobs and stay in Italy after you graduate, learning the language during your student years is one of the best investments you can make. 

If you ask around, you’re likely to find out that, just like international students, expats choose to stay here because they enjoy Italy’s good weather, vibrant nightlife, and wide range of cultural activities. Getting an easy start in Italy is considered extremely difficult by many expats, especially due to the country’s infamous bureaucracy. However, having already spent your student years here, you may not have the same problem. 

Expat communities in Italy 

Internationals make up 8.7% of the resident population in Italy , and statistics also report large Romanian, Albanian, Moroccan, Chinese, and Ukrainian communities. Most expats reside in the northern and central regions of Italy since these are the areas where the most industrial activity takes place. 

What better way to learn more about how to become an expat in Italy than connecting with fellow expats and reading real-life expat stories? Here are some resources you can use: 

  • Expatica : Expatica provides information for English-speaking expats in various countries, including Italy. They create guides on work, healthcare, and residence permits in Italy.  
  • InterNations : InterNations is an international community that aims to connect expats through events and online forums. Its members can join Italy expat forums to share tips and experiences. 
  • : Also creating guides on life in Italy, this website features many popular expat cities. 
  • Facebook groups: Groups such as Expats Living in Italy or Expats in Italy are places where expats ask and answer questions. You can also find city-specific groups by searching “expat + city name” on Facebook. 

Italy Immigration rules

How your immigration status changes after graduation .

EU students don’t need a work visa to continue working in Italy after graduation. But for non-EU students who want to work in Italy, a work permit is necessary. This means that non-EU students cannot work full-time in Italy on a student visa and instead need to apply to change the type of their residence permits since this is a part of Italy’s immigration process.  

If you’re a non-EU student who wants to work in Italy after your studies, you will need to convert your student residence permit into a work permit by visiting the immigration office of the area you reside in.  

The conditions are different for:  

  • students who change their minds about their studies: If you no longer wish to continue your studies in Italy and want to continue working there instead, you may apply for Procedure Flussi which will convert your student visa into a work permit, given that you’ve found a job. This is subject to the quotas of conversion of residence permits announced by the Italian government.  
  • students who graduate and find a full-time or a part-time job in Italy: If you’ve found a job after your studies, you need to ask the police headquarters to convert your residence permit . You can then go to the post office to collect the necessary kits and fill in the documents to update your residence permit.  
  • students who are looking for jobs upon graduation: Before the expiry date of your student visa, you can apply for “ permesso di soggiorno per ricerca lavoro o imprenditorialita’ degli studenti ” (residence permit for job search or entrepreneurship for students). You will have to ask for the relevant kit at the post office , fill in the application form, and submit the required documents. 

Types of Work Visas in Italy 

If you get a job at an Italian company, your employer will need to request authorisation for hiring you from the One-Stop-Shops for Immigration . This goes for all types of work visas, except for self-employed visas. For a self-employed worker visa , you need to find out which Italian authority you need to apply to, depending on the nature of your business. For example, commercial companies need to get the authorisation of the Chamber of Commerce . After you contact the relevant authority, they will forward your application to the One-Stop-Shops for Immigration . 

In Italy, the amount of work permits to be given to international workers is determined based on a quota system. The Italian government announces quotas every year. There are separate quotas for employed workers , seasonal workers , and self-employed workers . The only type of visa that is not subject to the quota system is a highly-qualified worker visa .  

As a non-EU student with a university degree, you may also be eligible for EU Blue Card which is geared toward highly skilled workers looking to get a job in the EU. 

Immigration processing times 

Since changing your immigration status involves going to the post office and filling in lengthy forms, it may take a long time. After you submit your application, you will receive a slip that will give you an appointment at the questura (police headquarters). You will need to go to the questura on the given date for an interview. 

Can you apply for permanent residency in Italy? 

After five years of uninterrupted legal residence, you can apply for permanent residency in Italy. When you apply for long-term residency, you should also show that you have stable financial resources and health insurance. 

Job opportunities in Italy

While Italy still has high youth unemployment rates , this rate is decreasing compared to previous years.  

It is possible to get a job after graduation but your field and your Italian level will play a big role. Since industrial activities take place in the north of the country, such as Milan , Turin, and Bologna, jobs related to engineering, architecture, design, and business studies are more likely to be in this area. In southern Italy, agriculture and tourism are the main work areas. 

Patience is key when applying for jobs in Italy as an international student. Your chances will be higher if you have a good level of Italian, have an in-demand degree, or have contacts that are willing to provide referrals for you. Doing related internships and working part-time are the best ways to grow your network abroad. 

Here are some websites you can use while searching for job opportunities in Italy as a graduate student: 

  • Indeed  
  • LinkedIn  
  • The Local  
  • Adzuna  
  • JobsinMilan  
  • GraduateLand  
  • TrovoLavoro  

Continue your studies in Italy

If you would like to continue studying in Italy after graduating with your three-year Bachelor’s degree (Laurea in Italian), you have several options. 

  • Pursue a Master’s degree (Laurea Magistrale): You can apply for a two-year Master’s degree after you’ve completed your Bachelor’s degree. Similar to Bachelor’s, you should check application deadlines on the universities’ websites and pre-enrol at Universitaly . On MastersPortal, we have over 900 Master’s degrees taught in English.  
  • Apply for a PhD (Dottorato di Ricerca): After completing your Master’s degree, you can continue with a PhD which is the highest level of university education in Italy. Applicants need to pass a comprehensive exam and pursue original research during their studies. PhDs in Italy last at least three years. On PhdPortal, we have over 80 PhD degrees taught in English.  

Frequently asked questions

1. do international students need a visa to study in italy  .

Yes, international students from outside the European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA) need a visa to study in Italy. There are two types of visas, short-stay visa (type C) and long-stay visa (type D). Visit the Visa for Italy website and answer the questions to find out what type of visa you need. 

2. Is studying in Italy worth it? 

Italy is known for providing high-quality English programmes at affordable prices. International students also can get part-time jobs or find funding opportunities through scholarships. All these factors combined with a vibrant student life make Italy a great place to study. 

3. What is the cost of studying in Italy? 

Tuition fees in public universities are usually between €0 and €5,000 per year, and in private universities, between €3,000 and up to €35,000 per year. Italian universities provide a range of tuition fees on their websites. The payable amount by the student is determined based on merit, nationality, and family income. 

4. How much money is required to study in Italy? 

The cost of living in Italy for a student can range between €700-1,500 per month, including rent, food, transport, and leisure.  

5. Can I study in Italy without IELTS? 

If English is not your native language, you must show proof of English language skills. While IELTS is one of the most common language exams, TOEFL, PTE Academic, and Cambridge English Advanced are also widely accepted. If you received your secondary school education in English, you might be exempt from taking a language test. It is best to check with your university. 

6. What are the requirements to study in Italy? 

In Italy, Bachelor’s degrees require 12 years of pre-university education, and Master’s degrees require 15 years. If you have that, you need to apply individually to each university and submit the required documents, including transcripts, personal statements, and application forms. Once you get a letter of eligibility for enrolment from a university, you can pre-enrol at Universitaly and apply for a student visa. 

7. What exams are required to study in Italy? 

8. how to get a permanent residency while studying in italy , interesting programmes for you, find phds degrees in italy, what subject to study in italy.

  • Agriculture & Forestry 26 Masters
  • Applied Sciences & Professions 17 Masters
  • Arts, Design & Architecture 21 Masters
  • Business & Management 44 Masters
  • Computer Science & IT 53 Masters
  • Education & Training 5 Masters
  • Engineering & Technology 81 Masters
  • Environmental Studies & Earth Sciences 32 Masters
  • Hospitality, Leisure & Sports 2 Masters
  • Humanities 35 Masters
  • Journalism & Media 2 Masters
  • Law 25 Masters
  • Medicine & Health 61 Masters
  • Natural Sciences & Mathematics 122 Masters
  • Social Sciences 78 Masters

PhD Degrees in Italy

  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) 464 programmes
  • Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.) 3 programmes

Recent international policies promote international university cooperation and student exchange between countries worldwide. High-quality study and PhD degrees are made more available to students in order to create a global educational network, achievable through student and staff mobility. Career and research oriented programmes support international student development.

University cooperation enables students study worldwide, for instance in Australia, Asia, Europe and the United States and provides ways of recognizing previous degrees. Different study options offer appropriate alternatives to students, depending on their preferred mode of study.

Many study programmes in Australia, Asia, Europe and North America are English-taught. The most popular international student destinations include the following countries: Australia, Belgium, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, the United States, and more. However, these are not the only countries offering English-taught education. The rest of the world is full of endless study choices, from highly ranked to smaller, more specialized, universities.

PhD (postgraduate) Degrees

If you want further education beyond the undergraduate level or if you want more personal development or a career in academia, you could obtain a PhD degree. PhD degrees are postgraduate programmes that usually follow a Master's, MPhil or MRes, but there might be additional requirements depending on the university. Students are required to do their own research in a chosen topic. With the help of a supervisor, you develop knowledge and analytical skills in a specific or multidisciplinary field and you carry out independent research. The duration of a PhD degree differs per country and institution. Sometimes your own research is accompanied by work for the department such as giving seminars or small group teaching.

PhD students are required to study on campus under close supervision, but there are universities that accept students enrolled into a part-time distance education PhD degree. Studying on campus can also be full-time as well as part-time, in which case the part-time variant is normally twice as long as the full-time study.

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We have 15 PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Italy

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PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Italy

Phd programme in molecular and experimental medicine (mem), funded phd programme (students worldwide).

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. Applications for this programme are welcome from suitably qualified candidates worldwide. Funding may only be available to a limited set of nationalities and you should read the full programme details for further information.

PhD Research Programme

PhD Research Programmes present a range of research opportunities shaped by a university’s particular expertise, facilities and resources. You will usually identify a suitable topic for your PhD and propose your own project. Additional training and development opportunities may also be offered as part of your programme.

PhD Programme in Data Science In Medicine (DASME)

Phd in systems medicine, italy phd programme.

An Italian PhD usually takes 3-4 years and consists of some taught units as well as research towards your thesis. This will be examined at a public defence, rather than a private viva voce. Some programmes are taught in English.

Fully-funded four-year PhD in History and Civilisation

Social sciences research programme.

Social Sciences Research Programmes present a range of research opportunities, shaped by a university’s particular expertise, facilities and resources. You will usually identify a suitable topic for your PhD and propose your own project. Additional training and development opportunities may also be offered as part of your programme.

9 Ph.D. positions in “Systems Science” at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca

8 fully-funded ph.d. positions in "economics, analytics and decision sciences (eads)" at the imt school for advanced studies lucca, 12 fully funded ph.d. positions in “cultural systems” at the imt school for advanced studies lucca, 5 fully funded ph.d. positions in “cognitive, computational and social neurosciences” at the imt school for advanced studies lucca, self-re-preg: self-sensing interleaving for recycled prepreg, phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Competition Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

This project is in competition for funding with other projects. Usually the project which receives the best applicant will be successful. Unsuccessful projects may still go ahead as self-funded opportunities. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but potential funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

Fully-funded four-year PhD in Political and Social Sciences

Fully-funded four-year phd in law, law research programme.

Law Research Programmes present a range of research opportunities, shaped by a university’s particular expertise, facilities and resources. You will usually identify a suitable topic for your PhD and propose your own project. Additional training and development opportunities may also be offered as part of your programme.

Fully-funded four-year PhD in Economics

5 funded doctoral programs available in the field of engineering, fully funded phd positions at the imt school for advanced studies lucca, futuredata4eu - training future big data experts for europe (msca cofund european project): fully funded phd positions in italy, marie curie innovative training network.

Marie Curie Action Innovative Training Networks are set up by the European Union to provide joint PhD opportunities involving universities and industrial partners from at least two different countries. Students receive generous funding as they move between participating institutions to complete unique research and training opportunities.

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phd scholarships in italy 2022

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49+ PhD Scholarships, Fellowships and grants for international students in Italy

Full list of PhD Scholarships, Fellowships and grants for International students in Italy- eligibility criteria, deadlines, application form, selection process & more!

[Updated 3 days ago] PhD Scholarships for International students in Italy are below:

  • Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024 |
  • Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024 |
  • Leakey Foundation Research Grants 2024 |
  • Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024 |
  • Dr. Eduard Gubelin Research Scholarship 2024 |
  • Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024 |
  • Women in Finance Scholarship 2024 |
  • Grants for foreign and Italian citizens living abroad awarded by the Italian Government 2024 |
  • Jeff Schell Fellowships 2024 |
  • The Al Qasimi Foundation's Doctoral Research Grant 2024 |
  • more scholarships below
  • Date posted

Wenner-Gren Foundation Scholarship programs

Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024

Eligible Degrees:

Funding Type:

Eligible Courses:

Eligible Nationalities:

Scholarship can be taken at:

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) Scholarship programs

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024

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FinancialCAD Corporation Scholarship programs

Women in Finance Scholarship 2024

Government of Italy Scholarship programs

Grants for foreign and Italian citizens living abroad awarded by the Italian Government 2024

Momeni Foundation Scholarship programs

Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024

The Leakey Foundation Scholarship programs

Leakey Foundation Research Grants 2024

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024

Dr. Eduard Gubelin Association for Research & Identification of Precious Stones Scholarship programs

Dr. Eduard Gubelin Research Scholarship 2024

University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) Scholarship programs

UACES Scholarships 2024

VSBfonds Scholarship programs

VSB Fund Scholarship for Dutch Students to Study Abroad, 2024

Roberto Rocca Education Program Scholarship programs

Roberto Rocca Fellowship 2023

European Commission Scholarship programs

Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree Scholarships 2024

Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation Scholarship programs

The Al Qasimi Foundation's Doctoral Research Grant 2024

South African Medical Research Council Scholarship programs

SAMRC Self-initiated Research Grants 2023

FirstRand Limited Scholarship programs

FirstRand Laurie Dippenaar Scholarship for South Africans, 2024

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(UIUC) Scholarship programs

Kate Neal Kinley Memorial Fellowship at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2024

Google Scholarship programs

Google PhD Fellowship Program 2024

National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) Scholarship programs

Fulbright - Fondazione Falcone - NIAF Scholarship 2023

Google europe scholarship for students with disabilities 2024.

Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Scholarship programs

National overseas scholarship for SC and ST candidates 2024

Our scholarship team will help you with any questions.

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Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Momeni Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to applicants of Iranian descent

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in All subjects offered by the university . 30 Jun is the deadline to send applications for Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024. Any institution across the world. You may apply on Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Momeni Foundation

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to Germany nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Biomedicine. Deadline varies is the deadline to send applications for Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024. Renowned research laboratories all over the World except their home institution and city.. You may apply on Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF)

Leakey Foundation Research Grants 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the The Leakey Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Research related specifically to Human Origins. 15 Jul is the deadline to send applications for Leakey Foundation Research Grants 2024. Any university or research institution in the World. You may apply on Leakey Foundation Research Grants 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by The Leakey Foundation

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Biomedical research. 01 Oct is the deadline to send applications for Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024. Any Internationally leading laboratory. You may apply on Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024 application form .

Dr. Eduard Gubelin Research Scholarship 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Dr. Eduard Gubelin Association for Research & Identification of Precious Stones for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in earth sciences, chemistry, physics, material sciences, biology, and geology . 31 Jul is the deadline to send applications for Dr. Eduard Gubelin Research Scholarship 2024. Anywhere across the world. You may apply on Dr. Eduard Gubelin Research Scholarship 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Dr. Eduard Gubelin Association for Research & Identification of Precious Stones

Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Anthropology. 01 Nov is the deadline to send applications for Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024. Any research institution around the World. You may apply on Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Wenner-Gren Foundation

Women in Finance Scholarship 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the FinancialCAD Corporation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Finance. 14 Jun is the deadline to send applications for Women in Finance Scholarship 2024. At Accredited universities.. You may apply on Women in Finance Scholarship 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by FinancialCAD Corporation

Grants for foreign and Italian citizens living abroad awarded by the Italian Government 2024 is a Full Funding international scholarship offered by the Government of Italy for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all selected nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Arts, Music, Dance, Language and Culture. 14 Jun is the deadline to send applications for Grants for foreign and Italian citizens living abroad awarded by the Italian Government 2024. Higher Education Institutes in Italy. You may apply on Grants for foreign and Italian citizens living abroad awarded by the Italian Government 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Government of Italy

Jeff Schell Fellowships 2024

Jeff Schell Fellowships 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the The Bayer foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Agricultural Sciences. 08 Apr is the deadline to send applications for Jeff Schell Fellowships 2024. Institutions in Germany (foreign applicants) and Abroad (German applicants). You may apply on Jeff Schell Fellowships 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by The Bayer foundation

The Al Qasimi Foundation's Doctoral Research Grant 2024 is a Full Funding international scholarship offered by the Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Policymaking in the United Arab Emirates.. 01 Apr is the deadline to send applications for The Al Qasimi Foundation's Doctoral Research Grant 2024. Any accredited university in the United Arab Emirates or abroad. You may apply on The Al Qasimi Foundation's Doctoral Research Grant 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation

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Degree Based Scholarships

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  • Medicine (MBBS/ MD) Scholarships in Italy
  • Sports degree Scholarships in Italy
  • Nursing degree Scholarships in Italy
  • Civil Engineering degree Scholarships in Italy
  • Mechanical Engineering degree Scholarships in Italy
  • Film degree Scholarships in Italy
  • Pharmacy degree Scholarships in Italy
  • Medicine degree Scholarships in Italy
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  • History degree Scholarships in Italy
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Fully Funded PhD positions in Italy 2021/2022​ (213 Scholarships Available)

by Samrach · Published April 28, 2021 · Updated April 29, 2021

Fully Funded PhD positions in Italy  2021/2022​

Politecnico di Milano issues a call for applications to 269 PhD positions (213 fully granted).

This webpage provides information related to the issuing PhD programs, the positions and scholarships available for the upcoming PhD cycle, which starts in November 2021. You may also find here the modalities for participate to the selection and the related deadlines. After having carefully inspected the  call , you can apply through our  online procedure .

The number of PhD scholarships and positions of our PhD programs is as follows


Area 1. Water Science and Engineering
Area 2. Transport Infrastructure and Geosciences
Area 3 Environmental and Hydraulic Engineering and Geomatics
Area 1. Computer Science and Engineering
Area 2. Electronics
Area 3. Systems and Control
Area 4. Telecommunications
Area 1. Advanced Materials and Smart Structures
Area 2. Sustainable Mobility
Area 3. Engineering Design and Manufacturing for the Industry of the Future
Area 4. MeccPhD International Track

PhD admission

Access to Ph.D. Programmes is by selection. The University selection call is issued annually for all Ph.D. Programmes, and is published on this page. 

The annual call is issued in Spring- the next annual call will be Spring 2022, 38th cycle.  There may be additional calls with thematic scholarships in the winter, if so, it will be posted on this website in the “ Calls ” section.

Further information and calls for international candidates is available in the  International Programmes  section. 

Online procedure for admission to the PhD course at Politecnico di Milano (XXXVII cycle – 2021/2022)

In this page you will find the link to access the online procedure to: 

•fill the selection call application form

•check the results 

•select additional research scholarship thematic 

Before accessing the online procedure please read carefully:  

1) the  call public announcement Public examination for admission to the PhD course at Politecnico di Milano (XXXVII cycle)

2) the “ Quickstart ” manual for the online admission procedure 

3) the  FAQs  (frequently asked questions)

To access the online admission procedure  click here Opening on: 20th April 2021 (10am, italian time) Deadline: 20th May 2021 (2pm, italian time)

3) the page “ special places in Politecnico di Milano Residences for “away from home” PhD candidates “

4) the pages in the section “ Call for positions and scholarships “, in particular:

-the page “ Places and Scholarships “ -the page “ Areas, subjects and thematics of research published in the call “ -the page “ Interdisciplinary scholarships “ -the page “ Thematic scholarships “

-the page “ Call deadlines “

Documents that must be uploaded in the online application (in Italian or English language): 

  • Research project format  (RTF)
  • CV Template  (RTF)


For the registration of personal data, candidates are recommended to refer to the manual “ Quickstart ” from pag. 1 to pag. 9 

Candidates who have problems  during the registration of the personal data  can write to:  [email protected]  

For other information about the call and the admission procedures candidates are recommended to make contact only via the link “ Ask for assistance ” inside the online procedure.

37th cycle call: thematic and interdisciplinary scholarships

The applicant, after the confirmation of an application (provided the desire to compete for a scholarship has indicated in the application), may opt for a thematic/interdisciplinary scholarship by accessing the  on-line procedure  before  2pm on 20/05/2021 . After the deadline of the call (only for those candidates who have applied for the PhD, specified that they intend to compete for a scholarship, and paid the application fee by the 20/5/2021) it will be possible to  apply for new thematic scholarships from 10AM of 09/06/2021, to 2PM of 16/06/2021  with the same procedure. All the information about the thematic scholarships are available in the webpage:  Thematic scholarships All the information about the  interdisciplinary  scholarships are available in the webpage:  Interdisciplinary scholarships

Official website

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DEADLINE: 25th August 2022

Sapienza University of Rome announces the exam-based open call for admission to the 38th cycle of PhD programmes. The  Annex A  indicates the list of the PhD Programmes, including potential curricula; the number of the available positions, with and without scholarship; the type of the admission procedures; as well as the denomination of the PhD School they are part of, in case they belong to any specific PhD School. 

Annex A indicates the website of each PhD programme reporting the admission procedure and evaluation criteria.

The candidates, when submitting their application, must declare for which PhD scholarship(s) they intend to apply for, expressing their preferences in order of priority.

It will not be possible to award a scholarship of any of the types listed below that the candidates have not explicitly selected.

A. Rome Technopole/National Centre Doctoral Scholarships - Ministerial Decree 351 (Type A)

The scholarships referred to in this paragraph provide for:

  • a period of study and research in companies, public administrations or research centres, including museums, institutes of the Ministry of Culture, archives, libraries, as indicated in DM 351/2022, from a minimum of six (6) months to a maximum of twelve (12) months, as well as periods of study and research abroad from a minimum of six (6) months to a maximum of eighteen (18) months;
  • an increased amount in favour of the doctoral candidate of €15,000.00 gross all-inclusive over the three-year period with respect to the value of the scholarship referred to in Article 13 below;
  • the restriction to a research topic consistent with both the specific project within the Rome Technopole or National Centre project and with  Ministerial Decree 351/22 ;
  • periodic reporting of the activities carried out (periodic scientific report and time sheet);
  • the commitment to publish at least 1 scientific article in a journal of high scientific quality (or patent or other high-quality research product) on topics related to the topic referred to in point c);
  • a commitment to collaborate with project partners (organisations, institutions and enterprises) and to coordination with the Sapienza working group coordinated by the Sapienza scientific referee of the specific Rome Technopole/National Centre project.

The successful candidate of the scholarship referred to in this paragraph must, on a quarterly basis produce through the appropriate online platform ( ) a report containing an indication of the time commitment (broken down into months in the company, at the headquarters, abroad, if envisaged), and a summary of the main activities carried out by the candidate for validation by the scientific coordination of the Rome Technopole or National Centre project.

This scholarship may only be awarded to candidates who rank within the first 50% of the places in the ranking list.

B. Rome Technopole/National Centre Doctoral Scholarships - Sapienza (Type B)

  • the restriction to a research topic consistent with both the specific project within the Rome Technopole or National Centre project;

C. Doctoral Scholarships ex D.M. 351 (Type C)

The scholarships referred to in this paragraph provide for a period of study and research in enterprises, public administrations or research centres, including museums, institutes of the Ministry of Culture archives, libraries as indicated in  Ministerial Decree 351/2022 , from a minimum of six (6) months to a maximum of twelve (12) months as well as periods of study and research abroad from a minimum of six (6) months to a maximum of eighteen (18) months. Exceptions are doctoral scholarships pursuant to Ministerial Decree 351 relating to PNRR PhD Programmes for which only the study and research period is mandatory research abroad from a minimum of six (6) months to a maximum of eighteen (18) months.

The successful candidate of the scholarship referred to in this paragraph must, on a six-monthly basis produce through the appropriate online platform ( ) a report containing an indication of the time commitment (broken down into months in the company, on site, abroad, if planned) and a summary of the main activities carried out.

D. Doctoral Scholarships ex D.M. 352 (Type D)

The scholarships referred to in this paragraph provide for a period of study and research in the company from a minimum of six (6) months to a maximum of eighteen (18) months, and periods of study and research abroad from a minimum of six (6) months to a maximum of eighteen (18) months, as indicated in  Ministerial Decree 351/2022 .

The successful candidate of the scholarship referred to in this paragraph must, every six months produce through the appropriate online platform ( ) a report containing an indication of the time commitment (broken down in months in the company, on site, abroad, if planned) and a summary of the main activities carried out.

E. Doctoral Scholarships Infrastructure (Type E)

The scholarships referred to in this paragraph provide for the doctoral thesis to be carried out in the context of projects linked to European research infrastructures and funded under the PNRR notice "Strengthening and Creation of Research Infrastructures", in particular the research activities shall will take place in one of the following 3 projects: EBRAINS-Italy, METROFOOD-IT, SoBigData.

F. Doctoral Scholarships Funded by Third-Party Entities (Type F)

The scholarships referred to in this paragraph are funded by public or private bodies, departments or other universities, some with restricted subject matter requested by the funding body.

G. Sapienza Doctoral Scholarships (Type G) 

The scholarships referred to in this paragraph are fully funded by Sapienza in accordance with the provisions of  Ministerial Decree 351/2022  and the  General University Regulations in matter of PhDs .

What is funded

The fellowship amounts to € 16.243,00 gross per year and it is paid on a monthly basis and includes National Insurance Contributions (INPS) which fellowship recipients are required to pay.

Rome Technopole/National Centre Doctoral Scholarships - Ministerial Decree 351 ( Type A Scholarships ) and Rome Technopole/National Centre Doctoral Scholarships - Sapienza (Type B) have an increased amount in favour of the doctoral candidate of €15,000.00 gross all-inclusive over the three-year period with respect to the value of the scholarship.

The frequency of payment of the scholarship is monthly. The amount is increased by up to 50% for any authorised periods of research spent abroad for a maximum of 12 months; the amount is increased for a maximum of 18 months for doctoral students who start a joint thesis supervision agreement with Sapienza and a foreign institution.

Within the financial resources existing in the budget, each PhD student is ensured a budget for research activity in Italy and abroad that is adequate for the type of course and in any case for an amount not less than 10% of the scholarship amount. If the PhD student with a scholarship is not assessed positively for the purposes of admission to the following year and is therefore excluded from the PhD or irrevocably renounces the scholarship, the residual amount can be used according to the procedures set out in the University Regulations for PhD Programmes.

The gross annual taxable income limit to be eligible for the PhD scholarship is set at € 16,243.00 - excluding the scholarship. The cases of total or partial incompatibility for the use of the scholarship are established by current legislation. In particular, scholarship cannot be combined with research grants or other scholarships awarded for any reason, except with those granted by national or foreign institutions useful for integrating, with stays abroad, the activity of training or research of fellows and with funding from the MIUR Youth Fund.

In case of incompatibility, students will have to reimburse the amount of money unduly received. Reimbursements refer to an academic year or fraction thereof. Students cannot be awarded the doctoral scholarship twice.

PhD programmes last three years.


Applications are accepted from candidates, regardless of gender, age and nationality, who hold an Italian laurea specialistica, laurea magistrale or any equivalent academic second-level degree issued by Artistic and Musical High Education institutions (AFAM) or any equivalent academic degree obtained abroad. Applications are also accepted from candidates who expect to receive their degree by October 31 st , 2022. Candidates who do not hold their degree at the time of the application are admitted “with reserve” until they obtain it. 

The Examination Board will ascertain the equivalence of each academic degree obtained abroad to the relevant Italian degree for the sole purpose of this call, or in the frame of inter-university cooperation and mobility agreements.

Admission is conditional to reception of relevant degrees by the indicated deadline (October 31 st , 2022).

Students currently enrolled without a scholarship can participate to competitive exams for the same PhD Programme they are already attending, but, if admitted, they cannot enrol unless they formally resign their doctoral position with the relevant Doctorate Committee. 

Those who already hold a PhD are allowed to enrol, upon successfully passing the admission tests, another PhD Programme without scholarship (if they have been already granted one in the previous PhD), provided that topics and main scientific sectors are different from those related to the already obtained PhD.


The application must be completed by August 25 th , 2022, at 2.00 p.m. (Italian time). 

In order to apply, candidates must  register  and  login  on Infostud and click on “PhD Programmes”, and follow the instructions. 

The payment of the examination fee is available through the Pago PA system which is accessed directly from the application. The fee must be paid by August 25 th , 2022, at 11.59 p.m. (Italian time). No payment made after the deadline will be considered valid. 

The application is correctly submitted only if the system displays the message “pagamento effettuato/fee paid and the symbol ✓ appears under “pagamento/payment” and “documenti/documents”. 

Any claims related to malfunctioning of the informatics system in close proximity to the deadline will not be accepted; candidates are recommended to complete the application sufficiently in advance in order to allow the office in charge to guarantee any necessary support.

Detailed instructions are available at .

Please note that the paper copy of the application form and of the bank payment must not be delivered to the PhD office. Applications that are not submitted as described herein will be rejected.

Please note that the University will check the veracity of the self-statements presented by the candidate. If the control ascertains the falsity of the declarations, the candidate will be excluded from taking the admission test or, if in the list of nominees will be declared lapsed, without prejudice to the criminal prosecution as for art. 76 of the law n. 445/2000.

In order to submit an application, candidates with a foreign academic degree must also submit:

  • Candidates with an EU academic degree:  Self-declaration affidavit with signature (“dichiarazione sostitutiva di certificazione e/o dell’atto di notorietà” according to art. 46 and art. 47 of D.P.R. 445/2000) of academic degree with a full list of exams and grades, in Italian or English.
  • Candidates with a non-EU academic degree:  a legalized translation of the academic degree into English or Italian with a full list of all exams and grades obtained.

Applications lacking any of these documents will be rejected.

Foreign candidates holding a non-Italian degree who do not plan or need to request a scholarship may apply for a PhD position, not covered by a grant, as a supernumerary student (Admission as Supernumerary students). Up to one third of the positions assigned to each PhD Programme are reserved to supernumerary foreign students, with separate rankings.

For this purpose, candidates have to specify in the application form, as described in art. 3, their intention to be admitted as supernumerary students, by selecting the option in the field (art. 5 cittadini stranieri con titolo estero - Foreign candidates holding a non-Italian degree). 


phd scholarships in italy 2022

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Study in Italy : University of Bologna NRRP PhD Scholarships for International Students 2022


With more than 280 opportunities for professional training growth, the University of Bologna offers PhD scholarships to overseas students in partnership with NRRP. The scholarship provides the PhD student with payment in the form of money.

The three-year PhD fellowship has a gross value of €69,991 and a suggested net stipend of roughly €1,200 for each month. Additionally, there is a budget of roughly €5,000 for each PhD student’s research-related costs over the course of the three years, as well as an additional €600 per month for the six months they spend studying abroad.

The PhD programme provides the skills necessary to perform high-level research activities and pursue advanced professional career paths not only in universities but also in the public and private sector. PhD students will also undertake a period of training and research abroad and on placement in a company.

During the programme, PhD students will learn how to conduct original, innovative and independent research in a specific environment and will gain important transferable skills that go beyond mastering their specialist subject such as, for example, the ability to tackle complex problems, manage unforeseen events, work in a team and effectively communicate the results of their work. These essential qualities are highly valued in businesses, the manufacturing and service sectors and in the public administration. �

Brief Description

Scholarship Sponsor(s):   University of Bologna , Italy

Host Institution(s):  University of Bologna, Italy

Scholarship Worth:  €69,991, and other related expenses

Number of Awards:  280

Study Level:  PhD

Nationality:  Domestic & International Students

Deadline : 2nd August 2022.

Eligibility Criteria

The requirements listed below must be satisfied by applicants in order to be considered for University of Bologna NRRP PhD Scholarships:

  • Applicants must be domestic or international students
  • An undergraduate (second-cycle degree or single-cycle degree programme) of the University of Bologna or of another Italian or foreign university and will graduate by 31 October 2022;
  • A graduate (second-cycle degree or single-cycle degree programme) of the University of Bologna or of another Italian or foreign university
  • Applicants must have proof of English Language proficiency.

Also check this : Sports Science: Fully Funded PhD SCHOLARSHIP at Swansea

PhD subject areas

The University of Bologna allows for a wide range of choice, based on your areas of interest, and offers over fifty PhD courses divided into six broad subject areas:

  • Biological, Geological and Agricultural Sciences
  • Legal, Political, Economic, Statistical Sciences
  • Engineering Sciences
  • Mathematical Physical, Chemical and Astronomical Sciences
  • Medical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Sciences
  • Humanistic Sciences

Find out more about the PhD programmes

How to Apply for University of Bologna NRRP PhD Scholarships for International Students

In order to obtain a place on a PhD programme, it is necessary to pass a selection procedure, which is described in the call for applications. This usually entails an assessment of the candidate’s qualifications and project proposal, as well as an oral assessment. Candidates are then ranked based on the scores obtained.


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Italian Government 2022-2023 Masters & PhD Scholarships for Foreign Students

Published: 13 May 2022 5,904 views

The Italian Government awards scholarships for studying in Italy both to foreign citizens and Italian citizens resident abroad (IRE). The aim of these scholarships is fostering international cultural cooperation, spreading the Italian language, culture and science knowledge and promoting the economic and technological sectors of Italy all around the world.

Courses for which grants are available:

  •        Master’s Degree (Laurea Magistrale 2° ciclo)
  •        Courses of Higher Education in Arts, Music, and Dance (AFAM)
  •        PhD programmes
  •        Research under academic supervision (Progetti in co-tutela)
  •        Italian Language and Culture Courses
  • Table of Content

About Government of Italy

Masters & phd scholarships, aim and benefits of masters & phd scholarships, requirements for masters & phd scholarships qualification, application deadline, how to apply.

Established in 1861, the Ministry of the Interior is a cabinet-level ministry of the Italian Republic. It is a government agency of Italy Why at this program? This program has the motive to support students in their education. It will help applicants with providing them complete help for studying Italian Public Universities without any funding problem and build a bright future according to the chosen subjects. ... read more... continue reading

Government of Italy

Application Deadline
Country to study
  • Normally, the scholarship holders are exempt from the payment of the university tuition fees, in accordance with existing regulations. However the Universities, as part of their autonomy, may not allow such exemption. Candidates are therefore recommended to contact the chosen Institution in order to be informed on eventual taxes or tuition fees.
  • For the sole period of the scholarships granted by the Italian Government, the scholarship-holders are covered by an insurance policy against illness and/or accident. Air tickets are not granted, except for Chilean citizens.
  • Academic qualifications: Applications must only be submitted by foreign students not residing in Italy and by Italian citizens living abroad (IRE)* holding an appropriate academic qualification required to enroll to the Italian University/Institute.
  • Applicants for Master’s Degree/Higher Education in Arts, Music, and Dance (AFAM) Programmes/ Italian Language and Culture Courses should not be over 28 years old by the deadline of this call, with the sole exception of renewals.
  • Applicants for  PhD Programmes   should not be over 30 years old by the deadline of this call, with the sole exception of renewals.
  • Applicants for  Research Projects under academic supervision  should not be over   40 years old by the deadline of this call.
  • Applicants must provide a certificate of their proficiency in Italian language. The minimum level required is B2 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages  (CEFR):  (
  • Proof of proficiency in Italian is not required for courses entirely taught in English.
  • In this case applicants must provide a language certificate of their proficiency in English Language. The minimum level required is B2 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
  • For Italian language and culture courses, applicants must provide a certificate of their proficiency in Italian language. The minimum level required is A2 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR):
  • Click  here  to access the registration form
  • Before applying, please read carefully the  Call for Procedure

For more details, visit the website. 

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PhD Degree Scholarships for international students 2024 - 2025

The PhD Fully Funded Scholarships 2024 - 2025 for International Students provide a pathway to advanced studies in prestigious institutions across the USA, Canada, the UK, Europe (including Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Hungary), Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. These merit-based scholarships, which include the likes of Chevening Scholarships, Fulbright Foreign Student Program, DAAD Scholarships, Erasmus Mundus Scholarships, Australia Awards, Commonwealth Scholarships, and Hubert Humphrey Fellowships, are designed to recognize and reward academic excellence and leadership potential. They cover costs like tuition, living expenses, books, and occasionally travel expenses. Additionally, some scholarships don't necessitate IELTS or similar language proficiency tests, thereby widening their accessibility. They may also facilitate part-time or after-work job opportunities, providing a balanced blend of practical and theoretical learning. Further, certain scholarships provide residency options, offering enriching cultural experiences and valuable networking opportunities.

DAAD-Rosa Luxemburg Foundation International PhD Scholarships.

DAAD-Rosa Luxemburg Foundation International PhD Scholarships 2024/2025 in Germany

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CALTECH Scholarships.

CALTECH Scholarships and Financial Aid 2024/2025 in USA

  • Partial Funding, Full tuition fee
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  • Bachelor, Masters, PhD
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Harbin Institute of Technology China Link Scholarships.

Harbin Institute of Technology China Link Scholarship 2024/2025 (Fully Funded)

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Opportunities For Africans

Italian Government Scholarships 2022/2023 for Bachelors, Masters & in Italy ( 900 Euros per month)

Application Deadline: June 9, 2022

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) offers grants in favor of foreign citizens* and Italian citizens living abroad (IRE)** for the academic year 2022-23 in order to foster international cooperation in cultural, scientific and technological fields, to promote Italian language and culture and to support Italy’s economic system in the world (according to Law 288/55 and its subsequent changes and additions).

Grants are offered to complete study courses and research/training programs in public or legally recognized Italian educational institutions.

Scholarships are available to attend academic courses on the Italian territory only.


Applications must be sent exclusively through the STUDY IN ITALY portal. Applicants must be in possession of a valid passport or identity card. They must upload a legible photocopy of the document at the time of registration, under penalty of exclusion.

Academic qualifications

Applications must only be submitted by foreign and Italian students living abroad (IRE)* holding an  appropriate academic qualification required to enroll to the Italian University/Institute  (more information on: ).

Age requirements

Applicants for  Master’s Degree/Higher Education in Arts, Music, and Dance (AFAM) Programmes/ Italian Language and Culture advanced Courses  should have attained the age of majority and shall not exceedthe ageof  28 years and 364 days  by the deadline of this call (June 9 th  2022), with the sole exception of renewals.

Applicants for  PhD Programmes  should have attained the age of majority and shall not exceed the age of  30 years and 364 days  by the deadline of this call (June 9 th  2022), with the sole exception of renewals.

Applicants for  Research Projects under academic supervision  should have attained the age of majority and shall not exceed the age of  40 years and 364 days  by the deadline of this call (June 9 th  2022).

Language proficiency

Italian-taught courses

In order to enroll in an Italian-taught course, applicants must provide a certification regarding their proficiency in Italian language.  The minimum level required is B2 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) .

Candidates who were enrolled in an Italian-taught course or in an Italian language course at University may submit a language certification, issued by the person in charge of the above mentioned courses, certifying the Italian language level required.

Tuition Fee

  • Grantees may be exempted from the payment of enrollment and tuition fees depending on the policy of each University in line with the regulations on the autonomy of academic institutions. Regional Fees are due anyway.
  • The exemption is not applied for Italian language and culture advanced courses, for which the payment of registration and tuition fees is required.
  • The winner of a MAECI scholarship, based on the starting date of the grant and the number of months indicated in the “Dichiarazione di assegnazione di borsa di studio” (Awarding Letter), will receive a  monthly amount  of  900 euros  paid quarterly to the personal current account, opened in his/her name, with an Italian banking Institution.


Grantees will be covered by a health and medical insurance, contracted by MAECI, in case of illness or accident. The insurance is valid exclusively for the duration of the grant.

Illnesses depending on pre-existing physical or pathological conditions and dental care are excluded from the insurance coverage. Grantees coming from EU countries are advised to get the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Italian government Scholarships Bachelors, Masters & PhD Scholarships 2022/2023

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University of Insubria PhD Scholarship in Italy 2022-2023 Fully Funded

Team Eligible Bachelor

Scholarships are available for International students to Study in ital on a fully funded PhD Program at the University of Insubria. Application for Call for admission to doctoral courses XXXVIII cycle a.y. 2022/2023 is Open and all Countries are eligible to apply for this doctoral degree program as we share more information about University of Insubria PhD Scholarship in Italy 2022-2023 Fully Funded.

Do you want to Improve on your research Capacity and experience? Università degli Studi dell’Insubria is open as there arr various doctoral courses available as we list them below. Doctoral Programs will last for three years so applicants who are eligible for Scholarships will benefit from a Full Tuition fee and all other expenses for the entire study duration.

Students are expected to learn so much and acquire skills in research to perform at the highest level. There is going to be an Entrance examination likewise oral or written tests: those holding a Master’s Degree or equivalent (Italian or foreign) may apply in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the call

In this article, Applicants will be enlightened about the Requirements to apply for the University of Insubria PhD Courses, the Benefits and the steps by step procedures to Apply for Scholarship. Check out Fully Funded Italian Government Scholarships for Foreign Students 2022-23

Table of Contents

About University of Insurbia Italy

The University of Insurbia was founded in the year 1998 located in Como, Varese and Busto Arsizio. Both Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs are offered by the Università degli Studi dell’Insubria. The University is ranking 51th in Best Global University in Italy.

Scholarships Details

Country: Italy Host: Università degli Studi dell’Insubria Type: Fully Funded Study Level: PhD Award Taken in: Italy Gender: Males and Females No of Scholarships: Unspecified Target: Italians and International students

Scholarships Duration

Fully Funded Università degli Studi dell’Insubria PhD Scholarships for 2022-2023 Call for admission XXXVIII cycle a.y is a 3 year Program which all expenses will be cater for by the University for the entire Study duration.

List of Academic Field/Major University of Insubria Italy 2022-2023

Chemical and Environmental Science

Clinical and Experimental Medicine and Medical Humanities

Computer Science and the Mathematics of Computation

Experimental and Translational Medicine

Law and Human Sciences

  • Life Science and Biotechnology

Methods and Models for Economic Decisions

Physics and Astrophysics

  • Pedagogy and Psychology
  • Political and Social Science
  • Antiquities
  • Philology and Literature
  • History of Art
  • Astrophysics
  • Biomedicine


  • Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Industrial and Information Engineering
  • Economics and Statistics

Eligibility Requirements for University of Insubria PhD Scholarship in Italy 2022-2023 Fully Funded

  • Nationality : Italians and International students are eligible to apply for this PhD Scholarship Program.
  • Admission Requirements : Masters Degree or Equivalent obtain Abroad or Italians who have obtain a Master’s Degree or a 4-year Degree, following the system previous to the Ministerial Decree no. 509/1999.
  • IELTS?GRE is not Mandatory
  • Admission to Doctoral Programs is based on qualifications and exams as admission test consists in an evaluation of the candidates’ qualifications, and in a written and/or oral test
  • There will be an Online interviews for Applicants who are selected and will take place by using the platform made available by the University (Microsoft Teams)
  • Applicants Must Have completed Masters Degree as at the time of Applying for this Scholarship.
  • Applicants is Ineligible if they are benefitting or Has benefited from Government Scholarship in Italy.

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Benefits of University of Insubria PhD Scholarship Fully Funded

Università degli Studi dell’Insubria PhD Scholarship Annually is € 13.638,47 and are renewed provided that the student has completed the program of activities for the previous year (scholarship of the PhD program is subject to the payment of social security contributions (INPS a gestione separata), according to the relevant regulations in force)

Documents Required

  • Publication
  • Masters thesis
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Recommendation Letters
  • Transcripts
  • Copy of Certificate
  • Research projects (candidates are invited to contact Principal Investigators with regard to the programs of interest)

How to Apply

The following are the Procedure to apply for University of Insubria PhD Scholarship in Italy 2022-2023 Fully Funded and there is a Guide docx that will help You to successfully apply of Doctoral Program A.A. 2022/2023 – XXXVIII cycle at University of Insubria 2022-2023:

  • Create an Account Here
  • Apply for the Doctoral Program Available for Scholarship
  • Then insert your fiscal code, if you already have one. Just in case you don’t already have one fiscal code flag on “Foreign student without Fiscal Code”
  • Click on “Login” and use your credentials to enter the system.

Proceed Further HERE for Better Information on How to Successfully Apply

READ ALSO: Mexican Government Scholarship in Mexico 2022-2023 Fully Funded

Application Deadline

The Application Closing Date for University of Insubria PhD Scholarship in Italy 2022-2023 Fully Funded Call for Admission 38th Cycle is 2nd August 2022 .  Ensure you Have Indicated your interest by Applying before the deadline date

Official Website

Scholarships Notice


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Apply directly with the university

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