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Writing a master's or ph.d. thesis, latex dissertation template, how to graduate: the paperwork, pandemic update (spring 2021).

Note: What appears below, with permission, began as a slightly edited version of unofficial advice from MGSA, the UC Berkeley Mathematics Graduate Student Associate, with Berkeley specific information removed. Over time this document has evolved to contain a great deal of UC Davis-specific information as well as current LaTeX templates.

(Thanks to Megumi Harada) Steps to your goal:

  • Start early . Jot down notes when you talk to your advisor. Keep them somewhere that you'll be able to find them again. Often, you find that little notes you write can serve as a “seed” to start the writing process.
  • Write a little each day. Obvious, and yet few people follow this advice. Even just one hour a day, divided into four 15-minute sessions, goes a long way if you keep at it for a month.
  • Get your advisor to look at small parts of drafts and chapters early on.

All information is subject to change. Current information specific to filing a doctoral thesis at UC Davis can be found via the Grad Studies website .

There are several websites dedicated to Using LaTeX to Write a PhD Thesis . But since you're in the UC Davis math department, your best bet is to use a template that was specifically created for UC Davis math students.

Download: 2024 template (Overleaf compatible)

This template was created originally by Tyrell McAllister with later edits by Jeff Irion, John Challenor, Will Wright, and David Haley in order to keep the template current with formatting requirements. In 2024, Greg DePaul updated the template to be overleaf compatible.

Once you pass your Qual, download the dissertation template! Fill in some basic info (name, major, committee members' names, etc.), and add to your dissertation while you work on your research. After all, it's easier to write and cite as you go than to do it months/years later when that stuff isn't fresh in your mind.

This is an unofficial guide . Please see Preparing & Filing Your Thesis or Dissertation for the official set of instructions.

  • Take note of the filing deadlines . They recommend completing your dissertation in time to give it to your committee for review at the beginning of the quarter in which you intend to graduate. In most cases, your committee probably won't need that much time, but you should check in with your committee members well in advance to make sure they'll be around when you need them.
  • Once your committee members have signed your dissertation's title page, you can file your dissertation electronically (see the Grad Studies website linked above for the specific instructions). The Grad Studies office will review it to make sure that it is formatted correctly and let you know if any corrections need to be made. They will then inform you when your dissertation has been approved, after which time no further changes are allowed.
  • The final step is to make an appointment with the Senior Academic Advisor for Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (as of Spring 2020, this is Brad Wolf ). This appointment can't take place until at least two business days after you file your dissertation online (and it must have been approved). The purpose of this appointment is to file the remaining paperwork and receive an official letter confirming your degree.

As of Spring 2021, the documents you will need to bring are as follows (see the official checklist here ).

  • Your title page with the signatures of your committee members.
  • One copy of your abstract.
  • The dissertation embargo agreement (this requires your advisor's signature even if you aren't planning on an embargo on your dissertation).
  • Two online surveys: The Survey of Earned Doctorates and the Graduate Studies Exit Survey. Each will give you a completion code which you will need to provide.
  • The Graduate Program Exit Information form. As of Spring 2021, this requires a signature from either Tina or Vanessa.

The three documents with signatures obviously must be physical copies. The other item can be emailed to the Academic Advisor when you set up your appointment.

Given that we've all become hermits here in our underground bunkers, only occasionally opening Zoom to remind ourselves that other people exist in this world, a few changes have been made to the process. These may or may not be permanent changes going forward. Always consult the Graduate Studies page if you are unsure about current requirements.

  • The title page must be a single form signed by all committee members, but those signatures can be electronic. It must still be ONE form. As having multiple persons sign a single PDF is not as easy as it sounds, I recommend to download the Word Template that is provided on the Graduate Studies page . It can easily be edited to contain your information, and adding signatures to a Word document is arguably simpler than teaching your committee members to add signatures to a PDF without accidentally closing it to future edits.
  • The signed title page must be submitted by your committee chair, or else your program chair (the coordinator might also work – check me on this). Since your committee chair is also one of the people who will be signing your dissertation, it makes sense to have them sign last, and then they can send the form to the Senior Academic Advisor directly. You cannot submit the title page yourself – this is a measure implemented to help prevent fraud and forgery.
  • All documents can be submitted digitally to the Senior Academic Advisor (and ideally, all in the same email, except the title page). You'll probably want to then schedule a Zoom appointment with the Advisor to go over your materials and make sure that they are complete.
  • Remember that you must schedule an exit seminar before the Program Exit Information form can be signed.

Older Templates

The “ucdavisthesis” LaTeX package maintained by Ryan Scott has a number of convenient macros that can generate a dissertation. It is loosely based on an earlier version of the math department template. It is also available in most TeX distributions by default (including Overleaf), and so accessing it is also convenient. However, editing the package to keep up with changes to formatting requirements requires some thought. To that end, you might be interested in one of the following two documents which bring the template up to date with Spring 2021 requirements:

  • ucdavisthesis.cls : Add this to the root directory of your Overleaf document
  • ucdavisthesis.dtx : Use this version if you are the kind of person who likes to compile your own stuff

The 2020 version of the math department template can be found here . It differs from the 2021 version only in the way that the page numbers are written (it places hyphens on either side of roman numerals, but not on the other pages).

A previous template that complied with UCD's requirements as of 2012 was created by Sean Whalen and can be found on GitHub . It has not been maintained since 2012 and so is not up-to-date with the current formatting requirements.

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uc davis dissertation latex template

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Available Formats

Electronic copies.

As of September 2010 all doctoral dissertations and masters theses are submitted to the  Proquest Dissertations & Theses database. Electronic copies of doctoral dissertations began to be available in 1997 while masters theses began to be available in September 2010. After a dissertation or thesis is submitted to Graduate Studies, it can take up to several months for it to appear in the database.

As of Spring Quarter 2021, theses and dissertations are also submitted to eScholarship .

Paper Copies

Masters theses from mid-2003 to September 2010 are located in the Shields Library book stacks.

Microfiche Copies

UC Davis theses and dissertations issued between 1978 and mid-2003 are available for use in the Microcopy Collection, Lower Level, Shields Library. Microfiche copies are available for inter-library loan and for reading, copying, or scanning within the library.

Archival Copies

UC Davis theses and dissertations issued before 1978 are typically only available in Special Collections. These are stored offsite and are for use only in the Blanchard Special Collections Reading Room. They can be requested at  aeon.library.ucdavis.edu . Turnaround time is 48-72 hours.

Locating Dissertations and Theses

Via uc library search.

UC Davis dissertations and theses can be located via the library’s online catalog,  UC Library Search . The item record will indicate the location of each thesis and dissertation.

Search Tips

Dissertations and theses do not receive standard “subject” headings. Dissertation titles are required to be descriptive, so title word searches are often effective. Another strategy, applicable for dissertations only, is to search in Proquest’s Dissertations & Theses Database (limiting to UC Davis if desired), where one can search titles, abstracts, and subject descriptors.

Note: with our new catalog options, searching by dissertation subject heading is less used, but in case you need to know, UC Davis catalogs its theses and dissertations with a limited subject heading, constructed of the phrase Dissertations, Academic — University of California, Davis plus the name of the department in which the degree is granted, for example:

  • Dissertations, Academic — University of California, Davis — Genetics

For 1989 and earlier, use the heading Dissertations, Academic — California plus the name of the department in which the degree is granted, for example:

  • Dissertations, Academic — California — Soil science

Via the Dissertations & Theses Database

The  Dissertations & Theses Database  via Proquest includes citations for theses and dissertations from 1861 to the current year. Entries for dissertations from 1980 forward include 350-word abstracts, written by the author. Citations for master’s theses from 1988 forward include 150-word abstracts. UC Davis submits only doctoral dissertations for inclusion in Dissertations & Theses via Proquest.

Search Dissertations & Theses by:

  • The keyword of the title or abstract
  • School (“Davis,” for example)
  • Advisor name
  • Other fields

Some UC Davis dissertations are not sent to ProQuest at the request of the author. In such cases, locate the bibliographic record in the UC Library Search online catalog. There may be a microform or print copy available for use, or you may request retrieval of the archival copy via Special Collections.

The Dissertations & Theses database provides access to the complete full-text of all University of California dissertations in addition to UC Davis doctoral dissertations from the year 1997 forward. Free 24-page previews are available for most other university theses and dissertations listed in the database from 1997 forward. Access to the ProQuest database and full-text is limited to UC computer addresses.

How to Obtain PDFs from the Dissertations & Theses Database

When displaying a citation for a dissertation, the Digital Dissertations database will indicate via a “Full text -PDF” button that the dissertation is available for full-text download. Nearly all of the UC dissertations since 1997 are available in full-text format.

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Directory macros/latex/contrib/ucdavisthesis

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (1.7M).

ucdavisthesis – A thesis/dissertation class for University of California at Davis

The ucdavisthesis class is a L a T e X class that allows you to create a dissertation or thesis conforming to UC Davis formatting requirements as of April 2016.

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Publishing Your Thesis or Dissertation

ITS-Davis doctoral dissertations and master’s theses are valuable sources of knowledge, and dissemination of that knowledge can benefit you and many others.

We post all PhD dissertations to our ITS-Davis publications website, plus any MS thesis that is endorsed by the major professor as being suitable for posting. Please submit your document as a PDF to our Publications database manager, Katie Rustad, [email protected]. Be sure to check the PDF version of the file before you submit, as formatting “adventures” can happen during the translation from the Word file to PDF.

Book format

Modern information and communication technologies are making it very easy and inexpensive to publish your work as a book, and we would like to encourage you to do so.

As just one example among several, Lulu.com enables you to publish your work yourself, while you retain complete control over content and copyright. You simply upload your manuscript, and use Lulu’s formatting tools to customize the appearance to your liking. You can choose a hard-back or paper-back binding.

Nic Lutsey, a recent ITS-Davis PhD graduate, published his dissertation using Lulu and he commented, “Overall, it is super easy. The most time-consuming thing is simply making all of the figures/tables from the dissertation into a size that fits within the 6-by-9 sizing (this could mean scaling down figures, changing some font sizes, and perhaps eliminating less necessary table columns). Maybe that took me a few hours. Submitting to Lulu is as easy as uploading, waiting for them to convert to a PDF format, inspecting the PDF, and approving. The whole thing could easily take less than a day’s work.”

Note that Lulu does allow publication in a letter-size (8.5” x 11”) format, so you could, in principle, simply upload your manuscript as-is (however, we agree that the 6”x9” format looks more professional, as well as requiring less paper…).

We have The Bookshelf in the ITS-Davis large conference room to hold copies of our students’ theses and dissertations published in this way. You can find Nic’s dissertation there, in case you’d like to inspect a sample. If you let us know that you are doing this, ITS-Davis will purchase a copy of your book to display on our shelf along with those of your fellow alumni.

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University of california, davis.

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uc davis dissertation latex template

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uc davis dissertation latex template

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A template for a Markdown/Pandoc template for a UC Davis PhD dissertation or Masters' thesis


Folders and files, repository files navigation, davis-dissertation-template.

A template for a Markdown/Pandoc template for a UC Davis PhD dissertation or Masters' thesis. Unlike other templates I've seen, this one should not require any dependencies beyond a typical TeX installation plus Pandoc, and it does not require any TeX commands at the command line. Apart from a few TeX formatting commands inside the .md file, you should be able to write everything in pure Markdown.

On my machine, you can compile the template to a complete PDF file with the following pandoc command:

pandoc -o dissertation.pdf --bibliography=bib.bib --csl=citation-style.csl -V geometry:margin=1in -V linestretch=2 -V fontsize=12pt dissertation.md

Feel free to use the template for any purpose, but I cannot provide any support for it. Also, although my dissertation did pass inspection using this template, I cannot guarantee that it will meet all of the requirements for you (especially because Grad Studies could change the requirements in the future)

All of the fields in dissertation.md that you need to fill in should be marked with {{double braces}}. You can see what the template looks like using dissertation.pdf .

Contributors 2

Preparing Your Ph.D. Dissertation Using LaTeX

Introduction, preparing the latex file, downloading the macros to your computer, steps for final submission.

Last updated 11 February 2012

[ANT logo]

USCthesis - a LaTeX style for theses and dissertations at USC

USCthesis provides a LaTeX style package for writing your thesis, dissertation, or thesis proposal at the University of Southern California (USC), based on the USC Graduate School Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Guidelines.

A public git repository is at https://github.com/cardi/USCthesis

Updated to the latest formatting guidelines.

This style has floated around and evolved informally across students and departments. See the other templates that exist for other versions.

See paper.tex and paper.pdf for an example thesis.

Use make to compile the paper. Requires latexmk .

The full changelog can be found inside USCthesis.sty .

known issues

  • has not been tested with thesis proposals

other templates

  • rudazhang/USCthesis
  • USC Graduate School: Manuscript Formatting and Documentation Styles

uc davis dissertation latex template

Electronic Thesis / Dissertation Information

Preparing your electronic thesis/dissertation.

Your ETD submission has specific requirements. For more information about preparing and submitting your ETD, please see the  Required Page Order ,  Formatting Guidelines  and  ETD FAQ  pages.  ETD submission deadlines are posted on the  Graduation Deadlines  page. If you miss the ETD deadline for your desired graduation term, you will not be able to graduate that term, and you will have to submit another graduation application for the following term.

Important note: Make sure to provide your chair ample time to complete the review. We recommend you to upload your ETD quite in advance of the ETD submission deadline to allow your chair time for proper review. Your chair will need to review and submit the ETD to the Graduate College by the deadline date.

A guide to complete the Graduation Checklist and ETD submission can be found below. To view these documents, you will need  Adobe Acrobat Reader , a free download.

  • View Graduate Certificate Checklist Guide  (PDF)
  • View Non-Thesis Checklist Guide  (PDF)
  • View Thesis Checklist Guide  (PDF)
  • View Dissertation Checklist Guide  (PDF)
  • View Library Dissertation Checklist Guide  (PDF)

ETD Digital Accessibility

The University of Cincinnati strongly recommends making electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) accessible. You can ensure your accessibility features are established when you convert your thesis or dissertation document from Word to PDF. Please see PDF Documents and Creating accessible PDFs for tutorials and guides.

The following notice is a practice that has been established and implemented on behalf of the students; no action is required.

As part of the University of Cincinnati’s efforts to make educational content accessible and available to everyone and to meet OhioLink’s ETD minimum requirements, the Graduate College has created a feature in the Graduation Checklist to make your ETD Document of Defense (DOD) page accessible for assistive technologies , such as screen readers. The DOD is a version of the Committee Approval Form, and it includes printed names of the thesis or dissertation committee; an example of the DOD can be found in the thesis and dissertation checklist guides located above.

The DOD page includes the following accessibility components to meet the ETD OhioLink recommended minimum digital accessibility requirements:

  • Title: The title of your thesis/dissertation will be included on the document as text accessible.
  • Full text of DOD: The whole DOD page will be accessible, which will include student name, degree, program, title of ETD, and committee.
  • DOD page accessibility permission flag is checked: The Graduate College has addressed all accessibility issues in DOD page; no further action is required.
  • Text Language of the DOD is specified: The system will specify the language of the title and document you select in your graduation checklist.

The practice above has been established and implemented on behalf of the students; no action is required.

Suggested ETD Timeline 

You may need up to 6 weeks to prepare your thesis or dissertation for electronic submission. A  suggested  schedule is available below.

Format Thesis

  • Week 1 of term.
  • Allow 1 week to complete.
  • See  Required Page Order  and  Formatting Guidelines  for instructions.

Verify Committee

  • Allow 48 hours to complete.
  • If your committee is not found or if there is an error, contact your  Graduate Program Coordinator . Your commitee will take  24 hours to update  once corrected in the graduation system.  Do not wait until the last minute!  Other steps in the ETD process depend on this.

Announce Defense on Graduate College Website

  • Week 8 of term.
  • Recommended at least 2 weeks ahead of defense.
  • All doctoral students must announce their defense publicly on the Graduate College website prior to the day of defense. 
  • Announce your defense by logging into the  Graduation Checklist  and entering your defense information.

Acquire Committee Signatures

  • Week 9 of term.
  • You may need to make changes to your document based on your defense. After completing the changes, you must get the signatures of your committee members.  Signatures must be original.  Digital signatures on the form will be accepted. Faxed copies are not acceptable. You will scan the signed Committee Approval Form as a pdf and upload it as part of your ETD submission. Scanners are available in many UC  computer labs  and  libraries .

Research Publishing Options and Copyrights

  • Week 10 of term.
  • Allow 24 hours to complete.
  • Discuss keywords and subject headings with your advisor. Choose up to five keywords and two subject headings.
  • View permissions and copyright.

Prepare ETD Submission for Chair Approval

  • Make sure "Submit to Chair" is checked in the navigation bar. You may need to remind your chair for electronic approval if he/she does not respond promptly.

Obtain Electronic Chair Approval

  • Your chair is alerted via email that you have submitted your ETD for approval. Your chair will login to review your submission and may request changes.  Be sure to leave time for any necessary corrections  before the ETD deadline date.

Meeting the ETD Submission Deadline

  • Week 12 of term.
  • The Graduate College reviews each submission manually. This takes time. Do  not  call the Graduate College to check on the status of your ETD. You can check the status of your ETD by viewing the "Check Graduation Status" step on the  checklist . If the Graduate College finds any problems with your submission, you will receive an email alert. All issues  must  be resolved by the Graduate College deadline. Comments about any issues with your submission will appear on the comment summary page when you login to the "Submit ETD" step on the checklist.

University of California, Santa Cruz thesis template

LaTeX template intended to be used with the University of California Santa Cruz Division of Graduate Studies “Dissertation and Thesis Preparation Guidelines”.

This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in November 2019.

University of California, Santa Cruz thesis template

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  1. UC Davis Thesis/Dissertation Template

    uc davis dissertation latex template

  2. Report and Thesis formatting in LaTeX Service

    uc davis dissertation latex template

  3. Thesis proposal latex example

    uc davis dissertation latex template

  4. LaTeX Templates

    uc davis dissertation latex template

  5. Latex Template

    uc davis dissertation latex template

  6. LaTeX Templates Thesis and Dissertation Examples

    uc davis dissertation latex template


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  1. thesistips [Galois Group]

    There are several websites dedicated to Using LaTeX to Write a PhD Thesis. But since you're in the UC Davis math department, your best bet is to use a template that was specifically created for UC Davis math students. Download: 2024 template (Overleaf compatible)

  2. Dissertations and Theses

    The Dissertations & Theses database provides access to the complete full-text of all University of California dissertations in addition to UC Davis doctoral dissertations from the year 1997 forward. Free 24-page previews are available for most other university theses and dissertations listed in the database from 1997 forward.

  3. UCD Thesis

    Latex stylesheet and base files for a thesis/dissertation at University of California, Davis - wildintellect/ucdthesis

  4. Templates

    Template for final project reports for EEC 136AB Electronics Design Project, a senior capstone team-based design course at UC Davis. Produce beautiful documents starting from our gallery of LaTeX templates for journals, conferences, theses, reports, CVs and much more.

  5. PDF LaTeX on Windows

    Thesis Templates Get the approprate thesis template files Put the files (*.cls and *.clo) into the same folder as your project Include the document "class"; examples: \documentclass[twoside, 11pt]{ucdthesis} Old 2002 UC Davis thesis template \documentclass[MS, twoside]{ucdavisthesis} Ryan's UC Davis thesis template For further details see example thesis project

  6. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"":{"items":[{"name

    {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"":{"items":[{"name":"Readme.txt","path":"Readme.txt","contentType":"file"},{"name":"ucdavisthesis.pdf","path ...

  7. University of California at Davis Thesis/Dissertation Template

    A University of California at Davis Thesis/Dissertation Template Please read the manual ucdavisthesis.pdf for more information and change log. The ucdavisthesis class is a LaTeX class that allows you to create a dissertation or thesis which conforms (to the best of my knowledge) to UC Davis formatting requirements as of April 2016.

  8. UCD postgrad thesis template

    View PDF. Author. Fernando Almaguer-Angeles. Last Updated. a year ago. License. LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c. Abstract. I did this thesis template while writing my master's thesis, in late 2019, hope it helps.

  9. CTAN: /tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/ucdavisthesis

    The ucdavisthesis class is a LaTeX class that allows you to create a dissertation or thesis which conforms (to the best of my knowledge) to UC Davis formatting requirements as of April 2016. The output document has the necessary preliminary pages, margins, page number placement, etc.

  10. PDF A University of California Davis Dissertation/Thesis LaTeX Class File

    A University of California Davis Dissertation/Thesis LaTeX Class File By First Middle Last B.S. (First Institution) 2010 M.S. (Second Institution) 2012 ... graduate study at UC Davis which have been published may be accepted in printed form as all or part of the master's thesis or doctoral dissertation. If you are not the sole or


    c. Line 3 -Indicate if this a dissertation or thesis. PhD's will always use the term dissertation, MS's will always use the term thesis. d. Line 4 - Degree objective (MS or PhD) e. Line 5 - Your official major as it appears on your University records f. Line 6 - Signature space for your committee Chair with their name printed below,

  12. ITS Publishing Your Thesis or Dissertation

    ITS-Davis doctoral dissertations and master's theses are valuable sources of knowledge, and dissemination of that knowledge can benefit you and many others. Online We post all PhD dissertations to our ITS-Davis publications website, plus any MS thesis that is endorsed by the major professor as being suitable for posting. Please submit your document as a […]

  13. UC Davis Thesis/Dissertation Template

    Use Docx2LaTeX Google Docs templates to automatically generates 100% complient latex source code and PDF. Save your time! Products. Automatic Converter. Google Docs Add-on. Manual Conversion Service. ... UC Davis Thesis/Dissertation Template. Used by 91 students. University Name: University of California, Davis ...

  14. Uc Davis Dissertation Latex Template

    Uc Davis Dissertation Latex Template - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  15. Template for a Masters or Doctoral Thesis

    Abstract. This LaTeX template is used by many universities as the basis for thesis and dissertation submissions, and is a great way to get started if you haven't been provided with a specific version from your department. This version of the template is provided by Vel at LaTeXTemplates.com, and is already loaded in Overleaf so you can start ...

  16. Uc Davis Thesis Latex Template

    Uc Davis Thesis Latex Template - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  17. Templates

    UC Davis Thesis/Dissertation Template. University of Washington Dissertation Template. University of Washington Thesis Template. TU Delft Dissertation Template. PennState University Thesis Template. Drexel University Thesis Template. Docx2LaTeX Google Docs LaTeX templates, the fastest and easiest way to write collaborative research papers ...

  18. GitHub

    A template for a Markdown/Pandoc template for a UC Davis PhD dissertation or Masters' thesis - GitHub - davharris/Davis-dissertation-template: A template for a Markdown/Pandoc template for a UC...

  19. Preparing Your Ph.D. Dissertation Using LaTeX

    Preparing the LaTeX File. To prepare the LaTeX file, copy the files from the sample thesis located at /~vojta/thesis/ , and adapt them to your situation. The document class ucbthesis is already installed on our computer network. However, if you are using a thin client, then you will need to type the following command, just once, in each ...

  20. USCthesis

    USCthesis provides a LaTeX style package for writing your thesis, dissertation, or thesis proposal at the University of Southern California (USC), based on the USC Graduate School Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Guidelines. ... See the other templates that exist for other versions. usage. See paper.tex and paper.pdf for an example thesis ...

  21. PhD Thesis and Dissertation LaTeX Templates for Harvard ...

    Dissertate provides a beautiful LaTeX template for a thesis or dissertation. This template has been uploaded into Overleaf so you can get started simply by clicking the button above. It currently provides everything needed to support the production and typesetting of a PhD dissertation at Harvard, Princeton, and NYU.

  22. Electronic Thesis / Dissertation Information

    ETD Digital Accessibility. The University of Cincinnati strongly recommends making electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) accessible. You can ensure your accessibility features are established when you convert your thesis or dissertation document from Word to PDF. Please see PDF Documents and Creating accessible PDFs for tutorials and guides.

  23. University of California, Santa Cruz thesis template

    Abstract. LaTeX template intended to be used with the University of California Santa Cruz Division of Graduate Studies "Dissertation and Thesis Preparation Guidelines". This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in November 2019. LaTeX template intended to be used with the University of ...