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  • J Adv Pract Oncol
  • v.10(4); May-Jun 2019

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Secondary Analysis Research

In secondary data analysis (SDA) studies, investigators use data collected by other researchers to address different questions. Like primary data researchers, SDA investigators must be knowledgeable about their research area to identify datasets that are a good fit for an SDA. Several sources of datasets may be useful for SDA, and examples of some of these will be discussed. Advanced practice providers must be aware of possible advantages, such as economic savings, the ability to examine clinically significant research questions in large datasets that may have been collected over time (longitudinal data), generating new hypotheses or clarifying research questions, and avoiding overburdening sensitive populations or investigating sensitive areas. When reading an SDA report, the reader should be able to determine that the authors identified the limitation or disadvantages of their research. For example, a primary dataset cannot “fit” an SDA researcher’s study exactly, SDAs are inherently limited by the inability to definitively examine causality given their retrospective nature, and data may be too old to address current issues.

Secondary analysis of data collected by another researcher for a different purpose, or SDA, is increasing in the medical and social sciences. This is not surprising, given the immense body of health care–related research performed worldwide and the potential beneficial clinical implications of the timely expansion of primary research ( Johnston, 2014 ; Tripathy, 2013 ). Oncology advanced practitioners should understand why and how SDA studies are done, their potential advantages and disadvantages, as well as the importance of reading primary and secondary analysis research reports with the same discriminatory, evaluative eye for possible applicability to their practice setting.

To perform a primary research study, an investigator identifies a problem or question in a particular population that is amenable to the study, designs a research project to address that question, decides on a quantitative or qualitative methodology, determines an adequate sample size and recruits representative subjects, and systematically collects and analyzes data to address specific research questions. On the other hand, an SDA addresses new questions from that dataset previously gathered for a different primary study ( Castle, 2003 ). This might sound “easier,” but investigators who carry out SDA research must have a broad knowledge base and be up to date regarding the state of the science in their area of interest to identify important research questions, find appropriate datasets, and apply the same research principles as primary researchers.

Most SDAs use quantitative data, but some qualitative studies lend themselves to SDA. The researcher must have access to source data, as opposed to secondary source data (e.g., a medical record review). Original qualitative data sources could be videotaped or audiotaped interviews or transcripts, or other notes from a qualitative study ( Rew, Koniak-Griffin, Lewis, Miles, & O’Sullivan, 2000 ). Another possible source for qualitative analysis is open-ended survey questions that reflect greater meaning than forced-response items.


An SDA researcher starts with a research question or hypothesis, then identifies an appropriate dataset or sets to address it; alternatively, they are familiar with a dataset and peruse it to identify other questions that might be answered by the available data ( Cheng & Phillips, 2014 ). In reality, SDA researchers probably move back and forth between these approaches. For example, an investigator who starts with a research question but does not find a dataset with all needed variables usually must modify the research question(s) based on the best available data.

Secondary data analysis researchers access primary data via formal (public or institutional archived primary research datasets) or informal data sharing sources (pooled datasets separately collected by two or more researchers, or other independent researchers in carrying out secondary analysis; Heaton, 2008 ). There are numerous sources of datasets for secondary analysis. For example, a graduate student might opt to perform a secondary analysis of an advisor’s research. University and government online sites may also be useful, such as the NYU Libraries Data Sources ( https://guides.nyu.edu/c.php?g=276966&p=1848686 ) or the National Cancer Institute, which has many subcategories of datasets ( https://www.cancer.gov/research/resources/search?from=0&toolTypes=datasets_databases ). The Google search engine is useful, and researchers can enter the search term “Archive sources of datasets (add key words related to oncology).”

In one secondary analysis method, researchers reuse their own data—either a single dataset or combined respective datasets to investigate new or additional questions for a new SDA.

Example of a Secondary Data Analysis

An example highlighting this method of reusing one’s own data is Winters-Stone and colleagues’ SDA of data from four previous primary studies they performed at one institution, published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO) in 2017. Their pooled sample was 512 breast cancer survivors (age 63 ± 6 years) who had been diagnosed and treated for nonmetastatic breast cancer 5.8 years (± 4.1 years) earlier. The investigators divided the cohort, which had no diagnosed neurologic conditions, into two groups: women who reported symptoms consistent with lower-extremity chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN; numbness, tingling, or discomfort in feet) vs. CIPN-negative women who did not have symptoms. The objectives of the study were to define patient-reported prevalence of CIPN symptoms in women who had received chemotherapy, compare objective and subjective measures of CIPN in these cancer survivors, and examine the relationship between CIPN symptom severity and outcomes. Objective and subjective measures were used to compare groups for manifestations influenced by CIPN (physical function, disability, and falls). Actual chemotherapy regimens administered had not been documented (a study limitation, but regimens likely included a taxane that is neurotoxic); therefore, investigators could only confirm that symptoms began during chemotherapy and how severely patients rated symptoms.

Up to 10 years after completing chemotherapy, 47% of women who had received chemotherapy were still having significant and potentially life-threatening sensory symptoms consistent with CIPN, did worse on physical function tests, reported poorer functioning, had greater disability, and had nearly twice the rate of falls compared with CIPN-negative women ( Winters-Stone et al., 2017 ). Furthermore, symptom severity was related to worse outcomes, while worsening cancer was not.

Stout (2017) recognized the importance of this secondary analysis in an accompanying editorial published in JCO, remarking that it was the first study that included both patient-reported subjective measures and objective measures of a clinically significant problem. Winter-Stone and others (2017) recognized that by analyzing what essentially became a large sample, they were able to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the significance and impact of CIPN, and thus to challenge the notion that while CIPN may improve over time, it remains a major cancer survivorship issue. Thus, oncology advanced practitioners must systematically address CIPN at baseline and over time in vulnerable patients, and collaborate with others to implement potentially helpful interventions such as physical and occupational therapy ( Silver & Gilchrist, 2011 ). Other primary or secondary research projects might focus on the usefulness of such interventions.


The advantages of doing SDA research that are cited most often are the economic savings—in time, money, and labor—and the convenience of using existing data rather than collecting primary data, which is usually the most time-consuming and expensive aspect of research ( Johnston, 2014 ; Rew et al., 2000 ; Tripathy, 2013 ). If there is a cost to access datasets, it is usually small (compared to performing the data collection oneself), and detailed information about data collection and statistician support may also be available ( Cheng & Phillips, 2014 ). Secondary data analysis may help a new investigator increase his/her clinical research expertise and avoid data collection challenges (e.g., recruiting study participants, obtaining large-enough sample sizes to yield convincing results, avoiding study dropout, and completing data collection within a reasonable time). Secondary data analyses may also allow for examining more variables than would be feasible in smaller studies, surveys of more diverse samples, and the ability to rethink data and use more advanced statistical techniques in analysis ( Rew et al., 2000 ).

Secondary Data Analysis to Answer Additional Research Questions

Another advantage is that an SDA of a large dataset, possibly combining data from more than one study or by using longitudinal data, can address high-impact, clinically important research questions that might be prohibitively expensive or time-consuming for primary study, and potentially generate new hypotheses ( Smith et al., 2011 ; Tripathy, 2013 ). Schadendorf and others (2015) did one such SDA: a pooled analysis of 12 phase II and phase III studies of ipilimumab (Yervoy) for patients with metastatic melanoma. The study goal was to more accurately estimate the long-term survival benefit of ipilimumab every 3 weeks for greater than or equal to 4 doses in 1,861 patients with advanced melanoma, two thirds of whom had been previously treated and one third who were treatment naive. Almost 89% of patients had received ipilimumab at 3 mg/kg (n = 965), 10 mg/kg (n = 706), or other doses, and about 54% had been followed for longer than 5 years. Across all studies, overall survival curves plateaued between 2 and 3 years, suggesting a durable survival benefit for some patients.

Irrespective of prior therapy, ipilimumab dose, or treatment regimen, median overall survival was 13.5 months in treatment naive patients and 10.7 months in previously treated patients ( Schadendorf et al., 2015 ). In addition, survival curves consistently plateaued at approximately year 3 and continued for up to 10 years (longest follow-up). This suggested that most of the 20% to 26% of patients who reached the plateau had a low risk of death from melanoma thereafter. The authors viewed these results as “encouraging,” given the historic median overall survival in patients with advanced melanoma of 8 to 10 months and 5-year survival of approximately 10%. They identified limitations of their SDA (discussed later in this article). Three-year survival was numerically (but not statistically significantly) greater for the patients who received ipilimumab at 10 mg/kg than at 3 mg/kg doses, which had been noted in one of the included studies.

The importance of this secondary analysis was clearly relevant to prescribers of anticancer therapies, and led to a subsequent phase III trial in the same population to answer the ipilimumab dose question. Ascierto and colleagues’ (2017) study confirmed ipilimumab at 10 mg/kg led to a significantly longer overall survival than at 3 mg/kg (15.7 months vs. 11.5 months) in a subgroup of patients not previously treated with a BRAF inhibitor or immune checkpoint inhibitor. However, this was attained at the cost of greater treatment-related adverse events and more frequent discontinuation secondary to severe ipilimumab-related adverse events. Both would be critical points for advanced practitioners to discuss with patients and to consider in relationship to the particular patient’s ability to tolerate a given regimen.

Secondary Data Analysis to Avoid Study Repetition and Over-Research

Secondary data analysis research also avoids study repetition and over-research of sensitive topics or populations ( Tripathy, 2013 ). For example, people treated for cancer in the United Kingdom are surveyed annually through the National Cancer Patient Experience Survey (NCPES), and questions regarding sexual orientation were first included in the 2013 NCPES. Hulbert-Williams and colleagues (2017) did a more rigorous SDA of this survey to gain an understanding of how lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB) patients’ experiences with cancer differed from heterosexual patients.

Sixty-four percent of those surveyed responded (n = 68,737) to the question regarding their “best description of sexual orientation.” 89.3% indicated “heterosexual/straight,” 425 (0.6%) indicated “lesbian or gay,” and 143 (0.2%) indicated “bisexual.” One insight gained from the study was that although the true population proportion of LGB was not known, the small number of self-identified LGB patients most likely did not reflect actual numbers and may have occurred because of ongoing unwillingness to disclose sexual orientation, along with the older mean age of the sample. Other cancer patients who selected “prefer not to answer” (3%), “other” (0.9%), or left the question blank (6%), were not included in the SDA to correctly avoid bias in assuming these responses were related to sexual orientation.

Bisexual respondents were significantly more likely to report that nurses or other health-care professionals informed them about their diagnosis, but that it was subsequently difficult to contact nurse specialists and get understandable answers from them; they were dissatisfied with their interaction with hospital nurses and the care and help provided by both health and social care services after leaving the hospital. Bisexual and lesbian/gay respondents wanted to be involved in treatment decision-making, but therapy choices were not discussed with them, and they were all less satisfied than heterosexuals with the information given to them at diagnosis and during treatment and aftercare—an important clinical implication for oncology advanced practitioners.

Hulbert-Williams and colleagues (2017) proposed that while health-care communication and information resources are not explicitly homophobic, we may perpetuate heterosexuality as “normal” by conversational cues and reliance on heterosexual imagery that implies a context exclusionary of LGB individuals. Sexual orientation equality is about matching care to individual needs for all patients regardless of sexual orientation rather than treating everyone the same way, which does not seem to have happened according to the surveyed respondents’ perceptions. In addition, although LGB respondents replied they did not have or chose to exclude significant others from their cancer experience, there was no survey question that clarified their primary relationship status. This is not a unique strategy for persons with cancer, as LGB individuals may do this to protect family and friends from the negative consequences of homophobia.

Hulbert-Williams and others (2017) identified that this dataset might be useful to identify care needs for patients who identify as LGBT or LGBTQ (queer or questioning; no universally used acronym) and be used to obtain more targeted information from subsequent surveys. There is a relatively small body of data for advanced practitioners and other providers that aid in the assessment and care (including supportive, palliative, and survivorship care) of LGBT individuals—a minority group with many subpopulations that may have unique needs. One such effort is the white paper action plan that came out of the first summit on cancer in the LGBT communities. In 2014, participants from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada met to identify LGBT communities’ concerns and needs for cancer research, clinical cancer care, health-care policy, and advocacy for cancer survivorship and LGBT health equity ( Burkhalter et al., 2016 ).

More specifically, Healthy People 2020 now includes two objectives regarding LGBT issues: (1) to increase the number of population-based data systems used to monitor Healthy People 2020 objectives, including a standardized set of questions that identify lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender populations; and (2) to increase the number of states and territories that include questions that identify sexual orientation and gender identity on state-level surveys or data systems ( Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2019 ). We should help each patient to designate significant others’ (family or friends) degree of involvement in care, while recognizing that LGB patients may exclude their significant others if this process involves disclosing sexual orientation, as this may lead to continued social isolation of cancer patients. This SDA by Hulbert-Williams and colleagues (2017) produced findings in a relatively unexplored area of the overall care experiences of LGB patients.


Many drawbacks of SDA research center around the fact that a primary investigator collected data reflecting his/her unique perspectives and questions, which may not fit an SDA researcher’s questions ( Rew et al., 2000 ). Secondary data analysis researchers have no control over a desired study population, variables of interest, and study design, and probably did not have a role in collecting the primary data ( Castle, 2003 ; Johnston, 2014 ; Smith et al., 2011 ).

Furthermore, the primary data may not include particular demographic information (e.g., respondent zip codes, race, ethnicity, and specific ages) that were deleted to protect respondent confidentiality, or some other different variables that might be important in the SDA may not have been examined at all ( Cheng & Phillips, 2014 ; Johnston, 2014 ). Although primary data collection takes longer than SDA data collection, identifying and procuring suitable SDA data, analyzing the overall quality of the data, determining any limitations inherent in the original study, and determining whether there is an appropriate fit between the purpose of the original study and the purpose of the SDA can be very time consuming ( Castle, 2003 ; Cheng & Phillips, 2014 ; Rew et al., 2000 ).

Secondary data analysis research may be limited to descriptive, exploratory, and correlational designs and nonparametric statistical tests. By their nature, SDA studies are observational and retrospective, and the investigator cannot examine causal relationships (by a randomized, controlled design). An SDA investigator is challenged to decide whether archival data can be shaped to match new research questions; this means the researcher must have an in-depth understanding of the dataset and know how to alter research questions to match available data and recoded variables.

For example, in their pooled analysis of ipilimumab for advanced melanoma, Schadendorf and colleagues (2015) recognized study limitations that might also be disadvantages of other SDAs. These included the fact that they could not make definitive conclusions about the relationship of survival to ipilimumab dose because the study was not randomized, had no control group, and could not account for key baseline prognostic factors. Other limitations were differences in patient populations in several studies included in the SDA, studies that had been done over 10 years ago (although no other new therapies had improved overall survival during that time), and the fact that treatments received after ipilimumab could have affected overall survival.


Primary and secondary data investigators apply the same research principles, which should be evident in research reports ( Cheng & Phillips, 2014 ; Hulbert-Williams et al., 2017 ; Johnston, 2014 ; Rew et al., 2000 ; Smith et al., 2011 ; Tripathy, 2013 ).

  • ● Did the investigator(s) make a logical and convincing case for the importance of their study?
  • ● Is there a clear research question and/or study goals or objectives?
  • ● Are there operational definitions for the variables of interest?
  • ● Did the authors acknowledge the source of the original data and acquire ethical approval (as necessary)?
  • ● Did the authors discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the dataset? For example, how old are the data? Is the dataset sufficiently large to have confidence in the results (adequately powered)?
  • ● How well do the data seem to “fit” the SDA research question and design?
  • ● Does the methods section allow you, the reader, to “see” how the study was done (e.g., how the sample was selected, the tools/instruments that were used, as well their validity and reliability to measure what was intended, the data collection process, and how the data was analyzed)?
  • ● Do the findings, discussion, and conclusions—positive or negative—allow you to answer the “So what?” question, and does your evaluation match the investigator’s conclusion?

Answering these questions allows the advanced practice provider reader to assess the possible value of a secondary analysis (similarly to a primary research) report and its applicability to practice, and to identify further issues or areas for scientific inquiry.

The author has no conflicts of interest to disclose.

  • Ascierto P. A., Del Vecchio M., Robert C., Mackiewicz A., Chiarion-Sileni V., Arance A.,…Maio M. (2017). Ipilimumab 10 mg/kg versus ipilimumab 3 mg/kg in patients with unresectable or metastatic melanoma: A randomised, double-blind, multicentre, phase 3 trial . Lancet Oncology , 18 ( 5 ), 611–622. 10.1016/S1470-2045(17)30231-0 [ PubMed ] [ CrossRef ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Burkhalter J. E., Margolies L., Sigurdsson H. O., Walland J., Radix A., Rice D.,…Maingi S. (2016). The National LGBT Cancer Action Plan: A white paper of the 2014 National Summit on Cancer in the LGBT Communities . LGBT Health , 3 ( 1 ), 19–31. 10.1089/lgbt.2015.0118 [ CrossRef ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Castle J. E. (2003). Maximizing research opportunities: Secondary data analysis . Journal of Neuroscience Nursing , 35 ( 5 ), 287–290. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14593941 [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Cheng H. G., & Phillips M. R. (2014). Secondary analysis of existing data: Opportunities and implementation . Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry , 26 ( 6 ), 371–375. https://dx.doi.org/10.11919%2Fj.issn.1002-0829.214171 [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Heaton J. (2008). Secondary analysis of qualitative data: An overview . Historical Social Research , 33 ( 3 ), 33–45. [ Google Scholar ]
  • Hulbert-Williams N. J., Plumpton C. O., Flowers P., McHugh R., Neal R. D., Semlyen J., & Storey L. (2017). The cancer care experiences of gay, lesbian and bisexual patients: A secondary analysis of data from the UK Cancer Patient Experience Survey . European Journal of Cancer Care , 26 ( 4 ). 10.1111/ecc.12670 [ PubMed ] [ CrossRef ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Johnston M. P. (2014). Secondary data analysis: A method of which the time has come . Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML) , 3 , 619–626.r [ Google Scholar ]
  • Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (2019). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender health . Retrieved from https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/lesbian-gay-bisexual-and-transgender-health
  • Rew L., Koniak-Griffin D., Lewis M. A., Miles M., & O’Sullivan A. (2000). Secondary data analysis: New perspective for adolescent research . Nursing Outlook , 48 ( 5 ), 223–239. 10.1067/mno.2000.104901 [ PubMed ] [ CrossRef ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Schadendorf D., Hodi F. S., Robert C., Weber J. S., Margolin K., Hamid O.,…Wolchok J. D. (2015). Pooled analysis of long-term survival data from phase II and phase III trials of ipilimumab in unresectable or metastatic melanoma . Journal of Clinical Oncology , 33 ( 17 ), 1889–1894. 10.1200/JCO.2014.56.2736 [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ CrossRef ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Silver J. K., & Gilchrist L. S. (2011). Cancer rehabilitation with a focus on evidence-based outpatient physical and occupational therapy interventions . American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation , 90 ( 5 Suppl 1 ), S5–S15. 10.1097/PHM.0b013e31820be4ae [ PubMed ] [ CrossRef ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Smith A. K., Ayanian J. Z., Covinsky K. E., Landon B. E., McCarthy E. P., Wee C. C., & Steinman M. A. (2011). Conducting high-value secondary dataset analysis: An introductory guide and resources . Journal of General Internal Medicine , 26 ( 8 ), 920–929. 10.1007/s11606-010-1621-5 [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ CrossRef ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Stout N. L. (2017). Expanding the perspective on chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy management . Journal of Clinical Oncology , 35 ( 23 ), 2593–2594. 10.1200/JCO.2017.73.6207 [ PubMed ] [ CrossRef ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Tripathy J. P. (2013). Secondary data analysis: Ethical issues and challenges (letter) . Iranian Journal of Public Health , 42 ( 12 ), 1478–1479. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Winters-Stone K. M., Horak F., Jacobs P. G., Trubowitz P., Dieckmann N. F., Stoyles S., & Faithfull S. (2017). Falls, functioning, and disability among women with persistent symptoms of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy . Journal of Clinical Oncology , 35 ( 23 ) , 2604–2612. 10.1200/JCO.2016 [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ CrossRef ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • What is Secondary Research? + [Methods & Examples]


In some situations, the researcher may not be directly involved in the data gathering process and instead, would rely on already existing data in order to arrive at research outcomes. This approach to systematic investigation is known as secondary research. 

There are many reasons a researcher may want to make use of already existing data instead of collecting data samples, first-hand. In this article, we will share some of these reasons with you and show you how to conduct secondary research with Formplus. 

What is Secondary  Research?

Secondary research is a common approach to a systematic investigation in which the researcher depends solely on existing data in the course of the research process. This research design involves organizing, collating and analyzing these data samples for valid research conclusions. 

Secondary research is also known as desk research since it involves synthesizing existing data that can be sourced from the internet, peer-reviewed journals , textbooks, government archives, and libraries. What the secondary researcher does is to study already established patterns in previous researches and apply this information to the specific research context. 

Interestingly, secondary research often relies on data provided by primary research and this is why some researches combine both methods of investigation. In this sense, the researcher begins by evaluating and identifying gaps in existing knowledge before adopting primary research to gather new information that will serve his or her research. 

What are Secondary Research Methods?

As already highlighted, secondary research involves data assimilation from different sources, that is, using available research materials instead of creating a new pool of data using primary research methods. Common secondary research methods include data collection through the internet, libraries, archives, schools and organizational reports. 

  • Online Data

Online data is data that is gathered via the internet. In recent times, this method has become popular because the internet provides a large pool of both free and paid research resources that can be easily accessed with the click of a button. 

While this method simplifies the data gathering process , the researcher must take care to depend solely on authentic sites when collecting information. In some way, the internet is a virtual aggregation for all other sources of secondary research data. 

  • Data from Government and Non-government Archives

You can also gather useful research materials from government and non-government archives and these archives usually contain verifiable information that provides useful insights on varying research contexts. In many cases, you would need to pay a sum to gain access to these data. 

The challenge, however, is that such data is not always readily available due to a number of factors. For instance, some of these materials are described as classified information as such, it would be difficult for researchers to have access to them. 

  • Data from Libraries

Research materials can also be accessed through public and private libraries. Think of a library as an information storehouse that contains an aggregation of important information that can serve as valid data in different research contexts. 

Typically, researchers donate several copies of dissertations to public and private libraries; especially in cases of academic research. Also, business directories, newsletters, annual reports and other similar documents that can serve as research data, are gathered and stored in libraries, in both soft and hard copies. 

  • Data from Institutions of Learning

Educational facilities like schools, faculties, and colleges are also a great source of secondary data; especially in academic research. This is because a lot of research is carried out in educational institutions more than in other sectors. 

It is relatively easier to obtain research data from educational institutions because these institutions are committed to solving problems and expanding the body of knowledge. You can easily request research materials from educational facilities for the purpose of a literature review. 

Secondary research methods can also be categorized into qualitative and quantitative data collection methods . Quantitative data gathering methods include online questionnaires and surveys, reports about trends plus statistics about different areas of a business or industry.  

Qualitative research methods include relying on previous interviews and data gathered through focus groups which helps an organization to understand the needs of its customers and plan to fulfill these needs. It also helps businesses to measure the level of employee satisfaction with organizational policies. 

When Do We Conduct Secondary Research?

Typically, secondary research is the first step in any systematic investigation. This is because it helps the researcher to understand what research efforts have been made so far and to utilize this knowledge in mapping out a novel direction for his or her investigation. 

For instance, you may want to carry out research into the nature of a respiratory condition with the aim of developing a vaccine. The best place to start is to gather existing research material about the condition which would help to point your research in the right direction. 

When sifting through these pieces of information, you would gain insights into methods and findings from previous researches which would help you define your own research process. Secondary research also helps you to identify knowledge gaps that can serve as the name of your own research. 

Questions to ask before conducting Secondary Research

Since secondary research relies on already existing data, the researcher must take extra care to ensure that he or she utilizes authentic data samples for the research. Falsified data can have a negative impact on the research outcomes; hence, it is important to always carry out resource evaluation by asking a number of questions as highlighted below:

  • What is the purpose of the research? Again, it is important for every researcher to clearly define the purpose of the research before proceeding with it. Usually, the research purpose determines the approach that would be adopted. 
  • What is my research methodology? After identifying the purpose of the research, the next thing to do is outline the research methodology. This is the point where the researcher chooses to gather data using secondary research methods. 
  • What are my expected research outcomes? 
  • Who collected the data to be analyzed? Before going on to use secondary data for your research, it is necessary to ascertain the authenticity of the information. This usually affects the data reliability and determines if the researcher can trust the materials.  For instance, data gathered from personal blogs and websites may not be as credible as information obtained from an organization’s website. 
  • When was the data collected? Data recency is another factor that must be considered since the recency of data can affect research outcomes. For instance, if you are carrying out research into the number of women who smoke in London, it would not be appropriate for you to make use of information that was gathered 5 years ago unless you plan to do some sort of data comparison. 
  • Is the data consistent with other data available from other sources? Always compare and contrast your data with other available research materials as this would help you to identify inconsistencies if any.
  • What type of data was collected? Take care to determine if the secondary data aligns with your research goals and objectives. 
  • How was the data collected? 

Advantages of Secondary Research

  • Easily Accessible With secondary research, data can easily be accessed in no time; especially with the use of the internet. Apart from the internet, there are different data sources available in secondary research like public libraries and archives which are relatively easy to access too. 
  • Secondary research is cost-effective and it is not time-consuming. The researcher can cut down on costs because he or she is not directly involved in the data collection process which is also time-consuming. 
  • Secondary research helps researchers to identify knowledge gaps which can serve as the basis of further systematic investigation. 
  • It is useful for mapping out the scope of research thereby setting the stage for field investigations. When carrying out secondary research, the researchers may find that the exact information they were looking for is already available, thus eliminating the need and expense incurred in carrying out primary research in these areas. 

Disadvantages of Secondary Research  

  • Questionable Data: With secondary research, it is hard to determine the authenticity of the data because the researcher is not directly involved in the research process. Invalid data can affect research outcomes negatively hence, it is important for the researcher to take extra care by evaluating the data before making use of it. 
  • Generalization: Secondary data is unspecific in nature and may not directly cater to the needs of the researcher. There may not be correlations between the existing data and the research process. 
  • Common Data: Research materials in secondary research are not exclusive to an individual or group. This means that everyone has access to the data and there is little or no “information advantage” gained by those who obtain the research.
  • It has the risk of outdated research materials. Outdated information may offer little value especially for organizations competing in fast-changing markets.

How to Conduct Online Surveys with Formplus 

Follow these 5 steps to create and administer online surveys for secondary research: 

  • Sign into Formplus

In the Formplus builder, you can easily create an online survey for secondary research by dragging and dropping preferred fields into your form. To access the Formplus builder, you will need to create an account on Formplus. 

Once you do this, sign in to your account and click on “Create Form ” to begin. 


  • Edit Form Title


Click on the field provided to input your form title, for example, “Secondary Research Survey”.

  • Click on the edit button to edit the form.


  • Add Fields: Drag and drop preferred form fields into your form in the Formplus builder inputs column. There are several field input options for questionnaires in the Formplus builder. 
  • Edit fields
  • Click on “Save”
  • Preview form. 
  • Customize your Form

secondary quantitative research methods

With the form customization options in the form builder, you can easily change the outlook of your form and make it more unique and personalized. Formplus allows you to change your form theme, add background images and even change the font according to your needs. 

  • Multiple Sharing Options

secondary quantitative research methods

Formplus offers multiple form sharing options which enables you to easily share your questionnaire with respondents. You can use the direct social media sharing buttons to share your form link to your organization’s social media pages. 

You can send out your survey form as email invitations to your research subjects too. If you wish, you can share your form’s QR code or embed it on your organization’s website for easy access. 

Why Use Formplus as a Secondary Research Tool?

  • Simple Form Builder Solution

The Formplus form builder is easy to use and does not require you to have any knowledge in computer programming, unlike other form builders. For instance, you can easily add form fields to your form by dragging and dropping them from the inputs section in the builder. 

In the form builder, you can also modify your fields to be hidden or read-only and you can create smart forms with save and resume options, form lookup, and conditional logic. Formplus also allows you to customize your form by adding preferred background images and your organization’s logo. 

  • Over 25 Form Fields

With over 25 versatile form fields available in the form builder, you can easily collect data the way you like. You can receive payments directly in your form by adding payment fields and you can also add file upload fields to allow you receive files in your form too. 

  • Offline Form feature

With Formplus, you can collect data from respondents even without internet connectivity . Formplus automatically detects when there is no or poor internet access and allows forms to be filled out and submitted in offline mode. 

Offline form responses are automatically synced with the servers when the internet connection is restored. This feature is extremely useful for field research that may involve sourcing for data in remote and rural areas plus it allows you to scale up on your audience reach. 

  • Team and Collaboration

 You can add important collaborators and team members to your shared account so that you all can work on forms and responses together. With the multiple users options, you can assign different roles to team members and you can also grant and limit access to forms and folders. 

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You can also share your form to your social media pages using the social media direct sharing buttons available in the form builder. You can choose to embed the form as an iframe or web pop-up that is easy to fill. 

With Formplus, you can share your form with numerous form respondents in no time. You can invite respondents to fill out your form via email invitation which allows you to also track responses and prevent multiple submissions in your form. 

In addition, you can also share your form link as a QR code so that respondents only need to scan the code to access your form. Our forms have a unique QR code that you can add to your website or print in banners, business cards and the like. 

While secondary research can be cost-effective and time-efficient, it requires the researcher to take extra care in ensuring that the data is authentic and valid. As highlighted earlier, data in secondary research can be sourced through the internet, archives, and libraries, amongst other methods. 

Secondary research is usually the starting point of systematic investigation because it provides the researcher with a background of existing research efforts while identifying knowledge gaps to be filled. This type of research is typically used in science and education. 

It is, however, important to note that secondary research relies on the outcomes of collective primary research data in carrying out its systematic investigation. Hence, the success of your research will depend, to a greater extent, on the quality of data provided by primary research in relation to the research context.


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The Oxford Handbook of Quantitative Methods in Psychology: Vol. 2: Statistical Analysis

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28 Secondary Data Analysis

Department of Psychology, Michigan State University

Richard E. Lucas, Department of Psychology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

  • Published: 01 October 2013
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Secondary data analysis refers to the analysis of existing data collected by others. Secondary analysis affords researchers the opportunity to investigate research questions using large-scale data sets that are often inclusive of under-represented groups, while saving time and resources. Despite the immense potential for secondary analysis as a tool for researchers in the social sciences, it is not widely used by psychologists and is sometimes met with sharp criticism among those who favor primary research. The goal of this chapter is to summarize the promises and pitfalls associated with secondary data analysis and to highlight the importance of archival resources for advancing psychological science. In addition to describing areas of convergence and divergence between primary and secondary data analysis, we outline basic steps for getting started and finding data sets. We also provide general guidance on issues related to measurement, handling missing data, and the use of survey weights.

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A Guide To Secondary Data Analysis

What is secondary data analysis? How do you carry it out? Find out in this post.  

Historically, the only way data analysts could obtain data was to collect it themselves. This type of data is often referred to as primary data and is still a vital resource for data analysts.   

However, technological advances over the last few decades mean that much past data is now readily available online for data analysts and researchers to access and utilize. This type of data—known as secondary data—is driving a revolution in data analytics and data science.

Primary and secondary data share many characteristics. However, there are some fundamental differences in how you prepare and analyze secondary data. This post explores the unique aspects of secondary data analysis. We’ll briefly review what secondary data is before outlining how to source, collect and validate them. We’ll cover:

  • What is secondary data analysis?
  • How to carry out secondary data analysis (5 steps)
  • Summary and further reading

Ready for a crash course in secondary data analysis? Let’s go!

1. What is secondary data analysis?

Secondary data analysis uses data collected by somebody else. This contrasts with primary data analysis, which involves a researcher collecting predefined data to answer a specific question. Secondary data analysis has numerous benefits, not least that it is a time and cost-effective way of obtaining data without doing the research yourself.

It’s worth noting here that secondary data may be primary data for the original researcher. It only becomes secondary data when it’s repurposed for a new task. As a result, a dataset can simultaneously be a primary data source for one researcher and a secondary data source for another. So don’t panic if you get confused! We explain exactly what secondary data is in this guide . 

In reality, the statistical techniques used to carry out secondary data analysis are no different from those used to analyze other kinds of data. The main differences lie in collection and preparation. Once the data have been reviewed and prepared, the analytics process continues more or less as it usually does. For a recap on what the data analysis process involves, read this post . 

In the following sections, we’ll focus specifically on the preparation of secondary data for analysis. Where appropriate, we’ll refer to primary data analysis for comparison. 

2. How to carry out secondary data analysis

Step 1: define a research topic.

The first step in any data analytics project is defining your goal. This is true regardless of the data you’re working with, or the type of analysis you want to carry out. In data analytics lingo, this typically involves defining:

  • A statement of purpose
  • Research design

Defining a statement of purpose and a research approach are both fundamental building blocks for any project. However, for secondary data analysis, the process of defining these differs slightly. Let’s find out how.

Step 2: Establish your statement of purpose

Before beginning any data analytics project, you should always have a clearly defined intent. This is called a ‘statement of purpose.’ A healthcare analyst’s statement of purpose, for example, might be: ‘Reduce admissions for mental health issues relating to Covid-19′. The more specific the statement of purpose, the easier it is to determine which data to collect, analyze, and draw insights from.

A statement of purpose is helpful for both primary and secondary data analysis. It’s especially relevant for secondary data analysis, though. This is because there are vast amounts of secondary data available. Having a clear direction will keep you focused on the task at hand, saving you from becoming overwhelmed. Being selective with your data sources is key.

Step 3: Design your research process

After defining your statement of purpose, the next step is to design the research process. For primary data, this involves determining the types of data you want to collect (e.g. quantitative, qualitative, or both ) and a methodology for gathering them.

For secondary data analysis, however, your research process will more likely be a step-by-step guide outlining the types of data you require and a list of potential sources for gathering them. It may also include (realistic) expectations of the output of the final analysis. This should be based on a preliminary review of the data sources and their quality.

Once you have both your statement of purpose and research design, you’re in a far better position to narrow down potential sources of secondary data. You can then start with the next step of the process: data collection.

Step 4: Locate and collect your secondary data

Collecting primary data involves devising and executing a complex strategy that can be very time-consuming to manage. The data you collect, though, will be highly relevant to your research problem.

Secondary data collection, meanwhile, avoids the complexity of defining a research methodology. However, it comes with additional challenges. One of these is identifying where to find the data. This is no small task because there are a great many repositories of secondary data available. Your job, then, is to narrow down potential sources. As already mentioned, it’s necessary to be selective, or else you risk becoming overloaded.  

Some popular sources of secondary data include:  

  • Government statistics , e.g. demographic data, censuses, or surveys, collected by government agencies/departments (like the US Bureau of Labor Statistics).
  • Technical reports summarizing completed or ongoing research from educational or public institutions (colleges or government).
  • Scientific journals that outline research methodologies and data analysis by experts in fields like the sciences, medicine, etc.
  • Literature reviews of research articles, books, and reports, for a given area of study (once again, carried out by experts in the field).
  • Trade/industry publications , e.g. articles and data shared in trade publications, covering topics relating to specific industry sectors, such as tech or manufacturing.
  • Online resources: Repositories, databases, and other reference libraries with public or paid access to secondary data sources.

Once you’ve identified appropriate sources, you can go about collecting the necessary data. This may involve contacting other researchers, paying a fee to an organization in exchange for a dataset, or simply downloading a dataset for free online .

Step 5: Evaluate your secondary data

Secondary data is usually well-structured, so you might assume that once you have your hands on a dataset, you’re ready to dive in with a detailed analysis. Unfortunately, that’s not the case! 

First, you must carry out a careful review of the data. Why? To ensure that they’re appropriate for your needs. This involves two main tasks:

Evaluating the secondary dataset’s relevance

  • Assessing its broader credibility

Both these tasks require critical thinking skills. However, they aren’t heavily technical. This means anybody can learn to carry them out.

Let’s now take a look at each in a bit more detail.  

The main point of evaluating a secondary dataset is to see if it is suitable for your needs. This involves asking some probing questions about the data, including:

What was the data’s original purpose?

Understanding why the data were originally collected will tell you a lot about their suitability for your current project. For instance, was the project carried out by a government agency or a private company for marketing purposes? The answer may provide useful information about the population sample, the data demographics, and even the wording of specific survey questions. All this can help you determine if the data are right for you, or if they are biased in any way.

When and where were the data collected?

Over time, populations and demographics change. Identifying when the data were first collected can provide invaluable insights. For instance, a dataset that initially seems suited to your needs may be out of date.

On the flip side, you might want past data so you can draw a comparison with a present dataset. In this case, you’ll need to ensure the data were collected during the appropriate time frame. It’s worth mentioning that secondary data are the sole source of past data. You cannot collect historical data using primary data collection techniques.

Similarly, you should ask where the data were collected. Do they represent the geographical region you require? Does geography even have an impact on the problem you are trying to solve?

What data were collected and how?

A final report for past data analytics is great for summarizing key characteristics or findings. However, if you’re planning to use those data for a new project, you’ll need the original documentation. At the very least, this should include access to the raw data and an outline of the methodology used to gather them. This can be helpful for many reasons. For instance, you may find raw data that wasn’t relevant to the original analysis, but which might benefit your current task.

What questions were participants asked?

We’ve already touched on this, but the wording of survey questions—especially for qualitative datasets—is significant. Questions may deliberately be phrased to preclude certain answers. A question’s context may also impact the findings in a way that’s not immediately obvious. Understanding these issues will shape how you perceive the data.  

What is the form/shape/structure of the data?

Finally, to practical issues. Is the structure of the data suitable for your needs? Is it compatible with other sources or with your preferred analytics approach? This is purely a structural issue. For instance, if a dataset of people’s ages is saved as numerical rather than continuous variables, this could potentially impact your analysis. In general, reviewing a dataset’s structure helps better understand how they are categorized, allowing you to account for any discrepancies. You may also need to tidy the data to ensure they are consistent with any other sources you’re using.  

This is just a sample of the types of questions you need to consider when reviewing a secondary data source. The answers will have a clear impact on whether the dataset—no matter how well presented or structured it seems—is suitable for your needs.

Assessing secondary data’s credibility

After identifying a potentially suitable dataset, you must double-check the credibility of the data. Namely, are the data accurate and unbiased? To figure this out, here are some key questions you might want to include:

What are the credentials of those who carried out the original research?

Do you have access to the details of the original researchers? What are their credentials? Where did they study? Are they an expert in the field or a newcomer? Data collection by an undergraduate student, for example, may not be as rigorous as that of a seasoned professor.  

And did the original researcher work for a reputable organization? What other affiliations do they have? For instance, if a researcher who works for a tobacco company gathers data on the effects of vaping, this represents an obvious conflict of interest! Questions like this help determine how thorough or qualified the researchers are and if they have any potential biases.

Do you have access to the full methodology?

Does the dataset include a clear methodology, explaining in detail how the data were collected? This should be more than a simple overview; it must be a clear breakdown of the process, including justifications for the approach taken. This allows you to determine if the methodology was sound. If you find flaws (or no methodology at all) it throws the quality of the data into question.  

How consistent are the data with other sources?

Do the secondary data match with any similar findings? If not, that doesn’t necessarily mean the data are wrong, but it does warrant closer inspection. Perhaps the collection methodology differed between sources, or maybe the data were analyzed using different statistical techniques. Or perhaps unaccounted-for outliers are skewing the analysis. Identifying all these potential problems is essential. A flawed or biased dataset can still be useful but only if you know where its shortcomings lie.

Have the data been published in any credible research journals?

Finally, have the data been used in well-known studies or published in any journals? If so, how reputable are the journals? In general, you can judge a dataset’s quality based on where it has been published. If in doubt, check out the publication in question on the Directory of Open Access Journals . The directory has a rigorous vetting process, only permitting journals of the highest quality. Meanwhile, if you found the data via a blurry image on social media without cited sources, then you can justifiably question its quality!  

Again, these are just a few of the questions you might ask when determining the quality of a secondary dataset. Consider them as scaffolding for cultivating a critical thinking mindset; a necessary trait for any data analyst!

Presuming your secondary data holds up to scrutiny, you should be ready to carry out your detailed statistical analysis. As we explained at the beginning of this post, the analytical techniques used for secondary data analysis are no different than those for any other kind of data. Rather than go into detail here, check out the different types of data analysis in this post.

3. Secondary data analysis: Key takeaways

In this post, we’ve looked at the nuances of secondary data analysis, including how to source, collect and review secondary data. As discussed, much of the process is the same as it is for primary data analysis. The main difference lies in how secondary data are prepared.

Carrying out a meaningful secondary data analysis involves spending time and effort exploring, collecting, and reviewing the original data. This will help you determine whether the data are suitable for your needs and if they are of good quality.

Why not get to know more about what data analytics involves with this free, five-day introductory data analytics short course ? And, for more data insights, check out these posts:

  • Discrete vs continuous data variables: What’s the difference?
  • What are the four levels of measurement? Nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio data explained
  • What are the best tools for data mining?

What is Secondary Research? Types, Methods, Examples

Appinio Research · 20.09.2023 · 13min read

What Is Secondary Research Types Methods Examples

Have you ever wondered how researchers gather valuable insights without conducting new experiments or surveys? That's where secondary research steps in—a powerful approach that allows us to explore existing data and information others collect.

Whether you're a student, a professional, or someone seeking to make informed decisions, understanding the art of secondary research opens doors to a wealth of knowledge.

What is Secondary Research?

Secondary Research refers to the process of gathering and analyzing existing data, information, and knowledge that has been previously collected and compiled by others. This approach allows researchers to leverage available sources, such as articles, reports, and databases, to gain insights, validate hypotheses, and make informed decisions without collecting new data.

Benefits of Secondary Research

Secondary research offers a range of advantages that can significantly enhance your research process and the quality of your findings.

  • Time and Cost Efficiency: Secondary research saves time and resources by utilizing existing data sources, eliminating the need for data collection from scratch.
  • Wide Range of Data: Secondary research provides access to vast information from various sources, allowing for comprehensive analysis.
  • Historical Perspective: Examining past research helps identify trends, changes, and long-term patterns that might not be immediately apparent.
  • Reduced Bias: As data is collected by others, there's often less inherent bias than in conducting primary research, where biases might affect data collection.
  • Support for Primary Research: Secondary research can lay the foundation for primary research by providing context and insights into gaps in existing knowledge.
  • Comparative Analysis : By integrating data from multiple sources, you can conduct robust comparative analyses for more accurate conclusions.
  • Benchmarking and Validation: Secondary research aids in benchmarking performance against industry standards and validating hypotheses.

Primary Research vs. Secondary Research

When it comes to research methodologies, primary and secondary research each have their distinct characteristics and advantages. Here's a brief comparison to help you understand the differences.

Primary vs Secondary Research Comparison Appinio

Primary Research

  • Data Source: Involves collecting new data directly from original sources.
  • Data Collection: Researchers design and conduct surveys, interviews, experiments, or observations.
  • Time and Resources: Typically requires more time, effort, and resources due to data collection.
  • Fresh Insights: Provides firsthand, up-to-date information tailored to specific research questions.
  • Control: Researchers control the data collection process and can shape methodologies.

Secondary Research

  • Data Source: Involves utilizing existing data and information collected by others.
  • Data Collection: Researchers search, select, and analyze data from published sources, reports, and databases.
  • Time and Resources: Generally more time-efficient and cost-effective as data is already available.
  • Existing Knowledge: Utilizes data that has been previously compiled, often providing broader context.
  • Less Control: Researchers have limited control over how data was collected originally, if any.

Choosing between primary and secondary research depends on your research objectives, available resources, and the depth of insights you require.

Types of Secondary Research

Secondary research encompasses various types of existing data sources that can provide valuable insights for your research endeavors. Understanding these types can help you choose the most relevant sources for your objectives.

Here are the primary types of secondary research:

Internal Sources

Internal sources consist of data generated within your organization or entity. These sources provide valuable insights into your own operations and performance.

  • Company Records and Data: Internal reports, documents, and databases that house information about sales, operations, and customer interactions.
  • Sales Reports and Customer Data: Analysis of past sales trends, customer demographics, and purchasing behavior.
  • Financial Statements and Annual Reports: Financial data, such as balance sheets and income statements, offer insights into the organization's financial health.

External Sources

External sources encompass data collected and published by entities outside your organization.

These sources offer a broader perspective on various subjects.

  • Published Literature and Journals: Scholarly articles, research papers, and academic studies available in journals or online databases.
  • Market Research Reports: Reports from market research firms that provide insights into industry trends, consumer behavior, and market forecasts.
  • Government and NGO Databases: Data collected and maintained by government agencies and non-governmental organizations, offering demographic, economic, and social information.
  • Online Media and News Articles: News outlets and online publications that cover current events, trends, and societal developments.

Each type of secondary research source holds its value and relevance, depending on the nature of your research objectives. Combining these sources lets you understand the subject matter and make informed decisions.

How to Conduct Secondary Research?

Effective secondary research involves a thoughtful and systematic approach that enables you to extract valuable insights from existing data sources. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to navigate the process:

1. Define Your Research Objectives

Before delving into secondary research, clearly define what you aim to achieve. Identify the specific questions you want to answer, the insights you're seeking, and the scope of your research.

2. Identify Relevant Sources

Begin by identifying the most appropriate sources for your research. Consider the nature of your research objectives and the data type you require. Seek out sources such as academic journals, market research reports, official government databases, and reputable news outlets.

3. Evaluate Source Credibility

Ensuring the credibility of your sources is crucial. Evaluate the reliability of each source by assessing factors such as the author's expertise, the publication's reputation, and the objectivity of the information provided. Choose sources that align with your research goals and are free from bias.

4. Extract and Analyze Information

Once you've gathered your sources, carefully extract the relevant information. Take thorough notes, capturing key data points, insights, and any supporting evidence. As you accumulate information, start identifying patterns, trends, and connections across different sources.

5. Synthesize Findings

As you analyze the data, synthesize your findings to draw meaningful conclusions. Compare and contrast information from various sources to identify common themes and discrepancies. This synthesis process allows you to construct a coherent narrative that addresses your research objectives.

6. Address Limitations and Gaps

Acknowledge the limitations and potential gaps in your secondary research. Recognize that secondary data might have inherent biases or be outdated. Where necessary, address these limitations by cross-referencing information or finding additional sources to fill in gaps.

7. Contextualize Your Findings

Contextualization is crucial in deriving actionable insights from your secondary research. Consider the broader context within which the data was collected. How does the information relate to current trends, societal changes, or industry shifts? This contextual understanding enhances the relevance and applicability of your findings.

8. Cite Your Sources

Maintain academic integrity by properly citing the sources you've used for your secondary research. Accurate citations not only give credit to the original authors but also provide a clear trail for readers to access the information themselves.

9. Integrate Secondary and Primary Research (If Applicable)

In some cases, combining secondary and primary research can yield more robust insights. If you've also conducted primary research, consider integrating your secondary findings with your primary data to provide a well-rounded perspective on your research topic.

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10. Communicate Your Findings

Finally, communicate your findings effectively. Whether it's in an academic paper, a business report, or any other format, present your insights clearly and concisely. Provide context for your conclusions and use visual aids like charts and graphs to enhance understanding.

Remember that conducting secondary research is not just about gathering information—it's about critically analyzing, interpreting, and deriving valuable insights from existing data. By following these steps, you'll navigate the process successfully and contribute to the body of knowledge in your field.

Secondary Research Examples

To better understand how secondary research is applied in various contexts, let's explore a few real-world examples that showcase its versatility and value.

Market Analysis and Trend Forecasting

Imagine you're a marketing strategist tasked with launching a new product in the smartphone industry. By conducting secondary research, you can:

  • Access Market Reports: Utilize market research reports to understand consumer preferences, competitive landscape, and growth projections.
  • Analyze Trends: Examine past sales data and industry reports to identify trends in smartphone features, design, and user preferences.
  • Benchmark Competitors: Compare market share, customer satisfaction, and pricing strategies of key competitors to develop a strategic advantage.
  • Forecast Demand: Use historical sales data and market growth predictions to estimate demand for your new product.

Academic Research and Literature Reviews

Suppose you're a student researching climate change's effects on marine ecosystems. Secondary research aids your academic endeavors by:

  • Reviewing Existing Studies: Analyze peer-reviewed articles and scientific papers to understand the current state of knowledge on the topic.
  • Identifying Knowledge Gaps: Identify areas where further research is needed based on what existing studies still need to cover.
  • Comparing Methodologies: Compare research methodologies used by different studies to assess the strengths and limitations of their approaches.
  • Synthesizing Insights: Synthesize findings from various studies to form a comprehensive overview of the topic's implications on marine life.

Competitive Landscape Assessment for Business Strategy

Consider you're a business owner looking to expand your restaurant chain to a new location. Secondary research aids your strategic decision-making by:

  • Analyzing Demographics: Utilize demographic data from government databases to understand the local population's age, income, and preferences.
  • Studying Local Trends: Examine restaurant industry reports to identify the types of cuisines and dining experiences currently popular in the area.
  • Understanding Consumer Behavior: Analyze online reviews and social media discussions to gauge customer sentiment towards existing restaurants in the vicinity.
  • Assessing Economic Conditions: Access economic reports to evaluate the local economy's stability and potential purchasing power.

These examples illustrate the practical applications of secondary research across various fields to provide a foundation for informed decision-making, deeper understanding, and innovation.

Secondary Research Limitations

While secondary research offers many benefits, it's essential to be aware of its limitations to ensure the validity and reliability of your findings.

  • Data Quality and Validity: The accuracy and reliability of secondary data can vary, affecting the credibility of your research.
  • Limited Contextual Information: Secondary sources might lack detailed contextual information, making it important to interpret findings within the appropriate context.
  • Data Suitability: Existing data might not align perfectly with your research objectives, leading to compromises or incomplete insights.
  • Outdated Information: Some sources might provide obsolete information that doesn't accurately reflect current trends or situations.
  • Potential Bias: While secondary data is often less biased, biases might still exist in the original data sources, influencing your findings.
  • Incompatibility of Data: Combining data from different sources might pose challenges due to variations in definitions, methodologies, or units of measurement.
  • Lack of Control: Unlike primary research, you have no control over how data was collected or its quality, potentially affecting your analysis. Understanding these limitations will help you navigate secondary research effectively and make informed decisions based on a well-rounded understanding of its strengths and weaknesses.

Secondary research is a valuable tool that businesses can use to their advantage. By tapping into existing data and insights, companies can save time, resources, and effort that would otherwise be spent on primary research. This approach equips decision-makers with a broader understanding of market trends, consumer behaviors, and competitive landscapes. Additionally, benchmarking against industry standards and validating hypotheses empowers businesses to make informed choices that lead to growth and success.

As you navigate the world of secondary research, remember that it's not just about data retrieval—it's about strategic utilization. With a clear grasp of how to access, analyze, and interpret existing information, businesses can stay ahead of the curve, adapt to changing landscapes, and make decisions that are grounded in reliable knowledge.

How to Conduct Secondary Research in Minutes?

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Primary vs Secondary Research: Differences, Methods, Sources, and More

Two images representing primary vs secondary research: woman holding a phone taking an online survey (primary research), and a stack of books bound with string (secondary research).

Table of Contents

Primary vs Secondary Research – What’s the Difference?

In the search for knowledge and data to inform decisions, researchers and analysts rely on a blend of research sources. These sources are broadly categorized into primary and secondary research, each serving unique purposes and offering different insights into the subject matter at hand. But what exactly sets them apart?

Primary research is the process of gathering fresh data directly from its source. This approach offers real-time insights and specific information tailored to specific objectives set by stakeholders. Examples include surveys , interviews, and observational studies.

Secondary research , on the other hand, involves the analysis of existing data, most often collected and presented by others. This type of research is invaluable for understanding broader trends, providing context, or validating hypotheses. Common sources include scholarly articles, industry reports, and data compilations.

The crux of the difference lies in the origin of the information: primary research yields firsthand data which can be tailored to a specific business question, whilst secondary research synthesizes what's already out there. In essence, primary research listens directly to the voice of the subject, whereas secondary research hears it secondhand .

When to Use Primary and Secondary Research

Selecting the appropriate research method is pivotal and should be aligned with your research objectives. The choice between primary and secondary research is not merely procedural but strategic, influencing the depth and breadth of insights you can uncover.

Primary research shines when you need up-to-date, specific information directly relevant to your study. It's the go-to for fresh insights, understanding consumer behavior, or testing new theories. Its bespoke nature makes it indispensable for tailoring questions to get the exact answers you need.

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Secondary research is your first step into the research world. It helps set the stage by offering a broad understanding of the topic. Before diving into costly primary research, secondary research can validate the need for further investigation or provide a solid background to build upon. It's especially useful for identifying trends, benchmarking, and situating your research within the existing body of knowledge.

Combining both methods can significantly enhance your research. Starting with secondary research lays the groundwork and narrows the focus, whilst subsequent primary research delves deep into specific areas of interest, providing a well-rounded, comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Primary vs Secondary Research Methods

In the landscape of market research, the methodologies employed can significantly influence the insights and conclusions drawn. Let's delve deeper into the various methods underpinning both primary and secondary research, shedding light on their unique applications and the distinct insights they offer.

Two women interviewing at a table. Represents primary research interviews.

Primary Research Methods:

  • Surveys: Surveys are a cornerstone of primary research, offering a quantitative approach to gathering data directly from the target audience. By employing structured questionnaires, researchers can collect a vast array of data ranging from customer preferences to behavioral patterns. This method is particularly valuable for acquiring statistically significant data that can inform decision-making processes and strategy development. The application of statistical approaches for analysing this data, such as key drivers analysis, MaxDiff or conjoint analysis can also further enhance any collected data.
  • One on One Interviews: Interviews provide a qualitative depth to primary research, allowing for a nuanced exploration of participants' attitudes, experiences, and motivations. Conducted either face-to-face or remotely, interviews enable researchers to delve into the complexities of human behavior, offering rich insights that surveys alone may not uncover. This method is instrumental in exploring new areas of research or obtaining detailed information on specific topics.
  • Focus Groups: Focus groups bring together a small, diverse group of participants to discuss and provide feedback on a particular subject, product, or idea. This interactive setting fosters a dynamic exchange of ideas, revealing consumers' perceptions, experiences, and preferences. Focus groups are invaluable for testing concepts, exploring market trends, and understanding the factors that influence consumer decisions.
  • Ethnographic Studies: Ethnographic studies involve the systematic watching, recording, and analysis of behaviors and events in their natural setting. This method offers an unobtrusive way to gather authentic data on how people interact with products, services, or environments, providing insights that can lead to more user-centered design and marketing strategies.

The interior of a two story library with books lining the walls and study cubicles in the center of the room. Represents secondary research.

Secondary Research Methods:

  • Literature Reviews: Literature reviews involve the comprehensive examination of existing research and publications on a given topic. This method enables researchers to synthesize findings from a range of sources, providing a broad understanding of what is already known about a subject and identifying gaps in current knowledge.
  • Meta-Analysis: Meta-analysis is a statistical technique that combines the results of multiple studies to arrive at a comprehensive conclusion. This method is particularly useful in secondary research for aggregating findings across different studies, offering a more robust understanding of the evidence on a particular topic.
  • Content Analysis: Content analysis is a method for systematically analyzing texts, media, or other content to quantify patterns, themes, or biases . This approach allows researchers to assess the presence of certain words, concepts, or sentiments within a body of work, providing insights into trends, representations, and societal norms. This can be performed across a range of sources including social media, customer forums or review sites.
  • Historical Research: Historical research involves the study of past events, trends, and behaviors through the examination of relevant documents and records. This method can provide context and understanding of current trends and inform future predictions, offering a unique perspective that enriches secondary research.

Each of these methods, whether primary or secondary, plays a crucial role in the mosaic of market research, offering distinct pathways to uncovering the insights necessary to drive informed decisions and strategies.

Primary vs Secondary Sources in Research

Both primary and secondary sources of research form the backbone of the insight generation process, when both are utilized in tandem it can provide the perfect steppingstone for the generation of real insights. Let’s explore how each category serves its unique purpose in the research ecosystem.

Primary Research Data Sources

Primary research data sources are the lifeblood of firsthand research, providing raw, unfiltered insights directly from the source. These include:

  • Customer Satisfaction Survey Results: Direct feedback from customers about their satisfaction with a product or service. This data is invaluable for identifying strengths to build on and areas for improvement and typically renews each month or quarter so that metrics can be tracked over time.
  • NPS Rating Scores from Customers: Net Promoter Score (NPS) provides a straightforward metric to gauge customer loyalty and satisfaction. This quantitative data can reveal much about customer sentiment and the likelihood of referrals.
  • Ad-hoc Surveys: Ad-hoc surveys can be about any topic which requires investigation, they are typically one off surveys which zero in on one particular business objective. Ad-hoc projects are useful for situations such as investigating issues identified in other tracking surveys, new product development, ad testing, brand messaging, and many other kinds of projects.
  • A Field Researcher’s Notes: Detailed observations from fieldwork can offer nuanced insights into user behaviors, interactions, and environmental factors that influence those interactions. These notes are a goldmine for understanding the context and complexities of user experiences.
  • Recordings Made During Focus Groups: Audio or video recordings of focus group discussions capture the dynamics of conversation, including reactions, emotions, and the interplay of ideas. Analyzing these recordings can uncover nuanced consumer attitudes and perceptions that might not be evident in survey data alone.

These primary data sources are characterized by their immediacy and specificity, offering a direct line to the subject of study. They enable researchers to gather data that is specifically tailored to their research objectives, providing a solid foundation for insightful analysis and strategic decision-making.

Secondary Research Data Sources

In contrast, secondary research data sources offer a broader perspective, compiling and synthesizing information from various origins. These sources include:

  • Books, Magazines, Scholarly Journals: Published works provide comprehensive overviews, detailed analyses, and theoretical frameworks that can inform research topics, offering depth and context that enriches primary data.
  • Market Research Reports: These reports aggregate data and analyses on industry trends, consumer behavior, and market dynamics, providing a macro-level view that can guide primary research directions and validate findings.
  • Government Reports: Official statistics and reports from government agencies offer authoritative data on a wide range of topics, from economic indicators to demographic trends, providing a reliable basis for secondary analysis.
  • White Papers, Private Company Data: White papers and reports from businesses and consultancies offer insights into industry-specific research, best practices, and market analyses. These sources can be invaluable for understanding the competitive landscape and identifying emerging trends.

Secondary data sources serve as a compass, guiding researchers through the vast landscape of information to identify relevant trends, benchmark against existing data, and build upon the foundation of existing knowledge. They can significantly expedite the research process by leveraging the collective wisdom and research efforts of others.

By adeptly navigating both primary and secondary sources, researchers can construct a well-rounded research project that combines the depth of firsthand data with the breadth of existing knowledge. This holistic approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of the research topic, fostering informed decisions and strategic insights.

Examples of Primary and Secondary Research in Marketing

In the realm of marketing, both primary and secondary research methods play critical roles in understanding market dynamics, consumer behavior, and competitive landscapes. By comparing examples across both methodologies, we can appreciate their unique contributions to strategic decision-making.

Example 1: New Product Development

Primary Research: Direct Consumer Feedback through Surveys and Focus Groups

  • Objective: To gauge consumer interest in a new product concept and identify preferred features.
  • Process: Surveys distributed to a target demographic to collect quantitative data on consumer preferences, and focus groups conducted to dive deeper into consumer attitudes and desires.
  • Insights: Direct insights into consumer needs, preferences for specific features, and willingness to pay. These insights help in refining product design and developing a targeted marketing strategy.

Secondary Research: Market Analysis Reports

  • Objective: To understand the existing market landscape, including competitor products and market trends.
  • Process: Analyzing published market analysis reports and industry studies to gather data on market size, growth trends, and competitive offerings.
  • Insights: Provides a broader understanding of the market, helping to position the new product strategically against competitors and align it with current trends.

Example 2: Brand Positioning

Primary Research: Brand Perception Analysis through Surveys

  • Objective: To understand how the brand is perceived by consumers and identify potential areas for repositioning.
  • Process: Conducting surveys that ask consumers to describe the brand in their own words, rate it against various attributes, and compare it to competitors.
  • Insights: Direct feedback on brand strengths and weaknesses from the consumer's perspective, offering actionable data for adjusting brand messaging and positioning.

Secondary Research: Social Media Sentiment Analysis

  • Objective: To analyze public sentiment towards the brand and its competitors.
  • Process: Utilizing software tools to analyze mentions, hashtags, and discussions related to the brand and its competitors across social media platforms.
  • Insights: Offers an overview of public perception and emerging trends in consumer sentiment, which can validate findings from primary research or highlight areas needing further investigation.

Example 3: Market Expansion Strategy

Primary Research: Consumer Demand Studies in New Markets

  • Objective: To assess demand and consumer preferences in a new geographic market.
  • Process: Conducting surveys and interviews with potential consumers in the target market to understand their needs, preferences, and cultural nuances.
  • Insights: Provides specific insights into the new market’s consumer behavior, preferences, and potential barriers to entry, guiding market entry strategies.

Secondary Research: Economic and Demographic Analysis

  • Objective: To evaluate the economic viability and demographic appeal of the new market.
  • Process: Reviewing existing economic reports, demographic data, and industry trends relevant to the target market.
  • Insights: Offers a macro view of the market's potential, including economic conditions, demographic trends, and consumer spending patterns, which can complement insights gained from primary research.

By leveraging both primary and secondary research, marketers can form a comprehensive understanding of their market, consumers, and competitors, facilitating informed decision-making and strategic planning. Each method brings its strengths to the table, with primary research offering direct consumer insights and secondary research providing a broader context within which to interpret those insights.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Primary and Secondary Research?

When it comes to market research, both primary and secondary research offer unique advantages and face certain limitations. Understanding these can help researchers and businesses make informed decisions on which approach to utilize for their specific needs. Below is a comparative table highlighting the pros and cons of each research type.

- Tailored to specific research needs

- Cost-effective as it utilizes existing data


- Offers recent and relevant data

- Provides a broad overview, ideal for initial understanding


- Allows for direct engagement with respondents, offering deeper insights

- Quick access to data, saving time on collection


- Greater control over data quality and methodology

- Can cover a wide range of topics and historical data

- Time-consuming and often more expensive due to data collection and analysis

- May not be entirely relevant or specific to current research needs


- Requires significant resources for design, implementation, and analysis

- Quality and accuracy of data can vary, depending on the source


- Risk of biased data if not properly designed and executed

- Limited control over data quality and collection methodology


- May be challenging to reach a representative sample for niche markets

- Existing data may not be as current, impacting its applicability

Navigating the Pros and Cons

  • Balance Your Research Needs: Consider starting with secondary research to gain a broad understanding of the subject matter, then delve into primary research for specific, targeted insights that are tailored to your precise needs.
  • Resource Allocation: Evaluate your budget, time, and resource availability. Primary research can offer more specific and actionable data but requires more resources. Secondary research is more accessible but may lack the specificity or recency you need.
  • Quality and Relevance: Assess the quality and relevance of available secondary sources before deciding if primary research is necessary. Sometimes, the existing data might suffice, especially for preliminary market understanding or trend analysis.
  • Combining Both for Comprehensive Insights: Often, the most effective research strategy involves a combination of both primary and secondary research. This approach allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the market, leveraging the broad perspective provided by secondary sources and the depth and specificity of primary data.

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  • Types of Research Designs Compared | Guide & Examples

Types of Research Designs Compared | Guide & Examples

Published on June 20, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on June 22, 2023.

When you start planning a research project, developing research questions and creating a  research design , you will have to make various decisions about the type of research you want to do.

There are many ways to categorize different types of research. The words you use to describe your research depend on your discipline and field. In general, though, the form your research design takes will be shaped by:

  • The type of knowledge you aim to produce
  • The type of data you will collect and analyze
  • The sampling methods , timescale and location of the research

This article takes a look at some common distinctions made between different types of research and outlines the key differences between them.

Table of contents

Types of research aims, types of research data, types of sampling, timescale, and location, other interesting articles.

The first thing to consider is what kind of knowledge your research aims to contribute.

Type of research What’s the difference? What to consider
Basic vs. applied Basic research aims to , while applied research aims to . Do you want to expand scientific understanding or solve a practical problem?
vs. Exploratory research aims to , while explanatory research aims to . How much is already known about your research problem? Are you conducting initial research on a newly-identified issue, or seeking precise conclusions about an established issue?
aims to , while aims to . Is there already some theory on your research problem that you can use to develop , or do you want to propose new theories based on your findings?

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secondary quantitative research methods

The next thing to consider is what type of data you will collect. Each kind of data is associated with a range of specific research methods and procedures.

Type of research What’s the difference? What to consider
Primary research vs secondary research Primary data is (e.g., through or ), while secondary data (e.g., in government or scientific publications). How much data is already available on your topic? Do you want to collect original data or analyze existing data (e.g., through a )?
, while . Is your research more concerned with measuring something or interpreting something? You can also create a research design that has elements of both.
vs Descriptive research gathers data , while experimental research . Do you want to identify characteristics, patterns and or test causal relationships between ?

Finally, you have to consider three closely related questions: how will you select the subjects or participants of the research? When and how often will you collect data from your subjects? And where will the research take place?

Keep in mind that the methods that you choose bring with them different risk factors and types of research bias . Biases aren’t completely avoidable, but can heavily impact the validity and reliability of your findings if left unchecked.

Type of research What’s the difference? What to consider
allows you to , while allows you to draw conclusions . Do you want to produce  knowledge that applies to many contexts or detailed knowledge about a specific context (e.g. in a )?
vs Cross-sectional studies , while longitudinal studies . Is your research question focused on understanding the current situation or tracking changes over time?
Field research vs laboratory research Field research takes place in , while laboratory research takes place in . Do you want to find out how something occurs in the real world or draw firm conclusions about cause and effect? Laboratory experiments have higher but lower .
Fixed design vs flexible design In a fixed research design the subjects, timescale and location are begins, while in a flexible design these aspects may . Do you want to test hypotheses and establish generalizable facts, or explore concepts and develop understanding? For measuring, testing and making generalizations, a fixed research design has higher .

Choosing between all these different research types is part of the process of creating your research design , which determines exactly how your research will be conducted. But the type of research is only the first step: next, you have to make more concrete decisions about your research methods and the details of the study.

Read more about creating a research design

If you want to know more about statistics , methodology , or research bias , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Normal distribution
  • Degrees of freedom
  • Null hypothesis
  • Discourse analysis
  • Control groups
  • Mixed methods research
  • Non-probability sampling
  • Quantitative research
  • Ecological validity

Research bias

  • Rosenthal effect
  • Implicit bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Selection bias
  • Negativity bias
  • Status quo bias

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McCombes, S. (2023, June 22). Types of Research Designs Compared | Guide & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 24, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/types-of-research/

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What is quantitative research? Definition, methods, types, and examples

What is Quantitative Research? Definition, Methods, Types, and Examples

secondary quantitative research methods

If you’re wondering what is quantitative research and whether this methodology works for your research study, you’re not alone. If you want a simple quantitative research definition , then it’s enough to say that this is a method undertaken by researchers based on their study requirements. However, to select the most appropriate research for their study type, researchers should know all the methods available. 

Selecting the right research method depends on a few important criteria, such as the research question, study type, time, costs, data availability, and availability of respondents. There are two main types of research methods— quantitative research  and qualitative research. The purpose of quantitative research is to validate or test a theory or hypothesis and that of qualitative research is to understand a subject or event or identify reasons for observed patterns.   

Quantitative research methods  are used to observe events that affect a particular group of individuals, which is the sample population. In this type of research, diverse numerical data are collected through various methods and then statistically analyzed to aggregate the data, compare them, or show relationships among the data. Quantitative research methods broadly include questionnaires, structured observations, and experiments.  

Here are two quantitative research examples:  

  • Satisfaction surveys sent out by a company regarding their revamped customer service initiatives. Customers are asked to rate their experience on a rating scale of 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent).  
  • A school has introduced a new after-school program for children, and a few months after commencement, the school sends out feedback questionnaires to the parents of the enrolled children. Such questionnaires usually include close-ended questions that require either definite answers or a Yes/No option. This helps in a quick, overall assessment of the program’s outreach and success.  

secondary quantitative research methods

Table of Contents

What is quantitative research ? 1,2

secondary quantitative research methods

The steps shown in the figure can be grouped into the following broad steps:  

  • Theory : Define the problem area or area of interest and create a research question.  
  • Hypothesis : Develop a hypothesis based on the research question. This hypothesis will be tested in the remaining steps.  
  • Research design : In this step, the most appropriate quantitative research design will be selected, including deciding on the sample size, selecting respondents, identifying research sites, if any, etc.
  • Data collection : This process could be extensive based on your research objective and sample size.  
  • Data analysis : Statistical analysis is used to analyze the data collected. The results from the analysis help in either supporting or rejecting your hypothesis.  
  • Present results : Based on the data analysis, conclusions are drawn, and results are presented as accurately as possible.  

Quantitative research characteristics 4

  • Large sample size : This ensures reliability because this sample represents the target population or market. Due to the large sample size, the outcomes can be generalized to the entire population as well, making this one of the important characteristics of quantitative research .  
  • Structured data and measurable variables: The data are numeric and can be analyzed easily. Quantitative research involves the use of measurable variables such as age, salary range, highest education, etc.  
  • Easy-to-use data collection methods : The methods include experiments, controlled observations, and questionnaires and surveys with a rating scale or close-ended questions, which require simple and to-the-point answers; are not bound by geographical regions; and are easy to administer.  
  • Data analysis : Structured and accurate statistical analysis methods using software applications such as Excel, SPSS, R. The analysis is fast, accurate, and less effort intensive.  
  • Reliable : The respondents answer close-ended questions, their responses are direct without ambiguity and yield numeric outcomes, which are therefore highly reliable.  
  • Reusable outcomes : This is one of the key characteristics – outcomes of one research can be used and replicated in other research as well and is not exclusive to only one study.  

Quantitative research methods 5

Quantitative research methods are classified into two types—primary and secondary.  

Primary quantitative research method:

In this type of quantitative research , data are directly collected by the researchers using the following methods.

– Survey research : Surveys are the easiest and most commonly used quantitative research method . They are of two types— cross-sectional and longitudinal.   

->Cross-sectional surveys are specifically conducted on a target population for a specified period, that is, these surveys have a specific starting and ending time and researchers study the events during this period to arrive at conclusions. The main purpose of these surveys is to describe and assess the characteristics of a population. There is one independent variable in this study, which is a common factor applicable to all participants in the population, for example, living in a specific city, diagnosed with a specific disease, of a certain age group, etc. An example of a cross-sectional survey is a study to understand why individuals residing in houses built before 1979 in the US are more susceptible to lead contamination.  

->Longitudinal surveys are conducted at different time durations. These surveys involve observing the interactions among different variables in the target population, exposing them to various causal factors, and understanding their effects across a longer period. These studies are helpful to analyze a problem in the long term. An example of a longitudinal study is the study of the relationship between smoking and lung cancer over a long period.  

– Descriptive research : Explains the current status of an identified and measurable variable. Unlike other types of quantitative research , a hypothesis is not needed at the beginning of the study and can be developed even after data collection. This type of quantitative research describes the characteristics of a problem and answers the what, when, where of a problem. However, it doesn’t answer the why of the problem and doesn’t explore cause-and-effect relationships between variables. Data from this research could be used as preliminary data for another study. Example: A researcher undertakes a study to examine the growth strategy of a company. This sample data can be used by other companies to determine their own growth strategy.  

secondary quantitative research methods

– Correlational research : This quantitative research method is used to establish a relationship between two variables using statistical analysis and analyze how one affects the other. The research is non-experimental because the researcher doesn’t control or manipulate any of the variables. At least two separate sample groups are needed for this research. Example: Researchers studying a correlation between regular exercise and diabetes.  

– Causal-comparative research : This type of quantitative research examines the cause-effect relationships in retrospect between a dependent and independent variable and determines the causes of the already existing differences between groups of people. This is not a true experiment because it doesn’t assign participants to groups randomly. Example: To study the wage differences between men and women in the same role. For this, already existing wage information is analyzed to understand the relationship.  

– Experimental research : This quantitative research method uses true experiments or scientific methods for determining a cause-effect relation between variables. It involves testing a hypothesis through experiments, in which one or more independent variables are manipulated and then their effect on dependent variables are studied. Example: A researcher studies the importance of a drug in treating a disease by administering the drug in few patients and not administering in a few.  

The following data collection methods are commonly used in primary quantitative research :  

  • Sampling : The most common type is probability sampling, in which a sample is chosen from a larger population using some form of random selection, that is, every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected. The different types of probability sampling are—simple random, systematic, stratified, and cluster sampling.  
  • Interviews : These are commonly telephonic or face-to-face.  
  • Observations : Structured observations are most commonly used in quantitative research . In this method, researchers make observations about specific behaviors of individuals in a structured setting.  
  • Document review : Reviewing existing research or documents to collect evidence for supporting the quantitative research .  
  • Surveys and questionnaires : Surveys can be administered both online and offline depending on the requirement and sample size.

The data collected can be analyzed in several ways in quantitative research , as listed below:  

  • Cross-tabulation —Uses a tabular format to draw inferences among collected data  
  • MaxDiff analysis —Gauges the preferences of the respondents  
  • TURF analysis —Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency Analysis; helps in determining the market strategy for a business  
  • Gap analysis —Identify gaps in attaining the desired results  
  • SWOT analysis —Helps identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a product, service, or organization  
  • Text analysis —Used for interpreting unstructured data  

Secondary quantitative research methods :

This method involves conducting research using already existing or secondary data. This method is less effort intensive and requires lesser time. However, researchers should verify the authenticity and recency of the sources being used and ensure their accuracy.  

The main sources of secondary data are: 

  • The Internet  
  • Government and non-government sources  
  • Public libraries  
  • Educational institutions  
  • Commercial information sources such as newspapers, journals, radio, TV  

What is quantitative research? Definition, methods, types, and examples

When to use quantitative research 6  

Here are some simple ways to decide when to use quantitative research . Use quantitative research to:  

  • recommend a final course of action  
  • find whether a consensus exists regarding a particular subject  
  • generalize results to a larger population  
  • determine a cause-and-effect relationship between variables  
  • describe characteristics of specific groups of people  
  • test hypotheses and examine specific relationships  
  • identify and establish size of market segments  

A research case study to understand when to use quantitative research 7  

Context: A study was undertaken to evaluate a major innovation in a hospital’s design, in terms of workforce implications and impact on patient and staff experiences of all single-room hospital accommodations. The researchers undertook a mixed methods approach to answer their research questions. Here, we focus on the quantitative research aspect.  

Research questions : What are the advantages and disadvantages for the staff as a result of the hospital’s move to the new design with all single-room accommodations? Did the move affect staff experience and well-being and improve their ability to deliver high-quality care?  

Method: The researchers obtained quantitative data from three sources:  

  • Staff activity (task time distribution): Each staff member was shadowed by a researcher who observed each task undertaken by the staff, and logged the time spent on each activity.  
  • Staff travel distances : The staff were requested to wear pedometers, which recorded the distances covered.  
  • Staff experience surveys : Staff were surveyed before and after the move to the new hospital design.  

Results of quantitative research : The following observations were made based on quantitative data analysis:  

  • The move to the new design did not result in a significant change in the proportion of time spent on different activities.  
  • Staff activity events observed per session were higher after the move, and direct care and professional communication events per hour decreased significantly, suggesting fewer interruptions and less fragmented care.  
  • A significant increase in medication tasks among the recorded events suggests that medication administration was integrated into patient care activities.  
  • Travel distances increased for all staff, with highest increases for staff in the older people’s ward and surgical wards.  
  • Ratings for staff toilet facilities, locker facilities, and space at staff bases were higher but those for social interaction and natural light were lower.  

Advantages of quantitative research 1,2

When choosing the right research methodology, also consider the advantages of quantitative research and how it can impact your study.  

  • Quantitative research methods are more scientific and rational. They use quantifiable data leading to objectivity in the results and avoid any chances of ambiguity.  
  • This type of research uses numeric data so analysis is relatively easier .  
  • In most cases, a hypothesis is already developed and quantitative research helps in testing and validatin g these constructed theories based on which researchers can make an informed decision about accepting or rejecting their theory.  
  • The use of statistical analysis software ensures quick analysis of large volumes of data and is less effort intensive.  
  • Higher levels of control can be applied to the research so the chances of bias can be reduced.  
  • Quantitative research is based on measured value s, facts, and verifiable information so it can be easily checked or replicated by other researchers leading to continuity in scientific research.  

Disadvantages of quantitative research 1,2

Quantitative research may also be limiting; take a look at the disadvantages of quantitative research. 

  • Experiments are conducted in controlled settings instead of natural settings and it is possible for researchers to either intentionally or unintentionally manipulate the experiment settings to suit the results they desire.  
  • Participants must necessarily give objective answers (either one- or two-word, or yes or no answers) and the reasons for their selection or the context are not considered.   
  • Inadequate knowledge of statistical analysis methods may affect the results and their interpretation.  
  • Although statistical analysis indicates the trends or patterns among variables, the reasons for these observed patterns cannot be interpreted and the research may not give a complete picture.  
  • Large sample sizes are needed for more accurate and generalizable analysis .  
  • Quantitative research cannot be used to address complex issues.  

What is quantitative research? Definition, methods, types, and examples

Frequently asked questions on  quantitative research    

Q:  What is the difference between quantitative research and qualitative research? 1  

A:  The following table lists the key differences between quantitative research and qualitative research, some of which may have been mentioned earlier in the article.  

Purpose and design                   
Research question         
Sample size  Large  Small 
Data collection method  Experiments, controlled observations, questionnaires and surveys with a rating scale or close-ended questions. The methods can be experimental, quasi-experimental, descriptive, or correlational.  Semi-structured interviews/surveys with open-ended questions, document study/literature reviews, focus groups, case study research, ethnography 
Data analysis             

Q:  What is the difference between reliability and validity? 8,9    

A:  The term reliability refers to the consistency of a research study. For instance, if a food-measuring weighing scale gives different readings every time the same quantity of food is measured then that weighing scale is not reliable. If the findings in a research study are consistent every time a measurement is made, then the study is considered reliable. However, it is usually unlikely to obtain the exact same results every time because some contributing variables may change. In such cases, a correlation coefficient is used to assess the degree of reliability. A strong positive correlation between the results indicates reliability.  

Validity can be defined as the degree to which a tool actually measures what it claims to measure. It helps confirm the credibility of your research and suggests that the results may be generalizable. In other words, it measures the accuracy of the research.  

The following table gives the key differences between reliability and validity.  

Importance  Refers to the consistency of a measure  Refers to the accuracy of a measure 
Ease of achieving  Easier, yields results faster  Involves more analysis, more difficult to achieve 
Assessment method  By examining the consistency of outcomes over time, between various observers, and within the test  By comparing the accuracy of the results with accepted theories and other measurements of the same idea 
Relationship  Unreliable measurements typically cannot be valid  Valid measurements are also reliable 
Types  Test-retest reliability, internal consistency, inter-rater reliability  Content validity, criterion validity, face validity, construct validity 

Q:  What is mixed methods research? 10

secondary quantitative research methods

A:  A mixed methods approach combines the characteristics of both quantitative research and qualitative research in the same study. This method allows researchers to validate their findings, verify if the results observed using both methods are complementary, and explain any unexpected results obtained from one method by using the other method. A mixed methods research design is useful in case of research questions that cannot be answered by either quantitative research or qualitative research alone. However, this method could be more effort- and cost-intensive because of the requirement of more resources. The figure 3 shows some basic mixed methods research designs that could be used.  

Thus, quantitative research is the appropriate method for testing your hypotheses and can be used either alone or in combination with qualitative research per your study requirements. We hope this article has provided an insight into the various facets of quantitative research , including its different characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages, and a few tips to quickly understand when to use this research method.  


  • Qualitative vs quantitative research: Differences, examples, & methods. Simply Psychology. Accessed Feb 28, 2023. https://simplypsychology.org/qualitative-quantitative.html#Quantitative-Research  
  • Your ultimate guide to quantitative research. Qualtrics. Accessed February 28, 2023. https://www.qualtrics.com/uk/experience-management/research/quantitative-research/  
  • The steps of quantitative research. Revise Sociology. Accessed March 1, 2023. https://revisesociology.com/2017/11/26/the-steps-of-quantitative-research/  
  • What are the characteristics of quantitative research? Marketing91. Accessed March 1, 2023. https://www.marketing91.com/characteristics-of-quantitative-research/  
  • Quantitative research: Types, characteristics, methods, & examples. ProProfs Survey Maker. Accessed February 28, 2023. https://www.proprofssurvey.com/blog/quantitative-research/#Characteristics_of_Quantitative_Research  
  • Qualitative research isn’t as scientific as quantitative methods. Kmusial blog. Accessed March 5, 2023. https://kmusial.wordpress.com/2011/11/25/qualitative-research-isnt-as-scientific-as-quantitative-methods/  
  • Maben J, Griffiths P, Penfold C, et al. Evaluating a major innovation in hospital design: workforce implications and impact on patient and staff experiences of all single room hospital accommodation. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2015 Feb. (Health Services and Delivery Research, No. 3.3.) Chapter 5, Case study quantitative data findings. Accessed March 6, 2023. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK274429/  
  • McLeod, S. A. (2007).  What is reliability?  Simply Psychology. www.simplypsychology.org/reliability.html  
  • Reliability vs validity: Differences & examples. Accessed March 5, 2023. https://statisticsbyjim.com/basics/reliability-vs-validity/  
  • Mixed methods research. Community Engagement Program. Harvard Catalyst. Accessed February 28, 2023. https://catalyst.harvard.edu/community-engagement/mmr  

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Secondary Research Advantages, Limitations, and Sources

Summary: secondary research should be a prerequisite to the collection of primary data, but it rarely provides all the answers you need. a thorough evaluation of the secondary data is needed to assess its relevance and accuracy..

5 minutes to read. By author Michaela Mora on January 25, 2022 Topics: Relevant Methods & Tips , Business Strategy , Market Research

Secondary Research

Secondary research is based on data already collected for purposes other than the specific problem you have. Secondary research is usually part of exploratory market research designs.

The connection between the specific purpose that originates the research is what differentiates secondary research from primary research. Primary research is designed to address specific problems. However, analysis of available secondary data should be a prerequisite to the collection of primary data.

Advantages of Secondary Research

Secondary data can be faster and cheaper to obtain, depending on the sources you use.

Secondary research can help to:

  • Answer certain research questions and test some hypotheses.
  • Formulate an appropriate research design (e.g., identify key variables).
  • Interpret data from primary research as it can provide some insights into general trends in an industry or product category.
  • Understand the competitive landscape.

Limitations of Secondary Research

The usefulness of secondary research tends to be limited often for two main reasons:

Lack of relevance

Secondary research rarely provides all the answers you need. The objectives and methodology used to collect the secondary data may not be appropriate for the problem at hand.

Given that it was designed to find answers to a different problem than yours, you will likely find gaps in answers to your problem. Furthermore, the data collection methods used may not provide the data type needed to support the business decisions you have to make (e.g., qualitative research methods are not appropriate for go/no-go decisions).

Lack of Accuracy

Secondary data may be incomplete and lack accuracy depending on;

  • The research design (exploratory, descriptive, causal, primary vs. repackaged secondary data, the analytical plan, etc.)
  • Sampling design and sources (target audiences, recruitment methods)
  • Data collection method (qualitative and quantitative techniques)
  • Analysis point of view (focus and omissions)
  • Reporting stages (preliminary, final, peer-reviewed)
  • Rate of change in the studied topic (slowly vs. rapidly evolving phenomenon, e.g., adoption of specific technologies).
  • Lack of agreement between data sources.

Criteria for Evaluating Secondary Research Data

Before taking the information at face value, you should conduct a thorough evaluation of the secondary data you find using the following criteria:

  • Purpose : Understanding why the data was collected and what questions it was trying to answer will tell us how relevant and useful it is since it may or may not be appropriate for your objectives.
  • Methodology used to collect the data : Important to understand sources of bias.
  • Accuracy of data: Sources of errors may include research design, sampling, data collection, analysis, and reporting.
  • When the data was collected : Secondary data may not be current or updated frequently enough for the purpose that you need.
  • Content of the data : Understanding the key variables, units of measurement, categories used and analyzed relationships may reveal how useful and relevant it is for your purposes.
  • Source reputation : In the era of purposeful misinformation on the Internet, it is important to check the expertise, credibility, reputation, and trustworthiness of the data source.

Secondary Research Data Sources

Compared to primary research, the collection of secondary data can be faster and cheaper to obtain, depending on the sources you use.

Secondary data can come from internal or external sources.

Internal sources of secondary data include ready-to-use data or data that requires further processing available in internal management support systems your company may be using (e.g., invoices, sales transactions, Google Analytics for your website, etc.).

Prior primary qualitative and quantitative research conducted by the company are also common sources of secondary data. They often generate more questions and help formulate new primary research needed.

However, if there are no internal data collection systems yet or prior research, you probably won’t have much usable secondary data at your disposal.

External sources of secondary data include:

  • Published materials
  • External databases
  • Syndicated services.

Published Materials

Published materials can be classified as:

  • General business sources: Guides, directories, indexes, and statistical data.
  • Government sources: Census data and other government publications.

External Databases

In many industries across a variety of topics, there are private and public databases that can bed accessed online or by downloading data for free, a fixed fee, or a subscription.

These databases can include bibliographic, numeric, full-text, directory, and special-purpose databases. Some public institutions make data collected through various methods, including surveys, available for others to analyze.

Syndicated Services

These services are offered by companies that collect and sell pools of data that have a commercial value and meet shared needs by a number of clients, even if the data is not collected for specific purposes those clients may have.

Syndicated services can be classified based on specific units of measurements (e.g., consumers, households, organizations, etc.).

The data collection methods for these data may include:

  • Surveys (Psychographic and Lifestyle, advertising evaluations, general topics)
  • Household panels (Purchase and media use)
  • Electronic scanner services (volume tracking data, scanner panels, scanner panels with Cable TV)
  • Audits (retailers, wholesalers)
  • Direct inquiries to institutions
  • Clipping services tracking PR for institutions
  • Corporate reports

You can spend hours doing research on Google in search of external sources, but this is likely to yield limited insights. Books, articles journals, reports, blogs posts, and videos you may find online are usually analyses and summaries of data from a particular perspective. They may be useful and give you an indication of the type of data used, but they are not the actual data. Whenever possible, you should look at the actual raw data used to draw your own conclusion on its value for your research objectives. You should check professionally gathered secondary research.

Here are some external secondary data sources often used in market research that you may find useful as starting points in your research. Some are free, while others require payment.

  • Pew Research Center : Reports about the issues, attitudes, and trends shaping the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis, and other empirical social science research.
  • Data.Census.gov : Data dissemination platform to access demographic and economic data from the U.S. Census Bureau.
  • Data.gov : The US. government’s open data source with almost 200,00 datasets ranges in topics from health, agriculture, climate, ecosystems, public safety, finance, energy, manufacturing, education, and business.
  • Google Scholar : A web search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines.
  • Google Public Data Explorer : Makes large, public-interest datasets easy to explore, visualize and communicate.
  • Google News Archive : Allows users to search historical newspapers and retrieve scanned images of their pages.
  • Mckinsey & Company : Articles based on analyses of various industries.
  • Statista : Business data platform with data across 170+ industries and 150+ countries.
  • Claritas : Syndicated reports on various market segments.
  • Mintel : Consumer reports combining exclusive consumer research with other market data and expert analysis.
  • MarketResearch.com : Data aggregator with over 350 publishers covering every sector of the economy as well as emerging industries.
  • Packaged Facts : Reports based on market research on consumer goods and services industries.
  • Dun & Bradstreet : Company directory with business information.

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Home » Quantitative Research – Methods, Types and Analysis

Quantitative Research – Methods, Types and Analysis

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What is Quantitative Research

Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is a type of research that collects and analyzes numerical data to test hypotheses and answer research questions . This research typically involves a large sample size and uses statistical analysis to make inferences about a population based on the data collected. It often involves the use of surveys, experiments, or other structured data collection methods to gather quantitative data.

Quantitative Research Methods

Quantitative Research Methods

Quantitative Research Methods are as follows:

Descriptive Research Design

Descriptive research design is used to describe the characteristics of a population or phenomenon being studied. This research method is used to answer the questions of what, where, when, and how. Descriptive research designs use a variety of methods such as observation, case studies, and surveys to collect data. The data is then analyzed using statistical tools to identify patterns and relationships.

Correlational Research Design

Correlational research design is used to investigate the relationship between two or more variables. Researchers use correlational research to determine whether a relationship exists between variables and to what extent they are related. This research method involves collecting data from a sample and analyzing it using statistical tools such as correlation coefficients.

Quasi-experimental Research Design

Quasi-experimental research design is used to investigate cause-and-effect relationships between variables. This research method is similar to experimental research design, but it lacks full control over the independent variable. Researchers use quasi-experimental research designs when it is not feasible or ethical to manipulate the independent variable.

Experimental Research Design

Experimental research design is used to investigate cause-and-effect relationships between variables. This research method involves manipulating the independent variable and observing the effects on the dependent variable. Researchers use experimental research designs to test hypotheses and establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Survey Research

Survey research involves collecting data from a sample of individuals using a standardized questionnaire. This research method is used to gather information on attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of individuals. Researchers use survey research to collect data quickly and efficiently from a large sample size. Survey research can be conducted through various methods such as online, phone, mail, or in-person interviews.

Quantitative Research Analysis Methods

Here are some commonly used quantitative research analysis methods:

Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis is the most common quantitative research analysis method. It involves using statistical tools and techniques to analyze the numerical data collected during the research process. Statistical analysis can be used to identify patterns, trends, and relationships between variables, and to test hypotheses and theories.

Regression Analysis

Regression analysis is a statistical technique used to analyze the relationship between one dependent variable and one or more independent variables. Researchers use regression analysis to identify and quantify the impact of independent variables on the dependent variable.

Factor Analysis

Factor analysis is a statistical technique used to identify underlying factors that explain the correlations among a set of variables. Researchers use factor analysis to reduce a large number of variables to a smaller set of factors that capture the most important information.

Structural Equation Modeling

Structural equation modeling is a statistical technique used to test complex relationships between variables. It involves specifying a model that includes both observed and unobserved variables, and then using statistical methods to test the fit of the model to the data.

Time Series Analysis

Time series analysis is a statistical technique used to analyze data that is collected over time. It involves identifying patterns and trends in the data, as well as any seasonal or cyclical variations.

Multilevel Modeling

Multilevel modeling is a statistical technique used to analyze data that is nested within multiple levels. For example, researchers might use multilevel modeling to analyze data that is collected from individuals who are nested within groups, such as students nested within schools.

Applications of Quantitative Research

Quantitative research has many applications across a wide range of fields. Here are some common examples:

  • Market Research : Quantitative research is used extensively in market research to understand consumer behavior, preferences, and trends. Researchers use surveys, experiments, and other quantitative methods to collect data that can inform marketing strategies, product development, and pricing decisions.
  • Health Research: Quantitative research is used in health research to study the effectiveness of medical treatments, identify risk factors for diseases, and track health outcomes over time. Researchers use statistical methods to analyze data from clinical trials, surveys, and other sources to inform medical practice and policy.
  • Social Science Research: Quantitative research is used in social science research to study human behavior, attitudes, and social structures. Researchers use surveys, experiments, and other quantitative methods to collect data that can inform social policies, educational programs, and community interventions.
  • Education Research: Quantitative research is used in education research to study the effectiveness of teaching methods, assess student learning outcomes, and identify factors that influence student success. Researchers use experimental and quasi-experimental designs, as well as surveys and other quantitative methods, to collect and analyze data.
  • Environmental Research: Quantitative research is used in environmental research to study the impact of human activities on the environment, assess the effectiveness of conservation strategies, and identify ways to reduce environmental risks. Researchers use statistical methods to analyze data from field studies, experiments, and other sources.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

Here are some key characteristics of quantitative research:

  • Numerical data : Quantitative research involves collecting numerical data through standardized methods such as surveys, experiments, and observational studies. This data is analyzed using statistical methods to identify patterns and relationships.
  • Large sample size: Quantitative research often involves collecting data from a large sample of individuals or groups in order to increase the reliability and generalizability of the findings.
  • Objective approach: Quantitative research aims to be objective and impartial in its approach, focusing on the collection and analysis of data rather than personal beliefs, opinions, or experiences.
  • Control over variables: Quantitative research often involves manipulating variables to test hypotheses and establish cause-and-effect relationships. Researchers aim to control for extraneous variables that may impact the results.
  • Replicable : Quantitative research aims to be replicable, meaning that other researchers should be able to conduct similar studies and obtain similar results using the same methods.
  • Statistical analysis: Quantitative research involves using statistical tools and techniques to analyze the numerical data collected during the research process. Statistical analysis allows researchers to identify patterns, trends, and relationships between variables, and to test hypotheses and theories.
  • Generalizability: Quantitative research aims to produce findings that can be generalized to larger populations beyond the specific sample studied. This is achieved through the use of random sampling methods and statistical inference.

Examples of Quantitative Research

Here are some examples of quantitative research in different fields:

  • Market Research: A company conducts a survey of 1000 consumers to determine their brand awareness and preferences. The data is analyzed using statistical methods to identify trends and patterns that can inform marketing strategies.
  • Health Research : A researcher conducts a randomized controlled trial to test the effectiveness of a new drug for treating a particular medical condition. The study involves collecting data from a large sample of patients and analyzing the results using statistical methods.
  • Social Science Research : A sociologist conducts a survey of 500 people to study attitudes toward immigration in a particular country. The data is analyzed using statistical methods to identify factors that influence these attitudes.
  • Education Research: A researcher conducts an experiment to compare the effectiveness of two different teaching methods for improving student learning outcomes. The study involves randomly assigning students to different groups and collecting data on their performance on standardized tests.
  • Environmental Research : A team of researchers conduct a study to investigate the impact of climate change on the distribution and abundance of a particular species of plant or animal. The study involves collecting data on environmental factors and population sizes over time and analyzing the results using statistical methods.
  • Psychology : A researcher conducts a survey of 500 college students to investigate the relationship between social media use and mental health. The data is analyzed using statistical methods to identify correlations and potential causal relationships.
  • Political Science: A team of researchers conducts a study to investigate voter behavior during an election. They use survey methods to collect data on voting patterns, demographics, and political attitudes, and analyze the results using statistical methods.

How to Conduct Quantitative Research

Here is a general overview of how to conduct quantitative research:

  • Develop a research question: The first step in conducting quantitative research is to develop a clear and specific research question. This question should be based on a gap in existing knowledge, and should be answerable using quantitative methods.
  • Develop a research design: Once you have a research question, you will need to develop a research design. This involves deciding on the appropriate methods to collect data, such as surveys, experiments, or observational studies. You will also need to determine the appropriate sample size, data collection instruments, and data analysis techniques.
  • Collect data: The next step is to collect data. This may involve administering surveys or questionnaires, conducting experiments, or gathering data from existing sources. It is important to use standardized methods to ensure that the data is reliable and valid.
  • Analyze data : Once the data has been collected, it is time to analyze it. This involves using statistical methods to identify patterns, trends, and relationships between variables. Common statistical techniques include correlation analysis, regression analysis, and hypothesis testing.
  • Interpret results: After analyzing the data, you will need to interpret the results. This involves identifying the key findings, determining their significance, and drawing conclusions based on the data.
  • Communicate findings: Finally, you will need to communicate your findings. This may involve writing a research report, presenting at a conference, or publishing in a peer-reviewed journal. It is important to clearly communicate the research question, methods, results, and conclusions to ensure that others can understand and replicate your research.

When to use Quantitative Research

Here are some situations when quantitative research can be appropriate:

  • To test a hypothesis: Quantitative research is often used to test a hypothesis or a theory. It involves collecting numerical data and using statistical analysis to determine if the data supports or refutes the hypothesis.
  • To generalize findings: If you want to generalize the findings of your study to a larger population, quantitative research can be useful. This is because it allows you to collect numerical data from a representative sample of the population and use statistical analysis to make inferences about the population as a whole.
  • To measure relationships between variables: If you want to measure the relationship between two or more variables, such as the relationship between age and income, or between education level and job satisfaction, quantitative research can be useful. It allows you to collect numerical data on both variables and use statistical analysis to determine the strength and direction of the relationship.
  • To identify patterns or trends: Quantitative research can be useful for identifying patterns or trends in data. For example, you can use quantitative research to identify trends in consumer behavior or to identify patterns in stock market data.
  • To quantify attitudes or opinions : If you want to measure attitudes or opinions on a particular topic, quantitative research can be useful. It allows you to collect numerical data using surveys or questionnaires and analyze the data using statistical methods to determine the prevalence of certain attitudes or opinions.

Purpose of Quantitative Research

The purpose of quantitative research is to systematically investigate and measure the relationships between variables or phenomena using numerical data and statistical analysis. The main objectives of quantitative research include:

  • Description : To provide a detailed and accurate description of a particular phenomenon or population.
  • Explanation : To explain the reasons for the occurrence of a particular phenomenon, such as identifying the factors that influence a behavior or attitude.
  • Prediction : To predict future trends or behaviors based on past patterns and relationships between variables.
  • Control : To identify the best strategies for controlling or influencing a particular outcome or behavior.

Quantitative research is used in many different fields, including social sciences, business, engineering, and health sciences. It can be used to investigate a wide range of phenomena, from human behavior and attitudes to physical and biological processes. The purpose of quantitative research is to provide reliable and valid data that can be used to inform decision-making and improve understanding of the world around us.

Advantages of Quantitative Research

There are several advantages of quantitative research, including:

  • Objectivity : Quantitative research is based on objective data and statistical analysis, which reduces the potential for bias or subjectivity in the research process.
  • Reproducibility : Because quantitative research involves standardized methods and measurements, it is more likely to be reproducible and reliable.
  • Generalizability : Quantitative research allows for generalizations to be made about a population based on a representative sample, which can inform decision-making and policy development.
  • Precision : Quantitative research allows for precise measurement and analysis of data, which can provide a more accurate understanding of phenomena and relationships between variables.
  • Efficiency : Quantitative research can be conducted relatively quickly and efficiently, especially when compared to qualitative research, which may involve lengthy data collection and analysis.
  • Large sample sizes : Quantitative research can accommodate large sample sizes, which can increase the representativeness and generalizability of the results.

Limitations of Quantitative Research

There are several limitations of quantitative research, including:

  • Limited understanding of context: Quantitative research typically focuses on numerical data and statistical analysis, which may not provide a comprehensive understanding of the context or underlying factors that influence a phenomenon.
  • Simplification of complex phenomena: Quantitative research often involves simplifying complex phenomena into measurable variables, which may not capture the full complexity of the phenomenon being studied.
  • Potential for researcher bias: Although quantitative research aims to be objective, there is still the potential for researcher bias in areas such as sampling, data collection, and data analysis.
  • Limited ability to explore new ideas: Quantitative research is often based on pre-determined research questions and hypotheses, which may limit the ability to explore new ideas or unexpected findings.
  • Limited ability to capture subjective experiences : Quantitative research is typically focused on objective data and may not capture the subjective experiences of individuals or groups being studied.
  • Ethical concerns : Quantitative research may raise ethical concerns, such as invasion of privacy or the potential for harm to participants.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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  • Primary vs Secondary Research

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Primary vs secondary research – what’s the difference.

14 min read Find out how primary and secondary research are different from each other, and how you can use them both in your own research program.

Primary vs secondary research: in a nutshell

The essential difference between primary and secondary research lies in who collects the data.

  • Primary research definition

When you conduct primary research, you’re collecting data by doing your own surveys or observations.

  • Secondary research definition:

In secondary research, you’re looking at existing data from other researchers, such as academic journals, government agencies or national statistics.

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When to use primary vs secondary research

Primary research and secondary research both offer value in helping you gather information.

Each research method can be used alone to good effect. But when you combine the two research methods, you have the ingredients for a highly effective market research strategy. Most research combines some element of both primary methods and secondary source consultation.

So assuming you’re planning to do both primary and secondary research – which comes first? Counterintuitive as it sounds, it’s more usual to start your research process with secondary research, then move on to primary research.

Secondary research can prepare you for collecting your own data in a primary research project. It can give you a broad overview of your research area, identify influences and trends, and may give you ideas and avenues to explore that you hadn’t previously considered.

Given that secondary research can be done quickly and inexpensively, it makes sense to start your primary research process with some kind of secondary research. Even if you’re expecting to find out what you need to know from a survey of your target market, taking a small amount of time to gather information from secondary sources is worth doing.

Types of market research

Primary research

Primary market research is original research carried out when a company needs timely, specific data about something that affects its success or potential longevity.

Primary research data collection might be carried out in-house by a business analyst or market research team within the company, or it may be outsourced to a specialist provider, such as an agency or consultancy. While outsourcing primary research involves a greater upfront expense, it’s less time consuming and can bring added benefits such as researcher expertise and a ‘fresh eyes’ perspective that avoids the risk of bias and partiality affecting the research data.

Primary research gives you recent data from known primary sources about the particular topic you care about, but it does take a little time to collect that data from scratch, rather than finding secondary data via an internet search or library visit.

Primary research involves two forms of data collection:

  • Exploratory research This type of primary research is carried out to determine the nature of a problem that hasn’t yet been clearly defined. For example, a supermarket wants to improve its poor customer service and needs to understand the key drivers behind the customer experience issues. It might do this by interviewing employees and customers, or by running a survey program or focus groups.
  • Conclusive research This form of primary research is carried out to solve a problem that the exploratory research – or other forms of primary data – has identified. For example, say the supermarket’s exploratory research found that employees weren’t happy. Conclusive research went deeper, revealing that the manager was rude, unreasonable, and difficult, making the employees unhappy and resulting in a poor employee experience which in turn led to less than excellent customer service. Thanks to the company’s choice to conduct primary research, a new manager was brought in, employees were happier and customer service improved.

Examples of primary research

All of the following are forms of primary research data.

  • Customer satisfaction survey results
  • Employee experience pulse survey results
  • NPS rating scores from your customers
  • A field researcher’s notes
  • Data from weather stations in a local area
  • Recordings made during focus groups

Primary research methods

There are a number of primary research methods to choose from, and they are already familiar to most people. The ones you choose will depend on your budget, your time constraints, your research goals and whether you’re looking for quantitative or qualitative data.

A survey can be carried out online, offline, face to face or via other media such as phone or SMS. It’s relatively cheap to do, since participants can self-administer the questionnaire in most cases. You can automate much of the process if you invest in good quality survey software.

Primary research interviews can be carried out face to face, over the phone or via video calling. They’re more time-consuming than surveys, and they require the time and expense of a skilled interviewer and a dedicated room, phone line or video calling setup. However, a personal interview can provide a very rich primary source of data based not only on the participant’s answers but also on the observations of the interviewer.

Focus groups

A focus group is an interview with multiple participants at the same time. It often takes the form of a discussion moderated by the researcher. As well as taking less time and resources than a series of one-to-one interviews, a focus group can benefit from the interactions between participants which bring out more ideas and opinions. However this can also lead to conversations going off on a tangent, which the moderator must be able to skilfully avoid by guiding the group back to the relevant topic.

Secondary research

Secondary research is research that has already been done by someone else prior to your own research study.

Secondary research is generally the best place to start any research project as it will reveal whether someone has already researched the same topic you’re interested in, or a similar topic that helps lay some of the groundwork for your research project.

Secondary research examples

Even if your preliminary secondary research doesn’t turn up a study similar to your own research goals, it will still give you a stronger knowledge base that you can use to strengthen and refine your research hypothesis. You may even find some gaps in the market you didn’t know about before.

The scope of secondary research resources is extremely broad. Here are just a few of the places you might look for relevant information.

Books and magazines

A public library can turn up a wealth of data in the form of books and magazines – and it doesn’t cost a penny to consult them.

Market research reports

Secondary research from professional research agencies can be highly valuable, as you can be confident the data collection methods and data analysis will be sound

Scholarly journals, often available in reference libraries

Peer-reviewed journals have been examined by experts from the relevant educational institutions, meaning there has been an extra layer of oversight and careful consideration of the data points before publication.

Government reports and studies

Public domain data, such as census data, can provide relevant information for your research project, not least in choosing the appropriate research population for a primary research method. If the information you need isn’t readily available, try contacting the relevant government agencies.

White papers

Businesses often produce white papers as a means of showcasing their expertise and value in their field. White papers can be helpful in secondary research methods, although they may not be as carefully vetted as academic papers or public records.

Trade or industry associations

Associations may have secondary data that goes back a long way and offers a general overview of a particular industry. This data collected over time can be very helpful in laying the foundations of your particular research project.

Private company data

Some businesses may offer their company data to those conducting research in return for fees or with explicit permissions. However, if a business has data that’s closely relevant to yours, it’s likely they are a competitor and may flat out refuse your request.

Learn more about secondary research

Examples of secondary research data

These are all forms of secondary research data in action:

  • A newspaper report quoting statistics sourced by a journalist
  • Facts from primary research articles quoted during a debate club meeting
  • A blog post discussing new national figures on the economy
  • A company consulting previous research published by a competitor

Secondary research methods

Literature reviews.

A core part of the secondary research process, involving data collection and constructing an argument around multiple sources. A literature review involves gathering information from a wide range of secondary sources on one topic and summarizing them in a report or in the introduction to primary research data.

Content analysis

This systematic approach is widely used in social science disciplines. It uses codes for themes, tropes or key phrases which are tallied up according to how often they occur in the secondary data. The results help researchers to draw conclusions from qualitative data.

Data analysis using digital tools

You can analyze large volumes of data using software that can recognize and categorize natural language. More advanced tools will even be able to identify relationships and semantic connections within the secondary research materials.

Text IQ

Comparing primary vs secondary research

We’ve established that both primary research and secondary research have benefits for your business, and that there are major differences in terms of the research process, the cost, the research skills involved and the types of data gathered. But is one of them better than the other?

The answer largely depends on your situation. Whether primary or secondary research wins out in your specific case depends on the particular topic you’re interested in and the resources you have available. The positive aspects of one method might be enough to sway you, or the drawbacks – such as a lack of credible evidence already published, as might be the case in very fast-moving industries – might make one method totally unsuitable.

Here’s an at-a-glance look at the features and characteristics of primary vs secondary research, illustrating some of the key differences between them.

Primary research Secondary research
Self-conducted original research Research already conducted by other researchers independent of your project
Qualitative and quantitative research Qualitative and quantitative research
Relatively expensive to acquire Relatively cheap to acquire
Focused on your business’ needs Not focused on your business’ needs (usually, unless you have relevant in-house data from past research)
Takes some time to collect and analyze Quick to access
Tailored to your project Not tailored to your project

What are the pros and cons of primary research?

Primary research provides original data and allows you to pinpoint the issues you’re interested in and collect data from your target market – with all the effort that entails.

Benefits of primary research:

  • Tells you what you need to know, nothing irrelevant
  • Yours exclusively – once acquired, you may be able to sell primary data or use it for marketing
  • Teaches you more about your business
  • Can help foster new working relationships and connections between silos
  • Primary research methods can provide upskilling opportunities – employees gain new research skills

Limitations of primary research:

  • Lacks context from other research on related subjects
  • Can be expensive
  • Results aren’t ready to use until the project is complete
  • Any mistakes you make in in research design or implementation could compromise your data quality
  • May not have lasting relevance – although it could fulfill a benchmarking function if things change

What are the pros and cons of secondary research?

Secondary research relies on secondary sources, which can be both an advantage and a drawback. After all, other people are doing the work, but they’re also setting the research parameters.

Benefits of secondary research:

  • It’s often low cost or even free to access in the public domain
  • Supplies a knowledge base for researchers to learn from
  • Data is complete, has been analyzed and checked, saving you time and costs
  • It’s ready to use as soon as you acquire it

Limitations of secondary research

  • May not provide enough specific information
  • Conducting a literature review in a well-researched subject area can become overwhelming
  • No added value from publishing or re-selling your research data
  • Results are inconclusive – you’ll only ever be interpreting data from another organization’s experience, not your own
  • Details of the research methodology are unknown
  • May be out of date – always check carefully the original research was conducted

Related resources

Business research methods 12 min read, qualitative research interviews 11 min read, market intelligence 10 min read, marketing insights 11 min read, ethnographic research 11 min read, qualitative vs quantitative research 13 min read, qualitative research questions 11 min read, request demo.

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Quantitative Research: What It Is, Practices & Methods

Quantitative research

Quantitative research involves analyzing and gathering numerical data to uncover trends, calculate averages, evaluate relationships, and derive overarching insights. It’s used in various fields, including the natural and social sciences. Quantitative data analysis employs statistical techniques for processing and interpreting numeric data.

Research designs in the quantitative realm outline how data will be collected and analyzed with methods like experiments and surveys. Qualitative methods complement quantitative research by focusing on non-numerical data, adding depth to understanding. Data collection methods can be qualitative or quantitative, depending on research goals. Researchers often use a combination of both approaches to gain a comprehensive understanding of phenomena.

What is Quantitative Research?

Quantitative research is a systematic investigation of phenomena by gathering quantifiable data and performing statistical, mathematical, or computational techniques. Quantitative research collects statistically significant information from existing and potential customers using sampling methods and sending out online surveys , online polls , and questionnaires , for example.

One of the main characteristics of this type of research is that the results can be depicted in numerical form. After carefully collecting structured observations and understanding these numbers, it’s possible to predict the future of a product or service, establish causal relationships or Causal Research , and make changes accordingly. Quantitative research primarily centers on the analysis of numerical data and utilizes inferential statistics to derive conclusions that can be extrapolated to the broader population.

An example of a quantitative research study is the survey conducted to understand how long a doctor takes to tend to a patient when the patient walks into the hospital. A patient satisfaction survey can be administered to ask questions like how long a doctor takes to see a patient, how often a patient walks into a hospital, and other such questions, which are dependent variables in the research. This kind of research method is often employed in the social sciences, and it involves using mathematical frameworks and theories to effectively present data, ensuring that the results are logical, statistically sound, and unbiased.

Data collection in quantitative research uses a structured method and is typically conducted on larger samples representing the entire population. Researchers use quantitative methods to collect numerical data, which is then subjected to statistical analysis to determine statistically significant findings. This approach is valuable in both experimental research and social research, as it helps in making informed decisions and drawing reliable conclusions based on quantitative data.

Quantitative Research Characteristics

Quantitative research has several unique characteristics that make it well-suited for specific projects. Let’s explore the most crucial of these characteristics so that you can consider them when planning your next research project:

secondary quantitative research methods

  • Structured tools: Quantitative research relies on structured tools such as surveys, polls, or questionnaires to gather quantitative data . Using such structured methods helps collect in-depth and actionable numerical data from the survey respondents, making it easier to perform data analysis.
  • Sample size: Quantitative research is conducted on a significant sample size  representing the target market . Appropriate Survey Sampling methods, a fundamental aspect of quantitative research methods, must be employed when deriving the sample to fortify the research objective and ensure the reliability of the results.
  • Close-ended questions: Closed-ended questions , specifically designed to align with the research objectives, are a cornerstone of quantitative research. These questions facilitate the collection of quantitative data and are extensively used in data collection processes.
  • Prior studies: Before collecting feedback from respondents, researchers often delve into previous studies related to the research topic. This preliminary research helps frame the study effectively and ensures the data collection process is well-informed.
  • Quantitative data: Typically, quantitative data is represented using tables, charts, graphs, or other numerical forms. This visual representation aids in understanding the collected data and is essential for rigorous data analysis, a key component of quantitative research methods.
  • Generalization of results: One of the strengths of quantitative research is its ability to generalize results to the entire population. It means that the findings derived from a sample can be extrapolated to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions for improvement based on numerical data analysis.

Quantitative Research Methods

Quantitative research methods are systematic approaches used to gather and analyze numerical data to understand and draw conclusions about a phenomenon or population. Here are the quantitative research methods:

  • Primary quantitative research methods
  • Secondary quantitative research methods

Primary Quantitative Research Methods

Primary quantitative research is the most widely used method of conducting market research. The distinct feature of primary research is that the researcher focuses on collecting data directly rather than depending on data collected from previously done research. Primary quantitative research design can be broken down into three further distinctive tracks and the process flow. They are:

A. Techniques and Types of Studies

There are multiple types of primary quantitative research. They can be distinguished into the four following distinctive methods, which are:

01. Survey Research

Survey Research is fundamental for all quantitative outcome research methodologies and studies. Surveys are used to ask questions to a sample of respondents, using various types such as online polls, online surveys, paper questionnaires, web-intercept surveys , etc. Every small and big organization intends to understand what their customers think about their products and services, how well new features are faring in the market, and other such details.

By conducting survey research, an organization can ask multiple survey questions , collect data from a pool of customers, and analyze this collected data to produce numerical results. It is the first step towards collecting data for any research. You can use single ease questions . A single-ease question is a straightforward query that elicits a concise and uncomplicated response.

This type of research can be conducted with a specific target audience group and also can be conducted across multiple groups along with comparative analysis . A prerequisite for this type of research is that the sample of respondents must have randomly selected members. This way, a researcher can easily maintain the accuracy of the obtained results as a huge variety of respondents will be addressed using random selection. 

Traditionally, survey research was conducted face-to-face or via phone calls. Still, with the progress made by online mediums such as email or social media, survey research has also spread to online mediums.There are two types of surveys , either of which can be chosen based on the time in hand and the kind of data required:

Cross-sectional surveys: Cross-sectional surveys are observational surveys conducted in situations where the researcher intends to collect data from a sample of the target population at a given point in time. Researchers can evaluate various variables at a particular time. Data gathered using this type of survey is from people who depict similarity in all variables except the variables which are considered for research . Throughout the survey, this one variable will stay constant.

  • Cross-sectional surveys are popular with retail, SMEs, and healthcare industries. Information is garnered without modifying any parameters in the variable ecosystem.
  • Multiple samples can be analyzed and compared using a cross-sectional survey research method.
  • Multiple variables can be evaluated using this type of survey research.
  • The only disadvantage of cross-sectional surveys is that the cause-effect relationship of variables cannot be established as it usually evaluates variables at a particular time and not across a continuous time frame.

Longitudinal surveys: Longitudinal surveys are also observational surveys , but unlike cross-sectional surveys, longitudinal surveys are conducted across various time durations to observe a change in respondent behavior and thought processes. This time can be days, months, years, or even decades. For instance, a researcher planning to analyze the change in buying habits of teenagers over 5 years will conduct longitudinal surveys.

  • In cross-sectional surveys, the same variables were evaluated at a given time, and in longitudinal surveys, different variables can be analyzed at different intervals.
  • Longitudinal surveys are extensively used in the field of medicine and applied sciences. Apart from these two fields, they are also used to observe a change in the market trend analysis , analyze customer satisfaction, or gain feedback on products/services.
  • In situations where the sequence of events is highly essential, longitudinal surveys are used.
  • Researchers say that when research subjects need to be thoroughly inspected before concluding, they rely on longitudinal surveys.

02. Correlational Research

A comparison between two entities is invariable. Correlation research is conducted to establish a relationship between two closely-knit entities and how one impacts the other, and what changes are eventually observed. This research method is carried out to give value to naturally occurring relationships, and a minimum of two different groups are required to conduct this quantitative research method successfully. Without assuming various aspects, a relationship between two groups or entities must be established.

Researchers use this quantitative research design to correlate two or more variables using mathematical analysis methods. Patterns, relationships, and trends between variables are concluded as they exist in their original setup. The impact of one of these variables on the other is observed, along with how it changes the relationship between the two variables. Researchers tend to manipulate one of the variables to attain the desired results.

Ideally, it is advised not to make conclusions merely based on correlational research. This is because it is not mandatory that if two variables are in sync that they are interrelated.

Example of Correlational Research Questions :

  • The relationship between stress and depression.
  • The equation between fame and money.
  • The relation between activities in a third-grade class and its students.

03. Causal-comparative Research

This research method mainly depends on the factor of comparison. Also called quasi-experimental research , this quantitative research method is used by researchers to conclude the cause-effect equation between two or more variables, where one variable is dependent on the other independent variable. The independent variable is established but not manipulated, and its impact on the dependent variable is observed. These variables or groups must be formed as they exist in the natural setup. As the dependent and independent variables will always exist in a group, it is advised that the conclusions are carefully established by keeping all the factors in mind.

Causal-comparative research is not restricted to the statistical analysis of two variables but extends to analyzing how various variables or groups change under the influence of the same changes. This research is conducted irrespective of the type of relationship that exists between two or more variables. Statistical analysis plan is used to present the outcome using this quantitative research method.

Example of Causal-Comparative Research Questions:

  • The impact of drugs on a teenager. The effect of good education on a freshman. The effect of substantial food provision in the villages of Africa.

04. Experimental Research

Also known as true experimentation, this research method relies on a theory. As the name suggests, experimental research is usually based on one or more theories. This theory has yet to be proven before and is merely a supposition. In experimental research, an analysis is done around proving or disproving the statement. This research method is used in natural sciences. Traditional research methods are more effective than modern techniques.

There can be multiple theories in experimental research. A theory is a statement that can be verified or refuted.

After establishing the statement, efforts are made to understand whether it is valid or invalid. This quantitative research method is mainly used in natural or social sciences as various statements must be proved right or wrong.

  • Traditional research methods are more effective than modern techniques.
  • Systematic teaching schedules help children who struggle to cope with the course.
  • It is a boon to have responsible nursing staff for ailing parents.

B. Data Collection Methodologies

The second major step in primary quantitative research is data collection. Data collection can be divided into sampling methods and data collection using surveys and polls.

01. Data Collection Methodologies: Sampling Methods

There are two main sampling methods for quantitative research: Probability and Non-probability sampling .

Probability sampling: A theory of probability is used to filter individuals from a population and create samples in probability sampling . Participants of a sample are chosen by random selection processes. Each target audience member has an equal opportunity to be selected in the sample.

There are four main types of probability sampling:

  • Simple random sampling: As the name indicates, simple random sampling is nothing but a random selection of elements for a sample. This sampling technique is implemented where the target population is considerably large.
  • Stratified random sampling: In the stratified random sampling method , a large population is divided into groups (strata), and members of a sample are chosen randomly from these strata. The various segregated strata should ideally not overlap one another.
  • Cluster sampling: Cluster sampling is a probability sampling method using which the main segment is divided into clusters, usually using geographic segmentation and demographic segmentation parameters.
  • Systematic sampling: Systematic sampling is a technique where the starting point of the sample is chosen randomly, and all the other elements are chosen using a fixed interval. This interval is calculated by dividing the population size by the target sample size.

Non-probability sampling: Non-probability sampling is where the researcher’s knowledge and experience are used to create samples. Because of the researcher’s involvement, not all the target population members have an equal probability of being selected to be a part of a sample.

There are five non-probability sampling models:

  • Convenience sampling: In convenience sampling , elements of a sample are chosen only due to one prime reason: their proximity to the researcher. These samples are quick and easy to implement as there is no other parameter of selection involved.
  • Consecutive sampling: Consecutive sampling is quite similar to convenience sampling, except for the fact that researchers can choose a single element or a group of samples and conduct research consecutively over a significant period and then perform the same process with other samples.
  • Quota sampling: Using quota sampling , researchers can select elements using their knowledge of target traits and personalities to form strata. Members of various strata can then be chosen to be a part of the sample as per the researcher’s understanding.
  • Snowball sampling: Snowball sampling is conducted with target audiences who are difficult to contact and get information. It is popular in cases where the target audience for analysis research is rare to put together.
  • Judgmental sampling: Judgmental sampling is a non-probability sampling method where samples are created only based on the researcher’s experience and research skill .

02. Data collection methodologies: Using surveys & polls

Once the sample is determined, then either surveys or polls can be distributed to collect the data for quantitative research.

Using surveys for primary quantitative research

A survey is defined as a research method used for collecting data from a pre-defined group of respondents to gain information and insights on various topics of interest. The ease of survey distribution and the wide number of people it can reach depending on the research time and objective makes it one of the most important aspects of conducting quantitative research.

Fundamental levels of measurement – nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales

Four measurement scales are fundamental to creating a multiple-choice question in a survey. They are nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio measurement scales without the fundamentals of which no multiple-choice questions can be created. Hence, it is crucial to understand these measurement levels to develop a robust survey.

Use of different question types

To conduct quantitative research, close-ended questions must be used in a survey. They can be a mix of multiple question types, including multiple-choice questions like semantic differential scale questions , rating scale questions , etc.

Survey Distribution and Survey Data Collection

In the above, we have seen the process of building a survey along with the research design to conduct primary quantitative research. Survey distribution to collect data is the other important aspect of the survey process. There are different ways of survey distribution. Some of the most commonly used methods are:

  • Email: Sending a survey via email is the most widely used and effective survey distribution method. This method’s response rate is high because the respondents know your brand. You can use the QuestionPro email management feature to send out and collect survey responses.
  • Buy respondents: Another effective way to distribute a survey and conduct primary quantitative research is to use a sample. Since the respondents are knowledgeable and are on the panel by their own will, responses are much higher.
  • Embed survey on a website: Embedding a survey on a website increases a high number of responses as the respondent is already in close proximity to the brand when the survey pops up.
  • Social distribution: Using social media to distribute the survey aids in collecting a higher number of responses from the people that are aware of the brand.
  • QR code: QuestionPro QR codes store the URL for the survey. You can print/publish this code in magazines, signs, business cards, or on just about any object/medium.
  • SMS survey: The SMS survey is a quick and time-effective way to collect a high number of responses.
  • Offline Survey App: The QuestionPro App allows users to circulate surveys quickly, and the responses can be collected both online and offline.

Survey example

An example of a survey is a short customer satisfaction (CSAT) survey that can quickly be built and deployed to collect feedback about what the customer thinks about a brand and how satisfied and referenceable the brand is.

Using polls for primary quantitative research

Polls are a method to collect feedback using close-ended questions from a sample. The most commonly used types of polls are election polls and exit polls . Both of these are used to collect data from a large sample size but using basic question types like multiple-choice questions.

C. Data Analysis Techniques

The third aspect of primary quantitative research design is data analysis . After collecting raw data, there must be an analysis of this data to derive statistical inferences from this research. It is important to relate the results to the research objective and establish the statistical relevance of the results.

Remember to consider aspects of research that were not considered for the data collection process and report the difference between what was planned vs. what was actually executed.

It is then required to select precise Statistical Analysis Methods , such as SWOT, Conjoint, Cross-tabulation, etc., to analyze the quantitative data.

  • SWOT analysis: SWOT Analysis stands for the acronym of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threat analysis. Organizations use this statistical analysis technique to evaluate their performance internally and externally to develop effective strategies for improvement.
  • Conjoint Analysis: Conjoint Analysis is a market analysis method to learn how individuals make complicated purchasing decisions. Trade-offs are involved in an individual’s daily activities, and these reflect their ability to decide from a complex list of product/service options.
  • Cross-tabulation: Cross-tabulation is one of the preliminary statistical market analysis methods which establishes relationships, patterns, and trends within the various parameters of the research study.
  • TURF Analysis: TURF Analysis , an acronym for Totally Unduplicated Reach and Frequency Analysis, is executed in situations where the reach of a favorable communication source is to be analyzed along with the frequency of this communication. It is used for understanding the potential of a target market.

Inferential statistics methods such as confidence interval, the margin of error, etc., can then be used to provide results.

Secondary Quantitative Research Methods

Secondary quantitative research or desk research is a research method that involves using already existing data or secondary data. Existing data is summarized and collated to increase the overall effectiveness of the research.

This research method involves collecting quantitative data from existing data sources like the internet, government resources, libraries, research reports, etc. Secondary quantitative research helps to validate the data collected from primary quantitative research and aid in strengthening or proving, or disproving previously collected data.

The following are five popularly used secondary quantitative research methods:

  • Data available on the internet: With the high penetration of the internet and mobile devices, it has become increasingly easy to conduct quantitative research using the internet. Information about most research topics is available online, and this aids in boosting the validity of primary quantitative data.
  • Government and non-government sources: Secondary quantitative research can also be conducted with the help of government and non-government sources that deal with market research reports. This data is highly reliable and in-depth and hence, can be used to increase the validity of quantitative research design.
  • Public libraries: Now a sparingly used method of conducting quantitative research, it is still a reliable source of information, though. Public libraries have copies of important research that was conducted earlier. They are a storehouse of valuable information and documents from which information can be extracted.
  • Educational institutions: Educational institutions conduct in-depth research on multiple topics, and hence, the reports that they publish are an important source of validation in quantitative research.
  • Commercial information sources: Local newspapers, journals, magazines, radio, and TV stations are great sources to obtain data for secondary quantitative research. These commercial information sources have in-depth, first-hand information on market research, demographic segmentation, and similar subjects.

Quantitative Research Examples

Some examples of quantitative research are:

  • A customer satisfaction template can be used if any organization would like to conduct a customer satisfaction (CSAT) survey . Through this kind of survey, an organization can collect quantitative data and metrics on the goodwill of the brand or organization in the customer’s mind based on multiple parameters such as product quality, pricing, customer experience, etc. This data can be collected by asking a net promoter score (NPS) question , matrix table questions, etc. that provide data in the form of numbers that can be analyzed and worked upon.
  • Another example of quantitative research is an organization that conducts an event, collecting feedback from attendees about the value they see from the event. By using an event survey , the organization can collect actionable feedback about the satisfaction levels of customers during various phases of the event such as the sales, pre and post-event, the likelihood of recommending the organization to their friends and colleagues, hotel preferences for the future events and other such questions.

What are the Advantages of Quantitative Research?

There are many advantages to quantitative research. Some of the major advantages of why researchers use this method in market research are:


Collect Reliable and Accurate Data:

Quantitative research is a powerful method for collecting reliable and accurate quantitative data. Since data is collected, analyzed, and presented in numbers, the results obtained are incredibly reliable and objective. Numbers do not lie and offer an honest and precise picture of the conducted research without discrepancies. In situations where a researcher aims to eliminate bias and predict potential conflicts, quantitative research is the method of choice.

Quick Data Collection:

Quantitative research involves studying a group of people representing a larger population. Researchers use a survey or another quantitative research method to efficiently gather information from these participants, making the process of analyzing the data and identifying patterns faster and more manageable through the use of statistical analysis. This advantage makes quantitative research an attractive option for projects with time constraints.

Wider Scope of Data Analysis:

Quantitative research, thanks to its utilization of statistical methods, offers an extensive range of data collection and analysis. Researchers can delve into a broader spectrum of variables and relationships within the data, enabling a more thorough comprehension of the subject under investigation. This expanded scope is precious when dealing with complex research questions that require in-depth numerical analysis.

Eliminate Bias:

One of the significant advantages of quantitative research is its ability to eliminate bias. This research method leaves no room for personal comments or the biasing of results, as the findings are presented in numerical form. This objectivity makes the results fair and reliable in most cases, reducing the potential for researcher bias or subjectivity.

In summary, quantitative research involves collecting, analyzing, and presenting quantitative data using statistical analysis. It offers numerous advantages, including the collection of reliable and accurate data, quick data collection, a broader scope of data analysis, and the elimination of bias, making it a valuable approach in the field of research. When considering the benefits of quantitative research, it’s essential to recognize its strengths in contrast to qualitative methods and its role in collecting and analyzing numerical data for a more comprehensive understanding of research topics.

Best Practices to Conduct Quantitative Research

Here are some best practices for conducting quantitative research:

Tips to conduct quantitative research

  • Differentiate between quantitative and qualitative: Understand the difference between the two methodologies and apply the one that suits your needs best.
  • Choose a suitable sample size: Ensure that you have a sample representative of your population and large enough to be statistically weighty.
  • Keep your research goals clear and concise: Know your research goals before you begin data collection to ensure you collect the right amount and the right quantity of data.
  • Keep the questions simple: Remember that you will be reaching out to a demographically wide audience. Pose simple questions for your respondents to understand easily.

Quantitative Research vs Qualitative Research

Quantitative research and qualitative research are two distinct approaches to conducting research, each with its own set of methods and objectives. Here’s a comparison of the two:

secondary quantitative research methods

Quantitative Research

  • Objective: The primary goal of quantitative research is to quantify and measure phenomena by collecting numerical data. It aims to test hypotheses, establish patterns, and generalize findings to a larger population.
  • Data Collection: Quantitative research employs systematic and standardized approaches for data collection, including techniques like surveys, experiments, and observations that involve predefined variables. It is often collected from a large and representative sample.
  • Data Analysis: Data is analyzed using statistical techniques, such as descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and mathematical modeling. Researchers use statistical tests to draw conclusions and make generalizations based on numerical data.
  • Sample Size: Quantitative research often involves larger sample sizes to ensure statistical significance and generalizability.
  • Results: The results are typically presented in tables, charts, and statistical summaries, making them highly structured and objective.
  • Generalizability: Researchers intentionally structure quantitative research to generate outcomes that can be helpful to a larger population, and they frequently seek to establish causative connections.
  • Emphasis on Objectivity: Researchers aim to minimize bias and subjectivity, focusing on replicable and objective findings.

Qualitative Research

  • Objective: Qualitative research seeks to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying motivations, behaviors, and experiences of individuals or groups. It explores the context and meaning of phenomena.
  • Data Collection: Qualitative research employs adaptable and open-ended techniques for data collection, including methods like interviews, focus groups, observations, and content analysis. It allows participants to express their perspectives in their own words.
  • Data Analysis: Data is analyzed through thematic analysis, content analysis, or grounded theory. Researchers focus on identifying patterns, themes, and insights in the data.
  • Sample Size: Qualitative research typically involves smaller sample sizes due to the in-depth nature of data collection and analysis.
  • Results: Findings are presented in narrative form, often in the participants’ own words. Results are subjective, context-dependent, and provide rich, detailed descriptions.
  • Generalizability: Qualitative research does not aim for broad generalizability but focuses on in-depth exploration within a specific context. It provides a detailed understanding of a particular group or situation.
  • Emphasis on Subjectivity: Researchers acknowledge the role of subjectivity and the researcher’s influence on the Research Process . Participant perspectives and experiences are central to the findings.

Researchers choose between quantitative and qualitative research methods based on their research objectives and the nature of the research question. Each approach has its advantages and drawbacks, and the decision between them hinges on the particular research objectives and the data needed to address research inquiries effectively.

Quantitative research is a structured way of collecting and analyzing data from various sources. Its purpose is to quantify the problem and understand its extent, seeking results that someone can project to a larger population.

Companies that use quantitative rather than qualitative research typically aim to measure magnitudes and seek objectively interpreted statistical results. So if you want to obtain quantitative data that helps you define the structured cause-and-effect relationship between the research problem and the factors, you should opt for this type of research.

At QuestionPro , we have various Best Data Collection Tools and features to conduct investigations of this type. You can create questionnaires and distribute them through our various methods. We also have sample services or various questions to guarantee the success of your study and the quality of the collected data.

Quantitative research is a systematic and structured approach to studying phenomena that involves the collection of measurable data and the application of statistical, mathematical, or computational techniques for analysis.

Quantitative research is characterized by structured tools like surveys, substantial sample sizes, closed-ended questions, reliance on prior studies, data presented numerically, and the ability to generalize findings to the broader population.

The two main methods of quantitative research are Primary quantitative research methods, involving data collection directly from sources, and Secondary quantitative research methods, which utilize existing data for analysis.

1.Surveying to measure employee engagement with numerical rating scales. 2.Analyzing sales data to identify trends in product demand and market share. 4.Examining test scores to assess the impact of a new teaching method on student performance. 4.Using website analytics to track user behavior and conversion rates for an online store.

1.Differentiate between quantitative and qualitative approaches. 2.Choose a representative sample size. 3.Define clear research goals before data collection. 4.Use simple and easily understandable survey questions.


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  1. What is Secondary Research?

    When to use secondary research. Secondary research is a very common research method, used in lieu of collecting your own primary data. It is often used in research designs or as a way to start your research process if you plan to conduct primary research later on.. Since it is often inexpensive or free to access, secondary research is a low-stakes way to determine if further primary research ...

  2. Secondary Research: Definition, Methods & Examples

    This includes internal sources (e.g.in-house research) or, more commonly, external sources (such as government statistics, organizational bodies, and the internet). Secondary research comes in several formats, such as published datasets, reports, and survey responses, and can also be sourced from websites, libraries, and museums.

  3. Secondary Analysis Research

    Secondary data analysis: A method of which the time has come. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML), 3, 619-626.r [Google Scholar] Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (2019). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender health.

  4. What is Secondary Research? + [Methods & Examples]

    Common secondary research methods include data collection through the internet, libraries, archives, schools and organizational reports. Online Data. Online data is data that is gathered via the internet. In recent times, this method has become popular because the internet provides a large pool of both free and paid research resources that can ...

  5. Secondary Data Analysis

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  6. Secondary Research: Definition, Methods & Examples

    So, rightly secondary research is also termed " desk research ", as data can be retrieved from sitting behind a desk. The following are popularly used secondary research methods and examples: 1. Data Available on The Internet. One of the most popular ways to collect secondary data is the internet.

  7. Secondary Data

    Types of secondary data are as follows: Published data: Published data refers to data that has been published in books, magazines, newspapers, and other print media. Examples include statistical reports, market research reports, and scholarly articles. Government data: Government data refers to data collected by government agencies and departments.

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    Secondary analysis is the analysis of data that have originally been collected either for a different purpose or by a different researcher or organisation. Because of the cost and complexity of primary data collection, and because of the opportunities offered by "found" data not originally collected for research purposes (e.g ...

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    "Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches" by John W. Creswell and J. David Creswell: A comprehensive guide on different research designs and methodologies. ... By utilizing these resources, you can deepen your understanding of secondary research methods, enhance your research skills, and ensure your dissertation ...

  11. Using Secondary Data in Mixed Methods is More Straight-Forward Than You

    Secondary data in mixed methods research is the process of identifying, evaluating, and incorporating one or more secondary qualitative or quantitative data sources into a mixed methods project. Incorporating secondary data expands on the original definition of mixed methods research, which involves collecting, analyzing, and integrating qualitative and quantitative approaches to study a ...

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  14. What Is Quantitative Research?

    Revised on June 22, 2023. Quantitative research is the process of collecting and analyzing numerical data. It can be used to find patterns and averages, make predictions, test causal relationships, and generalize results to wider populations. Quantitative research is the opposite of qualitative research, which involves collecting and analyzing ...

  15. Primary vs Secondary Research: Differences, Methods, Sources, and More

    Secondary Research Methods: Literature Reviews: ... This quantitative data can reveal much about customer sentiment and the likelihood of referrals. Ad-hoc Surveys: Ad-hoc surveys can be about any topic which requires investigation, they are typically one off surveys which zero in on one particular business objective. Ad-hoc projects are useful ...

  16. Types of Research Designs Compared

    Primary research vs secondary research: Primary data is collected directly by the researcher (e.g., ... Examples & Methods Quantitative research is expressed in numbers and is used to test hypotheses. Qualitative research is expressed in words to gain understanding. 8475. What Is a Research Methodology? | Steps & Tips

  17. What is Quantitative Research? Definition, Methods, Types, and Examples

    Quantitative research methods 5. Quantitative research methods are classified into two types—primary and secondary. Primary quantitative research method: In this type of quantitative research, data are directly collected by the researchers using the following methods. - Survey research: Surveys are the easiest and most commonly used ...

  18. Secondary Research Advantages, Limitations, and Sources

    Compared to primary research, the collection of secondary data can be faster and cheaper to obtain, depending on the sources you use. Secondary data can come from internal or external sources. Internal sources of secondary data include ready-to-use data or data that requires further processing available in internal management support systems ...

  19. Quantitative Research

    Education Research: Quantitative research is used in education research to study the effectiveness of teaching methods, assess student learning outcomes, and identify factors that influence student success. Researchers use experimental and quasi-experimental designs, as well as surveys and other quantitative methods, to collect and analyze data.

  20. Primary vs secondary research

    Primary research definition. When you conduct primary research, you're collecting data by doing your own surveys or observations. Secondary research definition: In secondary research, you're looking at existing data from other researchers, such as academic journals, government agencies or national statistics. Free Ebook: The Qualtrics ...

  21. What is Quantitative Research? Definition, Examples, Key Advantages

    Secondary quantitative research methods involve analyzing existing data that was collected for other purposes. This can include data from government records, public opinion polls, or market research studies. Secondary research is often quicker and less expensive than primary research, but it may not provide data that is as specific to the ...

  22. Quantitative Research: What It Is, Practices & Methods

    The following are five popularly used secondary quantitative research methods: Data available on the internet: With the high penetration of the internet and mobile devices, it has become increasingly easy to conduct quantitative research using the internet. Information about most research topics is available online, and this aids in boosting ...

  23. How Can I Use Secondary Quantitative Data in My Research?

    Product: Sage Research Methods Video: Practical Research and Academic Skills; Type of Content: Tutorial Title: How Can I Use Secondary Quantitative Data in My Research? Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd Publication year: 2018; Online pub date: March 05, 2018; Discipline: Sociology

  24. Primary Market Research: Everything You Need to Know

    Primary vs. Secondary Market Research. Primary market research involves collecting data that has not been previously gathered, providing fresh insights directly tailored to the company's specific ...

  25. Research design : qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods

    Mixed methods procedures Summary "The new edition of the best-selling text, 'Research Design : Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches' by John W. Creswell and co-author J. David Creswell, continues the pioneering tradition of providing clear and concise instruction for understanding research and developing proposals for all ...

  26. A Guide to Quantitative Research Methods in Second Language

    An important shift in language learning research is the understanding that pronunciation instruction is necessary to ensure learners' balanced development in pronunciation and second language (L2 ...

  27. Promoting education for sustainable development through the green

    Combined with formative evaluation and summative evaluation methods, quantitative and qualitative evaluation must be conducted to provide regular feedback and supervision for schools and help them implement ... Investigating the sustainability consciousness among upper secondary students. Research in Science & Technological Education, 32(3 ...