Become a Writer Today

How to Use Grammarly: Step-by-Step

In this tutorial , discover how to use Grammarly to improve your writing skills and get the most from its powerful writing tools.

Grammarly is a popular writing assistant for writers and professionals who want to improve their grammar, punctuation, and writing style. I’ve used Grammarly for years for blog posts, papers, academic documents, and books. It helps me press send, submit, or publish much faster. I also use it to vet and edit work by freelance writers.

Using Grammarly is easy. Once set up, it can provide real-time feedback as you write. Aside from catching minor mistakes like spelling and grammar mistakes, Grammarly can also provide writing suggestions that you can accept at a click. In this Grammarly tutorial, I will walk through setting it up set by step. However, if you’re already familiar with it, the below table summarizes how to use Grammarly’s key reports.

  • Grammarly Report Check

how to run an essay through grammarly

  • ✓ Best-in-class grammar checker
  • ✓ Rewrite and edit at a click/span>
  • ✓ Powerful AI-writing assistant

Watch Our Grammarly Tutorial

Why is it important to use grammarly, create a grammarly account, install the grammarly browser extensions, install the grammarly desktop app, install grammarly keyboard, class=”wp-block-heading”>upgrade to grammarly premium, language preferences, writing preferences, grammarly snippets, set writing goals with grammarly, understanding the grammarly scores, 1. correctness report, 2. clarity report, 3. engagement report, 4. delivery report, grammarly limitations.

In this Grammarly tutorial, I provide an overview of how to set up and use n:enhancement-98da7657-f353-49d8-8f15-864c3cc7a04c” class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly to grammar check and edit your work quickly and easily.

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Grammarly can help professional writers edit their work faster. It can also help new writers learn the finer points of English grammar by improving their work. And it can help professionals write anything for work with confidence. It can also dramatically reduce the time spent editing and revising, thanks to artificial intelligence.

How to use Grammarly

It’s easy to set up your ss=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly account. Simply visit ta-mce-href=””> and select Get Grammarly. It’s Free” in the menu bar.

Sign up using your best Google, Facebook, Apple, or personal email address. Later, you can upgrade to the premium version, but you can use the free version of -cc8f-426b-b354-093615748ce7″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly to complete many steps in this tutorial. Alternatively, install Grammarly for your browser and follow the sign-up prompts.

Grammarly automatically provides the right app, depending on what device you use via its homepage. However, you can also install the 2c9a-4b5b-9edc-fdaeb83fe826″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly Chrome extension and others via the web app.

  • Visit
  • Select “Get Grammarly. It’s Free” in the menu bar

— wp:list –>

  • Grammarly automatically provides the right app for your browser. Download it.
  • Install and log in with your Grammarly account.
  • ammarly in the Apple App, Google Play, or Chrome web stores. –
  • –>

The Grammarly desktop app works across all 7be4f60a97dd” class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>writing apps on a computer, including Microsoft Office and Google Docs. Unfortunately, browsers like Opera or Brave are not supported. If you get stuck at this step, I’ve created separate Grammarly installation instructions below: 

Grammarly desktop app

Installing the desktop app is the easiest and best way to use a6-4eb0-4cff-bc52-ce288ae5c228″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly. To install it:

  • Log in to
  • Select apps on the left-hand side-bar


  • provides the right app for your operating system. Downl

graph –>

p><span< span=””> id=”urn:enhancement-ebf244ac-df73-4ce8-b3b0-d3d74190a42d” class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly</span<>

  • Desktop works in the background on Mac and Windows computers. Once installed, y
  • write in any application as normal without installing additional plugins.
  • — /wp:paragraph –>

When ready to edit, click the floating a25c8e68″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly icon or G. It automatically triggers grammar and spelling suggestions. You can turn this on or off by clicking the cog on the <span id=”urn:enhancement-9241dbad-9736-4df4-9bfe-27df2dbecfa0″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly icon or opening the 238″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly desktop app. If you get stuck, we’ve provided additional instructions below:> </s

How to Add Grammarly to Google Docs

How to Add Grammarly to Microsoft Word

How to Add Grammarly to Gmail

Grammar keyboard

To install the Grammarly keyboard for iOS or Android, search for it in the Apple App or Google Pay Store. Then, log in with your account. Be sure the grant the app the correct privileges. Now tap the G icon on the bottom of your screen when writing to activate it.

The basic version of s=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly is free to use. ass=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly Premium costs $30 per month. Prices vary depending on what ement-3ed9f505-6811-491f-b962-d23b57cccd0d” class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>promotion Grammarly is running. I cover the differences in more detail in this 7″ href=”” data-mce-href=””>Grammarly Free Vs. Premium article, but some c” class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly Premium benefits include:

  • Advanced grammar, punctuation, and style checks
  • Genre-specific writing style checks

Grammarly Business is for professional teams. It provides enhanced collaboration tools, centralized billing, and additional functionality for teams. The business plan costs $12.50 per month per user, billed annually.

If you’re a new writer or starting, the free version of d18f0-0f03-4e60-adec-f8262b71a35b” class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly free is fine. It will help you find and fix more errors than a traditional grammar or spelling checker. The premium version is good if you write professionally or want to improve your professional English :enhancement-c7804044-98b2-41e6-8f47-b6d541eff927″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>writing skills. 

Customize Grammarly’s Settings

Grammarly offers several useful advanced features if you want to tailor this grammar checker to how you write, who you write for, and where you publish your work. If you find Grammarly’s suggestions unhelpful or not relevant or are writing something specific, adjust these settings. They are available via the admin panel in the web app/

If you use specific words or terms that c4cc64fbf5c0″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly flags as an error, add them to your custom dictionary by clicking the ment-f4485463-6c0c-494b-a8b3-a9c55bab6b1e” class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly icon. You can also manage this custom dictionary via the admin panel on the <span id=”urn:enhancement-bfd4522b-867a-4b4b-96e3-2a5d18e23f19″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly web app. Examples of words to add include technical terms or phrases related to your company or business. Fiction writers could add character names, spells, locations, etc.&nbsp;</sp

How to change Grammarly language preferences?

After installing Grammarly, set whether you’re writing American, British, Canadian, or Australian English. Open up a <span id= “urn:enhancement-15ae55fc-0bf9-4f47-83fc-413f57daea86″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly document, click on the hamburger menu, and select your relevant language preferences. You can change between English variations at any time.p> <p>There are differences in spellings between these English language variations. For example, in the United States, “I reali<strong>ze I n</strongeed to improve my grammar skills” is correct. In the United Kingdom, they write, “I reali sng>e I need to improve my nt-0d3fca00-5730-412a-aabe-ee2f2bf80f14″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly skills,” is correct. </span

At the time of writing, “textan notation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly only supports the English language. However, the company plans to support other languages at some point.

The writing preferences section of 7-b1fc7ec87fe8″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly is for configuring its suggestions. ass=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly surfaces versus ignoring. Basically, use the settings here to adjust the functionality of Grammarly. It’s accessible via the admin panel or settings in the web app. If you find some suggestion types irrelevant, you can turn these off. For example, you can turn on on our off rules relating to:

  • The usage of the Oxford comma
  • Inserting a full stop between AM and PM, i.e., A.M., P.M.
  • Punctuation mistakes as per your preferred style
  • Biased language
  • Word variations
  • Gender pronouns 

Grammarly regularly reported I needed to change my straight apostrophes to curly apostrophes. It was always the first error that popped up and was irrelevant to my publishing workflow. So, I turned this writing style rule off. 

If you’re unsure, leave everything turned on. On the other hand, if you need more advanced controls, Grammarly Business supports dedicated style guides. To learn more, read our -id=”414173″ href=”” data-mce-href=””>Grammarly Business Review.

If you regularly use specific terms or phrases, ba65529140″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly can turn these into snippets . Simply, add the term or phrase to your snippet library and select an abbreviation. Now, Grammarly will expand these for you. Or you can access your snippet library by taping \. For example, I created the snippet BAWT which Grammarly expands to Become a Writer Today.

Grammarly review - writing goals

Open the goals section and pick a goal based on your document and audience. If unsure, it’s OK to select: “General,” “Inform,” “Knowledgeable,” and “Neutral.” 

However, changing these goals tailors the number of suggestions -4197-a0be-cb06871daf73″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly surfaces in its Clarity and Delivery reports. With a few exceptions, don’t worry about goals at the start of the grammar-checking process. Instead, start using id=”urn:enhancement-7fdd4a0f-3e01-49ef-82e6-8085d669307e” class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly.

Suppose you’re writing something academic or technical. Then, select formal, expert, and academic. Also, pick a preferred citation style. That way, ement-73bfac35-7d92-429a-b062-7b79ae8146c6″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly will provide more relevant suggestions in its reports. However, these are overkill for casual writers.>

p-block-heading”>How Grammarly Works

Grammarly is an intelligent tool that provides writers with valuable feedback and suggestions for their writing. It provides an overall report for your work, four more specific reports, and access to a plagiarism detector:

Write an article, email, blog post, or whatever you’re working on as usual. When ready, click on the floating 3e218″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly icon, identified with a G or a number, to activate it. That triggers urn:enhancement-bc61e2a1-07bd-41f9-a6a1-876312c855d4″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly and underlines sections of your work in red.

Conversely, you can turn <sp< span=””>an id=”urn:enhancement-c06ca93f-fad5-42ae-8648-fa772fcf10b7″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly</sp<> off inside a specific app by selecting the gear cog on this icon. Your other option is to write as usual and then upload the file to the <span id=”urn:enhancement-3eb78d40-e3d1-4b1d-9138-367299bc216a” class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly editor or web app to check for errors. Once activated, t-4c716bde-953e-4c86-b90d-17e4769f749c” class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly presents its other writing reports. All are accessible via tooltips or a pop-up. Work through each of the 467-2e6230202f39″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly reports individually rather than all at once. </s

I don’t start with the reports, though. My favorite “textann otation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly premium feature is the ability to apply multiple fixes at a click. I check these suggestions at the top of the c766ff-cfda-40b3-bd28-3445378d346b” class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly sidebar. Often this includes typo fixes and copyediting suggestions from the 2cb-f80b0d8c990b” class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly rewrite. Click on it, and Grammarly presents the most critical suggestions in a document. Bin the ones that don’t make sense and apply the rest.

The Grammarly score provides writers with a way to evaluate the quality of their writing based on grammar, spelling, punctuation, style, and other issues. It also considers the clarity, engagement, and readability of the piece.

Use this report to find information about how many characters, words, and sentences are in a document. cea2765-84ee-4fad-8d5e-272eab7cae64″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly reports on speaking time too. A few years ago, I narrated an audiobook. I used the speaking time reports to gauge how long it would take to narrate specific chapters from my book.

<p>It’s best to aim for a score above 70. Aim to get the readability score as high as possible because it’ll make it easier for your readers to understand what you want to say. That said, it’s tough to get a readability score above 80 or 90. Learn more” data-lasso-id=”414179″ data-mce-href=””> how the Grammarly Readability report works. If your writing is below 70, work through the below reports.

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Grammarly correctness report

The spelling and grammar error report is the most critical of all four. rn:enhancement-5912c03c-24c7-48e6-9c24-210bc5d668c6″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly underlines any misused or misspelled words in red. It also highlights grammar and punctuation errors. By hovering over the underlined word, writers can see the suggested correction and choose to accept or ignore it as part of a more comprehensive grammar check.

This report’s punctuation suggestions can help writers correctly place commas, periods, and other punctuation marks.

Grammarly clarity report

<span id=”urn:enhancement-851fec72-012f-4139-be4c-a6fec4feb2ef” class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly underlines phrases and sentences that are hard to read in blue. Its suggestions pertain to a-4aaa-a950-61d5c090e3ef” class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>sentence structure, word usage, and the readability of your work. Writers can accept or ignore the suggestions. d=”urn:enhancement-f0deb28d-fe70-4d41-a7b0-194b13663148″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly Premium will propose full-sentence rewrites here too. Grammarly’s suggestions vary based on your preferred style and writing goals. I use this feature daily to rewrite or edit freelance writers’ works for my sites.</s

Grammarly engagement report

The engagement report is useful for writers who want to improve their word choice. 18-edb0-45ae-ae2b-2413c409452b” class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly highlights overused words, phrases, and terms in green and proposes alternatives. You can also double-click on any word inside the 841c4fa0871c” class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly web app to access a thesaurus.

Grammarly delivery report

To make the most out of Grammarly, users should review each suggestion carefully and consider whether the proposed change would improve the quality of their writing. If in doubt, start with the grammar check report in red and review the other reports if you have more time.

In a 24-hour period, you can check 100 documents or 50,000 words. In a 30-day period, you can check up to 300 documents or 150,000 words with <span id=”urn:enhancement-913ff3db-92c0-4e3f-8a5d-027ad3104de9″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly. These limitations also apply to the plagiarism checker. For context, a age-length-of-a-book/” data-lasso-id=”414182″ data-mce-href=””>non-fiction book averages between 50,000-70,000 words a novel averages one hundred thousand words. In my years using <span id=”urn:enhancement-2d6722e9-6c42-4465-ae13-5d5948f89641″ class=”textannotation disambiguated wl-thing” itemid=””>Grammarly, I’ve never hit this limitation, and I use it to check my writing and the writing of other team members.</span

how to run an essay through grammarly

Bryan Collins is the owner of Become a Writer Today. He's an author from Ireland who helps writers build authority and earn a living from their creative work. He's also a former Forbes columnist and his work has appeared in publications like Lifehacker and Fast Company.

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Product Review

How to Use Grammarly: A Step-by-Step Walkthrough

how to run an essay through grammarly

Like it or not, the way you write is judged by other people.

Written words lack tone, so a lot of the weight we give them comes down to the phrasing.

Bosses, clients, and coworkers don’t just read our words. They read into them. Poor grammar can be seen as a sign of laziness or lack of authority.

And it’s not just at work. Grammatical errors can affect your personal emails, your posts on social media, even that crucial profile one-liner on Tinder.

Thankfully, you now have Grammarly .

Grammarly is a free app (with a worthwhile paid version) that can help you sound smarter, and over time, can even make you a better writer.

This article will show you how to use Grammarly to clean up both your business and personal writing.

All it takes is a simple login and a few minutes of editing with Grammarly.

Here’s how.

Disclosure: These reviews are reader-supported. We might earn a small commission if you purchase something through our site. Learn more

Our Verdict

Grammarly  is very user-friendly. We’ve purchased and tested over a dozen grammar and plagiarism checkers, and Grammarly wins out for accuracy and quality – while still being easy to use.

Grammarly Best All-Around

  • Only supports English
  • Expensive without our link

Grammarly Premium Walkthrough Video

how to run an essay through grammarly


How does grammarly work, getting started with grammarly, how to use grammarly desktop app and browser extension, how to use grammarly for proofreading, grammarly will help you ‘set goals’ for better writing, how the grammarly editing process works, using grammarly suggestions and explanations, how does grammarly performance score work, grammarly free vs. grammarly premium, what does grammarly premium do better than the free version, nothing to lose, lots to learn.

Grammarly is a simple piece of software that works kind of like Google Docs or Microsoft Word. If you’ve ever typed a document and used a spell checker, you already know how to use Grammarly.

As you write your text, the software automatically detects spelling, punctuation, word choice, and style mistakes in your writing. It’s like a writing expert looking over your shoulder and proofreading while you write (without all the forboding judgment).

For ten years now, the company has been working to create algorithms that flag grammatical errors in your writing. If you’ve never used Grammarly before, the good news is that now it’s better than ever.

They will help you better understand all those common grammatical mistakes: possessive pronouns, dangling modifiers, split infinitives, sentence fragments, passive voice, run-on sentences, and much more. It even doubles as a plagiarism checker tool to make sure you haven’t accidentally copied another writer’s work.

Note: our full Grammarly review will go over the complete list of features if you want to know more about what it can do.

Perhaps the best feature of all is that Grammarly explains the reasoning behind each correction, so you make the final choice whether to correct or not. Over time, this makes you a better writer by default.

The first step is to visit Grammarly and create a free account . It takes less than two minutes, and you’re ready to start editing. You can use your Facebook or Google logins to make it easier or sign up via email.

Note: you will need an account to use the Grammarly app, and that’s a good thing. Grammarly will store all your past edited pieces for you, all inside your login.

how to run an essay through grammarly

The first time you log in, you will see a fairly blank screen which looks like this:

grammarly home page

You’ll notice over on the left that Grammarly offers a Premium version (we discuss the costs and benefits of Grammarly Premium in detail in this article ). But for now, just check out the free version, as it’s a fairly robust tool in itself.

Once you have an account, Grammarly gives you even more ways to access the tools. Instead of only using it online, there are several ways to install Grammarly on your desktop and into your web browser.

grammarly browser compatibiity for macOS and chrome

The Grammarly App and Chrome Extension (both free) are great ways to use Grammarly.

The Grammarly desktop app (for both MacOs and PC) gives you a standalone version of the tool (which is great for Mac users who can’t yet access it through Microsoft Word or Microsoft Office) and also cuts down on distractions.

You can also access the same tools and functionality directly in a browser (chrome, firefox, safari, edge) by visiting Grammarly .

The Browser Extension brings a lot (but not all) of the functionality of Grammarly onto almost every part of the web: Gmail, Facebook, Youtube, Google Docs, etc.

Especially for grammatical errors on your social media posts, the Grammarly browser extension is a great tool to have.

Similar to a spell checker tool that you’ve probably seen before, it’s a correct-as-you-go tool. The browser extension app can be useful if you like to edit as you work. If you prefer to do all your editing at the end, it can sometimes prove distracting.

Since both tools are free, it’s worth trying them out and seeing which you prefer.

The first time you open Grammarly and log in, you won’t have any documents of your own. Just a sample document that shows you how Grammarly works.

grammarly home

It’s definitely worth taking a few minutes to click on this sample document as it will give you a guided tour of the Grammarly app and most of the features.

When you’re ready to start editing your own written work in Grammarly, there are three different ways to do it:

Option 1 – Write directly in Grammarly (web-based or Native app). The app will keep offering suggestions as you go.

Option 2 – Copy and Paste your work. If you have formatting such as headings, hyperlinks, or bolded, underlined, italics, etc. it will all be retained in Grammarly.

Option 3 – Upload a word document. All formatting will also be retained in Grammarly.

Note that at this stage, only Microsoft Word documents can be uploaded into Grammarly. However, using the Chrome Extension in Google Docs is a workaround if you prefer Google’s suite over Microsoft Office tools.

When you begin to type (or paste or upload a document) into Grammarly, you will immediately be faced with a pop-up screen suggesting for you to set some ‘goals’ for your piece.

grammarly goal settings

This is a relatively new feature and allows Grammarly to enhance the piece further. These goals can include:

– Audience – who are the people you’re writing for?

– Formality – do you need to sound more formal or more neutral?

– Domain – what kind of writing do you want (e.g., technical, business, casual, etc.)

– Tone – helps you sound more confident, friendly, analytical, urgent, respectful, etc

– Intent – do you want to inform, describe, convince, or tell a story?

Note: some features such as Academic writing are only available with a Premium subscription.

You can also turn off this feature at the start or reset it during each review by clicking Adjust Goals over on the right side of the screen.

Once you have pasted or uploaded your document into Grammarly, you will see the algorithm begin to go to work.

Depending upon the length of the piece, this will usually take 10-30 seconds of proofreading before it starts returning suggestions and an overall score.

Grammarly corrects over 150 grammar errors, and it will begin to show you a working list of:

  • spelling errors
  • punctuation errors
  • poor sentence structure
  • run-on sentences
  • passive voice errors
  • wordy sentences
  • lots more grammatical mistakes you even didn’t know existed

Don’t be overwhelmed the first time you open Grammarly as it’s a lot to take in. Luckily the app interface is extremely user-friendly and guides you through correcting your grammar sins.

grammarly editing process

On the left side of the screen will be your original document. In the middle are the suggested edits (complete with explanations). And over on the right is the overall performance score.

Down the bottom of the screen, you’ll also see editing tools and, on the far right, some extra features such as expert writing help and a plagiarism checker.

Probably the coolest part of the Grammarly tool is that it makes you a better writer by teaching you, rather than just correcting you.

Each suggestion it gives you also has an explanation underneath that helps you understand how to improve the piece.

grammarly suggestions and explanations

As you edit more of your writing in Grammarly, you will notice that you have the same bad writing habits cropping up time and again.

grammarly suggestions and explanations on using a specific synonym

In some instances, you might even choose to ignore the suggestion and keep an original word or phrase. To do this, simply click the small trash can icon in the top right of the screen.

As you work through each of the suggestions, Grammarly will increase your overall performance score.

This is a metric that Grammarly derives by comparing your writing to documents written by other Grammarly users with the same goals.

If you click on the performance number at the top right of the screen, you will get an in-depth review of the written content.

grammarly performance score tab

Alongside an overall score, the other two factors that Grammarly measures are:

Readability – includes word length, sentence length, and an overall score based on Flesch reading-ease test.

Vocabulary – includes unique words and rare words.

What is a good overall Grammarly score?

As a rule, anything over 92 is a good measure of accuracy; however, if you follow most of Grammarly’s suggestions, you will find yourself scoring in the high 90s quite often.

There’s no doubt that the free version of Grammarly does some great basic things. In our full Grammarly review we cover even more of the basic grammar checking tools available.

Using the free version for a few weeks, and you’ll be sounding more coherent, concise, and correct in your writing.

However, one thing you will notice is that every time you use the free version, you get a notification over on the right once all the suggested edits are complete.

grammarly premium features

Once you’ve spent a few weeks or months using the free version of the app, it’s likely you’ll be tempted to try out the premium version. The costs for Grammarly Premium aren’t exorbitant, and you can even do a 7-day trial, so it’s well worth sampling.

You can think of Grammarly Premium as a little like a hands-on writing coach. The tool goes further into each piece and adds depth and nuance to your writing, and improves readability.

Some of the extra suggestions you receive as part of the Grammarly Premium tool are:

Readability – looking at the length of sentences, and the individual words in each sentence.

Vocabulary – the tool will also offer alternative words that can add flourish and variety.

Plagiarism – an in-built plagiarism checker tool will check your work against over 16 billion web pages and look for potential matches that could be considered plagiarism. This tool alone might be worth the price, as it ranks number one on our list of plagiarism checkers.

Writing Style / Tone – the tool will also offer additional suggestions for clearer writing, removing passive voice, and more.

grammarly suggests tone change to remove passive voice

If you’re considering trying out Grammarly to improve your writing, there’s not much more to say.

Take it for a spin and see how much it helps you. Perhaps the easiest way to start is with the Chrome Extension as it will give you tips as you write.

Or, if you prefer to edit after you write, then try the free version of Grammarly Desktop app or web-based app.

There’s a reason that Grammarly has been around for over ten years. It’s free to start, and will instantly make a difference to your writing.

Get long-term ROI.

Calculate for all schools

Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, using grammarly for college essays.

So I'm writing my college essays and wondered if using Grammarly would be helpful to catch any errors or improve my writing. Has anyone tried this? Does it come across as over-edited or is it a good tool to use while drafting and revising?

Grammarly can be a helpful tool to catch basic errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling, especially during the initial drafting and revising stages of your college essays. It's important, though, not to rely solely on Grammarly, as it may sometimes miss context-specific nuances in your writing or even suggest changes that aren't correct.

To ensure your essays don't come across as over-edited, it's a good idea to develop a balanced approach to using Grammarly. First, work on refining your drafts on your own, focusing on clarity, flow, and coherence. Then, use Grammarly to catch any lingering errors. Finally, ask one or two trusted friends, family members, or teachers to review your essays for content and stylistic suggestions. These people know your voice and can help ensure that the essay remains authentic and engaging, even after running it through Grammarly.

Remember, the key to a strong college essay is showcasing your unique voice and experiences. Grammarly is a useful tool to polish your writing, but don't let it override your authentic voice in the process.

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how to run an essay through grammarly

Can Grammarly Be Detected? Here’s What You Need to Know

Are you worried that if you use Grammarly, your work will be detected and you’ll face serious consequences? Grammarly is a powerful writing tool that can help you improve your writing, but you may be wondering if it can be detected.

In this article, we’ll explore the answer to this question and provide insight into how Grammarly may affect your writing style, academic writing, and more.

We’ll also cover the pros and cons of using Grammarly and provide some useful tips to help you avoid detection.

So if you’re wondering if you can get away with using Grammarly, read on to find out!

Table of Contents

Short Answer

Grammarly can be detected by certain programs and websites.

For example, if a student submits an essay to a university, the university’s plagiarism detection software may be able to detect Grammarly’s suggestions and flags.

Additionally, Grammarly can be detected by online tools such as PaperRater or Copyscape.

However, it is difficult to detect Grammarly’s automated corrections, as it does not leave an electronic footprint.

What is Grammarly?

Grammarly is an online writing assistance tool that helps users detect and correct grammar and spelling errors in their writing.

It is an AI-powered writing assistant that helps users find and correct grammar errors, typos, spelling mistakes, and ensures that the written content adheres to the desired style.

It is used by writers, bloggers, students, business professionals, and everyone in between who wants to create content that is error-free and engaging.

Grammarly can be used as an online service, or it can be downloaded as a browser extension or app.

Grammarly has several features that make it an invaluable tool for improving writing, including an AI-based spell checker, a grammar checker, a thesaurus, and a plagiarism detector.

Additionally, Grammarly offers a personalized writing feedback feature that provides users with personalized writing tips and suggestions to help them write better.

Can Grammarly’s Plagiarism Tool be Detected?

The short answer to this question is yes, Grammarly’s plagiarism tool can be detected.

This is because if you use Grammarly to check your work for plagiarism, any software that runs a plagiarism check on the same text will be able to detect the fact that you used Grammarly.

This means that if you submit a paper or article that has been checked by Grammarly to a school or publication, they will be able to detect the use of Grammarly’s plagiarism tool.

However, it’s important to note that the use of Grammarly’s plagiarism tool does not necessarily mean that the work is plagiarized.

Grammarly’s plagiarism tool can detect potential plagiarism, but it cannot definitively determine whether or not the work is actually plagiarized.

In other words, the software can detect that Grammarly was used to check for plagiarism and flag potential plagiarism, but it cannot determine with certainty that the work is actually plagiarized.

Another way that Grammarly can be detected is if a user’s writing style changes drastically after using Grammarly.

For example, if a user has a certain writing style that is distinct from other writers, and then they start using Grammarly to check their work, it is possible that someone familiar with their writing style could detect the change in their writing.

This is because Grammarly will often suggest changes to the user’s writing that may not be consistent with their usual writing style.

How Grammarly May Affect Writing Style

When using Grammarly, it is important to remember that it can affect a persons writing style.

Depending on the users individual writing style and preferences, Grammarly can result in a noticeable shift in the way a person writes.

This shift can be detected by someone who is familiar with the users writing before they use Grammarly.

When a user applies Grammarlys corrections and suggestions, they may find that their writing takes on a different tone or structure.

For example, if the user is accustomed to writing in a more informal style, they may find that Grammarlys corrections and suggestions encourage them to adopt a more formal style of writing.

Similarly, if the user is accustomed to using more complex and sophisticated language, Grammarlys corrections may lead them to use simpler and more direct language.

In addition to the changes in tone and structure, Grammarly can also cause a user to adopt an entirely different approach to writing.

For example, if the user is accustomed to writing without taking the time to proofread and edit their work, the use of Grammarly may prompt them to take the time to carefully review their work and make corrections before submitting it.

At the end of the day, it is important to remember that Grammarly can have a noticeable effect on the way someone writes.

While this can be beneficial for the user, it can also be detected by someone familiar with their writing style.

Therefore, it is important for users to be aware of how Grammarly may affect their writing style and to adjust their approach accordingly.

Grammarly and Academic Writing

When it comes to academic writing, Grammarly can be a great help.

By using Grammarly, students can quickly and easily detect and correct grammar and spelling errors in their writing, as well as check their work for plagiarism.

Additionally, Grammarly’s writing assistance tool can help students develop their writing style and improve their writing overall.

This can be especially helpful for students who are new to the academic writing process, as Grammarly can be a great way to learn the basics of grammar and punctuation while also improving their writing style.

Grammarly can also be a valuable tool for teachers and professors, as it can help them quickly and easily check student work for grammar and spelling errors.

Additionally, Grammarly’s plagiarism checking service can help professors and teachers easily detect plagiarism in student work.

This can be particularly helpful for online courses, where students may not be physically present in the classroom, and professors and teachers can easily detect plagiarism in student work without having to manually read through it.

Finally, Grammarly can be a great tool for professional writers, as it can help them quickly and easily check their work for grammar and punctuation errors, as well as check their work for plagiarism.

Additionally, Grammarly can help professional writers develop their writing style and improve their writing overall.

This can be especially helpful for professional writers who are new to the writing process, as Grammarly can be a great way to learn the basics of grammar and punctuation while also improving their writing style.

Pros and Cons of Using Grammarly

When it comes to improving your writing, Grammarly is a great tool to have at your disposal.

It can help you catch grammar and spelling mistakes that you might have missed, and it can also help you improve your writing style.

But while Grammarly can be a great asset to your writing, there are also some pros and cons to consider before using it.

The pros of using Grammarly include the fact that it can help you catch mistakes in your writing that you might otherwise have missed.

Grammarly can detect common grammar and spelling errors, as well as more subtle errors that can be easily overlooked.

Additionally, Grammarly can help you improve your writing style.

It can help you find the right words to express your ideas and make your writing more clear and concise.

On the other hand, there are also some cons to consider when deciding whether or not to use Grammarly.

For one, Grammarly can be time consuming.

If you use it for all of your writing, it can take longer to finish a project.

Additionally, Grammarly can be expensive.

If you plan to use Grammarly for a large project, it can add up quickly.

Finally, Grammarly can be detected by others if they use the same software.

If your writing style changes drastically after using Grammarly, it can be detected by someone familiar with your writing.

Ultimately, whether or not you use Grammarly is up to you.

Consider the pros and cons to decide which is the best option for you and your writing needs.

Grammarly Alternatives

With the rise of online writing and the necessity for clear, concise communication, tools like Grammarly have become increasingly popular.

However, not everyone is comfortable using a tool like Grammarly and some people may be looking for a different way to make sure their writing is error-free.

Fortunately, there are other alternatives available that can help users detect and correct grammar and spelling errors.

One alternative to Grammarly is Words built-in spelling and grammar checker.

While Words checker may not be as comprehensive as Grammarly, it is a helpful tool for catching basic typos and errors.

Additionally, Word includes a thesaurus to help users find alternative words to use in their writing.

Another alternative is a desktop program like Ginger.

Ginger is a grammar and spell checking program that can be used to detect and correct errors in any kind of writing, from emails to articles and more.

It also includes a translation tool, which can be used to translate text from one language to another.

Additionally, users can use the Ginger keyboard, a customized keyboard designed to make typing and editing faster and easier.

Finally, there are several websites that offer grammar and spelling checking services.

These websites are free to use and can be used to check any kind of writing.

They may not be as comprehensive as Grammarly, but they can be helpful for catching basic errors.

So, while Grammarly may be the most popular online writing assistance tool, there are other alternatives available for those who don’t want to use it.

Whether it’s a built-in spelling and grammar checker, a desktop program like Ginger, or a free online service, there are plenty of options for users to choose from.

Tips for Avoiding Detection

When it comes to avoiding detection of Grammarly, there are a few tips to keep in mind.

First and foremost, it is important to be aware of the differences between your writing style before and after using Grammarly.

If you notice a drastic change in your writing style, such as more sophisticated grammar or word choice, be sure to adjust your writing accordingly.

Additionally, if you are submitting work that has been checked by Grammarly, be sure to check it again yourself to ensure that it is free of any errors that Grammarly may have missed.

Finally, if you are submitting work for a school assignment, it is best to avoid using Grammarly altogether to avoid being detected.

Final Thoughts

Grammarly is a useful tool for detecting and correcting grammar and spelling errors in writing, but it can potentially be detected by others if used excessively or if it drastically changes a user’s writing style.

For this reason, it is important to be aware of the pros and cons of using Grammarly and to consider using alternatives or following certain tips to avoid detection.

With this knowledge in hand, you can make an informed decision about when and how to use Grammarly to your advantage.

James Wilson

James Wilson has extensive knowledge in the information technology industry.His second love, besides dealing with computers, is smart home technology. He is continually updating information to better comprehend this problem and has a deep understanding of the apartment’s support system.

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