
Top 25 Unilever Interview Questions & Answers

Get ready for your interview at Unilever with a list of common questions you may encounter and how to prepare for them effectively.

unilever supply chain case study interview questions

Unilever, a global powerhouse in the world of consumer goods, is known for its diverse range of products spanning from food and beverages to personal care and cleaning agents. With a presence in over 190 countries and a commitment to sustainability, Unilever boasts iconic brands such as Dove, Lipton, and Ben & Jerry’s under its umbrella. As a company that values innovation and social responsibility, it is no surprise that landing a job at Unilever is a highly sought-after achievement. In this article, we will explore some of the most common and intriguing interview questions that aspiring Unilever employees may encounter, giving you a glimpse into the company’s unique approach to recruitment and talent acquisition.

Unilever Hiring Process

The Unilever hiring process typically begins with an online application, followed by assessments and interviews. Candidates may be asked to complete psychometric tests, game-based assessments, and HireVue interviews to evaluate their skills and personality. The interview process often includes multiple rounds, with HR representatives, line managers, and department heads. Interviews may involve behavioral and technical questions, case studies, and presentations. The entire process can be time-consuming, but candidates generally report a positive and professional experience.

Common Unilever Interview Questions

1. how would you develop and execute marketing strategies to increase brand awareness and market share.

A company’s success is often determined by its ability to effectively market its products and services. As a potential hire, you’ll need to demonstrate that you have the strategic thinking, creativity, and analytical skills to develop and implement marketing campaigns that will boost brand recognition and increase market share. This question will allow the hiring team to assess your understanding of marketing principles, your ability to think strategically, and your capacity to execute plans effectively.

How to Answer:

Start by outlining your knowledge of key marketing strategies and their successful implementation in past roles. Highlight any innovative approaches you’ve used to increase brand visibility, such as social media campaigns or influencer partnerships. Discuss how you conducted market research to understand consumer needs and tailor strategies accordingly. Emphasize your data-driven approach for measuring success and making necessary adjustments. If you’re new to this, explain the steps you’d take to develop a robust strategy, demonstrating forward-thinking and openness to learning.

Example: To develop and execute marketing strategies to increase brand awareness and market share, I would first conduct a comprehensive market research to understand our target audience, their needs, preferences, and the competitive landscape. This will help in crafting a unique value proposition that resonates with them.

Next, I’d leverage multi-channel marketing efforts tailored for each segment of our audience. For instance, digital channels such as social media, email marketing, SEO, and content marketing can be effective for younger demographics, while traditional channels like TV or radio ads might work better for older demographics.

Lastly, it’s crucial to monitor performance metrics regularly to assess the effectiveness of our strategies, making necessary adjustments based on data-driven insights. A/B testing could also be used to identify which strategies are more successful. Ultimately, the goal is to create a strong brand presence and drive customer loyalty, leading to an increased market share.

2. Describe your approach to creating and managing budgets within a large organization.

Money—the lifeblood of any business—needs to be carefully managed to ensure the health and growth of the organization. Through this question, the hiring team wants to understand your financial acumen, your ability to plan and control budgets, and how you make strategic decisions based on financial constraints and opportunities. They’re also keen to know how you align these financial strategies with the overall objectives of a large-scale organization.

Start by highlighting your experience in crafting and overseeing budgets within sizable firms. Discuss the strategies you use to ensure accuracy, such as using specific software or collaborating with various departments for input. Don’t forget to mention any successes from this approach, like cost savings or efficiency improvements. If you’re new to large-scale budgeting, explain how your skills can translate into this context and discuss your plan to learn quickly.

Example: In creating and managing budgets within a large organization like Unilever, I believe in the importance of collaboration and transparency. Initially, I would work closely with different department heads to understand their specific needs and financial goals for the fiscal year. This collaborative approach ensures that each department’s unique needs are accounted for and integrated into the overall budget.

Once the budget is established, it’s crucial to monitor it regularly and adjust as necessary. Regular reporting on variances and trends can help identify potential issues early and allow for timely corrective actions. Also, maintaining open lines of communication across departments about budget performance fosters accountability and encourages everyone to take ownership of their part in meeting the organization’s financial objectives.

Finally, leveraging technology can greatly enhance budget management. Utilizing sophisticated financial software can streamline processes, provide real-time data, and offer valuable insights that aid decision-making. By combining these strategies, we can create a robust, flexible budgeting framework that supports Unilever’s strategic objectives while promoting fiscal responsibility throughout the organization.

3. Can you provide an example of a successful product launch you’ve managed, from conception to execution? What made it successful?

It’s vital for potential hires to demonstrate their understanding of the entire product launch process. The question is designed to assess your ability to manage complex projects, coordinate with different departments, and make decisions that lead to successful outcomes. Your response should also give insight into your understanding of what makes a product launch successful, whether it’s effective marketing, seamless logistics, or a deep understanding of the target market.

To answer this question, recount a time where you were integral to a product launch. Highlight your role in the process, and emphasize how you contributed to its success – perhaps through market research, strategic planning, or effective teamwork. Illustrate with specific data like sales figures or improved market share. Lastly, discuss what made it successful, such as innovation, meeting customer needs, or effective marketing strategies.

Example: One of the most successful product launches I’ve managed was for a new line of eco-friendly personal care products. After conducting market research and identifying a gap in our offerings, we developed this range to meet growing consumer demand for sustainable options. My role involved coordinating with multiple teams including R&D, marketing, sales, and supply chain.

The success of the launch can be attributed to a few key factors. First, thorough market research ensured that we were meeting an actual consumer need. Second, we prioritized clear and consistent communication between all teams involved, which helped us stay on track with timelines and deliverables. Finally, we implemented a comprehensive marketing strategy that included influencer partnerships, social media campaigns, and in-store promotions. This multi-channel approach not only raised awareness but also created excitement around the product launch. As a result, we exceeded our sales targets by 30% in the first quarter post-launch.

4. What steps do you take to ensure the accuracy and compliance of financial reports and analysis?

Accuracy and compliance in financial reports are not just good practice, they are legal requirements. Mistakes can lead to penalties, damaged reputation, and financial loss. Therefore, hiring managers need assurance that you have a meticulous attention to detail and a solid understanding of financial regulations. They want to know you can deliver precise, compliant financial reports that will help the company make informed decisions and maintain its integrity.

Start by highlighting your meticulous attention to detail and proficiency in accounting standards. Discuss how you incorporate regular checks, use reliable software tools, adhere strictly to company policies and regulations, and continuously update your knowledge of financial laws. Mention any specific strategies or procedures you’ve implemented to enhance accuracy and compliance in past roles.

Example: To ensure the accuracy and compliance of financial reports, I adhere to a systematic approach. Initially, I make sure that all data inputs are correct by cross-verifying them with source documents. Then, I use standardised templates and automated tools for report generation to minimise manual errors. I also perform regular audits and reconciliations to detect any discrepancies early on.

In terms of compliance, I keep myself updated with the latest financial regulations and standards like GAAP or IFRS. These guidelines form the basis of my reporting process. Additionally, I work closely with the internal audit team to understand their requirements and incorporate their feedback into my work. This helps in maintaining transparency and ensures our financial reports meet both internal and external regulatory standards.

A key part of ensuring accuracy is also having a thorough review process. For instance, before finalising any report, I always have it reviewed by another colleague for a fresh perspective. This often helps catch any potential oversights and improves the overall quality of the report.

5. How have you previously optimized supply chain processes to meet customer demands and reduce costs?

Companies are always on the lookout for individuals who can streamline their supply chain processes, making them more efficient and cost-effective. This question is a way for them to gauge your understanding of supply chain management and your ability to identify and implement improvements. Your answer will give them insight into your problem-solving skills and your ability to balance customer needs with the financial realities of running a business.

When answering this question, highlight your previous experiences where you’ve successfully optimized supply chain processes. Discuss specific strategies or methods you used, such as Lean Six Sigma principles, forecasting models, or vendor negotiation techniques. Be sure to quantify the impact of these optimizations on customer satisfaction and cost reduction – concrete numbers will help showcase your effectiveness. Finally, convey your ability to adapt these skills to any industry’s supply chain challenges.

Example: In my previous experience, I led a project to optimize the supply chain processes of a large consumer goods company. We started by conducting an in-depth analysis of our current operations and identified several areas where we could improve efficiency and reduce costs. One key area was our inventory management – we were holding too much stock which tied up capital and increased storage costs.

To address this, we implemented a Just-In-Time (JIT) inventory system that drastically reduced our inventory levels while still ensuring we could meet customer demand. This involved working closely with suppliers to ensure they could deliver supplies more frequently and at short notice. Additionally, we invested in advanced forecasting tools to better predict customer demand and avoid overproduction or stockouts.

This initiative resulted in significant cost savings due to lower inventory carrying costs and improved cash flow. Moreover, it also enhanced our ability to respond quickly to changes in customer demand, thereby improving service levels and customer satisfaction.

6. Tell us about a time when you had to troubleshoot and resolve a machinery issue that impacted production efficiency.

In industries where production lines are critical, machinery issues can result in significant productivity and financial losses. Employers want to know that you have the ability to react swiftly, troubleshoot effectively, and resolve technical issues that might disrupt operations. This demonstrates not only your technical skills, but also your problem-solving ability and your commitment to maintaining optimal production efficiency.

Think about situations where you’ve used problem-solving skills to address machinery or technical issues. Highlight your ability to diagnose the issue, your action steps, and how it improved efficiency. Discuss any collaboration with teams if applicable. Be sure to emphasize key outcomes like reduced downtime, cost savings, or increased productivity. If you lack direct experience, discuss a similar situation showing your troubleshooting skills and eagerness to learn.

Example: In my recent experience, we were facing a recurring issue with one of our key packaging machines. It was causing significant downtime and affecting our overall production efficiency. I initiated an in-depth troubleshooting process to identify the root cause. After analyzing the machine’s operational data and observing its performance, it became clear that the issue was due to inconsistent material feed rates.

To resolve this, I collaborated closely with the maintenance team and suggested modifications in the feeding mechanism. We also implemented regular preventive maintenance checks for early detection of any potential issues. This not only resolved the immediate problem but also improved the machine’s overall efficiency by 15%. The experience reinforced the importance of proactive problem-solving and cross-functional collaboration in maintaining smooth operations.

7. Describe your experience with packaging materials, design, and testing for consumer goods.

The question is crafted to test your technical understanding and experience in the field of consumer goods, specifically regarding packaging. Packaging plays a critical role in the consumer goods industry for both aesthetic and practical reasons. It ensures product safety, enhances shelf appeal, and is a key component of brand messaging. Your ability to design, test, and select appropriate materials for packaging can directly impact product success. This is why interviewers are interested in your experience and knowledge in this area.

When answering this question, focus on relevant experiences you’ve had with packaging materials and design. Discuss specific projects where you played a key role in selecting packaging materials or designing package layout, and how you ensured their functionality and appeal to consumers. Mention any experience you have testing different packaging types for durability and user-friendliness. Remember to highlight successful results of your work and what you learned during the process. If you lack direct experience, discuss related skills that would make you capable of quickly learning and succeeding in these tasks.

Example: In my previous experience, I’ve had the opportunity to work on a project that involved redesigning packaging for a consumer goods product. The goal was to create an eco-friendly design without compromising on the aesthetic appeal and functionality of the package. We started by researching sustainable materials and settled on using biodegradable plastic and recycled cardboard.

The design process was iterative, involving multiple brainstorming sessions, sketches, 3D renderings, and prototypes. It was crucial to ensure that the new design still provided excellent protection for the product while also being easy for consumers to open and recycle.

We conducted rigorous testing on the final prototype, including drop tests, crush tests, and shelf life studies to ensure it met all necessary standards. Additionally, we carried out focus groups with consumers to gather feedback on the design’s visual appeal and usability. The end result was a packaging solution that not only reduced environmental impact but also resonated well with our target audience. This project emphasized the importance of balancing sustainability, aesthetics, and practicality in packaging design for consumer goods.

8. How do you balance competing priorities and deadlines while maintaining high-quality work output?

The ability to juggle multiple tasks and still produce top-notch results is a key aspect of many roles. This question is designed to gauge your organizational skills, how you handle pressure, and your ability to prioritize. It’s not just about getting the job done, but also about doing it well, even when you’re stretched thin. It’s about understanding what’s important and what’s urgent, and making sure that quality doesn’t suffer amid the hustle and bustle of daily operations.

Highlight your organizational and time management skills. Discuss how you break down large tasks into manageable chunks, prioritize work based on deadlines and importance, and use productivity tools to keep track of progress. Share instances where you successfully managed multiple priorities while maintaining high-quality output. Don’t forget to emphasize your ability to stay calm under pressure.

Example: Balancing competing priorities and deadlines is a vital skill I’ve honed over time. To ensure high-quality work output, I use strategic planning and effective time management techniques. For instance, I start by understanding the scope of each task, its urgency, and importance to the overall business objective. This allows me to categorize tasks into quadrants based on Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix – urgent and important, not urgent but important, urgent but not important, and not urgent or important.

Once categorized, I focus on tasks that are both urgent and important first, then move onto those that are important but not urgent, ensuring critical items are never overlooked. However, maintaining quality is as crucial as meeting deadlines. Therefore, I incorporate regular review and refinement periods within my schedule for each task. This systematic approach ensures that even under pressure, the quality of work does not suffer. Additionally, if there are too many conflicting priorities, I believe in transparent communication with supervisors or team members to negotiate deadlines or redistribute workload, ensuring all tasks are accomplished effectively without compromise on quality.

9. Explain how you have built and maintained relationships with key customers or business partners to drive sales growth.

This question is a way for the hiring team to understand your approach to relationship-building in a sales context. It’s not just about making a sale – it’s about establishing and nurturing connections that can lead to consistent growth and repeat business. Your ability to maintain these relationships and leverage them for sales growth is a critical element of your potential success in the role.

In your response, emphasize on the strategies you’ve used to nurture key relationships. Share examples of how you’ve identified potential customers or partners and leveraged communication skills to build rapport with them. Highlight any instance where these relationships have led to significant sales growth. If you’re new, discuss steps like active listening, regular follow-ups, and personalized service to cultivate strong business relationships.

Example: In my experience, building and maintaining relationships with key customers or business partners is a combination of understanding their needs, delivering on promises, and providing exceptional service. For instance, I once managed an account for a major retailer who was considering switching to a competitor due to dissatisfaction with our product range. To address this, I initiated regular meetings to understand their concerns better and worked closely with the product team to develop solutions that met their specific requirements.

Over time, not only did we retain their business, but we also increased sales by 25% within a year. This example highlights that relationship management is more than just making sales; it’s about being a trusted advisor and partner to your clients. By consistently demonstrating commitment to their success, you can foster long-term partnerships that drive sustainable sales growth.

10. How do you initiate and lead cross-functional projects, ensuring clear communication and efficient execution?

Cross-functional projects are an integral part of most corporate environments, and they often require you to work with teams or individuals who have different goals, priorities, and work styles. Interviewers want to gauge your leadership skills, your ability to effectively communicate with different teams, and how well you can manage a project from inception to completion. They’re also interested in how you handle potential challenges or conflicts that may arise when working across departments.

Start by detailing a specific example where you successfully initiated and led a cross-functional project. Discuss your strategies for clear communication such as regular team meetings, updates or the use of project management tools. Emphasize how you ensured efficient execution by setting clear objectives, monitoring progress and adjusting plans when necessary. End with an instance of the positive outcome achieved due to your leadership.

Example: Initiating and leading cross-functional projects requires a strategic approach to ensure effective communication and efficient execution. For instance, at the outset of a project, I would establish clear objectives and deliverables so that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities. This involves creating a detailed project plan with timelines and milestones.

To maintain open lines of communication, I’d use collaboration tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams for regular updates and discussions. Additionally, I would organize weekly meetings where each team member can report on their progress and discuss any challenges they’re facing. To ensure efficient execution, I would monitor the project’s progress closely against our established timeline and make adjustments as necessary.

For example, in a recent project aimed at reducing packaging waste across our product line, we had representatives from manufacturing, supply chain, marketing, and sustainability teams. By setting clear objectives, maintaining open communication, and adjusting our strategies based on real-time feedback, we were able to achieve a 20% reduction in packaging waste within six months.

11. Describe a challenging situation where you had to analyze complex data to make informed decisions.

This question is designed to test your analytical skills and decision-making process. In today’s data-driven world, businesses across all sectors need employees who can sift through massive amounts of information, identify trends, patterns, and anomalies, and then use that data to make strategic decisions. Whether it’s improving operational efficiency, identifying new market opportunities, or solving intricate problems, your ability to use data effectively can significantly impact the success of a company.

Reflect on past experiences where you’ve been faced with large, complex sets of data. Discuss the strategies you used to break down this data into manageable parts for analysis. Highlight your analytical skills and how they helped in making informed decisions – whether it was using specific software tools or applying statistical methods. Show how your decision positively impacted your previous company. If you have no direct experience, outline the steps you would take in a similar situation, emphasizing logical thinking and detail-oriented approach.

Example: In a previous project, I was tasked with identifying key growth opportunities for a product line that had been stagnating. This involved analyzing several years’ worth of sales data across multiple markets and customer segments. The challenge lay in the sheer volume and complexity of the data, which included not only sales figures but also external market trends, competitor activity, and internal factors such as changes in marketing strategies or distribution channels.

To manage this task, I first broke down the data into manageable chunks, focusing on one variable at a time. I used advanced statistical techniques to identify patterns and correlations within the data. This process helped me understand how different factors were influencing sales performance over time.

Based on my analysis, I identified several underperforming markets where we had significant room for growth. I also found that certain customer segments were more responsive to specific types of marketing messages. These insights informed our strategy moving forward, leading to a 15% increase in sales over the next quarter. This experience underscored the importance of rigorous data analysis in guiding strategic decisions.

12. How have you contributed to sustainability initiatives within your previous roles?

The essence of this question lies in the company’s commitment to making sustainability a part of its DNA. They are keen on hiring individuals who share their vision for a greener and more sustainable future. Your ability to demonstrate that you have made tangible contributions to sustainability initiatives helps the employer recognize your alignment with their core values and mission.

Start by highlighting any direct involvement in sustainability projects or initiatives from your past roles. Detail the impact of these initiatives and your specific contributions. If you haven’t had a chance to contribute directly, discuss ways you’ve promoted sustainable practices within your role. Alternatively, talk about personal commitments to sustainability. Remember, honesty is key – don’t exaggerate your experiences but also don’t undersell your efforts.

Example: In my previous role, I led a project to reduce the company’s carbon footprint by optimizing our supply chain. We did this by sourcing more local suppliers and reducing transportation distances, which not only decreased our emissions but also supported local businesses. Additionally, we implemented a recycling program for packaging materials, turning waste into resources.

Furthermore, I was part of a team that developed an energy efficiency plan for our offices. This included switching to LED lighting, encouraging employees to turn off equipment when not in use, and installing motion sensors to manage lights automatically. Through these initiatives, we were able to cut down on our energy consumption significantly.

These experiences have given me a deep understanding of how sustainability can be integrated into business operations at multiple levels. It has taught me that while achieving sustainability goals requires investment, it can also lead to cost savings and improved brand image in the long run.

13. Explain your experience working with multiple stakeholders to gain alignment on strategic plans.

This question is designed to gauge your ability to navigate complex corporate structures and effectively communicate with various parties. It’s essential for a company’s success that its strategic plans align with the interests and expectations of all stakeholders. Your ability to negotiate, persuade, and build consensus among diverse groups is a key skill that can contribute to the achievement of company objectives.

Reflect on instances where you’ve managed a project with diverse stakeholders. Highlight your communication skills, and how you ensured everyone’s opinions were heard. Discuss your strategies for reconciling differing viewpoints to reach a consensus. If possible, share an example of a strategic plan that was successfully executed thanks to your stakeholder management skills.

Example: In my previous experience, I was tasked with leading a cross-functional team to develop and implement a new strategic plan for our product line. This involved multiple stakeholders including representatives from sales, marketing, finance, operations, and R&D. It was crucial to ensure everyone’s interests were represented while maintaining focus on the overall business objectives.

To gain alignment, I initiated regular meetings where each stakeholder could share their perspective and concerns. We used these discussions to identify common ground and potential roadblocks. Where disagreements arose, I facilitated solution-focused conversations, encouraging compromise and collaboration.

One significant challenge we faced was balancing short-term financial goals with long-term growth strategies. By demonstrating through data how investing in certain areas would yield higher returns in the future, I was able to convince our finance representative of the value of this approach. Ultimately, we delivered a strategic plan that not only met but exceeded our initial business objectives, showing the power of effective stakeholder management.

14. Share a time when you implemented process improvements that resulted in significant cost savings or increased efficiencies.

This question is a way for the hiring team to assess your problem-solving skills, initiative, and impact. As a potential employee, you should be able to identify inefficiencies and propose solutions that can save the company money or improve operations. By sharing a specific example from your past work experience, you can demonstrate your ability to take charge, innovate, and deliver results.

To answer this question effectively, recall a specific instance where your actions led to cost savings or improved efficiencies. You might have introduced a new software that increased productivity, streamlined a process, or eliminated unnecessary steps in a procedure. Be sure to quantify your accomplishments if possible – use percentages, time saved, or financial figures. Your aim is not only to show that you can identify and implement improvements, but that you understand the impact these changes can have on an organization’s bottom line.

Example: In my previous experience, I was part of a team responsible for managing the supply chain process. We noticed that there were inefficiencies in our inventory management system which led to overstocking and under-stocking issues. To address this, I proposed an implementation of a Just-In-Time (JIT) inventory system. This involved close coordination with suppliers, setting up real-time tracking systems, and training staff on the new approach. The transition took about six months but resulted in reducing holding costs by 30% and improved service levels due to fewer stockouts. Additionally, it increased overall efficiency as resources could be allocated more effectively based on accurate demand forecasts.

15. How do you handle conflict resolution among team members during project execution?

Conflict management is an essential skill in any job, but particularly when you’re working in a team-oriented environment. It’s not just about keeping the peace; it’s about ensuring that differing perspectives and disagreements don’t derail a project or negatively impact productivity. By asking this question, the employer wants to gauge your interpersonal skills, your ability to manage and navigate complex dynamics, and your leadership potential.

When addressing this question, highlight your understanding of conflict resolution methodologies. Talk about a situation where you effectively mediated a disagreement within the team. Emphasize on active listening, open communication and maintaining respect among members as key strategies. Also mention how you’d ensure that disagreements won’t hinder project progress and team collaboration. If you’re inexperienced in this area, discuss the steps you would take to handle such situations based on theoretical knowledge or training.

Example: In handling conflict resolution among team members, I prioritize open communication and understanding. For instance, if two team members are in disagreement over a project task, I would first ensure that both parties have an opportunity to express their viewpoints without interruption. This not only helps to clear any misunderstandings but also validates each person’s thoughts and feelings.

Afterwards, I facilitate a discussion on potential solutions, encouraging input from all involved parties. It is crucial to make sure everyone feels heard and that the final decision isn’t one-sided. If necessary, we may bring in a neutral third party or seek advice from higher management. Ultimately, the goal is to resolve conflicts in a fair manner that promotes teamwork and maintains a positive working environment.

It’s important to remember that conflict isn’t always negative; it can often lead to innovative ideas and improvements when managed effectively. Therefore, my approach to conflict resolution focuses on turning disagreements into opportunities for growth and learning.

16. What methods do you use to stay updated on industry trends and competitor activities?

Staying on top of market trends and competitors’ activities is critical to success in any business. It gives you the ability to see potential opportunities and threats, and plan accordingly. It also shows a level of commitment and initiative to potential employers. They want to know that you’re not just clocking in and out each day, but actively engaging with the industry and working to stay ahead.

To answer this question effectively, highlight your commitment to continuous learning and self-improvement. Mention specific resources you utilize such as industry blogs, podcasts, seminars or webinars. Talk about how you follow key competitors on social media, subscribe to their newsletters, or use tools like Google Alerts for real-time updates. Discuss any networking groups or professional organizations you belong to that keep you informed. Remember, the goal is to demonstrate your proactive approach in staying current and competitive in your field.

Example: I make it a point to regularly attend industry conferences and webinars, where I can gain insights into the latest trends and developments. These events often provide valuable opportunities to hear from thought leaders and engage in discussions with peers about challenges and strategies.

In terms of staying informed about competitor activities, I utilize tools like Google Alerts and social media monitoring to keep track of their announcements and initiatives. Additionally, I subscribe to relevant trade publications and newsletters that offer analysis on market shifts and competitive dynamics.

For instance, when Unilever’s competitor launched an eco-friendly product line, I was able to quickly understand its implications through my established tracking methods. This allowed me to contribute to our team’s strategic response, ensuring we remained competitive and innovative within the marketplace.

17. How do you assess risks and opportunities associated with new markets or products?

Assessing risks and opportunities with new markets or products is a key element of strategic planning. It gives the hiring team a glimpse into your analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, and your ability to make data-driven decisions. They want to see if you can not only identify potential challenges but also propose solutions or strategies to mitigate these risks and capitalize on opportunities.

To answer this question, focus on your analytical skills and strategic thinking. Discuss how you research market trends, evaluate competitors, and consider potential impacts on existing products or markets. Highlight any experience where you have identified risks and opportunities in new markets or for new products. Also, mention instances where you’ve used data analysis or forecasting tools to make informed decisions. If possible, include a successful case study from your past experiences. Remember, the aim is to demonstrate your ability to balance both risk and opportunity for business growth.

Example: Assessing risks and opportunities associated with new markets or products involves a multi-faceted approach. I would start by conducting comprehensive market research to understand the competitive landscape, customer demographics, and potential barriers to entry. This would involve both quantitative analysis, such as financial forecasting, and qualitative insights like consumer behavior trends.

Following this, I would perform a SWOT analysis to identify our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in relation to the new market or product. For instance, if we are launching a sustainable product, one of our strengths could be Unilever’s reputation for sustainability, while a threat might be higher production costs.

Finally, it is essential to conduct risk assessment which includes identifying potential risks, evaluating their impact and probability, and developing mitigation strategies. For example, if there’s a risk of regulatory changes in the new market, we could mitigate this through proactive engagement with local authorities and staying updated on policy developments. By balancing these assessments, we can make informed decisions about pursuing new markets or products.

18. Describe your experience using forecasting tools and techniques to optimize inventory levels and minimize stockouts.

Forecasting tools and techniques are the backbone of any successful supply chain operation, whether it’s a global conglomerate or a local business. When it comes to inventory management, the ability to predict demand accurately, achieve optimal stock levels, and prevent stockouts is essential. This question is designed to gauge your proficiency in these areas. It’s not just about the tools and techniques you’ve used; it’s also about your understanding of how they contribute to the bigger picture of business efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Start by outlining your experience with specific forecasting tools and techniques, highlighting how they have helped in optimizing inventory levels. Share examples of situations where your forecasts were accurate and led to minimized stockouts. Also, emphasize on your ability to adapt and learn new systems quickly. If you haven’t used the exact tools mentioned in the job description, discuss similar ones and express your willingness to learn the required ones.

Example: In my previous experience, I utilized a combination of quantitative and qualitative forecasting tools to optimize inventory levels. For instance, I used time-series analysis to understand the pattern of demand over time. This involved decomposing the series into trend, seasonality, and irregular components which helped in predicting future demand more accurately.

Additionally, I incorporated causal methods such as regression analysis to identify factors influencing demand like promotional activities or price changes. On the qualitative side, I leveraged market research, expert opinion, and sales force estimates for new product launches where historical data was not available.

To minimize stockouts, I implemented safety stock calculations considering service level targets and lead time variability. Also, I regularly reviewed forecast accuracy and adjusted safety stock levels accordingly. These techniques significantly improved our inventory turnover ratio and reduced stockout incidents by 30%.

19. Can you give an example of a time when you had to adapt quickly to changing circumstances or priorities at work?

Adaptability is the name of the game in today’s fast-paced work environment. Employers are keenly interested in candidates who can swiftly pivot their strategies, skills, and mindsets in light of unexpected changes or challenges. They want to know if you’re the type who gets easily flustered or if you can stay calm, composed, and innovative, turning adversity into an opportunity. This question helps them assess your resilience, flexibility, and problem-solving skills, all of which are key to thriving in a dynamic workplace.

Start your response by explaining a challenging situation you faced due to changing circumstances at work. Highlight how you swiftly assessed the change, adjusted your priorities or strategies and took action. Emphasize on the positive outcome that resulted from your adaptability. This could be meeting a deadline, salvaging a client relationship, or finding a new opportunity for efficiency. Remember, the aim is to demonstrate your ability to stay calm under pressure, think critically, and make sound decisions quickly when conditions shift unexpectedly.

Example: In my previous experience, I was part of a team working on a major product launch. We had been preparing for months and were just two weeks away from the scheduled release date when we received news that one of our key suppliers had gone bankrupt unexpectedly. This meant we wouldn’t be able to get all the materials needed in time for the launch.

I quickly adapted by identifying alternative suppliers and negotiating expedited shipping terms with them. At the same time, I coordinated with the marketing team to manage communication with customers and stakeholders about the situation. Despite the setback, we managed to delay the launch by only three days. This experience taught me the importance of being flexible and proactive when faced with unexpected challenges.

20. How do you maintain strong working relationships with suppliers and negotiate favorable terms?

A strong supply chain is the backbone of any successful company, especially those in the consumer goods sector. The ability to foster positive relationships with suppliers and negotiate advantageous terms not only impacts cost efficiency but also product availability and quality. Therefore, interviewers are keen to understand your interpersonal and negotiation skills, as well as your ability to balance the company’s needs with maintaining healthy supplier relationships.

Begin by highlighting your experience managing supplier relationships. Discuss your communication and negotiation skills, and give specific examples of when you’ve successfully negotiated favorable terms. If you’re new to the role, explain steps you’d take to build trust with suppliers, like understanding their needs and aligning them with yours. Remember to stress on mutual benefit and long-term relationship in negotiations.

Example: Maintaining strong working relationships with suppliers is a combination of effective communication, mutual respect, and understanding their business needs as well as ours. I believe in treating suppliers as partners rather than just vendors. This approach fosters trust and cooperation, which are key to negotiating favorable terms. For instance, instead of focusing solely on price reduction during negotiations, I also consider factors like delivery schedules, payment terms, or even volume discounts that could benefit both parties.

Moreover, it’s important to keep abreast of market trends and supplier performance. By regularly reviewing their service levels, quality, and pricing against the market standard, we can ensure they’re providing us with competitive offerings. If there are areas for improvement, I address these directly but constructively, always aiming for a win-win solution. This strategy has consistently allowed me to secure advantageous terms without compromising the relationship.

21. Describe your experience with quality control measures and their impact on manufacturing operations.

Quality control is the heart of manufacturing operations. Without it, products can become inconsistent, and inconsistencies can lead to customer dissatisfaction or worse—product recalls and legal issues. Your experience with quality control measures lets hiring managers know how well you understand this important aspect of the job. Your ability to implement these measures and track their impact on operations can also demonstrate your problem-solving skills and attention to detail.

Reflect on your experience with quality control in manufacturing environments. Highlight specific measures you’ve implemented or overseen and their positive impact on operations, such as improved efficiency or reduced waste. If possible, provide quantifiable results to demonstrate your effectiveness. Remember to mention your adaptability towards new procedures if needed, showcasing your flexibility and eagerness to learn.

Example: In my experience, quality control measures are vital in ensuring that the end product meets both company and customer expectations. For example, I was involved in a project where we implemented statistical process control (SPC) methods to monitor a manufacturing process. Through regular sampling and data analysis, we were able to identify variations in the process early on and make necessary adjustments before they could impact the final product’s quality.

This proactive approach not only improved the overall quality of our products but also led to significant cost savings as it reduced waste and rework. It also enhanced our operational efficiency by minimizing downtime. Furthermore, this rigorous quality control measure increased customer satisfaction levels and strengthened our brand reputation for reliability and excellence. Therefore, I believe that effective quality control measures are indispensable for maintaining high standards and competitiveness in any manufacturing operation.

22. How have you previously utilized technology and automation to improve efficiency within a production environment?

In the fast-paced, competitive world of production, efficiency is key. By asking this question, hiring managers aim to understand your familiarity with using technology and automation to enhance productivity. They’re interested in your ability to think innovatively, handle modern tools, and implement solutions that can streamline processes, reduce errors, and ultimately save time and resources. This is essential in maintaining the edge in a rapidly evolving industry.

Start your response by highlighting specific instances where you successfully implemented technology or automation in a production environment. Discuss the challenges faced, the solutions used, and the results achieved, emphasizing skills like problem-solving, adaptability, and innovation. If new to this field, discuss relevant coursework or theoretical knowledge, showing enthusiasm for learning on the job.

Example: In my previous experience, I led a project to implement an advanced Manufacturing Execution System (MES) in our production line. The objective was to streamline operations, reduce manual data entry and improve real-time visibility into the manufacturing process. We integrated the MES with our ERP system which allowed for seamless communication between different departments such as planning, procurement, and quality control.

The implementation of this technology resulted in significant efficiency gains. We saw a 30% reduction in production cycle times due to improved scheduling capabilities and real-time tracking. Additionally, automation reduced human errors associated with manual data entry by 50%, leading to more accurate forecasting and inventory management. Furthermore, it provided us with valuable insights from the data collected, enabling us to make strategic decisions based on actual performance metrics rather than estimations. This not only improved our operational efficiency but also enhanced product quality and customer satisfaction.

23. Explain your approach to managing multiple projects simultaneously while ensuring timely completion.

Juggling multiple projects is a common part of many roles, and it’s particularly vital in a fast-paced corporate environment. This question allows hiring managers to gauge your organizational skills, your ability to prioritize tasks, and your efficiency in managing your time. They want to see how you balance competing priorities, meet deadlines, and how you would handle the pressure of having multiple tasks due at the same time.

Highlight your organizational skills and use specific examples from past experiences to show how you prioritize tasks and manage time effectively. Discuss any project management tools or methods you’ve used, such as Agile or Scrum processes, Gantt charts, or even simple planners. Demonstrate your ability to stay calm under pressure, adapt to unexpected changes, and communicate clearly with team members to keep everyone on track.

Example: My approach to managing multiple projects simultaneously is a combination of effective time management, prioritization, and clear communication. I use project management tools to keep track of all tasks and deadlines, which allows me to visualize the timeline and workload of each project. This helps me prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance.

For example, if I were working on two projects at Unilever – one involving product development and another focused on market research, I would start by breaking down each project into smaller tasks. After that, I’d determine the dependencies between these tasks and prioritize them accordingly. If the product development can’t proceed without certain data from the market research, then those aspects of the market research become high priority.

Communication is also key in ensuring timely completion. Regularly updating my team members and stakeholders about the progress keeps everyone aligned and aware of any potential issues or delays. By maintaining open lines of communication, problems can be identified early and addressed before they impact the overall timeline.

24. What strategies do you use to engage and motivate team members towards achieving their goals?

This question is designed to find out if you are a leader who knows how to inspire and motivate your team. It also reveals whether you understand that every team member is unique and may require different strategies for motivation. Moreover, it gives insights into your interpersonal and communication skills, as well as your ability to help others find their drive and commitment to reach their goals. It shows the interviewer if you can create a positive and productive work environment.

In answering this, highlight your people management skills and how you’ve used them to motivate teams. For instance, discuss methods like setting clear expectations, providing constructive feedback, and recognizing achievements. Also, share instances where you encouraged open communication or fostered a positive environment for creativity and innovation. Mention any specific leadership styles or theories that have influenced your approach. Remember, the goal is to show your ability to lead and inspire others towards achieving their goals.

Example: One of the key strategies I use to engage and motivate team members is by fostering a culture of open communication and transparency. This involves clearly defining expectations, providing regular feedback, and creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas or concerns. For instance, in a recent project, we had weekly meetings where each member could share updates on their tasks, discuss challenges they were facing, and brainstorm solutions together. This not only kept everyone informed about the progress of the project but also encouraged active participation from all members.

Another strategy I find effective is recognizing and rewarding individual achievements. People are more likely to be motivated when they know that their efforts are appreciated. In the same project, whenever someone completed a significant task or went above and beyond their responsibilities, I made sure to acknowledge their hard work during our team meetings. This created a sense of accomplishment among the team and spurred them to continue delivering high-quality results.

Finally, aligning individual goals with the broader objectives of the company can significantly boost motivation levels. By showing team members how their personal contributions directly impact the success of the organization, it gives them a greater sense of purpose and drives them to perform at their best.

25. How do you ensure compliance with regulations and industry standards throughout all aspects of your role?

Compliance is the backbone of any successful operation, and it’s especially critical in industries that are heavily regulated. When hiring, companies need to be confident that their employees are knowledgeable about relevant regulations and standards, and are diligent in ensuring that their work meets these criteria. This question is a way to assess your understanding of the importance of compliance, and your ability to apply it to your role.

Showcase your knowledge of the importance of regulations in maintaining business integrity. Discuss how you have familiarized yourself with industry standards and kept up-to-date with changes. Highlight any previous experience where you ensured compliance, perhaps by implementing checks or creating a culture of responsibility within your team. If you’re new to the field, mention steps you’d take to ensure regulatory compliance, like seeking advice, self-studying, or attending workshops.

Example: To ensure compliance with regulations and industry standards, I believe in the importance of staying updated on any changes or updates to those standards. For instance, I regularly attend webinars, read industry publications, and participate in relevant professional groups. Additionally, I have found that implementing regular audits or checks within my work can be an effective way of ensuring ongoing compliance.

For example, while working on a project involving new product development, I made sure to incorporate a review stage specifically focused on regulatory compliance into our process. This involved cross-referencing our plans and materials against current regulations and adjusting as necessary. By integrating this step into our workflow, we were able to catch potential issues early and adjust course accordingly, saving time and resources down the line.

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Unilever Assessments, Game Assessments, Digital Interview. The 2024 Full Practice Guide

Reading time: 24 minutes

Are you planning to apply for Unilever internships or pursue a career with Unilever around the globe including the US and UK? Look no further – this all-inclusive guide will help you get your dream job.

Check here for Free and Premium aptitude assessment tests and video interviews to practise and prepare for Unilever recruitment .

Not sure if you should practise to prepare for the Unilever assessments? According to research, 60-80% of candidates are rejected based on their aptitude test results. It is proven that practice increases your chances of getting hired.

A recent study (Bradley et al, 2019) found that candidates who do not practise assessments, tend to fail at the first hurdle of psychometric assessments (54%-84%). This study looked at the Top 100 global employers.


How to best prepare for Unilever employment assessments to get hired?

  • Complete your Unilever Online Application
  • Fill in your Unilever application using your CV/Resume. You can also use your LinkedIn profile to fill in your details.
  • Ensure to customise your application with Unilever’s core values , vision statement and goals.
  • Use their keywords from the job post in your resume and answers in your application
  • Prepare for Unilever Assessment Tests

Unilever selects candidates based on a range of psychometric tests. These Unilever employment assessment tests include:

  • Game-based Assessments
  • Numerical Reasoning Tests
  • Situational Judgment Test
  • Record Mock Video Interviews of Yourself

Record and practice using mock interviews before your Unilever HireVue interview . A consistent practice will help boost your confidence and help practise framing answers to potential questions based on your job role. 

Ensure your answers flow smoothly, connect with the interviewer and help showcase your full potential. Ace your preparation with business case-study preparation.

For your Unilever interview practice use the GF video interview platform equipped with predefined competency and industry-based questions, emulating a Unilever HireVue interview experience.
  • Unilever Discovery Day

The Unilever Virtual Discovery Centre is the last stage of the Unilever recruitment process . Here, your potential on-the-job competency will be put to the test using the following exercises:

  • Unilever Written Exercises
  • In-Tray Exercise
  • Group Exercises
  • Presentation Exercise
  • Final Interview

The Unilever final interview will be the last step to your dream job role. The line manager or a senior manager will video interview you one-on-one. Practise strength-based and competency-based questions to boost your chances of getting hired at Unilever.

In your answers, showcase your:

  • Thorough understanding of the job role
  • Passion for work
  • Critical and analytical skills
  • Business acumen 
  • Decision-making skills
  • Problem-solving abilities

Continue reading to find answers to the following questions:

  • What are Unilever core competencies?
  • What is Unilever Portrait Assessment?
  • How to prepare for Unilever online assessments?
  • What types of questions come in the Unilever video interview?
  • What is Unilever Virtual Discovery Centre?
  • What is Unilever Industrial Placement Program?

Start practising for Unilever online assessments now with our expert-crafted assessment tests. All you need is just a click on any of the tests below!

Game-based assessments
Numerical Reasoning
Situational Judgement
Video Interviews
Assessment Centre
Get Go Premium and practice for these assessments with GF!

But first, before we dive into the Unilever assessments , let’s walk you through what’s coming up in this guide:

Who is Unilever?

Unilever online application.

  • Unilever Game-based Assessments

Unilever Cognitive Assessments

Unilever hirevue interview, unilever virtual discovery centre, unilever early careers, unilever assessments: faqs.

So, with that, let’s dive right in!

Unilever is a multinational consumer goods company, with its headquarters in London, England. It has over 400 brands in over 190 countries with some of the famous ones being Ben & Jerry’s, Dove, Wall’s, Knorr, Sunsilk, Lifebuoy and Lux.

Unilever Application Top tip : Getting yourself familiar with Unilever’s brands, products and competitors will showcase your brand and market awareness to stand out at Unilever.

Which Roles Does Unilever Hire For?

There are five major business areas under Unilever that you can apply to, each with well-known brands:

– Dove
– Sunsilk
– Vaseline
– Cif
– Comfort
– Domestos
– Rexona
– Axe
– Dove
– Lifebuoy
– Lux
– Hellmann’s
– Knorr
– Horlicks
– The Vegetarian Butcher
– Wall’s
– Magnum
– Ben & Jerry’s

While the Unilever recruitment process for these brands may differ slightly based on location and the business area, each process is based on Unilever’s core values and mission.

To get ahead in your application and upcoming Unilever interview rounds, you’ll need to know these.

Unilever Core Values

What are the Unilever values? 

  • Integrity : Build a reputation and serve as a guide to do things the right way. 
  • Positive impact : Help build a positive impact through operations, voluntary contributions and relationships.
  • Commitment : Serve to stay committed to working towards our longer-term goal of developing a sustainable business.
  • Respect : Serve as a guide to treat people with honesty, fairness and dignity. 
  • Responsibility : Taking care of the customers and employees of Unilever.
  • Pioneering : A passion for winning and creating a better future.

What is Unilever’s vision and mission?

Our ambition is to make sustainable living commonplace.
To be a global leader in sustainable business. We will demonstrate how our purpose-led, future-fit model drives superior performance, consistently delivering financial results in the top third of our industry

Check out even more research tips you can use to prepare for your Unilever hiring process and stand out from the competition.

Top 5 Tips to Research Unilever

  • Stay tuned to Unilever’s social media : Research the company’s services culture with the official Unilever websites, social media pages and online reviews.
  • Know the brands in and out: A thorough research into Unilever’s brands and the values they stand for will help you stand out in Unilever’s video interview stage.  
  • Read articles about Unilever: Discover the recent developments in the organisation and the challenges they may be facing. This will help demonstrate the further awareness they are looking for at the interview stage.
  • Don’t forget to customise the resume/CV: Your Unilever application should have the CV/Resume customised for Unilever. Ensure it aligns with the Unilever competencies, goals, and values of Unilever.
  • Know the job description: Your keywords in the job description should form the heart of your skills. Ensure your resume caters to them. 
Unilever Research tip: Gain key insights into what Unilever has been up to by checking out the LinkedIn profiles of the current leader Hein Schumacher.

Want even more Unilever research tips and tricks from our team? Check out this short video below:

unilever supply chain case study interview questions

Now that we know more about Unilever, let’s jump right into the Unilever assessment process, starting with the online application.

Back to Contents

The Unilever online application form is the first step of the Unilever recruitment process .

The Unilever application form has four sections:

  • My Information
  • My Experience
  • Application questions
  • Voluntary Disclosures

Unilever application form

Looking for more CV tips to outshine in your Unilever recruitment process? Here are 6 top tips to prepare a shortlist-worthy CV:

6 Top Tips to Prepare your Unilever CV/ Resume

  • Use a resume format that is easy to read : It’s increasingly known that recruiters spend an average of just 6 seconds looking at a CV. Make it count!
  • Avoid including your picture and personal details not relevant to the role, such as your marital status and religion.
  • Double-check your CV: Ensure there are no spelling mistakes or errors on your resume, and use a professional email to show professionalism.
  • Be specific: Include specific information about your achievements, work experience., etc. with measurable results.
  • Refer to particular experiences and skills that match the Unilever competencies : teamwork, respect, integrity, commitment., etc
  • Adhere to the 1-page limit: Only include the most relevant information. Don’t extend your CV beyond 1 to 1.5 pages. 

What happens when your application gets accepted? You are invited to take some game-based or cognitive assessments, the second round of the Unilever recruitment process. Let’s discuss these below.

Unilever Profile Assessments

Unilever Profile Assessment is the second step of the Unilever graduate jobs recruitment process. These may include game-based assessments or cognitive assessments, which may require around 20 minutes to complete.

Discover more about these Unilever tests below:

  • Unilever Game Assessments

Unilever Game-Based Assessments

What is Unilever Game-based assessment?

The Unilever game-based assessment tests you using 3-5 digital behaviour-based games. Offered by either Pymetrics or HireVue depending on the location, they aim to assess the cognitive, emotional and social traits of your personality. 

What are these assessments and how can I prepare? We’ve got you covered with our own practice game-based assessments designed by our expert team!

What does Unilever Game-based assessment include?

Numerosity Mental arithmetic abilityMathBubbles™
PortraitXTPersonality and work styleWork Personality Questionnaire
Digits GameShort-term memory, logical reasoning Cognition-M™
Shape danceAttention, agility and visual-spatialFlanker Task
Pymetrics BalloonsRisk-takingBART 

Discover more about the Unilever Balloons game assessment provided by Pymetrics with our short video below:

unilever supply chain case study interview questions

Start your Unilever preparation journey with GF. We provide practice game-based assessments similar to Unilever profile game based assessments to help you get familiar with the most common styles of assessments.

How to pass the Unilever game based assessment?

  • Be well rested : It’s important to get good rest the night before and eat well before any assessment. Game-based tests are no exception!
  • Check your environment : These games are fast-paced and short, so require plenty of attention and focus. Stay focused by taking these in a place where you won’t be distracted.
  • Use the best device for you : While these assessments are mobile-friendly, you may be able to respond faster and more accurately using a mouse .

Now, let’s discuss the Unilever cognitive assessments and what these include.

What is Unilever cognitive assessment?

The Unilever cognitive assessment or Unilever aptitude tests are a set of assessments that are used to test candidates for hiring. They form the second round of hiring after you get shortlisted on the Unilever first round of the application process. 

What does Unilever Cognitive assessment include?

Depending on the location and job role, the Unilever cognitive test may include:

  • Situational Judgement Tests
Important to know: Based on your location and job role, you may also be required to give the following Unilever assessments: logical reasoning tests , verbal reasoning tests and error-checking tests.

Let’s dive into each of these assessments, starting with the numerical reasoning tests. 

Unilever Numerical Reasoning Test

What is the Unilever numerical reasoning test?

The Unilever numerical reasoning assessments aim to assess your ability to work with numerical data. It includes working with graphs, and statistical data and performing basic arithmetic calculations. 

What does the Unilever numerical reasoning test measure?

Unilever Numericals tests , generally provided by Cappfinity , aim to assess your ability to work through standard mathematical concepts. It includes questions like ratios, charts, percentages, relatively simple calculations, data comparisons and data interpretations.

What is the time limit of the Unilever numerical reasoning test?

Unilever numerical tests are generally untimed assessments. However, the total time taken to attempt the test is recorded. Thus, a carefully planned approach to Unilever numerical tests is necessary.

Good to know: You will be required to undertake a numerical test if you are applying to the Unilever placement program in Finance. Discover more about the Unilever placement programs here .

What makes a typical numerical reasoning test difficult is not the knowledge tested, but how you reason with the information presented under time pressure given the time limit. While Unilever’s test may not be timed, you may still feel the pressure!

Have a go and test your numerical reasoning skills with our FREE numerical reasoning questions or with this Unilever-style numerical reasoning question below:

Unilever-Style Numerical Reasoning Test Example

Unilever numerical reasoning test example

Feel you cracked the correct answer? Head to the bottom of this article to find out!

Want some expert tips to level up your game in Unilever numerical assessments? Here are our top 5 tips to help you ace your way to Unilever.

Top 5 Tips to Ace the Unilever Numerical Reasoning Test

  • Revise the basics: These numerical reasoning tests demand a clear understanding of concepts like fractions, percentages, interest calculations., etc
  • Practice: Practising consistently using timed numerical reasoning tests to help you understand the type of questions that are likely to come up in Unilever numerical reasoning tests.
  • Implement feedback: Check the worked solutions to gain a thorough understanding of how to approach the different types of questions used in Unilever numerical tests.
  • Balance speed with accuracy: Ace your Unilever assessment test by balancing speed and accuracy through your practice to answer correctly in a minimum of the time possible.
  • Focus on one question at a time: Approach one question at a time, understand it and then move on to the next question. If unsure, skip it and come back to it later.

For more such tips on how to pass your Unilever numerical test, check out our quick video below:

unilever supply chain case study interview questions

For more Unilever-style numerical test practice , check out our numerical reasoning tests with answers, worked solutions, and professional score reports with personalised tips to improvise based on your performance. 

Unilever Situational Judgement Test

What is the Unilever Situational Judgement test?

The Unilever situational judgement test is an interactive psychometric test that assesses how you would behave in workplace scenarios. It is the second step in the Unilever recruitment and selection process for Unilever business apprenticeships.

How does the Unilever situational judgement test work?

Unilever situational judgement test tests you with different workplace problems. These may include workplace conflicts, sales scenarios, and team meetings. It aims to evaluate you of the following skills:

  • Negotiation and conflict management
  • Critical reasoning skills
  • Analytical skills

Check out our Unilever-style situational judgement test example question below for a sneak peek into how your Unilever assessment test may look like: 

Unilever Situational Judgement Test Question Example

Unilever situational judgement test example

Ready to speed up your situation judgement skills for Unilever? Here are our top 5 tips to help you ace your Unilever situational judgement tests.

5 Tips to Ace Unilever Situational Judgement Tests

  • Consider the strengths required : Research the role through the job description and think about which option shows the required soft skills for the job.
  • Match on the desired competencies : Focus on what makes a particular behaviour better than another for the same competency. These behaviours are often called behavioural indicators.
  • Research the culture : Try to take the perspective of the existing employees on the scenarios prevalent in the workplace.
  • Practice: Practice enough with a timer as though usually untimed, most companies prefer to record the total time taken.
  • Ask the experts : See how experienced professionals would approach a given situation and challenge their thinking to develop your own understanding.

Want to know how to NOT pass your Unilever situational judgement test? Check out this quick video below:

unilever supply chain case study interview questions

We at GF provide practice situational judgement tests so you can take your preparation for your Unilever test to the next level! 

The next stage in the Unilever recruitment process after the Unilever online assessments is the Unilever digital interview. Keep reading to discover more about what to expect.

What is the Unilever Digital Interview?

Your Unilever digital interview or video interview , is the second-last stage in the Unilever recruitment and selection process. It tests you on a total of four pre-recorded questions within a fixed time limit to prepare and record your answers.

How long is the Unilever Digital Interview?

In the Unilever HireVue digital interview , you will have 1-2 minutes to prepare and 3 minutes to record answers for the first three questions. For the last business case study question, you have 10 minutes for preparation and 5 minutes for recording.

What types of questions does the Unilever HireVue interview include?

The Unilever HireVue interview questions can depend on the role and are either strength-based , motivational or competency-based questions or even a combination of all three types. They aim to assess your overall personality and problem-solving ability.

Find out more about the different types of interview questions used in our super useful article here .

Looking for the best way to prepare for your Unilever Hirevue interview ? Want the step-by-step way to answer your way through your Unilever internship interview questions? Check out our bonus section below:


Competency-based Question: When was the last time you managed a team?

Tip to Answer : Structure your answer to this question using the STAR+R format. Think of a key experience where you led a team. Focus on what you had to do as part of the team and the positive results from your own actions.

Example Answer:

  • Situation : In my third year of graduation, I worked as an event manager where I led a team of 8 people. 
  • Task : We were assigned to organise the new MOOC centre’s inauguration at our college. 
  • Action : After rigorous brainstorming sessions and thorough discussions, the duties were assigned to each of the group members and everything was planned with contingencies in place leading up to the event. I ensured everyone got the chance to give their suggestions while planning for the event, and kept track of progress throughout the planning and development stages. 
  • Result : The event was successfully held and was a great success as our team’s coordination and dedication helped the event go smoothly. 
  • Reflection : Looking back, our effective planning skills to delegate tasks across the team were essential to ensure the event went smoothly. Using a strategy of open communication allowed me to monitor progress, make slight adjustments and assist where needed.
Strength-Based Question : What are your Strengths and Weaknesses?

Tip to Answer : Avoid using vague weaknesses such as pleasing people, difficulty in saying no, etc. Use a real weakness and your steps on improving on it.

Example Answer:  My strength is working well in a team, where I collaborate with the members to brainstorm effective ideas. I prioritise group goals over personal goals and am an active listener. Though I may struggle with time management, I strive to improvise on it through thorough planning and undertaking an ongoing time-management course.

Motivational-Type Question : Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Tip to Answer : Consider how your ambition will help the company prosper. Showcase your long-term goals associated with the role in Unilever and how you aim to upskill yourself for it.

Example Answer : In the five years, I see myself as a responsible part of the company who is strongly committed to its successful growth. I aspire to become an experienced professional who aims to continue upskilling myself in the latest skills associated with my role. 

Want to know tips on how to answer the above question? Check out our this short video below:

unilever supply chain case study interview questions

Check out the GF Question Identifier Tool (QIT) to discover even more potential interview questions you may be asked in your Unilever interview and take your interview practice to the next level.

Want to know how to level up your game in your Unilever video interview ? Check out our 11 top tips to best prepare for your Unilever HireVue Interview.

How to Prepare for Unilever Interviews?

  • Research the company: Gather all information you can about Unilever related to your field and role, such as the ongoing trends in the company, challenges faced, work culture, etc. 
  • Consider Unilever’s core values : Ensure you understand the values, mission, vision and culture beforehand and demonstrate these in the assessment exercises.
  • Read the job description : Before any interview, it’s important to double-check the job description to understand the skills they are looking for and the questions they will ask to assess these skills.
  • Practice, practice and practice: Use our GF video interview tool to get the fluency and confidence to face your interviewers fully prepared. Our interview tool comes with pre planned questions commonly used in FMCG roles such as at Unilever.
  • Take the interview where you won’t be disturbed : Ensure to take the Unilever HireVue interview i n a noise-free place so you can stay fully focused.
  • Be sure to be well-rested: A good night’s sleep beforehand is essential for keeping good focus and attention. Take the test at a time when your mind works best.
  • Use the recommended device : Read the instructions carefully to ensure you use the best equipment with a stable internet connection.
  • Show enthusiasm: Speak at a clear and consistent volume, but do not sound monotonous. Be excited to present yourself but don’t try to go overboard by faking your personality. 
  • Maintain positive body language: Ensure your body language exudes confidence! Positive body language keeps the nerves calm and you can think better, so double the advantage! 
  • Think for a moment and then answer : If unsure, take a moment to think about your answer before responding. This helps show you are listening and are putting thought into the question.
  • Be realistic in your answers : Use real-life examples which demonstrate when you have used your natural strengths or skills to achieve a goal or resolve a situation. 

Once you’ve aced your interviews, you will then be invited to the next and final stage of the assessment journey: Unilever Virtual Discovery Centre .

What is the Unilever Discovery Centre?

The Unilever virtual discovery centre is a type of assessment centre held online, where you will be assessed on-camera using a variety of online activities. These activities include:

Unilever Written Exercise

Unilever in-tray exercise, unilever group exercise.

  • Unilever Presentation Exercise

Unilever Final Interview

Good to know : You will be informed beforehand about the details of the assessment centre day, joining instructions and what to expect at the Unilever virtual assessment centre . Ensure to read these carefully! 

What skills does the Unilever Virtual Discovery Day assess? 

Problem-solvingDecision-makingCommunication skillsTeamwork
Emotional intelligenceAnalytical skillsLeadershipResource management
Time management Organisational skillsAttention to detailLogical reasoning

Let’s explore each activity one by one, starting with the written exercise, otherwise known as the Unilever Business Challenge .

What is the Unilever written exercise?

The Unilever written exercise or business challenge assesses your ability to problem-solve workplace scenarios. During this exercise, you will be provided with a business problem with relevant study materials and you will be required to assess the course of action to solve the case study.  For example, you may be required to develop a 1-page business proposal on a case study such as the Unilever 1 Million Euro Challenge.

How to Ace the Unilever Written Exercise?

  • Practice beforehand: Sharpen your analysis skills and develop a method by solving mock case studies ahead of your Unilever assessment centre.
  • Read the instructions at least twice: A proper understanding of the instructions can make or break the situation. Ensure that you know what you are required to do.
  • Practice time management : Allot time for different tasks so you have enough time for each activity before the deadline and don’t feel too rushed.
  • Use Clear Communication : clear writing is vital, as there is no guarantee of objectivity if the assessor spends too much time trying to understand what you have written.
  • Prioritise: Attempt those exercises first that seem more important for the clients involved in the case study, as this may fetch you more points.

What is the Unilever in-tray exercise?

The Unilever in-tray exercise assess your time management, prioritisation and communication skills. The activities may include email sorting, prioritising job-role-oriented tasks and scheduling meetings. Here, you will be assessed on your time management and organisation.

Get ahead for your Unilever E-tray or In-tray exercise with our practice In-tray exercises designed in-house by our team to help you develop your confidence levels and discover how you can go further with full example assessor marking guides .

What is the Unilever group exercise?

The Unilever group exercise assesses a candidate’s interpersonal skills, communication and ability to work in a team. You will be split into small groups of 4-6 candidates in project meetings and given a task. 

Want to take your Unilever group discussion preparation to the next level? Don’t miss out on this video for our top group exercise tips:

unilever supply chain case study interview questions

Once your group has developed the group exercise, your team may be required to give a presentation.

Unilever Presentation

What is the Unilever presentation stage?

The Unilever presentation aims to assess your communication skills, confidence and professional calibre to prepare a presentation in a specified time frame.

4 Top Tips to Ace the Unilever Presentation

  • Develop your communication and body language by practising mock presentations with your friends or family ahead of the discovery day.
  • Read the presentation brief again carefully so that you do not miss out on important data in the presentation!
  • Use graphs and charts along with appropriate flowcharts to stand out in showcasing your presentation skills.
  • Familiarise yourself with different deck platforms such as Google Slides and PowerPoint. 
Get ahead in your presentation exercise preparation with GF and discover real experience with how top employers such as Unilever assess candidates through presentation exercises and gain professional tips to improve your performance against competencies. 

You’re doing great. We’ve covered almost the whole Unilever recruitment process through this article guide. As you may have anticipated, we close with the Unilever final interviews.

What is the final Unilever virtual interview?

The Unilever final interview is the last step of your Unilever virtual assessment day and also of the Unilever internships in the UK. Here you will be evaluated by a line manager based on your skills and motivation, core strengths, ways of approaching tasks, and understanding of Unilever, its brands and services. 

The Unilever interviewers are looking for active candidates who stand out and show interest in knowing more about the job role, and ideal job expectations. A key way to stand out is to ask your own questions about the job.

Check out our quick video below for our top 5 questions you can ask in your Unilever interview:

unilever supply chain case study interview questions

Ace your next assessment centre with our 10 full sets of exercises including role play, presentations, group discussions and more in our Assessment Centre Prep pack .

So, as we reached the end of the process, a big thumbs up to your patience and dedication. Now, if you pass all the Unilever recruitment stages, you will be contacted by Unilever if selected and will be given an offer letter.


Wait, before you go! Don’t miss out on some bonus information about Unilever’s current student career opportunities, especially for the students below!

Unilever Future Leaders Programme (UFLP)?

What is the Unilever Future Leaders Programme (UFLP)?

Unilever Future Leaders Programme (UFLP) is a three-year-long growth and development programme, dedicated to providing on-the-job training under a dedicated senior careers sponsor. It aims to equip you with practical exposure to business operations with theoretical knowledge in management and leadership. 

You will also work on fast-paced, short-term sustainability projects associated with 400+ brands, the key benefits of working for Unilever . 

Eligibility: To apply for this programme you will need a bachelor’s degree, however, this may vary depending on the job location. Check the job description carefully! 

Application Process

  • Online Application
  • Profile Assessment
  • Digital Interview
  • Virtual Discovery Centre

Unilever Placement Programs

Unilever placement program invites applications every year in early June. Unilever offers two types of placement programs:

  • Unilever Summer Placement Program (12 weeks)
  • Unilever Industrial Placement Program (12 months)

The business sectors available for these programs are the following:

MarketingResearch & DevelopmentCustomer Development
FinanceSupply Chain and EngineeringHuman Resources
Communication and Corporate AffairsInformation TechnologyLegal
ManagementBen and Jerry’s FactoryProcurement

Eligibility: The students finishing their penultimate year.

  • Numerical Reasoning Test (For Finance department)
Note: In the UK, Unilever internships are available for different departments in early February, March or September every year. The Unilever placement application process is on a rolling basis which means the applications close as soon as the seats get filled You will be required to give a virtual interview..

Unilever Business Apprenticeships

Unilever Business Apprenticeships are 18-month to 4-year-long programmes that will start in September. They are available under the following sectors:

Level 3– Business and Technology
– Engineering and Manufacturing
Level 4– Business and Technology
– Engineering and Manufacturing
Level 6– Research and Development

Unilever Apprenticeship Eligibility Criteria

Depending on the level and the role, the requirements include:

  • A minimum of 5 GCSEs including Maths and English
  • A minimum of 3 A-Levels or equivalent with grades B or above in STEM subjects.
  • Situational Judgement Test

Unilever Leaders Internship Programme (ULIP)

The Unilever Leaders Internship Programme (ULIP) is a 6-month internship programme that strives to give the interns the experience of a real working environment and develop on-the-job skills. It is available in countries like Indonesia, Kenya, India, Singapore, Bangladesh., etc. 

Check the Unilever website of the respective location to check for the ULIP openings.

The ULIP internship is offered in the following five business areas:

  • Customer Development
  • Supply Chain
  • Human Resources


  • Fresh graduates or final-year students
  • Fluent in written and verbal English
  • Telephonic Interview
Good to know: the Unilever graduate scheme application process and eligibility may vary slightly depending on the location.

Discover more answers about your Unilever recruitment process with answers to these frequently asked questions! 

What types of questions are asked in Unilever interviews?

Unilever interview can comprise strength-based questions, motivational or competency-based or a combination of all of them to assess your overall personality and ability to deal with problems. Tackle competency-based questions using the STAR+R technique.

How much time does it take to hear back from Unilever?n

If your application stands out, you will hear from Unilever within 1-2 weeks for the second round of assessment, Unilever game assessments. While, after Unilever Discovery Centre, you may hear from them within a few days to 2 weeks.

What are Unilever values?

  • Integrity to do things the right way
  • Make a positive impact through its voluntary contributions and relationships.
  • Commitment to sustainability efforts
  • Respectful to all
  • Responsibility to care for customers and employees
  • Passionate to pioneer a successful business firm.

Describe how Unilever's digital recruitment works.

Unilever Digital Interview, an on-demand interview, is the second last stage of the selection process. Candidates have to prepare and record answers to four pre-recorded questions within a given time frame. This is followed by the Unilever Virtual Discovery Centre.

How do I prepare for Unilever Assessment tests?

  • Research the Unilever core values , mission and vision statement
  • Practice game assessments and cognitive assessments thoroughly
  • Use feedback reports to focus your practice
  • Ensure you are well-rested
  • Check your tech beforehand
  • Take the test in a well-lit and noise-free environment

How many interview rounds does Unilever have?

The Unilever digital interview , also called Unilever on-demand interview , is the second stage of hiring in most programs. Depending on the location and job role, you may also be required to take a virtual interview which can be either telephonic or video interview.

What does Unilever look for in the candidates?

Unilever prefers candidates who:

  • Are well aware of Unilever’s core values and align with them.
  • Can work in a team and communicate well.
  • Researched Unilever goals wells and sustainability efforts.
  • Are confident, open-minded and do not shy away from thinking out of the box.

When does the Unilever Future Leaders Programme application begin?

The Unilever Future Leaders Programme application opening time varies depending on the location. In the UK, you can apply in September once a year and it is conducted on a rolling basis. However, this may vary as in the Netherlands, where applications open twice a year.

What is the Unilever HireVue Portrait game-based assessment?

HireVue portrait game-based assessment is a gamified Unilever EQ assessment that forms the second stage of the UK Unilever hiring process. This other stage of the profile assessment aims to assess the social, cognitive and emotional aspects of your personality.

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Numerical Reasoning Test – C


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Interviews and assessment centres

Applying to the future leaders programme: the unilever digital interview.

targetjobs editorial team

23 Oct 2023, 15:54

Find out how to prepare for Unilever’s digital interview and succeed at this stage of the Unilever application process for its future leaders graduate programme.

A woman sitting at a desk using a laptop.

Jump to: Recruitment stages preceding the digital interview | Unilever digital interview | Tips to prepare for the digital interview

As part of the Unilever recruitment process for its future leaders graduate programme, you’ll undertake a pre-recorded digital interview. Read on to discover targetjobs’ top tips to make the best impression during your interview.


Discover more advice for the employer in Unilever’s organisation hub including guidance for taking on other stages of the future leaders application process.

A quick look at the preceding stages of the Unilever recruitment process

First, let’s briefly discuss the initial stages of the Unilever future leaders programme application process.

The first two stages of the application process are an online application and a profile assessment. These steps are relatively simple and don’t require you to do any preparation.

The online application will take around 20 minutes and involves filling out basic personal information, your education history and answering a few eligibility and diversity and inclusion questions.

At this stage, you must select which of the seven business functions you'd like to apply to, these are: human resources, marketing, research and development, technology management, supply chain and engineering, customer development (sales) and finance.

You can also automatically fill out this stage of the application by importing a LinkedIn profile – if you take this option, make sure to read our guide to creating the perfect LinkedIn profile beforehand.

After that, you’ll need to complete the profile assessment. This consists of five online games designed to test your cognitive, social and emotional traits. The games will evaluate how well you fit with the future leaders programme.

You can use our guide to tackling recruitment-related online games to get set for this stage of your application. However, bear in mind that Unilever’s website assures you that no preparation or previous gaming experience is necessary and there are no right or wrong answers. You’ll receive personalised feedback after completing the games.

Next, it’s on to Unilever’s digital interview, which will require more preparation on your part.

The Unilever digital interview

Unilever’s digital interview involves recording and uploading your answers to pre-set questions. Many students report finding this strange at first, so it's worth practising beforehand, recording your answers to typical interview questions , to get used to the process.

The interview itself may also include a few practice questions so take advantage of these. For more tips, read our expert performance tips for video interviews .

Unilever deliberately doesn’t give you much information on what to expect from the digital interview. All it tells you is that the interview will involve three short hypothetical questions (hypothetical questions typically ask you how you would respond if ‘X’ happened) and a business case, asking you to solve 'real-world problems using Unilever scenarios'. This is because the interview is designed to assess:

  • your problem-solving ability. How do you approach these scenarios? Can you think on the spot and process new information quickly?
  • your research and knowledge about Unilever and your business thinking. Can you take Unilever’s priorities and objectives into account?

Tips to prepare for the interview

So, what can you do to set yourself up for success?

  • Research Unilever’s global brands
  • Learn about Unilever’s culture, values and standards of leadership
  • Follow Unilever in the news

Unilever digital interview tip 1: research Unilever’s global brands

The business case will be based on one of Unilever’s brands so it’s a good idea to brush up on what they are. Start by looking at the list of its brands on its website.

You’ll spot a lot of UK household names such as Ben & Jerry’s, Domestos and Vaseline, but the business case could be based on one of Unilever’s international brands that you might not be familiar with, such as its Lux body washes or OLLY health supplements, so don’t overlook these.

Also watch out for products that are the same but have different names in different countries. What is known as LYNX body spray in the UK and Ireland, for example, is branded as AXE in other countries.

Things to consider include:

  • what products the brand produces
  • its target audience
  • where it is positioned in the market
  • any competitor products
  • what its competitors do better or worse.

Remember that some of its products might face stiffer competition than others. Beware: some of the competitors you think of might be owned by Unilever too! Sure, Dove and Impulse are all Unilever brands.

Unilever presents its Magnum ice-cream brand, for example, as luxurious, sophisticated and up-market. Unilever owns several other ice-cream brands, including Cornetto and Ben & Jerry’s, but one of its main competitors is Nestlé, which produces Häagen-Dazs and Mövenpick.

Don’t just think of like-for-like competitors though; who are some of Unilever’s less obvious competitors in this market? Hint: think of the more budget-friendly ice-cream brands.

Unilever digital interview tip 2: read about Unilever’s culture, values and standards of leadership

Familiarise yourself with Unilever’s company culture and how it does business. You can do this by reading the ‘our company’ and ‘planet and society’ sections of its website, paying particular attention to the sub-sections ‘strategy’, ‘responsible business’ and ‘equity, diversity and inclusion’.

Top tip: make a note of your key findings. They will come in handy when it’s time to prepare for the virtual discovery centre day.

Once you’ve done this, identify what you think Unilever’s main priorities are and what kind of company it is trying to be. This will help you consider how best to tackle the problems you’re given in the interview in ways that align with Unilever’s strategy and values.

Unilever say you will be asked to solve a 'real-world' problem so be sure you know how Unilever's strategy and values affect more than just their products.

Take Unilever’s stance on sustainability and climate change, for example. It announced its Climate Transition Plan in 2020, a multi-action plan with the aim of reducing the organisation’s greenhouse gas emissions in line with the targets set out by the 2015 Paris Agreement. One of these actions is to half the carbon footprint of its products by 2030 against 2010 emissions.

This is something you should consider in the interview – for example, if you get a hypothetical question about something that might contradict Unilever's sustainability plan, such as switching to a fuel source that’s cheaper.

You should also read Unilever’s ‘Code of business principles and code policies’, which is downloadable from its website, and let what you’ve read influence your thinking when answering the interview questions.

This document states that Unilever's corporate values are integrity, respect, responsibility and pioneering. How can you demonstrate that you embody these values in your responses to the interview questions? For example, if you’re asked something along the lines of ‘What would you do if you made a mistake?’, this is a good time to show that you will take responsibility.

Unilever digital interview tip 3: follow Unilever in the news

Keep up to date on what Unilever is working on at the moment. Has it announced any new products or launched any new advertising campaigns? You can look on its website for its latest announcements, do a general Google search and be on the lookout for any stories that appear in the news.

It's also a good idea to think about what issues Unilever faces and how it’s dealing with these. For example, the organisation has previously stated that it’s often challenged with questions around why it isn’t moving faster to remove plastic from product packaging.

Look into Unilever’s responses to such questions. What actions is Unilever currently taking to address the issue of plastic waste and what considerations may be limiting it from taking further action at this point?

You could also look into Unilever's advertising campaigns, and the response to recent Dove campaigns, such as the Toxic Influence mini feature. How did Unilever respond to different forms of positive and negative reaction?

If the opportunity arises, show that you’ve done your research and bring it into one of your answers in the digital interview. Even if you do not use this research directly in your answers, it will be useful in informing your knowledge of the organisation and you might also be able to use this research at the fourth and final stage of Unilever’s application process – its virtual discovery centre day .

targetjobs editorial advice

This describes editorially independent and impartial content, which has been written and edited by the targetjobs content team. Any external contributors featuring in the article are in line with our non-advertorial policy, by which we mean that we do not promote one organisation over another.

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Top 25 Unilever Interview Questions and Answers 2024

Editorial Team


Unilever is one of the biggest employers currently, with vacancies for different job positions. It usually analyses applications to establish if potential employees have the key competencies to help them add value to the workplace. This article will look at some of the questions that you should expect in a Unilever interview to help you land the job of your choice. Take a look at the following:

8 Tips to Prepare for a Unilever Interview

Here are eight key items that a candidate preparing for a Unilever interview should consider, including focus areas, details, and tips:

Unilever Interview Preparation

Focus Area Details Tips
Company Overview Understanding Unilever’s Values and Mission Research Unilever’s history, values, mission, and key products. Demonstrate alignment with Unilever’s sustainable and purpose-driven approach. Highlight specific initiatives or projects that resonate with the company’s values.
Industry and Market Knowledge Consumer Goods Industry Stay updated on industry trends, market dynamics, and Unilever’s position in the market. Discuss how your skills align with industry demands. Be prepared to speak about the competitive landscape and potential challenges in the consumer goods sector.
Job-specific Skills Technical and Functional Skills Understand the specific skills required for the position (e.g., marketing, supply chain, finance, etc.). Showcase your relevant experience, certifications, and achievements in these areas. Be ready to discuss how your skills can contribute to Unilever’s success.
Behavioral Competencies Leadership, Collaboration, and Problem-solving Familiarize yourself with Unilever’s competency framework. Prepare examples that demonstrate your proficiency in key competencies. Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to structure your responses.
Sustainability and CSR Sustainable Business Practices Learn about Unilever’s sustainability initiatives and CSR projects. Emphasize your commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility. Discuss any relevant experiences or projects that align with Unilever’s sustainability goals.
Case Study Analysis Problem-solving and Analytical Skills Be ready to tackle a case study related to the role you’re applying for. Practice solving case studies, emphasizing logical reasoning and data analysis. Clearly communicate your thought process during the interview.
Current Events and News Industry and Company News Stay informed about recent news related to Unilever and the consumer goods industry. Use current events to showcase your understanding of the industry’s challenges and opportunities. Connect recent news to your potential contributions.
Technical Knowledge (Role-specific) Role-specific Technical Knowledge Understand the technical aspects relevant to the position (e.g., digital marketing tools, supply chain software, financial modeling, etc.). Be prepared to discuss your hands-on experience with relevant tools and technologies. Highlight any training or certifications that demonstrate your technical expertise.

Remember to tailor your preparation based on the specific role you’re interviewing for within Unilever.

Top 25 Unilever Interview Questions and Answers

Here are the top 25 Unilever interview questions, along with a sample answer for each question.

unilever supply chain case study interview questions

1. What Do You Know About Us?

No company in the universe will give you a job if you don’t know anything about them. It shows a lack of interest and may convince the interviewer that your intentions are impure. Therefore, always strive to research extensively and find out as much information about an entity before the interview. 

Sample Answer

Unilever is a Public Limited Company headquartered in London, England. It offers a range of products, including food, ice cream, cleaning agents,  condiments, minerals and supplements, coffee, cereal, water, and air purifiers, among many others. It is also the largest producer of sops worldwide, with a presence in over 190 countries. This company owns over 400 brands and is organized into three main divisions: food and refreshments, home care, and beauty and personal care .

2. What Differentiates Us From Our Competitors?

The interviewer wants you to compare Unilever to some of its competitors. Can you mention the outstanding qualities or advantages that this company has over entities such as Proctor and Gamble? This is particularly important if you have applied for a management position. It will tell whether you are able to help the company stay ahead of its rivals or not.

It is true that Unilever has a distinct competitive advantage over lots of its competitors. This can be largely attributed to its flexible pricing models, allowing it enjoys a huge customer base from different places of the world. Your company also has outstanding expertise in distribution channels, which ensures that it can penetrate several areas around the globe. This explains your presence in over half the countries in the world.

3. Can You Mention a Few Growth Opportunities for Unilever?

The interviewer wants to know if you can identify some of the ways that this company can improve or take advantage of the changing market. This will tell whether you will be a good addition to the workplace or not.

There are lots of opportunities that Unilever can take advantage of. Being one of the largest companies in the world, it can expand its production beyond consumer goods. A few diversification strategies can help it remain a household name for as long as it takes. It can also use its financial muscle to invest in new technologies that will expand its operations and cement its place permanently.

4. We Love Candidates With Post Secondary Education. Do You Have any Related Training?

The interviewer wants to know about your post-secondary education. Ensure that you highlight the best parts. However, do not feel discouraged if you lack any. You only need to convince the interviewer that you have the knowledge and expertise needed to work and perform at Unilever. Talk proudly about yourself and convince the interviewer that you will be an excellent addition to the company.

I have a Sales and Marketing Degree from Wisconsin, where I graduated at the top of my class. This experience opened me up to lots of opportunities and chances of advancements. I later got a scholarship to pursue my Master’s degree at the same university. Therefore, I have a lot to offer when it comes to marketing and advertising.

5. You Definitely Know That We Value Our Consumers. Could You Mention Some of The Ways We Ensure Our Consumers are Satisfied?

One of the things that companies dealing with consumer goods such as Unilever uphold is consumer satisfaction. Tell the interviewer how you would ensure customer satisfaction and make it a priority while working at Unilever.

I believe that consumer satisfaction should be a priority. The products should be of high quality to offer value for money. There should also be plans in place to help customers answer any questions they may have. The company should uphold top-notch service through fast delivery, shipping, and order fulfillment.

6. Do You Consider Yourself a Leader?

The interviewer wants to know if you can be a good leader. Have you ever led a team? Be ready to show the interviewer that you have the natural ability to lead others. The hiring manager should know that you can handle the responsibility that comes with leading and mentoring others.

I believe that I am a natural leader. I have managed over four teams in this field, inspiring everyone to be at their best. I always strive to offer the best model, inspire my team members and uphold the work ethics the organization believes in. I also love new ideas and tackling challenges, which I believe make me better as a leader.

7. Have You Applied for a Job With Any of Our Competitors?

An interviewer will always want to know if you are targeting positions within the same industry. Be honest but display a keen interest in the role you are interviewing for. Think through your answer.

I am in an active search for this specific role. I have interviewed with one of your competitors. We had a phone interview yesterday, and I am waiting for a physical one. However, I am most interested in a role at Unilever, given that most of your values align with mine. Also, we share most principles and beliefs.

8. What Do You Know About Our Values?

This is an important question that establishments love. Your answer will tell how interested you are in working with them and whether you can uphold those values. Always research extensively about a potential employer before appearing for the interview. Find out about their values, principles, culture,  missions, and any other questions you may be asked.

I have gone through your website and noticed that you have four central values: integrity, respect, responsibility, and pioneering. I am willing to uphold them since they are similar to what I believe in. I will treat everyone with respect, take responsibility for everything in the workplace, and ensure that you can trust me.

9. What Will You Bring to Your Team if Given a Chance?

Companies such as Unilever value teamwork. Expect lots of collaborative work either with your group members or workers from other departments. You should convince the interviewer that you will add value to such settings. Mention some of the things that your team members will benefit from as they work with you. Also, remember to sell yourself.

I believe that I will be an excellent addition to my team. I am a cheerful and hardworking employee who will inspire my team members to give their best. I also have vast experience in this field and lots of valuable skills that they will benefit from. Additionally, I understand that conflicts are common in team settings. Luckily, I am a good problem solver who can ensure that personal conflicts do not arise between our performance.

10. Who Do You Think are Our Main Competitors?

You need to understand the market dynamics surrounding the interviewing establishment to answer questions like this. Ensure that you mention only worthy competitors. Take your time and research more on the company in preparation for such questions.

I have discovered that some of your main competitors are Nestle USA, Johnson & Johnson, Mars, GSK, and Procter and Gamble. You rank second in terms of employee net promoter score. Out of all these competitors, you rank fourth in terms of company culture .

11. What Is Your Favorite Unilever Product and Why?

The interviewer is assessing whether you know some of Unilever’s products. This question will be easy to answer if you regularly use this company’s products. Ensure that you get it right and give a good reason.

As someone who loves beauty and personal care, I particularly love Dove. It has helped women from all walks of life realize their beauty potential. I believe that all the products from this brand deliver genuine care and can be accessed easily.  I also love Axe, thanks to the rich fragrances and excellent branding.

12. How Would You React If another Employee Has a Different Option or Idea From You?

The interviewer wants to know if you can accommodate other people’s ideas. Remember, you will not always be right and must stay open-minded to incorporate other people’s ideas. The correct answer will tell if you are a good team worker or not. Convince the interviewer that you do not have a problem working with others and incorporating their ideas I’d they prove to be better than yours.

I believe in an open workplace where everybody is allowed to voice their opinions and concerns. I will therefore give such an employee a chance to explain their idea and, together with the team, decide whether it is viable or not. I usually encourage those around me to be as open as possible since one cannot always be right(Showing willingness to incorporate other people’s ideas means that you are a good team worker)

unilever supply chain case study interview questions

13. What Would You Do if You Didn’t Get On With Someone in Your Team?

The interviewer wants to know if you can handle conflicts. Disagreements are common, especially in team settings. You need to know how to handle them to have a good working experience with your team members. Convince the interviewer that you can resolve conflicts.

I understand that conflicts and disagreements may at times be inevitable in team settings. If I noticed that I had a problem with a team member, I would try as much as possible to solve it so that it doesn’t come in the way of work. I would approach the team member, inquire what went wrong, and come up with lasting solutions. I have realized that most of the things that make people disagree can be solved easily by sitting down and talking.

14. What is The Best Customer Service You Have Ever Received?

The interviewer wants to know the definition of exceptional customer service but from your perspective. Mention a time that you felt valued as a customer. It doesn’t have to be in the banking environment. You can talk about the hospitality or retail industry .

I have received excellent customer service on several occasions. However, one that warmed my heart was during my vacation in Berlin. I went to a restaurant that completely blew my mind. I was welcomed right from the door, asked if I was okay with having my coat on or off,  directed to a table, and made to feel as comfortable as possible before they took my order. The staff was friendly, and all customers were treated to an exquisite saxophone experience . The food was delicious and was followed by a free dessert, which I enjoyed. I was then led back to my car by a gentleman who opened the door for me. I swore to come back to the restaurant again.

15. We Love Employing Achievers. What Has Been Your Greatest Achievement in Life So Far?

Every company wants to employ someone who can achieve. Nobody wants to associate with a loser. You don’t have to stick to your professional career since this is a pretty open question. Mention an experience or occurrence in your life that you hold in high regard.

I have achieved a decent amount of things in both my professional and personal life. However, the most significant achievement is taking myself through college while working two jobs a day. I worked at two fast-food restaurants for six hours each every day.  I managed to cater to my needs and pay back part of my student loan by the time I was through college.

16. Can You Work Under Pressure?

Unilever has different roles that come with varying levels of pressure. You should expect peak hours or seasons given that this is a multi-billion-dollar company. Convince the interviewer that you can deliver under pressure.

Yes. I believe that pressure brings the best out of me. I know how to organize myself during such times, prioritize my work and push myself to give my all. I may also break down work into milestones, work fast and maintain high levels of accuracy. It has always worked in my favor.

17. Do You Have Future Career Ambitions?

The interviewer wants to know some of the things you would like to achieve in the future. Do you want to try management or a different field altogether? Convince the interviewer that you usually make plans and would love to achieve several things in your career.

Yes. I would love to give management a try. In the next few years, I believe that I will have acquired the necessary skills and qualities of being an excellent manager. However, I am still focusing on gaining more experience and expertise at the moment. I believe that everything will fall in place when the time is right.

18. What Is Our Vision?

You can’t get this question right if you didn’t take some time to learn more about Unilever. The company’s vision guides its operations and creations. Take a look at Unimver’s website before your interview to answer this question well.

As a company that believes in sustainability, your vision is to enhance sustainable living and make it as accessible as possible. You intend to offer value to the customers as well as help the business grow. ( Do not confuse the company’s missions and vision. Conduct extensive research TM that effect)

19. Do You Prefer Working Alone or in Team Settings?

I hope you understand just how vital your response to this question is. Unilever believes in teamwork, meaning that you won’t be a good fit if you don’t love collaboration. The best answer is to tell the interviewer that you can handle both.

I don’t have a problem with either. I can work independently if called upon and also in team settings depending on the workplace policies. However, I prefer working in teams since it enhances accuracy and brings different perspectives on board. It is easy to deliver excellent results when working as a team.

20. Mention Any Unilever Brands That You Know?

The interviewer is assessing how much you know about Unilever. Mention some of its most familiar brands, and if possible, the ones you have used in case of any follow-up questions.

Some of your common brands are Rexona, Axe, Knorr, Dove,  Lifebuoy, Domestos, Lipton, Sunsilk, Sunlight, Magnum, Surf, Persil, Vaseline, and Pepsodent. ( You can go on and on given that you are not limited)

21. What Are The Most Important Skills That A Candidate Should Possess To Be Successful In This Role?

The most important skills that a candidate should possess to be successful in this role are leadership, communication, problem-solving, and analytical thinking. These skills are essential for managing teams, collaborating with colleagues, and driving business growth.

22. Can You Describe A Time When You Had To Work With A Difficult Team Member? How Did You Handle The Situation?

In my previous role, I had to work with a team member who was consistently negative and uncooperative. To handle the situation, I first tried to understand the root cause of their behavior by having a one-on-one conversation with them. After identifying the issue, I worked with them to develop a plan to address it. We also established clear expectations for communication and collaboration, which helped to improve our working relationship.

23. What Are The Biggest Challenges That Unilever Is Currently Facing? How Can The Company Overcome These Challenges?

Unilever is currently facing several challenges, including increased competition, changing consumer preferences, and supply chain disruptions. To overcome these challenges, the company can focus on innovation, diversification, and sustainability. By investing in new products and services, expanding into new markets, and adopting sustainable practices, Unilever can stay ahead of the competition and continue to grow.

24. Can You Describe A Time When You Had To Make A Difficult Decision? What Was The Outcome?

In my previous role, I had to make a difficult decision regarding a project that was behind schedule and over budget. After analyzing the situation, I decided to reallocate resources and prioritize critical tasks to get the project back on track. Although this decision was challenging, it ultimately led to the successful completion of the project within the original timeline and budget.

25. What Are The Most Important Qualities That A Candidate Should Possess To Be A Good Fit For Unilever’s Culture?

The most important qualities that a candidate should possess to be a good fit for Unilever’s culture are integrity, collaboration, innovation, and sustainability. These qualities are essential for building strong relationships with colleagues, driving innovation, and contributing to the company’s long-term success.

We hope that this article will help you prepare for your upcoming Unilever interview. We wish you all the best.

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Data Backup and Recovery Explained: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners You are a business owner who is aware of what data takes center stage for an individual. You rely on data to get through the day, and it fuels most of your business operations. Yet, what if something goes awry without warning, you no longer have your data or access to it? Sadly, the loss of data employees can be detrimental to a business. According to the report, 40-60% of small businesses will never recover from data loss. That is why you must protect your data no matter what. Naturally, every business would always retain data in a perfect world, but this is reality. Nearly all of them can be considered one important element and something that you must take into account in just about any case because malicious outsiders, user errors, hackers, natural disasters, and other elements are all over the place, and they will come to get your business soon. However, you can save your business by having a data backup and recovery. What Is Meant by Data Backup and Recovery? Data recovery and backup are straightforward concepts that describe backing up data such as files or information for a (defended) system or embodying the same in a secure system where it could be recovered when lost. Data backup and recovery explained the need to back up every last scrap of vital data and ensure that it is safely tucked away and easily recoverable. Traditionally, organizations only used tape devices to follow this technique. However, other alternatives in the present world aid you in storing data securely over the internet. If you need to start using these devices, it just means that the backup will be done badly or won´t even exist. What is Data Backup? Data backup is the process of replicating data so that it may be recovered in the event of a loss. No firm can operate without data. By employing a solid data backup strategy, you can maintain your operations during and after a disaster and avoid major data loss. You will also allow a good customer experience & brand damage, not to mention your archive and peace of mind. Types of Data Backup To truly comprehend data backup, you must first grasp the various backup types. Based on the quantity of data stored and where it is backed up, backup types may be divided into two groups. Backups, depending on the quantity of data, can be: ● Full backups- This involves backing up all the data stored in a company's system and network for protection. This form of backup typically takes a long time, depending on how much data is backed up. ● Incremental backups- Backing up the data your company has acquired and created since the last full backup. This backup method takes far less time than a complete backup, and you may schedule incremental backups to occur automatically. ● Differential backups - Same as incremental backup, the only difference between differential and incremental is that differential backs up all the changes made to the files and folders since they were created, whereas in the case of incremental only those blocks that have been changed are backed up. The difference here is a differential backup logs the changes since the incremental backup. What Is Data Recovery? Recovery is what you do when restoring your data that has been either deleted, lost, corrupted, or made inaccessible. It recovers the data, and this is the process called data recovery. Hence, it presents a unique data recovery process with the backup target media, data recovery software, and every possible case of data loss. Types of Data Recovery If comes to recoup your knowledge, it is essential to grasp what sort of information recovery you need. There are different situations for data loss. Hence, the type of recovery you want depends on its applicability in a particular data loss scenario. ● File restore—This is something nearly all will immediately think of as data recovery. It refers to recovering one or more files once they have been deleted. ● Bare metal restore—This type of restore requires restoring the whole system image; it is a full bare-metal restore function. Bare metal refers to when a new system is out of using hardware without any configuration. ● Volume restores—You perform a volume restore when you don't have to do a full bare metal restore. This will restore files and folders, keeping their permissions as they are. ● Local virtualization involves restoring a virtual server from a snapshot on the local backup device using hypervisor technology. ● Cloud virtualization- The same as local virtualization, except we are recovering the data from the cloud rather than physical storage. Data Backup and Recovery Best Practices Best data backup and recovery practices are key for protecting, preserving, and ensuring the fast restoration of data in the event of loss or corruption. The following are some best practices that an implementation of a guard should adhere to: ● Schedule Daily Backups: These should be scheduled as regular backups so that you always have an up-to-date data backup. It is up to your data change frequency. ● Off-Site Backups: Save the backups in different locations and keep the data far from where your business is run; this way, you get protection against local disasters. This can be a combination of onsite and offsite backups. ● Automated Backup: There are automated solutions that reduce human error and ensure backups are consistent. ● Backup Encryption: This means backing up your Java Service data so that it is not in plain text. ● Backup Testing: Perform regular tests on these backups to check if restoring them in a live environment is possible. That means doing drills to pull yourself back around. ● Create documentation: Maintain complete documentation of backup and recovery activity, including schedules, locations, and encryption methods. This was important for troubleshooting and training. Conclusion Data backup and recovery should be central elements of your strategy as well. With that, people and businesses can learn what types of backups there are, how to offer the best practices, and become familiar with emerging trends to keep their information safe and recoverable if disaster strikes. If you are a novice in IT or already experienced in the industry, reliable backup and recovery solutions must support your most significant digital valuables.

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Data backup and recovery explained: the ultimate guide for beginners.

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Prepping for an interview with case studies

So i have an interview with unilever coming up for an internship position, and i am just wondering how i can prep for the possibility of case study questions. I have only taken intro to supply chain so my knowledge is not extensive and want this position badly. Im not certain if it there will be case studies as it is actually a skype interview (kinda surprising), but i want to be prepared.

Also if anybody has interviewed or worked for unilever please let me know any general thoughts if you want.

Unilever Interview Questions (2024)


Online application, online test, telephone interview, unilever interview questions (2024).

Updated May 13, 2024

Edward Melett

All products and services featured are independently selected by WikiJob. When you register or purchase through links on this page, we may earn a commission.

The application and interview process for Unilever is as follows:

  • Online application form
  • Online tests aptitude test
  • Telephone interview
  • Assessment day

Unilever will analyse your application for evidence that you possess the key competencies they are looking for in graduate employees. Think about what you have achieved, or what groups and teams you have been part of have achieved because of your involvement, and discuss this in your answers on the application form . Try to describe yourself and your achievements in terms of the key competencies outlined below.

Candidates are assessed against Unilever's competencies throughout the firm's selection process, so it's worth familiarising yourself with each of these, and considering how you measure up against each one.

Unilever's competencies are:

Growth Mindset

You have a positive attitude about the company's future and a passion for growth and winning. You take the lead and seek fresh opportunities; insist on innovation and never settle for 'good enough'.

Consumer and Customer Focus

You have a passion to improve the lives of our consumers and customers and bring their voice into everything we do and the decisions we make. You are externally focused and go the extra mile in order to exceed consumer and customer expectations.

Bias for Action

You bring a sense of urgency to getting things done and making tough decisions, avoiding over-debating or over-analyzing issues. You are results-focused and strive for simplification by keeping the end goal in sight at all times.

Accountability and Responsibility

You make commitments and hold yourself accountable for delivery. You take pride in delivering work to the highest standards and acknowledge when things are not up to scratch. You let people know clearly, at the beginning, what is expected in terms of performance and hold them accountable for delivery.

Building Talent and Teams

You inspire through action and lead by example. You challenge people to do their best work and spend time coaching individuals and teams to ensure that they realise their full potential. You constantly challenge yourself to grow and improve.

The Uniliver application form is relatively long. Make sure you pay attention to all sections and don't make any mistakes – spelling and grammar are very important.

It is crucial that your application form is an accurate and compelling statement of your interest and suitability for the scheme. Only a third of the graduates who apply to Unilever will be offered a first stage interview, so you must impress to make certain of getting through this preliminary assessment stage.

Be selective, concise and relevant in your answers. Think about what the question is looking for and try to use examples from all aspects of your academic, working and social life to convince Unilever that you are capable of dealing with the work and responsibilities of a graduate scheme.

Use a different example to answer each question, and only use the space provided in the form.

Once you submit your application form it will be evaluated by a trained assessor, not by a computer. If you are successful, senior managers from Unilever will be shown your application and will also make their own assessments of it. You will be notified if you have been successful within four weeks.

Keep a copy of your form after making your application. You should expect to talk in depth about the points you raise in your interviews.

Candidates who are successful at the application form stage will be required to complete an online numerical and logical reasoning test.

This is the first stage of the Unilever assessment process, should your initial application be successful.

Candidates will be asked several competency-based questions . Your answers should demonstrate evidence of Unilever's desired key competencies (described above). You should use different examples from your life (academic experience, work experience, extracurricular experience, etc) to answer each competency question.

You may also be asked questions like:

  • Why have you chosen to apply for supply chain (or the area you have applied for)
  • Why do you want to be a manager/work in management?
  • Why do you want to work for Unilever?
  • What is your favourite Unilever product? Why?

Candidates will be notified with three weeks if they have been successful after the telephone interview . Most candidates will be notified much sooner, often by text or email.

Assessment Day

This is the final stage of the Unilever assessment process. The assessment day is otherwise known as a Selection Event. Assessment days are held in Leatherhead (Surrey) between January and April.

The assessment stage lasts for one day and consists of the following:

  • Competency-based interview
  • Presentation
  • Group discussion exercise

Some of these exercises are designed around a business case study, which enables Unilever to assess candidates' potential whilst giving an insight into what it’s actually like to work in a Unilever company.

Competency-Based Interview

During the assessment day you will attend a competency based interview where you will be asked to give situational examples from your past, about times when you have shown evidence of characteristics such as leadership , communication , teamwork and other key competencies .

The case study focuses on business issues, although candidates do not need to have any in-depth business knowledge to tackle this. Instead candidates need to think logically and laterally, using their life experience and interpersonal skills.

It is essential that candidates know the key competencies Unilever are looking for in candidates, for the assessment day . You will be marked on them throughout the day, during each exercise and interview.

Group Discussion Exercise

You will have a group discussion during the assessment day. It is essential that you treat the other candidates with respect, although you must also aim to shine during this session. Be polite, and do not interrupt anyone else. If you disagree with someone then be constructive, and ask others for their opinion too. Try to offer intelligent input throughout the discussion, and try to conclude ideas and summarise smaller discussion points. If you can, try to lead the conversation and assume the role of chairman.

During the assessment day you are quizzed on decisions you have made earlier. Make sure that you stick to your ideas and don't necessarily change your opinions if assessors point out a flaw. Feel confident enough in your decisions to argue for and back up your opinions, unless you realise a decision was completely flawed. In this case, explain that after further thought you have changed your mind - but don't apologise for being wrong. This is a sign of weakness.

Unilever let candidates know the outcome of the assessment day within 24 hours and will give you feedback regarding your performance during the day. If successful, you’ll also be offered a position in one of Unilever's operating companies.

Unilever tries to take personal preferences into account when selecting a position for each candidate, but you should be prepared to work in any of the company's UK operations during your first two years.

Your offer will remain open for 10 days, giving you time to visit your operating company and meet the people you’ll be working with before making a final decision.

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