Exercise 2 Narrative Essay

Write about a memorable experience that taught you an important life lesson. What happened, and how did it impact you?

A Lesson in Friendship

It was a bright and sunny day during my summer break before entering 8th grade. My best friend, Sam, and I had planned a day of adventure at the amusement park. Little did I know that this day would become an important moment in my life, teaching me a vital lesson about friendship.

Excitement bubbled within us as we arrived at the park, eager to conquer every thrilling ride. We started with the roller coasters, screaming and laughing as we zoomed through loops and twists. Our joy was infectious, and the day seemed perfect.

As we wandered through the park, we stumbled upon the Ferris wheel—a ride I had always found a bit intimidating. Sam, however, was determined to conquer it. Despite my hesitations, I agreed to join him in the colorful, swaying capsule.

Midway through the ride, my fear kicked in, and I began to feel queasy. I tried to hide it, but my discomfort was evident. Alex, being the perceptive friend he was, noticed my unease. Instead of dismissing it, he suggested we get off the ride and find something else we both could enjoy.

In that moment, I learned a crucial lesson about true friendship: understanding and compassion. Sam didn't mock my fear or push me to continue; instead, he prioritised my comfort over his own desires. It made me realize that a genuine friend is someone who cares about your well-being and is willing to adjust plans to accommodate each other.

Sam’s kindness and consideration made me appreciate the value of a friend who truly understands and supports you. It taught me that friendship is not just about shared adventures but also about being there for each other through challenges, big or small.

From that day forward, our friendship deepened, and I carried the lesson with me into 8th grade and beyond. I became more attuned to the feelings of others and made an effort to be a supportive friend just like Sam was to me.

  • Ensure to keep excitement going as you write the narrative essay.
  • Choose characters and anecdotes with respect to the question.
  • It is not a story but a reflection of the incident/happening.
  • Write it in the right order of events and highlight the key points.

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narrative essay example class 10 icse

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Story Writing Topics For Class 10 Icse Format, Examples, Exercises

Story writing topics for class 10 icse format:.

1. A mysterious stranger arrives in town and changes everything. 2. A group of friends who embark on an adventure to solve a mystery. 3. A person who discovers a hidden talent and uses it to change their life. 4. A teenager who learns a valuable lesson about honesty and integrity. 5. A person who overcomes a difficult challenge and comes out stronger. 6. A family who must confront a difficult decision that will change their lives forever. 7. A person who learns the true meaning of friendship. 8. A person who travels to a new place and discovers a different way of life. 9. A person who must make a choice between following their dreams and doing what is expected of them. 10. A person who discovers the power of forgiveness and redemption.

Also Read: Story Writing For Class 6

Example Of Story Writing Topics For Class 10 ICSE:

Title: The Mysterious Stranger

It was a quiet day in the small town of Rockville until a mysterious stranger arrived. He was tall and thin, with a scar above his left eyebrow. No one knew where he came from or why he was there.

The stranger kept to himself, but people couldn’t help but notice him. He would often be seen walking around town, observing everything around him. Some people thought he was a spy, others thought he was a criminal on the run.

One day, a group of teenagers decided to follow the stranger and find out what he was up to. They followed him to an old abandoned building on the outskirts of town. They watched as he went inside and disappeared.

The teenagers decided to investigate and snuck into the building. As they explored the old rooms, they stumbled upon a hidden door. They cautiously opened it, only to find the stranger inside, sitting at a table.

He looked up at them and smiled. “I’ve been expecting you,” he said.

The teenagers were shocked. They had no idea how the stranger knew they were there. He explained that he had been watching them and knew they were curious about him.

The stranger then revealed that he was a scientist who had been working on a secret project. He needed their help to complete it. The teenagers were hesitant at first, but the stranger promised it would be worth it.

Over the next few weeks, the teenagers worked with the stranger to finish his project. They learned about science, technology, and teamwork. When they finally finished, the stranger revealed his creation: a machine that could transport people through time.

The teenagers were amazed. They had never seen anything like it before. The stranger then offered to take them on a trip through time. They eagerly accepted.

The stranger set the machine for the year 1875, and they were transported to a small western town. They met famous cowboys and even helped save a damsel in distress.

When they returned to the present day, the teenagers were changed. They had learned about science, history, and teamwork. And they had made a new friend in the mysterious stranger.

Story Writing Topics For Class 10 ICSE:

1. A day in the life of a superhero 2. A journey to the center of the earth 3. The mystery of the haunted mansion 4. A perilous adventure in the Amazon rainforest 5. A futuristic world where humans live on Mars 6. A tale of two cities: life in the countryside vs the city 7. A Game of Thrones: a medieval fantasy epic 8. A coming-of-age story set in the 1980s 9. A science fiction story about time travel 10. A detective story set in 1920s England

Exercises For Story Writing Topics For Class 10 Icse:

1. Create a plot diagram that outlines the key events of your story 2. Write character profiles for your main characters, including their backgrounds, motivations, and personality traits 3. Develop a setting for your story, including the time period, location, and any unique features that will help bring your story to life 4. Write a draft of your story, ensuring that it has a clear beginning, middle, and end 5. Edit your story for grammar, punctuation, and clarity 6. Revise your story to ensure that it flows well and has a compelling narrative 7. Share your story with others and seek feedback to help you improve it further.

Conclusion On Story Writing Topics For Class 10 Icse:

The story of the haunted mansion demonstrates how a well-crafted plot with interesting characters can captivate readers and keep them engaged until the end. By following the ICSE format and focusing on creating a compelling narrative, students can develop their writing skills and become skilled storytellers.

Net Explanations

Narrative Composition: Samples, Guidance and Practice topics

Want to learn how to narrate something with best of the words we have the best way.

A narrative composition is basically a type of story telling but at a larger level and with better understanding of world. Narrative composition consists of story telling about any experience, any person or any  process which occurred in your lifetime and effected you in a certain way. The story need not to be your own but make sure to write it like your own and try to live it while explaining.

The best narrative composition are written when the stories are loved and lived at the same time. Whether it is about your childhood or about a caring person who helped you in your crisis. These type of composition help you build a storytelling narrative and can result in you being a good storyteller while writing on various topics.

This specific section is for the class 10 th ICSE students preparing for narrative composition for examinations and much more. The type of examples that we provide are helpful from exam point of view as well as for various on stage performances if the child is looking for that too.

Narrative composition consists of introduction to the topic, a paragraph explaining your point of view and a conclusion where you write how that experience either changed you or your perspective about any issue or person.


I would like to start my narrative composition by giving a brief idea on my topic , that is , my journey to educational development . I will be narrating my own story of how I was a mediocre child and how I gained confidence in myself as years passed by .

I am a very normal child of xyz schools and always happen to end up participating in sports rather than academic competitions. My family always wanted me to study to get better grades as it was the pathway to a successful career. In my mind, with average grades and good sports ability I would be able to survive and love happily all my life, but that did not fascinate my parents or our relatives who had children studying in various institutes and getting all 90s. Once when I was in the 7 th standard, I nearly failed in mathematics and that’s  when I realized that I really needed to study or else I would fail and would not be allowed to play sports as well. Then I decided to start studying and focused all on my education and thought of scoring very good for my own.

Once I started studying, a lot of concepts seemed really easy and I went on studying from 1-2 hours to 4-5 hours a day on my own. The more I read the book and notes, the more confident I felt while writing exams and soon I was among the good students and rankers of the class. After that, I scored very well in upper classes too. All my friends asked , how I went from a mediocre student to high ranker and all I could explain was my journey from almost failed in mathematics to topping the subject in the next exam that very same year. I believe everyone has that inner fire which they just need to give air to do that you will understand how much you can do and how you can flip your whole life just by having self confidence and desire to work for yourself.

With my own experience of life , I can say that sheer hardwork and self confidence can give you wings to fly high and achieve whatever you want to. In my opinion, everybody should give their 100% to the work they can’t stop thinking about and that will surely result in great success and happiness.

How to write the best narrative composition

  • Write the composition in a narrative manner.
  • Make sure to write the details as the events happened.
  • Do not try to introduce unnecessary turns in the story as it will distract the audience and will not help your story at all.
  • Make sure to write the conclusion as it will reflect the meaning of your whole story.
  • The language used should be polite and meaningful.

Topics for practice

  • Helpful books that I read
  • How I spent my summer vacation
  • My favorite memory of grandma
  • My first speech on stage preparation
  • Losing my best friend in a crisis
  • My last trip to a hill station
  • A funny video that turned into a lesson
  • The best food that I made which made me realize my own talent
  • How I learned the art of gardening from our Gardner
  • My cousin’s wedding that turned into a nightmare

Our website provides all the information regarding narrative composition which a child is searching for. The examples and topics are relevant and might come in the examination. We have also provided the method and how to write an effective narrative composition so that students learn the best of it.

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icse composition writing skills

ICSE English Composition: 25 Latest Topics

by Yash Soni on Sep 27, 2022

ICSE English language exams for Class 9 & 10 include composition writing as a mandatory question. Make sure you read important tips to write compositions in ICSE before you begin your practise.

Below are 25 trending composition topics in ICSE that you can use to practise essay writing:

Descriptive Essays

  • Describe your favourite place in the world.
  • Which of your family members do you spend the most time with? Describe your experience of being with them.
  • Describe what you like about your house and give a sneak peek of your surroundings.
  • Imagine a time you accomplished a personal goal. Give a brief description of the goal you were after and how you achieved it. Describe how you felt when you achieved it.
  • Life revolves around people. Describe how one person has had a significant influence on your life.

Narrative Essays

  • Narrate an experience you had when you were expected to perform well but for some reason were not able to. Narrate what happened and why it happened. In what way did it teach you something?
  • Think of a time when you found yourself in an embarrassing situation. Narrate how you got into that situation, how you dealt with it, and the lesson you learnt from it.
  • Explain how your teacher has influenced your life. Refer to relevant incidents or relate appropriate anecdotes to show how the actions of your teacher and his/her example have affected your life.
  • Narrate an incident when you had difficulty travelling from one place to another. Mention what made it difficult for you to travel and where did you go?
  • Narrate an incident when you were caught in a traffic jam for hours. What difficulties did you face? What were the consequences?

Argumentative Essays

  • "Teenagers today are more worldly-wise than their parents." Express your views for or against the statement.
  • "Plastic bags are convenient and should not be banned by the government." Give your views for or against this statement.
  • "Book reading is a dying phenomenon of life nowadays." Throw light on the factors responsible for it and give suggestions for its improvement.
  • "The use of Mobile Phones must be allowed in schools." Express your views for or against this statement.
  • "Money causes more harm than good." Express your views for or against this statement.

Story Writing

  • Write an original short story that ends with the words: "... I put the keys back into the drawer, hoping no one would notice they had been touched."
  • Write an original short story that begins with the words: "The day started off well enough, who thought it would..."
  • Write an original story that ends with the words: "... it came as a blessing in disguise."
  • Write a short story which illustrates the truth of the statement, 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder.'
  • Write an original story which illustrates the truth of the statement, 'One lie leads to another'.

Picture Composition

icse essays

You can practice this essays and get it evaluated from your class teacher and get a better understanding of your performance. You can also improve your grammar as students lose lot of there marks due to grammar.  Our Top 5 essay writing tips can also be a game changer for your upcoming exams.

Also checkout Almond Books English Compositions for Class 9 and 10

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  • Narrative Writing

Narrative Writing - Definition, Types, Tips and Techniques

Narrative writing is a style of writing that uses the technique of narration to present a series of events that leads to an expected or unexpected end. In other words, it is a writing style that is used to tell a story. Read through the article to learn more about narrative writing, the types of narrative writing, and the tips and techniques you can use to write a narrative piece.

Table of Contents

What is narrative writing – meaning and definition, characteristics of a narrative – the 7 key elements, types of narrative writing, linear narrative, nonlinear narrative, descriptive narrative, viewpoint narrative, list of narrative forms, how to write a narrative piece – tips and techniques, examples of narrative writing, frequently asked questions on narrative writing.

A narrative gives an account of events that happen at a particular time and place; it can be fictional or non-fictional. The Oxford Learner’s Dictionary defines a narrative in three different ways – “a description of events”, “the part of a novel that tells the story, rather than the dialogue”, and “a way of explaining events to illustrate a set of aims or values”. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms explains ‘narration’ as “the process of relating a sequence of events”, and a ‘narrative’ as “a telling of some true or fictitious event or connected sequence of events, recounted by a narrator to a narratee (although there may be more than one of each)”.

A narrative includes the smallest of details to the most important information. It is a mixture of these that make the narrative interesting, informative and appealing. A narrative, especially when written in the form of a story, must have the following elements.

  • Point of view

Characters refer to the animate and inanimate objects that are involved in the story. They drive the story from the beginning till the end. A narrative story can have just one character or a number of characters, all of them contributing to the process in the most minute or most noticeable way.

Setting refers to the surroundings where the story or the events being narrated happen. It can be any place – a house, a forest, a car, a classroom, a playground, a bus, the middle of the road, etc. The setting of the narrative plays an important role in setting the mood of the entire piece.

Plot refers to all the events that contribute to the story. It has a starting point – the exposition – where the story begins, and the characters and the setting are introduced to the audience. This is followed by the rising action – the point where the main character(s) faces an impediment that disturbs the course of the narrative. Climax comes next and is the turning point in the story, which then leads to the falling action. It is here that the problem starts resolving. This finally leads the story to a conclusion. In simple words, it can be said that the plot is the order in which the events take place.

Conflict is the point of tension in the narrative where a problem arises. This point changes the course of the narrative and leads it to the expected or unexpected end.

Theme refers to the central idea the narrative is based on. The whole piece revolves around it. Popular themes include good and evil, justice, love, friendship, brotherhood, change, music, etc.

Style is characterised by the kind of language used by the writer to narrate, and this differs from genre to genre.

Point of view refers to who tells the story. It can be a first, second or third-person narrative. First-person narration is when a character who is part of what is happening tells the story from their perspective. It is characterised by the usage of pronouns such as ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’, ‘mine’, ‘myself’, ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’, ‘ourselves’, ‘ours’, etc. Second-person narration is characterised by the usage of pronouns such as ‘you’, ‘your’, ‘yourself’, and ‘yourselves’. Third-person narration is when there is a narrator (a character who is not part of the story) or a character in the story who narrates what is going on in the story. It is done with the usage of pronouns such as ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘it’, ‘they’, ‘his’, ‘hers’, ‘him’, ‘hers’, ‘their’, ‘theirs’, ‘himself’, ‘herself’, ‘themselves’, etc.

Narratives can include historical pieces, novels, short stories, epics, ballads, etc. Poetry can be narrative too. An example of a narrative poem would be ‘Snake’ by D.H. Lawrence. However, narrative writing can be divided into four main types, namely,

  • Descriptive

In this type of narrative, the writer follows a chronological order of narration. The fictional or non-fictional narrative is presented from the beginning till the end. Bildungsroman (also known as coming-of-age novels) follow the linear narrative style. ‘The Catcher in the Rye’ by J.D. Salinger, ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ by Mark Twain, ‘Great Expectations’ by Charles Dickens, etc., are some famous examples of linear narratives. Historical pieces, biographies and autobiographies are also forms of writing that follow a narrative style.

The movie ‘Moana’ is a perfect example of a linear narrative. It starts with Moana as a little girl who is taught all about her culture and her duties towards her tribe. This style perfectly supports the theme and the plot. You see that Moana is always drawn to the ocean, identifies the purpose of her life and travels across the ocean to save her people from complete doom.

A nonlinear narrative is one in which the happenings are not narrated chronologically. This is the kind of narrative that includes flashbacks. It starts at a point and goes back and forth. Most suspense thriller novels and movies follow this style of narration. There are also lighter themes that are presented in this fashion. ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Emily Bronte, ‘The Sound and the Fury’ by William Faulkner and ‘Catch-22’ by Joseph Heller are some examples of novels that follow the nonlinear narrative style.

Stream of consciousness is a nonlinear narrative technique that presents all the thoughts and feelings that go on in the mind of the narrator as things happen. Through this technique, one can also portray the character’s flow of thoughts in a realistic manner. James Joyce’s novel ‘Ulysses’ is a well-known example that uses this technique.

The series ‘This Is Us’ is a great example of the nonlinear narrative style. You will see the story of the Pearson family always oscillating between the past and present. Every episode is a series of events that happened on the same day during the different stages of their lives or the same emotion experienced by the different characters. This is an effective way of telling a story as it keeps the viewers always wanting to know more.

This is a narrative style in which the audience is made to see and feel the characters’ world. In a descriptive narrative, the writer uses descriptive words and phrases that create vivid images in the minds of the readers. ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’ by Stephen Chbosky, ‘The Song of Achilles’ by Madeline Miller, and ‘The God of Small Things’ by Arundhati Roy are some examples of descriptive narrative.

Most of you may have watched both ‘Avatar’ and ‘Avatar: Way of the Water’. The descriptive technique is used in both movies. The way of the Avatar realm is portrayed in a manner that makes the audience feel one with the characters and the setting.

A viewpoint narrative is a style of writing in which there is the presence of a first, second or third-person narrator. The usage of pronouns changes based on who narrates the happenings in the story. The most common viewpoint narratives seen are the first-person narrative and the third-person narrative. Autobiographies are written in the first-person point of view, and biographies in the third-person point of view.

‘The Fault in our Stars’ by John Green and ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ by Harper Lee are examples of a first-person narrative. ‘Little Women’ by Louisa May Alcott and ‘Beloved’ by Toni Morrison are two among the many examples of third-person narratives. There are not as many books in the second-person narrative as in the first and third-person narratives. However, there are some that are wonderfully presented. ‘Ghost Light’ by Joseph O’ Connor and ‘If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler’ by Italo Calvino are novels written in the second-person narrative. Try reading these novels and analyse the kind of effect the different viewpoints have on the readers.

Piscine Molitor Patel (Pi), the protagonist, narrates throughout the movie, ‘The Life of Pi’, thereby rendering it an example of a first-person narrative. Bagheera, the panther in ‘The Jungle Book’, narrates how Mowgli came to live with the wolves and all that has happened and is happening in the present. This, therefore, can be considered to follow a third-person narrative structure.

The narrative style of writing is commonly employed in the following forms.

  • Short stories
  • Biographies
  • Autobiographies
  • Travelogues

Here are some tips and techniques you can follow to write a good narrative piece.

  • Before you start writing your first draft, brainstorm your ideas.
  • You will not know what will inspire you. So, when you talk to people, pay attention to how they are narrating; read the works of different authors in the genre that you are planning to write; explore the different voices and employ them creatively to suit your characters and narrative on the whole.
  • Jot down who your characters are and how you expect them to be; visualise the setting and lay out the details; think about the point at which you want your narrative to start and end.
  • The point of view you are using to narrate plays a major role. If you want your readers to be a part of what is happening, use the first-person point of view. This will help your readers see and feel it just like you do. If you want your readers to be a spectator and analyse everything, you can use the third-person point of view. Contrary to both, if you want your readers to be a part of everything and have their own experiences, use the second-person narrative.
  • Remember that you can have more than one narrator. Using multiple narrators will help you build different perspectives of a given situation.
  • Use descriptions to give your readers a magnified and clearer view of the setting and characters.
  • Have a strong theme and see to it that it reaches your audience.
  • Bear in mind that every word matters. The diction you choose and the manner in which you employ them to form sentences is what builds the desired effect.
  • Also, remember that you need not stick to one narrative style. For instance, you can write a linear or nonlinear descriptive first-person narrative. Do not limit yourself too much with the style. Choose what suits your narrative best and use them in the best possible way.
  • When you write, you have your freedom. Make up your own techniques, style, and use literary devices to support your writing. Nothing works better than authenticity.
  • Allow your creative mind to work at its own pace. Do not interrupt or force the flow of thoughts.
  • Proofread before you finalise the final draft.

Here is an example of a narrative verse – the first few lines of the poem ‘Snake’ by D.H. Lawrence. See how the poet uses words to narrate the incident of the snake appearing at his water trough and everything that happens further.

“A snake came to my water-trough

On a hot, hot day, and I in pyjamas for the heat,

To drink there.

In the deep, strange-scented shade of the great dark carob tree

I came down the steps with my pitcher

And must wait, must stand and wait, for there he was at the trough

He reached down from a fissure in the earth-wall in the gloom

And trailed his yellow-brown slackness soft-bellied down, over

the edge of the stone trough

And rested his throat upon the stone bottom,

And where the water had dripped from the tap, in a small clearness,

He sipped with his straight mouth,

Softly drank through his straight gums, into his slack long body,

This short paragraph given below is an excerpt from the novel, ‘If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler’ by Italo Calvino. See how second-person narrative works. The narrative style makes the reader feel included and one with the characters in the story. In the following example, the writer instructs the reader to get comfortable and do everything that is necessary so as to not be disturbed in between the reading.

“Adjust the light so you won’t strain your eyes. Do it now, because once you’re absorbed in reading there will be no budging you. Make sure the page isn’t in shadow, a clotting of black letters on a gray background, uniform as a pack of mice; but be careful that the light cast on it isn’t too strong, doesn’t glare on the cruel white of the paper, gnawing at the shadows of the letters as in a southern noonday. Try to foresee now everything that might make you interrupt your reading.”

What is narrative writing?

Narrative writing is a style of writing that uses the technique of narration to present a series of events that leads to an expected or unexpected end. It can be fictional or non-fictional.

What is the definition of a narrative?

The Oxford Learner’s Dictionary defines a narrative in three different ways – “a description of events”, “the part of a novel that tells the story, rather than the dialogue”, and “a way of explaining events to illustrate a set of aims or values”. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms explains ‘narration’ as “the process of relating a sequence of events” and a ‘narrative’ as “a telling of some true or fictitious event or connected sequence of events, recounted by a narrator to a narratee (although there may be more than one of each)”.

What are the elements of a narrative?

A narrative, especially when written in the form of a story, must have the following elements.

What are the types of narrative writing?

Narrative writing can be characterised into four categories, namely,

  • Linear narrative
  • Nonlinear narrative
  • Descriptive narrative
  • Viewpoint narrative

List some narrative forms.

Some examples of narrative forms are epics, ballads, short stories, novels, biographies, autobiographies, and travelogues.

narrative essay example class 10 icse

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    A story can be based on imagination while, a narration is purely based on the real life experience or incident. In the examination, word-limit for the descriptive composition is 300-350 and it consists of 20 marks weightage. Narrative writing is very important in our day-to-day life. It tells others the stories of our personal experiences and ...

  2. Narrative Essay, ICSE English, Sample Question and Answer

    Excitement bubbled within us as we arrived at the park, eager to conquer every thrilling ride. We started with the roller coasters, screaming and laughing as we zoomed through loops and twists. Our joy was infectious, and the day seemed perfect. As we wandered through the park, we stumbled upon the Ferris wheel—a ride I had always found a bit ...

  3. Narrative Writing for Class 10 ICSE Format, Examples, Topics, Samples

    Narrative Writing for Class 10 ICSE Format, Examples, Topics, Browse. ... Here's a collecting of the best narrative essay subjects that leave a lasting impress. Till that pouring of the batter into the pan, everything was going perfect. Then EGO wondered what be used for turning the eggo upside down in the pan. Soon, I was running all over ...

  4. How to write good essays for ICSE Class 10 (Samples, Books, Topics)

    Spread the love. As part of ICSE Class 10 board exams, students are required to write a composition (essay) of around 300 to 350 words from a choice of subjects. The idea is to see how well students can describe, explain, present ideas coherently, arrive at conclusions and suggest solutions. Here are more tips and suggestions to help ICSE ...

  5. ICSE/ISC 2023: What techniques are used in Narrative Essays ...

    Akash Talks official App Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.akash.talksSpecimen paper: https://cisce.org/specimen-question-papers-isc-cl...

  6. Narrative Essay 1

    Narrative Essay 1 - Grade 10 - ICSE (2020-21) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 1) The narrator, as a 4-year-old, wandered away from her mother multiple times while shopping at Macy's, despite her mother's instructions to stay close. 2) The narrator climbed a sweater display in the men's section to reach a stuffed animal toy, causing the display to ...

  7. Story Writing Topics For Class 10 Icse Format ...

    Story Writing Topics For Class 10 ICSE Format: 1. A mysterious stranger arrives in town and changes everything. 2. A group of friends who embark on an adventure to solve a mystery. 3. A person who discovers a hidden talent and uses it to change their life. 4. A teenager who learns a valuable lesson about honesty and integrity.

  8. Narrative Essay 3

    Narrative Essay 3 - Grade 10 - ICSE (2020-21) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  9. Narrative Composition: Samples, Guidance and Practice topics

    These type of composition help you build a storytelling narrative and can result in you being a good storyteller while writing on various topics. This specific section is for the class 10 th ICSE students preparing for narrative composition for examinations and much more. The type of examples that we provide are helpful from exam point of view ...

  10. Narrative Essay 2

    Narrative Essay 2 - Grade 10 - ICSE (2020-21) - Read online for free.

  11. Narrative Essay

    CBSE Exam, class 10. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket

  12. How to score 20/20 in Narrative Essay of ICSE/ISC English ...

    Indian School Certificate (12th) exam. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new ...

  13. Narrative Writing for Class 10 ICSE Format, Examples, Topics, Samples

    Narrative Writing for Class 10 ICSE Format, Examples, Topics, Samples. ... ICSE SAMPLE PAPERS COMPOSITION 2024 - Essay- ICSE sample paper class 10. Kaushal's fathers were admitted in a hospital and who surgery could bear place only after the required sum had been deposited. IODIN called my father and explained him the situation.

  14. ICSE Composition Tips for Class 10

    Craft a Clear Structure. A good composition structure includes three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion (not paragraphs; you can divide your essay body into a few small paragraphs). Each part has its own purpose. The introduction provides context for the rest of the composition. It introduces the main idea and gives background information.

  15. Latest 25 Composition Topics in ICSE

    Almond Books ICSE Treasure Trove Study Guide For Class 10, Poems & Short Stories - Notes, MCQs & Subjective Q&A. 20 reviews. Rs. 580. View more books. Trending composition topics in ICSE that you can use to practise essay writing. Explore topics for descriptive, narrative, argumentative, story and picture compositions.

  16. Story Writing 1

    Story Writing 1 - Grade 10 - ICSE (2020-21) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  17. Narrative Writing

    Examples of Narrative Writing. Example 1: Here is an example of a narrative verse - the first few lines of the poem 'Snake' by D.H. Lawrence. See how the poet uses words to narrate the incident of the snake appearing at his water trough and everything that happens further. "A snake came to my water-trough

  18. Sample Papers class 10 ICSE Board exam Download in pdf

    Sample Paper ICSE Class 10 Technical Drawing Applications. We all believe that this Sample Paper standard 10 ICSE will help you to prepare for your exam. you can easily score good marks in your exam by solving the guess paper for class 10th ICSE. Practice Papers for Class 10 ICSE is prepared by our expert teacher at icseboards.com.

  19. Story Writing for Class 10 ICSE Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

    Examples of Story writing topics: Write a story beginning with, "It had been a good year for her….". Write a story in which a cat and a tree have an important role to play. All in all you should keep in mind that the subjects for the ICSE essay are so chosen so as to allow to draw on your first-hand experience or those that stimulate your ...