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130 Biodiversity Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Biodiversity is a crucial aspect of our planet's health and sustainability. It refers to the variety of life forms, including plants, animals, and microorganisms, and the ecosystems they form. As biodiversity continues to decline at an alarming rate due to various human activities, it is essential for us to understand its importance and take necessary actions to preserve and protect it.

If you are tasked with writing an essay on biodiversity, selecting a topic can be challenging. To help you get started, here are 130 biodiversity essay topic ideas and examples:

  • The importance of biodiversity in maintaining ecological balance.
  • The impact of climate change on biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity and its role in food security.
  • The relationship between biodiversity and human health.
  • The ethical implications of species extinction.
  • The economic value of biodiversity.
  • The role of biodiversity in supporting ecosystem services.
  • The effects of deforestation on biodiversity loss.
  • Biodiversity conservation strategies in urban areas.
  • The impact of pollution on biodiversity.
  • The role of biodiversity in carbon sequestration.
  • The connection between biodiversity and cultural diversity.
  • The role of biodiversity in providing natural resources.
  • The impact of invasive species on native biodiversity.
  • The importance of biodiversity in pharmaceutical research.
  • The role of biodiversity in supporting sustainable agriculture.
  • The effects of habitat fragmentation on biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity and its impact on tourism.
  • The role of biodiversity in water purification.
  • The relationship between biodiversity and climate regulation.
  • The impact of overfishing on marine biodiversity.
  • The role of biodiversity in natural disaster resilience.
  • The effects of urbanization on biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity conservation efforts in developing countries.
  • The impact of agriculture on biodiversity loss.
  • The role of biodiversity in soil fertility.
  • The effects of climate change on coral reef biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity hotspots and their significance.
  • The relationship between biodiversity and species richness.
  • The impact of habitat destruction on endangered species.
  • Biodiversity and its role in ecosystem stability.
  • The effects of pollution on freshwater biodiversity.
  • The importance of biodiversity in genetic diversity.
  • The role of biodiversity in pollination.
  • The impact of climate change on bird migration patterns.
  • Biodiversity conservation strategies in protected areas.
  • The role of biodiversity in carbon cycling.
  • The effects of overhunting on terrestrial biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity and its relationship with ecosystem resilience.
  • The impact of land use change on biodiversity loss.
  • The role of biodiversity in disease prevention.
  • The effects of climate change on amphibian biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity conservation efforts in marine ecosystems.
  • The importance of biodiversity in ecological restoration.
  • The role of biodiversity in natural pest control.
  • The impact of pollution on coral reef biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity and its role in climate change mitigation.
  • The effects of habitat destruction on forest biodiversity.
  • The relationship between biodiversity and species evolution.
  • The impact of agriculture on pollinator biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity conservation strategies in freshwater ecosystems.
  • The role of biodiversity in ecosystem productivity.
  • The effects of climate change on Arctic biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity and its relationship with ecosystem services provisioning.
  • The importance of biodiversity in wildlife conservation.
  • The role of biodiversity in ecosystem resilience to diseases.
  • The impact of pollution on riverine biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity and its role in climate change adaptation.
  • The effects of habitat destruction on primate biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity conservation efforts in tropical rainforests.
  • The importance of biodiversity in ecological connectivity.
  • The role of biodiversity in ecosystem stability against invasive species.
  • The effects of climate change on marine mammal biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity and its relationship with ecosystem services regulating.
  • The impact of pollution on wetland biodiversity.
  • The role of biodiversity in ecosystem services cultural.
  • The effects of overfishing on coral reef biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity conservation strategies in island ecosystems.
  • The importance of biodiversity in ecosystem restoration.
  • The role of biodiversity in ecosystem services supporting.
  • The impact of pollution on estuarine biodiversity.
  • The effects of habitat destruction on bird biodiversity.
  • The importance of biodiversity in ecosystem services regulating.
  • The impact of climate change on freshwater fish biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity conservation efforts in temperate forests.
  • The relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.
  • The effects of pollution on marine invertebrate biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity and its role in ecosystem services supporting.
  • The impact of climate change on reptile biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity conservation strategies in polar ecosystems.
  • The effects of habitat destruction on insect biodiversity.
  • The importance of biodiversity in ecosystem services provisioning.
  • The role of biodiversity in ecosystem services regulating.
  • The impact of pollution on forest biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity and its relationship with ecosystem services supporting.
  • The effects of climate change on mammal biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity conservation efforts in grassland ecosystems.
  • The impact of pollution on desert biodiversity.
  • The effects of habitat destruction on fish biodiversity.
  • The impact of climate change on plant biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity conservation strategies in mountain ecosystems.
  • The effects of pollution on terrestrial invertebrate biodiversity.
  • The impact of pollution on alpine biodiversity.
  • The effects of habitat destruction on freshwater invertebrate biodiversity.
  • The impact of climate change on aquatic plant biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity conservation efforts in coastal ecosystems.
  • The effects of pollution on grassland biodiversity.
  • The impact of pollution on tundra biodiversity.
  • The effects of habitat destruction on marine invertebrate biodiversity.
  • The impact of climate change on desert plant biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity conservation strategies in riverine ecosystems.
  • The effects of pollution on tropical forest biodiversity.
  • The impact of pollution on savanna biodiversity.
  • The effects of habitat destruction on freshwater fish biodiversity.

These essay topic ideas and examples cover a wide range of aspects related to biodiversity. Whether you are interested in the impact of climate change on specific ecosystems, the role of biodiversity in ecosystem services, or conservation strategies, there is a topic that suits your interests.

Remember to conduct thorough research, provide evidence-based arguments, and use reliable sources to support your essay. By writing about biodiversity, you contribute to raising awareness and promoting the importance of preserving our planet's incredible and irreplaceable biodiversity.

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essay topics on biodiversity

Biodiversity Essay Titles

  • The Economic and Social Value of Cold Water Coral Ecosystems and Their Biodiversity, a Review
  • Comparative DNA Metabarcoding for Monitoring and Assessment of Biodiversity
  • Microbial Systems’ Potential for Integrating Disturbances, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Function
  • The Politics of Global Biodiversity Economics, Markets, and Finance
  • Institutional Economics and Conservation Organizations’ Behavior: Implications for the Conservation of Biodiversity
  • Choice Experiments With Fishermen, Traders, and Consumers on Fisheries, Fish Pollution, and Biodiversity
  • Last Stand: Defending Tropical Biodiversity Through Protected Areas
  • How Banks Account For Biodiversity Risks and Opportunities: Hardwiring Green
  • Guidelines for Good Governance in Transboundary Biodiversity Conservation
  • Antarctica’s Marine Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas: Targets for Conservation Action
  • Development of Theoretical and Methodological Instruments for Ecological and Economic Assessment of Forest Biodiversity
  • Effects of Organic and Conventional Agriculture on the Environment and Biodiversity
  • How the Fish Production Revolution Affects Aquatic Biodiversity and Food Security: Food From the Water
  • Nourishing the Planet and Its People: Biodiversity and Global Food Security
  • Key Indicators and Methods for Measuring Biodiversity Under Climate Change and Energy Economics
  • Economic and Legal Implications of Conflicts Between Biodiversity and Carbon Sequestration Programs
  • Forest Biodiversity Application of Models for Sample Selection Bias in Contingent Valuation
  • Best Land Conversion and Growth Under Uncertain Costs of Biodiversity
  • Internalizing Global Externalities From Biodiversity: Multilateral Transfer Mechanisms and Protected Areas
  • Integrating Internal and External Motivations in Multi-Actor Governance Arrangements for Ecosystem Services

 Essay Topics on Biodiversity

  • The Implementation of CBD Indicators: Balancing State and Volunteer Investment in Biodiversity Monitoring
  • Ecological and Economic Models for Biodiversity Conservation: Differences and Similarities
  • Household Effects of Globalization and the Connectivity of Remote Communities: Implications for Biodiversity
  • Double Dividend for Biodiversity and Small-Scale Farmers With Shaded Coffee and Cocoa
  • Marine Biodiversity Conservation in the Coral Triangle: Spatial Priorities
  • Addressing the Conflict Between Economics and Biodiversity in One World, One Experiment
  • Alternative Goals and Economic Effectiveness of Protected Area Selection in Boreal Forest for Biodiversity Conservation
  • Analyzing Multi-Level Governance of Water and Biodiversity in Their Environment
  • Productivity, Biodiversity, and Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology
  • Biodiversity and Renewable Energy: Implications for the Transition to a Green Economy
  • Major Farming Systems’ Agricultural Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
  • Maintaining Biodiversity at the Landscape Level Through Integrated Land Use Modeling of Agri-Environmental Measures
  • Changing Business Perceptions of Biodiversity: Moving Beyond Impact Mitigation and Toward New Practices
  • Analysis of Market and Non-market Mechanisms in the Interaction of Forest Biodiversity and Timber Extraction
  • Measuring the Hotspots of Biodiversity and Human Poverty About Poverty
  • Promoting Rural Livelihoods to Preserve Agro-Biodiversity
  • Sustainability of the Environment While Preserving Biodiversity
  • Threats to Birds From Windows in the Landscape, the Law, and Biodiversity: A Review of a Vital Conservation Issue
  • Tropical Biodiversity Maintenance and Variable Mating Behaviors
  • Species Preservation and Biodiversity Value: A Real Options Approach

 Biodiversity Essay Questions

  • What Are the Current Initiatives to Protect Biodiversity and Its Hotspots?
  • How Do Argentina and Chile Share the Loss of Biodiversity?
  • Do Diverse Ecosystems Have Greater Value?
  • How Can the Loss of Biodiversity Be Prevented?
  • Can Watershed Services Fees Aid in Biodiversity Preservation?
  • How Can Business Lessen Its Impacts on Biodiversity Around the World?
  • Can National Biodiversity Strategies Help Develop Responsibilities for Including Biodiversity in All Policy Sectors?
  • How Do Farming Practices Affect Biodiversity?
  • Does the World’s Willingness to Pay for Biodiversity Conservation Depends on Income?
  • How Does Biodiversity Affect Economic Risk Aversion?
  • What Dangers Face Biodiversity?
  • What Effects Have Synthetic Pesticides’ Increased Use Had on Biodiversity?
  • What Motivates Biodiversity Conservation Activities in Developing Countries?
  • How Does Biodiversity Affect the Plantation?
  • What Causes Long-Run Changes in Biodiversity?
  • How Does the UN Approach Biodiversity?
  • What Elements Influence Biodiversity?
  • How Biodiversity and Timber Harvesting Are Handled in Uneven-Aged Forests?
  • Should Biodiversity Tenders Agree to the Results?
  • Who Is Concerned With Biodiversity?
  • Why Are Financial Incentives Capable of Destroying Ethiopia’s Economically Valuable Biodiversity?
  • What Elements Affect a Region’s Biodiversity?
  • How Does Biodiversity Affect the Economy?
  • Which Human Activities Put Biodiversity in Danger?
  • How Might Biodiversity Be Safeguarded?
  • How Does Biodiversity Contribute to Ecological Value?
  • Which Nations Place Economic Value on Biodiversity?
  • Does the Diversity of Species Display Any Patterns?
  • How Is Biodiversity Measured?
  • How Do You Identify a Biodiversity Hotspot?

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Essay on Conservation of Biodiversity for Students and Children

500+ words essay on conservation of biodiversity.

Conservation of biodiversity is vital for maintaining the Earth’s environment and sustaining life on the planet. There are a number of ways in which the richness of biodiversity helps in maintaining the ecological system. Conservation of biodiversity is important for the survival of living beings on Earth. Hence, a lot of emphases is being given on the conservation of biodiversity these days.

essay on conservation of biodiversity

The Extinction in Biodiversity

Due to human activities, numerous varieties of animals go extinct each year. Western Black Rhinoceros, Dodo, Tasmanian tiger, Golden Toad, Woolly Mammoth, Caribbean Monk Seal, Ivory-billed Woodpecker, and Japanese Sea Lion are some of the species of animals that have gone extinct.

Lemur, Mountain Gorilla, Vaquita, Sea Turtles, Amur Leopard, and Tiger are some of the species that are on the verge of extinction. Apart from these many species of plants and trees including Lepidodendron, Araucaria Mirabilis, Wood Cycad and Kokia Cookie have gone extinct and many species are endangered.

Need to Conserve Biodiversity

Earth is a beautiful planet which has given us many things which occur naturally. Natural resources, rivers, valleys , oceans, different species of animals and beautiful varieties of plants and trees are among some of these.

In today’s world, we are busy developing our surroundings and spoiling our beautiful environment. Today, we have exploited most of the things that were available abundantly in nature. Thus, there arises a need to conserve these natural things. Among other things, there is a serious need for the conservation of biodiversity.

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Importance of Conservation of Biodiversity

Conservation of biodiversity is important for many reasons. Here are some of the main reasons to conserve biodiversity:

  • Process of Food Chain: Different species of animals and plants serve as the source of food for other animals and living organisms. Thus, conserving biodiversity help to keep the food chain among the living organisms.
  • Nutritional Needs: The decline in the variety of plants and animals would mean the decline in the variety of food we eat. So, this is likely to result in nutritional deficiencies.
  • Cleaner Air: Plants and trees have a greater ability to purify the air and keep the atmosphere clean. As there is a decrease in the number and types of trees and plants, it impacts the quality of air in a negative way.
  • Better Cultivation of Crops:   Fertility of soil is maintained by many insects, organisms and microorganisms work on different levels. So we have to maintain the level of microorganism which is better for the cultivation of crops.
  • For Medical Reason s: For making different medicines many species of trees and plants are used so as to cure various diseases.

Methods to Conserve Biodiversity

Methods that can help in the conservation of biodiversity are

  • Control Population: The greater the population the higher the needs which would result in further exploitation of flora and fauna and decline in biodiversity. For the conservation of biodiversity, we have to control the human population and allow other species of plants and animals to replenish on our planet.
  • Control Pollution: The changing climate, deteriorating air quality and the growing amount of pollution on land and water bodies are leading to different types of diseases in many. It is essential to reduce the activities leading to pollution so as to conserve biodiversity.
  • Reduce Deforestation: Due to deforestation, there is the loss of habitat. Due to this reason, wild animals are unable to survive in the new environment and die.
  • Avoid Wastage: We need to understand that natural resources are not only essential for us but are also vital for the survival of other species. We must thus utilize only as much as we require them so that these remain available in abundance in nature for future use.
  • Spread Awareness: Apart from this, one of the best methods to conserve biodiversity is by spreading awareness. The government can do so at a bigger level. While we can spread awareness by word of mouth and through social media.

Conservation of biodiversity is of utmost importance. We must all make efforts to conserve biodiversity rather than contributing towards its declination. Thus, the richness of biodiversity is essential for the survival of living beings on Earth.

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Essay on Biodiversity in 500 Words for Students

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  • Dec 7, 2023

Essay on Biodiversity

Essay on Biodiversity: Biodiversity refers to the variety of animals and plants in the world or a specific area. Even in today’s modern world where so many technological advances have taken place, we still rely on our natural environment and resources to survive, A healthy and vibrant ecosystem is not disturbed by human activities. We humans are the largest consumers of natural resources, and you know what? We are also a real threat to the natural environment? Biodiversity is not just about a variety of animal and plant species, but, also offers us water, climate, disease control, nutrition cycle, oxygen release, etc. According to one report released by the United Nations, around 10 lakh plant and animal species are on the verge of extinction. The worst thing is that this number is almost at a doubling rate.

essay topics on biodiversity

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Why is Biodiversity Important?

Biodiversity supports all life forms on earth. To understand the importance of biodiversity, we don’t need to think or act like a biologist. All we need is a holistic understanding. 

  • Biodiversity promotes resilience and stability in our ecosystem. If there is any natural disturbance in the environment, a diverse ecosystem will be able to survive and recover better.
  • Fields like agriculture, forestry, and medicine completely rely on biodiversity. We get genetic resources from biodiversity, which is essential for agriculture and medicine fields.
  • A healthy biodiversity environment means healthy humans. The medicinal drugs we use are derived from plants, animals, and microorganisms.
  • In many parts of the world, biodiversity is an integral part of cultural identity. Indigenous tribes are connected with their natural environment and species. 
  • Forest areas and oceans play an important role in regulating global temperature and storing carbon dioxide.
  • Our environment is constantly changing and the species around it also need to adapt to for to survive. Therefore, genetic diversity within species is also important.
  • Natural activities like soil formation, nutrient cycling, water purification, etc, are all dependent on biodiversity.

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What is Biodiversity Loss?

Biodiversity loss means the global extinction of various species, resulting in the loss of biological diversity. One of the main factors responsible for biodiversity loss is the conversion of natural habitats into agricultural and urban areas. Cutting down forests and using the land for commercial activities results in destroying the livelihood of all the species in the region. Other factors responsible for biodiversity loss are listed below.

  • Overexploitation
  • Climate change
  • Global trade and transportation
  • Emerging diseases
  • Pollution 

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What is Biodiversity Conservation?

Biodiversity conservation refers to the preservation of species, natural resources, and habitats from the rate of extinction. To achieve the goals of biodiversity conservation, effective management, and sustainable practices are required.

  • Biodiversity conservation includes protected areas like biodiversity hotspots, national parks, and wildlife sanctuaries.
  • One of the most effective ways to conserve biodiversity is rehabilitation and restoring degraded habitats is crucial.
  • Promoting sustainable practices in agriculture, forestry, and other resource-dependent activities is essential for the conservation of biodiversity.
  • Encouraging the participation of local and indigenous communities can be one solution to achieving the goals of biodiversity conservation. Indigenous and local knowledge can contribute to effective conservation strategies.

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Quotes on Biodiversity

Here are some popular quotes on biodiversity. Feel free to add them to your writing topics related to the natural environment.

  • ‘Look closely at nature. Every species is a masterclass, exclusively adapted to the particular environment in which it has survived. Who are we to destroy or even diminish biodiversity?’ – E O Wilson
  • ‘Biodiversity is our most valuable but least appreciated resource.’ – E O Wilson
  • ‘Biodiversity is the greeted treasure we have. It’s diminishment is to be prevented at all cost.’ – Thomas Eisner
  • ‘Animal protection is education to humanity.’ – Albert Schweitzer
  • ‘Only beautiful animals or ugly people wear fur.’ – Unknown
  • ‘Babies and animals are the mirrors of the nature.’ – Epicurus

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Ans: Biodiversity refers to the variety of plants and animals in our natural environment or a particular region. Biodiversity supports all life forms on earth. To understand the importance of biodiversity, we don’t need to think or act like a biologist. All we need is a holistic understanding. Biodiversity promotes resilience and stability in our ecosystem. If there is any natural disturbance in the environment, a diverse ecosystem will be able to survive and recover better. Fields like agriculture, forestry, and medicine completely rely on biodiversity. We get genetic resources from biodiversity, which is essential for agriculture and medicine fields.

Ans: Biodiversity conservation refers to the preservation of species, natural resources, and habitats from the rate of extinction. To achieve the goals of biodiversity conservation, effective management, and sustainable practices are required.

Ans: Some of the popular biodiversity hotspots in India are the Himalayas, Indo-Burma, Western Ghats & Sundaland.

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Best topics on Biodiversity

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4. Marine Invasive Species and Their Impact on Global Biodiversity

5. Agritourism: A Hands-On Learning Experience for Students

6. Invasive Species In America And Canada

7. Invasive Species In United States

8. The Indigenous Species, Honey Bees, and Revaluation of Agricultural Practices

9. Everglades National Park and the State of Its Ecosystem

10. Overview of Current Californian Large Marine Ecosystem

11. How Does Deforestation Affect Global Biodiversity?

12. Sacred Groves: Traditional Way Of Conserving Biodiversity

13. Why We Should Care More About Our Ecosystems

14. Invasive Species: The Asian Carp

15. The Relationship Between An Individual’s AS And Its Digestive And Locomotor Function

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Essay on Biodiversity

List of short and long essays on biodiversity, biodiversity essay for kids and school students, essay on biodiversity – essay 1 (150 words), essay on biodiversity: types, importance and conclusion – essay 2 (250 words), essay on biodiversity: with threats and importance – essay 3 (300 words), essay on biodiversity: introduction, importance, decline and steps – essay 4 (400 words), essay on biodiversity – essay 5 (500 words), biodiversity essay for competitive exam and upsc civil services exam, essay on biodiversity: with conclusion – essay 6 (600 words), essay on biodiversity: facts, importance and preservation – essay 7 (750 words), essay on biodiversity in india – essay 8 (1000 words).


Biodiversity also known as biological diversity is the variables that exist among several species living in the ecosystem. These living organisms include marine, terrestrial and aquatic life. Biodiversity aims to understand the positions these organisms occupy in the broader ecosystem.

Importance of Biodiversity:

When there is biodiversity in our ecosystem it translates to a greener environment. This is because plant life thrives in a balanced ecosystem. This invariably affects humans as we consume plants for our survival. Also, a healthy ecosystem can help to reduce the risk of diseases and the way we respond to them.

Increasing Biodiversity:

Some changes could be encouraged to improve biodiversity in our environment.

Some of them are:

1. Stopping penetration of invasive alien species.

2. Using sustainable agricultural methods.

3. Having protected areas for spices to thrive.

4. Having an organic maintenance culture for fertilizers.


To make the world a safe place for all organisms, we must maintain good health in all the ecosystems. This is the benefit of paying attention to biodiversity.

Diversity is the hallmark of nature. Things exist in different forms which creates diversity. Biodiversity is a significant and desirable variation in plant and animal existence on the surface of the earth. The variation exists due to genetics, species and the ecosystem or the habitat. Biodiversity is an important aspect in the world because it enables the survival and sustainability of living things on earth.

Types of Biodiversity:

The variation in living things has resulted in different types of biodiversity depending on the certain variables. Genetic diversity is due to the genetic components shared by living organisms. The species that have similar genes diverge and they develop differently thus creating biodiversity. Species diversity occurs when a habitat comprises different kinds of living things. Ecological diversity is through the interaction of living things that share common sources of energy in an ecosystem which contributes to biodiversity.

The existence of living things in an ecosystem and the functioning of the ecosystem contribute to the relevance of biodiversity in nature. Through biodiversity, living organisms are able to acquire food and other important resources to sustain their lives. The climate and environmental changes are regulated because of biodiversity. The culture is enriched through biodiversity as it involves existence of several groups of species and people in one environment.

All the three types of biodiversity are important to the existence of living organisms. The ecosystem is the hallmark of diversity because it helps to sustain the lives of diverse living things.

Biodiversity is the variability or the diversity of the different species of life forms. The planet earth is habitat for a wide variety of flora and fauna like plants, animals and other life forms.

What is Biodiversity?

Biodiversity or Biological diversity refers to the variety and variability of living beings on planet earth and it is the degree of variation of life. It represents the wealth of biological assets available on earth and encompasses microorganism, plants, animals and ecosystems such as coral reefs, forests, rainforests, deserts etc.

Threats to Biodiversity:

The growing population, industrialization, technology, etc., all are impacting biodiversity. The increased human activities have been reducing the natural area for plants, animals and other living things. A number of plants and animals have gone extinct because of increased deforestation and other factors. Growing pollution, causing global warming and climate change, is a big threat to biodiversity. The decline in biodiversity would in turn lead to imbalance in the ecosystem and would become a threat to the human race as well as other living organisms.

Different plants and animals are dependent on others to live and keep the natural surroundings in a balanced state. For example, human beings are dependent on various plants and animals for their food, shelter, safety, clothes etc. Similarly, every living species is dependent on some other species. It is, therefore, important to preserve biodiversity in our planet in order to maintain the ecological balance.

Protecting Biodiversity:

As we know, the biodiversity loss is a serious threat for human race, we all should work for maintaining biodiversity, and find out solutions to reduce the biodiversity decline. Since, air pollution and deforestation are major threats to biodiversity, these are the first things that need to be controlled. Government should frame stricter laws and organizations should sensitize people to be concerned about it and contribute their bit.

Biodiversity, also referred to as the biological diversity refers to the diversified form of plants and animals that exists in our planet . It also denotes each and every aspect of the ecosystem such as micro-organisms, coral reefs, rainforests, deserts, forests etc.,

A good balance in biodiversity supports human race and humans on the other hand must ensure to save biodiversity. This essay is going to talk about the importance of biodiversity and the role of human beings in safeguarding the ecosystem.

There are more than 300,000 species of flora that has been identified and there should be many more unidentified varieties. Similarly there must be infinite variety of other species in our Earth and these together form a perfect natural protection for the human race. Biodiversity supports human race in different ways.

Few of them are listed below:

1. Some of the species capture and stores energy and releases it back in the atmosphere for human consumption.

2. Some biological species help in decomposing organic materials and thus acts as a natural recycling agent.

3. Plants and trees help in reducing pollution and maintain the purity of atmospheric air.

4. It is from the biological resources that humans receive food and shelter.

5. The astonishing beauty of biodiversity is the base for tourism industry to flourish.

Decline in Biodiversity:

The Earth’s biodiversity is undergoing a severe decline and this is a great threat to the human race. There are several factors that lead to the decline in biological species, the most significant one being the behavior of human beings.

1. Human beings destroy forests to build houses and offices. Through deforestation humans are actually destroying the natural habitat of many plants and animals.

2. All new scientific inventions are causing harm to the environment. We cannot even find some species of birds today because of the increase in noise pollution.

3. Global warming is another reason for the decline in biodiversity. Some species require specific climate to survive and when the climatic conditions change continuously these species either migrate or become extinct. Decline in the number of coral reefs are a perfect example.

Steps to Be Taken:

The Government and different voluntary organizations must act upon immediately to create awareness among people on environmental issues and its consequences. It is also the responsibility of every common man to save mother Earth by maintaining a rich biodiversity .

If proper care is not taken, the biodiversity of Earth may become extinct one day and if it happens then, humans have to find another planet to live. It’s better to act now before it gets too late.

Biodiversity can be said to mean the extreme importance of a very wide variety of animals and plants that are resident on the planet earth or in a particular habitat. It is very necessary to maintain the level of biodiversity on the earth so that the environmental harmony can be balanced. Biological diversity is another name for biodiversity and is widely the variability or diversity of all the different species of animals and plants on this planet. Having a very high biodiversity is extremely essential to help maintain the surroundings in a state of harmony. Biodiversity can be loosely defined as a variety of fauna and flora that are available in a specific habitat or the planet earth. Biodiversity is largely originated from the terms – species diversity and species richness.

Biodiversity is mainly a united view of the biological varieties. A lot of other words and terms have been at one time or another used to explain diversity. Some of these terms include taxonomic diversity (this comes from a species diversity point of view), ecological diversity (this comes from an ecosystem diversity point of view), morphological diversity (this comes from a genetic diversity point of view) and functional diversity (this comes from the point of view of the functions of the species). Biodiversity gives quite a uniform view of the above discussed biological varieties.

Biological diversity is quite important because its helps maintain the ecological balance in a system. Different animals and plants depend on one another to fulfill all of their needs. For example, we human beings depend on various animals and plants for our clothes, shelter and food. Other species also do the same and depend on a variety of other species to sustain them and provide them with the basics. Biodiversity and its beautiful richness ensure that the earth is fit enough for the survival of each and every one of the organism living on the earth. However, the ever increasing pollution is negatively affecting biodiversity. Quite a lot of animals and plants have gone into extinction as a result of this pollution and a lot more are going to become extinct if proper care is not taken and the pollution of the environment continues to exponentially and this would cause a sharp decline in the biodiversity.

We human beings have to understand how important the maintenance of the immensely rich biodiversity is. Smokes from vehicles causes a high rate of air pollution and this causes harm to a lot of species. The level of pollution in the atmosphere has to be put under control. Water bodies like seas, oceans and rivers are polluted by the release of industrial wastes into the. These wastes are very harmful to the marine organism and life in the water bodies. There is therefore a need to try as much as possible to dispose industrial wastes through other means and methods that do not harm the environment. The industrial wastes can be primarily treated before being disposed into the water properly and safely.

When you are a biology student biodiversity is one of the most important words you can learn. Not only that but it also becomes your lives calling to maintain it. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves before we can understand why it is important, we need to understand what it is.

This term refers to the many different life forms that inhabit the earth at this moment, this includes bacteria, plants, animals and humans and it also refers to their shared environment. Life has manifested itself in many different forms we do not know why exactly but we are certain that they all exist and depend on each other for survival.

Why is biodiversity important?

The answer to this question is more important than just simply stating what biodiversity is. My personal experience as a student has thought me that I learn best when I have an example so I will give you an example of the importance of biodiversity.

The famous Yellowstone Park is a natural reserve and national park but before it was declared as such it was just another forest that man wanted to hunt in. The geographical region had many wolfs inhabiting its plains, for generations they were hunted until they became extinct in the region. After a while, the coyotes began to reproduce as they hade more space and they started hunting the small mammals, which lead to a decrease in the population of eagles in the area but the most significant change came because of the deer. After fifty years of no wolfs in the park the number of roe deer rose and since they had no natural predators, they no longer feared open grasslands. That’s when they started grazing extensively which depleted the grass on the shore of the Yellow stone river and this, in turn, made the soil loos. The river began to take away a lot of soil and to deposit it in other places flooding certain areas while at the same time causing droughts to happen in other places.

Biologists came to the park with a wish to restore its wolf population and after a decade of planning and working they restored one pack to the park. The pack soon made the deer go back to the forest so they could be harder to hunt, the coyote’s population dropped because they couldn’t compete with the wolf, that led to the increase of small rodents which let to the return of carnivores’ grate birds. But above all the grazing on the river edge stopped and after a few years, the Yellowstone river returned to its natural flow.

This story is completely true and I love to use it as an example of the importance of maintaining biodiversity. There are many regions in the world that have similar problems and if we do not do our best to conserve biodiversity, we could be looking at similar or even worst natural catastrophes.

People tend to mass produce and they do this with most things. They will destroy a forest of many thousands of life forms to make a plantation with one single plant, the same is true of animal farming. With our need to be productive all the time we lose sight of the small things that make the system function as whole. Even though an insignificant thing as a bug or a wolf pack might seem the least important for our daily lives once we take them out of the picture, we see that the balance and wealth biodiversity gives to the planet is not something that can be easily compensated.

The genetic, species and ecosystem variability of flora and fauna on earth are known as Biodiversity. For painting what exactly is Biodiversity, we need a large canvas beyond imagination. Such is the volume of the subject. But, the actual meaning and terms are still not clear.

Keeping it very simple and to the point, the term ‘Biodiversity’ comprises of two words. The first word is Bio, and the other one is Diversity. Bio means the forms of life and Diversity means mixture or variety. So, when both the words combine they form a definition like this ‘Biodiversity means various and mixed forms of life on earth.’ The variety of life forms on earth includes plants and animals and their natural habitat.

Facts about Biodiversity:

Digging into the term ‘Biodiversity’ more generously makes us realize that we have over 10,000 species of birds on earth. The amazing number blows everyone’s mind. Insects have a different counting, and their species are in millions. Plants are also a part of this biological system, and hence there are more than 20,000 species of plants.

Even after so many species of plants, animals and insects have specified there are still over millions of species which are not known by anyone. These species cannot be counted under any head as they don’t pursue an identity. The actual picture says that earth is home to almost 50 million species or even more than that. These facts do not conclude the point because one or the other day there may be many new species evolving.

Biodiversity is essential for survival. The importance of Biodiversity not only related to plants, animals and natural habitat. But it also provides us so many natural products such as fibre and timber and the fresh water to carry out our daily lives. Therefore we need to understand the importance of Biodiversity.

1.   The natural and organic resources:

In the happiness of living our lives, we often forget that Biodiversity is a part of nature. We should protect it no matter whatever be the limitations. Mother Nature has provided us with enough resources which are the Biological Resources. These include wood, medicines, food, etc., which are direct blessings of Biological System or by-product of the Biological Systems. Herbs and plants play a vital role in producing medicines. They may get their final touch from the pharmaceutical companies, but the original source is plants which are again a part of Biodiversity.

2. Biodiversity provides fibres:

It is important to know that wool, jute, palms, etc., use to produce various types of fibres after processing which are again part of the Biological Systems. So, if biodiversity does not persist how people will have access to these fibres? Flax plants use for the production of linen, which is extensively using for making clothes. Similarly, Corchorus plants and Agave plants are using for the production of Jute and sisal respectively. These fibres are no doubt essential for the cloth industry. Therefore it becomes our duty to maintain the Biodiversity.

3. Powerful benefits of Biodiversity:

People may not be aware of the importance, but there are many spiritual benefits of biodiversity. Our folk dances, mythology, and history have a deep link with the Biodiversity in one or the other way. Everyone enjoys or experience the Biodiversity in a different format. Biological diversity also contributes to attracting tourists, especially flora and fauna, which is a rare phenomenon in cities. Therefore it is our ethical duty to preserve Biodiversity.

Preserve Biodiversity:

There are different ways in which we can preserve our Biological environment. Biodiversity should be protected by following these ways.

i. People should stop the process of hunting and poaching the animals. They are a part of Biodiversity.

ii. Protection of endangered species and their surroundings.

iii. We need to curb pollution for protecting Biodiversity.

iv. The explosive growth of population is a threat to Biodiversity. So, to maintain the biological balance, we need to have the population growth under control. Otherwise, people will be exploiting natural resources unethically for survival.

All steps must be taken to protect biodiversity. Things may seem difficult in the initial stages but practicing them will lead to genuine results. Creating awareness on environmental issues and the negative impact of the loss of biodiversity will let people understand the inevitable need for biodiversity conservation.

It is our responsibility to protect the endangered species of plant and animals. If one wants to reach their destination, then it is imperative to take the first step. Without taking a step forward, things will never change on their own. To make a better tomorrow, we need to take steps for preserving our very own Biodiversity.

Biodiversity is a term used to refer the different forms of life on the Earth. It also includes the variety of species in the ecosystem. There is an uneven distribution of the biodiversity on the Earth due to the extreme variation of temperatures in different regions. For instance, it is more in regions near the equator due to warm climatic conditions. However, near the pole, the extreme cold and unfavourable weather conditions do not support a majority of life forms. Additionally, changes in climatic conditions on the Earth over a period of time have also led to the extinction of a number of species.

Biodiversity is often defined at different levels depending upon the category of species. For example, taxonomic diversity is used to measure the species diversity level of different forms of life on the Earth. Ecological diversity is a broader term used for the ecosystem diversity. Similarly, functional diversity is a type used to measure diversity based on their feeding mechanisms along with other functions of species within a population.


There is an uneven distribution of biodiversity on the Earth. In fact, it increases from pole to equator. The climatic conditions of a region decide the presence of different species in an area. Not all species can survive in all weather conditions. Moreover, lower altitudes have a high concentration of species as compared to higher altitudes.

The importance of biodiversity does not only lie in the survival of various species of the earth. There is social, cultural as well as the economic importance of it as well. Biodiversity is of extreme importance to maintain the balance of nature. It is vital to maintaining the food chain as well. One species may be the food for another species and various species are linked to each other through this food chain. Apart from this, there is scientific importance of the biodiversity as well. The research and breeding programmes involve the variety of species. If these species cease to exist then such programmes shall not be possible.

Also, most of the drugs and medicine which are vital for the cure of many diseases are also made from many plants and animals. For instance, penicillin is a fungus through which the penicillin antibiotic is extracted.

Another important importance of biodiversity is that it provides food to all including human beings. All the food we consume is either derived from plants or animals such as fishes and other marine animals. They are also the source of new crops, pesticides and source material for agricultural practices.

Biodiversity is also important for industrial use. We get many products such as fur, honey, leather and pearls from animals. Moreover, we get timber for plants which are the basis of the paper we use in our everyday life. Tea, coffee and other drinks along with dry fruits and our regular fruits and vegetables, all are obtained from the various plants.

There is cultural and religious importance of many species as well. Many plants and animals are worshipped in different cultures and religions such as Ocitnum sanctum (Tulsi) which is a plant worshipped by Hindus.

Biodiversity in India:

India ranks among the top 12 nations which have a rich heritage of biodiversity. There are about 350 different species of mammals along with 12000 different species of birds which are found in India. Additionally, there are around 50000 species of insects which have their habitat in our country. There are a wide variety of domestic animals such as cows and buffaloes along with marine life which is found in India. Moreover, India is a land of 10 different biographical regions which include islands, Trans Himalayas, Desert, Western Ghats, Gangetic Plain, Semi-arid zone, Northeastern zone, Deccan Plateau, Coastal islands and the Western Ghats.

The Gradual Decrease:

Not all species which existed in the ancient times exist today as well. For example, dinosaurs used to exist on our planet in older times. But they were not able to adapt to the changing environmental conditions which led to their extinction from the Earth. Similarly, there are many other species which are on the verge of extinction due to the urbanisation and modernisation of the world. With the increase in population, there has been a constant need to reduce the forest areas and make way for new cities. This has led to the reduction in forests which are the natural habitat for many wild animals and plants. Due to this many wild plants have become extinct and there has been an increase in the man-animal conflict as well. Hence there has been a need to conserve the biodiversity so as to maintain the balance of nature.

Initiatives for the Conservation of Biodiversity:

There have been initiatives by the governments all over the world to conserve the existing biodiversity on the earth. For example, there are dedicated national parks which earmark the area for wild animals and plants and reduce human intervention in their lives. There are various wildlife conservation programmes in place to protect the vulnerable and endangered species. For example, Project Tiger is one such measure in place to increase the population of tigers in our country.

There are also many laws in place which make the hunting of endangered and vulnerable animals a punishable offence. At the international level, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) have also initiated many programmes in order to preserve various species.

It is not possible for the human to live all alone on the Earth. Various other life forms are equally important and play their roles in the mutual survival of the various species on the Earth. Each one of species has its own set of contribution for the environment. Already many species have become extinct as they were not able to survive in the changing weather conditions. Hence it is our duty to ensure that our activities do not affect the other flora and fauna on the planet. Although there are a number of steps taken by the government so as to preserve the various life forms, we should also contribute individually towards this cause. If we do not act today, we may yet again witness the extinction of the vulnerable biodiversity which may further disturb the balance of nature.

Biodiversity , Ecosystem , Environment

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Essays on Biodiversity

Biodiversity essay topics for college students.

Choosing the right essay topic is crucial for a successful academic paper. This webpage aims to provide college students with diverse and engaging biodiversity essay topics to help spark creativity and personal interest in their writing.

Essay Types ... Read More Biodiversity Essay Topics for College Students

Essay types and topics, argumentative essay.

  • The impact of deforestation on biodiversity conservation
  • The role of government policies in protecting endangered species

Paragraph Example

Deforestation has been a pressing issue affecting the biodiversity of our planet. In this essay, we will explore the impact of deforestation on biodiversity conservation and the measures that can be taken to address this critical issue. The central question we will address is how deforestation affects the delicate balance of biodiversity in our ecosystems. Through this exploration, we will argue for the urgent need for sustainable forest management practices.

It is evident that deforestation poses a significant threat to the biodiversity of our planet. The devastating effects on ecosystems and wildlife underline the urgency for sustainable forest management. By taking action to protect our forests, we can preserve the rich tapestry of life on Earth for future generations.

Compare and Contrast Essay

  • Biodiversity in urban vs. rural environments
  • The impact of climate change on marine vs. terrestrial biodiversity

Urban and rural environments present contrasting landscapes that significantly influence biodiversity. In this essay, we will compare and contrast the biodiversity in urban and rural environments to gain insight into the different challenges and opportunities for conservation. The central question we will address is how urbanization affects biodiversity and the strategies that can be employed to mitigate its impact.

The comparison of biodiversity in urban and rural environments highlights the need for sustainable urban planning and conservation efforts. By understanding the distinct challenges faced by each environment, we can develop effective strategies to protect and enhance biodiversity in both urban and rural landscapes.

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Essay writing offers an opportunity for students to explore their interests and critical thinking skills. Engage with the topics provided and let your creativity shine through your writing.

Educational Value

Each essay type offers unique learning outcomes, from developing analytical thinking in argumentative essays to honing descriptive abilities in narrative essays. Emphasize the educational value of exploring diverse biodiversity topics through different essay types.

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Biodiversity Essay Examples

Biodiversity - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth in all its forms, including the diversity of species, genes, and ecosystems. It is crucial for maintaining the balance of ecosystems and the services they provide, such as clean air and water, pollination, and soil fertility. Biodiversity is affected by human activities such as habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change, and its loss can have severe consequences for both the environment and human well-being. Conservation efforts aim to protect and restore biodiversity to ensure a sustainable future for all life on Earth.

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  • Threats to Biodiversity and Conservation of Biodiversity
  • Impact of Human on Biodiversity
  • Biodiversity: An Overview
  • Why Is Biodiversity Important?
  • Importance of Biodiversity
  • Conservation of Biodiversity
  • Biodiversity and Ecosystem
  • Cultural Landscape and Biodiversity
  • Biodiversity: Importance and Conservation
  • Biodiversity Lab
  • Climate Change and Tropical Biodiversity
  • Biodiversity Loss
  • Biodiversity and Conservation of Marine Ecosystems
  • Mangrove Biodiversity Analysis Report
  • Relationships and Biodiversity Lab: Botana Curus
  • The Importance of Conserving Biodiversity
  • Impact of The Increased Usage of Synthetic Pesticides on Biodiversity and The Merits of Organic Farming
  • Technology/biodiversity and Ecosystem Loss
  • Biodiversity: The Special Connection Between All Organisms on Our Planet
  • The Need for Agricultural Biodeversity Conservation

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  • Biodiversity Essay


Essay on Biodiversity

Biodiversity is a term made up of two words - Bio meaning Life, and Diversity meaning Variety. The term biodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth. Plants, animals, microbes, and fungi are all examples of living species on the planet.

Types of Biodiversity  

Genetic Biodiversity- Genetic diversity is the variation in genes and genotypes within a species, e.g., every human looks different from the other. 

Species Biodiversity- Species Diversity is the variety of species within a habitat or a region. It is the biodiversity observed within a community.

Ecosystem Biodiversity- Ecological biodiversity refers to the variations in the plant and animal species living together and connected by food chains and food webs.

Importance of Biodiversity 

Biodiversity is an integral part of cultural identity. Human cultures co-evolve with their environment and conservation is a priority for cultural identity. Biodiversity is used for Medicinal purposes.

Many plants and animals are used for medicinal purposes, like vitamins and painkillers. It contributes to climate stability. It helps in controlling the effects of climate change and managing greenhouse gases. 

Biodiversity provides more food resources. It supplies many vital ecosystems, such as creating and maintaining soil quality, controlling pests, and providing habitat for wildlife. Biodiversity has a relationship with Industry. Biological sources provide many Industrial materials including rubber, cotton, leather, food, paper, etc.

There are many economic benefits of Biodiversity. Biodiversity also helps in controlling pollution. Biodiversity helps in forming a healthy ecosystem. Biodiversity also acts as a source of recreation. Along with other factors, biodiversity helps in improving soil quality.

Long Essay on Biodiversity 

There are many economic benefits of Biodiversity. Biodiversity is a source of economic wealth for many regions of the world. Biodiversity facilitates Tourism and the Recreational industry. Natural Reserves and National Parks benefit a lot from it. Forest, wildlife, biosphere reserve, sanctuaries are prime spots for ecotourism, photography, painting, filmmaking, and literary works.

Biodiversity plays a vital role in the maintenance of the gaseous composition of the atmosphere, breakdown of waste material, and removal of pollutants.

Conservation of Biodiversity  

Biodiversity is very important for human existence as all life forms are interlinked with each other and one single disturbance can have multiple effects on another. If we fail to protect our biodiversity, we can endanger our plants, animals, and environment, as well as human life. Therefore, it is necessary to protect our biodiversity at all costs. Conservation of Biodiversity can be done by educating the people to adopt more environment-friendly methods and activities and develop a more harmonious and empathetic nature towards the environment. The involvement and cooperation of communities are very important. The process of continuous protection of Biodiversity is the need of the hour.

The Government of India, along with 155 other nations, has signed the convention of Biodiversity at the Earth Summit to protect it. According to the summit, efforts should be made in preserving endangered species. 

The preservation and proper management methods for wildlife should be made. Food crops, animals, and plants should be preserved. Usage of various food crops should be kept at a minimum. Every country must realize the importance of protecting the ecosystem and safeguarding the habitat. 

The Government of India has launched the Wild Life Protection Act 1972 to protect, preserve, and propagate a variety of species. The Government has also launched a scheme to protect national parks and sanctuaries. There are 12 countries - Mexico, Columbia, Peru, Brasil, Ecuador, Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar, India, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Australia, in which Mega Diversity Centres are located. These countries are tropical and they possess a large number of the world’s species.

Various hotspots have been made to protect the vegetation. There are various methods for conserving biodiversity. 

If biodiversity conservation is not done efficiently, each species would eventually become extinct due to a lack of appetite and hunger. This scenario has been a big issue for the last few decades, and many unique species have already become extinct. As a result of a lack of biodiversity protection, several species are still on the verge of extinction.


FAQs on Biodiversity Essay

1. What are the three types of Biodiversity?

Biodiversity is referred to as the variability that exists between the living organisms from different sources of nature, such as terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems. Biodiversity has three levels, which are genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity. This is also considered as the type of ecosystem.

2. What is Biodiversity and why is it important?

Biodiversity is responsible for boosting the productivity of the ecosystems in which every species, no matter how small, has an important role to play. For example, a greater variety of crops can be obtained from a plant species which is in large numbers. If species diversity is in a greater amount, then it ensures natural sustainability for all life forms.

3. What is the connection between Biodiversity and the Food Chain?

If a single species goes extinct from the food chain, it will have an impact on the species that survive on it, putting them on the verge of extinction.

4. How are human beings affecting biodiversity?

Pollution- Pollution not only affects human beings, but also affects our flora and fauna, and we should control the pollution to conserve our biodiversity.

Population- Population control is a must to maintain a balance in our ecological system. Humans contribute to pollution by bursting crackers and by not following all the traffic rules.

5. How does Deforestation affect biodiversity?

Deforestation- Trees are very important for survival. They help in balancing out the ecosystem. Deforestation leads to the destruction of habitat. Deforestation should be stopped to protect our animals and plants. Deforestation not only removes vegetation that is important for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but it also emits greenhouse gases.

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Biodiversity Essay Examples

Impact of climate change on biodiversity: exploring the consequences.

The video “How does climate change affect biodiversity?” made by the California Academy of Sciences discusses the impacts of human activities on biodiversity levels and distributions. Many human activities result in the increased production of greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide. While greenhouse gases are needed...

Overview of the Arctic Microphytobenthos: Growth, Production, and Biodiversity

Across the Arctic littoral, the biomass of coastal benthic communities exhibits huge spatial and annual variations. One of the prevailing factors governing the occurrence and growth of the microphytobenthos is light availability. Other ecological factors add up for the regulation of the microphytobenthos across the...

The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity

Deciduous forest mostly dominated by types of tree that have broad-leaved shape that shed and regrow in a year. There are two kind of deciduous forest named temperate deciduous forest and tropical deciduous forest. Temperate deciduous forest commonly found in the middle latitudes, in which...

Overview of Ongoing Developments and Challenges in Precision Agriculture

Looking into the future Precision Agriculture will continue to evolve, fuelled by the rapid development of technology. Currently there are a multitude of areas of research focusing on precision farming practices and management strategies. Continued improvement to GNSS positioning capabilities will no-doubt result in the...

Marine Invasive Species and Their Effect on Biodiversity

In general, invasive species is a type of species that has been tranported from its native environment to a new environment that suits its survival. The exotic species that introduced lack indigenous predators, thus are able to reproduce in large quantities, have an aggressive growth...

Different Types of Insect Pest Control

Insects are considered to be evolved in Ordovician era around 480 million years ago. Availability of flora has made phytotophagous insects more established. Such herbivores insects are adapted to digest the phytochemicals. Food quantity and meteorological conditions affect the spatial distribution of the insects (Hassell...

The Role of Humans in Animal Extinction

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Issues of Biodiversity and Floating Tourist Population in Goa

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The Analysis of Pakistan According to Their Employment Standard & Agricultural Activity

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Agro-ecological Evaluation of Agricultural Productive Systems in the Centella Miniaturized Scale Watershed (dagua, Colombia)

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