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Marijuana Essay | Essay on Marijuana Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Marijuana Essay:  Marijuana, also known as cannabis, among other names, is a psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant used primarily for recreational or medical purposes. The main psychoactive component of cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Cannabis can be used by smoking, vaporizing, and food, which has various mental and physical effects, including euphoria, altered states of mind and sense of time, difficulty concentrating, impaired short-term memory, and body movement, relaxation, and an increase in appetite.

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Long and Short Essays on Marijuana Essay for Students and Kids in Englis

We are providing students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic of Marijuana for reference.

Long Essay on Marijuana Essay 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Marijuana Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Marijuana is a greenish-gray mixture of the dried flowers of Cannabis sativa, also known as pot, herb, weed, grass, bud, Mary Jane, ganja, and many other slang terms. Some people smoke marijuana in hand-rolled cigarettes called joints, pipes, in blunts (marijuana rolled in cigar wraps), or water pipes (sometimes called bongs). Marijuana can also be used to brew tea. It is frequently mixed into foods (edibles) such as brownies, cookies, or candies, particularly sold or consumed for medicinal purposes.

For the consumption of marijuana, vaporizers are also increasingly used. Stronger forms of marijuana include sinsemilla (from specially tended female plants) and concentrated resins containing high doses of marijuana’s active ingredients, including honey like hash oil, waxy budder, and hard amberlike shatter. These resins are increasingly popular among those who use them both recreationally and medically.

The main psychoactive(mind-altering) chemical in marijuana, responsible for most of the intoxicating effects that people seek, is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Chemically related THC compounds, called cannabinoids and other chemicals are found in resin produced by the leaves and buds primarily of the female cannabis plant. The plant also contains more than 500 other chemicals, including more than 100 THC compounds.

When marijuana is smoked, THC, and other chemicals in the plant pass from the lungs into the bloodstream, which rapidly carries them throughout the body to the brain. The effects of marijuana begin almost immediately on the person. Many people usually experience a sense of relaxation and pleasant euphoria. Other common effects, which include heightened sensory perception (e.g., brighter colors), laughter, altered perception of time, and increased appetite, may experience or vary dramatically among different people.

An acute psychosis, which includes hallucinations, delusions, and a loss of the sense of personal identity, maybe experience by people who have taken large doses of marijuana. Although detectable amounts of THC may remain in the body for days or even weeks after use, the noticeable effects of smoked marijuana generally last from 1 to 3 hours, and those of marijuana consumed in food or drink may last for many hours.

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In 2013, Uruguay became the first country to legalize the recreational use of cannabis. Other countries to do so are Canada, Georgia, and South Africa, along with 11 states and the District of Columbia (though the drug remains federally illegal). Medical use of cannabis, requiring the approval of a physician, has been legalized in many countries.

Imaging studies have shown conflicting results on the impact of marijuana on brain structure in humans. Some studies suggest regular marijuana use in adolescence is associated with altered connectivity and reduced volume of specific brain regions involved in a broad range of executive functions such as memory, learning, and impulse control compared to people who do not use.

Some studies have also linked marijuana use to declines in IQ, especially when use starts in adolescence and leads to persistent cannabis use disorder into adulthood. More research will be needed to answer definitively whether marijuana use causes long-term IQ losses.

People with marijuana use disorders, especially adolescents, often suffer from other psychiatric disorders (comorbidity). On average, adults seeking marijuana treatment have attempted to quit more than six times and used marijuana nearly every day for more than ten years.

They may also use or be addicted to other substances, such as cocaine or alcohol. Available studies indicate that effectively treating the mental health disorder with standard treatments involving medications and behavioral therapies may help reduce marijuana use, particularly among those involved with heavy use and those with more chronic mental disorders.

Short Essay on Marijuana Essay 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Marijuana Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Marijuana, also known as pot, herb, weed, grass, bud, Mary Jane, ganja, and many other slang terms, is a greenish-gray mixture of the dried flowers of Cannabis sativa.

The main psychoactive(mind-altering) chemical in marijuana, responsible for most of the intoxicating effects that people seek, is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

When marijuana is smoked, THC, and other chemicals in the plant pass from the lungs into the bloodstream, which rapidly carries them throughout the body to the brain. Chemically related THC compounds, called cannabinoids and other chemicals, are found in the female cannabis plant’s resin.

Many people who consume marijuana usually experience a sense of relaxation and pleasant euphoria. Other common effects include laughter, altered perception of time, heightened sensory perception (e.g., brighter colors), and increased appetite. The experience may vary dramatically among different people.

Effectively treating the mental health disorder with standard treatments involving medications and behavioral therapies may help reduce marijuana use, particularly among those involved with heavy use and those with more chronic mental disorders.

10 Lines on Marijuana Essay in English

1. The hops in beers and marijuana in blunt belong to the same family of flowering plants. 2. A scientific study revealed that ingesting weed can hold the clue to cancer cure as marijuana could stop the spread or growth of many aggressive cancer types. 3. It is partly true and a common myth that smoking weed weakens your brain. Adults who are hooked to cannabis don’t show a decline in their IQ. 4. The first e-commerce transaction was the sale of cannabis, done by Stanford students back in 1971! 5. It’s common thinking that Netherlands or Jamaica may have the highest population percentage consuming marijuana, but it’s Iceland, with almost 18 % of its population reportedly using weed. 6. In Bhutan, the popular feed for pigs is weed as it is more common than grass; not many smokes it. 7. A pot smoker would theoretically have to smoke a lot of weed, nearly 680 KGs of marijuana, within about fifteen minutes to die of it. 8. A cigarette has a 90% addiction rate, while marijuana is even less addictive than coffee. Studies indicate that alcohol and smoking are more harmful than weed. 9. Approximately 4,600 pounds of CO2 has been released into the atmosphere; weed poses bigger risks to the ecology. 10. Researchers have discovered that the brain produces similar reactions as a weed as that of chocolate.

FAQ’s on Marijuana Essay

Question 1.  How is marijuana used?

Answer:  Marijuana can be smoked like a cigarette and rolled up like a joint or a cigar/blunt. Sometimes people mix it with food and eat it or brew it as a tea(edibles).

Question 2.  Is it possible to “overdose” or have a bad reaction to marijuana?

Answer: A fatal overdose is unlikely, but that does not mean marijuana is harmless. Too much of Marijuana can cause extreme confusion, paranoia, panic, anxiety, etc.

Question 3.  What causes the effect when consumed Marijuana?

Answer:  The main psychoactive(mind-altering) chemical in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Question 4. Is it safe for a breastfeeding mom to use marijuana?

Answer: We do not yet know. Chemicals from marijuana can be passed to your baby through breast milk as THC is stored in fat and slowly released.

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Marijuana and Its Effects on Mental Health Essay

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Marijuana is a drug used commonly in the world among teenagers. The countries most affected are New Zealand, United States of America, Australia and several countries in Western Europe. It is estimated that around162 million people all over the world use marijuana and this represents 3.9 percent of the population worldwide (Sundram, 2006).

It is believed that the consumption of this drug is associated with several negative impacts on human health. Therefore, this paper seeks to analyze the epidemiological research study findings that will show the relationship between marijuana and its effects on mental health.

Marijuana is a drug that is smoked like a cigarette. Studies show that the drug has adverse effects on the brain of the users. It has an active herbal component that is referred to as tetrahydrocannabinal that is known for its negative effects on cannabinoid receptors (Murray & Bevins 2010). Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinal greatly affects the CB receptors.

To understand the altering role of cannabis, it is necessary to understand that CB receptors are divided into CB1 and CB2. CB1 plays a variety of regulatory roles in the body and is found in many parts of the brain. On the other hand, CB2 receptors play the role of regulating the immune system. CB! Activates G-proteins then reduce the production of Calcium ions while increasing Potassium ion distribution.

These processes lead to “…depolarization-induced suppression of inhibition” (Murray and Bevins, 2010, p. 266). This process generally leads to impeding of transmission from the presynaptic terminal.” Endogenous cannabinoid becomes more at the post synaptic stage causing further postsynaptic excitation.

The effect of marijuana on the CB1 receptors have has great impacts on the daily activities of an individual. The synaptic processes are great factors in learning and the process of memorization. In precision, use of marijuana affects an individual’s memory and learning process through the impact of Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinal component that affects the CB1 receptors.

This happens through the inhibition of endocannabinoid signaling which is a prerequisite for the learning process that takes place in the cerebrum. Furthermore, the same endocannabinoid signaling is a prerequisite for the processes of memorization that take place in the amygdale (Murray, Morrison, Henquet & Forti, 2007).

Other studies have also pointed out that early stages of marijuana use leads to reduced blood flow to the brain. This is referred to as cerebral blood flow. However, the effect is not similar with experienced marijuana users of whom the study pointed out increase in cerebral blood flow.

As compared to placebo, the use of marijuana generally increased cerebral blood flow in the globe especially in the frontal lobe and the right hemisphere. Another study pointed out increased metabolism in the cerebral after induction of marijuana (OLeary, Block, Koeppel, Flaum, Schultz, Andreasen,Ponto, Watkins,Hurtig &Hichwa,2002).

Short-term memory is another victim of increased use of cannabis. According to Iversen (2003), several studies have been carried out and proved that short term memory is greatly impaired by increased use of cannabis. It has been proved that most users of marijuana faired poorly in tests that included attention.

On other studies carried out on animals, it was clearly founded that THC which is the most active component of marijuana, synthetic cannabinoids and anandamide affect an individual’s short term memory. This was very evident also in tasks that involved spatial learning. He further shows that cannabinoids affect to a great extend the hippocampus.

The effects of the use of marijuana can be comparable to those exhibited by the removal of this important part of the brain (Richardson, 2010). Cannabinoids impair with the ability of this part to process the sensory information through disrupting of the hippocampal circuits.

There are other effects of marijuana on the brain that have not been scientifically proved. For instance, medical research on deceases associated with brains show that there is an increase in chances of having several of these deceases in individuals who smoke marijuana.

For instance, Sundram (2006) argues that the use of marijuana can be associated with most of the common mental health problems. Among them are strong links between use of cannabis and depression. In addition, cannabis was also linked to anxiety, bipolar disorder, manic and hypomanic symptoms, psychosis et cetera.

In his conclusion, it is clear that there is a complex relationship between the use cannabis and these mental diseases. However, it calls for further research because so far no clear causes have been identified. Even so, use of cannabis has been scientifically tested and proved to have exacerbate the symptoms of most of the mental diseases.

Murray et al (2007) bring out another negative effect of marijuana on the brain. In their argument, they purport that use of marijuana negatively implicates on higher brain functions. This can be attributed to the effects of THC on the neocortex. Neocortex is affected by marijuana given the high concentration of CB1 in it. The effect of THC on pre and post synaptic processes is explained earlier in the paper.

As a result of these, marijuana users tend to experience time moving faster than the normal speed at which the rest of the people experience. If asked t estimate the time spent during a period, they tend to over-estimate time. On the other side, if asked to give cue after an estimated period of time, they tend to give the cue after a shorter duration that outlined.

Laaris, Good &Lupica (2010) argue that marijuana has great effects on the hypothalamus. The endocannabinoid anandamide had been proved to be a great stimulant of food intake in animals. The study concluded that the hypothalamus contained the endocannabinoids which play an integral role in regulation of food intake.

This points out that impairment of the CB1 receptors in the hypothalamus might have effects on the control of food intake. Use of marijuana (which is actually the injection of THC) inhibits the production of leptin and hence increases the appetite of the individual. This means that use of marijuana impairs with an individual’s ability to control food intake.

In conclusion, research has clearly pointed out that use of marijuana has drastic effects on the functioning of the brain. The CB1 receptors which are very common in the brain when impaired can have negative effects on high level functioning of the brain, short term memory, food intake regulation, increase in cerebral blood flow and exacerbation of symptoms of mental health complications.

All these effects of marijuana are caused by the Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinal, and other active chemical elements found in marijuana that alter the functioning of the CB1 elements in the brain. Although the use of marijuana has been associated with some few positive effects, the negative ones simply outweigh them.

It is therefore important that an individual understands the effects that the drug has on their brain and how this impacts their day to day lives before making the decision of using marijuana.

Reference List

Iversen, L. (2003). Cannabis and the brain. Brain , 126, 1252-1270.

Laaris, N., Good, C., & Lupica, C. (201O).Tetrahydrocannabinol is a full at CB1 Receptors on GABA neuron axon terminals in the hippocampus. Neuropharmacolo gy, 59, 121-127.

Murray, J., & Bevins, R., (2010). Cannabinoid conditioned reward and aversion: Behavioral and neural process. ACS Chemical neuroscience , 1, 265 -278.

Murray, R., Morrison, P., Henquet, C., & Forti, M. (2007). Cannabis, and mind the Society: the hash realities. Science and society , 8, 885.

OLeary, D., Block, R., Koeppel, J., Faum, M., Schultz, S., Andreasen, A., Ponto, L.,Watkins, G., Hurtig, G., & Hichwa, R. (2002). Effects of smoking

marijuana on perfusion and cognition. Neuropsychopharmacology, 26(6), 802-816.

Richardson, T. (2010). Cannabis use and mental health: A review of recent epidemiological research. International journal of pharmacology , 6(6), 796-807

Sundram, S., (2006).Cannabis and neurodevelopment: implications for psychiatric disorders. Human psychopharmacology , 21, 245.

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IvyPanda. (2019, May 21). Marijuana and Its Effects on Mental Health. https://ivypanda.com/essays/marijuana-and-its-effects-on-mental-health-essay/

"Marijuana and Its Effects on Mental Health." IvyPanda , 21 May 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/marijuana-and-its-effects-on-mental-health-essay/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Marijuana and Its Effects on Mental Health'. 21 May.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Marijuana and Its Effects on Mental Health." May 21, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/marijuana-and-its-effects-on-mental-health-essay/.

1. IvyPanda . "Marijuana and Its Effects on Mental Health." May 21, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/marijuana-and-its-effects-on-mental-health-essay/.


IvyPanda . "Marijuana and Its Effects on Mental Health." May 21, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/marijuana-and-its-effects-on-mental-health-essay/.

Short-Term Effects of Marijuana Use: what to Know

This essay about the short-term effects of marijuana explores how its use can lead to a range of immediate experiences. It highlights how marijuana can enhance sensory perceptions, making colors and sounds more vivid and altering one’s sense of time. The essay also addresses the increase in appetite known as the “munchies,” which can be beneficial or lead to unhealthy eating habits. Additionally, it discusses mood changes, including euphoria and potential anxiety, and notes the cognitive effects such as impaired memory, attention, and coordination. Overall, the essay underscores the variability of marijuana’s effects and emphasizes the importance of understanding and managing its impact for both recreational and medicinal users.

How it works

Marijuana, often touted for its relaxing effects and therapeutic potential, can also induce a range of short-term experiences. When consumed, the immediate effects of this plant can vary significantly from person to person, influenced by factors such as the method of consumption, dosage, and individual physiology. Understanding these short-term effects can provide valuable insights into both its recreational and medicinal uses.

Upon ingestion, whether through smoking, vaping, or edibles, users frequently report an altered state of consciousness. This alteration often manifests as an enhanced sensory experience, where colors seem more vibrant, sounds become more profound, and time may appear to slow down.

Such sensory distortions can be particularly intriguing, offering a heightened appreciation of music, art, or nature. However, they can also lead to disorientation or impaired judgment, which might pose risks, especially in situations requiring quick reflexes or clear thinking.

Another common short-term effect is an increase in appetite, often referred to as the “munchies.” This is a well-documented phenomenon where users experience a heightened sense of hunger, leading them to seek out and consume more food than usual. While this effect can be beneficial for individuals undergoing treatments that suppress appetite or for those with eating disorders, it can also contribute to unhealthy eating habits if not managed mindfully.

Marijuana also influences mood, with many users reporting feelings of euphoria and relaxation. This can be a significant draw for recreational users seeking stress relief or a mood boost. However, the mood-altering effects can be unpredictable. Some individuals might experience anxiety or paranoia, especially in higher doses or if they are not accustomed to the substance. This variability underscores the importance of understanding one’s own tolerance and the setting in which marijuana is consumed.

The cognitive effects of marijuana are notable as well. Short-term use can impact memory, attention, and coordination. Users might find it challenging to focus on tasks or recall recent events, which can affect productivity and safety, particularly when engaging in activities such as driving. These cognitive impairments are typically temporary, subsiding as the effects of the drug wear off. Nevertheless, they highlight the need for caution when using marijuana, especially in situations where mental clarity is crucial.

In summary, while marijuana can provide a range of enjoyable and therapeutic effects, its short-term impact is multifaceted. Enhanced sensory perception, increased appetite, mood changes, and cognitive alterations are all part of the experience. As with any substance, the key to a positive experience lies in understanding these effects and using the drug responsibly.


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"Short-Term Effects of Marijuana Use: What to Know." PapersOwl.com, Jul 21, 2024. Accessed July 24, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/short-term-effects-of-marijuana-use-what-to-know/

"Short-Term Effects of Marijuana Use: What to Know," PapersOwl.com , 21-Jul-2024. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/short-term-effects-of-marijuana-use-what-to-know/. [Accessed: 24-Jul-2024]

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The Pros And Cons Of The Legalization Of Marijuana In Kenya

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Thursday, May 20, 2021

Marijuana should be illegal essay.

marijuana should be illegal essay

Marijuana: Should it Be Legalized? Essay Words | 7 Pages. that it had increased in the youngest age group studied, eighth grade students (Anonymous). This increase in teen use is further supported by an article from Target News Reports that states “one in every fifteen high school seniors today is smoking pot on a daily basis” (Marijuana) Marijuana should be illegal because it will cause an increase in drug users and drug related crimes, the short term and long term effects of marijuana on the body, and the effect it will have on the country. One of the consequences of legalization would be a tremendous increase in marijuana users Additionally, there would be no risks of users taking in unknown substances mixed in marijuana sold on the streets. Marijuana should also be legal because it has a medicinal value. It has been proven that medical marijuana treats a wide assortment of “untreatable” diseases and blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins

Why Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized Example | Graduateway

This sample is NOT ORIGINAL. The issue of whether to legalize or not to legalize the use of marijuana has become a debatable issue various groups and individuals taking various positions regarding this matter. This has led to the rise of several movements and marijuana should be illegal essay and human right groups advocating for legalizing marijuana.

In USA some states such as California has already legalized marijuana simply for medical purposes. It is notable that the American public has a steaming tendency of making the drug legal while other states are concerned with adverse health damages and its underlying effects Kilmer From the various the drug is relatively not harmful compared with other substances such as tobacco or alcohol if they are used for moderation, marijuana should be illegal essay , notably is the research studies from doctors which provide that marijuana is not harmful if used in moderation and that the drug is not more addictive as compared with tobacco and alcohol Kilmer In USA different states have varying specific laws and regulations regarding the use of marijuana either for medical as well as those using it for medical purposes.

Notably is the state of California which have passed laws and regulations regarding the use of marijuana by it state citizens regarding its medical use, marijuana should be illegal essay , this to a larger extend tend to legalize the use of marijuana in this state.

On the other hand in New Jersey the specific laws and regulation on the use of marijuana is tougher which is equalized with criminal activity, marijuana should be illegal essay . The comparison of two state laws each of them has its stand position basing on the pros and cons on the consumption and the use of marijuana.

The two passed and enacted laws explained below shows the contrast of the two states in regard to the use of marijuana Kilmer This act concerns the medical use of marijuana and supplementing and this legislation provides that the modern research shows that there is beneficial use of marijuana in the medical field in alleviating pain and other forms of treatment.

The compassion provides the difference between the medical and non-medical uses of marijuana giving only authority for medical use and prescription from a registered physician only excluding its state citizens, marijuana should be illegal essay the medical use involves the marijuana should be illegal essay, cultivation, transfer, transports and dispense of marijuana to only registered patients and the primary registered caregivers.

These specific laws and regulations regarding the use of marijuana has made it to be considered to being illegal as compared to other states such as Marijuana should be illegal essay where its amended laws on the use of marijuana is less stringent.

Although the federal government has establish measures as a way to ease the criminal liability imposed regarding the use of this drug there are no much steps in achieving the liberty on the use of this drug by its citizens.

The New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services have released the draft rules outlining the application and the registration process on the specific acts and regulations on the use of marijuana. As a way to incorporate the public a discussion on a public hearing to discuss the proposed guidelines and rules was discussed, in addition there is provision of the alternative treatment centers which has been established in the northern, central and southern regions of the state which have the responsibility of providing services and treatment regarding the use of marijuana.

It marijuana should be illegal essay important to note that all of these centers and the other entities providing the same have to be approved by The New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services Single California is the famous state in USA which does allow the use of marijuana. This is attributed by the specific laws and regulations such as the Compassionate Use Act of and this act gets rid of the state-level criminal penalties regarding the use of marijuana, possession and its cultivation by the patients or any other person who has a formal, informal, written or oral prescription from a physician and that the marijuana in question has a medical benefit to him or her.

This act provides protection to persons and individuals who are diagnosed with debilitating illness and that the use of marijuana is deemed appropriate. This act and other specific marijuana regulations provide a guideline the manner and the way in which the medical marijuana can be grown and possessed by patients and other persons Petersen These laws and regulation provided an affordable and a safe way through which patients could acquire marijuana in the case of medical need and this has been obligated to the federal government and the state.

There are other specific policies which apply to most of the other states such as Rockefeller drug laws and the Minnesota drug policy Gray Minnesota drug policy has been considered by many to be disastrous because of the way this state dealt with the issues of drugs which led to a poor relations between the citizens and the state government, most of the Minnesotans are not proud on how the state handles the use of drugs such as marijuana marijuana should be illegal essay the consequences they are experiencing.

A comparison with other states the Minnesota sentencing guidelines regarding the use of marijuana provided that it has a higher threshold compared with other states. It is notable that the Minnesotan drug policies have done a greater damage as compared with other states such as California whom their policies have the tendency of legalizing it Gray Another stringent specific law and regulation is the Rockefeller Drug laws which has been used to represent the laws that deal with the possession of narcotic drugs in New York State.

This law provided that those in possession or processing drugs such as marijuana and other drugs more than four ounces were imprisoned for a minimum of 15 years and maximum of 25 years. This policy has been adopted by other states such as Michigan and they have all faced sharp criticism from both the political left as well as the right Zili Amsel The model and the approach in which the New York state has adopted is perceived and considered by many to have many damages to its state citizens than its advantage.

Notably is the damage on the minority groups and the communities mainly the African Americans as compared with the whites and the Latinos. The adoption of this law has been criticized by the political groups as well as the human right activists because of its perception to being discriminatory and racist Zili Amsel Examining these laws and regulations regarding the use of drugs notably marijuana and the enforcement of the underlying enacted laws there is a lot of unfairness as it compares it with murder case which is not rational.

The failure of this approach is the believe that jailing and imprisoning the drug addicts and users is the only available social and medical treatment for this case, it is because of this reason that the model drew an intense opposition from the various groups across the states that had adopted this approach. This model in dealing with the use of drugs by the New York state has limited the creation of life chances and the available opportunities for its state citizens for this to be reversed the state has to reformulate the existing laws and policies in regard to the use of drugs such as the marijuana.

It is apparent that these policies have caused much harm than what it is aimed to prevent in the state and its society the enactment of this approach has led to the increase in the number of prisoners related to the use of these drugs increase sharply.

This has resulted further into the societal challenge in adopting sensible and moderate policies in dealing with the crime and drug abuse within the state Zili Amsel As provided by the above affects on the adoption of marijuana should be illegal essay model in the counter of the use of marijuana there is a need to moderate this approach to ensure equality and fairness in the various states in USA that have adopted the same laws and regulations such as Michigan and the New Jersey states, marijuana should be illegal essay .

More important is the consideration on the use for medical purposes which have seen intense pressure to moderate the laws in regard to the medical use of these drugs. The following are the proposals which points out the areas and the required action needed to be done in order to change these laws and regulations and these regulations include Gerber The first proposal is to remove all the required and to revise the minimum sentence laws regarding those who are convicted with the drug offenses within the state.

This will provide remedy for those who use marijuana for medical purposes, marijuana should be illegal essay . Secondly is that the respective state governments in which these laws and regulations have been enacted should provide enough resources for the provision of the marijuana for the patients, marijuana should be illegal essay , this service should be extended as a drug treatment and to ensure that it is made available to it state citizens notably the drug dependent people.

Thirdly is that sentence lengths should be reduced and this should be revised as per the guidelines of sentencing which should be equal to the set out guidelines in other states. The forth point is that the use of law enforcement model should be discouraged in handling public health problems which may not be necessarily drug abuse but simply for medical reasons.

Finally is that the state should ensure that there is sufficient drug treatment on the convicted persons in prison or in jail terms Zili Amsel The current policy model should be changed because of the negative impacts to the society and the general public. The following are the reasons behind the rationale that marijuana laws and policies should be changed.

Due to increased modernization the people residing in all the states deserve the right and freedom to use or not to use marijuana. From the ideologies and philosophy of democracy people and citizens should be allowed to make choices for themselves. Therefore the government should only put regulations on the harm on others but leave people to decide to use or not to use marijuana Gerber Criminalizing the use of marijuana should be illegal essay will not help the federal and state governments in fighting the menace of the use of marijuana.

There is evidence from various studies which shows that law enforcement and regulations contribute greatly to the use of marijuana. This has greatly affected the high school students in most states where these drugs are readily available. In summary the use of forceful laws and regulations will amount to nothing and that education and counseling is the suitable way of addressing the limitation on the use of marijuana Gerber Studies show that the cost of controlling the use of marijuana is very expensive and costly.

The government at all levels in USA engaging on the war against drugs spends a significant portion of budget in the fight against persons using marijuana for their personal use. The government should not spend much money on marijuana but make it legal and spend on other important matters, marijuana should be illegal essay . Legalizing marijuana and establishing an efficient system through which it can be taxed could be a reliable source of revenue to the government, marijuana should be illegal essay .

Instead of spending revenue on making it illegal it should be turned into an avenue through which it can be turned into a reliable source of revenue Single The theory of justice tries to come up with a philosophy underlying justice who establish person individuals and political structures marijuana should be illegal essay preserve individual liberty as well as the social justice.

This theory asserts that political structures such as the government and the law enforcers should ascribe to this philosophy by allowing the governed to choose how they should be governed and not imposed unnecessary laws and regulations Rawls This theory articulated for the federal and the state governments not to impose laws and regulations that criminalize the use of marijuana that is granting its citizens individual rights and liberty.

In addition this theory provides that individuals tends to choose a system of justice that will serve them adequately therefore the government should allow individuals to choose to use or not to use marijuana Rawls In summary this theory provides the important tenets of justice in which good relations between the government and its citizens can be based and finally proves that legalizing marijuana will attribute to developing a just society that addresses problems underlying the society Evans In conclusion by the state and the federal government legalizing marijuana is an important step in establishing a just and stable society.

The implication of legalizing marijuana include the government will be able to save direct costs which are related to the use of marijuana and other related drugs. For a long time economists have advocated for legalizing marijuana because of the costs incurred thus legalizing will see the government save a lot of money for other important issues. Secondly is that legalizing marijuana will ensure that racial discrimination is reduced this is evident as the convicts who are pushed into prison are mainly black Americans who turn into hardcore criminals later and are discriminated as compared with their white and Latinos counterparts Evans Legalizing and taxing marijuana can be profitable hence contributing to the GDP of the country and the state as the business is illegal but it is still carried out.

Finally is that by legalizing marijuana should be illegal essay use of marijuana ensures that individual freedom and liberty is achieved in the state and this is evident in states that have made amendments and passed bills that have repealed criminalizing the use of marijuana.

Evans, marijuana should be illegal essay , R. The regulation and taxation of cannabis commerce. Chicago: Task Force on Cannabis Regulation. Gerber, marijuana should be illegal essay , R. Legalizing Marijuana: Drug Policy Reform and Prohibition Politics, marijuana should be illegal essay .

New York:Greenwood Publishing Group. Gray, marijuana should be illegal essay , C. Marijuana should be illegal essay use of marijuana for medical purposes, MDs and patients plead. Canadian Medical Association, — Kilmer, B, marijuana should be illegal essay .

Assessing How Marijuana Legalization in California Could Influence Marijuana Consumption and Public Budgets. RAND Corporation, Petersen, R. Decriminalization of Marijuana — A Brief Overview of Research-Relevant Policy Issues. Drug Probs Zili Amsel, W. Reliability and Validity of Self-Reported Illegal Activities and Drug Use Collected marijuana should be illegal essay Narcotic Addicts. Informa Health Care Marijuana Should Be Legalized. March 12, marijuana should be illegal essay , Accessed 19 May, Essay Samples Marijuana Legislation Essays Marijuana Should Be Legalized, marijuana should be illegal essay .

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Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized: An Expert's Perspective

Why Marijuana Should be Legal Essay, with Outline - blogger.com

marijuana should be illegal essay

Marijuana: Should it Be Legalized? Essay Words | 7 Pages. that it had increased in the youngest age group studied, eighth grade students (Anonymous). This increase in teen use is further supported by an article from Target News Reports that states “one in every fifteen high school seniors today is smoking pot on a daily basis” (Marijuana) Should Medical Marijuana Be Legal or Illegal? Medical marijuana is illegal for use in most states today, but sometimes people use it because they are ill and know the drug can help them. The drug is illegal so it is impossible to get a hold of it even though it can help. This is why there is a push to legalize medical marijuana. Many others say the drug should stay illegal For many Americans, marijuana has either always been illegal or always been legal for most of their lives, meaning the pace of the evolution of the controversy over whether marijuana should be legalized has accelerated over the past 2 decades or become moot. In reality, though, the origins of the controversy date to the Marihuana Tax Act of

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Exploring Marijuana's Effects on The Human Body

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Words: 1476 |

Published: Dec 3, 2020

Words: 1476 | Pages: 3 | 8 min read

  • Meek, William. https://www.verywellmind.com/marijuana-and-anxiety-1393132,updated Abrams DI. https://www.cancer.org/treatment/treatments-and-side-effects/complementary-and-alternative-medicine/marijuana-and-cancer.html. Published, March 4, 2015
  • Galeo. 'Restricting Marijuana Research Threatens Public Health.' Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2019.
  • Opposing Viewpoints in Context, http://link.galegroup. Gale. Marijuana.' Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2018.
  • Opposing Viewpoints in Context, http://link.galegroup.com Rockville, MD. “Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality”https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects.html
  • Buddy T. https://www.verywellmind.com/can-people-become-addicted-to-marijuana-63536. Updated October 27, 2016
  • E, Bast And Lorna liana. https://entheonation.com/blog/iboga-ibogaine-opioid-addiction/

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Legalizing marijuana essay outline.

legalizing marijuana essay outline

May 29,  · Why We Should Not Legalize Marijuana. (). In CNBC. Retrieved June 25, from blogger.com Should Marijuana Be Legal Essay Outline. Introduction. Thesis: Marijuana has health benefits and should thus be legal. Body. Benefits of Marijuana. Paragraph 1: Marijuana slows and stops the spread of cancer blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Feb 28,  · Marijuana Legalization Outline. The Legalization of Marijuana Thesis Statement: The legalization of marijuana in the United States would create a drastic change by forming a more productive society through all of the positive uses of cannabis, physically, economically, and blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Nov 21,  · Sentence Outline. Thesis: Although marijuana affects the natural brain functions such as: memory, coordination, learning, and the ability to problem solve; allowing it to stay illegal causes no difference in the use, but inflicts on other more important issues that need to be dealt with.. Argument 1: Taxing marijuana would help the growth of the economy

A sample persuasive essay outline on Marijuana Legalization

The Legalization of Marijuana Thesis Statement: The legalization of marijuana in the United States would create a drastic change by forming a more productive society through all of the positive uses of cannabis, physically, economically, and socially.

Hire a subject expert to help you with Marijuana Legalization Outline. Past legality in the United States A. It was one of the largest agricultural crops in the world C. The first law to exist in the U. was a law demanding the U. farmers to grow hemp D.

In legalizing marijuana essay outline , cannabis, hemp, and marijuana became illegal E. It remained illegal until World War II G. Inall forms of marijuana were illegal again and still remains to be illegal. The death rates are more common for other abused substances C.

More thandeaths are attributed to tobacco smoking. There are zero deaths related to the use of cannabis. The amount of Americans who smoke is substantial. More than 14 million people smoke regularly. More thanindividuals are arrested per year G. The number of money taxpayers pays to equip the state and federal prison facilities are substantial and would decrease with the legalization of marijuana IV. Regulations in stores vs. on the streets A. Cigarettes and legalizing marijuana essay outline are monitored B.

One must be 18 to purchase any tobacco product C. One must be 21 to purchase an alcoholic beverage D. Marijuana is sold on the streets to anyone who wishes to purchase it E. The legalization could help prevent the smoking of underage teens G. Crime rates would decrease, as well as drug cartels V. Dangers Legalizing marijuana essay outline. Studies of the harm to the body caused by marijuana B.

It shows no sign of brain cell damage C, legalizing marijuana essay outline . Not one case of lung cancer legalizing marijuana essay outline been found caused solely by marijuana D. Overdose will not occur if one smoked too much VI. California A. Decriminalized Marijuana B. California was the first state to decriminalize it C. Legalization in Colorado and Washington A. Illegal to anyone under the age of 21 B. An adult can legally possess up to 1oz of dried marijuana, 16oz of marijuana solids ediblesand legalizing marijuana essay outline of cannabis-infused liquids C.

Marijuana Legalization Outline. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Feb 28, Accessed May 19, comFeb Uses of Hemp and its Potential Contributions to the United States Hemp is a crop that has been used for many things for many years. The fibers are used for. Darnell Taylor M. Channing English 1B March 5, Decriminalization of Marijuana As I researched the internet for information about the decriminalization of marijuana, I found so much information concerning.

Financial Statement Analysis Financial Statement Analysis page 1 Table of content Executive Summary 1. Debate Paper Legalization of Marijuana Cannabis, also referred to as marijuana, is the third most popular recreational drug, behind only tobacco and alcohol, in the United States Whitehouse. gov, legalizing marijuana essay outline , Cannabis has been a part of human existence for thousand of years. People used cannabis as a necessity of life. People depended on cannabis to live longer than they depended.

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Why Marijuana Should be Legal Essay, with Outline - blogger.com

legalizing marijuana essay outline

Outline on Marijuana Legalization. It is a very important step to draw an outline for your essay to understand the flow of your essay. So let’s get started. Introduction. The introduction of the essay must include an explanation of what is marijuana and why and what countries have legalized it so far Feb 28,  · Marijuana Legalization Outline. The Legalization of Marijuana Thesis Statement: The legalization of marijuana in the United States would create a drastic change by forming a more productive society through all of the positive uses of cannabis, physically, economically, and blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins May 29,  · Why We Should Not Legalize Marijuana. (). In CNBC. Retrieved June 25, from blogger.com Should Marijuana Be Legal Essay Outline. Introduction. Thesis: Marijuana has health benefits and should thus be legal. Body. Benefits of Marijuana. Paragraph 1: Marijuana slows and stops the spread of cancer blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins

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