How to Copy the PowerPoint Background to Another Presentation

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Powerpoint is a powerful presentation builder, but building out each presentation manually can take forever. Recycling presentation slides and working with master templates is important for regular users. You can quickly customize design elements, copy backgrounds in Powerpoint, and build new presentations using only the desired pieces of past presentations. The increased efficiency is a huge time saver and makes your presentation-building process seamless.


Locate a Background

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Before jumping into files, find a background that you like. You can use an existing background from a previous presentation you built or search for presentation background templates online. The online options are broad, and most are available for use as long as you don't use other logos or violate any listed terms or conditions. If you find a background that looks great in another one of your presentations, attempt to save the file. If you cannot save, open the file and leave the presentation slide open on your screen.

Prep Your Presentation Slides

After finding a slide with a great background to use, open a new PowerPoint presentation or the presentation you are currently editing. You should have two presentations open on your screen: the presentation where you want to paste the background and the one with the background you want to copy. With both open, you can copy and paste not only the background but also other elements and entire slides. The content is essentially interchangeable.

Copy and Paste the Background

Locate the slide with the background you want to copy on the left side where all the slides are visible. In some presentations, a consistent background across all slides is a good option, while others call for the background on only a select number of slides. It's all a matter of design preference in that regard. With the slide selected, access your toolbar and click on the "Format Painter" option. It has a paintbrush icon next to the text. Click on the slide to copy the background. Move to your current presentation and select the slide in the left column of slides where you want to add the background to instantly add the background to that slide.

You can use the same process to copy and paste the same background on multiple slides or all the slides. When you select the "Format Painter" option to copy a background, double-click. This action holds the background, and you can paste it to multiple slides by clicking them individually in the left column. This makes it easy to add a background to select slides or to quickly add it to all slides by clicking each one.

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Copy Slides to Another PowerPoint Presentation

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What to Know

  • Right-click the thumbnail of the slide to be copied, select Copy , then right-click a blank area of the Slides pane where you want to place it.
  • Alternate method: Click-and-drag the thumbnail of the slide you want to copy to the Slides pane of the destination presentation.
  • Note: When using the click-and-drag method, the copied slide takes on the design theme of the destination presentation.

This article explains how to copy a slide in PowerPoint from another PowerPoint presentation. Instructions in this article apply to PowerPoint 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, and PowerPoint for Microsoft 365.

Copy and Paste Method in PowerPoint

A quick way to use slides from one presentation in another presentation is to copy the slides that you want to use and paste those slides into the new presentation.

Open both presentations to show them at the same time on the screen. The original presentation contains the slides you plan to copy , and the destination presentation is where they will go. The destination presentation may be an existing presentation or a new presentation.

On the ribbon , go to the View tab.

In the Window group, select Arrange All . In PowerPoint 2003, choose Window > Arrange All from the main menu.

In the Slides pane of the original presentation, right-click the thumbnail of the slide to be copied.

Choose Copy from the shortcut menu.

In the destination presentation, right-click a blank area of the Slides pane where you want to place the copied slide. It can be placed anywhere in the sequence of slides in the presentation.

Choose a Paste option. In PowerPoint 2019, 2016, 2013, and 2010, you have three options:

  • Use Destination Theme (H) : The copied slide will use the same theme as the PowerPoint presentation it is pasted into.
  • Use Source Formatting (K) : The copied slide will keep the original theme and formatting as the original presentation.
  • Picture (U) : The copied slide will be pasted as a graphic into the active slide.

For PowerPoint 2007 and 2003, choose Paste from the shortcut menu.

Click and Drag Method in PowerPoint

If you'd rather use the mouse to copy slides from one presentation to another, follow these steps:

In the Slides pane of the original presentation, select the thumbnail of the desired slide.

Drag the thumbnail to the Slides pane of the destination presentation in the preferred location for the slide.

The pointer changes to indicate the placement of the slide.

Place the slide between two slides or at the end of the presentation.

When you use this method, you don't have the option to choose which theme the newly copied slide will use. The newly copied slide takes on the design theme in PowerPoint (or design template  in PowerPoint 2003) of the second presentation.

If you started a new presentation and haven't applied a design theme or design template, the newly copied slide appears on the white background of the default design template.

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Keep source formatting with copy-paste between presentations in Powerpoint (Work arounds)

Basic question:.

In Powerpoint, when copying slides from one presentation to another how can I maintain the source background, colors, and other formatting?

Traditional Answer:

When things are working right:

  • Get both presentations into the same view (e.g. Normal vs. slide sorter)
  • Highlight the slides in the source presentation and drag or Copy/Paste to the desired location in the destination presentation.
  • By default, it will adopt the corresponding styles from the destination template (specifically, that of the slide just before the paste destination)
  • In the small floating Copy/paste drop-down menu, select "Keep Source Formatting"

This will keep the source formatting and add the corresponding template of master slides to the destination presentation.

Question here is: What if that doesn't work?

Example: in the latest version of Powerpoint 2016 under Mac OSX (16.17 (180909)), selecting "Keep source formatting" does not make any changes. Instead, the check mark never moves, and the format is stuck with the undesired destination formatting.

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Work around:

  • Open the Master view in each presentation
  • Select the top (larger) master slide from the source and copy it to the end of the list of master slides in the destination. This will copy not just one slide format, but the full template of slide formats as an alternate template in the destination. Existing slides there will not change
  • Return both to normal view
  • Copy slides to destination, attempt to use the drop down to select "Use destination formatting." Chances are this won't work or you wouldn't be reading this part so...
  • For the newly copied slides, select the Layout button from the Home ribbon and scroll down till you see the source template and select the correct slide type.

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How to Copy Slides from One PowerPoint Presentation to Another?

You’ve just created a stellar PowerPoint presentation for an upcoming meeting. But wait – you remember another presentation with slides that would fit perfectly in this one. If only there was a way to integrate them! Oh, wait. There is. Wondering how to copy slides from one PowerPoint to another? Dive in, and let’s unravel the mystery together.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Copy Slides from One PowerPoint to Another

powerpoint presentations

  • Shortcut: As a shortcut, press Ctrl+C after selecting the slides.
  • Navigate to the Destination: Shift to your second presentation – this is your destination presentation.

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  • Mismatched Slide Numbers: Ensure continuity by adjusting slide numbers through the ‘Insert’ tab, selecting ‘Slide Number’.
  • PowerPoint Versions: If you’re using older versions like PowerPoint 2007 or PowerPoint 2013, some methods may slightly vary. Check Microsoft Support for specific instructions.
  • Feedback & Further Assistance: If you encounter any issues, remember to give feedback. For comprehensive guides, the “See Also” section in Microsoft Office support can be beneficial. Also, PowerPoint for the web offers a streamlined interface if you’re working online.
  • Final Words:  Mastering the art of moving slides from one presentation to another can save you time and effort, enhancing your productivity. Whether you use drag and drop, shortcut methods, or repurpose slides, you’ll find this knowledge invaluable.

Transferring PowerPoint slides between presentations is essential for efficient workflow. To copy a slide, start by selecting the slide that you want from one presentation and then paste it into another PowerPoint presentation. Always consider the design theme, and you might choose to use the destination theme for consistency. Utilize tools like SharePoint and OneDrive for streamlined collaboration and storage. By practicing these methods, managing your slides will become a breeze. Happy presenting!

Yes, but be aware that some formatting issues might arise due to version differences.

The animations should copy over, but always review to ensure they function as intended.

Yes, PowerPoint’s fundamental functions remain consistent across Windows and macOS.

It could be due to different design themes applied in each presentation. Adjust via the ‘Design’ tab.

There isn’t a set limit, but copying a vast number of slides may slow down the program temporarily.

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transfer powerpoint background one presentation another

Reuse (import) slides from another presentation

You can add one or more slides to your presentation from another, without having to open the other file.

(By default, a copied slide inherits the design of the slide you're inserting it after in the destination presentation. However, you can choose to keep the formatting of the slide you're copying instead.)

When you import a slide from one presentation to another, it is simply a copy of the original. Changes you make to the copy do not affect the original slide in the other presentation. 

Open the presentation that you want to add a slide to.

In the slide thumbnail pane on the left, click where you want to add a slide.

The red horizontal line indicates where the new slide or slides will be inserted.

On the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Slides group, click the arrow below New Slide , and then select Reuse Slides .

transfer powerpoint background one presentation another

In the Reuse Slides pane, click Open a PowerPoint File .

Browse to locate a presentation

In the Browse dialog box, locate and click the presentation file that contains the slide that you want, and then click Open .

If you want the slide that you are adding to the destination presentation to maintain the formatting of the original presentation, select the Keep source formatting check box before you add the slide to the destination presentation. (When this check box is not selected, the copied slides inherit the styling of the slide they're inserted after.) Then, in the Reuse Slides pane, do one of the following:

To add a single slide, click the slide.

To add all of the slides, right-click any slide, and then select Insert All Slides .

Select the "Keep Source Formatting" option if you want the inserted slides to maintain the styling used in the original presentation.

Open an existing presentation or create a new presentation that you want to insert slides into.

In Normal view, in the navigation pane, click the slide that you want to insert the other slides after.

On the Home tab, under Slides , click the arrow next to New Slide , and then click Reuse Slides .

The New Slide menu includes a Reuse Slides command.

In the dialog box, find the presentation that you want to insert, and select it. Click OK .

Note:  In PowerPoint for the web, you can insert reused slides from other presentations only one at a time.

Open the presentation that you want to insert slides to.

In the slide thumbnail pane on the left, click the slide you want to add slide after.

Select Reuse slides

Import slides from another presentation to the current one

In the thumbnail pane on the left, select the slide after which you want to insert the imported slides.

On the Home tab, select Reuse Slides .

The Reuse Slides button

The Reuse Slides pane opens on the right. Your recent presentations are shown.

Select a presentation from the list to see the individual slides in it.

Click a slide thumbnail to copy it into the current presentation.

By default, an imported slide keeps the colors and formatting of the presentation it comes from.

When you're done importing slides from the selected presentation, you can close the pane or search for other slides to import.

The Reuse Slides pane has a Search box at the top

More details

A search box at the top of the Reuse Slides pane lets you search for any presentation, whether it's stored on your computer's hard drive or on SharePoint or OneDrive for work or school.

A Browse button under the search box lets you explore your folders for what you want.

By default, a slide you import keeps the formatting of the presentation it comes from. But three formatting options are available. When a slide is inserted, it appears in the thumbnail pane on the left and a (Ctrl) pop-up menu appears on the thumbnail. Click it to see three Paste options:



The imported slide adopts the color scheme and styling of the current presentation.

The imported slide keeps the color scheme and styling of the presentation it came from.

A picture of the source slide is inserted on the slide that is currently selected in the thumbnail pane on the left. The picture can be moved and resized as needed.

Copy and paste your slides

Use Slide Libraries to share and reuse PowerPoint slides

Add, rearrange, duplicate, and delete slides in PowerPoint


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How to Copy a Slide from One PowerPoint to Another: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating impactful PowerPoint presentations often means borrowing slides from previous decks or collaborating with colleagues. When faced with this task, it’s reassuring to know that copying a slide from one PowerPoint presentation to another is a simple process . This task can greatly streamline your workflow, saving you both time and effort.

A computer screen with two open PowerPoint windows. One window shows a slide selected, while the other window shows the slide being copied into a new presentation

In our experience, utilizing the built-in features of PowerPoint allows for seamless integration of slides. By using options like ‘Copy and Paste’ or ‘Reuse Slides’, you can transfer content without a hitch. One handy tip is that you can drag and drop slides, which feels almost as intuitive as shuffling a deck of cards. This approach is not only efficient but also keeps your formatting intact.

Select slide → Ctrl+C → Ctrl+V in new presentation A few seconds
Insert tab → Reuse Slides → Select slides A few minutes
Drag slide thumbnail into new presentation Instant

By mastering these methods, we empower ourselves to craft polished and cohesive presentations swiftly. Whether you’re preparing for a crucial meeting or collaborating on a big project, knowing how to effectively copy slides will undoubtedly enhance your productivity. Let’s dig into these techniques and make your next PowerPoint project a breeze!

  • 1.1 Choosing the Right Design Theme
  • 1.2 Implementing Effective Source Formatting
  • 2.1 Utilizing the Reuse Slides Feature
  • 2.2 Mastering Slide Arrangement Techniques
  • 3.1 Navigating Between Different Views
  • 3.2 Optimizing Your Workflow with Shortcuts
  • 4.1 Incorporating Multimedia Elements
  • 4.2 Exploring PowerPoint Alternatives

Creating and Designing Professional Slides

Let’s explore practical steps to create and design eye-catching PowerPoint slides that make a lasting impact. From selecting a fitting design theme to ensuring consistent formatting, we’ve got you covered.

Choosing the Right Design Theme

Selecting the appropriate design theme sets the tone for a professional presentation. PowerPoint offers a wide variety of themes to choose from. We can find themes by navigating to Design > Themes in the PowerPoint desktop app.

We should consider the topic and audience when picking a theme. For instance, a business presentation might benefit from a clean, minimalist theme, while a more creative topic could use a vibrant, colorful one.

Also, it’s essential to maintain consistency throughout the presentation. Here’s a quick tip: Apply the chosen theme to all slides by selecting Design > Apply to All Slides .

Implementing Effective Source Formatting

Ensuring consistency in formatting across all slides enhances the overall look. We can copy and paste source formatting from one slide to another using tools like Format Painter . This tool is available under Home > Format Painter .

To copy slide formatting:

  • Select the slide with the desired formatting.
  • Click on Format Painter.
  • Click on the slides to which you want to apply the formatting.

For copying entire slides from another presentation, open both presentations in the PowerPoint desktop app. In the source presentation, right-click on the slide thumbnail and select Copy Slide . Then, paste the slide in the destination presentation. This process ensures the formatting and design elements remain intact.

This consistency reinforces our message and keeps our audience focused.

Managing Slide Consistency and Reusability

Consistency and reusability are key to making effective presentations. We can achieve this by utilizing built-in PowerPoint features and mastering slide arrangement techniques.

Utilizing the Reuse Slides Feature

When we want to maintain consistent styling across presentations, the Reuse Slides feature comes in handy. We can open the destination presentation and navigate to the Home tab.

Select Reuse Slides from the New Slide dropdown menu.

The Reuse Slides Pane will open on the right. Here, we can browse for the source presentation. Clicking on a slide will insert it into our current presentation while preserving the original formatting.

This feature helps us save time and ensure all our slides look unified, whether we’re using Microsoft 365 or PowerPoint for the web . With it, we don’t have to worry about manually adjusting design elements every time we import a slide.

Mastering Slide Arrangement Techniques

Once we’ve imported slides, arranging them efficiently is crucial. Using the Slide Sorter view, accessible from the View tab, allows us to see all our slides at once. This visual overview helps in organizing the slides logically.

We can also use Normal View for a more detailed look at each slide. By selecting multiple slides with Shift+Click, we easily move entire sections around.

Another powerful tool is the Arrange All option in the View tab. This allows us to work on multiple presentations side-by-side, simplifying the process of transferring slides while maintaining the flow and consistency of our presentation.

Efficient Slide Handling and Navigation

Efficient handling and navigation of slides in PowerPoint significantly enhance productivity. This section will discuss key strategies for effectively moving, copying, and managing slides.

Navigating Between Different Views

When juggling multiple slides, navigating between different views is essential. In PowerPoint, the Normal view is highly functional as it displays the slides pane, offering a clear thumbnail view of each slide. This aids in quickly selecting the slides we need.

The Slide Sorter view provides a bird’s-eye view, making it easier to move and copy slides. To access Slide Sorter, click on the View tab on the ribbon and select Slide Sorter . This allows us to see all slides at once, facilitating efficient reorganization.

To toggle between these views quickly, use the shortcuts Alt + W, L for Normal view and Alt + W, I for Slide Sorter view on Windows. On a Mac, use Cmd + 1 for Normal view and Cmd + 2 for Slide Sorter view.

Optimizing Your Workflow with Shortcuts

Leveraging shortcuts can streamline our workflow significantly. For instance, to copy a slide, select the desired slide thumbnail and press Ctrl + C for Windows or Cmd + C for Mac. To paste the slide, use Ctrl + V or Cmd + V respectively.

We can also utilize the Duplicate Slide function. Right-click on the slide thumbnail and select Duplicate Slide , or use Ctrl + D (Cmd + D on Mac). This creates an exact copy instantly, saving time compared to traditional copy-paste.

Moreover, the Ribbon provides quick access to the New Slide and Paste Options buttons, enhancing our flexibility. The Paste Options menu even allows us to choose different formatting options for the pasted slides, maintaining consistency.

By mastering these shortcuts and navigation strategies, we can handle our slides more efficiently and create polished presentations with ease.

Advanced PowerPoint Techniques and Alternatives

When working with PowerPoint presentations, there are several advanced techniques to enhance your slides and also alternatives that provide unique capabilities.

Incorporating Multimedia Elements

We can elevate our PowerPoint slides by integrating multimedia components such as videos, pictures , and animations . Adding a video to a slide not only captivates the audience’s attention but also effectively communicates complex ideas. In PowerPoint 2019, inserting a video is straightforward—just go to the Insert tab , choose Video , and select the desired file.

Animations are another powerful tool. They can help emphasize points or make data flow logically on a single slide. When using animations, keep feedback in mind so they enhance, rather than distract from our message.

Interactive pictures can also make a presentation more engaging. Instead of static images, we can use animated GIFs or create clickable hotspots that link to detailed information slides or external resources. Using PowerPoint’s built-in editing tools , we can overlay text and shapes onto images, creating interactive and compelling visuals.

Exploring PowerPoint Alternatives

While PowerPoint 2013 and 2019 are robust tools, sometimes we need something different. Google Slides is a popular alternative, offering seamless collaboration and cloud-based accessibility. Its interface is intuitive, and it supports real-time feedback and edits from multiple users, making it ideal for team projects.

For those who need highly customizable and visually striking graphics, Prezi offers a unique approach with its zoomable canvas. This tool lets us create dynamic, flowing narratives that can stand out in a sea of linear slide presentations.

Additionally, Keynote is perfect for those integrated into the Apple ecosystem, providing powerful design tools and templates. Its smooth transitions and ease of use make it a strong contender.

Using different platforms, we can import slides from one to another, maintaining our design consistency. Embracing these alternatives gives us flexibility and the ability to choose the best tool for each project.

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Hi, I am Donna Hocking a freelance graphic designer. I specialise in working with smaller businesses, start ups & freelancers to build their brand & online presence. I also work with larger companies providing ad hoc graphic design or artworking support.

Get in touch to discuss your project.

I offer a range of services such as: Logo design; Branding development; Design for printed materials including, flyers, posters, brochures, POS, & outdoor; Digital design including web banners (static, gif & HTML), social posts, website design &/or build; Presentation design

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Copy & paste slides in PowerPoint and keep slide formatting

In this post I will show you how to copy & paste slides in PowerPoint and keep slide formatting. Some of you may know this already but if you are like me you may have never had the need for it and when you do, like me you may realise that the instructions on the PowerPoint help centre are less than straightforward so I intend to explain it in simple terms as it is actually a very straightforward and quick process.

You will notice that if you try to copy slides from one PowerPoint presentation and paste them into another just using the standard copy (command+C for mac) and paste (command+V for mac) buttons the format of the slides change. They try to pick up or merge with the format of the presentation you are copying the slides into. Well this does not need to be the case. You can easily copy and paste multiple slides from one PowerPoint presentation to another and maintain formatting really easily.

Below is a quick video and a written guide as ever I have tried to keep it to simple quick instructions so I hope you find it useful.

Copy & paste slides in PowerPoint and keep slide formatting – Video guide

Copy & paste slides in PowerPoint and keep slide formatting – Written guide

STEP 1 Select the slides from the presentation you wish to copy from by clicking on each slide you wish to copy whilst holding down the command (on mac) button. Then press command+C (on a mac) or right click to copy those slides.

STEP 2 Now open the presentation you wish to copy the slides into. Click on the slide in that presentation which you want the new slides to follow. Now in the top ribbon find the paste button and click the arrow to see the dropdown menu. Then select ‘Keep source formatting’.

This will paste the slides into your new presentation but keep the formatting of the presentation they came from.

Written by Donna Hocking, graphic designer and creative artworker. If you are a designer / agency in need of support or a business looking for someone to create your print & web materials get in touch I’d love to hear from you. You can also read more about what services I provide here .

Insert editable vectors into PowerPoint for Mac

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How to Copy Slides to a Different PowerPoint Presentation

transfer powerpoint background one presentation another

Jessie Richardson Read more January 6, 2021

If you’ve created a fantastic PowerPoint presentation, you may want to reuse the slides in the future. Fortunately, this is a pretty straightforward task. With just a few simple clicks, you’ll be able to copy them.

How to Copy Slides to a Different PowerPoint Presentation

However, there are various other options, like keeping the formatting, which you should know about. In this article, we’ll show you how to copy slides to a different PowerPoint presentation. Plus, we’ll show you some useful PowerPoint hacks.

Copying Slides and Keeping Formatting

The presentations you’re working on can have different styles and themes. Nonetheless, you want to copy slides from one presentation to another, but keep the same formatting. To do so, make sure you open both PowerPoint presentations. For a better view of all slides, under ‘View’ tap on ‘Slide Sorter.’ There you’ll see all the slides from the presentation. All you have to do is select the ones you want to copy.

transfer powerpoint background one presentation another

Depending on what you want to do, you can either select all slides or just specific ones. The commands are different for Mac and Windows users. To select all files:

For Windows users : Ctrl + A

For Mac users : Cmd + A

transfer powerpoint background one presentation another

If you want to select specific slides, this is what you need to do:

Windows users : Ctrl + click

Mac users : Cmd + click

transfer powerpoint background one presentation another

Now that you’ve selected, you can copy by holding Ctrl and C, or Cmd and C for Mac users. Once you do that, head over to the other presentation. To keep the formatting, click on the ‘New slide’ under the ‘Home’ button. Then, click on ‘Reuse Slides.’ You’ll now see a box open on the right side of the presentation, where you can browse the slides from the old presentation and select the ones you want to copy.

transfer powerpoint background one presentation another

The next step is crucial because it allows you to keep the formatting of the old presentation. By ticking the box next to ‘Keep source formatting,’ you ensure the old slides keep the same style and the theme, even though they’re now copied to a new presentation.

transfer powerpoint background one presentation another

Copying Slides Without Source Formatting

If you want to merge slides from different PowerPoint presentations, while keeping the uniformed style and theme, the steps will be different.

As before, open both PowerPoint presentations and select the slides you want to copy. In the presentation where you want them inserted, open ‘Slide Sorter’ for a better view. Here, copy the slides – and that’s it! When you adopt this method, the slides will assume the new presentation style and lose their formatting.

transfer powerpoint background one presentation another

PowerPoint Hacks

Besides being able to copy slides from one presentation to another, there are other hacks and tips you should know. Without further ado, let’s see what these are.

Hack #1: Embedding Fonts

Fonts are a huge part of any PowerPoint presentation as they draw the attention of the audience. If you choose a font that isn’t clear, your audience won’t be able to see the content of the presentation itself. However, another problem may arise when you share your presentation with someone who doesn’t have the font you’ve used in PowerPoint. To avoid this, here’s what you can do:

transfer powerpoint background one presentation another

Now, when another person receives your presentation, they won’t have a problem seeing it, even if they don’t have the same font saved.

Hack #2: Adding Audio

If you want to get a little bit creative with your presentation, you can add audio. To do that, click on ‘Insert’ from the menu bar and then ‘Audio.’ You can now choose whether you want to use something from your computer or online. Once you insert the audio, you’ll see the ‘Playback’ tab. You can now select the starting point of the sound, or choose it to play in the background while you deliver the presentation.

transfer powerpoint background one presentation another

Hack #3: Make Your Presentation a Video

Although PowerPoint presentations can be interesting, many people still prefer to watch videos on a particular topic. Luckily, you can easily turn your presentation into a video. Follow these steps:

transfer powerpoint background one presentation another

Various PowerPoint Options

As you can see, PowerPoint comes with some fantastic options. If you’ve made a really great presentation and want to use some slides in the future, you can do it easily. Moreover, you can choose to keep the formatting if you want.

Besides that, there are some other unique PowerPoint features which can make a huge difference to your presentation. Make sure you check them out the next time you need help. How about you? Are you a fan of PowerPoint presentations? Do you know any other hacks? Why not share them with the rest of the community in the comments section below?

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How to Drag Slides From One PowerPoint to Another: A Step-by-Step Guide

Dragging slides from one PowerPoint to another is a simple process. Open both presentations, select the slide or slides you wish to move, and drag them to the destination PowerPoint’s slide sorter or slide panel. After completing this action, the moved slides will appear in the second presentation, ready for further editing or presenting.

After you complete the action of dragging slides from one PowerPoint to another, the slides you moved will be incorporated into the new PowerPoint presentation. They will appear in the sequence you placed them, and you can then rearrange, edit, or style them as needed to fit the flow of your new presentation.


Have you ever been working on a PowerPoint presentation and realized that a slide or two from another presentation would fit perfectly? Maybe you’re consolidating information for a big meeting, or maybe you’re a teacher who wants to reuse a particularly effective slide in a new lesson. Whatever the reason, PowerPoint makes it relatively simple to move slides from one presentation to another, ensuring you can create the most impactful presentation possible without having to recreate content from scratch.

Knowing how to drag slides from one PowerPoint to another can save you time and help maintain consistency across different presentations. It’s also a useful skill for anyone who frequently presents, whether in a business, academic, or personal setting. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without this handy little trick.

Step by Step Tutorial: How to Drag Slides from One PowerPoint to Another

Before diving into the steps, let’s clarify what we’ll achieve. We’ll learn how to efficiently transfer slides from one PowerPoint presentation to another. This technique is handy when you want to merge presentations or move content around without starting from scratch.

Step 1: Open Both PowerPoint Presentations

First things first – open both the PowerPoint presentations: the one with the slides you want to move and the one where you want to move them to.

When you have both presentations open, make sure they’re both in a view that allows you to see the slides. A good view for this is the “Slide Sorter” view, which you can access from the “View” tab in PowerPoint. This way, you can see all slides at once, making it easier to select and move them.

Step 2: Select the Slides You Want to Move

In the presentation with the slides you want to move, click on the slide you wish to transfer. If you’re moving multiple slides, hold down the Ctrl key (Command on Mac) and click each slide.

Make sure you select every slide you want to move before you start dragging. If you accidentally miss one, you’ll have to repeat the process for the missed slide. Also, remember that any changes you make to the original slide will not be reflected in the copy once it’s moved.

Step 3: Drag and Drop the Slides into the New Presentation

Click and hold on the selected slides, then drag them to the other open PowerPoint window. Drop them in the desired location in the second presentation’s slide thumbnail pane or slide sorter view.

As you drag the slides over to the new presentation, you’ll see a faint outline or a cursor indicating where the slides will be dropped. Be precise with where you place them, as this will determine their order in the new presentation. If you make a mistake, don’t worry; you can always rearrange the slides later.

Time-EfficiencyDragging slides from one presentation to another saves time compared to recreating the same slides.
ConsistencyIt helps maintain a consistent look and feel across different presentations.
FlexibilityThis method allows for easy collaboration and sharing of content between presentations.

Time-efficiency is a significant benefit of dragging slides between PowerPoint presentations. Instead of spending precious minutes or even hours recreating a slide you know exists elsewhere, you can simply move it over. This leaves you more time to focus on other aspects of your presentation.

Ensuring consistency across presentations is another advantage. By moving slides, you can maintain the same formatting, branding, and messaging, which can be crucial in a professional setting. It’s also less prone to human error than recreating slides from memory.

Flexibility is key when working on presentations, especially if you’re collaborating with others. If someone else created a great slide, you can easily incorporate it into your presentation. This method keeps everyone on the same page and ensures the best content is used.

Potential Formatting IssuesSlides may not always transfer perfectly and may require some reformatting.
Version CompatibilityThere may be compatibility issues between different versions of PowerPoint.
Missing ElementsSome elements, like fonts or media, may not transfer if they’re not available on the second computer.

One potential issue with dragging slides between PowerPoint presentations is formatting discrepancies. Sometimes, slides may not look exactly the same in the new presentation, especially if you’re using different templates or themes. This can mean spending time readjusting the slides to make sure they fit in with the rest.

Version compatibility can also be a problem. If you’re moving slides from a newer version of PowerPoint to an older one, some features may not be supported, which could cause issues with how the slide appears or functions.

Finally, if your slide includes specific fonts, media, or other elements that aren’t available on the computer you’re moving the slides to, these elements might be missing or look different. It’s always a good idea to check for these discrepancies before finalizing your presentation.

Additional Information

When dragging slides from one PowerPoint to another, it’s essential to consider the design and layout of your new presentation. You might need to tweak the slides a bit to make them fit seamlessly into their new home. For example, the color scheme or fonts used in one presentation might clash with the other, so be prepared to do some editing to ensure a cohesive look.

Another tip is to use the “Reuse Slides” feature if you’re dealing with a large number of slides or want more control over the insertion process. This feature, found under the “New Slide” dropdown, allows you to browse and insert slides from other presentations with the option to preserve or discard formatting.

Additionally, remember that any animations, transitions, or embedded media will also be transferred with the slides. So, make sure everything works as intended in the new presentation. It’s always a good idea to do a quick run-through after incorporating the new slides to catch any issues.

Using the prompt keyword, remember that when you drag slides from one PowerPoint to another, you’re essentially copying and pasting content. This can be incredibly helpful for constructing comprehensive presentations without unnecessary duplication of efforts.

  • Open both PowerPoint presentations.
  • Select the slides you want to move.
  • Drag and drop the slides into the new presentation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i move multiple slides at once.

Yes, you can move multiple slides at once by holding down the Ctrl key (Command on Mac) and clicking each slide you want to transfer, then dragging them together to the new presentation.

Will animations and transitions also be moved with the slides?

Yes, animations and transitions that are applied to the slides will also be transferred when you drag them to the new presentation.

What if the design themes of the two presentations are different?

If the design themes are different, you may need to do some reformatting after moving the slides to ensure they match the new presentation’s style.

Can I undo the action if I make a mistake?

Yes, you can undo the action by pressing Ctrl+Z (Command+Z on Mac) if you accidentally move the slides to the wrong spot or change your mind.

What should I do if a font or media doesn’t transfer correctly?

If a font, media, or any other element doesn’t transfer properly, you may need to manually add it to the new presentation or choose suitable replacements that are available on the second computer.

Mastering the art of dragging slides from one PowerPoint to another can revolutionize the way you create presentations. It’s a skill that’s easy to learn but has a significant impact on your workflow, saving you time and helping to ensure your slides are always up to snuff. Whether you’re a student, a business professional, or just someone who likes to create killer slideshows for family and friends, knowing this trick can make all the difference.

For further reading, consider exploring more advanced PowerPoint features like the “Reuse Slides” function or diving into tutorials on how to make the most of PowerPoint’s vast array of tools. And, of course, never underestimate the importance of practice. The more you work with PowerPoint, the more seamless and intuitive these processes will become.

Remember, dragging slides from one PowerPoint to another is just one of many ways to enhance your presentations. Stay curious, keep learning, and your next slideshow might just be your best one yet.

Matthew Burleigh Solve Your Tech

Matthew Burleigh has been writing tech tutorials since 2008. His writing has appeared on dozens of different websites and been read over 50 million times.

After receiving his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science he spent several years working in IT management for small businesses. However, he now works full time writing content online and creating websites.

His main writing topics include iPhones, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Android, and Photoshop, but he has also written about many other tech topics as well.

Read his full bio here.

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How to Make a “Good” Presentation “Great”

  • Guy Kawasaki

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Remember: Less is more.

A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others. Here are some unique elements that make a presentation stand out.

  • Fonts: Sans Serif fonts such as Helvetica or Arial are preferred for their clean lines, which make them easy to digest at various sizes and distances. Limit the number of font styles to two: one for headings and another for body text, to avoid visual confusion or distractions.
  • Colors: Colors can evoke emotions and highlight critical points, but their overuse can lead to a cluttered and confusing presentation. A limited palette of two to three main colors, complemented by a simple background, can help you draw attention to key elements without overwhelming the audience.
  • Pictures: Pictures can communicate complex ideas quickly and memorably but choosing the right images is key. Images or pictures should be big (perhaps 20-25% of the page), bold, and have a clear purpose that complements the slide’s text.
  • Layout: Don’t overcrowd your slides with too much information. When in doubt, adhere to the principle of simplicity, and aim for a clean and uncluttered layout with plenty of white space around text and images. Think phrases and bullets, not sentences.

As an intern or early career professional, chances are that you’ll be tasked with making or giving a presentation in the near future. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others.

transfer powerpoint background one presentation another

  • Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist at Canva and was the former chief evangelist at Apple. Guy is the author of 16 books including Think Remarkable : 9 Paths to Transform Your Life and Make a Difference.

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    Hi Karl. Just using basic control c/control v, ootr paste special, or using thumbnails and right click copy and paste into new presentation - none of these options work - but they say keep destination theme in paste special, and our templates haven;t been set up using themes. the formatting and slide layouts have been set up in slide master ...

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    Click View, and then in the Presentation Views group, click Normal. In the slide thumbnails on the left side, click the slide that you want to copy: To select multiple sequential slides, click the first slide, press Shift, and then click the last slide that you want. Alternatively, you can click on the first slide, press Shift and then press ...

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    Get both presentations into the same view (e.g. Normal vs. slide sorter) Highlight the slides in the source presentation and drag or Copy/Paste to the desired location in the destination presentation. By default, it will adopt the corresponding styles from the destination template (specifically, that of the slide just before the paste destination)

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    While opening a new powerpoint, a Title slide appeared in Design Ideas. I like it, and want to copy it to my other presentation. Things that have not worked: 1) Copy and pasting directly from the slide deck doesn't work. 2) Copy and pasting from within Slide Master between the power points. For some reason the design is not saved.

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    Then press command+C (on a mac) or right click to copy those slides. STEP 2. Now open the presentation you wish to copy the slides into. Click on the slide in that presentation which you want the new slides to follow. Now in the top ribbon find the paste button and click the arrow to see the dropdown menu. Then select 'Keep source formatting'.

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    For Windows users: Ctrl + A. For Mac users: Cmd + A. If you want to select specific slides, this is what you need to do: Windows users: Ctrl + click. Mac users: Cmd + click. Now that you've ...

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    Summary. A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you're pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing ...

  21. How-to Guide: Copy Slides From One PowerPoint to Another

    Select View, then click Presentation Views group and Normal. From the slide thumbnail on the left-hand side, select the slide you want to copy: To choose multiple slides, select the first slide, hold SHIFT, and then select the final slide you want. If you don't like that mother, you can select the first slide, hold SHIFT and click the CURSOR ...

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