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My school trip essay

My school trip essay 6 models

My school trip essay ,School trips leave a great impact in the mind of the student where he goes without his family accompanied by friends and colleagues, which allows him to rely on himself and take responsibility to enjoy the activities of the trip.All this will be here in My school trip essay .

My school trip essay

School trips leave a great impact in the mind of the student, where he goes without his family, with his friends and colleagues, which allow him to rely on himself and take responsibility and enjoy the activities of the trip.

Each school planning for trips is as a recreational and educational way, supervised by social workers and school supervisors, who planning visits, ticketing, bus booking, etc.

I went on a school trip to (name of the city) of (Governorate name). of (city area in km) and (population number) approximately.

I prepared my small bag and put sandwiches, juice and water for the trip. I went to sleep early to wake up early to be full of energy on the journey.

We rode the bus in front of the school in the early morning and we left our parents and friends who did not come with us.

The bus driver displayed a documentary about the city we were going to visit and the tour supervisor told us about the directions and instructions we should follow and how to act in case of lost. He provided us emergency numbers and asked us to write them in a paper and keep in our pocket.

We arrived at our destination and started visiting the (museum name) which is a large museum featuring many important items that tell us the history of the city.

Then we went to visit the open museum which is an open area with many beautiful items.

Then we went to visit the important landmarks of the city.

The last stop of the trip was to visit the amusement park, a recreational city with lots of games.

The supervisor gave us two hours to enjoy our time, play the games we want and assemble before the door of the amusement park in preparation for riding the bus and back to our city.

We gathered two hours later in front of the amusement park door, the supervisor checked everyone’s presence and then we boarded the bus and returned to our city.

It was a beautiful day we enjoyed it a lot and we saw many of the city’s famous sights.

We learned a lot about its history and the history of its inhabitants.

Finally, we reached our city late at night. Our families were waiting for us.

We thanked the tour supervisor and went to our homes to sleep and prepare for school the next day.

a memorable school trip essay

It’s great to enjoy a little bit away from school and home for rejuvenation and energy, and this is exactly what happened. After working hard and excelling in school, I was able to go out on an unforgettable school trip. Through this trip, I was able to define my goals and benefit greatly from them.

This was an excursion to one of the seminars of the great Steve Jones. Just being in the midst of this huge crowd of scientists, inventors and businessmen made me know what I want to become in the future, and what are my upcoming priorities.

On this journey I was able to find answers to many of my questions and found the inspiration I wanted. Now I want to become in the future an inventor of something useful that benefits humanity and achieve great success for me, whether material or moral, through fame.

It is wonderful to know the importance of technology to society and how we inevitably go to it and the development of all means of services around us. And with just a little bit of clinging to the dream and fighting for it like Steve did, I can certainly succeed too.

simple essay on school trip

I feel very happy to go on a trip to the football stadium. This was a big surprise for us, to be able to watch an important match with friends.

Of course, I watched many matches with my family before, but this time the experience is different because it is with my friends and I was able to express and launch my enthusiasm, without feeling any pressure.

I enjoy this experience so much, and for sure I want to repeat this experience in other activities. Now I can’t wait to go home and tell my brother about this experience, and that in the future he should try going out with his friends on school trips and enjoying this holiday. It gives great psychological comfort and a boost of activity that helps to return to study with full vitality and activity.

essay on school trip to a park

Oh my gosh, I can’t describe the beauty of nature that I enjoyed during my last school trip. There is a very big difference between the constant presence between the big and fast industrial life and the relaxation in the vast gardens and parks that do not contain any noise.

It is great to go through this experience and go to one of the most beautiful parks that contain very beautiful gardening works and organized views of trees and roses.

The wonderful engineering work that I saw in the park is one of the best landscapes that my friends and I enjoyed watching.

And certainly immediately we felt the amount of interest and love from the people responsible for this place, and how they can preserve and show this place this beauty.

Of course I would love to go back on a school trip to the park and enjoy physical games with my friends like we did. This was one of the things I enjoyed in nature. It is great to find large green areas. This helped me relax a lot.

school tour experience essay

I would very much like to write an article about my experience in the last school tour, and point out the things I liked the most.

I find this tour very different from many of our previous tours. Previously, the tour was in only one place, and curiosity and enthusiasm ended before the tour ended.

But certainly this was different when we were able to visit many places in the same tour, such as the museum, the garden and the library. All of these places had a different effect.

We find when visiting the museum and meeting one of the guides working in the museum that he has that interesting and funny way of explaining the holdings. It makes you want to know more about its origin and the civilization it comes from.

But due to the lack of time, this made me even more excited, eager to listen. I am also eager to see another place and enjoy. This made it more beautiful and did not leave any way for boredom.

When visiting the library, I was able to sign one of the famous books and see some of the authors of these books. I always watched this event through movies only. It is great to try this experience and get some interesting and useful books.

But certainly nothing is so wonderful after a long day of listening and paying attention as visiting the park and walking around it to release all that energy.

I cannot describe the beauty of how I felt in the experience of the games and activities that we did inside the park. I can say this was the best school trip experience I’ve ever had.

a school field trip essay in English

One of the great school field trips I enjoyed was this trip, this weekend we were able to go on a school field trip to the zoo.

And there were a lot of interesting animals that wanted to feed and take pictures, many pictures with them. But of course, every field trip cannot pass without new experiences, some of which you will benefit from and others that delight you.

I can’t stop laughing whenever I remembered the monkeys, and how they used to behave, I can’t believe how smart this animal is, and how it can make you happy at any time. And also watching the peacock, what a beauty!, I did not feel the consistency and beauty of the colors, as I saw in this bird.

It was wonderful to learn some information about the habitat of many animals, which made me very eager to read about them, how they live and how important the group is to them, and how to unite among them, such as the blue whale and other collective animals that live in groups and like the wolf as well.

Certainly this field trip was very wonderful and contained a lot of information that I benefited from.

In this way we have given you  My school trip essay, and you can read more through the following section:

  •  English essay

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A school trip essay is very excellent and writing way is also perfect

A very good essay. Need more like this.

Yeah. A very good way of writing

Awesome Schools trips are always full of fun and interesting moment. Nice construction, fantastic essay. keep it up.

babi school trip xbagi alamat,tarikh,etc bodo writer

Nice 👍👍👍👍👍👍🙂

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Essay on School Trip – Samples, 10 Lines to 1500 Words

Short Essay on School Trip

Essay on School Trip: School trips are an exciting and educational experience for students of all ages. These trips provide a break from the routine of the classroom and offer a hands-on learning opportunity in a new environment. In this essay, we will explore the benefits of school trips, such as fostering independence, building social skills, and enhancing academic learning. We will also discuss the importance of proper planning and supervision to ensure a safe and successful trip for all participants.

School Trip Essay Writing Tips

1. Start by introducing the topic of the essay – a school trip that you went on. Provide some background information about the trip, such as where you went, who organized it, and why you were excited to go.

2. Describe the preparations that were made before the trip. This could include packing your bags, getting permission slips signed, and researching the destination. Talk about any expectations you had for the trip and what you hoped to get out of it.

3. Discuss the journey to the destination. Describe the mode of transportation you took, any interesting sights you saw along the way, and how you passed the time during the journey. Talk about any memorable moments that occurred during the trip.

4. Once you arrived at the destination, describe the activities that you participated in. This could include visiting historical sites, exploring nature, or engaging in cultural experiences. Talk about what you learned from these activities and how they impacted you.

5. Reflect on the overall experience of the school trip. Discuss the highlights of the trip, any challenges you faced, and how the trip changed your perspective on the world around you. Talk about any new friendships you made or insights you gained during the trip.

6. Conclude the essay by summarizing the key points you discussed. Reflect on how the school trip impacted you personally and academically. Discuss any lessons you learned from the trip and how you will apply them in the future.

7. Proofread and edit your essay to ensure that it is well-written and free of errors. Make sure that your ideas flow logically and that your writing is clear and concise.

8. Consider adding personal anecdotes or quotes from fellow classmates to make your essay more engaging and relatable to the reader.

9. Remember to stay focused on the topic of the school trip and avoid going off on tangents. Keep your writing organized and structured to make it easy for the reader to follow along.

10. Finally, make sure to express your gratitude for the opportunity to go on the school trip and the memories you made during the experience. Share any lasting impressions or lessons you took away from the trip that will stay with you for years to come.

Essay on School Trip in 10 Lines – Examples

1. School trips are a great way for students to learn outside of the classroom. 2. They provide hands-on experiences that can enhance learning in a fun and engaging way. 3. School trips can include visits to museums, historical sites, nature reserves, and more. 4. They allow students to see and experience things they may not have the opportunity to otherwise. 5. School trips can help students develop social skills and build relationships with their peers. 6. They can also help students develop independence and responsibility. 7. School trips can be a break from the routine of school and provide a refreshing change of scenery. 8. They can inspire students to pursue new interests and passions. 9. School trips can create lasting memories that students will cherish for years to come. 10. Overall, school trips are a valuable and important part of a student’s education.

Sample Essay on School Trip in 100-180 Words

School trips are a great way for students to learn outside of the classroom and experience new things. These trips provide a hands-on learning experience that cannot be replicated in a traditional classroom setting. Whether it’s a visit to a museum, a historical site, or a nature reserve, school trips offer students the opportunity to see and touch what they are learning about in their textbooks.

During a school trip, students can engage with their surroundings, ask questions, and interact with experts in the field. They can also bond with their classmates and teachers in a more relaxed setting, fostering a sense of community and teamwork.

Overall, school trips are an essential part of a student’s education as they provide a well-rounded learning experience that goes beyond the confines of the classroom. These trips help students develop critical thinking skills, cultural awareness, and a deeper appreciation for the world around them.

Short Essay on School Trip in 200-500 Words

School trips are an essential part of a student’s educational experience. They provide an opportunity for students to learn outside of the classroom, explore new places, and bond with their classmates. I recently went on a school trip to a historical site, and it was a memorable experience that I will never forget.

The day started early as we boarded the bus and set off on our journey. The excitement among the students was palpable as we chatted and laughed, eagerly anticipating the day ahead. As we neared our destination, our teachers briefed us on the history of the site and what we could expect to see. I could feel my anticipation growing as we pulled into the parking lot and disembarked from the bus.

As we entered the historical site, I was immediately struck by the grandeur and beauty of the architecture. The buildings were steeped in history, and I could almost feel the echoes of the past reverberating through the halls. Our tour guide led us through the various exhibits, explaining the significance of each artifact and painting. I was fascinated by the stories behind each piece and marveled at the craftsmanship of the artisans who had created them.

One of the highlights of the trip was when we were given the opportunity to participate in a hands-on activity. We were divided into groups and tasked with solving a series of puzzles related to the history of the site. It was a fun and engaging way to learn more about the subject matter, and I enjoyed working together with my classmates to solve the challenges.

After the tour, we had some free time to explore the site on our own. I wandered through the gardens, taking in the beauty of the landscape and soaking in the peaceful atmosphere. I felt a sense of tranquility and contentment as I reflected on the day’s experiences and the knowledge I had gained.

As we boarded the bus to head back to school, I felt a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to go on this trip. It had been a day filled with learning, laughter, and camaraderie, and I knew that I would cherish the memories for years to come. School trips are more than just a break from the routine of the classroom – they are a chance to expand our horizons, deepen our understanding of the world, and create lasting bonds with our peers. I am grateful for the experiences and lessons learned on this trip, and I look forward to the next adventure that awaits us.

Essay on School Trip in 1000-1500 Words

School Trip: A Memorable Experience

School trips are an essential part of a student’s educational journey. They provide students with the opportunity to learn outside the classroom, experience new things, and create lasting memories. I still remember my school trip vividly, as it was one of the most memorable experiences of my school life.

The trip was organized by our school to a historical site located a few hours away from our city. We were all excited about the trip as it was our first overnight school excursion. The night before the trip, I could hardly sleep due to the anticipation and excitement of what was to come.

The next morning, we gathered at the school early in the morning, all dressed in our school uniforms and carrying our backpacks filled with snacks and essentials for the trip. The bus arrived, and we all boarded it eagerly, chatting and laughing with our friends. The bus ride was filled with excitement and anticipation as we sang songs, played games, and shared stories with each other.

After a few hours of driving, we finally arrived at our destination. The historical site was breathtaking, with ancient ruins, beautiful gardens, and a rich history that captivated our attention. Our teachers divided us into groups and assigned each group a guide who would take us around the site and provide us with information about its history and significance.

As we explored the site, I was amazed by the beauty and grandeur of the ancient architecture. The guide explained the historical significance of each building and monument, and I was fascinated by the stories of the people who had lived there centuries ago. It was a surreal experience to walk in the footsteps of those who had come before us and to imagine what life was like in those times.

One of the highlights of the trip was visiting the museum located on the site. The museum housed artifacts and relics from the past, including ancient coins, pottery, and weapons. It was like stepping back in time and getting a glimpse into the lives of the people who had lived in that place centuries ago. I was particularly fascinated by the intricate details of the artifacts and the stories they told about the people who had created them.

After a day of exploring and learning, we were all exhausted but happy. We returned to our accommodation, a cozy guesthouse located near the historical site. The guesthouse was charming, with comfortable rooms and a beautiful garden where we could relax and unwind after a long day of sightseeing.

That evening, we gathered for a bonfire and barbecue dinner. We sat around the fire, roasting marshmallows and sharing stories with each other. It was a magical moment, surrounded by friends and teachers, under the starry sky. We laughed, sang songs, and bonded over our shared experiences, creating memories that would last a lifetime.

The next day, we visited a nearby nature reserve where we went on a guided hike through the forest. The lush greenery, chirping birds, and fresh air were a welcome change from the hustle and bustle of city life. We learned about the flora and fauna of the region, and I was amazed by the diversity and beauty of nature.

As we hiked through the forest, I felt a sense of peace and tranquility that I had never experienced before. The sounds of nature, the rustling of leaves, and the gentle breeze were soothing to my soul. I felt connected to the natural world in a way that I had never felt before, and it was a profound and enlightening experience.

After the hike, we returned to the guesthouse for lunch before boarding the bus back to our city. The ride back was filled with a mix of emotions – sadness at leaving behind the beautiful place we had visited, but also gratitude for the experience and the memories we had created.

As we arrived back at school, we were greeted by our parents who had come to pick us up. We hugged our friends, said our goodbyes, and exchanged contact information to stay in touch. The school trip had come to an end, but the memories and experiences we had gained would stay with us forever.

Looking back on the school trip, I realize how fortunate I was to have had such a wonderful experience. The trip not only provided me with the opportunity to learn and explore new things but also allowed me to bond with my classmates and teachers in a way that would not have been possible in the confines of the classroom.

School trips are an essential part of a student’s education, as they provide hands-on learning experiences, foster social skills, and create lasting memories. I am grateful to my school for organizing such a memorable trip and for giving me the opportunity to learn, explore, and grow as a person.

In conclusion, the school trip was a transformative experience that I will always cherish. It opened my eyes to the beauty of the world around me, taught me valuable lessons about history and nature, and allowed me to create lasting memories with my friends and teachers. I am grateful for the opportunity to have had such a wonderful experience and look forward to future school trips that will continue to enrich my education and my life.

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The school trip.

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Emails about school trip

School trip

Join us on a school trip to Cardiff on Saturday 13th May .

We will spend the morning in the city centre . For lunch we’ll have a picnic in the park . In the afternoon we will visit the Science and Technology Museum .

Meet in the school car park at 8:00 am . Please arrive on time. We will return to the school at 5:30 pm .


Dear Students,

We hope you can come on our school trip next weekend . Unfortunately, the Science and Technology Museum is closed for building work on Saturday, but we have got tickets for St Fagans National History Museum instead. The good news is that entry is free so the trip will now cost £10 each.

Arrival and departure times are the same.

Mr Stuart Noble

Head Teacher

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Do you enjoy going on school trips? What trips have you been on?

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How To Write A Report On Your School Trip Experience

We know what it’s like in teaching these days: everything needs a write-up. And school trips are no exception: from writing permission letters to parents, to the post-match analysis that are school trip reports.

Fortunately, the experts at NGT are here to help. Our tour planning tools page and Trip HQ hub contain all sorts of teacher resources, from letter templates to packing checklists. So you can get a head start on all that admin, and build a school trip your students will never forget.

As for how to write a report on a school trip, we can help with those too. Just read on for our handy guide.

The school trip report format

When reporting on a  school trip , there are no ‘set’ ways to get started.

However, we’ve included some school trip report examples below, and outlined a few essential sections to help you out.

As for the length of your school trip report, you should aim for about two to three pages. This might sound quite long, but once you’ve filled out the key elements, it should come together fairly easily. 

The School Trip Aims and Objectives

Every school trip should have some solid objectives behind it: from allowing  geography  students to see coastal erosion in action, to letting your French class practice their language skills at a real  Parisian  market.

Hence, the aims and objectives should be the first and most important part of your school trip report. A bulleted list will suffice.

The school trip location

In your analysis of your school trip, it’s also important to explain why you chose that location.

Was it a once in a lifetime chance to experience other cultures? Or an opportunity for students to get to know their local area?

It’s also worth noting down why this place, in particular, is relevant to your specific  study topics . From museums and art galleries to sights and sounds, what is it about this  destination  that makes it the perfect spot to enhance your pupils’ classroom learning?

The school trip diary

A good school trip report should always include some diary-style entries. If it was a day trip, write up what your students did in the morning and afternoon. If you enjoyed a longer visit, you can separate out the activities from each day. 

However, rather than simply writing down the itinerary, make sure you explain how students felt, and what they learned. Adding little details like what the weather was like, and all the sights and sounds you noticed, can really help to bring your experience to life.

A top tip is to use the daily entries within  WST’s Trip HQ , therefore all your notes are securely kept in one place.

The school trip outcomes

This section is all about the educational impact of your adventure. Did your students fulfil their original objectives? What little surprises did you encounter along the way? Was there anything they learned that they didn’t expect to?

Once you’ve answered these questions, it’s time to establish the impact this experience will have in the classroom. For  modern foreign language  students, this might be improved fluency in their chosen language. For  art students , it might be inspiration for their coursework. For geographers, a case study they can use in their exams.

Whatever it is, write it down – it’s a crucial part of your school trip report.

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  • School Education /

Essay on My Trip for Students


  • Updated on  
  • Feb 3, 2024

Essay on my trip

Everybody enjoys traveling and exploring the outside world, the beautiful valleys, beaches, waterfalls, and other wonders of nature. School students are often required to write an ‘essay on my trip’, especially after their long vacations or school trips. The essay on my trip is an opportunity for you to relive those cherished memories once again. The only difference is that you have to explain it in your own words. 

school trip email essay

Writing an essay is a great way to effectively communicate your ideas and express your thoughts. When writing an essay on my trip or any school-level topics, you need to understand your audience, to whom you are addressing your essay. It’s time for you to hold a pen and paper in front of you and follow the essay on my trip samples discussed below. Here we go!

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on My Trip for Class 3
  • 2 Essay on My Trip for Class 5
  • 3 My Favourite Trip Essay in 250 Words
  • 4 10 Lines on My Trip

Master the art of essay writing with our blog on How to Write an Essay in English .

Essay on My Trip for Class 3

‘My trip started with me and my family making a list of necessary items and packing our stuff. Me and my family went on a 4-day trip to Udaipur, the city of lakes. This city has a total of 7 lakes, out of which, Lake Pichola is the most beautiful one. My father booked a suite for us, where we stayed. 

As always, my restless sister and I started exploring the hotel. We saw the beautiful swimming pool, played water sports, and ate a lot of Indian food. I enjoyed the Dal Bhaati Churma.

Then we visited the Jagdish temple, which was located just outside the royal palace. It is an architectural marvel and is listed among the top monuments in India. 

Last but not least, we went boating on Lake Pichola, which was the most beautiful moment of my entire trip. We rented a motor boat, where our guide told us everything about the city, its history, and how it has because a tourism hub. 

My trip to Udaipur was a magical experience. Every moment of my trip is a cherished memory that I will never forget. Traveling with my family was so much fun.’

To improve your essay writing skills, here are the top 200+ English Essay Topics for school students.

Essay on My Trip for Class 5

‘When I was in Class 5, we went on a school trip to Rishikesh, the famous hill station. My mother packed all my important things and told me to follow everything my teacher told me. It was a 3-day trip, where we had a lot of fun, ate delicious food, played games on the riverside, did rafting, bonfire and jungle-adventure.

We visited the hotel in the early morning and were served with delicious breakfast. After breakfast, we visited the famous Lakshman Jhula, located on the Ganges River. This Jhula is used by pedestrians to cross the river and visit the other side of the city.

The next thing we did was rafting. There were rafting boats, and we were provided with life jackets, helmets, and wetsuits. We were given clear instructions not directly to jump into the river and stay in the boat. It was really fun and a completely different experience for me.

Then we had our lunch and sat down near the river, where we talked with locals. We learned about the history of this beautiful city. Our guide took us to the nearby waterfall, where we played water sports and enjoyed a lot. 

Lastly, we all sat in a circle around a bonfire and listened to the beautiful stories from our teachers and guides. 

While we were packing our stuff and leaving the hotel, we were offered souvenirs and holy prasad by the hotel staff. This trip was full of adventure, spirituality, and beautiful moments with my friends.’

My Favourite Trip Essay in 250 Words

‘My favorite trip was to Kashmir, called ‘Paradise on Earth’. It is an Indian Union Territory, located in Northern India. There were breathtaking views, serene lakes, and snow-capped mountains. It was like I was in heaven.

We traveled by train, where we enjoyed the winding green valleys and beautiful waterfall. Firstly, we explored the Mughal Gardens. There were terraces arranged near the water channel, fountains lined, and various types of flowers and trees planted. 

We explored the famous Dal Lake, which is a natural wetland with floating gardens. My father rented a houseboat, locally known as ‘Shikhara’ where we had our lunch and enjoyed the boating experience. It was like a fairy world, where everything was calm as a bright blue sky.

Our next destination was Gurmarg, which is famous for its snow-covered landscapes. The scenic beauty of the Himalayan Mountains in the backdrop was like an additional adventure to our trip. Me and my brother enjoyed Skiing at the Apharwat Peak. My father is a golf fan, so he played golf at the Gulmarg Golf Course, close to our hotel.

After skiing, we were so hungry that my brother and I ate a hearty meal to recover our exhausted energy. We were so exhausted that we slept for 4 hours. When we woke up, we witnessed snow for the first time. We made a snowman and played Tic-Tac-Toe using sticks.

‘My trip to Kashmir was a life-changing experience, and I wish I could travel there again to relive those cherished memories once more.’

10 Lines on My Trip

Here are 10 lines for my trip. Feel free to add them to your essay or any academic topics.

  • My trip was full of adventure and fun. 
  • Me and my family did rafting and hiking.
  • We made new friends and learned about different cultures on our trip.
  • We explored different landscapes and enjoyed the natural beauty of the nature.
  • My trip was a new experience for me and my family.
  • I visited the snow-capped mountains and played in the snow with my friends.
  • We stayed in tents in the middle of the jungle, and at night, we could hear the sound of wild animals.
  • I have a lot of pictures from our last camping trip, where we all had a lot of fun.
  • We visited the beach on our trip, where we enjoyed the sea breeze and played sand volleyball.
  • My last trip was to the National Zoological Park, where we saw different kinds of animals, like lions, tigers, elephants and giraffes.

Ans: ‘My trip started with me and my family making a list of necessary items and packing our stuff. Me and my family went on a 4-day trip.’

Ans: ‘My trip started with me and my family making a list of necessary items and packing our stuff. Me and my family went on a 4-day trip to Udaipur, the city of lakes. This city has a total of 7 lakes, out of which, Lake Pichola is the most beautiful one. My father booked a suite for us, where we stayed. As always, my restless sister and I started exploring the hotel. We saw the beautiful swimming pool, played water sports, and ate a lot of Indian food. I enjoyed the Dal Bhaati Churma.’

Ans: ‘When I was in Class 5, we went on a school trip to Rishikesh, the famous hill station. My mother packed all my important things and told me to follow everything my teacher told me. It was a 3-day trip, where we had a lot of fun, ate delicious food, played games on the riverside, did rafting, bonfire and jungle-adventure. We visited the hotel in the early morning and were served with delicious breakfast. After breakfast, we visited the famous Lakshman Jhula, located on the Ganges River. This Jhula is used by pedestrians to cross the river and visit the other side of the city’

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We hope the essays above will help school students with their essay-writing skills. For more information on such interesting topics, visit our essay writing page and follow Leverage Edu .

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Shiva Tyagi

With an experience of over a year, I've developed a passion for writing blogs on wide range of topics. I am mostly inspired from topics related to social and environmental fields, where you come up with a positive outcome.

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How to Write an Essay on a School Field Trip

Susan davis.

Many teachers assign essays about field trips.

Teachers often ask students to write essays about school field trips. These essays allow teachers to assess exactly what students have learned on the trip. This type of assignment also ensures that students actually think about the learning that took place on the trip, so that they understand that field trips are both a fun and a learning experience. To write a field trip essay, you must stick to the topic and write at least three sections.

Write a topic sentence telling where you went on your field trip.

Write three details about your topic sentence. Consider sentences that talk about how the trip relates to what you are studying, areas of study you focused on during the trip, and any tasks you had to complete while on the trip. This is your introductory paragraph.

Write a topic sentence for a new paragraph about one specific thing you learned. Then, write three or more sentences that go into detail about what you learned and how you learned it. Talk about how this knowledge corresponds to what you have learned in class. Write two more paragraphs just like this one, covering additional points of knowledge, to make the body of your essay.

Write a concluding sentence, summarizing what you've discussed in the essay thus far. Add sentences that demonstrate the value of the trip and summarize your learning. Consider finishing the essay by discussing how you might implement the knowledge you gained during the field trip into your classroom studies in the future.

  • Always read over your essay to make sure it makes sense and has no spelling or grammatical errors. You may wish to have someone else read it, as well.
  • 1 Writing Den: Essay Tips

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Describe an Educational Trip You Went on in Your School Days

Describe an Educational Trip You Went on in Your School Days: IELTS Speaking Cue Card Topic

Preparing for the IELTS exam? Finding it difficult to structure your cue card topic answer? If the answer is yes, then you have come to the right place. Here in this article, you will get to understand the step by step structure of a popular IELTS exam cue card topic – describe an educational trip you went on in your school days. But before that let’s understand a little bit about cue card topics.

An Idea about the Speaking Section in the IELTS Exam

There are total of four parts in the IELTS exam – writing, listening, speaking coherently, and reading. One needs to prepare for all these four sections to achieve his/ her desired band score.

In all the sections of the IELTS exam, the candidate’s English efficiency is tested. In the speaking test of the IELTS exam, the English speaking abilities of the aspirant are measured. Not only does it assess the way the candidate express him/ herself, but as he/ she answers the subjective questions, several minor points are concentrated on.

Also Read: Describe an Interesting Animal Dog: A Cue Card Topic for the IELTS Exam

IELTS Exam Cue Card Sample Topic – Describe an Educational Trip You Went on in Your School Days

While talking about this popular cue card topic, You should cover these pointers:

  • Where the trip took place
  • What you did on the trip
  • What you learned at the trip
  • Someone one that came with you to the trip

Introduction of the Sample IELTS Exam Cue Card Topic

I still recall the day I first took an educational trip as a ninth-grade student. Not to mention, of course, I was really interested in taking part in it because we were going to be taken to one of the biggest zoos in my country with 50 students from my high school.

If I recall it right, 4 or 5 teachers visited us to plan and monitor the trip.

At around 8 a.m., we began our journey. On a big leased bus in the morning. Although it was a considerably long trip of almost four hours, we all felt like we were soon arriving at the zoo because the trip itself was very enjoyable for us. We all signed up for a chorus and made jokes at each other.

Our school made us all stand in line with a ticket for each in our hands after arriving at the zoo and asked us to enter the zoo one by one in an orderly manner, even because we just couldn’t wait to approach it as quickly as we could.

Get into Detail of the IELTS Cue Card Topic

And then, eventually, we all stepped into the zoo, and we could see all sorts of animals in such close vicinity. The tigers, the deer, the elephants, the cheetahs, the rhinos, the armadillos, the waterbucks, the puffins, the gazelles, the giraffes, the impala, the grizzly bears, the tapirs, the hippos, the lions, as well as several monkey species, the rabbits, the chimps. I also saw crocodiles, peacocks along with other birds including Sarus crane and pond heron.

Also Read: Describe Your Favourite Clothes Cue Card Topic: IELTS Exam Speaking Test

Conclude Your Cue Card Topic Answer

Eventually, we all stepped into the zoo, and we could see all sorts of animals in such close vicinity. The tigers, the deer, the elephants, the cheetahs, the rhinos, the armadillos, the waterbucks, the puffins, the gazelles, the giraffes, the impala, the grizzly bears, the tapirs, the hippos, the lions, as well as several monkey species, the rabbits, the chimps. I also saw crocodiles, peacocks along with other birds including Sarus crane and pond heron.

Popular Cue Card Topic for IELTS Exam

Your ability to speak about this cue card will also encourage you to speak about the following cue cards:

Describe a trip you enjoyed or a ride.
Describe a memorable occurrence at your college or school.
Describe a study tour that you had at school.
Describe the trip you’ve had to another place.

Many elements of speech are measured by speaking parts and not just one. For the speaking portion, you are only given 15 minutes, so it becomes necessary for you to time yourself well. If you don’t, then what you were trying to say could not go the way you were hoping.

So, you need to keep all these pointers in mind when speaking, so that you don’t forget them. The easiest section of all seems to be speaking, but it is not.

Hopefully, this article on sample cue card topic- describe an educational trip you went on in your school days, will help you prepare better for the IELTS exam. For even better preparation, you can consider enrolling yourself to the best online IELTS courses available at IELTS Ninja . All the best!

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Write a Good Travel Essay. Please.

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Kathleen Boardman

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Editor’s Note: We know that many of you are looking for help writing travel experience essays for school or simply writing about a trip for your friends or family. To inspire you and help you write your next trip essay—whether it’s an essay about a trip with family or simply a way to remember your best trip ever (so far)—we enlisted the help of Professor Kathleen Boardman, whose decades of teaching have helped many college students learn the fine art of autobiography and life writing. Here’s advice on how to turn a simple “my best trip” essay into a story that will inspire others to explore the world.

Welcome home! Now that you’re back from your trip, you’d like to share it with others in a travel essay. You’re a good writer and a good editor of your work, but you’ve never tried travel writing before. As your potential reader, I have some advice and some requests for you as you write your travel experience essay.

Trip Essays: What to Avoid

Please don’t tell me everything about your trip. I don’t want to know your travel schedule or the names of all the castles or restaurants you visited. I don’t care about the plane trip that got you there (unless, of course, that trip is the story).

I have a friend who, when I return from a trip, never asks me, “How was your trip?” She knows that I would give her a long, rambling answer: “… and then … and then … and then.” So instead, she says, “Tell me about one thing that really stood out for you.” That’s what I’d like you to do in this travel essay you’re writing.

The Power of Compelling Scenes

One or two “snapshots” are enough—but make them great. Many good writers jump right into the middle of their account with a vivid written “snapshot” of an important scene. Then, having aroused their readers’ interest or curiosity, they fill in the story or background. I think this technique works great for travel writing; at least, I would rather enjoy a vivid snapshot than read through a day-to-day summary of somebody’s travel journal.

Write About a Trip Using Vivid Descriptions

Take your time. Tell a story. So what if you saw things that were “incredible,” did things that were “amazing,” observed actions that you thought “weird”? These words don’t mean anything to me unless you show me, in a story or a vivid description, the experience that made you want to use those adjectives.

I’d like to see the place, the people, or the journey through your eyes, not someone else’s. Please don’t rewrite someone else’s account of visiting the place. Please don’t try to imitate a travel guide or travelogue or someone’s blog or Facebook entry. You are not writing a real travel essay unless you are describing, as clearly and honestly as possible, yourself in the place you visited. What did you see, hear, taste, say? Don’t worry if your “take” on your experience doesn’t match what everyone else says about it. (I’ve already read what THEY have to say.)

The Importance of Self-Editing Your Trip Essay

Don’t give me your first draft to read. Instead, set it aside and then reread it. Reread it again. Where might I need more explanation? What parts of your account are likely to confuse me? (After all, I wasn’t there.) Where might you be wasting my time by repeating or rambling on about something you’ve already told me?

Make me feel, make me laugh, help me learn something. But don’t overdo it: Please don’t preach to me about broadening my horizons or understanding other cultures. Instead, let me in on your feelings, your change of heart and mind, even your fear and uncertainty, as you confronted something you’d never experienced before. If you can, surprise me with something I didn’t know or couldn’t have suspected.

You Can Do It: Turning Your Trip into a Great Travel Experience Essay

I hope you will take yourself seriously as a traveler and as a writer. Through what—and how—you write about just a small portion of your travel experience, show me that you are an interesting, thoughtful, observant person. I will come back to you, begging for more of your travel essays.

Take Notes in a Cute Journal

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Keep track of all the crucial details- and even the ones you might forget, in a durable and refillable journal.

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Benefits of school trips, why are they important?

Educational tours and school trips abroad can help students develop both on an academic and personal level. Today we share our thoughts on the main benefits of school trips abroad for your students and children:

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1-Reinforcing lessons and expanding knowledge

As Confucius said: “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”

‘Doing’, or putting into action or practice lessons learnt in the classroom, helps students remember and understand them better.

Applying practice to the theory not only reinforces those lessons but expands their knowledge on the subject, giving it a different more tangible dimension.

This is applicable to all subjects, from history to art but it is particularly evident when studying languages. The excitement of using those language skills in the real world will help students see the real purpose of learning them in the first place.

2-Encouraging and discovering new interests

As humans and students our brain gets excited by different things, topics and teaching methods. School trips can be a powerful motivation tool, encouraging further learning on a particular subject or sparking their interest in new ones.

School trips abroad and indeed local school tours can inspire students. Kids who might not be particularly interested in team sports for instance, might discover they enjoy skiing, hiking or even find a new sporting passion.

3-Experiencing different cultures

Education is not only about growing intellectually or achieving results but also preparing youngsters to be responsible citizens. Experiencing different cultures teaches them valuable lessons they will carry with them into adulthood.

On school trips abroad, they get exposed to different cultures, traditions, food, languages and ways to see the world; encouraging understanding, appreciation for other nationalities and diversity. This is without a doubt one of the most important benefits of school trips abroad for all students.

4-Bonding with classmates and teachers

School trips also have an important social aspect, as they facilitate team building and bonding between classmates. Often new friendships are developed during school trips, as students from different groups might interact and mix.

They can also give teachers an opportunity to know their students better, their interests and personalities, in a more informal context and relaxed environment; and gain their trust.

5-Personal development and confidence building

Many students get their first taste of relative freedom or independence during school trips. This is an important rite of passage and has a positive impact on their personal development, building their confidence as they are taken out of their home environment and comfort zone.

For instance they will learn to manage their own time and find their way around a new city, if the trip includes free time to explore; they will be in charge of their personal budget for the duration of the trip and they can even be encouraged to organise a saving plan at home to take responsibility for their own school trip costs.

These valuable learning experiences can’t be recreated in a classroom environment or learned from textbooks.

6- Positive memories

Many of us remember our favourite school tour, whether it was a visit to a local museum or our first time saying a few words in a different language abroad. Many of our best school memories are created during school trips with peers.

As teachers and parents have told our travel team over the years, some of the benefits of school trips will last a lifetime.

Find some ideas for your school trips on our page: TOP 10 DESTINATIONS FOR SCHOOL TRIPS

We hope you enjoyed our article on the main benefits of school trips abroad, for destination ideas and travel advice for your school group, contact our knowledgeable travel experts at JWT Schools.

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Paragraph on School Trip

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on School Trip in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on School Trip in 100 Words

School trips are super fun! We get on a big bus with all our friends and teachers. Sometimes we go to the zoo or a museum. We see animals, like lions and elephants, or cool things from long ago. We learn new stuff and have a yummy lunch. Everyone wears their favorite hats and sings songs on the bus. We play games and laugh a lot. It’s like a big adventure outside of our school. We take pictures to remember the day. School trips are the best days ever! Can’t wait for the next one!

Paragraph on School Trip in 200 Words

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Paragraph on School Trip in 250 Words

Going on a school trip is super exciting! It’s like a mini adventure with all your friends. You get to explore new places, learn cool things, and have lots of fun. The best part is being away from the usual classroom and textbooks. Imagine going to a zoo or a museum, seeing all the animals or ancient artifacts up close—it’s like stepping into a different world. School trips can help us understand things we read about in books. Plus, you get to make memories that last a lifetime. Remember the time you all sang silly songs on the bus or shared snacks during lunch breaks? These are the moments you’ll treasure forever. School trips also teach us to be responsible and independent. We have to listen to our teachers, stay with the group, and follow the rules to ensure everyone stays safe. So, whether it’s a visit to a historical site, a nature reserve, or a science center, school trips are a great way to learn, bond with friends, and have a blast outside the classroom.

Explore other popular paragraph topics:

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by  clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Top 12 Educational School Trip Ideas for Student Success

Table of Contents:

Learning is a never-ending process. It’s not only an educational institution that teaches you! And when it comes to students, what better way than a fun and engaging field trip!?

After all, who doesn’t enjoy a great field trip? It allowed students to leave life’s routine and experience something completely different. And, when it serves the purpose of an educational trip, students can’t wait!

But planning a school trip is more than just fun and excitement! It must add value to the students learning! If you have ideas for student educational trips, this article is for you!

Here, we list the 12 best school trip ideas to help students enhance their learning journey.  

We are your companions, like the best essay writing websites that help you prepare the paper by offering abundant ideas, knowledge, and understanding of your requirements.  

We’ve listed the fun learning opportunities for students of all ages at different price points that teachers can have a look at. Let’s get started!  

Idea 1: Local Museums

What better way than spending a day at the local museums that hold the history of the places?  

It doesn’t have to be a history museum; it could be art, science, or a combination!  

Museums and school trips are both fun and educational. Students get to learn about different cultures, periods, and history and gain appreciation for the work of artists and scientists.  

It is also a great approach to give a sense of belonging to them about their place’s history.  

Museums are also a great way to help students write a paper about it. Instead of having to reach out to a research paper writer who already holds the ideas and expertise to write the best essay, students can do the job on their own with a bit of help from them.  

Idea 2: Outdoor Adventures

Often surrounded by four walls and classes, why wouldn’t students love a fun outdoor activity? Nothing gets students outdoors like an educational trip. A trip with the teacher ensures that they are aware of what to do and what not to do, but in all, they will have great fun.  

An idea of the campground or state park sounds excellent. Students will get to explore nature while learning about the environment. Further, other activities include rock climbing, zip-lining, and hiking. With, outdoor adventure trips seek additional care from teachers!  

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Idea 3: Cultural Destinations

When planning a school trip, consider embarking on an educational adventure at a cultural destination that speaks history and culture. It could be a historic site, a cultural center, or an archaeological site.  

In such trips, students explore customs, beliefs, and cultures. Museums are also a great idea, but the cultural destination holds its value! Students can gain insight into the people’s lifestyles in other countries and the periods they lived through, and even participate in workshops to learn more about them.  

Idea 4: Farm Visits

Educational trips for students , especially younger children, demand simplicity and fun learning. They barely understand the history of exploring around the museums. Here, a fun farm visit is both exciting and educational!  

Farms are perfect for exploring nature closely. Such a trip with the teacher will help students learn about the importance of sustainable farm practices, healthy food choices, and animal husbandry. Plus, they’ll enjoy watching and feeding animals.

Idea 5: Aquariums and Zoos  

Next on our list of school trip ideas are Aquariums and zoos. They offer many educational opportunities for students, especially the younger ones! Here, they will be able to learn about animals and their habitat.  

In fact, it is a way for them to see the animals they’ve always seen on screen and paper.  

In aquariums, they can uncover the ocean’s mysteries and lifestyles. Plus, it is always great to see some wildlife close!

Idea 6: Art Galleries

Art has its own way of expressing itself. It speaks differently to everyone. With art gallery trips, students can immerse themselves in art and history.  

They can explore the work of famous artists, view unique art, and get a deeper understanding of cultures and traditions worldwide.  

Idea 7: Theater and Dance Performance

A bit of entertainment included in the learning process does no harm. A field trip for students to theater and dance performances encourages appreciation of performing arts.  

To ensure that these cultures stay extinct, the student must know what theater and dance performance is! They will be exposed to different forms of art. Further, it can be an essential lesson to them on collaboration, communication, and expression.  

Idea 8: Theme Parks

The theme park is also a great field trip suggestion, depending on the subject. You can give students a thrilling educational experience at amusement or theme parks.  

They can learn more about physics and engineering while riding and playing! Further, from a business perspective, they get the idea behind what it takes to run a successful business . Amusement parks are also a place to practice mathematics by calculating the cost of food and rides.  

Idea 9: Industrial Sites

If your students are more into business, visiting factories and industrial sites can significantly help them.  

Here, they can learn how things are made from scratch. They can learn the manufacturing process, discover the importance of safety measures, gain insight into the product, and more.  

Factories can be eye-opening experiences for students to help them understand the value of hard work and effort.  

Idea 10: Charity Events and Fundraisers

A learning journey towards sympathy and affection teaches a lot. When you let your students attend charity events and fundraisers, you teach them the importance of helping others.  

Charity events provide great insight into how a small contribution can make a big difference. Further, charities and fundraisers can be something other than a school trip. Students can volunteer in these activities.  

Idea 11: Business Tours

Business tours are a great initiative to explore the world and entrepreneurship firsthand. On such a trip, students learn about different industries and how they operate, and they even meet entrepreneurs who can share inspiring stories.  

Going on a business tour and exploring a part of the world they want to become familiar with can be an invaluable experience for students.  

Idea 12: International Trips

While it might be a bit costly, compared to other ideas mentioned on the list, an international trip gives the students the taste of another culture.  

Here, they can explore different customs and businesses, learn about foreign languages and foreign cultures, and accept the beauty of the places. International trips are an unforgettable experience for everyone!  

Wrapping Up

This summarizes our list of the top 12 best school trip ideas for students.  

We have listed some of the most popular ideas, from museums and art galleries to amusement parks and international tours. Depending upon the subject, curriculum demand, and students’ wants, you can go with the trip that best suits the student.  

Further, consider the age and learning perspective of the students. A school trip is a significant responsibility for teachers and must be carried out carefully to be a success. With these ideas, you can come up with the best suit!

Have you ever planned any of the school trips? What ideas did you move forward with? Do let us know!

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TOEFL essay sample: One of My Exciting School Trips

Can anyone check my paragraph for grammer,spelling, and punctuation , Please ? Thanks in advance.

“One of My Exciting School Trips”

I still remembered, one of my school trips which was exciting and unforgettable. When I was in grade four, I went to four days school trip to South India, with my classmates and teachers. I was so excited, because it was my first experience to stay away from my home for four consecutive days. Besides, my nature was shy, and I was not used to take care of my stuff. Therefore, my teacher had helped me much time, during those four days. Moreover, during those four days school trip, I learned number of thing that can helpful in anyone’s routing life. For example, I learned how to communicate with others. I also learned about to take care of my personal belongings. In fact, I became more responsible during those four days. In addition to that, school trip taught me to talk with other people, how to make friends, and to share my things with them. As a result of that trip, I was able to make many good friend; some of them are still my best friend. After my four days trip, I was realized first time that how many hardship my parents are carries everyday to take care of me. Thus, during my four days school trip to South India, I learned many basic and valuable thing, which became useful for my whole life. During that trip, I became more responsible with lots of self-confidence. In conclusion, my school trip to South India was exciting and unforgettable because during that trip, I learned many good things; those are still useful in my life.

TOEFL listening lectures: A lecture from a marine biology class

I still remember one of my school trips which was exciting and unforgettable. When I was in grade four, I went on a four days school trip to South India with my classmates and teachers. I was so excited, because it was my first experience to stay away from my home for four consecutive days.

Besides, I was shy by nature, and I was not used to taking care of my stuff. Therefore, my teacher helped me for much of the time during those four days. Moreover, during those four days school trip, I learned a number of things that can be helpful in anyone’s routing life.

For example, I learned how to communicate with others. I also learned about how to take care of my personal belongings. In fact, I became more responsible during those four days. In addition to that, the school trip taught me to talk with other people, how to make friends, and to share my things with them.

As a result of that trip, I was able to make many good friends. Some of them are still my best friends. After my four days trip, I realized for the first time just how many hardships my parents face every day in taking care of me. Thus, during my four days school trip to South India, I learned many basic and valuable things, which became useful during my whole life. During that trip, I became more responsible and gained lots of self-confidence.

In conclusion, my school trip to South India was exciting and unforgettable because during that trip, I learned many things that are still useful in my life.

Paresh, the essay is OK. No spelling mistakes, but too repetitive in mentioning " four-days."

Thanks, Kitosdad for your quick reply again !

Always a pleasure.

Bear destroys family’s van on camping trip, defecates inside: ‘It stinks in there’

BASS LAKE, Calif. (KCRA) – A family’s minivan is a mess after a bear broke into it Tuesday.

The incident happened at Bass Lake in California, just south of Yosemite National Park.

Irik Edens and his family from Folsom, California, were on their annual anniversary trip to the lake.

Edens said he noticed something was moving inside the van.

“It’s like, wait a minute. All the kids are down there… who’s in the car? And then I see the silhouette to the bear in the back window, and it’s like, ‘Holy cow! There’s a bear in our car!’” Edens said.

The bear was stuck, and authorities had to bust one of the van’s windows to help it escape.

Although the bear wasn’t inside the vehicle for long, it did a fair share of damage, destroying everything inside.

Edens said he made sure to capture everything on video to have proof for insurance purposes.

The family thinks that their morning pancakes were the draw.

“I think he spent most of his time licking up syrup and then trying to get out, and he was trapped in there and probably started freaking out, started tearing the place apart,” Edens said.

The bear also left another surprise behind.

“Beyond all the damage he did with his claws just destroying the car, but he also defecated and urinated in the car, and so it stinks in there,” Edens said.

The family said this year’s trip might just require a re-do.

“It’s an anniversary trip for the books,” Mellissa Edens said. “We will always remember this one.”

Copyright 2024 KCRA via CNN Newsource. All rights reserved.

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KANSAS CITY, Mo. (KCTV) - A homecoming trip to Kauffman Stadium for a Blue Valley High School alum was spoiled Thursday afternoon.

Cleveland Guardians outfielder Will Brennan, who grew up locally and graduated from Blue Valley High School and Kansas State University, was put on the injured list with an oblique injury Thursday afternoon.

Brennan told KCTV his grandparents will be in attendance Thursday night when the AL Central-leading Guardians begin a four-game series with the Kansas City Royals. But they won’t see him play.

“It’s amazing,” Brennan said of the ability to come home. “This game will kind of stink because I just got put on the IL, but it’ll be fun to cheer on my teammates and be in the dugout and just kind of enjoy the Kansas City crowd and the atmosphere that they bring.”

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Brennan is hitting .256 with 8 home runs, 24 RBI and 28 runs scored for the 51-27 Guardians.

Cleveland is nine games ahead of Kansas City in the AL Central standings. When the teams met in Cleveland in early June they split a pair of games and had a third rained out.

“Huge series,” Brennan said. “Every series is a big series. Especially in division. The Royals are good this year, so we’re not going to take them lightly and it’ll be a fun weekend.”

Copyright 2024 KCTV. All rights reserved.


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Election latest: Farage on defensive after supporters caught on camera making racist, murderous and homophobic remarks

Rishi Sunak has spoken out after a Reform UK supporter was filmed making racist comments about him - with party leader Nigel Farage forced on to the defensive. Meanwhile, Sir Keir Starmer has distanced himself from a Labour colleague's previous criticism of Donald Trump.

Friday 28 June 2024 14:14, UK

  • General Election 2024

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  • Sunak: Farage supporter using racial slur 'makes me angry'
  • Farage on defensive after supporters filmed making racist, murderous and homophobic comments
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Last night, Channel 4 broadcast a report in which a Reform UK campaigner called Rishi Sunak a "P***".

Asked about this today, the prime minister told broadcasters: "Well, my two daughters have to see and hear Reform people who campaign for Nigel Farage calling me an effing 'P***'.

"It hurts, and it makes me angry, and I think he has some questions to answer. 

"And I don't repeat those words lightly. I do so deliberately because this is too important not to call out clearly for what it is."

Asked about repeating the word the Reform supporter used, he said: "I hate having to do it, I chose my words deliberately, I hate having to repeat them, absolutely hate it.

"But I also think it's important to call this out for what it is and be clear about what it is."

There has been uproar today about comments made by Reform UK supporters.

So what do we know?

Channel 4 publishes expose

On Thursday evening, Channel 4 publish an article about racism and homophobia being used by Reform UK canvassers.

This included undercover footage of a man called Andrew Parker in Mr Farage's constituency, who used a racial slur about Rishi Sunak.

He also said young army recruits should be sent to "f****** just shoot" migrants arriving on the beach in Kent.

Another Reform supporter made homophobic comments, describing the Pride flag as "degenerate" and suggesting members of the LGBT community were paedophiles.

Party leader Nigel Farage said he was "dismayed" by the comments.

Allegations of impropriety

By Friday morning, Mr Farage and his deputy Richard Tice were challenging the reporting, alleging that Mr Parker was an actor and insisting the whole thing "stinks".

Sky News spoke to Mr Parker. He says that while he has worked as an actor, he was volunteering for Reform.

He denied taking money, and said he supported Mr Farage.

Channel 4 also said they did not pay anyone and stood by their reporting.

Sunak reacts

At 1pm, Mr Sunak reacted to what had been said. 

He repeated the word used by Mr Parker - "P***" - and said it "hurts" and makes him "angry".

He also said his two daughters had to hear it being said.

Sir Keir Starmer earlier declined to say that Mr Farage was racist - but said the words used were.

Farage doubles down

Fifteen minutes later, Mr Farage appeared on ITV show Loose Women.

He doubled down on his suggestion that the incident had somehow been staged, without providing details.

The Reform leader says he had previously met Mr Parker - and claimed the man was putting on "an act right from the start".

Mr Farage said: "I have to tell you, this whole thing was a complete and total set-up, I have no doubt about that."

By Darren McCaffrey, political correspondent, in Teeside

I've spent much of the last five weeks with the prime minister, dozens of visits, dozens of questions. But I've never seen him as angry as today.

The broadcast last night of a Reform canvasser making a targeted racist slur against the prime minister has left Rishi Sunak not just angry - but hurt too. 

When asked why he had deliberately decided to repeat the slur itself in an interview, he said it was not something he wanted to do.

"I hate it, I hate having to do it, I choose my words deliberately, I hate it, but I have to call it out for what it is," he said.

On a personal level, this clearly matters to the prime minister and his desire to protect his family. 

He has mentioned his daughters having to hear racism like this several times.

Politically, the Conservatives are hoping that this will also make voters think twice about Reform and about Nigel Farage. 

When I asked Mr Sunak if he would now describe Reform as a racist party - he wouldn't go that far, but suggested "Nigel Farage has questions to answer".

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage is appearing on ITV's Loose Women.

He doubles down on the suggestions that Channel 4 - or a production company - paid a Reform supporter to say racist things about the prime minister.

Andrew Parker, referred to Rishi Sunak as a "P***" and said young army recruits should be sent to "f****** just shoot" migrants arriving on the beach in Kent.

Mr Parker has spoken to Sky News and denied he took any money, while praising Mr Farage.

He has worked as an actor but says he was volunteering when he was caught on undercover camera making the remarks.

Mr Farage claimed "no one speaks" how the man spoke in the footage and that he was putting on an accent.

Mr Parker used the same voice as he did in the Channel 4 video when he spoke to Sky.

The Reform UK leader adds that the whole thing was "a set up" - and that "something is wrong here".

Asked about other Reform supporters who were seen making homophobic comments, Mr Farage says the group were "drunk" after watching the football, and were "vulgar" and "wrong" and "gone" from the party.

Following on from its reporting last night - and claims from Reform that the man involved might have been paid - Channel 4 has defended its expose.

A spokesperson said in a statement: "We strongly stand by our rigorous and duly impartial journalism which speaks for itself.

"We met Mr Parker for the first time at Reform UK party headquarters, where he was a Reform party canvasser.

"We did not pay the Reform UK canvasser or anyone else in this report. Mr Parker was not known to Channel 4 News and was filmed covertly via the undercover operation."

Yesterday, Channel 4 news published a report in which Reform UK activist Andrew Parker was captured by an undercover reporter posing as a canvasser in Clacton, Essex, where leader Nigel Farage is a candidate.

Mr Parker used a racial slur to refer to the prime minister, and said the army should "just shoot" migrants crossing the Channel.

Since the report came out, it emerged that Mr Parker had previously worked as an actor.

This fact was used by Mr Farage and Reform deputy leader Richard Tice to suggest what happens "does not add up" and "stinks".

However, Sky News has now spoken to Mr Parker - and he denies being a paid actor.

He says he was "just a volunteer" delivering leaflets - and that he still supports Mr Farage and thinks he is "a brilliant guy".

Mr Parker denied that he had put on a "rough voice" - adding that he feels like he was "set up" and "goaded on" by the undercover journalist, and he was using his natural accent.

He added that he first joined the campaign after Mr Farage launched it in Clacton.

Acting, he says, makes up a small portion of his income and he can't remember his last job in the sector.

He denies being racist, saying his word choice was partially down to his age.

"It's the sort of language we use. There's no racism at all in it. I am a decent guy to be honest," he told Sky.

Reform has not contacted him since, he says.

Read more and see the other candidates for Clacton here:

We've got six days to go until the election - and today is a bit quieter than some of the other days on the campaign trail.

Here's everything you need to know this lunchtime:

  • Sir Keir Starmer spoke to the BBC for a phone in interview;
  • He confirmed he would stand down as leader if Labour lost the election badly;
  • Sir Keir also described the reported comments made by a Reform campaigner as ' racist ' - but did use the label to describe Nigel Farage;
  • He would not comment on the US debate overnight - instead saying he would work with whoever is president if he is PM.

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  • Junior doctors in Wales  have accepted a pay offer from the Welsh administration there;
  • Rylan Clark revealed the changes he would make to the political system;
  • And Education Secretary Gillian Keegan admitted no poll was showing a good outcome for the Conservatives.

Stay with us throughout the afternoon as we keep you up to date on the latest developments.

And don't forget, Politics Hub  is live from 7pm.

Following the news that the Labour run Welsh administration  - which is not currently undergoing an election - agreed a pay rise for junior doctors, the Tory group for the nation have responded.

Sam Rowlands the shadow minister for health, said: "The Welsh Labour government has acted shamefully throughout this episode. 

"By only releasing the funds for a pay deal when it was politically advantageous to do so, Labour have caused the strikes which led to missed operations, extra pressure on our NHS and undue stress on Wales' consultants, SAS doctors and junior doctors. 

"The Welsh Conservatives will never play politics with the Welsh NHS."

 By Tomos Evans , Wales reporter

Doctors in Wales have accepted a pay offer from the Welsh government.

This will be seen as a win for the Labour Party, which is in power in Wales.

The British Medical Association announced on Friday that the three separate disputes between the government and consultants, junior doctors, and specialists, had come to an end.

In a referendum, 96% of junior doctors voted to accept a pay uplift of 7.4%, bringing the total to 12.4% backdated to April 2023.

Some 86% of consultants and 82% of SAS doctors also voted to end their disputes.

Dr Oba Babs-Osibodu and Dr Peter Fahey, co-chairs of the BMA's Welsh Junior Doctors Committee, said junior doctors had been "undervalued".

"While we are pleased with the progress we have made, the fight for full pay restoration is far from over," they added.

Wales's first minister, Vaughan Gething, said the Welsh government had "listened to doctors" - and had negotiated a deal which "ensures doctors are back at work".

Health secretary Eluned Morgan said the government had negotiated the deal "despite the most severe financial situation we've faced in the devolution era".

"It means all our efforts are now focused on ensuring the best possible clinical outcomes for people in Wales," she added.

Our live poll tracker collates the results of opinion surveys carried out by all the main polling organisations - and allows you to see how the political parties are performing in the run-up to the general election.

With under a week to go, the Tories and Labour have taken a drop, while support for Reform UK and the Liberal Democrats is on the rise.

Read more about the tracker  here .

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