
15 Other Words for “This Shows” in an Essay

other words for shows for essay

Are you worried about including “this shows” again and again in an essay?

After all, the last thing you want to do is sound repetitive and boring.

Fret not! You have found yourself in the right place.

This article will explore other ways to say “this shows” in an essay.

Other Ways to Say “This Shows”

  • This demonstrates
  • This indicates
  • This implies
  • This portrays
  • This illustrates
  • This establishes
  • This proves
  • This points to
  • This highlights


  • “This shows” is a common phrase used in essays to demonstrate how one thing leads to another.
  • “This demonstrates” is a great formal synonym that’ll help to spice up your academic writing.
  • Try “suggesting” as an alternative that shows how one thing could have created another.

Keep reading to learn different ways to say “this shows.” We’ve covered the two best phrases to help you understand more about how you can improve your essays.

Alternatively, you can read the final section to learn whether it’s correct to write “this shows.” It’s appropriate to check this out before continuing to include it in your essay!

This Demonstrates

If you’re looking for words to use instead of “this shows” in an essay, try “this demonstrates.” It’s a great formal synonym that’ll help to spice things up.

It also comes with two options. You can use it at the start of a sentence as written:

 This is option one. This demonstrates how to continue a thought from the previous sentence.

Or, you can include it as part of the same sentence. To do this, you should switch “this demonstrates” to “demonstrating.” For example:

This is option two, demonstrating that it’s part of the same sentence.

Either way, both are correct. The same applies to “this shows,” where you can use “showing” to include it in the same sentence.

It’s a great way to help the reader follow your process . This should make your essay much easier to read, even if the reader isn’t all that familiar with the topic.

You can also refer to these essay samples:

As you can see, we have also gathered all the necessary data. This demonstrates that we were correct about our original hypothesis.

They have created different rules for what we know. This demonstrates that they’re worried someone might try to interfere with them.

Also, you can write “suggesting” instead of “this shows.” It’s another great professional synonym that’ll help you to keep your writing interesting.

As we’ve already stated, you can use “suggesting” as part of the same sentence:

This is how it works, suggesting you can keep it to one sentence.

Or, you can switch it to “this suggests” to start a new sentence. For instance:

This is how it works. This suggests that you can create two sentences.

Both are correct. They also allow you to switch between them, giving you two options to help mix up your writing and keep the reader engaged .

Here are some essay examples if you still need help:

We have many new ideas ready to go, suggesting that we’re on the road to success. We just need more time.

This is the only way to complete the task, suggesting that things aren’t going to be as easy as we first thought.

Is It Correct to Say “This Shows”?

It is correct to say “this shows.” It’s a great word to use in an essay, and we highly recommend it when you’d like to show how one thing leads to another.

It’s a formal option, which is why it works so well in academic writing.

Also, it allows the reader to follow your thought process, which helps keep things streamlined and clear.

For instance:

Here is an example of how we can achieve this. This shows that we have considered every option so far.

“This shows” always starts a new sentence . You can use it whenever you’d like to connect back to the former sentence directly.

Also, makes sure you use “shows” as the verb form. It comes after “this,” so the only correct form is “shows.” To remind you, you can refer to these examples:

  • Correct: This shows that things are supposed to work this way.
  • Incorrect: This show that we know what we’re doing.

It’s worth using some extensions if you’re still looking to mix things up as well. Try any of the following:

  • This evidence shows
  • This picture shows
  • This data shows
  • This graph shows
  • This study shows

Including something between “this” and “shows” allows you to be more specific . It helps direct the reader’s attention to something from the previous sentence.

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10 Other Ways to Say “This Shows” in an Essay


When writing essays, using the phrase “this shows” can get repetitive. It’s important to mix up your language to keep your reader engaged.

This article lists ten different ways to express the same idea, making your writing more interesting and varied. Each alternative is followed by explanations and examples to help you understand when and how to use them effectively.

Is “This Shows” a Good Phrase to Use in an Essay?

Using “this shows” in an essay can be beneficial, but it depends on the context. It’s a straightforward way to indicate that the information you are presenting supports your argument or helps explain your point. However, using this phrase repeatedly might make your writing seem less polished.

Here’s an example of how to use it:

Let’s weigh the pros and cons of using “this shows” in your writing.

  • Clear and directly points out the significance of the evidence.
  • Helps connect the evidence to your argument or thesis statement.
  • Easy to understand and use.
  • Can become repetitive if overused.
  • Might seem too simple or lack sophistication in formal essays.
  • Doesn’t offer variety in sentence structures.

While “this shows” is handy, you might want to consider alternatives, especially if you’re aiming for a more polished and varied writing style. Using synonyms or different phrases can add depth to your essay and keep your readers engaged.

Finding the right words to connect your ideas can make your essay shine. Here are ten alternatives to “this shows” that can help:

  • This demonstrates
  • This indicates
  • This suggests
  • This reveals
  • This proves
  • This establishes
  • This confirms
  • This supports
  • This underscores
  • This exemplifies

1. This demonstrates

This alternative is somewhat more formal than “This shows”, making it a good fit for academic essays. It implies a stronger link between evidence and assertion, suggesting a more thoughtful analysis. When comparing, “this demonstrates” carries an air of scientific precision or academic rigor, emphasizing the process of showing.

We recommend using “this demonstrates” when your evidence strongly supports your argument. It’s especially useful in contexts where you want to highlight thorough research or definitive proof. Think of situations where the connection between your examples and your main point needs to be unmistakable and grounded in professional analysis.

Here are a couple of examples:

2. This indicates

“This indicates” is a neutral phrase that fits well in both formal and informal essays. It’s less forceful than “this proves” but still shows a clear connection between evidence and conclusion. It’s like pointing something out rather than making an outright declaration.

Use “this indicates” when you want to suggest a conclusion rather than assert it definitively. It works well when you’re drawing inferences from data or observations, particularly in situations where there might be multiple interpretations.

3. This suggests

“This suggests” is an ideal choice for making gentle or speculative connections in your writing. It’s even less forceful than “this indicates”, perfect for when you’re presenting hypotheses or possibilities. It’s a polite way to introduce an idea that’s inferred rather than directly supported by the evidence.

This phrase is better suited for essays where you’re exploring potential outcomes or reasons, especially when direct evidence is not available. It’s also appropriate in informal contexts where maintaining a conversational tone is important.

4. This reveals

“This reveals” is powerful because it suggests uncovering or discovering something previously hidden. It’s perfect for when you want to highlight insights or findings that are unexpected or particularly enlightening. The phrase holds a bit of drama, making it great for engaging readers.

When your evidence uncovers new information or contradicts common assumptions, “this reveals” is an excellent choice. It’s well-suited for research papers or analytical essays where the goal is to bring new truths to light.

5. This proves

Among our list of synonyms, “this proves” is among the most assertive. It’s used to claim that the evidence conclusively supports your argument. Because of its strong implication, it’s best reserved for formal contexts where you have robust data or clear examples to back up your point.

This phrase is particularly effective in argumentative essays or research papers where establishing factual correctness is essential. It’s about as close as you can get to saying “this is irrefutable.”

6. This establishes

“This establishes” is similar in weight to “this proves” but with a slightly less aggressive tone. It suggests setting up a firm foundation for your argument or theory. This wording is especially useful in formal essays and academic writing where clarity and precision are paramount.

We recommend “this establishes” when you’re building up an argument step by step, and your evidence serves as a crucial piece of the puzzle. It shines in contexts where demonstrating the credibility or reliability of your claim is key.

7. This confirms

“This confirms” signals that your evidence directly supports or validates an existing theory or hypothesis. It’s less about revelation and more about verification, making it a professional choice for reinforcing your points in a formal essay.

It’s best suited for situations where you’re addressing anticipated outcomes or established theories. This alternative brings an air of finality and affirmation, particularly in scientific or analytical papers.

8. This supports

“This supports” is flexible, fitting nicely into both formal and informal contexts. It indicates that your evidence upholds your argument but does so in a way that’s less definitive than “this proves.” It’s akin to providing backup rather than claiming outright victory.

Use “this supports” when your evidence adds weight to your claim but might not be conclusive on its own. It’s particularly useful in essays where you’re piecing together support from various sources to form a cohesive argument.

See these examples:

9. This underscores

“This underscores” emphasizes the importance of a particular piece of evidence or point in your argument. It’s a way to highlight significance without asserting direct causation. This term is ideal for formal writing when you want to stress the weight of your findings.

This alternative is better suited when you need to draw attention to how crucial your evidence is to understanding your overall point. It’s like saying, “pay attention here, this is important.”

10. This exemplifies

“This exemplifies” is a sophisticated way to demonstrate how your evidence serves as a perfect example of your claim. It brings a touch of elegance to your writing, suitable for formal essays where showcasing examples is key to illustrating broader points.

Opt for “this exemplifies” when you have a clear, representative example that neatly encapsulates your argument or theory. It effectively tells your reader, “If you understand this example, you’ll grasp my larger point.”

Final Thoughts

Switching up the way you say “this shows” in your essays can make your writing stronger and more engaging. By using the ten alternatives we’ve discussed, you can clearly express your ideas and keep your reader’s attention. These phrases help you communicate more precisely and make your arguments more compelling.


Slava Velikiy, CEO of Rontar and GainRep, has over 20 years of experience in entrepreneurship, project management, and software development. Passionate about innovation and solving real-world problems, he shares his insights on entrepreneurship, leadership, and technology.

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Formal Synonyms for “This Shows”

20 Formal Synonyms for “This Shows”

In the realm of formal language and academic writing, the ability to express ideas with precision and variety is paramount. Among the multitude of phrases that serve to convey the idea of demonstration or indication, “This Shows” stands as a fundamental phrase. 

However, to add depth and sophistication to your discourse, it’s imperative to expand your lexicon. Here, we delve into twenty formal synonyms for “This Shows,” each accompanied by scenario examples to illustrate their usage.

List of  Formal Synonyms for “This Shows”

  • This illustrates
  • This indicates
  • This reveals
  • This exemplifies
  • This manifests
  • This portrays
  • This signifies
  • This denotes
  • This conveys
  • This evinces
  • This substantiates
  • This proves
  • This suggests
  • This attests
  • This confirms
  • This bespeaks
  • This represents
  • This displays
  • This exhibits
  • This elucidates

This Demonstrates

In formal discourse, “This Demonstrates” serves as a potent phrase to underscore the clarity and evidence behind an assertion. It signifies a concrete manifestation of a concept or argument.

Scenario Example:

Dear Royal,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to discuss the recent market analysis. Our comprehensive research indicates a significant shift in consumer preferences towards sustainable products. This demonstrates the growing importance of eco-consciousness in our target demographic.

Best regards, Oscar

This Illustrates

“This Illustrates” provides a visual metaphor for elucidating a point or concept, often invoking vivid imagery to enhance understanding.

I trust this message reaches you in good spirits. I wanted to draw your attention to the recent survey findings. The data illustrates a clear correlation between employee satisfaction and productivity levels.

Warm regards, Oscar

This Signifies

“This Signifies” implies a deeper meaning or implication beyond the surface level, highlighting the significance of a particular observation or phenomenon.

I hope this email finds you well. The latest financial report reveals a steady increase in quarterly revenue. This signifies a positive trajectory for our company amidst challenging market conditions.

Sincerely, Oscar

This Indicates

“This Indicates” suggests a logical inference or conclusion based on evidence or observation, guiding the reader towards a particular interpretation.

I trust you are doing well. Our recent survey results indicate a strong preference for online shopping among our target demographic. This insight underscores the need to prioritize our e-commerce strategy moving forward.

This Implicates

“This Implicates” suggests a nuanced association or involvement, often implying consequences or ramifications.

I hope this message finds you in good health. The investigation findings implicate a systemic flaw in our security protocols. This revelation necessitates immediate action to safeguard sensitive information.

This Suggests

“This Suggests” proposes a potential interpretation or hypothesis based on available evidence, inviting further exploration or consideration.

I trust this email finds you well. Our recent market analysis suggests a growing demand for personalized services among consumers. This insight presents an opportunity for us to tailor our offerings accordingly.

This Confirms

“This Confirms” affirms the validity or truth of a statement or proposition, providing assurance or validation.

I hope this message finds you in good spirits. The latest audit report confirms our compliance with industry regulations. This validation reinforces our commitment to excellence in governance.

This Conveys

“This Conveys” communicates a particular message or meaning, often through implicit or subtle means.

I trust you are well. The recent customer feedback conveys a sense of dissatisfaction with our current product offerings. Addressing these concerns promptly is paramount to maintaining customer loyalty.

This Evinces

“This Evinces” presents evidence or proof of a particular concept or assertion, demonstrating its validity or existence.

I hope this email finds you well. Our latest sales figures evinces a growing demand for premium services. This trend underscores the need for us to expand our upscale offerings.

This Substantiates

“This Substantiates” provides additional support or validation for a claim or argument, bolstering its credibility or persuasiveness.

I trust you are doing well. The recent study findings substantiate our hypothesis regarding consumer behavior. This empirical evidence strengthens our strategic planning efforts.

This Proves

“This Proves” asserts the validity or truth of a statement beyond doubt, offering conclusive evidence or reasoning.

I hope this message finds you well. The successful implementation of our new marketing strategy proves its efficacy in driving brand awareness and customer engagement.

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This Attests

“This Attests” serves as a formal declaration or assertion of a fact or truth, often backed by evidence or testimony.

I trust this email finds you in good health. The client testimonies attest to the superior quality of our services. This affirmation reinforces our reputation as a trusted partner in business.

This Bespeaks

“This Bespeaks” implies or suggests something indirectly, often through subtle cues or indications.

I trust you are well. The recent market trends bespeak a shifting landscape in consumer preferences. This insight informs our strategic decisions moving forward.

This Represents

“This Represents” serves as a symbolic or emblematic portrayal of a larger concept or idea.

I hope this email finds you well. The recent acquisition represents a significant milestone in our company’s growth trajectory. This strategic move positions us for expansion into new markets.

This Displays

“This Displays” showcases or exhibits a particular quality, trait, or characteristic, often in a conspicuous or visible manner.

I trust you are doing well. The latest product demo displays the innovative features and functionalities that set us apart from competitors. This demonstration underscores our commitment to excellence in product development.

This Exhibits

“This Exhibits” presents or showcases a particular attribute, behavior, or characteristic, highlighting its salience or relevance.

I hope this message finds you well. The recent customer testimonials exhibit a high level of satisfaction with our services. This positive feedback reaffirms our dedication to delivering exceptional experiences.

This Elucidates

“This Elucidates” clarifies or sheds light on a complex or obscure topic, enhancing understanding or comprehension.

I trust you are well. The recent market analysis elucidates the underlying factors driving consumer behavior. This insight enables us to formulate targeted marketing strategies that resonate with our target audience.

Pros and Cons

Expanding your repertoire of formal synonyms for “This Shows” offers numerous benefits in formal writing and discourse. It enhances clarity, precision, and sophistication, elevating the overall quality of your communication . However, excessive reliance on formal synonyms may lead to verbosity or obfuscation, detracting from the clarity and accessibility of your message. Therefore, it’s essential to strike a balance and deploy these synonyms judiciously to maximize their impact while maintaining readability and coherence.

Diversifying your vocabulary with formal synonyms for “This Shows” enriches your language proficiency and enhances the effectiveness of your communication. However, remember to use them judiciously to maintain clarity and coherence in your writing.

Ethan Richards is currently an English instructor at a university. She has experience in teaching and assessing English tests including TOEFL, IELTS, BULATS, FCE, CAE, and PTEG . With over a decade of teaching expertise, Ethan Richards  utilizes his knowledge to develop English lessons for her audience on English Overview.

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Ethan Richards is an English teacher at a university.

He has experience teaching and grading English tests like TOEFL, IELTS, BULATS, FCE, CAE, and PTEG . With over 10 years of teaching experience, Ethan Richards creates English lessons for readers on English Overview .

Ethan Richards

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9 Formal Synonyms for “This Shows”

other words for shows for essay

Do you want to discuss how one sentence confirms a thought or idea in another sentence?

Perhaps you’re worried that “this shows” doesn’t work too well in an essay because it’s informal or rude.

Well, you’re in luck!

This article will teach you other ways to say “this shows” to keep your writing interesting.

Is It Formal to Say “This Shows”?

It is formal to say “this shows.” You can use it in academic writing because it helps you to confirm how one sentence relates to another.

It’s also professional . Therefore, it’s always a good choice in essays.

However, you should be careful using it too much. Oversaturating your essays with “this shows” can take away from their impact and cause your essay to sound repetitive and boring.

Feel free to review this example to learn a bit more about it:

It’s clear that this is the best way forward. This shows that no other solution was reasonable to consider.

  • It’s formal and direct.
  • Readers will understand that you’re relating your sentence back to a previous one.
  • It can very quickly become repetitive and boring.
  • It’s not the most imaginative phrase to use to link sentences.

So, it’s clear that “this shows” works well in your writing. But that doesn’t mean you should limit yourself to using it as your only option.

Keep reading to learn other words for “this shows” in an essay. We’ve touched on some of the best synonyms to give you a better idea of what will work.

What to Say Instead of “This Shows”

  • This demonstrates
  • This illustrates
  • This signifies
  • This indicates
  • This confirms
  • This conveys

1. This Demonstrates

We recommend starting with “this demonstrates” to show you’re talking about something from the previous sentence.

It’s a great way to keep things formal and informative . Therefore, you can use it when filling out an essay or completing a passage of text that might benefit from linked sentences.

For the most part, if you can demonstrate how one thing leads to another, it’s good writing. After all, it’ll help readers to understand what you’re saying and how to make connections in your work.

You can refer to these essay samples to learn a bit more about it:

It’s clear what needs to be done. This demonstrates the resolve required to complete a task like this one.

We only had one option. This demonstrates that every other possible outcome has been expended and made impossible to continue.

2. This Illustrates

Next, we recommend writing “this illustrates.” It’s another way to say “this shows” that helps you to mix things up and sound less repetitive when you want to.

Generally, it’s a good formal synonym that shows why your previous sentence links to a new one.

It’s an effective way to engage a reader . It’s also professional and direct , so it’ll keep readers involved when they’re going through your essay.

Also, it’s worth reviewing these examples to learn more:

I’ve included all the findings to show you what I mean. This illustrates that there are still a few ways for me to continue with this.

This illustrates how simple it is to make it work. However, it’s going to take a few extra pairs of hands before we can start doing anything more.

Next, we want to mix things up a little bit. Rather than only focusing on academic writing, we also recommend using some of these synonyms in an email.

For instance, “showing” can work really well to link your email to itself.

But how does that work?

Well, you can use “showing” in the middle of a sentence to professionally explain why you’re writing about something.

It’s good to use when contacting a coworker . After all, you can explain your thought process and let them know more about what you’re thinking and what it “shows.”

Also, “this shows” and “showing” are nearly identical in usage. However, you must never forget you can’t start a sentence with “showing.” It must be placed in the middle of a sentence.

If you’re still unsure, perhaps this email sample will help you:

Dear Michael, I’m going to do it like this, showing that it’s still possible to complete the tasks without them. Please advise me on what you think is the best way to move forward. Yours, Brian Renshaw

4. This Signifies

Back to essays, we recommend writing “this signifies” as well. It teaches you how to say “this shows” in an essay when you’re trying to mix things up.

For the most part, this keeps things professional and clear . Therefore, it’s a great way to explain how things work or connect with each other.

Readers and reviewers will certainly appreciate including phrases like this.

That’s why we recommend using it in academic writing, as it’s bound to impress your professor if you want to.

After all, if they’re grading your work, it’s good to show that you know what you’re talking about.

As always, try not to repeat it too much! It can very easily make your essay sound repetitive if you’re not careful, which is never a good idea.

Also, you can check out these examples to learn a bit more:

As you can see, there are a few errors to discuss. This signifies that things still need to change before we can keep moving forward.

This signifies what could happen if things are left unattended. That’s why it’s important for us to break through quickly.

5. This Indicates

If you’re still unsure how to say “this shows” in an essay, try using “this indicates.”

It’s a great synonym that teaches you more about the things that work well in your writing.

After all, the more you explore your alternatives, the better your work will look. The last thing you want to do with your essays is make them repetitive and samey.

Readers will engage more when using phrases like this.

Here are some examples to also help you with it:

This indicates everything I’m trying to discuss with you. I think it’s important for you to pay attention to what’s to come.

It’s clear what I have to do. This indicates that only one option is going to work in our favor, so we must be prepared.

6. Implying

Next, we recommend writing “implying” instead of “this shows.” Again, this is a good one to use in the middle of a sentence .

So, we recommend writing it when explaining how one situation leads to another in the same string of text.

It’s good in academic writing as it’s quite professional and clear .

You can review these examples to see more about how to use it:

The statistics have made the situation more clear, implying that we need to make drastic changes quickly.

This is how it will work, implying that someone is going to need to step up to ensure things go that way.

7. Suggesting

Another good choice in academic essays is “suggesting.” This works in the middle of a sentence by showing how one idea suggests that another can happen.

You can use it to keep the reader informed as you go through an essay.

The more links you make within your sentences, the more your essay will make sense to the people reading or grading it.

That’s why we like this as an option in most graded essays. However, you should still try to limit how often you use something like this.

Check out these examples to find out more about how it works:

I have looked into it and found nothing important, suggesting that this isn’t the right place to go.

It’s clear what we need to do next, suggesting that there are some options we have yet to explore.

8. This Confirms

Going back to an email alternative, we recommend trying “this confirms.”

It’s a great way to confirm or suggest information to the recipient. It also creates a clear and direct link between the two things you’ve mentioned in an email.

So, you can use it when writing to coworkers . It shows you’ve looked into a collaborative effort and noticed that one thing confirms another.

Here’s a helpful sample email to show you more about how to use it:

Dear Steven, I looked into the project we’ve got so far, but we need to make some changes. This confirms that Alice did not look at the notes properly. Best regards, Sean Bryce

9. This Conveys

Finally, you can use “this conveys” in your formal essays . It’s a good way to entice the reader and let them know you’re in control of your own narrative.

It’s a good way to convey or confirm information quickly.

It gets to the point and shows you’re happy to explain yourself further if someone still isn’t getting what you’re saying.

Here are some helpful samples to show you a bit more about it:

As you can see, the results are a bit skewed. This conveys that we have to work harder to narrow the gap.

This conveys exactly what we thought would happen. Therefore, more works needs to be done to improve.

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10 Other Words for “This Shows” in an Essay

other words for shows for essay

Showing how one thing affects another is great in academic writing. It shows that you’ve connected two points with each other, making sure the reader follows along.

However, is “this shows” the only appropriate choice when linking two ideas?

We have gathered some helpful synonyms teaching you other ways to say “this shows” in an essay.

  • Demonstrating
  • This implies
  • This allows
  • This displays

Keep reading to learn more words to replace “this shows” in an essay. You can also review the examples we provide under each heading.

Removing “this” from “this shows” creates a simple formal synonym to mix up your writing. You can instead write “showing” in academic writing to demonstrate an effect .

Typically, this is a great way to limit your word count . Sure, you’re only removing one word from your essay, but if you can find other areas to do something similar, you’ll be more efficient .

Efficient essays often make for the most interesting ones. They also make it much easier for the reader to follow, and the reviewer will usually be able to give you a more appropriate grade.

Check out these examples if you still need help:

  • The facts state most of the information here, showing that we still have a lot of work to do before moving forward.
  • This is the only way to complete the project, showing that things aren’t quite ready to progress.

2. Demonstrating

Following a similar idea to using “showing,” you can also use “demonstrating.” This comes from the idea that “this demonstrates” is a bit redundant. So, you can remove “this.”

Again, demonstrating ideas is a great way to engage the reader . You can use it in the middle of a sentence to explain how two things affect each other.

You can also review the following examples:

  • These are the leading causes, demonstrating the fundamental ways to get through it. Which do you think is worth pursuing?
  • I would like to direct your attention to this poll, demonstrating the do’s and don’ts for tasks like this one.

3. Leading To

There are plenty of ways to talk about different causes and effects in your writing. A good choice to include in the middle of a sentence is “leading to.”

When something “leads to” something else, it is a direct cause . Therefore, it’s worth including “leading to” in an essay when making relevant connections in your text.

Here are some examples to help you understand it:

  • This is what we are looking to achieve, leading to huge capital gains for everyone associated with it.
  • I would like to direct your attention to this assignment, leading to what could be huge changes in the status quo.

4. Creating

Often, you can create cause-and-effect relationships in your writing by including two similar ideas. Therefore, it’s worth including “creating” to demonstrate a connection to the reader.

Including “creating” in the middle of a sentence allows you to clarify certain causes . This helps to streamline your academic writing and ensures the reader knows what you’re talking about.

Perhaps these essay samples will also help you:

  • We could not complete the task quickly, creating a problem when it came to the next part of the movement.
  • I thought about the ideas, creating the process that we know today. I’m glad I took the time to work through it.

5. This Implies

For a more formal way to say “this shows,” try “this implies.” Of course, it doesn’t change much from the original phrase, but that doesn’t mean it’s ineffective.

In fact, using “this implies” (or “implying” for streamlining) allows you to discuss implications and facts from the previous sentence.

You will often start a sentence with “this implies.” It shows you have relevant and useful information to discuss with the reader.

However, it only works when starting a sentence. You cannot use it to start a new paragraph as it does not relate to anything. “This implies” must always relate to something mentioned before.

You can also review these examples:

  • I appreciate everything that they did for us. This implies they’re willing to work together on other projects.
  • You can’t always get these things right. This implies we still have a lot of work to do before we can finalize anything.

“Proving” is a word you can use instead of “this shows” in an essay. It comes from “this proves,” showing how something creates another situation .

Proof is often the most important in scientific studies and arguments. Therefore, it’s very common to use “proving” instead of “this shows” in scientific essays and writing.

We recommend using this when discussing your experiments and explaining how it might cause something specific to happen. It helps the reader follow your ideas on the page.

Perhaps the following examples will also help you:

  • They provided us with multiple variables, proving that we weren’t the only ones working on the experiment.
  • I could not figure out the way forward, proving that it came down to a choice. I didn’t know the best course of action.

7. This Allows

Often, when you talk about a cause in your essays, it allows an effect to take place. You can talk more about this relationship with a phrase like “this allows.”

At the start of a sentence , “this allows” is a great way to describe a cause-and-effect relationship . It keeps the reader engaged and ensures they know what you’re talking about.

Also, using “this allows” directly after expressing your views explains the purpose of your writing. This could show a reader why you’ve even decided to write the essay in the first place.

  • Many scenarios work here. This allows us to explore different situations to see which works best.
  • I found the best way to address the situation. This allows me to provide more ideas to upper management.

8. This Displays

It might not be as common, but “this displays” is still a great choice in academic writing. You can use it when discussing how one thing leads to another .

Usually, “this displays” works best when discussing data points or figures . It’s a great way to show how you can display your information within your writing to make things easy for the reader .

You can refer to these examples if you’re still unsure:

  • We have not considered every outcome. This displays a lack of planning and poor judgment regarding the team.
  • I’m afraid this is the only way we can continue it. This displays a problem for most of the senior shareholders.

9. Indicating

Indicating how things connect to each other helps readers to pay attention. The clearer your connections, the better your essay will be.

Therefore, it’s worth including “indicating” in the middle of a sentence . It shows you two points relate to each other .

Often, this allows you to talk about specific effects. It’s a great way to explain the purpose of a paragraph (or the essay as a whole, depending on the context).

If you’re still stuck, review these examples:

  • There are plenty of great alternatives to use, indicating that you don’t have to be so close-minded about the process.
  • I have compiled a list of information to help you, indicating the plethora of ways you can complete it.

10 Other Ways to Say “This Shows”

Other Ways to Say This Shows

When writing or speaking, there are times when you want to emphasize something or draw attention to evidence . The phrase “this shows” is commonly used in such contexts. However, just as we have many ways to convey good wishes, there are other ways to say “it shows” in English. Varying your vocabulary can make your arguments more persuasive and your writing more engaging.

Table of Contents

Other Ways to Say “This Shows”

By expanding your vocabulary, you can articulate your thoughts more precisely and convincingly. Instead of using “this shows” repeatedly, consider the following alternatives:

  • This Indicates

Example: “The rising temperatures indicate a change in the climate.”

Meaning: “Indicate” is a formal way of suggesting that something serves as a sign or a clear pointer to a certain fact or situation. It’s like a beacon highlighting specific information.

Usage: When presenting research findings, the term “indicate” can be used to point out correlations or trends observed in the data.

  • This Demonstrates

Example: “The consistently high grades of the student demonstrate his dedication to his studies.”

Meaning: “Demonstrate” conveys the idea that something stands as tangible proof or clear evidence of a particular fact or quality, showcasing it in action.

Usage: In academic discussions, “demonstrate” is often used to present findings or theories that are supported by concrete evidence.

  • This Reveals

Example: “The diary entries reveal the author’s innermost thoughts and fears.”

Meaning: “Reveal” is akin to pulling back a curtain on something, making known or uncovering details, facts, or sentiments that were previously concealed or not immediately apparent.

Usage: Mystery writers often use “reveal” when unveiling a critical plot twist or a character’s secret.

  • This Suggests

Example: “The presence of ancient artifacts in this area suggests that a civilization once thrived here.”

Meaning: “Suggest” is a subtle way of hinting at something, implying or hinting at a fact or idea without making a direct or overt statement.

Usage: In speculative discussions or when making educated guesses, “suggest” is a preferred term to indicate possible scenarios.

  • This Highlights

Example: “The documentary highlights the challenges faced by refugees.”

Meaning: “Highlight” is like shining a spotlight on something, drawing special attention to or emphasizing a particular point, detail, or aspect, making it stand out.

Usage: Journalists and documentarians use “highlight” when they want to focus on specific issues or stories that need more public attention.

  • This Reflects

Example: “The company’s values reflect its commitment to sustainability.”

Meaning: “Reflect” conveys the idea that something serves as a mirror image or a clear representation of a particular quality, sentiment, or fact, showcasing its essence.

Usage: In discussions about values, principles, or culture, “reflect” is used to show alignment or representation.

  • This Illustrates

Example: “Her story illustrates the hardships faced by many immigrants.”

Meaning: “Illustrate” is akin to painting a picture with words, serving as a vivid example or clarification of a point, making abstract ideas more tangible.

Usage: Educators and trainers often use “illustrate” when providing examples to explain complex concepts.

someone is showing something

  • This Confirms

Example: “The DNA test confirms the suspect’s presence at the crime scene.”

Meaning: “Confirm” is a stamp of validation, establishing the truth, accuracy, or correctness of something without a shadow of a doubt.

Usage: In legal or scientific contexts, “confirm” is used when evidence solidly supports a claim or hypothesis.

  • This Points To

Example: “The data points to a significant increase in sales next quarter.”

Meaning: “Points to” is like a compass directing attention or focus towards a particular conclusion, fact, or outcome, guiding the narrative.

Usage: Analysts and forecasters use “points to” when discussing trends or predictions based on current data.

  • This Underscores

Example: “The recent events underscore the importance of preparedness.”

Meaning: “Underscore” is like underlining a written word, emphasizing or giving added force to a point, ensuring it’s not overlooked.

Usage: Speakers and writers use “underscore” when they want to stress the significance or urgency of a particular point or issue.

10 Other Ways to Say This Shows Infographic

Choosing the Right Expression for the Context

The context in which you speak or write plays a key role in choosing an expression. It’s not just about what you say, but how you say it. The right choice of words can improve the impact of your message by making it more resonant and memorable for your audience.

Formal Writing :

In environments that demand precision and clarity, such as research papers, official documents, or business communications, it’s crucial to use terms that convey authority and specificity. Expressions like “validates,” “corroborates,” and “signifies” not only sound professional but also add weight to the statements, ensuring that the audience understands the gravity of the information being presented.

Casual Conversations :

When you’re engaged in daily dialogues, be it with friends, family, or acquaintances, the tone is often more relaxed and personal. In such settings, it’s more about connection than precision. Using expressions like “depicts” or “conveys” can make the conversation flow more naturally, allowing for a more genuine exchange of thoughts and feelings.

Artistic Endeavors :

The realm of art and creativity thrives on emotion, imagination, and nuance. Whether you’re penning a poem, crafting a story, or delivering a theatrical performance, the words you choose can paint vivid images in the minds of your audience. Expressions like “exemplifies” or “accentuates” can add layers of depth and texture to your narrative, allowing your audience to delve deeper into the world you’re creating.

In conclusion, the power of language lies not only in the words we choose but also in the context in which we use them. By considering our audience and setting, we can choose expressions that resonate more deeply, amplifying the impact of our message. Whether in formal discourse, casual chats, or artistic creations, adapting our language elevates our communication.

As we continue to explore and expand our language repertoire, we enrich not only our own expression but also the experience of those we interact with. For those who want to dive deeper into the nuances of language and its impact, the Oxford English Dictionary offers a treasure trove of insights. Remember, it’s not just about saying something, it’s about making it really meaningful.

1. Why is “this shows” such a commonly used expression in English?

“This shows” is a straightforward and clear way to introduce evidence or illustrate a point. Its simplicity makes it a popular choice in both spoken and written English to connect an observation with its implication.

2. In what contexts is “this shows” most appropriately used?

While versatile, “this shows” is most commonly found in analytical writing , such as essays, reports, and research papers . It’s used to introduce evidence or examples that support a preceding statement or argument.

3. Can “this shows” be overused in writing or speech?

Yes, like any phrase, over-reliance on “this shows” can make writing sound repetitive. It’s beneficial to diversify expressions to maintain reader engagement and convey depth of thought.

4. Are there situations where “this shows” might not be the best choice? In very formal or technical writing, more specific phrases might be preferred to convey precise relationships between data or observations. Additionally, in casual conversations, more relaxed expressions might be more fitting.

5. Is “this shows” understood universally in English-speaking cultures? Generally, yes. “This shows” is a standard expression in English and is widely understood across English-speaking cultures. However, the nuances of what follows might vary based on cultural contexts.

6. Can the overuse of “this shows” impact the quality of my writing?

While the expression itself is neutral, overusing any phrase can make writing seem monotonous. For quality writing, it’s essential to have a mix of expressions that fit the context and effectively convey the intended message.

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Other Words for “This Shows” – This Shows Synonyms

When you use the phrase, “this shows,” you are making a demonstration for proof or evidence of something. There are many ways to say this phrase, which helps to reduce redundancy in writing or speaking English. Some of the most common are “illustrates,” “demonstrates” and “proves,” among a host of others.

Opting to apply synonym phrases for “this shows” will convey nuance and refinement with a command of language. In some cases, you may end up using the wrong synonym when you mean to intend “this shows.”

The Meaning; Grammar of “This Shows”

“This shows” combines the demonstrative pronoun “this” with the present tense conjugation of the verb, “to show.” You use it in situations where you are providing proof or evidence as a result of something. Consider the examples below to understand the use of “this shows” in greater detail.

If Janet is over at Mary’s, then this shows she never went to the bank.

This shows you registered to vote, complete with your ID and address.

Other Synonym Phrases

While “this shows” is a solid and succinct way to indicate proof or evidence of something, there are other means by which to convey the same thing. What you are going to change is the verb “shows” with one of the following words:

  • Authenticates
  • Demonstrates
  • Establishes
  • Illustrates
  • Testifies to

Examples of Synonym Phrases

While all of these are acceptable synonyms for “this shows,” not all of them will be appropriate in every circumstance or situation. For instance, in the “awkward” synonym exchange below, “testifies to” and “expose” don’t quite characterize the sentiment of the statements.

  • Original: If Janet is over at Mary’s, then this shows she never went to the bank.
  • Awkward: If Janet is over at Mary’s, then this testifies to she never went to the bank.
  • Acceptable: If Janet is over at Mary’s, then this proves she never went to the bank.
  • Original: This shows you registered to vote, complete with ID and address.
  • Awkward: This exposes you registered to vote, complete with ID and address.
  • Acceptable: This validates you registered to vote, complete with ID and address.

As you can see, there are many different ways to say “this shows.” But, you want to be careful with which verb you use, otherwise, it may sound awkward or strange.

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  • 40 Useful Words and Phrases for Top-Notch Essays

other words for shows for essay

To be truly brilliant, an essay needs to utilise the right language. You could make a great point, but if it’s not intelligently articulated, you almost needn’t have bothered.

Developing the language skills to build an argument and to write persuasively is crucial if you’re to write outstanding essays every time. In this article, we’re going to equip you with the words and phrases you need to write a top-notch essay, along with examples of how to utilise them.

It’s by no means an exhaustive list, and there will often be other ways of using the words and phrases we describe that we won’t have room to include, but there should be more than enough below to help you make an instant improvement to your essay-writing skills.

If you’re interested in developing your language and persuasive skills, Oxford Royale offers summer courses at its Oxford Summer School , Cambridge Summer School , London Summer School , San Francisco Summer School and Yale Summer School . You can study courses to learn english , prepare for careers in law , medicine , business , engineering and leadership.

General explaining

Let’s start by looking at language for general explanations of complex points.

1. In order to

Usage: “In order to” can be used to introduce an explanation for the purpose of an argument. Example: “In order to understand X, we need first to understand Y.”

2. In other words

Usage: Use “in other words” when you want to express something in a different way (more simply), to make it easier to understand, or to emphasise or expand on a point. Example: “Frogs are amphibians. In other words, they live on the land and in the water.”

3. To put it another way

Usage: This phrase is another way of saying “in other words”, and can be used in particularly complex points, when you feel that an alternative way of wording a problem may help the reader achieve a better understanding of its significance. Example: “Plants rely on photosynthesis. To put it another way, they will die without the sun.”

4. That is to say

Usage: “That is” and “that is to say” can be used to add further detail to your explanation, or to be more precise. Example: “Whales are mammals. That is to say, they must breathe air.”

5. To that end

Usage: Use “to that end” or “to this end” in a similar way to “in order to” or “so”. Example: “Zoologists have long sought to understand how animals communicate with each other. To that end, a new study has been launched that looks at elephant sounds and their possible meanings.”

Adding additional information to support a point

Students often make the mistake of using synonyms of “and” each time they want to add further information in support of a point they’re making, or to build an argument . Here are some cleverer ways of doing this.

6. Moreover

Usage: Employ “moreover” at the start of a sentence to add extra information in support of a point you’re making. Example: “Moreover, the results of a recent piece of research provide compelling evidence in support of…”

7. Furthermore

Usage:This is also generally used at the start of a sentence, to add extra information. Example: “Furthermore, there is evidence to suggest that…”

8. What’s more

Usage: This is used in the same way as “moreover” and “furthermore”. Example: “What’s more, this isn’t the only evidence that supports this hypothesis.”

9. Likewise

Usage: Use “likewise” when you want to talk about something that agrees with what you’ve just mentioned. Example: “Scholar A believes X. Likewise, Scholar B argues compellingly in favour of this point of view.”

10. Similarly

Usage: Use “similarly” in the same way as “likewise”. Example: “Audiences at the time reacted with shock to Beethoven’s new work, because it was very different to what they were used to. Similarly, we have a tendency to react with surprise to the unfamiliar.”

11. Another key thing to remember

Usage: Use the phrase “another key point to remember” or “another key fact to remember” to introduce additional facts without using the word “also”. Example: “As a Romantic, Blake was a proponent of a closer relationship between humans and nature. Another key point to remember is that Blake was writing during the Industrial Revolution, which had a major impact on the world around him.”

12. As well as

Usage: Use “as well as” instead of “also” or “and”. Example: “Scholar A argued that this was due to X, as well as Y.”

13. Not only… but also

Usage: This wording is used to add an extra piece of information, often something that’s in some way more surprising or unexpected than the first piece of information. Example: “Not only did Edmund Hillary have the honour of being the first to reach the summit of Everest, but he was also appointed Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire.”

14. Coupled with

Usage: Used when considering two or more arguments at a time. Example: “Coupled with the literary evidence, the statistics paint a compelling view of…”

15. Firstly, secondly, thirdly…

Usage: This can be used to structure an argument, presenting facts clearly one after the other. Example: “There are many points in support of this view. Firstly, X. Secondly, Y. And thirdly, Z.

16. Not to mention/to say nothing of

Usage: “Not to mention” and “to say nothing of” can be used to add extra information with a bit of emphasis. Example: “The war caused unprecedented suffering to millions of people, not to mention its impact on the country’s economy.”

Words and phrases for demonstrating contrast

When you’re developing an argument, you will often need to present contrasting or opposing opinions or evidence – “it could show this, but it could also show this”, or “X says this, but Y disagrees”. This section covers words you can use instead of the “but” in these examples, to make your writing sound more intelligent and interesting.

17. However

Usage: Use “however” to introduce a point that disagrees with what you’ve just said. Example: “Scholar A thinks this. However, Scholar B reached a different conclusion.”

18. On the other hand

Usage: Usage of this phrase includes introducing a contrasting interpretation of the same piece of evidence, a different piece of evidence that suggests something else, or an opposing opinion. Example: “The historical evidence appears to suggest a clear-cut situation. On the other hand, the archaeological evidence presents a somewhat less straightforward picture of what happened that day.”

19. Having said that

Usage: Used in a similar manner to “on the other hand” or “but”. Example: “The historians are unanimous in telling us X, an agreement that suggests that this version of events must be an accurate account. Having said that, the archaeology tells a different story.”

20. By contrast/in comparison

Usage: Use “by contrast” or “in comparison” when you’re comparing and contrasting pieces of evidence. Example: “Scholar A’s opinion, then, is based on insufficient evidence. By contrast, Scholar B’s opinion seems more plausible.”

21. Then again

Usage: Use this to cast doubt on an assertion. Example: “Writer A asserts that this was the reason for what happened. Then again, it’s possible that he was being paid to say this.”

22. That said

Usage: This is used in the same way as “then again”. Example: “The evidence ostensibly appears to point to this conclusion. That said, much of the evidence is unreliable at best.”

Usage: Use this when you want to introduce a contrasting idea. Example: “Much of scholarship has focused on this evidence. Yet not everyone agrees that this is the most important aspect of the situation.”

Adding a proviso or acknowledging reservations

Sometimes, you may need to acknowledge a shortfalling in a piece of evidence, or add a proviso. Here are some ways of doing so.

24. Despite this

Usage: Use “despite this” or “in spite of this” when you want to outline a point that stands regardless of a shortfalling in the evidence. Example: “The sample size was small, but the results were important despite this.”

25. With this in mind

Usage: Use this when you want your reader to consider a point in the knowledge of something else. Example: “We’ve seen that the methods used in the 19th century study did not always live up to the rigorous standards expected in scientific research today, which makes it difficult to draw definite conclusions. With this in mind, let’s look at a more recent study to see how the results compare.”

26. Provided that

Usage: This means “on condition that”. You can also say “providing that” or just “providing” to mean the same thing. Example: “We may use this as evidence to support our argument, provided that we bear in mind the limitations of the methods used to obtain it.”

27. In view of/in light of

Usage: These phrases are used when something has shed light on something else. Example: “In light of the evidence from the 2013 study, we have a better understanding of…”

28. Nonetheless

Usage: This is similar to “despite this”. Example: “The study had its limitations, but it was nonetheless groundbreaking for its day.”

29. Nevertheless

Usage: This is the same as “nonetheless”. Example: “The study was flawed, but it was important nevertheless.”

30. Notwithstanding

Usage: This is another way of saying “nonetheless”. Example: “Notwithstanding the limitations of the methodology used, it was an important study in the development of how we view the workings of the human mind.”

Giving examples

Good essays always back up points with examples, but it’s going to get boring if you use the expression “for example” every time. Here are a couple of other ways of saying the same thing.

31. For instance

Example: “Some birds migrate to avoid harsher winter climates. Swallows, for instance, leave the UK in early winter and fly south…”

32. To give an illustration

Example: “To give an illustration of what I mean, let’s look at the case of…”

Signifying importance

When you want to demonstrate that a point is particularly important, there are several ways of highlighting it as such.

33. Significantly

Usage: Used to introduce a point that is loaded with meaning that might not be immediately apparent. Example: “Significantly, Tacitus omits to tell us the kind of gossip prevalent in Suetonius’ accounts of the same period.”

34. Notably

Usage: This can be used to mean “significantly” (as above), and it can also be used interchangeably with “in particular” (the example below demonstrates the first of these ways of using it). Example: “Actual figures are notably absent from Scholar A’s analysis.”

35. Importantly

Usage: Use “importantly” interchangeably with “significantly”. Example: “Importantly, Scholar A was being employed by X when he wrote this work, and was presumably therefore under pressure to portray the situation more favourably than he perhaps might otherwise have done.”


You’ve almost made it to the end of the essay, but your work isn’t over yet. You need to end by wrapping up everything you’ve talked about, showing that you’ve considered the arguments on both sides and reached the most likely conclusion. Here are some words and phrases to help you.

36. In conclusion

Usage: Typically used to introduce the concluding paragraph or sentence of an essay, summarising what you’ve discussed in a broad overview. Example: “In conclusion, the evidence points almost exclusively to Argument A.”

37. Above all

Usage: Used to signify what you believe to be the most significant point, and the main takeaway from the essay. Example: “Above all, it seems pertinent to remember that…”

38. Persuasive

Usage: This is a useful word to use when summarising which argument you find most convincing. Example: “Scholar A’s point – that Constanze Mozart was motivated by financial gain – seems to me to be the most persuasive argument for her actions following Mozart’s death.”

39. Compelling

Usage: Use in the same way as “persuasive” above. Example: “The most compelling argument is presented by Scholar A.”

40. All things considered

Usage: This means “taking everything into account”. Example: “All things considered, it seems reasonable to assume that…”

How many of these words and phrases will you get into your next essay? And are any of your favourite essay terms missing from our list? Let us know in the comments below, or get in touch here to find out more about courses that can help you with your essays.

At Oxford Royale Academy, we offer a number of  summer school courses for young people who are keen to improve their essay writing skills. Click here to apply for one of our courses today, including law , business , medicine  and engineering .

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Example sentences.

As several of my colleagues commented, the result is good enough that it could pass for an essay written by a first-year undergraduate, and even get a pretty decent grade.

GPT-3 also raises concerns about the future of essay writing in the education system.

This little essay helps focus on self-knowledge in what you’re best at, and how you should prioritize your time.

As Steven Feldstein argues in the opening essay, technonationalism plays a part in the strengthening of other autocracies too.

He’s written a collection of essays on civil engineering life titled Bridginess, and to this day he and Lauren go on “bridge dates,” where they enjoy a meal and admire the view of a nearby span.

I think a certain kind of compelling essay has a piece of that.

The current attack on the Jews,” he wrote in a 1937 essay, “targets not just this people of 15 million but mankind as such.

The impulse to interpret seems to me what makes personal essay writing compelling.

To be honest, I think a lot of good essay writing comes out of that.

Someone recently sent me an old Joan Didion essay on self-respect that appeared in Vogue.

There is more of the uplifted forefinger and the reiterated point than I should have allowed myself in an essay.

Consequently he was able to turn in a clear essay upon the subject, which, upon examination, the king found to be free from error.

It is no part of the present essay to attempt to detail the particulars of a code of social legislation.

But angels and ministers of grace defend us from ministers of religion who essay art criticism!

It is fit that the imagination, which is free to go through all things, should essay such excursions.

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  • think piece

verb as in try, make effort

  • do level best
  • exert oneself
  • give a fling
  • give a whirl
  • give best shot
  • give it a go
  • give it a try
  • give old college try
  • go the limit
  • have a go at
  • shoot the works
  • take best shot
  • try one's hand at

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On this page you'll find 154 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to essay, such as: article, discussion, dissertation, manuscript, paper, and piece.

From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Synonyms of show

  • as in to display
  • as in to reveal
  • as in to prove
  • as in to guide
  • as in to steer
  • as in to appear
  • as in display
  • as in appearance
  • as in exhibit
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Thesaurus Definition of show

 (Entry 1 of 2)

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • talk (about)

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • demonstrate
  • communicate
  • misrepresent
  • gloss (over)
  • counterfeit
  • substantiate
  • authenticate
  • corroborate
  • walk through
  • superintend
  • indoctrinate
  • materialize
  • spring (up)
  • rematerialize
  • melt (away)

Thesaurus Definition of show  (Entry 2 of 2)

  • demonstration
  • affectation
  • performance
  • impersonation
  • dissimulation
  • double cross
  • dissembling
  • double - dealing
  • faithlessness
  • unfaithfulness
  • straightforwardness
  • outspokenness
  • forthrightness
  • plainspokenness
  • genuineness
  • artlessness
  • openheartedness
  • first blush
  • implication
  • resemblance
  • representation
  • insinuation
  • make - believe
  • make - belief
  • Potemkin village
  • presentation
  • extravaganza
  • presentment

Synonym Chooser

How is the word show different from other verbs like it?

Some common synonyms of show are display , exhibit , expose , flaunt , and parade . While all these words mean "to present so as to invite notice or attention," show implies no more than enabling another to see or examine.

When is it sensible to use display instead of show ?

The synonyms display and show are sometimes interchangeable, but display emphasizes putting in a position where others may see to advantage.

When would exhibit be a good substitute for show ?

The meanings of exhibit and show largely overlap; however, exhibit stresses putting forward prominently or openly.

When might expose be a better fit than show ?

The words expose and show can be used in similar contexts, but expose suggests bringing forth from concealment and displaying.

When can flaunt be used instead of show ?

While the synonyms flaunt and show are close in meaning, flaunt suggests a shameless, boastful, often offensive parading.

Where would parade be a reasonable alternative to show ?

Although the words parade and show have much in common, parade implies an ostentatious or arrogant displaying.

Phrases Containing show

  • make a show
  • show (someone) the door

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“Show.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/show. Accessed 12 May. 2024.

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Guest Essay

The Happiness Gap Between Left and Right Isn’t Closing

A woman’s face with red lipstick and red-and-white stripes on one side in imitation of an American flag.

By Thomas B. Edsall

Mr. Edsall contributes a weekly column from Washington, D.C., on politics, demographics and inequality.

Why is it that a substantial body of social science research finds that conservatives are happier than liberals?

A partial answer: Those on the right are less likely to be angered or upset by social and economic inequities, believing that the system rewards those who work hard, that hierarchies are part of the natural order of things and that market outcomes are fundamentally fair.

Those on the left stand in opposition to each of these assessments of the social order, prompting frustration and discontent with the world around them.

The happiness gap has been with us for at least 50 years, and most research seeking to explain it has focused on conservatives. More recently, however, psychologists and other social scientists have begun to dig deeper into the underpinnings of liberal discontent — not only unhappiness but also depression and other measures of dissatisfaction.

One of the findings emerging from this research is that the decline in happiness and in a sense of agency is concentrated among those on the left who stress matters of identity, social justice and the oppression of marginalized groups.

There is, in addition, a parallel phenomenon taking place on the right as Donald Trump and his MAGA loyalists angrily complain of oppression by liberals who engage in a relentless vendetta to keep Trump out of the White House.

There is a difference in the way the left and right react to frustration and grievance. Instead of despair, the contemporary right has responded with mounting anger, rejecting democratic institutions and norms.

In a 2021 Vox article, “ Trump and the Republican Revolt Against Democracy ,” Zack Beauchamp described in detail the emergence of destructive and aggressive discontent among conservatives.

Citing a wide range of polling data and academic studies, Beauchamp found:

More than twice as many Republicans (39 percent) as Democrats (17 percent) believed that “if elected leaders won’t protect America, the people must act — even if that means violence.”

Fifty-seven percent of Republicans considered Democrats to be “enemies,” compared with 41 percent of Democrats who viewed Republicans as “enemies.”

Among Republicans, support for “the use of force to defend our way of life,” as well as for the belief that “strong leaders bend rules” and that “sometimes you have to take the law in your own hands,” grows stronger in direct correlation with racial and ethnic hostility.

Trump has repeatedly warned of the potential for political violence. In January he predicted bedlam if the criminal charges filed in federal and state courts against him damaged his presidential campaign:

I think they feel this is the way they’re going to try and win, and that’s not the way it goes. It’ll be bedlam in the country. It’s a very bad thing. It’s a very bad precedent. As we said, it’s the opening of a Pandora’s box.

Before he was indicted in New York, Trump claimed there would be “potential death and destruction” if he was charged.

At an Ohio campaign rally in March, Trump declared, “If I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a blood bath for the whole country.”

In other words, Trump and his allies respond to adversity and what they see as attacks from the left with threats and anger, while a segment of the left often but not always responds to adversity and social inequity with dejection and sorrow.

There are significant consequences for this internalization.

Jamin Halberstadt , a professor of psychology at the University of Otago in New Zealand and a co-author of “ Outgroup Threat and the Emergence of Cohesive Groups : A Cross-Cultural Examination,” argued in his emailed reply to my inquiry that because “a focus on injustice and victimhood is, by definition, disempowering (isn’t that why we talk of ‘survivors’ rather than ‘victims’?), loss of control is not good for self-esteem or happiness.”

But, he pointed out:

this focus, while no doubt a part of the most visible and influential side of progressive ideology, is still just a part. Liberalism is a big construct, and I’m reluctant to reduce it to a focus on social justice issues. Some liberals have this view, but I suspect their influence is outsized because (a) they have the social media megaphone and (b) we are in a climate in which freedom of expression and, in particular, challenges to the worldview you characterize have been curtailed.

Expanding on this line of argument, Halberstadt wrote:

I’m sure some self-described liberals have views that are counterproductive to their own happiness. One sub-ideology associated with liberalism is, as you describe, a sense of victimhood and grievance. But there is more than one way to respond to structural barriers. Within that group of the aggrieved, some probably see systemic problems that cannot be overcome, and that’s naturally demoralizing and depressing. But others see systemic problems as a challenge to overcome.

Taking Halberstadt’s assessment of the effects of grievance and victimhood a step farther, Timothy A. Judge , the chairman of the department of management and human resources at Notre Dame, wrote in a 2009 paper, “ Core Self-Evaluations and Work Success ”:

Core self-evaluations (C.S.E.) is a broad, integrative trait indicated by self-esteem, locus of control, generalized self-efficacy and (low) neuroticism (high emotional stability). Individuals with high levels of C.S.E. perform better on their jobs, are more successful in their careers, are more satisfied with their jobs and lives, report lower levels of stress and conflict, cope more effectively with setbacks and better capitalize on advantages and opportunities.

I asked Judge and other scholars a question: Have liberal pessimists fostered an outlook that spawns unhappiness as its adherents believe they face seemingly insurmountable structural barriers?

Judge replied by email:

I do share the perspective that a focus on status, hierarchies and institutions that reinforce privilege contributes to an external locus of control. And the reason is fairly straightforward. We can only change these things through collective and, often, policy initiatives — which tend to be complex, slow, often conflictual and outside our individual control. On the other hand, if I view “life’s chances” (Virginia Woolf’s term) to be mostly dependent on my own agency, this reflects an internal focus, which will often depend on enacting initiatives largely within my control.

Judge elaborated on his argument:

If our predominant focus in how we view the world is social inequities, status hierarchies, societal unfairness conferred by privilege, then everyone would agree that these things are not easy to fix, which means, in a sense, we must accept some unhappy premises: Life isn’t fair; outcomes are outside my control, often at the hands of bad, powerful actors; social change depends on collective action that may be conflictual; an individual may have limited power to control their own destiny, etc. These are not happy thoughts because they cause me to view the world as inherently unfair, oppressive, conflictual, etc. It may or may not be right, but I would argue that these are in fact viewpoints of how we view the world, and our place in it, that would undermine our happiness.

Last year, George Yancey , a professor of sociology at Baylor University, published “ Identity Politics, Political Ideology, and Well-Being : Is Identity Politics Good for Our Well-Being?”

Yancey argued that recent events “suggest that identity politics may correlate to a decrease in well-being, particularly among young progressives, and offer an explanation tied to internal elements within political progressiveness.”

By focusing on “political progressives, rather than political conservatives,” Yancey wrote, “a nuanced approach to understanding the relationship between political ideology and well-being begins to emerge.”

Identity politics, he continued, focuses “on external institutional forces that one cannot immediately alleviate.” It results in what scholars call the externalization of one’s locus of control, or viewing the inequities of society as a result of powerful if not insurmountable outside forces, including structural racism, patriarchy and capitalism, as opposed to believing that individuals can overcome such obstacles through hard work and collective effort.

As a result, Yancey wrote, “identity politics may be an important mechanism by which progressive political ideology can lead to lower levels of well-being.”

Conversely, Yancey pointed out, “a class-based progressive cognitive emphasis may focus less on the group identity, generating less of a need to rely on emotional narratives and dichotomous thinking and may be less likely to be detrimental to the well-being of a political progressive.”

Yancey tested this theory using data collected in the 2021 Baylor Religion Survey of 1,232 respondents.

“Certain types of political progressive ideology can have contrasting effects on well-being,” Yancey wrote. “It is plausible that identity politics may explain the recent increase well-being gap between conservatives and progressives.”

Oskari Lahtinen , a senior researcher in psychology at the University of Turku in Finland, published a study in March, “ Construction and Validation of a Scale for Assessing Critical Social Justice Attitudes ,” that reinforces Yancey’s argument.

Lahtinen conducted two surveys of a total of 5,878 men and women to determine the share of Finnish citizens who held “critical social justice attitudes” and how those who held such views differed from those who did not.

Critical social justice proponents, on Lahtinen’s scale,

point out varieties of oppression that cause privileged people (e.g., male, white, heterosexual, cisgender) to benefit over marginalized people (e.g., woman, Black, gay, transgender). In critical race theory, some of the core tenets include that (1) white supremacy and racism are omnipresent and colorblind policies are not enough to tackle them, (2) people of color have their own unique standpoint and (3) races are social constructs.

What did Lahtinen find?

The critical social justice propositions encountered

strong rejection from men. Women expressed more than twice as much support for the propositions. In both studies, critical social justice was correlated modestly with depression, anxiety, and (lack of) happiness, but not more so than being on the political left was.

In an email responding to my inquiries about his paper, Lahtinen wrote that one of the key findings in his research was that “there were large differences between genders in critical social justice advocacy: Three out of five women but only one out of seven men expressed support for the critical social justice claims.”

In addition, he pointed out, “there was one variable in the study that closely corresponded to external locus of control: ‘Other people or structures are more responsible for my well-being than I myself am.’”

The correlation between agreement with this statement and unhappiness was among the strongest in the survey:

People on the left endorsed this item (around 2 on a scale of 0 to 4) far more than people on the right (around 0.5). Endorsing the belief was determined by political party preference much more than by gender, for instance.

Such measures as locus of control, self-esteem, a belief in personal agency and optimism all play major roles in daily life.

In a December 2022 paper, “ The Politics of Depression : Diverging Trends in Internalizing Symptoms Among U.S. Adolescents by Political Beliefs,” Catherine Gimbrone , Lisa M. Bates , Seth Prins and Katherine M. Keyes , all at Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health, noted that “trends in adolescent internalizing symptoms diverged by political beliefs, sex and parental education over time, with female liberal adolescents experiencing the largest increases in depressive symptoms, especially in the context of demographic risk factors, including parental education.”

“These findings,” they added, “indicate a growing mental health disparity between adolescents who identify with certain political beliefs. It is therefore possible that the ideological lenses through which adolescents view the political climate differentially affect their mental well-being.”

Gimbrone and her co-authors based their work on studies of 85,000 teenagers from 2005 to 2018. They found that

while internalizing symptom scores worsened over time for all adolescents, they deteriorated most quickly for female liberal adolescents. Beginning in approximately 2010 and continuing through 2018, female liberal adolescents reported the largest changes in depressive affect, self-esteem, self-derogation and loneliness.

In conclusion, the authors wrote, “socially underprivileged liberals reported the worst internalizing symptom scores over time, likely indicating that the experiences and beliefs that inform a liberal political identity are ultimately less protective against poor mental health than those that inform a conservative political identity.”

From another vantage point, Nick Haslam , a professor of psychology at the University of Melbourne, argued in his 2020 paper “ Harm Inflation: Making Sense of Concept Creep ” that recent years have seen “a rising sensitivity to harm within at least some Western cultures, such that previously innocuous or unremarked phenomena were increasingly identified as harmful and that this rising sensitivity reflected a politically liberal moral agenda.”

As examples, Haslam wrote that the definition of “trauma” has been

progressively broadened to include adverse life events of decreasing severity and those experienced vicariously rather than directly. “Mental disorder” came to include a wider range of conditions, so that new forms of psychopathology were added in each revision of diagnostic manuals and the threshold for diagnosing some existing forms was lowered. “Abuse” extended from physical acts to verbal and emotional slights and incorporated forms of passive neglect in addition to active aggression.

Haslam described this process as concept creep and argued that “some examples of concept creep are surely the work of deliberate actors who might be called expansion entrepreneurs.”

Concept expansion, Haslam wrote, “can be used as a tactic to amplify the perceived seriousness of a movement’s chosen social problem.” In addition, “such expansion can be effective means of enhancing the perceived seriousness of a social problem or threat by increasing the perceived prevalence of both ‘victims’ and ‘perpetrators.’”

Haslam cited studies showing that strong “correlates of holding expansive concepts of harm were compassion-related trait values, left-liberal political attitudes and forms of morality associated with both.” Holding expansive concepts of harm was also “associated with affective and cognitive empathy orientation and most strongly of all with endorsement of harm- and fairness-based morality.” Many of these characteristics are associated with the political left.

“The expansion of harm-related concepts has implications for acceptable self-expression and free speech,” Haslam wrote. “Creeping concepts enlarge the range of expressions judged to be unacceptably harmful, thereby increasing calls for speech restrictions. Expansion of the harm-related concepts of hate and hate speech exemplifies this possibility.”

While much of the commentary on the progressive left has been critical, Haslam takes a more ambivalent position: “Sometimes concept creep is presented in an exclusively negative frame,” he wrote, but that fails to address the “positive implications. To that end, we offer three positive consequences of the phenomenon.”

The first is that expansionary definitions of harm “can be useful in drawing attention to harms previously overlooked. Consider the vertical expansion of abuse to include emotional abuse.”

Second, “concept creep can prevent harmful practices by modifying social norms.” For example, “changing definitions of bullying that include social exclusion and antagonistic acts expressed horizontally rather than only downward in organizational hierarchies may also entrench norms against the commission of destructive behavior.”

And finally:

The expansion of psychology’s negative concepts can motivate interventions aimed at preventing or reducing the harms associated with the newly categorized behaviors. For instance, the conceptual expansion of addiction to include behavioral addictions (e.g., gambling and internet addictions) has prompted a flurry of research into treatment options, which has found that a range of psychosocial treatments can be successfully used to treat gambling, internet and sexual addictions.

Judge suggested an approach to this line of inquiry that he believed might offer a way for liberalism to regain its footing:

I would like to think that there is a version of modern progressivism that accepts many of the premises of the problem and causes of inequality but does so in a way that also celebrates the power of individualism, of consensus and of common cause. I know this is perhaps naïve. But if we give in to cynicism (that consensus can’t be found), that’s self-reinforcing, isn’t it? I think about the progress on how society now views sexual orientation and the success stories. The change was too slow, painful for many, but was there any other way?

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Thomas B. Edsall has been a contributor to the Times Opinion section since 2011. His column on strategic and demographic trends in American politics appears every Wednesday. He previously covered politics for The Washington Post. @ edsall

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Demonstrators against the Rwanda policy hold placards near the gates of 10 Downing Street

First UK deportation flight to Rwanda could take off in June, court papers suggest

Government sources had indicated flights would begin in July, but order shows first could happen on 24 June

Rishi Sunak’s deportation flights to Rwanda, the cornerstone of the government’s immigration policy, could begin as early as 24 June, court papers seen by the Guardian show.

Government sources had indicated that the first flights carrying asylum seekers would take off in July, but a court order released on Friday has disclosed that the government now says flights could take off in late June.

The change has been revealed in a court order from Mr Justice Chamberlain, who is presiding over a legal challenge by the FDA union against the government.

Correspondence released on Friday shows that government lawyers told the court in May that “the earliest a removal is expected to take place is 1 to 15 July 2024”.

But government lawyers have now issued a clarification that says: “In the prime minister’s press conference on 22 April he said the first flight would leave in 10 to 12 weeks. The 10th week after 22 April starts with the week commencing 24 June.

“We are instructed that this is the earliest possible date for the first removals and that the decision on the precise date will be based on operational considerations and progress over the coming weeks.”

The date of the flights has been a closely guarded secret in Whitehall. Dozens of asylum seekers have been detained over the last 12 days. Ministers wish to avoid legal challenges based on the timing of the flights as well as campaigners attempting to block transport to and from airfields.

The FDA union is challenging the government’s Rwanda policy on the basis that it is unlawful because it requires civil servants to ignore injunctions from the European court of human rights and thereby break international law, in breach of the civil service code.

Keir Starmer said on Friday that he would scrap Rwanda flights immediately after entering Downing Street but that a Labour government would not bring back people already deported to the African country.

He said Sunak was likely to get flights off the ground before the general election, and he insisted the policy would not work in deterring Channel crossings.

Starmer pledged to divert funding from the Rwanda scheme – which has been estimated to cost £541m over five years – to create a new border security command of specialist enforcement officers and investigators.

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More than 9,000 people have arrived in the UK after crossing the Channel in small boats so far this year.

In a message to smuggling gangs, Starmer said: “These shores will become hostile territory for you. We will find you. We will stop you. We will protect your victims with the border security command. We will secure Britain’s borders.”

Provisional Home Office figures show 211 people made the journey from France to the UK on Thursday in three boats. This suggests an average of about 70 people per boat, and takes the provisional total for Channel crossings in 2024 to date to 9,037.

This is up 35% on this time last year, when 6,691 crossings had been recorded, and a 16% rise compared with the same period in 2022 (7,801).

  • Immigration and asylum
  • Rishi Sunak

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Joseph Epstein, conservative provocateur, tells his life story in full

In two new books, the longtime essayist and culture warrior shows off his wry observations about himself and the world

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Humorous, common-sensical, temperamentally conservative, Joseph Epstein may be the best familiar — that is casual, personal — essayist of the last half-century. Not, as he might point out, that there’s a lot of competition. Though occasionally a scourge of modern society’s errancies, Epstein sees himself as essentially a serious reader and “a hedonist of the intellect.” His writing is playful and bookish, the reflections of a wry observer alternately amused and appalled by the world’s never-ending carnival.

Now 87, Epstein has just published his autobiography, “ Never Say You’ve Had a Lucky Life: Especially if You’ve Had a Lucky Life ,” in tandem with “ Familiarity Breeds Content: New and Selected Essays .” This pair of books brings the Epstein oeuvre up to around 30 volumes of sophisticated literary entertainment. While there are some short-story collections (“The Goldin Boys,” “Fabulous Small Jews”), all the other books focus on writers, observations on American life, and topics as various as ambition, envy, snobbery, friendship, charm and gossip. For the record, let me add that I own 14 volumes of Epstein’s views and reviews and would like to own them all.

Little wonder, then, that Epstein’s idea of a good time is an afternoon spent hunched over Herodotus’s “Histories,” Marguerite Yourcenar’s “Memoirs of Hadrian” or almost anything by Henry James, with an occasional break to enjoy the latest issue of one of the magazines he subscribes to. In his younger days, there were as many as 25, and most of them probably featured Epstein’s literary journalism at one time or another. In the case of Commentary, he has been contributing pieces for more than 60 years.

As Epstein tells it, no one would have predicted this sort of intellectual life for a kid from Chicago whose main interests while growing up were sports, hanging out, smoking Lucky Strikes and sex. A lackadaisical C student, Myron Joseph Epstein placed 169th in a high school graduating class of 213. Still, he did go on to college — the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign — because that’s what was expected of a son from an upper-middle-class Jewish family. But Urbana-Champaign wasn’t a good fit for a jokester and slacker: As he points out, the president of his college fraternity “had all the playfulness of a member of the president’s Council of Economic Advisers.” No matter. Caught peddling stolen copies of an upcoming accounting exam for $5 a pop, Epstein was summarily expelled.

Fortunately, our lad had already applied for a transfer to the University of Chicago, to which he was admitted the next fall. Given his record, this shows a surprising laxity of standards by that distinguished institution, but for Epstein the move was life-changing. In short order, he underwent a spiritual conversion from good ol’ boy to European intellectual in the making. In the years to come, he would count the novelist Saul Bellow and the sociologist Edward Shils among his close friends, edit the American Scholar, and teach at Northwestern University. His students, he recalls, were “good at school, a skill without any necessary carry-over, like being good at pole-vaulting or playing the harmonica.”

Note the edge to that remark. While “Never Say You’ve Had a Lucky Life” is nostalgia-laden, there’s a hard nut at its center. Epstein feels utter contempt for our nation’s “radical change from a traditionally moral culture to a therapeutic one.” As he explains: “Our parents’ culture and that which came long before them was about the formation of character; the therapeutic culture was about achieving happiness. The former was about courage and honor, the latter about self-esteem and freedom from stress.” This view of America’s current ethos may come across as curmudgeonly and reductionist, but many readers — whatever their political and cultural leanings — would agree with it. Still, such comments have sometimes made their author the focus of nearly histrionic vilification.

Throughout his autobiography, this lifelong Chicagoan seems able to remember the full names of everyone he’s ever met, which suggests Epstein started keeping a journal at an early age. He forthrightly despises several older writers rather similar to himself, calling Clifton Fadiman, author of “The Lifetime Reading Plan,” pretentious, then quite cruelly comparing Mortimer J. Adler, general editor of the “Great Books of the Western World” series, with Sir William Haley, one of those deft, widely read English journalists who make all Americans feel provincial. To Epstein, “no two men were more unalike; Sir William, modest, suave, intellectually sophisticated; Mortimer vain, coarse, intellectually crude.” In effect, Fadiman and Adler are both presented as cultural snake-oil salesmen. Of course, both authors were popularizers and adept at marketing their work, but helping to enrich the intellectual lives of ordinary people doesn’t strike me as an ignoble purpose.

In his own work, Epstein regularly employs humor, bits of slang or wordplay, and brief anecdotes to keep his readers smiling. For instance, in a chapter about an editorial stint at the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Epstein relates this story about a colleague named Martin Self:

“During those days, when anti-Vietnam War protests were rife, a young woman in the office wearing a protester’s black armband, asked Martin if he were going to that afternoon’s protest march. ‘No, Naomi,’ he said, ‘afternoons such as this I generally spend at the graveside of George Santayana.’”

Learned wit, no doubt, but everything — syntax, diction, the choice of the philosopher Santayana for reverence — is just perfect.

But Epstein can be earthier, too. Another colleague “was a skirt-chaser extraordinaire," a man "you would not feel safe leaving alone with your great-grandmother.” And of himself, he declares: “I don’t for a moment wish to give the impression that I live unrelievedly on the highbrow level of culture. I live there with a great deal of relief.”

In his many essays, including the sampling in “Familiarity Breeds Content,” Epstein is also markedly “quotacious,” often citing passages from his wide reading to add authority to an argument or simply to share his pleasure in a well-turned observation. Oddly enough, such borrowed finery is largely absent from “Never Say You’ve Had a Happy Life.” One partial exception might be the unpronounceable adjective “immitigable,” which appears all too often. It means unable to be mitigated or softened, and Epstein almost certainly stole it from his friend Shils, who was fond of the word.

Despite his autobiography’s jaunty title, Epstein has seen his share of trouble. As a young man working for an anti-poverty program in Little Rock, he married a waitress after she became pregnant with his child. When they separated a decade later, he found himself with four sons to care for — two from her previous marriage, two from theirs. Burt, the youngest, lost an eye in an accident while a toddler, couldn’t keep a job, fathered a child out of wedlock and eventually died of an opioid overdose at 28. Initially hesitant, Epstein came to adore Burt’s daughter, Annabelle, as did his second wife, Barbara, whom he married when they were both just past 40.

Some pages of “Never Say You’ve Had a Lucky Life” will be familiar to inveterate readers of Epstein’s literary journalism, all of which carries a strong first-person vibe. Not surprisingly, however, the recycled anecdotage feels less sharp or witty the second time around. But overall, this look back over a long life is consistently entertaining, certainly more page-turner than page-stopper. To enjoy Epstein at his very best, though, you should seek out his earlier essay collections such as “The Middle of My Tether,” “Partial Payments” and “A Line Out for a Walk.” Whether he writes about napping or name-dropping or a neglected writer such as Somerset Maugham, his real subject is always, at heart, the wonder and strangeness of human nature.

Never Say You’ve Had a Lucky Life

Especially if You’ve Had a Lucky Life

By Joseph Epstein

Free Press. 304 pp. $29.99

Familiarity Breeds Content

New and Selected Essays

Simon & Schuster. 464 pp. $20.99

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  1. 15 Other Words for "This Shows" in an Essay

    KEY TAKEAWAYS. "This shows" is a common phrase used in essays to demonstrate how one thing leads to another. "This demonstrates" is a great formal synonym that'll help to spice up your academic writing. Try "suggesting" as an alternative that shows how one thing could have created another. Keep reading to learn different ways to ...

  2. 10 Other Ways to Say "This Shows" in an Essay

    Using "this shows" in an essay can be beneficial, but it depends on the context. ... Using synonyms or different phrases can add depth to your essay and keep your readers engaged. 10 Other Ways to Say "This Shows" in an Essay. Finding the right words to connect your ideas can make your essay shine. Here are ten alternatives to "this ...

  3. 20 Formal Synonyms for "This Shows"

    20 Formal Synonyms for "This Shows". In the realm of formal language and academic writing, the ability to express ideas with precision and variety is paramount. Among the multitude of phrases that serve to convey the idea of demonstration or indication, "This Shows" stands as a fundamental phrase. However, to add depth and ...

  4. 9 Formal Synonyms for "This Shows"

    6. Implying. Next, we recommend writing "implying" instead of "this shows.". Again, this is a good one to use in the middle of a sentence. So, we recommend writing it when explaining how one situation leads to another in the same string of text. It's good in academic writing as it's quite professional and clear.

  5. 10 Other Words for "This Shows" in an Essay

    This implies we still have a lot of work to do before we can finalize anything. 6. Proving. "Proving" is a word you can use instead of "this shows" in an essay. It comes from "this proves," showing how something creates another situation. Proof is often the most important in scientific studies and arguments.

  6. 10 Other Ways to Say "This Shows" (+Examples)

    Other Ways to Say "This Shows". By expanding your vocabulary, you can articulate your thoughts more precisely and convincingly. Instead of using "this shows" repeatedly, consider the following alternatives: This Indicates. Example: "The rising temperatures indicate a change in the climate.". Meaning: "Indicate" is a formal way ...

  7. This Shows synonyms

    Synonyms for This Shows (other words and phrases for This Shows). Synonyms for This shows. 199 other terms for this shows- words and phrases with similar meaning. Lists. synonyms. antonyms. definitions. sentences. thesaurus. words. phrases. Parts of speech. adverbs. verbs. Tags. show. demonstrate. represent.

  8. Five Synonyms for To Show + Examples

    What Does "To Show" Mean? Show has numerous definitions and can function as a verb or noun.. As a verb, to show means "to display or allow something to be seen." In this sense, to show proves helpful when writing an expository essay or any other type of text that requires a lot of explanation or clarification. To show how the conclusion was reached, we have to first review two key ...

  9. Other Words for "This Shows"

    Some of the most common are "illustrates," "demonstrates" and "proves," among a host of others. Opting to apply synonym phrases for "this shows" will convey nuance and refinement with a command of language. In some cases, you may end up using the wrong synonym when you mean to intend "this shows.".

  10. SHOWS Synonyms: 278 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for SHOWS: displays, exhibits, unveils, flashes, announces, exposes, waves, produces; Antonyms of SHOWS: masks, disguises, covers, hides, conceals, obscures ...

  11. Shows synonyms

    Another way to say Shows? Synonyms for Shows (other words and phrases for Shows). Synonyms for Shows. 1 079 other terms for shows- words and phrases with similar meaning. Lists. synonyms. antonyms. definitions. sentences. thesaurus. words. phrases. Parts of speech. verbs. nouns. adjectives. Tags. illustrate. fact.

  12. This Shows In An Essay synonyms

    it is shown in an article. it is shown in an essay. it shows in an article. it shows in an essay. this is illustrated. this is illustrated in the article. this is visible. Another way to say This Shows In An Essay? Synonyms for This Shows In An Essay (other words and phrases for This Shows In An Essay).

  13. 40 Useful Words and Phrases for Top-Notch Essays

    4. That is to say. Usage: "That is" and "that is to say" can be used to add further detail to your explanation, or to be more precise. Example: "Whales are mammals. That is to say, they must breathe air.". 5. To that end. Usage: Use "to that end" or "to this end" in a similar way to "in order to" or "so".

  14. Synonyms of SHOW

    Whether you're in search of a crossword puzzle, a detailed guide to tying knots, or tips on writing the perfect college essay, Harper Reference has you covered for all your study needs. February 13, 2020 Read more

  15. What is another word for this shows

    this shows. Hint: See verb synonyms for demonstrates or confirms . Phrase. Indicates that something (this) demonstrates or confirms something else. this demonstrates. this indicates. this establishes. this reveals. this confirms.

  16. What is another word for shows?

    Synonyms for shows include exhibitions, events, demonstrations, displays, exhibits, fairs, fetes, presentations, spectacles and expos. Find more similar words at ...

  17. 247 Synonyms & Antonyms for SHOW

    Find 247 different ways to say SHOW, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com.

  18. SHOW

    SHOW - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus

  19. ESSAY Synonyms: 76 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for ESSAY: article, paper, dissertation, theme, thesis, composition, treatise, editorial; Antonyms of ESSAY: quit, drop, give up

  20. 80 Synonyms & Antonyms for ESSAY

    Find 80 different ways to say ESSAY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com.

  21. Show synonyms

    4 892 other terms for show - words and phrases with similar meaning. synonyms. suggest new. Another way to say Show? Synonyms for Show (other words and phrases for Show).

  22. SHOW Synonyms: 295 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for SHOW: display, exhibit, unveil, flash, announce, expose, produce, parade; Antonyms of SHOW: disguise, mask, camouflage, hide, cover, conceal, curtain ...

  23. For Markus Johnson, Prison and Mental Illness Equaled a Death Sentence

    Glenn Thrush spent more than a year reporting this article, interviewing close to 50 people and reviewing court-obtained body-camera footage and more than 1,500 pages of documents.

  24. The Happiness Gap Between Left and Right Isn't Closing

    At an Ohio campaign rally in March, Trump declared, "If I don't get elected, it's going to be a blood bath for the whole country.". In other words, Trump and his allies respond to ...

  25. Thesaurus for This shows in an essay

    essay on man. iron essay. photo essay. runs the show. show out. show you. What's the definition of This shows in an essay in thesaurus? Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define This shows in an essay meaning and usage.

  26. First UK deportation flight to Rwanda could take off in June, court

    Rishi Sunak's deportation flights to Rwanda, the cornerstone of the government's immigration policy, could begin as early as 24 June, court papers seen by the Guardian show.

  27. 'Baby Reindeer': Stephen King Writes Essay Praising ...

    A blazing success on Netflix, Baby Reindeer is based on Gadd's harrowing real-life encounter with a stalker. For legal reasons and privacy purposes, Gadd plays a fictionalized version of himself ...

  28. First Opinion essay on colorectal cancer screening: letter and ...

    This First Opinion essay by Dr. May accurately characterizes the potential pitfalls of a blood-based strategy; namely that it may shift the clinical performance of colorectal cancer screening ...

  29. Joseph Epstein recalls his lucky life in a memoir and essays

    Given his record, this shows a surprising laxity of standards by that distinguished institution, but for Epstein the move was life-changing. In short order, he underwent a spiritual conversion ...