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Stanford Online

A guide to letters of recommendation for graduate school applications.

Woman reading a letter of recommendation

Embarking on a journey toward higher education is an exciting yet overwhelming endeavor, and the path to graduate school is no exception.

As you gather the necessary materials for your application, one critical component can be particularly complex: letters of recommendation. These letters provide insight into your academic and professional capabilities, offering admissions committees a glimpse into your potential as a graduate student, but how can you impact this important part of your application? In this guide, we'll explore how to approach this aspect of your application, using Stanford University's recommendations and insights from the Graduate Admissions website .

How Many Letters of Recommendation Do You Need?

Requirements vary considerably across different types of graduate level educational programs. Nearly all master’s degree programs, including all of Stanford’s programs, require letters of recommendation, however graduate certificate programs often do not. If you choose to pursue a graduate certificate at Stanford, letters of recommendation are not required with your application. If you're determining whether to pursue a graduate certificate or master’s degree through Stanford Online, you may find this comparison tool helpful .

Most master’s degree programs, including MS programs through Stanford , require three letters of recommendation. However, it's essential to verify the specific guidelines set by your target institution and program. Once you know the number of letters that are required, it's a good strategy to have additional recommenders in mind. For every letter you need, aim to identify at least two individuals who could provide strong endorsements on your behalf. This precautionary approach ensures that you have a backup plan in case one of your intended recommenders is unable to fulfill your request.

Who Should Write Your Letters Of Recommendation?

Securing strong letters of recommendation begins with choosing the right individuals to vouch for your abilities. Stanford advises that your recommenders be academic or professional references who know you well and can most accurately assess your potential for graduate study. Ideally, at least one of these letters should come from a university professor familiar with your academic work.

Consider individuals who have worked closely with you and can attest to your skills, achievements, and potential. The goal is to select people who can provide detailed and authentic insights into your capabilities, whether it's a professor whose course you excelled in, a supervisor from an internship, or a professional colleague.

What Makes a Good Letter of Recommendation?

Recommendation letters are a window into your character and potential.Stanford's guidelines shed light on what these letters should encompass. Recommenders are asked to respond to specific questions, such as the level of your abilities in comparison to other students, the number of years they've evaluated people in your peer group, and your standing in terms of academic performance.

The recommendation letter prompt encourages recommenders to provide candid assessments of your qualifications,including your potential for advanced study, analytical thinking capabilities, and ability to express ideas clearly. Descriptions of significant achievements, personal qualities, and character traits relevant to your scholarly pursuits are highly valuable.

How Should You Ask Someone to Write You a Letter of Recommendation?

Even after you’ve identified people who you think would be good choices for recommenders, it can be intimidating to ask them! We’ve put together some tips to aid you in this process:

  • Plan Ahead and Communicate Timely Start the process well in advance to give your recommenders ample time to write a thoughtful letter. It's courteous to reach out at least two months prior to the application deadline. But if you're especially eager to get started, you can reach out as early as six months ahead of time. Reaching out early demonstrates your respect for your recommender's time and allows them to allocate sufficient time to craft a compelling letter.
  • Initiate a Personalized Conversation When approaching someone for a recommendation, make it a personalized interaction. Reach out in-person, if possible, or schedule a phone or video call with them. If the person is very busy you may be most successful with a well-composed email. When you reach out, express your gratitude for their guidance and mentorship, and explain your intention to apply for graduate school.
  • Provide Them with Context and Information In your request, offer context about the program you are applying to, the field of study, and specific details that might be relevant. This information will help your recommender tailor their letter to align with the expectations of the program and highlight the qualities that are most important for admission.
  • Make the Request Explicit Clearly state that you are requesting a letter of recommendation. Politely ask if they would be willing to support your application by writing a strong letter on your behalf. Be direct, yet respectful, in your approach.
  • Offer Resources and Materials To facilitate the process for your recommender, provide essential information such as your resume, transcripts, personal statement, and any relevant assignments or projects you've worked on together. This will give them the necessary material to craft a well-informed and accurate letter. Be sure to also share the information you have about the process. For example, if you’re applying to Stanford, each of your recommenders are also asked to fill out an additional form of questions. Stanford also provides a general prompt for the letter which would be helpful for you to share. However the exact prompt displayed to the recommender may differ depending on the graduate program you select.
  • Follow Up and Stay Engaged Once your recommender agrees to write the letter, stay engaged and responsive. Offer any additional information they might need, answer their questions promptly, and provide periodic updates on your application progress. A thankyou note after the letter is submitted is a thoughtful gesture.
  • Express Your Gratitude Throughout your request, convey your sincere appreciation for their assistance. Recognize that writing a recommendation letter takes time and effort, and express your gratitude for their willingness to contribute to your academic journey.

How do you submit your letters of recommendation once they are complete?

This part of the process depends entirely on the program and institution for which you are applying, check with the information specific to your program.

At Stanford, recommenders must register on the online application system. Timeliness is crucial, so aim to complete this step as early as possible to ensure that the letters are received by the application deadline. Stanford's system will generate personalized links for your recommenders to submit their recommendations online.

After your recommenders have submitted their letters, you'll receive email notifications confirming their completion. The application system allows you to manage your recommenders on the same page where you registered them. This includes sending reminder emails and making changes, if necessary.

How Can Ethical Integrity Be Maintained?

It's important to emphasize that you must respect ethical guidelines throughout this process. You should not draft, write, translate, or submit your own reference. Stanford University's application terms explicitly state that the letters of recommendation must be authored solely by your recommenders. Informing your recommenders about this policy is your responsibility to ensure the integrity of your application.

In summary, letters of recommendation play an integral role in your graduate school application, providing valuable insights into your potential as a student and future scholar. By selecting the right recommenders, registering them early, guiding them with prompts and being prepared with your examples and materials, you can ensure that your application showcases your strengths and capabilities in the best light possible. As you embark on this next chapter of your academic journey, remember that your recommenders are your allies, championing your cause as you strive to reach new heights in your field of study.

We hope you found this letters of recommendation guide useful as you’re applying to grad school, please know that following the advice in this article does not guarantee your admission to any program.

Best of luck!

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Graduate School Letter of Recommendation Examples 2022-2023

recommendation letter for phd admission pdf

Grad school recommendation letters are an essential part of every graduate school application package–even in this (almost) post-COVID era of remote work and Zoom classes. Nearly all applications to graduate school still require at least two recommendation letters from individuals who can discuss your abilities, competencies, and personal character in a coherent way and recommend you for admission to graduate school.

Many referees have difficulty writing these recommendations themselves (for language issues or simply because they are busy) and some rely on the applicant to pen the draft of the letter and receive confirmation before submitting it to the graduate school. But regardless of who is writing the letter, there are a few key elements the recommender needs to include to craft a stellar recommendation for their graduate candidate.

Who should write a recommendation letter for graduate school?

Choosing which professors, supervisors, or advisors to request a graduate school recommendation letter from can be somewhat overwhelming. Should you choose someone who does not know you personally but who has connections to your target graduate school? If a famous professor writes you a grad school recommendation letter, will this automatically give you an advantage with the admissions committee? 

In general, graduate recommendation letters should come from people who know you well, who respect you enough to say glowing things about you as a student and researcher, and who hold positions in school or work that are above your own. At least one letter of recommendation should be submitted from a past or current professor or academic advisor. 

Another could be from someone in a slightly different role, including an employer, a research adviser, a senior colleague, or a professor from a different department or kind of class (e.g., a discussion class professor instead of a lecturer). No matter who it is, the recommender should know the applicant and recognize their accomplishments. It also helps if the recommender understands some details about the program to which their candidate is applying.

Here are some guidelines to follow when choosing who to ask for letters of recommendation for graduate school. Select someone who:

  • Knows you well and can answer positively. Choose an individual who you have spent time with outside the classroom if possible. They should also be familiar with your career goals and hold a favorable view of you. 
  • Has known you for quite a while. A recommendation letter for graduate school carries more influence if the person has known you for months or years instead of months. If you can, find someone who knows you from various contexts, such as a professor who is also your advisor. 
  • Can speak to your strengths in relation to your graduate program. Choosing a finance professor to write your recommendation letter for an MBA program would be a good idea because they can write about the qualities that will aid you in pursuing an MBA (qualities you can also include in your MBA essay ) and a broader career in business. 
  • Has substantive stories to share about you. Who was fortunate enough to see you succeed in an academic, extracurricular, or professional setting? Having someone write your LOR who has good stories to share about you is certainly going to benefit you more than someone whose class you took with two hundred other students. 

How to Request a Letter of Recommendation for Graduate School

Knowing how to request a letter of recommendation for graduate school can directly impact the quality of the letter your referee writes for you. Show respect and consideration for the time that your recommender is taking to write a glowing review that will get you into graduate school and positively impact the rest of your life. 

With this in mind, it may seem obvious that the very best way to ask for a letter of recommendation for graduate school is to do so in person. While this isn’t possible for all students (due to availability or schedule), it is the best route if you want to ensure that your LOR is not only written on time, but includes all the positive information about you that admissions committees want to see in a graduate candidate. When you cannot ask in person, sending an email is an appropriate second-best option. But remember to always be cordial and polite when making this request. 

What information should be included in a graduate recommendation letter?

Your referral letter should cover a range of skills, from academic abilities to research experiences, to applied experiences in and out of class. As the recommender, your letter should clearly answer some specific questions:

Your letter of recommendation should cover a range of skills, from academic abilities to research experiences, to applied experiences in and out of class. As the recommender, your letter should clearly answer some specific questions:

  • What is your relationship with the student?
  • Why should the graduate faculty listen to your opinion? (include your status, title)
  • What makes this student special? (discuss their characteristics, qualities, traits)
  • What specifically did this student do to impress you? (discuss their accomplishments, habits in class)
  • What makes this student qualified for graduate school and for this program? (include specific courses or interests of the student in addition to abilities and traits)
  • What do you know about the program the student is applying to?

What information does the LOR recommender need from me?

The recommender should be given sufficient time to write (and/or confirm) the letter. If it has been a while since you were last in contact, sending a background information file will make things easier. Include the following information so that the recommender can use a few details to bolster their letter:

  • Classes the student has taken with the recommender
  • Experiences you have shared
  • Transcripts
  • Research experience and internships
  • Awards and achievements
  • Academic/career goals
  • Relevant professional experience

In addition to background information, make sure that the recommender has the necessary information to plan the writing in a timely manner and target the letter as much as possible:

  • Graduate program application due date
  • Copy of recommendation forms (if applicable)
  • Instructions for submitting LORs (hard copy, soft copy, or direct to school)
  • Details about the program and school the student is applying to

What style of writing should be used in a recommendation letter?

Although the letter of recommendation is more informal than academic writing, you should make sure that your language has no grammatical or mechanics errors and that it is of an academic level that reflects the author’s educational level and qualifications. Apply the following standards to the writing and the essay-drafting process:

  • Make your language more personal in tone than research writing.
  • Use the active voice and first-person point of view more often.
  • Write chronologically, starting from important traits and then moving on to actions and achievements.
  • Use lots of details—list course names, scores, and specific achievements of the student.
  • Edit your letter before submitting it to the graduate admissions faculty.

How to Write a Grad School Letter of Recommendation Letter: LOR Outline

A well-structured recommendation letter (like any organized essay) will guide the reader logically towards an understanding of why this student is worthy not only of praise but of admission to graduate school. Grad school requires quite a few high-level scholastic attributes that not all students possess, and therefore it is important to focus on both the achievements of the candidate and on their personal character and potential to thrive in a difficult academic environment.

Use this outline as a letter of recommendation template in which to input your candidate’s achievements, skills, and traits. Note that the flow of information moves the reader into greater detail, using form phrases and transitions that increase the readability of the letter.

1. Greeting to the recipient

Dear {Name}, or To Whom It May Concern, To the graduate faculty of the {University / Department}

2. Opening paragraph: position; relationship to the applicant; general assessment of the applicant

It is my absolute pleasure to recommend {Name} for admissions to {Program} at {University}… I am a professor of {area of study} in the department of {department} at {University}.

recommendation letter for grad school example 1

3. Second paragraph: positive skill or trait; evidence of trait or skill; anecdotes demonstrating this skill

Jane has excellent communication skills. Her written work is both clear and concise, as well as interesting to read…

recommendation letter for grad school example 2

4. Third (up to fifth) paragraph: Other skills or traits; evidence of character and skills; detailed anecdotes

At a personal level, Jane is a well-disciplined, industrious student with a pleasant personality. She went well beyond the course expectations…

recommendation letter for grad school example 3

5. Final Paragraph: clear recommendation of the candidate to the specific school or program.

Jane is unquestionably an exceptional candidate for graduate study in {Program Applying for}. Jane’s work in “Developments in Anthropology” suggests that she would greatly benefit from the opportunities for intellectual development provided by a sustained period of graduate study…

recommendation letter for grad school example 5

6. Closing line: polite offer to be contacted if needed

If I can be of any further assistance, or provide you with any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

recommendation letter for grad school example 6

Letter of Recommendation Template and Useful Phrases

Admission essays often contain template phrases or “form phrases” that allow the writer to plug in their specific information while not spending too much time deciding how to compose every single aspect of the writing. This can be especially useful for ESL authors because conventional expressions used in academic and essay writing can be difficult to learn and memorize. Use the following form phrases to help craft a more professional letter of recommendation.

Introducing yourself

  • My name is  {Author}  and I have been a Professor of Math at  {University}  since  {date} .
  • I write to you today to proudly express my support for  {Student}  in applying to your prestigious university.

Discussing your relationship with the applicant

  • I first came to know  {Student}  while teaching him/her in my  {Course Name}  course…
  • I was  {Student} ’s thesis advisor during his/her senior year.
  • I have known  {Student}  for several years now and can attest to his/her strengths and quality of character.

Discussing the student’s general positive traits

  • {Student}  has excellent communication skills and displays them regularly in class discussions.
  • He/She is a highly intelligent and competent student who excels in many areas.
  • Not only is  {Student}  hard-working and thoughtful, but he/she also demonstrates kindness and generosity towards his/her peers.

Demonstrating evidence of student’s character and skills

  • She/he has shown herself/himself to be a true leader who is able to successfully develop plans and implement them in his/her work.
  • {Student}  demonstrated his/her independence daily, completing difficult lab exercises by researching outside of class.
  • During his/her internship,  {Student}  consistently managed his/her work responsibilities diligently and learned quickly. For example…

Discussing the school/program the student is applying to

  • As  {University}  is renowned for its  {Program} , I believe this is an ideal place for  {Student}  to solidify his/her abilities and cement his/her knowledge of  {area of study} .
  • The learning environment that  {University}  is famous for creating excellent opportunities in which  {Student}  to apply his/her skills.

Final endorsement and offer to be contacted

  • For the above reasons, I am confident that  {Student}  will make an excellent addition to your graduate program, and I wholeheartedly support him/her for admission to your program.
  • Thank you for your time and attention in reading my endorsement.

Further Tips for Writing Admissions Essays

  • Highlight your self-motivation, competence, and potential in this essay
  • Emphasize everything from a positive perspective and write in the active voice.
  • Demonstrate through examples; don’t just write that you are a “persistent person”—show it!
  • Approach every topic with continuity and focus.

The Final Step: Editing Your Recommendation Letter

As any good writer knows, it takes more than one draft to create a strong and compelling work of writing. After you have written your recommendation letter draft, there is still a lot of room for revision. One way to ensure that grammar mistakes and style errors do not get in the way of a strong letter is to let the admissions experts at Wordvice’s Admissions Editing Services edit and proofread your (of your candidate’s) letter of recommendation or other application essays, raising the chances that your candidate will be admitted to the program of their choice.

With a full suite of professional proofreading services , we edit thousands of admission documents each year for all kinds of authors of academic and admissions documents just like you. Furthermore, our application essay editing services , recommendation letter editing services , personal statement editing services , CV editing services , cover letter editing services , and SOP editing services are tailored to the needs of your specific admissions essay.

For more articles on writing and editing your essays and academic work, visit Wordvice’s Academic Resource page . 


Top 10 Letter of Recommendation Templates for PhD Applicants

Letter of Recommendation Templates for PhD Applicants 01

Are you struggling with writing a convincing letter of recommendation for a PhD candidate? Look no further than our letter of recommendation template for PhDs. This comprehensive guide provides examples that fit various academic disciplines, so you can edit them as needed to make sure the letter addresses your candidate’s unique strengths and experience.

Crafting a letter of recommendation for a PhD can be daunting, but with our template as your starting point, you’ll be able to approach the process with more confidence. Our examples cover all the critical elements of a well-written letter, from a warm and personalized opening to a specific discussion of the candidate’s accomplishments and contributions to the field.

Whether you’re a professor, employer, or colleague of the PhD applicant, you want to present a detailed, thoughtful letter that captures their potential and highlights their strengths. Using our letter of recommendation template for PhDs, you’ll have a framework that allows you to do just that. Start with our examples and customize them to match the candidate and program requirements, and you can be sure that the recommendation you provide will help boost your candidate’s chances of being accepted.

The Perfect Structure for Writing a Letter of Recommendation for a PhD Program

Are you tasked with writing a letter of recommendation for someone who is applying for a PhD program? Well, let me tell you – it can be a daunting task. But fear not, because I’m here to help you out with the perfect structure for your letter of recommendation.

First things first, you want to start your letter off strong with an introduction. This should include who you are and how you know the applicant. You want to establish your credibility upfront so that the admissions committee knows that your opinion holds weight.

Next, it’s important to provide an overview of the applicant’s academic and professional qualifications. This is where you can really highlight their strengths and show why they would be a great fit for the PhD program. Be specific and provide examples of their accomplishments and achievements.

After that, it’s time to get personal. In this section, you want to talk about the applicant’s character and work ethic. Admissions committees want to know that the applicant is not only qualified but is also a good fit for their program. Give examples of how the applicant has demonstrated leadership, collaboration, and a passion for their field of study.

Finally, wrap up your letter with a strong conclusion. Reiterate why you think the applicant would be a great addition to the PhD program and encourage the admissions committee to seriously consider their application.

Remember, your letter of recommendation can make all the difference in the applicant’s acceptance into the program. By following this structure, you can ensure that you’re providing a well-rounded and impressive recommendation.

Good luck and happy writing!

Best, [Your Name]

Letter of Recommendation Templates for PhD Applicants

Recommendation Letter Template for PhD Application

Recommendation for phd in computer science.

Dear Admissions Committee,

It is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for John Doe, who is applying for a PhD program in Computer Science. John was my student for two courses in computer programming, and he consistently demonstrated his passion for the subject and his ability to grasp complicated concepts. He was also an active participant in discussions and offered valuable insights on various topics.

John has a strong academic record, with grades consistently in the top 10% of his class. He has also been involved in several research projects, with two of them resulting in published papers. His dedication to research and problem-solving make him an excellent candidate for a PhD program. John will undoubtedly make valuable contributions to the research community and improve the field of Computer Science.

As such, I wholeheartedly recommend John for admission to your esteemed PhD program in Computer Science.

Professor Jane Smith

Recommendation for PhD in Psychology

I am writing to recommend Jane Doe for admission to your PhD program in Psychology. Jane has been a research assistant in my lab for two years, during which she has demonstrated exemplary research skills and dedication to her work. She has contributed to several projects, including authoring two peer-reviewed journal articles.

Jane has a sharp mind and analytical skills, which are critical for research in Psychology. She is also a great communicator and has presented her findings at several conferences. She is an excellent team player and has collaborated with other researchers to produce meaningful insights.

I have no doubt that Jane will continue to excel in her research and become an accomplished researcher in Psychology. I highly recommend her for admission to your PhD program.

Warm regards,

Professor John Smith

Recommendation for PhD Scholarship

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing this letter of recommendation for Tom Smith, who is applying for a PhD scholarship. Tom was my research assistant for two years, during which he exhibited hard work, dedication, and a deep interest in the research field. He has shown an impressive ability to understand and apply research concepts from diverse fields.

Tom has an excellent academic record, and he has received recognition for his contributions to several published papers. He has also demonstrated leadership skills by organizing research seminars and workshops. Tom’s dedication to research sets him apart, and he promises to make significant contributions to the research community.

Therefore, I highly recommend Tom Smith for the PhD scholarship. His passion for research, tireless work ethic, and profound intellect make him an excellent candidate for the scholarship.

Professor Emma Brown

Recommendation for PhD Teaching Assistantship

Dear Hiring Committee,

I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Maria Brown, a former student of mine who is applying for a PhD teaching assistantship in your department. During her studies, Maria demonstrated an exceptional grasp of the course material, and she regularly outperformed her peers in coursework and exams.

As a teaching assistant, Maria was dedicated and highly effective. She went above and beyond in her duties, devoting extra time to help students grasp difficult concepts. Maria’s excellent communication skills and ability to simplify complex material made her a valuable asset to the department.

Overall, I recommend Maria Brown without hesitation for the position of PhD teaching assistant. Her passion for the subject matter, strong work ethic, and excellent communication skills make her a strong candidate for the role.

Best regards,

Professor Michael Lee

Recommendation for PhD Research Internship

Dear Internship Program Director,

I am writing this letter of recommendation for Jack Wilson, a student of mine who is applying for a PhD research internship in your department. Jack has an excellent academic record, and his aptitude for research is exceptional. I have supervised him for the past two years and have been impressed by his excellent research skills.

Jack demonstrates a keen understanding of research methodology and the ability to critically evaluate research. He approaches every project with a dedicated and focused mind and strives to illustrate the significance of his work. His attention to detail ensures that the work he produces is of the highest quality.

I strongly recommend Jack for the PhD research internship. His passion for research, excellent analytical skills, and dedication to detail make him an excellent choice for the program.

Professor Eric Johnson

Recommendation for PhD Program Extension

I am writing to recommend extending the PhD program duration for Jane Smith. Jane is a PhD candidate under my supervision, and she is an exceptional researcher with great potential.

Jane has made significant contributions to research in her field, and her work has resulted in several high-impact publications. However, some unexpected life events have hindered progress on her dissertation. As a result, Jane requires additional time to complete her research and write her dissertation.

Jane has demonstrated excellent academic performance and has a record of service to the department, and she is ideally qualified to complete her PhD research in this field. I strongly recommend granting Jane the extension of her PhD program duration and offering her the opportunity to complete her research and authority in the field.

Professor Katherine Hill

Tips for Crafting a Compelling Letter of Recommendation for PhD Applicants

Writing a letter of recommendation is an important responsibility that can greatly impact a PhD applicant’s chances of being accepted into a program. Crafting a compelling letter of recommendation requires careful consideration and attention to detail. Below are some tips to help you create a strong letter of recommendation that accurately reflects the applicant’s qualifications:

  • Include specific details: When writing a letter of recommendation, it’s important to include specific details about the applicant’s qualifications, achievements, and abilities. Rather than using generalizations, try to include concrete examples that demonstrate why the applicant would be an excellent candidate for the PhD program.
  • Avoid clichés: While it can be tempting to use clichés in a letter of recommendation, doing so can diminish its impact. Instead, try to use unique and descriptive language that highlights the applicant’s strengths and abilities.
  • Be honest: It’s important to be honest when writing a letter of recommendation. If you cannot honestly recommend the applicant, it’s better to decline the request for a letter of recommendation than to write a lukewarm or negative letter.
  • Keep it concise: While it’s important to include specific details, it’s also important to keep the letter of recommendation concise. Try to focus on the applicant’s most important qualifications and achievements and avoid unnecessary details.
  • Address weaknesses: If the applicant has any weaknesses or areas where they may not be as strong as other candidates, it’s important to address these in the letter of recommendation. However, it’s important to do so in a constructive way that highlights the applicant’s strengths as well.
  • Proofread: Like any written document, it’s important to proofread the letter of recommendation carefully. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure that the document is well-organized and easy to read.

Overall, writing a letter of recommendation can be a challenging but rewarding task. By following these tips and putting thought and care into the process, you can help the applicant stand out and increase their chances of being accepted into the PhD program of their choice.

That’s all folks!

And that’s a wrap! I hope you found this letter of recommendation template for PhD students helpful. Remember, your recommendation letter should highlight your strengths, achievements, and potential as a researcher. And don’t forget to ask for your recommender’s permission before using their letter as a template! Thank you for reading and please feel free to visit again for more tips and tricks to help you succeed in your academic journey. Stay curious and keep learning!

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How (and Who) to Ask For a Letter of Recommendation

Published on October 30, 2020 by Lauren Thomas . Revised on June 1, 2023.

Letters of recommendation often make or break a graduate school application . It’s important to think carefully about who to ask and how to do it.

Ideally, you should approach former supervisors who know you and your work well, and can advise you. Different programs require different types of recommendation letters, but the process of requesting them is similar.

Follow these five steps to guarantee a great recommendation, including program-specific tips and email examples.

Table of contents

Step 1: choose who to ask, step 2: reach out and request a meeting, step 3: ask for a letter of recommendation, step 4: share your resume and other materials, step 5: remind your recommenders of upcoming deadlines, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about recommendation letters.

Your first step is to decide who you’ll ask to write a letter for you. Ideally, this should be someone who you worked with outside of just the classroom context—for example, a former professor who supervised your research.

It’s important to ask someone who knows you well, even if they are less well known than other professors at your institution. Graduate admissions committees want to get a good sense of your ability to perform well in their program, and this is difficult to accomplish if your recommender only knows you as a face in the crowd.

Who you should ask also strongly depends on the type of program that you’re applying to. Different programs prefer different qualities in their admitted students, and thus weigh types of recommenders differently. Take a look at the program-specific tips below.

For research programs (MPhil, DPhil, PhD , Research Master’s), graduate admissions committees are looking for evidence of your potential as a future researcher.

Since this is tricky to assess from test scores and transcripts, letters of recommendation are often the most important part of a graduate research program application.

Your letter should thus be from someone who can speak to your skills as a researcher. This could be, for example, a professor who supervised you on an independent research project, or the head of a lab that you worked in as an undergraduate.

If you worked as a full-time research or lab assistant after undergrad, ask your managers, who are usually full-time researchers themselves and therefore experts on what makes a good researcher.

Unlike most graduate programs, business schools are less interested in your undergraduate academic performance. Instead, they try to assess your potential to succeed in the workplace, particularly in managerial or leadership positions. The same applies to public policy and other professional programs.

Ideally, your letters of recommendation should come from current supervisors at your work. If this isn’t possible, you should ask coworkers who are senior to you and know your work well.

Although business schools normally prefer candidates with several years of experience, current undergraduates sometimes apply as well. In this case, you should ask internship supervisors or—as a last resort—professors who know you well.

Medical schools look for evidence that you are academically prepared for the study of medicine and that your character is well-suited to becoming a doctor. Admissions committees in medicine prefer academic references, but they also require a few extra steps.

Firstly, while graduate programs usually require two or three recommendation letters, medical schools often ask for more—you may have to submit up to six letters, some of which should be from former professors in the natural sciences.

In addition, many schools recommend that you submit a letter from the premedical advisory committee at your undergraduate institution, which summarizes your overall suitability for medical school. Be aware that deadlines for materials for these letters are very early—often the spring of the year before you are due to start medical school.

Finally, if you’ve worked on any research projects, you should submit a letter from your supervisor. Medical schools view research competence as a plus.

Law school letters of recommendation should mostly be from former professors or other academic supervisors.

You should only use non-academic recommenders if they can directly speak to your suitability to study law—for example, if you regularly work with lawyers, or if your job involves skills like critical reading or research that are relevant to legal practice.

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The next step is to get in contact with your potential recommender. If you haven’t talked to them in a while, begin your email with a quick reminder to jog their memory. Be friendly, direct, and concise.

If possible, it’s best to plan a meeting to discuss your request. However, if this isn’t practical (for example, if you’ve moved far away from your undergrad institution), you can skip this step and head straight to the third.

Hi Professor Smith!

I hope that everything is going well with you and that you’re still enjoying teaching your seminar on the post World War II international order. I thoroughly enjoyed taking it with you last year as a junior.

I’m currently thinking about what I want to do next year, which will hopefully involve graduate work in political science, and was hoping to meet with you to discuss your thoughts on graduate school. Do you have any time over the next few weeks to meet?

Make your request during your meeting or, if necessary, via email. Let them know what sort of programs you are applying to and when the deadlines are. Make sure to give your recommenders plenty of time!

Instead of just asking for a recommendation letter, specifically ask if they can write you a strong recommendation . This allows your recommender an “out”—for example, if they don’t feel they know you well enough. A bad or even lukewarm recommendation is the kiss of death for any application, so it’s important to ensure your letters will be positive!

If they say they can’t give you a strong recommendation, don’t panic. This gives you the opportunity to ask someone else who can provide you a better recommendation.

Hi Professor Jones!

How are you? I hope everything is going well and you’re still teaching Introduction to Labor Economics to eager students!

I’ve been out of school for a year now, working as a full-time research assistant in New York City. Come this fall, I’m hoping to apply to a few programs for graduate school, mostly doctoral programs in Economics.

Since I took two economics classes with you (Introduction to Labor Economics in Spring 2018 and Industrial Organization in Fall 2019), I was hoping that you might agree to serve as a letter writer for my graduate program. I wanted to highlight my work in labor economics, since that’s what I’m hoping to study in graduate school. Also, since I loved your classes, I thought you might be a good person to ask!

The letters of recommendation would be due to each individual program’s website in December. I understand, of course, if you’re too busy this summer or if you don’t feel that you would be the best fit to write a letter. My goal is simply to paint as complete a picture as possible of my undergrad career at Western. If you’d like, we can also discuss this on the phone.

I look forward to hearing back from you!

You should send your resume or CV to your recommenders, along with any other material that might jog their memory or aid in their recommendation.

For instance, you may want to send along your statement of purpose or writing sample if one is requested in your application. Admission committees are looking for a cohesive story that the letters of recommendation, personal statement , and CV work together to tell.

You should also check whether the school provides any prompts or guidelines for recommenders. Many programs want your recommenders to comment on your potential to serve in the specific role the graduate program prepares you for. See the program-specific tips below.

Finally, you should send an email to your recommenders a few weeks before the letters are due, reminding them of the deadline and asking if there is anything else you can send them to assist in writing the letter.

If any materials are late, programs will often reject your entire application, so it is imperative that your recommenders get their letters in on time. However, you should also keep in mind that your letter writers are probably quite busy, so don’t send too many reminders!

Dear Professor Jones,

Hope the semester is going well! Thank you again for agreeing to serve as my recommender. I just wanted to send you a quick reminder that recommendations for Program X, Y, and Z are due in two weeks, on December 15. Please let me know if you need anything else from me, and thank you again!

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Choose people who know your work well and can speak to your ability to succeed in the program that you are applying to.

Remember, it is far more important to choose someone who knows you well than someone well-known. You may have taken classes with more prominent professors, but if they haven’t worked closely with you, they probably can’t write you a strong letter.

This depends on the program that you are applying for. Generally, for professional programs like business and policy school, you should ask managers who can speak to your future leadership potential and ability to succeed in your chosen career path.

However, in other graduate programs, you should mostly ask your former professors or research supervisors to write your recommendation letters , unless you have worked in a job that corresponds closely with your chosen field (e.g., as a full-time research assistant).

It’s best to ask in person if possible, so first reach out and request a meeting to discuss your graduate school plans.

Let the potential recommender know which programs you’re applying to, and ask if they feel they can provide a strong letter of recommendation . A lukewarm recommendation can be the kiss of death for an application, so make sure your letter writers are enthusiastic about recommending you and your work!

Always remember to remain polite. Your recommenders are doing you a favor by taking the time to write a letter in support of your graduate school goals.

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Thomas, L. (2023, June 01). How (and Who) to Ask For a Letter of Recommendation. Scribbr. Retrieved July 1, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/graduate-school/letter-of-recommendation/

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Sample Reference Letter

Reference letter for a phd candidate.

A successful application to a PhD program almost always requires letters of recommendation from former university lecturers and professors. They are the main point of reference when it comes to assessing an applicant's qualification for a PhD program. The letter below is a good example for a former MSc student, who now wants to pursue a PhD in the same field. It is already somewhat specifically addressed, as it directly refers to a doctorare degree in Linguistics.

Dear Sir or Madam,

it is my pleasure to acquaint you with one of my most outstanding students, Ravi Egilsson, who is keen to pursue the Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics at your esteemed institution.

I have known Ravi since 2010, when he enrolled into the Master of Science in Speech Analytics here at Oxbridge University. As part of this programme, Ravi took my course on Automated Speech Processing and joined my practical seminar on Pattern Processing. I also supervised him for his thesis project, a smartphone app that can translate a range of simple infant phonetisms into spoken language.

Ravi presented outstanding commitment to his studies, and finished his degree within the top 10% of his class. He was a quite remarkable student with a strong research interest. Among his peers, he stood out by always being up-to-date with currently topical discussions even within niches of linguistical research. The quality of his research work on his thesis project was compelling, and he managed to find beautifully simple solutions to very challenging problems.

With his multicultural background and fluent proficiency of English, Swedish and Hindi he was able to approach many scientific questions from different angles. During the courses, he always made many valuable contributions to group discussions. Finally, it should not be left unmentioned that Ravi is a very pleasant person to work with.

I respect Ravi's decision to further pursue his specific research interests at your university, and I am confident that he will be a highly valuable addition to your PhD program, where he could develop and apply his extraordinary talents. Furthermore, I am certain that he would qualify for any means of financial aid that you could offer him, and I also strongly recommend him for a position as a teaching or research assistant. Should you have any questions with regards to Ravi Egilsson, I will be pleased to answer them.

Klemens Rapper

Professor Oxbridge University

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recommendation letter for phd admission pdf

How to Write a Letter of Recommendation for Graduate School

How to write a letter of recommendation for grad school

When someone asks you to write a graduate school letter of recommendation , it demonstrates that they value your opinion, trust you and believe in your writing skills.

But as flattering as it is to be asked, there is also some pressure associated with crafting an effective and convincing letter of recommendation. After all, the applicant is counting on you to influence the admissions board and highlight their accomplishments, strengths and skill sets.

The good news is, writing a graduate school letter of recommendation is more intuitive than you think. Below, we’ve rounded up all the tips you need to write the perfect letter for anyone in your sphere.

What Is a Letter of Recommendation?

First off, let’s go over what a letter of recommendation is.

A letter of recommendation is a brief, written endorsement needed for certain jobs, programs or schools that details a person’s qualifications for whatever they’re applying for.

It’s written by a trusted and valued source: usually a past employer, teacher, mentor or colleague. In a letter of recommendation for graduate school, the writer describes the person’s skills, their personality and why they’re the right fit for the program. This is all so the institution has confirmation of the applicant’s ability to succeed in the program.

If you don’t believe you’re the right fit to write a student’s recommendation, that’s OK, too. You can politely decline and explain to the student why. You can also offer to help them find someone else who’s a more appropriate choice.

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Writing a Letter of Recommendation for Grad School

Once you’ve decided to accept and write the letter of recommendation, take a moment to consider some key questions before you begin crafting your statement.

  • What is your relationship like with this person?
  • What do you think of their work you’ve seen? How would you describe it?
  • What are significant memories you have with them?
  • What qualities or strengths does this person have?
  • What would you specifically want somebody to know about this person?
  • What value would this person bring to this grad school program, and how would they thrive in the field after the program?

What to Ask From Someone Before Writing a Letter of Recommendation

Of course, there is some student information you’ll want to obtain before starting your recommendation. To ensure you’re addressing all the right points and representing them in the best light possible, make sure you ask them the below questions.

The basics . First off, you should find out where this letter is going, to whom it should be addressed, what the deadlines are and how they’d like you to submit it (mail, email, etc.).

Why they want to go to this program and why they are drawn to this school . It’s important to know the motivation behind their graduate school studies: Is it for the love of learning? To get a better job? To switch fields altogether? This will help inform what you write in the letter. Similarly, it’s good to know why a specific school is calling them as well.

Any strengths or qualities they want highlighted . Each person will have different qualities they want you to discuss in their letter of recommendation. If the strengths they mention are ones you agree with and seem relevant to the degree program, definitely include them. You should also ask about what achievements they’ve made that will help them stand out from the crowd of applicants.

Their resume . No one can memorize a person’s entire job and education history. A resume can help remind you of special projects and exemplary work they’ve accomplished in the past, which you can then emphasize in your letter.

What to Include in a Letter of Recommendation for Grad School

There are specific things you should always include in a letter of recommendation for graduate school to make it shine and improve the applicant’s chances of admission.

These are the points that you must undoubtedly touch on throughout your recommendation:

How do you know the applicant? It’s important to describe who you are and how you know the applicant, as well as how long you’ve known them. Personal anecdotes are a must, and they boost your credibility.

Why are they a good fit for the program? Include an explanation for why you think they would specifically thrive in the program. Avoid being vague or general. Dive into why the school would be the perfect fit, and vice versa!

What are their most shining accomplishments? Describe their achievements, especially the ones you’ve personally witnessed. In addition, reference their top strengths and qualities. Again, avoid generalities and use vivid anecdotes.

Can you explain any gaps or discrepancies? A letter of recommendation is often a good time to clear up any troubling parts of the student’s resume or work history — perhaps there was an employment gap or grades dip because they were caring for a sick relative, for example. If you’re aware of any weak spots on their resume from extenuating circumstances, this is the time to note it.

What sets the applicant apart from the rest? Be sure to conclude on a strong note with a very clear, concise recommendation. Highlight what sets them apart from other people, so the program can clearly understand why they should admit this candidate into their college or university.

How to Format and Structure a Graduate School Letter of Recommendation

As for structure, letters of recommendation should not be longer than a page. Start off with a greeting (“Dear [Name]” or “To Whom It May Concern,” if you don’t know the recipient). In the opening paragraph, explain who you are, the nature of your relationship with the student and your overall impression of them.

Within the body of the letter, you can expand on their personality, skills and achievements — along with personal anecdotes — before wrapping up with a final strong and clear recommendation for the applicant.

Then, feel free to add in a polite offer to contact you if they need more information and a formal parting signature. Double-check for spelling and grammar, too, as any mistake could weaken your credibility.

Once you’ve proofread the letter, all you have to do is submit it as instructed and patiently wait for an update from the applicant. Best of luck!

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Graduate School Recommendation Letter From Professor

An Illustrative Example/Template

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Every recommendation letter is unique, just like the student it is written for. Yet, good recommendation letters share similarities in format and expression. Below is a sample/template showing one way of organizing a recommendation letter for graduate study .

In this particular example, the emphasis is on the student's academic work. The letter begins by explaining the context in which the student is known, followed by details of the work that forms the basis for the writer's recommendation. It is the details that count.

December 19, 201x

Dr. Smith Director of Admissions Graduate School University 101 Grad Avenue GradTown, WI, 10000

Dear Dr. Smith,

I am writing to you in support of Mr. Stu Student and his desire to attend Graduate School University for the Basket Weaving program. Though many students ask me to make this request on their behalf, I only recommend candidates who I feel are well-suited for the program of their choice. Mr. Student is one of those students and I am convinced he will contribute very positively to your university.

As a professor of the Basket Weaving Department at Undergrad University, I work with many students who have substantial knowledge of basket weaving. Mr. Student has consistently shown such a strong desire and competence in learning basket weaving that I simply could not turn down his request for a recommendation.

I first met Mr Student in my Intro to Basket Weaving course during the Fall 2012 semester. Compared to the class average of 70, Mr. Student earned a 96 in the class. The coursework was predominantly evaluated on [explain basis for grades, e.g., exams, papers, etc.], in which he performed exceptionally well.

Stu is an outstanding individual with a strong character. He has the ability to produce impressive results in a wide variety of areas. Stu is/has [list of positive traits/skills, e.g. organized, motivated, etc.]. I have seen astonishing results on the complex projects that required great attention to detail and the quality was never compromised. Additionally, he has a very positive attitude and truly embraces learning all there is to know about basket weaving.

Though Stu has consistently exceeded in all areas of his coursework, the best example of his intelligence shone through a [paper/presentation/project/etc.] on theories of basket weaving. The work clearly showed his ability to deliver a clear, concise, and well-thought presentation with a new perspective by demonstrating [embellish here].

In addition to his coursework, Stu also dedicated some of his time volunteering at [Club or Organization Name]. His position required him to [list of tasks]. He felt volunteering was an important leadership role, in which he learned [list of skills]. The skills acquired through volunteering will be beneficial to all of Stu's future endeavors. Stu has the ability to manage and organize his time and schedule around different activities without having them interfere with his schoolwork.

I believe Stu is destined to be a leader in basket weaving and therefore is an excellent candidate for your school. I highly recommend that you consider his application, as he will be a great asset to your program. I'm sure you will find him to be a student whose talents will only grow. If you would like further information, please feel free to contact me.

Tea Cher, Ph.D. Professor Undergrad University

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Letter Of Recommendation for PhD: Sample, Format & How to Write

Updated on 29 january, 2024.

Anupriya Mukherjee

Anupriya Mukherjee

Sr. content writer.

Anupriya Mukherjee

A letter of recommendation or LOR for a PhD is an important document required for admission into PhD programs at foreign institutions if you are planning to study abroad . While scores, transcripts, and other vital documents are mostly factual, the LOR is an independent objective analysis of applicants. PhD courses usually require two to three recommendations. These provide committees with an overview of the applicant’s core strengths, skills, and accomplishments.

Table of Contents

Lor for phd : guidelines:.

  • Academic LOR:
  • Professional LOR:


Conclusion:, popular guides to simplify your study abroad journey, sample lor for phd:, important tips to write lor for phd, download country guides (free pdfs).

The vital part of writing a LOR is choosing the right recommender. For a PhD SOP, the recommender should be someone who can endorse your candidature and provide an unbiased application essay. Since all the other documents are self-prepared, they are likely to be biased. LOR provides an external perspective, which entirely depends on your recommender. It is unique because it is your assessment from an external viewpoint. Your recommender for PhD should be someone who can be described as follows:

  • One who has a good rapport.
  • Who understands your personality, achievements, and capabilities.
  • With whom you have shared your academic and professional experiences and journey 
  • Who is aware of your current research ideas
  • Who supports your research ideas.

Types of LOR for PhD

International universities offering PhD require two to three LORs depending on your academic and professional experience. Two academic LORs are needed, and one professional LOR is required if you have work experience. Basically, the LOR for PhD is classified into two categories:

Academic LOR: 

Academic letter of recommendation is provided by the professor of your educational institution. Most commonly, you are asked to provide two academic LORs for PhD in an international university. In such LORs, professors need to highlight the applicant’s capabilities and achievements. It should reflect the recommender’s perspective about you and your research ideas.

Professional LOR: 

The applicant’s professional letter of recommendation is asked if they have any work experience. Only one professional LOR is needed in that case. It is provided by your immediate supervisor or employer. It should reflect the recommender’s perspective on your professional ability to work within a team.

How to write a LOR for PhD?

When your recommender is willing to write your LOR for PhD, you should share your research ideas, achievements, capabilities, objectives, and relevant information. The format of the LOR should consist of the answers to several questions related to your suitability for a PhD. The LOR, whether academic or professional, written by your recommender should sound realistic and authentic. The standard LOR format for PhD should have the following details:

This part of the LOR should include the details regarding the recommender. It is a brief introduction of the recommender with their current designation and professional experience mentioned in the LOR. They also need to mention their relationship and duration of association with the applicant. The details of the recommender’s association and guidance must be mentioned in the LOR.

It includes the details of the applicant’s technical skills, certification, internship work, research ideas, research outcomes, research goals, capabilities, qualities, work experience, presentations, seminars, extracurricular activities, etc. It is quite crucial to add all the relevant information required to consider the applicant’s candidature and future undertakings. 

This last part of the LOR format summarizes the applicant’s desire for the PhD program. The closing part of the LOR essay application includes the recommender’s signature and contact details.

An excellent sample LOR for PhD highlights at least three attributes of the aspirant – a social attribute and two subject-linked or technical attributes. Here are some notable guidelines:

  • The LOR should be 1-2 pages long with 5-6 paragraphs. 
  • Recommenders should start the LOR by introducing themselves and the aspirant.
  • Recommenders should also discuss how and from when they are professionally related to the applicants in the first paragraph. 
  • The following paragraphs should be divided into three segments, each highlighting aspirant’s particular skill or quality.
  • Recommenders should emphasize analytical abilities, subject knowledge, time management skills, dedication, responsibility, research abilities, etc. 
  • The conclusion will sum up the qualities of the aspirant while ending with a solid recommendation to the university for accepting the application.

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The following sample LOR for PhD is one of many ways of writing it.

I am pleased to get the chance to recommend (name of applicant) for the PhD position in (course/study area name) at your institution. I have taught (name of applicant) for the last (tenure in years) in the areas of (subject areas). I will be delighted to witness him/her excelling in this particular field.

The topic (title) proposed by him/her is vital for the modern-day scenario and needs extensive research. It will be beneficial for all the industry stakeholders in the (sector name) and also academicians who can access real-time insights on the subject.

(Name of applicant) has completed a research project over a period of (duration) on (name of project) under my supervision. I have witnessed his/her work efficiency, critical thinking abilities, and inquisitiveness regarding various findings. He/she also has brilliant communication skills and the ability to mentor and guide peers.

(Name) has a down-to-earth nature and respects others while adhering to rules and regulations. His/her independent or group work on research projects and studies has been immensely satisfying. He/she is an analytical thinker and is stimulated by new academic challenges. This trait makes him/her strive for innovative solutions to real-world problems with a strong desire to improve the world around.

Hectic timelines, various constraints, tough work conditions, multitasking, and dealing with multiple people along the way, are things that he/she can tackle with ease while delivering work seamlessly. With these positive abilities, he/she will be an asset to any institution.

(Name) has improved consistently every year and is a deserving candidate for an opportunity to work in the field of (topic name). I would be delighted if my recommendation helps him/her obtain admission in the (course name). 

If you have any queries regarding research, academics, or other areas pertaining to (applicant name’s) candidature, please feel free to reach me at the following phone or email address. I am usually available on the phone between Monday and Friday from (time to time, i.e. 11 am to 4 pm).

(Name of Referee)


Phone Number:

Following important tips should be considered while writing a LOR for PhD:

  • The selection of the right recommender is crucial. Choose your recommender carefully who meets the specifications mentioned in your PhD application.
  • Choosing your recommenders with finer academic and professional qualifications is of utmost importance.
  • Stay in contact with your potential recommenders and maintain good communication with them in advance.
  • Share your research proposal, goals, and achievements with your recommenders.
  • Your LORs for PhD should differ from each other.
  • Your LOR should showcase your qualities, capabilities, and strengths. 
  • Online recommendation forms should be submitted much before the deadline.
  • The letter should be realistic and unbiased.
  • The relationship between the recommender and the applicant should be demonstrated clearly.
  • All the information stated in the LOR should be genuine, authentic, and accurate. Ensure that no information is false or exaggerated.

In conclusion, a well-crafted Letter of Recommendation is a crucial component of any PhD application, serving as a testament to the candidate's academic abilities, research potential, and character. It provides the admissions committee with valuable insights from a third-party perspective, often influencing the final decision. For recommenders, it's important to provide a balanced, honest, and detailed account of the candidate’s capabilities, tailoring the letter to highlight qualities that are most relevant to the PhD program. For applicants, choosing the right recommenders and ensuring they understand the importance of the letter in the context of a PhD application is key. A strong Letter of Recommendation, which effectively captures the essence of the candidate's skills and potential, can significantly enhance the application, making it stand out in a competitive academic landscape.

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Anupriya Mukherjee is a passion-driven professional working as a Content Marketer and earlier worked as a Digital Marketeer. With around 6 years of work experience, she has experience creating high-quality, engaging content for websites, blogs, news articles, video scripts, brochures, and ebooks.

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How to Write a Good Letter of Recommendation for Students (10 PDF Sample Examples)

Published: 26 Jan 2022 Study Abroad 6,731 views

How to Write a Good Letter of Recommendation for Students (10 PDF Sample Examples)

Are you on a search on how to write a good letter of recommendation for students?

One of your students or mentee probably needs an academic reference letter as a key requirement for an application, and you need the help of a sample recommendation letter for students to answer this call. Worry not! In this article, we provide steps and examples to help and guide you through the process.

Drafting out a recommendation letter for students from a professor or mentor is important when a student applies to a university, for masters, scholarship or even a job. By writing this letter, you should try as much as possible to provide a character witness to the recipient on the student’s behalf, because writing a positive reference letter for a student can ensure they stand out from other applicants.

If you need to write a good recommendation letter for scholarship application, a letter of recommendation for masters, or even a recommendation letter for PhD students from a professor or academic mentor, then this article is for you.

Article Guide:

What is a student recommendation letter?

How to construct a letter of recommendation for a student

What you should not include in a student recommendation letter

Formatting for a student recommendation letter

Example of recommendation letter for students

Sample reference letters for students (download pdf)

Recommendation letter for masters scholarship

Recommendation letter from professor

Recommendation letter from a mentor

Recommendation letter from an employer

Recommendation letter from a teacher

Recommendation letter from a friend

Recommendation letter from a church

Recommendation letter for medical students

Recommendation letter for PhD student from professor

Letter of recommendation for nursing students

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What is a student recommendation letter.

A letter of recommendation for students is a formal document that highlights a student’s character traits, behavior and their work ethic, and also provides information as regards the qualification, experience, skills and achievements of the student to help them in their application process.

This document may be a key requirement for a student applying to study elsewhere for an academic program, or even a career. Someone who has spent time with them in an academic or professional setting often writes a reference letter for a student applying to a university. It is expected that the person who writes the reference letter is well acquainted with the selection criteria of the University as well.

Specifically, the referee has to ensure that the requirements and the expected qualifications of the university matches those of the student, and the letter should be constructed with the aim of persuading the committee that the student is a qualified candidate for the program.

How to Construct a Letter of Recommendation for a Student

If you need help with constructing and writing a reference letter for a student, follow this guide to understand what to include and how to structure the letter:

Get the required academic information you need from the student

The first step to take when writing a recommendation letter for your student is to ask the student for a list of academic achievements, their GPA, and extracurricular activities. You should as well ask for information about the university or job they’re applying to, and even ask for their personal statement to help you further understand their interests and properly direct the letter to the program they are applying to.

Properly address your letter

Addressing your letter appropriately ensures it gets to the right person and can make your recommendation seem more personalized for the reader. You should also ask your student whom the letter should be addressed to. If your student does not have a specific person to address the letter to, you can address your recommendation to a company’s human resources department or a university’s admissions office.

Introduce yourself and your qualifications

When writing a reference letter for a student, you should identify who you are and how you’re qualified to speak on the student’s behalf. Your credibility as the student’s lecturer or professor offers an admissions board or employer a valued opinion about the candidate.

Specify your academic relationship with the student

After introducing yourself and your qualification, discuss how you got to know the student, and how long you’ve known the student for. This item can be an extension of your job title, directly identifying your role in the student’s academic career. Describing your first impression of the student and how you’ve watched them develop into the well-rounded student they are, can also be an added advantage. Consider phrasing your perspective of the student in terms of how they surprised or impressed you in the classroom, on their assignments and in other academic settings.

Highlight the student’s strengths and qualifications with examples

Pointing out the qualities of a student is one of the key ingredients for writing a good letter of recommendation for scholarship, masters or PhD application because many recruiting or admissions board in universities and companies often look for candidates they believe can contribute to and improve their organization. Consider who is reading your letter, and include examples and information about how the student will benefit the university or company by illustrating their potential success or by including the contributions they made to your school.

You can conclude your reference letter by offering to remain available should the reader have more questions about your recommendation and experience with the student. You can also include your contact information such as a phone number and your email address. This final step can show that you have confidence in the student’s abilities and fully endorse them for the program.

Closing remarks

End your letter with a formal letter closing and your name and title. If you are mailing a printed letter, include your signature underneath your typed name:

 Signature (for hard copy letter)

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What you should not include in a student recommendation letter.

You should be mindful of some common errors people make when writing a character reference letter for scholarship or masters application for a student. Here are 5 things you should not include in your reference letter.

Rewriting student's resume

A recommendation letter should simply describe the character, values, motivation and future goals of the student, rather than repeating the contents of the student's CV.

Vague impressions

A generalized recommendation letter leaves much to be desired. You may be tempted to describe the person with vague adjectives such as tenacious, hardworking and optimistic. But these adjectives would fall on deaf ears if there are not supported by examples.

Backhanded compliments

While honest and constructive criticism may be appropriate in certain circumstances, some selection committees prefers when reference letters covers potential areas of growth and development. Limited page and word counts should be spent highlighting the student’s suitability for the opportunity.

Too much emphasis

When writing a reference letter for your student it is advisable to make them look confident and smart, but humble and loyal at the same time. While it feels good to blow your trumpet, focus on human values such as honesty, kindness or hard work. It would make a greater impact on the person you are presenting.

Don't send the letter without proofreading

Proofreading is as important as composing a letter. So don't neglect it. Minor errors can tarnish the impression that the letter is supposed to give. Keep in mind that formatting and avoidance of grammatical blunders are also included.


Formatting for a Student Recommendation Letter

Just like every other formal letter, writing a student recommendation letter means that it has to be formatted professionally. Formatting your reference letter will ensure that your letter becomes unique and pleasing to read.

The letter of recommendation format for students should:

Fill an entire page

Contain 300 - 500 words

Entail a letterhead, an introduction, two paragraphs and conclusion

Adopt a font size of 12 - 14

Employ Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri fonts

Have Receiver's address to the left side

Begin with a courteous greeting such as Sir/ Madam Or

Use "To Whom it may Concern " if not sure who receives it

Example of Recommendation Letter for Students

Below is a reference letter example for students, which can also be a sample recommendation letter for graduate students that you can use as a guide to write a recommendation letter for a student:

Prof. Joe Barnabas,

42, Springfield Avenue,

Ontario, Canada,

2nd January, 2022

To The Admissions Team,

University of Munich,

Reference Letter in Respect of Grace Nicholas

It is my pleasure to write to recommend Grace Nicholas who has applied for an admission to study for a Master’s program in International Health Management at your institution.

I have known Grace for about four years now. She was my undergraduate student at the Department of Sociology, Ontario State University, where she graduated with a Second Class Upper Division degree in 2021. She was also my project student and was committed and dedicated to her duties.

Grace is a hardworking, diligent, brilliant and dedicated student. She is also capable of establishing camaraderie and rapport with people of all age groups and has excellent written and verbal communication skills.

A Master’s program in International Health Management will help Grace achieve some of the set objectives of her future career endeavors.

I strongly recommend her for admission at your institution. For further information, kindly contact me at [email protected]

Yours Sincerely,

Prof. J. Barnabas

Sample Reference Letters for Students (download pdf)

It might interest you to know that writing the best recommendation letter for scholarship application, recommendation letter for master's scholarship or recommendation letter for postgraduate studies have samples which you can download in pdf formats for future references.

Here are some sample request for letter of recommendation for students depending on your role in the person's life.

Recommendation Letter for Masters Scholarship

Download sample student recommendation letter for masters (pdf)

Recommendation Letter from Professor

Download sample student recommendation letter from professor (pdf)

Recommendation Letter from a mentor

Download sample student recommendation letter from a mentor (pdf)

Recommendation Letter from an Employer

Download sample student recommendation letter from employer (pdf)

Recommendation Letter from a Teacher

Download sample student recommendation letter from a teacher (pdf)

Recommendation Letter from a Friend

Download sample student recommendation letter from a friend (pdf)

Recommendation Letter From a Church

Download sample student recommendation letter from church (pdf)

Recommendation Letter for Medical Students

Download sample recommendation letter for medical students (pdf)

Recommendation Letter for PhD Student from Professor

Download sample recommendation letter for PhD student

Letter of Recommendation for Nursing Students

Download sample recommendation letter for nursing students

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Following the letter of recommendation format for students, examples and the student reference letter pdf samples provided in this article, you should be able to use this as a guide to navigate the way you compose your letter, in order to endorse your student to stand a chance of qualifying for their application to any organization.

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Apply to study psychology

As a psychology science student in the School of Science, you’ll earn a Purdue University degree. But you’ll also have access to the best programs of Indiana University.

Our admissions process depends on your educational level. When you’re ready to apply, follow the guidelines listed on this page.

Talk to someone about psychology programs

Undergraduate programs.

Chloe Broeker Associate Director of Undergraduate Enrollment

317-274-4525 cebroeke@iupui.edu

Graduate (M.S./Ph.D.) programs

For application and admissions questions, please contact us by email:


Undergraduate admissions

Our undergraduate students enter the School of Science as direct admits or through University College. Either way, you will follow the same degree requirements.

Graduate admissions

We look for applicants who have the potential to make important and creative contributions as psychologists. If you have a strong commitment to research, education, and a scientific perspective, we invite you to come to campus and meet with faculty. We encourage minorities and persons with disabilities to apply.

The application cycle for our Clinical and Addiction Neuroscience PhD programs opens September 1 and closes December 1.

Graduate programs hiatus

Applied Social & Organizational Psychology The ASOP Ph.D. program is going on hiatus and will not be admitting students.

Graduate program general requirements

To be admitted, you must have an undergraduate and graduate grade point average of 3.2 or higher on a 4-point scale.

You must also submit the following:

  • Addiction Neuroscience Ph.D. program— GRE scores are not required.
  • Applied Social & Organizational Psychology Ph.D. and Industrial/Organizational Psychology M.S. programs— GRE scores are not required.
  • Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program— the GRE test is optional for the Fall 2024 admission cycle. Applications with and without GRE scores will be given equal consideration.
  • TOEFL—If your native language is not English, you must demonstrate English proficiency.

Requirements by degree program:

Addiction neuroscience ph.d. (purdue degree).

Degrees are conferred through the Purdue University system. Entering students must meet the minimum admission requirements of the Graduate School of Purdue University and departmental requirements.

We seek talented and motivated persons who have an interest in the fields of behavioral and/or addiction neuroscience. A strong record of undergraduate research experience is given high priority in evaluating applicants.

All applicants must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution (you do not need a Master’s degree to apply). Majors in the life sciences (psychology, biology, or chemistry) are particularly encouraged to apply. Academic preparation and performance in the life sciences (e.g., experimental psychology and behavioral neuroscience; cell and systems biology; chemistry) are given high priority in considering candidates for admission.

Applied Social & Organizational Psychology Ph.D. (IU degree)

The ASOP Ph.D. program is going on hiatus and will not be admitting students.

The degrees are conferred through the Indiana University system, and entering students must meet the minimum admission requirements of the Graduate School of Indiana University as well as departmental requirements. Admission to the program is competitive. We currently are able to support approximately three students per cohort.

Prerequisites : Our program has a strong quantitative emphasis. It is highly unlikely that a student would be admitted without a course in statistics. In the rare circumstance that a student is admitted without meeting this prerequisite, the student must pass an approved statistics course prior to fall enrollment in the program.

Clinical Psychology Ph.D. (Purdue degree)

We are particularly interested in receiving applications from persons with a strong commitment to research, scholarly work, and a scientific perspective. Previous research experience or the completion of an undergraduate research project is seen as particularly positive (but not required). We value a broad liberal arts or science-based undergraduate education as the foundation for graduate study. We take a balanced approach to admission, and relative weaknesses in one area may be balanced by strengths in others. The clinical psychology program is committed to creating a diverse learning environment for its students; persons with disabilities and minorities are encouraged to apply.

Psychology GRE (NOTE: The Psychology GRE is strongly recommended, but not required.) The mean GRE score on the Advanced subtest in Psychology for students admitted to the program since 2007* is 704 (approximately 76th percentile).

*Per APA requirements, we provide information on the past 7 years.

Prerequisites : All applicants must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. You do not need to major in psychology to apply; however, except in unusual circumstances, students admitted to the program are expected to have completed at least 15 credit hours in psychology prior to admission. Graduate courses will assume basic understanding in key areas. Students without preparation in these areas may be asked by their instructors to complete remedial activity prior to enrolling in the graduate course (e.g., reading an undergraduate text or taking an undergraduate course):

  • tests and measurement
  • human physiology or physiological psychology
  • abnormal psychology

Industrial / Organizational Psychology M.S. (Purdue degree)

Admission to this program is competitive. In the last five years, we have averaged 82 applications per year. We currently are able to support approximately three or four students per cohort.

Degree : Applicants preferably have a bachelor’s degree in Psychology, but we will consider applicants with bachelor's degrees in similar areas with coursework in social science statistics and research methods).

Prerequisites : Our program has a strong quantitative emphasis. It is highly unlikely that a student would be admitted without a course in statistics. In the rare circumstance that a student is admitted without meeting this prerequisite, the student must pass an approved statistics course prior to Fall enrollment in the program.

Graduate program application and instructions

To apply to one of our graduate programs, you must complete the IUPUI Online Application .

When you do, please be sure to complete the personal statement regarding your goals and plans for your professional career, and include information for your recommendation providers. Electronic copies of transcripts and degree certificates may be attached to the application for an initial review.

An application fee will be charged which may be paid by credit or debit card.

More information about the online application is available on the IUPUI Graduate Office website.

Fee waiver eligibility

You may be eligible for a fee waiver (coupon code) if you have participated in one of the following programs. You must send proof of participation by email to [email protected] before completing the application to receive a coupon code. Apply the coupon code on the payment page of the application.

  • Bepko Scholar
  • Bridges to the Doctorate
  • Fulbright Scholar
  • Herbert STEM Scholar
  • Herbert Fellow
  • Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP)
  • McNair Scholar
  • SPEA Exec Education
  • MSECE with EW Emphases (Crane)
  • National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
  • Project Lead the Way Teacher
  • Woodrow Wilson Fellowship
  • Teach for America
  • Peace Corps

All hard copy documents should be submitted to the following address:

IUPUI Department of Psychology  Attn: Graduate Application  402 North Blackford Street, LD 124  Indianapolis, Indiana 46202

Transcripts and degree certificates

Unofficial transcript(s) of all previous university work is required (with English translation, if applicable) and must be submitted with your application; this includes transcripts for programs that were not ultimately completed. All degrees awarded should be documented. A list of university courses and their titles which do not appear on the transcript(s) should also be submitted, if applicable. If selected for admission, you will be required to provide your original documents (hard copy or electronic) at a later time.

If you choose to send hard copies at this time, note that all transcripts and degree certificates must be in original, stamped, and sealed envelopes issued by the appropriate university/college authority. Loose or unattested copies cannot be accepted. We do not accept transcripts or other academic documents from WES, or any other external credentials analysis agency.

English language proficiency can be waived by applicants who have received a baccalaureate degree or graduate or professional degree within 36 months from a school where English is the primary language of instruction/where English is the native language. (See test scores section for more information.)

Personal statement

Your two- to three-page explanation of why you want to enter this program.

Letters of recommendation

Three confidential letters of recommendation are required. Letters of recommendation should be provided by professionals (consider faculty members, administrators, internship/co-operative education supervisors, and employers) who are familiar with your work and strengths.

When you create a recommendation request in our electronic application, an email request will be sent to the recommender on your behalf. Please advise your recommender to look for this email in their inbox, as well as their spam or junk-mail folder.

Test scores

Submit GRE and/or English language proficiency scores, if appropriate. Only official score reports from the testing agency are acceptable. Please note, at this time we are not able to accept IELTS scores electronically; paper score reports can take two–four weeks to be delivered to the department through the mail, so please plan accordingly. IUPUI's institution code for ETS test reporting (GRE and TOEFL) is 1325.

GRE scores—see specific requirements in the Graduate program general requirements section on this page.

English proficiency scores must meet all requirements listed (both total and section minimums, if applicable):

  • TOEFL—80 Total, 19 Reading, 14 Listening, 18 Speaking & Writing
  • IELTS (Academic test only)—overall band score of 6.5 or higher, 6.5 Reading, 6.0 Listening, 6.0 Speaking, 5.5 Writing

We cannot accept completion of ELS Intensive English coursework or IUPUI EAP test scores as sufficient proof of English proficiency for admission purposes.

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Previous IU South Bend Campus Bulletins

Students are ordinarily subject to the curricular requirements outlined in the Bulletin in effect at the start of their current degree. See below for links to previous Bulletins (bulletins prior to 2013-2014 are in PDF format only).

Online Only

If you are seeking further information regarding specific programs, please contact individual departments .

For problems accessing information on this website, please contact Teresa Sheppard .

Master of Music Entrance Requirements

recommendation letter for phd admission pdf

Entrance Requirements

The Master of Music degree is a flexible program intended for students holding a bachelor’s degree in music (Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Music Education, etc.). In some cases, a student with a bachelor’s degree in a field other than music may become a candidate for the Master of Music degree either by demonstrating competence in performance and academic music subjects at the level of the bachelor’s degree in music, or by completing any undergraduate music courses in performance or academic subjects that may be required by the music faculty.

International students must apply for admission to this program through the Office of International Student Services at IU South Bend. As a preliminary audition a video recording of a recent performance, either a DVD or a standard high-quality digital or online video format must be submitted with this application. Composition applicants may submit an audio recording of their works. A formal audition will be required after the student arrives in South Bend. A minimum score of 550 (paper-based) or 79 (internet-based) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) examination is required for admission to the program, although students with scores at or just above these minimum scores should expect to take remedial English courses at the beginning of their master’s degree program. Credit hours earned in remedial English courses do not count towards the total credit hours required for the degree

Students must complete an audition in their chosen area of specialization: piano, voice, orchestral instrument or composition. Contact the director of graduate studies for specific audition requirements.

Additional requirements for composition:

  • Undergraduate paper on theory/composition
  • Portfolio of four to six works for different ensembles, including at least one for orchestra
  • Recordings on CD or in a standard high-quality digital or online audio format
  • Interview with the faculty

Letters of Recommendation

Three letters of recommendation from former private instructors and/or professors familiar with the student’s work. Letters of recommendation must be sealed and forwarded directly from the recommender, or delivered using the online graduate application system.

Writing Competency

Applicants must submit a written paper on a music history or music theory topic, including footnotes and bibliography, that demonstrates the student’s ability to write about music in a cogent, scholarly fashion, exhibiting a high standard of academic English.

Minimum Passing Course Grade, GPA, and Dismissal GPA for Master of Music

Graduate music students whose CGPA falls below 3.0 are placed on academic probation for one semester. If one’s GPA is not raised to the 3.0 level, the student may be placed on additional probation, or dismissed from the program. Any time a student's GPA falls below 2.0, automatic dismissal takes place. Master of Music students will maintain a cumulative GPA (CGPA) of 3.0 or higher; and no grade under "C" will be accepted for graduate credit.. 

Academic Bulletins

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  • IU Bloomington

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  1. 29 recommendation letter for phd admission pdf

    recommendation letter for phd admission pdf

  2. Letter of Recommendation Format

    recommendation letter for phd admission pdf

  3. 30 Free Letters Of Recommendation For Graduate School

    recommendation letter for phd admission pdf

  4. 15+ Letters of Recommendation for Graduate School

    recommendation letter for phd admission pdf

  5. Letter of Recommendation for PhD Program in Word and Pdf formats

    recommendation letter for phd admission pdf

  6. Letter of Recommendation for Graduate School (Free Sample)

    recommendation letter for phd admission pdf


  1. Write an impressive recommendation letter!

  2. How to request a letter of recommendation. #phdlife #phd #phdtips #academia #letterofrecommendation

  3. CSIR-UGC NET JRF Questions Discussed December 2023 #csirnetjrf #lifesciences #csir #nta #csirnet

  4. Letter of recommendation request for admission in foreign universities matter or not

  5. How we can apply for VU Reference Letter

  6. How to write a letter for a PhD or research position?| Dr. Abhimanyu Thakur| Harvard Medical School


  1. PDF Sample letter of recommendation

    Sample letter of recommendation. It is my pleasure to recommend Jane Doe for admission to [name of program] at [name of university]. I am a fifth-year Ph.D. student at the University of California, Berkeley. I came to know Jane when I was her Graduate Student Instructor for Philosophy 111: Ethical Relativism, taught by Professor John Smith.

  2. Letters of Recommendation for Grad School I Stanford Online

    The recommendation letter prompt encourages recommenders to provide candid assessments of your qualifications,including your potential for advanced study, analytical thinking capabilities, and ability to express ideas clearly. Descriptions of significant achievements, personal qualities, and character traits relevant to your scholarly pursuits ...

  3. Letter of Recommendation (LOR) for PhD Students (with Sample)

    A student recommendation letter for a PhD will typically be between one to two pages. The document of recommendation letter for PhD student should be well differentiated into 5-6 paragraphs. The LOR for PhD should begin with an introductory paragraph about the recommender and his/her association with the applicant.

  4. PDF Letters of Recommendation and Writing Samples

    Letters of Recommendation and Writing Samples. (This document is for information purposes only.) Letters of Recommendation. All graduate program applications require letters of recommendation. These letters are some of the most important components of your application and need to be taken very seriously. 1. Know the number of letters you need. a.

  5. Graduate School Letter of Recommendation Examples 2022-2023

    Use this outline as a letter of recommendation template in which to input your candidate's achievements, skills, and traits. Note that the flow of information moves the reader into greater detail, using form phrases and transitions that increase the readability of the letter. 1. Greeting to the recipient.

  6. Sample Graduate School Recommendation Letters

    The three sample recommendation letters that follow, which you can download by clicking on the link below, are effective because they detail what makes the students stand out as exceptional and because they paint individual pictures of each student. Note how these excerpts, excerpted from each of the three letters, individualize and humanize ...

  7. Top 10 Letter of Recommendation Templates for PhD Applicants

    Recommendation for PhD in Computer Science. Dear Admissions Committee, It is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for John Doe, who is applying for a PhD program in Computer Science. John was my student for two courses in computer programming, and he consistently demonstrated his passion for the subject and his ability to grasp ...

  8. Letters of Recommendation for Graduate School: The Definitive Guide

    When to ask for a letter of recommendation for graduate school? You should ask for a letter of recommendation for graduate school between six weeks and two months before the application deadline. This gives your recommender plenty of time to draft, write, and revise your letter of recommendation—increasing the final quality and level of impact.

  9. PDF Tips for Requesting Letters of Recommendation

    Recommendation letters are a crucial piece of your graduate school application. An effective letter should provide those making admissions decisions with an assessment of your potential as a graduate student and/or researcher. It is important that a recommendation letter be written by someone who knows you well academically. Faculty members ...

  10. PDF Recommendation Letter For PhD

    [PhD Program Admissions Committee] [University Name] [University Address] [City, State, ZIP] Dear [Recipient's Name], I am delighted to write this recommendation letter in support of [Applicant's Full Name] who is applying for admission to the Ph.D. program in [Field of Study] at [University Name]. Having closely

  11. PDF Writing Strong Letters of Recommendation

    d. Taking on too many reference letters so adequate time cannot be spent on each student e. Writing similar reference letters for multiple scholarship applicants f. Writing a generic letter that does not speak to the areas for assessment g. Focusing the application on the supervisor's characteristics rather than the student's characteristics h.

  12. PDF Graduate School Recommendation

    Graduate School Recommendation November xx, 20xx Letter of recommendation for Janet Lerner's graduate application Janet Lerner is the best student I have this year, and I enthusiastically support her graduate application. She is highly intelligent, works well as a team member, and has demonstrated leadership potential. I

  13. How (and Who) to Ask For a Letter of Recommendation

    Table of contents. Step 1: Choose who to ask. Step 2: Reach out and request a meeting. Step 3: Ask for a letter of recommendation. Step 4: Share your resume and other materials. Step 5: Remind your recommenders of upcoming deadlines. Other interesting articles.

  14. Reference letter for a PhD candidate

    A successful application to a PhD program almost always requires letters of recommendation from former university lecturers and professors. They are the main point of reference when it comes to assessing an applicant's qualification for a PhD program. The letter below is a good example for a former MSc student, who now wants to pursue a PhD in ...

  15. How To Write a Letter of Recommendation for PhD Programs

    Recommendation letter template. Here's a template you can use when writing a recommendation letter for a student hoping to be accepted into a Ph.D. program: [Recipient's name] I am pleased to recommend [applicant name] for the [Ph.D. program] at the [university name]. I am [your name], a [work position]. I have [number] years of experience ...

  16. How to Write a Letter of Recommendation for Graduate School

    As for structure, letters of recommendation should not be longer than a page. Start off with a greeting ("Dear [Name]" or "To Whom It May Concern," if you don't know the recipient). In the opening paragraph, explain who you are, the nature of your relationship with the student and your overall impression of them.

  17. Recommendation for Graduate School Template

    Use this recommendation letter template to help students get into their dream graduate program. Free to customize, share, and download!

  18. Graduate School Recommendation Letter From Professor

    By Tara Kuther, Ph.D. Dear Dr. Smith, I am writing to you in support of Mr. Stu Student and his desire to attend Graduate School University for the Basket Weaving program. Though many students ask me to make this request on their behalf, I only recommend candidates who I feel are well-suited for the program of their choice.

  19. PDF Recommendation Letters Workbook

    General Tips. ♦ Letters should be 2-3 pages, preferably 2 ♦ Applicants should have 3-5 letters ♦ A meeting between the applicant and letter writer should take place to discuss everything from the applicant's goals to their experiences and the deadline for when the letter should be sent off ♦ Letters should tell how well an applicant ...


    STRONG. Esteemed Residency Program Well‐Known University 1234 University Way Big City, Florida 54321. 19, 2014 Dear Program Director, It is my pleasure to write in support of the application of Mr. Ian. rris for your residency program. I have been an educator for decades with considerable exp.

  21. Best Letter of Recommendation (LOR) for PhD with Sample & Format

    If you need a LOR for Ph.D., here is everything that you need to know including guidelines and a useful sample. A well-crafted Letter of Recommendation is a crucial component of any PhD application, serving as a testament to the candidate's academic abilities, research potential, and character. It provides the admissions committee with valuable insights from a third-party perspective, often ...

  22. PDF Checklist: Necessary Provisions

    Letters of Recommendation for Graduate School Whom to Ask and How: - Ask professors who know you personally and whose classes you have done well in. - Set up a meeting to discuss your interest in graduate work. Introduce yourself; remind them of their relationship with you (in class, on a project, volunteer work, ECT.).

  23. How to Write a Good Letter of Recommendation for Students (10 PDF

    Introduce yourself and your qualifications. When writing a reference letter for a student, you should identify who you are and how you're qualified to speak on the student's behalf. Your credibility as the student's lecturer or professor offers an admissions board or employer a valued opinion about the candidate.

  24. (PDF) A Sample; A Recommendation Letter

    Fax; 0021821- 4625558/9. Hand phone; 00218926519663. Email; [email protected] or [email protected]. Wednesday, February 13, 2019. Dear Admissions Com mitt ee; It is my pleasure to recommend ...

  25. Admission Requirements

    Submit an online application for the graduate degree program. ... Letters of Recommendation. The Graduate School requires letters of recommendation from people who can comment authoritatively on the academic achievements and/or work or internship experience related to the applied degree program. Visit the program's website for specific ...

  26. Apply: Admissions: Psychology: Indiana University Indianapolis

    Graduate admissions. We look for applicants who have the potential to make important and creative contributions as psychologists. If you have a strong commitment to research, education, and a scientific perspective, we invite you to come to campus and meet with faculty. ... Letters of recommendation should be provided by professionals (consider ...

  27. Master of Music Entrance Requirements : Academic Bulletin

    Letters of Recommendation. Three letters of recommendation from former private instructors and/or professors familiar with the student's work. Letters of recommendation must be sealed and forwarded directly from the recommender, or delivered using the online graduate application system.