graduate (masters phd) job opportunities

Recent graduate opportunities

Now that you’ve taken the classes and earned the degree, it’s time to take the first steps into your career and put your talents to work in the real world. Do you want to play a vital part in the business success of a high-tech global leader? Would you like to experience an inspiring world class program? Are you ready to start your Microsoft journey? Microsoft offers full-time graduate roles in a variety of fields across business and engineering where you can begin applying your skills. 

For those embarking on the initial steps of their career after college, Microsoft offers full-time graduate roles to help kick start your journey. We know the importance of working in a role where your talents will shine, your interests will grow, and your passions will inspire your peers. 

Microsoft Aspire Experience

  • Qualifications needed
  • What to expect

We believe that Microsoft is a place for exploration, creativity, innovation, and professional growth. Once you’re ready to launch your career at Microsoft, we’re ready to empower you to achieve more. All global university hires, regardless of role or title, will be part of a rich learning and development experience called the Microsoft Aspire Experience, and MBA hires will be part of Microsoft Aspire MBA.

We hire for all education levels, including Bachelors, Masters, MBA, and PhD degrees. To be considered as a student or recent graduate you need to be:

Full-time university candidate 

Attending an accredited institution

Currently enrolled or within 12 months of graduation 

All university and MBA hires will benefit from a customized on-boarding process at the Microsoft Aspire Experience. This two-year development program will equip you with the tools to thrive at Microsoft and realize your full potential. It’s designed to help you:

Foster a robust understanding of Microsoft’s business, culture, and values

Accelerate your impact by empowering you to explore your strengths and passions

Develop a broad, rich network of peers, mentors, and sponsors  

Employees helping eachother on desktops.

Microsoft Aspire University Track

Microsoft Aspire is dedicated to recent university (e.g., undergraduate, masters, PhD) hires who are just starting to establish their careers. The two-year learning and development experience is designed for you to build your network, accelerate your growth, and discover opportunities—in your role, in your team and beyond—along with thousands of your early career peers.

Microsoft Aspire MBA Track

Microsoft Aspire MBA is designed to maximize the potential of approximately 200 MBA hires who join us from around the world every year. The two-year learning and development experience will help you discover and understand Microsoft, advance your leadership development skills, and build a powerful network.

Working at Microsoft, an employee’s perspective

Software engineer .

Meet Chandler, a Software Engineer, as she shares her journey and experience at Microsoft.

Program Manager

Meet Bobby, a Program Manager at Microsoft. See how he mixes his career with his passions outside of work. 

Technical Consultant

Meet Kylie, a Technical Consultant at Microsoft who hopes to help customers implement Microsoft products at their companies.

Account Technology Strategist

Meet Ofentse, an Account Technology Strategist at Microsoft. His passion is to use technology to transform people’s lives and bring change in their everyday experience.

Account Manager

Meet Danielle, an Account Manager at Microsoft who thought her role would involve old-school cold calling. To her surprise, she quickly learned that her role would be more.

Featured roles

  • Customer Facing Technology
  • UX Designer
  • Product Marketing Manager
  • Technical Solution Specialist 
  • Partner Development Manager

The customer facing technology segment of the business helps customers and partners discover and implement high-value Microsoft solutions that generate rapid, meaningful, and measurable results. With its global partner network and support infrastructure, Microsoft Services segment of the business enables the successful adoption, deployment, and use of Microsoft solutions and technologies for all customers, from the individual to the enterprise. Microsoft Services is designed to provide the right scope of services at the right time, including localized support solutions for businesses and consumers around the world.

As a UX Designer, you will work closely with product managers and engineers while driving design from concept to final implementation. You will see design as beginning with the conception of the product and iterating throughout the release cycle, not a veneer to be applied at the end. You will possess rock solid design principles, with problem solving skills and potential, big picture focus and leadership qualities.

The Product Marketing Manager is accountable for the subsidiary revenue, scorecard, and market share for their assigned products in the subsidiary. The PMM is required to have a strong understanding of their product set and a deep understanding of customer solutions and strategies. This role is the voice of the products they represent within the subsidiary as well as the leader and the spokesperson for their product set.

As a Technical Solution Specialist, you will work in the pre-sales team with enterprise customers to help them understand the how-to of technologies. As you will be the expert in Microsoft solutions and product portfolio with a focus on cloud technologies, you will help our sellers in technical discussions, design solutions and drive customer engagements through proof-of-concepts. Your goal will be to prove the value proposition and benefits of the designed solution and architectures.

As a Partner Development Manager (PDM), you will have a key role in enabling Microsoft’s partner management strategy. You will align to a partner segment and will be accountable for driving performance of a managed portfolio of partners by business priority. You will drive partner recruitment, enablement and business growth based on their strengths and priorities. You will represent Microsoft to our partners, communicate our strategy, sell our vision, and bring partners along in their digital transformation journey.

Microsoft Research Asia has excelled at creating a talent fostering environment, where researchers are free to explore and pursue what interests them. This culture not only drives researchers to develop groundbreaking technologies and work at the cutting edge but has also made the lab a natural partner for universities and governments. Microsoft Research Asia is committed to seeking broad and deep engagement with academic communities to promote collaboration, cultivate innovation, advance education, and turn ideas into reality.

Employee speaking in front of a group of other people.

Life at Microsoft

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Explore Microsoft’s world-class benefits designed to help you and your family live well.

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We will only achieve our mission if we live our culture, which starts with applying a growth mindset.

Photo of woman doing sign language

Diversity and inclusion

We are committed to celebrating the diversity around us and its power to drive us forward together.

Photo of man doing Teams call on laptop

Flexible work

At Microsoft, we value flexibility as part of our hybrid workplace so that you can feel empowered to do your best work. 

Northeastern University Graduate Programs

10 Top Careers in Biomedical Science

10 Top Careers in Biomedical Science

Industry Advice Pharmaceutical Science Science & Mathematics

From unprecedented situations like the COVID-19 pandemic to the continued aging of the worldwide population, there are many pressing medical needs today that require the expertise of biomedical science professionals.

This increased demand has led to a myriad of exciting opportunities for those with the specific knowledge and skill sets required to contribute to the ongoing evolution of the practice. 

Read on to learn more about exactly what the practice of biomedical science entails, the variety of job opportunities available to those with master’s- and PhD-level training, and how you can kickstart your career in biomedical science.

What is Biomedical Science?

Biomedical science combines the study of human physiology, human pathology, and pharmacology to draw conclusions and make necessary advances toward solving significant health problems facing society.  

“It’s really an all-encompassing term,” says David Janero , director of the pharmaceutical sciences graduate program at Northeastern. “It goes from wet-lab research to address problems associated with therapeutics, disease mechanisms, and other related areas, [and] invokes disciplines such as pharmacology, biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, molecular medicine, medicinal chemistry, and so on.”

The many facets of this work allow aspiring biomedical scientists the opportunity to tailor their careers to fit their unique interests—a benefit of this particular field that has led to increased interest among those with a passion for science and medicine.

Pursuing a Career in Biomedical Science

Despite the many scientific applications of biomedical science, Janero explains that the jobs available within this industry today are not limited to those those based in a lab. The field has expanded to include many business and clinical roles, as well as those rooted in research and science. “I think the general perception is that biomedical science is mainly a wet-lab discipline,” he says. “But there really is a diversity of opportunities in this field.”

Did You Know: A “ wet-lab ” is a laboratory in which scientists handle chemicals or other “wet” materials in order to conduct experiments. A “dry-lab,” on the other hand, is a location where scientists draw conclusions about realities that occur naturally in the world by replicating them using computers or mathematics.

A biomedical device must go through a series of phases—ranging from development and testing to sales and marketing—before it can be implemented as a medical solution. For that reason, “it’s not uncommon to have a project team…[made up of] laboratory technicians, salespeople, marketing people, legal people, as well as scientists of various disciplines,” Janero says.

Advance Your Career with a Master’s in Biomedical Science

Learn how to transform your career in an industry that’s transforming the world.


Biomedical science professionals also have the unique opportunity to work in the private or public sector, allowing them to further tailor their career opportunities to fit their particular interests.

Yet no matter which applications of biomedical science one is looking to pursue, professionals must start by obtaining an advanced degree in the field. As Janero explains, “solid training in the biomedical sciences at the PhD or master’s level provides a kind of necessary flexibility, because it calls upon the student to develop a number of skills not limited to those required at the bench.” 

This includes the honing of critical soft skills, including:

  • Communication
  • Critical thinking
  • Collaboration

The combination of these skills with practical hands-on abilities is vital for success in all of today’s biomedical science roles. 

Below, we explore the top career options available for those at both biomedical scientists with either a master’s or a PhD in the field.

Top Biomedical Science Careers for Master’s Degree Holders

1.biomedical laboratory technician.

Salary : $64,653 per year

Responsibilities: Biomedical laboratory technicians hold a wide array of responsibilities, primarily within a wet-lab setting. According to Janero, they participate in:

  • Drug discoveries
  • Profiling novel compounds as potential drugs
  • Synthesizing and purifying new chemical matter

And much more.

2. Senior Clinical Research Associate

Salary: $105,988 per year

Responsibilities: Clinical research associates provide advanced technical support during the clinical research process, including:

  • Handling equipment
  • Presenting findings

Due to the private nature of this work, these individuals are often held to high ethical standards and must strictly follow established processes to prevent unwanted contamination of collected data or patient records.

3.Biomedical Scientist

Salary: $66,646 per year

Responsibilities: Biomedical scientists at this level are responsible for the following:

  • Designing experiments
  • Implementing experiments in a research environment
  • Publishing articles in academic journals on their findings

They may work independently or under the supervision of PhD-level scientists.

4. Senior Medical Writer

Salary: $92,890 per year

Responsibilities: Medical writers create manuals and other training or educational materials for readers both with and without medical backgrounds. Their writing must translate between audiences, speaking to medical professionals, patients, and even, at times, commercial audiences, speaking to multiple groups, including:

  • Medical professionals
  • Commercial audiences

They often conduct the research needed to develop these materials and thus require a robust understanding of the biomedical science field as a whole. 

5. Senior Medicinal Chemist

Salary: $115,282 per year

Responsibilities: Medical chemists create the chemicals and compounds that are used to develop helpful medicinal drugs. This often includes the following responsibilities:

  • Making calculated adjustments to chemical compounds
  • Studying each chemical’s reaction to each other and its environment
  • Leveraging that information to understand how a drug will behave in the human body

Medicinal chemists also need to be able to take notes effectively so they can easily share their findings with others.

Biomedical Science Careers for PhD Holders

6. tenure track professor of biomedical science.

Salary: $104,319 per year

Responsibilities: A full time, tenure track professor of biomedical science teaches cohorts of graduate and undergraduate students about a variety of biomedical science practices. Many professors at this level also continue their hands-on work in the university’s labs. They may do the following:

  • Mentor students
  • Oversee their research
  • Launch university-funded projects or trials

Since they work with a variety of students and professors, communication skills are vital for this role. 

7. Medical Sales Director

Salary: $107,755 per year

Responsibilities: Medical sales representatives combine a vast knowledge of biomedical science practices with the advanced communication skills of a salesman. Their primary responsibility is to sell medical devices to private companies and clinics, including:

  • Tracking down potential customers
  • Developing a pitch of their products
  • Addressing any posed questions or concerns

Medical sales directors may also mentor entry-level sales reps on their teams.

8. Senior Biomedical Scientist

Salary: $112,157 per year

Responsibilities: The title of senior biomedical scientist is an entry-level wet-lab role for PhD-holders. These individuals spend much of their time carrying out research hands-on, reporting their findings to those higher up within their organizations.

9. Principal Investigator

Salary: $104,024 per year

Responsibilities: Principal investigators take the lead in laboratory research. They are typically responsible for the following:

  • Setting parameters for experiments
  • Outlining the steps for testing
  • Overseeing a team of scientists who then conduct the experiments

According to Janero, at this stage, a principal investigator “basically becomes an internal guide and advisor to your group as well as to the entity you’re working in,” which can range from a university department to a pharmaceutical company. 

10. Pharmaceutical Marketing Manager

Salary: $117,011 per year

Responsibilities: Pharmaceutical or biomedical marketing managers oversee the strategies and messaging of drugs and other medical devices within the marketplace. This might include:

  • Working on branding
  • Advertising campaigns
  • Leading generation practices

These individuals often act as the liaison between the marketing director and all other marketing representatives on staff.

Take the Next Step

For professionals hoping to land one of these specialized careers within the biomedical science field, a graduate degree is an effective next step. Consider your career goals, then start exploring the master’s and PhD programs in biomedical science offered at top universities like Northeastern.

“Our programs don’t educate with any particular outcome or career bias in mind, other than making sure you are as well-equipped as possible in your educational area of focus,” Janero says. “We just want to make sure our students are market-ready and competitive in their unique fields.”

Ready to take the next step in advancing your biomedical science career? Explore the master’s in biomedical science and PhD in biomedical science programs at Northeastern, and get in touch with an enrollment coach today for advice on which might be the best fit for your goals.

MS in Biomedical Science CTA

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  • PhD Careers – What to Do After a PhD

Choosing what to do after your PhD isn’t always easy, particularly when you’re not sure if you want to work in academia. However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of career opportunities that come with a PhD – and a good chance it’ll increase your earning potential.

This page contains an overview of some jobs you can do after a PhD. We've covered routes into academia , including postdocs and fellowships , as well as permanent academic positions . We've also expored some non-academic career options for PhD graduates .

To help you make the best decision, we also have guides on PhD employability and earnings , and how you can decide if PhD study is worth it .

graduate (masters phd) job opportunities

We've answered some of the most frequently asked questions about PhDs, covering course types, applications, funding and the benefits of further study.

graduate (masters phd) job opportunities

Will a PhD help you get a job or earn a better salary? And what are your career prospects in and outside of academia?

graduate (masters phd) job opportunities

Everything you need to know about part-time and full-time work as a student or recent graduate in the USA.

Everything you need to know about part-time and full-time work in Germany as a student or recent graduate in Germany.

Academic careers

If you’re completing or applying for a PhD, it’s likely that at some point you’ll consider working in academia. Academia is the career path of researchers who work to advance teaching and research in institutes of education. While most academics are employed by universities, institutes could include government-funded experiments or sites of historical preservation, for example.

The main objective of academia is to produce original research. Though not all academics work in university, this page shall focus mainly on the university progression path.

How much do academics earn?

According to official data produced by HESA, in 2021-22 most full-time academics employed by a university in the UK were salaried between £47,419 to £63,668 . The second largest salary range, with just over 33% of academics falling into, was £35,326 to £47,419.

The average pay of full time UK academics 2021-22
Percentage of academics Salary band
0.02% <£20,092
0.48%£20,092 and £26,341
9.03%£26,341 and £35,326
33.50%£35,326 and £47,419
36.29%£47,419 and £63,668
* .

Average pay, however, will depend on the department. For example, those working in Biological, Mathematical and Physical Sciences are more likely to earn between £34,000-£45,000 . Whereas, surprisingly, in the Humanities, Language Studies and Archaeology a higher percentage of academics were earning above £45,000 . This, however, is likely because the sciences tend to have more job opportunities for early career researchers, thus lowering the average rate of pay.

How to become an academic

To become an academic in the UK it’s increasingly expected that candidates will have a doctoral degree . In order to obtain a doctoral degree at least an upper second-class undergraduate degree will be needed, and usually a Masters as well.

After finishing a PhD there are two different routes that can be taken to achieve a permanent position:

  • The first route focuses more on teaching . After completing a PhD, graduates might take up part-time teaching roles. The experience gained will make them more competitive candidates to apply for research or teaching fellowships and permanent lecture positions.
  • Alternatively, PhD graduates looking to focus on research might apply for at least one post-doctoral position. Having completed a postdoc, you will then be able to apply for fellowships and lectureships.

Candidates are not always expected to have completed a fellowship to apply for a lectureship. These roles can be obtained after completing a postdoc or teaching experience.

Postdocs and fellowships

Both postdocs (post-doctoral positions) and fellowships are fixed term contracts of research that employ recent PhD graduates. Usually contracts will be between one to four years and applicants will be expected to have completed their PhD no more than five years prior.

The main difference between postdocs and fellowships is the level of responsibility and control granted over a research project.

What is a postdoc?

A postdoc is a temporary funded research position at a university or in industry. Postdocs work under the supervision of a research group or established academic and are considered an employee, unlike PhD students. Some roles will include teaching responsibilities and assistant supervisory roles to students. Responsibilities will also include grant writing, funding applications and administrative duties.

Sometimes postdocs can be referred to as Postdoctoral Research Assistants or Postdoctoral Research Fellows. A postdoc, however, is not the same as a fellowship.

What is a fellowship?

Research fellowships are competitive and prestigious positions. Unlike postdocs, you will be funded to complete your own research project. Some positions will also guarantee a permanent academic role after completion. To successfully achieve a fellowship, you’ll need an interesting and viable research project, a history of academic excellence, and experience in writing successful funding or grant applications.

The other type is a teaching fellowship . These roles are not always for early career academics and will be offered to senior researchers so make sure you check the job description.

Do you need a postdoc or fellowship to work in academia?

Technically you do not need to have completed a postdoc or fellowship to work in academia, but it is becoming increasingly expected.

Employment in academia is more competitive each year as the number of PhDs rewarded is increasing, whereas the available permanent academic positions are not. The experience gained from completing one or more temporary positions can help you increase the competitiveness of your CV, make connections and build a positive reputation within the academic community.

Permanent positions and tenure

If you’re able to demonstrate a high level of skill in research through publications and successful funding applications, then you may be eligible for a permanent position.


Lecturing jobs are an entry level permanent position. Sometimes referred to as Assistant Professors, lecturers are required to teach, conduct independent research and administrative duties.

Usually lecture jobs have a probationary period of three to four years before the job is considered permanent. This period will also require successful completion of various training programmes.

The next level of academic rank is Senior Lecturer or Reader . Traditionally a senior lecturer’s position focuses on teaching whereas a reader will conduct more research. Reader positions, however, are becoming less common. Senior lecturers can also be referred to as Associate Professors, a title which is more commonly used in America.

To qualify for a promotion, you’ll usually be required to provide evidence of significant progression to a panel. Evidence could include publications, grants and contributions to teaching. Though there is no expected time frame, lecturers are often successfully promoted to senior roles after four or five years.


Professor is the most senior position in academia. They are expected to have extensively contributed to their research field, usually having multiple published monographs, and to have taken advanced leadership roles within their department.

What is tenure?

Tenure is a form of employment security common in North America that protects lecturers from being fired without proper cause. In the UK, however, academics in permanent roles receive the same employment security offered to every worker, though the details can change depending on the hiring institution.

Non-academic careers

Not all PhD students remain in academia after graduation. Many PhD graduates are able to thrive in industry roles because of the skills gained throughout their degree.

According to the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) just over 70% of PhD holders are no longer working in academia three and a half years after finishing their PhD, so you certainly won’t be in the minority if you decide that this is the best route for you!

You will have developed plenty of transferrable skills and hands-on experience during your PhD. These will serve you well when it comes to finding a job and help distinguish you from Bachelors and Masters graduates.

You’ll find PhD holders in all walks of life. From pharmaceuticals to the public sector, PhD graduates are not short of options. You also don't have to begin your industry career straight after graduation. You could go from academia to industry (or the other way around) at any point in your career.

If you're interested in the type of industry work you may be qualified for, here are some illustrative examples of PhD jobs:

  • A PhD in the Arts and Humanities demonstrates excellent written communication, presentation skills, creativity and analytical thinking. You may be suited to work for jobs in the Publishing industry , Digital Marketing or Civil Service .
  • A PhD in Biological and Medical Sciences builds specialist subject knowledge, data proficiency and collaborative skills. This will compliment work in industries such as Pharmaceuticals , Genomics or Clinical Care .
  • A PhD in Business and Finance will help build organisational and data experience that could benefit careers in Accountancy , Data Science or Consultancy .
  • A PhD in Chemical Sciences will provide you with laboratory skills and an advanced understanding of chemistry needed to benefit jobs in Chemical Engineering , Industrial Chemistry and Food Technology .
  • A PhD in Earth Sciences could set graduates up for careers in Construction , Environmental Protection or Mineral Surveying , utilising analytical skills and strong subject knowledge.
  • PhDs in Engineering have a strong emphasis on project management and practical construction. This could aid jobs in Management Consultancy and Finance as well as more practical fields such as Aeronautics .
  • The specialist knowledge gained from a PhD in Law can enable students to comfortably enter industries such as Investment . Additionally, soft skills gained in communication will help in careers such as Teaching or Public Engagement .
  • A PhD in Maths and Computing could benefit jobs in Finance , Investment or Web Development , complimenting skills in logic, problem solving and data.
  • A PhD in the Physical Sciences demonstrates experience with software and data. This could set graduates up to work in Software Engineering , Data Science or even Sound Engineering .
  • A PhD in Social Science and Health requires a deep understanding of human society on a macro or micro level. Graduates may find themselves working in Epidemiology , Public Health or Social Work .

You may be inclined to apply for jobs relating to the subject of your research or previous studies. But a PhD is a versatile enough qualification that you can often look outside your discipline area.

Non-academic PhD graduate jobs in STEM subjects

A PhD in a STEM subject can be used in a broad range of non-academic contexts, from industrial research settings to the public sector. Industry careers for STEM PhD holders could involve intellectual property, regulatory matters, big data, pharmaceuticals or consultancy.

Non-academic PhD graduate jobs in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

If your PhD is in an Arts, Humanities or Social Science (AHSS) discipline, the skills you have to offer differ from STEM PhD holders.

Your aptitudes as a AHSS PhD graduate are likely to be suited for industries where communication skills are necessary. The ability to research and write about complex topics will be in-demand across any number of leading companies and sectors. Also, creative thinking will be highly valued by employers in strategic planning or industries such as marketing.

Making the transition to a non-academic career

You should invest some time during your PhD for personal and professional development (this is true if you want to stay in academia too!).

Even if you attend none of the formal training courses offered by your department, your PhD itself will provide you with many skills. When leaving academia, you'll need to translate your skills so they make sense to the industry and commercial employers. Think outside the box and take stock of what you are good at or have experience in.

Some translation examples include:

  • The dissertation shows you're capable of presenting and organising large amounts of information.
  • Having published papers shows you can communicate information across a range of formats.
  • If you did interviews for your PhD project, you might graduate with skills in questionnaire design, sensitivity and data analysis.

There’s always a way to link your academic experience to the commercial world. Be prepared to do this in any upcoming job interviews.

It’s also a good idea to move away from the long, multiple page academic CV that you might be used to. Employers won’t read them. They also won’t be interested in scanning a lengthy list of articles. Instead, you should mention that you’ve had several publications without detailing every instance.

Want to find out more about PhD careers?

Check out our guide to PhD employability and earnings . Then, head to our course listings to find your perfect PhD opportunity .

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Career Paths for PhD Graduates

New section.

Biomedical scientists can use their knowledge of biomedical research in a wide variety of ways.

diverse people listening to the doctor's presentation

What can I be with a PhD?

Biomedical scientists may use their knowledge of biomedical research to:

  • Direct a research lab and decide which scientific questions to investigate
  • Be part of a team of scientists working together to solve problems of health and disease
  • Manage and coordinate large scientific projects (across institutions and/or across the world)
  • Teach others about biomedical science including how to do research and how to think about and understand scientific information
  • Inform policy makers about scientific matters that impact health and science
  • Communicate (by writing and speaking) and disseminate the latest information about scientific and medical discoveries
  • Translate discoveries and inventions from the most fundamental level to every day usage

Where do biomedical scientists work?

Academic institutions (research and administration)

  • Large research universities
  • Small liberal arts colleges
  • Medical centers and medical schools
  • Dental, veterinary and optometry schools
  • Research institutes
  • Community colleges
  • High schools

Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies

Government agencies at the federal, state, and local levels, including:

  • NIH - National Institutes of Health
  • FDA - Food and Drug Administration
  • CDCP - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • NSF - National Science Foundation
  • EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
  • NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • USDA - Department of Agriculture
  • VA - Veterans' Administration
  • DOD - Department of Defense
  • US Congress
  • Executive Branch of the Federal Government
  • State and county health departments

Mass communication organizations and businesses

  • Newspapers and magazines
  • Internet-based communications
  • Broadcast media (television, radio, movies)
  • Scientific journals and textbooks

Law firms (patent and intellectual property law)

Consulting firms

  • Judicial system - scientific evidence in trials
  • Financial - advising regarding investments in biotechnology, drug and medical device development
  • Educational

Philanthropic and non-profit organizations

  • NAS/IOM - National Academies of Science/Institute of Medicine
  • Scientific societies and associations
  • Private foundations

General information about careers in biomedical science  - Find a job in science - searchable by location including international, field, keyword, etc.

PhD Jobs  - Includes jobs from across the United States including Biological Science, Business, Education, Engineering, Health & Medicine, Information Science, Law, Science "Mastering Your Ph.D.: Preparing for Your Post-Ph.D. Career" - Survival and success in the doctoral years and beyond

National Postdoctoral Association  - Providing a national voice and seeking positive change for postdoctoral scholars

Choosing a Postdoctoral Position  - Advice on finding the best postdoc for you Science, Math, and Engineering Career Resources  - Information for scientists and would-be scientists at all levels, from high school students through Nobel laureates.

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Helpful tools for those applying to medical PhD programs.

Upcoming short presentations will describe features of PhD training, alumni careers, and detailed logistics of the application process.

Learn about PhD Programs from program leaders.

Graduate schools in the biomedical sciences will generally provide a comprehensive funding package to their students.

PhD Programs by School

List of Postdoctoral Programs by School

Postbaccalaureate programs begin after an undergraduate degree and are designed to support the transition to professional school.

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UNDP Graduate Programme

The UNDP Graduate Programme is a two-year young talent development programme for recent graduates from UNDP programme countries (those in which UNDP is directly engaged) who possess a Master’s or Bachelor’s degree and an interest in international development.

This programme helps fuel the next generation UNDP workforce while infusing the organization with new and diverse perspectives. Women and/or individuals from minority groups, indigenous peoples and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Graduates who are the first generation in their family to attend university are also strongly encouraged to apply.

It is anticipated that the next recruitment campaign will be launched at the end of 2024. If you are interested in joining our Graduate Programme, please keep an eye on the UNDP Job Page and on our social media channels .

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Grandfather with a child looking at sunrise

We believe in the power of food to enhance quality of life. It is this belief that fuels our commitment to use our global scale, resources and expertise to contribute to a healthier future for people and the planet.

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Good nutrition is fundamental to everyone's health and well-being. A balanced diet should - affordably and sustainably - provide all the nutrients and hydration a person needs to remain healthy throughout all stages of life.

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Curious toddler

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Nestlé Headquarters

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Students and graduates

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students and graduates

Opportunities for development

We think like innovators. Embrace diversity. Work in an agile way. And with around 275,000 people in 188 countries, we also have the scale to make a positive difference to people’s lives. So, if you want your work to make an impact, Nestlé offers inspiring early-career opportunities worldwide.

Key programs



With a Nestlé Internship, you'll get valuable hands-on experience, mentoring and practical training in a work environment related to your field of study.

You'll see at first-hand how we deal with real-life business challenges across our value chain, gaining insights that will give you a head start in your career.

Internships last from one to six months depending on the project.

Availability: Global

apprentice with colleagues


Nestlé apprenticeships blend practical, paid workplace experience with classroom-based education.

Geared towards technical or vocational topics, these two- to three-year programs prepare you for a successful career and develop your soft skills and professionalism.

We offer a wide range of apprenticeship schemes at different levels across Nestlé, each providing significant opportunities in our teams.


R&D PhD Program

As well as helping train the next generation of scientists, the R&D PhD program gives students the skills and competencies they need to conduct independent experimental research on different food-related disciplines: material science, safety and quality, packaging, sustainability, and nutrition and health.

Available at Nestlé R&D locations across the world, the program has two pathways.

The student can follow an external PhD based on a research collaboration between Nestlé and an academic institution where they are hosted, with short placements at Nestlé. Through the second, internal pathway, the student remains affiliated with an academic institution, but is hired as a company employee, and is co-supervised by an external academic professor and a Nestlé scientist.


If we can nurture the talent, energy and dreams of young people around the world, we can help ensure a sustainable future for everyone. 

That’s why we’ve created the Nestlé needs YOUth program. Designed to equip young people with the skills they need to thrive in tomorrow’s workplaces, it has three focus areas:

1) helping young people to find work and build their skills for employment; 2) supporting young entrepreneurs to kickstart and grow businesses; and 3) 'agripreneurship', supporting young people to make a decent living out of agriculture.

Other programs


Nesternships are 'semi-virtual' paid internships where you work on real-life Nestlé projects from your own location. They will enable you to boost your digital skills, your entrepreneurial spirit, and your agility to deal with different situations. Nesternships are an add-on to regular Nestlé internships so you can also work in our offices when required.

Availability: Europe, Middle East, Africa, Oceania, Asia


Management Trainee Program

Comprising three elements – experience, networks and education – this 18-24-month program develops people as future Nestlé leaders. It's an immersive learning experience that gives you a holistic view of our business and how it works.

Availability: U.S. , Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Africa

Management Trainee Program Vietnam

Graduate Trainee Program

This two-to-three-year rotational program accelerates careers for selected candidates. You'll work across different roles in your region – for example IT , Marketing, Sales, HR , Supply Chain, Finance, Nutrition, or Digital Manufacturing – and enjoy coaching and learning opportunities throughout the program.

Availability: Europe, Middle East, Oceania, U.S. , Canada, Latin America

Graduate Trainee Program

Looking for an opportunity to develop?

Hear from our colleagues, frederikke - hr student worker in the nordics.

I started as a coffee specialist in a Nespresso boutique in Copenhagen before starting as a student worker in the Nordic HR Team.

The 'Nestlé needs Youth' program is giving me so many new skills and so much new knowledge and in the future I am hoping to be able to make a difference to Nestlé in the same way Nestlé is making the difference to me.


Christopher - Student, PhD Training at the Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences, Switzerland

I study how intracellular and dietary metabolites influence mitochondria and cellular bioenergetics. The PhD program at the Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences is a unique experience that's broadened my horizons and perspective.

I'm learning from expert scientists working in state-of-the-art laboratories and gaining valuable insights from business professionals – to prepare me for the world of work.

R&D PhD Program

Minhaal - Student, Nesternship, Nestlé Pakistan

Challenging, inspiring and transformative are the words that define my experience at Nestlé.

Working on inclusivity projects, employer branding and youth engagement was an opportunity to hone my professional and personal growth.

employees discussing with student

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The Graduate School

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  • Graduate Degree List Graduate degrees offered by Michigan State University
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  • Online Programs Find all relevant pre-application information for all of MSU’s online and hybrid degree and certificate programs
  • Graduate Specializations A subdivision of a major for specialized study which is indicated after the major on official transcripts
  • Graduate Certificates Non-degree-granting programs to expand student knowledge and understanding about a key topic
  • Interdisciplinary Graduate Study Curricular and co-curricular opportunities for advanced study that crosses disciplinary boundaries
  • Theses and Dissertations Doctoral and Plan A document submission process
  • Policies and Procedures important documents relating to graduate students, mentoring, research, and teaching
  • Academic Programs Catalog Listing of academic programs, policies and related information
  • Traveling Scholar Doctoral students pursue studies at other BTAA institutions
  • Apply Now Graduate Departments review applicants based on their criteria and recommends admission to the Office of Admissions
  • International Applicants Application information specific to international students
  • PhD Public Data Ph.D. Program Admissions, Enrollments, Completions, Time to Degree, and Placement Data
  • Costs of Graduate School Tools to estimate costs involved with graduate education
  • Recruitment Awards Opportunities for departments to utilize recruitment funding
  • Readmission When enrollment is interrupted for three or more consecutive terms
  • Assistantships More than 3,000 assistantships are available to qualified graduate students
  • Fellowships Financial support to pursue graduate studies
  • Research Support Find funding for your research
  • Travel Funding Find funding to travel and present your research
  • External Funding Find funding outside of MSU sources
  • Workshops/Events Find opportunities provided by The Graduate School and others
  • Research Opportunities and programs for Research at MSU
  • Career Development Programs to help you get the career you want
  • Graduate Educator Advancement and Teaching Resources, workshops, and development opportunities to advance your preparation in teaching
  • Cohort Fellowship Programs Spartans are stronger together!
  • The Edward A. Bouchet Graduate Honor Society (BGHS) A national network society for students who have traditionally been underrepresented
  • Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) A gateway to graduate education at Big Ten Academic Alliance universities
  • Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) A community that supports retention, and graduation of underrepresented doctoral students
  • Recruitment and Outreach Ongoing outreach activities by The Graduate School
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Funding Funding resources to recruit diverse students
  • Graduate Student Organizations MSU has over 900 registered student organizations
  • Grad School Office of Well-Being Collaborates with graduate students in their pursuit of their advanced degree and a well-balanced life
  • Housing and Living in MI MSU has an on and off-campus housing site to help find the perfect place to stay
  • Mental Health Support MSU has several offices and systems to provide students with the mental health support that they need
  • Spouse and Family Resources MSU recognizes that students with families have responsibilities that present challenges unique to this population
  • Health Insurance Health insurance info for graduate student assistants and students in general at MSU
  • Safety and Security MSU is committed to cultivating a safe and inclusive campus community characterized by a culture of safety and respect
  • Why Mentoring Matters To Promote Inclusive Excellence in Graduate Education at MSU
  • Guidelines Guidelines and tools intended to foster faculty-graduate student relationships
  • Toolkit A set of resources for support units, faculty and graduate students
  • Workshops Workshops covering important topics related to mentor professional development
  • About the Graduate School We support graduate students in every program at MSU
  • Strategic Plan Our Vision, Values, Mission, and Goals
  • Social Media Connect with the Graduate School!
  • History Advancing Graduate Education at MSU for over 25 years
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Upcoming PhD job opportunities

Just in time for the end of the semester, we want to make you aware of job opportunities for new PhDs: MSU IT Services and the Graduate School are seeking to fill up to six PhD level positions in instructional design and instructional technology to work with faculty and other University clients, as well as team members, to consult and assist in the development and production of online technology-enhanced courses. These positions will engage in optimizing student outcomes through the effective use of instructional technology tools. Individuals in these positions will employ current pedagogy and strategies to assist in the analysis, design, development, and implementation of academically-rigorous courses.

For these positions, you should enjoy learning new skills, solving problems, and have a passion for inspiring faculty and engaging students. You will also develop and deliver workshops and events on teaching and learning with technology. We will share further details as soon as the postings are complete, positions will be filled in the summer and early fall. Please check back.

Minimum Requirements: 

Doctoral degree completed no later than summer 2020. Evidence of superior academic achievement (any combination of examples, such as grade point average, class rank, honors or other designation). Capacity to respond in pedagogically productive ways to the learning needs of students from diverse backgrounds and learning styles. High levels of comfort with basic technologies such as Microsoft Office, Google apps, smartphones, and other standard daily-use technologies that comprise the modern day experience.

Desired Qualifications:

College or University teaching experience. Coursework or training in teaching or pedagogy, as evidenced by graduate-level credits, credit-bearing certificate(s), or non-credit certificate(s) from reputable organizations. Familiarity with assessment practices. Some familiarity in use or development with course-related technologies such as D2L, Google apps, and Microsoft 365. Personal engagement with communities that are underrepresented in the academy and an ability to bring this asset to learning, teaching, and scholarship at the college and university level. Likelihood of using the diversity of human experience as an educational resource in teaching and scholarship.

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A Johns Hopkins postdoc, Herbert Baxter Adams, brought the seminar method of teaching from Germany, where he earned a PhD in 1876. The idea: That students would learn more by doing than by listening to lectures and taking exams.

That spirit of inquiry , of challenging the way things are done, lives on today in our nine academic divisions, all of which offer full-time graduate programs.

More information about our graduate programs is available below

International flags

School of Advanced International Studies

Students get global perspectives on today’s critical issues, with programs in international affairs , international studies , economics and finance , and public policy

Albert D. Hutzler Reading Room

Krieger School of Arts & Sciences

More than 60 full-time and part-time graduate programs spanning the arts , humanities , and natural and social sciences

Also see:   Part-time graduate options via Advanced Academic Programs

Johns Hopkins Carey Business School

Carey Business School

The Carey Business School’s AACSB-accredited business programs provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful leaders and lifelong learners .

Johns Hopkins University School of Education

School of Education

One of the nation’s top schools of education, according to U.S. News & World Report , with degree and certificate programs in teaching , special education , counseling , administration , and leadership

Malone Hall on JHU's Homewood campus

Whiting School of Engineering

Programs in fields of critical importance to the future, health, and safety of our world, including robotics , biomedical engineering , cybersecurity , and systems engineering

Also see: Part-time and online options via Engineering for Professionals

Johns Hopkins Hospital

School of Medicine

Since 1893, Johns Hopkins Medicine has trained the next generation of great medical leaders and is widely regarded as one of the best med schools and hospitals in the world, with top programs in internal medicine , women’s health , HIV/AIDS , geriatrics , drug/alcohol abuse , and pediatrics

Johns Hopkins School of Nursing

School of Nursing

The U.S. News & World Report top-ranked school prepares graduate level pre-licensure students and current BSN or advanced practice nurses to be health care leaders through a variety of MSN, DNP, and PhD programs. Students can focus on a wide range of advanced practice specialty areas – including health care organizational leadership , nurse anesthesiology , pediatric , adult/Gerontological , family , or critical care .

Peabody Institute spiral staircase

Peabody Institute

Founded in 1857, this world-renowned conservatory offers degrees in composition , computer music , conducting , performance , jazz , music education , music theory , and recording arts and sciences

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Bloomberg School of Public Health

The Bloomberg School, U.S. News & World Report ‘s top-ranked graduate school of public health for more than two decades, offers programs in health administration , health science , and public policy

Johns Hopkins University

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A platform for historians

Community & careers.

The AHA brings together historians from all specializations and all work contexts, embracing the breadth and variety of activity in history today.

Professional & Career Resources


Standards & Guidelines for the Disciplines

The AHA has developed a series of best practices for excellence in professional behavior, research, and teaching.

AHA 2020 LGBTQ Historians’ Reception

AHA Communities

Members can communicate and collaborate with other historians in this online networking platform.

AHA 2020 Assignment Charrette: Undergraduate and K-12 Teaching Workshop

AHA Career Center

Whether you’re looking to find a job or to advertise a position, the AHA Career Center is the go-to hub for connecting with history professionals


Academic Department Resources

History department chairs are on the front lines of the discipline, defending historians’ work and supporting their professional lives at all stages of their academic careers. The AHA strives to strengthen this work and provide resources and opportunities that make chairs’ work easier and valued.


Affiliated Societies

Over 125 history-oriented organizations are affiliated with the AHA, representing a broad network of organizations promoting collaboration and communication across the history community.


Cross-disciplinary coalitions that provide greater access to networks, leadership, and resources that support the AHA’s mission.

Op-Ed Workshop - Hilton

Members Making News

Members Making News highlights the accomplishments of AHA members.

Sanjukta Poddar

Member Spotlights

To recognize our talented and eclectic membership, the AHA features a regular Member Spotlight series.

Awards & Grants

The AHA offers annual prizes honoring exceptional books, distinguished teaching and mentoring in the classroom, public history, digital projects, and other historical work. We also offer grants and fellowships supporting the research of historians.

Where Historians Work

Where Historians Work is an interactive, online database that catalogs the career outcomes of historians who earned PhDs at universities in the United States from 2004 to 2017.

Create Connections

AHA 2020 K-12 Reception

AHA Career Contacts

Our Career Contacts program arranges informational interviews between current PhD and history PhDs who have built careers beyond the professoriate.


AHA on Social Media

Follow the AHA on social media platforms to stay up-to-date with our latest news and activities.

Discover Historians and History Programs

Directory of history departments and organizations.

The online Directory provides for detailed searching of faculty/staff and their field specializations, as well as the ability to do benchmarking comparisons between departments.

Directory of History Dissertations

The directory contains the titles of over 60,000 dissertations that have been completed or are currently in progress in the United States and Canada since 1873.

AHA Member Directory

Search the AHA Member Directory by name, organization, city, state, and specialization to get contact information for collaboration and community. AHA members only.

Calendar of Opportunities

Find upcoming grant, presentation, and publication opportunities with the AHA and other organizations.

Join the AHA

Careers Start Here

Whether you are considering dental school, interested in dental hygiene or want to specialize after receiving your DDS, The Ohio State University College of Dentistry can help you get your start.

We invite you to take a look at what makes us unique – the collaboration between primary care and the dental specialties, the real-world experiences in our patient clinics, and our extensive community service programs, and vibrant student organizations . Ohio State's College of Dentistry is also part of the most comprehensive health sciences center in the nation.

DDS Student practicing dental tool use in lab setting

Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS)

Dental patient smiling in mirror held by hygienist

Dental Hygiene

Graduates hugging outdoors

Dual DDS / MPH

student researcher looks into a microscope

Dual DDS / PhD

Advanced education and graduate programs.

At Ohio State's College of Dentistry, we offer a range of programs beyond the DDS to prepare you for specialty clinical practice or a career in research and academia. 

MS / Certificate Programs

Phd programs, postdoctoral non-degree programs, combined biology bs or ba with dds.

Are you a high school student interested in majoring in Biology?  The Biology Major BS or BA/Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) combination curriculum refers to a program of study which leads to the granting of two degrees. The program can be completed in a shorter time than the two degrees would take if pursued consecutively.

Explore further

Pre-doctoral externships.

The Ohio State University College of Dentistry offers externships for predoctoral dental students from other dental schools.

Pre-Health Advisor Resources

Assisting students through the pre-application and admissions process, as well as providing them with current information, our goal is to provide you the resources to best help your students.

Office of Admissions

Learn more about admissions and view upcoming overview sessions. 

A female Dental student smiling outdoors after the whitecoat ceremony

The Ohio State University is ranked 17th among the nation’s top public universities (US News & World Report) and known around the world for academic excellence and groundbreaking research.

As part of one of the most comprehensive health sciences centers in the country and located in a major metropolitan area, Ohio State's College of Dentistry provides a dynamic, fast-paced environment, with the friendly, down-to-earth attitude of the Midwest.

Submit Questions to an Admissions Counselor

Living in Columbus

Columbus is great place to visit, but an even better place to live. The Ohio State University College of Dentistry is located in Columbus, Ohio, the 15th largest city in the United States. Columbus offers the amenities of a big city, without the big city price tag. From outstanding restaurants, to diverse neighborhoods, major league sports to top notch arts and entertainment; Columbus offers it all.

Local to Columbus

  • The Columbus Zoo & Aquarium
  • Center of Science and Industry
  • Columbus Museum of Art
  • Columbus Association for the Performing Arts
  • Columbus Metropolitan Library
  • Experience Columbus

Sports in Columbus, beyond the Buckeyes

  • The Columbus Clippers
  • The Columbus Crew
  • The Columbus Blue Jackets
  • The Memorial Tournament

Why Ohio State

  • Located on the only campus in the country with a comprehensive medical center comprising seven health sciences colleges, Ohio State’s College of Dentistry has a full range of dental specialty programs at a single site.
  • The College of Dentistry offers extensive clinical training at three clinics on campus and multiple off-site clinics, including service work at a variety of outreach sites around the state of Ohio.
  • You will graduate with the practical experience you need to hit the ground running in your career.
  • You will be taught by top practitioners and researchers who are shaping the future of dentistry and the health care field. The faculty view their job as not only preparing outstanding dental students, but outstanding future colleagues.
  • The program is not competitive; your fellow students become your closest friends and confidantes as you matriculate through dental school. Our goal is to create a community of diverse people striving for the same goal.
  • When you choose Ohio State, you become part of one of the largest career networks in the world. The College of Dentistry is the fourth largest dental college in the U.S, The College of Dentistry supports diversity, from the makeup of each class to the outreach activities that students and faculty perform.
  • We’re full of Buckeye Pride! Ohio State is famous for its traditions and school spirit, from Script Ohio to O-H-I-O.
  • The College of Dentistry is committed to you – to offering opportunities and opening doors for our students. There’s no limit to what you can accomplish here!

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Clas awards eight graduate assistantships in writing, editing, engagement.

By Charlotte Brookins 

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences has awarded eight assistantships to graduate students in the areas of writing, editing, community engagement, and marketing and community in the performing arts.  

These positions, part of a pilot project, provide doctoral students unique opportunities to participate in the college’s outreach, engagement, and writing missions in ways designed to diversify and transform graduate career preparation. 

a collage of images of this year's new RAs

Iowa Summer Writing Festival  

Hailey Kingsbury , a third year Doctor of Audiology candidate and incoming president of the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association for the 2023-2024 school year, received the 2023 Iowa Summer Writing Festival graduate assistantship. In this position, Kingsbury will support the Iowa Summer Writing Festival, which is administered by the UI Magid Center for Writing.  

“I am passionate about my field [audiology], but I am excited to diversify my graduate experience,” says Kingsbury in her application. “I am confident in my ability to create a collaborative and memorable Iowa Summer Writing Festival and would be honored to work with such a renowned writing program and community.” 

Iowa Sciences Academy 

CLAS awarded two new Iowa Sciences Academy assistantships for the coming term, in addition to renewing one graduate student for a second year. These assistantships will take place during the 2023-2024 academic year.  

Kingsbury, listed above, received one assistantship, and will join second-year physics and astronomy PhD candidate Jacob Payne and third-year PhD candidate in biology, evolution, and ecology Briante Najev , who was renewed for the position.  

Payne is highly experienced in physics, engineering, and astronomy and says he looks forward to providing other students with opportunities to put their shared passion to work.  

“With the Iowa Sciences Academy courses, I hope to empower students and to learn mentorship skills through practice. This assistantship will allow me to hear from students with different backgrounds, dreams, and career goals,” Payne explains in his application.  

Returning to the position for the second year is Najev, who specializes in ecology and evolution. Having published several works in various journals over the years, Najev is especially excited about the writing experience this position will continue to provide.  

“I believe that this graduate assistantship will provide major benefits for my future. Creating seminars, editing scientific articles, and polishing my (and others’) professional development skills are powerful ways of internalizing and teaching a suite of important tools,” Najev says.  

Magid Center for Writing  

Alyssa “Adare” Smith , a second-year PhD candidate in English was renewed for her assistantship with the Magid Center for Writing . Smith will continue with promotional and outreach work for the center.   

“I am passionate about providing and advocating for accessibility, and this assistantship is in line with those values. This opportunity is uniquely positioned to teach me more about the services of the university and will allow me to easily network with like-minded individuals who are dedicated to positively impacting our campus community,” Smith explains.  

Performing arts marketing and communications 

Bronwyn Stewart , a second-year English PhD candidate, received an assistantship working in marketing and communications for the performing arts units in the college. Stewart, who is experienced in marketing, communications, and theatre, hopes to continue working in performing arts post-graduation.  

“After finishing my dissertation, I hope to continue with performance, whether that be in academic settings or at a performance venue,” Stewart says. “I thoroughly enjoy writing and developing new ways to engage people and invite them to participate in the performing arts.” 

Academic editing 

Two graduate students received editing assistantships to help faculty in their work with highly prestigious academic journals.  

Emily Wieder , a third-year PhD candidate in French and francophone world studies, received an editorial assistantship with Dance Research Journal , a peer-reviewed journal of scholarly articles and book reviews published by Cambridge University and co-edited by UI Department of Dance Director Rebekah Kowal . 

“For Dance Research Journal, I look forward to performing more of the reviewing and corresponding tasks that my supervisors have done,” Wieder says. “Those skills will be necessary when I become a professor, as I will write articles and eventually serve on editorial boards.” 

Derick Juptner , a second-year PhD candidate in anthropology, will assist Margaret Beck, professor of anthropology, in her work with the leading publication Journal of Archeological Method and Theory .   

“Overall, I believe the assistantship is a great opportunity for me to improve my skills related to research and publishing, and one that will allow me to support my students and peers during future academic endeavors,” Juptner explains.  

Each assistantship is a 50 percent award, or 20-hours per week, and is available only to graduate students pursuing a doctorate in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. 


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    Iowa Sciences Academy . CLAS awarded two new Iowa Sciences Academy assistantships for the coming term, in addition to renewing one graduate student for a second year. These assistantships will take place during the 2023-2024 academic year. Kingsbury, listed above, received one assistantship, and will join second-year physics and astronomy PhD candidate Jacob Payne and third-year PhD candidate ...

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